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Author Topic: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol (complete)  (Read 27904 times)

Offline ChrNo

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« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2006, 01:28:31 PM »
i can't choose between hilarious and sad...XD

"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Geez, hello to you, too."


Get together, huh?" Miki purposefully emphasized in the wrong way. "With Rika-chan, maybe? Or Maichin? Ayaka-san? Or..."

"Or you?" Yossi countered.


omg...i'm still limited with words...just have to say that the part with yossi/miki was so great...and the way it end is...:o

great job^^

Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2006, 08:19:07 PM »
I love the Yossi/Miki fights...their intense but kinda funny at the same time. And GAH cliffhanger. Why must u torture us so? I think itd be pretty funny if Aya went and beat up Yossi for hurting Miki...then again she definately wouldn't maybe not so funny @_@

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« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2006, 12:14:06 AM »
Quote from: lil_hamz
I'm left hanging at 2 parts and both connected to cellphones :lol:
Who was Aya talking to at Miki's apartment and then again when looking for Miki? And boy these 2 chapters were long and good. Kept me intrigued with every word.

hehe, when I first posted this story no one really mentioned about the callers from these chapters. Yes, they do have some significance in the story and I guess I"ll give you all a's the same person.
Quote from: ChrNo
i can't choose between hilarious and sad...XD

omg...i'm still limited with words...just have to say that the part with yossi/miki was so great...and the way it end is...:o

great job^^

I guess I have a thing for making fun of serious situations. :P
Quote from: KrazyForKamei
I love the Yossi/Miki fights...their intense but kinda funny at the same time. And GAH cliffhanger. Why must u torture us so? I think itd be pretty funny if Aya went and beat up Yossi for hurting Miki...then again she definately wouldn't maybe not so funny @_@

Like I said above, I have a thing of making fun of serious situation. And I think I blame K-dramas for my cliffhangers because that's how they always end their episodes. hehe

Yeah, that would be funny if Aya got back at Yossi. Too bad Sukeban Deka wasn't around when I wrote the story. :lol:

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #83 on: September 25, 2006, 09:35:42 AM »
You too? YOU TOO WHAT?~ aHhhhh!!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #84 on: September 25, 2006, 10:07:35 PM »
Having a thing to make fun of serious situations is a good thing lol. It lightens the mood :P and *now has visions of Aya kicking Yossie's ass with a yoyo* Thatd be very very interesting XD

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #85 on: September 26, 2006, 01:30:41 AM »
"Yaa, yuu, yooooo." Aya mimiced Miki's "vocal exercises". The light outside the door still glowed red as she impatiently waited for it to turn off. "Yaa, yuu, yoo-kyaaa!"

Lol, that's so cute.

Ah! So much tension, I wonder who the caller was? No really, I forgot...

But hey, a cheer for you: Go go ! Go go !

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Part 13
« Reply #86 on: September 28, 2006, 03:46:56 AM »
Part 13

Two Days Later.

"So, then what?" Maki asked, chewing the end of her straw as she listened attentively.

"After he got out of the taxi, he ran all the way to the place where they were supposed to meet. But then, something happened." said Nacchi, her face full of dread, not wanting to say what happened next.

"What? What? Tell me!" Maki whined.

Nacchi started fanning her eyes of the tears that were beginning to form. "So she thought she got stood up but he was on his way to her. But before he got there he...he got hit by a car!"

"Oh, my god! What happened next? He didn't die, did he?"

Nacchi stopped tearing. "I don't know. I haven't seen the next episode yet."

Maki nearly fell out of her chair from the disappointing answer. "Argh, Abe-san. Don't tell me things like that. Now I'm dying to know what happened next."

"Ah, isn't he cool? So sweet and senstive." Nacchi sighed, thinking about the K-drama she had just gotten into recently. "I wish it was winter again, watching that snow makes me want to play in it back in Hokkaido. You should watch it with me next time, Gocchin. You too, Ayaya." She glanced at Aya who didn't even move a muscle. "Eh? Ayaya?"

Aya heard her but didn't listen. Her mind was off wandering again, like a balloon drifting far far away. She was tired and frustrated. Nothing has been going right lately and all her efforts to fix things were useless. What else could she do? Suddenly the string of her mind was being pulled down as she was snapped back to reality by the flailing of Nacchi's hands in front of her face. "Huh? Uh yea, cool." Aya agreed but didn't know what for.

Nacchi pouted, slightly annoyed from being ignored. "Ayaya, you've been really quiet for the last few days." She grew concerned. "What's wrong? You were like this since, since the day you went to check up on Miki. Is everything ok?"

"Or did something happened between you and this person you are seeing?" Maki mumbled.

"Gocchin!" Nacchi hissed and nudged Maki.

"Oh no, everything's fine." Aya lied, chuckling nervously. She was surprised they haven't figured out what was going on by now, not that it was any of their business anyway. They definitely knew, however, that there was someone on her mind but they didn't know who. Aya hoped it stays that way. Just outside her peripheral vision, Yossi and Rika were passing through the lobby. She followed them with her eyes until they disappeared from her sight. Somewhere, a voice inside told her to follow them. At first she hesitated but eventually got up and disappeared down the hall in the same direction, leaving her fellow group mates behind again. She didn't know what came over her but her mind was scrambled with random thoughts now. She sped unusually fast in her high heeled boots until she finally caught up with the couple halfway down the hall.

"Yossi!" She squeaked.

Yossi and Rika stopped in their tracks and turned around. A surprised look came over Yossi's upon seeing that it was Aya who called her. "Ayaya? What's up?" She asked. Aya came at close proximity to them and stopped. Her face showed no sign of emotion but she was feeling furious inside right now. After a few awkward silences Yossi looked around and waited for her to say something. "Yes? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, I do." Aya answered and without warning she slapped Yossi across her face and with the same hand she used on Miki days before. She held back the pain that was gradually throbbing in her fragile hand as she ended their encounter with, "Happy Birthday!" and stormed off back down the hall, leaving Yossi and Rika completely dumbstrucked.

"Yossi? Why did she do that for?" Rika asked, examining Yossi's face.

Yossi rubbed her cheek from Aya's weak slap. She merely giggled. "Hey, Ayaya!" She called to her. "Tell Miki I said thanks for the early birthday present!" She smiled villainnously and Aya could sense it though she didn't look back. "Ayaya!" Yossi continued to call to her. "Ayaya!"

"Ayaya! Ayaya!" Nacchi yelled, shaking the girl by her shoulders. Aya shot up awake, huffing and gasping. Sweat dripped from her forehead and a look of fear came over her as she looked around. "Are you ok?" Nacchi asked, feeling Aya's forehead with her hand.

"Where am I?" Aya asked, feeling lost for a moment. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and sighed deeply. A dream. She realized and dropped her head.

"You're in the lobby." Maki answered her. "You really creeped us out there, staring off like that. You didn't respond to us or anything. Then you fell asleep and started doing weird things." Maki then handed Aya her cellphone. "And your phone kept ringing so I answered it for you. Tsunku-san wants to see you in his office right now."

She looked up at Maki with wide eyes at what she just told her. "Really? Right now? For what?"

Maki shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know but it seemed important." Aya nodded her head as she collected herself and stood up. She glanced at her group mates who could give her nothing but blank looks on their faces. She then started down the hall. What does Tsunku want from me? She thought though deep in her gut she knew what it was about. Suddenly she felt her stomach turn completely around when she saw Yossi heading in her direction. She tried not to panic.

"Ayaya!" Yossi greeted her warmly. "I didn't get to tell you the other day but I was wondering if you want to hang out with some of the girls to-" but Aya walked on without stopping or even looking at her, "-night?" Yossi ended. She turned around and watched Aya walk away. She scowled wondering why Aya ignored her like that but soon turned her frown into a little sneer.


"Miki, how's your back?" A concerned Mari asked. She looked at Miki who was buried in her arms on the table which seemed inappropriate to do in the cafeteria. She's been doing that a lot, Mari noticed, wondering if the girl had been getting enough rest. With their busy schedule, futsal, and other things going on in Miki's life, Mari wondered if it was starting to take a toll on her. Even she herself had been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work they've been doing lately.

"It's getting better." Answered Miki's muffled voice, shifting herself in her chair to get more comfortable.

"Will you be ready for the upcoming performances?"

Miki lifted her head and looked at Mari with her tired eyes. She nodded her head. "Yes, of course. I'll be fine."

"Good, because I need you to work hard and encourage the others to do the same. I feel it's time we should step up as a group, especially with this new formation. As the next oldest member I trust that you will help me out sometimes."

Miki nodded her head again. Yaguchi-san's acting a bit strange. She thought. She wondered if she was handling her new role well. Lately she noticed that Mari had been confiding in her, but Miki wasn't of much help. She felt a bit guilty though, feeling she should take some responsibility and help Mari and the group. Then again, that was what the sub-leader was for, and she wasn't the sub-leader. On top of that, she had her own problems to deal with.

"Have you seen Yossi?" Mari then asked her.

"Why?!" Miki barked, her head shot straight up. She calmed down and answered, "I mean, I haven't seen her." She giggled nervously but Mari didn't noticed her overreaction.

"It's ok, I'll find her later. She's always running off somewhere, it seems." Mari figured as she leaned her hand against her face. "How about Aya?"

"Why?!!" Miki barked again and calmed herself once more. "Sorry. I haven't seen her either." Mari nodded her head, saying she understood and went about her business. Why does she want to know? Miki wondered. She watched Mari take out her cellphone and messed with it, trying to do something about the awkward silence that suddenly fell between them.

" are you and Shun?" Miki finally broke the silence.

"Oh, we're great." Mari answered cheerfully, but somehow Miki wasn't convinced. She looked the way Miki had looked for awhile now, tired and bothered by something. Maybe she missed Shun, Miki thought. At least she had someone to go to after all the chaos of work. Sadly, Miki realized she'll never have the opportunity to do the same. She never thought silence could be so loud, it was driving her crazy. Miki wished something would happen to get her out of the situation. Then as if something was listening to her thoughts, her cellphone rang. It startled her but she was even more surprised to see that it was from Aya. She immediately cancelled the call and continued what she was doing, nothing. Her phone rang again and she cancelled it once more. Stop it, already! she growled in her head. Finally, her phone beeped to indicate a text message was sent. Frustrated, Miki decided to read it.

Tsunku's office. Now. It read.

Surprised once again, Miki got up and said goodbye to Mari without explaining anything to her. At least now she had an excuse to leave all the silence back there. The halls were like an endless maze to her and somehow they seemed to stretch for miles into the unknown. At one point she got lost, in her mind and sense of direction. She had an idea why she was being called to Tsunku's office but she didn't know what was going to happen. She then spotted his office at the end of the hall and with each step the feeling of apprehension grew inside her. She finally reached her destination, hesitated a bit and finally knocked on the door.

"Come in." Answered the muffled voice behind the door. Miki entered and greeted Tsunku with a bow. She then saw Aya sitting in front of Tsunku's desk but didn't say anything to her. She sat in the chair next to Aya and avoided eye contact with her as well.

"Ladies, I'm sure you know why you're here?" Tsunku asked, glancing at both of them. They both knew why they were there but none of them said a word. "Very well." He sighed. He stretched out his hands and cracked his knuckles as if he was some gangster boss but he failed to look the part. "Now, I don't know how far it's gotten but I'm going to put a stop to this now. I can't have this going on in the company. You know very well what it says on your contracts or at least you should know. Not only does it apply to outside the company but also within. So I hope you do what's expected of you if you want things to go smoothly."

Aya and Miki just sat there frozen and quiet. They knew they did nothing wrong and even if it was, it was none of his business anyway. Miki spoke up out of the two. "Who are you to tell us how to live our lives?"

Tsunku raised an eyebrow. "I'm only doing what's best for you two. The life of an idol is a hard and sometimes harsh one. You think you can go on living normal lives with your statuses? It's impossible. "

Miki smirked, coughing up an attitude. "We are NOT together, if that's what you're thinking, Tsunku-san." She scoffed and glanced at Aya who did nothing but stare at the floor. She then returned her eyes to Tsunku. "But what about Yossi and Rika? Why haven't you stopped them? I don't it's right for us to be accused for something we didn't do while those two have been together for a long time, it seems."

"Ah, those two." Tsunku smirked. "Stubborn as ever. I warned them so many times but they don't listen. I told them there will be a consequence for their actions." He leaned forward and spoke in a low voice. "Why do you think I'm graduating Rika next month? She'll have Biyuuden and many photobook shootings while Yossi has futsal and subleading Morning Musume. They'll be so busy that they won't have time to see each other."

Miki mentally scoffed. He thinks of everything, huh? She thought. Somehow she didn't think that was right, even if she did hate Yossi with a passion now. "That doesn't seem fair." She protested. "Our private lives shouldn't have anything to do with our work."

"Fair? It's for their own good. Like I've said, you are idols. Privacy is almost unheard of, so you must be careful what you do on your own time. It's better to do nothing rather than try to hide something that might be found out. But please, don't label me the bad guy here. I do have a reason for it." With that said, Tsunku opened his desk and took out a large envelope and plopped it on his desk. It was quite thick and full. He opened it and spilled the contents out on his desk. As Miki and Aya leaned in for a closer look they found out they were photos and not the professional kind taken by UFA.

"What is this?" Miki asked, grabbing a handful of pictures and flipping through them. They were pictures of other Hello Project members, some with guys and some with each other. They were taken by paparazzis who always seem to find some way to invade their personal lives. It seems no one was safe from their stealthiness. Many photos seemed a few years old. Tsunku must've been keeping up with this for a long time, Miki thought.

"All those photos together nearly cost me a third of my salary trying to prevent them from being published in those tabloid magazines." Tsunku said. "See? I'm only trying to protect you guys. I would never let anything happen to give a bad name to this company. I admit, I made the mistake of involving outside people in this current situation, but you know it would've been much more devastating if they found out something within the company. I cannot always watch over you guys every single time, so you must be vigilent of yourselves as well." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "It would be nice if we could all live normal lives and still do our work. Even I wish I could sometimes, but that is just a distant dream now. This is the idol life, there are no normal lives. Now if you don't want this to happen you'll do what I say, right?"

Miki shook her head. She knew he was right but what could they do? "Like I said, we are NOT together, in fact, we're not even friends anymore so don't even worry about it." Miki declared. She then looked at Aya again. "And you. Why aren't you saying anything? Don't you have something to say about this?"

Aya just shook her head cowardly, on the verge of crying.

Miki scoffed at her. "Whatever." She sat back in her chair and thought long and hard. She thought about the last few years working in this company and all that had happened to her up until now. She figured it was about that time now.  "Ok, Tsunku-san. I know what to do." She made her decision.

Tsunku listened and waited.

"I'll resign from Morning Musume, and Hello! Project even." She said without any hesitation.

"What?!" Aya finally spoke up. "What are you doing?"

"Fujimoto-san?" Tsunku was surprised as well. "Are you sure about this? Losing you would be as bad as losing Matsuura, or Goto even."

Gomattou? Miki thought. Whatever happened to that? It was the start of everything, she remembered. She sucked in her teeth and sighed. "Whatever. I've made up my mind. Besides, I'm used to having things taken away from me anyway. I think I can handle one more." She looked at Aya who now returned her glance with a horrid look on her face.

"No, don't do it, Tsunku-san." Aya pleaded. "I...I'll quit."

Miki laughed at Aya's response. "Yea, right! You wouldn't do that. Didn't this whole mess started because you wanted to keep your job? And now you don't want it? Geez, can you ever make up your mind? You really don't know what you want, do you?" She turned back to Tsunku who thought long and hard.

"Really, Fujimoto. Think about what will happen if you do this." Miki shrugged her shoulders, she had nothing further to say. Tsunku sighed in frustration but didn't try to oppose any further. "Very well. If this is what we have to do to stop then I'm sorry it has to come down to this." He jotted down something on paper. "We'll make an official announcement in a few days then." He then slammed hand on his desk like a gavel. The judgement has been made. Miki got up and bowed to him as she exited his office. Aya still sat frozen in her chair trying to make sense of what just happened. She looked at Tsunku with her tear stained face but he could only stare blankly back at her. As he was about to say something to her she shot up from her chair and went after Miki in the hall.

"Miki!" She yelled. She stopped Miki midway in the hall but she didn't turn around. Aya ran up to her and faced her. "Why? Why did you do that?"

Miki's face was cold and unresponsive. "You don't have to worry anymore." She spoke solemnly. "You're free to do whatever you want. I won't bother you anymore."

"Miki you're being unreasonable. You didn't mean that, huh? You don't want to quit Morning Musume, do you?"

Miki's face tightened for she knew Aya had figured her out.

"Baka!" Aya yelled and shoved Miki. "Go back there and tell him you didn't mean it! You didn't mean to say that! And what do you mean we're not friends anymore? Why are you giving up like that? That's not like you at all."

"What is me then?" Miki asked. "What else is there for me? Everything I had is ruined. I might as well have nothing at all. Besides, I didn't hear you say anything back there. Maybe I wouldn't have said what I've said. I'm not taking it back though. After all that, how can we go back to how things were? How can we go back to normal? I can't. My thoughts of you are different now. I just can't stay here and work here knowing that you're around. I can't deal with that." She started to walk away but Aya stopped her.

"Miki, don't." She pleaded, wrapping her arms around Miki.

"You know," Miki choked up on her words. "I wanted to be the first to say 'I love you.' But I guess I couldn't do that either. So please, just let me go."

"Miki-" Aya whispered through her tears, holding on to her tighter.

"Goodbye and good luck, Matsuura-san." Miki said, looking straight into Aya's eyes. She brushed away Aya's arms off of her and walked on. She stood straight and tall, like a soldier marching onward, retaining the dignity she had left in her. But as she turned the corner of the hall she broke down and ran away.

Aya could hear Miki's running footsteps until it faded away and she was alone with the silence. She fell to her knees, completely overwhelmed by what just happened. She didn't want to believe it so she closed her eyes tightly. This is a dream. She thought, but when she opened her eyes again the scenery hadn't changed. She was still at the studio, sitting in the middle of the hallway outside of Tsunku's office. Aya hung her head. "No." She dreaded and started crying all over again. She's gone, Aya realized. She'll never see her again.

"Aya-chan? What's wrong?" Mari had spotted her, heading in her direction. Aya stood up and wiped her eyes. She shook her head as if to say that nothing was wrong when it was clearly obvious that something was.

"Something happened?" Mari asked.

"Yaguchi-san, help me!" Aya cried. She slid back down to the floor and cried once again. The short Morning Musume leader bent down and held her. "I don't want to lose her, Yaguchi-san. I don't want to lose her."

Her? Mari thought. She must be talking about Miki. "It's ok. That's just Miki being Miki." She consoled her.

"No, it's not ok! She's gone!" Aya bawled.

"Gone? What are you talking about?"

"She quit. She's gone. I've ruined everything!"

Mari held Aya's face and spoke down at her. "It's going to be all right, ok? Look at me. It'll be ok. Ok?" She then shot a look at Aya as if she was trying to tell her something more with her eyes. Aya eyes widened as if she understood what was being said. She shook her head in response.

"No!" Aya broke away from Mari's arms and ran the opposite way down the hall. Mari called to her but she was gone. She stood up and brushed herself off and looked around. Now she was alone. She looked at both ends of the hall. She knew of Miki and Aya's situation for some time now and this time it had escalated into something greater, she suspected. She looked ahead of her now and was faced with the door to Tsunku's office.

Maybe he'll have an answer. Mari thought as she went up to it and knocked on the door.

"Come in." She heard Tsunku's voice. She opened the door and entered, giving him a surprise. "Yaguchi-san? How may I help you?"

I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P

Mikan - You'll see ;)

KrazyForKamei - hehe I didn't want to give it away but you were kinda close about Aya getting back at Yossi. Unfortunately it was just in her dreams :P

rndmnwierd - you got it backwards again! it's °e :lol:

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #87 on: September 28, 2006, 04:30:59 AM »
Ah, damn! I'll get it one day! Maybe if I use it enough...

Great chapter °e! It's all coming back to me now.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 11:29:45 AM by rndmnwierd »

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« Reply #88 on: September 28, 2006, 05:54:07 AM »
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P
Damn you...:P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2006, 09:36:20 PM »
There's one thing I'm pretty sure of, Miki didn't leave UFA otherwise there wouldn't be GAM now :P
And poor Mari, she's so gonna get busted by Tsunku about her and Shun. Oh wait... don't tell me.... Mari left instead of Miki right?

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« Reply #90 on: September 28, 2006, 10:29:34 PM »
OMG....just started reading this fic....but the plot is KILLING ME...why must you be so good at cliffhangers?!?! XD anyways, i can't wait for more of this's AMAZING..

Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #91 on: September 28, 2006, 11:11:03 PM »
Haha! nice...I loved Ayaya slapping Yossie even if it was in her dreams lol. I was pretty close haha. But the rest...sadness! Miki cant leave...or ill pimp smack her. I swear I will

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #92 on: September 29, 2006, 05:02:09 AM »
Quote from: lil_hamz
There's one thing I'm pretty sure of, Miki didn't leave UFA otherwise there wouldn't be GAM now :P
And poor Mari, she's so gonna get busted by Tsunku about her and Shun. Oh wait... don't tell me.... Mari left instead of Miki right?

haha well it didn't go that far into HP history in the story. But it's funny cuz when I wrote this story, pre-GAM fics were the thing at the time, and right when I was finishing up my story GAM formed! It's like OMG! someone's listening to us. XD

Quote from: jafeijai
OMG....just started reading this fic....but the plot is KILLING ME...why must you be so good at cliffhangers?!?! XD anyways, i can't wait for more of this's AMAZING..

Welcome! Poor you, you must've spent a long time reading through the story. hehe j/k But I've done that myself, sat down and read through my whole story. I didn't know it was that long. :lol:

Quote from: KrazyForKamei
Haha! nice...I loved Ayaya slapping Yossie even if it was in her dreams lol. I was pretty close haha. But the rest...sadness! Miki cant leave...or ill pimp smack her. I swear I will

Aya only gets to pimp smack Miki. :lol: Now that I think of it, a Sukeban Deka themed fic sounds pretty cool but I don't think I have the time to write one. hehe

Offline JFC

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« Reply #93 on: September 29, 2006, 05:28:45 AM »
Aya pimp-slapping Miki would be foreplay. :twisted:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline ChrNo

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« Reply #94 on: September 29, 2006, 11:44:28 AM »
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
Part 13

"Yes? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, I do." Aya answered and without warning she slapped Yossi across her face and with the same hand she used on Miki days before. She held back the pain that was gradually throbbing in her fragile hand as she ended their encounter with, "Happy Birthday!"

XD  "happy birthday" hahahahaha...too bad it was a dream hehe :D

"Why do you think I'm graduating Rika next month? She'll have Biyuuden and many photobook shootings while Yossi has futsal and subleading Morning Musume. They'll be so busy that they won't have time to see each other."

hehehe so that's the reason :D ...i guess it could have been true XD

your chapter is very long, but things seemed to get faster when two of them entered Tsunku's office :o


"All those photos together nearly cost me a third of my salary trying to prevent them from being published in those tabloid magazines." Tsunku said.

that's why we have those cheap PVs ? hahahaha XD

"No, don't do it, Tsunku-san." Aya pleaded. "I...I'll quit.

Miki laughed at Aya's response.

so did I XD

then...what happened in tha so :cry:

"I wanted to be the first to say 'I love you.' But I guess I couldn't do that either. So please, just let me go."

"Miki-" Aya whispered through her tears, holding on to her tighter.

"Goodbye and good luck, Matsuura-san."


"Come in." She heard Tsunku's voice. She opened the door and entered, giving him a surprise. "Yaguchi-san? How may I help you?"

I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P are good XD

Can't wait for the next chapter!

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Part 14
« Reply #95 on: October 04, 2006, 06:50:33 AM »
[cue dramatic music] :P

Part 14

April 14th.

Stop crying, idiot! Someone will hear you! Miki thought to herself but it only made her cry even harder. She wiped her eyes, smearing the warm salty tears across her face. Her cries bounced off the cold tiles of the bathroom walls. She had been inside the stall for almost thirty minutes now. She didn't plan to get out anytime soon. The next thought in her head was, Why? Why here? Why couldn't she do it at her own place where no one could find her? That's because she wanted to be found. If they didn't notice her then they will now. The thought of it made her sick that she wanted to throw up. At least she was at the place to do it. Her knuckles were white and taut, gripping a sharp pair of scissors that she had found earlier in the dressing room. She saw her reflection on the blade, her eyes were red from crying. Her thoughts scrambled around in her head, deciding what she should do next. She took the scissors and started scratching the tip of it against the grout of the tiles on the wall. She gradually pushed it harder creating a loud grating noise that sounded worse than a certain fellow group member's singing. She separated the blades this time and examined the edges. She then hovered one of them over her exposed naked wrist, curiously wondering how that would look like. Then she gently touched it against her skin. Deep inside she didn't want to do the enevitable but the pain of all that had happened to her in the past month had finally driven her to the edge. She hesitated for a minute before finally grazing the blade slowly but gently across her wrist.

"Itai!" She squeaked, holding back the pain. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Ah...that felt...good. She thought. She looked at the crimson line forming across her wrist. A smile emerged from the corner of her mouth as she tried it again going deeper and harder this time. She yelped again, gritting her teeth and huffing her breath through them. Her grimace became another smile. She did the same to her other wrist without flinching and suddenly started laughing maniacally for no reason. All the bad things in her head had disappeared momentarily. She felt like a load was taken off her shoulders, seeping through the lines on her wrists. She watched her blood drip down the palm of her hands to the tips of her fingers and on to the floor. She was amazed to see something of hers from the inside. She was in a state of euphoria, her tensions released through this warm dark liquid. For a moment she had forgotten everything until she suddenly came into her mind like a flash of lightning and reality came back to her. Miki tried to shake her out of her mind but soon realized what she had done. She stared at the blood pooling on the floor as her wrists continued to drip.

What am I doing? She realized. She held her wrists and tried to stop the bleeding but so much blood was lost already. Suddenly all the bad feelings came back to her and she knew that she had made a big mistake. "Please, stop." She pleaded but the blood seemed to spurt out with each pulse. She looked at the locked door in front of her and wanted to get herself out. She stood up suddenly and felt dizzy, then slipped and fell forward. Her hands streakied the door with blood. She was now laying in a pool of her own blood. It began soaking through her clothes, wet and cold. She felt it touch her face and watched it dissipate out under the stall. She called out for help but her voice was weak. Her vision became blurry from newly formed tears and suddenly she blacked out. She faintly heard someone entering the restroom a few minutes later, followed by a scream. Another sound was the sound of pounding that she thought was in her head. Lastly, she heard her name.

"Mikichan! Oh my god!"

Miki barely lifted her head but she couldn't make out the figure in front of her. "I'm...sorry." She gasped weakly and closed her eyes. She now felt herself falling into deeper and darker sleep.

"Mikichan!" The voice called louder.

Miki snapped out of her mind and saw Rika looking down at her. "Huh?!" She jumped back a little. She place her hand over her chest and felt her heart vibrating rapidly inside.

"Do you know why we're meeting here?" Rika asked, looking around the lobby. Miki looked around and noticed they were the only ones there. She shrugged her shoulders pretending to not know but she knew why they were here. Suddenly tears automatically flowed from her eyes as she tried to wipe them away quickly. "Miki, what's wrong?" Rika asked.

Miki shook her head. "Nothing. Something in my eye." She covered up badly. She cursed herself for thinking up such a horrible thought. She would never go that far, yet she already felt dead inside. What was left for her now after this? She quickly dried her face before the others showed up. Gradually they came, in pairs or alone, wondering what the meeting was about too. Another single, another album, another sports festival, another audition or another FC trip were among the guesses from the girls. They chattered amongst themselves not noticing Miki who sat still and quietly the whole time. Somehow they were intimidated to approach her. Mari was the last to arrive, apologizing to the rest for being late. She glanced at Miki and both exchanged glances. Minutes went by and finally a staff member comes in rolling a cart with a TV on it. After setting it up he inserted a video tape into the VCR and played it.

On the screen Tsunku's face appeared. His shirt was screaming (louder than his background vocals) against the bare white wall behind him. The solemn look on his face told everyone that what he'll say was something very important. Then again he always looked that way.

"Morning Musume, how are you doing?" He greeted.

"Fine." Everyone answered the screen absentmindedly as if he could really hear them.

Miki scoffed. Oh my gosh! He couldn't come in person to announce it directly? Baka! She crossed her arms and lowered her head, only listening to the recording now.

"I bet you're all wondering why I've called you here today. I have a very important announcement." The recording continued.

"It's probably about the audition." Someone guessed for there was one currently going on in search of 7th generation. There were ridiculous pauses between Tsunku's words as if he knew the girls would respond after to what he said and they did. He went on about how much the group has changed over the years and how each member has grown in their own way. The girls took the comments and praises warmly, not knowing what was coming to them next. Miki shook her head at all this filler. Hurry up already. She grew impatient. Then again she wanted him to delay it as long as possible for she had no big speech to give when he finally makes the announcement. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She sensed it coming soon and got ready.

"As of today, April 14th," Tsunku said and paused. "Yaguchi Mari will resign from Morning Musume. I hope you'll all support her with her decision. That is all. Good day."

"Eeeeeeehhhhh????" Everyone cried out in unison.

Here goes. Miki thought and stood up. Wait a minute. She scowled and realized that wasn't her name being called. "What the fuck?!" She said out loud and suddenly all eyes were on her. She covered her mouth as her face began to turn beet red. She sat back down in her chair and remained quiet. Everyone's attention quickly went back to the TV screen which now showed fuzzy static and dead air. Soon afterwards Mari got up and faced everyone. She gave them an uneasy smile as she waited for the questions to pour in.

"Yaguchi-san? Why?" The Rika asked. The rest echoed after her.

Mari took a deep breath. "Minna, I know this is a complete shock to you. I don't know how else to put this, but lately I've been thinking long and hard of what to do these past few months." She looked up and all eyes were fixed on her. "I, I just felt that there are some things in my life that are more important to me right now. But I'm not saying you guys weren't important to me too. I love you all and I'll always love Morning Musume. I've never regretted being in it. It's just, I can no longer be your leader, I'm sorry." She bowed deeply to everyone. "I'm so sorry, everyone. I don't blame you if you hate me because I've let you down, because I couldn't represent how to be a good leader to you."

"I don't understand." Subleader Yossi spoke up. "What have you done wrong? Surely it can't possibly be that bad. And we're all here for you, right?" Everyone agreed in unison.

Miki could not believe what she was hearing. Everything wasn't making sense. Why wasn't she up there apologizing to everyone? Mari didn't answer her last question or was it that Miki didn't hear her answer because she was lost in her thoughts right now. All she could think of is that this had to be some crazy dream and when she wakes up she'll be back in her room at her apartment. Perhaps she was drunk again but quickly dismissed the thought from her head. When she finally snapped out of her thoughts she really thought it was all in her imagination for she found herself alone in the lobby. She smirked to herself. Her mind must be going crazy, she thought until she heard someone call her name.

"Miki?" Mari called.

Miki turned around and Mari was standing next to her. "Yaguchi-san?"

"Are you ok? You've sat there for a long time." She asked, placing her hand on Miki's shoulder.

"What?" Miki blurted. "You mean, you really are leaving the group?" Mari nodded her head. "But I don't understand. Why? Why did you do that?"

"Miki, I knew what you were going to do." Mari replied.

"What? You mean you knew that I was suppose to leave the group?" Mari nodded again. "But why? You didn't have to-"

"You wanted to quit because of Aya, huh?" Mari said directly. Miki was taken back by that. She lost her words to say as Mari continued. "I don't mean to sound nosy but I overheard your argument last week. I was on the phone with Aya."

Miki suddenly remembered that day, how she woke up and wished she had died. Then she nearly died from the shock of seeing Aya at her apartment and then remembering seeing her on the phone. Miki glared at Mari. "So, you heard everything then?"
Mari shook her head. "Not everything. But I had an idea this had been going on for awhile. This is what's been bothering you huh?"

"Why do you care?" Miki sneered.

"I care because you guys are like family to me. And even though we've gone through many changes all these years, I still care about you guys. Even if we don't get along, even if we have our differences we're suppose to be there for each other, right?" Mari fought back tears that were coming on. "And because I know you're better than that, Miki."

Miki stared at the floor. "If you care so much then why are you leaving?"

"Because..." Mari paused. "Because I can't do this anymore." She sat next to Miki and started crying. Miki wanted to shrink away from this emotional outpour for she couldn't handle any of it, not even her own. She felt awkward sitting there letting her now former leader cry her eyes out, yet it was obligated for her to do something about it. She rolled her eyes and reached out her arm and slowly placed it on Mari's back, patting her gentle.

"It's ok." Miki said what she thought was appropriate. "I think leading a group's hard too."

"No, it's not that." Mari said between sobs. "I can't balance this and my life anymore."

"But isn't this your life, what you want to do? Why don't you just wait till you graduate? It won't be long now." Miki bit her tongue as she said that for she thought that wasn't helping at all. Mari didn't seem offended by it.

"I thought I could but I can't wait anymore. It's been hard to keep up with things now." Mari sighed.

"What did you do anyway?" Miki wondered, extremely curious at this point.

"Heh, you'd think it's stupid." Mari shrugged and then changed the subject. "Anyway I thought I'd just follow my heart and do what I think is right. You should do the same. So you should work things out with Aya. I know you love her," Miki blushed as Mari said that. "So I'm sure things will work out."

"But, it's too late now. We're not even friends anymore." Miki replied sadly.

"I don't believe that. I know Miki Fujimoto doesn't give up so easily. Besides, it's not your time yet, you're not an old veteran like me." She chuckled a bit and Miki manages to curl the end of her mouth into a smirk. "Maybe I don't know your whole situation, but I think there's still a chance to fix things. Unfortunately for me I can't take mine back, but, it doesn't matter now. I just felt I had to do this even if everyone doesn't agree with it."

They must've sat there for a good while, mostly Mari doing the talking and Miki listening and nodding in agreement. Pretty soon they realized that it was getting late, or at least it felt that way. They decided to call it a day and go their separate ways. Mari stood up and said one more thing.

"This may sound funny and I didn't mean to take advantage of your situation but I want to thank you. I couldn't think of any other way to break this to everyone so think of this as helping both of us out, ne? Good luck, ok?"

Miki nodded her head, "Thanks." She replied. At least she hoped Mari was right. She watched the former leader heading down the hall until she disappeared from her sight. Miki remained seated for another few minutes. She leaned her head back and sighed. "What a day. What. A. Day." She closed her eyes and wished it was a dream again. It was unusually silent around her but she could hear the ticking of a clock in the distance. Then the sound of footsteps came in and it was getting louder and louder till it suddenly stopped. Miki opened her eyes and saw someone standing before her. She looked up and stared blankly at their face.

"A-Aya?" She choked and stood up. There they were standing in front of each other. Miki didn't think she'd ever see her again. Aya seemed well, beautiful as always. Maybe she just found out what had happened. An awkward silence fell between them, Miki really hated moments like this. She felt frozen in her stance, unable to say anything. Aya, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said the other day. I'm so so so stupid. Please forget everything I said, forget all that happened. Let's not stop being friends. Miki's mind rambled on. God, that sounds so lame, but I'll say it. She opened her mouth and got ready to repeat her thoughts. "I'm-"

"Come over tomorrow." Aya interrupted her and the silence between them. She then got really close to Miki's face, so close that she thought they were going to kiss. "Please?" She merely whispered, her breath touching Miki's face.

Miki nodded her head vigorously. "Y-yeah." She saw Aya smile at her answer and bowed her head as she walked off and left. Wait. Did Aya just spoke to me just now? Asking me to come over? To her place? Did she mean meet her at her place? Of course, stupid. Where else? Her thoughts fought with each other. Miki felt what she had felt all day, completely and utterly confused. Anymore surprises? She looked around the empty lobby. She had expected some camera crew to jump out and yell "Gotcha!" but there was none. The lobby was completely deserted. Miki could hear the ticking of the clock once again as she looked up at the time. She had been here way too long she thought as she finally stood and started to head down the hall.

"What a day." She repeated what she said earlier, stretching out her arms over her head. "What a fucking crazy day."

lil_hamz - *pin pon* for you. You found the underlying point to the story. :D (see bottom note)

JFC - but not in this story :P

ChrNo - cheap PVs haha I didn't think of that but it makes sense :lol:

All this GAM stuff and it was about Mari the whole time. :P Well not really. Many of you already figured out in the beginning. The title is in reference to Mari (hence its acronym M.A.R.I.) but the story's about GAM. The "milestone" (turning point) of this story is Mari's resignation from MM. The story should end here. j/k :P but what about GAM? 3 more to go. :roll:

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« Reply #96 on: October 04, 2006, 09:05:52 AM »
I'm dying for the rest here x_x

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« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2006, 02:35:53 PM »
jfksqgklmqmfgqjdfkhjlkgh !!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.... !!!

that sounded freaking realistic...
damn you ! so good...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...i'm going to be late at school because of you !
but thank you for this chapter :D

the first part reminds me of Pinch runner...sounded like koari + Maki...omg i laught so hard when i saw maki slipped and fell XD
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
She took the scissors and started scratching the tip of it against the grout of the tiles on the wall. She gradually pushed it harder creating a loud grating noise that sounded worse than a certain fellow group member's singing.


and then the second part...OUTCH...djfldjsklfsdlf !!!

Miki scoffed. Oh my gosh! He couldn't come in person to announce it directly? Baka!

"I don't mean to sound nosy but I overheard your argument last week. I was on the phone with Aya."

"But, it's too late now. We're not even friends anymore." Miki replied sadly.
"I don't believe that. I know Miki Fujimoto doesn't give up so easily. Besides, it's not your time yet, you're not an old veteran like me."[...]
"This may sound funny and I didn't mean to take advantage of your situation but I want to thank you. I couldn't think of any other way to break this to everyone so think of this as helping both of us out, ne? Good luck, ok?"


sorry gotta go, can't say more...but anyway, you've already killed me

Offline ferrar1

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« Reply #98 on: October 04, 2006, 03:59:08 PM »
I actually joined just to read your fanfic..... not actually :P  but hey your story is definetely 1 of e best fan fics around.

Its e way it blends almost seamlessly to what happened to Momusu and e story seems so real. GJ *akiba style

Anyway the part about e song zutto suki de ii desuka, made me think of another song by Miki, Giniro no eien. The part of the lyrics tt went

恋人 (lovers)
永遠の恋人 (we should be lovers forever)
会話がなくても通じちゃう (even without speaking we can communicate)
以心伝心 CLOSE MY EYES (lets communicate telephatically)
あなたの夢が私の夢 (your dream is my dream)

離れないよね (please never leave me)

:cry: :cry:

I remembered e music fighter episode where miki said that she & aya rarely speaks but somehow they know what each other is thinking about.. and i remembered these lyrics.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 04:11:31 PM by ferrar1 »

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

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« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2006, 05:06:27 PM »
damn you.....why must you be so good at writing fanfics?!?! XD

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