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Author Topic: Detonator M  (Read 81321 times)

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Detonator M
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2006, 01:24:40 AM »
Oh fuck this is entertaining! :lol: Great work here dude!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Aioros

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« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2006, 01:19:12 AM »
M was walking in the hallway when he noticed a girl a few meters away having trouble with the vending machine.
"Stupid machine!" she said as she started kicking it but doing it hurt her foot. "Ouch!" she said as she trotted and sat down on the nearby bench.
M moved closer.
"What seems to be the problem, miss?" he asked. "Whoa! This girl is cute!" he said to himself.
The girl looked at M. "It won't give me my drink. I think it's jammed."
M looked at the machine. He gave it a shock to fry its circuitry. A few seconds later, two cans of soft drinks fell on the dispenser. M took it and approached the girl.
"Here you go. And look, I got a freebie." he said.
The girl smiled at M. But unlike Risa's smile, this one didn't make him look away.
"Thanks a lot, mister. I have to go now." the girl said as she took one of the cans and stood up. M couldn't believe it as he looked up to the girl. She was taller, a lot taller than him. The girl patted him on the head.
"That scarf looks cute on you." she said as she walked away.
"Wait! What's your name?" A red faced M finally got the courage to ask her but she was already far. He turned on his WiFi to check if the girl belonged to Hello!Project. Then he ran back to their room at full speed.

"Hey K, is it possible for us to get taller?  I mean, can the guys at the lab modify our limbs? Can they? Huh? Huh?" M asked as he slammed open the door.
"Why are you so excited M?" K asked.
"I just bumped into that Yurina girl. I didn't know she was that tall. I looked like a midget when I was standing beside her. I can't believe she's just 13 and, and…she said that I look cute with the scarf. She's cute, she's pretty, she's sweet, she's tall....and she patted me in the head. I felt like a pet."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Frodo but we can't get taller. Even those miracle pills they sell on TV won't work on us. You have to do with what you got." K answered.
"Aren't you happy with Niigaki-san?"
"I didn't say that! Of course I'm happy with Niigaki-san! She's so cute and she's thoughtful. Her smile knocks me off my feet all the time. My visual sensors almost go haywire because of cuteness overload."
"So what's with Kumai-san?"
"You can say that I was charmed by her height."
"Are you sure it was just height?"
"Hey, I don't like where you're going."
"What? You're the one who started this discussion. But I have to admit, Kumai-san is indeed cute. All the members of Berryz Koubou are." K said.
"If she's here, then that means...I want to see them in person. Risako! Saki! Miyabi! Chinami! Momoko! Maasa! Yurina! I want to see them in person!!!
See you later K!" M said as he zoomed out of the room.
"Tsk tsk. He's gonna get his ass kicked." K said.

M went to the 2nd floor, where most of the rooms are used for rehearsals. He used his enhanced hearing to find out which room the Berryz girls were practicing. He finally got to the room but there was a man, no a boy leaning on the door. His hair was dyed red and he had three earrings on his left ear and two on his right ear. There was another piercing on his right eyebrow. His shoes even weren't the right pair. He was chewing gum and listening to music with his earphones. M stood next to him and the boy was a few centimeters shorter than him.
"Excuse me, is Berryz Koubou inside?" M asked the boy.
"What?" the boy didn't hear him because of the earphones.
"Yep." he answered as he put on his earphones again and blew a bubble with his gum.
"Good." M said as he reached for the knob but a cold grip on his wrist stopped him.
"You can't go inside. They're practicing."
"I only want to see the..." M was cut short when the boy flipped him over.
"Looks like you slipped. Now get out of here before you get hurt."
"What's with that? I just want to see them in person."
"Is there supposed to be a reason? They're Berryz Koubou, that's reason enough!"
"Wrong answer."
"You must be that H kid K told me about." M said as he dusted himself from the dirt he got from the floor. "You look like a kid but I won't be pulling my punches because of that."
"So you're the new guy. You think you can take me on? I can beat you with just one percent of my power."
"I can beat you without any using any percent of my power." M said as he stared down at H.
"You sure?"
"Su.." M was cut short when H landed an uppercut. It was followed by a one-two combination, a liver blow and was finished by a left uppercut, right cross combination. M was floored.
"No standing 8-count." 'H said. "One. Two. Three...."
"This kid's a fighter." M thought as he stared at the ceiling. "Hey I thought you weren't gonna use any of your powers?" he said as he sat up.
"That's just basic boxing. Ten. I win by knockout!" H said as he raised his arms in victory.
"I can't lose to a mama's boy!"
"Mama..." Somehow that word removed the boastful look of the younger looking Guardian. He put both his hands down and kept repeating the word in his mind.


Knowing M, he took advantage of the situation. He gave the boy a straight right hand. It wasn't that powerful but it was enough to knock the boy down.
"Who said I was done?" M said.
"Cheap shot!" Getting floored brought H back to his senses. He sprung up and kicked M in the side. M winced in pain and fell on his knees again. The boy grabbed him by the scarf "I'm not a mama's boy!" he said as he prepared to give him a right on his face when the door he was leaning on earlier opened and voices of girls flowed out.

"What are you doing Hikaru-chan? Didn't I tell not to get into fights?" the two Guardians looked at the owner of the voice. It was a small girl. Not really small, small, but she was the smallest of the seven girls that came out of the room. H let go of the scarf which made M fall flat on his face on the ground.
"What's that about kiddo?" he said as he slowly got on his feet.
"Hey, I know that guy. He was the one who helped me in the vending machine earlier." said the tallest girl.
"Ah! Yurina remembers me!" M thought.
"He looks wimpy." said the 2nd tallest.
"Wimpy?" Sudou Maasa, 14
"That's a cute scarf." said the girl with the funky hair.
"Why thank you! At least there are more people noticing my scarf." Tokunaga Chinami, 14
"But the one wearing it isn't." said another girl.
"Oh yeah? I don't find your chin cute either." Natsuyaki Miyabi 14
"Hihihi. Come on girls, he already got a beating. Don't be too hard on him." said a girl with a squeaky voice.
"Her voice is funny but she is cute." Tsugunaga Momoko, 14
"He looks like he has a copy of my photobook." said a girl with light brown hair.
"Photobook? What is she talking about? WiFi on." Sugaya Risako, 12 " What the? She already has a photobook and she's the youngest? Oh boy! Saving target as. Now where's the torrent for the making of video..."
"What was that about Hikaru-chan?" Shimizu Saki, 14
"He wanted to go in but I said that you were practicing so I stopped him."
"Did you just make that up to cover yourself?"
"No. I'm telling the tru..."
"I'm getting tired of reminding you, Hikaru-chan. Are you really some kind of troublemaker?"
"Come on Shortie, it wasn't a fight. We were just playing around. And I was about to win when you came out." M said as he placed his arms on H's shoulder. He noticed that H's knees were trembling.
"With that swollen eye? You should be thankful because we just saved you from getting your ass kicked. Now Hikaru-chan, explain yourself."
"What? Looks like you always like to let your fists do the talking all the time."
"Stop treating me like a kid! You're not my mom!" H burst out. The captain stared at him, like the way mothers do the first time their children would answer back in the same manner H did.
"I....I..I'm sorry, Shimi-chan." H said as he ran away.
"W..wait.' Saki said and tried to run after him.
"Awww. Looks like you made him cry." M said.
"Looks like he made you wet your pants." said Miyabi.
"What?" M checked his pants. It was true because the spot on the floor where lay down earlier was wet. The girls laughed at him.
"You girls are naughty! It's not nice to say those kinds of things to someone older than you!"

The building's rooftop.

H was sitting on the ledge. The wind breezed through his red hair. He wasn't sure what he was feeling towards Saki at the moment.
"Why doesn't she believe me? Why does she always treat me like a kid?" he said as he slammed the ledge with his fist. He started to get teary-eyed but he heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Maybe you should stop acting like one, kiddo. I thought I find you here." M said as he approached the boy. He was holding an icepack against his eye. "Are you sure you didn't use your powers?"
"I'm sorry about that. I was just being selfish earlier, or overprotective. I'm not sure"
"Forget about that. I know that that's what we're supposed to do. You were just doing what was right. It's my fault for trying to force myself in."
"So does it still hurt?"
"It will heal. Taking care of a group is a hard assignment huh?"
"Yes. I'm not sure if I can handle it."
"Hey, you don't have to do it all by yourself. You can ask me or the other guys for help. I can always lend a hand."
"I can smell a hidden agenda."
"What? I'm not a lewd as you think." M said defensively. "Mmm. Download complete. Hehe. Extracting files. Hey, Niigaki-san has a recent PB too?Download,download.." he thought.
"Thanks but I will be fine."
"Of course you will. You're like the male version of Snow White, except you don't have seven dwarfs. You have two giants, four with normal height and a dwarf."
"She's not a dwarf." H said.
"So who's your favorite among them?"
"I don't have favorites. I like them all the same."
"Looks like you're scared of the captain."
"Not really. But she makes me feel like a child when she talks to me. It's like she hates me or something."
"Maybe it's your getup. I don't think she digs guys with multiple earrings and piercings in his face."
"Hmm. Looks like have an issue with her. But as they say, the more you hate, the more you love."
"That's how the saying goes. Maybe the Captain likes you, only she shows it in that way."
"I see. Hey do you always look like that?"
"What do I look like?" M asked.
"You look like you're browsing through a photobook of a 12-year old girl."
"K was right about you being the most advanced! You can read minds!" M said as he closed all open windows in his mind.
"I can't. I was just bluffing. Wait, are you telling me you were actually..."
"Of course not!"
Then something beeped in H's pocket.
"Looks like I have to go now." H said. "The rehearsals are over."
"How are you gonna watch them all?"
"See these earrings and this one on my eyebrow?" H said as he removed them. "Switch!" Then the earrings transformed into mechanical butterflies and started hovering around H.
"Butterflies? I though someone like you would use something like crows or cockroaches or other kinds of bugs but butterflies?"
"They're the most practical."
"So you use those things to watch over them remotely, right?"
"You use them to watch the girls when they're in school."
"You use them to watch the girls when they're shopping."
"Even when they're taking baths?"
"Ye... Wait, why are you corrupting my mind?"
"There's only six of them. I thought there were seven members."
"I'm the one who watches over the last one."
"You mean the captain."
"So it's you who can read minds. It was nice to meet you M. Sorry about earlier. You don't seem like it, but I have a feeling that I can trust you."
"Of course you can. I'm like your older brother, only you were created first."
"Right." H said as he went inside.

Download Complete. "Niigaki-san's photobook is finished too." M said as he headed to the door. "Speaking of her, I wonder where she is. Check."
The door suddenly swung open and it knocked M down. "Hey why'd you do that?" he said as he got back on his feet.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Oh it's you, Michii-kun."
"Have I told you that you look stunning in that white bikini?"
"Ehh? What did you just say?" Risa blushed lightly, proving that she actually heard what M said.
"I mean, I mean, what are you doing here Niigaki-san? Where are the others?"
"I wanted to get some fresh air. The others went out to eat. You can call me Gaki-san, Michii-kun. That would be easier for you right?"
"Okay. Umm, do you mind if I keep you company?"
"Not at all Michii-kun. Not at all."
Risa headed to the ledge and rested her arms on it. It was already late afternoon and the color of the sky was light orange. Almost like the color of amanatsu.
"Watching the sun set is nice, isn't it Gaki-san?"
"Yes. What were you saying about that white bikini a while ago, Michii-kun?"
"Oh, that's nothing. I just got a bit dizzy when the door hit me."
"You're funny."
"Thanks. Good thing you don't think of me as lewd like the others."
"So you’re already wearing the scarf I gave you."
"Why not? I love it!"

Risa smiled at him again.

But this time he didn't look away.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 01:31:42 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline jafeijai

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Detonator M
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2006, 01:48:13 AM »
eeeh? M's not looking away anymore? does that mean he's used to the cuteness overload? o.O LMAO @ H owning M!! 6-hit combo FTW! XDXD
"Have I told you that you look stunning in that white bikini?" XDXD great job M, reveal your thoughts to Risa XDXD

oh wow...wordsworth, you are gonna kill me due to excessive laughter by the end of this fic :lol:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Detonator M
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2006, 03:16:06 AM »
New chappie! Yay!

Offline lil_hamz

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Detonator M
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2006, 06:00:12 AM »
The Berryz bit was soooo funny :lol:
But I like M and Gaki's parts too. Its so sweet and cute :yay:

Offline goosefish

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Detonator M
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2006, 12:11:11 PM »
Love M and his enthusiasm and excitement to get a look at Berryz! He just always seems so full of energy, bouncing around and all that. XD XD  Reading his dialogue always makes me smile coz he's so fun. :P

Offline Blu-Cherri

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Detonator M
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2006, 02:57:27 PM »
I love this story!! It's really good, very creative and funny XD
It has everything a good story needs ^^ Likeable characters, good looknig guys and girls and a dash of romance and comdey with fighting and technical bits.

set made by me
Here's me singing and dancing!

Offline Aioros

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Detonator M
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2006, 03:30:27 PM »
Another awesome cover created by ChrNo:

« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 03:33:50 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Aioros

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Every Man For Himself
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2006, 03:55:25 PM »
S and M were on a mission together again. This time, they were assigned to watch over Risa and Eri while filming the Hakkan CM.

"Is that always turned on S?" M asked.
"What's turned on?"
"Your glasses that can see through clothes, is it always activated?"
"Of course not."
"Because I'm starting to feel violated every time you look at me. Wahahaha." M said as he laughed uncontrollably.

S didn't answer back. Instead he gave him the finger as he fixed his glasses.

"Come on S, lighten up. You need to laugh sometimes. You always like your pissed off or something like that."
"What we do is not a laughing matter. One mistake could be fatal. And why be so concerned with what I look like? Have you looked at yourself at the mirror lately? You look like you're browsing through..."
"...the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I know, I know. But laughing helps you stay positive and active. Look at me. I’m always in tip-top shape."
"You have a point. But I don't want to be like you. I wasn't going to say that you were browsing through the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I was going to say that you were browsing through your playlist of AV videos. Where the heck did you get that idea?"
"Never mind. And don't tell the other guys that I said that. Come on, let's talk about something."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Alright, let's start things with our assignments. Gaki-san is a lot cuter Kamei-san in those outfits." M said as he pointed to the costumes they wear during the CM.
"Is not. Kamei-san is cuter. And when did you start calling Niigaki-san Gaki-san?
"Since she told me that I could. Orange is cuter!"
"No, green is cuter! Wait, it can be settled in another way."
"By the number of photobooks they have."
"Cheater! You know Gaki-san only has two photobooks."
"Which means Kamei-san is the winner. Discussion over."
"Gaki-san will get another one, just you wait. Wait a minute, do your glasses work on the photobooks too?"
"No. You're a bad influence.  I should tell H to stay away from you."
"Too bad. We've met already. Hey, you haven't told me about the fighting moves you have. K told me that he has Kung-Fu Hustle moves and H looks like he uses boxing. What about you, S?"
"You'll see."
"I was wondering, do you know what you were before you were a Guardian, S?"
"We had a life before, didn't we?"
"Maybe. But it's not important anymore."
"Aren't you worried about the people you left behind?"
"I have a feeling that they're better now that I'm not with them."
"Those two men, they're not part of the crew." S said as he zoomed at the two suspicious men lurking around the dressing room.
"What are they doing?" M said as he zoomed in too. "What the? They're setting up cameras! Those bastards! I’m going to get them now!" M stood up and was ready to rush but S stopped him.
"No. We will wait. Do you want the girls to see what we are?"
"But they're going to see them while they're changing!"
"Then we will make them forget."
"Yes. And we will make them pay!" M said as he cracked his knuckles.


We hear the two Peeping Tom's conversation as they were walking in an alley:

"This video is gonna make us rich!"
"Of course. I wonder which station or magazine will pay us with the highest amount."
"Wait, why don't we use these vids to blackmail them?"
"Now that's a better idea! Hehehe! I always wanted to do them both."

"Do that and you won't live long enough to see Christmas!" said a man behind them who was squatting Spider-man style on top of a street light and whose scarf was blown by the evening breeze.
"Get down M! You look stupid up there. S said a he stood in front of the two men. M jumped from the post but slipped and landed on his butt.
"That's what you get for showing off!" S scolded him.
"What? Heroes need flashy entrances. I just have to think of a better opening spiel for next time."

The two men took that opportunity to take off and split to opposite directions. S and M split up and just communicated using their Bluetooth.

"I thought I was finally gonna see you fight, S."
"Just don't lose your man. If that video gets out, it's going to be the end of their careers."
"You really get serious when it comes to this."
"Of course. Aren't you concerned with what might happen to Niigaki-san if this comes out?"
"Just shut up and don't lose your man!"
"I don't fail at what I do."

S finally caught up with his target in a dead end.
"Give me the camera." he said.
"I don't have it."
"I'll just have to make you forget then."
"I won't allow it!" the man said as he shakily took out a capsule with blue liquid and pressed it on his neck. He started to transform to a golem like being.
"Graft user." S said as he read another message from M.
"I have a question."
"Why can't we call them something else aside from 'wild fans'? Villains in the shows I watch have cooler names like 'Orphnocs' or 'Boomers'. Can't we give them a scarier or more fear inducing name? 'Horrors' could be one."
"Who made you the writer?"
"It's just a suggestion. Wait, you're saying that there's a writer? Maybe if I behave he'll give me something cooler than your glasses. I want something to make me a chick magnet."
"How about asking him for a better personality and better morals?"

The wild fan completed the transformation and confronted S.
"I'm going to pound you flatter than a door mat, 'Nerdy'! I'm going to make you forget that you even existed."
S just smiled and stared at him.  Then the alley was filled with a blinding light....
When the light disappeared the wild fan was already lying on the floor and back to his normal form.
"Untouchable." S said as he started to erase the memory of the man. He also made sure that the camera was not with the man.
"I hope M doesn't do something naughty when he gets that camera."

M caught up with his target at the docks. The noise of the barges filled the air. Crates and trailers made a makeshift maze which could surely make any stranger to that place lost.M's target was trying to catch his breath when M appeared in front of him.
"That video won't be coming out." M said.
"It's you who won't be coming out alive here." the man said as he dosed himself with Graft. He transformed into a stone-like lycanthrope, complete with claws and fangs. He rushed at M and thrust his hands through M's body and puncturing his heart. He raised what he thought was a lifeless husk above himself and laughed at his victory. Suddenly, the husk transformed to a piece of wood. Then he saw M coming from above. His hands were charged with electricity but he missed and M's strike created a hole on the ground.
"Those ninja techniques sure are handy. But I should be faster next time so I can finish it with one hit." M said as he tried to shake off some of the electricity that was surging from his hand.
The wild fan couldn't believe at what M was capable of. He knew that he had no chance to win so he did the right thing: run.
"You're not getting away from me!" M said as he created an energy sphere. He threw the sphere like a baseball and it hit the target. Once it made contact, the sphere expanded and trapped the wild fan inside. M winded up for a Kamen Rider Faiz style kick, only he transformed into an energy bolt and passed through his enemy, materializing a few steps away. The stone-like hide of the wild fan crumbled and turned to dust. A few minutes later he was transforming to his normal form. M applied the memory erasing procedure and took the camera with him. He woke up the man and told him another make believe story. The man seemed alright and set foot for home. Then he sent S a message.
"I'm done. Meet me at the docks." he said as he walked away.

As soon as M was gone, a mysterious person approached the fight scene.
"That new one has potential." he said as he looked at the hole created by M. Then he punched the ground too, without an electric charge, and it created a hole thrice a big as the one M made. "Too bad no one can surpass me."
Then he looked around and found nothing but crates and trailers.
"Oh no. I'm lost." he said as he scratched his head.

M met up with S.
"One hour. What took you so long?" S asked.
"I got lost."
"Why didn't you use the GPS?"
"Oh yeah."
"Did you get the camera?"
"Of course." M said as he took out the camera from his pocket.
"Please tell me you didn't watch it." as S asked him that, M dropped the camera on the ground and stomped it.
"I didn't. If I watched it, then I wouldn't be different from those men. If I watched it, then I don't have the right to be a Guardian. I may look lewd but I have morals, S"
"Thank you, M."
"Hey, I' m starting to like what I'm doing. Next time, show me some of your moves."
"Nah, you'll just copy them."
"Nah, it's probably moves from Pac-man and Super Mario Brothers so never mind. Let's go home. I'm hungry."

"Flawless victory today huh, M?" K asked.
"Not really. My clothes got a bit dirty." M replied.
"You look like a peasant anyway." D said.
"Shut up! I can kick you in the nuts so hard you're gonna have to spit them out. That is if you still have nuts."
M and D grinned at each other.
"Cool it guys." K said.
"Come on K, we're just goofing around. Right D?"
"Of course. Sticks and stones."
"Do you guys know what kinds of moves S has?"
"Just a hint. Blink and you will miss it all." K said.
"S is vicious. He doesn't even give his opponents the chance to fight." D added.
"Good thing we're in good terms now."
"Did I hear my name?" S said.

Then there was another knock at the door. The three were ready to say check but M stopped them.
"Let me do it first this time. Check." 8 "It's mine." he said as he went to open the door.
"Uhh…did any of you guys tell him that..." S muttered.

M opened the door.
"Hello Gaki-san!" he said.
Then he found out that Eri, Reina and Sayumi were with her. Risa looked at him then blushed, covered her eyes with her hands and looked away. Eri and Sayumi stared at it for a while before covering their eyes. Reina couldn't control her laughter and pounded the wall as she laughed.
"What?Is there something wrong with my face?"
Risa pointed downwards without looking at him. M looked at what Risa was pointing at and at the same time he received a message from S.
"Your fly is open."
"Holy sh..." M said as he looked if it was true. Then he turned around and zipped his pants. He could hear the other guys and Reina laughing. He faced the girls again.
"It's okay to look now, Gaki-san."
"Maybe it needs more air. Or maybe you should set it free." Reina said.
"You're a perv, Mitsui-kun." Sayumi added.
"Maybe that's where he keeps his wallet." Eri exclaimed.
"Come on girls, let's stop talking about that." Risa said. But her face was still red after that.
"Why'd you drop by Gaki-san?" M asked.
"We were worried because you guys weren't noisy tonight." Risa answered.
"But it looks like you guys are fine. We'll go ahead, Gaki-san." Reina said as she dragged the other Rokkies away. As soon as the girls entered the elevator, Risa told M the real reason why she went to see him.
"Ummm, do you mind if you go to the rooftop with me, Michii-kun? I wasn't able to go up there earlier today." she said.
"No problem. So you go there everyday. Is that some sort of a habit for you?"
"You can say that. Plus I enjoy the evening air more, only I'm a bit scared to go up alone at night."
"I'll keep you safe up there, Gaki-san."
"I know you will, Michii-kun."
"Let's go then." M said as he closed the door.

Risa walked a few steps ahead.

M took this chance to make sure that the door wasn't the only thing that was closed.

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline jafeijai

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Detonator M
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2006, 04:53:35 PM »
:ROTFLMAO: this chapter is HILARIOUS!! :lol: S's moves are like GOD-LY?! sweet...XDXD AHAHAHA!! NARUTO AND KAMEN MOVES?! i'm dying of laughter here!! XDXD

[few moments later]...:ONshock: mysterious person? who could it be...:panda_shifty:

GJ M!! go morals~! :thumbsup

:ROTFLMAO: AHAHAHAHA HIS FLY'S OPEN?!?!! [dies of laughter]

"I'll keep you safe up there, Gaki-san."
"I know you will, Michii-kun." sweet..

wow....i can't wait till the next chapter is posted, keep it up wordsworth!! :yay:

oh, i almost forgot...KICKASS COVER CHRNO!! :ONcool1:

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2006, 06:01:13 PM »
Love the cover!

Lol @ M and his open fly.
"Maybe it needs more air. Or maybe you should set it free." Reina said.

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« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2006, 07:00:56 PM »
S & M adventures!  Now with 30% more open fly!
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.


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« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2006, 02:45:55 AM »
The innuendo...XDXDXD

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« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2006, 07:21:02 AM »
M's a Faiz fan!!! :pen_clap: :pen_clap: :pen_clap:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2006, 08:44:34 AM »
A very entertaining chapter *thumbs up* All the girl's comments of M's fly were priceless but Reina's was the ultimate! :lol:
Awesome cover ChrNo :yay:

Offline Blu-Cherri

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« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2006, 10:20:00 AM »
Yay new chapter!
I have to say this just keeps getting better and better! :D

set made by me
Here's me singing and dancing!

Offline kazitakato

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« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2006, 11:07:12 PM »
Quote from: JFC;227358
M's a Faiz fan!!! :pen_clap: :pen_clap: :pen_clap:

Gud thing too, if he became a Kabuto fan......he'd be too cocky for the innocent Risa-chan......though i do suspect S as an avid Kabuto follower....maybe that "flash" of light was S using Hyper Clock Up??

spreading the usa-chan love....i mean darkness(thanks to JFC)

Offline kazitakato

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« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2006, 11:09:39 PM »
p/s: could i make a suggestion.....could M after this maybe try the Ultra-Beam(Ultraman all the way!)

spreading the usa-chan love....i mean darkness(thanks to JFC)

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« Reply #38 on: November 07, 2006, 01:10:53 AM »
this fanfic is a really great and hilarious tribute to all great anime/manga and movies

M seems to be the kind of heroes who always try to be cool, are just think he is pretty cool, but just fail on everything he does...almost haha
he has this...fantasy part that Pretty Boy doesn't have, or just doesn't talk about, it's really funny how your two main characters are different.
i think i've met more guys like M than Pretty Boy hahaha...
M isn't a bad guy, he has something i really like. not a real anti-hero...a clumsy sarcastic hero... you said it yourself, he is crazy ...good for me hahaha

everything about hight/new technology/science have always attracted my attention. So you made me keen to read it just with the choice of this kind of story, and of course, everything you have written so far i love it, moreover, when the story is just as awesome as yours, there is nothing to add, exept you made me your number 1 fan.

Quote from: wordsworth;220315


this prologue was really interesting, it really made me want to keep on reading, not only because it was your fanfic.
Something mysterious, worrying, sinister...someone is being killed already ?? why ? who ? questions ? i need answers.

We see a man running away. [..]He held on to where his arm once was. Sparks were flying out and a mixture of blood and oil dripped,

human + sparks + oil ? uh uh uh what's going on here ?

He wished he was dead.
at that part i thought he wished that because of the pain...

The people [..]held different things that can serve as weapons; a baseball bat, a bicycle chain, a crowbar, etc. They surrounded the almost lifeless body and made sure that he was alive, so that they can kill him.
the weapons they had made me laugh...what kind of guys were them...they sure wanted him to be dead, but why ?

"They think they can keep us away from them. They're wrong. They're always wrong." said one of the men.
"They" who are these "they" is he talking about ?

"I will have a replacement"
a replacement for what ?
they sprayed the carcass with gasoline and set it on fire, destroying any evidence of its existence.
"its" ?

Another man stood in front of the tunnel's entrance[..)
His laughter was soon followed by an explosion inside the tunnel, killing everyone who was inside.
"So it begins."

wow...that was something horrible xD
everyone made it sounds like a chaos fallow by the rebirth of something, and the guy who is smiling is the "God" of this...

Quote from: wordsworth;220319

i was starting to ask myself, why is it a h!p fanfic ?
hehe the prologue didn't tell me why(i guess that's why it was a prologue),the 1st chapter made it clear enough.
Those words came from a man who had dyed hair. He was not sure of the color though but he was sure it was dyed.
[..)It was a typical room for someone important to a company. It had posters of different girls. Posters from concerts, single releases, news articles, etc.
Tsunku =D

"What the heck?"
"You are a cyborg." the man said.
[..]You are now a 'Guardian'. Welcome to Hello! Project."
what a way to be introduced in this world.
i love their dialogue, it's really dynamic, and i don't feel M being affraid, but more curious than enything.
"Oh no. So you kidnap guys and turn them into girls! Or you turn girls into guys! You were a girl before, weren't you? "
"Haha. You have a great sense of humor.

this told me that the fanfic is going to be freaking hilarious, and i wasn't wrong hahaha
The only thing you can't protect them from is the flu. But we're working on that.
With your fingers, tapping the head of those kinds of people can erase certain memories they have. Your hand will emit a low frequency vibration that can remove anything they know about you
wow, that's a pretty great power !
better than MIB !
"Wild fans? I can understand paparazzi and muggers but wild fans?"
"They're the most dangerous. You will know once you start."
i didn't see like M what "Wild" supposed to mean, but after, when i read it in the coming chapters, i said to myself "no kidding ! XD"
very funny

You're different from the rest.
hehe...otherwise he won't be the main character !

"Don't tell me that we have to wear color coded spandex outfits."
there's a lot of stuff you can do with your body, just use your imagination."
i love that sentence.

Good thing I didn't have important papers in that desk, or I would have asked them to reformat you.
"Why do I have to do this again?"
now that was a good question hahaha i like M, he is not stupid.
Once that happens, you will be paralyzed.
at least he doesn't get burst lol
"Don't fall in love with her and don't make her fall in love with you."
why do i have the feeling...that a love story will appear somewhere...even if it's not with M ...
"What about X-ray vision?"
"You're such a lecher. X-ray is low-tech.

We have better technology.

i guess that's another reason why we got cheap PVs hahahaha...
(after Do me Do me's one : tsunku pays the people gossip mag to know publish the girls.X.girls love stories...)
"I want a motorcycle."
"You have feet, don't you? Why not use them."

'K - 102%wonkified'

wonkified told me it was about reina hahahahaha


- help! i'm going crazy there's this guy saying that i'm a guardian or something and i can shoot electricity from my fingers.

He received a reply after a few seconds.
- n00b! XD

"What the..."


"Yankee" fashion and wore sunglasses.
yankee fashion doubt that's reina guardian...

"This is K. [..)He is assigned to Tanaka Reina."

the erase of memory and their name remind me of MIB, but i have no idea of the meaning of their names...why K ? why M ?
was it the first letter of their human name ?

"Does the word 'wonkified' exist in the dictionary?"
"In my dictionary, yes." K said.

what a way to introduce himself XD

looks like M takes his destiny as a joke or something...he really takes that lightly...maybe that can tell us about his human personality...


"She's pretty." he said.
"Of course she is." The unnamed man said.
"What is her name?"
"Niigaki Risa. And you are assigned to her."

i love how you end your chapters :)

Quote from: wordsworth;220337
Baptism "Morning Musume 4th Generation. Members: Ishikawa Rika, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Kago Ai, Nozomi Tsuji . Country Musume. Melon Kenebi. Mini Moni. The heck! Hey K, don't they have a PDF file of this thing so I don't have to read it?" M said as he looked at the handbook that contained all the information he needed to know about Hello!Project.

obviously i love how you start them too XD
But if I were you, I'd just go to Wikipedia and get the info there.

lol wikipedia...why not wiki.theppn
or jph!p ...XD

"What? I was just wondering what would happen if someone was assigned to them. Would he grow old too like the kids? Or would he stil look the same even after these kids grow up? Wouldn't they get suspicious if they see the one who's been protecting them doesn't get old?
he gots a point here hehe
"Look who's talking Mr. X-ray vision.


"Do we need batteries to live? Do we have to plug ourselves to the wall socket to recharge?"
"Won't we set alarms off when we walk into metal detectors and similar stuff?"
i like M questions

"We don't need to train. You can just upload the moves you want in to your memory.

haha matrix ? i would love to do that too...
but when i watch anime/movies it makes me want to do what they do...just like hajime no made me wanted to box haha
I have Stephen Chow's moves in Kung-Fu Hustle
oh god XD XD XD XD

"Yes. The only limitation is we can't fly."
it makes sense...they are supposed to be human afterall...
"Aww. I wanted to have Vegeta's moves."

"We cannot hurt the girls, physically. You'll get a shock in the head if you try to hurt them. But we can hurt them through emotions."[..] Memories can come and go. They can be deleted. They can be retrieved. But emotions cannot. They can't even be programmed. And the same goes for personality."

"Then why did they have to make us good looking?" M said as he looked at himself at the mirror. "I look like Takuya Kimura, don't you think?"



"And you look like HG, only HG looks a bit better than you.

He was wearing eyeglasses and it looked like he was talking to the wall.


do guardians have to act like their assigned girls ?


"Yo!" The heard another voice behind them. "Long time no see, K, S!"
They turned around to see who it was. It was another man their age. He could be mistaken as a she, probably because of his pretty face.[..]
You don't have to remember my name actually because you can always think of me as the best looking one."


omg as egocentric as Sayu...don't tell me...
"It's something called Usa-chan peace." K answered.
oh god XD XD XD XD

"Kyo-kun? Who the heck is Kyo-Kun." M said to himself. "This girl is not Niigaki Risa but she is hot!" M turns on his WiFi to check what the girl's name is. "Takahashi Ai. 20. Damn! I can't be assigned to her."
what th....XD

"Oh! It's Domo-kun!" Sayumi stood up and did the Usa-chan peace. D did the same.

/me fell from the chair


"She doesn't look weird." Kamei Eri, 17.
doesn't look weird ??? XD XD XD XD
M blushed and looked away, embarrassed because he was caught looking at her.
wow , didn't expect this reaction from him hahahaha
Hello everyone. I am Mitsui." M said as he bowed to the girls.
"That's the best name you can think of?" K asked him through a message.
"Shut up. It's your fault."

hahahaha...random name ? only te story can tel us...
but i love this name, one character of slam dunk has it, and i love this character...well, looks like there are a lot of details i love from your story hehe

"I have a shirt like that at home." Eri said as she pointed to M's shirt. It was a light blue shirt with a -6% printed in white.
"All of us do, Eririn." Ai said.
"Damn you, K! You didn't tell me that this shirt is for girls."

/me fell from the chair again


"Are you sure the girls are the only one who will need to be watched? Looks like I have to babysit you too." M said.

what th XD XD XD

"Yeah. Better sleep early and continue downloading your porn next time." K said. The other two laughed.
"Shut up Kyo-kun!"

/me is completly dead...

Quote from: wordsworth;220828
Child's Play
"Of course. You can always use you zoom vision M." S replied.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

he is not really familiarized with the idea of being a cyborg yet, heh


"What are you doing?"
"I'm checking the Internet if there are any gossip about Kamei-san in the email, in forums, in websites, etc."
"What if you find any?"
"I intercept it and delete it."
"You can do that? Isn't that illegal?"
"That's why I have to use different names and update my security settings from time to time. I have to bypass different firewalls and crack some passwords."

wow, what an awesome feature here !

"Quad-core, dual-core, whatever. You look like hardcore to me."

What's with the helmet? You don't even have a motorcycle." S asked.
"It's cool. Wearing it makes me feel like a hero. Plus chicks dig it." M said as he waved to two schoolgirls sitting in another table.


"My glasses aren't normal glasses. They can see through..." M didn't even let him finish.
"Let me see." M said as he tried to grab S's glasses. "I have to see it too."
"No."  S slapped M's hand away. "You're only gonna use it on those schoolgirls."

/me is hurt by falling off the chair too often...should subscribe to a back insurance...

"I'm not like you S. I'm was gonna use it on that hot waitress that passed a while ago."
"I'm not a perv like you."
"Really? How come your nose is bleeding?"

S checked his nose if what M said was true.

"You're a sick man, M. Come on, let's get going."

/me thinks the hand is broken
"Can't I borrow it even for five minutes?"
"Two minutes?"
"I'll let you borrow it when we get home."
"But K and D are the only ones there."
"That's the point."

/me thinks everything is broken now....just got enought strength to read the monitor...the stomach is really hurting too...


"He's a Graft user."

so that's what tsunku meant by wild fans heh
"Graft? Isn't that the company that makes cheese?"


I'll let you handle this one. I'll just be in the swing."
"Sure." M felt confident as he cracked his knuckles. S was already at the swing when M remembered something. "S, I don't have fighting moves yet."

oh crap :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

"Like what?"
"Like.....never mind. I'll finish this." bad wordsworth...

"Hey that's not fair. M said."
"Fool! That's why we don't have to transform. Enemies in real life won't just watch and let you have the chance to change into something that can beat them." S shouted.

so true...why are vilains always wait for them to transform...

"Activate magic card, Swords of Revealing Light!!!"

The enemy looked stunned.

"How's that? Now you won't be able to attack me for three turns." M grinned.

OMdskgjruzotyeiohei_ç !!!!!!!


"That didn't work." M said.
and he....hahahahaha...oh god that was hilarious
"You fool! Of all the shows where you can get moves, why did you have to choose Yugi-oh?!" S shouted at him again.
"I was just trying it out. Good thing I didn't choose Cooking Master Boy or Yakitate Japan. Now my next move is finished. It's from Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho."

yakitate japan... XD XD XD XD i think it would have work...transform the guy into bread or maybe just throw breads on the guy hahaahhahaha

aaaaaaaaaaa.....yuyu know what i think about it...i think it's love forever...


"Is he dead?"
"No. He's still alive. We don't kill. "

a good thing here...i guess...there are less probeleme with mystrious disappearance of need to worry with the news
"Where am I?"
"You lost consciousness sir. We found you lying in the sidewalk." S said.
"Thank you for helping me."
"No problem."
heh...funny to read, one minute ago he was fighting with them and now he is grateful

"If we killed him what would have happened to his family?" M said.
"That's why we don't kill. Not all of them are evil. They even have more normal lives than us.
a really good point here
Come on let's go home."
"Yeah. I'm hungry."
"You can borrow the glasses when we get there."
"Never mind."

XD XD XD XD that killing me...

As the two Guardians walked away. A figure that was observing them from a nearby rooftop stood up and turned over his bag of chips. Only crumbs fell out.
"That was entertaining." he said.

hehe...real vilains ? or guardian observers from tsunku ?


"That's why I never get hit in the face." D said boastfully.
"You probably always get hit in the nuts." M replied.

/me fell from the chair...again....

"What's inside, pictures of the school girls earlier?"

omg :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

"Check." 25. "It's not mine." K said.
"Check." 29. "It's not mine too." D said.
"Check." 21. "It's yours, M." S said.
"Check." 7. "It's mine alright.
i hate thme lol how they talk about the girls !!!! grrr hahaha

Michii-kun?" she said as she touched M's right cheek.
"OUCH!!!" M reacted and was forced to sit on the floor.
"You're so wimpy, Michii-kun. XD"
M just replied with two words: "Shut up!"

Michii-kun hahaha....


M grinned and said "I regret not borrowing your glasses when we got home. I didn't expect her to drop by. Now I'd just have to use my imaginat..."
what th....XD

"Mitsui sure changed the other guys, huh. He looks fun to hang out with." Eri added.

poor you XD don't say those kind of stuff hahahaha
already changed the other guys ? fast !
"Do you miss your Guardian, Ai-chan?" Reina asked.
"A little." Ai replied.
"Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him around." Sayu said.
"Me too." Ai said. "I wonder where he is."
"What happened Ai-chan? I haven't seen him since you turned 20." Risa asked her.
"Umm. We had a fight. Not really a fight. I said mean things to him." Ai answered.
"Like what?" the girls asked together.
"I told him that I didn't need him anymore..." what is the real reason and why to mention 20 ?

Quote from: wordsworth;223505
She was taller, a lot taller than him. The girl patted him on the head.
not too many tal girls in h!p hehehe who is it...Yurina ? Maasa ? Maimi ? ....can't be Yossi or Kaori...he would have said a woman..not a girl...

"Hey K, is it possible for us to get taller?  I mean, can the guys at the lab modify our limbs? Can they? Huh? Huh?" M asked as he slammed open the door.
"Why are you so excited M?" K asked.

exicted, yeah that's why i felt too when i read the "huh ? huh?" and all the ? hahahahaha
She's cute, she's pretty, she's sweet, she's tall....and she patted me in the head. I felt like a pet."
felt like a pet ???? XD

"You can say that I was charmed by her height."
charmed by the heigth ? /me is k.O

"If she's here, then that means...I want to see them in person. Risako! Saki! Miyabi! Chinami! Momoko! Maasa! Yurina! I want to see them in person!!!

what th...M is too much hyper here XD XD XD XD

"Excuse me, is Berryz Koubou inside?" M asked the boy.
"What?" the boy didn't hear him because of the earphones.


"Is there supposed to be a reason? They're Berryz Koubou, that's reason enough!"
...I agree with him XD XD XD
"I can beat you without any using any percent of my power.
"You sure?"
"Su.." M was cut short when H landed an uppercut. It was followed by a one-two combination, a liver blow and was finished by a left uppercut, right cross combination. M was floored." M said as he stared down at H.
awww...too much confidence hahha

"I can't lose to a mama's boy!"
lol mama's boy XD
It was a small girl. Not really small, small, but she was the smallest of the seven girls that came out of the room.
what a precision XD hahahahaha


"That's a cute scarf.[...]
"But the one wearing it isn't." said another girl.
"Oh yeah? I don't find your chin cute either." Natsuyaki Miyabi 14

OMejglglkrg god XD XD XD XD !!!!
why...why did you write that for her XD XD XD why you and Loser87 see her like this kind of girl ! XD

"Her voice is funny but she is cute." Tsugunaga Momoko, 14

you mean funny and she is cute ? XD
"He looks like he has a copy of my photobook." said a girl with light brown hair.
"Photobook? What is she talking about? WiFi on." Sugaya Risako, 12 " What the? She already has a photobook and she's the youngest? Oh boy! Saving target as. Now where's the torrent for the making of video..."

/me can not stop diyng...calling for help...

"Come on Shortie, it wasn't a fight. We were just playing around. And I was about to win when you came out." M said [..]
"With that swollen eye? You should be thankful because we just saved you from getting your ass kicked.

BAM ! hahahah yo your face XD XD XD
oh my god i loved it

"Awww. Looks like you made him cry." M said.
"Looks like he made you wet your pants." said Miyabi.

MIYABI I LOOOVE YOU !!!! hahaahah XD

"What? I'm not a lewd as you think." M said defensively. "Mmm. Download complete. Hehe. Extracting files. Hey, Niigaki-san has a recent PB too?Download,download.." he thought.
sdfdkgjdfkljfh :lmao:
You're like the male version of Snow White, except you don't have seven dwarfs. You have two giants, four with normal height and a dwarf."
lucky maiha wasn't here then saki a dwarf XD XDDDDDDD
Maybe the Captain likes you, only she shows it in that way."
she sounded like she cares about him at least

"You look like you're browsing through a photobook of a 12-year old girl."

"K was right about you being the most advanced! You can read minds!" M said as he closed all open windows in his mind.
"I can't. I was just bluffing. Wait, are you telling me you were actually..."
"Of course not!"

/me is dead..

"So you use those things to watch over them remotely, right?"
"You use them to watch the girls when they're in school."
"You use them to watch the girls when they're shopping."
"Even when they're taking baths?"
"Ye... Wait, why are you corrupting my mind?"



The door suddenly swung open and it knocked M down.


"Have I told you that you look stunning in that white bikini?"
what th XD XD XD XD
"Ehh? What did you just say?" Risa blushed lightly, proving that she actually heard what M said.

"Yes. What were you saying about that white bikini a while ago, Michii-kun?"
"Oh, that's nothing. I just got a bit dizzy when the door hit me."
oh my...what an excuse XD !!!! awesome....

Quote from: wordsworth;226964
Every Man For Himself
"Is that always turned on S?" M asked.
"What's turned on?"
"Your glasses that can see through clothes, is it always activated?"
"Of course not."
"Because I'm starting to feel violated every time you look at me. Wahahaha." M said as he laughed uncontrollably.
S didn't answer back. Instead he gave him the finger as he fixed his glasses.

what a beginning XD
Have you looked at yourself at the mirror lately? You look like you're browsing through..."
"...the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I know, I know. [..]
"You have a point. But I don't want to be like you. I wasn't going to say that you were browsing through the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I was going to say that you were browsing through your playlist of AV videos. Where the heck did you get that idea?"

Gaki-san is a lot cuter Kamei-san in those outfits." M said as he pointed to the costumes they wear during the CM.
"Is not. Kamei-san is cuter. And when did you start calling Niigaki-san Gaki-san?
"Since she told me that I could. Orange is cuter!"
"No, green is cuter! Wait, it can be settled in another way."
"By the number of photobooks they have."
"Cheater! You know Gaki-san only has two photobooks."
"Which means Kamei-san is the winner. Discussion over."


"Do that and you won't live long enough to see Christmas!" said a man behind them who was squatting Spider-man style on top of a street light and whose scarf was blown by the evening breeze.
"Get down M! You look stupid up there(..)
What? Heroes need flashy entrances.
omdjsklfjdklgjfklgod XD

"Why can't we call them something else aside from 'wild fans'? Villains in the shows I watch have cooler names like 'Orphnocs' or 'Boomers'. Can't we give them a scarier or more fear inducing name? 'Horrors' could be one."
"Who made you the writer?"
"It's just a suggestion. Wait, you're saying that there's a writer? Maybe if I behave he'll give me something cooler than your glasses. I want something to make me a chick magnet."
"How about asking him for a better personality and better morals?"

 you also like to include yourself in your stories hahahaha
Then the alley was filled with a blinding light.... teaser...what is his power ?

"I hope M doesn't do something naughty when he gets that camera."

the kind of joke we don't get with Pretty Boy heh...

He rushed at M and thrust his hands through M's body and puncturing his heart. He raised what he thought was a lifeless husk above himself and laughed at his victory. Suddenly, the husk transformed to a piece of wood. Then he saw M coming from above. His hands were charged with electricity but he missed and M's strike created a hole on the ground.
oh my fejfkj naruto ? ???? XD XD XD XD

The wild fan couldn't believe at what M was capable of. He knew that he had no chance to win so he did the right thing: run.
looooool since when do willains run ??? XD XD XD

M met up with S.
"One hour. What took you so long?" S asked.
"I got lost."
you lier !! you watch the video didn't you XD

"I didn't. If I watched it, then I wouldn't be different from those men. If I watched it, then I don't have the right to be a Guardian. I may look lewd but I have morals, S"

"Next time, show me some of your moves."
"Nah, you'll just copy them."
"Nah, it's probably moves from Pac-man and Super Mario Brothers so never mind. Let's go home. I'm hungry."

why do you want him to show them to you if you think it's Pac man moves hahahaha love this game..i lvoe super mario also...oh god childhood nostalgia...


"Flawless victory today huh, M?" K asked.
"Not really. My clothes got a bit dirty." M replied.
"You look like a peasant anyway." D said.
"Shut up! I can kick you in the nuts so hard you're gonna have to spit them out. That is if you still have nuts."
M and D grinned at each other.


"Uhh…did any of you guys tell him that..." S muttered.

what what what WHAT ??????

Risa looked at him then blushed, covered her eyes with her hands and looked away. Eri and Sayumi stared at it for a while before covering their eyes. Reina couldn't control her laughter and pounded the wall as she laughed.
oh god don't tell me he is naked...

"Your fly is open."
i have bad influence too hahahaha
/me ----> [ ]

"Maybe it needs more air. Or maybe you should set it free." Reina said.

OH   MY      ......XD

"You're a perv, Mitsui-kun." Sayumi added.



"Ummm, do you mind if you go to the rooftop with me, Michii-kun?

aaah ?????

M took this chance to make sure that the door wasn't the only thing that was closed.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cliffhanger....
wow... 484 lines ? lol sorry XD

thks to jafeijai, rndmnwierd, and lil_hamz to have left a comment for my cover ^^
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 01:13:09 AM by ChrNo »

Offline ChrNo

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« Reply #39 on: November 07, 2006, 01:13:42 AM »
this fanfic is a really great and hilarious tribute to all great anime/manga and movies

M seems to be the kind of heroes who always try to be cool, are just think he is pretty cool, but just fail on everything he does...almost haha
he has this...fantasy part that Pretty Boy doesn't have, or just doesn't talk about, it's really funny how your two main characters are different.
i think i've met more guys like M than Pretty Boy hahaha...
M isn't a bad guy, he has something i really like. not a real anti-hero...a clumsy sarcastic hero... you said it yourself, he is crazy ...good for me hahaha

everything about hight/new technology/science have always attracted my attention. So you made me keen to read it just with the choice of this kind of story, and of course, everything you have written so far i love it, moreover, when the story is just as awesome as yours, there is nothing to add, exept you made me your number 1 fan.

Quote from: wordsworth;220315


this prologue was really interesting, it really made me want to keep on reading, not only because it was your fanfic.
Something mysterious, worrying, sinister...someone is being killed already ?? why ? who ? questions ? i need answers.

We see a man running away. [..]He held on to where his arm once was. Sparks were flying out and a mixture of blood and oil dripped,

human + sparks + oil ? uh uh uh what's going on here ?

He wished he was dead.
at that part i thought he wished that because of the pain...

The people [..]held different things that can serve as weapons; a baseball bat, a bicycle chain, a crowbar, etc. They surrounded the almost lifeless body and made sure that he was alive, so that they can kill him.
the weapons they had made me laugh...what kind of guys were them...they sure wanted him to be dead, but why ?

"They think they can keep us away from them. They're wrong. They're always wrong." said one of the men.
"They" who are these "they" is he talking about ?

"I will have a replacement"
a replacement for what ?
they sprayed the carcass with gasoline and set it on fire, destroying any evidence of its existence.
"its" ?

Another man stood in front of the tunnel's entrance[..)
His laughter was soon followed by an explosion inside the tunnel, killing everyone who was inside.
"So it begins."

wow...that was something horrible xD
everyone made it sounds like a chaos fallow by the rebirth of something, and the guy who is smiling is the "God" of this...

Quote from: wordsworth;220319

i was starting to ask myself, why is it a h!p fanfic ?
hehe the prologue didn't tell me why(i guess that's why it was a prologue),the 1st chapter made it clear enough.
Those words came from a man who had dyed hair. He was not sure of the color though but he was sure it was dyed.
[..)It was a typical room for someone important to a company. It had posters of different girls. Posters from concerts, single releases, news articles, etc.
Tsunku =D

"What the heck?"
"You are a cyborg." the man said.
[..]You are now a 'Guardian'. Welcome to Hello! Project."
what a way to be introduced in this world.
i love their dialogue, it's really dynamic, and i don't feel M being affraid, but more curious than enything.
"Oh no. So you kidnap guys and turn them into girls! Or you turn girls into guys! You were a girl before, weren't you? "
"Haha. You have a great sense of humor.

this told me that the fanfic is going to be freaking hilarious, and i wasn't wrong hahaha
The only thing you can't protect them from is the flu. But we're working on that.
With your fingers, tapping the head of those kinds of people can erase certain memories they have. Your hand will emit a low frequency vibration that can remove anything they know about you
wow, that's a pretty great power !
better than MIB !
"Wild fans? I can understand paparazzi and muggers but wild fans?"
"They're the most dangerous. You will know once you start."
i didn't see like M what "Wild" supposed to mean, but after, when i read it in the coming chapters, i said to myself "no kidding ! XD"
very funny

You're different from the rest.
hehe...otherwise he won't be the main character !

"Don't tell me that we have to wear color coded spandex outfits."
there's a lot of stuff you can do with your body, just use your imagination."
i love that sentence.

Good thing I didn't have important papers in that desk, or I would have asked them to reformat you.
"Why do I have to do this again?"
now that was a good question hahaha i like M, he is not stupid.
Once that happens, you will be paralyzed.
at least he doesn't get burst lol
"Don't fall in love with her and don't make her fall in love with you."
why do i have the feeling...that a love story will appear somewhere...even if it's not with M ...
"What about X-ray vision?"
"You're such a lecher. X-ray is low-tech.

We have better technology.

i guess that's another reason why we got cheap PVs hahahaha...
(after Do me Do me's one : tsunku pays the people gossip mag to know publish the girls.X.girls love stories...)
"I want a motorcycle."
"You have feet, don't you? Why not use them."

'K - 102%wonkified'

wonkified told me it was about reina hahahahaha


- help! i'm going crazy there's this guy saying that i'm a guardian or something and i can shoot electricity from my fingers.

He received a reply after a few seconds.
- n00b! XD

"What the..."


"Yankee" fashion and wore sunglasses.
yankee fashion doubt that's reina guardian...

"This is K. [..)He is assigned to Tanaka Reina."

the erase of memory and their name remind me of MIB, but i have no idea of the meaning of their names...why K ? why M ?
was it the first letter of their human name ?

"Does the word 'wonkified' exist in the dictionary?"
"In my dictionary, yes." K said.

what a way to introduce himself XD

looks like M takes his destiny as a joke or something...he really takes that lightly...maybe that can tell us about his human personality...


"She's pretty." he said.
"Of course she is." The unnamed man said.
"What is her name?"
"Niigaki Risa. And you are assigned to her."

i love how you end your chapters :)

Quote from: wordsworth;220337
Baptism "Morning Musume 4th Generation. Members: Ishikawa Rika, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Kago Ai, Nozomi Tsuji . Country Musume. Melon Kenebi. Mini Moni. The heck! Hey K, don't they have a PDF file of this thing so I don't have to read it?" M said as he looked at the handbook that contained all the information he needed to know about Hello!Project.

obviously i love how you start them too XD
But if I were you, I'd just go to Wikipedia and get the info there.

lol wikipedia...why not wiki.theppn
or jph!p ...XD

"What? I was just wondering what would happen if someone was assigned to them. Would he grow old too like the kids? Or would he stil look the same even after these kids grow up? Wouldn't they get suspicious if they see the one who's been protecting them doesn't get old?
he gots a point here hehe
"Look who's talking Mr. X-ray vision.


"Do we need batteries to live? Do we have to plug ourselves to the wall socket to recharge?"
"Won't we set alarms off when we walk into metal detectors and similar stuff?"
i like M questions

"We don't need to train. You can just upload the moves you want in to your memory.

haha matrix ? i would love to do that too...
but when i watch anime/movies it makes me want to do what they do...just like hajime no made me wanted to box haha
I have Stephen Chow's moves in Kung-Fu Hustle
oh god XD XD XD XD

"Yes. The only limitation is we can't fly."
it makes sense...they are supposed to be human afterall...
"Aww. I wanted to have Vegeta's moves."

"We cannot hurt the girls, physically. You'll get a shock in the head if you try to hurt them. But we can hurt them through emotions."[..] Memories can come and go. They can be deleted. They can be retrieved. But emotions cannot. They can't even be programmed. And the same goes for personality."

"Then why did they have to make us good looking?" M said as he looked at himself at the mirror. "I look like Takuya Kimura, don't you think?"



"And you look like HG, only HG looks a bit better than you.

He was wearing eyeglasses and it looked like he was talking to the wall.


do guardians have to act like their assigned girls ?


"Yo!" The heard another voice behind them. "Long time no see, K, S!"
They turned around to see who it was. It was another man their age. He could be mistaken as a she, probably because of his pretty face.[..]
You don't have to remember my name actually because you can always think of me as the best looking one."


omg as egocentric as Sayu...don't tell me...
"It's something called Usa-chan peace." K answered.
oh god XD XD XD XD

"Kyo-kun? Who the heck is Kyo-Kun." M said to himself. "This girl is not Niigaki Risa but she is hot!" M turns on his WiFi to check what the girl's name is. "Takahashi Ai. 20. Damn! I can't be assigned to her."
what th....XD

"Oh! It's Domo-kun!" Sayumi stood up and did the Usa-chan peace. D did the same.

/me fell from the chair


"She doesn't look weird." Kamei Eri, 17.
doesn't look weird ??? XD XD XD XD
M blushed and looked away, embarrassed because he was caught looking at her.
wow , didn't expect this reaction from him hahahaha
Hello everyone. I am Mitsui." M said as he bowed to the girls.
"That's the best name you can think of?" K asked him through a message.
"Shut up. It's your fault."

hahahaha...random name ? only te story can tel us...
but i love this name, one character of slam dunk has it, and i love this character...well, looks like there are a lot of details i love from your story hehe

"I have a shirt like that at home." Eri said as she pointed to M's shirt. It was a light blue shirt with a -6% printed in white.
"All of us do, Eririn." Ai said.
"Damn you, K! You didn't tell me that this shirt is for girls."

/me fell from the chair again


"Are you sure the girls are the only one who will need to be watched? Looks like I have to babysit you too." M said.

what th XD XD XD

"Yeah. Better sleep early and continue downloading your porn next time." K said. The other two laughed.
"Shut up Kyo-kun!"

/me is completly dead...

Quote from: wordsworth;220828
Child's Play
"Of course. You can always use you zoom vision M." S replied.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

he is not really familiarized with the idea of being a cyborg yet, heh


"What are you doing?"
"I'm checking the Internet if there are any gossip about Kamei-san in the email, in forums, in websites, etc."
"What if you find any?"
"I intercept it and delete it."
"You can do that? Isn't that illegal?"
"That's why I have to use different names and update my security settings from time to time. I have to bypass different firewalls and crack some passwords."

wow, what an awesome feature here !

"Quad-core, dual-core, whatever. You look like hardcore to me."

What's with the helmet? You don't even have a motorcycle." S asked.
"It's cool. Wearing it makes me feel like a hero. Plus chicks dig it." M said as he waved to two schoolgirls sitting in another table.


"My glasses aren't normal glasses. They can see through..." M didn't even let him finish.
"Let me see." M said as he tried to grab S's glasses. "I have to see it too."
"No."  S slapped M's hand away. "You're only gonna use it on those schoolgirls."

/me is hurt by falling off the chair too often...should subscribe to a back insurance...

"I'm not like you S. I'm was gonna use it on that hot waitress that passed a while ago."
"I'm not a perv like you."
"Really? How come your nose is bleeding?"

S checked his nose if what M said was true.

"You're a sick man, M. Come on, let's get going."

/me thinks the hand is broken
"Can't I borrow it even for five minutes?"
"Two minutes?"
"I'll let you borrow it when we get home."
"But K and D are the only ones there."
"That's the point."

/me thinks everything is broken now....just got enought strength to read the monitor...the stomach is really hurting too...


"He's a Graft user."

so that's what tsunku meant by wild fans heh
"Graft? Isn't that the company that makes cheese?"


I'll let you handle this one. I'll just be in the swing."
"Sure." M felt confident as he cracked his knuckles. S was already at the swing when M remembered something. "S, I don't have fighting moves yet."

oh crap :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

"Like what?"
"Like.....never mind. I'll finish this." bad wordsworth...

"Hey that's not fair. M said."
"Fool! That's why we don't have to transform. Enemies in real life won't just watch and let you have the chance to change into something that can beat them." S shouted.

so true...why are vilains always wait for them to transform...

"Activate magic card, Swords of Revealing Light!!!"

The enemy looked stunned.

"How's that? Now you won't be able to attack me for three turns." M grinned.

OMdskgjruzotyeiohei_ç !!!!!!!


"That didn't work." M said.
and he....hahahahaha...oh god that was hilarious
"You fool! Of all the shows where you can get moves, why did you have to choose Yugi-oh?!" S shouted at him again.
"I was just trying it out. Good thing I didn't choose Cooking Master Boy or Yakitate Japan. Now my next move is finished. It's from Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho."

yakitate japan... XD XD XD XD i think it would have work...transform the guy into bread or maybe just throw breads on the guy hahaahhahaha

aaaaaaaaaaa.....yuyu know what i think about it...i think it's love forever...


"Is he dead?"
"No. He's still alive. We don't kill. "

a good thing here...i guess...there are less probeleme with mystrious disappearance of need to worry with the news
"Where am I?"
"You lost consciousness sir. We found you lying in the sidewalk." S said.
"Thank you for helping me."
"No problem."
heh...funny to read, one minute ago he was fighting with them and now he is grateful

"If we killed him what would have happened to his family?" M said.
"That's why we don't kill. Not all of them are evil. They even have more normal lives than us.
a really good point here
Come on let's go home."
"Yeah. I'm hungry."
"You can borrow the glasses when we get there."
"Never mind."

XD XD XD XD that killing me...

As the two Guardians walked away. A figure that was observing them from a nearby rooftop stood up and turned over his bag of chips. Only crumbs fell out.
"That was entertaining." he said.

hehe...real vilains ? or guardian observers from tsunku ?


"That's why I never get hit in the face." D said boastfully.
"You probably always get hit in the nuts." M replied.

/me fell from the chair...again....

"What's inside, pictures of the school girls earlier?"

omg :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

"Check." 25. "It's not mine." K said.
"Check." 29. "It's not mine too." D said.
"Check." 21. "It's yours, M." S said.
"Check." 7. "It's mine alright.
i hate thme lol how they talk about the girls !!!! grrr hahaha

Michii-kun?" she said as she touched M's right cheek.
"OUCH!!!" M reacted and was forced to sit on the floor.
"You're so wimpy, Michii-kun. XD"
M just replied with two words: "Shut up!"

Michii-kun hahaha....


M grinned and said "I regret not borrowing your glasses when we got home. I didn't expect her to drop by. Now I'd just have to use my imaginat..."
what th....XD

"Mitsui sure changed the other guys, huh. He looks fun to hang out with." Eri added.

poor you XD don't say those kind of stuff hahahaha
already changed the other guys ? fast !
"Do you miss your Guardian, Ai-chan?" Reina asked.
"A little." Ai replied.
"Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him around." Sayu said.
"Me too." Ai said. "I wonder where he is."
"What happened Ai-chan? I haven't seen him since you turned 20." Risa asked her.
"Umm. We had a fight. Not really a fight. I said mean things to him." Ai answered.
"Like what?" the girls asked together.
"I told him that I didn't need him anymore..." what is the real reason and why to mention 20 ?

Quote from: wordsworth;223505
She was taller, a lot taller than him. The girl patted him on the head.
not too many tal girls in h!p hehehe who is it...Yurina ? Maasa ? Maimi ? ....can't be Yossi or Kaori...he would have said a woman..not a girl...

"Hey K, is it possible for us to get taller?  I mean, can the guys at the lab modify our limbs? Can they? Huh? Huh?" M asked as he slammed open the door.
"Why are you so excited M?" K asked.

exicted, yeah that's why i felt too when i read the "huh ? huh?" and all the ? hahahahaha
She's cute, she's pretty, she's sweet, she's tall....and she patted me in the head. I felt like a pet."
felt like a pet ???? XD

"You can say that I was charmed by her height."
charmed by the heigth ? /me is k.O

"If she's here, then that means...I want to see them in person. Risako! Saki! Miyabi! Chinami! Momoko! Maasa! Yurina! I want to see them in person!!!

what th...M is too much hyper here XD XD XD XD

"Excuse me, is Berryz Koubou inside?" M asked the boy.
"What?" the boy didn't hear him because of the earphones.


"Is there supposed to be a reason? They're Berryz Koubou, that's reason enough!"
...I agree with him XD XD XD
"I can beat you without any using any percent of my power.
"You sure?"
"Su.." M was cut short when H landed an uppercut. It was followed by a one-two combination, a liver blow and was finished by a left uppercut, right cross combination. M was floored." M said as he stared down at H.
awww...too much confidence hahha

"I can't lose to a mama's boy!"
lol mama's boy XD
It was a small girl. Not really small, small, but she was the smallest of the seven girls that came out of the room.
what a precision XD hahahahaha


"That's a cute scarf.[...]
"But the one wearing it isn't." said another girl.
"Oh yeah? I don't find your chin cute either." Natsuyaki Miyabi 14

OMejglglkrg god XD XD XD XD !!!!
why...why did you write that for her XD XD XD why you and Loser87 see her like this kind of girl ! XD

"Her voice is funny but she is cute." Tsugunaga Momoko, 14

you mean funny and she is cute ? XD
"He looks like he has a copy of my photobook." said a girl with light brown hair.
"Photobook? What is she talking about? WiFi on." Sugaya Risako, 12 " What the? She already has a photobook and she's the youngest? Oh boy! Saving target as. Now where's the torrent for the making of video..."

/me can not stop diyng...calling for help...

"Come on Shortie, it wasn't a fight. We were just playing around. And I was about to win when you came out." M said [..]
"With that swollen eye? You should be thankful because we just saved you from getting your ass kicked.

BAM ! hahahah yo your face XD XD XD
oh my god i loved it

"Awww. Looks like you made him cry." M said.
"Looks like he made you wet your pants." said Miyabi.

MIYABI I LOOOVE YOU !!!! hahaahah XD

"What? I'm not a lewd as you think." M said defensively. "Mmm. Download complete. Hehe. Extracting files. Hey, Niigaki-san has a recent PB too?Download,download.." he thought.
sdfdkgjdfkljfh :lmao:
You're like the male version of Snow White, except you don't have seven dwarfs. You have two giants, four with normal height and a dwarf."
lucky maiha wasn't here then saki a dwarf XD XDDDDDDD
Maybe the Captain likes you, only she shows it in that way."
she sounded like she cares about him at least

"You look like you're browsing through a photobook of a 12-year old girl."

"K was right about you being the most advanced! You can read minds!" M said as he closed all open windows in his mind.
"I can't. I was just bluffing. Wait, are you telling me you were actually..."
"Of course not!"

/me is dead..

"So you use those things to watch over them remotely, right?"
"You use them to watch the girls when they're in school."
"You use them to watch the girls when they're shopping."
"Even when they're taking baths?"
"Ye... Wait, why are you corrupting my mind?"



The door suddenly swung open and it knocked M down.


"Have I told you that you look stunning in that white bikini?"
what th XD XD XD XD
"Ehh? What did you just say?" Risa blushed lightly, proving that she actually heard what M said.

"Yes. What were you saying about that white bikini a while ago, Michii-kun?"
"Oh, that's nothing. I just got a bit dizzy when the door hit me."
oh my...what an excuse XD !!!! awesome....

Quote from: wordsworth;226964
Every Man For Himself
"Is that always turned on S?" M asked.
"What's turned on?"
"Your glasses that can see through clothes, is it always activated?"
"Of course not."
"Because I'm starting to feel violated every time you look at me. Wahahaha." M said as he laughed uncontrollably.
S didn't answer back. Instead he gave him the finger as he fixed his glasses.

what a beginning XD
Have you looked at yourself at the mirror lately? You look like you're browsing through..."
"...the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I know, I know. [..]
"You have a point. But I don't want to be like you. I wasn't going to say that you were browsing through the photobook of a twelve year old girl. I was going to say that you were browsing through your playlist of AV videos. Where the heck did you get that idea?"

Gaki-san is a lot cuter Kamei-san in those outfits." M said as he pointed to the costumes they wear during the CM.
"Is not. Kamei-san is cuter. And when did you start calling Niigaki-san Gaki-san?
"Since she told me that I could. Orange is cuter!"
"No, green is cuter! Wait, it can be settled in another way."
"By the number of photobooks they have."
"Cheater! You know Gaki-san only has two photobooks."
"Which means Kamei-san is the winner. Discussion over."


"Do that and you won't live long enough to see Christmas!" said a man behind them who was squatting Spider-man style on top of a street light and whose scarf was blown by the evening breeze.
"Get down M! You look stupid up there(..)
What? Heroes need flashy entrances.
omdjsklfjdklgjfklgod XD

"Why can't we call them something else aside from 'wild fans'? Villains in the shows I watch have cooler names like 'Orphnocs' or 'Boomers'. Can't we give them a scarier or more fear inducing name? 'Horrors' could be one."
"Who made you the writer?"
"It's just a suggestion. Wait, you're saying that there's a writer? Maybe if I behave he'll give me something cooler than your glasses. I want something to make me a chick magnet."
"How about asking him for a better personality and better morals?"

 you also like to include yourself in your stories hahahaha
Then the alley was filled with a blinding light.... teaser...what is his power ?

"I hope M doesn't do something naughty when he gets that camera."

the kind of joke we don't get with Pretty Boy heh...

He rushed at M and thrust his hands through M's body and puncturing his heart. He raised what he thought was a lifeless husk above himself and laughed at his victory. Suddenly, the husk transformed to a piece of wood. Then he saw M coming from above. His hands were charged with electricity but he missed and M's strike created a hole on the ground.
oh my fejfkj naruto ? ???? XD XD XD XD

The wild fan couldn't believe at what M was capable of. He knew that he had no chance to win so he did the right thing: run.
looooool since when do willains run ??? XD XD XD

M met up with S.
"One hour. What took you so long?" S asked.
"I got lost."
you lier !! you watch the video didn't you XD

"I didn't. If I watched it, then I wouldn't be different from those men. If I watched it, then I don't have the right to be a Guardian. I may look lewd but I have morals, S"

"Next time, show me some of your moves."
"Nah, you'll just copy them."
"Nah, it's probably moves from Pac-man and Super Mario Brothers so never mind. Let's go home. I'm hungry."

why do you want him to show them to you if you think it's Pac man moves hahahaha love this game..i lvoe super mario also...oh god childhood nostalgia...


"Flawless victory today huh, M?" K asked.
"Not really. My clothes got a bit dirty." M replied.
"You look like a peasant anyway." D said.
"Shut up! I can kick you in the nuts so hard you're gonna have to spit them out. That is if you still have nuts."
M and D grinned at each other.


"Uhh…did any of you guys tell him that..." S muttered.

what what what WHAT ??????

Risa looked at him then blushed, covered her eyes with her hands and looked away. Eri and Sayumi stared at it for a while before covering their eyes. Reina couldn't control her laughter and pounded the wall as she laughed.
oh god don't tell me he is naked...

"Your fly is open."
i have bad influence too hahahaha
/me ----> [ ]

"Maybe it needs more air. Or maybe you should set it free." Reina said.

OH   MY      ......XD

"You're a perv, Mitsui-kun." Sayumi added.



"Ummm, do you mind if you go to the rooftop with me, Michii-kun?

aaah ?????

M took this chance to make sure that the door wasn't the only thing that was closed.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cliffhanger....
wow... 484 lines ? lol sorry XD

thks to jafeijai, rndmnwierd, and lil_hamz to have left a comment for my cover ^^

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