Thanks for the comments~ And I'm sure Paruru and Yui will meet up just like they both promised~
Alright now, this shall be another update on my final day of my Winter Break. School's starting tomorrow so the fictions update are going to slow down DRAMATICALLY (including the Wandering Ship one).
And when I mean dramatically, I mean there's possibly going to be only an update once/twice a month.

I'm praying I might be able to have more time than last semester with writing my fictions. (but considering SAT/ACT, AP Exams, Finals, etc. in this semester.........)

[Chapter 5]
A couple weeks has already passed since I last was on a mission with Rie. The mission where I met Shimazaki Haruka. I did promise her that I would return to see her soon enough. But that moment didn't come yet. Forced to stay inside of the base to recover for a full week along with Rie, we both soon recovered. Since I've recovered at a faster rate than Rie, Takahashi Minami allowed me to partake in missions with a couple other members. The missions that I took on within the groups weren't dangerous. Particularly it was more like labor work, helping guard transportation from one area to the next at the most three full days. Soon Rie was healthy enough to go out on missions. To my dismay though, we both weren't put in the same mission together.
With each passing day, my feelings for Rie has gotten stronger and stronger. What could that mean? Does it really mean that... I like her? I tried to deny that fact and told myself that I was just having a strong friendly relationship with the other girl. But the more I look at my actual relationship, the less convincing it was with the entire 'friends-only.' I want to be with her. I want to stay by her side. I want to hug her. I want to do just about everything with her.
Though I hid my feelings for her. Rie seems oblivious to my emotions and feelings towards her. Or maybe she isn't but is acting like friends-only just like me to hide her thoughts? I don't know what she's thinking about and neither does she.
I didn't want to bother Minami and ask her to have Rie be a part of a mission together, so it never did happen. Or so I thought.
"Yuihan, General Takahashi needs you," the girl, Miyawaki Sakura said as she stood in the front entrance desk with Ichikawa Miori. I just came back from an afternoon stroll outside and here I'm suddenly needed. Sakura and Miori are both receptionists. Though Miori mainly holds up the front line here, if Sakura isn't busy, she would volunteer to help out. Maybe she doesn't want Miori to be all alone in the front by herself? I gave them my thanks as I headed my way straight toward the elevator.
'Just when I thought I could get some rest,' I thought to myself. My plan for heading straight toward my dorm room crumbled. A sigh left my lips when I think about it.
I pressed the 'up' button and waited for the elevator to descend down from the eight floor. It seems as though it was taking its time for it paused at a couple floors. Fifth. Then Fourth. Second. Then the first floor. A dinging sound could be heard, alerting me that it has finally reached. It opened to reveal Itano Tomomi.
She was wearing a gardener's clothing with a shovel in one hand and a green hose in another. Her light brown hair was tied in a ponytail. The lips of hers. Those duck lip of hers are known to be a cute feature of her facial feature. Not to mention how stylish she is, always painting her nails and fixing her hair. At a first glance toward this girl, one would see her as a walking fashion model who doesn't care about anybody. Put it simply: A bitch.
But honestly, once one gets to know her, she's completely different from the image she gives off. She's a real natural air head (not as much as Kojima Haruna as everyone knows) and a nice person. A friendly person to be exact.
I waved to her a friendly greeting when I passed by her. She smiled with her teeth, showing one cute fang sticking out like a sore thumb. She acknowledge my presence and greetings, walking ahead and humming the song, 'Dear J.' That song use to be really popular back in the old days and Itano used to sing it before this entire mess came.
My finger jabbed the ninth floor's button, watching the door slide shut in front of my face. I leaned back against one of the three metal railings inside of the compact space. I glanced over to the electronic announcement board. It seems as though there is a break for all members in a couple weeks for a couple full days. I guess every single person within this base is working hard, so that break would be rewarding.
The elevator halted its way upward on the fifth floor for a moment. Not so surprisingly, two figures came into view once the door opened.
"Jurina, it's only been a day since we last played soccer in the training room together. I don't wanna play another one!" Mayu's whining could be heard as the two entered into the same breathing space as I. I scooted to my right as they fit right into the left side of the elevator. The elevator then closed the doors, resuming its ascension.
A long sigh was heard from the taller, but younger girl. "Mayuyu, please~? You know how bored I get in a short amount of time."
"But I don't have the stamina like you. I'm not THAT physically fit to do sports and the such almost every single day."
The two were busy in their own world as I stared straight ahead, lost in my own thoughts. After a floor, it suddenly decided to stop at the sixth floor. The door opened and in came Kitahara Rie. I was expecting someone else to be honest, so when she was seen in front of the elevator, I felt my heart racing. She saw me and flashed a smile at my direction as she stood next to my side. Just being this close to her might make my heart jump out from my throat. I swallowed from the high tension I was feeling by being near Rie.
"I see that you're here, Yuihan," she said as the elevator continued to its assigned destination. "Did General Takahashi call for you?"
I managed to nod. Her eyes and mouth widen slightly. "Same here."
"You can make that the four of us," Jurina's voice could be heard piping in. I then scratched the back of my head. 'I wonder what exactly General Takahashi need the four of us for? Another mission?' Either way, I was happy to be with Rie again. It's been a while since we last went on a mission together. A smile was on my face the entire way up.
Inside of the general's room, us four were aligned in a straight row. Minami was up from her seat, standing on the right side of her desk. She leaned against the wooden desk. From the right side of the room, Atsuko could be seen busy cleaning and keeping the books organized on the bookshelves. She was silent during her job. Then Minami finally spoke.
"I'm here to call upon you four to take on this mission," Minami announced as she touched the paper on her desk. It contained full detailed information on the mission that was dropped on us. "It's a fairly simple mission. Investigate the shrine up in the mountains a couple miles from here." Her expression darkened. "We have a relationship with the shrine maidens and monks up there and they usually send words down to us weekly." Then her jaw stiffened, the hand on the desk clenched into a fist. "No words had been heard in the past couple weeks, so I wish for you all to investigate what exactly happened."
A pause.
"I want you all to be in a group of four. I'm somewhat nervous about how dangerous it could possibly be, so please be careful." Minami was looking down, a sad expression crossing through her face. She didn't utter another word. An uncomfortable silence in the room. She must be stressed and upset about the amount of deaths and disappearances recently. I can't blame her; nobody can blame her. Being the General bears a lot of responsibility. And she, chosen to be the general from the previous person, had the weight of Japan along with the other generals on their shoulders.
She then lifted her head up. Her expression did not alter let alone brighten up. "Your mission will start tomorrow. Be sure to be prepared for it. A light load is recommended for the short trip."
Another pause. Then before we all knew it, she shooed us out of the room with a wave of her hand. None of us hesitated to get out of the room. We knew Minami was not in the mood to speak to anyone at the moment.
Once the members have left the room, Minami exhaled loudly through her nose. Her hand came up to her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm so stressed..." she mumbled quietly. Atsuko, who was busy organizing the bookshelves, glanced over her shoulder at the general. She quickly stopped her cleaning and came over to the shorter girl from behind.
"Minami..." she softly spoke as she placed her hand on top of the general's shoulder. Minami didn't seem to notice, her eyes closed. "I'm just getting headaches with all these events occuring. When are they going to ever stop?" She's been stressed ever since she's been in charge of the Akihabara Elimination Force. With Atsuko by her side by ever since the creation, she knew how much pressure Minami's been under despite her cool exterior to others. And today, her stress must've gone overboard due to the shrine. Atsuko knew that Minami had very good relationships with the people residing there and they frequently sent each other messages about their status.
The shrine was where one can find peace in their life. Though it was strange of them to still be active due to the chaos created from the viruses, at least they can offer some peace in mind for a short amount of time for many individuals. Atsuko would always accompany Minami when she wanted to visit the place. The place gave Minami at least some peace from her work, so she's always grateful for the people working there.
Now that no words had been heard from the shrine maidens and monks for a long period of time, Minami has been worried greatly. Not because they might not be able to offer their services anymore of of course. She's worried about those within the shrine.
Atsuko then pulled her into her embrace from behind, bringing her two hands up to the side of the shorter girl's head. "You'll be okay, Takamina. You have me here." She massaged her head, the fingers moving in a slow circular movement with a slight pressure pressed against. Minami opened her eyes slowly and removed her hand from her nose.
"I guess you're right... It's just.... I sometimes feel so overwhelmed..."
Another mission has been assigned to us. And here I am, visiting the medical room for another check-up. Right after Minami had shooed us away, I had an appointment with Kojima Haruna on the seventh floor for a quick check-up with my health and healed wounds. Ever since I came back from that mission with Rie, Sakura told me to keep checking back often just to be sure.
Down the hallway I walked, there were a couple of rooms that is used to hold patients. There were a couple members passing by me. I saw that some were holding flowers. In and out of a couple rooms they went, it sent a message to me that some were resting from their conditions. At the very end of the hallway was two room. One was the check-up room and another was the emergency room. Above the double metal door was a small, but bright white sign. It signaled that there wasn't any operations or situation to handle at the moment that is needed for this room.
I came upon the room on the left next to the double door.
"Kojima-san?" I called out as I peeked my head into the room. The smell of the entrance room wafted with sterilization and a hospital-like atmosphere. In the room were a couple of soft, white chairs against the wall to the left and right with two telephones on the wall in both ends of the row of chairs. In the back of the room was a door and a windowed office room. Computers and printers were seen surrounding a figure. On the window, it contained a couple of attachment taped for the visitors.
Through the clear window, I saw Haruna sitting in her seat and leaning against it. She had a cell phone by her ear, busy talking.
Kojima Haruna is one of the few doctors that reside here in the base. She is a true natural air head. Who knows how she even got her license and certification of being in the medical field let alone even passing medical school. But we all know that Minami trust in Haruna with all the operations and check-ups. It's strange since she's known to be... how to put in gently: a very very very VERY dense person. Though ignoring her dense personality, she's actually very sweet and knows what she's doing. At least with her job.
"Yuko, I told you to please be more careful! Jeez, you and your crazy stories..." I heard her grumble loudly.
I raised my eyebrows high. She must be talking to one of her close friends, Oshima Yuko.
Yuko was once a member of the AEF until she got transferred over to the England Elimination Force. General Takahashi didn't choose for her to be forcefully transferred and neither expected it. Europe, especially in England, was in dire need of help. They were low on the numbers and made Minami force someone to take their leave due to the high numbers of members in her base. No matter how much Minami tried to persuade them, they wouldn't budge from their choice. So Yuko volunteered to stay in Europe. She did state that she wanted to visit European countries anyway.
So with every spare moment she has at hand, she would give a call to the base. Especially to Kojima Haruna. Though I have never seen her physically since she had already left when I joined within the force by Minami, I could tell that she was emotionally attached to Haruna. The same with go for Haruna.
"A bomb?! You nearly got killed because of your recklessness?! Baka!"
Haruna was scolding on her line. I could barley hear laughter coming from Yuko through the speaker. She then turned her rolling chair around in a full circle before noticing my presence in the room.
"There's someone that I need to tend to Yuko. I'll give you a call I'm not cheating on you, geez! It's just a patient! Stop making such crazy assumptions you squirrel!" After a couple more words in their somewhat farewell message, she hung up. Standing up from her seat, she brushed her white lab coat. "So you're here for your weekly check-up, Yokoyama-san?"
I silently nodded at her.
Soon Haruna was now holding one of the two doors opened for me. "Right this way, Yokoyama-san." Once I came into a long hallway within the door, she closed it behind. Walking ahead of my pace, she urged me to come into the nearest room she could find.
I entered into the room and saw that it merely held a white patient's bed with a desk attached to the wall nearby. Haruna walked over to the desk and pulled up a wooden stool for her to sit. As I made my way over to the bed, I saw her hand grabbing a clipboard from the side. "Alright, I'm going to check your right shoulder and left wrist to be sure that it won't be a hindrance," she told me while I sat on the edge of the bed.
Taking a pen out of her jacket's pocket, she scribbled on the clipboard. Then she placed it on the desk, standing up from her seat. She approached toward me and stopped once she was standing right in front of my body. "Let me see your wrist first." I did as she told me, bringing up my upper left arm up into the air. Haruna gently took a hold of my wrist. Her fingers trailed on the barely marked wrist where the injury was located. It was slightly red, but no scar was left behind on it. "It seems that your wrist is fine. Just make sure not to overdo it since your muscle might need another week or two to completely heal."
She then straightened her body and pointed at my shoulder. "Take off your t-shirt. I need to see your shoulder." Though with some slight hesitation, I listened to the doctor. I slipped off the t-shirt and placed it next to my body. I twisted my body to the left as she examine the injured shoulder. When her fingers touched the very spot the gash once was, I could tell she's touching the scar. The long scar that was left behind after the wound has closed and healed. Haruna was pressing against it light in different parts of my shoulder before retracting her hand.
"Your shoulder seems to be alright too. But just like your wrist, don't put too much stress on it."
I grabbed my t-shirt and put it back on my body. While I adjusted my shirt, I saw her walk back to her desk. She stood over it, staring at the clipboard for a few seconds. Scribbling was heard from where she was. Then with a click of her pen, she looked over at my direction. "You're free to go now. I'm just filling out your chart."
I gave her my thanks before taking my leave.
Once I got out of the doctor's office, I immediately went straight to the second floor. I was a bit hungry and I might as well get something to eat. It seems that I had spent quite a lot of my time in the doctor's office for the sun was setting from the view through the windows on the second floor. This floor seemed to be like a small mall excluding the cafeteria. There were an abundant amount of shops and stores open for business. A place where one can get what they need. Though there were some shops that could be found anywhere like the market and the cafe, this floor also included shops that only was available to the members.
As I walked on my own pace through the floor, I saw a couple stores and shops holding weapons and ammo. Couple groups of girls were coming in and out of the many shops. Some were holding onto their new shiny rifle and pocketknife while others simply bought some fruits and vegetables for their own usage. From the corner of my eyes, I saw one girl speaking to the vendor about the latest new magazine.
"Oh, Yuihan! I never expect to see you here today." That voice alerted me from within a shop. I stopped in my track and turned to see that it was Minegishi Minami. There was also a taller girl standing right next to her, Shinoda Mariko. Minegishi had a brown box in her hand and waved to me with her other. I waved back and looked up at the shop's sign.
'Minegishi Transporting Service'
This small shop is cramped at first sight. There's so many boxes, cubbies and a desk littered with paperwork seen. But when entered upon, it's actually more spaced out than it's seen. Probably once you take a step in, the entire left side of the room is junked up while the right side is neatly organized with the boxes in their respective spot. The owner of the small service shop, Minegishi, takes care of all the transportation and delivery, which constantly keeps her busy.
I decided to side-track for a bit and approach the two figures. Minegishi smiled at me as she walked over to the counter. "So how's the General's one of her two favorite girls doing?" she asked me as she placed down the box. I merely smiled back at her. "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking."
"So I've heard that you, Kitarie, Mayuyu and Jurina are going on another mission," Mariko said. Crossing her arms, she had one of her hands touch the end of her short brown hair. She breathed out loudly from her mouth. "Just make sure that Jurina doesn't get into trouble if that's not too much to ask."
Mariko is the eldest from all of the members here in the force. Working in the Flight Sector of the force, she's always lending a helping hand to those that needs help and most of all, keeps an eye on the hyperactive Matsui Jurina. Though she's tolerant of Jurina's actions, she's very worried about her when she goes out on missions without her guidance. The last time Jurina went on a mission without Mariko or Mayu, her close friend, she nearly blew up her entire team mates.
A chuckle left my mouth as I covered it with my hand. "I will, Shinoda-san." Mariko smiled back at my response and nod her head in approval. "Very well then. Tell me how she's doing so I can decide whether I should lecture her or not."
Oh dear. Mariko's lecture. The last time Jurina came from Mariko's lecture, she literally holed herself up in the library and forbid herself from doing anything other than learn from her mistakes. It must be torture for the poor girl for she's a very out-going individual.
"I'm going to grab some dinner before I head back to my dorm," I informed them.
"Alright then. I'll see you later then Yuihan. It's nice to see you around here!" Minegishi waved at me while she's in the process of picking up another brown box. Mariko too waved to me as I left the shop.
Scratching the back of my head once I left, I decided to just hurry toward the cafeteria. My stomach's growling and the volume is only increasing for every minute I'm hanging around without food. 'Then once I'm done eating, I'm heading straight to bed,' I planned to myself mentally in my head as I entered into the room that is filled with the smell of delicious food. 'I wonder what Kasai-san is making today?'
Up on the rooftop was both Mayu and Jurina. It was already late in the night, an hour away from midnight, their curfew. The two girls had already eaten their dinner and decided to stay up on the rooftop for their daily stargazing. They were leaning against the safety metal railing, observing up at the sky.
"Look over there, Mayu!" Jurina exclaimed. She was pointing up at one part of the sky with her finger. The shorter girl next to her looked at where she was pointing. Her eyes widen when she was what Jurina was pointing at. "Wow! That star seems to glow much brighter than the other stars," Mayu commented.
Jurina next to her giggled and bobbed her head happily. "Yep! Just like you!"
Mayu quickly turned her full attention to Jurina now. "What? Like me?"
"You heard me! You're like the brightest star in my life!"
A blush crept up on Mayu's cheeks. Thankfully for the darkness, the other girl won't be able to see her blush that easily. Keeping a robotic expression on her, she returned to gazing up at the dark sky, ignoring the other girl. To be honest, Mayu didn't have any sort of feelings toward Jurina. The two were close, yes, ever since they met each other a year ago. Though Mayu was on her third year as a member of the force, it was Jurina's first time. The two instantly connected like puzzle pieces as friends. They always hanged around with each other and they would nearly go on every mission together. Little did she actually know that Jurina is starting to have feelings toward the older girl. Wanting to be more than just friends. Possibly even more than that?
Jurina simply grinned with her dimpled smile at the other girl. "Anyway," she attempted to change the topic at hand. "I heard that Yuko gave another call back. Did you talk to her?"
"Yes I did," Mayu answered, sighing loudly. "She's always energetic as always but... Sometimes I worry for her." Indeed Mayu is worried about Yuko. The two are also close together. Almost like sisters. 'Oshiri Sisters' to be exact is how they call each other. After Yuko had left for England, Mayu always received phone calls from Yuko aside from Haruna.
Jurina watched Mayu as she stared out into space. Then without thinking, she hugged the older girl from behind. The cyborg was surprised at such act, but didn't push Jurina away. Resting her head on Mayu, she then said, "Yuko's a strong girl. If someone can go through an impossible mission and make it out alive, that would be Yuko."
Mayu stayed silent. Instead of replying back, she focused on the warmth Jurina is giving to her. With a small smile on her face, she relaxed her body as the two continued to watch the stars from above.