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Author Topic: THROUGH TIME (WMATSUI) COMPLETE  (Read 62703 times)

Offline kumabear

  • ecchi
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  • i need smut juriboy!!!
« Reply #120 on: September 05, 2016, 03:34:12 PM »
Next chapter pleaseee :(

Offline firebird123

  • Jumarit803
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  • Jumarit803
« Reply #121 on: September 16, 2016, 02:37:13 AM »
So this chapter is reeeeeally long (more than three times a normal chapter) i thought on split it, but I thought that as a reader I will prefer to know everything for once, so we can continue with the principal story, I think that next chapter is going to be more long too (but not as crazy as this one), so maybe I will late more too, hope you like it  :)  :D :twothumbs


One two and three times were the times that the Young maid had to knock the door, just like protocol suggest, her hands were shaking and she had to make a big effort so the silver tray she had on her hand didn’t fall, her little experience was playing against her, and her nerves began to increase when she could hear the steps from behind the door, that indicates that she was coming closer to the door.   

When the door opened she couldn’t helped her eyes to turn down to face the floor, the simple fact of looking the young prince boots was enough for her to forget why she was there.

“What do you need?” The deep voice from the 15 years old girl that carry on her shoulders with the most important inheritance possible, asked for a word from the young maid that could barely stand in front of her without faint.

“I bring you your breakfast Jurina-sama” She finally managed to say.

And without say anything the young prince took the tray from the girl in front of her with one hand

“You can already leave” The young prince ordered her.

The novice maid sighted on relief when her eyes, that were still facing the floor, saw the prince’s steps going away, but when she lifted up her head again, she couldn’t avoid this time that her eyes met the with the 15 years old girl, that stare her without any kind of expression.

“It is a bad manner not to look people in the eyes” She said before went back again to her room.

The young maid couldn’t produce any kind of sound, now she understands why most of the workers just refuse to attend any need from the prince, it wasn’t that this one treat them bad or something like that, the real problem is that every single one of them hate to see the state in which Matsui Jurina was.

The young girl barely eat or sleep, nightmares hunt her every single night, so much that some times and if you focus, some workers said that they could hear her screams form the first floor, her alimentation neither was the best, and you could notice it in her pale skin and that she clearly had lost weight.

But what the most frightened thing were her eyes, there wasn’t a drop of life on these deep brown eyes, and that was something that from the most veteran to the most novice worker hate to see, on special to the first ones that have been seeing her grown.

“How is Jurina?” Was the most mention sentence that you could hear around the castle, and this time was Shinoda Mariko’s turn to ask.

“What can I say, I guess same as always” And was one of the most veterans the one who answered, Aiko.

These two women were the most closest to Jurina, and so were the ones who were most worry about her, Jurina simply refuse to have any kind of conversation with any one, she only accept to say a word if it was with any of these two, but is not like she said too much either.

“What are we going to do with her?” Aiko couldn’t help but let her worry self to talk for her, it hurts her to see the state in which the girl that she raise like a daughter was.

“Let’s give her more time, she has to move on at some point” Answered Shinoda not really sure about her own words, almost wanting to believe that someday Jurina will recover from the lost that she had to witness on her last birthday that took place a couple of months before.

“Is Ichijo-sama really coming for the next month?” Aiko tried to change the subject, because she knew that wasn’t a lot more to talk about Jurina.

“Yes, he’s going to stay here for some months while he instruct me on everything that I have let to know” Answered Shinoda.

“It’s a blessing that he’s here to help you” Added Aiko.

And indeed the kingdom had to presence how a new leader take the throne, because after the tragic death of their King, Shinoda Mariko had to take the throne be being the only daughter that was in conditions to make it, even though she still wasn’t on conditions to manage a kingdom, and that’s how Sakae’s Count Ichijo Yudai offered his help, and all because he was the best friend of her late father.

“I don’t want Jurina to know until he comes, I’m afraid on how she can react” Shinoda knew that her young sister didn’t want any stranger around the castle, and because Jurina didn’t knew pretty well her Father’s friend, it won’t be a surprise if she denies to let him come in.

“I know, but you have to talk with her” Answered Aiko, to which Shinoda only nodded with her head in agreement.

“I will talk about him to her until the day he comes, like that maybe she will accept it” Shinoda shared her plan.

And just like Shinoda said she will, every single day she visited her young sister’s room, who hardly went out from there. At a beginning Jurina barely answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when Shinoda asked something to her, but with the past of hours and days Jurina finally could start a conversation, even so there wasn’t a bit of any kind of personality, reminding an empty container without any emotion.

“Jurina, do you remember the man that I’ve been talking to you?” One month had already past, and it was time to see if Shinoda’s plan worked and Jurina will accept Ichijo Yuidai entrance to the castle, sure that Shinoda didn’t need her permission, but Jurina’s mental health was the most important for Shinoda.

“What happen with him?” Reply Jurina without taking off her gaze from the book that she was trying to read.

“He will come tomorrow, and he will stay for a few months to help me with the kingdom” Shinoda went for all or nothing.

She didn’t had an immediate answer from her sister, who just slightly moved her book so she could locked their eyes, and when that happened Shinoda thought that she will never get use to the lifeless gaze that Jurina had now, she was a completely different person.

“Do you trust him?” Sound the monotonous voice that Jurina now use to have.

“I do” Shinoda felt getting excited when it seems that the young prince was going to accept easier than she though.

“Then do as you want” After saying that she retuned her gaze to book in her hands.

“Fine, and I need you to present properly to him ok?” Shinoda thought that maybe she was asking for too much, but she didn’t lose anything by trying.

“As you say” Answered sharply Jurina. Shinoda couldn’t be more satisfied and happy, because even if it didn’t seem like a great goal, this means that Jurina trust on her, and there wasn’t anything else that she could ask in that moment.

The next morning came and everyone in the castle were getting ready to receive their most important guests, everything was perfectly in place, butlers along with maids lined up at the main entrance to welcome the Count. The doors opened giving its way to a tall figure along with someone else that seemed like a young women, they both walked slowly and firmly. For some reason everyone seemed astonish, and not because of the Count presence precisely.

“Jurina stand straight” Shinoda asked her sister who was standing looking on a blank spot outside the window, while Shinoda tried to fix her suit “I can’t believe that you slept so much, I told you that he will come in the morning” Shinoda scold her for the nth time

“Are you done?” Jurina ignored completely, showing at the same time with her tone, that she was already tired with her older sister brushing her hair and retouching her suit.

“Please behave even if it’s just for five minutes” Shinoda was afraid that Jurina’s attitude could bring her any problem with the Count.

The door opened behind them, drawing Shinoda’s attention, who immediately took off her hands from Jurina’s messy hair, and Jurina didn’t even trouble to turn her head to see who came through the door

“Yudai-san is a pleasure” courteously Shinoda greeted the man.

“Hello Mariko, it’s been a while, how have you been” Answered with a deep voice and a little bit hoarse the men that came in to the office.

“Fine thanks, is good to have you here” Said Shinoda a little bit curious be seeing that he wasn’t alone “Jurina, come here please” She said the most discreetly possible, and thanked that Jurina did as she asked without complaining “Yudai-san she is Jurina, I don’t know if you remember her, Jurina he is Ichijo Yudai and…” Shinoda’s words stopped when she didn’t knew how to present that girl that was standing beside the count.

“Ah yes of course I haven’t present her, she is my daughter, Ichijo Honoka” The girl that seemed like 16 or 17 years old didn’t say a word, she just was hardly staring the prince, who at the same time just looked at her nonchalantly and without any kind of interest “I’m sorry that I didn’t inform that she will come too” Continue saying Yudai when he notice that neither his daughter nor Jurina were going to say something.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that Jurina will love to have someone around her age here” Shinoda had to draw her sister’s attention, and with an eyes gesture she asked her to present.

“It’s a pleasure I’m Matsui Jurina” Said Jurina plainly and without a special interest making a small reverence with her head.

“The pleasure is mine, right Honoka?” The tall man had to tap her daughter’s shoulder, because this one seemed like in a kind of trance, in which she couldn’t take off her eyes from the prince.

But in a quick movement, Honoka gave a step forward approaching Jurina, and lay a quick kiss on Jurina’s cheek, act that surprised everyone in the room, except to Jurina, who with great tranquility just moved away Honoka by slightly push her away by the shoulders.

“I think that we will get along really well Jurina” Honoka’s eyes seemed to be shinning, like if she had just find the most brilliant diamond.

“Honoka please behave” The count had to reprehend his daughter “I’m really sorry Jurina” He apologies by Honoka’s behavior.

“I must retire, excuse me” Jurina simply said, leaving speechless the other three persons in the room. Seeing this Shinoda let it past, she knew that what Honoka did upset Jurina, who doesn’t like to have any physical contact with anyone, even though she acted maturely, doing just what she asked her to do, and that was enough for her.

It was already the next morning, and the peace that can be find in the dark of the night, was now replace by the somewhat accelerated steps of the people that lives in the royal castle. Just a single room remain calm in every single moment, and is like that like it must remain, every single worker knew it, and none of them dare to wake up to Matsui Jurina.

Only two persons dare to knock her door in the morning, one of them is already busy preparing to take the throne, that’s why in that morning it was the turn for one of the most veterans in the castle.

Aiko knocked three time the prince’s door, she waited a few seconds so she could confirm that indeed she must went in when she didn’t had any answer. She opened the most slowly and delicate way possible the door, thinking that the most possible is that the young prince was still sleeping, a big surprise she got when she found the girl completely awake, at the same time that she wasn’t alone.

In the room was her new guest, clearly invading Jurina’s personal space, who could only move away whenever Honoka was about to cross the limit line.

“Why is she here Aiko?” Wondered an obviously annoyed Jurina, you could see how she was frowning for miles away, signs that her patient was almost over.

“I don’t know Jurina, I’m surprise too” Answred honestly Aiko. Seeing how the young prince was almost begging at her with her eyes, to please take Honoka away from her, Aiko tried to approach Honoka to please ask her to go out the room.

But her plan didn’t make it too far, because she couldn’t even say a single word when Honoka changed her expression, and began to staring at her with an intimidate glare, like if she just changed her personality in less than a second.

“I want to stay here Aiko, you can already leave” Demanded Honoka without take off her eye from Aiko.

Without not even knowing why, Aiko was unable to refuse or even to say something else, she didn’t know well her new guest, but something was out of place with that girl, she seemed dangerous, and in the most terrible way.

“What have you just done?” Asked Jurina serious when she saw Aiko leaving the room once that Honoka told to, never had Jurina saw Aiko following that kind of orders so easily, and a lot less if it wasn’t from herself or from Shinoda.

“I just wanted to be alone with you Jurina” Honoka went back to cling to Jurina’s arm, Jurina was already tired trying to move away from her, that’s why this time she didn’t tried it any more.

She just looked at Honoka in the eyes, trying to find out with that girl was up to, but without having any answer.

Two weeks went by and the problems increased, it doesn’t matter how many times Jurina ran away from Honoka, this one always managed to find her, Honoka was with her even when she had her personal classes, which didn’t allow Jurina focus. At a beginning Jurina though that at some point Honoka was going to get tired, but it was all the contrary, Jurina’s indifference towards Honoka seems to motivate her more, making that Jurina’s personal space will be seen invade for Honoka more and more.

Jurina’s patience was getting to its limits, there wasn’t anything that she appreciate more than being alone, but since Honoka arrived, every effort for calmness was in vain. Without can handle it anymore, Jurina had to confront Honoka directly, regardless who her father was.

“What do you want Honoka” Her cold tone and direct question, made Honoka realize that somehow, she managed to get the prince’s attention.

“I think that it’s pretty clear what I want” Honoka said on a small tone and walking towards Jurina who didn’t react nor change her countenance “I want you Matsui Jurina” Whispered on Jurina’s ear seductively and crossing her arms around Jurina’s neck that was taller than her.

“Then let me tell you one thing…” Began to say Jurina on the same way that Honoka spoke, approaching too to Honoka’s ear to finally said “I’m not interested” And then she released herself from Honoka’s arms to resume her way.

Anyone in their right mind will feel offended for such terrible rejection, but in the case of Ichijo Honoka it was the contrary, this kind of reactions from Matsui Jurina made that she liked her even more, no one had ever dare to reject her, every person she wanted felt on their knees for her whenever she wanted to, but Sakae’s prince didn’t show any interest in her, making that for the first time Honoka face a challenge, she wanted to have Jurina, who will probably be her best trophy.

Jurina went out the bathroom after a long shower, she was ready to get in bed and sleep immediately, and just as she wished, her head only had to touch the pillow to fall on a deep sleep.

Her dreams were disturb by the grind of the door, Jurina thought that maybe it was her head playing games on her, but she knew it was real when the mattress got slightly dented behind her. Jurina remind calm, she thought on the worst situation, and that maybe it was someone trying to hurt her badly, it wouldn’t be the first time; that’s why when she saw the perfect timing, she spin her body on a quick movement, immobilizing the other person who now was pinned under her body.

“What are you doing?” Jurina couldn’t dissimulate any longer her anger when she saw that the person beneath her was Honoka “You know that I could call a guard now and you will be on trouble” She was about to move away from their compromising position, but her movement become immobilize by the other girl who wrapped her legs around Jurina’s waist.

“C’mon Jurina, I know that deep down you want it too” Honoka’s hand found its way to the back of the prince’s nape, bringing her closer to her lips “Just let yourself go”

At this point and maybe because they were so close, and Jurina accepted that she was weak on the nights, that’s why she was having an intern battle with herself, she didn’t have any kind of feeling for Honoka, but she couldn’t deny that physically Honoka leaved her speechless, so she was fighting against her fleshly desires and with every kind of moral lesson that she had been taught.

“Why are you hesitating Jurina?” Honoka pressed even more her body to Jurina’s, and the thin clothing that she was wearing didn’t help too much either.

“I can’t be yours, at least not as you want” Answered Jurina with the few control that she had over herself “I can’t love you” finally concluded.

“I don’t care if you love me or not” Honoka’s grip tightened even more “I don’t care your heart Jurina, I only want your body, so you can use mine too” She began to temp Jurina by kissing the bare sink in her neck.

And it looks like that was the only thing that Jurina needed, she thought that maybe for that night she could made a truce with the other girl, she didn’t wanted to think anymore, maybe Honoka could make her forget about Mayu’s absence, maybe the night will be shorter this way, Jurina didn’t feel like if she could make her by her own any more.

“I will play to be yours for some hours” Jurina’s hands began to feel free over Honoka’s body “But when the suns come out you’ll lose me again” And that’s how Jurina gave free rein to her fleshly desires.

Finally Honoka was witnessing how her plan starts with the best way, she thought that it was the first step from her great plan, which actually had started to long ago, even before she met directly with Jurina for the first time. She firmly believed that it was matter of time for Jurina to be on her knees for her, she will take advantage of the weak state in which the prince’s heart was, and this way she will make Jurina one more of her vassal, soon or later Jurina’s heart will be hers, and this will be the easiest path to take the throne.

“Where is Jurina?” Wondered a frenziedly Shinoda, her young sister disappeared again for the third time this week, situation that has been repeating for the last three months.

“She’s just arriving in her horse Shinoda-sama” Answered nervously the butler when he saw the queen’s face turning red, insinuating that she was about to explode from anger.

Without saying anything else Shinoda head her steps to the main entrance, even in her steps you could sense that the Queen wasn’t on a good mood.

However on the other hand, Matsui Jurina was riding her horse with completely calmness, her head was killing her because she didn’t had any sleep on the night, the only thing she could wish in that moment was to take a shower and go straight to bed so she could sleep all day, because at some point her body watch changed, living in the night and sleeping in the day.

“Thank you” Said sharply to the worker that approached her to receive her horse, she didn’t had to put one feet inside the castle to already find her old sister ready to interrogate her.

“Where have you been…?” Asked Shinoda on a high tone “…Again” emphasizing this last word.

“And I tell you again, that is not of your business” Jurina was already use to this situation, even if she tried to came into the castle for another entrance to avoid meet with Shinoda, this one always end up finding her, if not one of the guards and they obviously will call her sister.

“Of course it is, you go out for the nights and you came back the next morning like if nothing happened” Shinoda could already feel how Jurina’s rebellious personality was increasing, and something on the back of her head told her that all this was because that person “You were with Ichijo Honoka right?”

“Maybe yes maybe not, you don’t need to know that” Answered ambiguously Jurina heading her steps to her room.

Even though Shinoda didn’t need to hear it from Jurina to know that between them was happening something, even if Honoka and her father already left one month ago, Shinoda has been seeing the girl around the castle on various times.

“I forbid you to go out more” Shinoda didn’t wanted to get to this point, but something can happen to Jurina in one of her outs, she didn’t wanted to point it out but Jurina’s clothes always smell to tobacco and alcohol when she came back, it looks like the young girl forgot that she was Sakae’s prince.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen” Jurina turned her body on the door’s frame to face one last time to her old sister “You can’t give orders to me, you’re not my mother” Saying this the prince closed the door, leaving outside an astonish Shinoda.

A bittersweet giggle came out from Shinoda’s lips, she was losing control over Jurina, and her sister was right, she wasn’t anyone with the right to give orders to Jurina, Shinoda wondered if only Jurina knew that nothing connect them as family, even if she knew that she will have to tell her soon or later (better soon), Shinoda didn’t wanted to give up on Jurina, even if their weren’t blood sisters, she found on the young girl the family Shinoda always wanted. The queen knew that the Jurina she had in front of her wasn’t the real one, and something had she to do to bring her sister back home.

“Aiko can you please make me a favor” Asked to the old woman that was waiting on the corner of the hallway, obviously watching from a far the argue Shinoda had with the young prince.

“Of course, just tell me what you need” Answered with total willingness Aiko, because she too wanted to do everything she could to have back at least a pinch of what the girl Matsui Jurina used to be.

“Can you please write a letter to the Shimazaki family?” By that moment Shinoda got back her serenity, and like this she could think clearly.

“But Shinoda, she isn’t supposed to come until Jurina turns 18” Wonder a surprised Aiko, she was waiting everything but not this.

“I think that the situation warrants it, with Yuki disappeared who knows where my job becomes double, I can’t have an eye on Jurina all the time neither you” Shinoda explain herself “Besides I think that this is already getting out of my hands, this is my last card” Had to accepted Shinoda much to her regret.

“Like you wish Shinoda” Aiko then head to write the letter for the Shimazaki Family.

This family had been serving to the royal family by generations, serving like counselor to all king and queen that the Matsui Family had had, the only one that had got that position without being from their family was Kashiwagi Yuki, who was personally chosen by the new Queen, that’s why the person who was supposed to serve to Shinoda, was reassigned to the young prince.

“Who is she?” Jurina couldn’t helped but ask, Shinoda called her to her office, and she was ready for another lecture from her old sister, but this time she found another girl in the room.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Shimazaki Haruka” The girl presented herself with an small bow, any feeling could be found on her voice, the same with her eyes that just looked directly, trying to find something that with a bare eye can’t be seen.

“She will be your counselor from now on Jurina” Shinoda finally clarified the real question.

Shinoda couldn’t feel more secure about this girl who had the must to guide the path for her sister, she listened from her parents that Haruka had that something that allows her read other people perfectly, her honesty was another thing that stand out as one of hers values, and with just looking at the new girl to the eyes, despite that she maybe has a difficult personality, Shinoda knew that Shimazaki Haruka was a nice girl that maybe can help Jurina.

“And what’s that supposed to mean” Jurina inspected the girl she had in front of her, at the same time that Haruka didn’t bother for the piercing glare that Jurina was giving to her.

“You’ll find out” Said Shinoda “I hope you both can get along” Shinoda knew that the most possible situation, was that Jurina didn’t accept it at a beginning, but in this occasion, Jurina didn’t have any more options that do it.

At a beginning Jurina didn’t though that the arrival of the new girl was a problem, this one didn’t seem like she will bring her trouble, she seemed weak and maybe a little bit timid, Jurina barely could listen her voice, the only thing that maybe worry Jurina about the new girl, was her cold and piercing eyes, she somehow felt exposed to these ones.
It wasn’t need a lot of time for Jurina to realize that Shimazaki Haruka in fact will bring her a lot of problems, it doesn’t matter where she goes, quiet footsteps that reminds the stealthy a cat always were behind her, without saying a word, like if she were a kind of personal guard, but her presence was always remarkable.

“You don’t need to follow me everywhere, you know right?” Jurina tried to be kind, she will not win anything be being rude if this was the first time they talk, it wasn’t advisable for her to have a bad relationship with the new girl.

“Well I think it is need, I already know that you’ve been disappearing, and it wouldn’t be good for me not to know where you are” Answered Haruka determinedly, which gave to understand to Jurina that it wouldn’t be easy get rid of her.

“Don’t worry, I can take care of myself” Jurina rushed her steps to get away from Haruka, but quickly she realized that Haruka wasn’t as weak as she thought “Listen, no one will know if you don’t do your job or whatever, I’ll take care of that, besides I can make that you get an extra money” Jurina didn’t wanted to get to suborn her, but on the past months Jurina learned that money can make magic.

“That kid of things don’t work with me, so don’t even bother” What kind of person is this? Was the only thing that could wondered Jurina, besides on how to get rid of her.

“Are you even following me outside the castle?” Asked Jurina amused be seeing that Haruka didn’t stopped her steps once Jurina came out from the castle main entrance.
“You shouldn’t go out at night, you know that” Even if Jurina already heard that a lot of times coming from Shinoda and Aiko, listening from the girl she had in front of her made those words sound more serious.

“Yes I do know that” But Jurina needed this kind of adrenaline, she needed to keep her mind busy and she couldn’t find another effective way.

After walking for the dessert streets on the dark of the night, they got to an alley, in which was a small door that could barely be seen because of the poor illumination.

“Put on this” Jurina handed Haruka a mask before they went in the place “Don’t ask why just do it” Specify when she saw the hesitating look that Haruka had, this last one didn’t had another choice than do as Jurina said. 

The interior of the place was completely different from its outside, the place was full of people using mask the same way they both do wearing expensive suits and dresses, that tell how exclusive and fancy the place was. There was a strong smell to tobacco and alcohol, and it was logic if there were several people smoking and a counter were drinks were served; and it looks like the most attractive part of the place was the wager that take place in the middle of the room.

Haruka immediately knew that this was the place that Jurina has been attending by seeing how easily she was getting on through the narrow hallways, like if she knew them as the palm of her hand, even it seemed that some people recognize her even if she was wearing a mask.

Easily they crossed that whole place through the hallways to get to the last room.

“You can take off the mas already” Jurina informed her before opened the door to find only two persons inside, like a personal room for Jurina and her companions.

“Who is she?” Asked a girl that Haruka recognized immediately as the Count’s daughter, everything was going just as Shinoda suggested, the girl in fact was directly involved with Jurina’s outs.

“She’s supposed to be my counselor Shimazaki Haruka, but don’t pay attention to her” Jurina let her body fall on ones of the sofas besides Honoka.

Haruka was simply looking around her, now everything made sense in her mind, she had been informed about every single detail about Jurina’s life since Haruka knew she will be the prince’s counselor. That’s why she could freely deduce what was Jurina looking on her escapes to this place, after this night it was time to get down to work, and find a way to take the prince out of all this mess life she was heading, and by seeing how the count’s daughter and how she seemed to realize Haruka’s intentions, Haruka knew that she was the root of the problem.

Honoka took away the prince from her new counselor so she could talk to Jurina alone, she didn’t like at all the new girl, because she felt that if she let her be by Jurina’s side, the counselor will destroy everything that Honoka build all these past months.

“You have to get rid of her Jurina” She whispered to her ear.

“Believe me that I’ve tried” Answered Jurina on the same way “But it’s impossible” Said finally.

“But you have to do something” Honoka insisted, for the first time she thought on someone as a menace, Haruka didn’t got intimidate not even a bit when Honoka send her a death glare, which turned on all alarms on Honoka’s intuition, she knew immediately that Shimazaki Haruka wasn’t a normal person.

From afar Haruka was seeing how Honoka whispered on Jurina’s ear, probably telling her that she needs to get rid of her, it wasn’t any surprise to Haruka; so she just decide to redirect her attention to the girl that was sit on a corner of the room who seemed lost in her thoughts, so without having anything else to do, Haruka decided to approached her.

“Hello” She tried to be the most friendly possible, even knowing that it wasn’t her strong point. The other girl didn’t anything more than smile at her, which somehow gave tranquility to Haruka, she prefer people of few words “Did you came with Honoka?” Haruka tried to inquire.

“Yes, I’m just one of her servants” Answered the girl with a hint of sadness in her voice, which made Haruka sense that Honoka probably didn’t gave her the best of the manners.

“What’s your name?” Something on the other girl called Haruka’s attention, few times she felt comfortable talking with strangers, but the other girl incite Haruka to want to know more about her.

“Yokoyama Yui, it’s a pleasure” The girl called Yui extended her hand which Haruka didn’t hesitate to take faster than she usually would.   

“I’m Shimazaki Haruka” For some reason Haruka couldn’t hide her interest for Yui, and not just because through her she could get information about Honoka, but because when their hands touched her heart beat become irregularly faster, almost like if she were nervous by this simple skin touch.

Two weeks went by, in which Jurina’s outs become even more frequent, and Haruka ended up going with her, she didn’t figure out how Jurina can handle that style of life, when she already felt exhausted. Haruka use that time to get to know Yui, she found out that Yui serve Honoka because of a debt that her parents had with Ichijo family, more specifically with Honoka, and Yui told her that every day was harder than the previous one, because Honoka was seemed to be the typical spoiled girl that gets everything she want, it doesn’t matter what she has to do.

Going out with Jurina helped Haruka to confirm what everyone in the castle imagine, Honoka control Jurina as if she were a puppet, Honoka didn’t take off her eyes from Jurina, and when she saw something she didn’t like immediately she called Jurina, and with some words whispered to the prince’s ear (Like if it were the same devil), Jurina succumbed to wherever Honoka asked. In some occasions both disappear, to then appear suspiciously after a couple of hours with their clothes made a mess.

It wasn’t the need to be a genius to conclude that Matsui Jurina was throwing her life, or at least giving it to Ichijo Honoka, and that’s what Haruka must correct and avoid to continue happening. Keeping this on mind the night fall again, and another escape from the castle was waiting for Jurina, but this time Haruka stopped her by standing in front of the door, it was time for work.

“Are you going out again?” Haruka asked even knowing the answer.

“Since when you make stupid questions?” Answered Jurina contemptuously “C’mon move” Jurina ordered her, but Haruka didn’t move a single inch.

“You’re not going anyway until you came back to yourself” Haruka was not altered by the sudden aggressiveness on the prince’s attitude, who was clearly losing her patience.     

“Look…” Jurina took a deep breath “Now that I look at you, you are pretty cute…” When the prince saw the determination that Haruka had, she had to use the plan B, something that Honoka ordered her to do when she first met her counselor so Jurina could get rid of Haruka, but since this one didn’t say nor do something that could bring Jurina on trouble, she let it passed and let Haruka continue accompany her.

Seductively Jurina dangerously approached to Haruka, who remind on her place and without reaction on any way to Jurina’s provocations, the younger one tried to sneak her hand to the back of Haruka’s waist, but in blink and without knowing how, Jurina end up with her face against the floor with her arm folded on her back, somehow Haruka knocked Jurina down on a single movement.

“Don’t you dear to touch me again with bad intentions” The soft and low voice that Haruka used to have become deep and threatening, which gave Jurina shivers through all her body “Guards” Called Haruka, to what two big guards came to lift Jurina up, but treating her like if she were a criminal, with her hands in her back and pushing her to somewhere.

“We’re really sorry Jurina-sama” They both apologies to then continue pushing her to one of the most forgotten and dark room in the whole castle.

“What does this mean, let me go!” It doesn’t matter how much Jurina struggled, the guards didn’t allow her to escape from their strong grip “When Shinoda find out, you’ll regret this Haruka” By this moment Jurina’s face bas completely red of anger.

“Don’t worry Shinoda is pretty aware of all this” Replied calmly Haruka who follow them from behind.

Jurina was throw to a room with few illumination, and with just the necessary things.

“Take me out of here now, it’s an order” Claimed Jurina as her last hope, but no one seemed affected by the prince’s words.

“You’ll stay here until you get back on yourself Jurina” Even Haruka that was the one who thought on all this plan, had to admit that she feel sorry for the young girl, Haruka somehow knew that Jurina wasn’t like that, and that all her behavior was because of all the pain she had to went through that she lost herself, and of course she had the bad lucky to had met Honoka in the worst of the time “Believe Jurina, everyone around you is suffering too” A last look to the prince was the only thing that Haruka made before closing the door.

The prince’s shouts were heard, demanding with all her might to take her out, even in the guard’s faces could be seen that they were having a hard time, be being unable to help the prince, but even them knew that if Jurina keep on with that kind of life, the consequences will be worst, and that’s why they had to keep on with their work, bearing Jurina’s shouts until she fall sleep.

“She reacted just as I thought she would” A bittersweet giggle could be hear coming from Shinoda almost hitting the sadness tone, she ran her hands down her face and bit her lip trying to avoid the tears fall “You know, she have never liked dark places” She commented without can holding back her tears anymore.

“Thanks for trusting me Jurina’s care” Haruka was beginning to feeling nervous for the first time in her life, she really wanted to help Jurina, but the path seemed harder than she thought “I’ll give my all”

“Just do what you have to make her react” Shinoda patted Haruka’s shoulder before heading her steps to her office, there wasn’t anything else she could do, more than trust on Shimazaki Haruka.

“And well? You don’t plan to eat?” Shimazaki Haruka took a seat in front Jurina, who didn’t lift her head, keeping her face hide between her messy hairs, just two days went by, but it look like if it were a month.

“What are you trying with all this” Jurina’s voice was worn, and she was massaging her temples, signs that she hadn’t sleep enough “In what kind of slave have I become” Her words seemed to throw knifes.

“You tell me” Haruka reply “Late night outs, alcohol, women, bad use of your money and power on wagers, and who knows what else, that’s the kind of slave you’ve become” Haruka didn’t bother on measuring her words, this was the only way to bring her back to reality.

“That’s not your problem, besides I have everything under control” For some reason, not even Jurina herself could believe in her own words.

“Rather is Ichijo Honoka who has you under her control” Haruka went to the point she was most interest “How is that she torment your mind to make you do whatever she says” Haruka knew that somehow, Honoka wasn’t playing fair on Jurina, she was sure there wasn’t any kind of love between them, then what takes Jurina to succumb to Honoka.

A sarcastic laugh was hear coming from Jurina, letting Haruka know that she hit the nail on the head.

“You wouldn’t understand it”

“No, I won’t if you don’t tell me” Haruka felt that Jurina was about to give in, her eyes say she wanted to, Jurina was internally screaming for help.

“Leave me alone” And there goes another opportunity to get to the inner Jurina, Haruka always get to this point, but she never could catch her.

“You know, I just need to keep my mind busy” Commented Jurina laying on the bed while facing the roof “So talking with you isn’t that bad after all” Haruka was facing a dead ending, it was already the fifth day and Jurina seemed to be ignoring the situation, talking about every random thing apart from the real problem.

“If so, I want you to tell me something” Haruka couldn’t continue any longer with Jurina’s game “Who is Matsui Jurina?” This was her last ace up her sleeve, and she couldn’t fail anymore.

“Sakae’s prince” Answered Jurina as if it were the most obvious answer “What a silly questions you make Paruru” Haruka diced to ignore the nickname Jurina gave her, this wasn’t the moment to argue, the prince already used that trick once.

“Well for me, Matsui Jurina is a pathetic person unable to confront reality” Said Haruka giving an answer to her own question, and it looks like that was what brought Jurina back to the serious conversation.

“And what do you want me to do? Reality is unbearable” And then again Haruka found herself in the same point, in front of the gates of who Matsui Jurina really was.

“Is unbearable for everyone, and as you can see we don’t run away from it” Haruka had to cautiously pick her words, she couldn’t lost any more chances.

“But I can’t, I can’t” Haruka was seeing how in front of her Jurina was finally breaking, that façade that she put to protect herself was finally falling “I don’t know the answers to how confront it, I thought that I was doing the right thing, but I have no clue to what to do nor what choices should I take” In Jurina’s eyes could finally be find her true thoughts, desperation, regret and most of all sadness could easily be seen.       

“That’s why I am here” Haruka approached to Jurina and lay her hand on the prince’s shoulder “Trust me, I’ll take the decisions that you can’t, and I guarantee you that I’ll take the right ones, just leave it to me, that’s my work after all” Finally she saw the light at the end of the tunnel, finally she was witnessing how the real Matsui Jurina take control again, a Matsui Jurina that isn’t more than a teenager wrapped in fear.

“I need to talk to Mariko” Jurina’s sister was the first thing she request, and Haruka knew that it was just what they both needed.

Shinoda was cursing how big the castle was, when a guard came running to her office, she immediately knew that it was about Jurina, five days had passed that she didn’t hear any news about her sister, and it was Shinoda the one who asked to not get any news at least that something important happened, that’s why if they called her, is because an important change just happened.

Shinoda saw Haruka standing outside the room, like always her expressions didn’t tell her nothing, so she has to be the one who look for the answers.

When she came into the room, she found Jurina sit at the edge of the bed, she couldn’t see well her face because of the poor illumination that the room had, Shinoda thought that Jurina should had had a really bad time in there.

“Jurina…” Called her sister’s name, Shinoda didn’t knew what to expect when this one stood up from the bed and walked to her, standing just in front of her, looking at her with red eyes “Do I have my sister back?” Her voice trembled with each words.

Jurina only bend her head for a second to then simply nod while tears began to inevitably fall all over her face.

“I’m sorry that I made you worry” Said Jurina between sobbing, Shinoda didn’t think on anything else more than hug her sister while she softly patted her head.

“It’s ok” Shinoda couldn’t help but to feel how her tears began to rolled down her cheeks, finally she had by her side to the only family she had left.

Haruka saw from a far feeling proud of her work, it had only been a month since she began to serve the royal family, but she already has to face this kind of situations, even thought that means that she wouldn’t have time for a rest, and a lot of work was waiting for her.

“Shimazaki-san some is demanding Jurina-sama’s presence” A guard informed her, Haruka immediately rushed her steps to the entrance hall, already having on mind who could possibly be.

And just what she was thinking was sit on the sofa like if it were her house, Honoka didn’t show the best of her expressions when the one she saw coming was Haruka and not the prince.

“Hi Yui” Haruka greeted kindly to the companion “What do you want Honoka?” But she didn’t hesitate to demonstrate her displeasure for the last one.

“Believe me, talk to you is not one of them” The room now seemed like a battlefield between the two girls “I want to see Jurina, I haven’t seen her in a week and I want to know what happened to her” Honoka pretended to be worry for the prince, but Haruka knew that the truth was that Honoka was realizing she was losing control over Jurina.

“Then let me tell you that you will not see her again, you won’t be able to control her as you wish” Proudly said Haruka, she had never felt so good for helping someone, and seeing Honoka’s frustrating face made her enjoy it even more.

“I want to hear that coming from her” Honoka didn’t even bother to deny that in what she was interested was on controlling Jurina.

“I’m telling you that-“ Honoka’s words were stopped by a hand that was placed in her shoulder, when she turned her head was Jurina the one she found “Leave it to me Jurina” Haruka said, being aware that the prince wasn’t in the best conditions yet to confront the witch.

“This is something that I have to do” Replied Jurina sure of herself, and Haruka couldn’t make any more than take two steps back, knowing that the Jurina she had in front wasn’t the same from the past months.

“Jurina, I was worry for you” Honoka put on back her façade of good girl, but no one in the room believed her acting anymore.

“I want you to stay away from me, I don’t want to see you around here anymore, so please just leave now” Jurina didn’t late to say, thinking than while more time passed her conviction will debilitate.

“What are you saying Jurina- thi-“

“Get out!” Jurina raised her voice making Honoka realized that she hadn’t anything else to do than leave the girl in peace, for now.

“Like you wish, but remember that…” Honoka whispered something to Jurina’s ear, that just the both of them could hear, but judging by Jurina’s pale face and how she froze on her place, Haruka and Yui, that were the only ones in the room, knew that it wasn’t anything good.

“You win this time, but it hasn’t finish” Honoka directed her words to Haruka along with a death glare, but to Haruka it didn’t affect her not even a bit, she was ready for whatever Honoka threw her because she wasn’t afraid of her “Let’s go Yui”

With the mention of Yui, Haruka felt that if she let her go, she wouldn’t see her again, and for some reason just think about it made Haruka’s heart ache, so without think about it twice she took Yui by her wrist to stop her steps.

“You have to don’t go, you can stay here” Haruka asked here, she didn’t want to leave Yui alone on Honoka’s claws.

“She can’t, I think you know she has a debt with my family” Honoka couldn’t be more delight by knowing that she had something that Haruka wanted.

“We will pay her debt, so she is free to work for the royal family if she wants” Jurina intrude in the conversation after came out from the trance in which Honoka’s last words left her.

“Do as you want” Honoka had to resigned and went out of the castle, she didn’t wanted to loose anymore of her pride.

“Take it as a thanks, for everything” Jurina said to Haruka, because she knew that Haruka become close with the other girl the time she was accompanying her in her outs, and if it weren’t because of Haruka’s help, she may couldn’t manage to come out from the dark side of her head.

“Sure, but can I know what was the last thing that Honoka told you?” Haruka couldn’t hold back her curiosity, she felt that precisely what she told her, was what allowed Honoka to have Jurina under her control.

“I’m sorry, that’s something I don’t want to say” Jurina apologized, keeping the secret just between Honoka and her.

Until this moment Haruka still wonder about those magic words, which can have a great power over Jurina, so much to make do whatever you say, even if Jurina wasn’t anymore under Honoka’s control, Haruka was sure that those words still haunt her until these days.     

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« Reply #122 on: September 16, 2016, 05:42:21 AM »
Another flashback and it really convinced me that honoka is not a good character in this story. A very bad one, to be honest. Oh Rena what are you going to do with this problem ....

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« Reply #123 on: September 16, 2016, 07:14:29 AM »
I like long story ~
Omg rena i know what do you feel now ! ! !
What will happen with jurina and rena after rena know the story of the past jurina ~
I cant wait really cant wait for the next chapter

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« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2016, 04:41:53 PM »
Good job firebird-san
Waiting for the next chapter~

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« Reply #125 on: October 02, 2016, 02:32:15 AM »
This chapter isn't as long as I said, basically because last week I couldn't write anything because college got me busy, so for not not making you wait another week, I split that chapter, hope you don't mind it.

“In conclusion, Ichijo Honoka is the most toxic person that has step on earth” Shinoda conclude
“I’m pretty sure that she has ruined some lifes, at least Jurina’s wasn’t one of them” Even the calm and patient Shinoda couldn’t hide her hostility that she feel towards the Count’s daughter.

I knew that something wasn’t ok with that girl since I saw her for the first time, and Shinoda just confirmed what I instinctively was feeling, an eruption of feeling blow inside me, just by trying to imagine Jurina’s pain, made my heart ache, at the same time that I couldn’t avoid the hatred feeling born inside me towards the person that took advantage of her sorrow, and did with Jurina whatever she wanted.

“Why are you telling me this?” It was a doubt that I had to clear, if Paruru couldn’t tell me anything was because of something, and the fact that Shinoda did tell me, and even more, if she already knew that at some point I will come to her, was a detail that I can’t ignore

“I’m more than sure that Jurina doesn’t forgive herself for having gave in to Honoka, and in one way or another she punish herself for what she did, and only you…” She lay both of her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight to the eyes, almost like if she were about to beg me for something “Only you can save her and heal her wounds” She finally said, and immediately I felt her hopes on my shoulders.

I didn’t knew how to react to her confession, even myself was a disaster, without mention that this time Jurina seemed out of my reach, I had to presence how she refuse to tell me the truth more than one time, it was like for every step that I took forward, she moved away two.

“But it seems like Jurina doesn’t want me to get involved in any way” I had to admit in an outburst of honesty.

“Don’t let your mind get turbid, believe me when I tell you that you are the most important in this world for Jurina” She said without any faltering, making that an inevitable smile wanted to appear, but I still had my doubts about why she didn’t tell me “Jurina must have her reasons, but that’s not up to me telling you”

“I think that I most leave now” I needed some time alone, I was feeling a lot of anger and hatred, at the same time that sadness and impotence, I was afraid on how I could react if I face Jurina before calm down my thoughts and feelings.

“Rena one last thing” Shinoda called my attention before I closed the door “This conversation never happened” It looks like after all, Shinoda did was taking a risk by telling me about Jurina’s past, which at the same time shows how much she worry for her sister.

“Sure” Even though I didn’t had any intentions to tell her since a beginning.

By the time, the only thing I needed was make up my mind, the horse races must be about to end, and my conversation with Jurina can’t get postponed from tonight, it was time to put a full stop to this problem call Ichijo Honoka.             


My hands and my knees began to treble inevitably, I barely could keep standing; my body temperature went down in a time record, making the tips of my fingers freeze and I can guarantee that I become as pale a paper, even though this didn’t prevent that a single drop of sweat roll down my forehead slowly and tortuously. I couldn’t find what to say nor how to react, the only thing that I was sure about, was the amount of fear that I was feeling. I’m afraid of what Rena must be thinking about me now, what I’ve been trying to prevent to happen end up happening, and Rena finally knew the kind of despicable person that I once was.

“W-who told you?” I barely could modulate a phrase without my voice got cut.

“That doesn’t matter” Rena’s expression were grim and gloomy, without showing any reaction or feeling, not leaving me a single clue to know what was she thinking “The problem is that it wasn’t you the one who did it” Rena stood up from the bed and firmly walked to me, her piercing glare didn’t allow me to move an inch, on the contrary I was getting more stuck in my place.

Once she was in front of me, I couldn’t keep on looking at her eyes, I didn’t wanted to see how in her beautiful eyes reflect all the deception and shame that she surely must be feeling for me at this moment.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” It doesn’t matter how calm Rena was, I’ve already memorized every part of her, and she couldn’t hide from me the sadness in her tone. Again I was making suffer the person who I love, it looks like after all Honoka was right on something.

“I didn’t saw it necessary for you to know something like that” My gaze keep facing the floor, and I could see how Rena’s fit tightened to the point that her knuckles become white, she must be really angry with me.

“You slept with her and that’s not something that I deserved to know?!” Rena raised her voice, it was the first time that I hear her doing it, her strong voice resound on my ear, making my heart and all my body to feel a stabbing pain.

“What do you wanted me to say” All those feeling that I was suppressing were escaping, and not in the best way “How I let Honoka manipulate me, you really want know all those terrible things that I did, because believe that I can’t even recognize myself or not feel shame when I remember that” This was the very first time that I said out loud my real thoughts.

“I don’t care about your past if I’m your present” Rena said now with her melodious and soft voice those words that sound familiar “That’s what you told me in that forgotten town” She took a step forward, getting closer and closer “I don’t really care about what happened, because you know what’s the worst?”   

I just managed to deny with my head, unable to say a thing “Jurina, look me in the eyes” Rena demanded.

For a second I hesitated on doing it, but looking at her eyes was the least I could do. When I finally gather the courage and lift my gaze and found her eyes, what I found in Rena’s eyes left me devastated, her eyes were full with tears, agony and sadness was what her tears drag. This isn’t supposed to be like this, I must make her smile until her cheeks hurt, not make her cry until her eyes become full red and her tears dry.

“What hurts me the most is that you didn’t trust me” It doesn’t matter how hard I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears, these didn’t late to roll down freely. Rena’s eyes soften, she was looking me with such lovely eyes that it was making me feel even guiltier. She lay her hand gently in my cheek, my eyes couldn’t help but close with her soft touch “She made you went through so much, please stop running away from me, let me share your pain”

Those words were all I needed to broke down in an inevitably cry, I couldn’t hold it back any more, I wrapped my arms around Rena’s body, I needed her so much that it scares me, I thought that I could do it on my own, but in front of Rena I’m defenseless, she’s all I want and more, losing her will destroy my soul, I love her so much till the point it hurts.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry” I just could repeat it over and over again, because I couldn’t find another way to express how much it pained me to see her like that because of me “I was afraid of what will you think about me, that you judge the despicable person that I can be, I was so afraid to lose you” I wasn’t repressing any feeling nor fear any more, I don’t care anymore being at Rena’s mercy.

Rena without saying anything, ran her hands over my shoulders holding me tight, at some point our knees couldn’t work properly anymore and we fell on them to the ground, even though our grip in each other never got weak, the only sound that was filling the room, was the sound of my sobs, and the only moved came from Rena, who was gently stroking my hair.

As the minutes went by I could feel my heart getting ease, being on Rena’s arms was the only thing I needed to feel secure again, I could live in her warmness forever. Rena began to slowly moved from the embrace, but just the necessary to look me in the eyes, between delicate and comfortable caress, Rena removed the last traces of tears left in my face, I didn’t had anything else to hide, all my guards were down, Rena had completely control over me, and there was nothing I regret.

I was so mesmerized in her touch, that I didn’t realized the hand that was snaking under the neck of my shirt, making a path under my collarbone, just were a small scar reside, placing her delicate and slender fingers over this one. A shiver went through all my body with her cold touch. I always have hated that scar, it reminds me every day how pathetic I was at that time, but having Rena around, all my wounds could be heal.

“Did it hurt so much that you lose yourself?” Her voice was worn, even though I still thought that it was the most pleasant sound.

I understood perfectly the nature of her question, and that she didn’t refer to physical pain precisely.

“It did” Honestly I answered.

“Does it still hurt?” Her eyes left mines, and I could sense the insecurity with which she was struggling.

Seeing this and imagining what she was thinking, I took her hand between mine that was still under my collar bone, having back her eyes on mines.

“You’re here, so it doesn’t hurt anymore” Finally I could tell that all my worries began to vanish, I can say that I’m free. A shy smile appeared in Rena’s thin lips, that were slightly red as a result of her crying, making me lose my mind for having her so close, one last look to her sparkling eyes made me lose all the sanity that I had left, incapable to hold back anymore, I close the space between us, tasting her addictive lips, it doesn’t matter how much times I kiss her, my heart always went crazy by just having her between my arms “I love you Rena” The three words were said like an instinct.

“I love you too” Rena lay her head on my shoulder, moving her fingers through my collar bone, and slowly climbing by my neck and my jawline, her hot breathing hit my nape and I can tell that she was thoughtful when silence took place “I love you unconditionally, it doesn’t matter how deep you fall…” She said once her fingers found my lips, and smoothing kisses began to be deliver in the skin of my neck, taking her time in each one “That’s why please let me be close to you…” Her words were soothing between her kisses “I’ll always be by your side as long as you allow me to, I’ll never stop loving you Jurina, no matter what” Finally the path of her lips found mines, in a tender but at the same time deep kiss.

I can’t help but feel stupid for had doubt about Rena, I just let my fear and insecurities took control over me. Even if I’m supposed to be the one who protect her, but I think that not even Rena realize, that she’s the one who have been saving me.


“C’mon, over here is the list” Jurina intertwined our fingers to pull me through the hallways where the sword competences are going to take place.

Her grip was unusually stronger, at the same time that it felt warmer, almost like if I could felt her heart inside of mine through this simple touch.

All the anxiety, instability and angst that rule my mind no more than 24 hours ago, were replaced by serenity and satisfaction once the sun came out again. The things seemed to change the past night, the roles were reversed and Jurina was the one between my arms, she seemed so fragile like I never thought I will see her, making me realize that after all, Jurina is just about to turn 18. Everyone in the castle always see her mature and impeccable side, that we all forget that’s she’s just a normal person, that beyond the perfect prince, there’s simple girl.

That wonderful and strong person who I fell completely in love, have an insecure and weak side too, and be able to know both sides fills me with joy, finally I manage to see what’s inside Jurina, being closer to her than anyone before. Knowing that I have access to all of her sides is a privilege that I don’t even know if I deserve, in one moment she can be seductive and bold, without any fear, but in one second she can turn to be shy and childish; the problem is that I don’t know which one I like the most.

“I never saw you practicing with the sword, I’m worry” Jurina commented taking me out of my thoughts.

“I used to practice something similar called kendo” I explained “But the rules are different” because for what Yuki taught me, the way in which people compete with swords in this century is way to reckless, making it a little bit dangerous than the Kendo which I’m used to.

“Is here” Jurina divert the topic once we were in front of the paper that had the names with all the match that are going to be held.

“It looks like not a lot of people inscribed” I pointed out seeing not more than ten names, which was way too different from archery and horse races.

“Well, that must be bec-“

“Ah Rena, what a surprise, are you going to participate too?” A mocking voice at the same time that solid was heard behind us, feeling her mere presence made my blood boil in my veins, when all the things that Ichijo Honoka made to Jurina went through came back to my mind.

Too? I recall to my self Honoka’s words, I didn’t really wanted to see her face, because I can’t assure that I won’t lose control over my words and make a scene right here. I had to checked again the names on the list, and just what I thought there was her name, just like if destiny were playing a joke on both of us, because I wouldn’t have to confront her unless we both get to the final.

“Honoka is one of the best using the sword in kingdom, no one really wants to compete against her” Jurina whispered the reasons of why there were few competitors.

But instead of get intimidate for that, it just motivated me more, what better than vent all my anger than beating her in her specialty, if I had my doubts about if I should or not participate, this just dispel all of them.

“We’ll see on the final” I turned to face her and say without any trace of hesitation, and I can tell that Honoka read my intentions, because her eyes turned lugubrious just like the first time we talked.

“I can’t wait to compete against you Rena” She answered with her typical smile that never left her face.

Without any more ado, I passed by her side not allowing her to intimidate me, I had to face worst people in my century, and it was time for someone to put her in her place, and that someone is going to be definitely me.

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« Reply #126 on: October 02, 2016, 04:09:10 AM »
Yeah!! Show Honoka who's the one deserves Jurina!!! :shifty:

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« Reply #127 on: October 02, 2016, 01:35:43 PM »
gambatte Rena Chaaaaaaaaan!!

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« Reply #128 on: October 03, 2016, 04:04:42 PM »
Can't wait Rena vs Honoka

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« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2016, 11:25:50 AM »
Yes ! Continue please

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« Reply #130 on: October 11, 2016, 01:15:58 AM »
 :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:

:on gay: :on gay: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :on drink: :on drink:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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« Reply #131 on: October 16, 2016, 06:13:28 AM »

“Is it too heavy for you?” Jurina wondered when she saw me struggling with the piece of wood in my hands, it was the bokken or sword that I was going to use for the match.

And it was pretty obvious her question, when I barely could lift it up without feeling that my wrist was going to split in two; I have no idea what kind of wood this is made off, but it was a problem that I didn’t saw coming, and I must look for a solution.

“In fact, I will prefer a lighter one” Maybe Jurina could have a better idea or something on mind.

“The truth is that I already saw that coming, Paruru is looking for other one right now” Jurina said like an if she were a smarty with a satisfaction smile, allowing me to see her adorable dimples, not leaving me place to get mad for remind me my clearly muscular weakness.

“You know, I’m not so weak” Somehow I had to take care of my proud, I can’t forget that I’m older than her, even knowing that she surpass me easily in that matter.

Jurina’s face couldn’t express better her amuse and disbelief of my proud, letting her left eyebrow to raise, her eyes tell me that she felt challenged, and if I have learned something about Jurina, is that she hates to lose.

“Are you…” Her steps began to head to me slowly and dangerously.

“Yes, even more, I could beat you at any moment” My level of nerve and imprudence was in another level, not even I could believe my own words, and not even in my wildest dreams I would be able to beat Jurina at any physical activity.

But the danger and intensity in which Jurina looked at me, was something that I wanted to feel more and more, her smirk was magnetic, and her eyes voracious, making me vibrate without even had to lay a finger on me.

“Then why don’t you prove it” Jurina’s voice was deep, transcending every single barer of seduction, it was incredible how she could control every part of herself to make her seemed even more irresistible whenever she wanted.

“Sure” If I began this, I must finish it.

But things finish for me before I could realized it, in a blink Jurina was already on my back, trapping me with one arm across my waist and the other one around my neck, but without making any pressure.

“If I were to hurt you, in this position I could already had leave you unconscious” Her lips where dangerously to close to my ear, making all my sense trembler under her hot breath against my nape. The arm that was around my waist began to move to my side, even if it was over my clothes, the touch of her finger tips were burning everything in her path “Your vital points are easily to my disposal” Her hand on around my nape began to moved too, moving away the strand of hair around my neck, slightly brushing my skin, sending shivers to every single corner of my body “Don’t let your guard down Rena”

At some point it become another kind of confrontation, in which I was clearly losing, my heavy breathing and my racing heartbeat were clearly signs of my defeat, Jurina’s lips travel around my nape not laying completely but teasing me with her soft and delicate touch, there wasn’t any doubt of my crushing defeat.

It was matter of seconds for me to find my surrender under my perdition call Matsui Jurina, her lips curved in a victorious smirk when I finally turned around to joined her lips with mines, but the sliding of a door, made that the spell that Jurina put on my vanished.

“You both don’t lose time right” Paruru came in without any single trace of embarrassment, like if she were already use to it, unlike me, that it doesn’t matter how many times happens, my cheeks never failed on getting fully red “I hope that you remind that I’m not your maid Jurina” She walked to this one and gave her was she had on her hands “This is the lighter that I found”

Saying this, she went to take a seat near the window, where a refreshing breeze blow, and having on mind this heat, I wouldn’t mind to sit beside her for the rest of the day.

“Try this one” Jurina provide me the bokken, and when I took it between my hands I could immediately feel the difference. Even if it was still slightly heavy than the ones I’m used to, something I can do with it.

“This is much better” I answered to Jurina’s expectant glare “Thanks Paruru” I thanked her, after all I know that she doesn’t enjoy this kind of task. She just replied by slightly raising her hand without not even bother to open her eyes. I got to the conclusion that Paruru definitely had to be a cat in her past life.

“Your first battle begins in 10 min, are you ready?” Jurina asked exited at the same time that seemed more nervous than I.

“More than ever”

In a blink it wasn’t Jurina the one who was in front of me but my first opponent, who must be taller than me for more than a head. My hands were sweating, so much that I was afraid that the bokken could slide, I felt stun like if everything around me overwhelmed me, I don’t know where is the confident that I had 10 minutes ago. But it was impossible not to be afraid when I just had a small men to protect my head, with the rest of my body without any protection.

The rules were simple, each impact in the body counts as one point, while a hit on the men are two points, the first one to get to three points wins.

Not having enough protection was inevitable not feeling scare, I don’t know the first person sane that enjoys being hit by a wood sword. But one way or another, I had to overcome that fear, and I knew that I was able to do it, even being so unathletic, surprisingly I’m pretty good at kendo, and are only three battles before I can fight Honoka.

The referee was about to begin the combat. I had to close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath to calm down my anxiety; when my eyes opened again I could see everything more clearly, and the stunning become in full concentration, in which I could easily predict the movement from the other girl, because of her height she was clearly slower. I can not be strong or agile, but my better ability was that I could read my opponent, and that’s what always have given me the victory.

Without even noticed it, I was about to strike the point that will take me to the final; a strong hit product of the crash between the men and my bokken filled the place, giving me the ticket to be the first finalist. After all the bows from the protocol, I went back to Jurina’s and Paruru’s side, whom have been accompanying me in all the battles.

“Who would have thought that you were so good?” Paruru mocked out, while Jurina helped me to take off the men and the bokken.

“Is the only sport I can do” I said taking the bottle of water that Paruru handed me, feeling the cold liquid went through my throat bring the life back to my body.

“Isn’t your wrist hurting” Jurina wondered with concern in her eyes while she inspect my wrist, because in the last battle, my opponent managed to have a point by hitting me in my left wrist.

“It just hurt a little bit, is not a big deal” I don’t know if it was because of the adrenaline, but in the moment that the bokken hit me, I couldn’t feel more than frustration for had lost one point, there wasn’t place for any physical pain in my mind.

“Are you sure?” Jurina kept on wonder not really convince, placing in the back of my ear some strand of hairs that were escaping.

“Yes, I’m fine” I smile being aware of Jurina’s concern, even if I know that in the next morning it do will hurt “Don’t you have archery competition?” I was so focus on my games that I totally forgot about Jurina’s.

“Yes, but don’t worry it begins just after the final”

“We should go to the other room, there’s something that you may want to see” Paruru spoke again heading her steps to the hallway, while Jurina and I simply began to follow her.

Paruru’s steps went to a room at the end of the hallway, and somehow, even before we entered and without knowing what was going on inside, I could already feel the tension coming out from the room. When the doors opened, the first that I recognized were to figure in the middle bowing each other, I should had known since a beginning what was all this.

“Let’s sit over there” Paruru suggested.

My gaze kept stuck in both persons, because the winner of this one will be the one who I will have to confront in the final.  Although I could already tell that Honoka was going to be the winner, the determination in the other girls eyes, told me that it wasn’t going to be easy.

“What’s the name of the other girl” I had to ask, because for the way the glare at each other, I sense that both girls were a kind of nemesis.

“She’s Fujita Nana, if it wasn’t because of Honoka, she would be the best of the kingdom” Jurina answered without taking off her eyes from what seemed like a fire field, although it hasn’t even started.

After all the protocol, the referee began the match, from the point of view that we were, we couldn’t distinguish the face of each one, and the only way to know who were who, was because of their height difference, in which Honoka was shorter.

At the beginning of the battle none of them seemed to want to take the first step, they clearly know each other pretty well to make a false move. Everyone who was witnessing the match hold their breaths when the first crash resound, Honoka gave the first hit, amusing me with her speed and strength in which she attacked, completely unpredictable, at the same time that it was amazing how Fujita blocked it, even if you could see she barely managed to do it, she proved that her reflex were good enough to fight Honoka.

Since that moment Honoka’s attacks become constant, I didn’t know from where she get so much stamina, because the speed and strength on her hit never reduced not even a bit, different from Fujita who was clearly exhausted; Her exhaustion were reflected on the first point for Honoka, hitting strongly Fujita’s shoulder.

“I thought she would hit the men” I share my thoughts, because from our point of view, Honoka had the free way to get the two points with the hit in the head.

“That’s not Honoka’s style” Was Paruru the one who answered “Even if she can, she prefers to hit the adversary’s unprotected area” It was astonishing the darkness that Honoka could harbor, it wasn’t enough to make a mental damage.

A cry of pain filled the room, it was the second point for Honoka, she had impacted the same place form her first point, doubling the pain. I couldn’t believe what my eyes see, and how was possible that the referee allow this kind of behavior after seeing Fujita’s state.

The third and last point prolonged more, and I can tell being completely sure, that Honoka was making it on propose, she wanted to humiliate Fujita, but finally and when it seemed that she got already tired playing with her opponent, Honoka hit Fujita’s men like if it were a child’s game, proving one more time that she could have avoid harming Fujita’s shoulder in the past two points.

It was a crushing victory for Honoka who in spite of everything, seemed like if she could continue for hours.

Fujita’s frustration and pain was palpable, there wasn’t even need to say it, she didn’t even wanted to shake hands with Honoka, she clearly dislike the Count’s daughter and I think that her reasons are obvious. She speeded her steps towards us just in the way to the exit, that’s why inevitable she had to exchange glances with the prince, and I think that I saw her cheeks blushing when that happened, but she quickly made a reverence that didn’t allow me to confirm anything.

“Now you know what is waiting for you Rena” Paruru took me out from my thoughts “I hate to admit it, but Honoka is pretty good”

I didn’t had another option than agreed with the obvious. Honoka walked to the exit too, accompanied by who I recognized as Matsui Ryuu, the guy seemed like another servant following Honoka everywhere.

“I’ll see you at final Rena” Honoka said when passed by my side with extremely arrogance and confidence.

The words didn’t came out from my mouth, neither I found what to reply, the only answered I can give to her will be in 20 minutes, when finally we have to confront each other.

None of the three said something in the past 15 minutes, I could’ve cut the tension in the air with a knife, but for some reason, Jurina was the one who worried me the most, because her small frown in her face never leaved her, and her slice disquiet me most than Paruru’s.

“Please begin to prepare” Someone came to informed me

I began to take my things with Paruru’s help, Jurina didn’t even move an inch from her seat, which disquiet me even more. I headed to the door once I have everything in order, I couldn’t let anything disturb my mind in this moment. I will need all my concentration. It was just when I was about to step out of the room when two long and slim arms wrapped me.

“I won’t ask you not to go because I know that even though you will” Jurina said in a low voice “But please be careful, I don’t want you to be hurt” Jurina finally shared what her slice meant.

Once I turned around to face her, I couldn’t do anything more than smile “I’ll be fine” I tried to calm down her anxiety at the same time that I tried to calm down mine.

“I need you to come with me” The same person from before said, it was finally time to confront Honoka               

Walking through the hallway, I could feel the adrenaline and nervousness taking control of my body, at the end of the long hallway was Ichijo Honoka waiting for me. Once I stepped in, all gazes focus on me, the place was completely full and everyone saw me like if I was going to an execution, but I couldn’t really care less because what really mattered was in the middle of the room.

Without want to prolong any more our encounter I speed my steps, and after all the bows and protocol, it was time for the referee to begin the match.

“Let’s have some fun Rena-chan” Said Honoka but instead of let her provoke me I just remind silence and put on my men.

After this, there wasn’t a lot to say, with our bokkens in our hands we stood in front each other, waiting for the referee to start what both of us have been waiting. Everyone in the room tried their best to not make the sightless sound, no one dare to disturb the match.

Once the battle began, it felt like a faithful copy of the battle between Fujita and Honoka, the difference was that know I could see Honoka’s face, and I have to say that among all her cynical smiles, none of them was so frightened as her serious and completely focus face.

I tried to change a bit the thing by attacking her right side, but Honoka dodge it without even have to blink, my thing wasn’t attacking, it was wait for a bad move from my opponent and use it to my advantage, but Honoka didn’t have any space for a mistake, and I was afraid of the moment that her attack comes, because I’m not enough agile nor strong to confront directly her blow like Fujita did. I needed to think on something and fast.

The moment for Honoka’s counterattack had to come, I hadn’t the sightless idea of where it was going direct, nothing from her posture or her movements gave me the chance to make any conjecture, and the last thing I knew was the pain that took all the air from my lungs, Honoka had impacted at one side of my stomach, making me frozen in my place to bear with the pain.

“One point” Didn’t late the referee in say.

I had to gather all my strength so I could continue with the match. I didn’t want Honoka to notice how much that point affected me, but I couldn’t make it, since Honoka had a satisfaction smirk.

“I thought that you will be tougher Rena-chan”

“This is just beginning”

We returned to our positions, but this time Honoka didn’t late so much in attack, and somehow I managed to dodge all her constant attacks, I’m sure she isn’t hitting with all her strength, rather she was trying to end up with my energy, just the same way she did with Fujita, if this continue like this, I have no doubt that the end will be the same.                                     

My wrist was beginning to get exhausted, and my feet felt more and more heavy, it was clear what was coming next, everyone could see it, and they weren’t wrong because another hit was given to the other side of my stomach, the pain was taking its place in all that area, considering that I didn’t even had recover from the first hit.

“Where do you want the last one Rena-chan” Honoka could be pretty sure of her victory, what she doesn’t know is that I finally manage to find a tiny blank space in her game.

When Honoka attacks in her right side she is perfect I can’t deny it, but her left side is much slower, as well that she has to lower her defense so she can attack. That was my only option, I should put up with her attacks until I find the right moment.

Surprisingly my reflect were getting used to Honoka’s speed, although I know she is not attacking with all her strength, and the fact that she is underestimating me will be her only and worst mistake, as what I was waiting finally came. Honoka laid her weight in her left foot to attack me from there, but before she could even drop the attack I impacted her right arm, even if it wasn’t a strong blow, this point gave me the confidence that I needed to win this match.

“Beginners luck” Honoka was undoubtedly mad that I managed to have a point, who knows how long a go someone did it.

“Did someone told you that you speak too much” I was already tired of her teasing.

The referee didn’t give time for Honoka’s reply, this match extended more that it should and it was time to put an end to this, and I can tell that Honoka was thinking the same, as she didn’t hold back anymore and signs of tiredness were already visible in her attacks, but for me I felt that I had more energy. I don’t know if my body got use to the tiredness or it was my will to win, but my body was responding perfectly.

I could see another opportunity to make a point, and not only that, it was a point in the men, which means directly win because I will already get the three points.

It was a really ambitious bet, because if I fail even for an inch it will be my end, although I risked it all and in a lateral movement I aim for Honoka’s men, but much to my surprise she managed to dodge it by crunching down and a quick movement. That was it, I was lost and Honoka had the freeway to hit my torso.

Time seemed to stop in that instant, I couldn’t believe that it really was everything, my body felt ready to receive the impact that surely will leave me in the floor.

I felt resigned, what else could I do. My eyes diverge for the first time to the audience, they all had their eyes opened waiting for the inevitable, but among the crowd I managed to found the deep brown eyes from a dazzling prince that reminds me why I am here, and almost magically my body moved by itself, dodging by a nanosecond Honoka’s bokken. Even I was surprised on how I could move so fast, and without waiting anymore and without any obstacle, I hit with everything I got Honoka’s men.

The room was in a scorching silence no one not even Honoka nor I dare to moved, including the referee who seemed astonish from what he just witnessed.                   

“I win” The words came out as a whisper and the pain to my sides disappeared. Quickly the place filled with mutterings on which I could distinguish people’s amazement for had seen Honoka lose and most of all for a point in the men.

“The winner is Matsui Rena” The referee rushed to say. We had to shake hands with each other, in that moment, her grip was extremely tight like if she wanted to crush my bones.

“Will see who laughs at last” I don’t know where had vanish the low and feminine voice that she used to use, as her words were full with hatred and anger, and I knew that she didn’t refer to the game.

Honoka walked like if she were to brake the floor to Ryuu, who looks like will be the one who will have to deal Honoka’s boundless temper, this last one took off her men and gave it abruptly to the boy to then go out of the room made a fierce. After all, the blows were worth it to see Honoka’s anger, I couldn’t enjoy it any more than this.

I just focus on the real price, and went running to Jurina’s arms. I hadn’t noticed how much my body was trembling until I was between her arms, I was really scare and being with Jurina finally I could feel safe.

“You did it great” It doesn’t matter what the result had been, those were the only thing that I wanted to hear.

My body reminded me the bad time that I had once Jurina slightly tightened her arms around my waist, making me complain from the pain.

“I’m really sorry” Jurina didn’t late to apologies.

“It’s ok, I forgot about it too”

“Paruru, take Rena to Yui so she can check her” Jurina indicated to Paruru, who without any grumble stood by my side and allow me to rely my body in her shoulders so I could walk without pain, surprising immediately Jurina and I with her unusual kind gesture, is not like she is a bad person, but this kind of treatment is not common on her.

“That was incredible, Honoka was furious” Said Paruru with a big grin in her face.

“Yes… she was” I got contagious from her enjoyment.

“I’ll see you later, archery competition is about to begin” Jurina placed a delicate kiss on my forehead.

“I’ll go as fast as possible” I said to then return my way with Paruru, despite all the pain, this day begin in the best way.

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #132 on: October 16, 2016, 03:42:48 PM »
Yesh!! Rena won!!! :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :farofflook: :farofflook: :on GJ: :on gay:

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #133 on: October 16, 2016, 11:56:38 PM »
Good ! Rena won the competition.

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #134 on: October 27, 2016, 06:20:21 PM »
Good Job rena !

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #135 on: October 30, 2016, 12:22:14 AM »

“Auch” It was impossible not to groan when Yui put some pressure over the zone that I got hit with some strange lotion.

“Honoka hit you hard didn’t she” Yui commented impressed by the swelling “With this it all go away in some minutes”

“You should had seen it Yui, she was about to be casting fire” Paruru was the most exited of all, she was almost unrecognizable, but I can’t deny she looked kind of adorable.

“I still can’t believe you beat her” Said Yui.

“Neither I” I had to admit. I still don’t know what happened in that last point in which my body moved by its own, but I’m glad it did.

“We’ll have to wait for her next move” Yui said bringing back the tension and earnestness to the air, characteristics that never fail to be when Honoka’s name is mention.

“She won’t give up right?” I had to said recalling the last words she told me “Why is she so obsess with Jurina” Honoka crossed the line of obsession she wanted to have Jurina at all cost.

“Is not Jurina with she is obsess with” Answered Paruru who was already back in her natural state “Is the throne what she really wants”

“When I was with her she once told it to me” Complemented Yui “She fantasizes with the day in which all kingdom were to her feats, she thought Jurina would fall in love with her and that it would be the easiest part, but things were more complicated than she thought”

“I should had thought about that” Certainly that can be the only reason for someone like Honoka to does what she does.

“Did you noticed how Matsui Ryuu followed her whenever she goes?” Asked me Paruru to which I only nodded remembering the past hours “It can’t be any causality, after all he has royal blood and he must want the throne too” She pointed out, that thought hadn’t crossed my mind yet.

“What are they plotting?” The uncertainty and concern wrapped me once again, I had a really bad feeling about all this, the mix between Matsui Ryuu and Ichijo Honoka sounds dangerous, almost going through the barriers of deadly.


My equipment was perfectly ready, it was only a matter of taking bewtween my hands the big arrow or yumi and sum up for once the last competition. Maybe equitation wasn’t my strong point and I couldn’t tell if I was going to win, but is completely the opposite in kyudo, in which I have full confidence and I know that anyone can beat me on it, and much less when I give my all, and after witness what Rena just did, I will give more than my all.

“Excuse me prince, can I talk to you for a moment?” Cordially inquired a voice that sounded curiously known, and I just had to turn around to confirm that in fact I knew her pretty well.

“Miyazawa-san, of course tell me what you need” Even though I already knew where this conversation was heading, I didn’t wanted to make her feel uncomfortable.

“I know that it’s unappropriated to make to you this kind of silly questions, but the other person whom I could ask would be the Queen and she impossible to talk with, without mention that Shimazaki-san is kind of scary…” She kept on naming the reasons why she had to come to me like her last choice, thing that was a little bit hilarious but we couldn’t lose too much time.

“Is about Yuki right?” I interrupted her long speech winning a surprise reaction from her part.

“Have she talked to you about me?” Her eyes began spark instantaneity, but pitifully I had to turn that sparkle off.

“Not really…” I had to confess, making her gleam disappear once again “She doesn’t tend to talk about her personal issues to often” I tried to up her mood and hopes, neither it was a lie that Yuki doesn’t share anything from her private life.

“I see… I’m sorry I interrupted you” Miyazawa-san was about to leave, but I knew I couldn’t let her go leaving things like this.

“I can only tell you that you are not just another person to her” I tried to give her some hope, even if I don’t know if I’m supposed to “I don’t know too much about your relationship with her, but I think that everything she needs is time and space, just be patience”

The girl seemed to had a brief smile, maybe that wasn’t the answer she came to look for, even so it was something that I need her to know, I wanted to help Yuki from one way or another.

“Thank you for your time” Saying this she left without any other objection.

People came and go from everywhere, Kyudo was probably the competence in which must people participate, and that must be because is mixed, men a women compete abreast in the same competition without any kind of advantage or disadvantage. During all my shots I didn’t missed not a single one. I was in my element and no one could deny it, the point table could prove it by being my name on the top of the list. But at every single second an annoying gaze didn’t leave me alone, all the time at my back just like in the list, Ryuu was nipping at my heels.

“The last three rounds will be held” Someone announced, it will have to happen a miracle for Ryuu to win me, because I don’t have on my plans to miss any of them.

It was Ryuu’s turn first, and I couldn’t care less her presentation, so when I manage to find Rena in the spectator zone I prefer to go there for a moment before it was my turn just after Ryuu.

“Are you better know?” I wonder seeing that she was wearing a lighter clothes so she didn’t feel any pressure on her torso.

“Yes, Yui gave me a lotion, it felt like magic the pain is almost gone and there are not signals of any bruises” She said while touching her waist to confirm what she said.

“Three point shot” Was heard, by hearing this my victory was already assured, there wasn’t even need for me to do my last three shots “Last try for Matsui Ryuu” Even so it did was necessary for Ryuu to make his last one, so he can assure his second place.

Rena and I prepared to see how Ryuu finished his participation, the anger and frustration were already visible in his face even from a far. He has always been someone who can’t control his emotions, he is impulsive and temperamental, making him a dangerous person and hard to treat. We have never get along, I guess that’s the legacy that out parents gave us, and everything got worst after the accident. Despite I tried my best to just ignore his existence, Ryuu deny to let me alone, he try by all ways to make a fool of me or putting me on uncomfortable situations, and of course he always fail and things got him backwards.

From afar I could saw her gaze diverting to where we were, more accurate to me, fact that made his anger increase even more if that was possible, I had won him once again and that was something he hates to accept.

Ryuu got ready to make his last shot, he was putting a lot of force and speed to the arrow, even from here I could I see it, and there wasn’t any doubt that he was going to fail that shot too. The arrow was shot with a deafening sound, but it wasn’t directed to the target, the arrow was heading to us. Somehow I managed to move my body and push Rena out of the way, so the arrow only managed to make a small cut in my right arm on its way.

“Jurina are you ok?” Rena wondered with shock and astonishment in her eyes the same as all everyone around.

“I’m fine is just a scratch”

This definitely wasn’t an accident, we were far enough for something like this could happened just because, if he had been a little bit better at kyudo that arrow could have hit me or Rena. When I turned to face Ryuu he was already gone.

“I’ll be back” I went out running as fast as I could, I can’t let things end up like this.

When I finally found him, all his stuffs and not only that, everything in the room was a disaster, he clearly just had one of his tantrums.

“What are you wishes prince?” His breathing was hectic and he couldn’t had said those words more contemptuously.

“What do you think you’re doing, you could had hurt someone else” Ryuu must truly have some mental issues to try to do something like that.

“The wind altered the course of the arrow, I don’t know what are you talking about” He tried to excuse himself, but not even him could believe his lie.

“Don’t say foolishness, that arrow was direct to me and you know that” I didn’t wanted to made this talk any longer “It looks like you’re the same as your father” I didn’t had any intentions to measure my words, not after what he just did.

“How you dare!” He throw away a chair that was beside him “He never did anything, he wasn’t the one who killed the king and I…” he’s eyes were telling me that he was about to get to his limits “I’ll make you pay and to your family for what we had to go through because of those false accusations” Saying this he ran out of the room.

Just like it happened in a past, Ryuu defend to tooth and nail that his father was innocent  from what happened three years ago, even himself didn’t said a thing and acted like if he were enjoying the hate of people.

It wasn’t the first time that Ryuu thread me, and I don’t think it would be the last one either, somehow I was already use to it, so I didn’t take it seriously this time neither, Ryuu was the kind of person that talk but doesn’t act, and I hope it stays that way.

Without having anything else to do I went to the room, it’s been a tiring day. When I stepped inside I found Rena walking from one side to the other one.           

“Why are so anxious?”

“First let me treat  you that” She answered taking my hand and siting in the edge of the bed to then walk to the bath room and came back with cotton and alcohol.

“That hurts more than the actual cut” I couldn’t help but complain when the liquid made contact with the wound on my arm “I didn’t though it was so deep” Rena didn’t reply a thing, she remain  completely silence and focus on what she was doing, making me wish I could read minds “What are you thinking?” Finally I asked.

“I have a bad feeling” Rena put aside the cotton and the alcohol to finally give me all her attention “Ryuu, he wanted to hurt you today, and it looks like Honoka and he are up to something”

“I already know that Rena” I confessed “It has always been like this, it doesn’t matter what I do, someone will always want to hurt the royal family”

Her gaze diverged to any blank space in the room. I could almost feel reflect in her, when in the past I couldn’t accept the fact that I couldn’t walk freely without someone beside me, I hated all the precautions with I had to live, and all that didn’t prevent my parent’s and Mayu’s dead, it doesn’t matter how careful we were.

“And I’m supposed to calm down with that” Rena just got mad, maybe I didn’t made a good selection of my words “How can you be so tranquil” Even if it supposed to be a serious moment, the thought that she looked really adorable when she was mad was the only thing crossing my mind. Her checks were a little bit flush and she was on the edge of pouting.

“You’re so cute” I thought aloud between giggles, and that made Rena get even madder, making her stood up sharply and I had to take her wrist so she didn’t get out of the room.

“This is not a joke Jurina” She groan loudly.

“I know and I’m sorry” I took my composure again “What I mean, is that even if you don’t realize it, we are taking precautions all the time and there’s always people taking care of us, Yui, Paruru, Yuki and a lot more, and we can only trust on them”  I clarify better what I wanted to say.

If something really happens, is something that gets out of our hands, there are a lot of things that we can’t prevent to happen, and that’s something that took me a while to accept.

“So don’t worry, nothing is going to happen” And I’ll make sure of that, it doesn’t matter what I have to do to keep Rena safe, because somehow I share the same feeling that Rena had, Honoka and Ryuu must have something on mind, but it doesn’t matter what it is, I won’t allow them to even put a finger on Rena.         

“I get it, but I can’t help to feel worry”

“Just don’t think about it” When finally the issue was over, we could relax and lay in our bed, enjoying the silence and about to fall sleep “Tomorrow is the last day” I barely managed to utter.

“Mhm” Clearly Rena was more sleep than awake.

“Tomorrow everything ends” Was the last thing that I said before letting my eyes rest. At that time I really thought that it was matter of hours for everything to meet its end, when in fact it was just the beginning.

My eyes began to open at the touch some lips that were laying butterfly kisses all over my face, at the same time that an extra weight was over me.

“Happy birthday” Was the first thing that Rena said once she accomplish her task to wake me up, a big grin was plaster on her lips, almost infecting me with her happiness.

I just could stay still to stare her for a while. I really hate my birthday and I don’t think I have to say the reasons, but the simple fact that I have Rena besides me makes everything easier, I could even say that maybe I can enjoy this day.

“What’s my present?” I wondered playfully, letting my hands travel to the bear skin of her tights.

“That…” Rena’s body adjust better over mine in a very dangerous way “…will have to wait” And in a split of second she ran away from my touch between giggles “See you tonight” She said to then get out, leaving me completely astonished and without have an idea of what was going on.

After that strange way to start the day, I dedicate to walk all over the place looking for Rena, but she was just gone, along with Yuki Paruru and Yui, the four of them were no place to be found, neither someone had seen them. My boredom was getting to its limits. I practiced kyudo a little bit, even I had time to go to the stable for a while, I hadn’t realize until now how much I depend of those four people.

Try to walk around just to kill time didn’t help either, I couldn’t walk more than five steps without being stop by someone to congratulate me for my birthday, I didn’t mind it at a beginning, just to point that it gets stifling that it over with all my energies. Without having anything else to do, I head my steps to the only place I knew I will find peace, I don’t know why I didn’t think about it since a beginning.

Without think about too much I ended up in Shinoda’s study, I barely saw her through the week, and having on mind that she was the one who organized it, she should at least be everywhere.

“What a surprise Jurina” Shinoda opened the door with curiosity washing her face.

“It isn’t bad to spend time with my sister once in while right?”  I couldn’t confess her that I was there because I spend all my choices. I really enjoy talk to her, after all she is like my mother, but somehow we always end up talking about the Kingdome and related things, and that’s what I don’t like.

Without saying anything else she went back, taking once again the book she was reading.

“Are you enjoying your birthday?” She asked after some minutes in which I only spent my time enjoying the serenity and tranquility of the silence that lately I can’t find anywhere.

“It hasn’t been bad, I had fun” Because beside of certain undesirable person, this week was made for me, with all the food and activities that I like the most “I haven’t seen you a lot”.

“There’s a lot to do, I remind you that you turn 18 today” And just like I said, we end up talking about the same topic, but this time I didn’t wanted to continue it, so I just nodded “I want to talk to you tomorrow, when this week ends”

Her tone changed totally, that secure and imposing become in a low voice in which I could sense signals of nervousness, and that is something that happen once in ten years, making my mind work trying to figure out what was going on.

“Sure” The rest of the noon I spent it on Shinoda’s room, from time to time we talked briefly about random things. It was a really nice time, it was truly comforting, after all Shinoda will always be there for me.

“I think you should leave now, you should get ready for the ball” Shinoda said standing up and walking to her closet “I’ll do the same”

“Yes, and Shinoda…” I ask for her attention that now was in her dresses “Thank you, for everything” It was a little bit embarrassing say it at loud and I don’t know even why, but suddenly I felt the need to thank her, to what she just smiled warmly and sincerely.

On my way to my room, I managed to sight from afar a known figure, she was tall and by the way she walked I could tell already who she was, she seemed to be struggling with a huge box.

“Yuki” I ran on her direction to look for answers “Have you seen Rena?” But just when she saw me, she began to run like I had never saw her do it, she is faster than I though. My instincts were chase her, she surly knows something.

“Just wait till the night” She screamed from afar before stepping into a room that instantly close its door when she entered, this day has been definitely the must strange one that I had since I found Yui talking with a bird.

“Prince I need you to please stay still” Asked me again for the umpteenth time and a little bit annoyed the maid that was helping me with the last details of my suit. I couldn’t stop moving anxiously and try to look around subtly if I could find Rena around the hall.

I hadn’t seen Rena since morning and my anxiousness was above heavens, if it wasn’t because it look like Yuki is with her, I had already turn upside down this hole place (and the hole Kingdome if it was necessary) thinking that something may happened to her.

“Do you know where Shimazaki-san is?” I asked to the maid once she finished her work.

“If I’m not wrong, I think I saw her on the main hall with Yokoyama-san”

“Thank you very much” I was supposed to wait for Shinoda to went out, but knowing her she must late more than an hour to get ready, and I need information now.

Going through the wall of people that didn’t get tired of stopping me, I met on the middle of the hall with Paruru and Yui that were talking happily, but when they saw me they share this conspiratorial look with each other.

“You already know what I’m going to ask right?” They aren’t stupid and they know me pretty much enough to deduce what I was talking about.

“Nice suit” Said Yui trying to change the topic, she has never been a good liar.

“Yui… where’s Rena?” The girl didn’t stop looking around in order to not found with my gaze, I already had her on the palm of my hand, but her partner was all the contrary to Yui’s pure soul.

“Just wait a little longer Jurina” Paruru spook just in time before Yui spilled everything “And you better not let the cat get your tongue” She mumbled.

“What do you mean?” I wondered but for that moment she had already left along with Yui.

I didn’t had any more options than wait. I just had to begin talking with people around me, at some point Shinoda put in appearance and I just had to follow her around while she introduce me to important people from other Kingdoms. The night was getting to its climax and it was matter of few minutes for the typical waltz to begin. I didn’t wanted to be there, it was extremely boring without Rena around, I just wanted to go to my room. I was feeling more listless than usual towards other people, and I can tell they noticed it.

“What do you think Jurina-sama?” My name mention brought me back from my thoughts, I didn’t had the slightest idea of what they were talking about, but they were all expectantly for an answer.

“Yes I think it’s great” I tried with a safe answer and it looks like I hit the mark.

The conversation continue, I barely commented sometimes, they were talking about a group of girls who do amazing presentations singing and dancing, but the only thing I remember from their name was the number 48. While they continue with their chat, a door opened from the second floor followed with completely silence.

Being prey of curiosity my body turned to see what or better say who was causing such commotion, just to get as same or even more astonish that the rest of people, as who was walking down stairs was the owner of all my fantasies.

Rena walked looking what can be define as perfect, but that word couldn’t encompass how gorgeous she looked. She just couldn’t find modesty in a red wine dress with white details. Time seemed to go on slow motion, just to let me appreciate every single inch of her beauty. Rena is beyond flawless and I can tell that everyone  had the same idea on mind, their jaws were about to hit the floor and looked like wolves after a prey, all I could do was smile like a stupid, knowing that at the end of the night is in my arms where she’s going to end.

I had to use all my will power to make my feet move, suddenly I felt ridiculously nervous, it just a smile coming from Rena was what it takes to make all my blood ran to my cheeks and end up with all my sanity. I had to keep remanding me to calm down and manage to connect more than two words properly.

“Hi” Said Rena shyly under my intense glare that doesn’t get rid of amaze and delight more and more while she get closer “So… do you like it?”

Was she joking, it was impossible to even try to describe her with words and she ask me if I like it. The words didn’t dare to get out of my mouth, like if my unconscious already knew that anything that I said won’t be enough, and when words aren’t enough it’s time for actions. Without having the sightless doubt I placed my hand behind her nape to pull her in close and take her lips, I wanted to every single person keep in mind that she’s mine.

“I will kiss you endlessly and you ask me if I like it” Finally I managed to utter something, to what Rena simply hide her face on my nape.

“I’ sorry to interrupt you, but there are several people who want to talk with Rena” Yui came standing beside Rena “And I think Shinoda is calling you Jurina” She pointed the Queen who clearly was calling me with her eyes.

“We’ll talk later” I told Rena before directing my steps towards Shinoda, in just one minute this become an incredible and fascinating night.

Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #136 on: October 30, 2016, 03:30:58 AM »
Oohh how I hope I can see Rena on that dress

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #137 on: November 05, 2016, 10:25:52 AM »
Uhhh so sweet ~
Cant wait what will happen then ~

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #138 on: November 12, 2016, 08:55:40 PM »
This is a short chapter to end with this arc and begins with the last arc of the story, please look forward to it :3 :3


“So… how was it?” Asked Yui once we were out of Jurina’s sight “What did she said?”

“She didn’t say anything” I answered happily, Jurina was speechless and her reaction was even better than I wanted to be, finally I got back the self-confidence that I had on the XXI century and that I lose every single time Jurina looked at me.

“Isn’t that bad? Why are you smiling then” Wondered Yui confused for my unusual happiness.

“Her eyes, I just needed to see me reflected in her eyes” I couldn’t take out of my head Jurina’s piercing and deep brown eyes that were shinning when she saw me.

“If you say so… come with me Akibahara’s Duke wants to meet you” Yui guided me. For some minutes I could only talk with important people from other Kingdoms, I guess that from now on, this will become my daily life.

During that time my eyes seemed to came to life and moved by its own to the crowd looking for Jurina, just to realized that she was already staring at me, making me turned my face again when she send me her mischievous smile.

“Attention please, the queen Shinoda-sama it’s going to speak” the voice of a man resound around the whole hall asking four our attention, to which every single person turned to Shinoda’s direction to listen.

“I am really thankful that you have come to this celebration” She began with her typical speech, standing out how important this day was for all the kingdom, I can tell that Jurina couldn’t had been more uncomfortable with the situation “So, without further ado, let’s all close the night with what you all have been waiting, that the waltz begin”

Saying this everyone leaved their glasses of wine aside and the music began to resound. The scene seemed as if it were out from a movie, and not even movies could recreate the reality that I’m living, the music can’t be compare to what we thought it would sound, it is even better, and the suits and dresses are more eccentric but still beautiful, and of course a prince that I can’t stop staring. 

Because of our initial position, our dace partner was different, but as the typical change of partner were made along with the music, we were closer and closer with each step. Our gazes never leaved each other, anxious for the moment in which we had us face to face.

A couple of spinning and it was Jurina the one who was holding me by my waist, everything and around seemed to become blurry. I only had space on my mind for Jurina’s captivating eyes. I was feeling like walking in the wind, and the only thing that kept me on earth was Jurina’s hand.

“You’re kind of ruining my night” Said Jurina in a low voice so only I could hear her “I can only think on kissing you”

A nervous smile curved my lips, Jurina can’t help but to have this charisma and eloquent ability that can leave me speechless and flush every time she wanted.

“Shall we escape?” I suggested without carrying about the amount of bourgeois around.

“I’ll leave first” Jurina didn’t late not even a second on disappearing nimbly and without being notice.

A couple of minutes after and I found the opportunity to leave the place too. I speed my steps but just when I was to turn around a corner someone pulled me by my wrist, making me spin sharply, and of course the person who was in front of me had to be Honoka, whom I hadn’t seen through all the night.

“Let me tell you one last thing Rena” Her light eyes reflected perfectly the hatred that her voice was emitting too “You don’t know with who you got into, you’ve been driving me up a wall this whole week more than anyone in a whole year, this doesn’t end tonight don’t be naïve Rena. I’ll find the way to make me be the one who sits beside Jurina on the throne” The fact that she just threaten me couldn’t had been more clear “You think that your relationship is stronger don’t you, then let me inform you, that being so attached to each other, just make the both of you even more vulnerable individually” She finished saying to the release her strong grip on my wrist.

I didn’t want to reply at her, it wasn’t necessary and it would be stupid and reckless try to provoke her more, because despite everything I knew and accepted that Honoka was dangerous in more than a way, she has the power of her father to control people, and I could only trust that whatever happens, Jurina and I will find a way out.

“Then we will come back the same as we came” Concluded Paruru the next morning in which will leave the place, around could be seen more carriage than we will use, precautions I guess “Jurina, you and Rena go first” She instructed us.

Without any objection, we directed our steps to the first carriage, but before Jurina could get on, someone stopped her by taking her by the shoulder.

“Can you change with me Rena? I want to go with my sister” Shinoda hurry to told me. Jurina looked at her for some seconds, and it looked like if she figured out what was all about, she alternated looks between Shinoda and I like debating with herself what she should do; the truth is that I didn’t wanted to go back without Jurina, This bad feeling has just increase since my last talk with Honoka.

“Whatever is what you have to tell me, Rena can hear it” I was about to let out a sigh of relief, but for education I restrained myself, and despite Shinoda seemed to be dubious at a beginning, she agree to came with the both of us.

“Is this really ok?” I asked to Jurina on a whisper, because it had already passed a while in which the only thing that filled the silence was the rattle of the tires, and the only thing that Shinoda was doing was to looked out of the window and sight repeatedly.

“By all means, she’s been acting like this since yesterday” She replied, the Queen’s behavior was beyond unusual, her leg couldn’t stop moving anxiously and you could even feel how her thoughts were consuming her.

“Ok I’m ready” Shinoda said suddenly, having back her determination “I know you don’t want the throne Jurina, am I right?” She asked directly.

“You are, I don’t know why you are so stubborn on giving it to me, I know you love that work” Told Jurina fluently, clearly this wasn’t the first time they had this conversation.

“You already know that I don’t have royal blood” Shinoda counterattacked.

“That’s not a reason and I’ve told you” I couldn’t believe I was witnessing this discussion, I couldn’t felt more awkward.

“You don’t know who I was or what I did before I came to the castle” Shinoda’s glare darkened, unlike Jurina I did know what was Shinoda’s past, but I didn’t know how that affects the conversation.

“Does it really matter?” Jurina was evidently tired of talking about the same thing, she had her guard down, reason why with what Shinoda said took the both of us completely by surprise.

“Jurina I killed my father, my real father” Shinoda said without any hesitation, her gaze laid on me for a split second, I figure out somehow why she did it, but Shinoda didn’t say a word to try to explain it to Jurina.

This one becomes silent at the instant, she tightened her grip on our intertwined hands and I could whiteness how she turned pale in a second.

“Y-you must had a reason to do it right?” Jurina’s voice was shaking almost like she were about to cry, and more than a question, it seemed like if she were trying to convince herself that Shinoda had to do it for some reason “Tell… tell my why you did it ok? I will understand”

But Shinoda didn’t answered Jurina’s petition, making me wonder why. I wanted to tell Jurina, I really wanted to tell her that Shinoda did it because her father killed her mother, but this wasn’t a valid reason to have killed someone, and that wasn’t up to me.

“The reason doesn’t matter, what is done is done” Shinoda’s glare was cold over a shaking Jurina “I want you to think if you really want someone like me to keep on ruling, I’ll be waiting for your decision” She said to then stop the carriage to went down and go to the one that was behind ours with Yuki.

Jurina didn’t say anything, she just keep on looking outside the window, but obviously her mind was in another place. I didn’t dare to ask her something, but after 15 minutes in which she didn’t gave a signal of wanting to say something, I tried to take the first step.

“Jurina” But I didn’t had any answer “Jurina” I tried calling her for a second time, and seeing that I won’t get any answer again, I took her hand to make her finally look at me “Are you ok?” She clearly wasn’t ok, but what else could I say to make her opened with me.

“I’m just in shock” Jurina adjust her body on the seat so she could lay her head on my lap, she closed her eyes while I run my finger through her silky hair, which by the way was longer than when we met for the first time “What do you think Rena? About Shinoda”

“I don’t think she’s a bad person, she really worries for the kingdom and for you, but I guess that there are sometimes in which you can lose control and do things that you might regret in a future” Was the only thing that came up to my mind after take some seconds thinking. I couldn’t tell her Shinoda’s reasons, for some reason she didn’t and I must respect that.

“Would you stay with me no matter what decision I take?” She opened her eyes to confront mines.

“I will, I won’t go anywhere” I answered without any doubts nor hesitation

Jurina’s lips curved in a slight smile closing her eyes again, and after some minutes I could confirmed that she felt asleep, to which I didn’t late on join her.

“Jurina-sama Rena-sama, We’ve already arrived” The driver’s voice was what wake up us, the sky was already dark and in front of us was the castle, or what now I can call home.

Feeling the tiredness for the trip and the bad position in which I slept, we headed to our room. Jurina completely ignored Shinoda’s presence, who was acting naturally with the other people.

“Go ahead, I have to return some things to Yuki” I told to Jurina, after all I do need to talk with Shinoda before I go to sleep, and like Jurina was half sleep she agree easily.

“I know you have some questions just give me a minute” Said Shinoda once she saw me approaching her, I just did what she told me and after she gave some instructions to the workers, we went to her office “Now you can ask”

“Why didn’t you tell Jurina your reasons” I went straight to the point, I wanted to finish as fast as possible with this uncomfortable talk.

“How do you think Jurina would had react if I had” She answered me with another question, to which I couldn’t give an immediate answer “She would had accept it easily, ignoring the fact that I’m still a murder, it doesn’t even matter I had said a lame excuse, she would had agree with it, and I want her to think it through, I will accept whatever her decision is, even if that takes me to a cell” Her gaze was on the floor, but on her voice I could sense a kind of satisfaction.

“Why” She could easily keep on hiding it, or like she said, gave to Jurina any excuse and everything will be ok.

“I’ve been hiding it for a long time it hunts me even in my dreams, I have my hands full with blood, but finally I can feel free, that’s why I won’t regret, no matter what happens”

Shinoda answered with a smile. I’ll never understand the way she thinks, and I don’t think someone will, but if something is certain, is that despite what she had to go through, Shinoda is a great person and Queen.

“Thanks for you time”

“Tell Jurina that she has two months to give me her answer” Shinoda said before I went out.

Two months, that lapse of time resound on my thoughts, reminding me that as Jurina, in two months I will have to take the most important decision in my life, because in two months will be my birthday and the moment in which I will have to decide if I stay here or if I go to XXI century where my family is, but the thing is, that I already have my answer.

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« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2016, 11:04:27 AM »

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