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Author Topic: Monster Within - Chapter 22 (KojiYuu) 16/11/2014  (Read 77103 times)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 5
« Reply #240 on: June 01, 2014, 12:52:49 PM »
Woah! So cool!

So, if I'm correct...

Yuki-Earth manipulation
Haruna-Light manipulation and flight(?)
Minami-Energy manipulation(the shock waves)
Mayu-Sound manipulation
Jurina-Mind manipulation XD

Jurina is like a sexy vampire. I'm kinda liking that... >////////<

Anyways, thanks for this. Update soon. :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 5
« Reply #241 on: June 01, 2014, 10:41:41 PM »
Woah so everyone's power revealed..
I like their eyes!! XD acchan with magenta, takamina with purple, jurina with silver, yukirin with green(her earth control reminds me of avatar somehow lol), mayu with blue, and nyannyan with gold~~ :D

Well the next will come up with Yuko's training, rite?? Great! Can't wait to know what's her power actually (>̯┌┐<)
Hey Nyannyan, you gotta take care of her well~ so she will doing good in her training~ :lol:

Thankyou for this chap, author-san :D

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 5
« Reply #242 on: June 02, 2014, 07:17:50 PM »
can't wait for yuko's training  XD

Offline miyumi

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 6
« Reply #243 on: June 10, 2014, 04:59:03 AM »
Yo yo yo!! Sorry it took me so long to update I just got back from vacation ><' to make up for lost time I made this chapter a little longer than the others so I hope you enjoy the story! Today we introduce a new character who is going to "spice" things up for Yuko if you know what I mean~ Anyways please enjoy the chapter and again sorry for the wait!

Chapter 6

It was early in the night when Yuko woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. She got up and slowly walked over to the door only to find Minami standing there. She was dressed in a track suit and shoes as if she was going to run a mile but it was quite the opposite. Yuko had forgotten that she had training today as of what her secret power was that she had yet to discover. Yuko got dressed and then left a note for Haruna so she wouldn't worry. Then her and Minami headed out to a secret location where they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Alright Yuko as you know, you get some cool powers along with being one with these monsters. It's nice isn't it?"

"Yeah I guess.."

"Well let me give you a summary of everyone. I have super strength and Atsuko has the ability to track any one of us from a great distance. She can also control them if she wills to and trust me it's scary. Haruna can control light the light around her and Yuki can control the earth elements. Finally there's Mayu who we just recently discovered has a super screech that basically explodes everyone's eardrums."

Yuko noticed that Minami didn't talk about Mayu's telekinetic powers as well. That must of meant that she didn't know. Minami explained to Yuko that in order to awaken her powers, she was going to have to figure out what triggers it. For most it was danger but for some reason Yuko's power didn't awaken even in the face of danger. There was something else and Yuko was going to have to find out what it was with a little help from Minami. For the first task, Yuko was going to be faced with a series of barrages that Minami was going to attack her with. It was up to Yuko to act fast to avoid getting hurt. Minami pulled out three disks and then stepped back a couple meters so she could throw them. Then on her signal, Minami threw them aiming straight for Yuko. Meanwhile over with Yuko she concentrated hard to try to activate her powers in anyway possible. The disks were getting closer though and nothing was happening so Yuko had no choice but to duck and avoid getting her head cut off. She was about to get up but then another three disks came flying at her even faster than before. Yuko was barely able to dodge them without receiving any damage.

"Well looks like surprise isn't gonna trigger it. Let's try something else."

"Like what?"

Minami took Yuko to a nearby lake where she told Yuko to get in the water. Yuko refused to at first but seeing how she had no choice, she took off her shirt and pants and then got into the cold water. She was freezing and was going to say something but then suddenly Minami came up out of nowhere and pushed her into the water. Yuko tried to come back up but her head was being held down and there was no room for budging. Minami had Yuko in a death hold and if she didn't come up soon she was going to drown. Yuko fought with all her might struggling to the very last breath but it was no use and Yuko could feel the life being sucked out of her. She thought she was going to die right there and then but then she was suddenly pulled up. The air entered her lungs in large amounts causing her to choke on the water already in her mouth. Yuko started coughing and gagging as if she was going to throw up. Luckily she was able to hold it down and looked over to see Minami standing next to her shaking her head.

"Well death didn't even do it either. There has to be something that triggers it.."


Yuko looked over and saw Haurna running towards them at full speed. She ran all the way into the water and then slammed into Minami sending her down into the water. A couple seconds later Minami came back out and started coughing and choking. With an angry tone in her voice Haruna said,

"What the hell were you doing to Yuu-chan?! We're you trying to drown her?!"

"This is training you idiot!" Minami said as she spat the water out of her mouth.

"It looked like attempted murder."

"Well we were trying to figure out what triggered her powers!"

"Then find a safer way than trying to kill her!"

"Well since you're here how about to try to help then Haurna?"

"Fine I will!"

The three of them got out of the water and dried off before going into the next training session. Haruna wanted to try a less dangerous approach so they decided to move on a more personal level. They had Yuko sit down and told her to think of her worst fears. There was only one thing that Yuko could think of and that was the balloons. She hated them and was terrified of them but she wasn't going to tell them that and so they decided to move onto the next choice. Haruna suggested Yuko think about her family since that always brought her to a state of sadness and anger. Yuko thought about it and for a moment it did as she thought about her sister and her parents that were no longer among the earth. This resulted in Yuko crying a little but no powers were being awakened yet. Seeing how nothing was working and it everyone was getting hungry, they decided to call it a day and head back to the shelter for lunch. Upon arriving, the three were welcomed with an odd surprise. Yuko had forgotten that the place was a sex hotel and so when they walked in they saw a couple in a dragon and princess costumes handcuffed together. It looked like the woman had put the key in a place where it shouldn't be and they were about to go to the hospital. Yuko could hear Haruna and Minami giggling as they made their way to the elevator. Once they were in the two bursted into laughter barely able to control themselves.

"Wah that was hilarious! Imagine what it'll look like when they get to the hospital!" Minami said.

"Talk about awkward~"

The two continued to giggle all the way until they made it to the basement level. When they stepped out they saw Mayu and Yuki walking by and stopped to say hi. Then they all headed down to the cafeteria where lunch was being served. Everyone got in line except Yuko who said she would eat at home. She didn't want the others to know that she didn't eat human meat fearing that they would kick her out or abandon her. Therefore she sat alone at the table and waited for the others to come over so they could talk. When they finally showed up, everyone sat down and chatted merrily talking about idol things. Yuko had no interest in the things they were talking about and wasn't paying much attention but then Haruna called her out and said,

"Yuko hello Yuu-chan~"


"Don't worry about. We'll figure out what your powers are eventually."


"Hey I bet they're really cool!" Yuki said as she had a spoonful of rice.

"I'm sure they will be." Minami said eating her soup.

"Yuu-chan's will be the best!"

Yuko was glad that she was able to have such great friends even after being like this. She had to admit that the girls sitting before her were better friends than the ones she had in school. Yuko was glad she was able to meet them and get along with them. She almost doesn't miss her old life as much as she used to. Sadly Yuko was about to eat her own thoughts when she saw Yuki spoon feeding Mayu. She watched Yuki raised the spoon full of blood and flesh bits to Mayu's mouth who took it in gladly with a smile. Yuko realized that everyone was eating some kind of human meat and she could smell it all. That feeling in her chest came back again as the pain started to grow more and more. Yuko stood up and ran to the bathroom before anyone could notice and locked the door. She walked over to the sink and splashed cold water in her face to try to snap her out of it. However that didn't work and the pain was growing stronger. Yuko screamed in pain as the urges tried to consume her. Once again the voice came back saying,

"I'm hungry!!!"

"Shut up!" Yuko screamed.

Yuko swung her fist and punched the wall hard creating a large dent in it. She then looked into the mirror and saw that her hair was starting to turn white and the black was starting to surround her eyes. She also noticed a dark spot under her shirt and so she moved it up showing the mark on her chest growing and stretching across her chest. She was beginning to change but Yuko wasn't going to let that happen. Yuko knew she had to do something and so she looked for something that would knock her our hard enough. She saw the counter and thought it was the perfect chance to do it for it was now or never. Yuko braced herself for a heavy blow for she knew it was going to hurt like hell when she came to. She had to do it thought if she was going to stop herself from changing and so Yuko grabbed both ends of the counter and then raised her head high. Just as she was about to slam herself into it, there was a knock and a voice from outside.

"Yuko are you alright?"

It was Haruna asking if she was alright and Yuko wanted to reply but the pain was becoming unbearable and so Yuko closed her eyes and then slammed her head hard against the counter. There was a loud thud and then after that it was lights out for Yuko as she slowly felt her consciousness fade. 


When Yuko came too she was on a couch in Atsuko's office looking at the ceiling. Then Haruna came over and saw she was awake so she said,

"She's awake!"

Everyone gathered around her and Atsuko placed an ice pack on her head which hurt a little but soon felt nice.

"We found you passed out in the bathroom an hour ago. Are you ok?" Minami asked.

"Y-yeah I must have been tried from the training.." Yuko said.

"Maybe I pushed you too hard for your first day.."

"Mou I told you you were too harsh!" Haruna said.

As the two started to bicker Yuki came over with a bowl of soup and said,

"Here eat up. It'll help you heal better."

Yuki held up the spoon filled with crimson liquid and at the moment the pain started to come back. Yuko refused the food and tried to get up but Minami pushed her back down insisting that she should take it easy. Yuko on the other hand wanted to do the exact opposite and wanted to get out of the room as quickly as she could. Sadly she wasn't going to be able to and so she had no choice but to try to fight the pain and hide it from the others. Yuko fought against it as much as she could but it was getting stronger with every moment. The others noticed the change in Yuko and so they began to investigate what was wrong but they couldn't figure out what. Yuko tried to run but Minami kept her down tightly and the pain was slowly getting worse to the point of screaming.


Atsuko came over and placed her hands on Yuko's head focusing hard. Her eyes glowed the bright magenta from before and suddenly Yuko's head went blank. Everything inside Yuko became quiet and still as if time had stopped itself. Then suddenly Yuko felt something making its way into her like it was invading her mind. The feeling was unpleasant and somewhat bothering and so Yuko pushed the intruder out and was suddenly back in reality. The pain was gone and everything was back to normal. Atsuko looked over at Yuko though and gave her a serious look before saying,

"Though it was brief, I saw what was wrong inside you Yuko.. You have yet to eat real human flesh haven't you?"

The room became silent like a graveyard with not a sound in the nearest meter. Everyone wasn't talking or saying a single word. They were all looking at Yuko staring at her with judgmental eyes. She didn't know how much she could take it and wanted to escape but Minami held her down and then said to Yuko,

"It's not good if you don't eat. Do you realize this is a threat to your life? We need to eat in order to survive! I'm surprised you've lasted this long without it."

"It's because she's been eating animal meat." Haruna said.

"So that's it huh? Well listen Yuko I know it's tough and you want to try to maintain what little humanity you have left but face it Yuko. You're a monster just like the rest of us. There is no going back and the only way you're going to survive is to do what is necessary. It's survival of the fittest and if you don't change now you will die."

Yuko was silent and only stared at Minami before finally saying,

"I know what I have to do but I won't do it. I'm not like the rest of you people I'm still human!"

"Open your eyes Yuko and wake up! There is no other way."

"There is and I'll show you!"

Yuko stood up and ran out the room before anyone could catch her. All Yuko wanted to do was go home and forget about everything. She kept telling herself that they were wrong and she wasn't a monster. She was still a normal girl with a normal life and not a man eating demon. She knew that she was filling herself with lies but it was the only thing left to help her maintain her sanity. Yuko was getting close to losing it but she struggled to keep it together. Taking the closest path, Yuko walked down a sidewalk making her way to a shortcut leading to a park. When she saw there was no one there, she decided to take a break and sit down at an old swing she used to play on when she was a kid. Sitting there alone gave Yuko time to think about everything that was happening. She still couldn't believe that things were the way they were now. Looking over she saw an empty swing and remembered that was the swing her sister would sit on. The two would swing together side by side laughing and having fun while their parents would be pushing them from behind. It was good memories like these that brought clarity and calm to her mind. Yuko wanted to stay a little longer to enjoy the nostalgia but suddenly a mysterious figure walked over. She had long black hair and almost white skin with almond shaped eyes that were brown like chocolate. She looked very frail for a girl that looked about the same age as Yuko perhaps a couple years younger. She grabbed the chain to the swing and asked,

"Mind if I sit here?"

Yuko simply nodded and the girl sat next to Yuko smiling to herself. She pushed off starting to swing just a little bit. Then she began to hum a melody that sounded something like a lullaby she heard when she was a child. The girl had a pretty voice that Yuko became fond of finding it peaceful and relaxing. When she finished the girl said,

"Beautiful night isn't it?"

"Yeah it is." Yuko replied.

"On nights like these I like to sit alone and watch the stars. It's amazing there's so many of them."

Yuko looked up and saw there were no stars in the sky besides a helicopter flying over them. Otherwise there were none to see at all which made Yuko wonder how she was able to see any at all. Yuko was about to ask the girl a question but the girl beat her to it.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Oshima Yuko. You?"

"Matsui Rena. It's nice to meet you Yuko!"

"Nice to meet you as well."

Just then there was a loud growl coming from Yuko's stomach that made both the girls giggle from how loud it was. Rena then reached into her pocked and pulled out a bun and started to eat it. She then held it out to Yuko and asked,

"Want some?"

"No I'm ok. I'll eat when I get home."

There was another loud growl and Rena gave her a smart look.

"Really? Because your stomach says otherwise."

Yuko blushed and then decided,

"Sure why not?"

Yuko took a bite of the bun and found out there was some kind of meat in it. To Yuko's surprise the meat didn't taste disgusting either seeing how it wasn't raw like animal meat. Yuko ate the entire bun without even realizing it because it was so good. Before she could say anything Rena handed Yuko another bun and Yuko scarfed it down quickly without a second to spare. She never thought meat could taste so good to her. Rena on the hand simply smiled and said,

"Personally I hate meat but papa always told me that I need to get strong so I eat it."

"Thank you for the food. I never thought I was this hungry."

"Well I could tell you were starved. From the looks of it you looked like you haven't eaten in weeks! I'm surprised someone like you hasn't made their first kill yet."

"What do you mean?"

"You know killing a human for food. You're supposed to do that in order to eat you know?"

It was then Yuko realized that Rena was a monster just like her and the meat in the bun was the meat of no animal but of a human. Yuko was about to run to go throw it up but then Rena grabbed her and held her tightly by the collar of her shirt. At that moment Yuko saw a feint red glow in Rena's eyes as she grinned revealing two rows of black razor sharp teeth. Yuko remembered the others talking about a dangerous monster with black teeth and this girl was her. She knew she was in serious trouble if she didn't find a way to escape but Yuko was trapped and there was nowhere for her to go. Rena let out a creepy giggle and said,

"You think the bun was good? Oh you haven't tried it fresh from the shop yet dear. Tell me why won't you hunt humans?"

"Because it's wrong and I won't do it." Yuko said.

"But if you don't do it you'll die."

"I don't care. Besides I've found a way to make it by."

"Eating animal meat I'm guessing. Well that won't last long silly. You're going to have to kill sometime."

"I'll never."

Rena sighed and stood there silently as her head slowly started to tilt to one side. Then something inside Rena made her smile and her eyes glowed a little brighter. She held Yuko closer and then said to her,

"I think you're scared to kill. Don't worry I understand because it was hard for me to. Though once I got the motivation, it was as easy as blinking. I think all you need is just a little motivation that's all."

Rena raised her finger close to her mouth and bit into it hard enough to make it bleed. She sucked the blood from her finger and then pulled Yuko in for a hard and rough kiss on the lips. Yuko tried to keep her mouth shut put then Rena stroked Yuko's back in a seductive way causing her to gasp her mouth to open. As soon as she did Rena's blood soaked tongue slipped into Yuko's and intertwined with hers. Rena was pushing the blood into Yuko's mouth as she was playing with Yuko's tongue slathering it with blood ensuring total coverage. The floor and texture of the blood suddenly awakened something in Yuko. The taste and sensation she was receiving was something almost as similar as sex. Yuko suddenly found herself wanting more as she wrapped her arms around Rena and pulling her closer for more. She was practically sucking on Rena's tongue for more blood but soon found herself all out. Rena pulled back and smiled licking her lips. She then said to Yuko,

"Good looking and a good kisser! I like you Yuko~ You look so good in white!"

Yuko didn't care that she had turned and didn't say anything but instead could feel an urge growing deep inside her wanting more and more blood. This urge was something stronger than anything she could control and so she was wanting to run off and get away. However Rena wouldn't let her escape just yet as she grabbed her and pinned her against a tree. She then forced her finger into Yuko's mouth filling it her blood. Yuko started to such on Rena's finger like a baby enjoying the savory taste of blood and her urges growing stronger with each swallow of blood. Rena pulled her finger out and found Yuko was more of a savage than ever like a wild dog chained to a post. Leaning into Yuko's ear she said,

"Now go and eat while the night is still young~"

Rena stepped back and Yuko was off into the streets searching for food. She no longer cared about whether it was right or long for all she wanted was to eat. It only took her a couple minutes to find a meal who was just a lone man walking alone. Yuko quickly charged and pushed her into an alley way where she tackled the man to the ground. Before he could say anything Yuko bit into his neck tearing out muscle and flesh. All that could be heard now was gurgling and the sound of the man choking on his own blood. He was dead within seconds but that didn't stop Yuko who just kept eating and eating every last piece of meat down to the bone until there was nothing left but a couple of organs. Licking her fingers clean of the blood Yuko was preparing to head out for another kill but then heard a voice.


She looked over and saw two girls standing up ahead. There was a small one and tall one though Yuko couldn't tell who they were. All she saw was food and she was still hungry so Yuko charged fast and tackled the small one to the ground. She got ready to bite down into her but something pushed her off and far away. Then suddenly walls of stone rose from the ground and surrounded her locking her into a box. However the box wasn't going to hold her back for it was then something shot out from inside Yuko and destroyed the box. There were more girls this time and their eyes were now glowing different colors. Yuko didn't care though and charged at them once again. This time though something came at her and pinned her down to the ground while something sat on top of her pushing her even further into the ground. Yuko tried to escape but she was in a tight bind. Then suddenly a bright pair of magenta eyes came close to her and covered her eyes. After that everything became silent and Yuko had fallen asleep.

Waking up Yuko found herself in a bed in a room. She tried to move but found herself chained to the bed with nowhere to go. The door opened and Haruna came in surprised to see she was awake. She called in the others who followed into the room and then Haruna said,

"I'm glad to see you're ok."

She hugged Yuko tightly and then Minami said,

"When we found you, you were eating a guy and from what it looked like you had finally given in. However we knew something was wrong when you tackled me and tried to bite my head off!"

"Sorry about that.."

"It's alright. We're just glad to see you're ok. Oh and we figured out what your power is."

"What is it?"

"Body manipulation."

"Body manipulation?"

"Basically your body adapts to whatever situation you're in. When you first came out of the box Yuki sealed you in there was nothing but spikes sticking out from you."

"What triggered it?"

"We believe it was the taste of blood but Yuko what made you go all crazy like that? It was like you didn't even know us when you attacked us."

Yuko remembered the thing that happened with Rena in the park and felt a cold drift in the room. A chill was sent down her spine while remembering everything that happened right up to the point she had gone crazy. The kiss was something she remembered the most and thought that it was cold and lonely. Yuko shook her head back to reality and then said,

"I guess I was just really hungry and thought you guys were food. Sorry.."

"Mou Yuko we're not food!" Haruna said.

"Well since you've gotten the taste of it I think you won't have any problems eating now." Atsuko said as she handed Yuko a bowl and spoon.

Yuko took the bowl and scooped some of the red liquid using the spoon. Hesitating at first, Yuko eventually pulled the spoon into her mouth filling it with the liquid. Now accepting what she was, Yuko was able to swallow it with ease and eventually finish all of the soup. Everyone was proud of Yuko for finally taking the step forward into her new life as a monster. There was no turning back now and everything was slowly coming together. Yuko had finally come to accept for who she was and now she was ready to live on with new challenges awaiting her. 

Wah wah what happens next? Find out next time!!! And I'll try to update sooner for you guys!!

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 6
« Reply #244 on: June 10, 2014, 07:58:08 AM »
OMG Yuko and Rena kissing!! You should put some more of YukoRena moment  XD

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 6
« Reply #245 on: June 10, 2014, 08:54:54 AM »
First with scaring off Yuko's classmates and now with body-slamming Minami into the lake, I love how overprotective Haruna is of Yuko. :nya:
What time of year is it with the lake being cold and all? :on freeza:

Is Yuko the only person who Mayu has spoken to telepathically (since Minami hasn't mentioned it and everyone seems to still go with the "Mayu is mute from trauma" idea)? Is the reason Mayu doesn't talk related to her special power possibly being involuntary and she can't turn it off? :dunno:
I almost forgot about the whole sex hotel thing... Their sex hotel must be pretty popular with the hospital staff... :on lol:

Although Yuko was afraid that the others would abandon her, I'm positive Haruna would remain by her side regardless...
For that matter, Haruna tends to act incredibly intimate with Yuko despite having known her for a short while (I wonder how she would have reacted to the YukoRena kiss)...  :hehehe:

How long has it even been since Yuko was turned? Is she going to be able to keep her home (I know she makes money from Atsuko and Minami, but is that enough)?
Rena going from kind to scary in a few minutes... :on freeze:

I'm kind of curious about the others' backgrounds: how the others became monsters themselves (though I'm guessing Mayu's will be covered whenever she encounters the red-eyed black teeth monster/Rena), more on their powers (aside from the main people, we know that Jurina has super-speed and some sort of mind control; I really want to know exactly what Rena's powers are), how they even met each other (is there a way for each monster to sense others of their kind since Rena was able to do so with Yuko and not to mention how Haruna managed to encounter Yuko)...

Body manipulation, huh? The mention of the body spike thing made me thing of Beginner... How does it work though (i.e. command body parts to turn into a weapon)? Does Yuko have a more conscious control of it now that she knows what her power is or will she need to train more?

Despite it being her last sense of humanity, I'm glad Yuko changed her diet since it means she'll be at her best condition from here on (though it makes me wonder if drinking Rena's blood had more of an effect than expected).
Till the update~ :byebye:

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 6
« Reply #246 on: June 10, 2014, 06:15:49 PM »
First with scaring off Yuko's classmates and now with body-slamming Minami into the lake, I love how overprotective Haruna is of Yuko. :nya:
What time of year is it with the lake being cold and all? :on freeza:

Is Yuko the only person who Mayu has spoken to telepathically (since Minami hasn't mentioned it and everyone seems to still go with the "Mayu is mute from trauma" idea)? Is the reason Mayu doesn't talk related to her special power possibly being involuntary and she can't turn it off? :dunno:
I almost forgot about the whole sex hotel thing... Their sex hotel must be pretty popular with the hospital staff... :on lol:

Although Yuko was afraid that the others would abandon her, I'm positive Haruna would remain by her side regardless...
For that matter, Haruna tends to act incredibly intimate with Yuko despite having known her for a short while (I wonder how she would have reacted to the YukoRena kiss)...  :hehehe:

How long has it even been since Yuko was turned? Is she going to be able to keep her home (I know she makes money from Atsuko and Minami, but is that enough)?
Rena going from kind to scary in a few minutes... :on freeze:

I'm kind of curious about the others' backgrounds: how the others became monsters themselves (though I'm guessing Mayu's will be covered whenever she encounters the red-eyed black teeth monster/Rena), more on their powers (aside from the main people, we know that Jurina has super-speed and some sort of mind control; I really want to know exactly what Rena's powers are), how they even met each other (is there a way for each monster to sense others of their kind since Rena was able to do so with Yuko and not to mention how Haruna managed to encounter Yuko)...

Body manipulation, huh? The mention of the body spike thing made me thing of Beginner... How does it work though (i.e. command body parts to turn into a weapon)? Does Yuko have a more conscious control of it now that she knows what her power is or will she need to train more?

Despite it being her last sense of humanity, I'm glad Yuko changed her diet since it means she'll be at her best condition from here on (though it makes me wonder if drinking Rena's blood had more of an effect than expected).
Till the update~ :byebye:
me second this~~!  :on lol:

Thankyou for this chap, miyumi-san :D i like it very much!
i'm surprised with Rena's attitude, not to mention YukoRena kiss  :shocked
how Haruna will react to this?? LOL Kojiyuu deserved bunch of moments like that too. please~  :kneelbow: :wriggly:

yossha now wait again for your next chap  :yep:

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #247 on: June 11, 2014, 08:07:34 PM »
I'm back with a new update! Hehe I told you I'd be quick~ Anyways enjoy!

Chapter 7

Time had passed since that day and things have been going better for Yuko. With the help of Minami she was finally able to control her powers and though she couldn't use them well, she could get by if she ever went against weak opponents. Yuko was becoming stronger with each passing day and things were getting better and better by the week. Now during the present time, Yuko was walking in the halls when there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Yuki standing there. She was holding four tickets in her hand and asked,

"You wanna go see the fireworks show? There's a summer festival in a town nearby and Mayu wanted to go. We managed to get four tickets so I was wondering if you wanted and Haruna wanted to go."

"That sounds good."

"Well then get ready because we'll leave soon."

Yuko walked inside and told Haurna they were going out causing excitement between the two. When they were ready they walked outside where Yuki and Mayu were waiting for them. Then they started to make their way down to the festival that was some ways away. As they were walking Yuko asked,

"Yuki where did you get those tickets?"

"Ah well Atsuko gave them to us. Mayu saw a commercial for the fireworks and wanted to go so badly so Atsuko managed to get tickets for us. She didn't want us to go alone though so she gave us two others. Honestly sometimes I think Atsuko is like our mother watching over us and making sure she's safe. It's a nice feeling knowing someone cares."

"Yeah it is nice. I don't know how Atsuko is able to keep track of all of us." Yuko said.

"She's a good person and honestly I don't know what we'd do without her. Where we'd be or even if we were dead or alive.. Nee how about we get her something at the festival!"

"That's a great idea Yuki! We can show her how much we appreciate  all she's done for us!" Haruna said.

"So then let's go!"

They made it to the festival site and the area was bustling with activity. There were people of all kinds gathered in their kimonos and yukatas frolicking amongst the festival. The girls were amazed at all the activity and were excited to start the fun. Sadly they didn't have any kimonos or so they thought. Yuki had brought some kimonos for the girls to wear and so they all went to the bathroom to change. Yuko was the first to come out wearing a light pink kimono that had lotus flowers along the skirt and back. It was nothing fancy but Yuko was fond of it. The next to come out was Mayu who was in a dark blue kimono with koi fish on it. With the way of the design, it looked like the fish were swimming around her. Overall though Mayu looked very pretty to Yuko almost like a little doll. Yuki came out soon after in a green and black kimono with green on the top and then fading to black on the bottom. There were also silver vines along the back and arms of the kimono making it look very elegant. The last to come out was Haruna in a bright red kimono with golden butterflies on the sides and back. To Yuko, Haruna seemed to be beautiful in her kimono and could do nothing but stare at her. She didn't even hear Yuki calling out to her until she got a message from Mayu to look over.

"Are you ready to go?" Yuki asked.

Yuko, Mayu, Haruna and Yuki all stared to walk along the long rows of different shops and games available for people. The girls walked around seeing all kinds of cool things that some had never seen before. As they were walking Yuko heard feint voice coming from Mayu who seemed to be looking around at everything. Just barely Yuko heard,

"Wah there are so many fun games.. I wish I could play.."

"Then why don't you ask?" Yuko said.

Mayu looked over to Yuko and said,

"I'm afraid though.. what if Yuki won't let me?"

"Just give it a try."

Yuko watched Mayu tug on Yuki's kimono and everyone stopped to see what Mayu wanted. Mayu pointed to a fish game where you had to catch the fish using thin paper. Mayu looked like she wanted to play the game so Yuki smiled and handed her the money to give it a try. Yuko watched Mayu as she took the paper net and tried to catch the fish and managed to scoop it up but the paper broke and the fish fell through. Feeling a little sad Mayu threw away the net and looked at Yuki who simply giggled and offered to do it. On the second go, Yuki managed to catch the fish and so she gave it to Mayu who smiled happily. The girls then continued to walk along the isles of shops and games and managed to find a cute little stand that sold charms. They thought this was the perfect idea for Atsuko so the girls searched for the perfect charm for Atsuko. After a good ten minutes of searching the girls managed to find one charm they thought was perfect. It was a dark pink charm with the word "Mother" written on it and a picture of a cherry blossom on it. The girls bought the charm and were satisfied with what they got and so they all headed to the field where the people were gathering to watch the fireworks. As they were walking though, Yuko saw something that caught her attention. Turning over to it, Yuko saw a cat plushie that Haurna would like.

"I'll be over in a minute guys go on without me."

Yuko walked over to the game and saw it was a game where you had to shoot the prize in order to get it. Yuko paid the fee and was then handed the gun to aim at. Aiming the gun, Yuko had it dead set and knew she was going to be able to get it. However when she fired, she missed and was way off. Yuko tried again and missed once more and so she continued to try and try until she was all out of money. Feeling sad, Yuko put the gun down and then started to walk away when she suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to.."

"Hey you want that cat don't you?"


Yuko looked up and noticed a very tall girl standing in a black kimono. She didn't look Japanese for her face seemed different. The girl appeared to possibly be filipino but Yuko couldn't tell. What caught Yuko's attention the most was the chiseled features on the girl's face making her seem almost like a statue. Yuko was mesmerized by the girl and didn't even hear her call her until she grabbed her by the shoulder. Yuko noticed she had a very strong grip for a girl her sized making her more interesting. The girl smiled and said,

"You want that cat plushie right?"

"Yeah I do."

"Well then let's get it shall we?"

The girl paid the fee and then took the gun aiming at the cat plushie. Yuko noticed something strange about the girl feeling like there was something coming from her. For some odd reason Yuko thought she saw a strange orange aura emitting from the girl but she thought she was just imagining things. Yuko watched the girl fire the gun and she hit the cat right in the center knocking it off the shelf.


The girl accepted the plushie and then gave it to Yuko.

"You sure about this?" Yuko asked.

"Yeah it's fine. I saw how hard to tried to win it so it must be very important."

"Yeah you could say that.."

"Anyways I gotta get going since the show is starting soon. Maybe I'll see you around sometime. Enjoy the show~"

The girl left and Yuko was a little upset that she couldn't thank the girl. Either way, she had to get back to Haruna and the others before the show started so she ran into the field where there were a bunch of other people as well. Because Yuko was short she couldn't see anything let alone find Haruna. She was searching for Haruna but then there was a loud explosion and a bright flash. The fireworks had started and everyone was watching as they were being shot off. Yuko continued to search for Haurna but the crowd was getting denser and denser. At one point Yuko couldn't move any further and was wedged between a bunch of people. Then amongst the crowd, Yuko saw Haruna's red kimono and so she charged into the swarm of people pushing her way through. Then finally Yuko made it out and actually slammed into Haruna nearly knocking her down.

"Wah there you are Yuko!"


Yuko realized how close she was to Haruna and tried to back away from her but the crowd was clumping them together. There was little to no room to get anywhere so Haruna had to improvise by leading Yuko to an open are off to the side.

"Man that was a tight squeeze." Haruna said.

"Yeah I couldn't stand it. Anyways nee Haruna I got you something."

"What is it?"

Yuko held out the plushie and Haruna smiled brightly. She took the plushie and hugged it tightly.

"Wha this is so cute!! Thanks Yuko!"

Haruna hugged Yuko and then let her go turning to watch the fireworks. Staring at Haruna, Yuko noticed how pretty she looked standing under the light of the fireworks. Yuko suddenly felt something deep within her chest she had never felt before but thought the feeling was pleasant. It was a warm, loving feeling that made her heart beat loudly as if it was going to beat out of her heart. Seeing Haruna's radiant beauty under the night sky created a new blossoming feeling inside Yuko that she could not describe. Then without even thinking Yuko had called out Haruna's name as if it escaped her breath.



Haruna looked at Yuko with glimmering eyes as if she was staring through her body into her very heart. Yuko started to get nervous and tense up which was odd for her. After all this time Yuko saw Haruna as nothing more but a friend and a comrade but not she felt that something was different. She couldn't think of it though but she had to say something to Haruna so she said,

"The fireworks sure are pretty aren't they?"

"Un! I haven't seen them in years so it's nice to see them again." Haruna said.

"Well I'm glad I was able to spend this time with you. It's good to experience some happy moments instead of sad ones you know?"

"Yeah you're right. Nee Yuu-chan let's do this more often, experiencing more happy moments ok?"


The two started to laugh but then Yuko heard a loud scream that sounded like Mayu. Yuko told Haruna that she needed to find Yuki so the two ran to look for her. They found Yuki outside of the crowd searching for something. When they came over Yuki told them that Mayu was missing and she couldn't find her. Everything went from good to bad in a flash and now they had to find Mayu before something happens to her. The only problem was Mayu couldn't speak for she had no voice and so finding her was going to be more difficult. Yuko knew no one else could talk to her so Yuko called out to Mayu and asked,

"Mayu where are you?"

A couple seconds later Yuko got a reply from Mayu saying,

"I'm in a car heading somewhere downtown. I can't see anything but I can hear sounds of traffic and I smell smoke."

"What does the car look like Mayu?"

"It's black but that's all I saw before they blindfolded me. Yuko I'm scared.."

"Don't worry Mayu we're coming just focus on where you are and describe to me where you think you are."

It took Mayu a couple seconds but then finally she replied back with,

"We're by a club! I can hear the music!"

"Alright we'll be right there!"

Yuko told the others where she thought Mayu could be and so they ran as fast as they could to the only night club that was in town and they ran to the parking lot. There were many black cars though making it hard to find Mayu anywhere. Then suddenly Yuko saw a group of men carrying in a girl who was blindfolded and gagged. The girl was Mayu and they were taking her into the club to do terrible things to her probably. Yuko pointed to them and then Yuki stopped them by creating a wall separating them from the door. Then all three of them chased after the men who pulled out guns and aimed at them. Haruna waved her hands and all the nearby lights went out. Then Yuki used the powers to bring the men down below the earth burying them deep. There was only one of them left and that was the man with a gun to Mayu's head. The girls were afraid if they moved any closer they would blow her head off and no one moved. It had become a stalemate with tension high. Yuko decided to do something but then Yuki beat her to it. She had used a small stone and shot it at the man's head faster than he could react. It went straight through is head and killed him instantly.


Yuki ran to Mayu an caught her before she fell to the ground. She then took off the blindfold and gag and hugged Mayu tightly. Even though Yuki couldn't hear it, Yuko could hear Mayu crying saying over and over that she was scared. Tears fell from her eyes as she cried and Yuki did her best to comfort her.

"Yosh yosh it's ok Mayu it's ok."

After a couple minutes Mayu finally calmed down and everyone decided to head back. Making it back to the shelter, Mayu and Yuki went to their room while Haruna and Yuko went up to see Atsuko. Haruna handed Atsuko the charm and she was very happy to receive the gift.

"Mou why does it say mother? I'm not a real mother you know." she said.

"Well you watch over us like a mother so we think of you as one!" Haruna said.

"Well thank you both so much. I love it."

After that Yuko and Haruna decided to go up to the roof to see the rest of the firework show. Little did they know that someone else was up there as well. There standing on the roof was Jurina who had come to watch the show as well. She was sitting alone on a blanket eating an apple. Yuko and Haruna sat next to Jurina and they all sat together silently until Jurina said,

"You know I've never seen these before.."


"I've never seen them. What are they called?"

"Fireworks." Haruna said.

"Wah they're so pretty~ I remember hearing about them but I've never seen them before."

"Well this is your first time then?"


Yuko and Haruna both stared at each other and then coming to the same conclusion. Therefore Haruna wrapped her arms around Jurina and pulled her in for a hug while Yuko patted her head and smiled. Jurina was confused and wan't sure what was going on but she seemed to like it. The three sat together and watched the firework show until the very end when they started firing off the big ones. When it was over, Jurina stood up and stretched her arms before saying,

"Thank you for joining me. Usually I'm alone during times like these."

"Well Jurina you're one of us now so we watch over you like our own family." Haruna said.

Jurina remained silent for a moment and then chuckled a little saying,

"Family huh..? I don't have one.. I don't have anyone."

Before Haruna could say anything Jurina ran off the roof and dashed away. Haruna only sighed and said,

"I wish that child would learn that she's not alone in this world."

Yuko simply smiled and patted Haruna's head as if she really needed it. Haruna smiled though and the two started to head back down into the shelter. On the way down though Yuko missed a step and fell down the stairs landing on Haruna. The two tumbled down the stairs and eventually landed on the ground.

"I-Itai.. Haruna are you ok?"


Luckily there were no injuries and so all Yuko had to do was get up. However she noticed something odd about Haruna so she looked down and realized the awkward position she was in. Their bodies were pressed close together and Yuko was a little too close for comfort.

"A-ah gomen.." Yuko said as she tried to get up.

Yuko started to get up but then Haruna wrapped her arms around Yuko's neck and pulled her down. Her face started to turn red and her body was heating up. The distance between the two was closing until the point where there was no room. Yuko tried to get up but Haruna had her in a tight grip and wasn't going anywhere. Yuko looked at Haruna and was shocked to see something different in her eyes. It was a mix of different emotions from lust and passion to loneliness and depression. Yuko wasn't sure what to do so Haruna took the lead and told Yuko,

"You know Yuko.. For many years I've felt alone but ever since you came along.. I feel like I'm not alone anymore."


Haruna pulled Yuko closer and closer until their lips were sealed together. It was short but the kiss sent all kinds of sensations throughout Yuko's body. Haruna was the one that pulled back and then the two stood back up fixing each other's clothes. There was silence between Yuko and Haurna but neither one of them seemed to be bothered at what had just happened. Haruna giggled seeing Yuko's face was still blushing and so she kissed her on the cheek and said,

"Come on Yuko. We don't want to keep the others waiting~"


Haruna walked ahead of Yuko leaving her to stand there for a moment. She placed her hand on the cheek Haruna kissed and grinned. For a while Yuko thought she liked Haruna but she wasn't sure. However now, she was more sure than ever and she thought maybe her feelings towards Haruna was starting to grow.   

Look forward to the next update guys!!!

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #248 on: June 11, 2014, 08:35:56 PM »
haha sayaka, so manly :cool1:

and mayuyu was taken :OMG: :OMG:

but yuki saves her  :onionwhip:

kojiyuu KISS  :luvluv1:

nice job author san, looking forward to next update :kneelbow:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #249 on: June 11, 2014, 08:37:28 PM »
Eh? Are, are, are~?

That girl... Sayaka?! My baby, kita!!!

I wonder what powers she have.

Can't wait~ :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #250 on: June 12, 2014, 12:42:47 AM »
KOJIYUUUUUUUU !!!!!!! Finally some progress :farofflook:
but, are they officially together now?? :?
Sweet scene omg Kojiyuu is the best (≧▽≦)づ♥ kisskisskiss and surely there'll be a lot more to come, rite~? XD

That filipino, Akigori made her appearance XD
Oh btw I like how you made Yuko as the only one who able to talk with Mayu (even Mamarin can't do), and Yuko seems as the one who can get casually get along with Jurina.. My squirrel and her lovely kouhais :twothumbs

Thankyou for updated this fast, miyumi-san :D may I expect the next will come fast too?? :on lol: well I'll always be waiting~
Keep this awesome work! :twothumbs

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #251 on: June 12, 2014, 04:30:50 AM »

Offline yuuyu

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 7
« Reply #252 on: June 12, 2014, 08:43:50 AM »
That was fast! I had to refresh the page to make sure I wasn't imagining things! :shock:
Aw, they consider Atsuko their mom (doesn't that make Takamina the dad)... :shy1:
It's so cute how Mayu interacts with Yuki... :nya:

Sayaka! Was that aura Yuko saw projecting from Sayaka what I think it was or was it her ability manifesting itself? I hope we get to see more of Sayaka or better yet Twin Towers in the future.

Still curious as to why Mayu's only formed a mental link with Yuko so far; is it because she's more comfortable only speaking to one person instead of everyone or specifically because it's Yuko and they suffered the same thing? Must have been weird for Yuko to explain how she "had a feeling" as to Mayu's location... I wonder what's the farthest Mayu can go before the link disconnects... though I'm more surprised she hasn't just read everyone's thoughts (but then again maybe she has)... :dunno:

Jurina... :on cloudeye:

Regarding human-turned-monsters, we already know that they can regenerate to some degree (i.e. Yuko cutting her wrist in the beginning only to have it heal within seconds) and they die through more serious injury... Is it possible for them to get marked in another place besides their chest? Also do they continue aging even after they become monsters or does it just stop (Haruna mentioned having been a monster for quite a long time)?

On a final note,

Till the next update~

Offline miyumi

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 8
« Reply #253 on: June 13, 2014, 04:31:14 AM »
Update time! Hehe here's another update so I hope you enjoy~ for today, Yuko just can't seem to get a break no matter what she does! Oh and we learn something new about the monster sealed within Yuko~ Enjoy!

Chapter 8

Yuko woke up to find herself lying in a field of flowers in broad daily light. Yuko thought it was odd since people like her couldn't stand sunlight but yet she felt completely fine. She looked around and saw nothing but endless flowers stretching for what seemed like miles. Yuko thought maybe she was dreaming but everything felt so real to her and so she wondered what exactly was going on. She looked around and then found herself facing a figure in white staring at her. Yuko started to walk closer to them and the closer she got, the more she realized that figure was herself. Only the other Yuko had the white hair and black eyes that she was commonly seen in when she's battling someone. She thought it was odd to see another form of herself but was curious as to why so she walked over and asked,

"Where am I?"

"We're in your heart." the other Yuko said.

"My heart..?"

"Yep and it's pretty nice in here too. I called you here because I have something to talk to you about."

"And what is that?"

A chair came out of nowhere and appeared in front of Yuko while the other Yuko sat down and a table popped out of nowhere. A tea set came up from the table and the other Yuko started to pour tea into two glasses.

"Drink. You're going to be here for a while."

Yuko sat down in the chair but did not take the tea fearing what would be inside it. She simply listened to what the other Yuko had to say.

"I'm the monster sealed inside you and this is the most simple form I could take so I wouldn't scare you. Now I know we got off onto some bad terms in the beginning but I think we can be real friends. You see, the reason why I chose to fuse with you is because I think you're a very strong person Yuko."

"Strong person? What do you mean?"

"We monsters fuse with humans in order to gain more power. You see humans have one thing that monsters don't have and that is a soul. We need a soul in order to grow more powerful and so we select the strongest human we can find and fuse with them."

"Ok if that's what you wanted then I could've let you do that. You didn't need to kill my entire family!"

Yuko was becoming angry now remembering that this was the thing that killed her parents and her little sister. There was no way of getting them back and they were gone forever. Yuko's entire life was flipped upside down because of this monster and now she was more mad than ever. She was about to say something but then the monster said,

"I'm sorry about your family.. However it was the only way to open your heart to me. The heart opens during extreme moments of sadness and so that was the only way to get in."

"There are other ways you know?!"

"Like what?"

"Like.. like.. like love."

"Love? Now what is that?"

Yuko paused for a moment to think about what exactly love was and then said,

"Love is a feeling greater than sadness. It's nothing but happiness and joy because you're with the one you love and the one you want to be with forever. In order to love someone your heart has to be completely open to the other and in some cases you even have to give them your heart to show how much you love them. That is what love is."

The monster stared at Yuko for a while and then started to laugh for no apparent reason. When the monster finally calmed down it said,

"Love? Hehe what an interesting thing. I guess there are some things I have yet to learn about humans."

"Well you're in for one hell of a ride then because this human here has much to show you."

The two remained silent for a moment and then the monster smiled and said,

"I knew choosing you was a right decision. Now then let's get down to business shall we?"

"What business?"

The monster crossed its legs and played with its hair for a minute and then said,

"You see long ago, we monsters used to roam the earth freely doing whatever we want. Then you humans came along and started slaughtering our kind all over the place. We had no choice but to go into hiding to avoid being completely wiped out. For thousands of years we lived in hiding in the dark out of the human eye. However one day, one of us discovered a way to enter the humans and become one with them. Therefore, everyone started to do it and pretty soon almost everyone was fused with a monster inside them. Everything was going fine for we were able to live peacefully while eating whatever we wanted. Then one of us decided that they wanted to be the most powerful and so they took over a body that held an extreme amount of power. That one monster killed all the others who had fused with humans and wiped them out the face of the planet. That one monster became the ruler of us all and said that it wanted to take back the land we lost. Therefore, it had all the rest of the monsters go out and start hunting down powerful humans who will help in the conquest."

"So you never wanted to kill humans?" Yuko asked.

"I never wanted to see them again. Sadly I was ordered to go out and so I found and fused with you. Now I have bigger plans for you and hopefully for others who are willing to join."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm gathering a rebellion group to fight against the leader. I'm sick of their rule and want them dead. Those other girls that you met, I think they're perfect for our cause. All we have to do is talk to them and that's where you come in. I need you to gather them all so I can talk to the others and convince them to fight with us. I think with enough powerful monsters on our side, we could win."

"Your plan sounds crazy.. then again I'm crazy. Alright I'll do it! But you owe me for this."

"Hai hai~ Now you better get going. The night is coming and you have things to do."


"Oh and by the way.."


"You're not the only one who lost their family.. I had a family but they were killed by you humans.. so consider us even."

Yuko walked over and grabbed the monster's hand giving it a firm grip. She smiled and said,

"Consider us comrades."

The monster smile and the two laughed before Yuko finally woke up only to find Haruna sleeping on top of her. Yuko got up and then walked over to the kitchen where she pulled out some leftovers from last night's dinner. As she was eating it, Yuko walked over to the front door only to see a huge pile of mail sitting on the front mat. She wondered how much mail had built over the matter of days but then she realized she hadn't been home in a while as well. Looking through the mail she saw nothing but old bills and letters about magazines. There was one letter that caught Yuko's attention and she realized it was a foreclosure note. Her house had been seized by the bank and they were coming to take it today. Yuko quickly rushed to het Haruna up and then she had her help pack things that Yuko thought she would take. Yuko took some pictures of her family and of her and her sister. She took some other things she thought she would need before finally set. Before she took off, Yuko went to the backyard where she had buried her family. She said one final goodbye and then left never to be seen again. It was only a matter of time before someone would discover the dead bodies and Yuko wasn't going to be around when they did. Having no place to go, Yuko and Haruna had to try to find a new one.

"Why don't we go live at the shelter?" Haruna suggested.

"We might as well."

With small suitcases in hand, the two headed out to the shelter where they looked for a home. Atsuko was gladly able to let them in on one condition though. Everyone who lives in the shelter is required to participate in volunteer work for the shelter. Therefore, Yuko and Haruna had to work for their rent and to them, it was nothing big. Haruna was stuck with Minami and the two had to do food collection while Yuko had to go help Yuki with some laundry. Yuko found Yuki by a basket in the corner hanging clothes on a clothing line. Mayu was also there sitting on a washing machine watching Yuki. Yuko walked over to the basket and helped Yuki fold some clothes and put them on the line. As she was working she could hear Mayu's thoughts and found them very interesting.

"Wah Yuki looks so cute~ I wish I could help her fold."

"Then why don't you?" Yuko thought.

Mayu gave Yuko a look and then said,

"Because she doesn't want me to and I don't really know how."

"Well want me to teach you?"

"Please do!"

Mayu walked over to Yuko and Yuko handed her a shirt. Everything after that was basic "monkey see, monkey do" actions where everything Yuko did Mayu did. Yuko watched Mayu do it on her own and once she had mastered it she was ready. Yuki had objected to it at first but Yuko reassured her that Mayu was going to be just fine and there was nothing to worry about. Mayu and Yuki worked together on hanging the laundry while Yuko went over to the wash to loaded in new clothes. Though they were far ways away, Yuko and Mayu were still able to talk. Yuko asked Mayu,

"Nee Mayu how come I'm the only one who can hear your thoughts?"

"Well that's because you're mind is open." Mayu said.


"Yep. You see everyone's mind is closed and so they aren't open to free flowing thoughts. Yours on the other hand is open and so my thoughts are allowed to enter your mind."

"So that's why.. well do you think the others will ever be able to hear you?"

"Don't know.. as of right now though you're the only one who can hear my voice."

Yuko remained quite for a while so she could focus on her work. After finishing the laundry, Yuko headed up to Atsuko to discuss what she was told by the monster inside her. She walked up to Atsuko's office and knocked on the door waiting to get approval. Atsuko told her to come in and so she entered the room and Atsuko was sitting at her desk filing papers. She sat down in the chair and then said,

"Atsuko.. I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Well last night, I had talked with the monster inside me."

"You did what?"

Atsuko put down everything and then looked at Yuko with a serious look.

"What do you mean you talked with it?"

Yuko started to get a little nervous but then said,

"I did talk to it. It was very nice and actually had something to tell everyone else here."

"What did it want to say?"

"I don't know it wouldn't tell me. We just have to gather everyone and talk to them."

"I don't know.. Everything sounds pretty weird."

"Let's just give it a chance, please Atsuko."

"I'll think about it."

After that Yuko was asked to leave and so she went down to check on Yuki and Mayu. The two were getting along well and so she went to the main shelter area only to find Haruna and Minami back from their run. What surprised Yuko though was the fact that Haruna was soaking wet and mud was smeared on her face. Minami explained that they ran into some trouble and had to cut across a muddy creek. Haruna was told to go take a shower while Yuko had to help Minami bring in the meat. The two went outside and Yuko saw there was a large wheel barrow full of it. Yuko brought in the packages along with Minami and took it to a giant refrigerator in the back. Once that was done, Yuko said she had to use the bathroom so she walked in to do her business locking the door behind her. When she finished she went to wash her hand and suddenly heard singing coming from the showers. Yuko walked into the shower area and saw one shower was on and the singing was coming from the shower. The voice was somewhat enchanting to Yuko and drew her closer to the shower. The melody she heard from the shower was something she had heard a long time ago. It was a song her and her sister used to sing together when they were playing in the park.

"Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango, daikazoku~"

Yuko took a seat and sat down listening to the song enjoying the melody.

"Yancha na yaki dango yasashii an dango
sukoshi yumemigachi na tsukimi dango
osumashi goma dango yotsugo kushi dango
minna minna awasete hyaku nin kazoku~"

Yuko smiled remembering singing the chorus along with her sister and so when it came up, Yuko and the one in the shower singing started to harmonize.

"Nakayoshi dango te wo tsunagi ookina marui wa ni naru yo
machi wo tsukuri dango boshi no ue minna de waraiau yo
usagi mo sora de te wo futtemiteru dekkai otsukisama
ureshii koto kanashii koto mo zenbu marumete~"

When they finished, the door shower curtain opened revealing Haruna there. Yuko and Haruna stared at each other for a moment before Haruna let out a scream and Yuko ran out the showers. Taking a moment to catch her breath, Yuko realized that she had just seen Haruna half naked. It was as if her mind took a mental picture of Haruna's half naked body. Her wet skin glistening off the fluorescent lighting and her hair perfectly placed to the side. Her collar bone perfectly outlined showing off her perfect upper chest. Though she couldn't see everything, Yuko got a good look at it and was actually somewhat happy. The shower water turned off and Haruna came out wrapped in a towel and a somewhat flushed face. She looked at Yuko and said,

"What were you doing in the shower room?!"

"I was in the bathroom." Yuko said.

"Why did you come into the shower?"

"I heard singing and wanted to listen more."

"Well.. You do have a nice voice Yuko."

Haruna looked away blushing a little more and Yuko couldn't help but smile. She turned to give Haruna a chance to change her clothes but she slipped on the water and went down. Yuko tried to catch something to prevent her from falling more so she grabbed something. However it wasn't enough and Yuko still went down slamming her head hard against the ground.



"What's wrong?"

Yuko looked up and saw she was directly under Haruna's now naked body. Her towel was in her hand and Haruna was now standing there naked. Due to the way of the lighting, she couldn't see Haruna's most private parts but she had an almost complete view of Haruna's chest. Yuko's face turned redder than a tomato and Haruna became more flustered. She screamed and covered herself before pushing Yuko out the bathroom shouting,


Yuko quickly ran away from the bathroom to the nearest room she could find. Little did she know this room was Minami's and Minami was right in the middle of changing. She was just in her bra and panties and Yuko found it a little funny that her panties had bananas on them. Minami's face turned a light shade of pink and then threw a shoe at Yuko.

"Get out!"

Yuko ran out the room and decided to head down to the laundry room where Mayu and Yuki were. Sadly Yuko ran in at the wrong moment and found Mayu pinned against the washing machine and Yuki on top of her. They both looked at Yuko with a dark look and Yuko immediately left the room. Yuko couldn't get a break even if she ran so she looked for a place where no one would be. She walked to a back room that had nothing but a window and so she walked inside and sat in the corner to give her some peace of mind. As she sat there she relaxed a bit and was finally able to recollect herself. Then suddenly she heard the window open and looked over only see Jurina sneaking into the building.

"Ah hey there Yuko." she said.

"Hey Jurina. You stopping by for a late night snack?"

"Yeah I don't really feel like hunting tonight so I thought I'd get some free food."

"Well it's in the fridge so if you want some go get it."


Jurina left the room for a brief moment to go get her food and then came back out carrying three packs. She walked over and sat next to Yuko where she started to open the packs and eat. For a moment there was nothing but the sound of Jurina eating but then she asked,

"So what are you doing back here?"

"Well I just needed a nice quiet spot to relax."

"Ah I see. Well this is the place I sleep in when I can't find a place to sleep."

"Jurina why don't you just stay here and become part of the group?"

Jurina looked at Yuko with a "are you serious" look and then said,

"It's because I don't trust you guys well enough. You guys are a weird bunch and to be honest the last time I tried to join a group they tried to kill me so.."

"Well you know not everyone here is bad. We're actually really nice. I think the only one you need to look out for is Minami because well she can be a bit scary but she's a nice person. We're all nice like one big happy family."

Jurina laughed as she ate the last of her meal and then stood up to head out. She patted Yuko's shoulder before saying,

"You see Yuko I like to ride solo for a reason. There are just some things that I can't avoid and so I have to constantly be on the move. Besides even if I wanted to stay I'd only cause trouble and people would end up dying. You're a good person Yuko and I don't want to see you dead so for your own safety I'm gonna have to stick alone."

Jurina turned around and got ready to head out but then Yuko wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in for a tight hug. She wasn't going to let Jurina run so she said to her,

"Just remember that no matter where you are, we'll always have your back so don't be afraid to call us."

"I will Yuko.. Thanks."

After that Jurina left leaving Yuko alone in the room. Seeing how she had been gone for a while, Yuko left the room and went back into the main room where Haruna had been looking for her.

"Where have you been Yuko?"

"Ah nowhere."

"Well come one it's almost time for dinner!"

"Ok and hey sorry for pulling your towel down. It was an accident."

"Sure it was you hentai~"

"I am not a pervert!"

The two ran into the dining room where everyone was gathering to eat dinner. As they were eating Yuko noticed there was an empty chair next to her. No one ever sat there and so Yuko started to imagine Jurina sitting there eating with everyone. Jurina kind of reminded Yuko of her younger sister in a weird way and so Yuko was now more motivated to get Jurina to join the group no matter what it takes. 

Wah what will happen with Jurina and the others? Find out next time!

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 8
« Reply #254 on: June 13, 2014, 06:13:00 AM »
ohhh kojiyuu

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 8
« Reply #255 on: June 13, 2014, 11:38:04 AM »
haha yuko hentai :ding: :shy1: :on bleed:

is she trying to see everyone naked or something :hiakhiakhiak:

i like she just runs in to everthing at the worse possible timing :bigdeal:

thx for the update  :farofflook: :kneelbow:

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 8
« Reply #256 on: June 13, 2014, 09:28:43 PM »
This whole chapter-

Considering taping my eyes open so I don't miss another of these sneaky updates

That heart to heart with the monster within her... I just... They're more alike than they thought... comrades indeed...

I wonder who that leader monster inhabited... who could be the one with the most potential power...

Mama Atsuko had a right to act cautiously when it comes to the monsters, especially since it seems that this is the first time someone's communicated with one of them (I'm also a bit hesitant with the monster's plan)...

Since they moved, I was going to ask if KojiYuu still shared a bed room, but I guess that answered itself. :hehehe:

Definitely not Yuko's day! :on lol:
First, Haruna (not like Yuko's complaining; a bit of a hypocrite there, Haruna, since I recall you having walked into the bathroom while Yuko was showering when you had just met), then Minami (-is bananas, b-a-nan-a-s~♪♫ Sorry couldn't help myself there), and then MaYuki (THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY).

Poor Jurina... I would have trust issues too if the last time I tried joining a group they tried to kill me...

The sisterly moments Yuko has with Mayu and Jurina are killing me slowly... I keep thinking about Mae Shika drama version... :on cloudeye:

I reread all this a while ago and noticed something... In the beginning when Yuko passed out in that alley, she saw someone approaching her with glowing white eyes...
but the person who saved her is KojiHaru and she has golden eyes...  :stoned:

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 9
« Reply #257 on: June 15, 2014, 03:44:37 AM »
Yosh here's another update! What will happen this time? Well I can tell you some hinted characters finally join the show! Oh and Yuko begins to question the monster's plan.

Chapter 9

Yuko was cleaning up the dishes when Minami came down to talk to her. She started to help put away the dishes and then she said,

"So I heard you talked to the thing inside you."

"Yeah I did. It said that it had a plan to get everything back to normal. We don't have to be like this and we can go back to our normal lives."

"Normal lives?"

Minami set down a plate and then crossed her arms giving Yuko a serious glare.

"How do you know this isn't a trap Yuko? How do we know it isn't some plot to kill us all?"

"Oh they wouldn't do they. They need us."

"What? They need us?"

"I'll explain later for now though I'm all done so I'm going to head out for a while. I need to figure somethings out."

"Alright just don't be out too late. I hear there's going to be a massive war between two groups and I wouldn't want to be in the middle of it."

"I gotcha."

Yuko left the shelter and decided just to take a casual stroll through the city relaxing and getting her mind off things. As she walked she saw the night life was more busier than ever. People were coming and going everywhere moving out and about in the city. It was crazy thinking that Yuko used to be like those people. She used to go out with her friends to karaoke bars or go to the arcade with her family to play games. She used to have a normal life but sadly things changed and now Yuko was among those who hid in the shadows. She had to admit though that it wasn't too bad. Along the way, Yuko decided to stop by the house to see how it was doing. She saw the house was empty and the yard was becoming over grown. Weeds were popping out and the windows looked like they needed to be cleaned. Yuko looked over to the back yard and saw that the graves were still there undisturbed. Yuko picked a couple of flowers and placed them in front of the graves saying a small prayer. Then she got up and left the house once and for all not wanting to go back. All Yuko wanted was closure and so she got it finally able to settle herself.

Yuko decided to head to a local shop to pick up some things she thought the kids at the shelter would like. She remembered seeing some children in the shelter and Yuko was shocked to see kids so young had been taken over. Walking into the shop, Yuko saw all kinds of toys she thought the kids would like. She only had so much cash on her though so she had to pick the cheap toys that would last. Searching among the isles, Yuko managed to pick up a couple things she thought the kids would like. She grabbed some jump ropes, some dolls, and action figures. There was also a buy two get the third one free and she had several toys so she got to grab five free ones. Therefore Yuko grabbed some cars, some planes and a coloring set. Spending the last of her money, she took the toys back to the shelter where the kids were all talking and playing with old broken toys. Yuko sat down in a chair and then said,

"Kids gather around! Aunty Yuko has brought some presents~"

The kids gathered around Yuko and then Yuko emptied the bag revealing all the toys she had brought. The kids screamed with joy and started to grab the toys. Yuko told them not to fight and then she watched them play with the toys happy as they could be. Many of the other people in the shelter saw Yuko's act of kindness and applauded her for it. By doing this, Yuko had earned a level of respect amongst the others which will later prove useful. Yuko smiled and then left the kids to play with their new toys. She was going to head over to her room but then Haruna stopped her in the hall.

"I saw what you did there. That was really sweet of you."

"Well I just thought it was sad that these kids have to live here." Yuko replied.

"Well it was very kind of you and many of us are glad to see the children are happy. They rarely smiled every and this is kind of a enlightener to everyone here."

"I was just doing what felt right."

Yuko went back out again because she wanted to relax somewhere with plenty of space. She didn't want to go to the park fearing that Rena would be there and so she decided to look for another place to hang out. Walking along the streets Yuko found a bench in front of a fountain that was perfect. There weren't too many people around and it wasn't as busy as the main roads. Yuko walked over and sat on the bench looking up at the night sky at the stars. She thought tonight was very peaceful and relaxing. As she was sitting enjoying the night, she suddenly heard a voice next to her.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Yuko looked over and saw a girl with short kind of spiky hair. She was tall and somewhat boyish looking for a girl. If it weren't for the voice Yuko would have thought she was a boy. Yuko moved over and let the other girl sit with her. The two sat together for a while and then asked Yuko,

"So what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to get away and relax."

"I see what you mean. I come here as well to relax when the lady back home is giving me grief."

"You have a wife?"

"Nah she's just my girlfriend. Though I hope she will be my wife someday. She's one of a kind~"

"Well I hope the best for you two."

There was a moment of silence and then Yuko got a call from Haruna. She said that Mayu had gone missing and was out somewhere in the city. They had to find her quickly before the big fight broke out otherwise there would be trouble. Therefore Yuko stood up and got ready to head out. She packed her things and then turned to say goodbye to the girl she had met. The girl said,

"If you're looking for someone, I picked up the scent of a girl heading down towards the park. I wouldn't be down there though because there's supposed to be a big fight. If I were you, I'd get down there quickly."

"Thanks for the tip.."

Yuko bowed and then ran off to the park where Mayu may be. Yuko didn't understand how the girl knew where Mayu was but she didn't care at the moment. All she wanted to do was find Mayu and so she ran to the park where she searched for Mayu. Sadly there was no sign of her anywhere and so she tried calling out to Mayu mentally. She called out and didn't get a reply which made Yuko worry even more. She was going to look around but then she heard a small cry coming from behind a tree. She looked over and saw Mayu sitting there crying. Yuko crouched down and comforted her asking,

"Mayu what's wrong?"

"I.. I hurt Yuki.."

"What do you mean?"

"Yuki and I were getting intimate and then well.. She touched me in a certain way and my mouth opened. I couldn't control and so my power released itself and I ended up hurting Yuki.. I felt terrible so I ran off to find a place alone where I could cry."

Mayu started to cry again and so all Yuko could do was pat her back and comfort her. Then she took a breath and said,

"Mayu let's work this out at the shelter. Right now we need to get out of here."

Yuko helped Mayu up and the two ran as fast as they could to try to escape the park before the big fight. Sadly right when they were about to reach the gates, Yuko saw a massive group of people heading their way. They were going to have to take another way out if they didn't want to be seen. Sadly that way was blocked as well and so Yuko had no choice but to hide. Yuko and Mayu hid in the trees where no one would see them and Yuko told Mayu to be extra quiet. Then the two watched as a massive battle was about to unfold. Two groups gathered in the middle of the park and then two people stepped forward. They talked about something but Yuko couldn't hear them exactly. One of them pushed the other and pretty soon an entire battle followed the madness. People were punching and kicking each other all over the place. Some of them had brought weapons and were beating each other with bats and pipes. Others managed to bring in blades and were stabbing others but the stabbing didn't seem to do much. The fight looked like it was going to last a while and it appeared Mayu and Yuko were stuck until the battle was over.

"Yuko what should we do?" Mayu asked.

"We're just gonna have to wait." Yuko said.

Yuko and Mayu watched the battle go on for what seemed like hours on end. Then suddenly one of the men were knocked into the tree Yuko and Mayu were hiding in. The shock caused Mayu to lose her balance and she fell off the tree landing on the ground. Suddenly all the fighting stopped and all turned towards Mayu. One of the men smiled and then tried to go after Mayu but Mayu stopped them. She opened her mouth and let out the screech from before that managed to disarm many of the men. While they were distracted, Mayu tried to run but one of them managed to catch her.

"Where do you think you're going sweet cheeks~?"

"Oi oi share man!"

"Now now boys will all get a piece of her!"

The men started to gather and Yuko knew she had to do something so she awakened her powers and then jumped head into the crowd. Like doing a cannon ball in a pool, Yuko curled herself into a ball landing in front of Mayu. She stood up and then told Mayu to duck for as soon as Mayu got down, Yuko raised her arms and watched as her fingers turned into tiny spikes. Then she pointed them at ten different men and shot them right in the head. It had happened so quickly that not many people saw what happened but to Yuko everything was happening slowly. Yuko's fingers would extend creating a point at the end sharp enough to pierce the body. She would kill ten at a time aiming for the heads knowing it would kill them instantly. The gangs started to attack in large numbers and so Yuko had to change things up. Remembering what Minami had taught her, Yuko took in a big puff of air and then her body grew to the size of a large gorilla. Her body became very strong with muscles showing and bulking from her clothes. On a mad rampage, Yuko started to take down several of the men crushing their skulls and almost punching through their chest cavities. Things were going well but then suddenly one of the men jumped up from behind her and wrapped a chain around her neck.

"Die you freak!"

Yuko's air was starting to become restricted and her breathing was staggered. Her body shrank down to her original size and now she was being choked to death. Yuko felt like the life was being squeezed out of her and she would be dead within a matter of seconds. Then suddenly something hit the man knocking him off. Yuko took in a deep breath and coughed a little and walked over to see what had saved her. Looking over Yuko saw a white wolf flaring its teeth with bright yellow eyes. Yuko wasn't sure whether to be afraid of the wolf or feel safe but then the wolf started to attack others. Before Yuko could even move, large steel pipes went flying over her head and stabbed several of the men in the hearts. Looking over Yuko saw the girl she saw at the festival standing on a sheet of metal. Her eyes were glowing orange and the objects around her were floating as well emitting an orangish glow. She moved her hands and expanded one of the objects into a spear. She then grabbed it and threw it hard skewering three of them in a row.

"Sae watch out!"

The girl raised her arms and then bars from the playground came flying towards her. She changed the shape of the bars into sharp sticks and started stabbing people left to right. The wolf then changed into a lion and let out a mighty roar before attacking another guy and ripping his neck out. Yuko wasn't sure what was going on but for the moment she just wanted to protect Mayu. She found Mayu amongst the crowd and grabbed her getting ready to escape. However Mayu stopped Yuko and told her to cover her ears. Yuko told the other two and so they did just as Mayu took in a deep breath and then opened her mouth. Even when Yuko's ears were covered, the noise coming from Mayu was louder than anything she had ever heard. The voice was loud and powerful sending sound waves throughout the park. Signs were dented and trees were cracked along with the very concrete on the ground. Everything was shaking like an earthquake but that wasn't the scariest part. What happened next was something that Yuko thought could only happen in movies. The men had covered their ears trying to block out the sound but it was too late. The sound was so great that it caused the heads to literally explode with blood gushing through the ears. One by one they dropped dead until there was no one left alive. Yuko looked to Mayu and said,

"Dang Mayu. That was scary but cool!"

Something seemed very wrong with Mayu for she seemed weak and faint. Just as she was about to say something, Mayu started to collapse. Yuko was about to catch her but then the girl she met at the fountain came over and caught Mayu. She picked her up and then said,

"Let's get her home."

On the way over the two girls introduced themselves,

"My name is Akimoto Sayaka." the girl from the festival said.

"And I'm Miyazawa Sae!" the girl from the fountain said.

"It's nice to meet you both. My name is Oshima Yuko and the one you're holding there is Watanabe Mayu."

"Well let's get you and Mayu home so you're safe and sound."

They made it to the shelter without any problems and so they helped carry Mayu inside where Yuki took her. Yuki was happy to see Mayu was ok and also wanted to thank the two girls that helped. Therefore Sayaka and Sae went up to meet Atsuko where they happily joined the group. After the welcoming process, Atsuko smiled and then looked at Sayaka saying,

"So you can control the metal around you!"

"Yep anything made of metal I can control with the nap of my fingers." Sayaka said.

"And you can change into animals?"

"Yep! Any animal I want~" Sae said.

"Well I'm happy you two could join the group. We need strong fighters like you."

"Well if you ever need help don't be afraid to call." Sayaka said.

With that the two girls left and everything was back to normal. Mayu was resting with Yuki and later did Yuko learn that in order to create a sound blast that powerful, Mayu had to use a lot of energy. Mayu needed lots of rest before she could make another blast like that. Yuko was glad that Mayu was going to be ok and now all she wanted to do was rest. Yuko laid in her bed and started to think about the group and how it was getting together. So far they had Yuki, Mayu, Minami, Atsuko, Haruna, Sayaka, Sae and Yuko herself. The group was coming together but she didn't know if they were strong enough let alone if she had enough people. She didn't know how strong the grand master was but she was keen getting a strong enough group. As she laid in her bed there was suddenly a knock on the door. Haruna came in and she sat on the bed next to Yuko. She then leaned on Yuko and said,

"So I heard you met some new friends."

"Yeah they were really nice and really strong." Yuko said.

"Well hey I heard what you were planning and I think you should think about it. You don't know if you should trust the thing inside you or not. I mean it did take your family."

"Yeah but it promises that we could be able to turn back to normal Haruna. We wouldn't have to kill people and hide in the dar. We could go back to our normal lives!"

"What lives Yuko?!"

There was a moment of silence between the two for Yuko was shocked at what she had said. For a moment Yuko thought that Haurna was doubting her beliefs. Yuko looked at Haruna and asked,

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we have no lives Yuko. We lost everything to these things and we have nothing left.."


"I'm sorry Yuko.. I'm just.. having a hard time believing all this to be possible.."

Haruna got up and left the room leaving Yuko alone to think about everything she just said. Haruna did have a major point when she said there is no life. Yuko lost everything and has nowhere to go in this world. She would be all alone with no one left which made her think that maybe the monster's plan wasn't a good one. Yuko started to doubt the monster inside herself and in a way, she started to doubt herself.   

Wah what a change of events! Find out what happens next time!

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 9
« Reply #258 on: June 15, 2014, 04:07:33 AM »
YAAAAAAAAY!!! My baby and little puppy have finally arrived!

Ah, Sayaka can control metal. That explains it. And Sae's a freaking shapeshifter!!!

The otaku in me is screaming for a scene where Sae become a puppy and be all lovey-dovey with Sayaka, who goes gaga over her. :deco:

... Wait, oops. Things are serious...

What Yuko gonna do now?

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Re: Kojiyuu: Monster Within update Chapter 9
« Reply #259 on: June 15, 2014, 06:43:12 AM »

SaeYaka~ :on gay:

I'm with Minami, can we fully trust the monsters within?

Haruna's point saddened me because it's true. Many of those turned have been monsters for a long time and shifting back to normal life will prove more difficult than easy... what if they were reported missing or are being searched for... reentering society will prove even harder with no existing records of their existence and if something from their past catches up to them (i.e. for Yuko, it would be her family's bodies being found)...

Do the monsters observe the world through their human hosts? Or do they only manifest themselves when their host is at a weak point (i.e. near death experiences like Yuko in the alley)? Or do they remain in a dormant state (i.e. Mayu fainted and she remained in control of her body)?

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