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Author Topic: kizumi's OS Collection | WMatsui, FuruYanagi  (Read 29055 times)

Offline DC2805

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Re: Precious Gift (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2013, 04:29:38 PM »
Short and Sweet. Pure and Innocent!

Thanks!!!  :thumbup
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline DC2805

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2013, 07:04:08 PM »
Nevermind, I think they are still young and can run more  :lol:

I love happy endings too!  :love:
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline kizumi

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Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2013, 10:32:34 AM »
Pairing: WMatsui

Rated: T

A/N: Back with another story~ it’s based on a true story, I guess. I apologize for any grammar mistakes. So… Meh!

Hope you all enjoy this!


This is not an M rated oneshot. I did mentioned about ‘sex’, but I didn’t make all those stuffs. I didn’t write the details, so don’t worry.


Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui)

Social media, one of our place that we always be at. It’s not really a place, you’re living in a world. Cyber world to be exact. Twitter, the place to tell our feelings when we’re upset, angry or happy. Tumblr, the place to post all your creativity. And many more.

But these days, people, including me always use Twitter. We meet other people from a different countries, meet people from the same countries or cities. It’s fun. But sometimes there will be times when you got bully. Bullying through some social media. Yes, that happens very often.

My days are the usual. Chatting with my friends in Twitter, posting some fanfictions or a picture of my idols in Tumblr. Everyday activities, I guess. I don’t study often, but I can manage on my school works, so I don’t have any problems with school.

I just love doing all that stuffs. It makes me happy, it makes me forget with all of my problems. Problems at school, problems with friends, problems with my family. It just makes me relax. Well, people say that I have many friends but they’re wrong. All the students at my school aren’t my friends at all. They just don’t match with me. That’s why I only have friends in the cyber world. I don’t really mind if we meet each other rarely, that actually makes me more free.

I even met someone on Twitter. I fell in love with someone. It’s weird, though. I met my first boyfriend on Twitter. At first, our relationship goes well but it ends up pretty bad. Then again, I always met someone special in this place called Twitter.

One day, I got a mention from someone in Twitter. Apparently, she idolize the same idol as mine. We got close pretty fast, you know. And somehow, bit by bit I fell for this person. Her name is Matsui Rena, it was really a coincidence that we have the same surname.

At first we chat just like normal friends, then escalate to close friends more like best friend I guess, then escalate to some more romantically. Sometimes we joke around, flirting to each other, cheering up each other. It was just so perfect. Until one day, she confessed to me. She loves me, she even asked me if I want to be her girlfriend or not. I was really surprise, of course. I never dated a girl before, and this is the first time that a girl is in love with me. Then again, I also have the same feelings as hers.

I told her that I also have the same feelings for her, but I just can’t accept her right away. Before I could reject her, she told me that I don’t need to answer it, she said that she takes back what she had said before. It’s true that loves needs time. She should know me more, and I wanted to know her more. I don’t even know what does she looks like. But who care about that? I don’t like or love someone from their faces. If I love someone, then I’m serious about it.

After the confessing things got settled, we just chat normally. We always gives each other a hug. What should I call it? A cyber-hug? Oh well, you know what I mean. It was totally random, but it was always fun. She’s really important to me, and I know this feelings for her won’t go away.

Then, one day…. Our conversation started to get ‘wild’, full of lust. Again, I don’t know what it’s called but we had ‘cyber-sex’. Weird, really weird. While replying to all her messages, I can really imagine what it will be like if it was really happening. I know, I’m a hentai.

I always accept her, I never stopped her every time we’re having ‘that’ sessions. I don’t know if she’s using me or not, but who cares? I am not using her, I am truly in love with her. Even though we’re not dating, I just don’t want us to separate. It will be the hardest thing in my life.

Here comes the fight. We always got into fights every time when she got frustrated. There’s time when we were doing our ‘private’ session, she thinks I didn’t enjoy it. There’s time when we were being lovey dovey, she thinks that she’s not good enough for me. But thank goodness that I can handle all of it.

I always wanted to be with her, but this is forbidden. All of this. Rena, well somehow she’s the type of person that I really like.

"There is one thing I want you to do,"

This words from her sometimes always makes my heart beats fast. Every time she said that, there is only one thing that she wants; cyber-sex.

I pretended to be dumbfounded. In real life I know what she wants, but I’m not the type of person who gets excited about this kind of thing. Oh wait, or maybe sometimes I do? Shit!

"What’s that?"

While waiting for her reply, I can’t stand still. My heart beats faster and faster, I keep rolling left to right on my mattress. It was just so frustrating. Rena, why are you doing this to me?

"I want you to make love to me. Tonight."

I felt like my heart just stop beating. She wants me to make love to her? Obviously, she’s always the one who makes love to me.

"But… I don’t have any experience on making love to someone, so just tell me where do you want me to touch you."

Can’t believe I said that to her. Well of course I don’t have any experience, I’m a 16 years old high school student.

"Really? Wait… how old are you?"

If I’m not mistaken, I already told her how old I am. Then again, if she knows that I’m 16, she will really regret all of this and leave me. No, I don’t want that to happen. I love her, I love her so much.

"No, I don’t. I’m 16 years old. Look, after you know about this please don’t leave me."

I said the truth. I just don’t want to lie, she has to know the truth. I’m not a liar, either.

"W-what? So… you’re underage!"

Oh well, I guess she’s pretty shocked about it. I don’t care, though. But, the question is, are we still going to continue our daily conversations?

"I guess so."

I got nothing else to say. I just need to prepare for the worst.

"I’m sorry for what had happened! I’m really sorry, I should have known."

And yes the part when she apologize too much and we always ended up fighting like husband and wife. Hopefully it won’t end up like that again.

"It’s fine. Actually, it’s my fault. I’m underage but I didn’t stop you a bit."

I don’t want to have any fights with her. I’m tired with all of the fighting, the dramas. The next time I’ll get dramas again, please God just kill me!

"No! Jurina, it’s my fault!"

I hate it when she do that. I really want to finish this stupid weird conversations.

"Rena, when I said it’s fine, then it’s fine."

After that, we stopped arguing about me being underage.


Our usual conversation starts again. From just flirting with each other, it escalate to our ‘meeting’. Love and lust becoming one.

After we finish with the ‘you-know-what’, both of us always have topics to talk about.

"Jurina, I want to ask you something."

That’s odd, Rena never wants to ask. Well, not that often though. I’m the one who always ask her something nonsense.

"What is it, Rena?"

I’m really curious. Every time Rena gives me questions, it was always a serious questions. And right, we always ended up fighting. God, I got to stop this!

"You didn’t enjoy it, did you?"

No. Not this stupid question again. I never hate doing all those stuffs with her.

"W-what? Look Rena, I always enjoy everything that you did to me."

I’m starting to get angry. Actually, it’s already midnight now. I have to sleep but I give my sleeping time just to chat with Rena. I can get angry very easily, but in reality I really hate getting angry at someone that I really love.

"You don’t look very satisfied."

What the hell does she wants? Why is she saying that? But then I remembered she told me that she’s tired, she had a long day. Maybe she’s just frustrated. I kept making people frustrated.

"Rena, I love you, okay? When I say I love you, I really mean it."

I waited for her reply. I waited for 30 minutes, my patient is running low. Oh, Rena…

"Rena, please… Just don’t leave me!"

This time she replied me. But I’m not really satisfied with her answer. I really got hurt this time.

"Whatever, Jurina. I’m tired."

I can’t be patient anymore, I’m really angry. I just don’t understand what she wants. I respect her, I always being nice to her, I give everything that she wanted. Can she just repay for all the things that I’ve done for her?

I didn’t realize that I was crying then I fell asleep afterwards. I’m also tired.

The next morning, I checked my phone but there’s no new notification from her. Is she really going to leave me?

"Rena, if you’re tired you can just tell me. You don’t need to say those words. I really got hurt last night. I’m sorry if I'm not good enough."

I sent the first message and think for another words to say to her. I’m being honest, I don’t like to lie.

"I don’t like it if you’re like this. Rena, if you keep doing this then… we’re done."

There, I said it. Words that I hate so much, but still I used it.

"We’re done? You can do whatever you want Jurina."

Argh! This is stupid! I haven’t got the chance to meet her. We live in the same country and at the same city, why haven’t we hangout outside the cyber world? I guess this is my chance to ask her.

"Rena, let’s hangout. There is so much things that I wanted to tell you and all of it are very important. Meet me at the cafe near Sunshine Sakae. I’ll see you there."

It didn’t took me long to wait for her reply. But her reply was pretty short.


I just remembered that I don’t know what she looks like. Thank goodness that I came first. I ordered some cupcakes for the both of us and waited for her outside. I sat at the table outside.

"Jurina, where are you? I’m already in front of the cafe."

I got excited and my heart starts to beat fast. I looked around for her. There, I saw a girl wearing white jacket and short shorts. I think it’s her.

I approached her slowly and pokes her shoulder gently. She turns around and smiled.

"Etto… Rena?"

Her eyes grew wide like she saw something scary or do I look weird?

"… Jurina?"

I smiled in relief. I thought I’m mistaken someone, but thankfully I’m not. I walked her to our table, we sat there facing each other. It was awkward, none of us wants to break the silence between us.

Rena is actually a beautiful person. Her long raven hair, her doe-like eyes, her pale skin. She’s perfect! I didn’t expected her to be this gorgeous.

"So, Jurina… What did you wanted to tell me?"

Rena broke the silence and it made me jumped a little. I don’t know if I have to tell this, but it’s the best for the both of us. I sighed,

"Rena.. I think we should stop. This is wrong, all of this is wrong. I’m underage, you’re way older than me. This is forbidden. I love you, Rena, I really do. But we just can’t continue this."

I thought I got her dumbfounded but I saw tears started to form in her eyes. I sighed once more. I know this is going to be our last time talking and chatting with each other.

"J-Jurina… I… I understand."

She stood up from her chair, when she’s about to leave, I grab her hand and pull her to a tight embrace. I heard her sobbing, she’s sobbing on my shoulder while hugging to me tightly. I know that she’s sad, I’m also sad. I don’t want to let her go.

"Jurina, I’m sorry for what I said last night."

I stroke her head gently. No, I won’t leave her. I just can’t.

"It’s okay, Rena."

I let go of her and smiled to her with my cat-like smile. I love her, I love her too much. I want her, I want her to be mine.

I pull her closer, now she really has to face me. I can see that she’s blushing uncontrollably. I cupped her cheeks and lean in slowly. I captured her lips, her soft lips. I don’t care if someone sees us.

I broke the kiss and smiled to her.

"Rena, would you be my girlfriend?"

Rena was really shocked. She replied me with her hug. And I can hear that she whispers to me,

"I’d love to."

I hug her back tightly. That’s all the answer that I needed.

"But remember, I’m still underage so control yourself, okay?"

I teased. I just love teasing people, especially Rena. I felt Rena nodding, so that means she agreed to not have those kind of ‘meeting’.

"How about kisses and hugs? Can we do that?"

I giggled. Rena is such and interesting girl.

"Yes, we can do those stuffs."

Even though we met in the cyber world, our loves are real. I promise to myself and her that I will protect our love.

You don’t know when will you find your special person, but that day will definitely come. You can find them accidentally.

Love is indeed complicated, but when you really found someone that you really love, it won’t be that complicated.



How was it? Ah~ finally it’s finish! /o/

I’m really satisfied with this story. In the real story, they don’t become couples. So I made it up! XD

I hope you all enjoy this, though. See you at my next fanfiction~
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:26:55 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline Zita

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Re: Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2013, 02:54:27 PM »
This was nice story.
Thanks for that.
I look forward to another your story :grin:

Offline DC2805

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Re: Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2013, 03:18:49 PM »
"You don’t know when will you find your special person, but that day will definitely come. You can find them accidentally.

Love is indeed complicated, but when you really found someone that you really love, it won’t be that complicated."

Well said, This i totally agreed.

Cyber love - both thrilling & addictive but can be really damaging...nothing beats to come face to face to your cyber lover before getting in too deep. From my real life experience, coz cyber meeting and dating were really hot during my era lol.

Thanks for this FF, really brings me back those memories...
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2013, 02:26:28 AM »
well is true you dont know when love can come to you



Offline gilangfajri

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Re: Cyber World & Real World (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2013, 08:03:25 AM »
I can't believe Rena is such a pervert :shocked:
Btw, thanksss :twothumbs

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

Offline kizumi

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Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2013, 08:31:39 AM »
Pairing: WMatsui

Rated: T

A/N: So… It turns out, Cyber World & Real World was a success! Thank you for the re-blogs and the likes! Here’s another story~ hopefully you all will like it /o/

Btw, thanks for helping with the RenAirin scenes, AryaMachdi !


Heartbreak (WMatsui)

"Ano… Jurina-chan… I love you!"

I will never forget what she had said. She really has the guts to say it. It’s true that I do have feelings for her, but I wasn’t expecting for a sudden confession. I was the one who were going to confess, but surprisingly she’s the one who did it.

Thank goodness.

I do love kissing cute girls, especially all the members. But giving Rena a kiss felt different, it felt like… I don’t know how to describe it but I know that we’re meant for each other.

Being a kissu-monster made people think that I’m not the type of person who is shy to confess. They’re wrong. I didn’t have any guts to tell Rena that I have feelings for her. But I’m glad that she confessed to me.


I jumped a little after I heard a certain someone called me. It was her. My sweetheart, Rena. Yes, we’re officially dating now.

I didn’t expected that our relationship can be this far. We have been dating for a year, today is our 1st year anniversary. Day by day my feelings for her increase, I love her even more.

I smiled to her with my cat-like smile. “Yes, Rena-chan?”

Without my notice, she wraps her arms around my waist. It made me blush uncontrollably. Then she kisses my neck that made me moan slightly.

"Ren… Rena-chan… not now~" I unwrapped her arms from my waist. It made her pout, all I can say is ‘kawaii’. Everything about her is cute.

I pulled her closer and kissed her nose. “Ne… Don’t be sad, we always have time for that.”

My words made Rena blushed. I really want to be with Rena right now, like really alone, just the two of us. But today we have rehearsal to do and we don’t want our sensei to be angry at us.

"Hey you love birds, stop being all lovey dovey!" Our friend, Akane or we usually called her Churi, break our lovey dovey moment. I only giggled at her.

Akane is a great friend. She’s funny, cute, beautiful, well she has everything. Akane’s closes friend is Airin, some members said that Akane has feelings for her but they also said that Airin won’t accept Akane when she was about to confess to Airin, because Airin doesn’t have the same feelings as Akane. I felt sad to hear that, I wish I could help her.

At the corner of the changing room, I saw Airin. She was looking at Rena this whole time, I also saw Rena looking at Airin and smiled to her.

Airin and Rena are pretty close too, sometimes their closeness makes me jealous. Airin and Rena are close since before I’m dating Rena. I always think that Airin has feelings for Rena, but I just ignored it. I don’t want Rena to think that I’m too sensitive.

I love Rena, I really do. I even promised myself and Rena that I always be there for her, I will never let her go. It’s not that simple.

Rena gave her attention back to me. She kissed my lips, it was only a peck but that means she has something to do.

"I’ll be right back, okay? Be good!"

She left afterwards.

After Rena left, I saw Airin approaching m. I was a bit confused, though. It’s not often that Airin wants to talk to me. I mean, we rarely meet. We only see each other when we’re having a concert.

"Hey, Jurina. Today is your 1st year anniversary with Rena, huh?"

Okay, this is totally weird. Why is she asking if today is my anniversary with Rena? Oh Airin, you’re such a mysterious person.

I nodded and she just said ‘omedetou’, after that she left. I was really confused. But I tried to ignore it.

Rena came back after Airin left, but it’s too bad that we can’t have any talk because we have rehearsal to do.

The rehearsal didn’t took very long. I’m glad, though. Maybe I could come to Rena’s house after I change my clothes. I was thinking to come to her house without telling her, I might bring her something as well.

Well since it’s my anniversary with her, I will bring her favorite snack.

I went to the changing room and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and change my clothes. I saw Rena talking with Airin, but I didn’t hear what they’re saying though.

I was curious. Very curious. But oh well, I’ll ask Rena later on.

I don’t mind if Rena and Airin are close. They became friends since Airin joined the group. Airin is also a nice person. Airin also has a charm point that could make every girls and boys fall for her. Akane is one of the girl who fell for Airin.

But Rena and Airin’s closeness is too much. Sometimes I think that Rena is hiding something from me, but I try to not think negatively.

After I finished having a shower and changing my clothes, I went outside the bathroom. I didn’t see Rena and Airin in the changing room, probably Rena already went home by herself.

I quickly ran from the theater and ran as fast as I can to the bakery shop near Rena’s place. I arrived at the bakery shop and bought one piece of melonpan.

It’s already 8 PM, I really should go to Rena’s house now. I ran again.

I finally reached her house and I saw someone’s shoes outside her door. Who could it be? Her mother? Well, her mother doesn’t live in Rena’s house, so she rarely comes here as well.

I knocked the door and waited for awhile. But nobody opens the door for me. I noticed that the door was unlock, so I just opened the door. I called her name, “Rena? Are you home?”

No one answered my call, even Rena. Did something happened? Rena, where are you?

I slowly approached her door and noticed that her door was slightly opened. I peaked to the small opening out of curiosity.

As I peaked, my eyes widen in shock. My mouth was agape. I saw Rena, but… she was with another person. In bed. Their lips attached with one another.

I could hear my heart breaking into tiny pieces as I witnessed the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. I heard Rena moaning in lust as her and Airin’s lips deepened the kiss. I saw Airin slowly cupping Rena’s breast with both of her hands, and started to massage them. Rena’s lips retreated from the kiss and moan a little bit louder giving Airin a chance to move her lips towards Rena’s neck. She started to kissing her neck with so much passion that Rena’s moans intensify.

Okay that was enough.

I barged in tot her room loudly and exclaimed, “Rena!”

The two of them broke the kiss and looked at me in shock, in horror.

I never saw Rena in total shock before in all my life. I don’t think she would actually thought of me barging into her room in the middle of a make out session. And what made this worse, she was making out with her best and closes friend.

And for Airin… well, she was even more terrified than her.

I looked at them with sharp gaze, the anger inside of me boiling up. I clenched both of my fist into a ball, trying to hold my anger. “Explain.”

Rena’s whole body was trembling as she hesitantly stood up from the bed. She was speechless, as if she can not find the right words to explain. Fiddling nervously with her fingers, her gaze was looking down at the carpet. She acted like as if she was scolded by her own mother. In this case, I was the mother.

"I’m waiting for you explanation, Rena." I crossed both of my arms around my chest, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for Rena’s explanation.

She was still silent.

"Rena. Do I need to repeat myself? Explain-"

"I was kiss her. Don’t need to blame it on Rena." Airin interrupted, but I immediately cut her off.

"Shut the fuck up, Airin. I didn’t ask you." I said giving her a cold glare. I could see her shuddering in fear. I turned my attention back to Rena.

"Actually… Airin’s right, Jurina…" Rena’s head looked up at me with little courage, but I knew that she was hiding her fear.

"It was Airin who started, not me…"

"But I could sworn I saw you kissing her back." I exclaimed, I’m pointing my finger at Airin who flinched.

Rena was silent once again. I could see Rena’s trying to find another words to say, to explain to me. But she’s got none.

"You can’t explain, can you? Just as I thought." I looked away from her and went out of her house.

I could hear Rena’s footsteps, she was following me. I turned around. “What do you want, Rena? There’s nothing else to explain, right? You love her, right?” I exclaimed, I really don’t know what to do right now.

She grabbed my left hand with her right hand. “Jurina… let me explain.” She said it with tears forming in her eyes. I couldn’t take it, I don’t her to cry, it hurts too much. But this situation is much more worse.

"What else that you wanted to explain, Rena? You did all of this on our 1st year anniversary? Why are you so cruel, Rena?" I clutched the bag of the melonpan that I supposed to give it to her.

I started to cry, I can’t hold it anymore. The in my heart is killing me.

Her gaze looking to the ground once again. I’m getting tired with all of this.

Finally, Rena has the courage to talk. But I’m not satisfied with her words. “I’m sorry, Jurina…” I looked away in frustration, trying to hold my next tears.

My gaze turned back to her. “You’re sorry?” I sighed and continued, “tell me, Rena. Did you enjoyed it? Did you enjoyed everything that Airin did to you?” My eyes are full of tears, but I’m still trying to hold it.

I waited for her answer. Her gaze kept looking to the ground and it made me a little upset.

I waited and waited. When I was about to leave, she nodded. “… Y-yes! I… I enjoyed it.”

My tears started to shed, I could hear my heart breaking into tiny pieces. First, when I saw Rena and Airin making out. Second, I knew that Rena has feelings for Airin.

"I thought so." My mind kept repeating the words that I really hate so much; 'you're relationship with her is done, Jurina. Leave her before you get hurt even more.'

I sighed once again and moves closer to her. I cupped her cheek and lean in slowly, I captured her soft lips. This will be our last kiss. She pulled my neck to deepened the kiss, but I backed away.

"Rena… I love you, but we have to end all of this. I’m sorry. Goodbye, Rena-chan." Before I walked away, I gave her the melonpan that I bought. Leaving Rena crying on the ground. I didn’t wanted this to happened, but we just can’t continue this.

I’m taking a break with all this relationship stuffs. I don’t want to get another heartbreak. But I will need time to forget all of my moments with Rena.

I just want this heartbreak to vanish first.



Yatta~ it’s finished! How was it? Okay, I can’t really write this kind of genre, but I did try.. ;w;

I hope you all enjoyed this!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:27:20 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2013, 11:21:56 AM »
Woow this kind of fic you are so good!

You raised to write something like this a little longer??

 :cow: :cow: :cow:

If you write it I read it sure!

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2013, 11:52:10 AM »
I'm speechless right now
I LOVE U KUZUMI -SAN  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
thanks for update

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2013, 02:30:23 PM »
To be honest, the moment I read Akane's name, I thought that this will be half Furuyanagi. But I was so wrong. SO SO WRONG.
RenAirin rulez
loljk Good shot!

I fucking love nail art.

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2013, 03:17:55 PM »
Poor Jurina ;.; they say heartbreaks never heals completely. and I really hope Rena never forgets Jurina's

I really feel sorry for Jurina here. It would less painful if Rena break up before it happened.

This was good o/ thank you :)

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2013, 05:31:08 AM »

wait what.. (;__;) RENA WHYYY


poor jurina (TT^TT)..

please make a part 2...

Great OS! d.^.^b

Offline anakpanti

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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2013, 07:39:17 AM »
Sad ending...  :frustrated:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2013, 08:11:29 AM »
This is a cute story..  :nya:

how can Jurina have a guts like that? Stalking then cutting someone else confession.. :shocked

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Re: Best Friend (WMatsui OneShot)
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2013, 03:50:21 PM »
great fic  :twothumbs . but if u put more drama it will fun trough   :lol: ,

please make new fic  :twothumbs
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Re: Heartbreak (WMatsui) [OS]
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2013, 04:20:48 PM »
I don't like sad ending  :catglare: but I like this fic :D
Can I trans to Vietnamese and post in fanpage
Thanks you so much. :cow:
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Hasty Steps (WMatsui OS) - COMPLETED
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2013, 05:29:12 AM »
A/N: I’m back~ yeay! Happy, happy! Well, I’ll start writing fanfictions again, even though sometimes I forgot that I always kept it in my drafts (you’re a genius). Here it is, a WMatsui OS from meeeeh!

I hope you all enjoy! :3

And thanks for Mr. AryaMachdi for helping me with it. I hate you too, my friend! (^ ^)


Hasty Steps (WMatsui OS)

It’s a great day to go to the park. I usually go there to get some fresh air, since my parents are busy arguing about something that I don’t want to know. I’m not the type of person who really wants to know about people’s problems. All I know the topic is about ‘love’. Yes, my parents wants me to get married with someone they already chosen.

Unfortunately, my mom likes a different guy. I haven’t met one of them, and… I don’t really want to. I mean, I don’t want to marry someone that I haven’t met before. Besides, I want to date first. Well, that’s how it’s supposed to be, right? Yeah…

I was getting ready to go for a walk to the park, when suddenly my mom called me.

"Rena, dear, can you please come here for a minute?" To be honest, I hate it when one of my parents called me. Cause, every time they called me, it’s always about that stupid thing.

"But mom, I really want to go somewhere right now. Can we talk about this later?" I sighed loudly. I’m really tired with. I mean, can they just understand that I want to find someone special for my own life?

"It won’t take long, dear. I want you to meet someone and I know that you will like him." I sighed once again.

I waked to the living room and saw my parents are talking with someone. Yes, a guy. A guy that I haven’t seen before. This is surely will take long. I always yelled at them every time they tried this. They’re nuts, they really don’t understand that I really want to find my own someone special for my life. They always gave me a headache.

"Ah! Rena, you’re here. Come sit!" My dad. My typical dad. Who always tried his best to look gently, to talk softly in front of these guys. In reality, he is such a monster. Sometimes he hurts my mom, sometimes I got yelled by him for no reason. It’s really mad. My family, I meant.

I sat right next to my mom which she forced me to smile. Oh how I hate that. I like to smile, but I just really hate it when she tries to force me. What are we? Actors?

"So Rena, I like you to meet—" I cut her words. It’s rude, But I did.

"Save it! I don’t want this anymore. Please understand me, I want to find my own! This is stupid. Trying to make me fall in love with a stranger and then you want me to marry one of them? Tsk, I’m going! Bye!"

They really crossed the line. My patient was already running low, and they just had to make me angry for the hundred times. I’m not regretting this, I’m just going to run away from home and never come back.

I went back to my room to get all my clothes and put them into my bad. It really shocked my parents, even that guy. I tried to think for a minute, tried to find someone who could help me with this problem. I scrolled my contact list on my phone and it stopped on someone I’m close to.


Yes, Matsui Jurina. But since we’re close with each other, I often call her Juritan rather than Jurina. It’s a nickname that she chose. I tried to think again before calling her. Am I really going to do this? Am I really going to run away from my house just because of this? Then again, why should I stop?

I sighed in frustration and pressed the call button. I waited for a couple of seconds until she picked up the call.

"Moshi moshi, Jurina desu~ Ah! Rena-chan, what’s up?"

I got to admit it. Jurina is really a cute person. She has a great personality and she’s really popular with the guys and also the girls. Well I guess that’s because she has that charms that made all of the guys and girls falling for her.

I only think Jurina as a friend. A close friend. She also has this habit to kiss cute girls, I don’t know if she had kiss a boy before. She had kissed me a lot of times. She always use her special techniques to still a kiss from me. It always made me blushed, though.

I’m a bit nervous saying this to Jurina, but I have no other choice.

"Etto… J-Juritan, can I stay at your house for a couple of days? T-there’s something I want to tell you, but not now. So, can I come to your house and tell you all about it?"

I sighed, "Oh… It felts good now that I already asked her."

"Eh? Of course you can, Rena-chan!"

She doesn’t sound curious. Well, she’s always like that. There is always a cheer in her voice. I really like that side of hers, it always calmed me down a little and I always giggled at her childish side. My friends always teased me when it comes to Jurina. Because they say that I fangirl too much, but to me it’s just normal.

I really admire her, not because I have feelings for. But because she is the right person to be admire. My friends said that I look like I have feelings for, but seriously I don’t. I mean, I like guys and Jurina is my best friend so there’s no way I will have feelings for her.

"Really? Wow! That sounds great, I’ll see you soon then!"

I hang up the phone and I put my phone back to my bag.

I felt so happy when she agreed that I could stay at her place for a couple of days. Since I need the time to find a job and I guess a small apartment to live in. I don’t want to be a bother to Jurina. Plus, this is actually will be my first time staying at her place. Well, usually she’s the one who stays at my place cause my parents actually won’t allowed me to stay at someone’s place.

I took my bag and walked downstairs. I found my parents are still talking with that guy. I guess they won’t care if I leave the house. I ran a little to the front door. I just want to get out of this house.

I walked quickly as I could. Since Jurina’s apartment is just a couple of blocks away from my house. I finally made it to her apartment and rang the bell. Thankfully Jurina was the one who opened the door for me and she always put her best smile every time she’s greeting her guests.

"Rena-chan, you’re here! So, what—"

She couldn’t finished her words. I hug her tightly and I almost cried.

"J-Jurina… I ran away from my house, I don’t want to live there anymore. My parents are just so annoying. I-I just can’t live there…"

Jurina was really shocked when all of a sudden I gave her a hug. She stroke my head gently, tried to calm me down.

"It’s okay, Rena-chan."

I didn’t say another word to her. She pulled me to come inside. I sat on the couch and waited for Jurina to say something to me, since I don’t have any other words to say to her. I’m exhausted, frustrated, depressed and stressed. All I want right now is to go to sleep and try to calm myself down even though it’ll take hours for me to calm down.

Jurina sat next to me and all of a sudden she hugged me tightly. I have no choice but to hug her back. Well, I actually needed a hug from her, I guess she’s the only one who could calm me down. I chose the right place to come then.

"Rena-chan, could you explain happened between you and your parents?"

She asked softly while she’s giving me her warmth.

"My parents forced me to get married with someone that I haven’t met before. They chose the guy, but I always reject what parents always wanted."

I answered her calmly as I could, even though it’s kind of hard to explain. I don’t want to remember about all of those things, it’s only making me more and more frustrated. I realized that her grip loosened, but after a second she embrace me tightly again. I didn’t think about that too much, though.

She keeps embracing me until I fell asleep, resting my head on her shoulder.

The next morning I woke up and I was in Jurina’s bed. I guess she carried me all the way to her bedroom. Thankfully my weight isn’t too heavy otherwise she carried me while risking her life. I’m just glad that I have her in my life even though we’re only friends, but having her in my life feels like I have ‘someone special’.

Well don’t think something like that, though. I only love her as a friend. As sister, I guess. She’s really special to me and I’ll treasure her forever. I know it’s too much but it’s true. The door opened, revealing the person that I was thinking of.

"Ah! Good morning, Rena-chan. You slept on the couch last night so I just carried you and let you sleep on my bed instead. Did you sleep well?"

She greeted me cheerfully. And I smiled to her.

"Yes, I did. Thank you very much, Jurina. Sorry for bothering you."

Jurina chuckled and sat next to me on the bed. I didn’t realized that my heart is beating faster and fasted when Jurina moves closer to me. Why am I feeling like this? Keep it together, Rena.

She stroked my head gently and stared at me. They was she stares at me, it feels… It looks… Different. I don’t know, something like that. But why does my hear keep beating? I tried to ignore it and just Jurina a smile.

"You’re very welcome, Rena-chan. You’re not a bother to me, so don’t worry. Well, I guess I’m going to take a shower now. I set your breakfast on that table, hopefully you will like it."

She stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I touched my chest and my heart is still beating. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. It’s not my first time I’m feeling like this but every time I’m with Jurina, I always feel like my heart is going to jump out off my chest. It doesn’t hurts though, but I keep asking myself the same question still there’s no answer. I still couldn’t find the answer for it.

I heard the shower turned on so I just stood up from the bed and walked to the table to have my breakfast that Jurina made. I eat my breakfast slowly. It tasted good, I didn’t know that Jurina is a really good cook. Then I noticed that the shower is off, I guess Jurina already finished having a shower. But then…


I heard Jurina scream from the bathroom and not just that but I heard something fell before Jurina screamed. I stood up quickly from the chair and ran to the bathroom, after I opened the bathroom door I found Jurina laying on the floor trying to stand up. The worst thing is that she’s… naked. Even though I could only see her back but still she’s laying there on the floor naked. I shook my head and help her stand up.

"Jurina! Oh God, are you okay? Did you slipped?"

I asked her while blushing. I don’t know why but Jurina’s back is so flawless and her skin is very smooth. I felt my hear beats getting faster and fasted. It came back, this weird feeling. I wrapped her with the towel, I still feel my cheeks are burning from blushing.

We stared at each other and I guess Jurina didn’t noticed that she’s only wearing a towel right now. Well even though we often change our clothes together but this time the atmosphere feels really different. I don’t if I should hate this feeling or just let it be. I want it to just go away but how can I make it go away? It’s not that simple to just make feelings like this go.

She blushed after noticing that she’s only wearing a towel.

"E-eh!? R-Rena… I just slipped. I’m okay, don’t worry!"

She pinched my cheeks and walked out from the bathroom. That’s pretty awkward for me and I guess it’s really awkward for her too. I walked out the bathroom after I think about what had happened earlier and went to the table to finished my breakfast.

"Oh. By the way, thank yo for the breakfast! It’s really good!"

I thanked her. But Jurina is busy drying her hair after she puts some clothes on. I’m glad that she already puts some clothes on, othewise I will have a hard time to control myself. I’m worried about Jurina though, she didn’t respond when I thanked her. Is she really alright? It’s not often she’s like this, it really makes me worried about her. Maybe she was thinking about something so that’s why she slipped.

"Jurina, are you okay?"

I walked to her and gave her a tight hug. I’m really worried about her. She tried to pull away but I tightened the hug. I though I was strong enough to hold her but she’s stronger than me so she pulled away from the hug.

I was confused, did I do something wrong? Suddenly she pins me against the wall. My cheeks start to flushed red, this feeling. This feeling that I keep having since 3 years ago. What is this? Does it mean I have feelings for Jurina? No, this is wrong. Loving th same gender is wrong.

I felt Jurina gripping my hands tightly and she stared straightly into my eyes. Slowly, she leans in and now her gaze was on my lips. My hear is beating fast every time Jurina leans in. Is she really going to kiss me? I shouldn’t do this.

I was too late when I felt her lips was on mine. My eyes widened and I struggled to push her away but she keeps kissing me roughly. She’s too strong and I’m too weak. Thankfully I succeeded to push her away. I can see guilt in her eyes.

"R-Rena… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—"

I don’t know if I’m angry or I was shocked. I cut her words, to be honest I really hate cutting people while they’re talking but this is just too much. I wasn’t read and this is really wrong to do. What is wrong with Jurina?

"What the hell, Jurina!? What is wrong with you? Why did you kissed me?"

Jurina just stared the floor. I could see she can’t say anything nor explain about this. Then I realized I was crying, I was really angry at Jurina. This is forbidden, and I just can’t accept this.

"Jurina, this is forbidden! I can’t accept this, I just can’t…"

Jurina tried to hold my hand but I pulled away.

"But Rena, I love you! I have feelings for you!"

Now I know why Jurina always acted like that whenever she’s with me. She has feelings for me, she loves me. Then, do I also have feelings for her? Is it true that I have feelings for her? No… I don’t have any feelings for her, I only love her as a friend and that’s it.

I tried to answer her but nothing came out from my mouth. I breath heavily and everything looks blurry now. I ran out of her bedroom and I heard that Jurina’s screaming, calling for me. But I just can’t go back right now. I’m having a hard time figuring out about my feelings. How do I forget about all of these? I’m tired of having this mixed feelings. I’m tired of this, Jurina.

I ran and ran. I’m still thinking about Jurina, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her, about what I’ve done to her earlier. I know that I hurt her, but I have no other choice, that’s the only way I could do. I noticed that I ran all the way to the park that I always hang around every time I have problems with my parents, or just problems that I made. I started to walk slowly and searched for a bench to sit on. Finally I found a bench and I sat there, thinking.

Suddenly, there’s these two girls past and sat on a bench not far from mine. I looked at them and imagined they are me and Jurina. The two couple are being all lovey dover and I just sat on the bench quietly. There’s a man sitting beside me, he was reading his newspaper and suddenly he started to talk to me.

"You keep staring at those girls quite a while. What’s wrong?"

I got shocked when I heard him asked me that. I mean the one who noticed I was staring at those girls are him, not the girls. I’m trying to find the right words to answer him, I also need to be polite since he’s an adult. But I actually feel a bit embarrassed that he knows that I was staring at them.

"Oh. It’s nothing, sir."

I lied. To be honest, I really hate lying and it’s also wrong. But I guess he knows that I’m lying, well I’m not good at lying so maybe that’s the reason why he could tell that I’m lying.

"Hey! You don’t need to lie, I already know why."

And again, he really made me shocked. Why can I be read so easily?”

"Y-you do?"

I guess right now I looked pretty weird in front of him. Well I couldn’t help it cause he’s the one who could read my mind. He chuckled, and now I feel a bit scared sitting with him now.

"Of course I know. I can see that you’re jealous of those girls, am I right?"

Jealous? Really? Then, does that means… I do have feelings for Jurina? I don’t want to have this feelings for her, it’s too much and my parents will kill me if they know I like girls. But I guess I won’t come back to my house since my parents already pissed me off. I sighed loudly. He’s right, I am jealous of those girls.

"I guess, I am."

He sat his newspaper beside him and focus on the conversations that we’re having right now. This guy is really interesting though, he can really read my mind or maybe I’m just too easy to be read by someone. I know, I’m not a good liar.

I looked at him, preparing for the next words that will come out from his mouth.

"I’m a teacher, dear. I teach girls in an all-girls high school so I really know about these kind of stuffs. Sometimes some of my students come to me for advises, it really made me happy."

No wonder he knows everything. But I still want this feelings to just go, just let me love Jurina as a friend.

"I can’t lie to you anymore. But, it’s true that I have feelings for my best friend and we have the same gender. This kind of love is forbidden, I don’t want to have this kind of feelings for her, I just want us to be friends."

I played with my fingers and wait for him to answer.

"Dear, to be honest, my daughter is also like you. At first she really feel hesitate to love people, but she ended up falling in love with a girl. But for me, if you love her then love her. Follow what your heart say, don’t try to forget about the feelings you’re having right now because one day you will definitely regret it."

His words are really something. I looked at him and smiled. He is actually a really nice person and how I wish he was my teacher when I was still in high school. I stood up from the bench and bowed to him.

"Thank you very much, sir. Now I know what to do, I hope I could see you again. See you soon!"

I thanked him and he smiled at me.

I walked back to Jurina’s apartment, now I will say everything to her. I will explain everything, about my feelings that I’ve been hiding from her until now. I want her to know that I also have the same feelings as her and I don’t care what will other people say about me. I arrived at her apartment and opened the door.


Jurina isn’t answering. She’s probably asleep but I keep going to her room just to make sure she’s really sleeping. I actually regretted for what I did to her, I didn’t meant to hurt her feelings like that. Well, what can I do? I was confused with my own feelings and I screwed everything up.

I slowly opened her bedroom’s door and found her laying down in her bed while she’s facing the wall. I walked to her bed and laid beside her with her back facing me.


She’s isn’t responding.

"Jurina… I wanted to tell you something…"

I sighed, she’s still isn’t responding.

"Look… I ran off because I was such a coward. I didn’t know why, I just quickly thought of what will happen if I accepted your feelings. How will my friends react to it, my family, and people around us. I don’t want us to suffer more than we’re bargain for, Jurina."

I stopped for awhile, then I continued.

"I love you too much that I don’t want to see you hurt. I just want the best for the both of us. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for running away…"

I heard her sobbing and at that time I know that she started to cry.

"Please don’t leave me again…"

Finally, she’s responding. Even though hearing her voice like that it really hurts me. I really hate it when she cries.

"I won’t. Come here…"

Jurina turn around and I noticed that her eyes are red and swollen. She had been crying this whole afternoon. I apologized while hugging her tightly in my arms, her body was quivering as I continued to rub her back in an act of comfort. I kept holding her as she kept crying silently in my arms.

"I won’t leave you again… I promised.."

Her response was just a sob from her mouth, my aching heart couldn’t stand another more of her painful sounds. My arms embraced her more tightly than before. Right now, she was secured in my arms. No one will hurt her anymore. Not even me.

I gave her forehead a soft kiss. “I love you, Jurina. I will never leave you. Ever.”

I laid there in silence, hearing the steady beating of my heart synchronized with hers. All I wanted in this moment was her warmth, her body in my arms and peaceful silence to complete the atmosphere around the room.

Neither of us talked after that. I could only hear her soft sniffs and her shaky hand entwined with mine.

I didn’t say anything, so does she. And we plan it to keep it that way.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:28:16 PM by sophcaro »
Eyes of an angel, smile of a cat. My oshimen is Matsui Jurina!


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Re: Hasty Steps (WMatsui)
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2013, 06:57:07 AM »
nice fic :D

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Re: Hasty Steps (WMatsui)
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2013, 02:47:25 PM »
I actually became worried when Rena ran away from Jurina and Jurina did not response when rena spoke to her...Phew~ a happy ending!  :)
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