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Author Topic: Vampire kiddnapper Book 2: Welcome to Arthor: Part 5 [Akb48 orignal member  (Read 14169 times)

Offline Nire929

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Author-san the story is reaallllyyy good, can't wait for the next chap
 :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:

Offline key17

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Bad Paru! Yui will punish you later
Wow Yukirin! really WOW!
Jurina! Move on please!! You have Rena now!!!!
Thanks for updating! XD

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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I'm back~~

Did anyone happy to see us back? If not we will go back to our hiding place.

okay I want to thank all of you with my heart and mind  :D Thank you so much for reading our fic and enjoying it.


Genkikid I love Yuki character so much hope you love it too. you will find out who is that"someone" to Yuki is.

gronkus Yeah Paru is very bad she need to be punished, I'm glad that you like Jurina teleport sense.Thanks for reading Reader-san.

niineechan When i will find the answer i will answer you,so keep asking till I die hehhe~~

Yeah Paru is bad, her good side well come soon. Yui is mysterious person i love making her mysterious and cool. Jurina is bad girl for rejecting someone like Rena.Jurina really loves Mayu a lot what can we do. You will find out later about Mayuki relation. You should ask more XDD.

Nire929 Thanks Reader-san I can wait to update next chapter.

key17 don't worry Yui will punish her later. YUKI IS AMAZING :inlove: Thanks for reading.

Everyone Thank you very much for reading, hope you enjoy this chapter, I have announcements to make I'm not going to update this fic, because i'm going out of city for while hope you guys can wait little till i come back and write.


Rena banged on Sayanee chamber door, waking her soul up.

“Where is the fire?!?” Sayanee asked, opening the door and glaring at Rena who glared her back and  enter the room brushing her shoulder angrily.

“What are you guys hiding from me?!?” She asked sitting on the bed.

“Nothing~~” Sayanee fall on the bed and curled inside the blanket.

Rena roughly lifted the blanket and grabbed Sayanee by her collar.

“You’re lying.”

“Why would I?” Sayanee struggled. “You are my best friend. I would never hide anything from you.”

“Don’t hide from me!! I know everything that is going between you and Yui.”

Sayanee gulped as her color faded away.

“How dare you cheat on your soulmate? Did you ever thought how would Milky react when she finds out about you two?!?” She slammed Sayanee on the wall.

“Cheat?! I and Yui have nothing like that!”

“So why are you two always together?”

“Well, it’s normal for two best friends to always be together, just like we always used to stay together.”

“Listen Sayanee, whatever is going on between you two, make sure it will end up in a good way. I don’t want to see my family growing apart and getting hurt.” Saying this Rena stormed out the room angrily. Sayanee sighed as she collapsed on the bed.

“Why is she suspicious of that? I was telling the truth, I and Yui are just friends.” Sayanee thought.

Suddenly she heard Yuko is calling everyone. Scratching her head, she jumped out the bed and walked to her bathroom to get ready. After taking the shower and wearing some nice clothes, she walked downstairs and found everyone sitting on the couch.

Sae was sitting on Sayaka’s lap, who was playing with her hair. Takamina was reading some book, Rie and Rino were cleaning weapons, Rena staring at Jurina, who was lost in some kind of deep thoughts. Paru were talking with Kojima, as Yui were glaring at her.

Sayanee sit beside Milky and smiled at her who smiled back, Sayanee felt Rena eyes on her, ignoring her she focused on Yuko.

“Guys, there seems to be something active within the ocean,” Yuko began. “There was a whirlpool that started out of nowhere and reports have come in of some unknown creature seen in the waters.”

“Could it be..?!” Kojima’s eyes widened.

“Yup. A sea dragon. That’s what I think.”

“Is he harmless?!?” Rie asked.

“Of course not. That creature had eaten half of our people.”

“But how do we even fight that thing?!” Rino then asked.

“Very easy, we will send Takamina to fight with it since she is a dragon too.” Rie giggled earning glare and smack from everyone.

“I am an ice dragon. Even if I could freeze it, I can’t kill it. For that, I need your guys help.”

“And it will be hard,” Yuko mentioned, “Since the sea dragon is considered one of the most powerful beings in the ocean.”

“How about Takamina freeze it while Rino kills it since she is Gargoyle?” Sayanee joked.

“Hold on, that dragon is huge, right?! I don’t think I can kill it on my own!” Rino objected. “What if it had three heads?”

“Hmm, right…” Yuko rubbed her head as she pondered.

“All of us gonna kill that monster together, that’s what we always did,” Rena said in serious tone.

“Rena is no fun,” Sae whispered to Sayaka who giggled.

“Can I come too?”Jurina asked. “I wanna use my magic too.”

“No, you aren’t coming.” Yui glared at her. “Remember, you are having detention.”

“Detention? What did she do?” Rena asked worriedly.

“She broke my precious sword.” Yui lied glaring at Jurina.

“It was an accident!” Jurina urged.
“Oh, really, I don’t think so since you went there by yourself.”

“I have a good reason for that.” Jurina urged. “She can teach me better than you.”

“Hey!” Yui slammed on the table. “Then why you don’t go to her and learn from her?”

“Calm down, let’s not talk about this now,” Sayanee said laughing awkwardly.

“Right! We need to focus on fighting this beast!”Takamina said.

“It decided we will go and kill that monster before it kills more of our people.”

“Good, let’s get ready.”

As everyone started getting ready, Paru approached Jurina, who simply ignored her and turned away when the girl walked closer.

“Jurina~” Paru gave a sugary-sweet smile, but Jurina wasn’t falling for it. “Mou~ look at me, at least.”

“Do you really think acting like that will make me forgive what you did?” Jurina said coldly.

“But.. I had no idea that book was evil!”

“Yeah, right. You tricked me. Because of what you did, I could’ve killed my friends. All thanks to Yuki who stopped me in time or I will never forgive myself all my life.”

“I’m sorry, believe me, I really had no idea about that.” Paru apologized and left the room.

Jurina ran her hand over her hair as she sighed heavily and looked out through the window, her friends were leaving to fight with a monster, she smiled as everyone left.

Walking to Rena’s room, she changed her clothes and wear something nice,after combing her hair, she closed her eyes and concentrated on teleporting to where Yuki was. ‘Go to Yuki… To Yuki… To Yuki…’

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in Yuki’s mansion,she smiled and walked around the castle searching for Yuki. After that accident Jurina feels strong and confident,she feels as something powerful growing inside her,she can use her magic without any problem and without learning it.

As she walked upstairs, she hears faint sound of music coming from one of the room. Slowly she walked toward the room and opened the door quietly without interpreting Yuki. She stepped inside the room and saw a figure sitting at a piano, her delicate fingers playing the keys as a sweet melody echoed against the walls of the room.

‘So pretty~’ she thought to herself as she became enchanted by the music, she smiled and closed her eyes enjoying the music.

The music reminded her of Mayu, she also loved playing piano, she always adores the person who teaches her piano. Mayu never told Jurina much about that person, but she can feel how much Mayu adored her, she always wanted to meet that person.

Suddenly the music tone changed and it turns into sad one. It sounded very melancholy and broken, Jurina opened her eyes and stared at Yuki back, she can feel the music speaking Yuki’s pain, how to hurt and broken she felt. She felt all those emotions being poured out in each and every note.

Without knowing, the tear escaped from Yuki’s eyes. Jurina clutched her heart, all she wanted to do is hug her and comfort her, she can’t see her like this, she wanted to make her happy and take all the pain away from her.

Jurina inched closer to her and about to hug her Yuki stopped playing the piano, Jurina froze. Wiping the tear with her hand, Yuki stood up and looked at Jurina.

“Why are you back?” Yuki asked.

“I… erm.. I…” Jurina rubbed her neck nervously. “I wanted to see you.” She giggled nervously. “And apologize about what happened that day. It wasn’t my mistake, Paru brought me here, she told me I can become a powerful wizard if I touch that book also I can wake dead person too.”

In fast motion, Yuki pinned Jurina on the wall grabbing her by the collar. “There is no such thing waking up dead. Once you die, you die forever, there is nothing can bring you back.” Yuki said gritting her teeth and loosened her grip on Jurina.

Jurina rubbed her neck. “Are you okay?” She asked Yuki who walked toward her bed ignoring her.

“Go back,” Yuki said coldly.

“Damn it,why can’t I talk with her without pissing her.” Jurina thought.

“I’m sorry for making you angry.”

“Go...back.” Yuki whisper yelled.

“Ok,as you wish my queen..” Jurina closed her eyes. ‘Take me home… Take me home…’

Jurina opened her eyes and found herself back in the empty mansion. She sighed in frustration and punched the wall in anger.

“Just once, I want to talk to her and make her happy.”


Meanwhile, the group made it to the ocean and saw a huge storm over the sea. The huge sea-dragon was swimming in the sea, causing huge waves and whirlpools.

“Look at that monster,” Takamina said, seeing the huge beast.

“What on Earth could have made it so angry?!” Sayanee asked.

“Whatever angered it, it’s seriously pissed,” Yuko said. “And if we keep it like this, it may just rip the entire ocean in half.”

“Maybe he got dumped.” Rino joked.

“Is that even possible?” Rie said.

“I dunno.”

“Either way,” Rena interrupted. “We have to terminate it.”

“Right. Let’s do this!” Takamina said, transforming into her dragon form. She flew over the storming sea and focused her sight on the sea dragon.

The sea-beast roared as the thunder crashed down. Takamina blew her ice breath toward the beast as she tried to freeze it, but found it could break through the ice. It roared again and startled everyone.

“It’s gonna take more to subdue it,” Yuko said. “Kojima, Sashihara, fly up there and chain him down!”

 Nodding they grabbed the heavy iron chains and flew towards the sea dragon, throwing the chains to tie it up and hold it down. But the dragon roared and shook itself, sending Kojima and Sashihara flying away.

Yui raised her hand in the air and chanted some spell creating powerful light and shooting it toward the dragon who quickly hide in the water, the light hit the seawater, creating a huge wave.

Rena cracked her neck and knuckles. “I had never taste Dragon blood before. This’ll be a great meal~” She giggled and jumped in the water. In inhuman speed, she swam towards the dragon and grabbed its neck as she tries to bite its neck the dragon angrily wiggled his tail and grabbed Rena throwing her far away in the water.

Blinking confusedly, Rie looked at Yuko.

“I can’t fight in the water,” Yuko smiled sheepishly. Shaking her head, Rie aimed her arrow toward the dragon. She kept shooting arrows, but they seemed to have no effect on the beast. Kojima’s screams weren’t effective, either, as they were drowned out by the dragon’s roars.

“How are we gonna beat this thing?!” Kojima screamed frustrated.

“Let’s kill him together,” Yuko said. “All you of you gonna attack in same time confusing him.”

“Alright! Let’s do this!”

The whole group then dived in at once and started attacking the huge sea dragon at the exact same time. Takamina slashed her wings and tail and blew out ice breath, Sashihara scratched with her claws and also held a long knife piercing the dragon’s back.

Kojima flew close to the dragon’s ear and screamed in it causing his ears to bleeds, the dragon roared in pain and wiggled its body creating a huge wave. Everyone did their best to hold on and not drown in the seawater.

Rena, who was swimming in the rough waters, she followed the rapid currents toward the beast, suddenly she felt anger boiling inside her, she wanted nothing other than that dragon to be dead.

‘Stop acting like my girlfriend. Forget ‘fate’ or ‘soulmates’. I don’t see you as that.’

Remembering Jurina’s words made her anger increase. She let her vampire side take the control. Her eyes turned red and claws grew out long as she hissed in anger, in inhuman speed, she swam toward the dragon.

As Sashihara was clawing at it, she saw a familiar figure swimming in the water, towards the dragon.

“It’s Rena!”

Knowing Rena’s plan, Takamina blew huge ice on the dragon, freezing it. As soon as Rena reached closer to its neck, she didn’t waste the time and sank her sharp fangs into its neck causing the blood flow in her mouth, she moaned in the taste. Taking it as chance, Sashihara sliced his chest half with her Axe.

As the beast’s corpse sank into the ocean, everyone swam back to shore and collapsed on the warm sand.

“That’s unfair.” Sayanee breathed. “You taste dragon blood alone.”

Rena simply laughed, biting her nails. “Next time, you can have it.”

“This is the first dragon we killed in three hundred years.”

“We should celebrate!” Rena said with a smile. “Let’s have a party!”

“Wait, seriously, Rena?!” Rino asked, shocked.

“Let’s hang his head in the middle of the kingdom,” Rie smiled staring at the sunset.

“Better yet, let’s mantle it up in our mansion! Like a trophy!” Yuko said. “It will mark our great triumph over the beast of the deep!”

“Great idea, let’s do it,” Takamina said as she jumped into the sea to bring dragon head.

“So, what kind of cake should we make for the party?” Rie asked.

“Since it’s the ocean… how bout ocean themed cake? With candy seashells!” Rino said.


“And how big? Hmm… we have a lot of people in the mansion, but we shouldn’t make too much. Especially if someone doesn’t want it,” Rino then chuckled, “Then again, who can say no to cake? Hahaha!”

“Those who don’t want to get fat.” Kojima chuckled.

“Oh.come on we are not human,we don’t get fat no matter how much we eat,” Yuko replied.

“Is this Milky??” Sashihara pointed at two figures who were playing in the sea. Sayanee quickly jolted up to her feet, her eyes widening as she saw Miyuki was playing in the water. And with her was Yamada Nana, holding hands they were jumping into the sea.

Rena blinked as her jaw dropped. “Their relationship messed up.”
“This is so fun~” Miyuki giggled.

Sayanee felt a strange feeling grow in her. Jealousy, maybe? Anger? Whatever it was, she was upset seeing her girlfriend having such a fun time, and not because of her. She stomped over through the water to Miyuki and glared at her.

“Uh-oh, looks like I’m in trouble~” Miyuki whispered to Nana playfully as she saw angry Dhampir.

“Good luck with that~,” Nana whispered back and wrap her one arm on Milky’s shoulder, ignoring Sayanee.

“What are you doing, Miyuki?” Sayanee asked in a growling tone.

“Just having fun with Nana~”

Sayanee grabbed Milky’s hand, separating her from Nana.

“What’s wrong with you Sayanee?” Milky asked snatching her hand back. “I was just having fun and playing, that’s all.”

“Miyuki, we are soulmates, right?”


“Why her and not me?”

“I don’t know what are you talking about. I was having fun with my friend.”

“What kind of friend holds a hand like girlfriends?” Sayanee asked again, annoyed.

“Stop acting as a child,we are close friends.” Milky urged.

“She is right, Sayanee. Don’t be jealous, they are just friends.” Rena said coming from behind.

Huffing angrily, Sayanee walked away, leaving them behind.

“Is this about Sayanee and Yui always spending time together?” Nana asked. “I thought something was up when you suddenly called me.”

“Yeah…” Miyuki confessed. “I wanted to make Sayanee jealous. I thought then she’d pay more attention to me.”

Nana shook her head. “Good luck with that.”


Once everyone got back and dried off, Yui ordered the servants to start preparing a feast for the celebration of slaying the sea dragon. As she walked upstairs to her room to change out of her clothes covered in seaweed and sand, she saw Paru reading some book sitting beside the large window. Angrily Yui walked toward her grabbing her by shirt collar she glared at her.

“What the hell are you doing in my castle?”

“Staying.” Paru said with an innocent smile.

“No! You are leaving,” Yui grabbed the girl’s wrist and started dragging her down the hall. “There’s no way I’m going to allow you staying here!”

“And what are you gonna tell everyone?”

“That’s my problem, not yours,” Yui replied as she keeps dragging her,as she reached the door she pushed her away and closed the door behind. “Bitch, who does she think she is, to destroy my house.”

As she said that and turned around, she saw Jurina staring at her weirdly.

“Yui, you okay? You look angry,” she said.

“I’m fine. I just kicked out the traitor. And you,” Yui pointed at Jurina angrily. “Don’t even think of going at Wizard castle, or I will break your legs.”

“As if you can,” Jurina whispered.

“What was that?!” Yui grabbed the girl’s collar.

“Nothing~” Jurina replied.

“Just because you are Rena’s soulmate doesn’t mean I can’t touch you. I can kill you and feed you to the dragon, nobody will know what happened to you.”

“Jeez, you are scary when you’re angry, Yui,” Jurina shivered.

“Don’t think I’m bluffing, okay. I can and I will kill you if you make even the slightest mistake.”

“Okay. I understand. Now, will you please let me go?”

“Don’t even try to hurt my family, put this in your mind, especially Rena.” Yui released Jurina and marched up the stairs angrily.

Jurina sighed. All of this was heavy on her, she never wanted to come here, she want to go back and live normally, but something stopping her. She knew that going back to her home was not going to be easy, and trying to live a mundane life would be difficult. And the thought of Mayu being gone, made her heart feel hollow.

She ran her hand through her hair in frustration, ruffling it. ‘Why can’t I just let this pain go?’ she stared out at the mountain through the window. “I wonder what Yuki doing right now.”

She wanted to go and see Yuki, but Yui’s threat scared her a bit. Even Yuki is mad at her, too. However, curiosity was getting the best of her.

Suddenly she caught sight of Rena walking in the garden, she looks a bit sad, Jurina bites her lower lips, she followed Rena to the garden and watched silently. She was watering the flowers, she loves flower too much. Rena gently caressed the petals and smiled.

Jurina smiled seeing her so peaceful and happy.

“Hey~” Jurina greeted. Rena raised her face and looked at Jurina.

“Hi,” Rena replied softly and continued watering flower.

“Need some help?”

“No thanks. I’m fine.”

“I love flower too,”Jurina said awkwardly.

“I know.” Rena finished watering the flower, she closed the water and dried her hands.

“How did you get so many flowers? They’re so beautiful.”

Throwing the towel Rena looked at Jurina. “Don’t force yourself, I understand your feeling, there is no need to feel guilty.”

“I’m sorry.” Jurina looks at the ground.

“Don’t be.” Saying this Rena walked away.

Jurina just sighed and started to walk through the garden, admiring all the flowers.

“She must’ve planted every kind of flower in existence.” she said, touching the petals gently.

Just then, she heard the rustling of someone’s feet on the ground. She looked up and saw a figure walking in the middles of the garden towards her.

“Who’s there?” she squinted, trying to see who was there, but couldn’t see the person’s face because of the darkness. Jurina stood up and take step slowly toward the figure, trying to get a look at the person’s face.

“Who are you?” She whispered as familiar feeling engulfed her. As the figure get closer, Jurina’s eyes widened in shock.


Offline Genkikid

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Mayu is supposed to be dead!!! Something is.not right when a suuposed to be dead person somehow is still alive

Offline key17

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-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Janix123

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 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: What was that? Mayu?
Hehehe. I'm a person who can't help but love AKB48 Group. I'm a silent reader please treat me well. I'm the kind of person who gets crazy over my favorite pairings

 :wigglypanda: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :cool1: :cool1: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:  :wigglypanda:

Offline Puririnpha

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Maybe the truth is mayu still alive :shock: :shock:

Offline Nire929

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Urghhhh Don't hurt Yuki  too much
My heart can't bear it  :OMG: :OMG: :OMG:

Why Mayu suddenly alive though? She is not dead??!!  :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Hello guys i'm back sorry for making you wait. hope you giys didn't get bored of our fic  :cry:

so here is the next chapter hope you enjoy it and don't forget to leave comment and thank behind. Also tell me after reading which flash back you would love to us write for Yuki or Mayu?


An eye contact. That's all it took for the female to drop the flower that she picked from the garden. Jurina felt her heart racing, brown eyes examining the girl. Although a few seconds may have passed by, it felt like minutes for the shocked individual.

“Mayu…" her voice cracked. "Is... Is that really you..?”

“Of course, it’s me, Jurina.” No hesitation within the responder's answer. Watanabe Mayu curled her lips as she inched closer. Her arms extended out once she was close enough and embraced Jurina. “Who else could it possibly be?”

Mayu's scent... Mayu's small figure... Mayu's comforting to hold... The young Matsui slowly shook her head. “Th-This can’t be… Is this... a dream?”

“No, Jurina, it’s not," Mayu whispered. "This is a reality.”

Jurina's eyes widen as she broke their hug. Both hands remaining on the girl's arm, the tall female felt a shiver run down her spine. She trembled. Head lowered, she sucked in a deep breath. It was a lot to take in...

Was she hallucinating Mayu or was Mayu really standing before her? After a shaky exhale, Jurina raised her head. A genuine grin far wider than she had ever made in her life was glued to her face. It was accompanied by a pair of watery eyes.

“So… you’re really here...” Jurina chuckled. She immediately hugged Mayu back, hard, with face buried into her girlfriend's shoulder. “You’re… you’re back..!”

Mayu pats the puppy girl’s head as she cried. 

“I missed you so much…” Jurina hugged her tighter

“I missed you, too.”

The younger girl then broke the hug, confusion still running through her head.

“But.. how are you here? I thought you were..” Jurina bit her lips. “Dead!!”

“I have my ways,” Mayu smiled stroking Jurina hair. She took Jurina hand in her’s. “Let's go!!” She said dragging Jurina far away from the Arthor kingdom.

“Where are we going?” Jurina asked as they walked deeper into the forest.

“It won’t be a surprise if I tell you, you know.”
“Mou, I hate surprises!!” Jurina complained.

“Trust me, you will love it,” Mayu smirked as she keeps dragging her, a few more hours of walking passed, Mayu wrapped a black cloth around her eyes.

“Eh?!?! Why and you blindfolding my eyes?”

“So you can really be surprised~” Mayu giggled playfully. Holding Jurina’s hand and walking carefully, she took her near the old and abandoned castle. She guided Jurina up a flight of steps to the entrance door.

“Where is this?” Jurina asked, her hands waving around.

Smiling, Mayu unwrapped the cloth around Jurina’s eyes and revealed to the girl where they were.

Blinking her eyes, she looked around at her surroundings, her eyes widened as she saw a huge castle in front of her.

“Where are we??” Suddenly her eyes caught sight of the castle where the name is written in large word, walking closer to it she read it aloud. “Matsui.” As the name came out of her mouth, she screamed in confusion and happiness.

“Is….this… parents house??”

Mayu nodded and hugged her from behind. “Yes.”

“But I thought you said house, not castle?!”

“Shall we go in?” Mayu opened the wooden door, letting the dust fall down. Jurina coughed as she covered her mouth, careful not to breathe in the dusty air. She waved her hand, fanning away the tiny, visible dust particles floating around.

“How are we supposed to live here?” Jurina asked coughing.

“We will clean it.”

“Are you kidding me? Who’s gonna clean this entire place?! It’s dusty and old, it looks like it could fall apart!”

“We can clean everything in just a few minutes,” Mayu said.
“Eh?!?! Are you kidding me?!?” Jurina asked surprised.

Mayu clapped her hands loud, causing the castle to light up automatically.

Jurina shrugged, seeing she was so committed. She took a feather duster in her hand and started dusting some of the drawers.

“What are you doing?” Mayu asked.

“Cleaning!!” Jurina replied in a tired voice.

Mayu chuckled as she shook her head. She clapped her hands again loudly, causing things to move by themselves. Jurina jumped in shock as she saw items floating around in the air.

“Woah!! Amazing!” Jurina said in awe. Realizing she is wizard too, she facepalmed. “I’m such a baka.” She giggled.

“It’s ok, I understand everything is new for you, even the baka Author forget about it.”

“Eh?? Author?”

“Oh, nevermind,” Mayu giggled. “Now, let’s get to cleaning~”

“Un! Let’s! And you baka Author focus.”


Yui isn’t feeling good,her heart keeps telling her something bad is happening. After spending half an hour rolling on the bed, she got up and walked downstairs searching for Jurina.

“Where is that girl?” she said to herself as she looked for her.

As she was searching, she ran into Sayanee, who was eating a ripe red apple as a snack.

“Have you seen Jurina?” Yui asked grabbing Sayanee by her collar.

“Woah calms down, is everything okay?” Sayanee asked.

“No, everything isn’t ok, that’s why I’m asking you! Did you see Jurina?”

“Last time I saw her, she were talking with Rena in the garden,” Sayanee replied thinking.

“Have you seen her since then?”


Freeing Sayanee collar and stormed toward Rena room and start banging on her door like a mad woman.

“Rena, open up!”

“Jeez, what the hell?!” Rena opened the door, upset from Yui’s frantic behavior. “What’s the matter?”

“It’s about Jurina. Have you seen her?!”

“Yes, she was in the garden with me. I don’t know where she could be now.”

Yui shake her head and glared Rena. “You need to keep a closer eye on her. She is your soulmate, right?!”

“She doesn’t seem to think so…” Rena said in a low tone.

“Anyways! We need to go look for her now! She could be in danger!”

“Why?? What happened to her?” Rena got worried.

“I have no idea now, but I feel something worse is coming. I can’t feel her Aura anymore.” Yui said as she walked all over the castle with Rena searching for her.

Suddenly Sayanee comes running. “She isn’t in the castle.”

“What? Where did she go?” Rena asked.

“I smell an unknown scent in the garden mixed with Jurina’s. She was probably taken.”

Rena's eyes glowed in anger, she stormed out in the garden and started following Jurina scent. Yui and Sayanee quickly followed her.

“You go after Rena, I will bring Yuko with us,” Sayanee said running toward Yuko room.

Their scent was so weak, Yui can’t track them very well, taking her step fast She finally caught up to Rena, who was still concentrated on tracking Jurina.

“They went this way,” Rena said pointing at the old pathway which Yui knew very well.

“I know where they went to,” Yui said as she starts running toward the Matsui castle. “I’m gonna kill whoever’s trying to destroy my family,” Yui shouted speeding up.

The two saw a castle in the distance. Speeding up, Rena started moving in fast motion, she stomped her feet, making the ground below her rumble, as the view of the castle started getting closer and closer.

However, as Rena about to get closer to the castle, her body hit an invisible force field, causing her to fly several feet back and hit a tree branch. When Yui saw that, she slowed down, checking on Rena, she looks at the castle and saw her hand blowback from an unseen force.

“Looks like there’s a barrier shielding the place… We can’t get in.”
Groaning in pain Rena stood up and run toward the castle again.

“Stop!!!” But Yui can’t stop her. Rena was hit by force field again and flew several feet back hitting at the same tree branch cracking it half.

“Don’t act stupidly, you can’t pass by it.” Yui scolded.

Rubbing her head, Rena glared at Yui. “Yeah, I can see that,” she said sarcastically.

Yui chanted some spell trying break the force field but she failed. “I can’t open it.”

“What you mean you can’t open it?” Rena grabbed Yui by the collar.

“I mean just that! My magic isn’t strong enough, we need more powerful magic to break it.”

“Now where in the world we bring stronger Wizard than you??’ Rena hissed in anger.

“I think Yuki can help us,” Sayanee said from behind as she comes with Yuko.

“Yuki? We don’t need that demon help!!” Rena huffed.

“No, I agree,” Yui said. “Yuki is very strong. She might be able to break the barrier.”

“How can you be so sure she won’t try to hurt us or Jurina?” Rena glared.

“Rena is right, she is part of a demon, we can’t trust her.” Yuko agreed with Rena.

“We have no choice! I can’t break the barrier. If you want to help your soulmate, you have to accept Yuki’s help, or sit and watch her die.” Yui said and walked away leaving them behind. Rena sighed as she sits under the tree.

Sayanee followed Yui to Yuki’s castle. As they reached there, they stared forward, reaching the main gate, they looked up as it stood large and tall, with stone walls and gargoyle statues watching down, as if they could come alive and attack at any given moment.
Yui cleared her throat and push open the huge door with her hand. The two entered the main gate and the intense, grim atmosphere of the whole castle felt like they were stepping into another world.

Sayanee’s jaw dropped when she looked up and saw things were flying in the air. Everything was moving by itself. Some houses were building themselves, the watering cans were watering the flowers in the garden by themselves, and books were flying on and off the shelves, literally. Sayanee had never seen things in a house move on their own before, so this sight struck her in awe.

Meanwhile, Yui remained calm and grinned, chuckling silently at Sayanee’s surprised expression. For her, this sort of thing was normal, she had seen worse than this. She got Sayanee concentrated again and started searching for Yuki in the large castle.

The two started looking through every room, trying to find Yuki, but they had no luck.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming their way. They quickly hid so they wouldn’t get caught for intruding when they heard two people talking.

“Is she absolutely sure she doesn’t want to celebrate? Doesn’t she want a feast or some sort of cake?” one voice spoke.

“No,she never celebrates her birthday.” the other responded.

“It’s honestly depressing if you ask me. Who would want to stay locked alone in their room on their birthday?”

“Poor Yuki-same…”

“It’s Yuki’s birthday..?” Yui muttered curiously.

“Come on, Akicha, let’s just go see her,” one voice urged. Sayanee and Yui looked out seeing two girls.

“Are you sure, Mocchi?”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we can talk her into having a party. Let’s go,” Mocchi grabbed Akicha’s hand and started dragging her down the hall and up the stairs.

“Let’s follow them,” Yui said as she and Sayanee started following the two girls up the stairs.

They stopped when they saw the two approach one of the doors. Mocchi tried to open it, but it was locked, so she started knocking on it.

“Yuki! Open up!” she said in between her knocks. “Unlock the door!”

But they got no reply. Mocchi knocked again.

“Yuki?! Answer us!”

“It’s useless!!” Akicha sighed.

Yui approached them. “Let me try.” She said calmly, scaring the two.

“Yuihan?!” They both stared at her shocked. Holding their scream back.

“Are you real?” Mocchi asked.

Rolling her eyes Yui holds her closer to the door lock and chanted a spell, unlocking the door. She slowly opened it up and the three saw Yuki asleep on her bed.

“Oh, she is sleeping” Akicha whispered.

Yui slowly stepped in and walked towards Yuki followed by Sayanee. Mocchi stared weirdly at Sayanee who smiled sheepishly at her. Akicha brought a candle cake with her.

Slowly, Yui took the cake and stood by Yuki’s side.

“Yuki,” she softly said, trying to stir the girl’s slumber. Mocchi jumped on her scaring Yuki causing her to get up from the bed and punch Mocchi at her face.

“Ow!” Mocchi held her nose as it got hit by Yuki’s sucker punch.

“What the hell, Mocchi?!”

“Yuki,” Yui spoke, smiling at Yuki and holding the cake. “Happy birthday.”

“Eh?” Yuki raised her brow and looked confusedly at her surrounding

“It’s your birthday today,” Akicha said.

“We didn’t want you to be alone and sad on your birthday. We want you to be happy,” Mocchi said while still holding her nose.

“There isn’t any need for that!!” Yuki said getting up from the bed and walking to change her clothes.

“Mou, Yukirin~” Akicha whined. “We were so nice and wanted to celebrate, why are you being so cold?”

“I’m not in the mood to celebrate. And… Don’t call me ‘Yukirin’!”

Yui then walked over to Yuki and tapped her shoulder, making her turn around.

“What do you want?” Yuki asked.

“Yuki, you are not being honest with yourself.” Yuki raised a brow, questioning Yui’s statement. “You really want to celebrate, don’t you? Why don’t you open up and tell us what you really want?”

“That’s not…” Yuki’s voice fell silent. “It’s none of your business!!” Yuki glared at her and vanished in the air.

“Yukirin! Jeez, what is with her?” Akicha crossed her arms and walked out with Mocchi. Yui holds Sayanee hand and teleported to Yuki’s place.

They saw Yuki by herself sitting on the rock staring at a waterfall silently. Yui and Sayanee walked by her and sit beside Yuki.

“Nice view!!” Sayanee said trying to broke the silence.

“I miss her,” Yuki whispered. Yui rubbed Yuki back in a comforting way.

“I know.”

Yuki wiped her tears and looked at Yui.”Why are you here?”

“Because we were worried about you.” Yuki stared at Yui and sighed.

“You should be worried about your problem.”

“Yeah,we need your help for that,”Yui said.


“Jurina got kidnapped and I feel your mother is behind it because the barrier is very strong,I try to break them but failed. So we came here to ask your help..”

Yuki stared at Yui eyes for a moment and sighed running her hand over her hairs, nodding her head she stood up and walked outside the Wizard kingdom, Yui and Sayanee followed her. Soon they teleported to where Rena and Yuko were waiting for them.

“Sorry for making you wait,” Yui said staring at Rena and Yuko who staring at Rena weirdly. Yuki walked closer to the barrier and scanned it.

“Can you break it?” Yuko asked getting closer to Yuki.Who ignored her and continue scanning. Closing her eyes Yuki holds her hand toward the barrier and start chanting some spell in a foreign language.

“Atro lumine intus animae meae et muros hos instauraretis solvatur ostendas apertum usque ad lunam, et in hoc campo. (By the black light inside my soul, let these walls be broken, reveal yourself in the moonlight and open up, let us into this domain.)”

After chanting, the barrier began to break open and disappeared , without wasting anymore time Rena run toward the castle ,but before she can break inside, as soon she touched the door, another shock hit her causing her to fly back and hit Yuko both of them fall down.

“No way! Another barrier?!” Sayanee said.

Yuki walked toward the door and placed her hand on the door.

“This is strong magic,” she said before closing her eyes and chanting another spell. “Alohomora!”

The door glowed for a second before they heard the lock unlatched and it opened up. Rena immediately ran inside, yelling for Jurina.

“Jurina!! Where are you?”

“Rena stop!!” Yui yelled from behind but it was too late as soon Rena enters inside the castle she got tackled by a huge monster with three head. The monster picked Rena up by one of his   tentacles and threw her away, crashing into the wall.

“What the hell is that?!” Yuko asked absolutely shocked.

“It’s a Displacer beast!” Yui replied.

“First time seeing this ugly creature.” Sayanee shivered.

The beast roared as the group stood before it charged at the group. Yuko shifted into hell hound and lunged at the beast. They started clawing at each other, scratching each other. The beast pushed Yuko away, scratching her face. Yuko snarled at him showing her bare fangs she snaps at his foot and bites as hard she can,The beast groaned in pain and grab Yuko by one of his tentacles and slammed her on the wall.

Rena and Sayanee ran towards the beast. Deciding they needed to subdue its tentacles, they started distracting the monster to try and grab the tentacles and hold them down. The beast kept swinging its tentacles at them, making it successful for them to grab it. However, as they held on tightly, they were swung around in the air, trying hard not to let go and fly into the wall.

“Come on! Hold on!!” Rena tried to tell herself but ended up losing her grip when the beast smashed her into the ground. It then flung Sayanee into the wall and focused back on Yuko. Yuki rolled her eyes.

“Yui! Yuki! Don’t you know how to deal with these things?! Help us!” Sayanee said.

“Yuki, you have to help!” Yui said.

Yuki shook her head and sat on the big rock, crossing her arm and smirked challenging Yui.

“Fine! I’ll deal with it.” Yui huffed and walked toward the beast. “Rena, Sayanee capture this creature tentacles,” Yui ordered creating a light sword and swinging it in the air creating power.

Following her words, Sayanee and Rena hissed and in fast motion the jumped and grabbed the beast’s tentacles again. Keeping their feet firmly on the ground, they were able to hold the monster down by just the two tentacles.

Taking it by chance Yuko jumped and bite down on his neck causing him to freeze, Yui then ran forward and plunged the sword into the monster’s heart.The monster screams in pain and fall down on the ground creating a loud Thump sound.

Meanwhile, Yuki smiled and clapped her hand as she enjoyed the show earning glare from Yui and Rena.

“I see you enjoyed the show,” Rena said in sarcasm.


An abrupt voice came from behind the female. Rena glanced over to the source and felt the corner of her lips curve upward. All tension oozed out of her figure as she saw the younger Matsui. The urge to leap and squeeze the life out of her was too strong. Just as the older female was about to give a glomp, she felt her heart freeze when she spotted Mayu. Although it may not be an issue having another person witness her affection, it was definitely one when that said a person came up to Jurina and gave her a gentle embrace from behind.

“I don’t remember inviting you guys!! What do you think you’re doing in our home?!” Mayu said. Everyone in the room stared at her in shock and confusion. Yuki’s eyes widened as a huge stir of emotions suddenly filled her.

“Mayu…?” She whispered as she put her hand on the close brunch supporting herself not to fall as she felt herself getting weaker, her vision starts to get blurry she felt as she was dreaming.

Blinking her eyes a countless amount of times, she tried to focus her attention on what was happening and who she was looking at.

Yui rushed toward Yuki and caught her in her arms, as she saw her losing her balance and became concerned. Yuki’s eyelids fluttered as she tried to keep them open

“Mayu!!” She whispered before letting the darkness engulfed her.

Offline key17

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  • ♡SKE48♡Matsui Rena♡WMatsui♡
I want Yuki~

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Puririnpha

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I want both author-san
Seems yuki have related with mayu  :glasses: :glasses:

Offline Genkikid

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So Yuki's someone is Mayu..
But still, mayu's presence is still suspicious

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Hello guys i'm back sorry for updating late, hope you guys didn't get mad or bored by waiting.  :nervous

First of all i want to thank you guys for the lovely comment and thanks, and i have good news for you guys soon this book will be End, and if you guys want we will write third book too.


Flashback, one year ago….

Yuki jumped off the horse and walked inside the castle, taking her coat and gloves off, she handed it to one of her maids, she approached her mother office as she about to knock the door she hears some voice coming from inside, she connected her ear on the door and tried to listen the conversation, she heard two voices arguing about something. One of the voices was her mother, and she seemed to be very angry at whoever is inside.

“Please, I’m begging you not to hurt her!” the other voice protested something.

“Listen carefully I don’t care about your begging or request, you better bring her here or else I will kill both of you.” Her mother ordered.

“I will never give her to you no matter what you do!!” The other voice said.

“Then you better be ready for death.” Her mother warned Yuki heard the sound of a chair moving as the footsteps of her mother approached the door.

She quickly moved away as her mother burst out of her office, not noticing her daughter’s presence as she walked down the hall in a fury. Yuki looked inside and saw a young girl sitting with a frustrated expression on her face. Before Yuki can do anything, the girl stood up from her seat and their eyes meet.

Yuki stood frozen as heart skip a beat, she felt butterflies in her stomach, Yuki gulped as the girl walked toward before she can react the girl walked away, passing by her Yuki could smell her scent. Yuki smiled widely and run after girl grabbing her by her arm.

“Hey!!” Yuki greeted.

Quickly the girl snatched her hand  away from her, glaring at her. Yuki looked hurt by her reaction but she quickly hides her pain with forced smile.

“My name is Yuki!”

“As if I care!” The girl replied walking out toward her horse.

“Hey!! Wait!!” Yuki runs after her and stood front her.

“Why are you following me?? Leave me alone!”

Yuki smirked and touched girl arm lightly sending sparkles. “You really don’t know?” Yuki trailed her hand upward to her shoulder. “Why I’m following you?” She said as her hand touched the girl's cheek, however, before she can touch her further, the girl slapped her hand away and quickly walked away.

“Acting hard to get,” Yuki smirked looking at her hand. “But I will make you mine.”



“Yukii!!” Yui slapped Yuki cheeks lightly waking her. “Yuki, wake up!!”

Yuki eyes snapped open she jolted from the bed and fall on the ground.

“Yuki!!” Yui stood up from the bed and helped Yuki up. “You okay?”

“Mayu!!” Yuki cried as she sat on the bed.Yui hugged her and rubbed her back soothing her.

“Shh!! It’s okay!” Yui said as she continues rubbing her back.

A few minutes later, Yuki falls asleep on Yui’s shoulder, Yui kissed her forehead, carefully she laid her head on the pillow and put the blanket on her.


Rena was sitting on the sofa while intertwining her hand together and staring at the ceiling

“I can’t believe Jurina! What’s with her hanging out with that girl?” Sae said pouring blood in Rena glass. Yui enter the castle and sat beside Sayanee, who was sharpening her dagger.

“How is Yuki?”Sayanee whispered.

Yui simply shook her head.

Rena picks the glass and started it, twirling the liquid inside the glass container. She was deep in thought, thinking about what previously happened. How Jurina rejected her and choose Mayu over her.

“Rena-chan, I’m not coming with you guys. I want to stay with Mayu.” Jurina said as she held Mayu’s hand.

“Jurina,she isn’t real! Don’t believe her, Mayu is dead!!”

“How can you say that? She’s right here!”

“Jurina comes with us, don’t trust that demon!!” Sayanee urged.

“Didn’t you hear her, she doesn’t want to go back, she chooses me over you,” Mayu said smirking at Rena.

“You bitch!!” Sayanee hissed at she rushed toward her but before she can approach her, Mayu send strong wave toward them, throwing them back to their castle.

Hissing,  Rena clenched the glass in her hand letting the blood splat all over the floor and on Rena clothes.

Yuko hurried to Rena’s side, taking out a handkerchief she wipe the blood off her hand. Rena had a scowl etched in her brow, her hands gripped tightly into fists.

She growled as her eyes turned black, and in fast motion, she grabbed the side of Yuko’s head slamming her on the nearest table,shattering the glass. Blood started dripping off Yuko’s head, shocking the others.

“Yuko!” Sae ran to check on Yuko, looking towards Rena, she said, “Rena, why did you do that?!” Rena breathed heavily.

Yuko wiped the blood from her face and forehead she stood up and walked toward her room to clean herself.

“Rena, that was uncalled for,” Yui said. “We’re well aware you’re upset, but you shouldn’t take your anger out on others.”

Takamina came out of her room as she heard the noise, she stared at Rena and raised a brow.

“What’s going on out here?!” she asked.

“Just little fight. Nothing serious.” Sayanee replied as Rena stormed towards her room and slammed the door  behind, locking it.

She looked at her trembling hands, they were shaking from pain and fear, she covered her mouth with her hand and start sobbing silently. She felt weak, alone and scared, her body is getting weaker by staying strong for too long. Her body slowly sank to the floor as her cries filled her room

 “Mom!! Why are we getting ready for?” Little Rena asked her mom who was combing her hair.

“Because we are attending the Princess’ birthday party and the king had invited all the kingdom to celebrate his daughter's birthday.

“Really! Will I be able to meet a princess?” Rena asked, hopping excitedly. She can see an image of the princess in her mind. “I can’t wait!”

“I’m glad you’re excited, Rena. I’m sure she’ll be happy to meet you, too.” her mother replied kissing her daughter forehead, as she holds her hand takes her out to the carriage waiting outside.

They boarded onto the horse-drawn carriage and started riding down the path to where the king’s castle was. In the distance, little Rena could see balloons flying high in the air. She smiled widely, her legs shaking wildly in anticipation.

After ten minutes, they arrived the castle, her mother paid the carriage bill and hopped out with Rena. They walked inside the castle, little Rena awestruck by the beauty of the inside.

“It’s so pretty in here! It’s so big~” Rena giggled.

“Miss Matsui, welcome,” the king’s voice boomed joyfully as he walked to Rena’s mother. Rena’s mother bowed to him. “I’m glad you both could make it.”

“Thanks for inviting us ,we are very thankful to you.”

“No need for it, after we are family, come the dinner is ready everyone is waiting for you.” As King lead them to the dining room the princess walked down the stair and greeted them.

“There she is! The princess!” Rena said excitedly, running to the table to see the princess. The princess smiled at her and took Rena hand in her’s kissing her knuckles, causing her to blush. Everyone in room giggled.

“They are cute.”

“What is your name?” Rena asked as she sits beside princess.

“Yuko.” The princess replied with a smile.

“Beautiful name you have, I wish if I were a princess too just like you.” Yuko forced smiled and continue to eat her dinner.

“Princess, I love you.” Little Rena blurted out causing Yuko to cough.


“Will you marry me?” She whispered.

“W-What are you talking about??” Yuko shocked. “Marry you? You are much too young for me to marry you.”

“So what? I will grow up soon and then marry you.”

“You sure are determined. You really love me that much?”

“Of course!”

“I love you too, but you are too young for this.” Yuko ruffled Rena hairs, suddenly the king stood up from his seat and clicked his glass taking everyone's attention.

“Everyone! I have an announcement to make! I like to engage my daughter to Mrs. Matsui daughter.”

“What?!” Rena’s mother exclaimed in shock. “I disagree!!”

Everyone gasped in shock.

“It’s too early for my daughter to marry! You can’t make such a big decision like this, especially without my consent! Also, I don’t want to marry my daughter to any royal family. I want to give her normal life.”

“I am the king, my word is absolute!” the king boomed.

“No! I won’t allow it!” Saying this she grabbed Rena's hand dragged her out angrily, before leaving the castle Rena to give a final painful look to Yuko.

Tears fell freely down her face, soft sniffles and gasps escaping her. She hugged her knees as her eyes were red from crying.

From the other side of her bedroom door, Yui was standing, hearing her crying. She frowned hearing her voice filled with pain and sadness, which was being let out after so long. She closed her eyes and sighed, “Why do you always do this, Rena?” She thought.

“I have to save this family,” Thinking this, she teleported into Yuki castle and found her sleeping peacefully.

She stroked her head gently, closing her eyes. She started feeling herself enter Yuki’s mind, going into her dreams. What she saw was a memory being played out, from Yuki’s past. In front of where she was standing, she saw Yuki walking as if searching for someone.

Soon she finds Yuki standing front of none other than Mayu who were enjoying eating her ice-cream. Yuki smiled, saying something, but Yui couldn’t hear clearly what she was saying as if it were a movie playing with no sound. She focused on the two of them and soon, she started to hear a sound.

“Why are you following me?” Mayu asked angrily.

But Yuki smirked and touched Mayu shoulder. “Because we belong to each other.”

“What makes you say that?” Mayu asked, raising her brow skeptically.

“Oh,come on stop acting so cold, I know you feel the spark too,” Yuki said holding Mayu hand. “Don’t you feel it when I touch?”

Mayu snapped her and run away leaving Yuki confused.

‘Why does she always act like that?’ Yui could hear Yuki’s thoughts. ‘What if she doesn’t want me and reject me!!’ Yuki thought as felt pain in her chest, she can’t imagine her life without her soulmate.

Yui then saw the memory change Mayu were yelling at Yuki saying how much she hates her and didn’t want to be her soulmate, she feels nothing for her. Yuki was overwhelmingly hurt, holding her chest as she felt like she was being stabbed by one hundred knives.

All week she spends her time crying and hiding inside her room, she didn’t sleep or eat, everyone was worried about her, but nobody dared to ask her knowing she doesn't like when someone enters in her personal life. Then one day when she was sitting on the cold rock counting the stars, Mayu approached her and surprised her with a hug.

“Yuki! Forgive me!!”


“I was mad and angry, I….I didn’t mean to hurt you! I swear it’s just I hate your mother and I took her anger on you. Please forgive me, I realized that I shouldn’t blame you for her mistake, I promise to be a good lover to you.”

“Mayu…!!” Yuki smiled and hugged Mayu back as she cried happy tears. “I forgive you.”

Yui watched the two embrace, Mayu wiping away Yuki’s tears and kissing her cheeks. After that day, the two began spending more and more time together, going on lovely dates and sharing memories as a couple. The memories they spent played out in front of Yui’s eyes like a movie montage, all romanticized by Yuki’s own feelings.

However, the lovely scene starts changing as the once bright scenery grows darker, signifying a bad memory. She sees Yuki with her mother who were scolding her for loving Mayu, she told her how unfaithful her lover is and how she is just using her to become powerful so she can protect her lover Jurina.

Yuki’s eyes became filled with anger, her hands balled tightly into fists. “YOU’RE LYING!!!” she yelled.

But then, she showed Yuki an image of Mayu kissing Jurina and spending most of the time with her, she showed Yuki everything they did, and Yuki saw that Mayu was much more genuinely happy with Jurina.

Darkness surrounded Yuki, her eyes becoming pitch black as anger consumed her. She screamed out in anger, the sound echoing loud enough to shake the ground beneath her feet. Her strong Aura starts to spread all over the kingdom, covering everything in pitch black darkness.

Yui couldn’t see anything as if Yuki’s mind itself was consumed by darkness at this moment. Just then, Yui heard a scream and she was forcefully pulled out of Yuki’s mind. When she was back, in reality, she saw Yuki sit up from the bed, screaming as beads of sweat fell down her forehead. She was breathing heavily, Yui rubbed her back soothing her.

“It’s ok, it was just dreaming,” Yui said comforting her.

Yuki closed her eyes as she took a few deep breath and calmed down.

“Feel better?”

Yuki nodded, getting out off the bed, she walked outside to get some fresh air, followed by Yui. They stared out at the forest,the wind was blowing,the bird was singing the melody as they flew in the sky,relaxing voice of waterfall coming from  the distance.

“It’s so relaxing!” Yuki said inhaling the fresh air.

“It is.” Yui agreed as she stared at the sun.

“We have to do something about Mayu,” Yui said. Yuki flinched at the motion of her lover name, she wasn’t ready to face Mayu again, she can’t control herself, the love she feels for the younger girl. Even though Mayu didn’t love her and played with her, she is not willing to face her again.

But she have to, for the sake of Arthor and Jurina, she have to protect Arthor from her mother evil power, she can’t let her mother win and destroy everyone and create a demon, she was determined to stop her. Even if it meant to face Mayu and send her soul back to heaven.

“We have to stop her,” Yuki said as her eyes glowed.

“I agree."

Offline Genkikid

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Who is that Mayuyu?!!! Who dare wake her up from death just to make her the bad guy!!!

Offline Keiyuu

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Not sure if I remember everything correctly...but right now as I see it:

Rena is Jurina's soul mate but Jurina says she doesn't love her and loves Mayu instead, and Rena says she loves Jurina but probably still has feelings for Yuko? Then why does she want to kill Yuko? Just to get rid of that feeling? Does she really love Jurina? And what happened after Rena met Yuko and left the party, did they ever see each other again? Does Yuko remember Rena bc she has Kojiharu right now...God this is confusing XD

And then we have Mayu, who wants to protect Jurina and seems to love her, but she might've used Yuki to grow stronger just to do that. But Yuki loves Mayu and feels the 'spark' but does Mayu not feel it? But Mayu is dead...or is she not? Was she not dead in the first place or just undead? Then who brought her back? Maybe a point of view from Mayu would explain things since she's the most mysterious here. We just keep hearing about her from other people (like Yuki, Yuki's mom, Jurina)

And is Acchan ever going to come back as an antagonist or perhaps as an ally? Cuz some Atsumina would be nice :) (and she left too easily coughcough) especially since Takamina seems to hate her a lot.

I also want that whole Sayamilky bickering feud thing to fix itself, it's just a misunderstanding Milky no need to make Sayanee jealous! lol :lol:

And Paru. I don't even know what with her lol. All I can say is she better fall for Yui and quit whatever meddling she's trying to do haha :P

Also, I thought it was cool when Yuki was chanting that spell (latin or something?) but maybe if you could incorporate all their abilities a bit more then that'd be awesome. Like an all out battle for the climax with ice spitting Takamina and flesh ripping Yuko XD

But really, I'm looking forward to see how WMatsui and Mayuki end up settling their issues :) and how this book ends~

Keep up the good work Taro and Ruka and michael! :thumbsup

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