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Author Topic: [WAKAREI OS] WE WERE IN LOVE| ROOMMATES |MUKUCHI NA LION (1 OCT 2017)  (Read 17386 times)

Offline wakaten

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« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2016, 11:30:15 AM »
@wakasama__: well, sequel is not A choice right now. I'm sorry :bow:

will you make another fic again? i mean not now. if you have a free time XD (you know i really love your fic) :thumbsup

well you got lucky! i just posted new fanfic on my previous thread. you can pay a visit there, it might be not your taste since i was more on angst, action and thriller. but yeah, you can read it there because Wakasama was there AGAIN!!!

and THANKS for always commenting and your love towards my fics. I appreciate it a lot..

Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2016, 02:29:01 PM »
Yeah, it’s okay. And you put it all in one chapter, which I’m glad for by the way. Because that heartbreaking scene in the movie when they fought over a misunderstanding, that scene is just too much if it’s WakaRei  :bleed eyes:
The last scene was my one of my favs scene from the movie. Finally Reika comes to her sense, WakaRei together again  :wub:
Anyway, is that uncle Hashimoto for real? As in Aunty Mai's husband?  XD

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline wakaten

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« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2016, 05:03:30 PM »

Sakurai Reika

      For whatever reason it is, Reika never ever thought or dreamt she would be stuck in this situation. Situation where she thinks, her future was doomed. Not really doomed but she can’t never ever able to lift her face ever again, not after today. When her mom, whom right now is sitting beside her; begging at her childhood friend to let her stay with him. Because to her mom, she is the only child in the family who her parents adored so much until they can’t let her alone in Tokyo to further her studies, after she failed her entrance exam for nth times. 

      Her parents almost can’t give their permission to let her go to Tokyo just because she has no one to take care of her. Not until, they know their old friends which their son is her childhood friend – study at the same university as she will. What make her parents more ecstatic is, he live alone in an apartment. That is not the most doomed story she has for today. Well, a childhood friend would never make her feel this ashamed but when she used to have crush on that ‘friend’… that was literally trouble for her. Not used, she still have crush on him up till now.

      Because he is her first love.

      But, the last time they met is exactly 5 years ago. When they both still 15 years old. The reason is, well he has to follow his father’s job that always move from one place to another. And she, incidentally witnessing her only best friend kissed him. That broke her heart and she, ran away from him not wanting to meet him for the last time. Then until now, that make her reluctant to meet him in the eyes. Then how she supposed to live under same roof with him until she finishes her study? That makes her feel like losing her head and hide her face in some paper bag.

      “Damn Wakatsuki Ryu.” She mutters under her breath, upset. Still, she didn’t dare to lift her head to look into him straight and just letting her mom, settle their talk with him alone. She hasn’t talks since they arrived two hours ago; silent in her own world. But he never gives up talking with her, except she doesn’t reply it as much as she wants. Five years, and the border was built so thick around them; is what she felt.

      “I’m sorry for troubling you Wakatsuki-san.” Again, Mrs. Sakurai bends her head low to the young man in front of her. She doesn’t know how to make herself comfortable anymore when she has troubled this young man so much. 

      “It is okay aunty, Reika is my friend too. Having her in my house is just a small matter.” Wakatsuki Ryu waves his hand furiously. He can’t stand still at the sight how the older woman has to beg to him like that. He just felt, it wasn’t that necessary. But no matter how much he resists, the older woman still.. Yeah like that.

      “Mom! It’s enough.” Reika, after so much silence for the day finally spokes. And both persons muted upon her starts talking. “Don’t you think you should be back now? Dad must be waiting for you at home.” She anxiously tries to stay composed.

      Like she remembering her husband, Mrs. Sakurai quickly stand up and rushed to the main door. Reika followed after her. Before parting their way, both Sakurais’ hugged each other. Obviously, Mrs. Sakurai looks more reluctant to let her only child without her survilience while Reika; can’t wait to part with her mom.

      “Are you sure you can do this?” Mrs. Sakurai wanted to make sure for nth times and like usual she only received confident nods from her daughter.

      Wakatsuki Ryu who just stands as bystander holds his laugh. This is somehow looking funny to him. How can Reika be that confident? It makes him wonder how much that girl changes after five years.

      “Be careful on your way back aunty. Don’t worry about Reika, I will take care of her for you.” He gives his best smile to the older woman, assuring her that he will fulfill his new responsible. And Reika, just snickered silently behind him while watching her mom’s back until she was missing in some elevator.

      And they were left alone. Both still stand in front of the door, leaning at each side of both sides of walls. Reika, still can look up to him. Much more when she can feel his eyes pinned on her. Her heart can’t stop throbbing into her ribs. It is suffocating her so much.

       “Hey there.” Ryu said, finally able to have a proper ‘introduction’ since she arrived this evening. He tucked his right hand into his slack and looks at her intently. He smiles.

      “Uh, Hi.” Reika replied, almost like a whisper. She can’t look into him. She can’t talk properly, it is suffocating so much.

      “Long time no see. You remember our promise.” He recalls. This time he grins when Reika look up to him for a second signaling him that they on same frequencies before she landed her eyes on the floor again. That shy attitude of her makes him blurted out a small laugh.

      “So you really remember huh? Our promise, to meet again at Nogizaka University.” Ryu never gives in. He didn’t care the fact the promise was made when they were just ten. If Reika still remember, and so do him. That is why he is here. That fact alone makes his smile turn even brighter.

      But without him knowing, the talks make Reika more anxious and awkward. Yeah. How should she answer that? Of course she would remember, despites all the pain she felt when she saw him being kissed by her best friend she still wanted to fulfill their promise. That once upon a time they will always be together and enter same university. But for Ryu, entering Nogizaka University; known as the most prestigious university in Japan was not a big problem. He was known as a genius. His name wills always on the board, while for Sakurai Reika, her name would always rank below than 20; each time. That is the real reason why she always failed the entrance exam and can’t give up applying again and again, because she only aimed Nogizaka University. She didn’t care even it never matched her qualification, just because she want him to know that she can do that too, well it was a little bit too late. But hey! She managed anyway.

       “Ahh Reika, don’t tell me you’re daydreaming again!” Ryu shakes Reika’s body when the girl seems to be in deep thought.

      Reika quickly backed off but she met the wall instead. He laugh. 

       “Come on. Let me show your room.” Instinctively, he grabs her hand and walks her into his apartment once again; never realizes a slight pinkish tinted on Reika’s cheek when their hands met. She follows him anyway.

       “Here, this is your room. I hope you didn’t mind sharing a room with Naachan, but for now, she is away. She will be back next week.” Without looking back at Reika, he explained things.

      Reika, listened at the name makes her shivers. Naachan? Did she just misheard the name? But the way he talked about her seems like she heard it right. Naachan. Did they live together? But it means, Naachan and Ryu are in relationship. She can feel blood drained from her face.

      Naachan, her best friend in high school; the one who kissed Wakatsuki on the rooftop of their school is now or still Ryu’s girlfriend. That is the only way she could describe Naachan other than her name always below Ryu’s name on monthly boards, both used to be student council, and both are in love since.. Well forever and blaah blaahh.
      Of course she still remembers that scene until now, the scene that takes place on the top of their school, during Ryu’s last day together with them before he moved. She has decided to confess her feelings to him, but Naachan unexpectedly shares the same idea with her and slightly faster than her in taking action. That day, she was thinking.. If and only if she was quicker, she will be the one who met his lips.

      Only if..

      But no, she was a minute late. The moment she arrived, her eyes met Naachan unreadable expression and like a drama, she witnessed her best friend kiss her childhood friend whom she has crushed since forever. She kissed him on the lips, lightly. But it breaks her heart so much that she just ran away after Naachan return her tears with her relieved face.

      Since then, she can only treat Naachan as normal as she could. First, because Naachan never knew they have same feeling on the same person. Second, for whatever reason it is, Naachan is the only friend she has in school and she is the only friend Naachan has. But that was then, before Naachan too moved away after six month Ryu left her. It is the last time she met Naachan. And she has been alone since then; nobody ever replaced both people in her life.

      Somehow, now she feels annoyed at Wakatsuki Ryu. Annoyed that he never informed this to her, to her mom that he is living with ‘someone’ and didn’t want his privacy to be disturbed by anyone. And how he still can accept other girl to live with him when his girlfriend is away?! Man is such unbelievable creature!

      “Reika!” Ryu calls again when he saw Reika frozen at her spot in front of the room. “You can just come in.” He gestured her to come in with his warm eyes and smile.

      Sure, she can’t complain much about that even her heart ached more and more. She just need to accept whatever given to her by her landlord, didn’t she? So she just prays that she will have more patience in the future. ‘This is just beginning Reika..’ She thought at herself and step into the room anyway.

      Her life is just begun. Should she anticipate more after this? Or should she prepare herself against two lovey dovey people? She guesses that, she could just think her way to avoid them next time. But right now, Reika can only sigh again and again; she had lost her spirit to live for today.

       “You can clean yourself now while I’m going to prepare for dinner.” After showing Reika what he got in his apartment, he beamed his usual warm smile, reveal his only dimple on his right cheek.

      “Uh, oh sure.” She already lost her mind to answer properly. Her energy has totally drained upon what she faced today. She lives with her childhood friend, she still has feelings for him, but he is in relationship with her best friend. She is in perfect world for an evening drama. So much drama to be truth.

       “I’ll be waiting at you in the kitchen.”

      After Ryu left, Reika pinches her head, it just passed few hours and she already has headache. She decides to take bath after 10 minutes of her deep thinking about everything.


      Reika finished clean herself and put her sweater on with long tracksuit. Well, even for that she surely takes time thinking what to wear. Because she is now living with a man whom his girlfriend aka her best friend is away. Shouldn’t she be careful? She stepped out from the room just to meet the handsome sight of Ryu wearing an apron; busily arranging dishes on the table and when he senses her presence, he beams his smile; gesturing her to take a seat. Reika returns it with forceful smile of hers.

       “Curry. I cook curry for you.”

      Before Reika could open her mouth to ask, Ryu already answer it with obvious answer. Curry, she already smells it from the room and it makes her forget all her troubles for today.
      “As expected, curry never fails to make you smiles.” He exclaimed proudly while taking a seat facing Reika.

      Reika nods for severals time, expressing her feelings through them. She can’t deny the fact anyway.

       “Itadakimasu.” They both said before devour on their late evening meals.

      Both just fell into deep silence, no one takes a lead to talk, or to stop enjoying the meals. And as she still remembers, Wakatsuki Ryu is truly a good cook. Which totally opposite with her, well she can’t cook. Or much to say, she was never given the opportunity to discover it herself. Not when her mom always there for her, prepared everything she need in her life. But to Ryu, he is the youngest with both working parents; he was always being bullied by his brother and sister. Even so, she envied of him. Not only because he can cook but everything about him is perfect, so unlikely with her. He is like man she can never reach. He is handsome, genius, sporty and a good cook, even she needs to list it, it will be never ending list and just makes her fall deeper into his charms. She is like, completely defeat against him.

      “What course you gonna take Reika?” He asked, after some time being silence. Try to shush away the thick air of awkwardness around them.

       “Social science.”

      “Great, same like Naachan.” He exclaimed with so much joys in his eyes.

      Again, she is speechless. Anyway, “Just great.” She gives her best ‘insincere’ smiles. But deep there, she is banging her own head on the table and rolled her eyes inwardly. She is so frustrated. How can she forget that, they have promise with Naachan too, and what made her think that Naachan can’t get into the same university as Ryu? Stupid Reika!

      “Then you can be together again like always.” Ryu grinned toothily, totally happy and immersed in his own imagination of both girls still like to cling to each other like he used to know them, not knowing what had happen since he left five years ago.

      Again, she could only reply with nods. “And you?”


      “Ahh, sokka. So expected from you.” And Reika still remembered the old times when Ryu always draw her abstract picture and gave it to her. Wakatsuki Ryu she know, never changes. But, the facts pained her more. Not because he hurts her, but because she could never forget him whom supposed to be only her childhood love. But the feelings grow deeper than just a childhood love after years. She can’t just erase her feeling toward him that easily. She can’t just forget all of his kindness and care since they were babies. Yet, even after five years without contacting each other, he just treats her the same way he always does. And she needs to treat him, like her normal friend too. That is what pained her more, he seems more out of her reached when he just before her eyes.

      “Let’s go out tomorrow.” Ryu bluntly proposed, making Reika flustered with his sudden offer.

      “Come on, let’s celebrate our first meeting. I miss to spent time with you.” He said in calm voice; try to hide the melancholy at the end of his sentence by looking down into his empty bowl.

      Reika blinked her eyes twice and trice. She thought she just heard the words wrongly. He misses her? What in world? She still flustered.

      “It is okay if you don’t want to.” Ryu tried to sound like he wasn’t affected despite his face explained otherwise. He didn’t expect this reaction from her.

      “Un, of course I want to. You are my best friend after all.” Reika answers joyful, makes Ryu to look up into her in instant. Their eyes finally met and she could see all the light in his brown orbs. He looks genuinely happy, just like Ryu she knew. She nods again, confirming.

      “But where would we go?”

      “Amusement park?”

      “Sounds good!”

to be continued~~

(A/N: Heyya, first of all. this is my friend's idea but well you can say that I’m the one who write it since she is lazier than me. Anyway, I hope this can be some entertainment for you. Enjoy, don’t forget to leave comments as it will make my days!  :hip smile:
Psst by the way, I just put the title as mukuchi na lion just because…  :oops:No particular reason, I just like it. Jaa ne.)

Offline ミサキ

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« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2016, 10:27:08 PM »
finally someone make a wakananarei fic :cow:
thank you wakaten-san... :cathappy:
living with waka plus naachan, that's really a checkmate for reika :banghead: but she is a nice person ne.. still keep her promise with both waka and naachan  :twothumbs
anyway, I'll wait for the next chapter and please update soon :D
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2016, 03:45:00 PM »
woah.. you made nth fic author-san :twothumbs

WAKANANAREI are the best pairing!! :mon lovelaff:
I wanna see reika reaction if naachan already exists at home. poor my reika.. just come to my home dear :lol:

waiting for next part..

Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2016, 09:50:17 PM »
You, why you did this to me? The title, all this WakaRei + WakaNana and then WakaNanaRei living together  :bleed eyes:

I must admit genben hasn't been that appealing for me when it comes to N46, but after last Nogbingo!7 with Wakatsuki-kun and Kazuya....  :imdead:
Anyway Reika’s parents, how can you leave your daughter with a guy? Even if he’s a childhood friend, they’re WakaRei, you know? It could get dangerous  XD
I’m torn between wanting WakaNana to truly be in a relationship or not. Although why does it feel like it was just in Reika’s head that they’re together? WakaNanaRei always complicated  :fainted:

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline wakaten

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« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2016, 06:42:08 PM »


Wakatsuki Ryuu

      He has everything what everyone being dreamed of, a perfect family with a loving mother, Wakatsuki Mirei who is a famous designer, a father, Wakatsuki Hideki who own a hospital, a step brother who also a famous cancer specialist and a step sister who likes an old woman. His family is perfect, being honored by everyone who might know them. So since he was born, he was thought to prioritize his study and become the number one student in school. His father wants him to be the heir of their hospital, because he is the one who carry the true blood of Wakatsuki’s family, unlike his brother and sister. So, he obeyed him, be the number one student in school, having few friends or none at all.

      His life was merely at school in the day, in their own library at night and went to sleep at 11 pm, woke up at 6 just to continue another boring day in school. The goal of his life was already was set since he was born, be a doctor and make proud of his family. That is what he always tried to do in his everyday life. Although he doing it half-heartedly. Unlike his father who dedicating his whole life for his dreamy hospital, he was not into it at all. What he truly loves are art, drawing and design. But, except he is doing it furtively so his father won’t mad at him or if not, he can’t at all.

      Back in his hometown, he loves living there just for one reason and only one. For the first time, he has friend even it supposed to be just a family gathering between his father and his best friend but he happy anyway. Because that is the first time he learnt the meaning of friendship and happiness. Sakurai Reika, his very best friend. Reika knew him the best, what he actually loves to do, so she frequently asked him to her house to spend more time in doing what he loves. There was a time when they messed up the water color as paint and painted in on the walls. They ended up being scolded by Reika’s mom, but they laugh afterwards. The drawings of their hands were then being the witness of their own little promise. ‘Let’s be together forever.’ He still remembered that small innocent promise.

      “How come you can be happy when you’re not doing what you love?” Reika, once told him when they were just 9. At that time, he still can’t process the sentence, even he is a genius, but things unrelated to study are completely a hindrance for him. So he ignored her advice when he asked for her how to be happy. Reika, at that time, know him too well. How he always pushing himself to do what his family wants, specifically what his father asked him for. Because, he thought that.. If his father is happy, so do him.

      Even after they moved out from their hometown because his father finally got the chance to stabilize the hospital, he suffered more than he think he would be. If before he could do this, he could push himself to be patient; he could force himself to further study in medical. But it is not, he was wrong because the only support he has back there was now long gone. Reika was not here by his side to support him, to company him doing some crazy games where he could laugh all he want until his stomach hurts, he no longer know how to ease his stress at all without her. At that time, during his very first year in medical course, he finally understood what she actually meant. ‘To be happy, do what you love.’ He couldn’t be this miserable; he skipped his class, drunken tones of alcohol and sleep like a log in his own apartment. The best part of it, he was alone and nobody will disturb him anymore.

      That is what he doing before he finally come to decision to stop studying medical and pursue his own interest in design. It took his father a month of to allow him to change college. He surely mad, but his mother make a good effort in persuade her stubborn husband. It is time for Wakatsuki Hideki to finally entrust the hospital to his step-son Hashimoto Naoki. It is time for him to finally acknowledge that the young man actually a very good doctor and capable leader. And to Wakatsuki Ryuu, he couldn’t be this happy for himself and his step-brother.         

      But the worst part of his decision to study design is, his family no longer supports his daily life expenses, so he needs to work hard to live his dream. Good enough his father didn’t took the apartment he gave him when he was first accepted into the most prestigious medical college in Japan. Though at first he faced a very hard time to find part time job, but he got it with a little help from his friend, Shiraishi Jun and the pay was enough for him alone. That is not the only hardship he had to go through, balancing his study with his first part time job since it was really tiring and he hardly could pay attention in class. Surely, he didn’t want to waste the chance to fail but he was once the genius so he got to do it every time without sacrificed other thing.
      But still, he has something he always wants. He wanted to meet her again one day, Reika. His childhood friend whom also his first love, but she never knew it because the time he want to confess during their last meeting, she didn’t come. He was disappointed, but he never stopped praying to meet her again, how he wished that Reika will never forget their small promise to learn in same university. She apparently, didn’t forget that, even she was late few years and has to retake the entrance exam, she did it anyway. He found his eternal happiness once again when his father asked his permission to let Reika live with him. Well both of their families are really close, so his father might found it is hard to turn down Reika’s parents’ request. And he said yes without any seconds. He would love that. Why won’t him?

      Before he had to separate from Reika, he never realized that she is the biggest turning point in his life. She teaches him a lot of things he wouldn’t get from class lesson. Reika is his real happiness. And last two days, he found his happiness again. His believes was paid, at least that is what he thinks as he always believed that they will meet again one day. He believes in fate and that worth it.

      And now, here they are laughing all their might in amusement park. The sight of her laughing before his eyes felt like dream but it is too real to be dream. And he wanted to enjoy all this precious moment with her.

      He smiles as his eyes catches the view of his best friend, Sakurai Reika jumped happily when she received huge teddy bear from him. Well, that is the present he got after he succeed in shot down all pins. Today, like they have promised, they spent time together at amusement park, and Reika never failed to amaze him. He could never stop laughing from her reaction. She is genuinely cute with her two big eyes that show big interest in everything she saw, that is what he always thought.

      They spent three hours at amusement park, play everything they could, laugh out loud as much as their tummy could hold. Both of them was like two small kid who never go to amusement park, probably that is what people would think about them when they just jumping all around enjoying every game they played, even if they lost in the game.

      Though three hours was insufficient for them, but they have to move since he has another plan for that day. He wants to introduce Reika to all his friends in college. Because the fact that he finally met her again after five years he was totally happy with it until the thought are occupying his entire mind right now. So he wanted all of his friends knew her, the one he always talked about. They met at one café near the college.

      Everyone already arrived when he came, he was welcomed by loud of commotions from his friends. Well, all men are like that, he didn’t mind the reaction anyway, he used to it already but Reika seemed timid about that. Well, since she is the only girl in the group and meeting new people is not her specialty anyway.

      “I’m Shiraishi Jun, I’m in the Baseball team with Waka.” One man named himself as Shiraishi Jun stood up and shook Reika hand. He has a very pale skin which likeable among girls with almost red color hair. He smiles, revealed his white teeth.

      Reika could only nod two times, digesting the name. So, he plays baseball too now, she save the information in her head tightly. 

      “Takayama Kazuo. I’m in the same class with him. Yoroshiku nee~” Takayama Kazuo also stand up; give a little salute to Reika and smiles cheekily. Though his appearance seems handsomely messy, he has the warm smiles that would melt any girls’ heart.

      Again, Reika stores the information in her head though she thinks the entire information aside the name was not really important to her. And even he has a warm smile, she couldn’t help herself but to think Kazuo is a type of boy who loves to play with girls’ heart. So she back off a little bit, alert with the flirty gaze she received from him.

      “Misao des, Eto Misao.” Another man stand up, shook Reika hand and winks to her. He laugh sneakily as Reika’s reaction of being scared amused him so much. Why would scare of him when he just wink? He pretended to hurt by her reaction but then he laughed again saying he just joking with her.

      “Hai hai, that’s enough.” Ryuu interrupted, stopping his friends from teasing Reika. “This is my childhood friend, Sakurai Reika, from now on she will be in study at the same place with us so please take care of her.” Ryu said on behalf of Reika, while she just smiles and nod half-heartedly. Everyone slowly stop laughing after that and then they noticed another person still immersed in food, not even shows interest of what happening around him. All eyes on one man in black sweater, munching food like he never ate before. 

      “Oii Ikuo! Stop eating!” Everyone spokes at the same time, makes Reika’s eyes landed on him right away, she never realized he was there. So she has a little interest in him. His blank clumsy face is catching her interest if she needs to be honest about him. So she smiles back at him when he finally speaks.

      “Oh, yoroshiku. Ikuo Eri des.” He said without lifted his head from his food, not really pay attention to what happening around him. Even so, everyone just laughs at his usual behavior, he always lost in his own world of food.

      After that, they are just eating while chatting about various topics. But most of them were focused on Ryuu’s past and present. The boys would talk how really serious in his life. Their frequencies are really far from him, because everyone loves to joke around but Ryu sometimes can’t take the jokes or not even understood it. And because of his serious personality, they hard to believe it when Ryuu said he used to have a friend back in his hometown since he is the one who not really socialize with people or more specifically girl, but now they had to believe him since the proof just before their eyes. Ryuu could only pouting from the attacks but inside, he not really cares about it anyway.
      Reika, was just listening to the boys chatting, rarely interrupting them but when she was asked some questions, she will answer it honestly even there is time when she stumbled upon her words because of nervousness, well not really. That is because her popcorn characters anyway, her nervousness just adding the end value of it.

      It was 6 in the evening when Ryuu finally excused himself and Reika to go home first. Reika thought it was a sudden request because she never knew he had another appointment Sbut she just follow him, he is her tour guided for today too. She doesn’t want to go home yet not because she really enjoying the time they had together but if they went home this early, they will be alone, and it spelled as awkward to her. No matter how they enjoy activities for today, she was like that because they are in public. She is comfortable with him that way, otherwise when they are alone in private space; she couldn’t act like herself anymore.

      “Oh, are you going to hospital after this?” Like he already memorized Ryuu’s schedule, Jun asked. His question was replied with a little nod, affirmed his question.

      “I should be there by 4 actually but I delayed it.” He said while hurriedly wear his coat, like he is in really hurry. He looks at Reika, making sure the girl are ready to go, they exchange small nod in between as answer. They then bid goodbyes before parting.

      Like she predicted, the air was tense in the car as she can only stay silence with nothing to talk too and Ryuu too engrossed in his driving. She sometimes would furtively glance to her side just to find her heart once again beating crazily with his cool side when driving. In splits of seconds, she turns to the road again, not realize that Ryuu also looking at her secretly after that with a satisfy smile tucked on his lips.

      He never feels this happy and satisfied like today before. 

      “I’m sorry I can’t bring you with me to the hospital.” He reasoning his doing why he is not bringing her with him after this scared that she was hurt by his act.

      Reika shakes two three times, try to deny his thought but noticing that Ryuu wouldn’t see it she answer it softly. “It’s okay. I know you’re busy, since uncle need you too in the hospital right.” That is what she actually thinking. And that is what exactly her mom had told her, ‘Ryuu was busy managing his life in university and his family’s hospital so please don’t disturb him’. Even so, why would she disturb his life anyway? She is merely nothing to him. She inwardly sighed at her own thought.

      After that, the air was just filled with some silence and sound of working air conditioner. They not talking anymore with Ryuu to focus on his driving even the journey from where they were to his apartment are not too far which giving them little time to have a long talk because the time he wanted to open his mouth again, they already reach at his apartment.

      Ryuu quickly stepped out from his car and run to open the door for Reika even before the girl could do so. He just giggled when she clumsily try to accept his small gratitude. “Thanks for spending time with me today.” He abruptly said. Making the girl shakes her head, denying.

      “It’s me who need to thank you, I enjoy today outing.” She looks down, somehow feeling shy to admit that she actually feels happy to be with him again. Its feel like dream come true, and even just for a short period, she wanted to enjoy contently.

      “Let’s go out again sometime if so.” Looking at her shy respond, he cannot help but to chuckle. “That’s it. I will go after watching you in.” He pushed Reika softly, forcing her to enter the building into his apartment. And the girl has no choice but to walk in reluctantly. He waved happily when he catches the scene of Reika looking at him behind her shoulder. How happy his actually is already presented on his face with his genuine smiles.

      After making sure Reika safely inside the building, he then entered his car once again, moving to his next destination with smiles never leaving his face. 

      All the way to the hospital, he hummed happily while tapping on the car steering. Until he arrived at his father hospital, he greets the usual guard stand on the gate and after that missing at underground parking. He leisurely walk along the hallway, he sometimes flashed his bright smiles to all the nurses he passed by and as they already familiar with his antics casually smiles and wave back at him. Growing up in as the director son, everyone knew and familiar with him, he is the one they used to have high expectation to be their next director. Though after he decided would stop study in medical, he still come here occasionally and now has become one of his usual routine for some specific reason.

      Passing the register counter to the elevator, without thinking twice, he pushed the button to the tenth floor when he entered elevator. He whistled incoherently just to fill the empty air in the box. He walked out as soon as the elevator opened and right away take a sharp turn to the left. Again, as he familiar with the space, he cautiously slide open the door to a room.

      Catch a calm figure with long dark brown hair sit while sketching something on her drawing pad, a serene smile plastered on his lips. This is what has become his solid reason of visiting hospital every evening and today’s delay was something he felt guilty. He silently closed the door; plan to surprise the girl with his sudden visit. He tiptoed to the bed, avoiding her line of view.

      “Hi Naachan.”

      “Ahh Ryuu!”

      Even before he could surprise his girlfriend, Nishino Nanase or he used to call her Naachan, the girl suddenly look at his direction, like she already sensed his naughty plan. He pouted as response and makes the girl giggle happily with his failed jokes and cute expression.

       Ryuu grinned widely at Naachan who just calmly leaning to her bed after closing her drawing pad and set it aside. She has usual white gown on her body with tubes on her hand, some wires attached at her body to some machines showing regular wave of her heart. Though she looks paler than normal person, she still smiles brightly.

      “You are in good mood today. Is something happen?” Naachan commented right after Ryu entered her room. It never missed from her eyes, not whenever she has her round spectacles on her nose which now laying on top of the drawing pad. 

      “Oh, you can say so.” Ryuu quickly admitted and takes his usual seat, not on the seat prepared for visitors but on her bed together with her. As he plays with the tubes on attached to her hand, and Naachan just observed his usual behavior, silenced fall between them. But it is not silence that distancing them, it is a comfortable silence. Where he would intently plays with the tubes attached on her hand which have become his routine nowadays and Naachan would only giggles at his attitude. That is when, silence sounds so beautiful between two peoples with sometimes was accompanied by the beeping sound from the machine besides the bed. He eyed on the half empty plate on the desk not too far from her bed. She must be just finished dinner while waiting for him to arrive, and like always she only eats in small amount.

      “You have eaten your dinner already?” He casually asked. Naachan nodded and smiling widely, showing her two big front teeth. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t accompany you this evening.” He lowered his head in guilty. Well, usually he would arrived by four in the evening, which give him more time to spend with her, to have dinner together, but since he has something to do earlier he just couldn’t do it today. Making Naachan to eat alone make him felt guilty.

      “It’s okay, MaiMai was here before. She just left and after that you came.” She smiled reassuringly. Know what actually play on Ryuu’s head.

      Knowing Naachan, he knew the girl would never angry at him as she herself would say that he should take a day leave from visiting her, but he just can’t doing so when his girlfriend was here, fighting the pain on her own. The thinking that he couldn’t even share the pain is enough to make him feel guilt more than ever. He swiftly slides his hand to her waist, closing the distance between them and cautiously entangled their hand in process, afraid to hurt her if the tubes move from his action.

      And to Naachan, nothing more she want than his warm touch on her skin which making her calm, she tighten their grips, squeeze his hand like she used to do. She knew it, that Ryuu has become too careful with her whenever she was admitted to the hospital for her regular checkup. Have family as doctors make the man more than understanding how it actually feel to be in the hospital though it was different than to be patient like her. So, by doing this she hopes it is enough to assure him that she was okay.

      “You know, I have good news for you.” Ryuu finally spokes and looked into her eyes. The distance between them was like five centimeter only. Naachan nods, giving a cue to continue. “I know you would love this.” He said, running around the bushes and she nod again.

      “I’m doing this because I think of you.” He said with soft voice as low as the beeping sign of the machine.

      And she still replied his talk with a small nod and wide smile, silently anticipated what he was going to say, because whatever it is, it must be something big to make him this playful; even he usually this playful.

      “So, I hope you don’t misunderstand this with something else.” Again he looked down and play with the tubes before her hand stalling him from doing that anymore, she means that – stops run around the bushes actually.

      “And what is that?” She finally asked cannot contain her anxiety anymore. “Is that become the reason why you are this happy today?” Her question brings his face facing her once again; shock by the fact that she could read that through his reaction. He laughed awkwardly; try to hide his own funny feeling after being busted by her thorough observation. As expected, he can hide nothing from her. Their eyes meet in the processes of exchanging unreadable feelings.

      For couple of seconds, they silently stay with Ryuu’s eyes trailed around her face and stopped on her pale dry captivating lips. But it was then, before he wetted it with some soft kiss on it. He smiles in amusement as she was obviously stunned by abrupt kiss from him. Naachan, even she has gotten used to it, still blushing by every simple act of her boyfriend. He laughed while pinching on her red cheeks.

      “I decided to take Reika into our apartment.” He exclaimed with a low voice after some silence, but Naachan noticed a slight hesitation in his voice. He looks down to their entangled hand. “My father, ask me to take her in. It is not like I’m not willing but because she is our best friend too.” He paused, thinking the right sentence to convince her. “And I would like you to have friend at home too when I was out to work.. And I don’t want you to feel..”

      “Ryuu.” Naachan intervened even before he could finish his explanation. He looks up and met with her warm gaze. “I know your intention. So don’t worry, I’m not mad.” She smiles, reassuring Ryuu with her big smile and clear eyes. “I’m happy too, she is our best friend so why not? It is better this way. To be together again, that is what you always wanted right?” Her voice softens and he just simply nods. “And I would not feel lonely when you’re working right?” She added, knowing what exactly he was thinking, everything will be about her.

      “Will you tell Reika to wait for me? I can’t wait to meet her.” She tightened their grips and move closer to him before landed her head on his wide shoulder. She could hear his heart calmly beating inside and feel a slight nod from him as answer and once again deep silence fell between them.

      Silence is PURE. It draws people closer together. Because those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. They speak in silent language through heart frequencies.

      It is always like this between them. Ryu will come to visit her every day, though he insist to take care for her day and night when she was schedule for her usual treatment, but Naachan will always rejected the offers with excuse he will be tired for his class and his part time job too. Aside from she already used to it, she didn’t need him to care for her every time she was admitted. He already has done more than enough. So when he came to meet her in the evening after class, they would talk about small things either it is his or her worries or random joke that makes her laugh all her heart out while leaning to his tough body.

      To Nishino Nanase, she always loves his warmth, it soothing her as much as warm milk will make her. Because to Naachan, his presence alone is enough to make her feels that nothing will go wrong; like she has nothing to be worried about. Is this what people called love? She didn’t know about it since she never experience things like that, but she was sure that she would do anything to be in this situation every day. Well, her every day not that long anyway so she would appreciate this little comfort from him. What are more relaxing than to talk with someone you love, alone in their private space? And Wakatsuki Ryuu is that someone to her, someone she always look upon to, since she was introduced to him by Reika, she knew it already it is him.

      While for Ryuu, ever since he met Naachan again approximately one year ago through his best friend, Jun. Jun, at first he was overjoyed to introduce his first love to him and it turn out that his first love is Naachan. During that time, he thought that miracle has fall onto him because he could finally meet one of his high school friend. He was totally happy until he learnt that she actually sick. The fact that she has nobody, he chooses to take her into his apartment and the girl miraculously becomes his first girlfriend. Ever since he decided to take care of her, he has found another thing to be fulfilled in his life. He wanted to be someone who can change her life, but to admit it, Naachan who actually change his life so much.

      She makes him realized that how precious this life is, that he learnt how to appreciate everything he has including her. Then, he knew how scared it if he someday had to let go of her. Even she is severely sick, she never stop fighting, not for herself but for everyone she love, ‘I want to see everyone that I love happy’ she once exclaimed that when he asked her why she is being too positive with her life. By time, Naachan teach him that everything is not about himself but people around him. And if one reason is more than enough to be happy so why have to care about lots of reason not to be happy even if it means that the entire world goes against her. She at least, wants to be happy, more or less. And that has become his solely mission; to make her happy and he wants her to keep living her life to the fullest.

      So he promised to take care of her, to be with her when she is in pain, to be her only medicine she need. Because to him, Naachan is like carrying a torch for him, enlighten his everyday life, giving him more reason to live his life; in some ways, Naachan has become important in his life, the solid reason why he would fight anything for her. He wanted her to be happy with him, although it is not for long. To make her happy, he would always appear in bright smiles though deep there, he felt painful for her, looking at her desperately try to live her life positively. But still, it is the best way now.

      Naachan, is a lovable person who really love to laugh even her laugh is sound like a baby laugh. But that is what makes him love her more than what he supposed to because no matter how many he repeated the same lame jokes, she will always give a good response to it. Either it about Jun who used to crush on her but then was rejected or about Miona whom she self-declared Naachan’s junior.

      Jun used to crush or probably still likes Naachan and he always making fun of him in front of Naachan, telling her how many times per day Jun warned him if he hurt her or makes her cry, Jun will kill him. He knew it is Naachan who makes Jun cried when she reject him. So, Ryuu will always makes a joke about that, until now, if he teased Jun this, Jun will pout cutely at him like a girl asking for lollipop. Then Naachan would laugh until tears come out from her eyes. And when Jun came to visit her in hospital, she too will make fun of Jun, said he is like a girl who loves to cook. The fault of perfect Shiraishi Jun is he has the feminine side which loves to cook, but who calls it minus point except them who loves to tease him. But still, he will bring her lovely obento each time he came to visit, once or twice a time. To Ryuu, Jun is the gentlemen himself because despite he was rejected by Naachan and she becomes his best friend’s girlfriend, he still regularly visits her. That is the additional point for already perfect Shiraishi Jun.

      While for Miona who lived next door, he don’t know what is wrong with that absent-minded girl. She is too persistent when it comes to Naachan, always force him to bring Naachan’s favorite flower, dandelion. No matter how much he resisted saying that dandelion makes no sense as it will be bald once he reached hospital. Yet, Miona succeed in forcing him bring them to her although it already bald when he gave her that and she would laugh until she felt pain in her stomach. They both love dandelion so much until Miona claimed herself as Naachan’s junior of Dandelion fan club, does it makes sense? But, even for the same story of Miona begging him to bring dandelion, it never failed to make her laugh joyously, till to the points she will tear up from it, every time.

      “I talked to MaiMai earlier.” Naachan said after momentarily silent fall between them with only their fingers intertwined within each other.

      “Unn?.” He gives a simple reply, giving her more time to talk about Maimai, whom also second doctor in charge of her, aside from his own brother. If it about Maimai, he knew it only meant two things; about her health or his brother Hashimoto Naoki but the second case has become too frequent nowadays. To his surprise, MaiMai actually often shares her complaint about his brother to her. How Naoki too cold with her even they have dating more than two years now and he can’t complain a thing about it since Noaki is naturally likes that.

      “She said I could go home tomorrow.” She lifted her gaze to him, her eyes shines brightly as she delivered the news, he also doing the same thing make their lips coincidentally meet in between. They laugh after sharing another gentle kiss.

      “Honto?” He cannot contain his happiness anymore upon the sudden news. Supposed to be, it usually takes her more than one week to be discharged. If it true, then it must be good, her health must be improved.

      She nodded, assuring her boyfriend one more time. “I can’t wait to meet Reika.” She landed her head on Ryuu’s shoulder again and continues to play with her big hand and listen to rhythm of his calm heart beating.

      He too, replied with a nod, agreeing. Reika too, must be happy when they finally could meet because according to Naachan, she too moved away a year after he moved. Then, it must be really hard time for Reika after that; he always thinks that which also his true intention accepting her into his apartment two days ago.

      So, like that Ryuu will stay with her for several hours, lay beside her, sing her some lullaby until she fell asleep just then he will leave. But his heart was still reluctant as it already so he will wait few more minutes just to confirm Naachan already in state of deep sleep before left. Then, after brushing her soft black hair and landed some kisses on her forehead, he left the room. Promise to come again the next day. By then, it’s already 11 pm.

      Outside the room, he finally slides down the walls and fall to his feet. His expression show some despair and pain. In front of Naachan, he always putting a stoic face outside, masked every inner feeling and inner conflict of his. It might be lies if he said he is okay, he never not, though Naachan is the one who sick, but she is much stronger than him. He felt like, he is the one who borrowing her inner strength, because he never saw her cry. Not even once. Yet, he can’t bear all the feeling inside. He felt despair, sadness and lost whenever he looks at her smiles and hear her laugh. Why god so cruel?

(A/N: I know, I know... I was too cruel to make Naachan this pitiful and my heart also crying deep inside here. And as WakaRei shipper, I feel it hard to write WakaNana scenes. But as I said before, this is my friend story, I help her to write it so the story is up to her, I promised her not to change it. Anyway, feel free to drop comments as it will make my day and keep my spirit to update! Jaa ne.)


ミサキ: Thanks for always reading and supports me.
i don't know someone would waiting for WakaNanaRei.. but i think i should thank my friends for giving me her idea. this purely hers. i'm just helping her to write it.. so credit to her  :yossi:

and here you are, the next chapter. sorry if it too long and below your expectations.  :ptam-shy:

wakasama__: hahah nope nope, this is just 50% my work but the idea originally by my friends. hope you like it.
 and thanks for always supporting me  :shy2:

C: LOLss.. I'm sorry, because some scene was taken from THAT mv (you know what i'm talking about right)  :wahaha:

I must admit genben hasn't been that appealing for me when it comes to N46, but after last Nogbingo!7 with Wakatsuki-kun and Kazuya....  :imdead:
Anyway Reika’s parents, how can you leave your daughter with a guy? Even if he’s a childhood friend, they’re WakaRei, you know? It could get dangerous  XD

i know, me too... and i was glad i make this genben before that episode and now i'm dying for Wakatsuki-kun! i love him  :luvluv1:  :imdead:

 :on asmo: i know right.. it can be dangerous.. but NaachaN SHOULD be back soon (i hope) so no worry  :mon psst:

I’m torn between wanting WakaNana to truly be in a relationship or not. Although why does it feel like it was just in Reika’s head that they’re together? WakaNanaRei always complicated  :fainted:

yeahhh me tooo. it's hard for me too... so i'm sorry if this breaking your heart..


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« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2016, 04:02:52 AM »
thank you for updating :cow:
ara.. so Naachan is Ryuu's girlfriend.. and see Naachan in this condition.. ugh.. :cry: please don't kill her
yabai.. you make me a WakaNana shipper too :cathappy:
please update soon :cow: :cow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2016, 11:19:44 AM »
an update :cow:

so naachan was sick and also she was waka girlfriend :oops: this will be an interesting story. I'm wakarei shipper but I like wakanana too :wub: please don't be too cruel to reika :mon pray2:

and about ikuo.. I hope you'll be put some sweet moments between ikurei. maybe I will get a heart attack but I'm waiting for that :mon lol:

keep updating author-san :twothumbs

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« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2017, 03:37:14 PM »
Poor Waka-sama, the burden of being an heir of a successful family. But I’m glad he was allowed to pursue what he likes even if he doesn’t get help.

Asdfghjkllkjhfgsgaf WakaNana moments!! I really like their calm relationship, I adore the kind of couple who can be comfortable together in silence. Finally a fic where WakaNana kiss!  :lol:

What’s the deal with Miona obsessing over Naachan?  XD  Dandelion like in Kidzuitara Kataomoi? Oh boy....
Despite all this nice WakaNana, there’s so many things worrying like WakaRei being each other’s first love, Naachan’s unclear sickness (Naoki is a cancer specialist, could it be?), WakaNana themselves for not being sure what “love” is and their relationship might just be not romantic? (hopefully not).
And at the same time there are also things that could stop WakaRei from happening: WakaNana, potential Ikuo-Reika.

Either WakaNana and WakaRei feels doomed  :mon exhaust:  Gosh, can this just be WakaNanaRei instead?  :P
There’s HashiGawa!  :cow:

Yeah, I can never forget Reika’s murderous face in that MV. I mean Reika mostly only used that kind of face when someone took her Wakachu away like in Nogibingo with Manatsu.

Actually the WakaNana isn’t breaking my heart, if anything it’s so precious. Because usually in other fics there’s WakaNana but the chance of them being together is unlikely even if one of them has a crush on the other. So thank your friend for making this WakaNana together, my WakaNana shipper heart is happy  :yep:

Anyway, happy new year!

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2017, 06:13:27 PM »
(A/N: I'm sorry if this too long but please enjoy.)



      SHE still remembered the memories from five years ago.

      On the rooftop of their school, where she finally confessed her feelings to him, Wakatsuki Ryuu the only boy that makes her heart beating so much. And she still can smile upon remembering her own childish act after confessing, she didn’t expect herself to be such kind of girl that can make a first step of kissing a boy. Ryuu that time, only looked at her with wide eyes in shocked but she only can blush.

      “At least, I want you to remember me this way.” That is what she said without being asked. “Whether it is five years or ten years later. I will wait for your answer.”

      She then ran away, being embarrassed but proud at the same time. Though that is the last time they met. But again, as fresh as the old memories, she also still remembered the painful memories from a year ago; where she was diagnosed with stage four of lung cancer. It was bad, she understood it too well as her mother also suffered from same disease and passed away when she only six. She knew nothing at that time, but as she grew up, she learnt about the disease and now that disease eating her alive from inside. How irony it is?


      A year ago, at a park where she supposed to give answer to her classmate, Shiraishi Jun about his confession a week before, instead he found her lying on the ground. Unconscious. He was quick enough to bring her to the hospital. It was then she was informed with deathly diseased of her. It’s like a bomb had been implanted inside her and waiting to explode, it instead a cancer.
      But then, it also wrong timing of meeting him again. Unknowingly, Jun actually brought her to his friend’s hospital and that friend of Jun is no other but Wakatsuki Ryuu, not to mention that her doctor is also his brother, Hashimoto Naoki a cancer specialist. That is when she met him. She still remembered vividly the sight of him, shock, broken and despairs when he was told about her diseased by his own brother after he insisted it so much, almost punching his own brother for not telling him his patients confidential information.

      The first time they met again is the first time he had to accept that she was left with maximum three years to live. She probably couldn’t make it for two years.

      The news, though it was too cruel for her, too painful for her but it was more pricking inside her when she saw he cried for the first time. He not uttered a word after their first meeting in his brother room, but he just cried and fell to his knee. Fate are playing on them, is what she thought of that time. Why made them met again in this condition? Why he had to watch her dying? Or maybe, destiny has a better plan for her, at least she able to meet him during her last year. Should she be thankful or not?

      She heard from Jun the day after that, of how Ryuu really appreciate each friendship he built with his friends and so she is. She knew it already, she befriends with him since elementary school, and she knew how little friend he has and each of them hold a special position in his heart.

      Eventually Jun told her, how he was broken for her, of how Ryuu was mad at himself for nothing, of how Ryuu pledged to his family to save her, to save his dearest friend. She wanted to meet him, but Ryuu literally running away from her the day he heard of her death sentence.

      Three days later, after so much hustle Jun has to go through in order to drag Ryuu to  meet her, it was the first time they talked to each other, the first time she heard of his broken voice aside from his crying last day, the first time she met his eyes properly. She stills remembered his state from that day, messy hair, disgruntled face, untidy shirts and he smells of alcohol. Did he just turn into that condition because of her? She was touched by how he actually cared for her despite she was just a friend and she knew, he still loves that someone.

      “Why you do this Ryuu?” She asked, wanted to know really badly of his true intention.

      “You are my precious friend.” He answered with his eyes looked down to the floor. He was just standing there, 50 feet away from her, ashamed of his state right now.

      “Sokka..” She can only nod with his answer. Deep there, she felt disappointed, because he still thinks of her just as a friend. They fall into momentarily silence of what seems like forever.

      “I have accepted my fate.” She saw he flinched from the corner of her eyes. Maybe he can’t believe how easy for her to accept it when he himself has to fight the reality. She smiles when their eyes meet, saying that she was telling the truth.

      “I have nobody, my mom passed away when I just 6 and I ran away from my house.” She offered him her bitter smile and he looks shocked of what she just concluded her life with such short sentence. “When we moved to Australia, my dad remarried. He has his own family now, but I’m belonged here. So I ran away and he doesn’t want to see my face ever again.” She laughed, thinking the reasons why she should tell him her story. But she continued anyway.

      “All this time, I really wanted to meet you again but we meet in this condition.” She looked up to his eyes, but he looked away again. “I want to cherish my remaining years with precious memories, Ryuu. I don’t want to waste it like this, with you crying over my disease, with you running away from me. We just met after all.” Her dry throat felt like sand paper. But she ease it with a smile.

      He groaned, her speech probably hitting at the right spot. He was running away from her. She smiled, and then gestured for him to come closer to her. He hesitantly walked to her and stop right beside her bed. She took his hand, squeeze it comfortably.

      “Can you fill my remaining life with your love?” She asked bluntly but shyly. She dived into his flustered brown eyes. She can sense hesitation in his eyes as she begged with her eyes and smiles.

      Call her selfish, call her beggar but that is what she wanted in her life; at least with her short remaining life. She had no one, her family disregard of her existence and her only left treasure is him. Her first love and first kiss. 

      But Ryuu merely standing there with his eyes glued into their entangle fingers. She felt hurt inside. Like he was disgusted by her touch.

      “I know. I’m just a friend to you.” She said, retreated her hand from his before he pulled back. She stunned.

      “Says who?” He said, aggressively pulling her into his embrace. “You are now my first one and only girlfriend.” He declared, creating a smile on her lips. “I don’t care if your father hates you but I will go against the world for you, I will take care of you, I will protect you from everything.” His eyes that time are burning with his strong determination, touching her frail heart.

      “I will never let you die.” He promised.


      And just like that, she fights her life for him knowing that he really wants her to live her life free from cancer. It is not only his dream, she dreamt about that too, but having cancer spread inside her body is not letting her daydreaming that long. The cancer is located in such complicated position near to her heart, where chance of removing it through surgery was almost impossible and too risky. She was left with the choices of undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy in order to prolong her life. She knew both treatments too well too.

      She knew it well of how chemo will make her bald, make her no longer like a normal girl, no need to mention how painful the treatment is, so she make up her mind. She didn’t want to undergo the chemo for her cancer. Though chemo probably can increase her chance to live longer, but as Dr. Hashimoto said, the chance for cancer to completely disappear was thin. She doesn’t want to gamble her life and hair. She want to live her life like a normal girl but with a cancer growing inside her.

      So she went for radiotherapy, two weeks in a month she needs to stay in the hospital. It was painful too, but she think it is okay as it will control and decreased the symptoms such as bad cough with blood and chest pain and not to make her losing her hair. She will endure the temporary pain. Again, she has Ryuu by her side.

      He stick to his promise very well, he was there when she need him, bathe her with his love, go against the reality that this is death penalty for her but he keep on believing that there will be way for her to survive. He never stopped searching a way out for her, does not believe the time limit she have, and he kept on insisting that they should operate on her. Even he knew, the chance is small, yet the smallest chance is what he wanted to believe.

      The images of his smiles, sweet talks and touch only make her happy, not noticed the presence of another girl with white coat behind her. The girl was smile brightly as she tiptoed to Naachan who stands and looks away out from the glass window.

      “Uwaahhh.” The tall girl with white coat manages to surprise Naachan as she was jolted from her previous spot. “I got you!” The older girl laughs at her reactions.

      “Mouu Maimai, you make me almost losing my heart.” Naachan complained but laugh anyway. She couldn’t even mad at her own second doctor in charge when she looks so gracious like a nun.

      “Waiting for Ryuu?” Dr. Fukagawa or also known as Maimai asked as she eyed the bags on already tidy bed. Although Naachan was one of her patient, but strangely she has grown fond of the girl’s smile and antic. Talking to her is something she looks forward every day.

      “Unn.” Happy by the fact she can go home today, she nodded with bright eyes. Two dimples formed as she smile at herself.

      “You are so lucky to have Ryuu..” Dr. Fukagawa pouted cutely as she leaned to the window, facing her patient. “He loves you so much; treat you like a princess, willing to do everything just for you.” She sighed, somehow feels jealous with the love she always witnessed every evening Ryuu came to visit. Sometimes, he talked to her but mostly, he will push her away from the room, wanted to have private time with his lover. Unlike his older brother.

      Naachan can only giggle with Maimai words. She heard it almost all the time they talked. “But Dr. Hashimoto also love you. Am I right?” She teased. Actually know it well where this conversation will go. First Maimai will talk about every charm that Ryuu have, then she will wish that it will be great if Dr. Hashimoto also has the same charm as Ryuu, not cold like ice all the time.

      “Hurmm, but he is too cold. We can’t even kiss in public.” She sighed for nth time. She cutely pouted as she leant back at the wall, facing her patient.

      This time, Naachan can’t hold her laugh anymore even she heard this sentence almost every time they talk, but who know? She never thought Maimai can have this naughty thinking in her head with her clean and pure image on outside. It is such contrary outside and inside.

      “He only said ‘I love you’ only when he confessed to me. And it has been two years since that you know?!” Maimai mumbled under her short breath, ignored the fact that she only make her patient laugh even more. “Sometime I was thinking either he love me or not..” She pouted again and ended up with heavy sigh.

      “I’m sure he loves you more than you think. Maybe he just shy?” Naachan, don’t know what she should say, so she just patted the older girl. Sometimes, she thinks that they look more like a friend or sisters than a doctor and patient. But only with this older girl she can talk freely about loves not like typical doctor who will tell her of how danger her disease is, how she should cautious with her surroundings. She knows that this is Maimai’s way of treating her, by making her laughing happily and she felt better that way. Not liking how much medications will make her wanted to puke, this is way much better than that. She was blessed to know her.

      They are just talk about random topics when Ryuu’s handsome face appeared from the door, he grinned widely. Seeing that, Maimai grumbled cutely before stomped away from the room. Just when she passed by Ryuu, they exchange small nods and smiles. She didn’t have to stay knowing that Ryuu will chase her after that too. Naachan just chuckled at the background; understand why the older girl rushed to make her way out.

      Closed the door behind him, he walked towards his girl with wide smiles plastered on his handsome face, his eyes blinking like a star. As they stand in the same spot, he pulled her into his embrace and lovingly kissing her nape down to collarbone from behind. Flattered by his usual way of welcoming, she tilted her head – feeling ticklish.

      “How you feel today?” He asked, almost fall into whisper tone, made her can’t stop from smiling. She rubbed his hand on her waist. 

      “I never have been this better.” She answered with eyes closed, savoring the tenderness in his voice and touch.

      “Ready to go home?”

      She nodded, falling deeper into his warm touch on her waist that makes her so weak to even speak the answer. But even she can’t wait to go home, away from all the machine, wires and medicine, away from her fear that she might heave her last breath here, she still find herself unable to untangle their touch on each other’s body. She found, he was so tempting with his manly voice, masculine perfume and even the smells from his toothpaste pulling her too deep into loving him. She loves him too much; too deep that she can’t stand straight on her feet without him by her side.

      So, instead just going home, she wants to swim in his embrace a little longer while gazing on the busy streets of Tokyo from the glass window, with their breath moving in same rhythm.

      ‘God, give me some time to be with him.’ Deep there, she begged. To none other than god, because she still believes pray at least plays a minor role in her life.

      Ryuu, since five minutes he was in the room, he was doing nothing except hugging his girlfriend as tight as he can. Fear of losing her too soon, he wrapped his arm around her body. He can feel every bone in her body, how she has grown thinner from all treatment she has to face.

      ‘Don’t go..’ He muttered inside, scared if he said it too loud, he might again cry in front of her. So he don’t, let his action speaks louder than his words, because she need his strength the most, because if she is weaken, so do him.

      “Let’s go?” He finally spokes after what it seems forever but just another ten minutes had passed around them. He untangled his embrace as he spokes, he turned her body in return, facing her gracious smiles which he missed so much. “Reika wait for you.” He reminded her and seeing her smiles once again.

      REIKA is now anxiously walking back and forth in the living room. The television was on but she was far from listen to the weather forecast. Her mind is now occupied by thought of how she will face Naachan after this.

      Ryuu, before he was out he has told her about Naachan coming home and can’t wait meeting her. But unbeknownst to him, Reika actually wanted to avoid that meeting. She still can’t forget the scene of both of her best friends kissing on the rooftop five years ago. How childish she is right now? But as much as she wanted to avoid her, she can’t deny the fact that she missed Naachan with her whole heart.

      She glanced to the food they have prepared beforehand; he was planned for a small celebration for their meeting after five years. He was totally excited for it whiles she was anxiously watching him doing all the cooks. Three days with him, she still found it was hard for her to come into same little space with him, afraid that her heart can’t stop flutter.

      Reika jolted from her sit when she heard someone ringing the bell. Why he so fussy about ring the bell to his own apartment? She annoyingly thought but still made her way to the door lazily. Her energy had drained out from her soul just to think about their meeting soon. She fixed her hair and created a smile on her face before twisted the door knob. ‘Calm down Reika!’

      The door stride open and the view of Ryuu with one of his hand on Naachan’s waist come to Reika’s sight. She silently gulped down.


      The moment their eyes met, Naachan already jumped into Reika. Reika too, unconsciously threw herself into Naachan, can’t deny that she missed Naachan a lot. Ryuu, just grinned and laughed at the side, the sight of two people longing for each other amused him so much. Afraid of what his neighbor might think, Ryuu pushed both girls into the house.

      “Hai hai, that’s enough because I felt lonely with no one to hug me.” Ryuu make a sulking face but then received two punches from both girls. They laughed altogether.

      “Come, I make your favorite food.” Ryuu then pulled Naachan into living room, seated her on the sofa before move to the kitchen. Reika, still felt awkward to be with Naachan then gone to help Ryuu, unnoticed the sight of Naachan eyed both of them and unconsciously smile a little bit.

      Three of them then spent hours of talking while eating dinner. Naachan sat in between two people, make Reika and Ryuu automatically facing each other. They talked several of things from the past to present, and laugh most of the time. Naachan, has the brightest expression among them. She obviously the happiest girl in the world right now, because her uppermost wishes was granted right now. Two people she wanted to meet before her life end are by her side right now. She needs nothing more than that.

      After dinner, they watch a movie recommended by Ryuu himself. It’s a romantic movie and they decided to switch off the lamp to give more vibe of the movie but Naachan can’t help to fall asleep in the middle of it, left two people too engrossed with the movie to notice her state. Until her head finally fall to her side onto Ryuu’s shoulder.

      “Naachan already sleep.” He said to Reika in whisper tone. In the midst of darkness, they exchange look and smile. “I will move her to the room first.” He slipped his hand to Naachan’s back and carried her in bride style. He is too focused to Naachan to notice the sad look in Reika’s eyes but second after that she looked away.

      “Sorry about that, Naachan probably too tired today.” He laughed as he came back. He then grabbed a bowl of popcorn before landed by Reika side and continues to watch the movie again.

      But Reika is no longer in mode to watch movir when she can feel the warmth from him and his scent is too tempting for her not to think about it. It was dark and they are watching a romantic movie which now shows the scene of two people kissing each other in a room. She felt a dangerous aura start to play around them.

      “Nee Reika, why didn’t you come to the rooftop that day?” Ryuu suddenly asked, his eyes still glued to the romantic scene and still munching the popcorn don’t even pay a look at her surprised expression.

      “What do you mean?” She asked in low surprise voice.

      “I told you to come and I wait for you but you don’t.” He voice fall too plain for her analyze his feeling.

      ‘I came but saw you kiss Naachan.’

      “I’m sorry, I feel sleepy.” She quickly avoid by leaving Ryuu alone with the movie, unable to express her real answer in true words.

      In the room, Reika finally able to heave a heavy sigh. She could feel the warm liquid starts to fall on her cheeks but she wiped it off immediately, didn’t want herself to become more emotional. The room was filled with dim light from the lamp beside the bed and she glanced to sight of Naachan who seems in deep sleep.

      Reika then climbed the bed as silent as she could, didn’t want to awake Naachan but what she didn’t realized is Naachan is not really sleep even before when they watch the movie.

      Naachan pretended to sleep just to give both of her friend chance to be together. She is not stupid not to understand the uncomfortable air around Reika, and Ryuu seems have learnt a way to trick her eyes. But no, she knew it all along, even before she stepped into the house. Ryuu was nervous.

      “Reika.” Naachan called, almost a whisper.

      “Sorry, did I wake you?”

      Naachan simply shakes and smile. She then gestured Reika to lay closer to her, she takes her hand into her grip. Reika, though she was flustered by her friend’s act didn’t retort yet created a genuine smile. She missed her.

      “Do you still love him?”

      “Eh?” Her voice rose due to pure shock.

      Naachan laughed, reassured her friend. She can see Reika was shocked with her sudden attack. “Ryuu, do you still love him?” She repeated, this time with much clearer tone and she still has that smile on her lips. She can sense Reika fall into the state of pure shock with her sudden deadly silence.

      “I know you love him.”

      “I’m not! He is your boyfriend right. I would not do that to my best friend.” Reika squeezed their hand together, denied the claim with all her might, though she might as well told that to herself. That she would never do that and she should move on now. But what she heard only laugh, Naachan is laughing and make her even flustered.

      “You can’t lie to me Reika. Ryuu too can’t lie to me. I know you love each other.” She released their grip and faced the ceiling. “But I want to ask your favor. Only this time.” She felt the warm tears fell from corner of her eyes.

      Reika too also saw the bead starts to fall to her pillow. She might think she was imagining thing but when the bead was glitters against the dim light, she knew she saw it right. Yet, she didn’t have the courage to ask or to stop the tears when she saw Naachan slowly smile again.

      “Please lend him to me just for a moment.” She turned to Reika and their eyes met. Her eyes displayed a true despair look, she begged with her eyes and tears. “I need him as my strength.” She smiled bitterly as she tried to shove away the dull feeling in her heart. “Just for short moment.”

      For a moment, Reika felt the fate is unfair to her. She felt the pricking pain in her chest and hatred start to ignite in her. Naachan knew it all this time that she love Ryuu but still she betrayed her. She closed her eyes, try to find the peace somewhere in the corner of her private space.

      “Please Reika.”

      But Naachan’s beg sound too real to her, like she was desperate for something so small yet precious, like she only had that one thing in her life. Maybe it is true, and for her Naachan and Ryuu both are her precious treasures. Either Ryuu be her love or only a friend. She found herself can be truly happy again with this people. She opened her eyes again, she looked determined as she wiped off Naachan’s wet cheeks.

      “It is true that I like him. But it was before, I already forget about the feeling. He is now only my friend and he was yours only so I won’t lend him to you since he is not even mine to begin with.” She smiled and quickly stamped her index finger onto Naachan’s lip when she wanted to speak. This is time for her to talk.

      “Both of you are my best friend, and I want both of you be happy.” She hugged Naachan tightly and can feel the tears starts to wet her shoulder. She rubbed Naachan’s back, tried to ease the feeling. She didn’t know why Naachan would cry but she knew her feeling is right. She hated seeing her friend crying.

      “Please, don’t say things like that again. And please, make Ryuu happy with you. Will you?” She smiled but the tears also start to fall to her cheeks which she wiped it right away. She has decided it herself. She should forget about what had happen between three of them. Both of them are her eternal happiness, if they are happy so do her.

      “Thank you Reika.”

(A/N: noted that all information about cancer in this chapter is not really accurate, I just research the information only at the surface. I’m sorry if this become too long since I have decided it will ended this way in this part. As usual, don’t forget to comment as it will make my day! Thanks for reading!)

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« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2017, 06:33:19 PM »

ara.. so Naachan is Ryuu's girlfriend.. and see Naachan in this condition.. ugh.. :cry: please don't kill her
yabai.. you make me a WakaNana shipper too :cathappy:
please update soon :cow: :cow:

yes, me too has grow fond of WakaNana so please like them too.  :w00t: here is the update. sorry if this is too long  :bow:

so naachan was sick and also she was waka girlfriend :oops: this will be an interesting story. I'm wakarei shipper but I like wakanana too :wub: please don't be too cruel to reika :mon pray2:

and about ikuo.. I hope you'll be put some sweet moments between ikurei. maybe I will get a heart attack but I'm waiting for that :mon lol:

keep updating author-san :twothumbs

here you are, sorry if it too long  :bow:
yes, me too. i ship both WakaRei and WakaNana now thanks for this fic too. can't help but to cringe every time i write about them.
hey i love Reika so i won't make her suffer. hurm about IkuRei, i will consider about it..  :hip smile:

I really like their calm relationship, I adore the kind of couple who can be comfortable together in silence. Finally a fic where WakaNana kiss!  :lol:

Kyakkkkk!! right, :w00t:  me too love this kind of relationship,  :deco:

What’s the deal with Miona obsessing over Naachan?  XD  Dandelion like in Kidzuitara Kataomoi? Oh boy....
Despite all this nice WakaNana, there’s so many things worrying like WakaRei being each other’s first love, Naachan’s unclear sickness (Naoki is a cancer specialist, could it be?), WakaNana themselves for not being sure what “love” is and their relationship might just be not romantic? (hopefully not).
And at the same time there are also things that could stop WakaRei from happening: WakaNana, potential Ikuo-Reika.

Idk, just feel want to add some humor with miona in the scene.
sasuga C! i can't escaped from your eyes huhh, yes you're right. hurm, well i might also add IkuRei after this..  :wub:

Either WakaNana and WakaRei feels doomed  :mon exhaust:  Gosh, can this just be WakaNanaRei instead?  :P
There’s HashiGawa!  :cow:

Hahah, i want it to be WakaNanaRei too. yeah, some HashiGawa in action!

Yeah, I can never forget Reika’s murderous face in that MV. I mean Reika mostly only used that kind of face when someone took her Wakachu away like in Nogibingo with Manatsu.

Actually the WakaNana isn’t breaking my heart, if anything it’s so precious. Because usually in other fics there’s WakaNana but the chance of them being together is unlikely even if one of them has a crush on the other. So thank your friend for making this WakaNana together, my WakaNana shipper heart is happy  :yep:

Anyway, happy new year!

 :panic: yeah Reika murderous face is so irresistible yet so funny  :w00t:
now you mentioned about that, yeah there is no WakaNana being so lovey dovey in a fic right. i should thank my friends too  :panic:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (hope not too late).  :hip smile:

Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2017, 05:26:36 AM »
I’m proud of Naachan for kissing Waka. Good job!  XD
Gah, I dunno what to say because this kind of sickness almost never ends well in fic. My WakaNana heart </3 but at the same time it brings hope for the WakaRei, gosh…
So I see Naachan really does like Waka, but I’m not so sure for Waka’s feelings. I do hope Waka has grown to love her for real.
I can’t stand Naachan being in pain like this  :pleeease:
So Naachan knows Reika’s feelings, why is the situation like this for WakaNanaRei?  :bleed eyes:

Naachan: I actually want both of them



Reika’s murderous face is hot. Maybe because we usually see her being a ponkotsu so it’s really something else  :lol:
I don’t think I’ve found fic where WakaNana kissed let alone in a relationship
You really like IkuRei, huh?
You know, suddenly I’m imagining Hori showed up mysteriously on WakaNanaRei’s place like how she mysteriously appeared everywhere in Tsuki no Ookisa.
Nope, not late. Hopefully this will be a good year for Nogi despite everything
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 05:41:56 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2017, 02:24:41 AM »
thanks for update :)

I feel sorry for them. ryuu loves reika but ryuu couldn't leave naachan. naachan know that they love each other, but naachan really needs ryuu. Reika tried to bury her feelings and she will always see their sweet moments. three of them were in a painful position :mon cry: :mon whine:

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« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2017, 05:08:58 PM »

      Hashimoto Naoki was massaging his own temple when he heard a very familiar sexy voice at the door. He stole a glance at his fiancé but chose to ignore her. Fukagawa Mai smiled at her exhausted looking fiancé while making a way to him. His usual ignorant disappointed her a little. 

      Giving no attention his woman, Naoki sighed harshly. Three days working without any rest is taking a toll in his body which he knew he no longer can take it. But when Maimai starts to massage his stiff shoulder, he quickly arose from his chair, shocked with the sudden touch. Maimai laughed at his antics.

      “Why you look so shock? I’m just tried to help you.” Though his behavior should hurt her but she smile instead and pulled Naoki back to his seat.

      Naoki reluctantly received the offer; he had no energy left to argue with her anyway. He groaned a little when the touch suddenly became more intense and seductive if he had to admit it. He stiffened again when her hand move towards his wide hard chest, wrapped him from behind. The sound of her breath was so close to him that he almost lost himself in the middle.

      Hashimoto Naoki was a professional man who really appreciates healthy relationship. And both of them knew how to respect each other at the work place, which meant no romantic glares, no skin ship, no kissing at the work place. So far, they were doing well but Naoki knew how frustrated she is every time he pushed her away even at their own private space. Yet, Maimai knew him best when it comes to his weakness, that he always couldn’t stand her seductive breath together with a wrap at his neck.

      “Relax. I’m not going to eat you, Hashimoto-san.” Maimai hide her small devilish smile. Knowing she almost won this battle when the man was too tired to resist her. She had enough already with his old tactic to be professional at work but when will they have time to be together if he always the busy one? So she took a day off when she learnt that he had three days shift straight and came to him wearing red lipstick. That’s simple trick is enough to trap him into her embrace, he is the man who fall into simplicity. Perfect plan, she screamed inwardly.

      “I brought you lunch. Want to eat together?” At the very close distance, Maimai glance at the man and seeing he again try hard not to lose to her. Such a hard man.

      “Or you prefer to eat me instead?” She pouted with cheek touching each other. She smiled a little when she heard Naoki sighed, signaling he is now anxiously fighting her hot temptation. “Hurm but it is okay if you don’t.” Maimai retreated, act to be hurt. But before she able to move away, he grabbed her wrist and pushed her to the glass wall. If they were in ground floor, people will see what they were up to but lucky enough that Naoki’s office at highest level and they could talk about ‘business’ without afraid of people’s eyes.

      “Why you’re giving me such hard time Mai?” Naoki said in between their rough kiss. He no longer can resist the desire of wanting his girl. Mai is too hot with that red lipstick to be resisted. How long he had missed their intimacy due to his over busy life? His hand already moved to her back and closed their distance. “I want you for lunch and dinner.” He sexily declared. The kiss had grown heated when he later move to her neck, her body arched instinctively upon the aggressiveness but she smiled victoriously.

      “I knew you’re in middle of something. But I need to talk to you right now Naoki.” A flat voice disrupted their moment. Naoki quickly move away and Maimai awkward hide her blushing cheeks. Naoki gave a dissatisfaction look to Ryuu who casually walk to his desk like he witnessing nothing when he actually almost seeing everything he shouldn’t.

      “You should at least try to lock the door before doing business. I knocked for many times but you’re not answering which now I know why.” Ryuu reasoned and gave a mischievous smile to Maimai, knowing the girl will take it in cute way unlike his cold brother who usually will seriously scold him. He took a seat without being invited.

      Maimai bite her lower lips, feeling shy but resentful at the same time. Shy for Ryuu who almost saw their intimate scene and resentful for him disturb her winning game. For how long he has been there? And how can she forget to lock the door anyway? Mai couldn’t help to scold herself inwardly for being too clumsy with her plan. She is so absorbed with him that she can’t wait another moment to seduce her busy fiancé. Damn unlock door.

      “So, what you want to talk about.” Naoki didn’t give any chance for his younger brother to tease them and sat back to his chair. He took a glimpse towards Maimai who missing behind the curtain at the treatment corner, yet he could see her fixing her messy appearance anyway. She looked even beautiful from the back. ‘I will claim her body tonight’, he planned inside his head.

      “Nanase. Could you operate on her?”

      The sentence had brought the abrupt silence in the room. Naoki glared at his fiancé knowing Mai too heard Ryuu’s question. He anxiously massaged his neck when meeting with Ryuu’s desperate eyes.

      “You know, it was not that easy for us.” Before Naoki could explain, Mai had come and do what he supposed to do, knowing her man actually didn’t have enough gut to tell the truth to his brother. She took a seat besides Ryuu, received Naoki gratitude trough warm looks and returned with a smile.

      “Nothing is easy in this world right?” Obviously, Ryuu can’t accept any rejection. He observed two people exchanged eyes. “Please save her.” He begged, grabbing the hand of two people tightly.

      “We can, but it was too risky.” Naoki take turn to explain, somehow his brother expecting eyes weaken him. He knew, Nanase meant everything to Ryuu and he also wanted to save his patient but he also can’t bring himself to take the risk.

      “How many percent?” He learnt medical for one year and it took him less than second to understand this whole doctor supposed to be conversation.

      Again, Naoki and Maimai exchanged eyes. Both of them shared same opinion in this thing but unfortunately Ryuu don’t. “It is only 15.” Naoki weakly announced which Maimai then supported through small nods. The successful rate was that little they didn’t dared to risk it.

      “But you have 15% chance to save her!” Ryuu arose from his seat, the chair fall back, he is now furiously mad at how his brother judges a people’s life. “How can you give up that easily? You’re doctor, it is your job to save people lives, not just stand there doing nothing and watch her die!” He broke down, tears forming through his eyes. He is surely a weak guy when it comes to Nanase.

      “Ryuu, it was not easy for us too. You know how this thing go, moreover Nanase herself agreed to not undergo operation.” Maimai calmly persuade the younger man, she had seen Ryuu’s tough side and how he love Nanase so much, but when he being such grumpy and fragile kid, it hurt her till the point it broke her insides. She silently rubbed his back while calming him in his embrace.

      Naoki sighed at Ryuu rampage, letting Mai calming him instead. Honestly, he was shocked for his brother to go this far but he knew him less than Mai to even coax that little brother of his.

      After two minutes of crying on Maimai’s shoulder, Ryuu wiped his tears and looked at his brother with determination. It makes the older one nervous of what coming from his mouth soon.

      “Let’s operate on her. I will talk to Nanase about it, so please do whatever it takes to save her.” With that decision, Ryuu walked away from the room, leaving two people looked at each other in disbelief.

      SAKURAI REIKA sat on a table under a shady tree facing a lake near her faculty. Her class for today has finished literally two hours ago but she is still here, studying or struggling for her next assignment. Ryuu and Naachan actually offered her to tag along for dinner but she refused. Usually, they will had dinner together at home but since today was Ryuu’s off day from his part time job, and Reika wanted to give her two friends some privacy so here she is. Her routine had been same since two months ago, alone after class on Friday without particular reasons. 

      “You’re alone again Reika.” A manly voice interrupted her already unfocussed mind. Reika didn’t have to turn around to know who he is when the routine has been same whenever she was alone in the same place. Her guess then was confirmed when Ikuo excitedly take a seat facing Reika.

      Reika nodded to the statement without taking her eyes off from her books. From her peripheral views, Reika saw Ikuo supports his face with his two hands and looking at her.

      Honestly, things has gone weird awkward with this man and Reika didn’t knew how to handle this things. She never has man bluntly confessed his feeling to her like it was nothing. And that confessor was none other than Ikuo. She never think it was possible for him to like her since their only meeting was during the first time she arrived here two months ago and they barely has chance to talk to each other during that time. But for Ikuo it was enough to make him fall for her.

      It was the story from two weeks ago, but Reika still haven’t answer his confession even he always accompanied her every Friday without saying anything and just looking at her face. Truthfully, it was uncomfortable for her but she can’t just say no to him since they were in public. So she will silently sit while Ikuo sometimes giggles for unknown reasons.

      “Why you always alone on Friday?” After fifteen minutes of silent, Ikuo asked which obviously caught Reika off guard and looked up to him for two seconds before back to her books again. Having him talking to her was kind of shocking.

      “Nothing, I just feel like it.” Reika answered flatly, still looking down at her books which she had lost interest since he arrived. She bit her lower lips, mentally scolding herself for unable to control her reaction just now.

      “Want to have dinner with me tonight?” Again, Ikuo managed to make Reika flustered with his brutal question. But this time Reika barely controlled herself from making any shocking reaction.

      “How about giving me a chance to make you fall in love with me? Or at least make you consider me as your potential boyfriend?”

      *Badump* Again, Reika miserably failed to control her genuine shocked reaction when she just widely stare at him with mouth forming a circle. Ikuo laughed at her face, making the girl irritated.

      “I was joking. But seriously, you should consider the option.” Though he exclaimed calmly, but there was seriousness in his voice as he looked down to his shoes to hide his small disappointment.

      Watching Ikuo trying hard to hide his real feeling from poured out, Reika cannot help but to silently sigh. For two weeks, she poorly managed to run away from the topic, from giving him her absolute answer. But this man never stopped from pushing her even he is not saying anything than wanted to be friend after he confessed. Yet, Reika found it was his intrigue to win her heart by constantly attached to her for attention. Well, she might sound narcissistic but that was the real deal to her. Because to her, things related to heart and feelings for was too complicated to deal. Once she loves someone else, she can’t easily forget that person. Or, she didn’t try hard enough? That’s might be a problem.

      “What about, we have dinner tonight?” Reika bravely asked and she swore she almost laughed at Ikuo stunned face. Actually, he was cute.

      “Eh seriously?” His eyes desperately begging for some confirmation and Reika cheekily nodded to him.

      “I will not ask for second time you know.” Reike pulled a sad mocking face while her inner self trying hard to not laughing again when Ikuo blatantly stood up and excitedly punching one hand to the air.

      “Yoyoshaa. Let’s go, my treat.”

      And so, they having dinner at the same restaurant they first met. It was then Reika knew this was his favorite place since he ate a lot and the owner really kind to him for giving him extra food for every menu he ordered. As far as Reika remembered, Ikuo doesn’t talk to her during their first met, which might be due to his unconditional love for food. But this time, he surely talked a lot while shoving all food served for them inside his mouth. Truthfully, Reika didn’t mind it at all instead she enjoyed the time they spent together.

      ‘Maybe, the one who need chance is me’. Reika muttered to herself. She should admit that the problem is not in Ikuo’s sudden confession but her loyal desperate heart. Even she promised to herself to forget Ryuu, she actually still can’t do that or she unwillingly to forget him. No matter how much her heart ache from watching her two best friends lovingly care for each other every day, she still hoping for a small chance to herself even in her dreams. But maybe, that is the source of her problem, how can she wishing for a chance when she didn’t give her heart another chance to start anew rather than torturing it? So she has decided to give herself chance by being opened to Ikuo. It might take time but she can work for it to happen. 

      “I have fun time tonight.” Ikuo grinned widely to Reika when they leisurely walked along the road. After they had dinner just now, Ikuo insisted to walk Reika home no matter how much the girl declined the offer. Eventually, Reika went with the flow. Well, it is not like she going to lose something by having short walk with amusing Ikuo, right?

      “Me too.” Reika shyly admitted.

      THEY JUST finished today’s dinner half an hour ago and now was having relaxing time with salad as desert while watching random variety show. Naachan seems enjoying the shows but Ryuu was anxiously observed his girlfriend.

      Since this evening, after the talk with his older brother, he haven’t found the right time to talk to her and he thinks this is probably the time. But he still could brace his courage. Talking to Nanase was no big deal actually, but when it comes to her disease he wasn’t sure of himself to be able to control his feeling.

      He catch a glimpse of Nanase laughing from the joke some comedian make in the show, he smiled a bit. He always knew that it was Naachan hidden charm, though now she looked a little bit pale but she always being the cheerful girl.

      “Nanase.” He called.

      “Urm?” Without paid a glance towards Ryuu, Naachan answered. She is still laughing at the show.

      “Let’s have a talk.” Ryuu said softly while reached out for remote control, shoving any kind of disturbance. This time he managed to grab her attention and received no refusal upon switched off the television. After that he turned her body, made her facing him.

      The sudden calmness in his voice made Naachan a little nervous; Ryuu seriousness somehow tickle her curiosity. “What do you want to talk about?” She nervously smiled, trying to deny any negative possibility. She watched him grabbed her hand and rub it.

      “Can you please consider the operation?” He asked eyes glittered with some hopes.

      But for Naachan, the sentence struck her right away and almost losing ability to speak. She furrowed at his concern, cannot think why he suddenly discussing the matter. As far as her observation, she knew Ryuu likely to avoid talking about her condition. She knew how weak he is against his own feeling, his emotion surely poured out like right now. His eyes gleaming with hope and fear at the same time. 

      “I talked to your doctor this afternoon.” Knowing the confusing inside her head, he explained. “It was possible for you to undergo for an operation.” He fondly brushed their hand together and felt hers was suddenly cold. She must be in real shock. He smiled to ease her mixed emotion.

      “Can you?” He swam into her gloomy eyes.

      “I’ve told you, I can’t.” She retorted, pulled away her hand from his grasp. From her side view she can say he was little bit shock at her protest. But Ryuu quickly recovered and calmly hugged Naachan from behind.

      “I don’t want you to die.” He confessed, never let go his embrace no matter how hard Naachan tried to get away.

      “Stop it Ryuu.” Naachan looked down, hiding her tears which she quickly wiped using her back hand. “I’ve told you.. I don’t want to have surgery.” She jolted out from her spot when she felt his embrace slowly weaken. Ryuu’s face was impenetrable.   

      “I’m scared to die too. Can’t you understand that? I know the chance was low, and I don’t want to die that way.” Her tears at the edge of come out and almost blurring Ryuu from her vew.

      “You’re not going to die Nanase.” He hugged her again, sadness on her face broke him apart. “The possibility was low but I’m going to believe that. There were many cancer survivors out there.” He patted her back, knowing she right now was silently crying on his chest, though he was scared as hell too.

      “I promised you that I won’t let you die.” He whispered to himself.

      “I’m sorry Ryuu, I can’t.” Naachan disentangled their embrace, dive into his disappointed eyes with one hand on his chest. “I just can’t.” And she left him.

      In her room, Naachan cried like she never before. It’s hurt her so much to disappoint him but she also can’t bring herself to agree. She wanted to live too, but she knew it was impossible, the cancer had spread everywhere inside her body even before she was discovered with cancer. She was too wrecked inside for them to save her; it was what Maimai told her. So she miserably lives her life like this.

      And, she still remembered the day of her mom passed away. On the table where she exhaled her last breath, her body was fully covered with white blanket, she was pale without blood. The worst is, when she flipped the blanket that wrapped her body, she was full with stitches, she was beautiful but she was none other than a doll. And she didn’t want to be that doll.

      “For how long Naachan have been sick?” Reika asked, her back pack fall to her side due to shock. She was home ten minutes ago and overheard their argument, afraid to bother her two best friends, she decided to stay away. But what she heard was none other than hurtful reality. She can’t accept that how they actually hide the fact that Naachan was severely ill from her. So that’s the reason why Naachan sometimes went away for almost two weeks once in a month. And how stupid she is to not notice her pale face these days? She such helpless friend.

      “Reika.” Ryuu too cannot hide his surprised at Reika presence. He quickly sweep the trace of tears from his face, didn’t want Reika to see his weakness. “I’m sorry, did you hear it?” He was too weak to deny the hurtful reality.

      “Almost everything.” Yet, Reika can’t mad for him being so secretive about important thing. He might have her reason, and right now he looked far than exhausted. So she decided to listen to it as she sat beside him. “Tell me everything, will you?” 

(A/N: I’m sorry for late reply for this ff. So tell me what you think, do find every update was kind long or was quite okay? Thanks for reading and please comment.)


@C: Thanks for reading and comments.
Gosh, my heart broke too. yeah we shall pray for Ryuu to love Naachan for real. You should prepare for the worst in this ff (because me too had to do the same).
yeah, i love IkuRei  :cow: (maybe) Hhahaha.
Now you mention about Hori, i kind forget of her being a small part in this story. i'm sorry everyone  :bow: :bow:
(P/S: Reika is getting her PB soon, we need to stop hoping for WakaRei to get PB together ain't we? OH MY POOR WAKAREI </3  :bleed eyes:)

@wakasama__: Thanks for reading and always comments.. Yeah, i know right, they are in difficult situation.. is this how triangle love usually be?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 03:30:53 AM by wakaten »

Offline Tupi

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« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2017, 02:06:26 PM »
I know it was WakaRei fic, BUT I'm in IkuRei team  this time~ :hehehe:

Can't wait for the next chap :whistle:

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2017, 05:22:21 PM »
WTF!!! what are you doing ryuu! don't you know that maimai had long been waiting for it? :scolding: poor my hashigawa :lol:
so their chance to save her just 15% and it's too risky. same as ryuu, i want nanase do the operation. i know that the possibility to success is too little but if you never try you'll never know,right?
for now i don't wanna talk about who with ryuu in the end. i just want nanase save first. i like wakarei but i don't want to be selfish. who knows if nanase recovering, she'll end her relationship with ryuu and let him be happy with a girl that actually he loved (reika).
but if this really end with wakanana and ikurei i'm okay with that. at first i had been say that i'm ready for heartache :glasses: XD

thanks for update and make me crazy author-san :lol:

//about reika PB. i'm looking forward for it. in my mind, finally we can see what usually waka view. nee waka now it's not your privacy anymore :peace: :lol: :peace:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 05:35:58 PM by wakasama__ »

Offline wakaten

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      RYUU wasn’t someone who acts with his feeling and anger, he is someone who always calm inside and outside, and his words are beyond wise. But when he saw his friends Ikuo, kissing his childhood friend, outside his apartment, he lost his temper and before he ever realized it, he already plunged towards his friend.

      Ikuo, unnoticed his friend’s presence unable to do anything before fled across the long hallway as the fists landed on his cheek. Reika was even more surprised till the point she couldn’t speak a word, protecting her boyfriend or stopping her best friend from harming him. She just stuck to the wall upon the view of Ryuu punching Ikuo several time.

      “I told you, don’t even try her.” Ryuu dragged Ikuo against the floor and smashed him high on the wall. He is not someone who use his strength for violence but when his patience no longer there, he was like a monster. Much more when Ikuo’s smirk never left his lips.

      “I’m not like you. I’m not going to waste her like you did.” Though he is in the place where he should think before speaking however, weirdly he enjoyed watching his friend losing his temper though he was hurt. In the corner of his eyes, he watched Reika trembled so he gave her assurance look. He knew his game.

      “Leave her alone!” His jaw tightly clenched as he tried to not explode more than he already did, not when he followed Ikuo line of view and found Reika in fear. For unknown reason, he is even more disappointed.

      “She is my number 1 girl.” Ikuo mouthed the words with a sly smirk but as soon as he finished his speech, Ryu slammed him to the ground, producing a loud breaking sound. The fight isn’t end yet when Ikuo quickly stand by his feet, shifted on his weight just to avoid Ryuu fast heated hand. The man stumbled upon unexpected avoidance, so Ikuo took the chance to return all the hits he received with one strong punch. He was not a fighter, same goes with Ryuu, so both of them was sent backward with that one hit.

      Reika swore she heard the sound of broken bones when Ryuu rolled on the floor, which then awoken her from fear. She ran to Ikuo first, with intention to help her boyfriend but the man coldly brushed her hand aside, refused to be helped. Before she could say any words, he already turned on his heel and unsteadily walked away. Although Reika seems to say something but she didn’t, she saw the broken pride in Ikuo’s hazel orbs. She just frost.

      Ryuu and Reika already sat in the living room. Both were in deep silence as no one ever spoke a word. Ryuu occasionally glanced to Reika as his hand pressed some ice on the place Ikuo hit him 30 minutes ago, that surely gonna be bruised. But he is not really care about that at this moment as he contemplated about what he should say to her. She looked mad and he is the one she is mad at, but he too not in the right mood to apologize first.

      The same goes with Reika, she is angry but at the same time guilty; thinking that her unthoughtful action might hurt him though he has no right to be mad about it anyway. Yet, she cared and deep inside she hope that his act is the proof of Naachan’s words that day. That Ryuu actually love her too. Also the reason why he lost his wise and punch Ikuo when he saw them kissing earlier. But unfortunately, things were not like that and  he just make it harder for her when at this moment, she is slowly try to move on from him and try to accept Ikuo’s heart for her own sake.

      Though she admitted that, even during the kiss earlier, she still confused, explained how Ikuo’s lips barely touch her cheek at the very last moment before Ryuu came and ruined the moment that supposed to be romantic. She is still not ready, she is still thinking about Ryuu, and she still care for him no matter how hard she try to restrain her own body to not stretched towards Ryuu and treated the wound on his face.

      “You never good in fight.” Reika commented, tried to ease the awkward air around them. She checked the wound twice, though she was sure Ikup suffered more than him, not even once Ikuo crossed in her head and she concerned about the man after Ryuu. 

      “Stand still.” She warned, when she noticed Ryuu seemed uncomfortable around her at close proximity. Her dark brown eyes catch him in the eyes. “I still mad.” And so, with a sigh he let her do what she wants. It reminded her at how he always came to her every time he hurt himself at the playground, afraid that his parents would never let him out again if they knew about it. How irony it is because she is now offering the help but he reluctantly accept it.

      It’s 12 in the midnight and Naachan already fall asleep an hour ago, even before Ryuu arrived from his work. It is abnormal for her to sleep before Ryuu was home, but it is her way saying that she is still can’t agree to his decision regarding her health. Reika can’t help much when every time she wanted to discuss the matter, Naachan will casually pushed her away saying she’s okay.

      Naachan, with her condition right now was unexpectedly stubborn in her own way. Like how she childishly wait for Ryuu to go class first in the morning so she could have her breakfast and how she will lock herself in her room every time he was home just to not meeting Ryuu’s eyes.

      But being a considerate man like Ryuu, he knew how to handle his girlfriend well, though she refused to talk to him and he has to ask for Jun’s help to scout her to college every day. Somehow right now, Reika was grateful for that, because in that way Naachan would not see them wrongly in awkward position if she suddenly came out from the room because she haven’t done that for a week already.

      Reika cleaned herself after finished treat Ryuu’s wound and back to flop herself on the couch across Ryuu on the floor with an arm on the couch, he haven’t moved an inch since before. Though he haven’t say anything but she was aware at the need to talk to him. The tense that he bore on his face was way too obvious until all the muscle and veins popped from his skin, telling her he has a lot in his mind. And she has something to say too him too. But the question that jumped from his mouth has caught her off guard.

      “Since when you’ve been with him.” Asked Ryuu, avoiding the surprised glance Reika suddenly gave him.

      “A week.” She looked away, somehow feeling hurt to say it now.

      Yes, exactly a week ago, Ikuo properly asked her out, and she has no more reason to refuse him, she accepted it with a confused heart, thinking this is the chance for her to finally move on from Ryuu. She planned to tell him but don’t expect it to reach this point, they were caught red handed for trying to kiss except it is Ikuo whom took the first step kissing her and she awkwardly ended his attempt.

      “He is not like what you think.” The tense on her face seemed to fade away as he now correctly facing her with convincing eyes and voice a little bit calmer.

      “I’m still trying to know him.” Reika looked down to her fingers, hated it when he had that look in his eyes. Hated it how it always gave her different ideas about his feeling, like he care for her from his deepest heart, like the concern he had for her not because they are good friends but because she was more than that. Unfortunately it is not.

      “I told you, he is not like what you think!” The muscle on his face tighten again as his voice became incredibly cold like an ice sweep into Reika’s vein which swallow everything into a hole full of silence and the looks that he have, was none other than frustrated. “Can you please at least don’t worry me? I already have enough with everything.” The moment he said that, he regretted it right away and pulled his knees to the chest. He didn’t mean it.

      “I don’t want you to hurt.” He dropped his face in between his knee that the words aren’t audible to Reika’s ears anymore.

      “Then, what I’m supposed to do? He confessed to me, patiently wait for me. Should I reject him and wait for something unsure? Like waiting for someone to finally be true about his feeling?” She felt awfully tired right now, too tired that she didn’t care anymore if her words wounded him or if it revealed her feeling. Because she is to weary to conceal everything she tried to hid for a long time. Can’t he understand her feeling too? She saw Ryuu lifted his gaze in surprised but she just looked away in ignorant before his next words managed to grab her whole attention.

      “You gonna regret it later. Seriously.”

      For second, Reika thought she saw a subtle hint of sadness in his eyes if it is not for his face that told her at least this, ‘she screwed up and nothing could save her except him.’ And that’s how he strode into his room and cautiously locked the door; don’t want to awake Naachan at this hour.

      IT WAS FOUR in the morning and Ryuu is about to drift into his dreamland when thunderous knock was heard on his door. At the third knock, he already stormed toward it and found Reika almost breathless in her pajama while mouthed the words he afraid so much.

      “Naachan is...” That’s all it takes for him to dash out to the next door and Reika followed right behind.

      It was dark but his eyes quickly notice Naachan’s body laid on the floor which he quickly ran to her. He carefully dropped her head on his lap and when his fingers touching something sticky, he knew something isn’t right. Once Reika switched on the light which she forgot to do before due to panic, the crimson color liquid confirmed his guess, it is her blood.   

      Reika’s eyes full with terror as she read Naachan state. Indeed she is half awake when Naachan continuously cough through the night. Aware that Naachan is in uncomfortable condition, she pushed herself from her bed but Naachan kept assuring it was nothing, so she reluctantly believed it and helped her to get warm water. When she realized it was more than just cough, Naachan already on the floor and now it was proven worse than she imagined it to be with thick blood around her mouth.

      “Call the ambulance!”
      Reika already had the phone on her cheek when Ryuu shouted to her. Unlike him who already used to the condition, Reika is trying hard to keep herself calmer though her finger and lips trembled at the view.

      With Ryuu calmly but anxiously doing the CPR, trying to at least lower the risk of losing Naachan, Reika didn’t waste any seconds to grab anything including all Naachan personal belonging, records of her treatment and all her pills from the drawer and packed it inside a small luggage.

      And the rest night was basically messed up. Ambulance arrived practically ten minutes later and with Ryuu’s unstable mind, he jumped into the box with only short pants to cover her lower parts but his body was totally exposed.

      Unconsciously, Reika reached for Ryuu’s fingers and squished them together with hers, hoping it at least could lend a little strength to him. The moment their skin touching each other, Ryuu turned to her, eyes filled with slight amuse and a smile of appreciation dangled on his lips.

      Like him, she was scared as hell towards unimaginable things could happen. He already told her of how bad the disease could go at unexpected times but as she never saw it with her own eyes, she kept her mind optimistic, that no matter what happen she will stay composed and calmed to handle it. Now, she doubted her own ability, faith is what she lacking of.

      In her eyes, Naachan was no longer the girl whom always smiles despite all walls she faced in her life. There was no longer convincing eyes in her face as it now tightly shut down without much force. The hand that used to brush everyone’s concern with so much confident now weakly hang from the stretcher, how irony it is because it’s now doing the opposite thing it used and supposed to do. Every short breath she inhaled and exhaled now too barely heard even with help from the machine. In whole, Naachan is the definition of nightmare itself, both to her and Ryuu.

(A/N: How long I haven’t update? Hope this will make up for everything I supposed to do.

Question: What do you think about 17th single? Did it reach your expectation or not? For me, I love it as whole! The song, the dance, the sexiness they put in, and every shot my Waka and Reika got, it is awesome! And I like the part where they dance in a circle, it exposed how sexy Waka could be, am I right?
Tell me your opinion
guys :cow:)


@Tupi: Well, i hope you enjoy a short moment of IkuRei this time tho it is TOO SHORT, hhaha Thank for reading and commenting, it means world to me..


WTF!!! what are you doing ryuu! don't you know that maimai had long been waiting for it? :scolding: poor my hashigawa :lol:

Haha, i mentally scold him too when i read for second time, you know how absent minded waka can be sometimes...

who knows if nanase recovering, she'll end her relationship with ryuu and let him be happy with a girl that actually he loved (reika).

So, in this chapter Naachan fell sick badly (still unsure to save Naachan or not), also meant less moment for WakaNana (cause i know you really like them as much you love wakarei) but i devoted this whole chapter about WakaRei, hope it is okay with you all (the wakarei shipper).

but if this really end with wakanana and ikurei i'm okay with that at first i had been say that i'm ready for heartache :glasses: XD
ohhh, don't say that cause i might do that for real.. well, we'll see how it will be  8)2 8)2

//about reika PB. i'm looking forward for it. in my mind, finally we can see what usually waka view. nee waka now it's not your privacy anymore :peace: :lol: :peace:

hurm talk about that.... i love when Waka promote Reika's pb i love the cameramen who pushed the two so much, and i was like, 'Hell it reika, should kiss on her cheek instead of kiss mark.'  :angry: :angry: :angry:
but it could make it up too.

thanks for reading and always left comments.. :cow: 

Offline wakaten

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(A/N: Prepare yourself for the long swing reading. this is the longest btw. anyway, enjoy)


      In a room that full with equipment and machines that showing that Nanase’s heart is still beating, everyone surround the girl that finally opened her eyes after 3 days.

      Dr. Naoki flashed the light into his patient’s eyes, checking her condition before finally beamed a smile towards everyone that waiting all this while, especially his brother Ryuu.

      “Her condition has getting better.” He concluded after reading the chart given by his assistant. “And I think, it is time to transfer her to the normal ward.” He glanced towards his patient like everyone did.

      Despite she just woke up from deep long sleep, Naachan smiled weakly as she meeting in the eyes with all her friends. She saw Ryuu, Reika and Jun. As much as they are happy, she is happy too, but it was then before the remaining anesthesia dragged her into another dreamland. Yet, she still has the weak but beautiful smile hang on her lips.

      After Nanase was transferred into the normal ward and everyone including Dr. Fukagawa Mai entered the room, leaving only Dr. Hashimoto Naoki with Ryuu outside the room, each forehead puckered in thought.

      “You know.” Naoki started, hands massaging his own brows, contemplating on how to convey what is in his head. As Ryuu leant to the wall, he also does the same thing.

      “What?” His brows knitted together in a scowl. He didn’t like how Naoki acting right now because it can mean bad thing and he didn’t want that when he can feel relieved after Naachan finally woke up today.

      “You see, Nishino-san fainted three days ago because of..” He looked into his brother’s eyes before continue again “The tumor has spread to her brain.” He can see Ryuu is breaking down inside when his eyes don’t even blink.

      “What?” He stuttered.

      “From the test and how wide it has go, I assumed that she knew this all along but she keep it for herself.”

      Ryuu’s legs gave up and he fall with back to the wall, obviously shocked with the news. He can’t even utter a word, he felt numb. He looked into Naoki’s eyes, begging and Naoki knew what he meant.

      “I’m sorry that we can’t do anything to save her, any further work will cost her life.”

      And that’s all it takes for Ryuu to smash his hand and head to the wall, mad at himself for no reason. Questioning that why this happen, why it has to be her and how god so unfair to her. After all he never gave up, he always try, always praying the best for her  but still nothing could save her, not anymore cause he knew how fatal the tumor is once it reaching to the brain.

      Naoki stands there, watching his little brother in rampage, unable to hold his sadness anymore. As much as it is painful for Ryuu, it is hurt to him too seeing him like that yet he can’t do anything to stop or at least healing the pain inside. Unconsciously, he reached out for Ryuu and pulled the latter into a hug, patting his back, calming him down until he is quiet on his shoulder.

      They stand there in that position, ignoring the people passes by giving weird look or sometimes sympathized with them. Don’t even realized Maimai who coming out from the room and witnesses the whole thing, she sometimes wiped tears at the corner of her eyes with her finger. Somehow touched by the bond the two shared despite not sharing the same blood and sympathy to the guy who can’t accept the reality. She too felt the same thing, because Nanase to her is more than a patient. She didn’t want to disturb the brothers but she had to tap on Naoki’s shoulder remind him of his next appointment.

      IT IS ALREADY NIGHT and only Ryuu was left in the room accompany Naachan, hands intertwined within her finger, head arm pillowed and eyes hollowed into distance.


      Feeling a slight movement and his name being called, Ryuu sprung right away. He took some moment to adjust to the darkness which has shocked him for how long he stay here doing nothing.


      The called surprised him again, he switched on the table light and getting a clear view of the pale girl on the bed, smiling at him. He smiled back. “How do you feel?” He asked, lightly rubbing her cheek with his thumb. The girl nod weakly.

      “Good.” Ryuu sat at the corner of the bed and wrapped her waist, chin on her shoulder. “Don’t surprise me like that again Naachan.” He tightened the hug, smelling her scent though all he can smell is medicine. When he heard her chuckled, he opened his eyes and face her. “I’m serious Nanase.”

      “Have you talked to Hashimoto sensei?” She search for his orbs but he quickly shifted away before lock their gaze together after a while.

      “I did.” His lips lift upward, creating unconvincing smile.

      “What did he say?” Naachan held his jaw, hating it when he continuously avoiding her.

      Ryuu froze on his spot, have no other choice but to dive into her light brown eyes. “He said..” Eyes trailed down to her shoulder as he felt a weight inside that sunk his soul into deepest trench. “That’s you gonna be okay.” He lied, but Nanase are more than aware of that lie. “Definitely.” He smiled while hands caught hers and brought them to his heart.

      “Don’t worry too much.” He kissed her forehead before he felt Naachan backing away, in doubt. “Nanase?” He shocked.

      “I’m sorry for worrying you like that.” She tried to get down from the bed, wanted to go somewhere but her legs lost the strength and almost kissing the floor if Ryuu wasn’t quick enough to run around the bed and catch her. She was taken aback at her own imbalance, but when she glanced to Ryuu, asking why he just smiled. It confirmed her guess.

      “I want to see the sky.” She told him while finger pointing to the clear windows she always sat, looking to the outside world and stars.

      Ryuu nodded in acknowledgement before carry her in bridal style and put her on the wheelchair at the side of the bed, prepared just for her. When they already at the window, he stand beside her, enjoying the starless night. “It has been raining this few days..” He told her, reasoning for the hollow night view she haven’t seen for few days.

      “It is still beautiful.” Her throat felt hoarse till the voice almost fall into a silent whisper. Though she is staring into the night but her mind not in the same wavelength, soon her eyes got blurry with her own tears.

      The tears quietly fall to her cheeks, didn’t want him to worry for her one more time. She looked down, hiding the tears but once she found her useless leg, tears streamed down even more. Though Ryuu said she was okay, but she was more aware of her own condition. Her bodies don’t listen to her anymore, she can’t move them with her own energy anymore, and she was literally useless when she had to use this wheelchair.

      She bit down her lips, suppressed the tears from blurted out with the most painful way as she now can feel blood at the corner of the lips. She had no time, no matter how painful it is, she knew it, understand how this supposed to happen long time ago. And it is now the time for her.

      Ryuu, indeed didn’t realized Nanase condition as he now too deep in his mindless thinking. Agreed with Naachan’s words earlier, the sky still beautiful despite it was alone without any stars and moon.

      “I want to see the sea.” Naachan blurted.

      He looked down to her, would like to confirm if he heard them right.

      “I haven’t been to the beach for some time now. I miss the sand, the breeze, the waves sound and the sunburn.” She laughed at her own remarks, there are some stains of tears on her face but it appeared invisible in the night. She turned to her side and found Ryuu watching her, unblinking, there is a hint of concern in his eyes which she dusted it off with her own laugh.

      “I just want to see the sea.” Ryuu’s face still didn’t change and she hated that expression so she kissed him lightly on the cheek. Shocked by the sudden kiss, Ryuu looked at her owlishly but she just giggles before he joined her too.

      THE SUN is making its way up from the horizon when Ryuu carefully carry the fully wrapped with blanket Naachan to the beach and cautiously put her on the beach. It might be faster with wheelchair but on the sandy ground, it might be troublesome to push Naachan’s weight till the beach. Though the girl refused to walk by herself but after five small steps, her energy already depleted so Ryuu simply carried her.

      Watching the sun barely shining the new day, a smile crept up from Naachan’s lip. Just like what she imagined. And since it’s still early in the morning, there no people at the beach that could disturb their moment because being alone in this beautiful scene are the real happiness to her.

      “It is beautiful.” Ryuu prompt, taking a sit beside her and let her leant onto his side. He looked to her, searching for answer he needed from her and the view of his girlfriend enjoying the scenery was more than enough. He too joined her in mesmerizing the nature.

       Actually he is reluctant to bring her outside from the hospital, afraid it could harm her already worst condition but after counsel it with his brother and Maimai, it is indeed the best decision for Naachan since no medication or machine could help her at this state anymore. So, in the early of the morning, they already out of the building and what he can see is the real smile on her face.

      “Actually, I have two requests in my mind lately.” Naachan speaks up after minutes of silent. Ryuu looked down into her eyes with curiosity, but she doesn’t even ditch her vision from the sea.

      “What?” He curled his arm around her body and bring her closer, afraid she still feel cold even with the thick blanket which she returned the gesture by hugging him from the side, feeling the comfortable warmth with a smile dangled on her lips.

      “This is my first request.” She looked up, conveying the gratitude through the eyes before he planted a kiss on her forehead. She chuckles with eyes closed, didn’t expect that from him. “Thank you Ryuu.” The moment their eyes meet again, she can see the glittering from his eyes like it was saying it is nothing much.

      “And the second is?” With eyes still locked with each other, Ryuu asked, feeling the anxiety burning in his heart. He afraid that when she started saying things like this, because it is rare for healthy people to have weird request and Naachan is not in that category. He forced a smile anyway.

      “It is about you.”

      The unexpected words have Ryuu blurted couple of small laugh, he thought she was just joking but when she’s pouting, he just stopped. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean that.”

      Naachan just shakes her head, telling him, she too didn’t mind that too but for what she said, it is not a joke as she continued. “I’m thankful to you for always be at my side when life caught me in the middle.” In the blanket, she finds his finger and braided them with her own. Head cocked to side, onto his shoulder while the man just stay silent, letting the girl speak her heart out.

      Naachan closed her eyes, desperate for some serenity for what she is about to do. “Let’s break up Ryuu.” She bit her lower lips, hated for what she just said, and she knew Ryuu can’t comply with her too when he let out a short yelp in surprised.

      “What are you talking about Nanase?”

      “Please listen to me first.” Naachan push herself onto her own weight and face the man properly. He is what she expected with brows twitched together forming a frown of bewilderment. She cupped his face like she feared he would go too far from her reach even though she is the one who throw him away.

      “You are a good man Ryuu, always by my side whenever I need you, do what a man supposed to do to his sick girlfriend. You gave me everything I need, life, love, friendship. Even in your life, I am the first.” She smiled as she reminded of their friends, Jun, Ikuo, Misao, Kazuo and even her two best doctors, everyone are her best friend, always make her laugh at the best.

      “But that’s it..”

      “No, no.. This isn’t right.” He caught her hand, grasp it tightly with eyes interlock into her, lips trembled. “Don’t say it like you doesn’t need me anymore.” One hand cupped her cheek and caressed it.

      “I do need you Ryuu, I will always do. But I don’t want to be selfish anymore. I don’t want to die that way.” Tears begin to form at the edge of her eyes which Ryuu quickly wipe it away with his thumb.

      “But why?” He doesn’t know why, but he scared so much, scared of losing his girlfriend.

      “All this years, it is just me being selfish. When I first confessed to you, I know you supposed to meet Reika there, you wanted to confess to her. But I am too selfish.. And when I kissed you, I wanted her to see that.” With her end sentence, Ryuu was clearly taken aback with a gasp and eyes widen. “I’m sorry..”

      When Ryuu was too shock to even speak Naachan gasp a long breath before continue, “When I found that I’m sick, I just want you for myself, make you to love me back. But after Reika came, I knew I’m wrong, your kindness is just because you’re pity with me..” Eyes closed as she admitting her biggest mistake.

      As Naachan finished her sentence, Ryuu wanted to say something but she quickly sealed his lips with her fingers, heads shaking few times. Indeed, Ryuu is a kind man, she knew it all from his act, he never wanted her to see it as sympathy.

      There are only the sound of waves and breeze when the two of them froze eyes in the eyes that lock into each other. Nothing could interpret what was in Ryuu’s mind as he only looking into hers searching for truth. And Naachan, despite she just poured out all of what could be called as her crime, she is smiling.

      They still in deep silent as Naachan leant forward and planted a kiss on his lips. He didn’t reciprocate, and she hid a bitter smile as she pulled back, knew the meaning behind that.
      “But that is it Ryuu, let’s end this relationship. Live your life, confessed your love. I’m sure Reika still loves you.”

      Ryuu look into Naachan eyes, processing all the info he just heard, sea of confusion are so clear in his eyes, and so the amazement as he never thought she could notice all that but just keep it coll. “I didn’t meant that.” He looked down, ashamed of himself.

      “No, thank you. Because that is what keeps me alive.” They shared same smile of acknowledgment.

      “But for sure, I will stay by your side.”

      She nodded, he laughed and keep on staring to the sea which if Ryuu keep gazed at her, he would notice the tears couldn’t stop flowing from her eyes, wetting her very pale skin.
      WHEN THE TWO OF THEM strolled back at hospital hallway, both are giggles at some jokes, Reika and Jun already waiting outside her room, they came together right after the class as the two of them are classmate.

      Seeing Reika, Ryuu looked flustered and nervous a bit but he quickly hid it by passing by Reika without meeting eyes and greet Jun, again he missed how absent minded she is right now.

      Four of them went right into the room, spending the same routine of joking while eating, playing games, story telling how school goes while Naachan and Ryuu was absent, joking on how Kazuo want to be doctor someday and saves Naachan, until the told girl was tired and need to rest. By then, the day already presenting the starless night.

      “Jun.” Ryuu called, stopping his best friend from leaving. He gestured him to talk outside which they did after telling Reika to wait inside. “Can you look after her tonight?” Ryuu fidgeting in front the entrance.

      “Of course.” Jun can’t believe it but he gladly received the offer.

      “I’M SORRY FOR THAT NIGHT.” Ryuu turned around, facing Reika who slightly behind him.

      To enjoy the night walk, they just walk to his apartment, which Reika quickly agreed as it will be less awkward than being alone in a car since they never talked properly after that night.

      “Well, you probably right.” There is a hint of disappointment in her voice as she looked down. She flashed a smile when lifted her gaze meeting him, erasing all the doubt he had at the first glance. With three long steps, she already left him behind, giving him no space to start conversation.

      She is saying nothing, and so is he. One would say they’re quarrelling but none would see the nervousness he hid through trembled hand and Reika too would never saw that when she in front of him. And that is how the walk goes by, starless silent night. But it is before Reika abruptly halted her steps and Ryuu barely stops right behind her back. He looked around, realized that they already near his apartment, but something else caught his attention and it surely grab hers too, because when cautiously checking her condition, her view already attached at the same thing.

      There, not too far from the main entrance, stand two persons, so close to each other giving people the ideas of they are kissing, or probably did.

      “Can we do this?”

      Nakamoto Himeka, the girl with twin tail asked, fidgeting under his control. Of course they could hear her voice with that distance, and Ryuu had no problem recognized the girl he introduced to Ikuo last year for tutor. Yes, the male is no other but Ikuo, the jerk.

      “Of course we can.” Ikuo answered confidently.

      “But Reika-san..” Himeka couldn’t finish her sentenced as Ikuo again, sealed their lips for a deep and long French kiss.

      “Don’t mind her, she is my number one, but you are my Hime.”

      Like the sky could read Reika’s heart, drops of rains fall down upon them. Ikuo quickly grabbed Himeka’s hand and ran under nearby shading where they had to pass Ryuu and Reika. But before Ikuo saw them, Ryuu already pulled Reika into his embrace, her face on his wide chest and he looked away. Whatever in Reika’s mind, he knew a girl would never want any man saw her broken heart. So, he didn’t watch. They stay in that position until Reika calmed down and dragged him up, hand by hand. He stay mute.

      “I saw them few times before.” Reika said while removing her boots and throw it to the corner. “Don’t laugh at me because I knew, I look stupid. Serves me right!” She threw her already drenched coat on the other side and walk in like a drunk woman who lost in her love bet. Indeed, she did. Ryuu just stares at her unblinkingly.

      He followed her track, worried if she could trip anywhere like she always did, but she just blabbering again and again until he think nonsense all that. So he grabbed her on the wrist and pinned her to the wall.

      “Stop it Reika or else I’ll kiss you.” The close proximity of their lips silenced her at once. His eyes trailed down from her orbs to her nose bridge and down to her sexy lips. Rain droplet on her face make her looks so alluring that he kissed her roughly on her lip.

      The kiss is too powerful until she felt powerless against that and let him dominating her by returning the kiss. God, why is it feel too good? Why it is feel like he is all hers this is clearly a crime.

      “I love you Reika, I always love you.” He muffled within the heated kissed, not allowing any chance to break the kiss. He moved to her ear, unable to hold his lust and bit her. But it is the pain that awake Reika from the satisfaction.

      “Wait.” She caught his hand on her back, eyes desperate for same thinking. They shouldn’t do this. They shouldn’t betray their best friend. Yet, the only think she say is his smile, it is probably the calmest smile she ever seen.

       “It is over between me and Nanase.” He is still smiling, like he really relieved to say that. “I love you Reika, I love you, and seriously I could die waiting for this moment.” His eyes glittered with love. He never felt this happy before.

      “But still, we shouldn’t do this..”

      “Nope.” He keep her silent with a light kiss. “We should do this earlier.” And he continued what he left behind, kiss her here and there as the girl no longer reluctant to it and just let her body and feelings to follow the flow. It feels so real to resist, everything is so irresistible till the point their lips never detached from each other and by pulling her onto his weight, and Ryuu easily carried Reika into his room, where they unbelievably proceed to the next part.

(A/N: Yeah I know lots of drama in this chapter. But this is how I imagined it to be, never knew it will be dragged too long. Well , anyway drop your opinion guys, it will encourage me a lot. Till we meet again.)

Yes! It's TOO SHORT!!!! I want mooooore :depressed:
Naachan?! What happened?! I want Reika to be happy but I don't want Naachan to die!!!  :pleeease:
But, it's up to you author-san, I'll wait :twothumbs:

BTW, thanks for the update :farofflook:

Hey, I'm sorry for torturing you with short scene of IkuRei, but i hope IkuHime can make it up for you?  :nervous :nervous
Well, it is complicated with Naachan's health, because in kizuitara, she supposed to die? haha JK.
Again, thanks a lot for your support, i appreciate it  :wub: :wub: :wub:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 07:26:05 PM by wakaten »

Offline wakasama__

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sometimes i felt poor to reika. when she tried to forget ryuu, he just held her. why ryuu didn't want reika dating with ikuo? whether Ryuu jealous or because ikuo is ryuu's friend and he know ikuo very well? Ryuu with cuts on his face must be very cool :shy2: I wanna see ryuu and ikuo fighting over reika (shit i'm into S)  :lol:
so naachan's condition was down. and of course it make ryuu sad too. what do you think author-san?? just save her. (why i'm so emo). at first i hate this! i hate their triangle love. i hate when manager-san pairs wakanana. and i hate that i love wakanana.
cause you're my favorite author so i hope you make this fic ending with interesting  :hee:

talking about 17th single. i love it so badly. it more than i thought! same as you. i love when they dance in a circle and i like marika's part. she was really outstanding! i hope she'll get more spotlight. but i felt annoyed with some fans who comparison nogi with their sister (keyaki) and they also said that nogi wanted to like their sister.

thanks for updating author-san :)

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