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Author Topic: FenxMiki adventures  (Read 36341 times)

Offline Fenrir

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #80 on: January 13, 2007, 05:10:11 PM »
Ah, and here I was,
waiting for you to respond.
Glaring Miki-chan

(and they all have to do with Miki <3)

Offline Tanachan

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #81 on: January 13, 2007, 11:37:09 PM »
Holy crap did I miss alot of this...

All I have to this entire story is this seems suspiciously like my two friends if InuYasha was taken off air XD

And yay for all the hot Miki Haiku's! And narcissistic Aya! And Orange Juice! And randomly cheering for random things!
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

Official [WHOA] member, master and commander of the Tokunaga Chinami branch.

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #82 on: January 14, 2007, 07:29:41 AM »
Okay, redid the Haiku sigs. Tried my own hand at it and tossed one of my own into the mix. :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #83 on: January 14, 2007, 03:56:05 PM »
Your haiku rock, man. :D
Will you be my dear husband? :heart:
:o Wait!!!!  Miki-sama!!!! :doh:
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Tanachan

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« Reply #84 on: January 14, 2007, 07:00:11 PM »

Did you ever notice on the Poetry of sex sign, there's a brand named "Fruitcake"?

And also, I dedicated a Headline to you two, Fen and Commie!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 02:15:11 AM by Tanachan »
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

Official [WHOA] member, master and commander of the Tokunaga Chinami branch.

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« Reply #85 on: January 18, 2007, 02:58:38 PM »
Chapter 9 - Mushroom!  Mushroom!

"Can we please stop?  I'm getting really carsick," Miki pleaded.

"I've know you for ages and you've never once gotten carsick.  Give me a break," Aya growled, focusing on the road ahead and speeding up.

Miki cursed.  The old carsick trick wouldn't work.

"Fine, then.  Can we get some food?  I'm star-"

Before Miki could finish her word, Aya reached behind back and grabbed something, shoving it in Miki's face.  Miki took this item - a plastic bag - and opened it to find plenty of food.  Enough food, in fact, to feed a starving family.

She re-evaluated the situation.

"I have to pee."

"Give it a rest!!" roared Aya.

Miki retreated.  It was clear that no traditional way would work.  She would have to do something wild.  Something unexpected.

"Hiiiiiyah!" she screamed, launching herself at Aya with the intention of tackling her and gaining control of the car.

Of course her seatbelt prevented her from moving past twenty centimetres, and she heaved out a groan of pain as it dug into her body and made her twitch like an epileptic on speed.

[Safety first, kiddos.
Always do up your seatbelt.
You too, Miki-chan!]

"What the hell are you doing?!"



"Where the hell is our car?!" two voices cried out loudly and clearly.

Fen started to pace along the street in front of the hotel.

"I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill..." she repeated over and over again.

"Shut up!" Commie yelled, putting her hands over her ears.  "Shut up!  Shut up shut up shut up!!"  She fell to the ground and started to rock.  Fen fell onto the ground and started hitting it with her fists.

"Excuse me, girls," said a calm voice.  "I'm Otani Toshihiro from the Northern Fukushima Mental Institute.  I specialize in patients with mental disorders brought on by genetic imbalances.  I couldn't help but notice that you two seem somewhat distressed."

Fen and Commie looked up to see a handsome young man dressed sharply in a dark grey suit and holding the briefcase of a typical salaryman.  He was slightly bowed down and smiling pleasantly at the two, concern etched in the features of his face.

"C... cool!!" Fen and Commie gushed, little hearts floating around their heads and tingly "falling in love" piano and violin music playing in the background.  Soft, pastel-coloured bubbles and cherry blossoms framed Otani's figure as he smiled, his white teeth shining brilliantly in the light.

"Do you need some help, ladies?  I have a car and can take you to the institute."

The hearts and bubbles around Fen and Commie burst into fragments of nothingness.  The light dimmed, and a red hue was cast upon the scene as sneaky background music started to play.  Commie, Fen, and Otani froze in time as a cloaked figure carrying a trident crept onto the scene.  The figure removed her hood to reveal two horns protruding from a head of jet-black hair.

"He has a car," Sayu-devil cried out in a warped, teasing, singsong voice.  She snuck up to Fen and Commie and spoke into their ears.  "He has a car.  Use him for his car.  Pretend you need help and get a free ride up north.  You need a car, right?  Don't you?  Then use him.  Use him.  Ohiohiohiohio!!"

Sayu-devil walked backwards slowly as she cackled and waved her trident around.  She disappeared from the scene and the lights returned to normal, the regular sounds of traffic the only sound that could be heard (although the town was one of less than 20,000 people, so there wasn't much traffic).

Everything was back to normal.

Except for two things.

"Hehehe.  Sure, Mr. Otani.  Take us to your loony bin," Fen cackled with a wretched smile.

"Hehehe," snickered Commie.  "We're so crazy.  We need help!"

Otani smiled sympathetically and made a gesture to lead the girls when suddenly everything froze again.

A brilliant white light shone down on the scene, and beautiful, peaceful harp and chorus music began to play as a figure pranced onto the scene.

"It's wrong to use someone for material purposes!" sang Rika-angel.  "Tell him the truth and you will be all right.  Don't lie!  Don't lie... don't lie... don't lie..."

Rika-angel sang as she left, her voice fading slowly as she got farther and farther away.

The lights returned to normal.  Fen and Commie blinked.

"Did you just feel that?" Commie asked.

"Yeah..." Fen replied, looking bewildered.

"Should we...?"

They both looked at each other and then laughed.  They could never do something bad, like using someone for his car.

"Girls?" Otani asked.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Otani?" Fen asked sweetly.

"I was just going to say that this is my car here."

Otani gestured behind the girls and they turned around.

"Oh my god!" Fen screamed upon seeing the car.

"What?!" Commie and Otani asked in unison.

Fen walked up to the car.

"Do you realized what this is?"

"Um... Mr. Otani's car?"

Fen shook her head.

"Holy crap.  I can't believe it.  It's a Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type R Version VI. Torque is at 36.0 and horsepower is at 280PS. It's mostly used in rally races, meaning it can go off road!"

Even Otani blinked.

"Uh..." Comrade said.

"But it's also nice for street racing," Fen added proudly.

There was a moment of silence where nobody knew what to say.  Otani was surprised at the girl's intimate knowledge of his car, Commie was wishing she could bury her head in the pavement, and Fen was drooling over the good doctor's car.

Then there was action.

Fen grabbed Commie's hand.

"Fuck being nice," she muttered.  Commie's eyes widened, but she couldn't protest because she was suddenly thrown towards the car.

"RAAAAAARRR!!!" Fen yelled, jumping up and tackling Otani.  He screamed like a girl (somewhere, Ayaya bashed her head against her steering wheel) and fell to the ground.

"Grab his keys!!" Fen screamed as she pined down the squirming man in another one of her amazing shows of impossible strength.  

Commie, shocked, automatically did as she was told and yanked the keychain that was tangled with Otani's fingers.  She jumped back.

"Now open the car and turn on the ignition!" Fen screamed again, praying that Commie knew how to do that much.

Fortunately, Commie did.  She jumped into the driver's seat and stuck the key in the hole, turning it and forcing the engine to come to life.

"Ok, now get in the passenger's seat and wait for me!"

Commie obeyed and dutifully got into the next seat over, watching Fen struggle with Otani.

"Get off of me!  You can't steal my car!" Otani yelled.

"Watch me!"

Then Fen kneed him really really really hard in a place that really hurts boys.  As he screamed in pain (this time, Miki clapped and whistled when Aya smashed her head against the window), Fen jumped off and ran into the car, slamming the door shut.

"This is kind of exciting!" Commie cheered, getting into it and clapping her hands.

"Wheeeeeee!!!!" Fen laughed as she floored the pedal.

Fen and Commie didn't even have enough time to see if Otani was okay because the car was so fast.  They were out of the town limits within minutes, speeding along the uninhabited countryside of northern Japan.

Some minutes after leaving the town, Fen asked Commie to grab the GPS that Ayaka had given them.  Commie reached into Fen's bag and pulled it out.  It looked a little roughed up around the edges, but was otherwise all right.  Commie took the wheel as Fen hooked the system up to the car.  In the thirty seconds it took to do that, they hit three badgers and a snake.

"Ohhh!  It's a snake!" Commie said sadly as she saw a yellow and green tube go flying from beneath the wheels.

Fen gave her an odd look and then took the wheel back as she fiddled with the controls for the GPS.

"Okay, scroll through these pyjamas and find Miki's."

Commie nodded and began to scroll.  It took her ten pages of pyjamas to find the ones Miki had borrowed, and she wondered why in the world Hotel de Plot Contrivance had so many different pairs of pyjamas.  It wasn’t as if guests staying at the hotel needed variety.

"Found it," she announced.

Fen pushed Commie's hand aside and did all sorts of techie things that Commie didn't understand.  However, the display screen she could understand, and when a large red dot appeared on a map of Japan, she knew right away that was Miki and Aya.

"Where is that?" Fen asked.

"It looks like... somewhere in the southeast of Yamagata prefecture.  ," Commie said smartly.  She was so smart.  Oh yes.  Mushrooms.

"Then that's where we're going," Fen said, glaring as she stared ahead.  Commie joined her in the glaring.

Somewhere out there was their Miki-sama in distress, her captor, Aya, a very dangerous girl.  They would stop at nothing to save Miki-sama.


To Be Continued...!

Today's episode was brought to you by the letters G, F, and C, and the website

(Car technotalk Nacchi'd directly from Fen.  I could never write something like that :rolleyes: )
« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 03:23:33 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #86 on: January 18, 2007, 03:16:43 PM »

I like the part where I get to take down the guy! XD WHEEEE!!! :ONhiakhiakhiak: *cackles*

Evil Sayu and Angel Rika was a nice touch! Ah, good ol' H!M. How I love thee! :tfr9a7wg:

  :o Nacchi'd! I've been Nacchi'd!!! XD :P

Offline JFC

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« Reply #87 on: January 19, 2007, 07:06:05 AM »
Quote from: Comrade;282800
Your haiku rock, man. :D
Will you be my dear husband? :heart:
:o Wait!!!!  Miki-sama!!!! :doh:
*holds boths hands to the side and alternates moving them up and down*
Hmmm...Miki-sama....Commie.....Miki-sama.....Commie.....Miki-sama.....Commie...AWWWWWWWWWW  FUCK! I can't choose!!!

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Can we please stop?  I'm getting really carsick," Miki pleaded.
Miki-puke? That's strangely arousing. :shock:

Damn, the fact that I said that scares even me.

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"I've know you for ages and you've never once gotten carsick.  Give me a break," Aya growled, focusing on the road ahead and speeding up.

Miki cursed.  The old carsick trick wouldn't work.

"Fine, then.  Can we get some food?  I'm star-"

Before Miki could finish her word, Aya reached behind back and grabbed something, shoving it in Miki's face.  Miki took this item - a plastic bag - and opened it to find plenty of food.  Enough food, in fact, to feed a starving family.

She re-evaluated the situation.

"I have to pee."

"Give it a rest!!" roared Aya.
Uh-oh, Aya's not falling for it. She's focused. She's determined....fuck that's hot. :twisted:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Where the hell is our car?!" two voices cried out loudly and clearly.

Fen started to pace along the street in front of the hotel.

"I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill someone.  I'm going to kill..." she repeated over and over again.

"Shut up!" Commie yelled, putting her hands over her ears.  "Shut up!  Shut up shut up shut up!!"  She fell to the ground and started to rock.  Fen fell onto the ground and started hitting it with her fists.
Aw crap our dynamic diva duo is starting to lose it (that is, assuming they ever had it to begin with) :P.

Sorry, the opportunity was too great to pass up.:ONkneelbow:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Excuse me, girls," said a calm voice.  "I'm Otani Toshihiro from the Northern Fukushima Mental Institute.  I specialize in patients with mental disorders brought on by genetic imbalances.  I couldn't help but notice that you two seem somewhat distressed."
And how is it exactly that there's a rep from the Northern Fukushima Mental Institute there? Simple. It's THE MUTHAFUCKIN' HOTEL DE P.C.!!! :pen_clap:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Excuse me, girls," said a calm voice.  "I'm Otani Toshihiro from the Northern Fukushima Mental Institute.  I specialize in patients with mental disorders brought on by genetic imbalances.  I couldn't help but notice that you two seem somewhat distressed."

Fen and Commie looked up to see a handsome young man dressed sharply in a dark grey suit and holding the briefcase of a typical salaryman.  He was slightly bowed down and smiling pleasantly at the two, concern etched in the features of his face.

"C... cool!!" Fen and Commie gushed, little hearts floating around their heads and tingly "falling in love" piano and violin music playing in the background.  Soft, pastel-coloured bubbles and cherry blossoms framed Otani's figure as he smiled, his white teeth shining brilliantly in the light.
Otani -->  :ONbingo:
Commie -->  :inlove:
Fen -->   :inlove:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Do you need some help, ladies?  I have a car and can take you to the institute."

The hearts and bubbles around Fen and Commie burst into fragments of nothingness.
Commie -->  :ONbadluck:
Fen -->  :ONbadluck:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"He has a car," Sayu-devil cried out in a warped, teasing, singsong voice.  She snuck up to Fen and Commie and spoke into their ears.  "He has a car.  Use him for his car.  Pretend you need help and get a free ride up north.  You need a car, right?  Don't you?  Then use him.  Use him.  Ohiohiohiohio!!"

Quote from: Comrade;285977
Everything was back to normal.

Except for two things.

"Hehehe.  Sure, Mr. Otani.  Take us to your loony bin," Fen cackled with a wretched smile.

"Hehehe," snickered Commie.  "We're so crazy.  We need help!"
Oh you naughty, NAUGHTY girls! :twisted:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
A brilliant white light shone down on the scene, and beautiful, peaceful harp and chorus music began to play as a figure pranced onto the scene.

"It's wrong to use someone for material purposes!" sang Rika-angel.  "Tell him the truth and you will be all right.  Don't lie!  Don't lie... don't lie... don't lie..."

Rika-angel sang as she left, her voice fading slowly as she got farther and farther away.

The lights returned to normal.  Fen and Commie blinked.

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Oh my god!" Fen screamed upon seeing the car.

"What?!" Commie and Otani asked in unison.

Fen walked up to the car.


"Holy crap.  I can't believe it.  It's a Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type R Version VI. Torque is at 36.0 and horsepower is at 280PS. It's mostly used in rally races, meaning it can go off road!"

Even Otani blinked.

"Uh..." Comrade said.

"But it's also nice for street racing," Fen added proudly.
Whoa, Fen's a gear-head! :)

Fen --> :w00t:
Commie and Otani -->  

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"RAAAAAARRR!!!" Fen yelled, jumping up and tackling Otani.  He screamed like a girl (somewhere, Ayaya bashed her head against her steering wheel) and fell to the ground.
It's teh Fabulous Flying Fen!!! :P

And :damnfunny at the girly-scream and Aya's voodoo curse. :damnfunny

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Grab his keys!!" Fen screamed as she pined down the squirming man in another one of her amazing shows of impossible strength.

Commie, shocked, automatically did as she was told and yanked the keychain that was tangled with Otani's fingers.
I half-expected there to be some Miki-esque behaviour here. :roll:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
Then Fen kneed him really really really hard in a place that really hurts boys. As he screamed in pain (this time, Miki clapped and whistled when Aya smashed her head against the window), Fen jumped off and ran into the car, slamming the door shut.
Closest I could get to a "being in pain" smiley here --> :bleed eyes:

Miki while Aya's succumbs to voodoo shit --> :lmao:

Quote from: Comrade;285977
Some minutes after leaving the town, Fen asked Commie to grab the GPS that Ayaka had given them. Commie reached into Fen's bag and pulled it out. It looked a little roughed up around the edges, but was otherwise all right. Commie took the wheel as Fen hooked the system up to the car. In the thirty seconds it took to do that, they hit three badgers and a snake.

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Okay, scroll through these pyjamas and find Miki's."

Commie nodded and began to scroll. It took her ten pages of pyjamas to find the ones Miki had borrowed, and she wondered why in the world Hotel de Plot Contrivance had so many different pairs of pyjamas. It wasn’t as if guests staying at the hotel needed variety.
Ten pages worth of PJ's? Any of them the fuzzy kind like what Commie has? :D

Quote from: Comrade;285977
Fen pushed Commie's hand aside and did all sorts of techie things that Commie didn't understand. However, the display screen she could understand, and when a large red dot appeared on a map of Japan, she knew right away that was Miki and Aya.

"Where is that?" Fen asked.

"It looks like... somewhere in the southeast of Yamagata prefecture. ," Commie said smartly. She was so smart.
Yes she is. :) Fen drives, Commie navigates. :D

Quote from: Comrade;285977
"Then that's where we're going," Fen said, glaring as she stared ahead. Commie joined her in the glaring.

Quote from: Comrade;285977
Somewhere out there was their Miki-sama in distress, her captor, Aya, a very dangerous girl. They would stop at nothing to save Miki-sama.


*shakes fist at anything that tries to stop them*

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tanachan

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FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #88 on: January 20, 2007, 04:41:44 AM »
In the badger comment, you forgot the mushrooms XDD
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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« Reply #89 on: January 20, 2007, 07:11:10 AM »
Im going to do something I like to call the compliment sandwhich. Im going to start with something good...fill the middle with something bad or needs improvement and finish up with something good again, ok ready?

Something good..uh...Ok! Miki's attempts were funny. Sounds like me as a child. Ah yes, those good ol days on the road.

Something ok. The mushroom remark reminded me of my fetish for mushrooms so I went to the fridge and found I had eatent the last one the night before...Now Im mushroomless and have mega cravings...Shame on you for making me remember.

Something good...Nacchi'd? LOL~ Took a moment before I got that. I think you've just coined another phrase.

Other things that are good. Haiku!!
More good things...Subaru Impreza!!!

For anything I have missed see JFC's post

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline JFC

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« Reply #90 on: January 20, 2007, 08:16:03 AM »
Quote from: Tanachan;287425
In the badger comment, you forgot the mushrooms XDD


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #91 on: January 20, 2007, 01:43:06 PM »
YOu's stole a car!
That's bad though! the police will take you to prison now! :o

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2007, 01:34:15 PM »
School = haikus! again... lol

What was that I heard?
Such dry, sarcastic comments.
Oh, Miki-sama! :heart:

Inspiration from the past H!M HPC. :heart:

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2007, 05:32:48 PM »
Must watch HPC segment! XD

Here's a haiku based on an experience today

A man decided
To grope me on tonight's train.
Wish Miki was there.

Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2007, 05:39:14 PM »
How dare he grope you!
Only Miki can grope us!
I will beat him up!!


Offline JFC

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« Reply #95 on: January 26, 2007, 08:51:12 PM »
^ And I will be cheering while Fen beats him up! How dare he! :x

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #96 on: January 27, 2007, 12:50:45 PM »

No way? I thought they wouldnt grope foreigners...

Sick 'em Fen!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Fenrir

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« Reply #97 on: February 06, 2007, 07:57:24 AM »
*drops a phoenix down on thread*

Quote from: ebc
fenfen loves miki,
she talks about miki lots,
dave loves Yui-chan

That's because Miki
is amazingly sexy! :heart:
Commie loves her too.

:tfr9a7wg::ONxD: Yay for boredom at school! XD

Offline Comrade

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« Reply #98 on: February 06, 2007, 11:34:53 AM »
Miki is a dork
Who has somehow charmed us both.
She has got power.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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« Reply #99 on: February 06, 2007, 02:03:52 PM »
fenfen and commie
these girls are really the dorks
ahh Miki is hot

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