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Author Topic: FenxMiki adventures  (Read 36231 times)

Offline Comrade

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FenxMiki adventures
« on: December 01, 2006, 04:08:00 PM »
I did it for Fen13.


“Ladies and gentlemen, you may now begin.”

Fen picked up her pen and answered question ten.

Because she knew the answer to number ten already.  Duh.  It was “失恋.”

Scratching her head, she skimmed the rest of the page and looked for other questions that she could answer quickly.  

There were none!

She was completely clueless.  The test was too hard.

And then she heard the words of Comrade in her head.  Comrade, from the heavens above, was calling down to her disciple, telling her to follow her nose.  

No, not her nose!  Her heart.  Follow her heart.  To find that which she truly desired.

Fruit loops.

Or fruity loops.

Or loopy fruits.

Loopy fruits like Miki. She was loopy and she was a fruit.  Or at least as loopy (or nutty) as a loopcake.  Or rather, a fruitcake.

Fen put down her pen and clucked like a hen.

But really quietly, because otherwise she would have gotten in big trouble.  Examination halls were not locales suitable for clucking.

Fen nudged her pen and thought of men.

Men reminded her of Ben.

Ben was her chien.

Chien was the French word for dog (*ahem*!)

French (which she’d only learned at age ten) had a special connection to a certain comedian (in French: comedienne!).

This comedienne was named Miki… ten?

So to cut all this rhyming crap short, Fen thought about Miki.

And Miki cackled in her mind.  Maniacally.  Threateningly.  Miki groped Fen’s mind with her cackle

And then she unleashed her hotness.


No… wait.  That was wrong.

Not that Fen wasn’t hot.

Cuz she totally was.  

I mean is.  


But that’s a separate issue.  What I meant to write about was the other issue.  The Miki issue.

Let me try again:


And Fen was defeated.

And Fen fell.

And woe was Fen!  For she could not rid from her mind the images of the Holy Miki.

The Miki of the cheri and the Miki of the Coeur took over her mind.

Fen began to daydream.  It was the dead of winter.  

But Miki was always warm.

The warm Miki was Fen’s blanket on a cold day.

The warm Miki was Fen’s source of heat for cooking her breakfast.

The warm Miki made Fen do a face-plant on her desk, snoring away while dreaming.

The puddle of drool that collected under Fen’s face started to overflow.


“Ladies and gentlemen, please evacuate the building!!”

So screamed the exam hall monitor.

Girls and boys ran fleeing.

They all ran outside and were immediately warmed up (because buildings are naturally ten degrees colder than outdoors in Japan (no joke)).

But Fen stayed in the exam hall, and she drowned in her own drool.

But at least Miki was there with her until her final breath was taken.

Her heart stopped.


She jerked awake!

She looked around her.  All her fellow examinees were writing furiously, looks of fierce concentration on their faces.

Fen touched her forehead.  It was bruised.  She must have hit it pretty hard on her desk.

She wiped away at her cheek.  Some drool had dried onto it.

Wait a minute!

Dried?!  The drool had had enough time to dry?

What time was it?!?!

She checked her watch and gasped.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please stop writing.  The exam is now over.”

So said the exam hall monitor.

Fen thought back to the last two hours.

She’d dreamt about Miki-sama.

Miki-sama’s hotness, Miki-sama’s hotness, and Miki-sama’s hotness, to be more precise.

She’d also thought about Miki-sama’s sexiness.

But that’s beside the point.

What mattered was that in her obsessive daydreaming state, she had completely forgotten about the exam.

She looked at her answer sheet.

All blank.

All except for number ten.

“Oh SHI-”

« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 04:14:25 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 04:36:58 PM »

Thanks Commie!

But I really hope that doesnt happen during the test! XD XD

I guess I wouldn't mind too much... NO! MUST PASS TEST!! PAID 40 DOLLARS FOR TEST!!! MUST THINK OF MIKI AFTER THE TEST!!!! AFTER! :ONfrustrated::ONfrustrated:

MIKI-SAMA! :ONluvluv2:
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 04:39:28 PM by Fenrir »

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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2006, 04:48:54 PM »
I think possibly the best ever and completely true!

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2006, 07:11:32 PM »
That was amazing, absolutely superb!

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2006, 11:29:18 PM »
Haha~ the rhyming totaly got me!
Nioce (:

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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Offline JFC

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« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2006, 04:13:33 AM »
At first I was :ON@_@: , but as I read I just started to :ROTFLMAO: . Nice one Commander!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2006, 08:03:19 AM »
I laughed and then I worried. I worried for your sanity. Comrade, you wack job.

Rule number 1 for passing exams: All fantasies,sexual or other, must be thought of AFTER all writing is over.

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2006, 01:40:54 AM »
^ You speak the truth.... Ive done so a few times. But it wasnt pervy. More like excited for something *relating to H!P*. the other sexyness and hotness thoughts were about other things though...

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2006, 09:54:12 AM »
LMAO!! A Fen fanfic :lol:  XD XD

GJ Comrade :P

:: waves the Fen Fan Flag ::

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2006, 01:10:55 PM »
I guess I should mention about my test today as this fanfic was about it. lol

Took the test... it totally kicked me in the ass. XD Damn, that was a hard test. The only thing I think I passed was the listening portion.

But I did think of Miki between the tests. XD

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2006, 04:55:30 AM »
Im assuming you took the Japanese test?
Yeah...I had mine 2 weeks ago. You needa think of something to pass the time..

I have to thank Tsunku and Morning Musume. They are the best study guides EVER!! all the kanji I learn from the TV and songs really helps and I also believe that the H!P watchers are better at the listening that those who dont ^^

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2006, 05:23:38 AM »
I'm not even formally learning japanese and I recognize some kanji, go H!Pucation!

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« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2006, 05:30:30 AM »

I even use the Mo-musu girls names in the writing tasks (cause the kanji looks impressive)

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2006, 09:50:32 AM »
Quote from: Mikan;250194
Im assuming you took the Japanese test?
Yeah...I had mine 2 weeks ago. You needa think of something to pass the time..

I have to thank Tsunku and Morning Musume. They are the best study guides EVER!! all the kanji I learn from the TV and songs really helps and I also believe that the H!P watchers are better at the listening that those who dont ^^

I took the JLPT: Japanese Language Proficiency Test. It was on Dec. 3rd. I'm not sure what test you took...  Test took forever...

Offline Comrade

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2006, 02:08:51 PM »
Last time we left our friendly viewers, Fen was taking her Japanese test, but she fell into a dream about Miki-sama and failed to complete any of the questions (except for #10) on her examination paper.  

What happened after that?!

The answer lies in
Part 2 - A Fenelicious Carol

Fen walked home glumly in the snow, head down and eyebrows pinched together in a sad expression that would weaken even the bulkiest, toughest, most built up bouncer of a club.  Her mom (who lived thousands of kilometres away) was going to kill her when she realized that... wait a minute!  Her mom lived nowhere near her and didn't have to know a single thing about the test!

At least Fen had one good thing going in her life.

She sighed in relief and allowed herself a smile, muttering a thankful prayer to the almighty Comrade.

As she walked back from the exam venue, she had plenty of time to think.  When she was about halfway to her neighbourhood of her village (for Fen lived in a small village full of pleasant but boring rice farmers), she saw something in the distance.  

It looked like.....



"AHHHHH!!!!!" she screamed like a girly man.

Somewhere in the distance, Ayaya thought she could hear the voice of her ex-boyfriend.  She shrugged it off and continued to sew (she was repairing some torn clothing).

So there was Fen.  She was screaming about fire.  When she shut up to take a breath (in order to scream some more), she heard a faint voice.  It was calling for help.  


Her ears stood at attention.

"!" cried the voice.

"It's coming from the barn!" Fen cried out.  "And it sounds like Rika-chan!"

Too worried about Rika's life to ask herself any questions (for example, "what was Rika doing in a barn in the middle of nowhere in the north of Japan?"), and took off towards the barn.

"I'll save you, Rika-chan!!" she cried out, her arms flailing above her head like a crazy lady.

She got to the door.  In a show of superhuman strength, she kicked the door.

...But it didn't exactly work like it did in the movies.  The wood was weak, but not that weak.  As a result, the wood splintered, but the door did go tumbling down like she'd expected.

And her foot got stuck in the door.

"Aw CRAP!" she groaned.  She stood there for two minutes trying to get her foot out of the door.  When she finally did, she fell onto her butt with an "OOMPH!"

"Um, the door's already open!" Rika's voice came from inside.


Fen picked herself up, brushed the dust off her butt (self-gropage!), and opened the door just like any normal person would have done first.

Inside looked like hell on earth.  Everything was ablaze.  The poor cows' food was slowly being consumed by the fire!

"Rika-chan, where are you!" Fen called out.

"Forget Ishikawa.  Save me!" roared a voice.  In surprise, Fen turned around and saw Miki trapped under a giant piece of burning wood.

"Miki-sama!" she gasped.  "What- what happened?!"

Miki spared her a glare.

"I got caught under this wooden beam this a burning barn," she replied as a matter of factly.  "Would you mind helping me?"

"But don't forget me!  Help me!" came Rika's voice.

Fen turned her head sideways and saw Rika lying on the ground.  She was surrounded by fire.

"Rika-chan, what are you doing?  Get up!!" Fen cried.

"I can't!" Rika sobbed.  "I think my leg is broken!"

"My leg is broken, too!" Miki hollered over the roar of the flames.

Fen turned back to look at her.  She then frowned.

"What were you two doing in a barn anyway?" she asked innocently.

An awkward silence was observed.

"We were practising Christmas carols," Rika finally said weakly.

"Oh, which ones?  Can I help?"

Miki coughed.

"No, that's okay.  We're all done now," Rika laughed nervously.

Miki coughed again.

"All right.  Well, I'd better help you two," Fen sighed.  Her two favourite girls didn't want her to sing Christmas carols with them, and that made her sad.

Just then, there was a pain-inducing creaking sound.  The entire barn shuddered.

"Oh my god!" Miki cried out in English.  

"It's going to collapse!" Rika screamed in her shrill voice.

"AHHH!!!!"  Fen screamed her girly man scream.

Off in the distance, Ayaya looked up from her sewing, once again perplexed.  She knew she should never have dated that idiot.

Fen looked frantically between Rika-chan and Miki-sama.  How could she go about saving them?

Then she had a vision.  She was struck down to the dirt floor as a voice filled her mind.

"Fen!" the voice boomed.  it was a girl's voice.  "You can only save one of them."

"What?!  Why only one?!"

"Laws of physics, you idiot!" the voice retorted.  "You must choose between Rika-chan and Miki-sama."

And as soon as the vision came, it was gone, and Fen stood up.

Save only one?!  


She could not betray either girl.  She could not leave one to die.  She could not choose.  She would not choose.

She absolutely refused to choose!

"I'll save both of you!!!" she screamed.

"Um, I thought that was the plan," Miki muttered.

Fen sweatdropped.

"Rika-chan!  I'm coming for you first!"

Fen ran and jumped across the ring of flames that had started to engulf the poor, weak singer.  She hooked her hands under Rika and lifted her up.  This time, it worked just like it did in the movies, and she was able to pick up Rika with no problem.  She brought Rika over the ring of fire and dumped her on the ground in front of Miki.

"I can't believe you got her first," Miki spat at Fen.  Fen swooned.  Angry Miki equalled hot Miki.

"It's okay, Miki-sama.  I was just saving the best for last."

As Fen said this, Rika started to curse like a drunken sailor.  Second best my ass. she thought.

In another Superman-ish way, Fen lifted the burning wood off of Miki and grabbed the front of Miki's jacket, pulling her forward and into relative safety.

"HANDS!  HANDS!!" Miki warned her.

"Oh!  Sorry," Fen blushed, letting go of Miki.

She couldn't have helped it.  It was the easiest place to grab Miki.  And it's not like she'd touched anything.  It was just her jacket.

"It's okay," Miki said sweetly.  

I guess this Fen girl isn't that bad.  I mean, she worships me and all... she thought smugly.  Hrmm....

But Miki still had her doubts.  How could Fen get them all out?  Fen was too hot to be Superman (eat dirt, Dean Cain!), Rika's leg was broken, and her own leg was unusable.

"Fen... How are you going to get us out of here?" Rika asked, clutching her leg in pain.

The world became silent around Fen.  She struck a heroic pose and looked up at the ceiling of the barn, ashes, flames, and soot flying every which way above her.

"I will save you BOTH!" she called out to the heavens.  "AHAHAHAHAHAA!"

Rika looked a bit terrified.

Miki swooned.  

Fen was so hot!

Fen picked both girls up, one under each arm, and ran out of the barn just in time.  As they jumped out the door and into a snowdrift, the barn exploded (later, they all read in the newspaper that there had been three tanks of gas stored there) and a cloud of dust and a fireball shot up into the sky.  

Once the fireworks were over, the barn continued to burn in a calm, almost homely way.

"You saved us..." Miki said shyly, lying in the snow and looking up at Fen.  Fen had never seen Miki shy before, and she was touched (not literally).

"Thanks for that," Rika said casually, getting up and brushing the snow off her butt (more self gropage!) and walking off.

"B-but wait!" Fen called out after her.  "W-where are you going?  What about your leg?”

"I have a hair appointment in Sendai.  No mountain high enough and no river wide enough could keep me away from this appointment," Rika said with a wink, and she limped down the path, looking amazingly fine for a girl who just escaped from a burning barn with a broken leg.

Fen looked sad and sat in the snow.  Denied again!  She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about her.  She's always like that.  Never sticks around for the mushy stuff at the end."

"Um, okay," Fen said with a frown, not really getting it.

Miki coughed.

"Anyway, we never finished practicing, um... 'Last Christmas.'  Want to help me with the harmony?" Miki asked shiftily, looking around over her shoulders in a suspicious manner.

"Okay!" Fen said cheerfully. "But we'll have to find another place!  Your barn burned down."

Miki looked around one more time.

"Another place?  We don't need another place.  Here in the snow is just fine."

"Well, ok, but we might get cold," Fen said with a smile and a shrug.

"Um, no problem," Miki mumbled.

A minute passed.

"So, uh, are you going to start singing?" Fen asked.

Miki coughed.

"Right.  Um... You start."

So Fen started singing.

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it awa... Um, Miki-sama?" she interrupted herself.

"Yes?" Miki asked innocently.

"Um, eh... well, your, um, hands..."


"Um...... Nothing.  I'll continue.  The very next day, you gave it away.  This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone spe... Um, Miki-sama... HANDS!!!!"

All that would be heard was a giggly cackle.

~I have spoken (i.e. The End)~

Merry Christmas, JPH!P (<--click click)
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2006, 02:42:34 PM »


And for the end part:


This is what happens to two bored ALT's on a school night. XD Randomness:ONluvluv2:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 02:50:10 PM by Fenrir »

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2006, 02:52:35 PM »
Quote from: Fenrir;262826
[ This is what happens to two bored ALT's on a school night. XD Randomness:ONluvluv2:
AMEN, Sister!  Or should I say... Gamster? :lol: :evil: :heart: :heart: :heart: XD
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2006, 03:30:52 AM »
Bored sitting at school with nothing to do and in order to get a present I present two of my lame haiku's made while sitting at my desk of a certain famous person. XD

A super commie
writes many silly fanfics
was groped by Miki

Girl in Oyama
pinned down by *typhoon* while
skipping down the street

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« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2006, 03:45:47 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2006, 10:21:43 AM »
Fennie's poetry brought a tear to me eye. :cry:


JFC appreciates fenfic!  Yay! XD :heart: :heart:
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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