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Author Topic: THROUGH TIME (WMATSUI) COMPLETE  (Read 62654 times)

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #80 on: June 08, 2016, 12:08:57 PM »
Next chapter :)

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #81 on: June 12, 2016, 09:04:27 PM »
Hi, so here is another chapter full of wmatsui moments, and a little bit of smut, but as I don't know how much can I post here, I preferred to just cut it, but you can read it on my tumblr just click here, even though it's my first time trying the smut part, don't know if its too bad, and I tried to make it as cute and fluff as possible, like all the fanfic. Hope you like it  :) :) 


A soft touch stroking my hair is what woke me up, in fact, I had already been awake for a while, but I didn’t want the caress to stop. At the same time if felt a gaze on me all the time, which made me feel a little bit nervous, even if every morning was the same, I couldn’t get use to Jurina’s intense gaze on my, scanning every corner of my face.

“Didn’t you say you’re bad with mornings” I said without open my eyes.

“I think that I like them now” Right after a soft lips lay on mines in a short kiss, and finally I opened my eyes to fine the Jurina’s bright smile and her adorable dimples “Good morning”

“Good morning” I curled up in her warm embrace.

“I think today we do can stay all day at bed, I don’t want to work today”

“We can’t, Shinoda comes back today and you have to talk to her about what happened this two weeks” I had to said much to my regret, Shinoda had left in a business trip two weeks ago, she left the next day we talked, that’s why I haven’t ask or talk with her yet.

Jurina let out a heavy sigh knowing the work that awaits her.

“Right, besides Aiko must not late to come and take us off from bed” I giggle, remembering that since I began to sleep with Jurina, Aiko always has to come and takes us out from bed because we late too much.

“I guess I’ll shower first” Not really wanting it, I stood up from bed as fast as I could, because I know that if I think about it too much, I would late more than I should.

Just when I finally was out of bed, Jurina took my hand, and pulling this one made me fall once again on the soft mattress, pinning me with her body, and with her hand aside my body not giving me any chance to escape.

“Stay just a little bit longer” She whispered slowly closing the space between us. I was speechless and almost forget how to breathe.

“But Aiko shouldn’t late” I barely could said with the self-control that I had left.

“Then we shouldn’t waste time”

Finally I surrounded when her lips met mine, my hand moved by its own to the back of Jurina’s nape seeking her closeness, and my fingers ran through her silky hair. The kiss become more passionate when our tongues met, seeking desperately having more from the other one.

Jurina’s hand traveled to my tights, that simple touch send jolts of electricity through all my body. She trace a path of kiss from my lips to my neck, my breathing become heavy, at this moment Jurina’s kisses and caress was taking off my mind, desiring more from her.

Being completely lost in Jurina’s lips, I didn’t notice the knocking in the door. I could only came out from the trance once the door opened, and an angry Aiko came in to the room.

“I am sorry I was already leaving” Aiko came out as fast as she in, and I couldn’t handle the embarrassment. I buried my face into Jurina’s nape and hide my face that for sure was completely red.

“I think we should go now” Said Jurina between soft giggles. I could only nod biting my lower lip holding back my nervous laugh.

Once we were in the kitchen, Aiko was the only one there, because Yuki had to go with Shinoda in her trip, and Haruka along with Yui always came too early in morning, and then they disappear all day, that’s why I don’t get to see them often.

It was hard for me to look at Aiko’s eyes, besides the shame that I felt, the scene played again in my mind. Jurina and I hadn’t go too far from passionate kisses, but I could tell that our relationship was escalating step by step, with every second I felt more intense the need to by around her, it was like if I fell in love again and again.

“It looks like Shinoda would come tomorrow” Aiko comment to break the tension.

“I should have known before, I wouldn’t have come out from bed” Jurina looked at me with a mischievous grin, at the same time that she winked at me. Why she has to do thing more difficult for me.

“Ta-talking about Shinoda, I don’t know too much about her” I changed the topic as fast as I could, and being the most natural that I could. At the same time I took advantage of the situation to know more about Shinoda, I had postpone our talk to much.             

Jurina and Aiko shared a glance, like hesitating if they should or not talk about it.

“It’s ok if you can’t talk about it” I said reading the tense atmosphere.

“No, it’s ok if it’s you” Jurina said while she took my hand “To get started, Shinoda is not my true sister, father found her wandering around the forest when she was about 9, I hadn’t born yet” What Jurina just said, confirm even more my theory.

“I will never forget the first time that I saw her” Added Aiko “It looks like if her body didn’t have a soul, her eyes were completely empty, and at least for 6 months, she didn’t say a word. The most shocking was when she finally did, she claimed that she didn't know anything about herself, or at least how she got there”

Jurina didn’t say anything, her face reflect that she was struggling with something in her mind, and the little frown confirms it, at the same time she tightened her grip on my hand.

“Jurina” I had to call her time a couple of times, this kind of behave in her was pretty strange.

“Sorry, I got distract” Aiko and I looked at her not really convince with her poor excuse.

“That’s why Jurina must take the throne, because Shinoda is not a legitimate King’s daughter” Aiko continue “But of course, that the people doesn’t know anything about that, they just think that Shinoda doesn’t want the throne”

“The truth is, that I would prefer that Shinoda keeps with the throne, she does a great job as the queen, but she refuses” Jurina was the one who talked with a tire tone, sign that she already tried to convince Shinoda before but fail.

“I am sorry if it was a sensitive subject”

“Don’t worry, you deserve to know it” Jurina stood up from the table “I’ll leave now, now that I came out from bed I would finish what I have to do for tomorrow” She placed a peck in my lips to then head out from the room.

With the corner of my eyes, I saw Aiko grinning.

“You two are such a cute couple” Her comment made me slightly blush, but at the same time made me smile.

My feelings for Jurina become bigger and bigger with every touch, every kiss and every hug, so much that its overwhelming, that I don’t know how much time I could hold it. I had my tongue tie in the words, but what really happened was that I wanted to hear the come from Jurina first.

The castle seemed especially quiet today, I barely could see some workers in the hallways. Spring could already be seen, you can feel it in the fresh and soothing air. You can tell that at this point of my life everything seemed perfect, without any worry, at least not to short term, only good things have been happening. But all that happiness sacred me a little, because everything has to have a balance, good things can’t exist without the bad once and vice versa.         

“Pss Rena, Psss” I stopped my tracks when I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn’t see anyone around. “Here” That was Yui’s voice.

“Where are you” I asked her because I couldn’t locate where her voice came from.

“To your right, a little bit down” And there she was, half of her body came out from an small door that camouflaged with the wall “Wait a moment I’ll open”

Having said that, she went back in through the small door, no words came out from me, I was just too shock with the unusual event, since when there was a door, and even more of that size. I heard the sound of door being unlocked, my jaw drop even more when the whole wall opened like a door, reveling a dark passage, just like in movies.

“Pretty incredible right, Paruru found this place recently” Yui invited me in. Hesitating I came in to the intriguing place, at a beginning it was a narrow passage, which make it seem even more strange, but at the end there was a small room, that despite being small it was cozy.

“What it’s supposed to be this place” I wonder astonished. I once heard that old houses and castles may have this kind of places, but I thought it was just a myth, I think that I should begin to believe more in those kind of things. 

“Just what it looks like, a secret room” Yui replied with excitement.

“Why is she here?” I hadn’t notice Haruka’s presence until she talked.

“Don’t be bitter, it’s more fun with more people” Answered Yui, Haruka didn’t try to argue any more, it looks like Yui had completely control over her.

The room was full with books and some snacks, but for some reason one of them called my attention, despite being simple chocolates, some way its shape was fascinating. I am not pretty sure if it is what I thought, but it seems like a shadow, a devil shadow, because it has what I think are claws, and it had a big grin. It was so detail that it might was made handcraft.

“Want one?” Haruka offered me with a malicious grin, just like the one that kids have when they are on a mischief. Even though, I ignored that and took the chocolate from her hand.

“Wait, those chocolates have-“

“A lot of love, Yui made them with lots of love” Haruka interrupt Yui. If that didn’t turn on all the red lights then I don’t know what will, but c’mon, what harm can make a simple chocolate.

That’s how tempting fate, I put the little sweet in my mouth; at a beginning it was really sweet, but as it melted in my mouth its taste changed to a bitter one, and some liquid came out from the center. Chocolate is not my favorite sweet, but when I finish the first one it didn’t took me too much to eat the second one, and a third one, and a few more.

The rest of the noon I spend it in that place, chatting with Haruka and Yui, at some point I began to call Haruka by her nickname, and it didn’t seem to bother her at all. My body felt light, and without realize it, I eat a whole box of those chocolates all by my own, I wonder why neither Paruru nor Yui try one, and I just thought that they didn’t like chocolates.

“I think we should go back now” Suggest Paruru, right after we came out from the small place, and it was already dark outside, don’t know how late it was though. Yui and Paruru took another way to their rooms, and I think that I saw kind of regret in Yui’s face, but I didn’t mind it and just went back to Jurina’s room.

On my way, my body felt a little bit strange, I could think properly just as my movements were completely normal, but my body felt really warm from the inside, like when you have a really high fever. I took a deep breath before entered to the room.

“Hey, where have you been all day” Jurina was sit at the edge of the bed. Any word came out from my mouth and my body become more and more warm.

“Rena, are you ok?” I began to slowly walk towards Jurina, I don’t know what took control of my body, because without prior notice, I sat on Jurina’s lap with my legs around her waist, and started to place soft kisses in her neck. Jurina didn’t protest and I could feel how her body began to relax under mine.

“Have I told you that you look too damn sexy with glasses” I confessed her recalling the first time that I saw her, and haw I almost ran out of words.

I didn’t know that I have this side of me, the one that seems doesn’t have any censure, the one that just follows its desires.

“You hadn’t mentioned it” Jurina’s voice was husky, but not like the one she has on morning, this one sounds more seductive, tickling in my ears.

My lips left the skin of her nape to find hers in slow kiss, but at the same time full with passion that speed wasn’t need. Jurina’s hands played through my tights lifting my dress. I slightly bit her lower lip to have completely access to her wet velvety cave, and to her intoxicant taste. But for some reason, Jurina’s hands stopped at the same time that she separate our lips.

“Are you drunk?” Jurina asked with a puzzle expression.

“I am no” I tried to take her lips again but she dogged it.

“Then what is this wine taste” I didn’t know how to answer her, everything makes sense now, the liquid in those chocolates and the grin in Paruru’s face, it has wine. But I tend to be strong with alcohol, some chocolates with a little bit of wine can’t get me drunk, it has to have something else, and I am sure that I am not drunk, I don’t feel like “Let’s go to sleep, I don’t want to take advantage of you in this condition”

Jurina began to move me off from her lap, but before she could I took her face between the both of my hands to make her look directly to my eyes.

“I am not drunk I swear, and even if I would I am sure that this is what I want” My eyes never leaved hers, and I could tell that she was hesitating, but then Jurina took again my lips in a more passionate kiss, all most in a hungrily way.

My body was drained of energy, the same as Jurina who drop her body over mine, completely exhausted. My eyes were closed trying to catch breath and steady my heart. Still feeling the burning sensation in my skin where Jurina’s hands were. I could barely place my hand in Jurina’s back, gently caressing her. Silence took place, the only thing that could be hear was our hectic breathing.

“I love you” My eyes opened wide when Jurina pronounced in a whisper the words that I’ve been wishing to hear.

Jurina lifted up her body and looked me straight to my eyes, my heart that had calmed down began to pounding again in my chest, so hard that I could feel it in my ears.

“I am crazy and deeply in love with you, Rena” Her expression was completely serious, and her intense glare was taking everything from me. A storm of happiness was everything that I was feeling. Gently I placed my hand on her cheek, and Jurina’s eyes closed under my touch.

“You can’t imagine how much I’ve been waiting to hear you say that” Lifting my body I reached her lips “I love you too with all my heart, Jurina” In a quick movement I turned our places in bed, being now over Jurina’s body “It’s my turn”

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #82 on: June 12, 2016, 11:21:54 PM »
Renas turn  :lol: :lol:

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #83 on: June 13, 2016, 01:09:37 AM »
 :shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
Rena's turn  :wriggly: :wriggly:

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #84 on: June 13, 2016, 01:37:50 AM »

Offline Janix123

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« Reply #85 on: June 13, 2016, 11:43:30 AM »
 :shy2: :shy1: :shy1: :shy1: :shy2: :shy2:
Hehehe. I'm a person who can't help but love AKB48 Group. I'm a silent reader please treat me well. I'm the kind of person who gets crazy over my favorite pairings

 :wigglypanda: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :cool1: :cool1: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:  :wigglypanda:

Offline mirurunky

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« Reply #86 on: June 13, 2016, 07:05:15 PM »
Nice :bleed eyes: :twothumbs

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #87 on: June 14, 2016, 12:29:20 AM »
Yaaay update  :twothumbs

Offline iminlovewithakb

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« Reply #88 on: June 16, 2016, 02:44:11 PM »
i can't imagine what will happen when rena's birthday come. what will her decision be?  :frustrated:
i'm stuck in yukirin's world.
寝ても覚めてもゆきりんワールド、夢中にさせちゃうぞ♪ ❤️

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #89 on: June 20, 2016, 04:21:20 AM »
“Tell me again why we are here and not cuddling in our bed” Jurina grumbled after a long yawn, to then lay her chin on my shoulder, and her hand were around my waist embracing me from behind.

“Because the Queen has just arrived and we have to greet her properly” I couldn’t help but yawn after she did.

We had to woke up really early in morning, and when I say really early, I mean that I can barely see some sun lights outside, and keeping in mind that it’s not like we went to bed early, I was on the edge to fall sleep right there. I even could see the sleepy face in Yui and Paruru, and seeing them made me remember that I had to talk with them about those chocolates.

“Are you really falling sleep?” I asked Jurina, because her grip around my waist was loosening, and the weight on my shoulder become heavier. Jurina shook her head in response.

“I’m just resting my eyes” I chuckled with her lame excuse, and with the corner of my eyes I saw Jurina’s dimples.

“Attention! The Queen Shinoda-sama has arrived” A strong man’s voice announced the arrival, and it made everyone including Jurina, return to their straight positions. 

Through the door came in a tall figure, it didn’t take too much for her strong aura to fill the place, by just seeing her, you can already tell that she is someone important and respectable, Shinoda Mariko was definitely Skae’s Queen, it was not something you could deny.

“Everyone look too damn terrible” That was her only problem, when she opened her mouth she didn’t say something that goes with her image, but I don’t know if she does it on purpose or not.

Even though, everyone was already use to the unusual personally of their Queen, and I have to say that I don’t see that like a bad thing, on the contrary, it’s because of her personality that you can feel closer to her, her only presence was overwhelming, that’s why she found the perfect balance with her kind and friendly side, but at the same time being serious when she had to, because of that people can see her like a leader, and not like a boss.       

So that’s why everyone ignored her comment, and each one made a reverence to the Queen, as the protocol dictates.

Shinoda clicked her tongue “Everyone is so serious”

I followed every single one of her movements, hoping to call her attention, and when this happened there wasn’t need to say something, she and me already knew that we had a pending talk.

“I’ll be waiting for you on my office after lunch” She said once she was beside me, so that only I could hear “Let’s go Jurina, tell me what happened this two weeks” And then Shinoda disappeared along with Jurina.

Along with Shinoda, Yuki arrived too, which one was clearly more tired than the Queen, I imagine that handle with the playfulness and inappropriate comments from the Queen, must be really tiring.

“Welcome back” I greet her once in front of her.

“Thank you, if it wasn’t because she is my best friend, I wouldn’t accept spent two consecutive weeks with her” Yuki complained after a heavy sigh “I just want to go to my room and sleep all day”

“Let me help you with that” I offered to help her with her luggage; but when I approached her to take this one, she immediately placed one hand in my shoulder “Yuki?” She just half closed her eyes and got closer her sight on me.

“What is this purple mark in your neck?” She said inspecting the place. I could feel how the blood rushed to my checks realizing what she was seeing, and as fast as I could I placed a hand on my neck and stepped back, a smirk formed in Yuki’s lips “Can it be…”

“Ah I just remembered that I have to talk with Yui, I’ll see you later” The words came out so fast, that I don’t even know if she understood, but I didn’t mind it and just went out as fast as I could, this is just Jurina’s fault.

I covered my neck with my hair the best I could once in front of the mirror, but I quickly gave up, it doesn’t matter how I tried it, I just couldn’t hide it.  Once I came out from the bathroom, I met Yui that was about to came in.  When she saw me she spin in her spot quickly, trying to run from the place, but I placed both of my hands in her shoulders, and for the look in her eyes, I can tell that she already know what I was going to say.

“Yui, what had those chocolates?” I went straight to the point.

“No-nothing special” She dodge my gaze by looking to other side.


“Ok, I can’t tell you what they had but I can tell you its effects” I smiled on how easy it was, after all Yui was really kind and innocent “Please listen carefully, because I don’t lo to repeat things. It is assumed that humans are split between the unconscious and the conscience, on the unconscious are our true desires, but on the conscience these ones are repressed, so basically what those chocolates do, is that it brings out you unconscious, on conclusion, your true self and true desires” Well that explains a lot.

“I knew that I wasn’t drunk” I said to myself in a whisper.

“Those were my first try, judging by that hickey on your neck, I can tell that it was a succeed” She said in the most casual way possible, and with a hint of happiness in her eyes, but in this case I didn’t even tried to hide it.

“Congratulations, but please do not test your things on me anymore”.

Hours pass really slowly, because I had to woke up really early, for when the morning end, I already had finished with everything I had to do. Minutes went even slower, when the time that I had to meet Shinoda approached, I had been preparing mentally for this conversations since two weeks ago, even so I couldn’t help feeling nervous, you never know what to expect from her.

But I was already in front of her door, I took a deep breath before knocking the door, and I went in when her voice invited me in.

“Do you want something to drink?” Shinoda offered me once I was already in.

“No, thank you”

“Take a sit then” I did like she said and took a sit in the big sofa, and she sit in front of me with a glass of wine “Well, I am listening to your questions”

“You are from future” I didn’t hesitate not even a second.

“Mmmm I certainly am”

“How?” Shinoda let out a heavy sigh.

“You do like hard questions, don’t you” She massaged her temples “Can you tell me again from what year you are from?” Her eyes were closed while she took a sip from the glass of wine.

“2016” My answers were as concise as my questions.

“That’s a nice year, well then let me tell you that I am from 2065” I didn’t know if I should be surprise or not “Ah but don’t make wrong ideas, I didn’t came here with a time machine or anything like that” She took the words out from my mouth.

“Then how is possible that something like this happened”

“Let me ask you a thing, have you ever wish something in your life? And I don’t mean simple things like a car or a trip, I mean a deep wish, the one that if it’s fulfilled you would be happy the rest of your life”

I was in completely silence, when I think about my life that I had in 2016, and remembering how in fact I didn’t have a single wish, I had everything you could ask for, and thinking about it now, I think that it was a pathetic and empty life.

“Actually I didn’t get to wish something” I was sincere, and it looks like it was the answer Shinoda was waiting for.

“It looks like you and I have a lot more in common” She stretched her body, and laid her whole body in the sofa “You know 2065 is a truth hell, there is not food, you can barely eat a piece of bread that is what government gives you every day, clean water is something that just rich people have the privilege to have, the weather is so hot, that even if the sun doesn’t hit you, you can feel how your skin burn with the hot air, due to the lack of water, there are not enough energy sources, that’s why in the night there is not lights outside, and you can be sure that if you go out at night someone would steal you, or even kill you just because, that is what the human nature become, violent and aggressive; definitely a hell on earth” I just listen carefully to her words.

“That’s how as you can imagine, the only way to survive was stealing, that was the least worst, and that was my life, with just 9 years old I had to steal people so that I could survive, and that wasn’t the worst, the few things that I got, I had to give them to my dad, and if I tried to hide something a good beating would be waiting for me” She took a moment to take another sip from her wine, her tone was monotonous, like if it didn’t affect her at all.

“Even though I didn’t mind it, because I had my mother, I wouldn’t mind had to do all that for her, she was kind and warm, the only place where I felt safety, she was one of those persons that for the time, were already extinct. But well, my dad just killed her in front of me, she was protecting me, because I didn’t give him the things I got from that day, and just because of that my mom died, and that happened in my so waited birthday” In those moments it seemed like the story was affecting me more than her, I was in shock and not just because of her story, but also because of the cold blood that Shinoda tells it.

“Until that moment I thought that kind of life was normal, but for the first time in my life I wonder if there exist a better place, one in which my mother didn’t had to die because of me, one in which I could eat everything I want, I wished for the first time in my life disappear from that place”

What am I supposed to say in this moment, and even more when it seems that it doesn’t affect her, should I even say something?

“I can’t give you an exact answer to how we get here, people ask for wishes every single day, a lot of them are simple and superficial that maybe they don’t even would want in a future, but what happen with those people that never had wished something, and is there any difference when they do. I’m already tired of looking for an answer besides, the best things in life are those that doesn’t have explanation, so don’t struggle too much thinking about it. That’s it, satisfied?” Shinoda ended her speech.

I didn’t know what to think, it was a lot of information that I had to process. But I do had questions to make.

“Why when they found you, you said that you didn’t remember anything?” My curiosity was now focus on Shinoda, and the things that Aiko and Jurina told me.

“I really didn’t remember a thing, I was in completely shock. I saw my mom died and the next day I woke up on a completely different place, I thought that I was being kidnaped. I think that the trauma made me forget for a while, but when I remembered, it were just memories, not a feeling attached to them, like if it was just a dream”

“Then why anyone else know that you are from future” I think that Shinoda didn’t expect that question, because for a moment I could saw how her calm expression changed.

“There is no need for them to know such tragic thing like my past” Her gaze turned to face the floor, and I sense a hint of sadness in her tone “Besides, the person that I am now is different from the one I was before, do you have more questions?”

“No, thanks for your time” I made a reverence before going out from the room.

My mind was blank, she was definitely someone respectable, going through all that and just with 10 years, when I could barely manage the situation by my own and not going insane. Thanks to that talk I stopped worrying on how I got here, there is not point on think about it anymore, but at the same time it made me recall my situation and more than anything about my wish.

“I wish I fall in love like in poetry stories does, a pure and intense love that make me forget about my loneliness and pain, I wish I could meet a person that makes me forget about time, I wish I could have my love story”

I smiled remembering it, in fact I could summarize it and it was pretty simple, “I wish I could meet Matsu Jurina”, because she was everything I wish, it doesn’t matter where my wish could have send me, I wouldn’t mind if it was another planet, or 3000 years on time, as long as I could meet Jurina I wouldn’t mind.

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« Reply #90 on: June 20, 2016, 08:01:10 AM »
“I wish I could meet Matsu Jurina”

That is the only summary of Rena's wish. It can't be anything else

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #91 on: June 26, 2016, 06:06:25 PM »

"And basically that’s everything” I finished informing Shinoda, of what happened the past two weeks,  but like always, it seems like she wasn’t listening what I was saying.

“You’re doing a great job Jurina” My gaze followed her through all the room from my seat, she was while look for something in the room “And what about you, how have you been, we haven’t talk too much lately”

“Do you really need me to tell you?” I said ironically, because I know that she has knowledge about everything that happens in my life, how she does it? I have no idea.

She just laugh in her typical sarcastic way “Well, I just wanted to hear it from you, and you know chat a little bit” Finally she took a seat in front of me “So that girl Rena huh” Shinoda mocked with a smirk “It looks like you finally moved on”

“Why do I have this feeling that you already knew how the things will end up” I inquire. Shinoda is someone who is really mysterious, and it looks like she already knows everything before it happens. She barely asked about Rena at a beginning, and despite that Rena was a completely stranger she didn’t said too much about her, like if she already know her.

“Let’s say that it was just a feeling” Was the only thing she answer “I know you Jurina, I could tell by just looking at your eyes that you liked her, don’t think too much about it”

“I guess that I can’t lie to you” I limited myself to believe her, even though I wasn’t satisfied with her answer.

“Your birthday is coming” Suddenly her face changed to a completely serious one.

I have been avoiding the topic for too long now, and it was time to face it, but things have changed a lot since the last time that we talked about it, back then I didn’t mind had to marriage with an stranger to take the throne, but that’s obviously different in this moment, furthermore, I raised the idea to renounce to the throne, after all it’s not like I want it, the only problem is Shinoda.

She just doesn’t want to accept that decision, and I don’t know why, the truth is that she does a great job as the Queen, and I can tell that she enjoys it too, and I know that I am not the only one that thinks like that, I can tell that everyone in the castle and the people from the kingdom thinks the same.

“I know, but I haven’t take my decision” Even if I had an idea of what I wanted, I kind of know that Shinoda won’t accept it, I have to think about something to make her do it, or at least to make her tell me, why she doesn’t want to continue being the Queen.

“It’s ok, but keep it in mind” At least I know that Shinoda won’t put on too much pressure on me, at least not yet “But I already began to organize everything for your birthday event” I knew that everything can’t be so perfect.

“But please do not make so extravagant” I said recalling my last birthdays, and how Shinoda made such a big events; the truth is that I don’t really like dealing with the kind of people that comes, there is a lot of cordiality and uncomfortable talks.

Plus there is always people around me with their fake smiles, even though I had get used to it already, they just approached to me with the intention to talk to the prince and not to Matsui Jurina, and somehow I could already recognize them, you can see in their faces their intentions when the talk to me.

“I am sorry but you already know me” Sometimes I think that Shinoda enjoys my birthday more than I do “This time it would be a weeklong event, in the most spectacular ball house” She said exited and my jaw dropped “And I won’t accept any complain from you, it’s your 18 birthday, it’s the most important so just leave it to me” She cut my words before I could even said it.

“And what are we going to do in a whole week?” I resigned to the idea, there wasn’t a living person who can make Shinoda change her mind.   

“You’ll see, I am sure that you will enjoy it” She said exited. But I really think that Shinoda has double personality, because in an instant she changed to her serious self, like if she has a switch “You already know who will come right?” This time it wasn’t just a serious gaze, it was full with darkness and anger.

It wasn’t need to say who it was, we hate to even have to say their names, and there was just a family that make Shinoda have that expression full with hatred and disgust, but they weren’t people whom we could just not invite, after all they were the family of my father’s brother.

“Please do not remind me that” Even if it was never clarified who was the responsible for what happened 3 years ago, almost all the kingdom had my father’s brother in sight.

Any time that a member of his family, or even himself went out to take a walk to the city, the atmosphere suddenly changed, you could feel the hostility and rejection in the air, and the people murmured about them, sometimes, a brave person would even scream them things. One day things escalated to the point that a revolt was formed, people screamed insults and throw things to them. I had to go there when that happened, and I will never forget the cynical smile that Matsui Kenshi, my father’s brother had, like if he was boasting of the impotence that all people had, because even if everyone know it, there wasn’t any incriminating evidence that blame him directly.

After that incident, things become worst, so much that it reached the point that they had to leave the Kingdom, people could finally live in peace. But still the incident remains on people’s minds, they still want justice, and until that happens there would be an open scar on Sakae’s history.

“And not just they will come, that little friend of yours would come too” I wasn’t expecting that, and it was nothing good, she represents a part of my life that I want to forget, a part of my life that I lose myself, and that I really don’t want Rena to know about.

“Why do you had to invite her?” I reproached her massaging my temples imagining the hell that I would have to go through, I would not only have to deal with Matsui Kenshi and his family, but with Ichijo Honoka too. Isn’t my birthday something that I have to enjoy? But when I think about it I can only get a headache.

“I cannot invite Ichijo family and not invite her” I couldn’t say anything against that, I know the importance and the support that Ichijo family represents, and after all it’s not their fault, it’s a problem that I brought myself into.

“You’re right, I’ll see how to deal with her” I rubbed my eyes due to the tiredness, I hadn’t really sleep at all, and I didn’t had the attitude to think about it at this moment.

“That’s it Jurina, I am sorry that you have to deal with all this” Now it was the maternal Shinoda, just at this moments is when I really think that Shinoda is honest with me.

“It’s ok, and it’s not like I’m the only one who is having a bad time with this situation” Even if Shinoda didn’t shows it, I know that she suffered as much as I did, she even has more responsibilities than me, but she always tries to hide it and make like if nothing affects her, I just wish she could rely on me.

“If you see Yui, can you please tell her to come here, I want to talk to her” She yelled at me before I got out from the room.

Now that Shinoda is back, I wouldn’t have too much work to do, and I could only think about a beautiful girl with black hair and with hypnotizing eyes to spend my time with, but first I really think that I have to take a nap, I can already fell the headache that I get when I don’t sleep enough.

I have always asked myself why the castle has so many rooms, it was truly ridiculous the amount of rooms that the castle has, some of them hasn’t even open in years, which only make that it gathers dust. I always remember that since I was a kid, I have always been scared of some of those abandoned rooms, because obviously some of them has this lugubrious and gloomy aura, and let’s say that I am not really good with that kind of stuffs.

But what I never expected, was to hear voices coming out from a wall, I do had listen some stories about the last room in the third floor, but of course that I never tried to go and check it by myself if it was truth or not.

But my ears do not deceive me, I am pretty sure that I am hearing voices coming out from the wall to my right. I was petrified not daring to move, and I can tell that I become as white as a paper, isn’t supposed that ghost come out at night? I should run out of here, but my legs refused to move.

“That sounds fun” I hear the ghost’s voice clearly, but the curious thing, is that the voice sounds like Paruru’s voice.

“It is, I am going to show it to you some day” Now it was Yui’s voice.

I could calmed down a little bit after realize that it were Yui and Paruru, but I couldn’t see them anywhere. I was about to give up when Yui’s voice said something that catch my interest.

“Rena is really incredible, isn’t she?” When Rena’s was named my curiosity went up to the sky, and I know that I shouldn’t listen to other peoples conversation, but I couldn’t help paste my ear to the wall (how crazy is that) so I could hear well.

“If it wasn’t because of you, I wouldn’t have believed her” Added Paruru, what are they talking about?

“And to think that she went through all that by her own” An angst feeling set up in my chest along with sadness when I realized that in fact, Yui and Paruru know more about Rena than what I do. I know that I said that I will wait for her, but still I feel like she is trusting more on other people than me, and it hurts me at some point.

It always seems like if everyone trust more in other people than me, like if I were someone how you can’t rely, Shinoda, Paruru, Aiko, Rena and even Mayu, all of them seem to hide something from me.

In some moment and somehow, Yui came out from the wall, like literality the wall opened like a door and she came out. We both could only stare at each other astonished, not knowing what to say in this strange situation.

“Ehh, I didn’t know there was a room there” I said the most logical thing that came to my mind, at the same time that I tried to avoid that I was hearing their conversation.

“I guess that you can’t know everything, right?”

“Right” An awkward laugh came out from the two of us.

“Were you spying us?” Yui asked.

“Yui, I remembered Shinoda said that she needs you in her office” Awesome, she caught me red handed, at least I manage to dodge the topic perfectly. “See you” I ran out from the place, but I have to remember asking Paruru about that place.

Once in my office I could breathe easy, the Yui’s and Paruru’s voice repeat in my head once and once again, ´if it wasn’t because of you, I wouldn’t have believed her` what did she mean with that, that’s why Rena doesn’t tell me? She thinks that I won’t believe her?  ´Went through all that just by her own` What is so terrible that she can’t tell me, but why she does can tell them, she doesn’t trust me.

Ok stop! A waterfall of thoughts and rash conclusions came to my mind with no stop, and whatever the reason is, I trust Rena and I know that she trust me. I don’t know her reason for not to tell me, but I’m sure that is nothing bad or with bad intentions, I love her and she loves me, that’s everything that I have to keep in mind, I am going to wait patiently until she feels secure, and I want to hear it come from her.

My eyelid felt heavy and began to closed, suddenly the office couch was softer than I remember, the fresh spring air came in through the window, and it wasn’t neither to hot nor to cold, simply perfect. I could already feel how my body began to relax, I think that after all a nap sounds pretty nice.

When I sleep I don’t use to dream, and if I do I can barely remember it for some minutes when I wake up, but this time the dream was so real and worldly, that I got to consider if it was a dream or not.

In the dream Rena was in a room sit at the edge of a bed, I didn’t know where that room is, I had never seen it before but I can tell that it wasn’t in the castle. Rena was crying inconsolably, and without thinking about it twice I approached her, but I just couldn’t go through the door, there was like an invisible wall that didn’t allow me to pass, and looking around me I realize that I do was in our room in the castle, like if we were in two different worlds separate by that invisible wall.

It doesn’t matter how much I screamed her name, nor how much I hit that wall I just couldn’t call Rena’s attention, she seemed to no listen, but I do could listen her crying and it was breaking my heart, I was desperate to go to her and wrapped my arms around her, I was full with impotence, I was so close but at the same time so far.

Rena kept repeating something between her sobs, but she said it in a whisper and I couldn’t really understand, until she said it clearly, and it frightened me leaving me in completely shock.

“Jurina, please don’t leave me” My desperation increased along with the impotence, if I have something clear, is that I would never leave her alone.

I woke up still in the couch from my office, beads of sweat trickled down my face, my whole body was trembling, and without realize it a tears began to go down my cheek, what was that dream, and why do I have this bad feeling.

My mind was so focus on that dream, that I didn’t realize the body that was laying besides me, or rather say over me, half of Rena’s body was over mine so we could fit in the couch. I couldn’t help but embrace her body so I could feel her closer. I was so scared, that dream felt so real, that I still can feel the impotence and the fear to lose her, because I wasn’t afraid to anything else than to lose her, and the mere thought was painful.

“Jurina?” Rena woke up “Are you ok?” She asked with concerned.

“Yes, I just had a bad dream” She ran her hand through my hair and caressing my cheek, just with her soft touch my heart could ease.

I don’t know the meaning of that dream, or if it was just a prank that my brain was playing on me, but I just know that it doesn’t matter what comes, I don’t care have to leave everything behind or step over anyone just to be by her side, because I definitely won’t allow anyone nor anything to take her away from me.   





Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #92 on: June 27, 2016, 12:39:17 AM »
I don’t know the meaning of that dream, or if it was just a prank that my brain was playing on me, but I just know that I doesn’t matter what comes, I don’t care have to leave everything behind or step over anyone just to be by her side, because I definitely won’t allow anyone nor anything to take her away from me.

That's the spirit!!
When the time comes, Jurina has to believe everything Rena says.

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #93 on: June 28, 2016, 12:21:09 AM »
Thanks for this new chapter!

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #94 on: July 04, 2016, 02:08:37 AM »

“After that one, it goes a Do” Jurina gave me instructions

For some reason, it came to my mind the great idea to learn how to play piano, and why not, I have always wished to learned how to play an instrument, I went to countless lessons of various instruments, but I always quit, I was a really impatience girl, and the learning process was to slow for me.

But since I always see Jurina playing the piano almost every evening, that wish came back to me, it was simply hypnotizing the view of her playing the soft melodies. It was so captivate and enchanting, that you could make a paint of it, and her music was so beautiful and perfect, that you couldn’t help but close your eyes to enjoy it.

“Rena focus” Jurina bring me back from my thoughts.

“I am sorry, what was next?” The truth is that it was being more complicated than I thought, and not because my musical capacity was nearly to zero, but because the chair where we were sitting was designed for one person, and not for two. Even though Jurina is more stubborn than what you can imagine, and insisted that there wasn’t need for another chair, and that we should just sit in the same one, with me in the small space that was left between her legs.

Even if at this point of our relationship I should be already use to Jurina’s closeness, it was impossible for me to remember all the notes if her body was so close to mine, her breathing was tickling my nape, and her deep and melodious voice resounded to close to my ears. I was giving my best try to concentrate on the keys and not on her lips that were so close.

“Look, you do it like this” Jurina’s fingers ran through the piano skillfully, making it look like the most easier thing in life “Try not to make it too fast, just do it at your own pace”

“Got it” After that I repeat what Jurina had been teaching me all morning, and even if it didn’t sound so natural and perfect as Jurina’s, I manage to do it.

“Good job” Jurina prized me, to then place a soft kiss in my cheek “Do it again, this time I want to try something” I did what Jurina asked me.

The next minutes were completely magic, it was one of those moments that you know you will always remember, the room seemed to come to life, and everything seemed more colorful. Jurina was playing along with me, magnificently complementing the piece of music, which was slow and sweet, that even if it didn’t had a lot of notes, and that is kind of easy to play, it made my heart lurch, but at the same time it make ease.

When the last note was played, I couldn’t help to have goosebumps and being astonished, my fingertips were tickling and my brain couldn’t process that wonderful moment.

Quickly I turned my head so I could find Jurina’s face, she had her bright smile and this fascinating sparkles in her eyes, and just at that moment I felt how I was falling in love with her once again.

Without couldn’t holding it back anymore, I did what I was craving for a while now (and somehow I knew that it was going to end like that) and joined our lips like magnets in a deep kiss, I didn’t want to lose not a single taste from her luscious lips.

“I love you” I needed to put in words this huge feeling that was consuming me, but it always felt like words were not good enough.

“I love you too” Jurina replied after place her lips in my forehead.

Her gaze then traveled to our intertwined fingers and began to play with them. For some reason I was feeling that something was out of place, something in her eyes was telling me that she was struggling with something in her mind.

“What are you thinking?” I wondered once I saw that Jurina wasn’t giving any signals that she was going to say it by her own.

“You know that my birthday is next month right?” Jurina’s voice felt a little bit insecure, and it was like she was picking her words carefully.

“Yes I know” Jurina’s caress left my fingers to play with the tips of my hair, still without lifting up her gaze “Jurina?” Her silence and the strange way in which she was acting was making me nervous.

“I want you to imagine this, but is just a hypothetical situation ok?” I just nodded with my head, desperate to know what was happening.

“Ok so… if in a hypothetical situation eeh, if I... if I” Jurina had to take a deep breath. My heart was beating fast from the nervousness.

“C’mon Jurina just say it please”

“If I were to ask you to marry me, what will your answer be?” Finally Jurina could spill out the words, at the same time that her intense and serious gaze find mine.

I was speechless, and my heart stopped for a moment to then beat even faster than it was before, so much that I could even listen it like if it were beside my ear. Even if it was in a hypothetical situation, by just imagine it a bunch of emotions came to me, and I don’t know which one was dominating.

“I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer to that silly question” Jurina’s piercing look left mine again, and if I’m not wrong, I think that I saw a hint of sadness on her expression “We will continue tomorrow with piano if you want” Before Jurina could stood up from the chair, I took her face between my palms to make her look again into my eyes, I hadn’t give her an answer yet.

“I will, if it is a hypothetical situation or not, if you get to ask me to marry you, I definitely will marry you” Even if Jurina’s expression was confuse at the beginning, she got back her usual brightness and smile, at the same time that her cheeks turned red once she heard my answer.

“What have you done to me Rena” Jurina close the space between us by embracing me in a warm hug “That I’m so in love with you”

My own answer surprised me, I knew what means to marry Jurina, which means to take the decision of stay by her side forever that is stay in 1948, is leaving my family and friends that I had in XXI century to stay with Jurina. But in this moment I can’t imagine a life without her, she makes me forget about time, Jurina and this world has change everything I am and what I thought about life. Even if there are missing a few month before I have to take my decision, somehow I kind of already know my answer.


“Jurina, there are some letters for you” Paruru came in to my office with a bunch of letters in her hand “I hate when your birthday date is coming, a lot of people send you letters and I’m the one who has to check them” Certainly Paruru’s complaint was truth, the correspondence become crazy when my birthday or Shinoda’s is coming, and Paruru as my adviser and right hand has to check every single letter to make sure that it doesn’t have nothing strange. I’ve learned through time and experiences, that if someone wants to hurt you, they will manage to find a way that you don’t expect.

“From who are this time?” I sigh heavily seeing the amount of letters that will need a reply.

“A couple are from Watanabe family, another from Fujita, Yamamoto, and…” Paruru alternate her sight between the letter and me with a disbelief look “From Ichijo family, to be exact from Ichijo Honoka”

“I can’t believe it” I buried my face into my palms, I didn’t though that this time she would send something, much less so fast.

“I thought that you had cut connections with her” Her voice showed dissatisfaction and tiredness, she was clearly tired of hearing about Ichijo Honoka, and I think that everyone else is tired too.

“I did, but I think that I wasn’t clear enough last time we talked”

“Even today I don’t get tired to tell you that I warned you” She mocked “You should listen to your adviser”

“I already know that” Paruru surely doesn’t get tired of remind it to me any time she can “And you know what, as you are an awesome adviser, you can reply all this letters for me, so if you excuse me I’ll go take a walk” I went out the room before she could start complaining, using my position can be useful sometimes.

I have to think on something before my birthday, I never know what can happen with Honoka around, and if I don’t do anything, she will definitely be a problem between Rena and me.

Walking through the hall, I sight a figure that I know pretty well, that long black hair that dance with breeze can only belong to one person. I rushed me steps to catch her, once I did it I wrapped my hands around her shoulders.

“Where are you going Rena?” Rena turned her body to face me and pass her hand around my waist.

“I was looking for you”

“For what am I good?”

“I want to talk with you, it is really important” Her tone was serious and direct which worried me.

“Sure but first I what to go to the place I showed you before, is in spring when it’s more beautiful” Rena just nodded and we made our way to stable.

On our way there we went both in my horse, because Rena didn’t seem really happy with the idea of going alone. I noticed that she was acting strange, she was really distracted, any time that I talked to her she was spacing around; at the same time I noticed that she was nervous and worry about something, she didn’t stop biting her lower lip anxiously.

It was not until we arrived at the place that I could see how she relaxed, the place was simply magic, if in winter it has that thing that make it beautiful, in spring it was like a festival with a spectacle of colors, there were flowers of all types everywhere dancing beautifully with the breeze. Just being here can make me forget all my problems for a while.

“Let’s go sit there” I said after went back to my five sense, it doesn’t matter how much times I see this place, I don’t get tired of its beauty.

We walked some meters to find the perfect place under a big tree, even if this place is gorgeous, the sun is something that can ruin it.

“Are you relax now?” I asked seeing that Rena didn’t say any word “Don’t be nervous, you can talk to me about anything you want” I shook her hand gently to give her encouragement.

“So you noticed it” Her gaze turned to face the floor with a slight smile “But yes, I’m relax now” Then again there was silence and I could tell that Rena was hesitating on telling me.

“And what do you want to tell me?” I wondered before she could change her mind.

 “About me, I want to talk about me” I could see the fear in her eyes, unlike me that was happy that finally she was opening to me “But I don’t know from where start”

“It’s ok, take your time” I didn’t want to pressure her, she had already give the first step.

“Do you trust me?” She asked in a small voice “I’m afraid that you won’t believe me”

“Rena, I will believe you even if you tell me that the moon is made of cheese” With my comment I managed to get a smile from her “I want you to trust me, I won’t judge you, I don’t care who you were, I won’t stop loving you” Rena looked at me with teary eyes, at the same time that she threw herself over me to wrapped her hands on my neck and embrace me.

“I’m going to tell you” Rena moved away a little bit, just enough to look at my eyes, but even if she didn’t notice it, I was extremely nervous too. Rena closed her eyes and took a deep breath “Listen Jurina, what I’m about to tell you is completely true ok?”

“Just tell me Rena”

“Ok here I go… I am from future” She said the words slowly. I had to blink twice to process what she just said. I didn’t know how to react, is she kidding me? “I knew you won’t believe me”

“Are you talking serious?” I didn’t know if she was talking serious or if she was playing a joke on me, what am I supposed to think or react to something like that.

“I have never been so serious” Rena took me by the shoulder “I know that it is difficult to believe but please do it, I’m telling you the truth, please…” Rena was at the edge of crying and her gaze didn’t show any sign that she was lying.

“And how is supposed that you came from future?” I tried to play along, maybe if I listen what she has to say it would make sense.

Then Rena told me all the history in a very detail way, and how even she couldn’t believe at a beginning. Everything that she was saying as difficult as it is was making sense, her strange clothes and the way I found her was certainly strange. Besides knowing that Paruru and the others believe what she said gave her credibility, after all they are not people who you can trick easily.

“And? Do you believe me?” Rena asked once I heard everything she had to say. I still had my doubts, but somehow everything that Rena told me makes sense (Except the part that not even she knows for sure how she came here). I remembered how out of place she was the first time I saw her, she didn’t even knew who the King was or where she was.

“Are you telling me the truth?” I looked at her eyes directly when I asked.

“I am” She answered determinedly without leaving my gaze.

“I have my doubts, but if you say that you’re telling me the truth then I believe you” Rena let out a long sigh of relief. Even if her story was too fantastic and hard to believe, I trust on her more than anyone else, she has no reason to lie to me.

“I know is hard, you don’t know how scary I was that you would think that I was crazy, but that’s the truth I swear”

“So, can you already teleport in the future” I couldn’t help that the curiosity talked for me, if she was from future there were a lot of things that I have to ask. Rena just giggled while we lay on the grass.

 “No, but I have some news for you” Rena began to closed the space between us, teasing me with her proximity “Pluto is not a planet anymore” She whispered so close to my lips that I could already feel them over mines.

“I think that I don’t like future anymore” Finally I took her lips, exploring every inch of her intoxicant cave.

At the end we end up talking until the night there, she talked to me about everything regarding to the future, and I was completely amaze, it sounds so wonderful like a book, but Rena told me that there was something call movies, I couldn’t really understood what it was but it sound pretty amazing, it was like if you could be whatever you want if you were in one, how cool is that. Finally there wasn’t any secrets between us, but there were a lot of things that we would have to go through, and it won’t be easy I know, but I know that at the end if I’m with Rena everything is going to be ok.


Hi thanks for reading, if you want to listen this is the piano song from the first part of the chapter (just the first one that last till minute 2:20).

And I have to say that I’m going to take a little brake from the fanfic, I’ve been updating every week, so I think is the best for the story if I stop for a little while, it won’t be to long, and don’t worry that I will defintely continue it.


Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #95 on: July 04, 2016, 08:35:06 AM »
Glad Jurina believes her.

Please take your time. I'll still be waiting for the update

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #96 on: July 08, 2016, 04:52:02 PM »
Take you're time author-san
I will wait for the next chapter~

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #97 on: July 31, 2016, 10:10:06 PM »

Hi again, told you that it wasn’t to be too long, or at least I hope that it wasn’t. This little break helped me to think better about the path that the story would take, and I can’t say that I will continue updating every week, but I’ll continue doing my best and update as soon as the chapter is done.

Hope you like it.


“Is everything ready?” I asked while checking that everything was in order in the castle before leaving.

“Yes Jurina-sama” Answered the worker riding our luggage to the carriage.

“Please remember to keep an eye on every single corner” I repeat once again. I can’t help but feel anxious every time we go out from the castle for a long period.

“You don’t have to be worry Jurina-sama” Replied once again the old man with a warm smile that have been in charge of the security for a long time “We have everything under control”

“Look at you Matsui Jurina” A teasing and soft voice approached to me from behind “Dress all neat and elegant” I smiled when I turned around and had her in front of me.

“What are you saying, I’m always neat and elegant” Rena wrapped her hands over my shoulders “But if you want I can show you the other part of me that I know you like the most” I whispered in her ear pulling her in close, and without waiting any longer I closed the space between us in a short kiss.

“Are you sure you want to do this? There will be a lot of boring people and if you ask me, the food is not so good” I had to ask Rena again, I will feel better if I know that she’s in the castle out of any danger.

“We already talked about it Jurina, I’m completely sure of my decision” Rena didn’t hesitate her answer, I just could sight and accept it.

“But please stay always near me or Paruru and Yuki” I know that I might sound overprotective, but I keep on having dreams where Rena is out of me reach, that somehow she disappears just in front of me like water that squeeze between my hands, and the feeling of losing her is always there, besides I still live with the fear of what happened 3 years ago.

“I’m going to be fine Jurina” Rena caressed softly my cheek.

“If I have to see this kind of things for a whole week, I swear I’m going to get sick” Paruru said while she approached us along with Yui.

“Don’t be jealous Paruru, you know that I love you the most in the very deep of my heart” I got close to her with the intention to kiss her cheek, somehow we developed this kind of game between us, but it is just me wanting to see her funny expressions.

“Don’t touch me” And as always Paruru tried to put me away from her.

“Jurina-sama the carriages are ready to leave” informed me the same man from a moment ago.

“Ok thank you” I leaved Paruru to go back to Rena’s side “Let’s go” I took her hand to help her get on our carriage.

“Shinoda and Yuki won’t go?” Wondered Rena looking for them with her eyes.

“Yes but they have to finish some work before leaving” I sat in front of her.

With everything ready the carriage departed, the so waited week was finally here, and what is supposed to be a simple family celebration become in a huge event which could only assist the most prestigious families from all the kingdom. My birthday is a date that a lot of people wait for, it is more than just celebrate that I’m leaving another year, this birthday in special brings a lot of changes and decisions that not just affect me, but all Sakae kingdom.

But if you ask me, the truth is that I don’t really like to have so much attention, and a lot less have to take those decisions, and not forgetting that in my past birthday  die the persons that were the most important for me in that moment, so is not like I have a good memories of that day.

“Jurina” Rena called my attention “Why can’t your birthday be celebrate in the castle?”

“Because in the castle there are a lot of important documents and information, and if there are so many people it’s more difficult to keep them safe from someone who wants to sniff around, so to prevent we do it in another place” I answered just what Shinoda told me when I asked her the same “And they can have another much worse intentions” I looked at her waiting that she could understand to what I referred.

Rena stood up from her seat to sit down beside me and lay her head on my shoulder and locked our hands, having her close to me make all the anxiety and angst vanish, but I couldn’t ignore the fear that I will feel if something happened to her because of me, that’s why I didn’t want her to come with me, and stay in the castle where I know she will be safe and sound.

“I won’t go anywhere Jurina” Rena said like if she was reading my mind “I promise you that I will always be by your side” It was like if Rena knew perfectly what I was feeling.

I didn’t knew how to react, I just could wrapped my hand around her and pull her in close. I really wanted to believe in her words, but I had already listen them, and I learn not from the right way that not always those words can be fulfill.

“The trip is going to be long, try to get some rest” Was the only thing I could say.

“C’mon Rena, we already arrive get up” I had to begged once again, but Rena simply refuse to move from the top of me, or even open her eyes. I don’t know how she made it, but she managed to sleep the whole trip, and now she doesn’t want to get out or let me get out “They are waiting for us Rena”

“I don’t want to, you are too comfortable and warm, I want to stay like this” Rena tightened her grip around me waist, and if her behavior was ridiculously adorable, we will have to get out from the carriage at some point.

“What do you want me to do for you to get out?”

Rena kept silence thinking on the possibilities “Carry me in your arms till our room”

“But there are people we have to greet before going to our room” I had to decline immediately.

“Then let’s stay here for a while” Rena concluded in the most simple way. I took a deep breath seeing that I hadn’t more options.

“Fine” I had to resign to her petition and I could see her victorious smile “I’m spoiling you too much lately” Finally I took Rena in my arms, and I was surprised how light her body was.

“Paruru we will go in from the back door, please tell that I don’t feel well because of the trip and that I went straight to me room” I told to Paruru who was waiting for us on the main entrance.

“Did something happened?” Paruru asked when she saw me carrying Rena.

 “Not really” Was the only thing that I said before taking the path through the garden in the back of the building.

Shinoda wasn’t lying when she said that the event would be in the most spectacular place she could find. Its garden was wonderful, and it was almost as big as the castle, thanks to that I had the luck to not find anyone, everyone must be in the main hall.

“Rena we are already here, I’m going to put you down” Saying this Rena stood in her feet, even though she didn’t released her grip around my neck or moved and inch from me.

While I was trying to open the door, I felt like a soft lips began pressed softly on my nape, that simple touch could make that my mind went blank, and the only tough that I could only have was the desire to have her. Without can hold it back anymore, my lips found Rena’s once we were in the room, her lips are the worst drug, I wanted more and more, but it was never enough.

I lost the notion of time, and the only thing that could separate our lips was the necessity of air, but my lips couldn’t stop there and began to go down her jawline to taste her silky skin of her neck; my body pressed against hers that was pinned against the wall.

“Let’s skip all the greeting from tonight, we can say hi tomorrow” Her breathing was heavy.

“You know we can’t” Even if her offer was immensely tempting, if we don’t go they can think that something happened to us and would come to look for us, so one way or another we would end up going. That’s why even if I didn’t want to, I had to stop the kisses before getting to the point where I can’t stop.

Rena’s behavior seemed a little bit strange, she doesn’t use to behave like this, and is not like I don’t like it, but it seems like something is out of place.

“Is everything ok?” I had to ask.

“Yes, why are you asking?” She answered in an innocent way.

“For nothing, forget it” Maybe I’m imagining things “I think that we should go now they must be wondering about us, I’ll go ahead” I was about to get out of the room when a slight tug on my shirt made me turn around.

“I’m sorry by my childish behavior” Rena finally confessed “Is just that I’m anxious and I still didn’t want to greet those people” She added. I knew that she was struggling with something.

“Everything it’s going to be ok Rena” I was feeling guilty for the situation, part of this is my fault; no it is not just a part, this is all my fault “Remember that you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to” This was the last chance that I had to make her change her mind “I still have time to talk to Shinoda”

“No Jurina, this is something that can only be done by me, and I know that I don’t have to, but I want to, just… give me five minutes” And that was it, I can’t do anything else.

“Sure, I’ll wait outside then, take your time” The decision was made, and it was matter of minutes for all the people in kingdom to know about it.


I had to take some minutes alone so I could calm down my anxiety, usually I’m use to this kind of events, what has me so nervous to the point that I have the feeling of throw up, is not the fact that I will have to meet a lot of bourgeois people that surely are fancier and courteous than rich businessman from XXI century that I’m used to, it is how I am going to be presented. I’m not going to be judge just for being Matsui Rena, Shinoda and Yuki already informed to Jurina and that since today I’m going to be on the eye of all that people, and not in the kind way, because in a few minutes I’m going to be presented as Matsui Rena Jurina’s fiancé.


“Rena can you please come for a moment, Shinoda needs you” Yuki came in to the room more serious than the one she normally is, and that made me worry a little bit, because Shinoda and seriousness is not a good combination.

“Sure, is everything ok?” I began to follow her steps through the castle.

“It depends on how you see it” Her answer was so ambiguous, that I didn’t had the chance to make her more questions.

Once we were in Shinoda’s office, I found that Jurina was there too with the same confuse and expectant expression that I must have too. But once she saw me it was like if everything was clear in her mind, the change in her expression and how she buried her face in her palms were enough signs to understand that she already knew why we were here.

 “I thought that you wouldn’t do it Shinoda” Jurina said avoiding any eye contact with me.

 “Well I thought that you will do it, but it looks like you won’t” Shinoda was behind her desk with a sarcastic smile. I took a seat beside Jurina and Yuki stood beside Shinoda “How have you been Rena” Shinoda’s attention turned to me.

“Fine… thanks for asking” I said on an insecure tone and confuse for all the situation.

“You do know that next week is the celebration for Jurina’s birthday right?”

“Yes I know” Neither Yuki nor Jurina said a thing, they just were there listening the conversation.

“I don’t know how to say to make it sound pretty so I will just say it, you would be presented as Jurina’s fiancé” I couldn’t help but being speechless, but immediately I felt Jurina’s hand finding mine and squeezing it softly.

“It has to be another way Shinoda” Finally Jurina said something.

“I’m not saying that you two have to be engage for real or marriage for real” Shinoda clarified “But at least in the eye of the other important families and the kingdom it would be real” Silence took place in the room, no one dare to say a thing, and after all what should someone say in this situation.

“I don’t want things to be this way” Jurina said barely audible and with her eyes downcast.

Shinoda took a sip from her wine that I didn’t even noticed when she served it.

“Ok, I will have to tell someone else to marry you. You know, before you met Rena I looked for some candidates and there is this girl from Hakata that-“

“I will do it” All gazes laid on me. I didn’t want to listen anymore, if someone was going to be Jurina’s fiancé it could only be me, even if it was fake.       

“Are you sure about it?” Yuki speak for the first time surprised for my quick answer.

“Yes I’m sure” I didn’t have nothing to think about, someone has to do it, and I can’t imagine anyone else do it besides me.

“I’m glad that you are so comprehensive Rena” Shinoda said with her smile that never leave her face, like if she already knew that I was going to accept “You all can go now”

Without saying anymore Jurina and I went out from the room. Jurina was walking a few steps in front of me without saying anything or at least look at me, even though her strong grip in my hand was saying everything. After walking without a particular direction Jurina turned around and before I could blink she already got me trap in between her arms that never fail to make me feel secure.

“I’m sorry that things turned out to be like this”

“It’s ok Jurina, for real” Even if what I just said wasn’t completely truth, neither could I say that it was a lie. I was excited for the idea of being Jurina’s fiancé, but at the same time I was scared and nervous for what was going too happened.

I don’t know for how long we stood in the same position, it felt like an eternity that even so wouldn’t be enough for me, it was Yuki’s voice that made us separate.

“Rena, can I talk to you for a moment”

“I have to prepare everything for the trip so I will go now” Jurina said to then left Yuki and I alone.

“Rena, you should think about it” Yuki’s gaze was serious but at the same time full of concern “Look it’s not a big deal someone else can do it, and it would be just for the eye of the people”

“Yuki believe me, I’m sure about this” I reaffirmed my decision.

“Then you have to keep some things in mind” She began to say once she saw my determination “A lot of people won’t like it, because to begin with and not wanting to offend, you are a completely stranger, in this moment Jurina is the most coveted person in kingdom, marry her means the throne and the power that it brings, so don’t be afraid or surprise if someone tried to separate the both of you” She patted softly my shoulder to then leave.


I think that it wasn’t until that moment that I measure the reality, it felt so natural being with Jurina that I forget who she really was, because she wasn’t just a normal girl who I felt in love, she was a prince. Since that moment I can’t help but being nervous, but the moment is finally here and I can’t do anything else to postpone it.

I went out of the room with every single piece of brave that I could gather, and in front of me was Jurina waiting for me.

“How do I look?” I wanted to be perfect, there wasn’t place for any mistake.

“You look stunning as always” Jurina replied immediately and taking my hand, with that simple gesture all the anxiousness began to vanish.

We walked slowly through the long hallway, with every step the voices become louder and louder, indicating me that the place was completely full. Once I could sight the great hall from the second floor, I saw Paruru and Shinoda waiting for us in the stairways. And the moment was finally here, all eyes were on us and I can tell without fear of being wrong that every single one of them was wondering about the girl that was standing beside the prince.

“Thank you very much for coming to this celebration that just starts today” Shinoda began to speak with her impressive tone “I won’t take too much time to clarify all of your questions” My heart beat was going faster than a million miles an hour and my knees become weak “It’s a pleasure for me to present to all of you to Matsui Rena, Jurina’s fiancé”

All the murmuring that was filling the hall suddenly become quiet once Shinoda made the announcement, now all the attention was on me. I could see all kind of reactions, some of them were completely speechless, and their faces reflected expectation, confusion, and disbelief and maybe some of them didn’t event care; but one thing is sure, the most of them weren’t happy.


Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #98 on: August 01, 2016, 05:55:27 AM »
You're back!!!

Rena's presence is now known to the public. Those unpleased eyes somehow felt like something not good is going to happen.

Offline yocelin17

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« Reply #99 on: August 01, 2016, 04:16:40 PM »
Rena's presence is now known to the public. Those unpleased eyes somehow felt like something not good is going to happen.

Yeah, let's just hope that they can overcome it together
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

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