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Author Topic: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread  (Read 308963 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1600 on: December 31, 2012, 11:49:51 AM »
Thanks, dude.
I just got Ma-chan. Time to grind, I guess.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1601 on: December 31, 2012, 12:56:42 PM »
^Go grind inside the caves northeast of the town you get Maachan. The Metal Slime enemies (don't use magic, use only physical attacks!) give 500 exp...assuming you kill it before it runs away. Good place to train.

Having said this, all the monsters are essentially Dragon Quest copies. :lol: I feel glad that I've played Dragon Quest IV to VI and completed them all. :lol:

Having said this, I started a new game and realized that everything is so easy now that I know what to do. I am also now ridiculously overleveled. This makes it a lot less challenging lol...ah well. XD
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 05:14:37 PM by Estrea »


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1602 on: December 31, 2012, 08:06:47 PM »
Lol, ok, thanks.

I've never played Dragon Quest, nor do I usually play games where you have to grind, I don't usually have the patience. The last RPG I played like that was FF13 and I had to quit 80 hours into it because I wasn't a high enough level and everything kept one shot-ing me.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1603 on: December 31, 2012, 09:46:25 PM »
Sure I guess...except that I suck at talking haha. And we have to find some time...hmm...

I am open anytime the first couple weeks of the year (except for the 2nd Friday and Saturday).  What works for you?

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1604 on: January 01, 2013, 07:26:19 PM »
I'm free anytime this week actually. XD

Oh btw I finished the game. The final battle was scary hard...until I realized something. Zukki has the most awesome ability ever. Just keep her in your team and feed her TP boosting items, and then use her second ability that stuns the enemy for 3 turns. Rinse and repeat while everyone else is busy attacking. It solves the problem of Riho's Glass Cannon Ninja Status (seriously, she splits into two for half of her max HP each, which makes her ridiculously fragile....but being able to use her Moonlight Night attack twice in a turn for almost 200 damage each round? Hell yes. XD Riho is my designated boss killing machine even without her Ninja-ified self. Just buy lots of Ichigo daifukus to make sure she has enough TP to go around.

Duu's best weapon (without farming for item creation!) is without a doubt the Killer Saw that drops from the purple bug-like plant enemies that appear around Hiroshima. It gives her the ability Killer Saw, that absorbs HP from the enemy. Pair that with an Atk Up and she can basically heal from anything. Her stat down moves can make a difference (atk down can be a life saver), but you're better off straight up attacking with Duu. Killer Saw is the best thing ever.

Ayumi gets outclassed the moment you get Riho when it comes to boss battles. In regular fights Ayumi is arguably better than Riho because of her final Dance command that boosts her agility and gives her two extra moves, the Daishi Mach Punch and I forgot the second name, but basically the first is single target and the second is multi-target. Hits for around 40~ damage (I maxed her level at 25, gave her the best weapon I could). But Riho's Moonlight Night (costs 15 TP) does 80~100 damage depending, and her base attack stat is higher than Ayumi's, even when she's a few levels below her. Daishi Attack becomes basically useless in the final stages of the game unless you can boost her attack, but it still doesn't do as much damage as a single Moonlight Night from Riho. I pretty much stopped using Ayumi after Riho joined the team. :lol:

Harunan is worthless in the final battle. Her Silence move doesn't work on the boss, so you're better off using stun attacks by either Zukki or Fukuchan. But the second-to-last boss battle works for her, because Silence DOES work on the boss, not that it really matters because that boss's hit-all isn't magical in nature orz. Her only use is as a second healer (the party member switch skill is invaluable), and you can teach her the skill Reborn which is like an instant Revive with full HP. Harunan has the highest MP of them all, so it's a good skill to teach her since Reborn costs 20 MP.

Maachan is hands down your lifesaver. She IS your healer, much better than Harunan, because her single target heal spell (Pokepoke, 3 MP) heals for 30~40hp, and her multitarget heal spell (10mp) heals for 40~ hp each. I don't even bother to use her to attack in a boss fight because I rather conserve her MP for much needed healing. That and her Special, English Education, lets you heal your entire party for 40ish hp each for only 3mp. How much do I love thee Maachan? Let me count the ways. :lol:

You get Eripon too late to make any difference except to swop in to soak up some damage, since she has good stats despite being lower leveled. Her special, Golf Swing, costs 50 TP and has a higher chance to miss, but it does about 100+ damage if it connects. After you beat the second to final boss, you can equip her with a weapon that gives her an additional attack skill, but it doesn't really matter since I don't find it very effective overall. She has no passive skills that make it worth the trouble of putting her in the team unless you don't have a choice (aka, everyone is knocked out)

Fukuchan, oh Fukuchan. Her spells are great. Like, seriously great. Def Up for entire active party? Yesss. Regen for party? Uhh....not as useful. What IS very useful though, is her passive ability, Sexiness. XD Chance to stun an enemy she attacks. And she has decent attack stats, not very high in particular but not too shabby. Stun, in any case, is totally worth it, even if it doesn't always activate. Then again, when you're fighting a boss, double Def Up can save you a lot of pain and chance to stun is always good. Additionally, if you can get her up to 70 TP, she has a skill Fukumura Lock that also inflicts Stun for several turns. But I rather use her TP for Mizukick because someone else is better at the whole stun thing...see below.

I wasn't very impressed with Zukki when I first got her. Until I paid attention to her skillset. Her second TP move Kamakiri (costs 40 TP) stuns enemies for 3 turns. Totally a worthy investment. Zukki's Kamakiri with Riho's Ninjutsu makes for a very effective boss killing teamwork. SayaSuzu forever! Plus Kanon has the highest HP total of the entire group, and the highest regular and magic defense, which makes her very very durable...good for absorbing damage and building TP for the inevitable Stun strategy with Kamakiri. Her other skills that inflict Agi Down is also useful especially for speedy bosses, and Butterfly restores MP to your party....but I prefer saving her TP for Kamakiri. XD

Riho. Oh Riho. Fastest member of your team (except for Ayumi when she's on steroids...I mean, her Agi Up move), decent base attack, but what makes her awesome is her Moonlight Night single target move, which makes her THE boss killer (assuming you keep her nice and healthy). 90+ damage every turn? Yes please. And she gets even better if you max her TP gauge to activate Shuwa Shuwa Pon! It opens up 2 commands, one that gives you max TP for the cost of 10mp, and the second one is just a game breaker if used right. It halves Riho's HP total, but allows her to attack TWICE in one round. Look at it this way. 10mp to buy 100 TP, 100 TP to double attack turns, 10mp to max TP again. Spam Moonlight Night ad infinitum. Paired with Zukki's Kamakiri move, you never have to fear a boss fight again. They can't even damage you. But if you want to conserve TP items, just her regular mode (not the jazzed up Ninja Sayamaru mode) with her Moonlight Night every turn is enough to slowly chip away at those bosses. Which is what I did many a time. :lol:

But yeah....this has been a fun game. On a final note, from Harunan...



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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1605 on: January 01, 2013, 07:50:35 PM »
How about Friday 8PM EST?  Rndy, would that work for your or do we need another day or a non-evening time?

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1606 on: January 01, 2013, 08:45:16 PM »
Friday I'm supposed to get off a 8, so I could make it, but I might be a little late.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1607 on: January 01, 2013, 09:05:35 PM »
How about Friday 9PM EST then?

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1608 on: January 02, 2013, 12:16:28 AM »
 :twothumbs OK!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1609 on: January 02, 2013, 07:55:08 AM »
Oh um gee, I found that the version I downloaded (and uploaded for you guys) is only 1.03. The final version is 1.15 >_> I was wondering why the 2ch threads were talking about hitting level 40 orz. Turns out there's more! And that you can fight Berryz members as well???

Oh, I found some secrets.
1) When you get Maachan, bring her to the pub in Saitama and let her play the piano. New skill! XD
2) After you clear the Nippon Budoukan battle, go look for Tsunku and talk to him. He'll give Harunan a new skill, Praise (raises 10 TP on an ally)
3) Mentioned early on, but examining the pot of flowers in Harunan's house gives her the Ikebana skill.
4) In the Karin/Duu sequence, pull the lever on a cell you come across. Beat the enemies that attack you (just spam Karin's songs) and you'll get Duu's Special, Near Death Happiness. Also, you WILL lose Karin at the end of the sequence, so after you beat the Chimera and before you continue on into the next room, strip her of her equipment <-- unethical but hey, her armor is better than yours.
5) The secret area in Saitama with the chests can be accessed by going to the city exit, hug the wall to the right and travel outside the city walls and loop back up to access the area. This can be done really early in game (I recommend around level 3 or higher) to get some items.
6) The mountain area, middle section, has two treasure chests on the top cliffs. The way to get to them is to climb the vines in the middle of the cliffs. XD

But yeah, looking forward to that podcast XD; I'll upload version 1.15 of the game (I found it somewhere else lol), so anyone who wants to get it can do so!
ver 1.15 XD
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 01:16:13 PM by Estrea »


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1610 on: January 02, 2013, 02:35:07 PM »
You're awesome as always, Essy! Woot!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1611 on: January 03, 2013, 11:47:36 PM »
We ought to have a competition for funniest story some time. As someone once said, any onion can make someone cry, but it takes skill to make someone laugh. Or tickles. That works too. :lol: Sooooo mods? Think we ought to have some kind of event around here soooooon?

Yes bypassing the Harunanquest discussion that has gone by.... we can always set up a competition for just the sake of writing

Being critical on each other might be a goal :lol: we can go throw the ideas into a pot and just choose one for this month and move onto other competitions.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 01:12:07 AM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1612 on: January 05, 2013, 02:07:05 PM »
^I'm always up for fun contests. Or instead of a contest, we can have like, a writing theme for the month where we can throw in short stories of that theme into a single thread. That could be more productive. XD

Oh btw, I've been trawling 2ch and other Japanese-language sites for newgen fic, and I have discovered some really awesome SayaIshi (my secret OTP!) fics. I was wondering whether I should translate them because they are hilarious...not to mention IshiDuu fics that are also side splittingly funny. Yes, I admit that I sometimes get inspired by reading fanfic in Japanese because I like how they use honorifics and different modes of address to reflect the quirks of each girl. You can usually tell who is talking even without a reference (Hakata-ben is either Reina or Eripon, but Eripon constructs her sentences differently somehow...). I like how Ayumi always uses formal speech to her senpai, something that is really hard to translate into an English-based fic, but it can be done. XD Riho also has her own way of talking, especially when her Hiroshima accent kicks in. Then she tends to sound a bit drunk. :lol: Maachan sounds like a kid, and Duu is very blunt. It's really educational, reading in a different language. Haha. Makes me want to spam more newgen short stories. :X


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1613 on: January 05, 2013, 02:47:14 PM »
Do IT~~  But Harunan Quest first... XD

Offline kuro808

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1614 on: January 05, 2013, 08:26:21 PM »
^I'm always up for fun contests. Or instead of a contest, we can have like, a writing theme for the month where we can throw in short stories of that theme into a single thread. That could be more productive. XD

That's sounds great, if you have a suggestion, put it out there, I'll see what I have in mind

although I felt a weird vibe writing my last one shot :lol:

Suggestion: Weather as a theme :nervous
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:00:34 AM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1615 on: January 06, 2013, 06:40:48 AM »
More HQ newb-talk:

I played it again and got past the point where I "died."  I went to the mountain with Haruka and I got killed again the second time we fought mountain slimes.


(and you guys probably didn't mention this because the idea of you guys LOSING a combat is unthinkable) if Haruka at this point runs away and takes your coffin back to your house and puts you to bed, bam, the next morning you are as good as new.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1616 on: January 06, 2013, 07:45:09 AM »
I think you get, like, one free revive or something. Mistui's face pops up telling you to properly do... something... The game I guess.  XD I'm only getting through by the skin of my teeth and Essy's help.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1617 on: January 07, 2013, 04:10:28 AM »
I think I came up with a game that very few people would want to see hacked with MM members as characters:

Mike Tyson's Punchout.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1618 on: January 12, 2013, 02:35:15 AM »
Random thought that occurred to me upon waking up. I just realized something has changed in the way I ship pairings. :lol: (Yes I wake up and that's the first thing I think. Makes you wonder what dreams I have :P)

In the past as a diehard Ai wota I pretty much shipped her with almost everyone and have written her with a number of people, with my favourite of course being ReinAi. It didn't matter if it was unlikely. I could make it work somehow (usually) XD

But now as a Riho wota of course I still ship her with people (notably either FukuSaya or SayaIshi), but one significant difference from the past is that in my mind...these pairings have her at a disadvantage. That is, I don't actually see her getting the girl without active intervention from me. :lol: Reason being that Fukuchan works better with Eripon so far, and Ayumi loves Duu, so Riho really has to deal with serious kataomoi if I play things straight. The only pairing that would work automatically is SayuRiho, which is extremely disturbing and I don't dare to write it until after Riho turns 18, because the stuff Sayu says on her radio is nightmare inducing I'm not kidding either, because a wota wrote in asking what if Riho invited Sayu to bathe with her (I don't know whether I should be afraid of or thankful for this question), and Sayu's answer shows way too much forethought. I know she's witty and everything and comes up with answers really fast, but it's still creepy how she managed to answer without crossing any visible lines and yet still break every warning alarm I have. :lol:

Back to the point though. Thing is, I have a sense that my favoured Riho pairings don't have much of a chance of it actually working out...and my current feeling is that I'm totally ok with this. Considering I write most of the new gen fic around here, you would think I'd take the opportunity like I did with ReinAi to simply spam my preferred pairings, gut feelings otherwise be damned. In a way I have, given how I have written FukuSaya on more than one occasion, and hinted at SayaIshi in a couple more. But the thing is that I have a feeling that I'm going to be writing more one-sided feelings type of story where Riho simply doesn't get the girl...and survives it. Hell, she'll probably be supportive. (Well, she works with them. It'd be painful otherwise if she didn't learn to move on. Moving on is crucial.)

Actually now that I mention it, one of my recent one shots, 5 Years Later, does follow that dynamic. I wonder what led to the evolution of how I see these pairings. Personal growth? Haha. I'm totally ok with Riho being alone somehow, despite my shipping tendencies. This is strange. It's as if the intense need I had before for reciprocated love that manifested in my Ai stories has died down into a muted "life goes on with or without" kind of peace. Is it part of growing up? Am I getting more cynical? I still enjoy reading my ships when other people write it (knowing 3 languages is a wonderful thing), but I think other than stories on crack I highly doubt I can write serious ships for Riho anymore. On the bright side I might write more alternative pairings that don't involve her as one of the mains. I find it oddly therapeutic that way. How odd really. My favourite girl and I don't give her a happily ever after. Hell, I give Eripon more happily ever afters in general (even if weird shit happens to her most of the time lmao).

But yeah, just some musings about my changes as a writer and shipper. So how does everyone feel about their ships? Feel free to go into extended discussions about pairings. I'm quite curious about what everyone thinks actually. XD


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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1619 on: January 12, 2013, 03:08:38 AM »
I write so many pairings based off certain events and ride them until it makes no sense in doing so.  I have in my sense into belief of Harunan/Dawa as of now but it seems so awkward in thinking how they intereact and their ages are very close to each other and the weird feeling is that something will happen and the catch is that, I have it unfolding in my mind but gotta wait two years for it to happen in reality.  My lovey/dovey couple XD

Then, I have the Berryz couples to deal with every so often but haven't been writing because of writer's block for them.  I always try to add Captain for no apparent reason and my favorite pairing has nothing to deal with her.  I feel hopeless in promoting my OTP because it will always bloom into a love triangle.  Then again, Momo is a cursed person :lol:

I avoid the pairing people tend to promote and push hopeless or couples that make no sense at all.  It doesn't change in delivery but it always brings confusion.

My other issue is trying to get Zukki into coupling without forcing it into someone.  The blog posts for her are so indivudlistic sometimes. 

@Essy anything dealing with Sayu needs a weird turn.  Riho is going to get screwed over someway, maybe forgetting something for Sayu and punishment comes upon her (no preversion needed) :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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