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Author Topic: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol (complete)  (Read 27704 times)

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2006, 01:55:14 PM »
I LOVE IT!!! I cant tell you how much I love love it..I just do!!

I cant understand the MARI and ERI stuff though..whats that about?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2006, 02:21:34 PM »
Quote from: Mikan
I LOVE IT!!! I cant tell you how much I love love it..I just do!!

I cant understand the MARI and ERI stuff though..whats that about?

oh they're just acronyms of my story titles. I tend to play with my titles too. So this story's shortcut as M.A.R.I. and another story is E.R.I. (Everything's Really Insane) I had an unfinished Sayu fic called NG (Nothing Girl) and the current one I'm writing is Ai'm in Love, which is about Takahashi. Do they have any significance to their stories? Maybe.

I left my USB drive at home so I'll have to post the next part later. :doh:

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2006, 02:24:38 PM »
Lol thanks for the explaination~

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2006, 05:19:39 PM »
Part 4

"May I be excused? I'm not feeling too well." Miki lied. She got to the dance studio first, hoping to get out of practice before everyone else came.

"You know what we said about that." Said the choreographer. "You got to call us ahead of time if you're not going to make it, otherwise you're wasting our time."

"But, I suddenly just felt it right now."

The choreographer rolled her eyes. This is this the second time Miki's made an excuse to get out of practice. "Fine. Sit out and watch over there then."

"Thank you." Miki bowed and retreated to the back of the room. She mumbled something under her breath about the choreographer needed the dance more than her because she was fat. She sat down against the mirrored wall and buried her head in her arms. She wasn't in the mood to do anything today. Why did she even show up? Besides, the dance was too easy and she could easily get it down in no time by watching back the tapes.

"Osaka Koi no Uta" was the name of the new single. She remember reading the lyrics and somehow related to the song. She swears that Tsunku must be butting into their personal lives and uses them to write his crazy songs. Some of the lyrics seemed a little too personal to Miki. This is "Ishiyoshi's" song though. She remembered thinking. It was going to be Rika's last song with Morning Musume. Finally, it would be Miki's last time singing and fronting with that songbird. By which bird she meant the crow, and a dying one.

Miki heard the door open and the sound of chattery girl voices entered. The gang's all here. She thought, still in her balled up position.

"Kawaii, Mikitty!" She heard someone say. "That's a cute outfit you're wearing."

Miki looked up and saw that it was Rika who made the comment. "It's not mine, it's Aya's."

Rika replied with a silent "Oh."

"For a moment there I thought you suddenly went girly on us." Entered Yossi.

Wish I could say the same for you. Miki thought and smirked at Yossi who dragged Rika away with her. They were being flirty in front of everyone. Miki scoffed at them. Why couldn't Aya and her be like that but together? She couldn't help feeling envious of them. She was then interrupted by other members' comments about her outfit then the choreographer called for their attention.

"Listen up. We'll have another set back because your buddy back there," She pointed at Miki. "Isn't feeling well, again."

Well, geez, might as well tell them my life story too. Miki scoffed in her head.

"Ehhh, again??" Everyone cried.

"Are you ok, Miki?" Someone asked.

"Layoff on the bottle next time, will ya?" Yossi joked, not knowing that it was true.

Miki let out a sarcastic "ha ha" then got up and left the room.

She sat outside the door and listened as the new song played repeatedly. She hummed and sang along to it. Despite all the crazy crap Tsunku makes them do he does make a hell of a catchy song. She could hear some of the members groaning in frustration.

"I missed my mark because Miki's supposed to be there." Someone complained.

"Fine, I'll fill in for her." Replied the choreographer.

Miki sat there, thinking to herself. Stupid, why are you acting like this? Why can't you just tell her? You've known her all this time but you can't even tell her this? Now you've missed your chance, stupid. Keita has her now. Keita...grrr, I hate him! She let out a grunt. This is not working! She decided she should confront Aya today and tell her how she felt once and for all, maybe even apologize for anything she might've said or done last night. Whatever it was. She practiced coming up with some speech out loud to herself.

"Aya, whatever I did or said last night I didn't mean it. I was just drunk, you know? And, I love you. NO! That sounds crappy." She sighed. "Ayaya, when you're drunk you do or say stupid things. Argh!" She was losing her cool. For a girl who always spoke her mind she had trouble getting the words out. It's the curse of Aya, she turns Miki into a blubbering fool. However, she'd never let anyone else see that side of her, risking to lose her attitude she was so known for although she hated being labeled the "badass" of the group. She sighed as she tried a few more times to come up with a better apology, finally she just started saying random things.

"Ayaya, run away with me." she sighed and giggled to herself. Then she spoke a little louder. "Ayaya..."

"Yes?" A voice answered.

Miki turned her head and almost screamed. She stood to her feet.

"Ayaaaaaaa..." She lost her words. "Yuuuuuu....Yoooooo...." She puffed her cheeks and let out the air. She really really wanted to kick herself right now.

Aya looked at her funny and started to laugh. "You are quite strange sometimes, Miki."

"Vocal exercises." Miki lied.

Aya nodded her head but knew that wasn't it. Miki grew quiet which made Aya quiet as well.

"You really don't remember anything from last night, do you?" She asked Miki.

Miki shook her head. "I'm sorry if I-"

Aya waved her hand. "It doesn't matter, when you're drunk you say things you don't mean."

"Yeah, that's right. I didn't mean it. What did I say anyway?"

Aya shook her head. "Nothing really." She replied but she knew what Miki said was definitely not nothing. She looked at Miki who was looking down, lightly kicking at the floor. She asked her, "How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess." Miki replied.

There they were again, standing in front of each other like earlier. What's going to happen this time? Aya felt somewhat sympathetic and went up to Miki and hugged her. It caught Miki by surprise.

"You got me worried last night. I don't like seeing you that way." She said.

"I'm sorry." Miki apologized. As she stood there with Aya's arms around her she felt her heart pounding. Tell her now. said the voice inside her head. It felt like there was a lump in her throat but she took a deep breath. "Aya, I-"

"Where's Fujimoto?!" a muffled voice cut her off. "She wasn't suppose to leave!"

"Damn!" Miki cursed as she pulled away from Aya. Strike three, is it? Times a hundred. "I'm sorry, I have to go back now."

Aya nodded her head. She watched as Miki cursed under her breath again and went back into the studio.

"I was just sitting right outside!" She heard her yell.

Aya approached the door and peeked through the little window. She could see the rest of the group dancing while Miki sat herself on the back wall, her head buried in her arms again. The guilt returned to her, what was she going to do about her? It wasn't like Miki to sit around and do nothing. Suddenly she heard her cellphone beep. "One new text message" it said. She clicked buttons.

Hey, pretty girl. I know you're at work but I wanted to say hi. -K

She smiled but almost stopped herself immediately. She took one last look at Miki through the window and saw that she hadn't moved from her position. Realizing there was nothing else she could do, she walked away back to her own business.

After practice a concerned member came up to Miki.

"Mikichan, are you ok?" Asked the little leader.

Miki looked up at her. "I'm ok, Yagu-san. Just feeling a bit tired that's all.

Mari nodded her head. "Yeah, work's getting harder. Sometimes I wish I could take a long break from it all. Anyway, I'm glad you at least showed up. Do you think you can catch up? We'll be doing TV appearrances soon."

Miki nodded. "I'll be fine, thanks."

She watched as Mari walked away and left. She got up and proceeded to leave as well until she was stopped by the choreographer. She handed something to her.

"Here, make sure you study it." She handed Miki the video tape of today's practice.

"Thanks." Miki replied.

"Don't forget what to do next time if you're like this again." She lifted her hand indicating a phone. Miki nodded her head. There were still other things to do around the studio but Miki couldn't wait to get home.

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2006, 11:07:09 PM »
Update good! Yay!

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2006, 02:28:01 PM »
Part 5

It felt like ages since Miki had stepped into her own apartment though she only had been gone for a day. It looked like Aya's apartment but in reverse except it was left in disarray. Bottles and trash were left around since the past week. It was dark, the curtains were still drawn in. She was glad to be home even if it was a mess. She plopped herself on the her bed. The sheets felt cool against her skin. Normally she liked this feeling but this time it made her feel sad and lonely and she yearned for something warm. The aching in her head has now found its way to her heart, creating a whole new kind of pain. She was breathing hard like she was dying. She closed her eyes and just made herself think.

Why couldn't Aya be hers? She thought. They've practically did everything together. Helped each other, took care of each other, comfort each other, eat, sleep, laughed, and cried together. The only thing they didn't have was love, that kind of love although they strongly cared for one another. They even saw each other naked, so it was only natural for them to be together, right? Guess not. Maybe Aya just doesn't see her in that way, she thought. Then Miki realized that all that stuff happened a long time ago. As they've gotten older and when Miki joined Morning Musume, maybe that closeness slowly began to go away. Maybe they realized that things no longer were innocent.

Miki remembered the day they met. She watched Aya from backstage as she performed on stage. She admired her greatly, being such a highly regarded soloist and Miki only a novice then. She was so afraid to approach her and introduce herself. As Aya stepped off the stage she passed by Miki.

"Oh, you're the new soloist, Miki Fujimoto, right?"

Miki nodded her head.

"Nice to meet you. Call me Ayaya." She shook her hand. It felt sweaty but Miki didn't care, someone recognized her name.

"Mi-ki...ti...uh..." Miki stuttered like a fool.

Aya didn't hear her well so she said what she thought she heard. "Mikitty? That's really cute!"

And that nickname stuck with her ever since. Everyone thought they'd be rivals, having similar song styles and such but it was quite the opposite. Soon the soloists got together and became a great unofficial duo. If it weren't for the Tsuji/Kago duo, the Matsuumoto duo would've been the most popular pair. They did everything together, they couldn't be apart from each other. It got to the point where people couldn't tell them apart sometimes. Miki was in debt to Aya for helping her become known as a soloist. Unfortunately, as much as it helped it didn't stop her solo career from being cut off prematurely.

Miki grunted at the recollection of that memory. She tried to think of something else. The day she fell for Aya. It seemed so long ago but she remembered it well. It even had a name, "Shall We Love?" Yes, it was during the time Gomattou was formed. She remember being in the dressing room admiring the extensions that were put into her hair because her own hair was short back then. Aya came in squealing at her.

"Oh my gosh, Mikitty! That looks so hot! You should actually grow your hair out." She squeaked.

"Eh, really? You think so?" Miki asked, twirling the hair between her fingers.

"Yea, really. If I was a guy I'd think you were hot." Aya giggled.

That made Miki blush.

"Aww! Kawaii! Well, I can't wait to get mine done too!" She said and wrapped her arm around Miki's shoulder. "See you later, hot girl." She tried to say in a deep manly voice. She kissed her cheek and skipped out of the dressing room.

Miki touched her cheek. Somehow it felt different from the other kisses Aya gave her. This one made her heart stir inside. During the whole taping of the video her heart never stopped beating like that. From then on it would always do that whenever Aya was around.

Miki sighed, snapping out of her memory. She turned over and sighed some more. Why did it take her so long to do this? All those years she kept those feelings inside. She blamed her joining of Morning Musume, their busy schedules distracted her and kept her and Aya apart. She even finally grew her hair out just now remembering Aya's comment about it. But it doesn't matter anymore. It's too late. Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore.

Though she'd rather waste the rest of her day thinking about her Miki still had work to do. She spotted the video tape she was given earlier on the dresser, took it, and went to the living room. She popped it in the VCR and watched. For the first twenty minutes it repeated just the introduction part of the song.

"Gosh! Some people are slow!" Miki complained as she fast forward the tape. It was simpler than she thought. Since she was one of the lead vocals there wasn't much dancing for her. She wanted to turn it off now but came upon the part where she had entered back into the studio.

"I was just sitting right outside!" The video played back. Miki cringed at the sound of her voice on the tape. She sounded like crap.

She saw the choreographer scoffing at her on the tape so she scoffed back and was about to turn off the TV this time, but she spotted something else. From the far right the camera barely got a shot of the door. In the window she saw her. She came closer to the TV and stared. It was Aya and she was looking at her. Miki paused the tape and stared at Aya's blurry face. She wondered what she was thinking at that moment. Maybe she wondered what Miki was going to say to her. Miki shook her head, I could've said anything. She thought. She traced the outline of Aya's face with her finger, tapping the screen with her long manicured fingernail. She spat out lines again asking Aya to be hers. Then she found herself moving face close to the screen, her lips hovering over Aya's face, but she stopped herself.

"What the hell am I doing?" She grumbled to herself and let her forehead tap against the glass of the TV screen. "Give it up, Miki, it's too late. Just stop it now."

She backed away and dropped herself on her couch. She turned off the TV and sat in silence. She finally made up her mind not to chase Aya anymore. Maybe she realized that she didn't love Aya as much as she thought because if she did she would've had her a long time ago. Then again fear strikes even the strongest of them, but Miki shrugged the thought. It didn't matter, whatever the real reason was it was already too late now. If Aya's happy she should feel happy for her too. Or just let her be.

Yeah, that's it. No more. Miki nodded as she made her decision. She turned the TV back and rewound the tape back to the beginning. She pushed the coffee table to the side making room for her to move around. She stretched her body while waiting for the tape to finish rewinding. As she play it back she kept her concentration on the dance, focusing on nothing but the dance. She put power into each dance step and a lot of emotion into her singing. She never stopped to take a break but just let the tape run on. She didn't even faze a bit when she saw Aya's face appear on screen again. She kept dancing and singing even after the tape had ended. She made sure she had it down, her dancing sharp and her singing right on. And when she finally stopped her body trembled from fatigue. She paced around the room catching her breath, the sweat glistening on her face and arms. She went back into her room and finally drew the curtains back. It was already evening but the dim light still made her eyes squint. She opened the window and felt the cool breeze touching her skin, drying off the sweat. She dropped herself on her bed once again. The sheets felt colder against her skin and this time she was liking it.

"Yeah, I still got it." She sighed with satisfaction.

Offline ChrNo

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« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2006, 04:01:06 PM »
wooot 3 chapters too read xD

Part 3
"Hey Miki, this is Mari. Don't forget dance practice tomorrow. See ya then."

i felt so nostalgic...i really miss Mari in m~m, or h!m...

Miki in pink...wth that's was so funny to imagine XD

the W part made me laugh so hard..."Their talking in unison annoyed the hell out of her"

""What's eating her?" Nacchi asked W."
that made me laugh but i d'ont get it XD

"Finally, it would be Miki's last time singing and fronting with that songbird. By which bird she meant the crow, and a dying one."

"Ayaya, run away with me." she sighed and giggled to herself. Then she spoke a little louder. "Ayaya..."

"Yes?" A voice answered.

Miki turned her head and almost screamed."

i felt as surprise as her lol...i still wonder if ayaya heard what she was saying...

"Hey, pretty girl."
when i saw that images from the special english lesson last year came to my mind...miki saying that..XD XD bad wasnt from her heh...

"See you later, hot girl."

"Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore."
is that true ? :o

"She traced the outline of Aya's face with her finger, tapping the screen with her long manicured fingernail. She spat out lines again asking Aya to be hers. Then she found herself moving face close to the screen, her lips hovering over Aya's face"

that one scared me...

"but she stopped herself.

"What the hell am I doing?" "
way to go girl XD

aah....keep on updating !:D

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2006, 04:22:45 PM »

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline stefy

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« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2006, 05:27:27 PM »
Really really good fic i think maybe i'm begining to like GAM alittle more... i feel sad for miki... is she really gonna give up?

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2006, 05:58:16 PM »
Quote from: ChrNo
""What's eating her?" Nacchi asked W."
that made me laugh but i d'ont get it XD

It's like another way of saying "What's up with her?" or "What's bothering her?" Just the fact that Miki was eating at the time made it sound funny, I guess.

"Hey, pretty girl."
when i saw that images from the special english lesson last year came to my mind...miki saying that..XD XD bad wasnt from her heh...

"More more pretty girl!" XD

"Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore."
is that true ? :o

The whole nickname thing is not true. I later found out after I wrote this story that Aya actually calls Miki by "Mikitan" or "Tan", that would've been more realistic to put that in there but I left the story as it is. That Gomattou part would've been cute if it was real. hehe

Quote from: stefy
Really really good fic i think maybe i'm begining to like GAM alittle more... i feel sad for miki... is she really gonna give up?

Sympathy for the devil. My job is done. :lol: Well it's still quite early so you'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Yay thanks for the comments. :D

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2006, 06:07:20 PM »
Yay! you are online! I hope this means more yummy updates :P

and Lol@ the whats eating her gag :D

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2006, 06:14:23 PM »
I'd post the entire story right now since it is complete, but I thought I'd let you guys wait and savor the moment. :P

Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2006, 10:30:16 PM »
Nooooo! Miki cant give up :(

Shes not gonna give up right?


Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2006, 10:47:31 PM »
Sigh, great as always DO Me-san!

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2006, 11:09:12 PM »
I have to say that I've already read your fic at JPM (i don't remember if i commented something there... yeah, i'm one of those lurkers XD) and I love it from the start. Now that you're posting here i can enjoy reading it again ^^

Offline DO Me DO Me

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« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2006, 05:13:05 AM »
Part 6

Aya was glad to see Miki looking like her old self again the last few days. She noticed how together and focused Miki was with her work. She'd watched Miki at dance practice behind the glass window of the door that lead into the dance hall. She practically showed out everyone with how much she had caught up with the dance for the new single. Aya could see that Miki had what it took to be Morning Musume's #1 girl. Miki has kept in contact with Aya once again but it only consisted of short phone calls. She even casually asked how Keita was doing during one of their conversations. However, they haven't had the time to meet up in person lately even when Aya had asked Miki many times. Her form of excuse? Morning Musume's "busy schedule" which had some truth to it. Aya felt a little disappointed that they were limited to these short periods of communication. Miki didn't seem to mind though, Aya noticed, but it was starting to bug her. She almost felt like she was being ignored. She realized now that she missed being around Miki.

Now she wondered how long this charade with Keita would really last. They've gotten along fine although he was still very much clueless about what was really going on. Sure, there were times when she had fun being around him but this was different. There were things she couldn't do with him like she would with a good friend, like Miki. She could try to do those things with Keita, however, it'd be a whole different context with him. She just suddenly felt bored now, trying to hide things back and forth. All this to help her career but it really hadn't done anything to make it better or worse. No matter which direction it went, someone was going to get hurt out of this whole situation. Aya felt terribly confused and frustrated. She wondered what the whole point of it all was.

"Aya, what's wrong?" Maki asked her.

Aya snapped out of her gaze and realized then that Maki and Nacchi were staring straight at her.

"You ok?" Maki grew concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She lied as she quietly sipped her iced tea. She remembered she was there because they were discussing Nochiura Natsumi's upcoming tour.

"Waa, I'm really nervous." Whined Nacchi who felt like she was starting all over again in H!P. It had only been a month and a half since she returned from her suspension. She was worried if everyone would welcome her back, but of course they greeted her with open arms. Things definitely weren't the same without her.

"Nervous?" Asked Maki, "You've done this since the beginning."

"But I'm not a natural performer like you, Gocchin. I still get nervous from time to time." Nacchi replied.

Maki smirked at the comment, Nacchi was being too modest once again. She then changed the subject. "Maybe we shouldn't call ourselves NUN. It makes us sound old." Maki said, referring to the actual word, not the acronym of their name.

"I know but 'Nochiura Natsumi' is too long to say." Nacchi pointed out. "But I'd hate to be a nun, living the rest of my life unmarried." She sighed.

"Well it seems like one of us has found a way out of it." Maki said pointing at Aya with her eyes but Aya missed the joke because she was staring off again. Maki rolled her eyes. "Aya? Hellooo! Come back to earth!" Aya snapped out of her trance again, this time flushed with embarassment.

"I'm sorry, sorry." She apologized.

She had not only been caught staring and daydreaming several times today but also in the past few days. Aside from the upcoming NUN tour, Aya has had a lot of free time lately. She had not been going out with Keita as often as everyone thought they were. The magazines claimed to have spotted them at several different places which wasn't true at all. They knew better than to be out in public like that. Most of the time they went on dates set up by their head companies. Occasionally they'd hang at each others' apartments but nothing more happens there. All this free time had bothered Aya. She was so used to working all the time whether it was a new single, a PV, or a CM, she was always working on something. If she wasn't working then she was hanging with Miki but that hadn’t been happening lately.

Just then Morning Musume passed through the cafeteria as they headed to the stage to shoot another episode of their show. They greeted NUN as they passed by. Aya noticed that Miki did not even look at her. She was disappointed by that and decided to catch up her but at the same time she didn't want to leave the other members of NUN. Instead she decided to make up some excuse.

"Um, bathroom break!" She said quickly and got up. She tried to dash down the hall but her high heeled shoes hindered her. Nacchi and Maki just looked on, shaking both their heads.

"She likes someone." Nacchi figured.

"Of course, Keita." Maki pressed the obvious answer.

Nacchi shook her head. "No, I think it's someone else."

"Eh? How do you know?" Maki wondered.

"I know. She had this look that was like-" Nacchi demonstrated the look she had saw on Aya’s face earlier to Maki. It was sort of like a sigh/pouty type look that seemed to imply longing for something. Maki noticed that Nacchi had made that face as well earlier. She snickered.

"Who is it, huh? Who do you like, Abe-san?" Maki grinned.

Nacchi blushed as she accidently gave herself away. She then tried to deny it.

"No one. None of your business."

"Ha! I knew it! Who is it? Who is it?" Maki badgered her.

"No fair, you tricked me!" Nacchi pouted.

Aya managed to follow Morning Musume from a good distance. She eyed Miki who walked behind the rest of the group. She seemed in good spirits though, her arm was around Mari's shoulder as they seemed to be carrying a friendly conversation. Aya noticed how pretty Miki looked, her hair growing out nicely which she somehow didn't notice last time. She wanted to go talk to her but she couldn't find a way to get her alone without the others noticing. What do I say? She thought. "Miki, we need to talk."? Ok. She slowly crept closer to them but her cellphone suddenly rang. She cringed as she tried to muffle her phone. She then chickened out and ran away. Miki was the only one who had heard the ringing. She turned around, letting her arm fall off of Mari, but she saw nothing but an empty hallway. The ringtone sounded familar to her but she shrugged it off and returned to the rest of the group.

Aya cursed at the phone for its horrible timing. She looked at the missed call. It was from Keita. "Thanks alot!" She scoffed at her phone. By the time she caught up with the group they had already started taping the show. Disappointed once again, she returned to her own group looking defeated.

"You ok?" Maki asked again. "Took ya awhile."

Aya didn't want to say she was in the bathroom when she never was, so she tried to think of something else. "Uh, I had a call when I got out." she quickly said.

Maki nodded her head though she could tell something was going on. She didn't want to butt in though.

"I'm sorry." Nacchi suddenly piped up.

"What?" Both Maki and Aya asked.

"I'm still trying to get over what happened the last few months. And this whole unit thing, I just always felt out of place with you young ones. You really don't need me."

Maki and Aya were taken back by Nacchi's comment. They shook their heads violently in protest.

"Of course we need you." Said Aya.

"Yeah, Abe-san don't think like that." Maki added.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Nacchi apologized. "I guess I just thought it'd be better, maybe to have someone closer to your age. Someone like, Miki. Yeah! Like a Gomattou reunion or something. You guys were a good unit and I'm sure Miki would love it huh, Ayaya?"

"Yeah, she would've loved me." Aya accidently murmured then immediately slapped her hand to her mouth. Rather than blushing red her face went pale.

"Ayaya, are you all right?" Nacchi asked.

Aya shook her head as she sped off and away from them once again. Nacchi and Maki looked on with confusion once more.

"Something's up with her." Nacchi figured and Maki could only nod her head in agreement.

Aya ran into one of the empty rooms of the studio. She sighed heavily as she tried to get herself together. What was that about? You're really losing it now! She thought. She hoped Nacchi and Maki didn't hear that last comment she had blurted out. They must think she's going crazy now. For the past few days they've noticed that Aya had been acting strange. They'd teased her about Keita, thinking she had him on her mind. She let it pass off as that although that wasn't the real reason. Something had been bothering her lately, but she couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Somehow she knew it had to do with Miki. But what? Isn't this what she had wanted, for Miki to leave her alone? Not like this. She thought. She sat at the table on the floor and buried her head in her arms. She sighed, feeling her warm breath on her face. She lifted her head now and stare blankly at the wall.

What is this feeling I'm feeling? She thought, her chest felt like it was about ready to explode. It felt painful and she wanted to cry. "Why?" she whispered to herself. "I don't understand." She buried her face in her arms again and sobbed. "What am I going to do?" She then stopped herself from crying, trying not to ruin her makeup. She wiped her face and sniffed loudly. Suddenly she felt a buzz on her side. Her cellphone was vibrating. She had turned off the ring after her goof up in the hallway earlier. She took it out without checking who it was, pressed a button and blurted out the first name on her mind.

"Miki?" She paused and then later realized. "Oh, Keita. I'm sorry. Tonight? Um, yeah, ok." She replied absentmindedly. "Ok, bye." She hung up and sighed on the table once again. Why did I say "yes"? she argued in her conflicted mind. Keita had asked her out tonight but she really wanted to talk to Miki and straighten things out once and for all. She was tired of keeping this secret from her best friend. Maybe Miki would hopefully understand about her job situation and back off. She just couldn't find the time or the words to tell her. Somehow Aya was starting to feel different about Miki now. She wondered if Miki still had those feelings for her, if she still felt the same way she did that one night. It didn’t seem like Miki did anymore, but somehow Aya wished she still did.


*adds len.chan to the lurkers list* :P Yes! you can enjoy it again since I've fixed my mistakes from the first time I posted it :lol:

rndmnwierd: yay, you know my color :D

KrazyForKamei: (btw, awesome name :D) don't you lurk around JPM too? I see your name so many times and wanted to say how cool it is. hehe Anyway, there's 11 more parts I'm sure Miki can get through them all. If she had given up I guess you can say there's no point in continuing the story ;) hehe

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« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2006, 05:28:10 AM »
I'd put your JPM nickname with the little degree symbol, 'cause that looks cooler, but I can't figure out how to make that little circle thing.

Poor confus-ed Ayaya. I can't wait for your next post!

Offline KrazyForKamei

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« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2006, 05:36:08 AM »
Yeah i do lurk there. It seems scary there though so I dont say anything *is a chicken like that* XD. It didn't seem as scary here so I actually post :P. And thanks...i thought it was pretty creative of a name ^_^

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« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2006, 11:30:26 AM »
I have read this fan fic on JPM and I must say that it's one of the best fan fics ever. :D

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« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2006, 02:16:41 PM »
Part 7

Another show over with, Miki reluctantly thought. She was really getting tired of playing these childish games with people who were many years younger than her. She knew her face will definitely show the expressions of how she felt about the taping when it finally would air on TV. She found herself wandering around the studio, walking behind the cameras and stepping over the many wires and cables and avoiding the staff members. She then stopped and noticed Eri taping her "Maido Arii" segment. She decided to stay and watch with the crew. She couldn't help but laugh along as Eri playing Eric Kamezou cracked "old" jokes at the annoyed Yuko. Miki then saw Eri pull out her metal briefcase and brought out the latest HP  releases. One of them in particular caught Miki's eye. It was Aya's newest photobook, "A". Miki remembered Aya telling her about the photobook a few months back when she was in China shooting it. Aya’s countless hours had finally paid off, "A" was finally out. It was much larger than the standard photobook, Miki noticed, but of course who would deserve it more none other than Aya. Miki had a sudden urge to look at the photobook now being held in Eri’s hands. She anxiously waited until the segment was over before she would walk over to Eri to ask if she could see it. As Eri cheerfully walked off the stage Miki silently stalked behind.

"Eri, Eri!" Miki called out.

Startled by the anonymous call, Eri dropped the heavy silver briefcase she was holding and it hit the floor with a bang. Eri quickly spun around to see that Miki was right behind her.

"Ah, Fujimoto-san you scared me." Eri sighed as she tried to undo the tie of her costume. Miki stared at the metal briefcase which now lay on it's side on the floor.

"I saw you holding Aya's photobook, can I see it?"

Eri was taken by surprise by this odd and strange request. Nevertheless Eri bent down to pick up the briefcase, opened it, and handed the brand spanking new book to Miki. Miki took the book and held it out in front of her. Aya's face was beaming all over the cover.

"It's huge!" Miki gasped in a forced act of surprise.

"It's a closeup shot that's why." Eri blurted out.

Miki shot a glare at her. Airhead, I meant the book! She grumbled in her mind.

"If you want it, you have to pay for it." Eri replied.

Miki sneered at Eri, "No, I don't want it. I just want to look at it."

"Just saying, I tried to do that once and they told me I have to pay for my own photobook!" Eri said as she focused her attention on fumbling with her tie and trying to get it undone. Miki rolled her eyes at the struggling girl before placing the book down and standing upright facing Eri.

"Here, let me." Miki took the tie carefully into her hands and unknotted it. Eri remained still, slightly uncomfortable as Miki took her time. She was standing too close to her. "There", Miki said satisfyingly as it loosened.

"Ah, thank you very much. It was choking me." Eri sighed in relief as she pulled the tie off her collar and rubbed her neck. She looked up at Miki and noticed she was staring at her.

"You know, you don't look so bad as a guy." Miki snickered, her smile looking quite devilish.

"Don't say that!" Eri pouted and whined. People had said that so many times to her. Miki could only laugh at her.

"Well thanks." Miki gave Eri a rather tight hug, her hands wandering down her back.

"Yeah, ok." Eri squeaked, trying to squirm out of Miki's strangely exploring arms.

Miki then picked up the glossy book off the floor, "I'll return it." She smiled and ruffled Eri's hair leaving it in a jumbled mess, "See ya!"

Miki walked down the long and strangely quiet hall as she flipped through the pages of Aya's photobook. Not bad. She thought to herself. The pictures were very well taken, thanks to UFA’s best photographers. She thought out of the half dozen photobooks (at least that many) of Aya's this one really represented her. It seemed to capture the true essence of Aya: sweet, sophisticated, beautiful, natural, charming, and of course, sexy. It was done so well that it was almost as if she could feel Aya's presence. Aya seemed to be radiating off the pages of the book with her beauty. It felt so real to Miki that she felt her heart start to stir once again. No, no. She shook her head abruptly trying to shrug the weird feelings in her off but it only kept getting stronger. In a haste decision she retreated herself into an empty room which happened to be the same room Aya had just been in only minutes earlier. She leaned against the door and sighed with great discourse.

"No, don't let this happen." She placed her hand over her heart. It continued to beat hard and steadily even after she thought she had calmed down. She looked at the photobook in her hands and as if it were on fire she threw it on the table in front of her. It landed, opening to a picture where it looked as if Aya was staring straight at her. Miki went to the book and stood over it as she grazed her eyes upon the lighthearted picture. Ah, you really are so beautiful. She thought once again. She felt like she was trapped in Aya's gaze and unable to be freed by it. She felt her body weaken just by looking at the picture. In a last gesture she finally fell to her knees and broke down.

"I can't do this." She cried. "I can't let go of you. My heart won't let me." Tears fell on to the pages of book, landing on Aya's cheek in the lifeless picture. Miki briskly pushed the book away from her as she bawled on the table. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fight the feelings inside her. For the last few days she had tried to hide behind this facade. She was never over Aya, not one bit. She thought she could ignore her but each day was eating her up inside and it was as though little devils were constantly tugging at her heart. All the bad feelings were coming back to her now. As she wiped her eyes she caught a familar scent in the air, "I can even smell you." She whined. "You're haunting me everywhere I go." She remembered the ringtone she heard earlier on and she was pretty sure that had been Aya's as well.

"I have to call her." She said as she pulled out her cellphone. "Maybe she's still here." She fumbled with the buttons but stopped just as she was about to push the call button, her cell screen flashing the private cell number of Aya’s. Her thumb hovered hesitantly over it but she somehow couldn't get herself to do it. Seeing as she couldn’t simply press one button, he threw her phone down in frustration and as it hit the floor, it suddenly rang. She quickly picked it up and looked at the screen. "1 New Message" it read. She checked the message, it was from Mari. Mari was asking if Miki still wanted to eat out with the other girls later. Though Miki wasn’t really in the mood to she replied back with an "Ok" trying not to be a bad sport. She briefly checked the time and realized that she had better get going if she really was going to meet up with her fellow comrades.

Miki slowly got up and made sure her face was dry. If anyone were to ask about it she would just say she was rather tired. She exited the room without noticing she was forgetting something as she left the book to it’s own on the table.


At the rather fancy restaurant, the girls were spread across one side of the wall in two booths. Miki sat at the end of the booth and was quiet as she just plainly watched the pieces of yakiniku sizzling on the grill, remembering to turn them around with her chopsticks. She glanced around at the rest of the girls who were with her. They seemed to be in their own little groups, Eri and Sayumi jabbering on like two machines programmed to never stop working, Konno was staring at the yakiniku wide eyed as she piled pieces of cooked meat onto her plate while Makoto made fun of her eating habits. One onserning little group was  Ishiyoshi who were getting a little bit too cozy in the corner. Miki had always felt like an outcast among the group. First in her own generation and now with the group as a whole. They didn't seem to realize that her placement in the group had probably saved them from even more loss of popularity. Still, it wasn't like anyone was giving her credit for it.

"Fujimoto-san." She heard a voice call her. She looked up and noticed it was Eri who had addressed her rather properly. "Did you return that photobook?" She asked.

Miki wanted to scoff, she thought it was something important. "Yeah, I did." She forcefully lied.

"Oh? Someone at the studio called me saying they couldn't find it." Eri replied.

Miki could only shrug her shoulders as she took a quick sip from her glass. She turned around and noticed one last piece of yakiniku on the grill. She quickly reached for it but her chopsticks clashed with someone else’s. Looking up, she saw Reina almost immediately retracting her hand back.

"Go ahead." Reina said, trying not to offend Miki.

"No, you can have it." Miki insisted.

Reina was surprised by Miki’s unexpected answer. "Really?" she asked and Miki nodded. Reina’s face beamed as she took it and placed the savory piece into her mouth.

Miki smirked. Reina needed it more than her anyways, she thought, but she noticed that her face was getting a bit chubby. She heard a ring and and instinctly pulled out her phone. Her cell phone showed no caller ID and she looked up to see Mari answer her phone. After a couple of "uh huh's" Mari finally ended with a sweet "I love you too." Mari quickly hung up and by this time everyone was hooting at her which made Mari turn a deep shade of red.

"That was Shun, right?" Someone asked the obvious question.

Mari nodded, her face still red, and stood up, "Sorry, but I have to go. Everyone enjoy your weekend, ok?"

Everyone nodded slyly at Mari. Trying to get out of the crammed booth, Mari found herself stuck in the middle with very little to no space to move about. She had no choice but to crawl underneath the table to leave the place. "Kawaii!" Someone shouted and everyone burst into laughter. Getting up from under the table Mari turned around and stuck her tongue at them. She then noticed that Miki hadn’t laughed or even paid attention to what was going on, she seemed off in her own thoughts.

"You ok, Miki? You haven't talked all night." Mari asked the dazed Miki.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit tired." Miki answered as she snapped out of her thoughts, "I think I might go as well." Miki got up from the table, apologized to everyone and said goodnight.

"Don't forget, futsal practice coming up." Yossi yelled to her just before Miki reached the door. Miki simply waved her hand, not bothering to look back.

Mari soon caught up with Miki outside in the parking lot.

"Is there something wrong, Miki? You can tell me." Asked the worried looking little leader.

Miki shook her head slowly as she stared in thought on the ground as she walked, it was way too complicated to explain.

Mari didn't want to bug Miki any further. "Well you know you can always call me if you want to talk about anything."

"Thanks." Miki quickly replied but she knew Mari wouldn't understand her situation anyway, "'s everything going for you?" Miki quickly changed the subject of the conversation.

Mari sighed, "I didn't think being a leader was so hard. I've been constantly working."

"Really? It doesn't seem so bad."

"Eh, that's because you don't get to see everything. There's a lot to it."

"I guess I'll just wait till it's my turn then." Miki said lightly as she flashed a quick and sarcastic smile.

"I think you'll do a lot better than me, Miki." said Mari as she was in the process of hailing a taxi.

Miki was surprised by her comment. She watched Mari get into the taxi.

"Tell Shun I said 'hi'." Miki told her and Mari nodded before the cab drove off down the street.

At least she's doing well with her relationship. Miki thought as she stood watching the cab turn a corner and out of sight. She walked along the illuminated sidewalk, thinking to herself as she went. It was getting dark out but she didn't want to go home just yet. She wondered what she was going to do now seeing that she still had time before she would go home to bed. She looked at the phone she held tightly in her hand but she still didn't have the courage to call Aya again. She sighed, not knowing what to do or where to go. Suddenly she spotted an old familar place, the bar.


rndmnwierd - Alt + 0176 :D or you can always copy and paste hehe

KrazyForKamei - really? I feel the opposite :lol: It's the fic forum here (and Eri thread) that got me posting here again.

shunjunsweden - *adds another to the list* ooh that's quite a compliment there, thank you very much :oops:

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