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Author Topic: Special Beings- Chapter 19 3/18/2017  (Read 6886 times)

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Special Beings- Chapter 19 3/18/2017
« on: November 27, 2016, 07:19:29 AM »
I remembered the marbles.

The marbles were impressive for me although it was always kept in a brown, dry packaging.  There were times where we juggled them in our hands as it rattled in our ears between the beings around us.  I saw the same face throughout the times when we heard the package crack and splattered on the floor below.  The hundreds of the same ran across the vast field before losing sight of the light and stood with two marbles.  One of a light gray hue and the other of mostly blue and a green splat right in the middle of the item.

I watched the green and blue marble form over time while the other one stood nearby rolling around the other.  The only gleam was coming from the two as I view it closely when the voice brought my heart around to another eight of the others before staying put in a row with the room slowly moving as with the rare occasion of catching the beings in front of me.

“I want to name my marbles.”  I said.

“What’s your suggestion?”  The being behind me asked.

“Earth and moon.”  I said.

Picking the two names, I heard theirs and smiled while my eyes grew with the change.  Mines changed over the views when I opened the marble to take a closer view and watched the particle fall when the blue filled the marble again as I turned it.  My eyes grew wide upon the instant changes and stared upon it when I heard the next voice come next to me.

“Father… Mother…”

“Neither.”  I answered.  “There are no parents just us.”


The word crossed my mind when it became a common place for the people slowly around me became a crowded room.  The marble transformed to its present form when the opening from the marble came as a column of light and the invitation of the extras being sucked into the world.  I stood with the beings when they were being driven out and time later they returned with their different skin tones and the changes with the physical appearances.  The lumps on the chest were bigger than the other half.

As the exchanges came and went Nirs were become the two sexes by the development throughout the time.  Many had developed the words, he and she, him and her, man and woman.  I became interested myself with the transfers of people until I read the research and learned more but keeping it in my hand was a tiresome experience.  All the beings became what was now people of this place I held before I became entranced again.

“Holder… are you interested in being part of the system?”  The voice asked.

“I guess… however what’s the issues in this marble?”  I pondered when the group came over.

“Some take the initiative to pursue knowing us.  Once they know our true identity it becomes a chaotic trial because they want to search for a good mate by power.  Over time they learn but they would die if there is an overaggressive being up close to them.  We took certain identities to soften the blow, however it’ll be problematic regardless.”

As I learned more about the humans, the thought was to be careful about it.  Many of the being returns were married but refused to consummate the marriage and would escape by death.  Learning of the process that restricted the beings also were incidences of powers that the beings came in contact with the humans.  In the end…

I wanted to go and see this world that became my gift for the time possession.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 03:32:10 PM by kuro_808 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 1 11/27/2016
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2016, 05:33:20 AM »


“Thank god the day is over!”

“Emika, what you’re up to?”  The voice came from behind her.

“I have to be with a friend.”  She answered when the arms came around her waist.  “Stop it before I yell out.”


The breath made her body shiver in the arms when she jerked the elbow back.  Emika turned back and saw the male on his knees with the blade next to his throat with the eyes staring towards her.

“Is he bothering you?”  The female smiled.  “I could go further down…”

Emika glanced down and saw the puddle between his legs when she shook her head.  For Kamieda Emika, it was the usual to have guys around her with the charm that had developed over time for the race.  She hated it as much but with the chaos growing, there was always another part of the story which they had been the natives that intertwined with the foreign races and befriended her when the male was released from her grasp.

“You didn’t have to make him scared.”  Emika laughed.

“I don’t like those guys that come from behind…”  She swayed her lips and then bowed.  “Thanks for waiting for me and sorry for forcing you to wait.”

“Antan, don’t worry about it.  Men have that way in being seductive.”  Emika replied back with a smirk.

“Men shouldn’t be that way.  They are loyal and proper.”  Antan lowered her eyes, “we should go to the usual place.”

Emika paced up to the front followed by the woman, a few steps behind with her eyes peeled around her.  Antan, Ijiri Anna, was part of the native population on the land when she took the opportunity of a lifetime by selection to go to the state university under a scholarship for the period.  She was the daughter of the representative of the nation and was accepted into the school of her choice with little resistance from the rest as she was top of the class.  Antan had also develop a character that made them scared but the approach of Emika within the classes had given her hope.  Accepting a sense of a relationship from her had given her the title of bodyguard in case of any danger.

“Antan!”  Emika called as she ran up.

“Yes?”  She answered.

“You should relax.”  Emika grinned.

“There’s always danger though…” Antan sighed.

“Don’t worry about that.”  She replied back.  “I’m not always in danger.”

Viewing her uneasy face was not an unusual sight but somehow if it was like before, Antan was loosening up from her frigid state and followed the woman closer as they proceeded to the café where they stayed after school for a late afternoon snack away from the campus housing where all the students had lived during the semester.  Sitting across of each other, Emika knew the order that was given for the students based on the meal plan that was agreed upon and handed over the sandwich cut in half and a teapot for the two with the sparsely populated room echoing with chatter.

“Have you started on the paper for history?”  Antan asked nonchalantly.

“Looking into the notes and research but that has been hard with the library’s resources.”  Emika answered.  “I’m missing a huge part of the argument.”

“I rather keep it neutral to stay within the college’s parameters.”  Antan spat.  “It’ll be fun if we could take a trip to visit the other lands.”

“True… they won’t allow it if it relates to digging of the history.”  Emika laughed, watching the waiter hand off the meal.  “Thanks.”

“Honestly, we aren’t in the higher class to get their opinions although a bit conscious if there were still objectors.”  Antan admitted before grabbing the sandwich and biting into it.

Emika had thought about the torture many had faced in the eyes of the government that had jurisdiction over the ideals.  She wasn’t against it but curious to who have gone against them in the past.  Antan’s words grew stronger with the fears that always had lied upon them given freedom for women as of late.  The tug of war had also brought a change of sorts when the room quieted with the feet sensing the vibration.

“Is that…?”  Emika thought when Antan shot under the table.

“I think so.”  She answered, dragging Emika to the floor as they both curled up into a ball under the cover while the vibrations continued.

The time seemed to go by slowly with the panic from outside of their area seemingly grew before at stopped immediately.  She closed her eyes when it stopped, feeling it run through her body as Antan awoke her.  The eyes sneaked from under the cover and saw the crack on the wall leading up to the ceiling.  Emika jumped up like the rest when she glanced outside to the road with the fissure created as Antan joined her.

“It isn’t a good sign.”  She admitted quietly.  “We have to head back to the dorms.”

Emika nodded as they surveyed everything seemingly on uneven ground beneath their feet.  The people’s voices shrilled out with the calls out for help as they only ran by to return to the dorms for the usual protocol.  The drill was to get everyone by the buildings with the assertion that they were built to withstand any natural disaster when they hit their strides up the incline when the smell of smoke came to their noses and stopped.  The thick, black plumes came in the distance before the loud cackling caught their attention and stood with the large orange hue came within distance.

“The school.”  Emika breathed.

“Let’s get to the dorms now.”  Antan spat as they ran up further to the students nearby, scattered across the land.

“We may have to help them…”  Emika observed when Antan grabbed her.

“No, we don’t.”  She stared before following her into the first floor room.

Antan dashed over to her side and grabbed the black bag from the floor.  Emika gripped the black overnight bag and immediately went to the needs of the time being for their situation.  Stuffing the clothing first into the bag before grabbing the extra currency from the large bottle and dumping the contents inside with Antan glaring upon her, zipping it up quickly.

“Anything else.”  Emika thought.

“The only thing is your research and that’s it.”  Antan answered.

Scooping it up and throwing into the next empty bag before throwing it over her shoulder.  Seeing the nod, they ran out to follow the stream of people with the fire spreading across the land around the school.  The chaos around them was something unusual for their drills as Antan directed her out to the city as the present crack in the land had grown in length and size dramatically from the previous sight.  The rush of people had clogged the exit from the city as they turned the corner to the alternate exit for students, leaving for breaks if they had to head west instead of the usual south.

“Will it be open?”  Emika exhaled.

“I have my purposes.”  Antan thought when they headed into the area where one stood.

“Ijiri… escaping?”  The male with droopy eyelids spoke.

“We can’t survive here if we stay.”  Antan explained when a smirk came upon his face.

“Then again… there isn’t…”  He walked when he lowered the gate.  “I could accept another way of payment.”

Antan knew the chaos would bring more when she extended the blade out with the smile growing bigger.  The duo stepped back before seeing the club come from behind the man.  The sight of his eyes rolling up caught both when they saw the two females in patterned jumpsuits waved to them with the gate opening again as they ran out before the gate closed in the back of them.

“Thanks.”  Emika bowed.

“Kamieda!  You don’t have to thank us.”  The one with the protruded chin smiled.  “You got the research, right?”

“How?  How do you know my name?”  Emika asked.

“That’s simple.  We are responsible in killing off the traitors.”  The other female scoffed.  “However, we got news of being betrayed before the shaking of the earth.”

“You won’t kill me?”  She breathed.

“Miyuki is lying.  We are the ones to look over the topics for the school.  Secretly, we needed a purpose to leave and changing your topic was easier than to kidnap you.”  The other woman answered.  “Sayaka’s the name.”

“Emika and this is Anna.”  She stated.

“The indigenous one…  The other person we were looking for.”  Sayaka smirked.  “Miyuki has an interest into your tribe.”

“Why my tribe?”  Antan narrowed her eyes.

“You have the answers for the tremors.”  Miyuki stated.  “I wanted to see if they were true.”

“Right… however, I can’t say I’m correct about my hunches.”  Antan answered.

“We will escort you guys along the way.”  Sayaka grinned.

“This is the desert though…”  Antan elaborated.  “Our supplies are limited too.”

The two walked forward with their bags following Sayaka and Miyuki onto the barren road.  Emika only turned back upon the tailwind as the figure came into sight when Antan grabbed her.  “Don’t let the mirage catch you off guard.”

“Okay.”  She answered, continuing the trek through the arid region.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kuro808

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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 2 11/28/2016
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2016, 07:37:17 AM »

“I hoped I wasn’t seen.”

“I don’t think so but there are a lot of cute girls ahead.”  The voice laughed.

“We haven’t developed our identities yet.”

“You’re going to be a male and I’ll give you the data and parts for it.”  The voice confirmed before handing the box over.  “You have to change here.”

Stripping off the thin piece of clothing led to a slender body with no physical resemblance of any gender before pushing the gum-sized piece into the mouth and chewed on it before swallowing.  The body development came quick as it was a permanence on the experiment with the others when he saw the chest growing out and rounded with the light coverage of hair on it.  The growth of muscles came to when the last piece was the item on the front of the lower abdomen as it was held.

“What is this?”

“That’s called a penis.  You are a male now.”  The voice came into his mind.

“What are you?”  He asked.

“A male.”  It stated when a male came from the rip through the desert.  “You will be given the name, Umeda Aya.”

“Aya… Umeda… what’s your name?”  Aya asked.

“Oshima Yuu on this side when it was actually Japan.”  He laughed.  “The land has changed over two hundred years.”

Aya hadn’t recalled the information to what Yuu had mentioned from before.  The data took time to develop and following Yuu was the only way to get caught up to the situation.  The land around them was different than the population-filled space that were consumed by the others.  Aya glanced down to see the small cracks beneath the feet and pondered over the result of the handoff.

“I usually kept it stable and I guess this what happened when it was passed off.”  He thought.

“Put on some clothes.  I don’t want to see your penis especially if it is bigger than mines.”  Yuu growled.

“I never had a body like this and if it is permanent, I guess it wouldn’t be bad right?’  Aya smiled.

“Honestly, I had a girl that I was interested in but I couldn’t say anything.”  Yuu poked the tips of the fingers against each other.

“Was it just you?”  Aya asked.

“No, it was everyone.  We feared that part when many of us had headed into that direction.  The time was to return and understand how to react.  One was close to understanding the humans but it felt robotic.  You took the data of what we say from thousands of years of research and made you into a quasi-human.  The only concern is contact.”  Yuu explained when he glanced back to the plain-clothed person.

“I’m not sure how to react but we have to see how it’ll be pursued.”  Aya smiled.

“I sense something else.”  Yuu narrowed his eyes to the rip again when another male stepped through.  “Sai!”

“I escaped that area.”  Sai laughed.  “It’s still happening in the new sub-continent across the ocean.  They are aware of our kind and willing to take us out for the betterment of the population.”

“I’m hoping it won’t come over here…”  Yuu thought.

“The last time…”

Sai’s words caught the cold glance of Aya when Yuu punched him in the midsection.  Aya only acknowledge the situation with the rumors of it but it came as a surprise that it would be confirmed from a reliable source that was Sai who had been away from the realm above for an eon on this land which was an hour in the other world.  Aya glanced up upon the burning orb above them before turning to the two.

“Be straight.  What exactly happened?”  Aya pondered.

“The humans have never trusted the beings.  We’ve been the natural enemy against them when they found us out through endless experiments upon our kind.  The more they learned, the more they feared us.  Many of my allies swore revenge against the few but I for one wanted to end it.  Sai travelled across time to quell the problems but in many instances the fears overcame the truces we wanted to provide.”  Yuu explained.  “I have blown up three or four lands to change the landscape when our kind got into trouble.”

“The theory has been we’ve been the last line of defense across the board and send our people back before flattening the lands.”  Sai elaborated, stroking his chin.

“So you guys are here…?” Aya sighed.

“Not really… just to guard you.  The protector of the planet you’ve nurtured for the lifetime.  We came from your body and explored the world.  You shall be the one to see the place that we’ve originated from.”  Yuu explained when they turned back to the area behind them.  “This will fall because of humans.”

The story of the town had been hundreds years in the making when they disallowed the people based on a test.  All the ones who couldn’t pass were turned away.  The natives were given an opportunity based on agreements however being unequal at the start eventually pushed it to slight advantage for the townspeople.  However, the spirits of the people slowly grew sour with the two different parts of the government with the neutral indigenous group before the arrival of the final blow of a natural disaster.

“We must head in the direction of the group of women.”  Aya pointed out into the desert.

“Also… we have to change the name.”  Sai smirked.  “Yuu wanted to get you into trouble.”

“Fine.  Ayumu.”  Yuu grunted.  “The name isn’t important.”

“Says someone who had changed names often.”  Sai rolled his eyes.  “Ayumu works and will be established as Umeda Ayumu.”

The processing of the information was still dragged by the loads of information from the data digested throughout the body as he followed the two into the vast land of sand in front.  Yuu was the first to throw out to their limits in the area based on the intelligence from the others that had brushed through the area as outsiders to the land.  They were able to withstand the heat that humans couldn’t bear but always had outhouses that would help mingle with the rest of civilization when they strolled through with Ayumu scanning around the area.

“They couldn’t have gone that far…”  Ayumu thought when he turned to see a wall of gold in the distance.

“Truthfully… they have a guide.”  Yuu added.

“Well… I don’t want to show off but…” Sai commented, extending the hand out in front.

Ayumu observed the change of the wind behind him when it was blasted off to the sky, dissipating into a fine grains that scattered across the earth.  Impressed, he put his hands together with a gleeful cheer.  “That’s impressive.”

“It’s my natural ability while Yuu just destroys.”  Sai snickered.

“You have a rap sheet too.  Just not as tragic as I have been overall.”  Yuu sneered when Ayumu pointed to the structure in the distance.

Running towards it, he began the exploration by extending the hand out with his concentration upon the thought that something would escape but it was just the path he was creating as the other two came from behind.  The body slowly came into a walk when Yuu grabbed him.  He began to ponder if it was something he couldn’t see but Sai helped the arm over and carried the male forward to the structure.  Entering was a barren room with the wind picking up through the open holes through the walls when they laid him down.

“We have to rest until you get the data fully functional in the body.”  Yuu informed him as the dark, charred roof had stared back.

Ayumu sensed what he wanted to experience but the consumption of energy forced him into a weakened state.  The voices came into his mind of the adventures they had gone through when he felt a shift below him.  Ayumu threw his body over when Sai stood above as Yuu threw the hand up above the two as he analyzed the room carefully.

“If they keep doing this… we may not have a way back home.”  Yuu growled when the shaking stopped.

“It was hard to hold it for the time I did and now they are weak like me.”  Ayumu breathed.

“We’re sorry.”  Sai apologized, throwing the body back onto the floor.  “This will be a bad omen if we head out without Ayumu.”

“Correct.  Both of your guys but we have to stay strong and maybe we can system for a hibernation for the time being while we are here.”  Yuu confirmed when he pressed the forehead.  “Roll to the wall and we can set our timers for a period to refresh our bodies.  It’ll be hard for Ayumu.”

“I can stay up until the timer goes up.”  He proposed when Sai extended his hand.

“I don’t know what will happen until then.  If we go into the sleep state, it’ll save our bodies from harm.”  Sai though when Ayumu smiled back.

“It’s okay.”  Ayumu nodded.

The words were of confidence that came with the data streaming through the body as they propped themselves in the corners while he stared upon the roof above him.  The sun died in the gaze with the moon now far from his hands that used to hold it.  Ayumu exhaled upon the beauty from afar and drew a smile to know what others had thought from a closer view.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 2 11/28/2016
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2016, 04:20:13 PM »


So, if I try to understand the whole story (forgive my misinterpretation) Emika and Antan are free minded students in a world where governments has many things to hide from their people regarding the past nor the other parts of the world. Emika seems to be very precious since she was heavily protected by Antan and SayaMiruki now with enemies chasing after them, a research was mention so I assume it's pretty confidential?

However, it is a bit difficult to understand about the other side (Ayumu, Yuu, and Sai) though. But are they somekind of powerful beings almost like God perhaps (especially Ayumu). Since the first introduction it was as if the world and it's inside were created and controlled by the protagonist described in the first post.

Again, do forgive me for the misinterpretation but I really did not expect you'd come up with this, Kuro-nii 😂😂😂

I will be extremely watching this thread from now on, THANK YOU !!!!! :inlove: :inlove:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 2 11/28/2016
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2016, 05:19:41 AM »


So, if I try to understand the whole story (forgive my misinterpretation) Emika and Antan are free minded students in a world where governments has many things to hide from their people regarding the past nor the other parts of the world. Emika seems to be very precious since she was heavily protected by Antan and SayaMiruki now with enemies chasing after them, a research was mention so I assume it's pretty confidential?

However, it is a bit difficult to understand about the other side (Ayumu, Yuu, and Sai) though. But are they somekind of powerful beings almost like God perhaps (especially Ayumu). Since the first introduction it was as if the world and it's inside were created and controlled by the protagonist described in the first post.

Again, do forgive me for the misinterpretation but I really did not expect you'd come up with this, Kuro-nii 😂😂😂

I will be extremely watching this thread from now on, THANK YOU !!!!! :inlove: :inlove:

Antan is a person who was accepted probably a little bit more an outsider from her POV.  Emika is the one who becomes part of the story based on Antan being the outsider.  SayaMilky are above them per se.  Although no enemy has been set in the story until later... hopefully :lol:

The next chapter goes back to the prologue which obviously is the person viewing it when it was being formed although in depth you'll find more about Ayumu.  Sai and Yuu are more or less part of the gang informing Ayumu of the situation between them and the humans.

Hopefully, along the way it'll be explained. :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 3 11/29/2016
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2016, 08:06:09 AM »

Emika saw the moon brightly shining through the open square of the hut that was built for desert travelling.  Antan had explained about them throughout the walk with Sayaka nodding to everything that was being said.  Emika viewed Miyuki in her loose shirt and short shorts compared to Sayaka in more conservative wear that had bottoms barely above the knees.  She had drawn the thoughts that Miyuki was conscious but not in the reality of the atmosphere as she turned often back to the two behind them.

“Don’t worry too much about Miyuki.”  Sayaka smiled.  “It’s been sometime that we’ve attempted a successful escape.”

“Successful?”  Emika breathed.

“We always return because Miyuki had a possession in the city.  She could never leave it behind until now when the fissure consumed it.”  She explained when the eyes turned to the woman.  “Now it’s about the tribe, the Ijiri.”

“That’s her last name though.”  Emika spat.

“Truthfully… Miyuki thinks there was another name.”  She sighed.  “Following you guys out was not the plan but with the city becoming a ruin, it was an obvious choice.  New Kansai was going to be consumed by the disaster.”

“You guys had that feeling?”  Emika glared up to the being above her.

“Antan has a special power that seems hard to predict but was also responsible for every change in the history of Japan.  The Ijiri had been in power before the government was installed but the treaties had never gave them a shot and thus thrown into the desert.  Naturally in hundreds of years after the expulsion of the people, they would return to mock the people that thrusted them out.”  Miyuki explained when she turned to the corner.  “What I wanted to accept was the timing however, there are other things too in play.”

“What is that?”  Emika asked when a smile was present in the shadow of the moon.

“I can’t say… I must head out.”  Miyuki nodded when the two watched her walked out onto the barren land.

“She is a bit mysterious and does have a dark sense of humor.  I have that trust in her and somehow a little weak around that woman.”  Sayaka snickered.

Emika took to the dark corner when she saw the eyes lit up as she took the seat up to the wall.  The crickets chirped to break the silence between them when Antan glared upon the moon.  She stood up quickly and inhaled the cool air blowing through the room.  “I trust her… just not as much as I trust Sayaka with what she says.”

It struck her wildly when Antan took a step towards the lit side of the room and saw beside the woman as they stared up upon the moon.  Emika sensed the tension with the words but felt frozen to commit with her jaw extended widely and turned her body toward the hard floor, resting the head upon the bag.  She couldn’t detect the hour in the location, however it was her body that torn down enough from the escape and travelling through the arid atmosphere to the room with little protection.

“You okay?”  The voice asked.

“I’m alright Sayaka.  Just tired.”  Emika replied.

“Antan is very special.  I’m up to talk to her for the time.”  Sayaka smiled when the darkness came and her body relaxed in the position.

“Wake up.”

Emika arose to her feet with the merging of the moon setting with the sun rising in the distance.  Her eyes turned to the duo in front as someone stood in the back with their body turned towards the opening in the room.  She gripped the bag when the person turned back to the ruby eyes staring back at them when the two in front took a step back.  Her chest tightened with the others coming to her level as the person walked up.

“Something awoke.”  Antan noted.  “It has a different aura.”

“I didn’t know this would happen.”  Sayaka exhaled when they saw the silhouette of her body from the light.

She glared with the other two with the angel-like appearance in front of them with a natural glow escaping from her presence before dropping onto the floor like a rock to the trio’s feet.  Emika leapt forward with the touch of her warm skin when Sayaka grabbed her and brought her to the back.  The naked body was interesting when the dull brown had appeared and glared up in a frozen stare.

“What happened?”  Miyuki asked.

“Looked like you were possessed by the spirits.”  Antan informed her.  “Maybe a wolf or a dog?”

“Is it the reason why I’m naked?”  Miyuki asked.

“I’m not sure but you returned back like this and glared upon the exterior of the room like a stray wanting shelter or food.  In the presence of a tribe member, it had acknowledged its existence and ran off.”  Antan elaborated upon the tale of the lost souls that Emika had listened once to on a night of ungodly sounds and lights that struck across the sky.

“I never seen her like this… except for…”  Sayaka paused when she glanced towards the two.  “Miyuki, just put on some clothes and let’s just have a head start.”

They watched her throw the clothes on presented from the small bag and stood when the light from above shined above them before stepping out onto the dirt when they saw the canyons in the distance.  Antan closed her eyes briefly before pointing toward the side with the paving withering away in front of them by the light breezes when she turned back by Sayaka’s grasp.

“Isn’t it that way?”  She growled.

“Yes.  However with Miyuki’s possession, we have to be careful to not argue with them again.”  Antan answered calmly.  “Something that is always known is to watch the atmosphere around us.  She should have known that.”

“I wanted to not be cooped up for a long period of time before something grabbed me from behind.  I struggled to fight it before it took over my body.  It made me feel alive but I saw Sayaka in front when I returned to calm my heartbeat to a standstill.  It wasn’t right to attack.”  Miyuki explained when her eyes turned away.  “Although I observed something before I was captured by the spirit in the distance that way.  There’s a few of the outposts in the desert, right?”

Antan nodded, “Many are stocked but this wasn’t for the pure reason of people using the resources unwisely.  Luckily, Sayaka had brought food for all of us and ate it on our way here.”

The fear in the voice came upon them that the path had something else in mind with the native taking the lead into the vast dirt plain in front of them.  Emika followed directly behind with the other two trailing behind with their eyes glaring forward when the gusts of wind faced them and pulled them back.  Antan turned to see the classmate onto the knee when a cold sensation came around them before the particles brushed by them like a glass had appeared, guiding them forth.

“I could see why.”  Antan clapped her hands together.

“What happened?”  Emika pondered when Miyuki stood in her glory when she stepped up and extended her hands in front of her.

“Sayaka… I’m sorry.  I should have told you about this but Antan would point me out right away.”  Miyuki apologized.

“It would be my first time and we only sought to be a legend when we heard of people who had extraordinary powers that didn’t believe in the spirits we did.”  Antan said with a growing smile.  “The wolf spirit wanted to control you but you were fighting without showing it.”

Miyuki proceeded forward with her hands creating a shield in front of the group.  Emika and Antan stood to the side while Sayaka trailed with her eyes upon the body before she turned back to the rose-cheeked woman.  The gust stopped as she stared towards Sayaka.

“You can proceed.”  Sayaka smiled.

“Come closer behind me and you’ll see that I allowed you to like me.”  Miyuki swayed her eyes.  “You were the first human to see me as a human rather than a monster.  I heard your words and that’s why I couldn’t return quickly.”

“You knew about this?”  Sayaka asked.

“Not the naked part but when I felt in danger I would just close my eyes and experience a power running through my body.  I was always in control until I couldn’t handle it.  That was the first time I burned the clothes off my body.  I thought somebody had assaulted me after through the countless research to only realize that I harmed people too.”  Miyuki explained when she twisted her body forward.  “Let’s continue.”

Antan instructed the way through until they arrived at the piece of lush green area in the middle of the sand.  She proceeded up to gather the items while the rest stood around it with the contrast of the moist grass against the sand that seemed to not cross into each other’s path.  Antan handed a sticklike item to each of them before placing the one end into the mouth.  Gnawing on the end brought a sweet nectar from the item as Antan twirled and handed the small part of the harvest onto the idol in the front and bowed to it.

“The area isn’t far now but Miyuki… it’ll be hard to convince them of your attributes.”  Antan explained when the eyes turned to her.

“I’ll stay on the outside…” She nodded when Antan shook her head.

“You just have to stay calm when they ask about your life.  I can relieve most of the pressure but the researcher role can stay until we can get the items Emika needs to finish the research.”  Antan nodded.

“It wouldn’t be applicable if the university goes down though.”  Emika thought when a smile grew upon her face.

“Not in the next part of the journey to the next big city of Chubu district.”  Antan informed them as they continued beyond the lush patch of land.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 4 12/3/2016
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2016, 05:56:18 PM »

The trio viewed out in the desert of the animals and other beings they could analyze for the moment.  Their bodies were suited to survive the elements as they were scattered all over the earth with little need to rest in the concept of sleep but to adapt to the circumstances with the mechanics of hibernation, they had slept alone to gain strength through the elements around them.  Ayumu had the data downloaded when he stepped outside to the dry wisps of air passing by him.

“You got everything?”  Yuu asked.

“I’m pretty sure.  We could head out.”  Ayumu smiled when he felt a hand upon the shoulder.

“We’ll wait until morning or at least we don’t have to face the storm coming in our direction.”  Sai glared out with the hand gripping harder.

“Don’t be tense.”  Ayumu laughed.

“Something isn’t right…”  Sai noted, taking a gander to Yuu.  “You feel that?”

Yuu stood back with his eyes closed, fists clenched when the eyes glowed again.  The glare burned upon Ayumu before turning back to the dull gray and loosened the grip of his hands.  “It isn’t strong but I thought we could never mate.”

“Same… Someone did it but overall… who would develop or mate to get such a being?”  Sai thought when the glare grew deeper into the atmosphere.

Ayumu wasn’t sure to just the basics of the data was now behind the other two.  He began to consume the external environment around him when Sai passed by him and tapped the head of the male.  He imagined something tightening up in his chest when the source came through to him.  Then, the strike to his gut, falling to his knees before dropping the fist into the floor.

“Something’s wrong?”  Yuu asked.

“Is this supposed to happen?  It’s making me weak.”  Ayumu breathed, pushing his body up.  “Something isn’t right.”

Sai narrowed the eyes when he placed the back of the hand upon the forehead.  Ayumu felt the burning of the touch before Sai pulled back and rubbed the hands together.  Yuu smiled back through the darkness as he extended the hands out with Ayumu slowly getting to his feet.

“We may need to go soon if the aura is this strong and may commit others to come to our location.”  Yuu informed the two when Ayumu stood and nodded towards them.

The sudden strike that hit his body was new when Sai grabbed the bag and walked out to the door.  Followed by the two, the weakness seeped out with his steps picking up the pace with the light gleaming down from the moon as it grew closer to the earth.  Ayumu noted the large item and slowly acknowledge the situation when he toyed with the moon and the planet nearby.  Ayumu was never one to torture people by default but how it was staring down had made the sickness worse before closing the fist to calm the senses.

“The moon…”  Ayumu growled.

“Can it be shifted?”  Yuu asked.

“Maybe.”  He answered, moving his hand up to the large sphere.

The strength of the pull was enough to change his perspective of the move when it got shoved back to the position before crumbling down to a knee.  Yuu and Sai ran up to lift him to the feet.  Ayumu knew the effort was heavy upon his body when such things had happened but in human form, the body was a fraction of the overall being he was before and took a deep breath before shaking off the two.

“You can’t keep doing that.”  Sai lectured when he nodded.

“I acknowledge that but if it doesn’t shift back to stay… it could spell torture for everybody.”  Ayumu spat.

“We can’t worry about it.  Humans were meant to survive and die like ants.  It’s the truth of the nature on this world.”  Yuu sighed.  “For us, we are built to survive without any problem.”

“Just in this form…”  Ayumu thought.

“You have to be careful of what you do beyond your control but there is a field that is naturally occurring here that will keep the moon from crashing onto here.  It is called gravity… I think.”  Sai smiled.

Ayumu was left to consider the issues when he followed the two into the rising formations and started to see the darkness within the formation.  The scent lingered longer than expected as the shadow came into their eyes from the peeking moon above them.  They stopped as it walked forward and lit a fire before applying to the torch beside it.

“What are you guys doing here?”  The low voice questioned.  “You have to turn from here to stay away from the sacred lands.”

“We know… There is something bad that is happening now in the city and it may head this way.”  Sai explained.

“City folks… let them die.  We can protect ourselves from the danger of these quakes.”  The rough-voiced person grunted.

“These are stronger than in the previous cycle.”  Sai spat when he covered his mouth.  “The main reason why Kansai failed in the first place.”

“Kansai died hundreds of years ago because of humans and their technology, we don’t need that.  Also… quakes are usually one place.”

Sai glared upon that fact but the issue came across when the people migrated from the other islands onto the main island with the continuous aftershocks after the initial quake.  Before he left for the other side, Sai had saw the sinking islands with the news of the incident with the international powers helping them out before it completely been encompassed by the blue ocean.  The theory was to hold before looking into the research of the past hundreds of movements indicating the prevailing theory in the main hubs that of a transfer of shifts heading north.

“This time with the technology… we lost the other two islands.”  Sai groaned.  “It could split this into two sides.”

“I don’t believe that.  If it happens… we’ll die as a group.”

Yuu nudged the man before turning his head to shake off the thought when he turned back and headed over before Ayumu walked up.  “The Ryumen tribe… for centuries been punished, am I right?  This is your guys’ way of getting back at the rest of the world.  Even with the concessions, it isn’t enough.”

“What do you know of the Ryumen tribe?”  The person asked.

“Choryumen had been given to you guys as a savior when the Yayoi period had been overcome by the Yamato people.  Choryumen was the namesake of the tribe to keep pure of his teachings and the death had given hope for its continuance.”  Ayumu explained.  “Poisoned by your own people.”

“Stop defaming the name of our people!”  The person grunted.

“The biggest sacrifice was the wife of Choryumen, Jo.  She felt the guilt that ride upon what made you the chief from the thousands of years.  The creation of the river that runs by your land was made of her tears.”  Ayumu explained when the heat of the fire came upon his skin.  “I know I’m right about that.”

Ayumu admitted to himself that he knew of the story through people returning and the sight of Jo was amazing and willing of a young woman, who was frail from the lack of support.  He couldn’t help directly but the call for help had been heard thus creating the tribe and the name that was her posthumous title within the tribe.

The sight of the sun had helped their situation as they curled back into the path that was paved by the footprints.  Ayumu weighed the thought of the story when the vibration caught their attention.  The fresh footprints were still planted but with the slight tremors were problematic depending on the length they were in front of them as they continued to pave the path forward.  Ayumu analyzed the problems quickly although the tremors were running through his body regardless as the other two were glancing up onto the sun.

“Was the story true about that?”  Sai pondered.  “I only was introduced to the latter part of the Renaissance.”

“He helped to make the river, impressing Jo but she didn’t budge.  The story of her husband’s death was kept until it was discovered and thrown into the river she built.  I knew it was a male because it returned with a small gift that led to the story that was part of the data set you gave me.”  Ayumu smiled.  “I’m wondering about something to eat.  I’m curious.”

“It’s hard to consider our choices.”  Yuu muttered.  “To answer the question… I placed it in there as a leverage point.”

“So…” Ayumu glanced over when Yuu turned upwards.

The moment was brought back like a bubble that ran through the tubes before turning back to him.  The uncertainty was present when he saw the lush green area and ran ahead as Sai extended the hand out onto the shoulder.

“There have been too many moments of that.  Even with the presence of another being was strong for us that drew off our hibernation cycle… I wondered how it got loose and if it is a true being who has adapted or born with both genes… Yuu has seen it all and reason why he is trying to make you the experiment to try our biggest fear, intimacy.”  Sai concluded with his eyes staring to the vast area.

“Yuu had reasoning to do his work?”  Ayumu pondered.

“Not because of intimacy but of unfairness and with new civilizations… Yuu has heard the calls and has connected with one that will be saved.  That is his way to thank them for being nice.”  Sai breathed.  “Let’s recharge a bit here and head off to the next area, Shinchubu.”
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 4 12/3/2016
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2016, 03:37:39 PM »
Wait...  :shocked:
Did I just saw my oshis here?  :wub:

Should have like the others XD. Just without the shipping partner be of the story itself, maybe other things in the end XD
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 5 12/5/2016
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2016, 07:37:16 AM »

Antan walked up to the wall, knocking on the wooden exterior before entering into the opening.  The area was sectioned off after the changes with their community as she remembered the building of the protection when she was a child.  In the end, it was a barrier with the outside world with the natural protection of the wasteland around them.  The long road led to the building where people would request to go in and out, the town hall that only had a few people at front when she entered to the barren room.

“Ijiri?  You have the right to visit, correct?”  The woman responded.

“I have to speak to the high chief right away.”  Antan breathed heavily upon the request.

She knew going right away for the high chief was an act of defiance of sort without the grace period but it had bothered her that New Kansai was perished into ruins behind her without any assumptions of verifying the result when the woman turned back with a slight nod.  Antan had every right to determine what had happened if it was the cycle that usually occur with the dissatisfactory of the gods or at worse the gods playing a nasty trick upon the people when the next door opened to the main part of town.

“Anna… he isn’t doing well so lucky you came at this time.”  The woman informed her.  “We cannot give you the time for a formal meeting.”

“Who is in his presence?”  Antan asked softly, proceeding up to the stairs into the chambers.

“His family and the heir apparent.”  She replied.

Antan wasn’t sure of the heirs with the extended family also connecting to hers but as an agreement she had to not take the test to be a high chiefess for the sake of the tribe since she was taking an opportunity to be part of the outside world.  Bowing her head before entering into the room with the beige curtain and swept it away to the bed when the eyes shot open.

“Anna…” he breathed.

“High Chief Hyogo… I’ve heard of your situation.”  Anna lowered her head.

“Haha… you’ve heard well but I acknowledge where everything has been going.”  He chuckled.  “What has brought you back?”

“I’m not sure to explain that… New Kansai has been sunk.”  Antan spat.

“It has?  Yui, it will come true after all.”  He swayed his eyes over to the elegantly dress woman to his right, holding the hand.  “This will be the heir.”

She stood tall before lowering head to Anna as she returned the gesture with a deeper bow.  Yui walked up to visitor and escorted her to the next chamber with the room of no view of the outside.  Showing her the seat to the guest, Yui sat across of Anna when she turned the head.  “Hyogo has left me with the township but I never had the view of the outside world.”

“You were left with it?”  Antan spoke softly.

“I told Hyogo that I would take over because I thought there was a backup plan when I failed.”  Yui growled.  “The problem will be to tell him I want to pass.”

“What about the others?”  Antan thought.

“The only one left is Kyoko.”  Yui analyzed when the eyes glared up.  “She still has to go through the trials.”

“That’ll be a while but if you request to control what is happening… I can set it up to work on him.”  Antan smirked.

“I don’t want to betray him.”  Yui lowered her head.

“I’ll ask.”  Antan swayed her eyes, rushing out the door down the corridor to the chambers of the high chief.

“May Yui go on my quest?”

A smile grew upon his face before turning to the people around him.  The distinct look gave the group an uncertainty before pointing over to the corner of the room with the long, brown staff with the large, clear orbs hanging at the top when Yui stepped up and bowed deeply to the elder.

“She will go on…”  He uttered.  “My blessing is to carry on in spirit and I will hold on for as long as possible before you return to retake the trial again as you please.  Kyoko… you will take over as the heir to the throne and will be the determining factor of the group to allow both Anna and Yui back into the town.”

Anna knew personally the “if” proposition was up to the gods and rain was one indication of the result although she hadn’t fulfilled the promise based on the depth of what was needed to continue.  Yui stood up erect and removed the coat to lay it upon the younger sibling.  In the moment, she heard the wisp and tapped her shoulder when the High Chief bowed his head.

“Go on… Anna will take our knowledge to spread throughout the world with Yui as our guide into normalcy.”  He growled when he laid his head back and the stick fell to the floor.

“High Chief… thank you.  Everyone thank you for a warm welcome back to the tribe.”  Anna placed the two fists together and bent her body in half.

The event struck Yui when she walked down to the chambers of the heir and grabbed the clothes for travel into a large knapsack of buffalo felt that was passed on through the years.  The memories came like a movie, wiping the eyes as she managed a smile before following Antan out into the outside world with the three glaring back at them.

“That took a while… did you get the resources?”  Sayaka asked.

“Her.  Everyone meet the former heir, Yui.”  Antan pointed.  “Yui this is the group that survived from New Kansai.”

“Nice to meet you.  As for a resource… what exactly do I know?”  Yui tilted her head.

“The history of the tribe.  Emika has been looking into what the Ijiri has done over the thousands of years of our existence.”  Antan explained when Emika glared at Yui.

“I see.  I’ll explain it from the start as we are heading to…”  Yui nodded.

“Nagoya.  The land that has been the center of the existence away from Tokyo.”  Sayaka informed them when Miyuki wrapped her arms around the woman.  “I sense something…”

“Yui… you are quite the beauty.”  Miyuki quipped.  “However, you don’t have the markings of the true tribespeople.”

Anna would have told them that Yui was an outsider but not by choice.  It was an unusual circumstance that she got to know Yui from the start as they were grouped together to be taught the ways of the tribe.  Antan was the one to be sent to the schooling outside while Yui and a few of the others had been educated in taking the position as a shaman.  However, it wasn’t the markings that propelled her up but the story of a woman who would save them from the worse of all the tortures they would endure.

The question was said that Yui was the person to block them from it however it was always the bigger threat that seemed to linger from elsewhere.  She faced the gate and bowed one last time, mumbling out a prayer.

“I was their good luck charm.”  Yui uttered after the quick prayer.  “Miyuki-san is not exactly the person I would state the same thing about as for your family.”

Stepping back, Yui pushed forward with the rest of them behind.  Antan and Emika took to the middle with Sayaka and Miyuki taking up the end.  Yui didn’t like to mince words and was blunt as could be from Antan’s experience.  The fear was from her background that made her only know to the tribe that she was an outsider to learn their ways and the twenty plus years since the arrival had been prosperous on all fronts.  Antan knew time away would develop the sincerity she had obtained from Yui at the start of the training and pursuing the position to follow the High Chief position.

“Nagoya… that’s quite a distance.”  Yui smirked.

“It is… We are going to walk until then.”  Antan informed her as Yui adjusted her bag on the shoulder.

Emika turned back to view Miyuki narrowing her eyes towards the front before she swung the view back.  The aura grew from the back when it suddenly calmed and ran up to Antan.  The group came to a halt when Sayaka pointed to the pool of water in the distance.  “Can we stop there?”

“I’m not sure if it is a mirage…” Antan thought when she got a confirmation from Yui.

“The nearest stop is further down but I’m sorry in stating you in a bad light.  I’m cursed in that way in being too honest.”  Yui bowed.

“I’m still angry at you for much if you bothered to look into my past.”  Miyuki spat.

“I’ve come from a blank book.  At least you have a start.”  Yui sighed as she walked up and moved the hand to the forehead.  “The heat is getting to you though.”

The brief pause let them out into the open desert and the establishment of boulder shielding them from the setting sun.  Allowing Miyuki to rest helped the bodies to hydrate with the little resources they have obtained from the previous visit to the lush area.  Yui and Antan glanced around the area with their fingers out in the dry air to determine the location within the boundaries.  Fear settled upon Yui when she turned to find a slight wind but not enough to give a confident reading from a source of potable liquid.

“The only way is to strip her clothes off.”  Yui stated when Sayaka pulled the shirt off and heard the instructions to cover the extremities.  “It’ll help all to be less clothed too.”

The group had gone down to their undergarments before sitting down onto the hard ground as they each took an area by the boulder with the warm touch of the natural heat container upon their skins.

“I think Sayaka caught on.”  Yui smirked.

“It’s helping a bit to remove the heat away but the lack of hydration will not give us hope for long.”  Sayaka stated when Yui nodded back.

Stuffing the bags with the clothing, they continued in the dimmed area with Sayaka carrying her partner on the back as they continued through the desert with the hope of continuing to Nagoya at full strength.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 6 12/11/2016
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2016, 07:37:33 AM »

Ayumu glared out into the vast desert when he stopped and ventured out to the pole out in the middle, pressing up to the wooden structure.  His anticipation was to get out to the village although walking towards the other direction with the other two leading out to the next part of the plains when Yuu closed his eyes.

“The ocean… I wonder why I feel relieved.”  He murmured.

“Isn’t there is a supposed god towards the sea?  I heard she is quite a demon.”  Sai smirked.

“I wouldn’t dare to anger gods.  Even Ayumu knows what happens.”  Yuu retorted back when he narrowed the eyes.

“Lead to the ocean…”  Ayumu thought.  “This god I must meet.”

The two males turned their heads when Yuu closed his eyes and glared out to the direction.  Pacing out to the area, the distance seemed like a trip out off to the intended location when Sai gripped the hands and charged out with the flash creating the portal to the coast where the air was thick of salt with the being upon the sand in the distance lying upon the soft ground glancing up at the sunset.

“I never imagined a woman looking so… muscular.”  Ayumu thought.

“I believe if you talk to someone, you should talk to their face.”  The woman growled.

“I’m sorry… it’s rather hard to not notice you are quite masculine with a feminine presence.”  Ayumu bent his body in half.

“Sai… is that you?”  The woman narrowed her eyes.  “You’ve left me… almost six hundred years ago.”

“I had my reasons.”  Sai quipped, swaying the head away.

“Sai had a love interest too?”  Yuu inserted his opinion.

“Not really… I was cursed not to love anyone but something about Sai had made me feel safe but he left out of the blue.”  She remembered when she extended her hand.  “I’m Sayaka… the god of the coastline.”

“Why not the ocean?”  Yuu pondered.

“I relieved myself from that priority to become one with coast of this land alone.  Sai was to blame mostly for that.”  Sayaka recalled when Sai stepped up.

“I had to leave because you angered the island god across the way and was ready to deliver a blow to destroy the land.”  Sai reiterated.

“Oh?  We made up with a blessing of the new island in the middle of nowhere.”  Sayaka rolled her eyes.  “Uninhabited to my first thought.”

“Anyways… we have to head to Nagoya.”  Sai explained when she turned the body.

“I guess you’re asking for a sea route instead of the desolate land.”  Sayaka sighed.

“It’ll be better that way.”  Sai growled when a smile came upon her face.  “Why?”

“Oh… I can be useful again instead of lazing around on the beach.”  Sayaka stretched her arms.  “Don’t mind me in this form.  It’s a decoy before I turn into this.”

Sayaka stood with the sun blinding the three as the dress of white pearl came upon the body, shielding what they had seen before on the beach with the shoulder-length black hair layered over when she walked over to the water’s edge and opened the water in front of them.  The cool mist of the ocean was better than the dry conditions the desert had provided when she presented the tail of her dress to the three of them before speeding off like a motorboat out into the sea.

“I’m curious to why you were in that form.”  Ayumu spat.

“It was to provoke sailors.”  Sai laughed.

“I’m still a woman… although Ayumu is quite strong for a being to be human.”  Sayaka elaborated when she turned back.  “You are one of them.”

He nodded to the assessment, however it was the tip of the iceberg in his mind to give away his true identity before knowing Sayaka as much in the presence of the two men when she curled swiftly to the left and along the coastline with the villages lining up towards their sight.  Ayumu sought to understand the people around him when Sayaka slowed down and pulled up to the shoreline.

“You guys don’t mind walking on even ground or a jet up the river seems to go by your pleasing?”  Sayaka smirked when Ayumu walked up.

“Well… we can walk but I thought you were known by another name…” Sai snickered.

“Don’t bring that up again… that was what got me angry in the first place.”  Sayaka growled.  “Anyways… I want to join in on this fun because I feel lazy just lying upon the beach all day with no sailors to admire my body.”

Yuu and Sai took to the front while Ayumu stood by the giant of a woman when she revealed her form as she touched the male’s head.  She removed it quickly, biting her bottom lip when she noted something beyond the understanding that was given to her.  She turned the head and then glared into the eyes as the heart stopped briefly.  Ayumu saw the view through the mirror-like reflection through the pupil and gripped the arms.

“It can’t be… you two… tell me the truth.”  Sayaka gasped when their heads nodded in unison.

“Sorry.”  Ayumu bowed.

“I should be sorry.  The name is Okaro.”  Sayaka bowed.  “Call me that instead.”

“Okaro?  Sai, is that the alternate name?”  Yuu tilted his head.

“Yes… she came as a blessing when the lands were young and upset many of the beings before the humans came to fruition.  Okaro was the modern creator of the animals and was saddened when they were killed for shelter and food.  She created the legend of the ocean god when she was angered a tsunami would come to wash them away.  Okaro was that person.”  Sai stated when she turned away.

“I’m sorry for my destruction upon the innocent ones.”

“What has happened, happened.”  Ayumu waved his hand.  “You are forgiven Okaro-san.  Please lead us to Shinchubu… I guess Nagoya?”

“They are the same.  The people here cherish the spirits that have been lost through the natural disasters and would come here to become priests.  Although there are others who become more than that as sort of their dedication to the church.  I know them personally wandering around the rivers flowing through the city.  Follow one and it will take you into the choices of locations.”  Okaro informed them as the group pointed out the river to head into the inner city.

The four ventured up past the few villages that were lining the outskirts of the main city when it was mentioned of how they ran the area with the aristocrats taking up the city center but mixed with the dedicated spirits around them had created a sense of chaos that had driven many of the foreigners out of the area with their investments and being preserved by the townspeople when they drew closer to the gates as the line of spirits came by them with the twilight growing around them.

“Seems like the dance of the dead…”  Okaro pondered.  “I see a familiar face.”

Walking up the long, black hair of the spirit shot up with a mask before pulling it up and marched away from the line to join the three standing in admiration of the dancing.  She smiled back when Okaro pointed over to her.  “This is Rie.”

“Ah… Sayaka-sama nice to come and see us again.”  Rie bowed.  “These must the visitors from the other world.”

“They are just as important although the Matsui family still runs the town.”  Okaro grinned.

“Honestly… the problem may be worse than expected.”  Rie lowered her voice.  “They may have gone into hiding.”

She glanced at the three when Rie returned back to the line to continue the dance to welcome in the new batch of spirits as they passed through the gate into the town flourishing in their goods with the right brands of items for the inner sanctum of the town when Okaro raised her eyebrows around the area.  The three quickly noted the look when the people had walked by them.

“You guys feel that.”  She murmured.

“It has a strong scent of incense.  It has to be hidden among the crowd.”  Sai noted when she moved her hand.

Okaro closed her eyes when the body swerved around the people to head towards the scent before stopping at the shrine and turned back to the regular form with the three following closely.  Inhaling what had been the problem, Okaro bowed towards the gate as the others followed onto the stone path in the darkness of the forest before the red eyes glared out.

“You were the guardian of Osaka before they built the New Kansai district.”  Okaro exhaled.

“I’m only visiting… as for the Matsui clan… that I can’t answer.  It could be the secret I want to seek too.”  The voice called out when it appeared with the sleeveless coat, showing the arms and the strict glare towards Okaro.  “Long time no see, Okaro.”

“Yuttan.”  She spat.

“I’m the Osaka strength and spirit that was traditional before the towns were destroyed and scatter the people across the barren land that was mine to oversee.”  She nodded.  “The name is Yuka, call me Yuttan.”

“The dialect was used hundreds of years earlier before the unification of the dialects to supremely make it the town.”  Okaro explained.

“That got destroyed.”  Sai added.

“Really?  Good for them.”  Yuka scoffed with her arms crossed.  “The people got what they wanted.”

“Rie is doing the greetings as usual but has no idea where the Matsuis are, they are the heart and soul of Nagoya.”  Okaro informed the woman.

“We are seeking the same thing with a random being from further south, enticing the young men to like her.  Although better than Okaro with her muscular build and a chest that men would only be jealous of.”  She snickered.

“That handily I can admit that you could only expose them as needed but you decide not to but the being… she could be here because of…”  Okaro thought when the rumor came to mind.

“Okaro… tell me what you are thinking.”  Yuka growled.

“They are coming north to inform us of the impending doom we face.”  She replied back as the three stood frozen.

“Let me guide you to the forbidden area.  The men maybe interested in a bit of play.”  Yuka smiled.

“Without the currency, they are just out of luck.”  Okaro informed the woman when she nodded.

“Just for information only, they are quite bare like how you probably found her.”  Yuka pointed.  “Keep your head down and don’t glare.”

Ayumu stood towards the back when the figure stood at the entrance with others as they were escorted out into the forbidden area within the large town.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 7 12/14/2016
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2016, 07:46:16 AM »

The group reached the edge of green when they saw the hill in front with the breeze blowing towards their direction as the smell of grilled food tickled their noses when the people walked out and bowed towards them.  Antan and Emika led forward while the rest lingered behind when they pushed through the path into the village.  The sounds of voices had rung louder from the lack of noise within the desert that was not the group when the two stopped as a platter was presented in front of the two.

“What is this?”  Emika asked.

“Offering?”  Antan tilted her head as the other three walked up behind them.

“You guys must be here to challenge the kingdom…  They are giving you their blessings to defeat the monarchs that have ruled over the area for centuries.”  The voice came from behind with the lime-green dress and the shoulder-length black hair.  “Hello, I’m Churi, the leader of these great people.”

“Churi… we are not here to fight but to seek guidance from the people in Shinchubu.”  Emika replied.

“Has something gone wrong in your area?”  She asked.

“New Kansai has collapsed from a tremor and has also consumed south of us.  Everyone has been consumed as well and we are the survivors to head north to explain our situation.  We do not seek to challenge.”  Sayaka walked up as Churi nodded to them.

“I see… As we know… there is always a change of scenery abroad and even from other lands will take us down.  As I see too you guys don’t come armed as well.”  Churi grinned.

“The desert is no fun place to lose our hydration so we just seek shelter.”  Sayaka replied back when Churi pointed towards the structure.  “Provide them with what is needed, they come in peace.”

The tribe were females with red or green clothing on as Churi sat near the door while they were comforted by the assistance to cover them in a white, thin clothing with a plate of food for each of them.  Churi’s eyes stared upon them with no hesitancy in consuming the items in front while Emika nodded her head to them.

“As you see, the place is women only.  Men are on the northern side of the village.”  Churi explained.  “We were forced to be separated when the Matsuis took over the land.  The lack of children had led us to kidnap most and our indigenous culture had died as well unless we fear execution.”

“For mating?”  Miyuki quipped.

“Yeah… it was for them to control and always left us with spies but it was easier to fornicate with females and the males did their own ways.”  Churi sighed.

“Even if they caught you… the process could continue if you resign to the kingdom.”  Sayaka theorized.

“They would never allow any of us to go into the area to ruin the purification.  We stay near the desert to comfort the people before battling although we would deny their stories of contributing to the cause.  If you guys are saying that the lands south have been consumed, they probably won’t believe you guys.”  Churi explained when Yui stood in front of them.

“They will see in weeks that it could disappear and as much as we just pass by, the serious trouble is just beginning.”  She stated before taking her seat.

“Good luck and spend the night here before venturing out to the path into the kingdom.”  Churi bowed her head before having the rest of the servants exit from the structure, following her closely behind.

“Churi seems comfortable with the kingdom.”  Yui noted.

The rest nodded in unison while they consumed the meal given to them.  The concept of Churi had encompassed their minds as they had pondered over the spies that could be lingering around.  They watched the flickering lights from outside before Miyuki stepped out to the quiet village with only the fire to carve the path in front of her.

“What are you doing?”  Sayaka asked.

“I needed some fresh air.”  Miyuki replied.

Exiting from the structure, she found the warmth of the woman swiftly when she pressed up to Miyuki’s back.  Sayaka knew enough to view Miyuki through the troubles but deeper than anything was to bear her soul and being in the area had driven her wild on a trip away from what she had known for the time.  The lights were like fireflies when the hands moved up to the shoulders.

“I feel we can infiltrate the kingdom.”  Miyuki hummed.  “The spies don’t scare me.”

“They may be listening to us.”  Sayaka whispered.

“That doesn’t bother me as much as they were seeing us from the beginning.”  Miyuki swayed her eyes away.  “If they followed up, we are in good shape to continue forward however, it’ll take a miracle to take out a large city rather than the small towns.”

“What are you saying?  New Kansai is now a dream to us.  The tribes are next on the destruction.”  Sayaka mumbled.

They turned back when the figure stood behind them before walking up with a smile, “don’t worry about them… I know they know what is happening but here will be wiped out easily.”

“Yui…”  Sayaka uttered under her breath when a hand came upon the head.

“We come in peace and I can show it to them but here may be the wrong place to stay for long periods of time.  I sense the aggressive nature from them to protect the kingdom so we must venture off before the moon shines the brightest after the lights burn out.”  Yui stated when the eyes met.  “Miyuki is right to go ahead and go on ahead.”

Sayaka clenched her jaw at the situation with the three standing outside with the glowing eyes returning back to them.  Their voices were loud but they weren’t striking quickly as the shadow came in front of them.  The trio stood in front when the reflection of light shined back.  Miyuki took the step forward upon the body heat escalating before feeling the cool touch of something behind her.

“Churi… we must guide them.  Yuria and I will do so.”  The voice announced.

“I’m not seeking any time to assassinate the royals.”  Churi announced.  “That’s the purpose to keep us here.”

“We won’t be like Airi!”  The second voice growled.

The chirps of the crickets came louder with the three standing in front of her as the other two peeked out to see the scene with the group now under the bright moon.  The shadows stood when Churi turned her body.

“Do as you may…”  She breathed.  “I will not be here to bury other colleagues who disobey my orders.”

“Churi… we are not here to disobey.”  Sayaka confirmed when the smile came upon her face.

“I firmly believe in your words.  I listened to everything you guys have said and saw it myself before you guys arrived with the groups avoiding our area to retreat from the instant death the gods have caused.  I just don’t want anyone else being taken away.”  Churi stated.

The story came as the warning for them to mend what wounds the royals have punished them.  The time had distanced them also made the tribes split into two different races as the women were easily joined while the men had become warriors that shred enemies apart.  The royals trained the men while the women were caretakers.  Churi had been introduced to an artist scaling the area from the township.  The instance of meeting her had brought her chest into bind.  Airi was beautiful as much as talented.

The story unfolded into the battle to let her join as of a tribe member with had lack of noble blood.  However, the fact that she had been trained in the town had left her forbidden to permanently stay as one.  Churi sent an argument that the nobility had overruled all from their rules and even with the court ruling in favor of the tribe, Airi had been in the possession all along when the “trial” happened.  In such torture, Churi had watched everything to transform her back to the person she once was and left in the wake of the men she had once knew taking every single part of her dignity away with their powers striking her firmly against her cries for help.

Churi wasn’t fighting for Airi but to keep the women she had cherished from not facing the same punishment and taught them about what would happen if the same incident had happened to them.  Miyuki nodded with the others that they were warning of the pending disaster they were about to face and just being the voices of the lands before them.

“Your story has touched us… we must do our deed with or without your assistance.”  Yui exhaled.  “We will take that chance and if you must escape, follow the same path to the town.”

The group left upon the timing of the flames disappearing with the moon waning away in the distance.  The two extras, Yuria and Akari, were different beings as they were going to seek the truth to Airi.  Their lives were in danger as much as the next when they took the road along the coastline with the mountains growing from the lower half.  Emika glanced around to analyze the area before a gentle shift below caught the attention when the last shadow rushed up to the front.

“I can’t sleep until I feel confident with this idea.”  Churi spat when the rest of the group smiled back.

“We promise you that… we are going to do our job and if you must, we can continue to the next area.”  Sayaka bowed.

“Antan and I can bless you too.”  Yui added.

“Thanks… it’s been a while to feel confident to go back to Nagoya.”  Churi muttered when she followed them along the coast.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 8 12/18/2016
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2016, 06:36:48 AM »

The men scanned the area with a smile growing upon their faces as they viewed the area of the slanted windows with the bodies of the opposite sex bare-chested and some with the thick bunch of hair on their lower abdomen.  The warmth came from below although for one had not possessed such resistance to the opposite sex and caught the eye of Yuka when a snicker came from the women.  Ayumu continued the scanning until being nudged by Yuu to put the snake back into the basket and deflating such hopes.

“The legal age is now eighteen so many are secured for minutes, hours, and even days on lease with the owners.”  Yuka informed the group.  “Many are suited for any act as of now, permitted by the owners although there is a high price when they are of the prime age and ripeness before they are plucked for action.  If you catch the drift.”

Seeing the wink, the three glanced at each other before Okaro turned towards them and huddled them together, “sex.”

“Oh?  That’s an issue for us.”  Sai spat loudly.

“I think for a friend, it wouldn’t be a problem, eh?”  Yuka chuckled as they continued down the row.  “Anyways, many are sold off per the families to pay for the dues around the kingdom.  The king and queen takes it and supports the rest of the land to continue the grown but with the lack of childbirth, it has also shrunken the group until as of late.”

“Fluctuation?”  Okaro questioned.

“Many aren’t citizens to be honest and made a deal with the Matsuis to come in because of some incident that had happened in their two.  Could be related to your guys situation but they are of another breed and they are towards the end of the path.”  Yuka elaborated when she opened the gate to the open area with their bodies out in the open as a figure walked up to them.

“Welcome to the Southern Select!  How may I help you?”  She grinned.

“You may want to come with me.”  Yuka breathed.

“I didn’t do anything wrong though…” The woman retorted as Okaro glared.  “I’ll follow.”

The smaller woman led them to the slanted structure held up with the wooden planks struck into the ground and the tilted roof.  The group bent their necks forward to the hallway before entering into the fumes of perfume with the rooms lined up parallel to each other.  The dynamics was different from when they are promoted to the crowd outside and down to the final room with the big, brown door, opening to a large office.

“Sit.”  She pointed to the chairs.  “I’m Sashihara from Oita.”

“Why does it seem you have something different than us?”  Yuka narrowed her eyes.

“Well… I’m a goddess of lust…. Or used to be.”  Sashihara stated.  “The goddess’ name is Sasshi and the rock I used to be contained in had been destroyed by the tsunami and earthquakes.”

“The myth was you were contained in that rock because you tortured a whole town to make a baby that would destroy the island.”  Okaro remembered when Sasshi’s eyes swayed away.

“Correct but I couldn’t do that when it got washed away and followed the group up the coast to Nagoya to beg the kingdom to accept me through this avenue.  The problem was selling the women to make this area.  The prices are a bit cheaper than the norm but being towards the back also made it hard to get anyone to come this way.”  Sasshi explained when Yuka stood.  “You’re not here for that.”

“The problem is… where are the Matsuis?”  Okaro asked.

“Oh?  They are in hiding.  The rumor has been the two have gone underground.”  Sasshi clued them.

“Why?  Is there a revolution?”  Yuka pondered when Sasshi leaned in.

“Not really… just a mistake.”  She smirked.

The three stood behind them with the exchange of words between the women.  The understanding had driven them back to where they hadn’t expected except for the women to stand up and Sasshi to withdraw the clothing to expose her body to the men.  The two laughed at her slender body as a goddess of lust being flat like a pubescent female.  Okaro let out the loudest of all the snickers when the door opened.

“Rie?  What are doing here?”  Sasshi widened her eyes.

“I’m here to report a sighting.  I think even the goddess of lust probably had a way into what had happened?”  She hummed.

“I never did anything to sway them into the situation.”  Sasshi argued.  “Where would they be?”

“The castle.”  Rie spat.

Sasshi closed her coat and wrapped the belt around her waist when she pulled the dark hair out.  Leading them out to streets, the group walked out passed the temptations again before taking the road up to the structure on top of the hill.  The thick scent of pine filled their lungs with the group of seven walking up as Yuu stopped at the tree.

“Can’t go any further?”  Okaro asked.

“Something is harming me…”  He replied.

Sai and Ayumu glanced at each other when they pressed up to Yuu’s back.  Sai pulled him to the side as the hand matched up to the chest.  The harm was deep within the body, letting out a cough as a black substance escaped onto the ground below.  The women observed it when Yuu leaned against the tree.  Sasshi glared down before the black tarlike substance became a small idol before running off into the forest.  Sasshi glanced up before turning to Rie when she started the chanting to walk up the path followed by the group as Sai took the weight of Yuu on the back.

The flat surface turned rocky under their feet, pushing their way out of the forest into the view of the large house when they saw a person walked up to the group with a large metallic suit and extended the hand.  Rie stopped the chanting when Okaro stepped up to the figure as the helmet came off to the long, black hair.

“You guys heard of the return?”  The voice cracked.

“You have to tell us where they are heading.  The townspeople will flood up here to get an answer.”  Rie stared when the guard nodded.

“They are up there… however… it isn’t safe to what has happened to the family.”  The guard reported.  “I ran away to escape what torture that was being applied across all fields.”

Okaro ran up to see a creature above the structure when the rest saw it.  The words were enough to detract many but for them it was the meeting with fate that they had proceeded to face.  Okaro drew up to the front while Sai had proceeded behind her with Ayumu and Rie watching as the creature swung its eyes over.  Rie strode forward with a chant as Sai and Okaro charged up to the gate with the large orbs of orange flashed by them.  Ayumu closed his eyes briefly when the time froze upon the thought and headed up to the gate.

The world it was known from the palm was different than what he had viewed.  Ayumu hated it as much when the hand felt the warm exterior of the creature when the time started again and squeezed it.  He sensed a strength coming from his body when the creature yanked back, crashing itself into the wall.  Holding on with the vigor he possessed, Ayumu closed his grip further when the creature transformed back to the human with the fair skin and long, black hair.  Analyzing her body was a hump on the lower abdomen as the eyes shot red towards him.

“How dare you?!”  It growled.

“I’m control all from the outside.”  Ayumu groaned.  “You were bound to destroy.”

“I was going to do that for forcing me to take in a child of blood to keep the line going.”  The being growled back as the rest of the people had rushed up.

“I don’t know of it… but destruction isn’t the key to everything.”  Ayumu retorted softly.

“Rena-sama… are you okay?”  The guard asked as he walked up.

“I’m fine… just the bastard child had his way and forced me with a child that may be not of noble pride.”  Rena replied as Rie stepped up.

“Had Jun done that?”  She asked, seeing a firm nod.  “You killed him?”

“Yes, I did.  The whole family has been perished from the scene, leaving me to probably die the same way when the implosion of my body would free the people from the family that has ruled forever.”  Rena explained when Sasshi came into view.  “That was the person to intrigue Jun into incestuous thoughts.”

“That wasn’t fully on me as he had a dying wish regardless and killing him would have been moot even if he had impregnated you.  The curse was kept alive and you were the pure one to keep the curse away to continue the family line.”  Sasshi glared up to the sky.  “No one knew of what kept it going instead of the lines finally coming back after the civil war.”

The group was quickly told of the civil war that wasn’t fought on the land but within the scholars of the family.  Rena had been born of the pure side with little side effects while the one opportunity of inbreeding had tainted a line that continued regardless of concubines or outsiders that have been from other royal families.  Sasshi continued the story when Ayumu had touched the head of Rena when she fell to the ground.

“Did it happen?”  Sai asked.

“She passed out but the people will be asking for answers regardless of what Ayumu did.”  Okaro analyzed the woman.  “Close the gate for the time being, guard.  Yuu and Sai will help as the women sort out the situation.  Ayumu… there is a library to look over while we are here to protect the family.”

Walking into the entrance of the large structure, he found the lifeless body lying face down into the earth.  Ayumu for one was regretful of the situation when he ran into the building with the stench of rotting flesh burning around him before feeling a door beside him and pushing it open to the vast room of white with no windows and a being in white writing onto the book.

“You must be the creator… I’ll write this down.”  The voice squeaked.

“Who are you?”  Ayumu asked.

“I’m Ryoha… continuing what the story of Nagoya has been for centuries.  I have a fellow person in Osaka to continue the same story there.”  It answered.

“Osaka?  You mean new Kansai?”  Ayumu collecting the thoughts.

“Osaka… it has still continued.”  Ryoha answered.

“I need the story of the Matsuis.”  He spat.

“That is over.  Rena will die with the baby being the cause of her death.”  Ryoha informed him.  “You can’t save her.”

“What about you?  This place is a mess.”  He informed her when the touch came upon his chest.

“Like you… I’ll survive when everything collapses like all who have wrote the stories from before.  The special beings can live on forever and not even the goddesses can continue without rebirth.”  Ryoha sighed.  “Get out while you can.”

The directions being blunt had him running out with the rustling of the beams above him and escaping while the women surrounded the last being of the Matsuis.  The eyes glared at the cold body below as the men ran back from the front as the circled her body.  The last remembrance was now done for the time being.  The guard knelt down and closed her eyes before walking over to the guard house as the sounds of creaking grew louder and draped the tarp over her.  The guard saluted the woman before walking into the structure and turning to salute them.

“I’ll be here until it falls.  Good luck on the journey.”  The guard smiled.

The top came like boulder over their heads as they rushed to the open space and jumped into the forest as the continuation of the rubble fell upon the being before the dust overcame them as they slid down the slick hill to the opposite end of the mountain with the cloud s turning into a dust ball on the hill.  The brief conclusion to what had been the longest mystery was now gone as Rie pointed to the mountain in the far distance.

“Mount Fuji.”  Okaro breathed.  “We will visit the shrines to satisfy our safe trip to the main land of Tokyo.”

The group dusted off the wet combination of dirt and grass before walking to the path further down upon the soft asphalt to their next location of survival away from ruins of the kingdom perished form the map.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 9 12/25/2016
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2016, 11:08:47 PM »

Their eyes peered up to the smoke upon the hill as they skirted the coast.  The smell was fresh of the destruction although the sounds of the people echoed out far with the sounds growing of panic.  Churi kept walking regardless as the rest stood in awe with the smoke looking like a volcano before the woman leading had dragged them forward.  The eyes squared to the future when Miyuki had glared up.

“What does it mean?”  She asked.

“The worse… the best… honestly my answer isn’t here because what did happen won’t be answered here.”  Churi elaborated upon the idea of the situation.

The path was uneven under their feet as they continued to cross over the terrain, slowly out over to the view of the large mountain afar.  The group being away from the norms of life had prompted them to stare out in awe of the mountain.  With the dying sun, they glanced out forward to the large tower-like structure within their sight and pointed over quickly as the group rushed up to the front.

“Is this a joke?”  Churi growled.  “We can’t be able to relief our arms.”

“If it wants us to be known as no threat, we have to comply.”  Sayaka pondered when Yuria and Akari had glanced up to the sign.

“Let us go in and see if it is safe.”  Yuria breathed, glancing over to Akari when they stepped inside.

The rest of the group stood with the sunset as Churi let out a sigh.  “Does it seem I’m too cautious?”

“It’s better to be aware than to go into something blindly.”  Yui stated.

“I mean… it has been a while since I’ve left the village and now being this far away for a few days… I couldn’t have imagined to the new scenery.”  Churi quipped as Sayaka pushed the door open when a person walked out in a flower kimono clattered out into the open.

“Welcome to the inn.”  The soft voice greeted when Churi swayed her eyes over and ran up.

“Airi!”  She squealed.

“Took you guys some time to get us inside.”  Sayaka growled.

“We couldn’t believe it until now.  She had ran off to the area to escape when the innkeeper had accepted her and took over since her children had passed on from illness.”  Akari stood with her arms crossed.

“It wasn’t the fact that we didn’t want you guys in but with the splitting image, we had to confirm as the mark on the back had to be shown.”  Yuria confirmed.  “She didn’t want to untie the kimono so…”

“She saw everything underneath the clothing.  Probably a long time since Churi was free.”  Airi smiled.

“I probably would have said sexually frustrated…” Akari rolled her eyes.

“I wouldn’t be surprised but… it is an all-women resort.  The men are further down the road.”  Airi explained when she gathered the large group inside the lobby.  “The lake is open but since the rumor of demons popping around that I haven’t had too many visitors.”

“You think it’s been military people coming inside and torturing the visitors?”  Churi asked.

“I doubt it being a problem but the sign outside was meant to make this place peaceful.  It could be the owner’s ghost though.”  Airi elaborated when Yui stepped up to the front.

“Antan, let’s do a scan.”  She turned back when the woman stepped up to the front.  “Is it okay?”

“Sure.  We have lots of rooms here, just have to kick off the shoes from here.”  Airi pointed toward the rack.  “Once you guys do that, every floor has two rooms.”

The group headed up the stairs, leaving Airi and Churi in the lobby as the hand pressed up to the neck.  The firm grip was the feel of comfort for the clan leader on the mission.  She inhaled when a warm drop escaped from the eye.  The thought came badly into the mind when they stepped out as the two performed a dance at the lake front in front of them.

“Frustrated?  It’s been years.”  Airi hummed.

“I can’t do anything about it because of the pact we made with each other.”  Churi exhaled when they saw a cloudy image.  “Does that look like the previous owner?”

“Yes.”  Airi replied.  “She could be looking over the property.”

“You want to stop them?”  She asked the current owner.

“I want to see what will happen.”

They watched it from afar with the duo continuing their dance.  Airi lowered the hand into the grasp of her partner with them watching to see the swaying of the figure between the two dancing.  The calming breeze calmed the anticipation as she felt the breath from Airi.  Churi snapped her eyes over when she saw what had been the gift that was taken away from the incident from her as it grew outwards against the kimono when the ghost walked towards the lake and headed to the mountain away from them.

“How did she die?”  Churi asked.

“Drowning.”  Airi answered.  “She was doing something routine as a former clan member herself banished when the Matsuis took over.”

“They are from the tribe outside of New Kansai.”  Churi informed her.  “I want them to explain that.”

The two ran up and dropped their hands to the knees.  They glared down before looking up at Airi and Yui extended the hand out upon the forehead.  Churi turned to see the cloud figure escape from the body and pushed it towards the lake.  Antan watched it float out to the edge before running across as Yui guided Airi to the hands of Churi.

“Husband and wife were still here and when Airi decided to make it all-women, they had a fight and the voices lingered.  We communicated to them that she has done a good job and have faith in her.”  Yui explained.  “Everything was also bogged by that argument and knowing if one had stayed, the other was somewhere and took it out of Airi.”

“They should be able to not bother us for the time being.”  Antan confirmed when they walked in with the soot covered soles and hanged it before taking the stairs up.

Churi scanned limp body and untied the kimono to see the canvas lied out upon the floor.  The warmth had grown as she traced the body she used to view every night as the dance was a matter of hope for the tribe before the incident but with the events leading up to the expulsion, Airi had continued on the tradition of the yearly dedication of their body upon the tenth full moon of the year to cleanse the body of filth to the gods.  However, it was also the nightly dances that had taken the cleansing to a different level.

Stripping off the clothes, the moon shined upon their bodies as Churi removed everything and turned her over upon the bright spot on back.  She pressed upon it as it grew hot like coals during their daily fires for the warmth.  Time was suddenly rushing back when she turned the lifeless body onto the back again and pressed her body up to hers when the eyes opened up.

“The ritual…” She breathed.

“Yes.”  Churi smiled.

“The lake.”  Airi pointed.  “It’ll soothe the pain away.”

Churi glared at it as she pulled Airi from the floor and followed her to the edge.  Gripping the hand, Airi walked up further when the water touched the knees of the women when she turned for the embrace.  They strode deeper into the water when the bodies touched again as the fingers separated following on what they do with the murmuring of the water to the lustful acts under the bright moon.  The swimming while they transferred the emotional resistance until the moon escaped their sight.  Returning back to the lobby, they laid upon the clothing until the light disappeared into the summit.

“Not surprised of this.”  Akari noted.

“I wonder how long… years of holding back since she left.”  Yuria breathed.

“We can’t say we weren’t surprised after looking into the files.”  Akari sighed.

“You knew she was here.”  Yuria spat when a smile grew upon the face.

“I wasn’t surprised… just a day to relax.”  She lowered the eyes.  “We still have to follow the rules of the area.”

They threw off the clothing when the two walked down to the water’s edge when the rest came down with the bodies walking down to the lake and dipping into the cool waters.  The pairings took off quickly although the rest settled in the middle with the last two prancing down to lake that had driven people away when Akari had turned to the other end.

“I’ll be honest… those two.”  Akari pointed.  “They will be helpful later on in just keeping this group for long.”

“Antan and Emika?  They are a bit awkward towards each other.”  Yuria thought.

“It’ll be our favorite pair that will only find ourselves in the efforts to copulate one day since they are always together.”  Akari dipped the head into the water.

“We rarely do it because of Churi.”  Yuria dropped into the clear water.

“One day… we can to.”
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 10 1/9/2017
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 09:39:10 PM »

Sai and Yuko were holding their hands at their hips while Ayumu followed the other two up to the top of the stairs and prayed for their safe travel along the lines past the majestic mountains ahead.  Ayumu took in the view from above with the lakes filled like a blue marble he once held eons ago and now closer in his sight before walking down with the other two as they view the duo halfway up the stairs.

“They don’t have the stamina like Ayumu does…”  Okaro noted.

“It’s hard to continue this path regardless of the length and height of the shrines.”  Sai panted, wiping the sweat off his brow.

“Only Fuji until we head straight for Tokyo where the center of the commerce for the land has commence.  You guys are the only ones to hold us back from the goal.”  Yuka spat as they continued to walk down with the two slowly trailing behind.

Ayumu grew concerned over the two as their bodies would be able to adapt if they were like him but in the way of how the planet had affected them this much when he stepped back and led from behind as the two glared back upon the decent down the stairs.  Placing the hand onto the back, they growled out and rushed down the stairs to the end as he gradually got to the bottom with the two women standing with their arms crossed.

“We can’t have them two just lagging behind.”  Okaro gritted her teeth.

“We’re trying but we don’t have that stamina.”  Yuu complained.  “It’s something rather disturbing on our end.”

“They may need rest…” Ayumu suggested.

His words struck the two as they nodded in unison of the situation with the only path was to find a place of shelter to analyze what had been affecting them .  The two women took to the front as they pointed to the hut to the cliff and rushed to it.  The group circled the two quickly as they laid to the floor when Ayumu had pressed up to the bodies and ripped it with his strength.

“What’s those red marks?”  Yuka asked, watching the two laboring for a breath.

“Not sure.”  Ayumu responded as he tore into the bottoms with the red checkboard marks all over their bodies.

The marks were boiling hot to the touch as Okaro bent down and ran her fingertips upon the wounds.  Her face contorted upon the feel when her eyes turned up to see the gray eyes upon both of them.  The thought grew upon her mind to the cause when Ayumu grabbed the bag and took out the item that he had saved from the trip and planted them into the mouth of the duo.  As they slowly chewed upon the item, the two women glared down before the eyes closed for the two.

“Did they die?”  Yuka questioned.

“They can’t die.”  Ayumu stated, glancing at the two.  “They can perish though.”

“You better speak up.”  Okaro warned when he stood.

He began to explain what they had been doing for the eons they have arrived on earth as he was the one to hold the creation of the planet in his hand.  Ayumu explained about the growth and admitted the simplicity of his thoughts when he entered upon the surface of the land.  If it wasn’t for Yuu and Sai, he would have been perished and returned back to the world he knew.  Although the knowledge within his mind would grow like a flower and began to understood through the two about perseverance and compassion.  Ayumu bowed his head upon the completion of the lecture as the two nodded in unison.

“If that is the case, why haven’t you guys start to mate?”  Yuka pondered.

“Our power is well beyond others.  I’m not sure if gods could match up to us and even humans would turn into dust before our eyes from what I have been told.”  Ayumu replied promptly, staring at the two.

“Well it’s all about attraction and the process becoming one as I remember.”  Okaro added.

“Then again, lust is the consumption of most on our level, god or demi-god.” Yuka spat as the eyes turned to Ayumu.  “You don’t see us in that light though?”

“No… does that seem weird?”  He sighed when a smile came upon Yuka’s face.

“Normally I don’t feel offended.”  She laughed.  “Okaro would be super offended.”

“Same here… just maybe a little jilted.”  She hid her face.

“Are you still that embarrassed that if a man acknowledges you…?”  Yuka started the question and pursed her lips.  “I’m quite sorry that she can’t admit if a man had seen here true form.”

“True form?”  Ayumu tilted his head to the side.

“Okaro would not terrorize the others unless it was true love.  She isn’t seeking it like before but something tells me she’s calm because someone is here for her.”  Yuka informed him when she grabbed the arm of Ayumu.  “Take care what you have to.”

They glanced over to the adjacent room as Okaro lifted the lifeless body of Sai and carried him into it.  Ayumu only acknowledge that he was unconscious but it was just the problems it would set if the issue wasn’t going to be settled sooner than later.  He pressed the hand up to the chest of the other bodies as a warmth came, faint at best, to give him a bit of confidence into what could be a full recovery.  Yuka walked to the opening as the sun became a dark globe of blood in the distance and gripped the shoulders of the male.

“One day… I want you to not worry.”  She whispered.  “What you think and know won’t garner anything but understand that it may contain something that you may cherish although it’ll be hard to obtain by waiting.”

“What’s that sound?”  Ayumu spat when a smile came upon her face.

“That was something Okaro held back and now if it is true… her true form will appear.”  Yuka informed him as the echoes began to shake the structure.

Ayumu dropped to the floor when it began to rumble underneath his feet as Yuka had taken to the corner.  He watched the body slide over to the side when a sea-colored light appeared from the door.  The sounds of the wood cracking under the pressure had triggered the other male to glare upon the sight.  The trio observed the burst spread across the room when the swirl of a being came to view them.  The image of a smile came to them before shooting to the sky above and the next shot came from the area and flashed a red across the sky.

“What happened?  Where’s Sai?”  Yuu asked, scanning the room.

Ayumu stared when he walked up and saw the floor bare of any sign of life.  “He’s returned.”

“What?  We can’t die… we only perish.”  Yuu growled.

“The life is finally over for Sai.  He’ll be back soon but only to shell of his former self.”  Ayumu informed the male when Yuka pointed to the door.

“Let’s leave.”

The image of two former faces were now etched in the memory of the group as Yuu struggled to keep his footing.  The healing effect seemed to make him stronger than before but the moonlight offered the scars of the body to reflect promptly.  Ayumu offered the back as to allow him to recover while under the veil of darkness although Yuka had stopped and glared behind.

“Looks like we’re not the only group heading to Fuji.”  She stated with the large orb of light coming in the distance.  “We have to hurry towards the goal.”

“Understood.  Just what exactly was her true form?”  Ayumu breathed as Yuka nodded.

“As she was… she turns back to the sea until she needs another being for her heart.”  Yuka elaborated, pacing down the path to the next location.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 11 1/14/2017
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2017, 10:48:35 AM »

“Churi looks quite sparkling!” Sayaka noted. “Miyuki does too.”

“Sayaka and the other two look ravishing.” Miyuki reported glancing next to the women by Churi when the final pair came from the rooms.

Antan had been quick to note the rest although Yui had peeked out as she adjusted her clothing, exiting the room. The final person to join had reached her arms out to the sky, holding the bag in her grasp. Viewing the majority in a sheen that reflected the bright sun, Emika knew what effects the lake had over many of them with the small few electing to rest rather than dip into the lake for the night.  Churi waved towards the owner before leading them out to the path to the next location.

“I think Tokyo is next.” Churi stated.

“Before that, we have venture to Fuji-san to pray.  It’ll probably be a few days away but better head in that area.” Sayaka informed them as the rest of the group nodded in unison.

The time together had attracted a new sense of the companionship that was brought along from the first part of just being the two of them. Emika reminded more of it along the way with the views of the sea upon the hilly areas along the way when they seemed to speed through the sights along the way, taking in the offerings of food throughout the journey.  Resting at the small huts were of little consequences but they found a change in the approach of the efforts from all the parties involved.

“You okay?” The voice broke the concentration upon the bright moon.

“Yeah… just occupied that we are heading up this quickly.” Emika answered.

“Yui and I were talking while you were in the midst of your thinking and we feel that after Tokyo, we may have to split our own ways.” Antan informed the woman.

“What do you mean?” She asked when the figures came into the light.

“Our paths have crossed for a special reason and when we all reach the main city. There will be something else to look forward to as it is a large area to cover and we all have to accomplish something.” Sayaka explained.

“To be honest, we are facing the last stand against everything but how can we accomplish it without any other issue.” Churi added.

“What exactly is your guys’ plans?” Emika quipped, the eyes immediately turn to the side.

“The adventure has been fun but with what has happened to all of us… it’ll only be the end game.” Sayaka sighed.

“The world won’t end. We have to keep pushing forward.” Emika growled when she glanced away. “I’ve had too much fun just to give up.”

“You’re right yet I’ve sensed deep in my heart that we have to release our issues.” Churi noted. “I’ll be honest that I rather keep up our drive although it’ll end in a horrible way.”

Emika had let the words linger before walking away from the group. In the shadows, she found solace in the darkness for once to sleep until the morning light. The cycle seemed endless to just continue but the goal was ever changing since the start although now it was an empty cause when they kept on the efforts until the night where they had seen the lights blast out in the distance. Awaking the group was the chorus of voices when they had seen a prism of light beaming from afar. Emika was the first to chase it with the rest slowly following up until the glimmers had caught their eyes.

The curiosity of what had brought them to the point was now in the darkness and huddled into the cave nearby for shelter. The group had pondered over the prism that flew up as a mirage in the sky after the few days they were on the road. The sheen they had been covered by had disappeared and now the continuance had been questioned until Emika, grunted as the moon being the light for the road, had taken off to see where the light had appeared from.  The structure was tattered with the smell of the sea lingering.

She searched deeper into the abandoned place when she had seen the open hole with the shadows of the waves crashing up to the cliffs.  Hearing the floor creaked prompted her to walk away when she saw the ocean out in the distance.  Taking the deep breath, Emika heard the call from the distance as it slithered into the ears. “Wait until morning.”

“Why?” She questioned in he abandoned area.

“They will come to you.” The voice rattled her when she scanned around. “Leave here and stay with your friends until sunlight.”

“Where are you exactly?” Emika called out.

“I’m everywhere around you.” The voice chimed.

She found herself on facing the ocean when the structure blew over the cliff and crashed into water below.  The fate had driven her out by the consequence of the curious nature she possessed. Jogging back, she found the cave had turned mute as she fitted into the hole for her and closed her eyes immediately.  The voice was soothing although it was difficult to consider the problems she would have to face and awoke to consider the options. Emika was pondering why anyone would leave and who would be behind the voice.

Emika stepped out to the sight of the peeking sun and glanced out upon the sight of the uneven dirt road ahead.  The voice was echoing but she walked forward with the bag in hand as she proceeded down the path.  The words of the group was weighing when she ventured off however with the only road ahead, it was clear that even being far ahead wasn’t enough to get her off track by much with her slow, steady steps upon the hard ground.  Furthering the distance away, she cleared the mind of the guilt.

“At least… you waited until morning.” The voice called when she turned to see a figure appear. “Damn me in getting this body.”

“Who are you?” Emika asked, tilting her head. “Also… you…”

“I have a big chest!” She smiled. “By the way, I’m Shu.”

“Shu… you were the one guiding me to get out of that house?” She asked, keeping her eyes away from the naked female.

“Yes! I was.  The last person had to blow up because she finally gave in her last wish for her to be free from the body. Then, as the cycle continues, another body is formed and continued to live upon the earth until their time is up.” Shu explained.

“I guess you have to stay naked then…” Emika theorized, seeing her eyes stare back.

“I can always ask for clothes but I’m now your guardian to help you towards Fuji-san.” Shu grinned as Emika followed behind.

Shu developed what was a distraction away from the group that probably would have ended their journey at Tokyo but the stop was to shield one’s self against the dangers ahead. Climbing up the paved path to the summit where the shrine was located, Shu knew of the droves of people would travel along the route although only to the right eyes they would see her.  Almost all would never see her unless they were monks or spiritual beings themselves as the brisk wind had blown against them.

“I forgot about being this chilly.” Shu commented.

“You sure you don’t want to ask for clothing?” Emika asked when she turned to the hut.

“I’ll be back.”

Emika stood in the middle of the area when a shadow had casted over her. The voices grew faint when Shu had walked out and ran towards the woman. The wind threw her onto the floor while Emika felt the crushing of her body before only seeing the darkness that had consumed her. Shu stood with her hands up, throwing the chants in the direction when she was pushed back as the next person came up and threw a sphere with the shadow growling out into the sky.

“Yuka! Hold Yuu.” He commanded when he charged into the shadow, dissipating the darkness, and grabbing the falling body.

“I could have handle that!” Shu moaned.

“I’m sorry but… it was an emergency.” He bowed. “I’m Ayumu.”

“Okaro informed me of you guys too but I have this girl too.” Shu pointed out. “Maybe you can take her until she is healed.”

“You will not leave another person with us just because we worshipped you.” Yuka snarled when the head snapped back.

“I’m not… I need to get dressed.” Shu lowered her head before returning back to the hut.

“She is a descendant.” Yuka snickered. “Okaro knew the later generations had a little extra.”

“I’ll carry her into the empty room.” Ayumu breathed when the image had drawn upon him. “She is cursed.”

“You have to commit to purifying her.” Yuka informed him. “It will take a few days to develop the cure and take her up to the summit to relieve her of the pains.”

“How?” Ayumu asked.

“Good question… Let her rest while I research.” Yuka turned her head away when Shu popped out in a red and white coat that covered the body from the neck down to the knees.

“Purification?” He thought.

“Take her into the shelter and I’ll find her physical pains while you can wait.”

Carrying the lifeless body had drawn to the image of her eyes completed closed, void of a beat.  Laying her on top of the first bed he saw, Shu took over the work as she touched body while he stood outside with the ideas that would come into mind when Yuka stepped inside and stood next to him.

“You have to comfort her until you’re ready. Her injuries can heal but emotionally, it’ll be hard to reform them back after the curse is planted.” She informed him. “Work swiftly, yet carefully.”

Ayumu reminded of the issues Sai and Yuu had mentioned when he arrived. “Also… the cure will require some work on your end. Let the healer do her job and take over from there.”

“I see. Yuu can rest here as well.” Ayumu stated, taking a seat on the floor with the thought of the shadow entering his mind.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 12 1/23/2017
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2017, 07:22:05 AM »
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 13 1/29/2017
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2017, 06:08:27 PM »

Ayumu awoke with the gentle breeze over his face when he turned to see a figure on the chair. The blur of everything that had happened recently stirred in his mind when the scent was different, taking a breath as it walked over and stood over him. The first view caught his eyes of a valley before turning up to a smile.

“I’m sorry.” He spat.

“I should apologize that you were helping me.” She bowed. “For now, the party I left behind has arrived here and your friend is entertaining them at the moment.”

“Yuu? He’ll be a handful.” Ayumu chuckled, glaring up onto the ceiling.

“Seems like it but I was worried after Yuka had explained everything that in such emergencies there were usually sacrifices made upon the instinct. I found that it was a tradition to keep virgins out of the area before Fuji-san. Although I don’t know for the rest of the party but it could have been Yui to bless them all before arriving here.” She explained when she drew closer to place the lips upon the forehead.

“What’s your name?” Ayumu breathed.

“Emika. Yours?” She replied softly.

“Ayumu. Still human… I mean women shouldn’t be treated that way.” He muttered, reverting back the thought on his mind.

“Truthfully… I want to be conscious and with someone I like.” She snickered. “Don’t you feel the same?”

He nodded to it. The prayers before had took out enough energy to drive him further into the depths of his soul when he turned to his side. The moment was different for the desperation of his actions. Ayumu didn’t care so much of hurting her but to save her if Yuka had been right. He weighed the concerns of her friends more than himself when the door was opened to see the crowd walk inside, drawing a smile for them.

“Thank you for saving Emika.” They said in unison.

After each had been introduced to her, the last person stood above the rest although waited through the filtering of the crowd before proceeding forward with the chair dragging up to the bed and turned back to close the door. Ayumu knew he had to be the last one but with the body still drained, it was going to be a long process back to full strength.

“I’m personally gratified to you for keeping me alive.” Yuu stood and bowed. “I would be like Sai and return back.”

“It was okay.” Ayumu chuckled. “We are friends.”

“After all this time… Yes.” He murmured.

“However, something is still on my mind.” Ayumu confessed. “Do they know?”

Yuu swallowed the air within him. They would have told of the story of what has happened over the time when their gods had fallen to the rogue beings. However, the changes came from all the regions and even they couldn’t bear with all the changes they had to face although it was a lifelong story to consider that the only person to give it a shot was the one to assist him with extracting the curse from Emika. Yuu turned back and opened the door to grab the one person to act as a buffer, inviting her into the discussion.

“What’s wrong?” Yuka asked.

“Do they know? I’m scared to face them now.” Ayumu addressed the concern upon the contorted look of her face.

“You saved her life… the others wouldn’t know that unless they heard of the story within the area.” Yuka reported. “No male would be able to come out of it alive on what you did.”

“We shouldn’t tell them.” Yuu spat.

“However, especially with you.” Yuka turned the eyes to Yuu. “Once they figured it out, chaos would break out.”

“True… just for now… let’s help them without informing them. After we can tell them the truth.” Yuu settled upon the idea. “We can’t just let them know.”

“Hmm… I think it’s good unless they know but between us three, there is only one to worry about.” Yuka thought.

“The brat with the big chest?” Yuu grinned.

“I guess her… she is part of the clan Okaro came from. There are so many deities around these parts that even one can be hidden under the veil although understanding them, many are researchers and two are actually full priestesses by trade.” Yuka informed them. “Okaro accepted her fate although sending her would be troublesome.”

“I think we play it safe and keep our lips shut.” Ayumu nodded.

He sensed what would happen if word came out that they were different. Ayumu never heard of the stories personally of the events that had happened although many had a decent time before returning back to home. He had pondered if there was a way to fix the issues upon the land they had stood on without interfering with the people. Ayumu sat up upon the frustration and closed his eyes to analyze the situation. The plan was settled in his mind but the last thing was to analyze what had been causing the fatigue of Yuu.

Questions came like arrows to him when it came to the realization of his time on earth had been longer than the others by the facts he acquired from the start. Sai would have been close but sent off for those essential needs. The moment was to see if Fuji-san would finally bring him back to his senses to leave the earth. He left the idea in the back of his mind and to do what is possible from doing the improbable for him to return. Ayumu turned the lower half of his body and let the feet touch the floor. Running to the bathroom before expelling the items within him before dressing up to leave the room.

“You had been out for a few days… she must be good.” Shuu elbowed him with the chuckle from everyone.

His eyes turned to Emika with her blushed cheeks as Yuka stood to escort them out the door. The large group glanced up at the large mountain ahead declaring it as the next stop for them before proceeding onto the path as Emika had drawn close to Ayumu towards the back of the crowd. Her body had attracted his glare from behind as she turned often to see him working along the terrain.

“Shuu has been a horrible influence.” Emika laughed.

“Indeed. Lucky she didn’t see most of the struggle.” Ayumu replied.

“Was it a struggle?” She asked.

“I never did it before. Also, there is something else that did happen, right?” Ayumu pondered.

“Oh you never learned about sex either?” She chuckled.

“I mean… it broke and healed with Yuka’s help.” Ayumu spat as she turned back fully.

“Yeah… the idea that you did help me is quite compelling.” She smiled and punched his chest. “It seemed like a dream to open it up to see you.”

“Again sorry.” He apologized as they hurried up to the group.

“It’ll be a hard path ahead so we have to travel up to each of the shrines. Yui and Antan will assist with our prayers so follow them when we get there. There will be a few breaks but we have to reach the foot of the mountain before the sun sets so please hurry.” Yuka made the announcement upon the sun reaching above them.

Ayumu knew for one that the plan would be broken if he had said anything although his eyes were on Yuu as he continued to take the front. He would hate himself if he had to return although that was the thought in his mind, continuing up to the steep path. Once he waved off the thought, the body felt something hard crash into the chest and took a deep breath. The group stopped when Antan and Yui took to the praying out to the path when it slowly went away although he viewed in the middle of the group the person wavering and ran up to support her.

“Miyuki!” Sayaka shouted.

“I’m fine. Just a bit hungry.” She smiled.

“I’ll help her. Yuu fall to the back.” Ayumu commanded.

“Thanks… maybe I’m suffering the same thing Emika has.” Miyuki exhaled.

“I don’t think it’s happening here.” Sayaka growled. “You were just tired since we went looking for her.”

“For Emika?” Ayumu spat.

“She left before we did and gotten into trouble. I was concerned most but Miyuki had gone the other way when she reported to us, she had seen the sea from where she was.” Sayaka replied.

“You mean out east?” He pondered.

“South. Everything that was there is now gone.” Sayaka grunted.

The group stopped again when Sayaka had mentioned the information. The momentum drew to a standstill when she had finally reported the western half of Japan was now in the sea. Yuka turned back upon the land before proceeding forward as the large hut had been in the clear. The situation had entered the mind of all when they arrived as Yui and Antan prayed to the shrine before walking into the bare room.

“Everything is in the other places so split up and grab the essentials. Sayaka, tell me what she had seen.” Yuka commanded when Ayumu had placed Miyuki on the ground.

“I know the secret of you. You have to stay quiet about exposing yourself.” Ayumu reported before walking off.

“Is Miyuki okay?” Emika asked.

“She should be fine, maybe exhausted.” He sighed with the weight erased from his mind and helping the other gather items for the night.

The room was vast but cozy for them to stay with the simple foods offered by the priests for the visitors. The fire blazed for them from an outside source through a vent when the sun was away from the horizon although Ayumu had glared out when he viewed the moon closely since the first day when he felt something behind him.

“Let me comfort you.” The voice whispered when it went straight for the pants.

The few minutes of blurred thoughts entered into the mind. He kept his lips shut for the moment before having that feeling explode onto the wall. It was different than sex although the same result had occurred when he turned back to see the people sleeping while one was up in the darkness. He walked over to greet when he felt something warm upon the lips.

“I… like you by me, Ayumu.” The voice called.

“Okay.” He answered.

When he laid down upon the thin piece of cloth, he allowed the body to draw into his zone. The hand was escorted up upon the large orb before closing his eyes to not let the idea grow in his loins to cause any more trouble for the day.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 14 2/4/2017
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2017, 09:19:26 AM »

The group awoke to the sun when the fierce wind had blown into the hut. The women were first to push their arms across their chests when the priests walked in and each took a seat away from the door to invite the group to the closed side of the room. Yuka knew the conditions would be bad if they had gone on their own but the three had removed the hoods to their faces when they stared upon Yuka.

“Long time no see.” The first greeted.

“Tomomi. Natsumi. Haruka.” Yuka breathed.

“Shouldn’t you greet us by last names…?” Natsumi growled.

“I don’t have to but… this is Itano, Matsubara, and Shimada for you guys.” She reintroduced the priests when they bowed to the group.

“A storm had just come over us as Kasai had left to warn Nagoya.” Matsubara reported.

“The rest of Japan is gone.” Sayaka stood.

“We know.” Shimada swung her head. “There is one heading to the north to face the elders.”

“Prayer is the only way to stop it.” Antan added.

“Yes. Yet no.” Itano breathed. “The shrines are probably damaged from the winds and to fix them maybe moot so we have to retreat to Tokyo as soon as we can.”

“Isn’t there someone we can summon?” Yuka thought. “Only one to block the winds.”

“What are you considering, Masuda?” Itano muttered.

“Surprisingly you went to my last name…” She slanted her eyes to the group. “The troll.”

“We only pray. Not summon.” Shimada informed the woman.

“I’ll chance it. The shrine isn’t far.” Yuka smiled.

The three watched her walk pass them with the group standing between her and the door with the winds picking up. One by one they sat with Ayumu being the last person at the door when he saw a red circle in her pupils. He knew to not go against her but standing strong, it wasn’t him being the wall but to acknowledge that she would have to sacrifice her body to get there when he stepped out with the wind whipping his body.

“Ayumu! This isn’t your call.” She yelled.

“I don’t care!” He replied loudly as she pointed in the direction.

“I saw Emika’s eyes once when you saved her! You will not perish!” She growled.

“I won’t.”

The body weight planted onto the hardened ground as he shielded her from the general direction of the gusty weather. The chill grew upon his skin when Yuka roared out into the sky and shook the earth with her feet. Ayumu paced up before walking into a cave when the winds died as they smelled the light scent of meat cooking. They sought further when the heads caught their attentions at the path’s entrance as Yuka took the lead.

“Mariko-sama~” she called.

“Hai!” The voiced echoed when a tall, slender figure approached the two with her eyes turned to the male. “A snack?”

“He isn’t here to harm but we have to head to Tokyo to report to the elders of the situation with the land.” Yuka bowed to her.

“Hmm, Mariko wouldn’t exactly help all humans… so why help him?” She reminded Yuka when he stepped up. “Human, not that close.”

“I’m not human.” Ayumu reported. “I’ve come from another place that have no human resemblance.”

“I see… human is still human.” She smiled, lunging forward when Ayumu dodged.

“Don’t be a hero.” Yuka spat when he grabbed the first thing in sight and held it over his head.

“Whoa… I believe you now.” Mariko stepped back with her hands up.

“We don’t have time. Just protect us.” Yuka bowed deeply.

“I stepped out before the storm to see the sun for the first time in a while and noticed the land had been consumed by the sea.” Mariko noted with her hand on her chin. “What is it?”

“The fissure of lands from below is causing everything to sink so we have to find a way to save it.” Yuka reported when Ayumu handed back the weapon.

“I’ll keep my eye on him. Although if you are correct the elders would be hoping for a miracle if they started to pray.” Mariko pondered when she grabbed the long cape from the hook made of bone. “Itano, Matsubara, and Shimada?”

“They will have to help us on the pilgrimage as well but time is short.” Yuka warned when Mariko threw the black coat on and followed Ayumu out with the large weapon guarding the two bodies as they walked back to the house with the slender member bowing as Yuu stood and bowed.

“Two men… Yuka you’ve been a bit weak.” She smirked.

“They’ve helped us in the long run so I have to be grateful for their assistance.” Yuka smiled to them.

“With that out of the way, we can head north although the space of blocking the wind could be limited.” Mariko noted, glancing at the large, oblong club.

“We will be quick as well.” Yuka reported when Mariko stepped out first with the rest following as she placed the shield up with the rest in front marching in unison to the path with the priests taking the front.

The battle with the wind continued to batter the people although Mariko stood strong keeping her weapon up for the people. Ayumu glanced back upon the woman when he dipped the shoulder and took to the middle to support some of the weight with the wind striking his legs below. He clenched his jaw to keep him from growing further into the pain as they continued on before stopping as Mariko had glanced out into the distance.

“Why is the goddess doing it?” Mariko pondered. “Nyan. Haruna.”

“You know the wind goddess?” Yuka growled.

“No! Actually more like the person causing it.” Mariko yelled when the winds died suddenly.

Mariko lifted the weapon up as the sight had taken her to the view that the group had witnessed from Sayaka’s perspective of the blue in the area. The person in white had walked out and grinned to the troll before glancing out into the view.

“I wanted her to come out of the cave for so long that I kept blowing.” The cackle of the woman made the cloud grow gray.

“You’ve prevented them from going any further up Fuji.” Mariko scolded.

“I wanted them to stay away because of the dragon.” She argued.

“There is no dragon up there since I killed it.” Mariko explained when the thunderous wave came through the ground. “That isn’t the dragon…”

The group rushed further up when Mariko had faced it and lifted the weapon before striking it into the ground below, causing a counter shock wave to stop the vibration temporarily when the woman Mariko had called out had reached the hand out to Ayumu. The world had grown larger when the rest were being shrunk to his size as they were stuck into the crevice of her chest when she leapt up and jumped while Mariko had followed with the waves trembling beneath their feet as the final leap had caught the view of the town in front of them with the fissure growing as she landed and had the group thrown from the comfort of her chest into the lake below.

“Now they are filthy and wet.” Mariko growled.

“I smell fine.” She argued.

“Haruna… they have to meet with the elders.” Mariko rolled her eyes.

“The inns should keep them company while we tend to visit them to assess the situation.” Haruna confirmed when the group reached the open hand before being brought back to the original size.

“Go to get shelter while we give our side of the story.” Mariko quipped.

“It may be a while but when we return we can bring you guys in for a decent reason without convincing them yourselves.” Haruna nodded when they hopped off.

The quick progression had left them confused in the times of the disappearing lands they once knew into the heart of the central offices when they proceed into the lobby as the priests were given the rooms on the bottom while the rest were in the common room with the others as they glimpse at what they had viewed days earlier and experience the collapses of the land below them.
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Re: Special Beings- Chapter 15 2/9/2017
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2017, 06:35:39 AM »

Ayumu viewed out the other end of the inn with the vast landscape of the land called Tokyo. The rest lingered outside the inn while the thought seemed to consume him when a hand came to his back. Turning around swiftly, the eyes caught him when the smile came out as he glared down upon her.

“Ayumu… I’m going to confess that I’m a half being.” She mentioned.

“Miyuki… I wasn’t surprised but something told me that you were interested in something else.” Ayumu smirked.

“Eh? That’s horrible to think about that.” Miyuki spat.

“You are easy to read but I’m wondering why…” He rubbed his chin.

“Truthfully… I know who you are.” Miyuki sighed, when Sayaka walked into the room.

Watching her take Miyuki away, Ayumu pondered to what he had sought as the feeling when Yuu came out and stretched his arms to the ceiling. The feeling from before had haunted him although the opportunity to confront her had drove him forward until that time where he had helped Emika. Yuu glared back when he turned to him. The rage died quickly when he calmed the storm in his mind.

“Something wrong?” Yuu asked.

“Miyuki seems familiar but I can’t put my finger on it.” Ayumu explained.

“I’d imagine it would be hard to decipher into her past but also I’m thinking it doesn’t concern us as much.” Yuu sighed when the trio had come from the back and tapped his shoulder. “Want to speak to Ayumu?”

They nodded in unison as Ayumu followed them curiously into the open door and then closed it behind as his eyes turned to Emika at first before the other two had flanked to her side. The incident had been clarified although the guilt was building from him as well to understand that in such events, it would have been difficult to object when the first one had stepped up. “Ayumu… we had to tell her.”

“I understand.” He nodded.

“Although what you did was something rather brave and probably without Yuka, Emika would have died.” The woman continued.

“Ayumu. I’m not afraid and don’t be afraid of me.” Emika exhaled.

“It’s your friends that seem to have the reservations and I want to clear the air with them.” Ayumu responded as the two moved their heads in unison.

“Antan… you are Emika’s protector.” The woman turned to the one flanked to Emika’s right.

“I know… yet I’m not sure how to actually take in the information that you are not human but of a different kind that has lived with other humans for eons. Research has little evidence but what I want to acquire is to understand more about you.” Antan explained when he extended the hand.

“There’s everything that we fear as much as you guys and now I want to prove that it won’t happen. I’ll relinquish my life to prove it.” Ayumu muttered when he touched Emika on the cheek.

The two stood frozen as the finger poked the cheek of the woman. He extended the fingers out to feel her uneven skin, swirling into a small circle as a smile grew upon her face. Yui grabbed the hand and held it as her body felt the rush into the core senses. Antan quickly reached out when the heart started to race before they released from the male. Their eyes widened from the sensation when the door opened to Yuka as she signaled them out when the group had returned from the meeting with disconcerting looks to the rest.

“They’ve known for a while. It can’t be solved.” Mariko shook her head.

“Everything we’ve done will go down but summoning the gods may give us a chance but they have to be in good spirits as well.” Itano added.

“The elders have told us that it will be time to ask the seven muses. We’ve heard that one has been approached by the group.” Matsubara inserted. “Maybe it would be good timing to gather supplies for the time being while we head into the caves.”

“If there is nothing… don’t we have to keep moving?” Sayaka asked.

“Yes and no.” Shimada breathed. “The fate was to live in the waters beneath us.”

The group instantly felt the chill although Ayumu had stepped up and closed his hand. He wanted to approach the place he had held for the longest time with an event happening where he was located. Curses were meant to be broken although the eyes of Emika had drilled into him when he released the grip and smiled.

“I won’t go down without a fight.” Ayumu snickered. “I don’t know why I want to do this but do what you guys can and we will accept our end.”

“We will do so.” Itano stepped up into the group.

Everyone came to the agreement between the eye contact that they had to follow through when the priests had left first followed by Mariko and Haruna. The vast lands had caught the whole attention of the group when the men took to one path while the other group had peeled off from the entry into the city as Ayumu had noted the currency being different although without something in return, it would be hard to accomplish anything unless by brute force. Scanning around, he headed into the shop where the men had stood with cups in hand as they turned into them with a silenced stare.

“Outsiders.” One had mumbled.

“Yes, we are.” Ayumu acknowledged. “You guys know what is happening?”

“We do. We can’t stop it.” Another moaned out from the crowd.

Ayumu in his heart knew his abilities would overwhelm them but something had given him doubt when two women in kimonos had stepped down from the stairs with one popping up and followed the first while the other had given the two visitors a smile. They nodded back when she walked up to them and pulled the men aside.

“You guys want a good time?” She asked with a grin.

“We actually want to gather resources.” Ayumu mentioned when the woman snickered.

“No money. No items.” The woman snarled. “The rich get their monies and built the islands off Japan when they heard about the disappearing act. While I… offer these low lives a decent time for a price.”

“Is there a way to get some money?” Yuu asked.

“Not from me. Maybe one to be exact.” She hummed. “She’s deep in the forest with a hateful nature behind this building. Survive and maybe get something in return.”

“Thanks…” Ayumu bowed.

“The name is Mayu.” She smiled. “I have to keep business up.”

“Thanks again.” Yuu smirked when she watched her from behind. “Here.”

“How did you get this?” Ayumu asked when Yuu pulled him out of the building.

“She had offered it to us. It could have been something illegal here so we could just get what we need and return back to the inn.” Yuu explained when Ayumu shook his head.

“I want to visit this person.” He said when the path had been of fresh mud to the back.

Ayumu followed it into the darkness with Yuu trailing behind closely. The smell of grass came into the senses when it grew cold around them as he exhaled and felt a warm breath on his wrist. Squeezing it firmly, the voice squeaked as the other hand had reached across to grab a soft area when the brief light had shined upon them, releasing her from the grasp.

“You are mean.” She cried.

“I didn’t mean to attack but I was wondering if you know a person in the forest.” Ayumu elaborated when she stood at chest level to them.

“I think the slut was trying to refer to me.” She exhaled.

Ayumu never imagined a word in the vocabulary and saw the meaning in his mind although not matching the description in his mind. The woman had holes in the shirt, revealing the small breasts throughout with the patches of skin. She had matched more when she pointed them further until the darkness had ended into a bright light with the glimmers of golden substances around them. Yuu walked around while Ayumu had stood to admire the items before she took a seat upon the floor.

“Mayu? The one who had been sold as a slave has made the most in that brothel.” She explained with a cup in hand. “Pity her that she would promote her disease with the others without explaining the consequences to them.”

“Exactly… why are you so angry?” Yuu pondered.

“I was always stuck her protecting the items that had been stolen and shielded off. News of the impending doom forced me to help but I can’t get rid of it without exchanging it.” She sighed. “You guys can’t buy anything with what I have unless someone exchange it into the currency.”

“Is the currency hard to obtain?” Ayumu asked.

“Supposedly, I had the old stuff before someone had changed it drastically leaving with everything worthless.” She moaned when the finger had pointed to the back. “There’s some dried meat back there.”

“You could escape with a small fortune.” Yuu informed her when she shook her head.

“I want to go down when the island falls into the sea.” She grinned. “You guys can understand that.”

Ayumu knew that the realization had settled into everyone although the flame was growing within his body. If not for them, it was to see it from afar to end the chaos on the land. He gripped the item and showed it like how he had seen the earth from before.

“I don’t. It’ll be something fun to save.” He said softly with a smile. “Can we see if it is possible?”

“Go ahead. Whatever you guys make, take it.” She growled.

The chunk fitted into the hand as they left back into the town where they walked into the brothel to offer the bartender the piece. He handed them a large container of golden liquid as they walked back with Yuu’s money through the town for a carcass of an animal to return with their offerings while they had various items, weapons, breads, and clothing.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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