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Author Topic: Love in Okinawa - Chapter 6 (MaYuki)  (Read 26783 times)

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2014, 12:02:49 PM »
Just get the hell move on mayu!! yea take yuki or you will regret it! :panic:

Offline FairyNyan

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2014, 01:07:43 PM »
THIS CHAP IS HOT  :mon bleed2:

cant wait for update! please update fast author-san  :onionwhip:
  :peace: Oshimen : Mayuyu Yukirin :peace:
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Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2014, 04:54:25 PM »

more :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

shit what are you doing mayu!!!!!!!!!!

gawd update :wub: :wub: :inlove: :inlove:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline chocholate

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2014, 05:36:17 PM »
I don't know what to say anymore but this chapt really awesome!!   :hiakhiakhiak:

please update soon!!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline Ceej!~

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(MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 4 -UPDATED-
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2014, 07:16:56 PM »
Feel like updating~ since Yuki updated her G+ with a MaYuki photo XD So, here's Chapter 4! Douzo~  :jphip:

Chapter 4: Missing Piece

“Ahh, yes… I’m with my GIRLFRIEND… Kashiwagi Yuki.”

I just let out from my mouth… I never expected I’ll make a move like that but my mind just gave me an opportunity to make a plan after seeing Rena again.
And suddenly an unexpected reaction just happened…

“Rena-chan?! It’s been awhile!  :D
“Yukirin!!! It’s been awhile! How have you’ve been?  XD” Rena asked Yukirin and both of them hugging each other.

And I was like “What the? These two know each other?”  :O

“Oh? Mayu, you seem surprised that me and your girlfriend know each other?” Rena asked while looking at Yukirin.
“Ehh? The two of you knew each other?!  :shocked” I just replied while having a shocked face.
“Actually, I haven’t mentioned before… but Yukirin’s my cousin… we haven’t seen each other for years since she went abroad to do her studies there.”

Ehh? :shocked
“I’m glad to see you, Yukirin it’s been a long time… I know what… why don’t you and Mayu hangout with me and John later… We’ll see you at 3pm here in the beach… for now I have to go find John and go get ourselves prepared… see you later guys.”
“Yeah, Rena-chan… we’ll see you later.”

Rena waves goodbye to both Mayu and Yuki.

And then…

“How long will you hold my hands like that, Mr. Watanabe?  :P” Yuki asked to Mayu and he let go of her hand and leaved him a red face.
“It’s not what you think!  :huhuh” I said back to her…
“What’s on your mind, Mayu? Why did you even say that I’m your girlfriend?”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you and Rena are cousins. I just want to-” but before I finish my sentence, Yuki finished my sentence.
“-want to have a little revenge? Or you just still can’t move on with the past?”

I was really shocked on what she just said to me.

“I already moved on with it! I just want to have a little revenge on what they did to me back then! I just can’t stand it when they have a perfect relationship and leaving me have this miserable life! That’s why I just said in front of her that you’re my girlfriend and I want her to know that I’m happy even though she broke my heart in a long period of time!”
“I understand how you feel, but my cousin is just being honest to herself and she really moved with the past now… how I wish you’d do the same too!”
“I told you! I already moved on!”
“Prove it then!”
“I’ll prove it later, and like what I said to her you’re my girlfriend… I guess you need to pretend…”

“Aren’t we already look like one?  XD
She said while joking.

“Ha! Very funny? :smhid Remember this is only for the meantime… we’re not an official couple.  Got it? And please don’t even expect that much about our relationship, we are nothing more than acquaintances last night. Nothing more nothing less.”
“I get it… but there’s one thing… as long as I can carry it… I won’t even dare on giving up on you yet, Mayu!  ;)

She said while she gave me a wink.
“Oh please, let’s just get this over with.”

And suddenly, my head felt kinda hurt a little and a little flash back appears in my mind...

“Help me!! I’m drowning! Ahhhh”
I heard in my mind and it was like back when I was little… I don’t get it… who’s that person? All of the sudden I just save her…
//end flashback

and I was back in to reality when Yuki suddenly talked to me.

“Mayu? Are you alright? Does your head hurt?”
“No, I’m fine… let’s just meet here before 3pm, okay? I’ll go get prepared… later~”

After both of them got their stuffs for the meet-up at the beach both of them see each other on the same spot.

“What’s with that backpack on you back?”

Yuki asked on Mayu who’s bringing a backpack with him.

“Oh just some stuffs that’s usable for later.”

I said back to her… it was stuffs that I needed for later… I was wearing my beach shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that time while Yuki was wearing a two piece swimsuit and wearing it below with a loose shirt with shorts and a big hand bag.

“You have a lots of things too, Yuki? *sigh* as expected from a girl like you.  :smhid
“You know I have my emergency things you know… and it’s not all make up or whatsoever you think about, Mayu.”
“Well, whatever… it’s almost 3pm, let’s go already…”

When I was about to go… Yuki just grabbed my t-shirt behind…

“What is it? Hey you know we’re pretending as girlfriend-boyfriend… you don’t need to be far away from me you know… we need to be near to each other…”
“Ehhh? Oh C’mon, what are you implying, Yuki? “
“What I mean is we need to act it out like a true lovers… or else they might found out, silly!”
“Well, whatever… fine… let’s just go already.”

I ended our conversation and put my hands around her shoulders and went to the said venue.

“I never thought you could be like this, Mayu. Tehee~  :P

She said to Mayu while her hands are around on his back while walking together.

“Oh shut it, Yuki… it’s not what you think.  :smhid
“Well, whatever, Watanabe… all I know is that I’m enjoying this ;)

And finally the two of them arrived at the said meeting place, they also saw Rena and John waiting for them in venue.

“Sorry for making you guys wait...” Yuki said while greeting Rena…
“Oh, Yukirin… this is John, my boyfriend… John, Yukirin… my cousin.”
“Oh, nice to meet you, John.” She greeted and shake hands with him.

Then Mayu’s just madly gazing through John.

“Oh, I think you already know… Mayu’s my boyfriend right? Oi! Mayu.”
“Hai Hai… John, nice seeing you.” I said and gave a handshake to him with a hard grip on his hand.
“Ahh, n-nice seeing you too, Mayu.”

I’m just giving a fake smile to him then let go of his handshake.

“Okay? What should we do?” Rena asked Yuki.
“What about we have some refreshments for now…”
“Good idea, Yuki.”
“Hey, guys… we need to grab some refreshments for now… we’ll be leaving you guys for a moment.” The girls said.
“Sure girls, take your time.” We both responded.

After the girls left...

“Hey, John… how about a little Frisbee game for now… since the girls are leaving for a moment… why won’t you and I have a little game.  8)

I said to John with a game face on my face.

“You’re on, Mayu!  8)

I started to take off my t-shirt and also John did the same…
And then we started our Frisbee game… our game became on serious mode…

“Hey, no fair! You didn’t throw it well! What a lame throw was that?!  :angry:
“What? I did throw it well, Watanabe?  :angry:

Then suddenly I just pushed John that sent him on the ground.

“What was that for?!”

John suddenly stand up and pushed me back.

“For everything!!!!  :angry:

I just then suddenly punched him in the face! And he even punched me back until the both of us just gave punches to each other and even wrestle on the beach.
And suddenly our fight stopped because Yuki and Rena went back.

“Gawddd! You two?! What are you doing?! Why are you two fighting?! OAO” both of them said in unison.

“He started it!  :angry:” both of us said in unison while pointing fingers at each other.

Then Rena just went towards John and checking his bruises on his face that really made my heart shutter to pieces just like how I feel back before. I just grabbed my things and ended up running away on that place…

“Mayu! Where are you going?!” Yuki asked while screaming but I just ignored her and runaway on the place.
“Rena, I’m sorry… I need to catch up on him.” And Yuki leave the place and run to catch up with Mayu.

After that long run… she found Mayu setting up a pump boat near the shore…

“Mayu?! What are you doing?!”
“What do you think? Leaving this place, obviously…”
“What?! Where are you going?!”
“Somewhere I could be alone for now.”
“I won’t let you!”

Then suddenly Yuki went on the pump boat and sat on it.

“What the? It’s your decision if you’re going with me… but I won’t stop you nor I won’t do anything if something will happened to you in the trip.”
“I don’t care! As long as I get to see what are you doing, Mayu!”
“Whatever, Yuki…”

I just then made the pump boat start and went moving towards the sea…

“Where are we going, Mayu?!”
“I have no idea, I don’t care where I’m going, like I said… you shouldn’t come with me!”
“I don’t care where are you going but I’m going to stick with you!”
“Oh please, you’ll regret this!”

Suddenly the pump boat’s motor engine stopped.

“What the?!  :O” both of us said in unison.
“Now, we’re stuck in the middle of the sea!”
“I told you, you shouldn’t be going with me!”
“Instead of arguing with me, we should find somewhere we could stay, is there a nearby island here?!”

Both of us looked around on the sea and we ended up seeing a nearby island in the sea.

“There! We need to stay on that island for now.”

I just then ended up rowing the pump boat towards the unknown island after that we ended up staying on that island.


Chapter End. TBC~

so? how do you guys think?  :nervous As always, thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!  :bow:
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:09:51 AM by Ceej!~ »

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2014, 07:31:40 PM »
#lamnadis :yep:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 4 -UPDATED- 140515
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2014, 07:36:41 PM »
so something happen in the past between mayu and yuki..
I wonder what happen there.. :bow:

Offline Than-kun

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 4 -UPDATED- 140515
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2014, 07:37:46 PM »
Can't wait nanaman ako sa update  :inlove:   :thumbsup   :lol:

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 4 -UPDATED- 140515
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2014, 01:11:25 AM »
so something happen in the past between mayu and yuki..
I wonder what happen there.. :bow:

Glad someone noticed my idea  :lol:
Please do look forward for it~  :bow:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 4 -UPDATED- 140515
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2014, 09:12:04 AM »
But why mayu seems didn't remember it? did someone bang his head?

Offline Ceej!~

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(MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 5 [14.05.17] -UPDATED-
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
@kazutoryu: you'll find that out in the upcoming chapters~ please do wait for it  :bow:

I'm actually done with this chapter a few days I go, I was just lazy to retype it XD so, here's Chapter 5! Island Escapade~ Douzo!  :jphip:

Chapter 5: Island Escapade


Yuki just said with her enormous reactions which made Mayu a reply...

"Isn't it obvious?  :smhid Enough talking, we better set-up things, it's getting late dark now."

"Late dark?! *gulp* So that means there are weird creatures here?!  :O

"What the heck?! There's no such things as weird creatures, you have a weird imagination, Yuki  :smhid"

"Eh?! I'm not! I'm just stating a fact."

"Well whatever... I'll be setting up the things that I could set up before it gets dark. I'll leave you here."

"Eh?! Are you leaving me behind here?! :yuki:"

There goes her reactions again.

"Well, if an annoying girl like you stands in my way, I'll definitely leave you here!"

"I won't let you leave me here, I'll tag along with you wherever you go on this island!"

"Fine! whatever, just don't get in my way on surviving!"

We then set-up what we could use before it gets late and dark. First we just gathered some woods to set-up a fireplace first. I just cut some wood using a knife I got from the pump boat. Luckily, we got some basic things we could use in surviving in this unknown island.

"Is it just me or we have everything we just needed for our basic needs in surviving here?" Yuki asked.

"Actually, I'm the one who bring this all, I was expecting something will happen like this to me after all, if only you didn't come with me, this wouldn't happen to you. It's fine for me to be stranded here since I'm used to this situation and this also happened to me back in different islands as well, but this is the first time I've been into this island. Now I'm stuck with you. *sigh*  :sweatdrop:" I said with a sigh on my face.

"Looks like I can survive in this island after all." she confidently replied to me.

"Ehh?! what are you saying, Yuki?!  :shocked"

"I mean I'm stuck in this island with a person who's used to this situation, maybe I'll be okay being stuck in this island with you after all, Mayu! :lol:"

"Oi! Even if you are stuck with me, it doesn't mean you'll survive and I'm not really all 24/7 in helping you out here! Seriously, don't depend on me that much! and who said I'll even help you out!  :huhuh"

"Because I know you'll help me whether it annoys you or not and Hai! Hai! I won't depend on you that much, Aye sir!  :P"

"You're already starting to annoy me... fine fine fine~ sheesh...  :doh:"

After all that little argument, we finally set up the fireplace for our own source of light.

"Anyway, now that's done... I'll leave for now, okay?" I said to Yuki.

"Where are you going?!  :?"

"To the pump boat, I'll be unloading the important things that we could use for tonight. Now, listen... You stay here! Don't follow me, get it?! :wth"

"Fine, you don't need to shout.. Aye, sir!  :thumbsup"

I just leave here in the location and went to the pump boat to grab all the important things needed. Good thing I bring a mini tent that is good for 2. I guess we can just share the tent and suddenly I felt embarrassed on what I'm saying... "Baka! What the hell are you saying, Mayu... I won't sleep together with her *sigh* I guess I'll be sleeping on the beach sand this time  :sweatdrop:" what I thought.

After that thought I just bring back on the things... The tent was on my back and also with my backpack and my hands is also full of important stuffs and a few food I brought earlier and suddenly when I was almost there to the location where I left Yuki, I just heard someone screaming. "Ahhhhh!! Go away from me!" It was Yuki's voice! "Yuki?!" I just throw all the things I have in hand and dash towards the place and saw her fighting and killing some insects that are surrounding her and I just gave myself a face palm. "What the hell?! I thought you were in big danger and I just run that much and seeing you with those tiny insects. For crying out loud, Yuki  :banghead:"

"I'm so sorry, it's just I can't stand insects."

"Oh, forget it... sheeshh... I just had to leave those things behind, now I have to pick them up again~  :sweatdrop: *sigh*"
I just leave her again and grabbed all the things and went back to her.

"What's all that?  :?" she asked.

"All the things needed for survival, obviously... just don't look at me, help me with this, I also brought your things too."

"Oh, sorry  :nervous Uhmmm... Thanks Mayu."

"Yeah, yeah... Let's just set-up this tent."

"A tent?"

"Yeah... Good thing I taught of bringing this."

"So, this tent is good for two?"

"Yeah? What about it?  :?"

"That means we'll be sleeping together?!  :w00t:" Yuki just said in excitement.

"The heck are you talking?!  :shocked I didn't say that I'll be sleeping with you in that tent. You'll be the one who's going to use it."

"What about you? I mean this is your tent?  :?"

"I know but I'd rather sleep on the beach sands than sleeping in the tent with you."

"Ehh?! but I don't want you to sleep in the beach sands because of me... and it's your tent after all."

"We'll just talk about this tent thing later... For now, we need to prepare food for dinner. I'm starving!  :drool:"

"I'l go prepare it."

"I got a spare meat on the food stock."

"Hai! I saw it... I'll go prepare it."

Yuki took the spare meat and cooked it in the fireplace and after a few minutes she didn't noticed that she's over cooking it and it turned it like a not edible food because it's super burned.

"Opps! Yabai  :sweatdrop:"

"What the?! That's the only meat I got and you just burned it?!  :angry:"

 "I'm so sorry, I'm so pathetic  :cry:"

"Oh, never mind... I'll just eat fruits for dinner. Sheesh, so much for my meat cravings. *sigh*  :sweatdrop:"

We just both eat fruits for dinner. After that I just spacing out while watching the night sky and I just suddenly saw Yuki's freezing cold in the other side of the camp.

"Seriously, you're hopeless, Yuki." I said while sitting beside her and covered her my jacket that I'm wearing.

"There, take it. You're freezing."

"How about you?"

"Don't mind me, I'm a guy... I can handle the coldness."

"Ahh... Arigato, Mayu  :oops:"

I just became silent all of the sudden and just end up looking at her, she's making herself warm with my jacket.

"I felt warmer, thanks to this... Arigato!  :roll:"

She just then put her head on my shoulders. I just keep myself silent in all those time.  :nervous

"nee, Mayu..."

"What is it?"

"I like it when you're just calm like this.  :wub:"

".... I'm sorry for being harsh on you... I just don't know why I'm like this..."

"Don't worry, even you're being stubborn to me all the time, I'll always accept it... I accept you... just the way you are."

"Why are you being like this, Yuki? Maybe other girls will just hate me for being like this.  :sweatdrop:"

"I'm not your ordinary girl, Mayu  ;)"

"You're really different, Yuki. I'm so sorry for making us stranded here. I didn't noticed that the pump boat runs out of gas."

"No, it's not just your fault... It's my fault for coming with you, Mayu.  :("

I just became silent again and suddenly I just asked her to sleep in the tent.

"You go sleep in the tent, I'll be sleeping here."

"No! I won't sleep alone in that tent and leave you sleeping out here.  :yawn:"

"*sigh*  :yawn: I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Yup, you can't disobey me.  :P"

"Ehh?! You're not the boss of me?  :O"

"Oh, I'm not alright... but maybe soon ;)"

"What are you saying?! Fine... I get it... I'll sleep with.... sleep only, no funny business, okay?!"

"Aye, sir! Let's sleep now  :yawn:"

She just grabbed my hand and went inside the tent together. The tent is exactly good for two but it feels like we're too close at each other and she's just facing at me and she just used my arm as her pillow and suddenly she just fell asleep in my arms...

and I just whispered in her ears...
"Good night, Yuki...  :heart:"

Chapter END. TBC.

That's all for now. As always, thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!  :bow: :twothumbs

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 5 [14.05.17] -UPDATED-
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2014, 02:52:17 PM »
Ah.. thanks for the update. Stuck in an island together hub? That sounds really cute  :oops:

I wonder when will Mayu fall in love with Yuki.. I'll wait for that chapter! :twothumbs

And please update 'Waiting in that summer' i am curious~

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 5 [14.05.17] -UPDATED-
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2014, 10:07:17 AM »
NOOOO!!! Where's the next part ??? Щ(ºДºщ)
Up-date-soon! Up-date-soon! Up-date-soon! Onegai :bow:

Offline Ceej!~

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(MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2014, 06:46:08 PM »
Hello! It's been awhile. Just thinking of randomly updating this fic. I wonder if there still readers on this fic tho~  :doh: Well, anyway... here's the update. Chapter 6! douzo  :nervous

Chapter 6: Unfolded Past

It's been 5 days since we got stranded in the island, as of now both of us, still manage to live in the unknown place.

I just woke up and I was all alone in the tent. Looks like that clingy girl went somewhere, hope she won't get lost or trouble again  :smhid. As I get up, I fix the things in the the camping site and suddenly sound was heard... oh it was my stomach, just a sign that I'm getting hungry already but before getting some food for my tummy, I look around the island to see some usable things... also the time to gather some stocks for survival and gather some food, also to find where that clingy girl went.

"I wonder what I can find to eat today... I wonder where that did Clingy Yuki went.  :doh: pshhh~ oh whatever... it's not like I'm worried about her or something."

As I look around, I saw a huge coconut tree, I approached the tree and check it out... and when I looked up, I saw someone up in the tree and it was no other than Yuki  :sweatdrop:

"What the? What are you doing up there? That's dangerous you know!"
"Getting some coconuts, obviously."
"Serious, get down there... that is supposed to be the my job."
"Fine... Just wai-"

but before when Yuki was about to get down the tree, she slipped and falls toward the ground... but lucky her she got a soft landing.


It was Mayu who hit hard in the ground... he also kinda got his head bumped hard on the ground. He felt a total blackout in his mind but manage to pull his conscience back.


As he open his eyes he saw Yuki above him just looking at him... and he was so uncomfortable with the awkward position with Yuki.

"How long are you going to lie down above me? OMOI! (HEAVY!)"

Then Yuki stood up.

"Ahh, Gomen ne, Mayu."
"Oh forget it. By the way, why you're so early and why the heck are you on a tree at that time?!"

"Oh? about that... I kinda woke up early and I just decided to explore... and guess what? I found something interesting."
"What is i-"

Before Mayu could finish his sentence Yuki grabbed his hand and went to the place that Yuki discovered. Somewhere in the most middle part of the island. As they went through they finally arrived in the location.

"Here we are!"

Mayu's eyes roaming around the place because they just discovered a natural hot spring in the middle of the island...

"S-Sugoi!  :O"
"Deshou? I just took a dip earlier there~ it feels so great  :twothumbs"
"Ehh?! you already took a bath in it?"
"Yea, I can't helped it~ I've been longing on taking a bath in a hot spring after all, since we always took our baths in the salt water :sweatdrop:"
"Looks like a nice hot spri-"

but before Mayu could finish his words he suddenly went to the water due to Yuki's strong push towards the hot springs.

"What did you do that for?"
"Since you're just blabbering, I thought it's time for your morning bath, Mayu  :P"
"Enjoy the Hot spring, Ma-"

and before Yuki could finish what she said, she end up on the water as well... due to Mayu grabbed her feet towards the hot springs.

"EH?! I'm already done my part. Now I'm all wet again. Mayu no Baka!"
"Hahaha! just taking my revenge, Yuki  :lol:"
"and besides, as if I'll let you go somewhere again... I don't want you to go around this island without even saying a thing to me."

Yuki went silent because of what Mayu said... and how Mayu was too close towards her... and suddenly she just ended up hugging Mayu.


both of them made themselves surprised on what they're doing to each other.
"Arigato, Thank you for taking care of us in this island. Thanks to your aid, it feels like I'm not even stranded in this unknown island."

The two just end up looking at each other until their heads are getting close to each other and at the end their lips ended up with a sealed to each other. 
Both of their lips were sealed for a long time at that moment, they didn't even realized that they just had a long kiss, as time they noticed that they've been kissing for a long time... the two of them broke that long kiss which ended up a blush on both of their faces.

"Uhmmm, I'm sorry."
Mayu just said to Yuki...

"...  Uhmm, anyway... I'll go get dry myself now, you do your bath, I'll be waiting there."
"Okay... thank you, Yuki."

After Mayu finished his bath... the two went to get their food for the day... usually they would have fruits and fish in their meal which both of them got used to it. Usually every single day they always look around for help in the island but unfortunately there's no way to get off the island. The only way is that someone would show up and find them in the said island. The day is almost ending and it's time for them to set up for tonight... fire place and a comfy place to stay up for the night. As they finished up setting and also their dinner for tonight is also ready... they just sat down near the fire place and just talk to each other, same as usual.

"Nee, Mayu..."
"What is it, Yuki?"

"I wonder how long can we live here... I wonder if we can still live ali-"
"BAKA! Of course we'll live on... and will survive on this island... soon... I know we can leave this island... just think positive!"

Mayu just ended up saying in an anger tone to Yuki. That just made Yuki into silence in their dinner.

"*sigh*, hey... listen... I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't yell at you like that... I just want you to believe and never to lose hope on surviving... We can do this, Yuki... Uhmmm, Gomen ne, Yuki."

After that long silence, Yuki just went towards Mayu and give him a hug that there's no tomorrow...

" :O!!! Yuki?"
"I'm sorry for being so negative... Gomen ne, Mayu..."
"Mou, forget it... don't worry... you're not alone... I'm here."
"Uhh... just for this time, please let me hug you like this, I feel so lonely."
"... if that will lessen your loneliness I won't stop you. Don't worry, I'm here..."

Mayu just then hug her back. Yuki's hug became more tighter than it is. The two then fell asleep while hugging each other.


And morning just came by...

"No! Watch out! Yukirin!!!"
Mayu said while his still asleep which made him woke in his nightmare...

"*breathes deeply* Yume?... it was a dream... itai~ my head hurts."

Yuki was not around when he woke up~ she woke up first than him...  as he experiences a major headache... suddenly some memories in his past just flashed back in his mind.

"Waaaaaaaaaaa!! Tasukete!! I can't swim! help!" a girl was screaming drowning in the shore... but eventually a boy saved the girl's life.
The girl was completely passed out but then the boy did everything to breathe... and the girl finally got her senses... she slowly opens her eyes and the rescuers came by to take assistance.

The next day, the girl was admitted in the near hospital... as she felt lonely in her room suddenly the door opened. The boy who saved her life from yesterday appeared in her room.

"Hi, feeling better?" the boy said.
"You? you're the one who save me yesterday?" the girl asked with a confused face.
"Ahh, yeah... that's me, I just want to see if you're fine now. Oh by the way, I'm Watanabe Mayu."
"Watanabe-san, uhmmm... Arigato... thanks for saving me from drowning. I'm Kashiwagi Yuki by the way."
"Nahh, it was nothing... Glad that you're fine, Kashiwagi-san."
"and thanks for visiting me here, Watanabe-san~ I was really lonely here...  :("
"aww, don't worry... I'll visit you here everyday until you recover... so that you won't feel lonely here, Kashiwagi-san."
"Ehh? Really? TAT uhmm, we just met why are you so nice to me, Watanabe-san?"
"well, from the moment I first saw you... I really wanted to be your friend, Kashiwagi-san... that's why I'm doing my best to make you happy as you recover."
"A-arigato, Watanabe-san."
"Don't mention it, oh... you can drop the Watanabe-san, just call me, Mayu. From now on, we're friends, ne?"
"O-okay~ same with me, drop the Kashiwagi-san, you can call me Yuki. I'm glad to meet you, Mayu."

as the time passes by, the two of them became good friends since then... until they reached their high school days, from being childhood friends they end up being high school lovers. But one day, an accident ended everything, especially on Mayu and Yuki's relationship...

One day, the two of them went out together but unfortunately, the two of them both across the street but those two end up having their attention on the car that is driving fast towards them... that made Mayu ended up pushing Yuki aside the street and ended him being caught up in the accident which made him bumped his head that hard. Many people saw the incident and immediately called for help.

"Mayu! Hang in there! Don't leave me!  :cry:" the only words that came out from Yuki before the rescuers arrived and rushed Mayu to the nearest hospital.

Mayu end up on having a major operation due to a major injury. As the operation was on going, Yuki ended up waiting for Mayu's operation... and the operation was successful. Both Mayu and Yuki's parents arrived in the hospital to check both of them. As of that moment, Mayu is still unconscious.

several days passed until Mayu finally able to wake up... Mayu's family was there and also Yuki was there every single day, to just to see her boyfriend to be awake in his slumber.

"Mayu-kun!" both Mayu's parents said.
"Otou-sama, Oka-sama... where am I?"
"Mayu, you're in the hospital, son. Just be calm, okay, you'll be fine."

as Mayu did have a little chat with his parents... Yuki was just in tears in the corner... she was so glad that Mayu finally gain conscious after that accident. After that, she went towards Mayu's bed. and a shocking situation just occurred...

"Mayu..." Yuki said while having tears in eyes.
"Uhmm, A-noo~ Anta dare?" Mayu replied to her."

that made everyone in the room shocked and as they ask the doctor, it was confirmed that Mayu had a minor amnesia which he forgot some parts of his life.

"Usually, in a major accident like what happened to Mayu-kun... it always ended up a major amnesia like he will completely forgot everything about him but lucky on his case he only got the minor amnesia..."
"Will he ever recover with it?" Mayu's parents asked.
"He will, but we don't know when he will recall everything... so, the only person he forgot was her girlfriend, Yuki-chan, right? because usually, the person who will be forgotten in an amnesia case is the most important person in his life. It's just show that how important she was in his life... but don't lose hope eventually he'll get his memories back."

"Mayu... I'm sorry...  :cry:"

"Yuki was my girlfriend?! :shocked" Mayu thought as he slowly remembers his past.
Chapter END.

I'll try to continue an update soon~ Sorry for being slow with the updates~ school is back for me... and eventually I have writer's block. Gomen~  :sweatdrop: to the readers who always check this fic. Thank you so much  :bow: Thanks for giving some of your time to read this update. Feel free to comment~ Till' next time!  :bow: :twothumbs

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2014, 07:07:22 PM »
 :shocked :shocked :O :O :O :O i thought mayu's girlfriend is rena ?? :? :?  wut??

i'm quite confused XD XD
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2014, 08:25:23 PM »
So before Mayu had an accident, Yukirin was his girlfriend!? :yuki: And how did he end up in it? I hope it's all alright between MaYuki in zee end

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2014, 11:12:16 AM »

just a little spoiler: actually Mayu's first girlfriend was Yuki since I mentioned they were childhood friends and they been together in highschool as a couple... and yeah... accidents happen... then boom~ and I'll try to put up a past chapter I guess... to also fill in Rena and Mayu's past... after Yuki... (even tho, MaYuki didn't call it a broke up since Mayu forgot his relationship with Yuki. Mayu just end up having a relationship with Rena after Highschool. I have many explainations. Please do look forward for it~ SOON- I guess. LOL  :nervous


yeah, she was her girlfriend alright? even Mayu and Rena go out together.. I guess they're still in a relationship but well, Mayu bumped his head hard. so yeah... my imaginations is mixing up my mind. LOL but yeah~ I'll try to make a chapter with full of pasts LOL~

Thanks for reading~  :bow:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2014, 12:12:58 PM »
can't wait for the next chapter :yossi:

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2014, 03:10:08 PM »
OHOHOHOHHOHHOHO an update finally!! :cow:
So Mayu now remember everything about his past? Good. Now stop acting so cold towards Yuki and love her BECAUSE THEY KISS ALREADY!!  :wub: :deco:
Waiting for your next update Ceej san!

Offline mizuratpro95

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 6 [14.06.21] -UPDATED-
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2014, 08:18:48 PM »
New chapter  :twothumbs
so Yuki is Mayu's first girlfriend. Mayu remember his past.
Interesting.... :)
waiting your next update i want know what happend next.

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