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Author Topic: Beyond The Sea(Atsumina,Mayuki,Kojiyuu,Wmatsui,Marimii) [COMPLETED]  (Read 116848 times)

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@Bakamina_Oshi: Thank you! Yes, this is the final fight. :)

Thank you everyone for reading my fic!  :D

This is chapter 30, the final chapter. Hope you guys enjoy reading this  :D

Chapter 30: Final Fight

In the Maeda’s hall

Minami and Atsuko walk toward Shin. People in two sides stand back leaving them a clear way.

“Guards, catch them. They are imposter.” Shin shouts

They keep walking toward Shin.

“Guards kill those imposters” Shin shouts

Maeda guards rush out and surround Atsuko and Minami.

“Imposters, what do you want?” the chief said while pointing the sword at Atsuko and Minami

“I’m not an imposter. My name is Maeda Atsuko, daughter of Maeda Atsushi. The heir of Maeda Clan” Atsuko said confidently

“Me too, I’m Takahashi Minami, son of the strongest swordsman, Takahashi Kai. The heir of Takahashi Clan” Minami said in confident.

“The one that should be arrested is him, Maeda Shin” Minami shouts and points at Shin

“He is a murderer, a human trader, a kidnapper, and a traitor of Maeda Clan.” Atsuko adds

The crowd starts whispering about Atsuko and Minami

“Did they tell the truth?”

“They are also resembled the little Atsuko-sama and Minami-sama.”


“Did Master Shin do all of those things like they said?”

“If they are real, then they tell the true”

The guards are also confused. They look at each other

“Did they tell the truth?” they said to each other

“Sir, what will we do now?” a man asks on behalf of the rest

The leader looks at them. Then he turns to Taiki and Takashi

“Master Taiki, Master Takashi, please give us your order” he said and bows

“Don't listen to them. I didn't do anything wrong. They are imposter. My father and Uncle Takashi were tricked by them. Therefore they said something like that.” Shin said

“Arrest them” he continues

Then he looks at the crowd

“Everyone, please call your men to help me. Also helping our clan” Shin said

“How can we trust you? You just shout at Taiki-sama moment ago” a man speaks up

Shin is surprised about the question. He turns and bows deeply at Taiki

“Father-sama, I'm very sorry for shouting at you like that. However, I did that because I can't stand seeing you were tricked by that girl. I want you to realize that I did everything is for this Clan” Shin said

“How about killing my comrade? He is the one of chief guard of Maeda Clan.” Another chief guard said

“That is…That is because he is the traitor. He is one of them” Shin said

“Liar. He is the most faithful servant, an admirable friend and comrade to me” the man said

The crowd once again whispers to each other in suspecting.

“Everyone, don’t listen to him. He is one of them too” Shin said

“Then do you have any evidence to prove that they are pirate and imposter. If you want us to help you, show us then.” a man said

“Yes, he is right.” another said

“Yes, show us” The crowd said

Shin slams the table and shouts

“Enough. I don’t have to show anything to any one of you here. I’m the head of the clan. I’m the Master here. You have to obey me. If you don’t want the smooth way, I will do it in rough way”

Shin is very angry now. He turns to Hibiki

“Call them here.” Shin said

“Yes sir” Hibiki said

He claps his hand. Then they see a lot of men rush in. They surround everyone in the Hall. They disable all the guard of Maeda Clan

“Not only those in here, outside my men already surrounding this place” Hibiki said

“Now, you know who the boss is, right?” Shin said in scornful tone

“Finally, you take you your mask huh, Shin?” Minami said

“So what, don’t you see that you people are in my hand now? Obey me or die” Shin said

“Yes, you all here should listen to Master Shin. He is the ruler” Hibiki said

Then Shin said

“Hibiki, kill those two first. They will be the evidence for me to show those idiots who is the boss here”

“Shin, I gave you the position. Keep your words” Taiki shouts while standing up

“Did I say that? I don’t remember that” Shin said

Then he turns to Hibiki

“Kill them” He said coldly

“You…” Taiki shouts while pointing at Shin

“Hold him down” Shin said

“You better be good, or I will kill you together with them” He continues

“Hibiki, kill them” Shin shouts

“Yes, Master” Hibiki nods and said

“You all kill that Maeda Atsuko and Takahashi Minami now” Hibiki shouts

Then a small group of men come and surround Atsuko and Minami.

“So, Atsuko, do you feel regret for going against me now?” Shin said and smirks

Atsuko looks at him and laughs out loud

“Regret? Don’t make me laugh. I will never regret about that” she said

“The person who should feel regret is you, traitor” Minami said and points at Shin

“You are very confident huh? Can say that even in this condition” Hibiki said

“Give up already. You two will never win against me” Shin said and laughs

Atsuko and Minami look at Shin and smirk

“Do you think that we are stupid enough to come here without any preparation?” Minami said

Shin looks at them

“What do you mean?” he said

Atsuko turns to Hibiki

“Thank you for your cooperation, Hibiki.” Atsuko said and smiles at him

Shin turns and glares at Hibiki

“Master, please don’t trust her. She wants to separate us” Hibiki said

“It is enough Hibiki. You don’t have to act in front of him anymore. Our people are here. We’re good now” Minami said

Shin looks at Hibiki while frowning

“Shut up Takahashi Minami. Don’t try to deceive my Master. He knows my loyalty” Hibiki said

He turns and looks at Shin with scared eyes. Then Shin turns and looks back at Atsuko and Minami. He laughs

“Nice try but I won’t fall in your trap.” Shin said

“Hibiki, I’m very impressed with your act.” Atsuko said

“Yes, that is correct. Shin is a very cautious man. However, Hibiki can make him trust him completely. That is impressive” Minami adds

Shin feels a little doubt about Hibiki

“Shut up. I didn’t betray Master” Hibiki shouts

“Kill them now” He shouts in anger

However, his men don’t move a muscle

“Hibiki, I told you that you don’t have to act anymore buddy. They won’t fight us. You introduced us to them at the secret cave in the west of the island, remember?” Minami said

“The cave? You took them there huh?” Shin said in anger

“Please Master, trust me. I didn’t show them that cave. I don’t know how they knew that, but I didn't show them anything” Hibiki kneels down and said

“By the way Hibiki, thank you for hiding my identity and saved me from Dark. If not you, I would die at that cliff” Minami said

“Also, you helped Minami to save me from that dungeon. We are so grateful” Atsuko said seriously and bow

“Hibiki” Shin shouts in anger

“Master, I didn't do that. Please trust me” Hibiki said

“Enough, don’t try to deceive me.” Shin said

“To make you more obey to me, I have to use your dear grandfathers” Shin said

“Grandpapa is your father. Are you that heartless to kill him?” Atsuko said

“My dear Atsuko. Thank you for thinking good about me. However, you are so wrong. I’m that heartless.” Shin said while his voice turning cold

“I don’t have to see him as my father since he didn't consider me as his son” he continues

“Hold them” Shin orders the guards behind Taiki and Takashi

The guards walk toward Taiki and Takashi. They come closer and closer and they passed them and blocking Shin with the two old men

“What are you doing? I said hold them” Shin shouts at them

“Too bad, we aren’t your servants, Maeda Shin. I only listen to Master Hibiki” one of the guard said

“What are you? You want to betray me?” Shin shouts

Then he turns to Hibiki

“What does this mean Hibiki? What are your men doing?” Shin shouts

“I...I...I...don’t know Master” Hibiki said

“It is enough, Hibiki. He is in our hands now. You can go back to our side now” Atsuko smiles and said

Shin looks at Hibiki with anger look

“Hibiki” He calls his name in anger

“Master, please don’t believe them. They lied. I didn’t do anything. I’m only loyal to you” Hibiki bows down and said

“Master, I will show you my loyalty” he said

“You all, kill Maeda Atsuko and Takahashi Minami, right now?” Hibiki turns and shouts

“Yes, sir” they answer

Instead of advance toward Minami and Atsuko, the guards turn back and point the sword at Shin

“Traitor, die” the leader said

“Hibiki” Shin shouts angrily

“Master, please calm down. I don’t know why they turned this way” Hibiki said

Shin look at Hibiki with anger look. Hibiki kneels down in front of Shin

“Please Master, please trust me” Hibiki said in begging tone

Shin bends down and helps Hibiki up

“Hibiki, don’t say that.” Shin said in gentle tone

“I know you. You are my most loyal servant.” he continues while patting Hibiki’s shoulders

“Master, thank you” Hibiki happily said

“You’re welcome, buddy” Shin said and hugs Hibiki

“Thank you, Master” Hibiki said

“You’re very welcome” Shin said while his eyes turn cold

“Mas...ter..” Hibiki calls in surprise

He pushes Shin out. He is holding his bleeding stomach. Shin stabbed a knife on Hibiki’s stomach

“Why…” Hibiki weakly said

“I can’t leave anyone who betrayed me alive” Shin said coldly

“I…am...not” Hibiki weakly said and falls down

Shin bends down and checks on Hibiki. He smirks

“Anyone who dared to betray me has to end up this way” Shin said coldly

Atsuko and Minami look at Shin with disgusted look

“Shin, you are really monster” Minami said while shaking his head

“In this world, if you are so nice to anyone other than you, you are rude to yourself. Selfish is the most necessary thing to survive in this world” Shin said

“Monster” Atsuko said

“Shin, I never thought that you became this heartless” Taiki said

“When did I ever teach you that?” He continues

“Shut up old man.” Shin shouts

“Shin, let’s me tell you this” Minami said

Shin turns to Minami

“What is it?” Shin said

“You just killed your most faithful servant” Minami said

“Correct, that is just our trap for you.” the man in disguised said

Shin is surprised. He turns around and looks at those guards in front of Taiki and Takashi. They slowly take off their mask. Shin widens his eyes when seeing faces behind the masks. The guards are Jun, Rena, Yuu, Haruna, Yuki, Mayu, Mariko, and Mii in disguise

“ are those pirates” Shin said

“Yes, this is us.” Yuu said

“How can you? Where are my guards?” Shin said in confuse

“Let’s me be generous and tell you about that” Jun said


In the early morning

There is a group of men wearing Maeda guard come toward the place where Taiki and Takashi are imprisoned. Unknowing to them there is someone follows them. When they turn into the corner of the Maeda Clan garden where usually no one will come, Yuu’s group jumps out and attack them. They hit those men at their necks making them lost conscious.

“Just as uncle Atsushi said.” Jun said

“Step one successfully complete” Yuu said

“Let’s tie them and hide them” Mii said

Then they tie them together

“Ok, let’s take their clothes and disguise quick” Rena said

“Uh” They all nod

Then they wear their disguise and continue the routine to Shin’s place

“Master” Yuu and the rest bow at Shin

“Good, take them to the Hall for me.” Shin said

“Yes sir” they said

“I’ll go there first. Do your job properly. If something happen, you know your fate, right?” Shin said

“Yes sir. We will do our best” The group bows

End flashback

Shin is speechless because of surprise.

“I see, a great plan to protect those two old men huh?” Shin said and laughs

“Of course, how can I leave my grandpapa and Taka grandpa alone?” Atsuko said

“Also, the secret cave where you secretly training your troop, we already destroyed it, and released all the victims that you kidnapped there.” Minami said

“Let me tell you one more thing” Yuu said

“There is someone told us about your selfish characteristic” he said

“You are a selfish person with a very suspicious characteristic. You don’t trust anyone except you” Jun said

Shin looks at them with surprised look

“Who is the one behind this?” Shin said

“I’m sure that you will be very surprise when seeing them” Rena said

“It is us” a unison voice speaks up

Shin turns and looks at the sources of the sound. There are two hooded men walk in

“Who are you? Why did you interfere with my plan?” Shin shouts

“Did you forget my voice, my dear brother?” Atsushi said while taking off his hood

“ can that be?” Shin shouts while stepping back

“Atsushi, you are alive” Taiki stands up and said in happy tone

Looking at the figure next to Atsushi, Takashi stands up

“Then you are…” he said in hopeful tone

“Yes, this is me, father.” Kai said while revealing his face

The crowd is very surprise when seeing the two people who supposed to die in the shipwreck 20 years ago

“Are you surprise, Shin?” Atsushi said

“How can you?” Shin said in surprised

“We survived after that night. We are here to take revenge” Kai said

“I will make you pay for what you had done to my Nami. How can you force her to dead?” Atsushi shouts in anger

Shin laughs out loud and smirks

“That is what she deserved for denying my offer.” He said in scornful tone

“You…” Atsushi looks at Shin with anger look

“I also will take revenge for Akiko. You attack us just because of your selfish desire.” Kai said while looking at him with hatred look.

“That was your misfortune. If you were not there, your family wouldn't be in this situation.” Shin said carelessly

“I don’t know what words can use to describe you now Shin.” Takashi said

“I can’t believe this is my son, my only son.” Taiki sits down and sadly said

“Now, prepare to pay for you sin, Shin” Atsuko said

“You are lost now” Minami said

Shin stays silent and looks down

“I’m lost” he whispers

Then he looks up

“I’m lost. Oh no, I’m lost” Shin said in panic tone

He bends down and covers his head. Suddenly he stands up. He looks at Atsuko, Minami, and the rest with challenging eyes. Then he laughs out loud

“Do you two think that I will behave that way?” Shin said and smirks

“Of course not. We knew you crazier than that” Minami said

“Good. Credit for understanding me.” Shin said and claps his hands

“Actually the one who got trapped in here are you people. I have a very great back up plan for me already. I just was surprised to see that my dear little brother is still alive.” Shin said

“What do you mean?” Atsuko asks

“My dear Atsuko, what do you think about my acting skill?” he asks Atsuko

Atsuko looks at him

“Hibiki, stands up. Our show finished now. The one behind those kids finally showed up” Shin said

“Yes, Master” Hibiki said and stands up

Everyone widens their eyes in surprise

“Surprised huh? Can't believe in your eyes now?” Shin smirks

“I actually noticed the strange behavior from those guards. I set a backup plan to lure the one behind you out” he said

Then he uses his foot to tap on the floor. Suddenly, a lot of masked men come out from some secret passages in the Hall. They surroundings Atsuko’s group

"My dear Atsuko, let’s me tell you this. I knew that my old training place was discovered. Those men are my brand new troop. Stronger than the one you all released” he said and comes closer to Atsuko

“Stop right there. Don't you dare to come here any closer” Minami said while standing in front of Atsuko

“My-my, you are about to die and still have this confident tone” Hibiki said and smirks

“Know your place little boy. Maybe I will spare your life if you make me please such as kneel down and kiss my feet.” Shin said

“Sorry to disappoint you, but that thing will never happen” Minami said

“What can you do? You all are surrounded now.” Hibiki said

“If anyone of you agrees to follow me, I will spare your life and give you superior position.” Shin turns to Yuu's group and said

“Guys, did you hear what he just said? What do you think?” Jun said in mocking tone

“A great deal for some cowards like that guy over there.” Rena said while pointing at Hibiki

“You…” Hibiki shouts in anger

“To us, we have our dignity. We will never betray our families and friends” Yuki said

“Good words. Then I will let you all die here. You people will be a great example for those people in this clan” Shin said

“Wait, don’t rush Shin” Atsushi said

“That is just the beginning” Kai said

“Do you think we only have that?” Atsuko said

Suddenly a lot of men rush into the Hall. However, they didn’t wear any mask. Atsuko and Minami look at them and smile

“Do you think that we stupid enough to come here with just that plan?” Minami said

Then a man walks in

“Nice timing, Sakuya” Atsuko said

“Can you take people here out of this place? It is dangerous here” Minami said


Sakuya smiles and gives them a thumb up

Shin is very surprised. He shouts

“Who are you?”

“Me?” Sakuya said and smirks

“My name is Yamamoto Sakuya. Acchan’s cousin. I came here to take down a traitor from Maeda Clan” Sakuya said

“Cousin? What do you mean?” Shin said

“My father is her father’s adopted brother.” Sakuya said

“Stupid.” Shin said

“Anyhow, Shin, give up now. You are lost” Atsuko said

“Sakuya brought his men here and surround all over this place. You lost” Minami said

“Not a chance. Our men were trained as a Takahashi fighter. They won’t lose” Hibiki confidently

“I’m not saying that my men is the strongest, but they can compete equally with all of your men. Moreover, you are at the passive state now” Sakuya said

“No choice, I will fight with you to see who will win this fight” Shin said

Then he and Hibiki take out their swords

“Kill them” Shin orders

Suddenly, another group rushes in

“Master Jun, we are here” a man said

“Good job. Now attack those masked men” Jun said

“Yes sir”

The amount of men in Atsuko’s side is out number of Shin’s troop. They take them down and disable them easily

“Surrender now Shin, Hibiki.” Atsushi said

“Never.” Shin shouts angrily

“Then I'll fight with you.” Atsushi said

“Papa.” Atsuko calls in worry tone

“Don't worry Atsu. Papa will be fine. I have to take revenge for Nami, my love, my wife” Atsushi said

“I won't die. I still have to see you and Minami wedding, right? Also my grandchildren too.” He continues and laughs while patting Atsuko’s head

“Papa.” Atsuko calls him shyly

“I also have to clean up the trash in Takahashi Clan” Kai said

“Hibiki, my father trusted you. You betrayed Takahashi Clan. Receive your punishment now” He continues while pointing his sword at Hibiki

“Let's me see about this” Hibiki said

“Dad, be careful” Minami said

“Don't worry, as Atsushi said I also have to be alive to see that too” Kai smiles and said

Then the four rush to attack each other

In Atsushi’s side

Shin and Atsushi are fighting with each other.

“Why did you change like this, Shin” Atsushi said while dodging Shin’s sword

“That is your fault. If your weren't exist in this world, everything of you would be mine. Nami wouldn't have to kill herself” Shin shouts while continuing attacking Atsushi

“You still didn't know you fault, you're wrong, huh?” Atsushi said

“You always blame other for your action. Why don't you realize your sin? You kidnapped a lot of people for so many years. You sold them. You caused a lot of misery to a lot of people from places to places. Don't you feel sorry for them?” Atsushi shouts

He injures Shin’s shoulder and kicks his stomach

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Shin bends down and coughs. He looks up and smirks

“I don't think that I'm wrong. I just did to fulfill my need. I want to enrich myself. By doing that I can enrich this clan too” Shin said

Atsushi slaps his face

“Shut up, you selfish.” He shouts angrily

“You are a member of a superior clan. Your mission and responsible is to protect and help other. You embarrassed Maeda Clan.” He continues

“Then kill me. I'm in your hand” Shin said

Atsushi raises his sword. Shin closes his eyes waiting for his end. Atsushi looks at Shin while frowning. His eyes show his hesitation. Then instead of killing Shin, Atsushi kicks him at his stomach once again.

*Cough* *cough* *cough*

Shin coughs and opens his eyes

“That kick is for Nami. I can’t kill you, and I think Nami also doesn’t want me to do that too.” Atsushi said

“Accepting or not, you are still my older brother and son of the person who saved me and give me this life. I won’t kill you. I will throw you into the jail for you to reflect about your act for all those years” he continues

Taiki looks at Atsushi with his teary eyes. Atsushi smiles and bows at Taiki. The he turns and goes back to Atsuko’s place. Shin slowly stands up. He takes out a knife in his clothes

“Atsushi, this is your stupid decision to not killing me” Shin said and rushes to Atsushi

“Papa” Atsuko calls in worry

Suddenly a sword pierces through Shin’s left chest. He turns around to see the person who stabbed him

“Father” he whispers

“Dad” Atsushi calls in surprise

Taiki pierces his sword on Shin’s chest. His eyes are full of tear.

“Why?” Shin asks weakly

“Because you don't deserve to live. Atsushi spared your life, but you still didn't regret about your action. This is the only way to stop you from killing others. I told you before that if you do anything harm to this family, I will kill you by my own hand.” Taiki said in tear

“Father you are so unfai…” Shin breathes out and falls on the floor.

Taiki drops his sword and drop down on his knees

“Dad” Atsushi calls and rushes to him

“Grandpapa” Atsuko also rushes to her grandpa

They help him up and go back to his seat

“Are you ok, grandpapa?” Atsuko worriedly asks

“I’m fine. Don’t worry, Atsu” he pats her head and said


At Kai’s side

Kai is fighting with Hibiki

“Traitor, I will kill you, trash of Takahashi clan” Kai said

“Kill me if you can.” Hibiki said in challenging voice

“You don’t have to challenge me.” Kai said

The he raises his foot and kicks Hibiki stomach making he flies and hits hard at the wall

“Did you forget that I’m the strongest swordsman in the clan?” Kai said

Then he rushes to Hibiki and puts the sword on his neck

“Any last words?” Kai said

Hibiki looks at him. Sudden, he bows down.

“Please Kai-sama, please spare my life. I was forced to do this. Shin forced me to do this. Please think about my father. I’m your cousin. Please give me a chance. I will stay in the prison for the rest of my life to reflect about my action. Please” Hibiki said while bowing at Kai furiously

Kai looks at Hibiki’s pathetic action.

“You aren't worth to die under my sword.” he said and turns back

Hibiki smirks secretly. When Kai just turns back, he takes out a small dagger to stab him. However, Kai notices. He turns his sword backward and pierces the sword strongly at Hibiki’s stomach.

“I gave you the chance to live. It was you who threw it away” Kai said and pierces the sword deeper

Then he takes out his sword. Hibiki’s blood is puffing all over the place. He falls on the floor and dies. Takashi slowly walks toward Kai. The son who he thought he lost forever

“Kai” he calls him

“Father” Kai rushes to him and kneels down

“I’m back father.” Kai said happily

“I’m so glad” Takashi said

Atsuko, Minami walk toward the rest. They bow at Sakuya

“Thank you for helping our clan Sakuya. I’m so glad that you came all the way here to give us a hand” Minami said

“Yes, please accept our humble appreciation” Atsuko said

“Don't do that Takamina, Acchan. Acchan, you are my cousin. Although not blood related, I see you as one. In the past, it was uncle Atsushi and uncle Kai saved my father. I deeply appreciate them, so I see them as my family. I’m glad that I can help you guys.” Sakuya said

Atsuko and Minami smile at Sakuya

“Miyuki misses you a lot, Acchan. This time she asked me to bring her with me. However, this time is for serious business and dangerous, so I left her home. Next time, we will visit you for sure” Sakuya said

“We are waiting for you two” Minami said

Then they turn to Jun, Rena

“Thank you for lending us a hand Jun, Rena” Atsuko said

“Without your help, we won't win this battle” Minami said

“Don’t say that. I told you two before, right? You two are my family. Helping you two is a necessary thing” Jun said

“Uh, we are family” Rena smiles and said

When Atsuko and Minami turn to Yuu, Haruna, Mii, Mariko, Yuki, and Mayu, Yuu speaks up

“Ok, stop that thanking. We helped you because you are our friends and family.” Yuu said

“If you say a word of thanking again, we will mad” Mariko said

“Yes” Haruna and the rest said

“That is correct, Atsuko-nee. Maeda Clan is also my family. Saving it is obvious” Yuki said

Atsuko and Minami smile at each other. Then everything back to normal.

In the wedding day

Maeda Clan hosts a very big wedding ceremony for 5 couples, Minami and Atsuko, Mayu and Yuki, Jun and Rena, Yuu and Haruna, Mii and Mariko.

The five couples stands in front of Taiki and Takashi waiting for their blessing

“Today, you all will become husbands and wives. Remember to always love and respect each other” Taiki said

“Yes we will” they said

“Minami, Mayu, Jun, Yuu, Mii, you are the man. You have to protect your wife and your family. Don't let them suffer or sad.” Takashi said

“Yes we will always protect them” the five said

“Good, congratulation you all” Taiki and Takashi said happily

Then they all turn to their own parents for their blessing


“Mii, from now on, you have to take good care of Mariko. If I hear any news about you making her sad, I won't forgive you even you are my son” Kuu said

“Don't worry father I will always love her with all my life” Mii holds Mariko hand tightly and said

“Congratulation, you two. Best wish for you.” Kuu said

“Thank you father” Mariko bows and said

“Also, I'm waiting for my grandchildren” Kuu said and winks at Mariko and Mii making they blush


“Mayu, I'm so happy that you found a very good girl to be your wife” his mother said and sobs

“Thank you Yuki for loving him. I wish you two happy” she said

“No, mother. Thank you for raising him to be a great person. I'm very happy to be his wife and your daughter in law.” Yuki bows and said

“Mayu, remember to always take good care of Yuki” his mother said

“Yes, I will definitely take good care of her” Mayu said confidently

Then they turn to Atsushi and Ryuu and bow at them

“Mayu, I entrust my daughter to you. Take good care of her and don't make her cry.” Ryuu said

“Yuki, I'm happy for you. I wish you two happy” Atsushi said and smiles

“Father, I owed you a lot. I'm so thankful that you adopted me. I'm very happy to have your bless and dad’s bless on my important day” Yuki happily said

“Don't worry, father, dad. I will always love her and protect her” Mayu said


“Yuu, you now have your own family. Remember to do your best to protect them and love them with everything you got” Yuji said

“I entrust her for you Yuu, don't make her sad or cry or I will make you regret” Riku said in serious tone

“Yes I will. I will love her and protect her. Making her cry or sad will never appears in our life. I promise that I will make her happy forever” Yuu said


Jun holds Rena’s hand tightly, and they bow before Rena’s parents and his parents

“Jun, I entrust my only and precious daughter to you. Please make her happy” Rena's father said

“Yes father, I will always make her happy” Jun bows and said

“Son, remember to always protect Rena. Don't make her cry or sad no matter what” his father said

“Congratulation, you two. We are waiting to see our grandchildren.” Rena's mother said happily

“Thank you mom, dad, father, mother.” Jun and Rena said

“You will definitely have some adorable grandchildren.” Jun said jokily

“Jun.” Rena calls him shyly while hitting his shoulder

“What I tell the truth, my dear wife” Jun said

Then he pulls her closer and pecks on her lips

“Jun, we are still standing in front of our parents” Rena said shyly

The two parents look at each other and laughs happily


Atsuko and Minami are standing in front of Atsushi, Kai, Taiki, and Takashi for the blessing. They are holding each other's hand tightly.

“Minami, I entrust Atsu to you today. Please always love her and take good care of her” Atsushi said

“Yes, I will father. I promise that I will always love her and love her forever” Minami bows and said

“Minami, Atsu, you two are husband and wife now. From now on remember to always love each other and respect each other. Always create a happy and harmony feeling in your family” Taiki said

“Yes, grandpa, we will” Minami and Atsuko bow and said

“Minami, you have to protect Atsuko from now on. She is your most important person now” Kai said

“Yes, I will definitely protect her no matter what” Minami confidently

“Lastly, Atsu, Minami, we are waiting to see our great grandchildren and grandchildren soon” Takashi said

Atsuko and Minami look down while blushing

“Yes, we are waiting.” Atsushi, Kai, and Taiki said

Then they all laugh happily

“Hello, Takamina, Acchan, and everyone I hope we didn't late” Sakuya said

“Sakuya, Miyuki welcome” Atsuko and Minami said

“Congratulation to you all” the two said

“Thank you guys” The five couples happily said

At night

In Minami's room

“Minami, I’m so happy, right now” Atsuko sits on Minami embrace and said

“Me too. After all that obstacles, you finally become my wife, Atsuko” Minami said while burying his face on her neck.

“Minami, I still have one thing, I want to do” Atsuko said

“I know” he said

“You do?” Atsuko asks in surprise

“Of course, how can I not know what my wife wants? However, firstly let’s enjoy our night” Minami said and pushes Atsuko on their bed

Atsuko is blushing while looking at Minami. He smiles gently at her

“I love you, Atsuko” Minami said softly

“I love you too, Minami. A lot” Atsuko said while caressing his face

Then he bends down and kisses her lips gently

In the morning

The servant rushes to the main hall. Everyone gather there. The only people who haven't there yet are Atsuko and Minami

“Master Taiki, Master Taiki” he calls panicky

“What is it? I ordered you to call Atsu and Minami here, right?” Taiki said

“Atsuko-sama and Minami-sama are gone. They left this letter with Maeda and takahashi clan rings” the servant said

“What?” the rest shout in surprise

However, the four old men seem to be not surprise

“Those two. It is really like them” Atsushi said

“Read that letter for me” Takashi said

“Dear fathers and grandpas

We decided to go to where we really want. Sea is where Atsuko grew up. It is also where we met each other again. A free place for us to explore. We want to live like that.

Since our fathers still very healthy, we return our position as the head of the clan to you two.

We promise that we will come back to visit you all

Also, grandpas and fathers don’t worry. We will keep our promise about your great grandchildren and grandchildren

Lastly, we hope everyone be happy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ------Atsuko and Minami----”

The servant reads out loud the letter

“Those two are really something” Yuu said

“Yea, they are just like that and left for their own world” Mariko said

“So, Kai. Here is you ring. Those two won't let us retire” Atsushi said in teasing tone

“How about give it back to the original owners?” Kai said jokily

“No, we already retired. That is your job not us” Taiki drinks his tea and said

“I guess this job is ours now” Kai said

Then they all laugh

On the ship

“Minami, how did you know that I want to freely travel around like this” Atsuko asks while leaning on Minami chest

“I told you that I know what my lovely wife wants, right” Minami smile and said while tightens his hug at her waist

“Minami” Atsuko calls

“Huh?” Minami asks

“You are the best. The coolest husband ever” Atsuko said lovingly

“Of course I’m. I’m your Minami after all” Minami said proudly

“Yes, I know. And I’m your Atsuko, right?” Atsuko said

“Of course you are my cutest wife” Minami said

Minami turns Atsuko around to look at him. Then he bends and kisses her lips

5 years later

In Forbidden Island

Today is the birthday of Master Taiki. The city is very crowded and lively. There is a couple walking hand in hand into the market. They are wearing hood on their head. There is a little boy sleeping on the man’s back

“Wow, today the market is very crowded” she said

“Of course honey, today the Master of Maeda Clan birthday after all” the man said

“This place changed so much, right?” she said

“Uh” he nods

Then they hear some people talking to each other

“Dr. Mayu is a really great doctor. Yesterday, I was sick really bad and after he gave me some medicine. Today I feel much better”

“So Mayu became a famous doctor now” the man said

“Let go and check on them” the girl said

“You miss Yuki, right Atsuko?” he said

“Of course, Minami. I haven't meet her for 5 years” Atsuko said

Minami looks at her and smiles. Then they go to Mayu’s clinic. It is a very big house. It is not far from Maeda Clan

“Welcome, what can I do for you?” a girl greets them

When they about to say something, they see a little girl rushes out

“Yumi, stop running and eat your food” a young woman chasing after her

“Yuki” Atsuko whispers

“Uh” Minami nods

“Mama chases me” the little girl said

“So that is our niece” Atsuko happily said

Then they hear someone voice

“Hello Yuki”

They turn to see who it is. They see a couple walk in between them is a little boy

“Jun, Rena” Minami whispers

“Hello, Rena, Jun.” Yuki happily calls

“Hi Ren” Yuki bends down and said

“Ren, greet auntie Yuki” Rena said

“Hello auntie Yuki” Ren said

“Ren, let’s play together”

Yumi pulls Ren to play with her

“So we have a nephew” Minami whispers

“Uh” Atsuko nod happily

“Hi Jun, Rena” Mayu steps out and greet them

“Mayu looks so mature now” Minami said

“Uh” Atsuko nods

“How is your job as a head of Matsui clan, now?” Mayu asks

“So he inherited that position now” Minami said

“That is great, right” Atsuko whispers in happy tone

Because of too focusing on the four, they didn't hear the maid call

“Excuse me” the maid call Atsuko and Minami

They turn and look at the girl

“Sorry. We want to buy some herb that good for old people” Minami said

“Ok, please wait” the girl said

Then Atsuko and Minami sit down at the chair opposite with Yuki. They secretly watching them

“He is still sleeping?” Atsuko asks while hugging their son down from Minami’s back

“Maybe he is exhausted. He didn't sleep much last night because of so excited about going here” Minami said

Then another couple walks in with a little girl

“Hello, Yuki, Mayu, Jun, Rena” a man happily greets them

“Hi Yuu, Nyan Nyan.” They greet

“Hello little Haruka” they greet the little girl

“Haruka, greet uncles and aunties” Haruna said

Then Haruka comes and greets the four. After that, she joins the play with Yumi and Ren

“Yuu, Nyan Nyan, long time no sees.” Jun and Rena greet them

“How are you doing” Jun asks

“We just got back from the island nearby. We investigate some cases there for Maeda Clan as always” Yuu said

“So he is like his father working as investigator for Maeda clan.” Atsuko said

“Wow, we missed a lot of thing in those five years” Minami said

“Uh” Atsuko nods

“Hey, look our great inventor come” Yuu said while pointing at the door.

There are two kids rushing in. Then a couple walk in

“Maki, and mako don't run around like that” a man said

“Mariko, Mii” Minami said

“Wow, they got a twins. That is cool” Atsuko said

“Uh. He is also a real inventor as his dream, too” Minami whispers

“Wow, I never thought that just sitting here, we can see all of them” Atsuko said

“That is a great coincident” Minami whispers

Then another couple walks in

“Hello, Sakuya, Miyuki” Yuki greets them

“Mayu, today we have a lot of guest” Yuki happily said

“Uh” mayu nods

“Sayaka, come and greets uncles and aunties” Miyuki calls

Then a little girl rushes in

“Wow that is great. We can meet those two here, too” Atsuko said in surprise

“I guess they come here because of grandpa’s birthday” Minami said

Once again, because of too focusing, they didn't hear the maid call

“Excuse me” she calls louder

Her call makes Yuu and the rest look at Atsuko and Minami

“They are…” Yuu thought

“Sorry” Minami said

“Here is your herb” she said

“Thank you” Atsuko said

When Atsuko and Minami are about to leave, Yuu said out loud

“Hey guys, today we have with us very big guests.”

“Who is it, Yuu?” Everyone turns to Yuu and said

“The guests that we haven't met for 5 years” Yuu said

“He noticed us” Minami whispers

“Let's go” Atsuko said

“Excuse me, can we talk for a while” Yuu stops them and said

When Minami is about to say something, their son wakes up

“Papa, Mana, are we at great grandpas and grandpas house yet” he said in sleepy tone

“Not yet, son. But we are near” Atsuko gently said

“This voice” Yuki thought

“Atsuko-nee” she stands up and calls in surprise

“Our covers are blown” Minami said

Then they take off their hood and smile at them

“Hi guys, how are you all doing?” Atsuko and Minami greet everyone with a smiling face

“Don't hi us. Missing for five years and now back in disguise like this” Mariko said while crossing her arms

“Yea, missing for all those years. Where have you two been?” Mii said

“Atsuko-nee, Takamina, we miss you two so much” Jun said

“Sorry, we just want to make you guys and our fathers and grandfathers surprise at the party” Atsuko said

“Uh,” Minami nods

“Plus, although we didn't come back we still send you all letter very often, right?” Minami said

“Stop defending yourself. Tell us where have you two been?” Yuu said

The little boy in Atsuko arms look up and asks

“Mama, who are they?” He asks

“They are Papa, Mama’s friends and families who we told you a lot before” Atsuko said

“Acchan, he is Takai, right?” Rena asks

“Uh, he is Takai, 3 years old”” Minami said

“He looks just like you two” Haruna said

“Takai, let's Mama introduce uncles and aunties for you ok” Atsuko said

Then Atsuko introduces them to him, the rest also introduce their child to Atsuko and Minami.

“Atsuko-nee, how are you doing for all those years?” Yuki asks

“Very good, we travel around from island to island. We helped people who need help and enjoy our time together” Atsuko said

“We came to a lot of new place and met a lot of new people” Minami adds

“That sound fun.” Sakuya said

“Uh, really fun” Atsuko and Minami nod and said

They stay there and talk for a while. Then all of them go to Maeda Clan for Taiki’s birthday. The four old men are very happy when seeing their grandson and great grandson. Then they happily celebrate the party together.

After a long journey with a lot of hardship, they finally be together with their destiny happily forever and ever.

The End

That is chapter 30, the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter!  :D

Lastly, Thank you everyone for reading my story. I hope you all enjoy this story!  :)

Thank you!  :wub:

Offline zurukun13

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wooohooo... that's very great happy ending. if takai didn't say anything. their disguise will be succesful... thank you author-sama for this great fanfic. ホンマにありがとうm(_ _)m :thumbup :bow: :bow: :twothumbs

Offline rindg

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Nooooooo  :fainted:  :imdead:

I'm not even done reading this.....  :depressed:




Ok, ok, I somehow managed to get to chapter 30 in 2 or 3 hours, I'm actually quite thankful to my fast reading...  :hehehe:

Want me to tell you how I grabbed a box of kleenex and cried? I actually did, I'm really emotional.  :mon cry:

IT'S SO HEARTWARMING!!!!  :mon waterworks:

The's just perfect. They got children and they were all reunited again.  :on woohoo: :mon fyeah:

This is how stories are supposed to end, and you did a great job doing it author-san!  :on GJ:

I'm glad I read this fanfic. Oh no, I'm getting deep, but thanks anyways.  :kneelbow:

I'm sure everyone else feels the same, thank you for writing this fanfic!  :mon thumb: :mon bye:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 05:10:14 AM by rindg »
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline vickystar

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Finally it's happy ending for every couples, everyone. Thank you for this long fic of yours. I really love it.
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline kimseoyeonc

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As expected!!!! Best fic EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job at the last chapter :on GJ: :on GJ:

But im sad that it ended  :on speedy: :on speedy: :on speedy:


Offline Bakamina_Oshi

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Such a great ending  :farofflook:  :on GJ:
But I'm so sad that it's ended now... this was one of the best series I had read and now I have to go find something else  :fainted: :err:
Thanks for your continuous updates all this time... I gotta start readings your other fanfics soon...

Offline vivinardisa

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This is so cool  XD

I really love it  :inlove:

But it's so sad that it already end  :cry:

But thank you for always update  :thumbsup

Offline sasshirie

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Thankyou for completing this FF author-san!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline nguyen23

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wooohooo... that's very great happy ending. if takai didn't say anything. their disguise will be succesful... thank you author-sama for this great fanfic. ホンマにありがとうm(_ _)m :thumbup :bow: :bow: :twothumbs
Thank you for reading my fic. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it!!

Nooooooo  :fainted:  :imdead:

I'm not even done reading this.....  :depressed:




Ok, ok, I somehow managed to get to chapter 30 in 2 or 3 hours, I'm actually quite thankful to my fast reading...  :hehehe:

Want me to tell you how I grabbed a box of kleenex and cried? I actually did, I'm really emotional.  :mon cry:

IT'S SO HEARTWARMING!!!!  :mon waterworks:

The's just perfect. They got children and they were all reunited again.  :on woohoo: :mon fyeah:

This is how stories are supposed to end, and you did a great job doing it author-san!  :on GJ:

I'm glad I read this fanfic. Oh no, I'm getting deep, but thanks anyways.  :kneelbow:

I'm sure everyone else feels the same, thank you for writing this fanfic!  :mon thumb: :mon bye:

Wow, you are fast  :twothumbs. I can't finish 10 chapters in 2-3 hours.

I'm very happy that you feel that way when reading my fic. I'm so glad that you enjoy reading this story, too.   :wub: :D

Thank you very much!!  :D

Finally it's happy ending for every couples, everyone. Thank you for this long fic of yours. I really love it.

Thank you very much for reading and liking my fic. Thank you!!  :wub: :D

As expected!!!! Best fic EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job at the last chapter :on GJ: :on GJ:

But im sad that it ended  :on speedy: :on speedy: :on speedy:


Thank you so much for liking my fic. I'm very happy.  :inlove: :)

Yes, it is a little sad that it ended already.

Thank you!!!  :wub:

Such a great ending  :farofflook:  :on GJ:
But I'm so sad that it's ended now... this was one of the best series I had read and now I have to go find something else  :fainted: :err:
Thanks for your continuous updates all this time... I gotta start readings your other fanfics soon...

Thank you so much for reading my fic and liking it!!!  :wub:

I'm so glad to know that you enjoy reading this.  :inlove: :D

I hope that you can enjoy my other stories, too.  :)

Thank you very much!!  :D

This is so cool  XD

I really love it  :inlove:

But it's so sad that it already end  :cry:

But thank you for always update  :thumbsup

Thank you very much for reading my fic. I'm so happy that you love it.  :wub: :inlove:

Thank you!!!  :D

Thankyou for completing this FF author-san!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Thank you for reading my fic!!!  :inlove: :wub:


Thank you everyone for reading and liking this story!! :inlove: I'm very happy  :D

Offline cisda83

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Thank you for the story

It has very good ending...

I enjoy reading it...

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline nguyen23

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I have just found this story! *shamefully hides in a corner for being so late* though...well I'm kind of happy because I can read it whenever I can and the fact that the story is complete makes me jump around with joy *figurative speaking*   :)  either way... I have already read 7 chapters and will carry on when I'll have more free time. Thank you for writing this, so far so good  :w00t:

Thank you for reading my fic!!!  :)

I'm glad that you like it!!  :inlove:

I hope that you enjoy reading the rest of the story!  :D

Thank you!!  :)

Thank you for the story

It has very good ending...

I enjoy reading it...

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Thank you for reading my fic!! :D

I'm very happy that you enjoy this story.  :inlove:

Thank you very much!!  :wub:

Offline mayuki48

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I've just finished reading this in one sitting and wow, really. I just got into the akb/48g fandom last december and is catching up with as much as mayuki fics (and multipairing fics as long as mayuki's in it) I can find and was really glad to have found this out  :mon squee:  What more is it's already completed yay! I've read a lot of fics and unfortunately/sadly, some have been dropped, on hiatus, and deleted already T__T Love the theme of the story, the fact that they would go on various islands and help people who are in danger and need of help as well just give justice and essence to their pirate characters ⚔️ The focus might be AtsuMina but this fic didnt make me feel like that at all, every pairing is given their own time, moments, story and importance as much the main pair and I really appreciate that  :heart:
Love the well-roundedness of the whole fic too, kinda makes me feel like I'm with them on their journey. We got to see bonus TomoTomo and SayaMilky, encounter different problems and mysteries on every island, have each pairing's stories after their separation from the explosion, meet other people from the past and new villains, know the characters' histories, uncover the truth and dont forget the surprises-- Yuji, Ryu, Atsushi and Kai! Appreciate how you didnt change Takamina's name to fit his male character too lol, often he's always Kai in genderbender fics  :mon fyeah:

Since Jun's comeback to his island and clan, I've actually wondered how their lives will go on after they've dealt with Shin and his human trader dealings since some of them are heirs to their respective clans and have men to be responsible of... they've all been living together in the ship and seeing them going on on separate ways is a little sad and heartbreaking but looking at the ending, I guess I dont have to worry since everything is well and great.

It's really good to see they still keep in contact with each other for the past 5 years. They might not all be together in one ship anymore and have their own lives and children already but indeed, a family is a family no matter where you are afterall~

Love how AtsuMina decides to go for what their hearts want and live on the sea and continue helping people they met along the way as well, the Sea has been Acchan's home since forever and it's a part of who she is. *sighs in content and smiles like a proud mom*

I'm so soft for this part  :shy1: :mon cry:

We decided to go to where we really want. Sea is where Atsuko grew up. It is also where we met each other again. A free place for us to explore. We want to live like that.

I guess this is the end then. Aaaaaah, would definitely miss the adventures and journey of 'The Legend' Crew 💕🙂 Thank you for this wonderful fic author-san *bows 90 degrees* Beyond The Sea is such a great fic, I enjoyed reading it  :twothumbs  I would really love to read more from you *runs to your next story*  :mon rush:
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 02:44:28 PM by mayuki48 »

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