Minna-san~! Omakase!Before we begin, I want to get a few things straight...
1. In this story, Sae IS A BOY!

2. I'm going to keep working hard on trying to post new updates, because, since school is coming up, my scheduele MIGHT get a little crazy

But, I was really glad I have all my readers(That's you

) to support me!

So, without further ado,
AKB Fanfic-
Fire and IceChapter 1
Sayaka's POVMm... Eh?
I'm still here...I'm on the cold, hard ground, looking around and noticing I'm back where I was before.
Did I faint or something?Once I was about to get up, I notice I'm wrapped in a black cloak and my head's resting on someone's lap.
This cloak is...I look up and see those familiar blue eyes again. Staring straight at me, the boy was smiling.
I instantly got up, still staring into his eyes.
"You fell asleep on me."
"And, you were waiting for me to wake up?"He nodded.
Stalker."Ah, this is yours, isn't it?"
"I wanted to make sure you didn't get cold."
Creep.He slid a bit closer to me, making me feel all the more hot.
"The light of these flames, they make your skin shine. And your eyes are so dark, I could just get lost in them forever."
Is this person seriously HITTING on me?Since I didn't say anything back, which he clearly wanted, he parted a bit from me and turned to have his back face mine.
He looked about my age, but clearly he was still a bit childish and stubborn.
"You can at least say something..."I could barely hear him say it, but I guess he didn't notice I heard.
"The lighting in this room... makes your hair color pop out."
Literally. It's completely silver for god's sake.
"Is it dyed that color, or...?"His head turned to me.
"Hmm. I see."Before I knew it, he wrapped his arms around and hugged me.
"Let me stay by your side forever."
Pervert!!!I started to feel his warmth again, making me blush so much, you could hear it.
As he parted from me, the light of his eyes captured mine again. Just looking into them made me feel so weak.
He looked down and bit his lower lip.
Wait, does he wanna..?!
No. No way! He can't be serious!!!He looked back up, and there was a brief pause. No sound could be heard, except maybe my heart pounding so much.
...Or, maybe that was just me.
"If I have to melt the ice over your heart all over again, I shall do it in any way that doesn't hurt you."He squeezed my hand tight, never breaking eye contact.
"I'll always protect you... For the sake of our love."Can someone... really be this... cool?I didn't even care about those comments anymore. I was completely lost in his gaze.
His face was coming in closer.
He was... going to kiss me.
And, no longer caring about the world, I wanted it to happen. Badly.
My eyes had flickered closed, going in for the kiss...
End of Sayaka's POV"..yaka... Sayaka..!"
Sayaka slowly opened her eyes, waking up from another crazy dream.
"Hm? Ah... Yuko, Kana, Nacchi."
The three girls all gathered around her.
"Sayaka-chan, I knew you were tired when we left the station, but THIS MUCH?"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
Yuko giggled a little. "Didn't you notice? You're blushing like crazy!"
Kana handed Sayaka her compact. Once she saw how red her cheeks were, she had this embaressed look on her face that made her blush more.
The others were just laughing at her already bright red expression.
"Sayaka~, just WHAT were you dreamin' about?"
Yuko's jokes never really got the better of Sayaka. Mostly because they were all dirty.
Nacchi just pushed her shoulder, telling her to stop.
"But, really, you had me a bit worried when you stumbled a little when we were walking in. Are you sure you're not sick?"
Kana, being the student council president, was always responsible and caring toward her friends.
"Yeah, Kana. I'm fine."
"Oh, also, did you hear? We're supposed to have a new transfer student coming in."
The atmosphere in the classroom completely changed after that comment by Natsuki.
Everyone in the classroom started to try and guess who he or she was going to be like.
Girls were fantasizing over an ikemen like image, while the boys just blabbed on about her being a "hot babe" like out of their dirty magazines.
"Some of the boys in this school are the worst. If it is a boy, PLEASE let him be normal," was one of Sayaka's first thoughts.
"I wonder if it's a guy, just so we can find a boyfriend for Sayaka-chan."
Sayaka couldn't hide her surprise after that comment. "Eh?!"
"Yeah, and he can have messy hot hair, crazy hot eyes, and overall hot muscles."
"And abs! Don't forget abs!"
"Yeah!!! To match Sayaka's!!! Hahahaha!!!"
As Yuko and Natsuki chatted and giggled amongst themselves, Kana left to her classroom down the hallway.
Sayaka just put her headphones in to ignore the conversation.
Sure, it's true. Sayaka had a "manly" personality that got the best of her. But, deep down, she wanted to be treated like a girl.
Because she couldn't be honest and express her feelings openly, she was cold toward other students.
But, her friends knew better.
She was really athletic, a sweet and caring, "older sister" type of girl. Plus, she was the leader of the school's Light Music club. Everyone, male and female, admired her.
But, under all circumstances, she was still treated as one of the boys.
"When can I be the girl?"As the bell started to ring, Natsuki left to her seat and Yuko tapped Sayaka's shoulder. She quickly took her headphones out and put them back in her desk.
Mariko-sensei, one of the best teachers in the school, walked in the room.
"Alright, people! Settle down! Homeroom is starting."
Whenever Mariko walked in the room, everyone would show great respect, as a teacher and a friend.
"Now then. As all of you may already know, we will be having a new student join our class."
Now everyone was really excited. Some of the girls started checking themselves one last time, while some of the boys practiced flexing their muscles.
Yuko turned back to Sayaka, who was sitting right behind her and still staring out the window.
"What do 'ya think he'll be like?"
"I don't care who or what, just as long as it's finally a normal student."
Yuko snickered a little at her cold remark. "Ice princess."
That was one of her nicknames, besides "Gorilla-chan," which some of the boys called her.
"Okay, you can come in now!"
The door slid open, and THAT'S when things got crazy.
The girls stood up from their chairs and started going wild.
"Aww man..." Some of the boys started to have a little tantrum, but kept their cool.
Sayaka just stared out the window, not even bothering to look at the new student.
But she could tell after he walked in.
"It's a boy," she sighed.
"Calm down! Calm down!"
The girls sat back down, now more excited than ever.
"This young man will be a part of our class from now on. So, if you please, show your kindness and deep respect toward him."
"Yes, Mariko-sensei!"
"How old are we, 7?" Sayaka was surprised everyone was talking in unison.
"Whoever he is, he has to be EXTREMELY hot for someone to make the class do that..."As he finished writing his name on the board, he turned back and started his introduction.
"I'll be happy to be a part of this class from now on. Miyazawa Sae desu."
*BA-PUMP*Sayaka's heart skipped a beat.
"That voice... It couldn't be..." As Sae was bowing down, Sayaka's head turned and just barely missed his face.
"I-It's impossible!""Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!"
As he raised up, Sayaka could finally register his whole face, leaving her in shock.
The expression on his face. The color of his hair. The paralyzing glow in his eyes.
"It's... really him."
The school's newest student, Miyazawa Sae, who had instantly grabbed all the girl's hearts, was the mysterious ikemen boy in her dream.
To be continued...Comments by the author"Okay, for all of you Saeyaka fans, and regular AKB fans, too, I MUST tell you why I did this pairing. While Sayaka is my original oshimen, I've loved the connection between her and Sae more than anyone elses.
What I think their strongest point is, because they're so different, "like the moon and a turtle," they show off each others good points. Sayaka: Even though fans consider her manly
(which I hate!!!) , she's actually really gentle and not good with words. Sae: Past her genki personality and ikemen image, since she's the youngest of her family, she's often childish and stubborn.
But, they both know each other better. Sayaka sees every bit of good in Sae, and Sae loves Sayaka as much as any other member(maybe even more

)! And, because of that, it makes their relationship all the more stronger.
So, I'm gonna do my best to make this one of my greatest works. Please enjoy it

That'll be all for today!

See ya soon!