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Author Topic: FenxMiki adventures  (Read 36221 times)

Offline ebc

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2006, 02:32:27 PM »
Just read part 2 now! It's even better than part1! times 10!
I hope I see more fenxmiki adventures! selfgropage <3 :D

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2006, 06:41:34 PM »
FUNNY! I love the stupid inside jokes of reality in there =]

Wham? They're old news. Check out the new version :D <-turn this one up
<- play this and mute it :D

I'll rip the song from my BoA single when I get it very soon~

« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 06:43:58 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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Offline Aioros

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2006, 02:08:35 AM »
You have officially changed the way I perceive ice cream and hands. More please :bow:

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Comrade

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2006, 04:29:48 PM »
Part 3: Rice Rocket

Christmas carolling sure is tiring, Fen thought as she trudged through the snow.  

She and Miki had spent about an hour singing.  Or at least she'd been singing.  Miki had been distracted and quite fidgety.  After singing, Miki had invited her to go out for ice cream, but Fen had refused politely.  She thought it best that Miki go to the hospital to take care of her leg.  After helping Miki to a taxi, Fen headed home.

Just after 7:00pm, Fen reached her apartment.  She got in, hitting the snow off her boots and taking her jacket off.  She ran to the heater and turned it out, the lovely scent of burning kerosene filling her nostrils as the flames started.  She sat down in her living room and sat down and pressed the power button of her computer, intending to check her e-mail...

...when it hit her like a freight train.


She jumped up so high that she bashed her head on the ceiling.  Screaming in girly man pain (Ayaya, having finished her sewing and moved on to cooking dinner in her Tokyo apartment, threw her hands up in frustration and cursed her ex-boyfriend's name), Fen jumped around her apartment like the Energizer Bunny on a higher-than-usual dosage of speed


Her cell phone rang.

Fen tore apart her bag to get it.

"Hello?!" she barked into it.  

There was no answer.

"HELLO?!" she yelled, losing her patience.

She looked at her phone in disgust and then realized she had received mail, not a phone call.  Glad that she was inside her apartment and away from people that would laugh at her, she opened up her mailbox.  There was one new message.

all about snow it was entitled.

The message read:

rofl. just got groped by random girl at station. accident, tho. so crowded at rush hour. 0_0 is it still snowing there? im so jealous. T_T n e way, just had coffee so im hyper. cant wait till 26th!! miki-sama <3 coeur <3

Fen calmed down a little and began to type her reply.

u wont believe what just happened. gotta meet you b4 the 26th. u free NOW?

She pressed the send button and waited patiently.  After 4 minutes, a reply came.

yeah, not busy now. whats up?  bad stuff? :0

Fen wrote a reply.

no, crazy stuff. can u come here?

only two minutes passed this time.

ok. itll take a while.  can u wait?

Fen thought hard for a minute.  There was only one solution.

meet me halfway?

One minute later.

Okay. what sta?

Fen thought hard and replied.

shin shirakawa. @ exit.

2 minutes later.

ok. heading out door now. c u in s shira

Fen quickly changed her clothes and rushed out the door again and into the snow.  She hopped into her car (which had still been at Plot Contrivance Day Camp when she'd been conveniently forced to walk to and from her exam and thus bump into the two godly H!P members) and sped off at frightening speeds.

She caught her train and shinkansen, and bam, she was at Shin Shirakawa station, located in a tiny village in Fukushima.  She went to wait at the lonely entrance.  The village was smaller than her own!  It was a wonder the shinkansen stopped there.

Fifteen minutes later, the shinkansen coming from the south arrived.  Fen watched eagerly for her friend to show up.  She wasn't surprised when the crowds coming off the train were not huge.  In fact, there were only two people.  

One was wearing a jacket with her furry hood pulled up over her head so that Fen couldn't see her face.  She walked off and disappeared into the night.  The other one was not wearing a hood, but a really cool new jacket that she'd bought (on Wednesday night!).

"Hi!" the girl called out happily.

"Hi!" Fen replied.

The new arrival came to a stop in front of Fen.

"Are you okay??"

"Yes, I'm fine," Fen replied, although still feeling a little overwhelmed from the events of the day.  "Thanks for meeting me on such short notice."

"Oh, no problem.  I'm your friendly neighbourhood Comrade.  24 hour service."

Fen rolled her eyes.  Commie had a stupid sense of humour that she really didn't understand.  She said the corniest things that made her want to go strangle herself.

"Anyway, let's go grab a coffee," Commie said.

They went out and discovered that there was no coffee shop in the vicinity that was open.  They settled on a family restaurant by the station.

"So what's the news?" Commie asked curiously over her tea.

"Com... I met them," Fen said in an almost inaudible voice.  


"You know.  Them.  The two greatest girls in the world.  Rika-chan and Miki-sama."

The look of stupidity was wiped off of Commie's face, replaced by one of comprehension.

"WHAT?!  You MET them?!  You lucky idiot!  How?!"

Fen threatened Commie with a loud "shhh!" and a look.

"I saved them from a burning barn.  They were practising Christmas carols in it, but somehow it caught fire.  They both had broken legs, so I had to save them.  They were... so cool..."

Fen's eyes sparkled like little stars, and little heart-shaped balloons seemed to grow inside them.  Commie had an insane urge to poke Fen's eyes and burst the bubbly shapes.

"But where?  In your village?"

Fen nodded.

"And you just... you saved them?" Commie asked incredulously.

Fen nodded again and then recounted the whole tale for her, only leaving out the tiny bit at the end with Miki's, er, restlessness.

Commie listened with her mouth wide open until Fen finished her story.

"Com," Fen hissed.  "Shut your mouth.  People are staring."

Commie shook her head dumbly and closed her mouth.

"So that moment you had while you were in the barn with the voice telling you that you could only save one person...  Was that, like, divine intervention?" Commie asked.

"I don't know," Fen said, scratching her chin and then shooting Commie a wary look.  "It sounded suspiciously like you."

Commie began to whistle a random little ditty and she looked at the walls of the restaurant.

"Anyway, I'm a bit worried about both of them.  They were injured.  They might even be suffering from bad smoke inhalation.  If I was-"

"Funny bumping into you here!" cried out a voice from beside the two gossiping ALTs.

"AHH!" they both jumped up and screamed girly man screams.

Somewhere, Ayaya cringed.

"I thought you were going home."

Fen and Commie looked up at the voice.

"M-Miki-sama..." Commie stuttered.

"Hi, Fen," Miki said shyly, completely ignoring Commie.  Fen sweatdropped.

"Hi," she replied.

"What are you doing here?" Miki asked.

Fen coughed.

"I was just having a drink with my friend here," she said nervously.  Miki's moods changed faster than a woman undergoing menopause.  The shy act mood might not stick around for much longer.

"And who are you?" Miki asked, her mood changing as predicted, glaring at Commie.  She looked distrustful and angry.

Commie being Commie didn't let this affect her too much (ok, it really affected her inside, but she pretended it didn't).

"Hi.  I'm Commie," she said with a winning smile.

Miki scowled.

Thinks she's hot stuff, she thought.  I'll show her.

"So, Fen.  Want to do something later?" Miki asked, ignoring Commie again.

Commie swooned.  Being ignored by Miki was almost better than talking to her.  Being murdered by Miki would be an improvement over, say, living in poverty or living in  Gunma prefecture.

But wait!!

How dare she ignore her!

She was the almighty Comrade that even Fen worshipped!!!  Because she was cool!


Time to take a more pro-active approach.

"Excuse me, but Fen and I are hanging out tonight," Commie said, forcibly interrupting Miki's stupid gaze with her own head.

Fen began to sweat and look very uncomfortable.

"Was I talking to you?  I was asking her," Miki said, her voice dripping with poison.

"I don't care.  Fen and I made plans.  If you want to break them up, that's not very nice."

"Um, guys..." Fen said weakly, but the two arguing girls paid no heed to her feeble tone of voice.

"Nice?  You think I care about nice?  I steal Pingu stickers from little children.  I'm not nice," Miki laughed.

"Pingu?  You like Pingu?" Commie asked, instantly becoming calm and happy.

"Yeah," Miki grumbled.  "He's cute.  What?  You think so, too?"

Commie nodded.  This time it was her time to be shy.

"Oh..." Miki said, her features softening into a smile.  "Then I guess you can't be all that bad.  Sorry."

In the sky, 2 white clouds parted and beams of sunlight (despite the fact that the sun had gone down) poured down upon that one table in that family restaurant in the true middle of nowhere.

Fen slammed her head against the table, rattling the two cups of tea and startling Miki and Commie from their stupid reconciliatory moment.

"I'm sure you could join us tonight.  We always have room for more people.  Right?" Commie offered, looking at Fen for permission.  Fen nodded dumbly and Miki took a seat beside Fen.

"So what were you talking about?"

Commie and Fen exchanged looks.

"Er..." Commie said.

"Um, well, I told her about the barn thing this afternoon..." Fen said tentatively.

"Oh, that?" Miki asked, laughing with a hand behind her head.  "That was strange.  I feel okay now, though.  My leg was just sore.  It's not broken or anything."

Just then Commie and Fen got e-mails from the managers at the Plot Contrivance Daycamp that Fen's car attended.  The e-mails told them to carry on as if Miki's explanation was believable.

Fen finally relaxed and the three had a nice evening drinking tea.

Three hours later, they got kicked out because they hadn't bought anything other than two cups of tea.

"Well, maybe we'd better get going.  When's the last shinkansen?" Commie asked.

The three simultaneously looked at their watches.  This action was closely followed by two gasps of horror and one cackle of delight.

"Oh shit!" Fen yelled , her voice echoing in the empty streets.

"NOOOO!" Commie sobbed at the same time.

"This is better than winning the lottery!" Miki giggled.

Fen and Commie looked at her oddly and she shut up, whistling and looking up at the cloudy sky.

Fen and Commie were upset because it was way too late to catch a shinkansen home.  The last two shikansen had left ages ago.

Miki was excited.  Stuck in a tiny village with two hot foreigners?  That was awesome.

"What are we gonna do?" Commie whined.

"We could play in the snow!" Miki cheered, jumping up and down.

"Um..." Fen tried to complain, but she feared for her life.

Commie, oblivious to Miki's ulterior motives, jumped and cheered.

"Snow!  Snow!  I love snow!"

They began to frolic.  Like sheep.  Baby sheep.  (Baby sheep are called "lambs" in English.  Some people should take note.)

They started a snowball fight and Fen dove for cover because stray snowballs were hitting her from both directions.  Hiding behind a tree, she watched Commie and Miki jealously.

Stupid northern-born girls.  Thought they were so tough because they could handle eight frickin feet of snow, unlike her southern-born self.

She continued to glare at Commie, cursing herself for asking to meet up.  Just then she noticed somebody beside her.

"Boo," Miki said quietly.

"AHHHH!!!!" Fen girly man screamed.

Wherever in the world she was, Ayaya twitched.

"Calm down," Miki laughed, patting Fen's knee.

"Um..." Fen mumbled, but Miki quickly took her hand away and cracked her knuckles.

"Now let's tag team Comfake," she said with an evil cackle.  Fen grinned, liking the idea.

So they ganged up on Commie and attacked her, something that the author refuses to recount in detail as she still has the bruises to prove it.

An hour later, the three were exhausted and soaked from the snow.

"Let's find a hotel to stay in," Miki suggested.

"Ok," Fen and Commie said together.

This can lead to no good, they both unknowingly thought in unison.

The author has chosen not to describe Miki's thoughts at this point in time.

They happened to find a hotel that had one vacancy.  A queen sized bed only.  Fen went back outside to look at the name of the hotel.  

"Hotel de Plot Contrivance," she read the sign out loud.  She shrugged and went back inside.  She didn’t speak French.

After much debate (well, Commie and Fen were hesitant about it, but Miki really pushed it), they went with the one room.

"What about our clothes?  Is there a place we can get some dry things to wear?" Fen asked the man who ran the hotel.

"Why, there certainly is.  If you walk down this hallway, you will see on your left a door that is marked 'Plot Contrivance Room.'  It is unlocked.  Help yourselves to clothes," he replied politely.

The three thanked him and went off to find some pyjamas and then put their clothes in the laundry.

They all ended up choosing the dorkiest and fuzziest pyjamas in the history of eternity (and then some).  They all looked at each other and laughed.

All great dorks definitely thought alike.

They went upstairs to their designated room and found that the heating system was inefficient.  The room was freezing.

"Well, when I used to live back in Hokkaido," Miki explained, "I'd get into bed if it was cold outside.  Nothing like a heavy quilt to keep you warm."

Fen wondered if it was such a good idea.  

They slipped in, Miki somehow forcing her way into the middle.  Commie laughed in her mind.  Miki reminded her of a spoiled little kid.

"Good night," Commie said, turning out the lights.

They all shifted around to find comfortable sleeping positions, and then silence engulfed the room.

Rustle rustle.

Rustle rustle.

A cough.

Rustle rustle.

"M...Miki-sama..." Fen whispered.

No answer.

"Miki-sama," Fen said a little more loudly.

"Hm?  What?" Miki grunted.

"Your, um, arm.  Uh, well, your hand... uh..."

"Sorry," Miki said, sounding unapologetic.  She moved her hand.

"Err..." Commie croaked.

Uh oh, Fen thought.

"M-Miki-sama, your- uh..."

"What?!" Mki yelled, exasperated.  "I'm just trying to get to sleep!"

Fen and Commie both felt guilty.  She was just a restless girl.  That was all...

"Sorry," they said together.

Miki sniffed and closed her eyes.

Another silence surrounded them.

Rustle rustle.

Rustle rustle cough.

"Ok, that's it.  What are you doing?!" Commie asked, sitting up in bed and glaring at Miki.  Miki was about one centimetre away from where Commie had been lying down.  Fen felt rather left out.

Miki sat up and looked at Commie innocently.

"I'm cold," she claimed.

Suddenly feeling jealous, Fen glared at Commie.

"You're so mean.  Poor thing is chilled to the bone," she scolded the stupid girl.

Miki looked down and smiled adoringly at Fen.

"Thanks, Fennie," she said, snuggling up to Fen.  Commie snickered and lay back down alone while Fen momentarily felt like it was the most awkward moment of her entire life.  She soon relaxed.  It wasn't too bad.  It was quite warm, in fact.  Commie didn't know what she was missing out.

Or at least that's what she thought.

She happened to turn her head to check if Miki was asleep.  The scary molester’s eyes were closed, but that's not what Fen noticed.  She noticed Commie had snuggled into Miki and was looking quite content to steal her body heat.

Fen became green with jealousy.

Hands off my Miki-sama, she thought.  She shot daggers out of her eyes and into Commie's stupid face.

That's when Miki decided to open her eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked the angry girl.

Fen coughed.

"Nothing, Miki-sama.  Just a little cold," she said.  Commie's eyes snapped open and she glared at Fen.  A vicious beam of electricity shot between their eyes as they wished the other was off somewhere else.

"Okay.  Don't worry.  I have plenty of heat to spare," Miki said cutely.  

Hands!!!!!! Fen screamed in her mind, but she didn't say anything out loud.  She would not lose to Commie.

Twenty minutes passed and the three girls lay there squished onto one side of the fairly big bed.

Just as Fen was drifting off to sleep, lulled into a false sense of security, she heard the window break and a huge thud.  Too terrified to scream, she grabbed on to the closest thing to her hand.  This happened to be Miki's arm.  She dug her nails deep into Miki's skin and Miki let out a yowl.  After this, Commie grabbed on to Miki's shoulder and dug her nails into it deeply.  Miki yowled again.  It wasn't pretty.

"GET OFF OF HER!!!!!" screamed an angry voice.

"Uh oh..." Miki said in a tiny voice.

Fen and Commie, terrified, looked at Miki and then up at the person speaking.
Out of the darkness walked a figure.

It was the girl in the black hood Fen had seen earlier at the train station!!

Now even more scared, she grabbed onto Miki more tightly.  Commie, not to be upstaged, grabbed on tightly, too.

"I can explain!" Miki said desperately to the hooded figure as two girls flanked her.

"There is no explaining this sandwich situation!" the angry voice yelled.

There was a big silence.

"Sandwich situation?" Commie asked, her voice sounding as if she'd just tasted something strange.

"Sandwich situation?" Fen asked, for some reason being reminded of a conversation she'd had with someone a long time ago.  She couldn't remember what it was about, though, so she dismissed the thought.

"Sandwich situation?  What the hell?  Is that supposed to be funny?  Anyway... Come on, Aya-chan.  We were just cold," Miki complained.

The hooded figure removed her hood and sure enough, it was Ayaya.

"And that's the same excuse you used with JFC and EBC and... need I go on?"

"Well, at least they were guys, right?" Miki asked hopefully.

"THAT DOESN'T HELP!!" Aya exploded.  Miki recoiled further into her ALT/Molester sandwich.

"That's it.  You're coming with me!" Aya commanded her.

"Yes, Aya-chan," Miki said obediently.  She peeled Fen's and Commie's arms off of her and with a hanging head, walked over to Aya.

"To the car!" Aya cried out.

Miki nodded, and they took each other's hands.

With a final look at Fen and Commie, Miki said sadly, "It was fun while it lasted."

Then the two girls jumped out the window.

Scrambling out of the bed, Fen and Commie ran to the window just in time to see the two girls land in a pile of snow.  Considering they were on the first floor of the hotel, there was nothing to worry about.

Aya dragged Miki through the snow and off into the darkness.  After a minute, a car starting could be heard.  It then gave a screech as it sped off.

Fen and Commie stood at the window, the cold air engulfing them but not affecting them at all.  

They were furious.

How dare Aya steal Miki-sama away from them?!

"Commie... are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Fen asked.

"Well, sure, Fen.  But how are we going to get the cheese to adhere to the cow?"

Fen smacked Commie.

Really really hard.


"You know what we have to do!" Fen said heroically.

"Yeah, yeah.  Save Miki from the evil clutches of Aya, and blah blah blah," Commie sighed, bored.

Fen's heroic pose deflated.

"Wouldn't kill you to sound a little more enthusiastic, ya know," she deadpanned.

Commie coughed.

"Okay.  I'm ready when you are," she said, perking up by 2.5%.

"All right then, Commie.  Let's go save Miki-sama!" Fen cried out, pumping a fist into the air.

Inspired by her comrade's actions, Commie mimicked the action.

"Let's save her!"

Fen took a deep breath.

"To the Gamobile!"

All that could be heard after this were crickets chirping.

"Well, you know, it doesn't have to be pink.  It can be black.  Like Aya's Sukeban outfit..."

Crickets still chirped.

"Oh, come on.  Let's just go," Fen huffed, grabbing Commie's arm and dragging her out of the hotel room.

Their adventures were about to begin!

Saviours of Miki... wearing pink and green fuzzy fleece pyjamas.


Gamobile idea and title stolen directly from Fen. :heart:  Her description.  Totally. :heart:  Actually, lots of these ideas are from her, I think.  Hahah.  I can't remember which ones.  But she definitely invented the Gamobile. :D
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 04:49:56 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2006, 04:49:11 PM »
I like my gamobile very much, thank you.

See... gamobile = rice rocket = hip asians driving it


We can dye your hair black...  >.>

Can't remember who thought of the sandwich idea...

And I get green fuzzy pajamas!! :ONhiakhiakhiak:

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2006, 04:53:23 PM »
me = honourary Asian? yay. :P 39!

No way, dude.  I called the green pyjamas. T_T  You're stuck in pink.

Well, regardless of whoever came up with the sandwich idea, it's a winnaaaarrrrr. :evil: :heart:
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2006, 04:56:40 PM »
Quote from: Comrade;264172
No way, dude.  I called the green pyjamas. T_T  You're stuck in pink.

I claimed it first!!


as you didnt specify who wore what in the story! :P

Offline Comrade

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2006, 05:05:44 PM »
Quote from: Fenrir;264173
I claimed it first!!


as you didnt specify who wore what in the story! :P
Omniscient writer thing.  >_>
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline rndmnwierd

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2006, 10:51:47 PM »
Are you seriously fighting over fuzzy pajamas?

Offline ebc

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« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2006, 04:14:52 PM »
Quote from: Comrade
No way, dude. I called the green pyjamas. T_T You're stuck in pink.
HAHA! Fen in pink fuzzy pj's :ONwahaha:
Quote from: Comrade
Well, regardless of whoever came up with the sandwich idea, it's a winnaaaarrrrr. :evil: :heart:
yup :ONhehehe:
Can't wait for the next part!

Offline JFC

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« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2006, 09:15:06 AM »
Damn, the first part of the new chapter actually seemed "normal". After the snowball fight though...

OH MAH GAWHH!!!!! That was 10+ levels of awesome!!! XD XD XD XD XD

Girly-man screams = voodoo shit happens to Aya! :lol:

Fen sweatdropped.
For some strange reason I could actually picture that happening. :P

"Hotel de Plot Contrivance," she read the sign out loud. She shrugged and went back inside. She didn’t speak French.
Quite possibly the best writer's cheat out there. :D

Rustle rustle.

Rustle rustle.

A cough.

Rustle rustle.


"M-Miki-sama, your- uh..."

"What?!" Mki yelled, exasperated. "I'm just trying to get to sleep!"
Well, some people count sheep to get to sleep. This is just what Miki-sama does. :D

"GET OFF OF HER!!!!!" screamed an angry voice.

"Uh oh..." Miki said in a tiny voice.

Fen and Commie, terrified, looked at Miki and then up at the person speaking.
Out of the darkness walked a figure.

It was the girl in the black hood Fen had seen earlier at the train station!!

Now even more scared, she grabbed onto Miki more tightly. Commie, not to be upstaged, grabbed on tightly, too.

"I can explain!" Miki said desperately to the hooded figure as two girls flanked her.


The hooded figure removed her hood and sure enough, it was Ayaya.
Ninja Aya! Fuck that's hot!

"There is no explaining this sandwich situation!" the angry voice yelled.

"Sandwich situation?" Commie asked. ...

"Sandwich situation?" Fen asked.  ...

"Sandwich situation? What the hell? Is that supposed to be funny? Anyway... Come on, Aya-chan. We were just cold," Miki complained.
Awwwwwww shit! A CoMikiFen sammich! :jerk:

"And that's the same excuse you used with JFC and EBC and... need I go on?"
SCORE!!! Love ya Commander!

*me hi-5's ebc for getting written into the fic and for scoring roles as Miki-sama's groping man-bitches. :w00t:

"Commie... are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Fen asked.

"Well, sure, Fen. But how are we going to get the cheese to adhere to the cow?"

Fen smacked Commie.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: So cheesy, and yet I love it!

"You know what we have to do!" Fen said heroically.

"Yeah, yeah. Save Miki from the evil clutches of Aya, and blah blah blah," Commie sighed, bored.

Fen's heroic pose deflated.


"All right then, Commie. Let's go save Miki-sama!" Fen cried out, pumping a fist into the air.

Inspired by her comrade's actions, Commie mimicked the action.

"Let's save her!"

Fen took a deep breath.

"To the Gamobile!"

All that could be heard after this were crickets chirping.

"Well, you know, it doesn't have to be pink. It can be black. Like Aya's Sukeban outfit..."

Crickets still chirped.

"Oh, come on. Let's just go," Fen huffed, grabbing Commie's arm and dragging her out of the hotel room.

Damn I love this fic!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2006, 05:50:10 PM »
OMG. xDDD If it's possible to die from laughter, I should be in the hospital right now! This is good shtuf!

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2006, 12:41:21 AM »

JFC... I love you. XD :heart:  That was the most exciting and bestest ever comment.  I can hardly believe you're enjoying this story that much.

*considers writing the JFC/EBC prequel*


p.s. My parents sent me fuzzy red pyjamas for Xmas.  I think I'll e-mail Fen right now and tell her. :P
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2006, 01:44:39 AM »
Fuzzy PJ's? Pics please. :D

Just one request for the fic...Miki groping me or ebc is okay. Myself or ebc getting to grope Miki would be unbelieveably WICKED!  But no male-male groping, k? XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2006, 02:19:30 AM »
Quote from: JFC;266842
Fuzzy PJ's? Pics please. :D
Hehehe, maybe later. :P

Just one request for the fic...Miki groping me or ebc is okay. Myself or ebc getting to grope Miki would be unbelieveably WICKED!
Since you're a sweetie... ;)
 But no male-male groping, k? XD
:nelson: lmao. What an idea... muwahaha. :satan:
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2006, 03:44:31 PM »
So Fen and I actually DID get together on the 26th (and in fact are still hanging out now (at the computer.  she's cackling.  loudly.  beside my ear.  it's horrible!  she's eating ice cream now.  I'm eating strawberries.  She's LOUD.  "Cackle cackle" she goes.  loudly)).


SHE WON't SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

STOP IT!!!!! YOU FREAK!!!!!!!!

"Nooooo never!!" she says.

:roll: :evil:


So we were walking through Utsunomiya when we saw this window with a list of clothing brand names.  One of the ones at the bottom was "Poetry of Sex."  It was amusing.  I took a picture.  Then later on that night on the train back from Tokyo, we saw a girl whose jacket and scarf were really cool. :D  We took a few stealthy pictures.  Soon after Fen took the second picture, the girl got off at the next stop.  We wondered if she had noticed us.

Then we started talking about writing a haiku, and lo and behold!!  "Poetry of Sex" is 5 syllables.*

"5 syllables?" you ask.

Yes!  5 syllables!  Enough for the first line of a haiku!

So we decided who better to dedicate a new haiku to than our FAVOURITE #1 TOP BESTEST MOST LOVABLE H!P GIRL?!

Read on to find out.  Here it is:

Poetry of Sex**
Was that truly her real stop?
Ah, Fujimoto.

*I originally wrote "5 lines," but Fen whispered "um, it's syllables..."  *cackle cackle* again.  *sigh*
**"Sex should be capitalized," said Fen after I made a mistake.

SO F-ING RANDOM!!!!!! :doh:

We are having fun and have thought of some new ideas.  Chinese food is a great inspiration.  It is tasty, spicy, and creativeness-inducing.  


We are just freaks.

"Chinese food tastes like home," Fen says.

I agree!:heart:
« Last Edit: December 28, 2006, 05:09:28 AM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2006, 09:58:51 PM »
It's all about da freaks! And HELLZ-YA for Chinese food!

Oh, and that haiku is gonna have a good home in my sig come New Year's. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2007, 07:06:28 PM »
The sig rocks! :heart: XD

Story "illustrations."  Muwahaha.

Poetry of sex

The girl's jacket and scarf

Gamobile and Gamcycle*

*Fen drew the car.  I drew the bike. :sweatdrop:
While Fen was up in my city we got around by bike, but since I only have one bike, we had to ride on it together.  This resulted in my chauffering Fen to and from the train station. T_T;  Maybe later she'll post the picture of the shadow we cast.  It's amusing.

oops.  I was supposed to go to bed an hour ago or something. lol! :P

Here's a haiku to make up for it:

Who is the best girl?
Who makes grown men scream in fear?
Ah!  Fujimoto.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2007, 07:56:00 PM »
Well, this has got to be the funniest thing I have seen since my dad set the kitchen on fire.

Why do happy time always = Fire?

Who knows!
Let the good times roll XD

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2007, 03:17:05 AM »
Love the illustrations. :lol:

Quote from: Comrade;272086
Here's a haiku to make up for it:

Who is the best girl?
Who makes grown men scream in fear?
Ah!  Fujimoto. I gotta make some more sigs. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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