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Author Topic: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft  (Read 27637 times)

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2014, 01:36:02 PM »
What's the most of one card you've ever drafted in Arena?
6 of a weapon, I forgot which. It was done for the lulz and it went horribly as expected. One game I drew 5 in the first 7 cards (after mulling out a few), and picked up the last one in the next 3 or so cards.
On the other hand, the most of a card that I've been on the receiving end of is 7 Fireballs, but I won that game because I had the early game tempo and they had to spend a lot of them removing my minions. It got pretty close near the end when he started chain fireballing. If he would have gotten the board earlier I would have no answers since that particular draft was really mediocre.

Some of you guys may know that I've not been the luckiest guy when it comes to BUSTING PACKS OPEN!!!!! But recently I picked up a couple of new things for my collection..

Thalnos is a nice one that I wouldn't even be thinking of crafting in a long time but could really use in some decks, so that's great. Also I don't usually open golds in my packs (they are mostly from arena award boxes), but when I do... :V
And oh what a great legendary, that Tinkmaster.

Oh, and about that Legend back.. I wasn't motivated enough to ladder this season, I stopped completely after the first week (R9) and mostly did Arenas. The few games I played it was pretty frustrating, with decks that are highly favored against the Hunter matchup losing to the ridiculous card draw + damage from double Unleash in the first 7 turns. So many times I had them low on life and next to no cards and they pull an Unleash and draw into the full combo and proceed to control the game until they can win with whatever legendary they run, whether it be King Krush, Onyxia, Ragnaros, Gruul or Ysera. Hunter is pretty much in a "play whatever, you can still win as long as you get to unleash twice". It was less frustrating when the Hunters were actually optimized and built to rush you down instead of depending on a single combo to win every unfavorable matchup. That said the new builds are favored against control and it seems Shamans are coming back (they are decent against the slower Hunters if they don't use their hero power) so aggro should do pretty well now although I haven't seen that many aggro Hunters or Warlocks. The fact that most of the Hunter lists don't run traps could benefit Warlock/Paladin aggro decks and the Murloc decks. Control Warriors are starting to incorporate silence and faster cards to counter the control Hunters. I also had moderate success running the most ridiculous cards (mostly bad cards because I had them in gold, and even stuff like Murlocs) in a Hunter deck with only the Unleash draw combo. I was gaining stars with those silly decks hah.

One of the many experiments with Buzzard draw engine rubbish

« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 01:49:41 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2014, 01:32:14 PM »
Just finished a couple arena runs with Priest and went 6-3 in both.
The only notable thing was that at 4-0 I beat a guy and gave him a "Well played.", which he apparently didn't take well.

Saw the dude was rank 19 when he PMed me right after.
He just wanted to inform me that "no one cares about a well played from a noob."
Also, I apparently am such a "lucky noob" that I should enjoy the luck now while I have it.
It should surprise no one that this was coming from a guy who picked Hunter, probably expecting insta-wins.

I'm half surprised that he didn't try to call me a hacker and threaten to report me.
That's what such people do, right?
That, and never improve due to making excuses?

Such sweet, delicious tears.
I love it.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2014, 08:09:10 AM »
The doors to Naxxramas open today! If you login within the month, the first wing (Arachnid Quarter) is free to access forever! There will be five wings in total, one unlocking every week. Pricing for access to them are as follows (note that these are for the US):

Each wing comprises of about 3 unique boss encounters, each unlocking a new neutral card for your collection. Full completion of each wing further unlocks another neutral Legendary. Also included are class challenges for every class across the entire adventure, which will unlock an additional class card for the corresponding class. If you are up for the challenge, there are also Heroic versions of each encounter.

How will you tackle each encounter? Can you handle the Heroic encounters?

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2014, 04:10:29 PM »
So I had a somewhat interesting experience with the Arachnid Quarter encounters. I went in blind and wanted to try out some of my best ladder decks against them, but failed quite spectacularly with some of them. Perhaps it was the bad draws, or the coincidence that the bosses had perfect draws and RNG against mine, or perhaps it was the fact that the servers were horrible at the time and took at least 10s between each action with no way to queue them, but it was quite frustrating facing them initially. I switched up to some of my pet decks since I was lazy to build new ones to counter them at the time, and had better results. Beat the first two with an Alarm-o-Bot deck, and since that was terrible against Maexxna's 2 mana removal and unlimited saps, I took her out with a variant of the Zoo.

Outswarming the swarm

The Class Challenges were really easy though, particularly the Druid one seemed to be a Naxx combo tutorial more than anything. It made me appreciate the Stoneskin Gargoyle that I initially thought too gimmicky for play.

Gargoyle pretty good board control

I attempted the Heroics many hours later, when the server lag was less of an issue. I wasn't going to attempt early board control against the improved Anub'Rekhan since Zoo failed me with that, but my AoB threats weren't quite good enough to challenge the 4/4 Nerubians, so I just rolled with one of my old pet Hunter decks. I got him to really low but I started running out of resources to control his Nerubians for a bit and it almost got a bit hairy, but fortunately even having both my Highmanes' attacks lowered by his Alchemists I was able to pull out a victory with a bit of a hoot. It was also around this time that I decided I would attempt all of Naxx, Heroic included without building a single counter deck based on the mechanics of each encounter. I wanted to beat all of them with the regular decks I already use, just for the fun of it.

A noob rekt on

Whilst I had a bit of trouble with Regular Faerlina (lost lethal, and then board several times with insane RNG missles, she had a bit of a comeback), Heroic Faerlina just isn't that much more. The biggest difference is that her Worshippers now grant +3 attack each, but as long as you remove them immediately after she drops them it is an easy fight.

Maexxna though, she is the real challenge of the Arachnid Quarter Heroic encounters. Her hero ability to bounce your minions now affects 2, and has its cost reduced from 3... to zero. She also starts the battle with two Creepers in play, and with her health lead it is really easy to get really behind. You'll probably have a hard time summoning anything within the first 3 turns or so, as she uses her hero ability at the start of every turn. I quit out once I realized this (about T3 I believe), and switched to a deck where her hero ability would never affect me. It was ridiculously easy, probably my easiest encounter yet once I made the switch, but the game was pretty much decided even before turn 5 (where I first played ANY minions). I even made minor misplays and missed quite a few points of damage but it didn't matter.

Turns 5, 6 and 7.

PS: I later did the wing on another account where I didn't have very many cards, and beat all the regular encounters easily (nearly undamaged throughout, Faerlina managed the most with her hero ability) with my "MindBLAST" priest deck. It was surprising considering my earlier experience.

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2014, 04:35:20 PM »
More Naxxramas! Covering Plague and Military Quarters together as I couldn't access Plague for most of release week (thanks, Blizz!). As before, my goal with Naxxramas (at least on my main account) was to beat all the encounters with my regular ladder decks, so I could not build decks specifically for them.

The regular encounters for Plague were so easy that I blazed through them without any real impression of the encounters. The Class Challenges were even easier though. I didn't lose a single point of health in the Mage Challenge but had card, board advantage AND secrets up, it was fairly ridiculous. Against Loatheb you were given a full Webspinner deck, but spores made sure that you'd have won even if it only pulled Captain's Parrots and Angry Chickens  (which I did several times).

Heroic Loatheb

I attempted Loatheb first because I loved popping Spores, and as it turns out the only difficulty in the encounter was that he had a Fen Creeper on the board to begin with. This meant it was possible for him to coin into 2 Deathchargers and Necrotic for 10 damage on his very first turn. Once you have dealt with the initial Fen Creeper though (you don't even need to use cheap removal because of initial spore, Elven Archer will deal with the Fen Creeper if you shoot the Spore) the fight becomes extremely easy as long as you can put down minions to get Spore buffs on. I used my freshly made Spider Shaman deck that was really successful on ladder for this encounter.

Heroic Heigan the Unclean

The Heroic version features a 0-cost Eruption hero power that he casts at the start of every turn. He also starts the fight with a Voidcaller on board. The key here is to keep his Voidcallers at bay, lest he summons a bunch of huge demons for next to no cost and overwhelms you. I liked keeping taunts up and ignoring the Voidcallers until you are ready to deal with a Doomguard or Infernal drop, and if he runs out his hand himself, quickly rid of the Voidcallers so their ability doesn't go off. I was quite low in this fight only because he got both a Doomguard and Infernal out by T3/4, and I could only deal with one promptly so I took many hits from the Infernal while building a board to kill it.

Heroic Noth the Plaguebringer

I attempted Noth last because his hero power Raise Dead sounded like it would be rather problematic, so I had to think about which deck to bring. Ended up picking an experimental Miracle Rogue from over 3 months ago that I didn't even know the contents of (I had several experimental Miracle decks at the time, and when I had to make space for new decks I deleted most of them but didn't look through the decks before doing so). Noth was the hardest fight in my opinion because I knew he had Ice Block, but didn't know how many copies he had. You can see that I had lethal set up on him by turn 8, and was at close to full health. On turn 9 I got him down to 1 and triggered the Ice Block, but at 13HP and facing 19 damage on board, I could clear his board save for 10 damage and let him play a Secret from his deck, or leave him with 12 damage and hope he doesn't have another point for the next turn. I chose the latter and he didn't have that last point!

The Military Quarter released today, and coming off a Hunter Domination quest on ladder I jumped in with my Webspinner/Creeper Beast deck on Razuvious, followed by Zoolock against Gothik and back to Shaman on Rivendare. The Shaman Challenge felt exactly the same as my Spider Shaman, perhaps there were other cards that I had not seen but it went really quickly. The Warlock Challenge felt like it was completely up to luck, as the deck was filled to the brim with terrible terrible high cost cards that were downright unusable in the challenge. If the encounters against Heigan interested you into playing Voidcallers, this Warlock Challenge probably undid all of it.

Heroic Instructor Razuvious

Razuvious, like the original WoW raid, hits hard. In Heroic mode he hits for 20 damage on your hero, or 10 on minions. As you are given two 0/7 Understudies for this fight, you could consider running Divine Spirit/Inner Fire. I did it with my Shaman and didn't lose a single point of health!

Heroic Four Horsemen (Baron Rivendare)

This fight is once again, extremely luck-based. His Runeblade does 8 damage if the other 3 horsemen are down, but the trick is he is immune when the horsemen are around. He runs a ton of removal spells, including many that can be directed at your face for some pretty insane burst (He dealt 15+ damage in a turn to me once after I dropped his shield). He also runs a bunch of secrets, including Redemption which will prolong his immunity and Avenge which will spike the damage he is able to put out rapidly as well as make the encounter near impossible to beat. The trick to the fight is removing at least 2 of his horsemen ASAP, and possibly crippling the last but not removing it so his Runeblade cannot be used to full effect. I got him without his horsemen as early as turn 1 but after 6 times not being able to burst him down faster than he is able to do me I finally got him with Shapeshift double Swipe play with Innervate. Cards useful to take out his horsemen early include SW:P, Naturalize, Corruption, Execute, Hunter's Mark, Deadly Shot, Hex (won't trigger secrets). Flare, Deathlord (he doesn't run any minions, delays at turn at the worst if he plays Corruption on it) and any form of Silence is also good for the encounter. Even with a counter deck this fight could take several attempts.

Heroic Gothik the Harvester

Heroic Gothik's Harvest ability is downright insane. It is autocast every turn and grants him an extra card as well as an additional mana crystal. This is basically like fighting Zoo if Zoo had thrice your mana. To make matters worse, he is more than happy to trade minions as his minions turn into spectral forms that clog up your side of the board and put you on a clock by draining away at your health. Watch your health carefully, and decide how many spectres and which ones you want to take in, as they all only deal 1 damage each but some are easier to rid of because of their lower health. Get some aura/buff minions and use the spectres to secure trades as you will not be able to match his rate of summoning. Fill up your board preemptively and you won't recieve another spectre when his minions die. Some healing might be helpful to give you more breathing space. Bloodlust on a full board is 21 damage for 5 mana while Savage Roar is 16 for 3.


On ladder and decks

I've not yet been able to experiment with most of the cards from the Naxx set yet, but I've done a lot of testing with Haunted Creepers and Nerubian Eggs. My opinion is that the cards are generally slow and work well in slower decks. In fast decks like Zoo or Token Druid slowing down your deck often gives the opponent a better chance to finish you off first, but in decks like Shaman and Hunter, the Creeper really shines.  Eggs are nice in Shaman as you have Rockbiter and Flametongues, and can be dropped before you get Bloodlust off so they will rethink an AoE sweeper play. The Egg Zoo variant often runs Voidterror to help activate it and make a big tempo play but that's another fairly inconsistent card.

Webspinner is great for Hunters as it allows you to put something relevant down on turn 1 instead of passing (or Flare/Tracking), and can be used for card draw with Buzzard and as a target for Houndmaster. As they often ignore the minion to avoid triggering its Deathrattle you can often get value out of Leokk the same turn it is summoned or buff a Hyena immediately. The same applies for Haunted Creeper but note that the Spectral Spiders summoned are not Beasts.

Poison Seeds has potential but isn't the best card to run right now, it has fairly limited use overall.

Nerub'ar Ambusher is just really hard to utilize, even with a deck that can make use of the bounce for Battlecries and Combos it is often too huge a tempo loss. Pandas are currently still better.

Sludge Belcher is a viable lower cost replacement for Sunwalker that is typically more durable (especially against aggro) but has significantly lower damage output, though Sunwalker has immunity to Shadow Words.

I haven't tested the rest of the cards as of yet, but Unstable Ghoul seems really nicely-costed for an anti-aggro taunter, and Spectral Knight is a fairly viable 5-drop that can dictate how the trades will be made (depending on initiative/board state). Nerub'ar Weblord has seen a lot of play but I doubt it is as good as people think, despite having great stats for its cost. Loatheb is clearly one of the top contenders for the 5-drop slot at the moment as it is a decent body with the potential to ruin someone else's day if timed well. Baron Rivendare still looks too gimmicky and Maexxna probably unplayable at 6 (would be better at 5 with appropriate stats).

Shaman feels really good right now, I've only been winning on ladder with it so far. None of the matchups have felt difficult yet, though I imagine Hunters will wreck it pretty hard. I also used the same deck on 4 of the Heroic encounters and almost beat the 5th several times.

I used to play a lot of Hunter with minimal minions because I felt that beasts were not consistent enough, but now with the addition of the spider cards it really feels like beasts are working out really nicely. With them Hunter's Mark is less of a dead draw even without Stonetusk Boars, and many of the other cards seem to work better too. Tough matchups include Priest and possibly Paladin as they have access to more board wipe with Wild Pyromancers, Auchenai/Circle and Holy Nova, removal with Shadow Words and even Silences and heals.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 02:48:10 AM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #45 on: August 16, 2014, 07:56:08 AM »
So now that we've reached the wing I was most excited for (at least card-wise), instead of the usual adventure stuff let's talk decks!

So far we've seen how the small weekly injection of new cards into the card pool have affected standard decks and the meta, from Loatheb and Nerubian Eggs being run in next to every deck and Sludge Belchers and Spectral Knights really shaking up the midgame. Hunter got a lot more consistent with Webspinners and Haunted Creepers, and we've seen Zoo branch off in a new direction embracing Deathrattles by including the Voidterror that was previously thought to be terrible almost universally.

But especially with last two wing releases the potential for new decks has really gone up. Shaman with Ancestral Spirit and  Reincarnate? Druid Force of Nature into Wailing Soul? Priest with Zombie Chow and Auchenai Soulpriest? I set out to experiment with the crazy new combos.

As mentioned in earlier posts I was already running a Shaman with lots of Deathrattles that was really resilient and generally took over the game over time, but there was no place for the fancy new cards so I made another one that focused on making multiple copies of BIG DUDES. I included Rivendare, Earth Elementals, Feugen, Stalagg, Cairne and the like with both Ancestral Spirit and Reincarnate. It was fun to get the combos off but it was extremely gimmick and inconsistent. It does include a very potent combo that is easy to pull off and and swing games though - Sylvannas Windrunner + Reincarnate. Worst combo in the deck is using both Ancestral Spirit and Reincarnate on Nerubian Egg with Baron Rivendare out as you flood your side with 0/2s that you'll have a hard time popping later.

Priest is still really weird for me as after various iterations I'm still more comfortable with my older lists. I've gotten good value off Chow using it to both trade up for a higher cost minion WHILE dealing 5 damage several times but unless I draw him in the opening hand he still doesn't feel quite right, half the time I'd rather have another card instead - even Mind Blast. Dark Cultist is great but is still hard to get his Deathrattle off. Deathlord works wonders against the aggressive minion decks but not against much else. I wanted to try Wailing Soul in Priest but there are too many good buffs/abilities to make it seem really worth it, or I just haven't figure out a good list to run it in.

I had previously tested out the Nerubian Eggs and Haunted Creepers in a Zoo-style deck, but they slowed the deck down so significantly I was losing more to opponents having the breathing space to set up for burst combos. Now with the addition of Undertaker and Zombie Chow I tried it out again with double Power Overwhelming and Voidterrors. It sorta works, but only on a good draw. Undertaker and Zombie Chow can be really bad topdecks, worse than Flame Imps if you can believe it! I've seen some on ladder run all of these WITH Voidcallers but it seems really hard to to pull off when you're running so few actual Demons and Voidcaller without Deathrattle is just bad stats and a waste of mana, which is generally bad for a fast deck like Zoo. I think alongside Loatheb, Spectral Knight might be a decent include to strengthen the game in the later phase where Zoo generally runs out of steam. It would probably out perform something like Argent Commander or a Senjin/Yeti in most games and doesn't hurt you much as it can still receive all minion buffs.

Going back to the original Shaman idea, I decided to do something really weird, and instead run that deck on Warlock, using Shadowflame, Power Overwhelming, and Voidterror as well as well as Sunfury Protectors as my activators. I included Undertaker, Zombie Chow, Loot Hoarder, Unstable Ghouls, Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Eggs and Harvest Golems for the early game, and ended off the curve with the Deathrattle legendaries and the wights Feugen and Stalagg. Rivendare is thrown in to double up on Deathrattles and Loatheb to protect the board. It seemed like it would be really bad initially but after several games with it I am impressed at its performance. It can have really insane starts and the Chows' downsides seem less bad here (watch out that you don't have Baron Rivendare out while trading them though). Double Shadowflames means you can have huge comebacks even if you get a slow start and fall behind. It also makes for some of the most minions on board I've seen in a constructed game.

It's like Innervate Yeti or Watcher Silence.. with less cards wasted.

I Can't Believe It's Not Arena!®

I actually gave this guy the win just so I could get another Thaddius on board for this shot. WORTH.

There are a few other deck ideas I'd really love to try but unfortunately lack too many cards to really run :<
Let me know if you have ideas! I'm really looking at Dancing Swords despite how much shit people give it, I think it is a bit better than Mukla now that I've had some experience with it, running it out on T2/3 is just such a massive tempo gain and it doesn't give your opponent the solution to it (i.e. Bananas).

EDIT: I gave a shot at building that Wailing Soul Priest. Still feels like it isn't consistent enough (Early game is often weaker than regular Watcher/Blademaster priest opening, loses steam pretty quickly trying to answer threats at times), but I've had some success so take a look!

Decent opening

Allows you to snowball out of control

Board looks scary but clearly a good Lightning Storm would wreck me here

Pretty aggressive (for a Priest)


The game was decided much earlier though
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 10:28:28 AM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2014, 10:54:52 PM »
So just last week I was saying how I pretty much abandoned the gimmicky Deathrattle Shaman in favor of Deathrattle Warlock which had better consistency overall, but with Kel'Thuzad now available for play with the release of the final wing of Naxx I revisted the deck, if only just because Kel'Thuzad + Reincarnate = easy double 6/8s that will rez each other or twice of every other minion that died. A 2 card combo for 10 mana that uses a card that is already in the deck but doesn't see a lot of use (Ancestral Spirit can be used on almost anything to deter opponents from killing your minion while Reincarnate has several uses but are all very situational)? Sounds like a perfect fit!

Initial impression of KT when the cards were revealed prior to release was that it is a powerful win more card, probably too gimmicky to ever see use, but the Naxx cards have really made minion-rich boards a thing now with all the new sticky minions, so he really isn't half bad at all! Especially for people who don't have very many legendaries, this is a decent option to run in control, and he does actually have an immediate effect if you are able to trade on the turn you drop him. In Shaman though, he is really hard to use as dropping him when your board is filled with totems (or Nerubian Eggs which I do run in the deck) limits your damage potential as your totems will continue to clog up your board, I often find myself not dropping KT as often or as soon as I am able to, and usually opting to only drop him after the opponent has cleared a bunch of my other threats or after some big AoE wipe. I usually pair him with Reincarnate so I get 2 copies straight away. Ancestral Spirit isn't too bad either as it allows you to get a bigger Reincarnate later although it is weaker to silence, and it is often used on other minions too so it isn't as readily available. If your opponent cannot remove a pair of 6/8s in the same turn you likely have the game won.

I got him to turn a game around against one of Shaman's most dreaded matchups, against a Hunter. This is one of the more current builds running Mad Scientists and Secrets for extra damage with Eaglehorn Bows and Webspinners and Haunted Creepers. I was able to restore my board after killing his and getting mine wiped in an explosive trap, which put me up in tempo slowing down his game. Unless he had enough direct burn in hand to kill me outright he was suddenly forced to play defensively against a board he had just removed. I used the next turn to Reincarnate KT twice to set up for lethal and a board that Hunters just cannot deal with. Of course, I would have lost the game had I not drawn both Feral Spirits and a Lightning Storm early, procced all his Secrets without giving him extra weapon charges and dealt with his minions pretty damn efficiently every turn, but KT was crucial to this win, something that I cannot say for most of my other games with him. If my 8-drop was a Ragnaros instead it'll probably have only done 8 damage to his face and died to Hunter's Mark (although Rag IS great against trap Hunter).

Losing the game, or am I?

Where were you guys? I missed you!

When you're ahead, get more ahead.

Well I suppose KT probably played some part in this win. Just maybe.

"Where is your god now, night elf?" KT so good that even KT uses it.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 11:00:06 PM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2014, 10:21:50 AM »
Some of you may remember me talking about my former success with a Mana Wraith Hunter deck back in CBT when Hunters were considered the worst class and unplayable. It wasn't the greatest but when it worked it was spectacular. I've always been looking out to replicate that sort of success with Mana Wraith but Naxxramus out I wouldn't run it with the strong low drops available now in Undertaker, Zombie Chow, Haunted Creepers (and to some extent Webspinner, Unstable Ghoul and Mad Scientist) and how they all trade favorably against the Wraiths. We needed a new approach to the card and with Nerub'ar Weblord, Duplicate and Loatheb we could possibly go full on with the disruption. Here are some of the more interesting results of my testing.

VS Miracle Rogue
I honestly didn't think this would go well, I have so many minion removal cards but Miracle doesn't play very many of them. Even the disruption effect from the Wraiths would only be minimal, or so I thought. I threw out a Wraith early for them to remove and to deny them from dropping a 3-drop to start hitting me with, played Belcher on T5 to draw out early Sap after which I simply replayed. On T8 I dropped Loatheb and Mana Wraith to limit their options AND start pushing out the damage. Watching them spend 8 mana to desperately heal up with double Farseer made me even more confident to win. Counterspell finally got their Cold Blood which denied them the kill on Loatheb giving me lethal (they'd still die if they used weapon to clear).

VS Handlock
Another weird one, I had pretty good start if I had to fight aggro, but it turned out to be Handlock which I wasn't confident of playing with the deck, especially with strong comeback with burst and board wipes available in their arsenal. They opened with a Watcher response which is generally good against aggro (which my opening sort of resembled until the Mana Wraith drop following their Watcher). I was really fearful of a board wipe and put down a Counterspell for that. Unknowingly my Weblord play which was intended as a distraction from my burst in hand was a blind counter to their Sunfury Protector, making it cost 5 mana! They had a good but ultimately costly response in Soulfire (discarding a Giant too) and Coin and managed to taunt up his board, but it was already too late as I had 12 damage in hand and only needed 2 turns of my Fireblast Hero Power for lethal. I'm certain there's no 7 mana play that does an additional 24 damage but I got myself the Ice Block just in case I couldn't kill them in time.

Against control the deck usually runs into fatigue despite being really light on minions, sometimes with the right combination you can lock out so much of their mana that all their plays become so bad that you grind them out and win. Increased costs and having to play around your secrets really helps you by making them play suboptimally, and sometimes they give you the win simply because they cannot play around certain secrets like Duplicate/Mirror Entity/Counterspell. All matchups still require a lot of luck especially with how few minions the deck runs.

EDIT: Testing with Paladin because Recruits cost the same, Avenge and Divine Shields could keep Wraith and Weblords up and make them real threats on the board. Also Divine Favor seems like a good card when your opponent is paying so much more to play each card.

VS Miracle, what's with all the Rogues and Warlocks on casual!
Wanting to cash off my Divine Favor off their massive hand, I developed Truesilver Champion as an answer to coming threats (notably T5 Gadgetzan or Drake if they could remove Weblord with a Preparation). They played Sludge Belcher on which I used Humility so I could keep my board healthy while removing theirs. Divine Favor + Blessing of Wisdom for 6 cards. They had to spend a Sap on T7 just to be able to drop a Farseer without overpaying to start putting out threats on the board. Spent a good part of their hand building a Vancleef and burnt a Shadowstep in the process. Aldor made that play really bad. First Autioneer lands, cycles through cards but doesn't find a way to escape death. Big turn later when they dropped Auctioneer 2, went through few spells with Preparation and finishes the turn with a Loatheb drop. But an expensive Humility and a weapon swing neuters the threat completely. Lay on Hands puts me safely out of range and them horribly far behind on draws. I dropped Loatheb to finish along with setting up Avenge, but did not expect it to be run over immediately by Leeroy. Made a 10/1 Whelp to further annoy them because I can't imagine playing against this deck to be anything but that.

VS Zoolock
With as slow a start as T1 Avenge, T2 Reinforce Hero Power, I should be losing against Zoo. In fact I thought I would be with no minions in my initial hand and draws. On T6 they made a pressure play by pushing for damage to face, forcing me to clear or potentially face lethal soon... except Consecration 2 would mean I keep Loatheb at full health while clearing their board again. Hand of Protection allowed me to continue using Loatheb to maximum value, clearing a large taunt without any damage taken. Flooding the board with more Recruits and a Weblord to slow down his ability to flood the board rapidly, I hoped I would pull into more damage or maybe I'd have to burn some spells to try to get a good Divine Favor off. Passing the turn, they spent their turn making a surprising play trying to remove the non-so-threatening Weblord, which in turn triggers Avenge giving me lethal since they ignored Loatheb once again. Now who said Loatheb was useless against Zoo?

VS Hunter (Deathrattle)
Opened fairly standard, Weblord first against Haunted Creeper on board since it doesn't trade directly unlike Wraith. Wanted to keep body for Wisdom, which was stopped short by Kill Command. Killed his Creeper with Truesilver to keep health high and expected him to trade Spectrals into Wraith, he didn't and pushed out Webspinner so punished with Consecration which would otherwise be saved for Unleash. Answered his Snapjaw with Hammer and weapon charge. He had no real plays at this point so started going aggressive with BoM on Wraith and Loatheb to protect it. Meanwhile trying to clear out hand for a good Divine Favor play. Finally closed out game by playing around Misdirection, if it was indeed Misdirection I could have lost lethal by attacking into Wraith. I had Consecreation in hand which allowed me to expend my entire board testing both his traps and still have lethal.

BONUS: VS Aggro Warrior
This one was just too funny. I've never played against an Aggro Warrior so neutered that they couldn't deal a single point of damage, but I ended up having killing him instead with what was supposed to be a lockdown/distruption deck? I played a total of 4 minions that game and he spent his entire game and so much potential damage removing those and a bunch of Recruits. Also if you notice I am using Reinforce almost every turn while on many turns I'm not even operating at full mana efficiency because of how low cost my cards are.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 09:53:10 AM by xyish »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2014, 07:26:14 AM »
Just got my first 12-win arena run!

(screenshot from just before the final win)

This proves beyond a doubt that 5 Truesilver Champions is NOT too many.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2014, 05:51:34 PM »
So I decided to check out my alts for the first time in months and spend some of the gold I was probably never going to use on some packs. Since Naxx is already out and no adventures are coming really soon and even buying packs for the new expansion whenever that is out doesn't make a whole lot of sense if that collection barely has any Expert cards, so getting more cards to use should be fun, yeah! Also if I get any Leeroys I could turn it into a free Legendary or a bunch of useful epics/rares once the nerf hits next week.

...and I opened a bunch of Legendaries I don't even have on my main. And that's all the dust I have on that account, not having crafted anything yet haha. Not going to lie, but a little annoyed the legendaries are showing up here and not on my main where I can actually build decks to support them :<

Also pulled these guys on other alts/regions

No Leeroys but a lot better haul than I expected, even if I would rather have those on my main on NA.

Bonus: Putting the new cards to the test

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2014, 11:23:19 PM »
Goblins vs Gnomes prerelease is on, with all the cards available in arena, and random sources in constructed (Webspinner). Everyone gets a free arena run courtesy of Trade Prince Gallywix! Also the release long requested spectator mode feature!

Initially I thought it would be somewhat similar to my experience with early Naxx arena, that people would draft badly because they didn't know the cards too well or would overvalue combos, and that it would be an easier time than usual. I couldn't be more wrong. Every deck I've faced in arena during the event has been INSANE. The decks have had more synergy than the average constructed deck, with blowout combos and insane comebacks aplenty. Crazy games to be had all around, and your first go is free!

Some highlights:

And you thought Coin Innervate Yeti was crazy.

Every Shaman I faced who ever got a spare part card got to Stealth some Windfury minion. Also the Whirling Zap-o-matic threatens so much damage that you have to have a 1 or 2-drop (with coin) to answer it preempt it. This particular played 4 Windfury cards in that game (including a Doomhammer), and got Finicky Cloakfield off on two (out of 2 total spare part draws). Ouch.

Cards I've really liked from my experience in the prerelease:

Spider Tank
I've played with Dark Cultist a lot, but arena is a whole different beast so a neutral 3/4 3-drop is amazing, especially if you have The Coin. Coining it out against your opponent's 2-drop (especially a 2/3) guarantees you get their 2-drop for free. Also great setup into..

Goblin Blastmage
4-drop 5/4 trades evenly with (Mechanical) Yeti, Sludge Belcher and the Slime. But if you also control a Mech, you get 4 free missles off, and that advantage can end games really quickly.

Lil' Exorcist
Basically it's a Spider Tank with taunt. There are just so many good arena picks in the new set that have Deathrattles that you are almost guaranteed to play this at a minimum of 3/4 stats, and that is anywhere from excellent to downright OP. The Light compels you to pick her.

It's Sludge Belcher on 2. Play it in awkward spots, make your opponent overkill it and still risk not getting to your big threat. This is possibly one of the best low-drops in the late game. Always nice if you have Mech synergy. Also insane If you have a Hobgoblin.

Bomb Lobber
Card is insane. It's often more relevant and with bigger blowout potential than a Stampeding Kodo, which is still an amazing card.

In arena you'd expect a lot more minions so Troggs don't seem as good, but with GvG everyone has spare parts and often that makes trading really awkward. You'll often see Troggs absorb removal that are usually better saved for other targets, making them more valuable than they seem. Earthinating the countryside, earthinating the peasants. Earthinating all the people. And their thatched-roof cottages! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!

To be fair I've only hit under 20% of my targets so the 50% is probably a lie, but their bulkier stats really make them worth the pick. They've worked really well for me.. except that one time my Ogre decided to hit a Stranglethorn Tiger and make me lose 4 damage and take 5 instead ;_; Dunemaul Shaman is the one I underestimated, thinking it has a weaker statline and thus too easy to remove for its higher cost, but after having it deal me upwards of 10 damage in multiple games from stealth, I've started to really respect the combo. After all it is only 14% chance to get stealth and 25% chance after to land both hits! 3.5% of the time it happens every time.

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2014, 01:35:58 PM »
Man, GvG arena be tons of fun, so many unexpected happenings. Did a few ok runs and then drafted this priest:

The results were quite satisfactory. Didn't even get some of the new OP priest cards. Priest new mage in the arena?

QUITE satisfactory indeed.  8)

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #52 on: December 08, 2014, 10:19:03 PM »
I wasn't very good at Arena anyway (highest number of wins I've gotten is 5), and with the GvG expansion, finding what works in arena just got harder for me, lol.

But from what I've played, these GvG cards have some good synergy with the basic cards, and since it's out officially it's gonna be fun to see what kinds of decks are gonna be built.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #53 on: December 20, 2014, 09:07:34 PM »
I was teaching myself how to use R, so I made a simple app to visualize Hearthstone card data. Check it yo. Set the sliders to -1 to see spells and weapons. Probably done working on it, unless someone has a suggestion.

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2016, 10:37:19 PM »
Lots of changes coming soon:

Looking forward to a slightly less crazy Standard mode, but wish old packs and adventures would remain available. Time to disenchant some random legendaries, I guess.

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #56 on: March 01, 2016, 11:14:34 PM »
It's so weird for them to take away adventures. It's unique, single-player content that changes the game up a bit. I bet their economists and other money people crunched the numbers and said having old adventures for sale still was a waste.

I'm personally gonna go wild all the time. I like the craziness.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2016, 01:52:14 PM »

I'm pleased with this pack, especially because of the rumors that Knife Juggler will be nerfed.

Announcement set for March 11th:
Rumors of something with the Old Gods:

There's a lot to work with, if this is the expansion, so I wonder what direction they'll take it. Seems like the Old Gods would have made for adventures instead.. Now to save up my shekels for it.

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2016, 11:32:43 PM »

Looks pretty dandy, and the three free packs is nice. Shame that it doesn't come out for a few weeks, though. With C'Thun being free & fairly powerful, I wonder what the other three Old Gods will be like? Hopefully able to counter C'Thun, anyway. Validated Doomsayer and Corrupted Healbot are on my to-acquire list, for sure. Really hope they post the nerf list soon, so I can plan out my DE+crafting targets. Also: that card back is tight.

In other news, earlier this week I pulled three legendaries in five packs. Tirion Fordring and Hogger among them :cathappy:

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2016, 02:59:25 AM »
I like that Old Gods isn't out immediately. Gives me time to save up for gold. Yeah three free packs are nice, but I gotta get more. Also, I'm not gonna drop actual money for the preorder.
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