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Author Topic: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter Twenty: The "Training" Room, Part II]  (Read 43056 times)

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #80 on: April 02, 2007, 01:41:25 PM »
I just got back home last nite.. And there already a bunch of new chapters to follow! @_@

Can't really explain the awesomeness of your writing.. It makes me feel i'm inside the story following captain closely :3 Lol at momo x saki. She really that attached to captain?

Heil the leaders! (and i feel bad for W abusive action to maasa. She needs more loves! :D)

viyuden the villains! They just fit that job.. lol

Omg, what loser87 said! ;_; well, just in case she still can be repaired :P
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 01:43:04 PM by ziggurat »

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #81 on: April 02, 2007, 04:35:30 PM »
Hum, seeing as KonKon has appeared, will Mako also make an appearance anytime soon?

I love how Koharu just up and gave Yossie a nickname.  :)

So...KonKon's good but pretends to be bad, right? I see, I see... ::strokes chin::
Hope Aika, Risako, and Saki meet up with the others soon to beat some baddies(?) up!!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #82 on: April 02, 2007, 09:07:27 PM »
I could just imagine Aika, Risako, and Saki being swarmed by hundreds of little robots.


..Thankfully for them, there are only nine in all.

The robots are just too cute!  Nothing like feisty little robots, konkon has good taste XD  However this couldn't possibly be the real Konno right?



*ahem* oh the side note, chibi-bots >_< Erika and Maimi are so cute >w<
Konkon is awesome, now...

*pelts you with tylenol pills because i ran out of stuffed bunnies*
hurry up and Post and BRING MAIHA BACK YOU YOU KID!!!

XDD She's a robot, and Konkon's a genius. It's going to be okay.

Just wait until you read about the others. <3

o_o Ow. Tylenol isn't as cuddly as bunnies are... -slaves-
(I've got half a mind to change my custom title to "Loser87's Fanfic Slave". XD)

More HPK bots!!! Gotta love their bot-ish mannerisms (especially how Maihabot talks XDDDD)
Konkon swearing...still hella cute! :D

Wait, the bots are only a foot tall? That's gotta sting for Erikabot and Maimibot, considering how in real life they're the tall ones. :D


Maihabot is the only one that isn't. And... you'll find out why. Soon. (Like, within the next few chapters, probably. ...Probably.) <3

The new developments with Konno and her vast army of insanely cute robots (and her cursing!) is pretty interesting. And I have no idea where it's going.

I picked the Challenge option in the poll. My challenge? A hard-boiled detective story done in full-blown noir style. Imagine it, if you will: random hp! member #1 stumbles upon random hp! member #2's dead body. To find out the truth about random hp! member #2's death, random hp! member #1 will have to navigate a seedy underworld of singers, backup dancers, variety talents, and all the other scum that populate the mysterious organization known only as Hello Project.

Good. That means that I'm doing a good job of keeping some things concealed and not giving it all away at once. :3

Ooh... your challenge intrigues me... I might have to attempt something like that... (Though, I've never written a detective-type story before. ...Being that THIS story is my first, and all. X3)

oh my, chibi-robots I LOVE THEM!!!

I want one. ;-; I was thinking about that when I described them.

Aika kicked Maihabot... WIN XD.

Now I'm sure Konkon doesn't work for Shizuka :D! Yay for Prof. Konkon!
Can't the robots just run as a phone or something so Konkon can talk to the clones? XD

Konkon should clone them as many as she can instead of making them robots :3. So we can make Hello! Project War: Attack of the Clones XD

Aika could very well turn into mini-Miki. XD

Konkon's a rebel, stickin' it to the man. :cool:

lol. Attack of the Clones had a war with robots and clones. The HPKbots can just fight the clones. (Though they'll probably just... lose. XD)

I just got back home last nite.. And there already a bunch of new chapters to follow! @_@

Can't really explain the awesomeness of your writing.. It makes me feel i'm inside the story following captain closely :3 Lol at momo x saki. She really that attached to captain?

Heil the leaders! (and i feel bad for W abusive action to maasa. She needs more loves! :D)

viyuden the villains! They just fit that job.. lol

Omg, what loser87 said! ;_; well, just in case she still can be repaired :P

Haha, sweet. I had that same feeling when I got back from vacation.

Aww, well thanks. <3 And glad that you feel like you can be inside the story, I love reading things that I feel like I can be a part of, so like I stated at the beginning (I think... somewhere... o_o) that's kind of what I'm trying to do here. And yeah, Momo loves her Captain. She's kind of neurotic as far as the other clones go, so she's got to have someone to keep her stable... ish. XD

The twins do love Maasa. They just show their affection in strange ways. lol

Indeed they do. That's why they were picked. >3

Seriously, don't worry. Konkon's a genius. ^-^

Hum, seeing as KonKon has appeared, will Mako also make an appearance anytime soon?

I love how Koharu just up and gave Yossie a nickname.  :)

So...KonKon's good but pretends to be bad, right? I see, I see... ::strokes chin::
Hope Aika, Risako, and Saki meet up with the others soon to beat some baddies(?) up!!

Maybe.  ;)

I was wondering if anyone would catch that. It's important.

We shall see, we shall see...
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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #83 on: April 02, 2007, 09:18:40 PM »
XDD She's a robot, and Konkon's a genius. It's going to be okay.

Just wait until you read about the others. <3

o_o Ow. Tylenol isn't as cuddly as bunnies are... -slaves-
(I've got half a mind to change my custom title to "Loser87's Fanfic Slave". XD)

*Shakes you violently*
*throws some radioactive kittens at you*
NOW GET BACK TO WORK!! YA!! *throws some more radioactive kitties at you...and your face...*

Please do change your custom titles to loser87's fanfic slave otherwise you shall die horribly by cows and sea monkeys! >_O
...and post a new chappie already GAWD!
*huggles* ^w^ XDXD

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #84 on: April 03, 2007, 03:07:07 AM »
Interlude I: The Genius, Her Friend, and the Lucky One

She was still sitting there in the midst of her underground technological lair, vaguely aware of the low hum the machinery was making as she stared blankly ahead at her glowing computer screen. There on the monitor was the picture that the Maihabot had sent her of Aika, Risako, and Saki, and though it was somewhat grainy and the kids were much older than she last remembered them… there was no mistaking who was in that picture.

The genius brushed a strand of her curly hair back behind an ear, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the makeshift desk, as if to scrutinize the image more closely.

There’s just no way… it’s impossible… They’re dead. Dead people don’t come back to life. …They just don’t.

“I swear, it’s almost like you’re living down here nowadays, Konkon…”

A normal person would have jumped if someone else had snuck up behind them and started speaking like that. But not Konno Asami. She was far too used to the way Makoto greated her. When you live with someone for nearly fifty years, you can pretty much predict everything that they’re gonna do.

“I wonder if I’ll be able to leave this room at the end of the day sometimes myself. Anyway… you might want to look at this, Mako-chan.”

Asami felt her housemate’s arms slide around her neck as Makoto leaned forward, resting her chin on the genius’s shoulder in order to get a better look. It was an affectionate gesture, which was usually returned with a kiss or a snuggle, but Asami was much too deep in thought to respond at the moment.

The slightly younger girl (and that fact had been argued over many times; technically, the two of them were immortal in the sense that they would never grow old. Konkon had invented a genetic inhibitor of sorts back in her days at the university, and it allowed the user to stay young physically… well, basically forever. The genius wasn’t exactly sure if or when the inhibitor would expire. Anyways, it was two years after this and the horrific deaths of many H!P members that Makoto actually met up with the genius again, and it was at that point that she was exposed to the inhibitor as well. So technically, Konkon was forever nineteen, and Makoto was forever twenty-one…. Physically. But that was neither here nor there, and is a story for another time) tensed against Asami’s shoulder as she realized what the image was of.

“Konkon… that’s… where did you get that?”

“Maihabot took a picture of them in the Steam District. …They have the same DNA, Mako-chan… and that doesn’t lie… I tried to get her to bring them here, but I think she went all gung-ho on them and probably scared them into fighting her… Her signal disappeared from the tracker about five minutes ago. The other units should be there now… so I’m going to try and talk to them using the Maimaibot.”

Makoto’s mind was reeling.

“So… you think it’s really them, then?”

“I don’t know. Looking at all the facts… They should be dead. And perhaps what worries me more is that maybe someone got a hold of Tsunku’s DNA collection… I thought giving it to him would ensure it’s safety, though…”

“Wait, so they could actually be clones, then?”

“It’s more likely than the idea that they’ve come back from the dead.”

The two of them were silent for a moment, and Asami could hear that annoying hum again. Annoying, now that she had been pulled a bit out of her thoughts and was more aware of it. She’d have to fix that problem later. For now, a question was nagging at her mind.

“Where’s Maiha?”

“Sleeping on the couch upstairs, I think. Poor kid got worn out playing tag with me.”

“She’s really too old to still be playing tag.”

“Technically, she’ll be perpetually sixteen for the rest of her life thanks to you, so I don’t think so.”

“So are you saying I did the wrong thing by saving her? Her parents were dead, her house had been burned down, and… that man… he left her to meet the same fate as the rest of them…”

“I didn’t mean that…”

Silence again. That stupid annoying mechanical buzz. Asami might have kicked it, were the machines in the room not so sensitive.

“…why did you save her, though? Why not Murakami-chan, too?”

“I didn’t know he would be targeting the children that had left the project… I had just assumed that he would leave them alone like us… But I was so wrong. He went after those kids, I realized, because he wanted to make sure that they would never return to doing anything idol-related ever again. Because they were young, they still had potential. And I suppose he was afraid of that. When I finally figured all of this out… he had already gotten to Murakami.”

“So that’s why after we heard the news… that’s why you wanted to find Maiha right away?”

“Yes. I believed that she would be next. Thankfully we got there in time…”

Click, click, click. Patience, Asami… don’t attack the computer… be nice to it… be gentle with technology…

“What should we do about her, then…?”

“You mean… when the others get here?”

“Yeah, two of those kids… they’re Berryz, right? Or they used to be. She’s going to remember them, and they won’t know who she is… That’s gonna hurt…”

“…I don’t know. For now, I don’t think we should tell her. She’ll find out when she wakes up, anyway…”

Unbeknownst to Makoto and Asami, a figure had been watching them from the crack in the door that led to the makeshift laboratory, and as the conversation ended, she stepped away, heart pounding in her throat. She had come down to ask for a blanket to perhaps make her nap a little more comfortable, and well… she hadn’t expected to stumble on this…

Maiha turned and walked quietly back up the stairs, biting her lip as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to come.

She just couldn’t decide if they were happy, sad, or grateful ones.
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Offline Estrea

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Interesting, very interesting. Konkon is a genius indeed! I want that chip. Lol.

Mmm, I foresee so many possibilities... *strokes chin* Can't wait to see where you go with this! ^__^


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline glcorps2002

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #86 on: April 03, 2007, 03:14:52 AM »
So them being alive is going to break the HPKbots brains? Sweet. But I just realized something: Couldn't the evil ruler make clones of the heroes to infiltrate the group?


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;_; Poor Maiha...Okay I forgive you for not frying th real maiha >_>
You and your...your...tear-bring writing stuff!!

But....>_>...Good-job otherwise =)

Asami felt her housemate’s arms slide around her neck as Makoto leaned forward, resting her chin on the genius’s shoulder in order to get a better look. It was an affectionate gesture, which was usually returned with a kiss or a snuggle, but Asami was much too deep in thought to respond at the moment.
*french accent* ohohoho! my, my so makoto and asami are...'how we say...a sweet couple? >w<

XDXD >w< So cute!! is she gonna be like...uber chibi since she is technically the shortest person in h!pkids >_>

“Technically, she’ll be perpetually sixteen for the rest of her life thanks to you, so I don’t think so.”
=O forever young Maiha but then again, konno did say she wouldn't know when the inhibitor would expire so hmmm >_>

Why not Murakami-chan, too?
Hmmm...if megumi died would that mean she's a clone now >_>....hmmm
I wonder...if you're as sick and twisted as me >_> Would you be writing chapters with how the members died >_>
Ew...I just got all horror

“What should we do about her, then…?”

“You mean… when the others get here?”

“Yeah, two of those kids… they’re Berryz, right? Or they used to be. She’s going to remember them, and they won’t know who she is… That’s gonna hurt…”

“…I don’t know. For now, I don’t think we should tell her. She’ll find out when she wakes up, anyway…”

Unbeknownst to Makoto and Asami, a figure had been watching them from the crack in the door that led to the makeshift laboratory, and as the conversation ended, she stepped away, heart pounding in her throat. She had come down to ask for a blanket to perhaps make her nap a little more comfortable, and well… she hadn’t expected to stumble on this…

Maiha turned and walked quietly back up the stairs, biting her lip as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to come.

She just couldn’t decide if they were happy, sad, or grateful ones.
This part here I should choke you for but....I'm a drama/angst lover sooo i can't choke you for this
...You can have a cookie....only this one time >_>

Yes, I, Loser87 god of cheesecakes ownz you BUAHAHAHA!! XDXDXD
*throws some more radioactive kitties at you and that writing brain of yours*

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #88 on: April 03, 2007, 03:32:32 AM »

I see Maiha!

Konkon and Mako ganging up, yay!

Wish to read more. :D

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline Aioros

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Konkon's immortal? And Mako-chan and Maiha's alive too? Seems the graduates had better luck than the ones they left behind. I smell Meguru, Miuna and Asami somewhere  ;D

P.S. I want a Maimibot ;D

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline rndmnwierd

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So, are the other C-ute girls alive or is it just Maiha?

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Click, click, click. Patience, Asami… don’t attack the computer… be nice to it… be gentle with technology…

that line cracked me up  ;D

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Interesting, very interesting. Konkon is a genius indeed! I want that chip. Lol.

Mmm, I foresee so many possibilities... *strokes chin* Can't wait to see where you go with this! ^__^

I'm not sure if I'd want one or not... lol I'd get tired of being sixteen. XD

So them being alive is going to break the HPKbots brains? Sweet. But I just realized something: Couldn't the evil ruler make clones of the heroes to infiltrate the group?

Like, make clones... of the clones? o_o

;_; Poor Maiha...Okay I forgive you for not frying th real maiha >_>
You and your...your...tear-bring writing stuff!!

But....>_>...Good-job otherwise =)
*french accent* ohohoho! my, my so makoto and asami are...'how we say...a sweet couple? >w<
XDXD >w< So cute!! is she gonna be like...uber chibi since she is technically the shortest person in h!pkids >_>
=O forever young Maiha but then again, konno did say she wouldn't know when the inhibitor would expire so hmmm >_>
Hmmm...if megumi died would that mean she's a clone now >_>....hmmm
I wonder...if you're as sick and twisted as me >_> Would you be writing chapters with how the members died >_>
Ew...I just got all horror
This part here I should choke you for but....I'm a drama/angst lover sooo i can't choke you for this
...You can have a cookie....only this one time >_>

Yes, I, Loser87 god of cheesecakes ownz you BUAHAHAHA!! XDXDXD
*throws some more radioactive kitties at you and that writing brain of yours*

Sweet. I almost made someone cry. ^-^

Yes. Yes they are. Because it makes me happy. <3
And actually, yeah, Maimai will be the smallest robot.
If/when it does, they'll just keep growing from the spot where they left off, so they've still got good long lives after the chips break, regardless. X3
No, she's not a clone. None of the C-ute girls were cloned.
Yes, and no. X3 I'll let you figure out what my ambiguous answer means.
-nibbles on cookie-

...-then flees the radioactive animals to get back to work- o_o Yes, master.


I see Maiha!

Konkon and Mako ganging up, yay!

Wish to read more. :D

Yes, yes... Maiha and Maihabot. It's a mystery... -w-

And you shall get your wish. Tonight, sometime. XD

Konkon's immortal? And Mako-chan and Maiha's alive too? Seems the graduates had better luck than the ones they left behind. I smell Meguru, Miuna and Asami somewhere  ;D

P.S. I want a Maimibot ;D

I dunno anything about Country Musume, so... don't count on it. XD

P.S. Me too... ;-;

So, are the other C-ute girls alive or is it just Maiha?

None of the C-ute girls are alive. Maiha is the only survivor of the H!P Kids. (Even though she technically isn't still part of Hello! Project. X3)

that line cracked me up  ;D

Konkon's got self-control. :3
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Konkon, Mako, and Maiha are ALIVE!!! And...immortal? :o

Somehow I figured that members who had left H!P would have been safe and not targeted, but he still went after the Maiha and Murakami!!!  That bastage.  :k-mad:

Just how the hell DID Konkon get everyone's DNA? O_o

Genetic inhibitor...Konkon's so S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T!   :hee:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Such a good story. I'm completely addicted, but what is with the Three? They're like vampires, but...they know something. What is it? :confused: And Konkon and Mako and Maiha are still alive! And they don't look old! Yay! And I seriousy want one of those bots. Adopt-a-bot.

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Yay, Makoto has made her appearance! And she's immortal! :D KonKon really is a genius! I thought of KonKon (until this chapter) as having greying hair and everything.

Hum, I wonder how the three of them have managed to escape Shizuka's grasp for so long? I'm glad the clones have allies now.  :)

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I'm curious as to how Mako is going to react to seeing Yossui again.  Afterall, it is Yossui, and Mako!  And I also wanna know what other powers the girls have.  And, and, and...   I'm sure everything will be answered in time, so I'll just have to wait.  Looking forward to more! 

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Yay! Reina is winning the poll :heart:!

KonMako is just so cute! Do they know that Biyuuden is still alive too? Do they have the superhuman power?
And the purpose of those kids bots army is for battle against Shizuka?
If they know about Biyuuden's power, maybe its to avoid Rika's eyes that she decided to build robots instead.. o_O
And wonder what KonMako will do if they see the girls again face to face... Break down into tears? ;_;

So the C-ute girls are all still alive beside Murakami Megumi? :D
The C-ute girls don't have superhuman power?

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Konkon, Mako, and Maiha are ALIVE!!! And...immortal? :o

Somehow I figured that members who had left H!P would have been safe and not targeted, but he still went after the Maiha and Murakami!!!  That bastage.  :k-mad:

Just how the hell DID Konkon get everyone's DNA? O_o

Genetic inhibitor...Konkon's so S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T!   :hee:

Yes indeed they are. :3

Yeah, he's not-so-nice. But in going after the kids too, it shows that he's afraid of something...

lol Konkon IS a genius. Probably wouldn't have been too hard. XD

Such a good story. I'm completely addicted, but what is with the Three? They're like vampires, but...they know something. What is it? :confused: And Konkon and Mako and Maiha are still alive! And they don't look old! Yay! And I seriousy want one of those bots. Adopt-a-bot.

Well, really and truthfully, only Rika really knows stuff.
The other two only know what they've been told.

Adopt-a-bot. I might have found a way to make that possible. X3
(But not like... real robots... haha)

Yay, Makoto has made her appearance! And she's immortal! :D KonKon really is a genius! I thought of KonKon (until this chapter) as having greying hair and everything.

Hum, I wonder how the three of them have managed to escape Shizuka's grasp for so long? I'm glad the clones have allies now.  :)

Old lady Konkon would have still been cute... just old. XD

It's a secret...  ;)

I'm curious as to how Mako is going to react to seeing Yossui again.  Afterall, it is Yossui, and Mako!  And I also wanna know what other powers the girls have.  And, and, and...   I'm sure everything will be answered in time, so I'll just have to wait.  Looking forward to more! 

lol Good things come to those who wait. <3

Yay! Reina is winning the poll :heart:!

KonMako is just so cute! Do they know that Biyuuden is still alive too? Do they have the superhuman power?
And the purpose of those kids bots army is for battle against Shizuka?
If they know about Biyuuden's power, maybe its to avoid Rika's eyes that she decided to build robots instead.. o_O
And wonder what KonMako will do if they see the girls again face to face... Break down into tears? ;_;

So the C-ute girls are all still alive beside Murakami Megumi? :D
The C-ute girls don't have superhuman power?

Lol I've actually figured out what I'm going to do with those poll results, too. Expect new stuff sometime at the end of this week. <3

Konkon and Mako do not have superhuman powers. With the exception of being basically immortal... they're pretty normal. XD And as for the three, you'll have to wait and see...
The robots' purpose will be explained in the next chapter. (I think. Not the one I'm about to post, but the one after that.)
It'll be emotional, that's for sure.

Nope, none of the C-ute girls are alive. There are robots that have been built in their likeness and carry their names, but the girls themselves are dead. ;-; Maiha is the only one who is still alive, but she also has a robot counterpart.

(New chapter coming in like the next... few minutes.)
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Offline FeverInducedMadness

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I had INTENDED to post this last night, but unfortunately a storm was going on and our power went out a couple of times, so I just gave up and went downstairs. (Thankfully, I had saved the story several times before the power cut out on me. X3) Oh, and also, this post marks the 69th page of my story. XD

Chapter Sixteen: ProjectHPK, Part III

“Y’know… when I saw all these things flying at us from the sky… I was scared at first. Now that I can see what they are, though… I’m not really worried…”

“Don’t make them angry…”

“They won’t stop staring at us…”

Eight minature robots were standing in a circle around the trio, which meant that sixteen electronical eyes were focused on the clones, and it was slightly unnerving. Even if the tallest barely reached a foot in height…

Though the little machines had made quite an impressive landing, dust billowing about on impact and whatnot, they hadn’t moved since they had made it to the ground, almost as if they were waiting for something.

“Do you think we killed their mom…?” Saki whispered, earning a glare from Risako. The three of them jumped as the smallest of the robots stepped (or waddled, depending upon how you look at it) towards them, and craned her head upwards, looking at them with her colorless eyes. Aika was reminded of Eri for a moment, but she was pretty sure that the robot could probably see them very clearly.

The little thing opened it’s mouth, and a voice laced with static began to speak.

“Hello? Hello, can you hear me? …ah, I can’t see anything… Maimaibot, activate your holographic projectors, please.”

The robot obliged, and soon, two faint beams of light were streaming from her monochrome orbs, merging together in the air to form a life-sized image of the genius, much like the image of the scientist the clones had seen in the cave. It was somewhat hard to see the hologram, because the sun was still out, but if Aika squinted, she could make out the girl’s fuzzy shape.

“That’s better. Anyways, hello there. My name is Konno Asami… I’m terribly sorry that my robot decided to attack you, but it seems that she misinterpreted my instructions… I simply want to meet you, that’s all… but she tried to use force rather than asking nicely.”

Aika scowled. “Why do you want to meet us? How do we know this isn’t some kind of trap?”

“…I suppose I should have expected that you would think that… The three of you DO look like you’ve had it rough lately… especially if you are what I think you are.”

“Which would be…?”

“You’re clones, are you not? It’s the only reasonable explanation I can come up with… And if that’s true, I think I know more about you than you may expect.”

“How’s that?”

“Because without me, the DNA that created you wouldn’t have still been around.”

Well, that got Aika to be quiet. Risako and Saki were wearing similar masks of disbelief on their faces, though the latter’s mouth wasn’t hanging open… It had to have been a trick… some sort of ploy to get them to drop their guard so Shizuka and his vampire-esque cronies could kill them.

…Didn’t it?

“There are more of us… more than just us three… If we come, the others come too.” Saki stated, finally breaking through the silence.

“More than… more than just three? H-how many of you are there?”


“Oh… so those footprints… You were the ones that killed the Stalker? Oh my… … …well, I think there should be enough room here for all of you, anyway… The little robots will lead the way if you decide that you want to come, so… please, at least consider it?”

And that was that. The transmission ended, and the Maimaibot returned to normal, waddling back to her place in the circle. Like a little penguin. A little CUTE penguin. But that wasn’t the point. The tiny robots had gone back to staring again, waiting in that creepy way they did, and while Saki seemed to be contemplating what she had done to the Maihabot, Risako turned to Aika.

“What should we do…?”


It had only taken about half an hour for the HPK bots to lead the clones out of the forest and past the Steam District city, and they continued to make slow progress towards the mystery destination where the genius was waiting for them. They (mainly Maasa, since she was doing all the work) had to pause every so often along the way to let Maki rest, and to keep the weaker clones like Sayumi and Momoko (though the latter was trying much harder to keep up, and didn’t complain even once) from passing out due to the heat and all the walking.

To be honest, the sun was making the journey difficult for everyone (with the exception of Reina, who was actually thrilled about the hot weather and was walking with a bit of a skip in her step) as it was a little bit past noon, and the giant star was in a good position in the sky to fry everyone… or at least make their lives a little more miserable.

The robots kept ahead of the group, stopping briefly every few seconds to make sure the clones were still following before continuing a little bit farther on. They had left the beaten-up Maihabot in the city, stowing her metal body in the local dump. Aika had thought this peculiar, but when she asked about it, the robot known as Airibot informed her that it was okay.

She had said (with quite a condescending tone, actually) that they weren’t the same as humans and didn’t need to worry about bodies or anything trivial like that. “All Konno-san has to do is reupload her programming into another spare shell and it’ll be like nothing happened… You ask such strange questions…”

The other clones (namely Miki and Hitomi) had been skeptical about meeting the genius, but once they had come to the conclusion that they were running out of options for shelter, and that Maki was getting worse and needed medical attention soon, they reluctantly decided to follow along.

“How much longer until we get there?”

It was Sayumi who asked the question, of course, as she was starting to fall towards the back of the group again.

“It will take us approximately 30.6 minutes to reach our destination from this point.” One of the little robots replied, not even bothering to turn around to look at the clones. It sounded slightly annoyed…

“At least we aren’t walking through the forest any more…” Risa muttered, glad to be rid of the bugs and the irritating plant life.

“I’m not sure I like being out in the open like this, though…” Ai replied, cat-like eyes keeping a wary, close watch on their surroundings. They were out in a field now, the city, forest, and mountain range to their backs and another row of peaks and an even darker-looking jungle ahead.

Did we make the right choice… by coming this way? I feel as though I should have a bad feeling about this, but… for some reason I also feel like I’m going to meet up with some old friends…

-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

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