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Author Topic: Yuri Diary II - FINAL CHAPTER + EPILOGUE [03.01.2016]  (Read 65025 times)

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #12 [13.12.2014]
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2014, 05:13:51 AM »
@luvsidney: she chose the math club because of acchan tehehe  XD well... here comes more surprise  :twisted: thanks for commenting and reading this story!  :heart: :heart: :heart:

To All Silent Readers: Thanks for reading this stuff!  :inlove:

i told minna-sama that i'll be updating on Sunday... but I can't...  :cry: so i'll update now  :nervous
here's the 12th entry  :pen_wave:

Entry #12

Music Club Room

“Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do… Do-Ti-La-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do…”

The girls heard the voice of someone vocalizing at the far-end of the room. She stopped singing and went to meet the members of the Music Club.

“Hello girls! I’m the adviser of Music Club – Masuda Yuka.”

The girls bowed and find their own seats.

“I can see some familiar faces here… After one week, I’ll appoint your leader, okay? Except for Takahashi-san and Yamamoto-san…” Yuka said.

“Minna… I need you to sing individually… Or play an instrument. Choose a song that you think best fits you, okay?”

“Eh?!” The new members were still in a state of slight shock. Masuda nodded.

“Let’s start with the old members so that the new ones will have more time to decide on their chosen song.” Masuda said and she smiled.

“Yamamoto Sayaka.”

Sayanee stood up and grabbed a guitar. She started singing Avril Lavigne’s song. She was indeed a fan of Avril and it was her inspiration to learn how to play the guitar.

   I don’t want to fall to pieces
   I just wanna sit and stare at you
   I don’t want to talk about it
   And I don’t want a conversation
   I just wanna cry in front of you
   And I don’t want to talk about it
   ‘Cause I’m in love with you
   I’m in love with you…
   ‘Cause I’m in love with you
   I’m in love with you…
   I’m in love with you…

And then came a loud applause from the audience.

“Takahashi Minami.”

TakaMina went to the stage and started singing…

In her mind, thoughts about Maeda Atsuko fly…

   Maybe I like you
   In the sky
   There isn’t a single cloud
   Maybe I like you
   It’s how love is,
   That much I know
   But maybe that’s an excuse…

The audience clapped their hands loudly.

“And now… The 3rd year students first… Let’s start with…” Masuda-sensei looked at the list. “Kojima Haruna.”

Haruna was a bit nervous but went up the stage quickly.

It was quite weird that she pictures Shinoda-sensei in her mind – her short hair and brown eyes…

   From this heart-shaped virus
   It looks like I’ve become sick
   Not even a single injection
   Can cure it
   Only you
   I think about
   I can hardly concentrate…

She was quite out of reality when she finished the song. When she heard the applause from the audience, she can’t help but smile.

“Nice job, Kojima-san.”, commented Masuda. “Next is… Watanabe Miyuki.”

Miyuki glanced at Sayanee and winked. Sayanee pretended to ignore her but she was blushing very red.

Miyuki went up the stage with her heartbeat racing. With one last look at Sayanee, she started singing…

   Today's bag felt heavy
   Right, I wanted someone to hold it
   So I used my head a little
   And went fishing for your heart
   With one sweet sigh, you glanced at me
   I have a request

Upon hearing Milky’s voice, Sayanee was awestricken and amazed. Her own heart started beating fast because Miyuki was looking at her whilst she was singing.

After her performance and loud cheers of the audience, Miyuki bowed.

“You have a very sweet voice there, Watanabe-san.”, commented Yuka and started to call on the other members.

Sayanee was still speechless. Milky sat beside her and whispered, “What do you think?”

“You did great.”

“I told you I belong here, too!” Miyuki chuckled.

Her chuckle made Sayanee smile.

“Eh? Why are you smiling?” Milky said with her innocent face.

“Kawaii.” Sayanee whispered.


Sayanee just smiled.

“Nee, Sayanee… What did you say?” Milky kept on asking her but she doesn’t answer.

Meanwhile at the Math Club…

“Acchan! How will I solve this?” Sae kept on asking Acchan but the latter did not answer her, instead she just kept on solving…

Sae thought to herself, “Waaaa! Oh my Math! Why did I join this freaking club?? I’m outta here! Waaaaa.”

After a few minutes, she decided to quit Math Club! XD

“Maybe I’ll just transfer to another club.” She sighed.

Sports Club… By the swimming pool…

Sayaka removed her robe. She was wearing one-piece swimming attire. She put on her goggles.

“Are you ready, girls?” Minegishi asked – she was the adviser of Sports Club.

The girls answered in chorus and then Minegishi blew on the whistle.

The girls plunged into the pool. Sayaka had a hard time focusing on what she’s doing because she fancies that Sae was watching her.

“But no… She’s at the Math Club now… It’s impossible that she’s watching me… Focus Sayaka. Focus.”, she thought.

Finally, she reached the end of the pool. She stuck her head out of the water. She’s glad she still managed to finish first.

“Good job, Akimoto!” Minegishi said.

Sayaka got off the water and removed her goggles…

And there by the distance, she saw Saechan watching.

“Is this… for real?” She thought.

After all of the girls finished the swimming course, they were immediately dismissed by Minegishi-sensei.

Sayaka quickly put on her robe and approached the smiling Sae.

“What are you doing here?” Sayaka asked her.

“I quit from the Math Club.” – Sae

“Why?” – Sayaka

Sae just smiled.

“I didn’t know you have a nice body there. Tehehe.” Sae grinned.

“Eh?! Pervert!” Sayaka said, she was blushing very red.

“They’ll be taking a shower. Go take your shower. I’ll wait for you.” – Sae

Sayaka nodded, leaving Sae alone.

Sae approached Minegishi-sensei.



“I’ll be joining the Sports Club.”

Minegishi gave her the registration form and she filled it up quickly.

“Welcome to the Sports Club!”


I'm thinking... if I'll continue this story...

Will I continue this? OR will it be better if I just cut this nonsense off? What do you think, minna-sama?  :sweatdrop:  :mon huh2: :pig huh: :gmon blonde: :mon huh: :tama-uhh:  :dunno:

Offline luvsidney

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ah... is that u dun have ideas to continue the story? If's pity.. since lack of saeyaka fanfic in the world haha ^^" maybe u continue when u randomly have some idea? ^^"

Sae is baka, I am looking forward what would happen in the club activities haha Sae~!! pls start seriously fight for ur true love!!!

sayamilky are cute haha masuda and miichan are sensei!! They are so much younger than sayaka Yuko and kojipa in real age haha and miichan as advice teacher of sport club is ridiculous haha but it's interesting indeed

Offline cisda83

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lovely story there..

Just continue it if you want...

Since you already write the initial part, why don't you just finish it...?

Quite a pity to not to

Thank you for the OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Ava

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please dont you dare to quit writting :pleeease: :scolding:

this story is great

and is like one of the few saeyaka fanfics too

please dont abandon!!  :kneelbow:  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
Fanfic: Towards my dream (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,Mayuki etc)


Offline sastio13

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ah please keep continue writing this fic!
i dont you to quit writing and DONT YOU DARE!
em maybe you lack of some idea and inspiration for this fic, but but but no quit or cut it off!
maybe you can pour some drama to this fic
hope hope hope you'll update it soon hehehe
thanks and keep it up!
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #13 [16.12.2014]
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2014, 07:20:07 AM »
waaaaaaa thank you so much for the replies minna-sama!  :bleed eyes:  :farofflook: because of this replies... i decided to continue this story!  :deco:

@luvsidney: haha lot of mismatch on the characters, yeah. i don't think i know them that much tehehe... sae will soon fight for sayaka... one day you'll see. XD more surprises coming!!! XD

@cisda83: you've got a point there... well... i decided to continue this! ^_^ what OS do you mean? :)

@Ava: yeah, it's quite sad that there's few SaeYaka fics here... when it's one of my favorite pairs :)  :heart:

@sastio13: okay okay i will not quit on writing... ^_^ thanks so much~ what kind of drama do you mean? tehehe..

thank you to those people who are reading this! kyaaah >w<

well here's entry #13... sorry if it's bad  :nervous

some UmeYuu and AtsuMina moments here~

 :whistle: :on gay: :pig madder:

Entry #13

Drama Club…

Yuko and Ayaka entered the school theater together. Ayaka slightly gripped Yuko’s arm.

“Are you okay? Your hand’s cold. Nervous?”

Ayaka nodded.

“Don’t be nervous! You’ve been here many times.” Yuko said.

“Yeah… But that was two years ago.” – Ayaka

“Anxious, eh?” – Yuko

Ayaka nodded again.

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Yuko said as she gently pat Ayaka’s head.

“Minna-san! Welcome to the Drama Club!” A charming and sexy lady entered. “I’m the adviser of Drama Club, Oshima Mai.”

“Hm… Let’s see.” Maimai scanned the list of members. “Oh! Umeda-san! You’re back. Welcome back~!”

The gazes of other members fell upon Ayaka. She thought of what Yuko said earlier, “Anxious, eh? Don’t worry, I’m here.” She smiled at the other girls and felt slight warmth in her chest.

“ Yay! The Legendary “Stage Rivals” were back!” Kana shouted and then Ayaka began to hear some girls murmuring things like:
   “Eh? She’s the rumored rival of Yuko-senpai…”
   “I wonder why she came back.”
   “Probably she can’t accept Yuko-senpai’s success…”

She looked down, controlling her tears.

“Umechan, are you okay?” – Yuko

“I don’t think I can do this…” – Ayaka

Yuko unexpectedly stood up, gathered her courage, and said, “Ano… Minna-san! This little girl beside me – Yes. She is Umeda Ayaka.” She pointed at Umechan. Ayaka raised her face and looked at Yuko.

“She’s a member of this club two years ago. But suddenly, she had a serious injury and was out of school for months. If someone wants to know her reason of coming back… She’s here because WE need her – the theater needs her. So, will you please stop all those murmurs and gossips? My ears are getting sore because of what I hear… One thing I want to tell you is that… that girl deserves to be here… She’s not my rival. She’s my FRIEND.”

Ayaka’s eyes started to well up with tears. She bit her lip to control them… but it failed. It flowed gently on her cheeks.

“Excuse us, Oshima-sensei.” Yuko bowed to Oshima-sensei and grabbed Ayaka’s wrist. They went out of the theater.

“Hm… I wonder if those girls…” Maimai showed a sinister smile. “Interesting. I’ll be able to know in few weeks’ time.”

The school bell finally rang… Class dismissed!

What a relief for Atsuko. Sae was not following her today because of the training of the Sports Club. She thought, “This will be a nice and peaceful walk home – I’m alone. Just me, myself, and I!” and smiled.


Atsuko looked at where the voice was coming. She saw the petite girl running.

“Oi, Atsuko!” – TakaMina

“Why?” – Atsuko

“I think you left this at our classroom.” TakaMina handed her a pendant. It was a pendant for a necklace. It was a letter “M”.

“Yes, that’s mine. Thank you.” Atsuko said. She started walking again. Minami walked by her side.

“Where do you live?” Minami asked. Atsuko felt it is no use if she wouldn’t answer… Besides, she found her pendant…

“Near the train station.”

“Eh? Me too! Then, we should go alone home together more often.” – TakaMina

It was quite weird because Minami felt her heart beating fast.

“You’re right. Okay.”

While they were walking, Minami looks everywhere to divert the uneasiness that she’s feeling. Then, she saw a stall which sells ice cream.

“Ano… Atsuko…” She held Atsuko’s wrist. “Let’s buy ice cream!” Atsuko could no longer decline to TakaMina’s invitation and the two ended up in front of the stall. The vendor greeted them cheerfully.

“What flavor do you want?” – TakaMina

“Mango… with chocolate dip.” – Atsuko

“Okay. One mango ice cream with chocolate dip… and one chocolate ice cream with mango dip.” TakaMina smiled. She handed Atsuko her ice cream.

“Let’s eat there.” She pointed at a nearby bench. They made their way and sat on the bench. Atsuko was eating quietly, and so is Minami.

“Arigato.” – Atsuko

TakaMina was a bit surprised. Hell Yeah – Atsuko was talking to her! But still she can’t look at her because she felt so shy.

“What for?”

“The ice cream.”

“No problem.” TakaMina glanced at Atsuko.

“Oh.” Using a tissue, she wiped the ice cream on the side of Atsuko’s lips. “Ice cream.”

Atsuko blushed. She thought, “Why am I blushing? My face is so hot… and my heart beats very fast. Oh no!”

“Oh… Thank you, Minami.” Atsuko said, trying to keep her composure.

TakaMina thought, “Minami? This is the first time she ever said my name! Shiawase!”

“Minami…” TakaMina whispered.

“Don’t you want to be called like that? Okay I’ll call you TakaMina then—“

“No no no. Minami’s fine.” TakaMina said. She thought, “Minami’s great. You’re the only one in school who calls me Minami.”

For a moment, there was silence.

“So… Friends?” TakaMina asked.

Atsuko nodded and extended a hand to TakaMina. The latter held her hand and shook it.

“Friends.” Atsuko said.


Offline luvsidney

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Yeah!! Thank you for continue the story!!! sweet moment of umeyuu and atsumina and atsumina pair start to have sth!! It's nice ^^

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #14 [20.12.2014]
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2014, 04:53:06 AM »
@luvsidney: tehehe. thanks for your replies! :3 it inspires me~  :cool1: :farofflook: :luvluv2:

well... here's the 14th entry!



Entry #14

Cultural Festival…

The students were all around the campus. The different clubs had organized either a booth or an event.

The culture club was the main organizer of the event.

There’s a lot of food stalls, mini games, booths, etc.

The Music Club organized a maid café which presents performances from the members of the Music Club.

“Welcome, everyone! For this day, we’ll be presenting to you the members of the Music Club – Yamamoto Sayaka and Watanabe Miyuki!”

The two went up the stage. Sayanee had brought her guitar; Milky will do the main vocals.

“You ready?” – Sayanee

Milky nodded.

The small crowd cheered.

Our last kiss
Had a flavour like tobacco
It tasted bitter and sad

Where will you be
This time tomorrow?
Who will you be thinking of?

You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else someday
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
I’ll keep singing my sad love song
Until I can sing a new song

Time had stood still
But it’s starting to move again
All these things I don’t want to forget

This time tomorrow
I’ll surely be crying
Thinking of you

You will always be inside my heart
There’ll always be a place just for you
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
I’ll keep singing my sad love song
Until I can sing a new song

You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else someday
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
I’ll keep singing my sad love song

Now and forever

“Wooooo~” The students clapped their hands and the two bowed and went down the stage just as Shinoda-sensei was entering the café.

She was with Principal Noro and Dr. Ohori.

“Next performance is from a new member of our club. 3rd year student – Kojima Haruna!”

This is Haruna’s first time to sing in front of many people. She was nervous but at the same time excited.

It was really weird – what she’s feeling. Yuko’s not here to support her because she’s busy with the Drama Club’s booth.

The song started playing when she saw Shinoda-sensei at the corner of the room. She blushed at the thought that she’s watching her.

Don't look at me like that.
Something's starting, isn't it?
It's cunning to tempt without speaking definitely.

Why have you been so quiet?
Folding your arms like that
You must be worried about
How I handle you.

Hey, let's casually
Think about the two of us.
Hey, in this world there's nothing but men, women and gays.
I'll soon understand
That simple answer too.

Kiss me BABY!
Kiss me BABY!
Embrace my fragile self.
Won't you teach me
Better than a textbook can?
Kiss me BABY!
Kiss me BABY!
Anyway, soon I'll experience it.
My first partner will be
Dear dear my teacher!

Why are you hesitating?
You're tied down to your morals, right?
Human emotions
Won’t stop for any reason.

Maybe this is different to love,
But is that really so bad?
I have a mission.
There are things you want to try, aren't there?
Hey, I definitely
Definitely won't tell anyone.
It'll just be us, I won't even tell my parents.
Things happen everywhere
That is soon forgotten.

Do it BABY!
Do it BABY!
Won't you teach me a lesson?
I just want to have
Some secret private lessons.
Do it BABY!
Do it BABY!
If you just turn the key in the door
I'll be a good girl.
Dear dear my teacher!

Shake it BABY!
Shake it BABY!
So where shall we start?
If you won't say it with words,
I'll close my eyes.
Shake it BABY!
Shake it BABY!
Lessons are your specialty, aren't they?
Teach me now,
Dear dear my teacher!

“Was Kojima looking at me? Or am I mistaken?”, Mariko thought. She herself blushed as that idea came to her mind.

Haruna’s performance was done. Mariko clapped her hands along with the audience. Haruna caught sight of Mariko’s actions and she was very pleased.

“That one’s for you, Shinoda-sensei.” Haruna murmured as she left the stage.

The Sports Club organized swimming, marathon, and tennis events.

Sayaka was a participant of the swimming event. Sae didn’t join any competition but she was there to support Sayaka.

Sae thought, “The participants were still preparing. I guess I’ll roam around for a while before the event starts.”

She started walking and then she passed by the Math Club booth where a challenge was held.

“Beat her, and you’ll be crowned champion!” was written in huge letters in front of the booth.

Sae entered the booth.


Participants must beat Atsuko in a Math Quiz for them to win.

A sophomore accepted the challenge, but after three questions, she got eliminated from the game.

“Waaaa! Atsuko’s so cool!” Sae said. She glanced at her watch. “Oh, the swimming event’s got to start soon! I must go!”

She decided to leave but a bunch of her fans club members spotted her.

“Saekyuuuuun!” The girls ran towards her. “Let’s have fun, Saekyun!” They dragged her to the horror booth of the drama club.

“Yadaaaa! The swimming event will soon start!!” But the girls will take no as an answer.

Sayaka’s eyes roamed around the pool area searching for Sae, but she’s not around.

“Maybe she went to the comfort room…”, Sayaka thought.

Minegishi-sensei announced the official start of the event. The participants went to their respective positions.

“Focus, Sayaka! Focus!” Sayaka thought to herself.

“On your mark, get set, go!” Minegishi-sensei blew on the whistle which triggered the girls to jump down the pool.

Sayaka was disheartened because Sae’s not cheering for her. She’s not even there to support her.

To add to her despair, she finished second place on the race.

“Waaaaaa!” The girls screamed in chorus because of the little white lady.

Sae was starting to get bored when…

“Oh no… What’s that?” She looked behind her and her face turned pale. “Va—vampire!”

She saw a pale vampire – blood stained. It was devouring the blood of a beautiful lady.

Sae was so moved – horrified by the scene. She screamed and ran out of the horror booth.

She noticed that the girls were all so freaked out inside the horror booth. It was the perfect opportunity to escape them. She ran back to the pool area, but when she arrived everyone was already leaving.

She looked for Sayaka inside the shower room, but found her nowhere. “Well, maybe I can talk to her tomorrow. I hope she’s not mad at me.” Sae thought and she sighed.

“Okay. You two can take a break. But be back here after an hour, okay?”

Milky linked her arms over Sayanee’s. Sayanee kept on removing it. But in the end, she just gave into Milky’s repeated action.

They began walking around the school.

“Ah, let’s eat cotton candy!” Sayaka agreed on Milky’s invitation.

The two ate sweet cotton candy while talking.

They continued their tour. Sayanee saw the horror booth.

“Let’s go there!” Sayanee said with a smirk.

“Eh?” Milky’s eyes brightened.

At first, both were unafraid. But then, Sayanee started to feel goosebumps.

“Aren’t you afraid?” – Sayanee

“I don’t think so…” – Milky

She was enjoying it very much, though.

“Le—let’s get out of here! I’m getting bo—bored.” Sayanee tried to keep her composure but really she was starting to freak out.

“Eh, you’re scared!” Milky grinned.

“Eh! I’m not!”


A cold hand touched Sayanee’s shoulder.

“Waaaaa!” Sayanee screamed and ran out of the horror booth.

“Not scared, eh? Oh, I see…” Milky laughed as she made her way to the exit.

The Drama Club organized a horror booth. Lots of students went to check out their booth.

“Umechan!” Yuko was calling out to Ayaka but she didn’t hear her because she was talking to a sophomore – who is named Nonaka Misato also known as Micha.

Yuko sighed. It seems like she won’t even have the chance to talk to Ayaka.

Another bunch of students entered the horror booth. Yuko was playing the white lady character. The students screamed and ran away.

They must pass by Ayaka’s lane before the exit. Ayaka was dressed as a vampiress and Micha was her bloody victim.

She heard murmurs around the room.
   “She really is a good actress.”
   “Yeah, just like what Yuko-senpai said…”

She looked at them and gave them a thumb up.

“Maybe I’ll have the chance to talk to her after this.” Yuko thought to herself.

Oshima-sensei was also inside the booth – she was hidden somewhere where she can observe everything.

“It looks like my hunch’s correct.” She smiled.

“This thing’s starting to get more interesting…”

The day’s finally over…

The students started cleaning and packing their things up.

It has been a busy day for President Takahashi. She monitored every booth and helped in the preparation in the maid café.

She didn’t have a chance to enjoy the culture fest.

She still needs to check if the other students are done cleaning.

Well, almost everyone had gone home.

“Yo! TakaMina!” – Yuko

“What a tiring day.”  TakaMina let out a sigh.

“Yeah! I thought we are the last to leave the school… but there you are.”

“I still need to check on the other booths.”

“Oh, okay TakaMina. We’ll be leaving now. Bye!” Yuko and Ayaka waved their hands and left.

After she checked everything, TakaMina went to the principal’s office to report.

She was easily dismissed by Principal Noro.

She was walking down the hallway when she saw Atsuko went out of the clinic.

“Atsuko!” She walked towards her. “You okay?”

“Yeah, quite better.”

“Why? What happened to you?”

“Just a mild headache. Today’s a tiring day.”

TakaMina felt a lift of her spirits.

The two girls walked home together.

“You haven’t enjoyed the culture fest?”

Atsuko nodded.

“I was on our booth all day.”

“Yeah, I saw you there… Ano… Atsuko… That’s my house.”

Atsuko looked at where TakaMina is pointing at.

“Would you like to come in and have a tea?” TakaMina said as she pressed the doorbell.

Her mother opened the gate and smiled when she saw the two girls.

“She looks familiar… I know I’ve seen her before.” Atsuko thought to herself.

“Mom, she’s Maeda Atsuko, my classmate.”

Atsuko suddenly remembered a summer almost a decade ago. Yes, she knew her.

“Hello Atsuko. I’m Minami’s mother. Come in… Dinner’s almost ready.”

Atsuko accepted the invitation. They entered Minami’s house.

“Make yourself comfortable…”

Atsuko sat on the sofa. Her eyes roamed around the room.

She found what she’d been searching for – young Minami’s picture.

Yes, she had met Minami before… and her mother, too…

She can clearly remember what happened before.



Atsuko smiled at Minami. The latter returned the smile but she was wondering why Atsuko did that.

The three had a wonderful dinner.

After some time, Atsuko said good bye and left.

When she arrived at home, she hurriedly went to her room and pulled out her diary from her desk.

“The search is over, I already found her – my M.”

She tightly held her necklace with the pendant shaped “M”.


thanks for reading minna-sama! bye~ until next time!  :heart:

Offline luvsidney

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eh!!!!!! Takamina and acchan met before!!! and acchan tends to search her!!!? ohhhh my it's a surprise!!  Sayaka would definitely mad at you sae!!! hehehe pls make sae very hard to get sayaka's forgiveness hahaha she deserves haha =P

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #15 [22.12.2014]
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2014, 03:55:46 AM »
@luvsidney: yeah yeah yeah! XD here's a special SaeYaka moment!  :inlove:

to all silent readers there~ HI!  :inlove:

minna-sama! here's entry #15!


Entry #15

The next day…

Sae went to school earlier than usual. She planned to fetch Sayaka so that they’ll go to school together. She was riding her double-seated bike.

She stopped in front of Sayaka’s residence and pressed the doorbell.

“Sayakaaa~” Sae called out but nobody answered.

“Probably she went to school so early…”

When she reached school, she looked for Sayaka – at the cafeteria, at the pool area, at the gym, at the rooftop, almost every part of the school. Sae found her nowhere. She was much bothered. Sayaka hadn’t even texted her last night.

“Natsumin, do you know where Sayaka is?”

“I have no idea. She hurriedly left yesterday after the swimming event.”

“Saechan! Sayaka told me she’s at the airport! Awaiting for a plane going to the Philippines becau—“ – Kana

Sae ran out of the room.

“Eh?” – Kana

Sae’s heartbeat was very fast. She pedaled her bike as fast as she can.

“I hope I’ll come in time. I don’t want to lose her.” She murmured.

She reached the airport at last. She ran to the Tokyo-Manila departure area.

Her eyes roamed quickly but she didn’t see even Sayaka’s shadow.

“I was too late…” Tears started to fall from her eyes.

“Sayakaaa!” Sae screamed at the top of her lungs. It was embarrassing but she didn’t care.

“Why? If only i didn’t ignore my feelings for you… maybe you’re still here… I hate myself because I know that I love you so much, Sayaka—“


Her heart was racing when she heard that voice – it was Sayaka’s.

“Is what you’ve said… true?” Sae looked down. “Yes.”

She was shocked because Sayaka hugged her from behind. Sayaka chuckled.

“I thought you’re… going away…” – Sae

“No… My parents had their departure a while ago. I passed an excuse letter to Shinoda-sensei.” – Sayaka

“I’m so happy… you’re still here… By the way, I’m sorry about yesterday… I didn’t—“

“Ssssshhhh. Explanations are unnecessary and besides… I’m not angry. I was a bit disheartened but still I can’t stay mad at you for a long time.”

“Now… you know the truth… I tried to ignore my feelings for you because I don’t want to lose you as a friend… and I don’t think you like me.”

“Well… you know… you’re quite right… I don’t like you…”

Sae cried more. “I told you! Now, I’ll be totally—“

“Sssshhhh! I don’t like you anymore… because I’m in love with you.”

Sae’s eyes brightened. She looked at Sayaka. The latter smiled at her.

“I love you, Sae! I’ve been hiding it for a long time because… I didn’t think you’ll like me… because I’m not like those cute girls whom you flirted with…”

Sae caressed Sayaka’s cheek.

“Who told you that? For me, you’re the prettiest girl in school… I was just scared to death to lose you.”

Sayaka blushed.

“I love you, Sayaka.” Sae gave her a peck on the lips. It was both their first kiss.

Dismissal time…

“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?” – Yuko

“You can go home now… Besides, you’re tired because of the practice of the Drama Club. You should take a rest.” – Haruna

“No, no… I’m fine. I’m just worried about you.” – Yuko

“Don’t worry about me, okay?” Haruna smiled at Yuko.

“Okay, then… I’ll be going. Bye, Nyan Nyan!” Yuko said as she pat on the taller girl’s head.

“Bye, Yuuchan! Take care!” Haruna waved her hand as Yuko left her.

“Umechan!” Yuko called out to Ayaka.

“Yuuko…” Ayaka smiled.

“”Going home already? Would you like to come with me and grab something to eat?”

“Oh… I don’t think I can… I’m sorry Yuko… but Micha and I will go and eat ramen.”

Her heart felt like something pinched it. “Oh, okay… Maybe, next time?” She faked a smile.

“Sure! I got to go! Micha’s waiting for me. Bye!” Ayaka waved her hand.

“Bye…” Yuko slowly walked. She’ll go home alone and crestfallen.


“Eh?” Haruna stood up before Shinoda-sensei’s office.

She turned the knob. It isn’t locked.

Haruna decided to enter the office.

Shinoda-sensei had fallen asleep on her table. Haruna quietly walked towards her and watched her sleeping face closely.

Haruna thought, “Kyaah~ Even she’s asleep, Shinoda-sensei is still so beautiful!”

She took out her phone and took a picture of her sleeping teacher. She was just spending her time staring at the beauty before her eyes when suddenly… Shinoda-sensei opened her eyes.

Haruna was extremely shocked! And so is Mariko.

“What are you doing, Kojima?”

“Uhmmmm… I—I didn’t mean to…watch you, ma’am… it just happened that I accidentally walked in while you’re asleep… and—“

“Okay, okay… Never mind. But how long have you been staring at me?”

“For about an hour, ma’am… Or was it longer?”

Mariko’s eyes widened. She blushed very red.

“Di—did you take a picture of me while I was asleep?!”


“Really? I’ll check your phone… Give it to me!”

“No way, Shinoda-sensei… I can’t.”


“I don’t want to…”

“It’s because you did take a picture of me! Delete it now! Kojima Haruna!”

“I didn’t, ma’am!” Haruna cannot look into Mariko’s eyes because she was lying.

Shinoda-sensei stood up and walked towards Haruna. She tried to steal away Haruna’s phone so that she can see if Haruna really had taken a picture of her.

“Give it to me.”


Haruna keeps on dodging Shinoda-sensei…

Accidentally, Mariko lost her balance and fell over Haruna. Her face was now really close to Haruna’s.

Both their heartbeats raced. Both can feel each other’s warmth.

Suddenly, the door opened!


And there was Principal Noro and Minegishi-sensei by the door!

“What’s the meaning of this?!”


Offline luvsidney

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AHHHHHHH!!!! Ooooooowooooooooo~~~~~~~ my favorite saeyaka heart ached and sweet sweetc sweet moment!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me give all my kisses to u ^3^ I love it tooooooo much!!!!!!!

Noro happened to see the mariko and kojipa!!? XD look like there would be many interesting things will happen!!! ^^

I super like the last saeyaka gif!!!

Offline Ava

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I loved that marharu moment!!

Oh and poor yuko, she is suffering because of umechan

And when did atsumina meet before, takamina doesnt seemm to remember

Thnks for the update
Fanfic: Towards my dream (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,Mayuki etc)


Offline cisda83

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Well.. its good that Atsuko found her M

But what's going on with Haruna and Mariko?

How is she going to clear the situation she is in with Haruna to the principal and Miichan?

Can't wait to see

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #16 [24.12.2014]
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2014, 11:04:42 AM »
thanks for the "thanks" i received from Lost Heaven and Ruka Kikuchi!

@luvsidney: thanks for your consistent comments! kyaah~  :on slopkiss:yeah yeah noro and miichan saw MariHaru XD more surprises to come for the next entries!

@Ava: really? i'm glad you liked it!  :on cny1: uhm.. yes they have met before... and it will be revealed in the next entries~ keep on reading to find out! tehehe.

@cisda83: tehehe~ well see... what happened to Haruna and Mariko... so read this update! XD  :on thumbb:

thanks to all who commented! and also to the silent readers!  :heart: :heart:

here's an update!

Entry #16

“Shinoda Mariko! What’s this?!” Principal Noro was seriously furious. Miichan leaned on the wall outside the room. She was hurt because of the scene they saw a while ago.

“Ano… Noro-san… Let me explain…”

“I really need you to.” Kayo said to Mariko, and then she looked at Kojima.

“She doesn’t have anything to do with this…”

“She doesn’t? Well that isn’t like what we’ve seen a while ago…”

“It’s just a misunderstanding…” Mariko looked at Haruna. “You should go home now.”

Haruna walked out of the room with her head down.

“Miichan… Come here.” Kayo dragged Miichan inside Mariko’s office and locked the door.

“Noro-san… It’s not like what you think… It was an accident. I fell asleep then she entered my office. I caught her staring at me… Then, I thought that she might have taken a picture of me while I was sleeping, so I asked her to hand me her phone. She refused. I tried to snatch it away from her when I lost my balance and fell over her. Then, you two entered…”

“If we didn’t… then something else might have happened.” – Kayo


“I know you, Mariko… The moment we opened the door… you were staring at her eyes…”

Miichan was speechless.

“You can’t lie to me… I’ve been with you since high school that’s why I know you… You’re attracted to Kojima, aren’t you?”

Mariko’s heartbeat was fast. She can’t believe that Kayo was confronting her like this.

“Oh, why don’t you answer?”

Miichan’s own feelings were hurt because of Mariko’s silence.

Mariko looked down. “I guess so… I know it isn’t right – what I’m feeling… but I don’t know how to stop myself.”

The two heard Miichan’s sobs. Mariko was a bit pained. Kayo went over the crying Gachapin and comforted her.

Kayo’s phone rang. She went out to answer it.

“Marichan…” Miichan said in a shaky voice. “Please… don’t fall for her… Don’t fall for anyone else…”

Mariko was furious.

“I know I’m so selfish with my request… The truth is that… I don’t want to see you with someone else… It really hurts…” Miichan paused for a while.

“I want you to be mine again… because I’ve realized that I still… love you.”

That evening, Mariko felt restless and confused.

She decided to drive around the city… then she found herself in the entrance of a bar.

She entered and ordered some drinks.

Mariko let out a sigh.

She thought to herself, “This can’t be happening… I’m starting to like Haruna but… it’s not right! I’ll just ruin her life if this continues… and then… Miichan still loves me? How can that happen? I can still remember that day we broke up because I caught her kissing a guy… How I felt the pain that she choose a guy over me…”

She heard a sad music, someone’s singing. She looked at the stage.

“Yamamoto?” She mumbled to herself.

“I want you to… catch me.”

When the song was finished, she went out of the bar and get in her car… She doesn’t really know where she’s going until she found herself outside Haruna’s house.

She pressed the doorbell. “What am I thinking?” Her heart was racing.

She was about to leave when Haruna opened the gate.

“Shinoda-sensei?” Haruna was shocked because of the unexpected visit of Shinoda-sensei.

Mariko looked at Haruna. “She was adorably beautiful.”, Mariko thought.

Haruna noticed that her teacher was quite drunk.

“Why… are you here, ma’am?”

Mariko can’t resist Haruna’s cute face, maybe because she’s drunk. She really wanted to kiss her right now… and she did!

It was a fast one but rough. Haruna’s eyes opened widely. Both of them were shocked of what happened.

“I—I’m sorry…” Mariko left the awestricken Haruna.

“We have a special performance for tonight. I will not be the one to sing… It’s my pleasure to present to you… Sayanee!” The crowd cheered as Sayanee walked up the stage.

“Hello… The song I will sing for tonight is dedicated for my special friend… That person’s not here but I hope this song will reach her in some ways…”

Even now,
You turn the other way
Just your casual feeling
Is an unreachable thing

Surrounded by everyone
You show a smiling face
I truly want to make
All that my own
Want you to love me

A star's warmth
Burns far away
I want you to notice my heart
A star's warmth
Although shining
In front of my eyes,
You carry on with a normal life

With a telescope for the heavens,
I send to you
A modest, small light
I wonder if it'll be found
Want you to catch me

The stars are tears
Overflowing amidst the night sky
Yet I don't know how to wipe them away
The stars are tears
How sad I am
One day for sure,
I want to show you

A star's warmth
Burns far away
I want you to notice my heart
A star's warmth
Although shining
In front of my eyes,
You carry on with a normal life

The stars are tears
Overflowing amidst the night sky
Yet I don't know how to wipe them away
The stars are tears
How sad I am
One day for sure,
I want to show you

She heard the applause of the audience. She bowed and jumped off the stage.

As she made her way out of the bar, a warm hand grabbed her wrist.

“Sayanee…” Just hearing that voice is enough to make her blush.

“Milky…” Sayanee can’t look at her because she can’t let Milky see that she’s blushing.

“I—I love you…”


Milky let go of Sayanee’s arm.

Sayanee still didn’t speak. She didn’t even look at Milky… until she heard Milky’s footsteps running away from her.

She felt her heart twitch… For the first time in her life, she felt so weak…

“You’re a freaking coward, Sayaka.” She murmured to herself as she felt her warm tears rolling down her cheeks.

Yuko cannot sleep. She’s still thinking of Ayaka.

“Does she like Micha? It seems like she does… but how about me??”

She’d been bothered because those two were getting so much closer to each other, especially because Oshima-sensei paired Ayaka and Micha in a play. She said she was about to choose Yuko but she’s small for a male character, so she decided to choose Micha instead.

“If only I was tall… I should be the one getting closer to you.”

She browsed her phone and located a certain folder.

It was full of stolen shots of Ayaka…

“I think… I’ve fallen for you already.”


Yuko was startled when her phone rang… and much more startled when she saw the name of the caller…


She pressed the button.

   A: Hello…
   Y: Yes, hello…
        A: Yuuko… I received a message from Oshima-sensei… She said we’ll have a dress rehearsal tomorrow after class…
   Y: Oh… Okay… Thank you… Is that the only reason why you called?
   A: Yes… I think so…
   Y: Okay—
   A: Wait! Ano…
   Y: Hm?
   A: Uhm… No—nothing! Never mind. Good night, Yuuko. See you tomorrow.
   Y: Okay… Good night!

Ayaka hanged up the phone.

“I love you, Umechan…”


sorry if it's short...  :(

thanks for reading!

comments and criticisms will be appreciated~


Offline sastio13

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saeyaka! yeay!
oh mya :shocked
what will happen to mariko? how about miichan? what would principal kayo do?
mariko kissing haruna...
milky's confession...
yuko, realized that she fall for ume
need next chapt XD
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry #17 [26.12.2014]
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2014, 06:32:06 AM »
thanks for the "Thanks" i received from Cometerz48, Ruka Kikuchi, and sastio13!

@sastio13: the story really is still a great mystery to me... i don't really have a plot in my mind. XD i just write what idea pops in my mind. :3 thanks for reading!  :on slopkiss: here's the next entry! 

hello there silent readers! i hope everyone'e enjoying this story! if you have concerns feel free to ask me. XD


too bad i can't post a new OS.

my mind went blank.


but here's the next entry...

enjoy guys!  :glasses: :ding:

Entry #17

Last night’s been full of surprises and reckless actions…

The following day…

“Let’s go?” Sae asked Sayaka. The latter nodded.

The two rode Sae’s double-seated bike. Sayaka wrapped her arms around Sae’s tummy and leaned her head on Sae’s back.

“Oi, Sayaka~ Are you not feeling well?” Sae asked concernly.

Sayaka chuckled. “No… I just want to hug you…” Sae blushed because of what she said.

When they arrived at school, Sae’s fans club was already waiting by the gate.

“Saekyuuuun~” She just smiled at them.

They got off the bike and Sae held Sayaka’s hand.

They walked up to the classroom with their fingers intertwined.

“Woooah!” – Kana

“At last! SaeYaka!!!” Yuko screamed.

“SaeYaka?” The lovers said in chorus.

“Sae plus Sayaka equals SaeYaka!” Kana and Yuko answered excitingly.

The two blushed. They remembered they are holding each other’s hands. Sayaka was about to let go of Sae’s hands but Sae tightened her grip. “Yeah. We’re SaeYaka!”

Their classmates turned their heads facing the two… but there is one person’s gaze who’s apparently not approving their union…

“Please be seated class…” That was Principal Noro who entered the room. The students did what the principal said.

“The vice-principal… I mean Shinoda-sensei is absent for today… which means I’ll be the one to handle you until she comes back…” Kayo glanced at Haruna.

She’s feeling weird – wanting to check if Shinoda-sensei is fine… but she doesn’t even know where the teacher lives…

“TakaMina…” Haruna poked Minami. “Do you know where Shinoda-sensei lives?”

“No, I don’t… but maybe it’s stated in her school profile…”

“Oh, thank you.”

During their lunch time, Haruna went to the library and searched for her profile.

When she’s done, she walked back to the room but the class has already started. She checked her watch. “Oh, I’m 45 minutes late! I guess I might just get out of here now.”

She walked and walked and walked – out of the school until she found herself in front of her house.

She pressed the doorbell and after a couple of minutes, there appeared her.

“K—Kojima, what are you doing here?” This suddenly felt nostalgic.

“I—I just wanted to—“ but before she could finish what she’s saying, her teacher fainted.

“Sensei! Oh, she’s burning hot!” Haruna did her best and succeeded in carrying her inside the house.

“What should I do? If she’s hot… then she needs to cool down!”

She gathered a basin filled with lukewarm water, a face towel and a pair of new clothes. “This is what mom’s doing to me when I have a fever…”

She went back to the sofa where she laid Mariko. “Bu—but I need to take off her clothes!”

After a second of indecision, she decided to continue. “Besides… we’re both girls… and no one will know…”

She started to unbutton the other’s tops. She tried her best not to look at the tempting beauty in front of her eyes… Quickly, she wiped the towel on her face, arms, tummy, and everywhere!

Then, she put on the clean clothes on her body.

She brushed off some strands of hair on the face of the beautiful teacher.

Maybe because of the touch of her fingers, Mariko gained her consciousness back.

For the second time, she caught Haruna staring at her.

Their gazes met and it made their hearts beat fast.

Then suddenly, Haruna remembered what happened last night.

“Sensei, why did you… last night… oh, never mind…”

“I—I’m sorry, Haruna… if I kissed you last night… maybe it’s because I’m drunk but I felt that I really wanted to see you…”

“That was my first kiss, ma’am.”

“I’m really sorry…” Mariko looked down guiltily.

She noticed she was wearing a new pair of clothes!

She looked at Haruna. “You—you’ve seen it – everything!”

“I didn’t!”

“You’re lying again!” Mariko blurted out.

And then there was silence…

It took a couple of minutes before Haruna spoke.

“I love you, sensei.”

“You’re lying… again and again…”

“I don’t think so.” Haruna looked at Mariko’s eyes.

Mariko was suddenly speechless.

“Maybe… you’re just mistaking infatuation as love…”

“I don’t know… I know nothing at all… I just feel something weird when you’re near… and when you’re not around… I secretly search for you… isn’t that love, sensei?”

Unaware, Mariko smiled.

“Jaa… if that is love… then does that mean that if I feel the same, then I love you also?”

“I—I don’t understand…” Haruna pouted.

Mariko pinched her cheek which made her blush.

“It’s getting late… Maybe you should go home now.”

Mariko escorted Haruna outside her house.

“Thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome, ma’am. I hope you feel better now.”

“Yeah. Bye!”

Haruna smiled and waved her hand.

“Wait! Harunaaaa!” Mariko jogged towards her.

She whispered, “I love you, too.”


It was dismissal time…

“Atsuko… I can’t walk with you today… because I still have things to do here.”

“It must be really hard for you when Shinoda-sensei is not around.”


“Okay… See you tomorrow!”

TakaMina attended on her usual duties as the school president. The last thing she needs to do is to report on Principal Noro.

“Principal, these are the finalized school calendar of activities.”

“All the teachers have already signed?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

TakaMina handed the Principal the papers.

“Thank you, Takahashi. By the way, can I ask you something?”

“Yes, ma’am. What is it?”

“What do you think about Kojima Haruna?”

“Ah, KojiHaru? Ano… she’s nice and a sweet girl. Sometimes she’s an airhead but she definitely works hard.”

“Oh… I see. Thank you. Please don’t tell anyone what I asked you, okay?”

“Yes, principal.”

“You may go now.”

TakaMina left the office and walked down the hallway. When she passed by the main gate, a voice called her.


It was Atsuko.

“Why are you still here?” – Minami

“I waited for you.” Minami blushed.

“But w—why?”

“Can we talk? I need to tell you something.” Atsuko seriously said.

TakaMina nodded.

“There’s a nearby park here, right? Let’s talk there.”


sorry if it's short~


comments and criticism are appreciated!  :inlove:

 :on gay: :mon bye:


Offline yanki-kun

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good one. the saeyaka part <3 yuko sama's awesome

Offline mikiseki

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« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2014, 11:01:52 AM »
I'm new at this forum and I create an account bcs i really want to thank you to write this fic... thank you and please continue! Really love saeyaka and mariharu here hehe XD

Offline Hikachi_Jayne

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hay there... first i want to introduce my self. iam a newbie here, i love AKB48 GROUP..
:) and about your fanfict, that so great, i love it.. (even i don't know who is my favorite couple, yet). . hehehe..
so. thats all i want to say. . keep it update. *Good Job* and Thankyou.. ^^

Offline luvsidney

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Love die saeyaka heeeheee sayaka is tooooooo cute!!!!!!! somehow like someone gotta do sth to destroy their relationship...

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