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Author Topic: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread  (Read 434980 times)

Offline Naomi

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #360 on: March 12, 2009, 06:31:10 PM »
(our right arms are tabloids and our left the paparatzi poperatzi...damn...naomi I need another spell check :oops:...)
Paparazzi. :lol:

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #361 on: March 12, 2009, 07:40:07 PM »

O___O!! Another 1444 fan  :cow: WELCOME CANDY_BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

You know, I read in another forum (the one that closed down recently) that Yossie said  -- in an event were she was a visiting teacher for a primary school --  that her early MM days were a little terrible/frustrating for her 'cause she couldn't show her real self. It was only later probably around The Peace 'cause she became a lot more quirky then that she could lay back or enjoy herself fully.

And from what I see in the really early H!Ms, I always get the feeling that Yossie's so self-conscious, always keeping herself in check. I mean, she barely even moves her arms or something. her body's a bit rigid and such. Plus, I've noticed that she's always just standing idly around Maki... So different compared to the Yossie (again) around The Peace.

So true... I kind of notice she was like out of place at the beginning. As Rika once said: They were told to create a character and Charmy had it easy, in terms of time, but Yossy... she did not became the PIMP until Mr. Moonlight, roughly a year after her debut. She was just another girl, she really didn't stand out like the Two-top or Charmy herself.


Ishiyoshi fans are something else! We just started this thread as a "hehe, lesbian action!" and BOOM. Loving it 

Well said, Daigong-san XD

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #362 on: March 13, 2009, 01:59:16 PM »
Ah ~ Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!  :on slopkiss:

Finally, somebody to 'listen' as I rant about my fears and anxieties on Ishiyoshi...  :on polter: And of course, about the joy they bring.  :wriggly:

Ah, sorry about this. I'm not really sure how this "qoute" function thingy fully works yet. I'll get around to it later..  :mon sweat:

So, here goes:

This quote is from tru_harmony:
personally the tomboy look wasn't just from the hair... looking back at the pic in question, the jeans and the belt were what told me 'mannish'... and then, adding up the liking for sports (so much liking that it made it into the hello dvd mag)... and the contrast with yossui since forever... there... again, crazy_tru talking again...

I see now... you're right. Her torso there looks longish because of the lowrise jeans and big belt. It IS worn like a man would.. Hmm. Not really her usual style, huh? But I must say.. I  think its HOT!!  :on bleed:

mwahaha :hiakhiakhiak:

Though I'm still not sure if I want to see her standing next to Yossie in that outfit. :sweat: But then again.. :hehehe: ARGH! I cant decide!   :frustrated:

You know, looking back. Rika has always had a bit of a crossdresser in her, right? I mean, didn't she wish for a guy's role in her H!M graduation special? And she kept harping on on how Kakoii Yossie, Nacchi, and Maki were during the Mr. Moonlight rehearsals and shoot... (I'm basing this on the 'Hitomi Yoshizawa : The Way to The Center Position' vid and Rika's Graduation Memorial vid..)

Still from tru_harmony:
good observation... but also remember that during her EARLY H!M days they were new to the industry and all its rituals so that can also be a factor for the rigidity... but at the same time, i have to agree that the tomboy-aura does flow more naturally for me... i think i would've been okay for the seemingly sudden image change if it didn't feel so forced on my part as a voyeur  i remember the ~sexy boy~ days and the womanly look was sooooo her... i really don't know anything... 

Hmm. Good counter.. Yeah, you're right. But -- You know, when I watched their audition videos, I kept noticing how Yossie seemed different from the other girls during their voice and dance lessons. She was reserved but not too much. She had a 'cool' aura around her.  She dressed differently, too.. Not girly but not totally boyish either. Again, 'cool' comes to mind... AND she hunched her shoulders a bit... From a girl's point of view (nevermind that my sexuality is questionable  :on lol:), she's REALLY ATTRACTIVE.  :on bleed: (and not just the 'oh, ain't she cute' type.) And this was the pre-Momusu period.

And didn't she admit that she used to receive chocolates from other girls on Valentine's Day during middle school? Although she didn't state whether it happened before or after joining Momusu, it was clearly before The Peace and Mr. Moonlight since she just graduated middle school when Baby! Koi ni Knockout came out. This means that girls have been attracted to Yossie even before she became Mr. Moonlight... and take note, girly girls don't 'fall' for other girly girls in middle school. They pick the boyish and kakoii... So Yossie has had that tomboy streak from the start...

On her 'image change', maybe it's just a precautionary measure? She's not in Momusu anymore or H!P as a matter of fact... She's practically flying solo now (except in H&A but their performances kinda seem few and far between  :on cloudeye:). She probably knows that her career won't last very long if she sticks to her tomboy persona. I mean, she needs a bigger fanbase to stay afloat. The fangirls can only do so much... (though i love them and are grateful for their support for Yossie) Maybe she's courting the fanboys? It's a good move career-wise fro her, I think.

Still from tru_harmony (gotta get the hang of this quote function thingy. I'm feeling really stupid by the minute.  :on shady:): 
i don't think so... if it were that way, we'd all be jerks  cuz there's always that something that we want to keep constant but we all know that things will change...
and also, don't feel guilty about them not having a life because of us... they chose this path and i think they're enjoying themselves... we feel upset and we have opinions about everything we see... and i think we're entitled to some opinion because we REALLY don't know... we try to get a vibe but we can only approximate our own feelings on gestures and whatnot...

people who KNOW won't have so many opinions on things... there's no room for speculation from them

Ah, this makes me feel better a bit. I frequently get these moments of doubt just like wings4dreams does... This reassures me a bit, tru_harmony  :shy1: (wait, can I call you 'tru?)

I get bothered by the fact that thinking of them being involved with another person depresses the heck out of me... And there's this vid of stalker pics on Momusu around the golden era on Youtube, right? Well, I was really happy to watch the vid (and grateful to the stalker).. but then people on the comments portion kept bashing the stalker, saying its disgusting and creepy!!  :shock: That really got me.... I'm a freak!! :OMG:

from daigong:
WELCOME candy_boy!!

And hey, don't forget to post your profiles in the stickys here and EVERYWHERE. We wanna get to know YOU!

Ishiyoshi fans are something else! We just started this thread as a "hehe, lesbian action!" and BOOM. Loving it 

Kyaaa! Thank you. :on gay:

being an ishiyoshi fan feels like treasure hunting, right? It's really exciting. It's thrilling to follow bits and pieces for clues... And you're not quite sure if there really is a treasure at the end of it... But getting there is fun, right? Though fits of paranoia can interfere... Being an ishiyoshi fangirl has its rewards.. (e.g. when they look at each other.. Nyaaa!  :nya:)

ah, hi Yankii Heart. thanks. :k-inlove:

Ah~ way too long, huh? This is embarrassing.  :err:

I'm such a fangirl... please forgive me.   :kneelbow:
Rika <3

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #363 on: March 14, 2009, 11:10:56 PM »
THAT WAS AN EPIC POST!! :twothumbs

We need more passionate fans like you candy_boy. We fanboys are too busy wanking to write long posts  XD so that was hella entertataining. embarassing? daigong lives to be shamelessly stupid. I will - as I work towards 19K - write better more indepth anaylsis. In fact, mad props to tru_harmony, Yankii Heart and wings4dreams for keeping shit rolling. Sometimes, life an admin can be so rough.  :bleed eyes:

I love how back in the day of Hello! Morning - they had Rika and Yossi as rivals, Yossi always teasing Rika for being cute, girly - to the point where Rika is frustrated. But like Kobe and Shaq - IT WAS ALL FOR RATINGS!! Yossi fans would be like HE HE Get her Yossi! and Rika fans be like Awww  :cry: But Ishiyoshi fans are the best of BOTH WORLDS! Cuz they understand the Dynamic Duo of Hello! Project and NOW HANGRY & ANGRY are the most professional and dedicated entertainers in ALL THE LAND!!

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #364 on: March 15, 2009, 10:06:48 AM »
@candy_boy: woah!

I don't think i've ever posted anything as long as that about ishiyoshi in here! i am humbled

feel free to call me tru! tru_harmony is such a long name XD

from my stalking escapades, i see that you're from the philippines too! HUZZAH! iba ang pinoy, yo!

anyway... about that mannish rika:
i remember for a couple of days i had an identity crisis because i saw ribon no kishi... and rika was a prince there... and i so totally became 'bading' then and there... so i got confused there... i mean, i'm crazy maddd about charmy-girly-rika... but mannish-rika was soooooooo MY MAN XD... i'd totally wear a dress for her (mind you i never wear dresses unless REALLY necessary)... but that's the 'i-wish-i-can-sweep-her-from-her-feet-and-steal-her-from-yossui-tru' thinking that...

maybe... iba lang yung tama nung naka-jeans like that...

i think... Rika really likes Yossui's boyish look... i recall a while back she really said that she liked yossui's hair short... like when they were just beginning (shortly after which, yossui did have a haircut WOOOOOOO!)...

nice theory about the 'image change'... i never really thought about marketing strategies... and before yossui struck me as a person who didn't mind those things too much... hmmm... huzzah! fresh new perspective!

:lol: we fangirl like mad around here! and i don't think other people mind... i really hope they don't XD

i think ishiyoshi will live however they want regardless of what we think, say and do, so go ka lang!


whenever i hear about them getting involved with other folks, specifically guys, i go nuts... i wail for days and sprinkle ashes of my thesis drafts over some dead plant XD honestly the rumours have sent me full circle... Gokusen 1 & Gokusen 3 (3 showing na sa GMA!)

 XD we not freaks, yah!

indeed... ishiyoshi-ing a very speculative art... even the oldest things you haven't seen before makes your heart beat faster... there's risk... very adventurous... XD paranoia is part of the excitement! and there's commitment because of that... like what if at the end of the rainbow, if there's no pot of gold? ... and yet, we are compelled to see things the way we do... and we speak about it like here!

things change, they adjust, and we do too... they say things, we listen believe, they change and whatnot but we're still here, ya!

ishiyoshi looking at each other is just happiness... this is a situation when pakipot-and -torpe-dynamics come into play... and it's so fun to watch... parang nakaka-high!

no need to feel embarrassed by the length of your post XD fangirling is what we do... sometimes i can go ranting about them for 5 straight minutes on the IshiYoshi radio show XD... PIMPAGE!

just post whatever you feel/think about ishiyoshi... cuz that's what JPH!P is all about! no one's got the right to judge no one unless it's just inhumanely wrong (and since ishiyoshi IS love, it just can't be wrong)

fangirling is good!  :cow:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 01:01:05 PM by tru_harmony »

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #365 on: March 15, 2009, 05:36:18 PM »
Welcome Candy!!  :mon firecrack:  Sooo glad to see another ishiyoshi fan!  :twothumbs  and like you I've always felt that Rika was the lesbian...haven't decided if Yossy is or not...still trying to figure her out.

Actually, Yankii, what you said about Rika picking her charater and saying it was easy is what makes me think she is a lot different then what she portrays.  Her view of how a girly girl acts is so exagerated.  its like she's making fun of the image a little (the way a jock would act if asked what cheerleaders are like)  extreme love of pink, over the top narcissiam, and her 'girly' fashion was can I explain...not bad...just not right, like she is dressing like a barbie. This may be where she got her label of being a bad dresser, the other 'real' girls could see right through it.  then again, I don't really know japanese fashion and may be way off base on this one.

truthfully, it doesn't really matter to me which one is girly or boyly, it's just a lot of fun to speculate and imagine them in different roles.  :P
i think... Rika really likes Yossui's boyish look...
   :yep: I think so too, but I think she also covets it as well. I think she often wants to do what Yossy does and wear what Yossy wears, and the irony is I think Yossy wants to do what Rika does as well. Yossy stirkes me as a Sakaki (from azumanga daioh), in which she can't help looking cool and attracting girls (and boy does she! :wub:), but has a certain affinitey for cuteness and girls who are feminine. i.e. her liking for Ayaka, Sayumi, ect...

  Off topic: oh, and tru about earlier...I SO SORRY!! :kneelbow: busted, and yelled at, and lectured, and punished, and I'm a grown woman! I never get time to do fun things anymore... :k-sad:

lol, daigong, Yossy's playful teasing and Rika's fein anger and hitting is one of the first things that made me fall in love with those two. even if it was just for ratings, you could really feel the affection/chemistry between the two of them. this is why they are still thrown together, and even now after all this time that spark is still there...which begs the question: Just how much smoke do you need to know that there is a fire? heheheheh  :twisted: I think something has diffinitely happened between them, at least sometime during their career...I really just wonder if they'll ever admit it...

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #366 on: March 15, 2009, 11:01:16 PM »
haven't decided if Yossy is or not...still trying to figure her out.
yeah... sometime back, i was quite convinced that yossui IS gay... then about two weeks back i had doubts because of all this stuff going down... i dunno about anything else but i'm convinced that she's attracted to rika... dunno if she's still acting on the attraction...

Actually, Yankii, what you said about Rika picking her charater and saying it was easy is what makes me think she is a lot different then what she portrays.  Her view of how a girly girl acts is so exagerated.  its like she's making fun of the image a little (the way a jock would act if asked what cheerleaders are like)  extreme love of pink, over the top narcissiam, and her 'girly' fashion was can I explain...not bad...just not right, like she is dressing like a barbie.
ooooh, nice... but remember they mention it often that rika loves the color pink way before she joined MM (refer to flets w/ shiba-chan)...

Off topic: oh, and tru about earlier...I SO SORRY!! :kneelbow: busted, and yelled at, and lectured, and punished, and I'm a grown woman! I never get time to do fun things anymore... :k-sad:
* tru_harmony pats wings
da's alright... but i did get worried about you... ... ... they still bust, yell at, lecture and punish grown women?!

lol, daigong, Yossy's playful teasing and Rika's fein anger and hitting is one of the first things that made me fall in love with those two. even if it was just for ratings, you could really feel the affection/chemistry between the two of them. this is why they are still thrown together, and even now after all this time that spark is still there...which begs the question: Just how much smoke do you need to know that there is a fire? heheheheh  :twisted: I think something has diffinitely happened between them, at least sometime during their career...I really just wonder if they'll ever admit it...
nice question... but there can be no fire... just that smoke machine that they use in concerts XD

but on the more serious side. something happened. i'm not sure if something is happening. (wth, ishiyoshi!? you're working together and there's NOTHING going on?! FOR SHAME!)
i think the admitting part is ze most dangerous of all... i'm really worried about them...

and outright pimpage time!
we still going on up at IRC spacetronix: #1444
and the radioshow: Thursday 8-9 am EST

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #367 on: March 17, 2009, 04:39:53 AM »
My 19K is dedicated to the Ishiyoshi Brethren ... from pioneers tama-chan, Fenrir, Redturtle to the current generation katatsumuri, tru_harmony, Yuuyami, Yankii Heart, rev2hd, wings4dreams, Naomi just to name a few  :otomerika: :muffin:


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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #368 on: March 17, 2009, 08:33:30 AM »
^congrats on 19k, daigong! thanks for dedicating that post to us here...

here's a nice cool rock that we can all hide under: (for those without an IRC client)

for those with an irc client, on the spacetronix server: #1444 and #ishiyoshi

most of the time, i'm there... and you can tell me anything... ANYTHING... even if i'm sleeping or whatnot... even just rant... that's okay too...

ishiyoshi or not... but preferrably ishiyoshi...

post on folks!

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #369 on: March 28, 2009, 08:28:28 PM »

DOWNLOAD | Dohhh Up!

Damn! Yossi actually has longer hair than Rika XD

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #370 on: April 03, 2009, 08:37:26 AM »
They look like twins now XD

Showing kids their secret futsal skills! KICK IT IN THEY GODDAMN FACE!

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #371 on: April 15, 2009, 09:21:53 PM »
O mai lawd, this thread is INTENSE!   :shocked:  It's going to take me a while to catch up and contribute.  For now, I'll say hi and post a little bit of some 1444 love:

Frickin' adorable.  :wub:

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #372 on: April 16, 2009, 09:19:10 AM »

Today, ladies and gents, April 16, 2009, is the day that 4th gen debuted!


Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #373 on: April 17, 2009, 05:15:53 AM »
:cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

Happy 4 Gen Day!!!! :wub:

I'll always support them no matter what...  :love:

Offline ChocoMochaKei

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #374 on: April 17, 2009, 06:25:59 AM »
1444 is  :heart:  I'm so glad they're together in Hangry & Angry!  So much action to be had between those two and that new song definitely needs a PV especially after reading the translated lyrics.  :farofflook:

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #375 on: April 18, 2009, 02:01:14 AM »

this is THE tru_harmony, YOUR いしよし hopeful

and you're reading my

1000th POST, BABY!!!!!!!

i dedicate my 1000th post to the awesomest awesome, ISHIYOSHI!

nothing in this world can beat the pure awesome


all that we do is for the greater glory of IshiYoshi!!!

i also dedicate this post to my brethren, the IshiYoshi fans,
the listeners of my show, the readers of my fics and blog


Offline ~Dan~

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #376 on: April 18, 2009, 02:43:44 AM »
 :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika:

(We need a dancing Yossie gif!)
Sig gone. Tinypic is no more.

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #377 on: April 18, 2009, 09:36:18 AM »
 :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika:

(We need a dancing Yossie gif!)
Like this?

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #378 on: April 18, 2009, 08:41:29 PM »
GJ TRU!!! WOOO HOOO!! From v-u-den Party to Sakura CON!! The milestones...glad to be been a part of it!

NICE!! Way to appease the Yossi fans Masa :P

I think this is some show IshiYoshi are doing?? RADIO? That'd be fucking HOT.

2009.4.17 05:02





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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #379 on: April 18, 2009, 10:07:05 PM »
^If I'm not totally wrong it's about Tokyo Alice play.

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