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Author Topic: Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)  (Read 41930 times)


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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #240 on: November 24, 2006, 06:29:30 PM »
aw poor you!!
Writer block sucks doesn't it?
anyway it's good that you posted something ne?
what's happenin' to tsuji!!
I bet it's all the sweets she's been eating and she has a hard time doing normal things right? (yes, I just called her..chubby descretely)
keep going like a train choochoo!!!!

Offline TydusArandor

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« Reply #241 on: November 25, 2006, 07:01:45 AM »
Been so busy this last week I couldn't get around to checking all the fics :evil:  Good thing there's an update when I did check :D

I know this is supposed to be serious, but this reminds me of the Mechaike Taiikusai thing, when Nono had a stomach ache XD. Speaking seriously, I hope nothing's wrong with her :(

Ugh, the suspense is building up >_<.

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« Reply #242 on: November 26, 2006, 03:55:49 AM »
omg... For some reason when I read about nono clutching her heart my first thought was cancer. Or some disease...

Hopefully it's nothing serious. PLEASE? W is falling apart.... Aibon being abused......and Something wierd happening to Nono.... The entire fourth gen is falling apart..... Next thing you know something's gonna be happening to Yossi.

Rika's going to have her negativity thing...

It seems like theres' going to be lots of drama soon...

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« Reply #243 on: November 26, 2006, 12:56:28 PM »
No... Nono can't be sick:cry:
Maybe she's just down with the flu...

But yes, I'm thinking that there will be some kind of drama soon, too.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #244 on: December 02, 2006, 07:51:33 PM »
Plotting relationships.

Still humming the tune to Mini Moni’s new single, Nono entered their shared dressing room and stretched leisurely. Yaguchi, Mika, and Aibon followed closely behind, each taking a seat on the three person couch. Nono pouted, not finding anywhere comfortable to sit now.

“You snooze, you lose.” Aibon laughed, patting her lap invitingly. As if in punishment, Nono instead took a seat on Mika’s lap, curling up comfortably and closing her eyes.

Startled, Mika wasn’t sure what to do, her hands hovering above the younger girl’s back. Hesitantly, she rested her arms around Nono.

Nono could feel surprised looks on her and struggled to hold back a fanged grin. She’d been polite to Mika since the girl first joined Mini Moni, but she’d never really played with her like she did with Aibon and Yaguchi. It was time to change that.

“Guess she’s not mad at you anymore.” Nono heard Aibon shift over Yaguchi and take the spot next to her and Mika. Yaguchi grumbled unhappily, but moved over.

“She was mad?” Mika whispered, bewildered. Nono almost giggled, but held still, Aibon would explain.

“Oh yes. Nono’s never forgiven you for joining Mini Moni. You were a stranger and we already knew each other.” A hand started stroking Nono’s back and she recognized Aibon’s touch. The combination of her girlfriend’s soothing voice and gentle hands made Nono feel a little sleepy. She settled more into Mika.

“I had no idea. I always thought she was okay with it.” Mika sounded a bit offended and guilt washed over Nono.

“Don’t feel bad, she’s not upset, so you shouldn’t be either.” Aibon logic. “Anyway, there are not a lot of people she’ll snuggle up to like that, you should feel honored.” Yaguchi snorted from somewhere at the other end of the couch.

“The brat tried it one me once, just shove her off if you don’t want her there.” Nono felt Mika’s light hold on her tighten.

“No, it’s okay. So who else does she do this to?” The question seemed to be directed back at Aibon.

“Me, of course, Rika-chan, Kaorin, and Nakazawa-san, on slow days.” Nono heard Yaguchi snort again and cracked open an eye to glare at her.

“Yuu-chan actually let one of you kids get that close to her? I can’t believe that.” Aibon huffed and Nono smiled at her cute pout, before closing her eye again.

“Nakazawa-san loves us. More than she loves you anyway. Her lap is always open when we’re tired.”

Laughing, Yaguchi couldn’t form words for a while. When she finally did, it was not what either girl wanted to hear, “Yuu-chan objected to you from the start. She’s always said, ever since Maki, that Momusu was deteriorating and becoming something other than what they started. We’re not a kid’s show, that’s what Mini Moni is for.”

“Well, now I’m not talking to you, Yagu-san.” Aibon huffed and turned back to Mika, “See what we have to put up with?”

Mika’s deep chuckles vibrated against Nono’s face and lulled her into that place between asleep and awake. When words were said, Nono couldn’t understand what was going on and the only thing she could concentrate on was the soothing warmth that seemed to surround her. All the stress of the last few days left her, and Nono drifted off to sleep.

----Not really much to say except thank you for the encouraging reviews. And Nono, well, you'll see.

Offline TydusArandor

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« Reply #245 on: December 10, 2006, 07:06:32 AM »
Gah, haven't checked fanfics section for a long time. Right before Christmas does mean huge amounts of work >_<..

Aibon + Nono + Mari's relationship with Mika in the beginning of Mini Moni is really something to think about though, there must've been some sort of awkwardness there.

Aah, Nono... I really hope she's okay :( At least no sign of whatever's happening to her for now.

Even though nothing much happened in the previous chapter, it'll probably really build up all the plot-y drama-y stuff happening later. So don't get discouraged from the lack of reviews, we'll still be looking forward to your next update :) If you're still having your writer's block, take your time.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #246 on: December 11, 2006, 07:26:24 AM »
I only have a filler chap written and I can't quite get anything down yet. Not on my own comp anyway.

Offline morello

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« Reply #247 on: December 12, 2006, 01:40:42 AM »
rndmnwierd! .. your fics are soo beautiful!!!
i love them!! .. please .. write more!


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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #248 on: December 12, 2006, 01:48:30 AM »
post the filler anyway >_> post it come on!
post it post it post it YAH!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #249 on: December 12, 2006, 03:43:15 PM »
Oh alright, I'll post my crappy filler. Jeez, lol.

Welcome morello! I'm glad that you enjoy my fics and I promise to start posting again soon.

The dark room was filled with smoke and a sickening medley of colors lit the wall right above her head. The four person couch was crowded about six people past capacity and everyone was having a different conversation, either with themselves or with the unresponsive person next to them. Nothing made sense anymore and the sentences around her became increasingly confusing and hard do decipher. Still…

Rika found herself laughing along with her new-found and very high friends. The tour wasn’t quite over, but the Melons were already celebrating. Usually any kind of drug use would make Rika nervous, but it was just the girls. That and she was probably getting a contact buzz.

“You sure you don’t want a little of this? It’s really good stuff.” Shibata leaned a little too far into Rika’s shoulder, nearly sending both off the couch, holding a lit joint. Rika coughed a few times before choking out an answer.

“I shouldn’t smoke. Asthma.” Shibata nodded in understanding and passed the blunt to Masae, on Rika’s other side.

“The only thing else we have is E and some heron… heroine.” Ayumi giggled at her mistake.

“No thanks, Shibata-san, I’m fine.” Rika waved her hand, and felt Ayumi’s arm wrap around her shoulders.

“Now, Rika-chan, there’s no need to be so formal. And it’s cool if you want to be clean, I’m just trying to get you to have a little fun.” The normally laid back girl was even more so high, it was an amazing thing to see.

“Okay, Shiba-chan. Thanks, but I don’t need anything, right now.” A dark part of Rika toyed with the thought of the effects of some of the drugs around her, but she shook it off. Drugs were bad. Period.

“You know, I could set you up with anything you want. Just say the word and I’ll take care of you. I like you Rika-chan; I’d do that for you. And not just drugs, neither, but any kind of alcohol you need, come to me for it. I’ll get it to you half out of my own pocket.” Rika thanked Ayumi sincerely, it was a sweet offer.

Maybe drugs weren’t so bad. Ayumi and the other girls were normal during the day and really relaxed at night. Rika could use a little relaxation.

No, no drugs, no matter how nice people were on them, it was still a problem, an illness and an addiction. None of the other Musume would ever support that kind of habit.

‘But Shiba-chan would.’ something whispered deep inside Rika’s mind. The voice sounded vaguely like Yaguchi.

‘Shiba-chan’s sick.’ whispered another voice, sounding suspiciously like Kaori. ‘And for hearing us, you’re sick too.’

Oh, crap. “Hey, Shiba-chan? I think I need some air.” Drugs are bad, but Rika wasn’t sure if she could convince herself of that forever.

----And Shiba-chan's problem is introduced. Dun-dun-duuunnnn...
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 04:35:18 AM by rndmnwierd »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #250 on: December 13, 2006, 04:37:06 AM »
Because I promised, my crappy filler is now up.


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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #251 on: December 13, 2006, 05:41:30 AM »
POT HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O!!!!!!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #252 on: December 23, 2006, 05:31:02 PM »
Go Druggie!Melons, go! I really don't like the beginning of this chapter, it's so rushed. I apologize.

“Okay, once more.” the intro to Mini Moni’s new single started again and Aibon stepped back into her position, checking herself in the wall mirrors, as she liked to call the floor to ceiling mirrors in front of her.

Falling easily into the routine, Aibon marveled at how much the room looked like the ones at the TV Tokyo building, right down to the pattern on the floors. Actually that pattern wasn’t really unique. Anyway, they weren’t at TV Tokyo at the convenience of their crab-loving instructor, but she was cool so they didn’t mind the ride uptown.

Bringing her mind back into focus, Aibon turned just in time to see Nono sink to her knees with her hands clutched to her chest. For a second, Aibon thought she had tripped, but then she realized that Nono was gasping for breath, a pained look on her face.

Any angry response Yaguchi was about to deliver about the girl screwing up the dance left her at the sight, “Tsuji, are you okay?” the other four people in the room ran over to Nono and crouched down around her.

Gasping and coughing, Nono could barely get out any words, “I… can’t breathe!”

Recognizing her symptoms, Aibon sprung into action, “Do you have an inhaler?” She sat behind her girlfriend, helping to prop her upright.

Nono silently pointed to her gym bag in the corner and Aibon indicated for Mika to bring it over. The bag was at her fingertips in half a second. It took a bit of digging through junk to find the rarely used inhaler, but by the time Aibon had it in hand, Nono’s eyes were starting to flutter dangerously.

Trying her hardest to keep calm, Aibon shook the container and gently placed the mouthpiece in between Nono’s lips, squeezing until that puffing sound was heard. Nono coughed, sluggishly turning her head to the side. Aibon felt panic set in.

“Breathe in, you have to breathe it in for it to work, you have to know that.” She tried once more, puffing the inhaler and watching Nono wheeze in the medication. Then again and a third time, watching in relief as her breaths became stronger and she started coughing. Everyone around them suddenly exhaled at once and Aibon remembered that she could get them to help.

“Call the hospital-“ she started, interrupted when Nono choked out something unintelligible. “What?” Aibon leaned closer, turning her ear to hear better.

“No ambulance, please. I don’t want anyone to know.” Nono’s voice was barely a whisper and it took a second for what she said to sink in. When it did, though, Aibon immediately protested.

“What are you? Crazy? You’ve just had a serious attack and you need to get checked out.” Nono gripped her arm frantically, almost painfully.

“Please, no ambulance. I’ll go to the doctor’s, but not in one of those evil boxes.” In her desperation, Nono’s voice got stronger, “Sensei has a car, she can drive. I’ll walk, please anything but that.” She started to cough and Aibon placed the inhaler back at her lips. Nono took a few more puffs, and then forcibly relaxed with a sigh.

“I’ll take her.” Sensei volunteered selflessly, still looking a little freaked out. Yaguchi and Mika helped Nono to her feet, treating her as if she would break apart at any second. Nono gathered the energy to look annoyed, coughing twice. Aibon thrust the inhaler under her nose.

“I know I’m going to live to regret this day.” Nono mumbled as she was helped out the door, glaring at her girlfriend.


Offline Minoga

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #253 on: December 23, 2006, 07:19:21 PM »
poor nono .. actually .. she is very sick .. :S

sometimes .. i use an inhaler too XD

rndmnwierd's fan

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #254 on: December 23, 2006, 08:50:35 PM »
Yes! Another chapter!  Can't wait to read more!

Oh, and I just have to say it:  Go!! Druggie!Melons!!!  :ONsmoke:  

rndmnweird, just wanted to let you know that I enjoy quite a few of your stories!  Please keep up the good work!  I'll try to start commenting more.

Happy Holidays!!  :tfr9a7wg:

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #255 on: December 24, 2006, 03:32:03 AM »
Merry [Insert Celebration Here] to my new friends! Next chapter is on the way.

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #256 on: December 24, 2006, 04:01:21 AM »
Ah, now it makes sense ._. But how in the world did she manage to hide it for so long? Poor Nono...;

Great chapter, I'm definately looking forward to the next one! And happy holidays to you~!! ^__^

Offline TydusArandor

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« Reply #257 on: December 24, 2006, 08:17:54 AM »
Woohoo, first day of freedom (for me) and I see a new chapter :D

Hmm, I'm not completely understanding Nono's situation right now, not familiar with sicknesses or anything like that... asthma, like Rika? :o I can't believe they only found out now if it really is asthma :ONfrustrated:

Happy Holidays to everyone here too :)

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #258 on: December 26, 2006, 10:17:38 PM »
O.o Whoa...Druggie Melons and Asthmatic 4th gens...Whoa...o.O
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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Innocence (Fourth Gen Love)
« Reply #259 on: December 28, 2006, 05:53:38 PM »
Shibata is a druggie :ON@_@:
Why do I get the feeling Rika's gonna be pulled into it sooner o later?
And poor Nono. It sounds serious her illness :MKsniffle:

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