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Author Topic: If Only (Mayuki) Finale part 1 28/03/2014 UPDATED!  (Read 37186 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 9 4/07/2013
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2013, 10:13:21 AM »
Hahaha just imagining Yuko piggyback Kojiharu and Kojiharu wearing Yuko's clothes makes me laugh!!! Because Kojiharu is taller xD

Offline kurumi

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 9 4/07/2013
« Reply #61 on: July 06, 2013, 07:25:50 PM »
YAY YAY! KojiYuu! :heart: That was quick. I can't wait for the next chapter with even more KojiYuu scenes (hopefully).

Offline Railgun96

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #62 on: July 07, 2013, 04:15:05 PM »
There are a few things I would like to apologise. First of all, im sorry that my fic may not be that well wrtten. Second of all, this fic might be coming to an end soon. Last but not least, I would not be updating very often from now on  as my holiday had ended. I would be quite busy but I would try to find time to update it.

 Chapter 10
 Another person POV





I opened my eye slightly as I felt an unusual pressure on my chest. Only to see a pair of hands squishing my boobs.

KYAAAA!!! I screamed while I pushed the culprit and slapped her before kicking her down the bed.

ITAI!!! She shouted, one hand holding face, another holding her butt.

HENTAI! What do you think you're doing?! I said while my hands covering my chest.

Eh? What did I do? She asked confusing.

Don't act dumb with me. You know what you did. I glared at her. Soon, she realised what she did and apologise.

I-im so sorry. I didn't mean it. Its probably one of my old habits. She smiled awkwardly.

You better get rid of it and im outta here. I said as I head to the bathroom, locking it.

Wait! You can't leave. Open the door. I can explain! She said while knocking on the bathroom door.

Leave me alone! I shouted.

After what I said, the knocking stops.

Did I went to far? I thought, feeling a bit guilty . Its not really her fault either. I think I should apologise later.
 Yuko Pov

My chest hurt a little after what she said.

I know its my fault but I can't control it. I mean I wasn't conscious at that time right? ~sigh~ I better go make breakfast for us.

Probably she would calmed down afterwards.

~after preparing breakfast~

As I was laying the food on the table, I saw haruna on the stairs.

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds. She broke the eye contact and began to walk down the stairs.

She was about to leave the house but I stopped her.

Wait!! I made breakfast. I shouted. At least eat something before you leave. I said in a soft tone.

Un. She softly responded.

I felt a gush of relief as she didn't ignore me.

I handed her the food and we ate in silents but was soon broken.

Im sorry for what I said just now. I didn't mean to say it. Hurana said.

Why are apologising?  I should be the one to apologise.

Its my fault that I harasses you but it wasn't on purpose. I swear! I said as I shot up from my seat.

She was shocked. I was shocked too. She giggled at my actions while I laugh awkwardly.

Why don't we get to know each other more? I mean we are a couple but we barely known each other. Haruna said.

Oh. Silly me. Let me introduced myself. My name is oshima yuko.

Im known to be a pervert squirrel by many people but im proud of it. But im changing. For you. I smiled.

You don't have to change for me. You are perfect the way you are.

Just don't go behind my back and betray me. She glared at me, emitting a dark aura. I laughed sheepishly.

By the way, im kojima haruna. I came from a rich family but im not really proud of it. Haruna said.

Most of my friends became friends with me not because of me but because im rich.

But you are different. I can feel it. Haruna said. I walked towards her and embrace her.

I don't care whether you are rich or poor, as long as I love you, that all it matters.

I said while I cupped her face. I lean in and we kiss. Passionately.


Mayu Pov

Mayuyu... wake up... its morning already. Wake up.. I groaned as I felt someone calling me.

Ohayo yukirin. I said while I yawn.

Ohayo. Yuki said. Lets go prepare.

Yuki said as she pulled me to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she locked the door and began to stare at me.

I looked at her. Confused. She smiled and walked to me seductively.

Every step she takes, I step back once. This continues until the back of my leg contacts with the toilet bowl.

Yu-yukirin? I asked nervously.

Mayuyu~ im hungry. Yuki whispered in my ear.

Hungry? I glup.

I want you for breakfast. Yuki said as she kissed me forcefully.

I moaned as a foreign object is trying to gain entry into my mouth. I didn't let it in.

I gasped as she squeeze my breast. She took this chance to slip her tongue into my mouth.

We had a tongue war but soon I gave up.

As we are kissing passionately,  I felt hands from my chest moving down to my hips, trying to remove my pants. I immediately stop her hand.

Yukirin! W-we have school. I don't wanna be late. I explained.

Tsk. Fine then. But since you here, let's take a bath together. Yuki smirked teasingly while detaching the buttons on her shirt, revealing her body.

I frozed. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

OH kami sama, why is my girlfriend such a tease and sexy?? I thought before I fainted due to massive blood loss.

~In school~

We saw yuko and haruna together.  We went to say hi.

Ohayo yuko! I said.

Are~ are~ who do we have here? I said.

Well, this is my girlfriend, kojima haruna. We are together now. Yuko said while she blushed.

I introduced myself and yuki just hugged her childhood friend.

Oh, I forgot to mention that from today onwards, I will be transferring into this class. My dad had made arrangements already. Haruna said.

Yay! Im gonna be with nyan nyan all day long!! Yuko cheered.

Nyan nyan? Yuki, haruna and I said at the same time.

Yup! Thats what im gonna call her from today. Yuko grinned. We giggled at her childishness. Yuko pouted.

Im glad that yuko's back. I thought while giggling.


Gomen :bow:


Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

Offline Zita

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #63 on: July 09, 2013, 06:27:27 PM »
Beautiful story. That part in the bathroom.  :inlove:
Will be there some parts with Rena?

Offline imteedee

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2013, 09:35:08 PM »
I can't stop smiling  :mon fyeah:

my hat is off. saluting.

Offline kuro808

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2013, 10:06:46 PM »
A lot of perverted things are happening and just imagining it is good enough to smile
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Kochiki

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #66 on: July 10, 2013, 09:20:31 AM »
Yo! I'm new in here!! I've read the whole story and it is really awesome!!
-Ah...NyanNyan is not proud to be part of the reach family...She need TRUE friends~
-Haha...I think no need friends now...Just a girlfriend is enough~ Oh Yuko~
-Y-Yuki lock Mayu and herself together in the bathroom...And is about to do that 'thing'~
-Garh!! Mayu why did you stop?! Haha. Well, i was looking forward to it~LOL but still to early!
-Agh! For a while there, Yuko have a lil' fight with NyanNyan...But glad they're cool with each other~
-Hm...Close to the end? Aw~ This is an interesting story~ But it's okay...

Please update soon! Getting interesting there! Thank you for the nice chapter!
 :drool: :oops: :twothumbs :bow:

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 10 7/07/2013
« Reply #67 on: July 10, 2013, 09:39:25 AM »
This chapter makes me nonstop smiling like a fool :luvluv1:
Lots of perverted things, especially in the bathroom :on bleed:
Such a bold Yuki :on spit:
Now, everyone has their lovers by their side :on drink:
Haruna also transfer to their class :ding:
Kinda sad that this chapter's gonna end soon :err:
Can't wait to see what'll happen next :depressed:
Update ASAP, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline Railgun96

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2013, 03:41:22 PM »
Hey guys! Im back with another chapter. I was really busy ( and lazy ) but I managed to cramp something out because my kami oshi's birthday is tomorrow( 15/07)! This will be a short one. Anyways, enjoy.

Chapter 11
Days had passed since nyan nyan got transfered into our class. Couple of things had happened.

Things like, skin-shipping was more often. Yuko got smacked by nyan nyan was also quite often.

As for me, I been feeling more lonely as days go by because of a certain someone.

Due to the up coming annual volleyball championship, yuki hasn't been in most of the lesson in school.

I really miss her. I miss her smile. I miss her hugs. I even miss her teasing.

I sigh as I looked out of the classroom window while the teacher is teaching.

~ Ringggggg~                       
That will be all for today's maths lesson. Thank you class. Said the teacher as he take his leave.

Yuko ran and called me.

Nee~~ mayu, wanna join us for lunch? Yuko asked.

Nah... im gonna look for yuki. I said.

Oh... say hi for me when you see her. Ja ne~ yuko said as she left the class with nyan nyan

While walking, plenty of thoughts was on my mind.

How can I spent more time with yuki? I really miss her. I wanna see her but how?

Then, an idea came to me. Why plan to see her when I can be with her if I join the club. I thought as I grinned.

Yuki would be damn surprised. I said as I make my way to the student council to make preparations.   
Yuki pov 

* whistle sound*

Alright team, listen up. I have some announcement to make.

First of all, I've already decided who will be the captain after some observations.

This years captain will be kashiwagi Yuki. EHHH! Was all I said. Congrats yuki! Some mates said.

Coach!  I don't think I can be captain. Im not sure if I can do it. I explained.

Well, the reason why you were chosen was because I've seen some potential in you. You had the capabilities of a captain should had. I hope you won't
 disappoint me. The coach said.

I-I will do my best then. I said.

Good! That's the spirit the coach said.

Next, I would like you guys to meet a new member. She will be joining us starting from today. Mayu, please.

Konnichiwa! Im watanabe mayu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Mayu said.

EHHH! Mayuyu!? I said in an unbelievable tone. Mayu just smiled.

After the meeting is over, I pulled mayu to the toilet.

Can you explain what's going on? Why did you join the volleyball club? For all I know, you are someone who doesn't like sport. I said.

Mayu looked away and mumbled. I miss you.

Huh? I can't heard you. I said.

I miss you. Mayu mumbled again.

What is it!? What's wrong? Why do you keep mumbling? I raise my voice.

I miss you okay!? Mayu shouted.

I was taken a back. I didn't know I was the sole reason for her action. I wasn't sure what to say. Im completely speechless.

Tears can be seen at the side of her eyes. I pulled her into a hug.

Im sorry. I didn't know it was my fault. I also miss you.

Yukirin baka! Mayu said while throwing light punches at my shoulder. Gomen ne. I said as I wipe her tears away.

Are you sure you really want to join this club? You can back out now you know. I said.

Yup. Im sure. I will do my best. I will play side by side with you. I will even reach the top and become the ace. Mayu said with conviction.

I giggled at her silly thoughts. I will prove it! Mayu pouted.

Hai hai.. I get it. I said. Lets go. Training is starting soon.
Mayu pov

When we were about to leave, I accidentally slip on a puddle of water and I also drag yuki down.

Itai~ I said. I slowly open my eyes, only to see yuki below me.

I suddenly had an urge to kiss her. Seeing her face flushed like been caught in the deer lights.

I lean in to her ear and wispered. Yuki, I can't hold it anymore.

I licked and nibble her ear.

Hnng... ma-mayu.. yuki moaned.

Her moan just gave me more courage. I slowly lick her neck and nibble it to leave mark on it.

I lean back and kiss her lips again while my hand is kneading her breast.

Though her clothes is still on, I know where to touch to make her feel all so good. She moaned into my mouth.

Soon, we broke apart due to the lack of air.

I lift her shirt up and began to caress her stomach. Yuki groaned to my fiery touches.

I lean in to kiss in between her well grown breast, leaving as much marks as possible.

When I was about to unclasp her bra, we heard footstep.

Yuki chan! Mayu chan! Are you done? Training is starting soon.

I immediately pulled yuki shirt down and straighten our clothes.

We are coming! I shouted. I looked at yuki and pouted. Damn those girls. I was so close to make you mine.

Yuki gently smacked my head. Mayu! This is not your house. Yuki wispered. I pouted my lips.

We will continue tonight. Yuki added. I blushed at her proposal. Come on lets go. Yuki said while dragging me to the court.




Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

Offline imteedee

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2013, 08:21:07 PM »
Happy Birthday BLACK!  :yuki:

I'm so much spoiled by this one after another updates of MaYuki  :wahaha:
thanks for the update!  :kneelbow: :shy2:
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline kuro808

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2013, 09:17:32 PM »
Is Mayu going to be a libero?  XD

Well a little action doesn't hurt
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #71 on: July 15, 2013, 09:23:48 AM »
OMG~ So much Mayuki :on_hot: :on bleed:
I'm in heaven now :on gay:
Now, Mayu's in the volleyball club :on drink:
There'll be more Mayuki moments :ding:
Update ASAP, please :kneelbow:
Btw, Happy birthday Yukirin :on BDay:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline DC2805

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #72 on: July 15, 2013, 04:44:37 PM »
damn, mayuki is making my nose bleed again! ( :lol: just had my nose bleed treated last week).

happy birthday to Yuki~
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Zita

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 11 14/07/2013
« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2013, 03:49:35 PM »
I hope they will have good nigt.  :w00t: :drool:

Offline Railgun96

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #74 on: September 04, 2013, 04:31:31 PM »
Hi guys! Im back!  Sorry for not posting. I kinda lost motivation but it came back to me after a month.

Anyways, here's chapter 12

Chapter 12                           
Mayu pov

Sweat is seen dripping at the side of my forehead. I was slightly panting, eyes were targeting on the ball.

Waiting for just the right time and~~~ bam! I slammed the ball hard on the ground to the opposing team. 

*whistle* great job mayu! As expected from our new ace. The coach said proudly.

A-arigato! I said, slightly blushing to the compliment.

Recently, I was nominated for being the ace of the volleyball club. I managed to passed all the oppsticle the coach gave me.

Of course with help from yuki. I could never passed my test without her help.

*Whistle* alright team! Take 5!

It was break time. I slowly make my way to the bleacher to take a sit.

A girl came to me and offered me a bottle of water. I looked up, slightly stared at her. Unable to figure who she is, I decided to ask. May I help you?

Take it. You need it. The girl shoved the water to me.

Thanks. I said, grateful of her. I opened the bottle and gargle it down my throat.

I was about to thank her again for the water but she's gone. She left a note though.

Meet me at the toilet near the bleacher when you finished your training. XX jurina.

Jurina? I raised my right brow, contemplating on the name. Not able to recalled any familiar name, I've decided to look for her later.

After training. ..

I went to the locker to collect my stuffs. I closed the locker after gathering everything, only to find a similar figure beside me.

BOO! The figure scream, trying to scare me.

Ahhh!! I literally jumped a few centimetres above the ground due to the scream.

Geez... yukirin... stop scaring me. I pouted at yuki.

HAHAHA! You should have seen your face. Its so priceless. Yuki continue to laughed. I pouted even more.

Aww... you looked so cute when you pout. Yuki said while pinching my cheek. Itai~ I said softly, rubbing my swollen cheek.

Gomen... yuki said in a guilty voice, her hand cupping my face, gently rubbing the pain off. Does it still hurt? Yuki asked, guilt can be seen on her face.

I shook my head, smiled at her, letting her know im fine.

Soon, I got lost looking at her pair of dark orbs.

Naturally, the gap between us is getting shorter and shorter until our lips are almost touching but was broken as some girls walked towards the locker.

 We broke away from each other, pretending to do something else.

Hey mayu and yuki. One of the girl greeted. You guys looks kinda flushed. The girl said.

I-it kinda stuffy in here. I reasoned. Yuki remain silent, unable to come up with an excuse.

The girl raised her brows, looking at us suspiciously. Yuki and I just smiled.

The girl didn't pursue this matter any further, collected her stuffs and bid us goodbye.

Yuki let out a breath that she have been holding since the start. That was close. Yuki said.

So~ shall we continue at my house? Yuki gave me a seductive look.

I almost gave in but I suddenly remembered the letter the girl gave me just now.

Im sorry yukirin. I have some other matter to settle. Maybe next time. I said.

Yuki looked disappointed but respected my decline.

Fine. I should go now. See you tomorrow.  Yuki kiss my lips and left the scene.

I gathered my stuffs and head to the meeting place.

At the toliet near the bleachers. ..

I walked in slowly, looking for the person im looking for but yet I can't find anyone. I thought it was a prank so I decided to leave but I got shocked.

The girl suddenly appeared behind me. My bags dropped on the floor in the mids of getting shocked.

You surprised me. I said, still trying to calm myself. The girl said nothing and pushed me against the wall. I winced in pain upon impact.

Before I can even react or say something, my lips was sealed with hers.

My eyes widen, too shocked to push her away. We broke off after a couple of  seconds.

I thought this was too much for me to take in. There was so much questions I wanna asked her.

Why? WHYDid she kissed me? Why did she did that? But I was wrong.

The next thing she said totally caught me off guard. Mayu chan! I love you!  Please go out with me. The girl said with sincerity.

I was stunned by the sudden confession, unable to say anything. The girl waited patiently for my answer.

After almost a minute of slient, I finally spoke.

Gomen but I already had someone.

The girl's face changes drastically. Unable to take the rejection, the girl ran off crying.

I wanted to stop her but she was gone.

Never rejected anyone before, I felt a little guilty in breaking that girl's heart but there's only one person who can take my heart.

That person is yuki.
The time when yuki left the lockers~~

Yuki pov

I can't believe mayuyu rejected my invitation. Probably she has something more important than going to my house.

Wait! I forgot to asked her something.I better go look for her. Hope she is still there.

While walking to the locker, i saw a familiar figure walking towards the toilet near the bleachers. It was mayu. I smiled, glad that she was still around.

I ran towards that direction.

I slow down upon reaching the toilet, wanted to scare mayu again.

I hide at the pillar inside the toilet walls, head tilted a little, trying to have a peak, only to saw two figures inside. One of them was mayu.

I continued to stay hidden as I listens to their conversation. I saw the girl pushed mayu to the wall. I felt my blood boiling.

How dares she hurt mayu?! I almost wanted to revealed myself but the next thing i saw, totally hurts me. They were both kissing.

 " mayu chan! I love you! Please go out with me... "

I felt my heart was being stabbed by a knife. I tried to control my emotions, waiting for mayu's answers but nothing was said.

Unable to hold it anymore, I ran off, tears falling off my eyes like waterfalls.

I can't believe it. Mayu actually betrayed me.I thought.

I ran all the way home, locked myself in the room, sobbing the night away...



Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

Offline imteedee

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2013, 05:36:57 PM »

c'mon Mayu Yuki needs you  XD Jurina!you surprised me there, so bold  :lol:
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2013, 05:41:05 PM »
yuki its not what you think! come back! :cry:
but i also feel sorry for jurina :( she needs melonpan lover, rena! :yep:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline Zita

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2013, 08:23:25 PM »
If yuki stood there little longer. She would be happy instead.
Poor Jurina.

Offline cisda83

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #78 on: September 04, 2013, 08:55:18 PM »
Ah... Yuki misunderstand...

Poor Jurina...

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait...

I hope it's happy ending

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: If Only (Mayuki) Chapter 12 04/09/2013
« Reply #79 on: September 05, 2013, 04:41:26 PM »
Update ~~~~ :on woohoo:
Mayuki almost kiss :mon headbang:
NOOOOO :on speedy: Yuki, you misunderstood :mon runcry:
Mayu didn't betray you, you did reject Jurina's confession :mon ghost:
Anyway, I hope every misunderstands will be solved :on prayers:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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