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Author Topic: Oh My Ghost!! - chapter 4 (KojiYuu, Atsumina) 19/10/2015  (Read 13884 times)

Offline Korisu29

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Oh My Ghost!! - chapter 4 (KojiYuu, Atsumina) 19/10/2015
« on: August 01, 2015, 05:12:30 AM »
How can I take my hiatus time with quiet if Kojiharu’s photos always around me , especially her PB “Dousuru?”  :err:(ps: I’m not a pervert!) Aaaahhh ... I could not hold my hand to write and come back here! In fact, I plan to go back before the end of the year! Well, forget about that story.  :mon psst:
Hey, I'm back! Where my hugs? It's just one month is I'm not here, but it feels so long,  :mon cute: ahhhh, how many kojiyuu fic that I have not read?hmm … ah, forget about it too. This is my new fic, please enjoy it! Sorry for my bad grammar. Hihihi

Chapter 1

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Spirit? The devil?
Do you believe that it is actually around you there are ghosts?
Do you believe in someone who claimed to see the ghost?
Do you believe in someone who claims to be able to communicate with ghosts?

Since I was little, I used to look at something that not everyone can see it. I used to speak to something that not everyone can talk to them. Because not everyone has the ability that I have from birth. At first, I felt uncomfortable, scared, and felt strange. Because everywhere I go, like there are always watching me. When I sleep, like there someone look at me.
But then, I started to get used to their presence around me. In fact, sometimes I play with them. When I was in elementary school, my school friends always avoid me, because they think I'm strange, even some people think I'm crazy because they often see me talking alone. Since then, I mostly play with  ghosts.
I get this ability is not due to chance or sudden I got it. I get this ability from my grandfather. My grandfather was a ghost repellent. People often ask for his help to expel the ghosts who are in their homes, or return a lost spirits in its proper place.
I've never talked about this to my friend, yes, because I did not have any friends. I've tried to be as casually as possible among the others, but nonetheless, they feel strange to me, because sometimes I can not control myself to talk with ghosts.

Now I am already 17 years old, I decided to move from my old school because there are too many ghosts. They are too disturbing my concentration. Sometimes I have to tell them to be quiet. And that's what makes my classmates thinking I am a strange. Ghosts have properties are diverse. There is a ghost who only stay in one place, there are only pacing, but some are very noisy, and sometimes disturbing human.
Starting today, I'm going to live my life in a new school. Sakura Gakuen. I hope that here I could find friends who can relate well with me, of course human, not a ghost. If I find one, I've been very happy. And I hope at this school does not have a disturbing ghost.
I started to get into the school, I walk to the principal's office, I came alone, without my parents, because they were very busy. Even I do not live with them. All this time I lived with my grandfather in a temple. One year ago my grandfather died, so I had to take care of the temple alone. Sometimes someone still coming to temple to ask for my help to expel ghosts, but I refused, I really want to be separated from the world as it is. So I told them that I could not do as what was done by my grandfather. I just wanted to be an ordinary girl, who can play with my friends, shopping, karaoke, holiday, whatever it is, a fun activity that usually teenagers do.

I walked along the corridor of the school, I felt at least this is better than my old school. The aura of this place is quieter. However, at certain angles, I can still see some ghosts. But they don't do anything, they have weak aura, so it does not bother humans. They usually emit a weak white color. And for the evil or bad ghost or strong ghost, they are red.
After a while talking on the principal's office, a teacher drove me towards my class. The teacher knocked on the door, a moment later another teacher opened the door. They talked for a while, then a teacher who escorted me was telling me to wait a little while and then she leave.
A teacher called me to get into the classroom. The students in this class looks excited to see me who entered the classroom. I'm used to this situation. At first they were so happy to see me, because of my appearance, but if they know me further, they will starting to avoided me.
"Please introduce yourself." The teacher told me to introduce myself to the class.
"My name is Kojima Haruna. Please take care of me." I bowed. But then suddenly my eyes were drawn to the figure of the girl who standing at the back of the class. She leaned back on the shelf where students put their items. Her eyes look out the window. I wonder if she got a punishment from the teacher.
But after a while I watched her, she look more different from her friends in this class. Then I remembered one thing, is she a ghost? But her aura does not like other ghosts. Her aura is different, like a mix between humans and ghosts. Is she human who was possessed by the spirit of others? Or she is a lost spirit? I watched her long enough, until the teacher next to me talking to me.
"Kojima-san? Are you alright?"
I turned to the side, "Yes. I am fine."
"Please sit down in an empty seat in the back." I bowed and then walked to a table that has been shown.
She was still looking into the window, like not notice me. When I sat down, I felt a chill in my neck. I rubbed my neck and looked back to the girl. She wear same uniform just like us. In her eyes only reflected sadness and loneliness. Somehow it makes me feel hurt.

From the start of the lesson, until the break time came, she still remained standing in the same position. Sometime I felt that she was staring at the place where I was sitting. When the teacher out of the classroom, the teacher does not allow the girl to sit back or called her to the teacher’s room, am I right? She is a ghost? Or maybe she was the victim of bullies?
During the break times, my friends in class swarm my desk to get acquainted. I tried to be as casually as possible. They asked me to eat in the cafeteria. When I was going out of the classroom, I look again toward the girl. There is no one of them talk to her. They were passing in front of her like there was no one in there.

--- ## ---

Class ended, one by one student left the classroom. Some friends invited me to go along, but I rejected it. I reasoned that I want to see the clubs that exist at this school. I receive many brochure from seniors when I was eating in the cafetaria.
I put all of the brochure on my desk and I started to read them one by one. Actually, I did want to enter one club in this school. As I already told you, I want to be an ordinary girl.
Without I realized, it was already getting dark. I tidy up my books and prepare to go home. I stood up from my chair and looked back. The girl was still standing in the same place and in the same position.
I smile and greeted her, “You do not go home?” She did not turn to me or answer my question.
I walked toward her, then I was standing next to her. We both look out of the window. “What do you see?” I looked up to her.
Slowly she turned her head towards me. She raised her eyebrows, I could see that she was shocked. “Hey, my name is Kojima Haruna. Who are you? Why are you just standing had been here?”
“You ... you can see me?”  Her shocked face was so funny.
I nodded. “Un. From the beginning I've been pay attention to you.”
I laugh. “Your expression when you are shocked is so funny.”
“But why? How could you see me? The other could not see me even though I've been here one year.”
“Heh? One year?” She nodded and then looked sad again.
“So, you're just one year into a ghost, huh?” I turned my body.
“Hey! I'm not a ghost!” She pouted.
“I just separated from my body.” She lowered her tone.
"But every ghost must be separated between spirits and body."
She sighed, “I know, but it is different. Eh, wait, who are you? How could you see me?”
I sighed. “I already told you. My name is Kojima Haruna.” I crossed my arms. “And I can see you because I have the ability to see ghosts. I have it since childhood, and I got used to communicate, even play with them.”
She nodded and then looked back at the window. “What do you see?”
“I want to get out of here.”
“Then why did not you go out?”
“I can not.”
“I do not know. Even to get out of this classroom I can not. As there are a not visible walls that restrict my movement. The walls like to locked me in here.”
“If you can get out, where are you going?”
“To hospital.”
“My body was still there.”
“What?! Your body? So, your body still have not buried?”
“Mouu, Kojima-san, how many times I said, I'm not a ghost!”
“Mouu, I've answered that question earlier. You really pisses me off!” She ruffled her hair. I do not think that ghosts can be frustrating because the question from human.
“Hehe ... sorry.”
"One year ago, I had an accident when I got home from school."
"Wait!" I rolled a seat near me to face her, and then I sat on it. "Please continue." I crossed my legs.
She frowned. “I like doing a job interview.”
"I want to hear your story."
"And now I'm like a speaker."
"Maybe I can help you after I know your story. How?"
She sighed. "Fine. I got hit by a car when I want to save a cat in the middle of the road. I still remember how my body bounced away. But after that I felt something strange. I could see my body lying in the middle of the road with blood. I could see my body started surrounded by people. And I could see my body taken by ambulance. I also could see that the car that hit me was overturned on the roadside. But I do not know how the condition of the car driver. At that moment I realized, that my spirit has been separated from my body.” She closed her eyes and sighed. And then she continued. “I followed the ambulance that took away my body. When I reached the hospital, I saw my body lay on a bed, the doctors tried to save me with various tools. I tried to approach my body, but when I wanted to get into my body, I can not. I bounced a few times. I do not know why. Like there is something blocking my spirit back to my body. And the last time I tried it, I was bouncing so far, when I woke up, I've been in this class. My class.”
“So this is your class?”
She nodded. “And the chair you are sitting on is my chair.”
Instantly I was standing. “Ah, sorry. I did not mean to take your seat.”
She chuckled. “It’s okay. That's yours. Moreover, should now I've grade two.”
“So, you are my senpai?”
“Un. If only it never happened.” I nodded.
No more words between us. We just stared out the window. It was dark, and all the students who participated in extracurricular already go home.
“Why are you still here?” I was startled by the sound of a man who carries a flashlight in his hand. He was the caretaker of this school.
“Sorry. There is my book left behind. I'll be home soon.”
“You'd better go home. All the students had returned to their homes.” Then he walked away.
“Umm ... I have to go home. I still want to hear your story tomorrow. Bye.” I took my bag and walked out of the classroom. Then I remembered something, I go back to open the door.
“Hey ghost, what's your name?”
“Oshima Yuko.”
"Oh, okay. Bye." I closed the door.
“Once again, Kojima-san. I'm not a ghost!” I heard her screaming from inside.
I chuckled to hear it. She's the cutest ghost I've ever met. I hope one day she can return to her body, and we can become good friends.
When I was a few steps out of the classroom, for some reason I was curious to look back. And my feeling is right, I saw a male ghost who paced passing my class. Occasionally, he was like looking into the classroom.
“Oi, if you dare to disturb her, I'll burn you!” He turned to me. “And I'm not kidding with what I said.” Then he disappeared in a flash.

--- ## ---

My house is behind a temple not far from the school. I stayed with my best friend, a cat. Yes, this cat is only my friend. This cat named Mikki. I take care of him since the cat was still a baby.
I got home was almost eight at night. Mikki already asleep when I went into the house. I feel sorry for him, he was too late to eat because of me. I prepare food for me and for him. When the food was ready, I woke Mikki to eat with me. Do I sound weird?
The temple, rather than to a place to prayer, it is more often used for ritual cleansing of the soul. Since my grandfather died, this place is often deserted. This place is only crowded when there was an annual event at this temple. And when that day comes, my uncle would help prepare this place for the event. Sometimes I took part in the event, such as being a traditional dancer or just keep a place to buy guard luck. Every morning before school, I was always swept around the arena temple as the temple guards do. If the holiday arrives, I'll just sit in the temple to meditate, to train my concentration.
After I finished eating and bathing, I went into the room where my grandfather keep his books. This is the legacy of my grandfather. Ancient books are arranged neatly on a bookshelf. I want to find out what happened with Oshima Yuko. I want to know why she could not return to her body are still alive and why she could cooped up in a classroom. I'm sure it's all for a reason. I want to help her.

--- ## ---
hihihi ... see you next chapter ... bai bai ... :gmon hi:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 01:15:35 AM by sophcaro »

Offline arawche079

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2015, 06:42:28 AM »
You're back!!!

touch down!!!

Hooray my fave writer is back.....dang...dang...

Yeah.. I like you new fic !!!

« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 01:14:36 PM by arawche079 »

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2015, 07:05:26 AM »

your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really miss your fic,.

i always wait for your update at last your back, hehe

waiting for the next chapter

Offline Claito

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2015, 12:28:14 PM »
It's been a while! Let me hug yoouuuu~!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 12:44:16 PM by Claito »

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2015, 12:48:16 PM »
Y-you're back! MY KOUHAI IS FINALLY BACK!!!!!! :on gay:

Let me hug you now~ :farofflook:

Senpai is soooooo worried and sad because you're not here. :frustrated:

But, you're finally back! Yay! :mon determined:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline JoeYee

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2015, 06:09:55 PM »
You're finally back! Let me give you a hug~ ≧∇≦
It's only been a month since you when on hiatus eh?
But It felt like it's been months though..
Anyway, glad to see you back with a new story! BUT don't forget to update the others as well!
I'll be waiting!~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you for your hard work and hope to see you soon!(ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

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Offline cisda83

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2015, 07:58:37 AM »
Ah.. Yuko's spirit can not go back to her body

And I think soon is a start of a new friendship between Yuko and Haruna

How about Atsuko and Minami?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2015, 05:44:55 AM »

Ohh? i'm shock with the last sentence has expected, its really good and im so curious right now, what would happen next, hehe

Now im dying for the next update

thank you so much for this update

see you soon  :heart: :heart: :heart:
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 06:08:10 AM by jhom_09 »

Offline Rina_Yuu

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2015, 11:26:20 AM »
This story is too much mysteries  XD
But I  :heart: this  :luvluv2:
My curiosity has grown bigger XD
Please update  :twothumbs :sashiko:
Silent Reader with many Oshi. Rina Yuu desu ._.
Indonesian \\(^o^)//

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2015, 12:44:24 PM »

*hugs you back* JPH!P is not the same without you! D:

Waiting for the next chapter, Kouhai! :on gay:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline Claito

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2015, 03:21:27 PM »
I was wondering where my comment went... Turns out I forgot to click Post. XD Anyway....


Is Acchan present when the accident happened too? ...  :nervous Can you give me spoilers? lol

ACCHAN'S INSIDE YUKO...  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Instead of a hug can I kiss you instead? XD XD XD  :shakeit:

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2015, 03:47:41 PM »
I was wondering where my comment went... Turns out I forgot to click Post. XD Anyway....


Is Acchan present when the accident happened too? ...  :nervous Can you give me spoilers? lol

ACCHAN'S INSIDE YUKO...  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Instead of a hug can I kiss you instead? XD XD XD  :shakeit:



君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline JoeYee

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2015, 06:00:26 PM »
Ah!! Good to know that you're on the way to posting!
I like how Kojiyuu is processing and their just too cute!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Erkhem, anyway. Acchan is in Yuko's body eh? I assume that, it's the reason why Yuko can't enter her body. But why is Acchan in Yuko's body?
So many unanswered questions.. Hope to see an update soon!
Thank you for your hard work!
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

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Offline cisda83

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2015, 04:30:39 AM »
EH EH.... Atsuko is the one preventing Yuko to go back to her body


Atsuko seemed like a vengeful ghost...

Have personal hate for Yuko....

Is she a ghost or a spirit like Yuko?

What's going on next?

Can't wait to know about the past between Yuko and Atsuko.

How is it that Minami related with Yuko and Atsuko?

Or there is no relation at all?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 2
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2015, 02:59:20 PM »
Pls contiue ASAP

I want to know how Kojipa will help Yuko return to her hody

And Atsuko in Yuko body?!?

Offline arawche079

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 3
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2015, 05:49:19 AM »
Poor Yuko.....

This is bad, atleast kojima-san treats her well....

Waiting for more Update....

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 3
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2015, 05:57:00 AM »

Ohh? that's the reason why Acchan there, hmm i feel sorry for yuko but kojiyuu moment is the best

Thank you Author-san

Offline shanju

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 3
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2015, 07:19:20 AM »
Wow its more interesting now..
If maeda was dead how can she meet takamina,
Is that takamina who always come to meet yuko? Yuko and takamina in the same grade right?
Ahhhh alot of question i want to ask, because iam so curious now..  :frustrated:
But ok, i will be patient for now  :kneelbow:

Thanks for the update, korisu san. Update your another fic too please  :mon annoy:
Waiting for your update  :on gay:

Offline Rina_Yuu

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 3
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2015, 09:49:15 AM »
I'm new here (in commenting and thanking way XD). I'm a silent reader before.  :lol:
Why acchan is so cruel...  :angry:
Where do you from ? XD
Thanks for updating and please update fast nee... :on lol: :on GJ:
Silent Reader with many Oshi. Rina Yuu desu ._.
Indonesian \\(^o^)//

Offline Claito

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Re: Oh My Ghost!! (KojiYuu, Atsumina) - Chapter 3
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2015, 02:56:41 PM »
Let's kiss and hug. :deco: Rine-chan's not here yet. XD

Oooh. So I was right... Can you give me a spoiler now? lol

I bet its Takamina who was Yuko's one and only friend. How sad.

Damn Yuko's parents here... Why aren't they visiting? Having problems? Or just.... ARGH!

Poor Acchan... Why are you driving tho? You're underage. :v

Poor Yuko. Its good Kojiharu hugged her~ KYA!

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

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