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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2007, 03:26:14 AM »
wow... keep it comming =D
always BORED!! :doh:

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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ARGH! I have to start all over! and I had ONE more to go!
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2007, 05:35:38 AM »
Sorry if this seems half assed. I spent almost an hour doing this, but stupid firefox decided to freeze on me... and my patiance lasts only for so long!

Velvet Hell, if ANY of the four '85 girls bought me, I'd be any type of slave for them!
I should tell you, because I almost did something that would have made you sad... but I was about to nuke my idea with them, that would probably have caused you to be unhappy... but H-O is causing me to be unhappy as well DX... but I realized they can be an third party of comedy relief, so I'll keep them... sigh.

JFC Miki can have me for free and use me any any way she wants. I give good massages >=)

Blizz I'm just happy you guys see it as funny. I never see stalking as funny >.> but my guy friends did when I was stalked, so I guess I was just trying to find an outlet and tried portraying it as funny. But really, it is creepy as hell... so i feel for Gotou xD. Then again, I have my own list of celebs to stalk!
Thanks~ I'm just really trying to work on my stories being discriptive enough to get the imagination joggin'.
The tickets are just a way for the datees to know that when they meet up with whoever the winner was, that it is really the winner. In other terms, it just so they know its not some crazy, jealous, bitch who is trying to pose as the winner so they could date them. Then again, I guess Gotou wouldn't mind if that happened... then again, that would just mean that that person was crazy enough to do all that... xD
Heh, Ai was just excited because she didn't want Gotou to think of anything else other than her winning. And now way, XD that's why I made the tickets, so that wouldn't happen... you were the reason I needed to do someting about that switching thing.. haha. So Gotou is stuck with her fangirl~

Saikou :ONerr: Really, thanks sooo much. I'm just happy that I was nominated, even if I only had four parts to the story! I will aim for it one month, but theres always the other top three stories to beat. Plus, once the other story writers get off their hiatus, I'm sure there'd be even more competition!
Yay! Another dreamer... Yes, in real life, I'd like to assume that's what they do each time two of the three dissapear... heh heh.

Stefy Aww, a Ai-stalking hater. Hehe, that's kinda good, so now someone knows how annoying a real stalker can be! But she's just excited is all. i just wonder how you guys will react to her future antics...
I'm still in the process of writing the next part, and it is a lil more explanitory on that part. Even if it isn't a big part of the plot, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to sort of clear up why Yossui left.

KFF (hope you don't mind the nickname). Hehe don't worry, some of that will be explained. And other factors of why Yossui is like that will be in the future chapters as well.
I don't think anyone realized is *probably because you guys are brainwashed by what Rika has said about the two* but Gotou and Yossui share a similar relationship as Miki and Rika. I guess ya'll will see later~
BoA is my favorite female, and Se7en nis my favorite male. Others I would recomend is Lee Hyori, Lee Soo Young, DBSK, Fly to the Sky, Shinwah, nad TRAX. Some of these I have only heard a few so far, but I plan on getting more, and I don't mind sharing what I have/getting. I'd like to offer it as something to share since I SUCK at Photoshop, and I'm NOT even going to start with my stick figure comic drawings XD

Rndm Thanks~ I think no matter how close, someone has to have a friend somewaht or completely opposite from them. I think it gives a new feeling...

Hamz It really does suck when you wanna just slap one of them, but you can't cuz they are either too cute or you  just love them too much xD
Sometimes, I wanna slap Yossui just to make her realize that she's such a pimp!

Tana...Ah, look who decided to stop by... You know I blame ALL this madness on you. ALL OF IT, youre fault >.> yes.
xD No!~ Definitly not. Ai is sane enough to know that you shouldn't kill someone you love/admire *unlike the crazy psychos out in the real world* but try and make them happy (no matter how much it freaks them out). But that doesn't mean Ai can't hurt her in other ways~

Len Sheesh, you're still on that idea?! XD Haha, well, I just can't wait to see the reactions when the answers come. It makes me laugh at some of you guys' assumptions, but that's only because it's entertaining. Actually, some of them *I wont say* has given me ideas.

quick Ah~ A new reader! Thanks for the comment, hope to see you around more.

*Takes a sip of the can of iced tea* Alright! New update SHOULD be up tomorrow. I'm working on it right now, and so far so good. I know I'm gonna have to searching through my notes and timelines... I'm REALLY unorganized, so I might have a headache while writing this... Ugh, and I should keep editing my stories *so damn lazy!*...
"Tomorrow's much too long..."

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2007, 12:29:25 AM »
PT. 5

Yoshizawa sighed at the start of the new day. Yet again, she was running late and like always, there was no excuse. She just really couldn't wake up in the mornings, no matter how early she slept the night before. Her roommate on the other hand, Gotou, could stay up until the wee hours of the morning and her body clock would continuously wake her on time. This meant that she constantly had enough to get ready. Yet, she was always late too.
To Gotou, everything was appearance. So lucky for her, she could take a mere two hours to get something as trivial as her hair ready and she wouldn't be penalized. Why? Because she was the president of the school, that’s why. She could use the menstrual cycle as an excuse everyday and the teachers would believe her.

Yossui finished putting on the last of  her uniform and checked her hair one last time on the dresser mirror; but Maki had caught her on time.

“Ah, late again?” Maki asked as she adjusted her towel in front of her roommate, which did no good because she deiced to go all natural like always. Although they had years of showering together in front of other females before Maki left the team, Yossui still wasn’t too keen on seeing other girls naked unless they were in the gym showers; at least then there was a reason for you to be looking at a wet and nude woman. But that was only because the school was too cheap to install stalls or even curtains, to separate each shower.

Even if it was a rhetorical question, Yossui still didn’t mind answering her. Trying to act as though she was still checking her profile for today, Yossui examined her skirt and shoes. “Haha…Uh… yeah,” she continued with unease, “I must have snoozed my alarm clock about ten times this morning.” Still trying to avoid her roaming nude roommate who seemed as if she couldn’t find any clean underwear, she talked about the first thing that came to mind.

“Anyway,” Yossui tried to get Maki’s attention now that she was at least equipped with her matching panties and bra, “I know I left early last night and-“

“Ha! Yeah, your ass had the lamest excuse last night, ‘Ah, I’m not feeling too well, I should rest before tomorrow’s big practice.’ then you hauled ass! But doesn’t matter to me, I know you need all the rest you can get anyway. But I think you made your bidder disappointed,” Maki turned from her dresser mirror and smiled at Yossui as she put her earrings on, “and that is something a real charming person wouldn’t do.” Maki turned her attention back to her earrings and noticed that because of her multiple piercings, her jewelry was uneven.

Rolling her eyes, “Oh, well, I’m sorry! I just can never match up to you…” Yossui replied back. Really, all this competition wasn’t worth it to her, it was wasted energy. All she needed to survive right now was her soccer ball… and maybe arriving to practice on time would also save her life from the coach.

“You’re damn straight.” Maki stated matter of fact while she searched for curling iron.

Noticing the time, she quickly changed the subject again to speed up the process. “Anyway, what I need is your help. You see, I left too early to see who won me last night.” Yossui paused and reflected on what she had just said and shivered at how she worded it. Continuing, “So, I was wondering if you could use your school powers to use an-”

Yossui’s roommate made a sharp turn to face her with a big grin, which caused Yossui to stop in the middle of her sentence. “Say no more, my friend, I’ve got you covered! See, I figured you’d be regretting your sudden leave last night,” Maki was always one to dramatize situations and tried to seem heroic, “so I took the liberty of doing some research on her.”

“That’s great, thanks!” Knowing that Maki wasn’t one to think of anyone else but herself, it lead her to praise Maki. “All I really need is a picture anyway, since I don’t know what she looks like-”

Yet again, interrupted, “Ah yeah, she was a cutie. You should have stayed last night and took a glimpse of her, shame." Now Maki seemed like she was pondering as she thought of last night. She couldn’t remember if the slight flirting was because of Miki’s cuteness, or she just wanted to piss Ai off.

“Boy was she cute! She’s quite short though. It doesn’t seem like it from afar, but I think even I’m taller than her. So that probably means you’re a giant compared t-” Maki wasn’t able to finish do to the fact that Yossui didn’t care one bit.

“Ah my God, who cares?!” Yossui rolled her eyes once again at Maki before continuing. “Look, you know how I feel about this, so just spare me the details. I could care less if she was some mountain woman or Ms. Universe, just as long as I don’t have to deal with this anymore, I’m fine.” Yossui looked beyond Maki who looked for the right hair pins to match her nails. Continuing, “And I don’t have time for this right now anyway. I’m out.”

Not even turning around, Maki yelled after Yossui and bid her farewell “Alright Yo-chan, Suit yourself!” There was still another hour and a half before school started at 7:30.

Maki scoffed, "That dummy, she doesn't even know about the tickets, heh." She pouted as she finished clipping her bangs. "Hmph, I guess this is just another opportunity for me to get her in the spirits of Valentines Day." Maki quickly changed her mood and shrugged her annoyance from Yossui away. “Why, it’s not my fault she’s jealous that I always had more chocolate than her!”

“Gyah, can’t you tell some people still have time before school starts?” Rika awoke from all the noise her roommate was making as she was searching for her items.

“Hush you, is it my fault some of us are still athletic?” Miki continued searching for her Adidas shoes. She was definitely not about to ruin her classics at practice today. “Hey Rika, have you seen my volleyball shoes? I can’t find it…”

Rika rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. Because she was too lazy to help her friend that so rudely woke her, she stayed within her bed and looked from there. “Nope, I can’t say that I have. Good luck though.” Rika shrugged and looked around for her clock.

“Ugh, you’re not even trying!” Miki lifted the covers that draped from her bed, “Ah! Ah ha, found it.” Miki put her practice shoes along with her jersey and gym shorts inside her gym bag. Dressed in only her underwear and a oversized white T-shirt, she walked over to the refrigerator and shuffled for a water bottle.

“So I’m guessing volleyball practice is starting again, huh?” Rika still irritated that she lost over forty minutes from her sleep schedule, not to mention that she stayed up late, she scratched her forehead then began to do her morning stretches.

“Yep. It was about time for me to get off my ass anyway. Plus this is what the school is known for anyway; kick ass sports, am I right?” Miki did a good job at rubbing it in Rika’s face that she was attending the school for what it was known for, sports. Even if they were the top five girls’ academy for academics, they were still number one for sports.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Rika rose from her bed and walked over to the kitchen sink, near the refrigerator where Miki was looking for some water. Rika might as well help with breakfast since she was up. “Man, how long has it been since we cooked together?”

There was a reason rich girls went to this academy. Other than it being a reason to boast to others who didn’t attend the school, they had everything they needed in one room; all the appliances they needed to survive. It was like their own little apartment to their selves. The best part was you weren’t paying for rent, your parents were.

“Umm… I think just about three or four months.” Miki slammed the door of the refrigerator, “Freaking finally! Remind me we have to stock up on water bottles again, oh and some hotdogs too.” They were using the last of their breakfast foods.

“Sure thing, Bob. So uh, are you bringing anything special for your date tonight?” Rika sounded rather cheerful, which was quite a change compared to her reactions earlier.

Rika waited for Miki’s response as she squatted to the level of the kitchen cabinets. “Hmm, why, should I bring something?” Miki still stayed trivial to the topic and searched for the pan that would fit breakfast for two. Normally, two eggs and two hotdogs would be enough for two teenage girls, but not for Miki and Rika. Because of Miki’s athletic status, and Rika’s fast metabolism, they needed twice as that, sometimes even three times as the ‘normal’ amount.

“Well, when I say ‘DUH!’ does that ring any bells?” Rika began to wash the red bell peppers and talked in a sarcastic tone to Miki.

“Okay ‘Ms. Dating expert’ what should I bring?” Miki stood to Rika’s side and stopped looking for the spatula and placed her hand on her hip. “I mean, bookworms obviously know more about dating than I do!”

Slightly offended at first, Rika raised her voice, “I don’t know! Some brownies, or a cake, would be nice, I guess. Hell, for all I care, sprinkle some ‘anti-narcissism’ while you’re at it! ” She calmed down as she poured some oil onto the pan and waited for it to warm up. Miki obviously didn’t know how to talk while doing other things, so Rika pushed her aside.

Miki waited a bit to think before starting again. “Hmm, people like that, don’t they?” Miki looked above as she thought of what to do now that Rika brought this factor to her attention.

“Well yeah, you know…if you’re normal. But only if you’re normal.” Rika started to laugh as she rolled the hotdogs around the pan. She couldn’t help but pull in some sarcasm. It’s not like Miki’d notice anyway.

Nodding, “Uh huh. So what should I bring?” Miki walked off to her dresser now seeing as Rika took over breakfast cooking. She could never find any undershirts no matter how much she swears she laundries them. Miki walked off to Rika’s dresser, it’s not like she could see her anyway, and she was cooking at the moment.

Before Miki could scream in surprise for finding all her missing undershirts in Rika’s dresser, Rika beat her to talking first. “Well maybe she’d enjoy some homemade chocolate. That’d be nice, right? Plus, it shouldn’t be too late to do it. I can help-“

“That’s a great idea! I’ll call Chinami. I should get her to make me some homemade chocolate of all kinds!”

“Miki!” Rika turned from her cooking and stared at Miki who stared back at the surprise of her name sounding like she was about to be scolded. “Miki, please tell me you’re not serious.” Rika waited for a response that never came from Miki’s blank expression. “You’re gonna get your maid to bake you the chocolates!?" Rika turned her attention to the near burning eggs. It was always a hassle to make it two ways because she herself liked them scrambled, while Miki liked hers sunny side up with the yolk slightly cooked.

Rika turned again and watched as Miki put on her undershirt to cover up her naked midsection before she continued. “Have you no sentimental values at all?? Even if it is for some stupid jock anyway, but still!”

“What’s your problem?! Yesh, you’re acting like you were expecting me to do it myself! It’s  called 'HOMEmade', isn’t it? No one said it had to be ‘Miki-made’!”

Hmm, I had lot's to talk about. But I forgot about it now. ^_^; oh well. This was supposed to be HALF the size, and end at Gotou and Yossui. But I felt bad, so I added some Miki and Rika and it came out like a thousand words longer! Hehe, sorry about that.
Anyway >>Here is what I promised *sorta*<<
OH~ Next chapter is a bit serious and sweet and it's not dealing with with these members. So it's a pull away from comedy for a sec. I hope you like it! :heart:

« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 08:03:58 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2007, 04:51:00 AM »
Cute, I like how you portrayed everyone, and Miki and Maki searching for clothes.

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« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2007, 05:40:14 AM »
See?  I knew it!  Maki/Miki and Yossui/Rika are like peas in a pod.  But since you already said that it's gonna be Miki and Yossui (at least on the date), I wonder if Rika will save Maki from Stalker-Ai.  That would complete the '85er couples!  Tempting, isn't it!  

Anyways, I'm definately looking forward to what's coming up!  I bet Stalker-Ai will have some interesting (and probably funny) parts coming up soon!  Oh, by the way, we find the stalking funny because that's how you write it, silly! :P Besides, Creepy-Stalker-Ai just doesn't have the same ring to it.  :MKgroovin:

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« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2007, 05:46:06 PM »
Maki is meannnn... somewhat, or scheming. I love the way you made Maki and Miki similar to each other (slightly) same for Yossi and Rika. Maki and Miki being the slightly scheming ones while Yossi and Rika being the more... can't-be-bothered ones. Looking forward to how the date turns out!! I still have a feeling it'll be a Yossi and Rika date tho HAHA or is it just gonna be my wishful thinking...

Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;318989

Stefy Aww, a Ai-stalking hater. Hehe, that's kinda good, so now someone knows how annoying a real stalker can be! But she's just excited is all. i just wonder how you guys will react to her future antics...

Your gonna make Ai even more irritating than she already is?? NOooo.. oh well as long as you make her actions cute ok?

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2007, 06:22:00 PM »
Where is this school they're studying in? I wanna enroll... now :p
All 4 of the girls are great but I wanna share a room with Rika. Where can you find such a gorgeous girl who's a good cook (so I can eat) and is great academically (so she can help me XD) as well?
At first when Miki mentioned Chinami I was thinking, how is it possible for her to be in the same school. Isn't she like, what, 6/7 years younger? Then when you revealed she was actually Miki's maid I was like :MKevil:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 06:27:38 PM by lil_hamz »

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2007, 10:06:01 PM »
O.O Ohohohoho! Ai's gonna be a Masochist? And uh oh...Yossie has no idea about the tickets! *LE GASP* And Miki's has a 14 year old maid?

Can't wait for more from the hottest story of any form of prostitution! ALthough it WAS for charity...

(no offense raspberrygashes)
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« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2007, 03:12:23 AM »

Missy, I could scold you. D: (j/k) I think you should add it! And, what are these H-O problems? I thought you said the leechers ran away? xD

LOL, Miki and Rika interactions are great! Also, it's expected for Miki to say, "Why should I bring something on a date?" Hee-hee.

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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thanks for the comments!
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2007, 09:45:43 AM »
rndm thanks for reading! Ugh, I re-read it again before writing, and beh, I picked out stuff I didn't like. But I'm glad you liked it :)

Blizz haha, yeah, there are similarities.... or is there? Hmmm... XD HA, I love that. But sadly, and I don't mind giving it away... there is no Rika x Ai in this one. I don't think theres room for that here anyway. Plus, Gotou and Ai is weird enough as it is.
Oh, its not 'Creepy-stalker-Ai'... it's 'Crazy-Stalker-Ai', hah, just kidding

stefy wishful thinking maybe :) it'll all unfold later for sure.
Hehe, Ai seems to  be a big extreme. Loved or hated, and thats about it. Hmm, cute? Maybe... funny, well I try! Ayshii, I have to read your fanfic as well, it's been a while! sorry!

hamz where? Well theres one somewhere in South Florida who happens to be a home slave and... haha just kidding. Rika won't be doing much more than cooking at this point. I don't think its necessary to have them clean excessively. Plus, I know like them, once I'm in a dorm, cleaning is the FURTHEST thing from my mind since i do enough of that. Eek! I totally forgot that Chinami was from Berryz... It just had a nice name to it and I know i heard it somehwere else besides berryz.

Tama Only I know the answer to Ai's future. :) and personally, I think its quite sexy funny. <3 thanks~ You're present will be posted after i post my story. I'm not at my compputer, so I only uploaded the Korean version. Japanese version will be up later after I edit it.

Velvet =___=; you should. You reallyX5 should. You know what I did all of today? Write (not type) a freaking page full of notes, probably the outline of the story for the two... and it made me so damn sick. And my handwriting was consideribly small, and it was on printing paper all the more. So it was a long ass thing... probably a whold damn chapter... and its not even typed! Ah yeah, they are gone. but whatever, when they join PTA, all is good :D

Lalala, who needs sleep anymore?

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2007, 09:56:26 AM »
PT. 6

“Okay, Chinami, now repeat what I just told you, we don’t want what happened last week to happen again.” Miki began to nod as her maid recited Miki’s orders : two white chocolates, three milk chocolates shaped in a heart, one almond chocolate, and two dark chocolates.

“Alright, good. Now just remember to wrap the box in something nice, okay? Oh, and I won’t be able to pick it up from home, so I need you to bring it to me before school ends at 3:30. Make sure you wait outside by the gate.” Miki waited for Chinami’s reply that signaled that she understood.

“Good. Now, PLEASE, do NOT forget. This is very important. This can cost your very job, you hear me?”

“Eep! Yes Fujimoto-sama! I’ll do my best to make this the best batch of chocolate ever.” Chinami was a young made in her teens who just began to work for the family during the summer. She needed this job considering that she had no family to turn to. What she didn’t know though, was it wasn’t up to Miki to be fired, it was up to her parents.

“Good. Now get to working!” Miki didn’t wait for her reply and hung up when she saw the plate full of her breakfast.

About to pick up her favorite set of chopsticks, she stopped midway and instead brought her palm to her forehead. “NO!!! I completely forgot! Dammit, dammit, dammit!”

“What is it now?” Rika asked, already seated at the other end of the table.

“I totally freaking forgot! Argh! I can’t believe this!” Miki was still caught in her frustration and began to yell words that shouldn’t come from a lady’s mouth. “I have the last of volleyball tryouts for the newbies today. And I don’t think it’ll end right after school. But I think its only enough time for me to get ready for m-“

Rika shook her head and had a feeling this was going to happen. “Say no more, I’ll do it for you. Anything to get you to shut up now and days.” Rika smiled knowing that after today, all this unusual stuff would end and life would go on as normal as possible.

“Ah! Thanks so much, bud!” Miki clapped her hands and picked up her food knowing that everything was to be taken care of tonight. “Chinami will be here, or at least she should be if she wants to keep her job, when school ends. I told her to meet me outside the front gate, under the big tree. Is that fine?”

“Yeah, I’ll just go there straight from Art class. I already finished my History paper anyway.” Rika acted passé and stuffed her face with a big serving of rice.

Miki stopped eating and swallowed her eggs hard, “You mean the one that was assigned LAST week?! The one that won’t be do for another 5 weeks? That 12,000 word essay?!” She just couldn’t believe what she was hearing from the other side of the table.

“Yeah… why not? It’s not like it was that hard…”

“No, definitely not, this is your turn to do it.” Rika stood her ground and crossed her arms.  She made sure that she would get her way this time and not give in to Miki’s antics or persuasions. “I did it last time, and the time before that, and the time before that one too. I’ve probably done it all the times you were supposed to do it...”

Miki protested with a reaction quite different from Rika’s calm and assuring tone, “But Rika! You know I have the first meeting of volleyball to go to! The captain can’t be late, please, just this on-“

“Nope, absolutely not.” Still remaining calm, she looked away from the pleading Miki in front of her. It’s taken her years to master the art of reflecting Miki’s puppy eyes and cute whining. Yes, it was cute, but it was definitely misleading.

After Rika made her point across, Miki became calm and stopped her begging. Rika opened the corner of her eye to make sure her roommate wasn’t putting on a sneak attack face, the face with the shinny eyes and the sad face that almost looked like a pout, but not quite. It was exactly the kind that weakened Rika. But to her astonishment, Miki wasn’t doing any of them.

“Mm… Fine! Ugh, I can’t believe I’m going to be late! You better hope coach doesn’t-“ Miki took her first step towards the sink before her plan took its affect. She tried to make it as realistic as possible

“Alright, alright!” It was too easy, convincing Rika that is. If the ‘heartbreaking’ faces didn’t work, then the guilt trip was plan two.

But before Miki could celebrate and pick her bags up, Rika began, “ Ah! Wait a minute, not so fast.” Rika waved her index finger in the air and wiggled it from side to side. “Come back here, it ain’t over yet, missy.” She pointed to the spot where Miki was signaling for her return and soon after, there appeared a puzzled Miki. This was the beginning of what could be a mistake for Miki who should have dashed out the room as soon as she had the chance.

“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.” Rika declared and stuck her fist out.

Miki, still confused, “What, excuse me?” Miki raised her brow from confusion. She was no longer acting grateful towards Rika, she came back to her Miki attitude. That also came equipped with the famous ‘What the fuck’ face.

“You know, the game where we chant “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! until someone wins. Rock beats scissors, paper be-“

“I know the game, stupid!” Miki became antsy as she realized she only had 12 minutes to get to practice before the coach would notice the captains’ absence.

“You heard me. You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? Now, best of three, clear?” She didn’t wait for a reply knowing that time was against them, well Miki for that matter. Rika stuck her fist out once again and started when Miki did the same.

“ROCK, PAPER, SCISSOR, SHOOT!” The both of them shouted in each other’s faces, hoping it would intimidate the other, or catch them off guard.

The first three shoots ended with scissors, like any match. Determination built up in both the players. Again, they chanted the name of the game, and drew their call…

“Shit! Wait, re-do please, I messed up!” Miki pleaded, still upset that she ignorantly threw another pair of scissors with her hands instead of paper, knowing that Rika’s next move would be rock. The game was full of psychology, and only the well witted would win.

“As if. Okay, come on, next round.”

Miki gruffed even if she knew she wouldn’t get her way. She leaned in towards Rika and had her fist ready.

“Ok, ready… Rock, paper, sc-“

Because Rika was in such concentration for what she thought would be her second point, she didn’t notice that her opponent was already well her way out the door.

“What the-! MIKI! Miiikkkiii! You cheater! Get back here!” Rika called out her name, but had slammed the door by the time she finished calling ‘scissors!’ Knowing that Miki was halfway to Korea by now, Rika could do nothing but let out a series of frustrated squeals and muttering under her breath.

Her sly roommate had picked up her school and gym bag, along with her water bottle, and dashed out of the room.

“Haha, sucker!” Miki giggled as she stopped her quick jog out of the room and slowed it down to a fast walking pace. “Ah, she’ll kill me later. As for now, I just have to make sure Coach doesn’t.”

Miki waved at the  random classmates that waved to her first. Not that it was important that she should know their names, but it was always nice to wave back to familiar face anyway. "Good morning!" She smiled at her math teacher knowing that being nice could help her in the long run with her grades. "Ah and a good morning it is," she said to herslef.

“Only 3 minutes left,” Miki looked at her sports watch and started to pick up her pace again. She was only halfway to the gym and she had to be there on the dot.

Even closer to her destination now, Miki stopped when she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pockets. The sound of her Namie’s “Girl Talk” ring tone got louder was she pulled it out. “It must be Rika waiting to yell at me,” she thought.

“Hello?” Miki furrowed her eyebrows when she realized the number was unknown to her and her cellphone.

“Meet me at the gym roof tops before school starts, after your practice.” The voice on the other side sounded calm, something Miki wouldn’t have expected with the command that she was given.

“Uhh… oka… okay... Who  is thi-“ Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, the girl on the other end hung up. “Weird…”

Miki began walking subconsciously again after a while, half knowingly she had less than two minutes to spare. “That was weird… That definitely wasn’t Yoshizawa, was it?. And there’s no way in hell Rika would sound that calm after what I pulled this morning.”

Either way, there was no time to investigate on this problem, she had already walked through the west entrance of the gym and she was spotted.

“Yo Miki! Get over here! Coach wants to speak to ya.” Tsuji was still dressed in her soccer uniform, but she still managed to make it to volleyball practice on time, unlike Miki.

It's very late indeed. I was gonna pull an all nighter. I was on a trip and I slept for two hours or so on the way back. I should be alright, right?
ANYWAY, I know what I said last time, and this isn't the chapter I was talking about. It'll defenitely come in the next one... either one of them fits the time line anyway... well I think. *shrugs* ehh... it should (;
>>music presents are fun<<

« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 09:51:52 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2007, 06:01:34 PM »
Mysterious phone calls and forcing your friends into doing things for you. It's like all the good things in life.

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« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2007, 08:30:41 PM »
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;327402
“Shit! Wait, re-do please, I messed up!”

I really laughed at that.  Mostly because it reminded me of when my sister and I were younger.  We did that all the time!  

Mysterious caller?  Dun dun dun......   j/k.  

Keep up the great work, slave!

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« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2007, 02:42:26 AM »
"Because Rika was in such concentration for what she thought would be her second point, she didn’t notice that her opponent was already well her way out the door."
Hahaha! I love sly Miki!
Mysterious phone caller...Ayaya...?
lol @ Miki for forcing her maid to make the chocolates. XD

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« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2007, 04:20:47 AM »
Oh that Miki...sneaking out of a janken battle. XD

Mystery caller? Maybe someone else is pursuing Yossi and doesn't want Miki's date to happen? :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Thanks everyone
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2007, 01:50:19 AM »
rndm not if you're the one being forced to do stuff >.>

Blizz Haha exactly! I still do that even now. Nah, I'm pretty sure its safe to say "DUN DUN DUN"...because of what I've decided to do, I'm doomed myself!
Thanks :)

orangesocks Sly is always hot. And Miki is always hot. Therefore, sly Miki makes hott. I can't reveal my ideas (: But thanks for reading and I hope to see you again~

JFC ;_; it's actually not that funny to sneak out of a game. I'm usually at Rika's end, so I know how it feels. OH! I just love the way you think, really, at least it's a different hypothesis now. haha.

I've noticed my writing is really slow... And I think I should pick up on that... yeah....

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2007, 01:57:48 AM »
PT. 7

It was unusual for Yui to see her roommate up at the same time as her. To make it more clearly, it was unusual to see her up at all, especially when she just sat up in bed and stared into the space before her. She hadn’t realized it until she saw a big figure with light brown hair, hunched over, holding its knees to its chest.

Yui wasn’t the greatest of students, always having to ask for help from peers, and always having to study late into the night and early in the morning. But it never meant she wasn’t a good friend. Knowledge just never came natural for her- at least not like her roommate.

“Hmm,” Yui broke the silence and got the attention of girl sitting up in the bed across from hers. “Is there any good explanation as to why you’re up?”

The figure looked up from her thoughts and processed Yui’s question for a second before coming up with a logical answer. It was always hard to tell what she was thinking, moreover, what she was feeling- but that was a different story. The only real obvious emotion she has ever showed was through her serene smile or joyful laughter. It was a smile that made up for all the seriousness that she kept on her face, a laugh that was only seen by the few, and brought up by even fewer.

Three years. They’ve only known each other for three years since they joined the academy and were paired as roommates. Not that they wanted to, of course. But they were roomed together by default since there was no one in particular they asked for.

 Even if Yui is her opposite half, there were still mysteries between their friendship that even they themselves couldn’t fill. But deep down, both girls understood why, and to them, it actually brought them closer.

“Nn... No, nothing really. Just stuck on a thought is all.” Erika answered the best she could, considering her current state that was still unusual, even for her. She began to form a smile from the corner of her mouth as she realized that her friend was just being concerned, and she needed to give some reassurance.

“Heh, you’re lying. Don’t try to sneak that one pass me.” Yui was proud to at least distinguish the different tones that her brooding friend uses when talking. “I know I still can’t tell with your expressions, but I know I’m getting better at listening to you. Spill, what is it this time?”

Yui’s curiosity grew more and more as she noticed the red start to form in Erika’s face. If there was one thing Yui was sure of, Erika never blushed. Well, at least she didn’t if there wasn’t anything to hide.

This is interesting…

“It’s… It’s nothing really. I can solve it… I think. I just need to get it done before the day starts, or at least before the day ends.” Erika noticed that Yui began stare at her face as more of her blood rushed to her cheeks, so she decided to shift her focus on something else besides her friend.

“Hah, that’s true. It’s not like there’s nothing you can’t handle anyway.” She sighed as she answered and slammed her text books shut. “Well I’m about done with studying- I don’t think I can handle another word about World War II. So if there’s anything I can do to help, I live only seven meters away.” Yui smiled at her to reassure that she meant every word, but made it obvious that she was willing to hear whatever Erika had to say.

“Fine, fine! I’ll tell you,” Erika gave in easily to help when she already knew there was no hope left, “but you have to promise you won’t judge me, okay?”

Hmm… definitely more interesting than I thought…

“Hah, you know I can take anything as weird as you, I’m sure I can take this one too.”

“I’ll let that slide, knowing I’m asking for help now. Anyway…there’s this gi- “ Erika realized what she was about to do and stopped in mid-sentence. “You know what? Forget it! I don’t eve know what I was thinking anyway, stupid me. Hah, I think I’m just over thinking again or something, just don’t mind me.” Erika began to brush Yui away and shot up from her bed towards the bathroom to start brushing her teeth. She just needed to get away before she built up any more curiosity in her friend.

Yui stood from her chair and was now following the very vague roommate. “What do you mean? Is it that embarrassing?”

“Yes, yes it is.” Erika stopped brushing her teeth to answer Yui who stood beside her and watched as she brushed her teeth. Even when Erika would lower her back to spit in the sink, Yui would follow with her questions.

“Aww, come on! Tell me, you know I won’t make fun of you!” Yui began to get excited knowing that if Erika was getting embarrassed by a thought she had, it must have been important to her. And anything important to Erika was important to Yui… or at least when Erika actually considered for her help.

Easily annoyed by Yui’s shirt tugging and constant hopping, Erika turned, “FINE! Fine, fine, I’ll tell you. Just… just give me a second to think about how I should put this, okay?” Erika looked away from the smiling Yui and bit her lip to think. Moments passed and Yui still waited eagerly.

“Help me make some chocolate. There I said, now all I need it by is today, just some nice chocolate and a nice little box to pull it in. And you know how I can’t bake to save my life, and you know how you took that baking class in first year, so I figured you could help, you know? So anyhow-” Erika started to talk faster for each word and still didn’t look at Yui in the eyes.

“Wait, wait! Slow down! I understood everything…but….” Yui started to smile again, this time even more eager, “Are you making chocolate because it’s, well…Valentines Day?”

Upon seeing Erika’s face turn that rare red again, Yui found her answer. “Gasp! It’s true isn’t it! Omahgahd! You are, aren’t you?! I knew it!” She shoved Erika’s shoulder harder than intended.

Shoving her back even harder, “I, I didn’t answer you know!” Erika began to scowl, but it didn’t scare Yui. Erika’s red cheeks would be visible even if there was a power outage, and it would be used for light.

Yui commenced the squealing and the hugging and the loud shouts, all of which Erika was used to by now and absoulutely hated.

“Ack, stop, stop! I can’t breath! Let go of me already!”

“Awwww! My little Erika has a crush! I can’t believe I lived to see the day! Its so excit-“

“Hey! What was our agreement earlier?!” She couldn’t handle anything as loud and jumpy as Yui in the mornings. "And ‘little’?! I’m older, and taller than you!”

“Hehe, I know, I know. I’m just excited!" Not being able to control herself and speaking faster than normal, Yui went along with the questions at hand. "So tell me, what’s her name? Is she pretty? Do I know her? It’s that girl in English class, isn’t it?!" Eyes getting even larger now from the response on Erika's face, "Isn’t it!”

“I didn’t say it was a ‘her’.” Erika went back to her normal look and glared at Yui.

>>So who is ready to cry?<<
Ahem...I know I said I wouldnt make this more than one chapter, but I realized how freaking long it's taking me to get to the point. ^_^;

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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« Reply #57 on: March 23, 2007, 02:44:45 AM »
Erika and Yui! XD And Erika!

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« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2007, 03:32:46 AM »
OMGASS!!! The phonecall came from YUI!!! She's gonna tell Miki that Erika's in love with her (or Yossi)!!! :shocked:

Hey, a guy can dream. :D

JFC ;_; it's actually not that funny to sneak out of a game. I'm usually at Rika's end, so I know how it feels.
Awwwwwwwwww. :(

OH! I just love the way you think, really, at least it's a different hypothesis now. haha.
What can I say? It's the first thing that popped into my head when I finished that chapter. :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #59 on: March 23, 2007, 06:11:05 AM »
I don't think I could handle anything as loud and jumpy as Yui in the morning either!  Which is weird, because that moment really reminded me of my best friend when we were younger...   At least she's somewhat calmed down over the years.   :P  

Not quite to the "dun dun dun" yet, but I have an idea about it now.  Hmm, judging from some of your comments to others' fics and the fact that you call the shots in this one, is there going to be a catfight in the future?  Or something similar involving mud?  Just wondering!  :P

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