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Author Topic: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 184350 times)

Offline Minami-chan

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update! I did not expect!
That illusion!
Actually I have to admit that what most attracted me to this fic was Nami and his conflict with Ray x Kai. Mariko good and her voice of conscience was very funny ...

Offline Megumi

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 :shocked FoF-san! you updated! After awhile... :sweatdrop:
still it was worth it. I remember reading this as one of many and I couldn't get anymore impressed how you colliding Mendol and AKB so well!
The story and everything you succeeded to connect everything that readers that have seen Mendol and know AKB can relate to.

So it was one of many fic that made a huge impression on me.

About the HiMari couple...
Mariko glanced at the sulking Hinata who's grumbling about tall dinosaur women being a prude on her birthday. A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she looks at the other girl. It does bring her a certain pleasure to see her like this is the other girl's birthday so...maybe she should play nice just for just one damn day.

Mariko-sama is totally an S!

Sweet MarikoxHinata moment!
Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline FoF

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Okay so...late update. Sorry about that. Had some work piled up. Couldn't get out of it even if I wanted to.  :nervous
I really feel bad for not updating last week when I promised to update. So...sorry bout that.  :cry:
And no, next week doesn't mean two weeks from now. Just to be clear.  :lol:
Honestly, despite the sorry feeling I feel, I'm happy that people are still reading this.
Seriously! Thanks so much!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
So I'm feeling sorry and happy at the same time.  :cry: XD That's a weird combination.  XD

Anyway my replies to dear commenters:

Yup, the dino thing is a reference to immo's fic which is one of the best akb fics I've read. Sadly, I haven't been reading anymore fics since I don't know when.  :nervous
I would love to update in the next millennium but I don't think I'd be alive by that time. But if ever I am...which is imposible but let's just pretend  :lol: ...I'd probably be in my death bed. I think it's hard to write or even move when someone's in their death bed. lol. Thanks for reading and sticking to this! XD

@screwybonkers: Can I just say that I love your username? Wish I was that inventive in thinking about a username back then. :lol:  Thanks for reading! I'll try to bring more of the 'HiMari' pairing in the future chapters. They are pretty fun to write.  XD

@RJay: thanks so much for supporting most of my fics!!  Seriously!!  :bow: I see you've taken up writing too. Good for you and enjoy its perks.  XD I'll try to read them when I have the time!  :)

@dee1711: Awww. Honestly, when I read your comment I had the urge to buy a Katsudon. So I did. I'll pretend you bought that one for me. ;) Thanks and it's nice to see you still reading this. :D

I'm glad you love PoF. And yeah, that last chap is pretty short unlike the past chapters I did. Didn't like that chapter really but I'm glad you did. Means a lot. And yeah, Hinata will be forever trying to form that screwed up pairing of theirs. Keyword: FOREVER  :lol:

@haruhi16: I'm glad you like the HiMari chapters. No matter how screwed up they are.  :lol: I'll try to make up a bunch of screw up adventures for the two in my future fics. I like their screwy relationship.  :lol:

I'm glad you ship HiMari now. Honestly, I don't know if I do but I do enjoy writing the two of them together. :) They're like cat and mouse but the mouse is trying to form a pairing with the cat. Yup, perfect combination.  :lol: Glad you like it and thanks for continuing on reading this fic!  XD

Honestly I didn't expect to update so that makes the two of us. XD Ah, inner Mariko-sama, Nami's sarcastic inner self. How I miss writing her too. Thanks for reading this and sticking to it. I'll try to make inner Mariko-sama appear in future fics.  XD

@Megumi: Hopefully I can still collide those two together even though I have no idea what's happening in the AKB world nowadays. I think the last news I heard was Yuko winning. Other than that...nada. ^^; Mariko definitely is an S. I kinda like her that way. Though I do like her trolling self too in real life. lol. Thanks for still reading! XD

To silent readers and thank you pressers I thank you as well.  :bow:

Sad news though. Remember this?

Note: Last Hinata chap!  :)

Yeah well, I scratched that since I again will have to split it since I'm thinking of the whole mini mission the Himari couple is going to have and I have yet to write it so...yeah.  :lol:
Well here's another Hinata chap! Enjoy!  :)


Hinata Chapter part 3

Sighing, Mariko rests her chin in her hand and gazed out of the window as she waits for the other girl. With her free hand, she fished her phone out of her bag. She had 5 new messages. Two were from her agency and the other three were from Asahi, Nami and Ray. She didn't bother opening Asahi and Nami's messages as she's still a bit pissed off at them. She even let out a soft growl when she saw their names appear.

Yes, clearly she's that pissed off at them.

Scrolling down, she opened Ray's message. Her eyebrow quickly arched up as she read her message.

'Having fun? ( ̄ー ̄)'

Reading Ray's message was a bit disturbing to Mariko. Her bestfriend usually doesn't add emoticons but this time...she did. And she puts a grinning emoticon. How disturbing is that to Mariko right? It's like Ray is insinuating that she is having fun.

Is she having fun?

Thinking about it, even though Mariko feels that the ego boost was somewhat a total failure as she boosted up more than enough for her to get blind from rolling her eyes too much...definitely an exaggerated thought from Mariko...surprisingly, aside from the eye rolling moments...the rest of the day turned out to be pretty fun. The two entered store after stores trying out things and just having fun like close friends would. Mariko even laughed out loud a couple of times at Hinata's silliness whenever she tried out ridiculous clothing or even just...being herself. The tall girl found it odd that she's having fun with this one day date they're having. Yes, she was having fun and well...

...Mariko doesn't want to admit it to Hinata.

If she did admit it to the other girl, she'd be having more eye rolling moments. Any more of those and her eyes would definitely get stuck or something.

She can't have that now can she.

Mariko looked up and found Hinata walking towards her fresh out of the bathroom, smiling. Looking at Hinata, Mariko remembers how much the other girl is smiling today. Despite the usual brush off she's giving the other girl, pushing the her, taunting her, threatening her, Mariko would always find the girl smiling. Well the smiles comes after the whole pouting and groaning because of Mariko's brush offs but that really isn't the point. But it does make Mariko wonder...

...why is Hinata smiling so much? Is it...because of...her?

"Missed me?" Hinata grinned as she sat back across the taller girl who rolled her eyes.

"Like a puss inside my pimple that's ready to pop out." Mariko replied flatly, placing her phone back to her bag.

"Geez Mariko, you always say the grossest things." Mariko couldn't help but chuckle at the grossed out look given to her by Hinata. Somehow Mariko failed to notice how the other girl glanced at her, a small smile forming on her face. It's nice to see her friend loosening up in her company. Mariko does seem to be on guard when it comes to Hinata. And well, one reason that Hinata forced herself to have a date with Mariko is so she can somehow break that guard down just a bit. She wanted Mariko to be comfortable with her again.

Well that and for Mariko to agree to form the 'HiMari' pairing but Hinata is going to go for that first reason for goodness sake and keep the last reason for herself.

"What's with the stare?" Mariko asked as she raised her eyebrow at the girl who shrugged.

"It's a date. We are bound to have lots of staring you know." Hinata gave Mariko her famous eyebrow wiggle as she grinned at her. The taller girl just narrowed her eyes at that. Figures Hinata is going to shove it again to Mariko's face that they're on date.

"So...tell me about yourself." Hinata beamed. The taller girl, with narrowed eyes, was about to say something when Hinata immediately held up her hand to stop her.

"Ah ah ah. No excuses this time since again, we are on a date."

A beat.

"So? Tell me about yourself." Hinata ushered her to speak as she leaned back on her chair, smiling. Her eyes held that familiar mischievous glint on them that makes Mariko want to beat the girl up. But she can't since today is the other girl's birthday. Plus she did agree to the whole date thing. So...

...Nami and Asahi are so dead.

Mariko let out a defeated sigh as she too leaned back to her chair.

"What do you want to know?" She asked flatly, her bored eyes locked to Hinata's teasing ones. Hinata began tapping her chin with her index finger as if thinking of something that she wanted to know about the taller girl. Mariko stares at her wondering what it is about her that Hinata wants to know so much about.

Why does Hinata even want to know stuff about her?

Does Hinata...?

Such thoughts flew out of her mind as it looked like Hinata thought of something to ask about. Mariko's eyebrow arched up as Hinata leaned towards her, the playful look she was wearing was gone to be replaced by a serious one.

"For starters, how about you tell me how you and Ray met."

How she and...


"Yeah. I'm curious to know how the two of you met."


"Just curious." Hinata shrugged nonchalantly, smiling slightly. It doesn't look like she was 'just curious' to Mariko but the taller girl decided to let it slide. She'll try to find out why when she feels that something is up.

"Ray and I were schoolmates. I've known her since Junior high." She started.

"You say schoolmate, so you two weren't in the same class?" Hinata asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"No we weren't." Mariko answered. She took her glass of juice from the table and began stirring it, her eyes drawn at what she's doing as she remembers her past with Ray.

"Back in Junior high, I was pretty popular."

"You mean like a cheerleader popular? That kind of popular?" Hinata asked as she let out a chuckle. Though Akb48 consists of wearing skirts and a bunch of shiny garments much like what cheerleader's wear, Hinata couldn't seem to imagine Mariko, or rather Junior high Mariko being a cheerleader. In Hinata's eyes, she was more like the cool sporty type.

"Yes, if you put it that way. I'm that kind of famous. Minus the whole cheerleading thing though since I'm not into that. I'm more into sports back then."

'I knew it.' Hinata thought as she nodded her head, grinning.

"So you're a jock."

"I'm not a guy." Mariko replied, her eyes narrowed at Hinata.

"You're a...uh...jocky?" Hinata offered.

"How is adding the letter 'y' make it an appropriate word for a female gender?"

"It worked with the word 'girly.'" Hinata shrugged. Mariko stared at her for a few seconds wondering what was seriously wrong with the girl until she sighed and shook her head, mumbling "Why do I even bother?"

Hinata just shrugged again.

Yes, why does Mariko even bother? It is Hinata after all. She should just go with the flow when it comes to the other girl. Even if that flow doesn't make sense most of the time.

"Anyway, I was pretty popular back then but so is Ray." Mariko took a sip of her juice then placed it back at the table. Hinata stared at her, waiting for her to continue her tale which Mariko did, her eyes still locked on her glass of juice.

"But then, Ray's popularity wasn't the same as mine. I was popular for being good at sports, nice, friendly...pretty and sexy. Can't forget those two." Mariko nodded with a grin. Hinata rolled her eyes at that.

Hello Mariko's ego. Welcome back.

Mariko's well known ego made a small appearance as a few seconds later, the grin faded from her face.

"But Ray...she was different. She wasn't popular because of the same things as I was. Quite the opposite really. Except for the whole pretty and sexy since she is pretty much like those as well. Doesn't change the fact that she's a--"

"Female dog?" Hinata finished for her wearing a small smile.

"I was going to say snob but yeah...there were times when she was a bitch."

"A snobbish female dog?" Hinata tilted her head slightly as she crossed her arms to her chest. Mariko stared at the other girl for awhile, her lips pursed in a tight smile. Should she tell the other girl to just say the word bitch rather than say female dog or should she just let it slide?

'I'll go with the latter.' She thought with a sigh.

"So she wasn't the bully type? Kinda like a cheerleader from hell?"

"Please refrain from watching typical highschool plot movies. And no she wasn't the bully type."

Hinata nodded rubbing her chin as if she had a beard.

"Ray hardly spoke to anyone. She had no friends. It felt like she wanted to be left alone most of the time. If guys asked her out, then she'll show her bitchy side, turning them down harshly."

"Was she bullied?"

"Physically no. But there were rumors spreading about her back then. Probably made by those guys she turned down." Mariko said as she shrugged.

"Interesting..." Hinata mumbled still rubbing her invisible beard. Mariko frowned slightly at her, wondering why was her companion asking lots of question about her best friend. Shouldn't she be asking about her?

Mariko shook her head at that thought. She shouldn't be internally complaining if Hinata wanted to know more about her best friend than her. Seriously, that thought should be flamed for being inappropriate.

"So what's the story behind the two of you? I mean, from hearing your prologue, you two were opposites. So how did you two became what you are now? Don't tell me it's the whole 'opposites attract' thing." Hinata smirked at that. Ray and Mariko attracts each other because they were completely opposites. It is quite funny for the evil genius.

Mariko began tapping her chin with her index finger as she looked up, thinking.

"Hmmm. Well if you put it that could say that I guess. Yeah, we were probably attracted to each other."

 A jaw dropping moment for Hinata right there. She's definitely rethinking about her being a genius right now. That last bit's a killer. It's melting her mind right now.
Ray and Mariko were...

"Not that kind of attraction dummy. No romantic feelings were involved between us. So put your jaw back to were it belong." Mariko said flatly as she rests her chin in her hand. Upon hearing that, Hinata did what Mariko said and brought her jaw back in place. Her eyes were still wide in bafflement though.

"I was drawn to her because of...what she is...or rather...what she was."

"You were curious to know why she was like that?"

"Yeah, something like that. She was mysterious, always a loner and it looked like it didn't bother her to be like that. Seeing that all the somehow impressed me."

"So you were observing her most of the time." Hinata nodded understanding where Mariko is coming from. The taller girl nodded at that, her eyes to the side, looking outside the window.

"She did as well I think. One day, I had my first tennis match. I didn't win...which upsets me a lot...and well...she was there. She approached me and talked to me for the first time."


"It's okay Mariko, you did your best." A sempai of Mariko said as the latter wiped the sweat on her face. She nodded at her senpai, smiling slightly.

"You did good though for your first match. Your opponent was only a few points ahead." Another member said.

"Yeah. She was older and had a lot of experience yet you held it together. You should be proud of yourself." Another senpai of hers said, smiling brightly at her. Still, Mariko nodded her head and kept that small smile on her face.

That small smile that shows to everyone that she was okay when in fact...she was far from being okay.

"Winning isn't everything anyway. So c'mon! Let's celebrate your almost-winning-match."

"Karaoke!" One member suggested as she pumped her fist in the air. The others except Mariko followed suit. With that decision settled, most of the tennis club members began grabbing their things and heading out. One member noticed how Mariko isn't following. Turning towards her, she noticed the girl didn't budge from her spot, eyes locked on the court that is bathing in the afternoon sunset.

"Mariko? Aren't you coming?"

Hearing that somehow brought back Mariko from her reverie. Turning, she looked at her friend and smiled.

"You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you guys. I want to take a shower first before I go celebrating."

"You have a point. You are kind of sweaty." Her friend smirked. Mariko chuckled, scratching the back of her neck. After a promise of catching up, Mariko was then left alone in the tennis court. That small smile slowly fades as she watches her friend's back moving away. As the image of her friend disappears, she turned back to look at the tennis court. She was just staring...blankly. The adrenaline she felt earlier was gone.

Right now...everything is just blank to her...empty even.

"'Winning isn't everything' you honestly believe that?" An unfamiliar voice suddenly said. Frowning slightly, she turned towards the voice and found Takigawa Hanako sitting on the grass slope just behind the tennis court fence. It looked like she had been there for awhile now, just watching.

Did her match? If she did...why?

"So? Do you believe it?" Hanako asked, her eyebrow arched up as her eyes locked on Mariko's confused ones.

"Believe what?"

"What that girl said about how winning isn't everything."

"Well...yeah I guess. The important thing is I did my best." Mariko shrugged still a bit weirded out that Hanako is talking to her. The girl hardly talks to least that's what she heard. Maybe those weren't true then since it looked like the other girl has a lot to say to Mariko. The question is...


Mariko's eyebrow furrowed when Hanako stood up and laughed.

"Seriously? Hmph. Right." Hanako drawled as she walked towards her wearing a smile that felt insulting to Mariko.

Is this girl...laughing at her?

Mariko clenched her jaw tight, her eyes locked dangerously at Hanako who stopped walking as soon as she was inside the court.

"Let me ask you this, if winning isn't everything...then why do you practice everyday after class? Going home late a couple of times because of practice? Sweating like crazy? Why do you even join these matches if winning isn't everything? Just so you could do your best and have fun because you love the sport? Tch. Please." Hanako shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Are you stalking me?" Mariko asked, crossing her arms to her chest.

"That's your answer to my question? Huh. I must've hit something then." Hanako smirked which annoyed Mariko, clenching her jaw tight again. her eyebrow twitched when Hanako began to walk towards her again, only stopping when she was a few feet away. She was still wearing that annoying know-it-all smile she's wearing which Mariko wanted to wipe away.

Hanako definitely hit quite a lot then for Mariko to feel this way.

"To answer your question since you won't answer mine; no, I wasn't stalking you. I was merely observing you." Hanako reasoned.

"Hearing that, I see no difference." She rolled her eyes staring at Hanako, eyes clearly shows disinterest. Seeing that made Hanako's smile widen.

"But I do."

Mariko frowned at that wondering what the other girl meant. It felt like the other girl is talking about something unrelated to what they were talking about. What is it that she see differently?
As if hearing Mariko's thoughts, Hanako added...

"I see you differently, Shinoda Mariko. Not like those people swarming around you."

Mariko stared at her. She's just staring at the annoying smile of Hanako wondering what it is exactly she see when she look at her.

"You're quite easy to read. And I really don't get why your so called friends couldn't do that. Reading you I mean. Those so called friends of yours that doesn't even have a clue to what you're feeling right now. Some friends huh.." Hanako huffed, shaking her head.

"Even saying that you guys should celebrate even though you just lost. Who does that right?"

"Stalking and now eavesdropping...that's nice. I didn't know I have such a fan."

Hanako let out a laugh at that making Mariko to raise her eyebrow in confusion.

"Now this is a side of Shinoda Mariko I haven't seen before. Actually, I don't think anyone had ever seen this side of you."

Mariko's eyebrow twitched.

"And you're showing it to me now. I'm flattered, really." Hanako giggled. Mariko just narrowed her eyes at the giggling girl not really knowing what is the point of this talk is really. Just what is Hanako trying to accomplish here? And why does it look like she wanted to ruin her relationship to her friends?

Just what is Takigawa Hanako up to?

Shaking those thoughts away, Mariko noticed that it was getting dark and she was still wearing her sweaty clothes. Grabbing her bag on the ground, she slung it over her shoulder and turned towards her companion.

"Look, as much as I'm enjoying this...conversation that we're having, I have to go. My friends are waiting for me so...yeah. Bye." With that, Mariko made her way towards the exit. Just as she was about to step out of the tennis court, she felt a hand on her arm, stopping her. Turning to look, she wasn't surprised to see the owner of the hand smiling annoyingly at her.

"You're still going? Even though you don't want to?"

Mariko shrugged her hand away from her.

"Yes I am. They're my friends and I promised them I'd catch up."

"So what, are you going there and pretend that you're having fun when in fact you're not? That all you want to do is just crawl into your bed, cover yourself up with your blanket and forget about the whole match?" Hanako said as she frowned slightly. It became a full frown when Mariko let out a sigh.

"You may be right. That I'm not in a celebratory mode right now since I just lost a match. But my friends wanted me to have some fun. To make me forget about the match I just had. To comfort me." Mariko took a step closer to Hanako who stood unmoving.

"I'm impressed how perceptive you are towards me. A bit creepy...but impressed me. I can tell how smart you are but it seemed like you're lacking in a lot of things. Particularly on having friends. Clearly that's one thing you don't understand. How it is to have friends." It was a bit harsh for Mariko to say such things but the girl was definitely getting on her nerves. Not wanting to wait for a reply, Mariko turned and walked away.

"Then show me!" Hanako yelled to Mariko who suddenly stopped and looked over her shoulder. Upon seeing that, Hanako took a step forward and continued.

"Show me what's it like to have a friend!"

"What?" Mariko turned to look at the other girl, frowning.

"Show me what's it like to be a friend of Shinoda Mariko." Hanako said in her normal voice. Despite the distance between them, Mariko heard her loud and clear. Mariko could only stare at her.

Only then did Mariko notice that the empty feeling she had earlier was long gone.

That empty feeling she had was replaced with dread.

Clearly this wasn't going to be a good thing.

End of flashback

"So then you were like hands on your waist, staring at her with a smug expression while saying, 'Challenge Accepted!' weren't you?" Hinata smirked. Yup, she could totally imagine that.

"No. And don't turn what I told you into a meme material story." Mariko narrowed her eyes at Hinata who shrugged.

"But seriously, that meeting of yours with Ray is quite...interesting and disturbing at the same time." Hinata frowned slightly as she nod her head. Somehow hearing that story of Mariko brought a little bit of light to Hinata's question about Ray. It wasn't enough though. Hinata wanted to know more about the diva.

"So you went all Mr. Miyagi on her and taught her the ways of having friends?"

"I didn't really agree with her suggestion you know, since at that time it felt a bit weird to be asked that. But somehow that didn't stop her from pestering me and hanging out with me." Mariko sighed as she remembers the times Hanako would just suddenly appear next to her and talk to her. It weirded out Mariko's friends to the point that her popularity quickly went downhill since Ray is pretty much hard to deal with. Ray would fight with most of them telling them exactly what she feels no matter how harsh it is.

Typical Ray being typical.

"Ray stalked you? For real? Ha! That's...actually hard to visualize." Hinata made a face. Never did she imagine Ray to be the stalkerish type. No wait. She was also like that when it came to Kai. Always showing up to wherever he is just to glomp him. So maybe Ray IS the stalkerish type. But Ray has feelings for Kai at that time so the stalking is pretty much matter how wrong that sounded. So what about Mariko?

Why did Ray suddenly stalked her?

Did Ray also have...feelings for the taller girl?

....Nah. No way.

"Since she was really adamant in sticking to me...which is most of the time wasn't fun...I gave in to what she wanted. I didn't teach her...rather I showed it to her. I want her to feel how it is to have a friend." Mariko sighed.

"And you did as it is pretty obvious how loyal she is to you are to her." Hinata smiled softly. Mariko nodded at that, a small smile forming on her lips. Despite the hell she had to go through back then, Ray is very important to her. She would do anything to protect the girl.

She's that important to Mariko.


"This questioning about Ray is somewhat related to her relationship with Nami isn't it?" Mariko locked eyes with Hinata who couldn't help but chuckle. Staring at Hinata, Mariko couldn't help but compare her to Ray. The two clearly have something in common. Something that she's not sure what. Perhaps it's how sharp the two are when it comes to everyone. But if anyone asked her who she think is much dangerous between the two...

...she picks Ray.

"Or it could be related to the sudden disappearance of Okuma."

"What do you think?" Hinata smiled as she rests her chin in her hand. Though she's smiling, Mariko could see Hinata's eyes never backing down on her own.

"Is Ray related to Okuma's disappearance?" Hinata asked, her eyebrow arched up. Mariko kept her stare at the other girl until finally she answered in all honesty.

"I don't know."

"Me too." Hinata nodded as she leaned back to her chair.

"Honestly I'm not sure if Ray has something to do with Okuma's vanishing act. It could be that he just decided to disappear because of the embarrassment. But leaving without a trace seems...odd to me." Hinata looked back at Mariko, smiling slightly. Mariko nodded her head, her eyes slowly made it's way to their table.

She too find it odd that Okuma suddenly disappeared without a trace. It did somehow cross her mind that Ray might be responsible for that but...

"Does it matter that he disappeared? Isn't that a good thing?" She asked, crossing her arms to her chest. Really, they shouldn't worry where or what happened to Okuma. It doesn't really matter to Mariko if he just vanished off the face of the earth. Mariko could care less.

"I believe there's a famous saying; 'Keep your enemies at an eye level position.'"

"You sure it's famous?" Mariko sighed, shaking her head. It must be one of those Hinata quotes. Despite the fact that what Hinata said is nowhere near being a famous saying, Mariko couldn't help but agree with her. It is better if they know where Okuma is just to be sure that he won't do anything to Ray or Nami...

...or to them.

Mariko frowned at that thought.

"You think...he'll be back?"

"Dunno. Probably. I'm sure he'd want a rematch or something." Hinata shrugged. She then took her glass of juice and looked at it as she added softly,

"That is...if he is still alive..."


The two were once again walking the sidewalk of Tokyo, going nowhere in particular. At least that's what Mariko thinks since she decided to just follow Hinata's lead to wherever it is she wanted to go.

It is her birthday and all.

Mariko let out a sigh, glancing at her their arms that are locked together. Despite the coupley it looked, it didn't bother Mariko this time as what her and Hinata talked about inside the cafe still somewhat bothers her.

What would happen if Okuma once again showed up?
Will he blackmail them again?
What will happen then?
What will happen to them?
What will her?
What will happen to her career...?

With such thoughts plaguing inside her, she unconsciously tightened her hold on Hinata which the birthday girl noticed.

"You okay?" Hinata asked as she glanced at the taller girl. Mariko blinked back.

"Uh...yeah. Just thinking." She answered softly.

"Related to me?" Hinata grinned as she looked at Mariko, her eyebrows doing that wiggle thing again. Mariko answered back with her own signature eye rolling move.

"You wish."

"It's my birthday so I'm entitled to a wish, right?" Hinata gave Mariko a wink which prompted the taller girl to sigh and shake her head.


"But seriously, don't think about the Okuma situation so much." Hinata said as she looked ahead ignoring the slight frown thrown at her by the taller girl.

"Whether Okuma comes back or another foe appears...we'd be ready for them." Hinata glanced at her, smiling.

"Our team is strong. I know we could take whoever it is that threatens us. So don't worry about it."

Mariko stares at her for while. She had no doubt that their team was strong. With Ray and Hinata plus their weird manager who carries a whip, they are invincible.


Mariko let out a sigh. She gave Hinata a small smile.

"You're right." She said, despite the lingering doubt she feels. Luckily for her, Hinata didn't seem to pick on it as she nodded her head smiling. The small smile on the taller girl's lips slowly disappeared when Hinata turned her gaze away from her, looking ahead as they walked. If Hinata knew what she was thinking, she'd probably lecture the older girl for such selfish and nonsense thoughts. And well she didn't want that.

For now she'd keep this to herself.

Though Hinata doesn't know what it is that Mariko is thinking she did know that the girl is still deep in thought. Mariko was so deep in thought that she wasn't aware where the birthday girl is taking her. Only when she noticed that they have to walk up a stairs did she finally woke up.

Hinata frowned slightly, confused then turned towards her companion when the latter suddenly stopped. The taller girl narrowed her eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"What?" Hinata feigned ignorance.

"Don't play dumb, what the hell are we going to do inside a hotel?!" Mariko removed her arm from Hinata and pointed at the hotel entrance. The other girl pouted as she looked at her arm. The hotel doorman could only tilt his head slightly as he watches the two arguing.

"H-Hey! Why'd you do that for?!"

"Why'd you think?"

"Get your arm back where it belong, woman!" Hinata stomped her feet like a brat as the taller girl began to walk away.

"It is where it belongs...away from you!" Mariko barked as she walked ignoring the thrown stares aimed at her. It took a few moment until finally Hinata ran to catch up with the other girl.

"What is your problem?!" Hinata asked as she tries to keep up with the taller girl's pace.

"Seriously, stop acting like you're stupid."

"We're only going to buy my favorite cake! Don't tell me you're going to deprive me of cake in my birthday?!" Hinata glared at her.

Mariko stopped at that. She turned to Hinata, her eyebrow raised and arms crossed to her chest.

"We're going to buy a cake in a hotel. Right..." She drawled.

"There's a cakeshop inside the hotel. What else do you think......?" Hinata explained but then she realized just what the taller girl was thinking as to why they're going inside the hotel.

"Did you think that I was taking you there to....?" She trailed as she tilted her head slightly. The lack of finishing her sentence doesn't seem important as she looked as the taller girl looked away from her. She noticed Mariko's ears reddening probably from embarrassment.

Hinata grinned at that.

"Oh? Were you thinking naughty thoughts? My very perverted of you." She teases, her eyebrow wiggling despite the fact that the taller girl wasn't looking at her. Her signature move was only short lived thought as Mariko completely surprised her by grabbing her collar and yanking her towards her. She gulped when she was face to face with a very angry yet visibly blushing from embarrassment Mariko.

"Say another word and I assure you that it'll be your last." Mariko said through gritted teeth. The birthday girl opened her mouth to reply but quickly closed it remembering the seriously threat from her friend. She decided that nodding would suffice that she understood. Seeing that, Mariko pushed the girl away from and walked away. Hinata looked at her friend's retreating back as she fixed her clothes. She swear she can see the girl surrounded by flames as she walks. Kinda like a super saiyan.

Yup, right now Mariko's in a super saiyan mode.

What level? Hinata doesn't know and doesn't want to know. She could turn into a giant monkey hell bent on destroying the world for all she cares.

She sighed.

How will she tame the beast now?

Noticing the growing distance between them, she quickly ran towards the girl. Mariko didn't even glance at her or acknowledge her when Hinata finally caught up to her. Hinata glanced at Mariko not really surprised to see her glaring as she walks. Well at least she's not blushing anymore...nor is she transforming into a hell bent monkey with super powers.

That's a good thing...right?

The two were walking the sidewalk side by side quietly. Hinata took a deep breath then let it out trying to gather enough courage to talk to the girl. She glanced at her glaring friend and decided to test her luck.

" are we going...?" She asked, her lips forming a tight smile. She almost let out a sigh of relief when the other girl answered to her question.

"I'm going home. You, go away." A bit short kinda like caveman talk but still menacing in Hinata's ears. Figures Mariko would be pissed at Hinata for wounding her pride.

It is Mariko and all.

"Aww. But it's too early to go home yet." Hinata pouted. It is still early for Hinata as it is only 4pm in the afternoon. She doesn't want to go home yet and well...she's enjoying her time with her coupling partner.

That is until she wounded her pride.

"Don't care. I'm still going home."

Hinata was tempted to ask if she could go home with the taller girl but...decided against it. Mariko would probably throw a fit if she asked her that. Instead she came up with a decent plan to somehow change the other girl's mood on going home.

Her evil side began laughing inside her but her face in the outside looked like a kid who found out her puppy got killed.

"Okay. I understand. It has been a long day must be" Hinata said softly as she slows her walking. She was doing a happy dance when she noticed Mariko slowing down as well.

'Gotcha.' Her evil side grinned.

"I guess...I'll just go home as well and just...wait for Nami and Asahi to arrive..." Hinata frowned slightly when she saw Mariko stiffen at the word 'home.' She decided to continue putting the wondering in the back of her mind.

"...Maybe then we'll get to celebrate my birthday even if it is just for a few hours." Hinata stopped walking, her eyes downcast. Her evil side laughed that evil laugh inside her when Mariko stopped walking as well. She wanted to see Mariko's reaction so her eyes slowly traveled until it reached the taller girl's.

Mariko was glancing at her over her shoulder.

"Thanks for today. It...made me happy..." Hinata softly smiled at her.

"...being with you on my special day."

Mariko turned to her, giving her a blank stare that Hinata is having a hard time figuring out the meaning behind it. Was she flattered? Sad? Happy? ...Constipated? Hinata doesn't know. 
Shrugging inside, she decided to end this pity plan. She bowed at Mariko which surprised the taller girl.

"Really, thank you."

Mariko frowned slightly, her eyebrow twitching at the sight of the girl bowing in front of her. Her resolve was breaking into pieces as the other girl stopped bowing, eyes glistening as she and looked at her still wearing that small smile. Hinata felt that she completely broke down her resolve when she said her goodbye, her voice cracking.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Th-thanks again. Bye." With that, Hinata turned and began walking away. Mariko stared at her for awhile, gritting her teeth. If she follows the other girl then yes, her wounded pride would once again be wounded. But she kept picturing the broken look Hinata gave her which is the fakest thing she'd ever seen. But despite that she believes that no one, not even Hinata should feel alone in her special day.

Plus she needed to keep Hinata away from her apartment anyway. So it's more like a battle between her pride, her duty and her fake friend's acting.

Pride vs duty vs fake friend eh? So who will win?

'Damn conscience.' Mariko thought as she followed Hinata. Looks like Mariko's conscience won the pride vs duty vs fake friend battle then.

Or maybe it's more like 'Damn Nami and Asahi for asking a favor' then.

Unknown to the conscience driven model, the best actress of the day couldn't help but grin when she heard footsteps making their way towards her.

An award winning performance perhaps?

"Hinata, wait!"

Oh yeah.

Hinata shook her head trying to calm her grinning self. She slowly faced the taller girl who was running towards her. Once the taller girl was close enough, Hinata tilted her head slightly.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Look...I'm..." Mariko started but stopped when she thought of her poor pride being taken to the hospital. Shaking those weird thoughts away, she began to continue her fake apology.

"...sorry about earlier. About jumping into conclusion and getting mad. Sorry about that."

Hinata nodded in reply, smiling at the taller girl who began to scratch her head, eyes unable to look at the other girl.

"I feel bad for leaving you alone in your birthday you want we could go back to the hotel and buy that cake that you wanted. My treat." Mariko gave Hinata a forced smile. Her pride's just flat lined at the imaginary hospital in Mariko's head.

In the real world, Hinata nodded her head, beaming.

"Okay. Then I'll treat you to a room at that hotel then."

Okay so Hinata couldn't resist. Luckily for her the taller girl just narrowed her eyes.

"No thanks. I prefer not to go to any hotel rooms with you for my sake." Mariko said as she sighed. She began walking ahead until she heard the other girl clear her throat. frowning, she turned to the other girl who has her arm up.

"Forgetting something?" Hinata blinked a couple of times at Mariko who is now imagining her pride currently in a morgue. Sighing, she made her way beside the birthday girl and looped her arm on hers.

"That's better."

Mariko could only roll her eyes. Looking at how the birthday girl is acting it feels like she's been had again.

Ugh. Nami and Asahi definitely needs to pay for this.



Next: Okay this time it's definitely going to be the last chapter! I mean it or my username isn't FoF!  :lol:

« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 05:29:01 PM by FoF »

Offline Takamina_Captain

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I'm really like this fic !!!!   :rock:

it always makes me laugh...really hard...especially that Mariko ego....hahaha

Please Continue  :cow:

Offline kingku3

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Easily one of the best, most well written AKB fanfiction I've ever read. :thumbsup

My hats off to you, FoF. :bow:

Offline haruhi16

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I really wanna know how this 'HiMari' pairing would end up  XD
But i'm hoping things would be serious between them and both of them should make a move, that's all I've been waiting for from all these chapters!!!  :inlove:

UPDATE SOON!  :thumbsup

Offline crazywota

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Again. I love you.

lol. As always, our waiting is worth it~ HiMari pairing  :heart:
just curious, your next update will be the really last?  :cry:  or just for Hinata chapter?
I still want more of Nami and Ray.  :bow:

Thank you again for the update!  :thumbup

Offline kahem

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Hinata!!!!! She is just awesome!!!!!!

Offline Megumi

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 :) I was wondering too how Mariko&Ray met  :twothumbs yei my inner wish was granted LoL
Maybe Ray saw that Mariko was almost the same as her observing her and knew how she felt. Well true friends does and ordinary friends don't.

Looking forward to the last chapter of Hinata's date with Mariko-sama.

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline screwybonkers

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I finally got the chance to read your latest update! I didn't get the chance to read it because of my exams. And now that it is over I finally read it!  :love: Im glad that you showed a flashback on Mariko and Ray's friendship. I was wondering how they end up being friends. And Himari!!!  XD I really can't get enough of those two! Love them XD Please let them end up together! XD Please update soon when I don't have an exam. Jk. Thanks for the update!

PS: I'm glad you like my username. My friend and i saw a boat with this name and i remembered it. I'm also currently reading immo's story. I'm not finished yet but it's awesome like your story. :)

Offline bou-j525

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Let's see...... Part 3 was posted on July 12... and now it's July 24!! And guess what? Still haven't read part TWO  :nervous In fact I saw the "last hinata chap" note long time ago, and decided to read part 2 some other time because I was busy........ and I didn't even know the existence of part 3 XD -iknowimsolateomgshameonmeImustreaditnooooow-

Well just a quick comment to tell you I've missed you and your work and I'm glad to see you're alive 8D I'm going to read this as soon as possible and die laughing  :twothumbs

Offline FoF

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #251 on: August 02, 2012, 03:39:21 PM »
Right now I'm just feeling a bit  :banghead: with my writing.  :nervous
I'll do the ranting at the end.  :nervous

Replies to dear commenters:

@Takamina_Captain: Thanks for liking my fic.  :) Mariko's ego is a bit of a funny one for me too, I mean, what does an ego even look like?  :lol: Anyway, thanks for reading and leaving a comment!  XD

@kingku3: Really?  :nervous For me it isn't but...thanks for thinking that.  XD Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!  XD

Thank you for liking the HiMari pairing so much.  :) I have no idea what you'll do to when you read this final chapter so... :nervous Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!  XD

Aww shucks. I people keep saying the L word to me these days.  XD I'm just ending the Hinata chapters today. As for the sequel...yeah I'm kinda missing Nami x Ray as well since there are only a few fics about I'll try to work on that.  :) Thanks for the reading and commenting!  XD

@kahem: Yeah she is. I like her awesome self as well.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@screwybonkers: Well I'm updating now so hopefully you don't have an exam right now. If you have then...I tried.  :nervous Your username is a name of a boat? Cool boat.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

OMG! bouj is alive as well!!  XD XD I'm glad to hear from you again! I miss you too!  XD Seriously, come back! Cause I'm thinking of leaving.  :lol: Having a busy life eh? Well your fans are currently on protest as you have yet to update your fics.  :lol: But that's okay. I'm sure you'd be back when your workload eases up.  :) And when that time're back! YEY!  XD Thanks for sticking to this and commenting!  XD

To silent readers and thank you pressers I thank you as well. Seriously, thanks.   :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Here's the last Hinata chap!
Enjoy!  :)


Hinata Chapter Final

"Look, if you don't want to help me, fine! I could do it by myself!" Hinata said, shoving the box of cake to Mariko's arm. She turned and was about to walk away towards the alley when she was stopped by someone holding her hand. Turning to look, she wasn't surprised to see Mariko glaring at her.

"Are you insane?! Let it go!"

Hinata removed the taller girl's hand holding her. She glared back at Mariko who added, "Don't do this! Don't risk your career for--"

Hinata cut her off, stomping her feet, fists clenched tight infuriated at the other girl.

"Someone needs our help Mariko! The only humane thing to do is help! Why are you thinking of your career right now?!"

"Because it would be stupid if you get caught and get fired for saving...that! Do you want to be caught by the police?! Do you want to lose your job?! Your dream?! Your everything?! Don't be stupid Hinata!" Mariko yelled, waving her free hand towards the alley. Why can't Hinata just let it go and for once think of herself?

"Stop trying to be a hero." Mariko added with a tried sigh, looking at her friend. Hinata kept her glare at the other girl. It was like she was looking at another person. This wasn't the Mariko she knew. Mariko wasn't a coward. She never was as she didn't even hesitate in agreeing to Hinata back then about her special participation in their Okuma mission. She wasn't selfish as she helped her friends find the happy ending they wanted. So...who is this person staring back at her? This isn't Shinoda Mariko. This...this isn't her coupling partner. This person that she's glaring a complete stranger to Hinata.

A complete stranger that she wants nothing to do with.

"Yeah well I'd rather be a stupid hero..." Hinata looked at Mariko with disgust.

"...than be a coward and selfish as you are." With that, Hinata turned and began walking the alley, heading towards her destination, leaving Mariko to stare at her retreating back. Mariko stared at her for awhile until she too turned towards the opposite direction, walking away.

"Fine. Be an idiot that you are." She growled as she walks, gritting her teeth, obviously enraged at Hinata's decision. Typical of Hinata to go to the stupid idiotic route. And she even made Mariko feel like she's the bad guy in all this when she's just trying to look out for the other girl...which she seldom does and now that she does it gets trampled on. Ugh! Why does she even bother anyway?!
"Stupid Hinata. Stupid stupid stupid idiot. Rot in jail why don't ya." Mariko grumbled as she continue to walk, ignoring the confused looks given to her as she looked like she was talking to herself.

"How can she say that I'm being a coward and selfish when I'm just being realistic here!" She waved her free hand in the air surprising a man who dodged at it as he passed by her. He stopped, turning towards her giving her a weird look as she continues to walk and grumble about Hinata's stupidity. The man raised his eyebrow as Mariko suddenly stopped and began scratching her head with her free hand, messing her hair underneath her hat as she groaned.

"Why were we even arguing about something that stupid anyway?!"

And that is a question that can only be answered by a...


Mariko's eyebrow began to twitch, her lips pursed, cheeks slightly pink as she waits for the other girl who's currently browsing the cake catalogue looking at various cakes. Hinata pointed at another one then turned to look at the other girl.

"What about this one?" She asks, a playful smile across her lips. Mariko's eyebrow twitched again without looking at the picture being pointed out.

"It's your own birthday cake. So you pick."

"Aww, but I want your opinion on it." She smiled sweetly at the taller girl, blinking a couple of times. Seeing that, Mariko was tempted to push the other girl's face away but instead of doing that, Mariko just let out a sigh of defeat and relented on the other girl's wishes. Slowly, her eyes made it's way to the picture being pointed...

...then she quickly looked away, blushing.

"Damn it Hinata. Just choose your damn perverted cake." She growled. Hinata shook her head in a chided manner.

"Such potty mouth...and a prude." She smirked at that, ignoring the dangerous glare aimed at her. The birthday girl began to flip the pages again.

"Hmmm. Maybe I'll just go with the boobies cake. Yuko would probably like that." She mumbled then beamed at the taller girl, turning to her.

"Plus you can hold it up later and we'll pretend that you have boobs and take pictures of it."

It really wasn't surprising that Mariko immediately smacked her in the head for that. No surprise there really. Hinata was even anticipating it. What surprised her the most is that it felt like Mariko didn't hold back her punch on that one since it was pretty painful for the birthday girl.

Hinata let out a groan as she rubs her head.

"Geez. Did you have to hit me that hard?! It's my birthday you know!" She pouted at the taller girl but it was short lived as Mariko gave her a scary look making her cringe in fright.

"Shut up and pick your damn cake!" Mariko growled, grabbing the other girl's collar and glaring at her murderously. Hinata gulped at that, feeling small at the other girl's glare. With a nod, she squeaked, "Y-yes mam."

Moments later, the two walked out of the hotel, Hinata carrying the cake in her hands with a smile on her face.

"So? Where are we going next?" Hinata asked as she rewarded the doorman with a smile, passing by him as he bowed at them. She then glanced at her companion as they walk down the steps of the hotel, heading towards the familiar sidewalk. Mariko was busy looking at her phone, grumbling out her frustration at the lack of the go signal from her merry friends.

Her merry soon to be dead friends that is.

"Wherever you want." She sighed defeatedly, placing her phone back inside her bag. Unconsciously, Mariko looped back her arm onto the birthday girl who immediately beamed thinking that it probably felt natural to the taller girl now since she did that on her own without Hinata reminding her.

Yup, it won't be long and the HiMari coupling would be real now!

"Okay, then let's go to the shopping district then. You still want to look around right?" Hinata nodded her head, her eyes ahead as they walk arm in arm. The taller girl glanced at her, eyebrow slightly arched up.

"I said we could go wherever YOU want not wherever I want." She said. Hinata shrugged at that, glancing at the taller girl, smiling.

"I'm okay with anything you want. I'm enjoying this day just being with you." Hinata then looked away, eyes on the road still keeping that smile on her face as she asks,

"So where to now?"

Such simple yet confusing words for Mariko to hear from the crazy girl. Mariko kept her stare at Hinata for awhile, wondering as they walk. A few seconds later, a smile crept on her lips as she shook her head.

"You are such a smooth talker."

"Only with you." Hinata replied, turning to Mariko and giving her a wink. The two locked eyes for a moment until the taller girl rolled her eyes, hiding the smile that's creeping on her lips. Seeing that, Hinata couldn't help but chuckle.

"Onto the shopping district then." Hinata said with a nod, a smile on her lips as they walk. With Hinata's eyes ahead, Mariko glanced at the birthday girl. She can't help but wonder if Hinata is being serious with her or just trying to get her into the whole HiMari coupling gimmick.

Yes, to Mariko, the 'HiMari' coupling is just a gimmick to gain popularity.

Hinata said so herself back then when she first brought up the idea of them pairing up, saying that with them coupled up, fans would gush at them whenever they post pictures of them looking all sweet together in their blogs. That fan clubs might be formed, even fan videos. It was a perfect gimmick to boost up their popularity even more. It was perfect for Hinata...

...but it wasn't for Mariko. She didn't like it one bit.

"Hey you should buy that last dress you tried out. You look really great in it." Hinata said, glancing at the other girl, smiling. Mariko just stared at her...just staring at the cheerful girl.

But then Hinata says sweet things like that that makes Mariko think otherwise.


"The one you laughed at for over a minute?" Mariko pointed out as she raised her eyebrow at the other girl who chuckled as she shrugged. Mariko stares blankly at her for awhile as Hinata's eyes looked away from hers, eyes once again focused on the road as they walk. Slowly, the taller girl's eyes made its way to the ground.

It's Hinata. Crazy, enigmatic, cheerful, practical joker Hinata. And well...the taller one could never tell when this person beside her is being serious or not. But then with that thought she wonders.

Does she want Hinata to be serious?

Thoughts of that suddenly disappeared when Hinata suddenly picked up a pace, making the tall one run as they were still attached together by arm. Confused as to why they were suddenly running and to where since the shopping district was in the opposite direction, Mariko pulled her arm away from Hinata, dislodging the other girl's hold on her.

"Why are we running? And where are we running to?" Mariko asked as she frowned at the other girl who turned to her. Instead of giving her an explanation, the birthday girl hurriedly grabbed her hand and began dragging her again, picking up the same pace as before.

"Just hurry!" Was Hinata's reply. Mariko let the other girl drag her despite the confusion she feels. She turned to look behind her as they run, wondering if someone was following them which could be the reason as to why they are now running away one seems to be following them. So why...?

Turning to look ahead again as they turn to a secluded street, Mariko could see a man riding a bicycle, a cage strapped on its back. Mariko raised her eyebrow as she ran. Could Hinata be...

"Why do I have a feeling that we're following that man?" Mariko huffed as they ran.

"Because we are." Hinata replied, tightening her hold on the other girl as they follow the unknown man.

"What?!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening slightly. Mariko thought of once again dislodging herself from the birthday girl's hold but decided against it as Hinata began slowing down. The man that they were following turned towards an empty alley, slowing down his speed as well. Hinata peeked around the corner observing the man who slowly stopped at a door. Mariko peeked as well, frowning as she saw the man dismounting his bike then turning towards the cage strapped on its back wherein a chicken could be seen. He removed the cage from his bike, opened the door then stepped inside what looked like the back door of a Chinese restaurant.

"So do you mind telling me why we're suddenly stalking a man carrying a chicken?" Mariko asked, her eyebrow slightly raised. Maybe Hinata knows the guy or something cause there is no way they're following the man because of the...

"Because the chicken needs our help."


The taller girl's shoulder slumped, her eyes narrowed as she stared at the other girl.

Is Hinata for real?

"We're following the man because of the chicken." Mariko dryly says, her arms crossed to her chest as she looked at Hinata. She was silently praying that she heard Hinata wrong and that the other girl would just laugh at what she said thinking that she was being ridiculous. That there is no way they're following the man because of the chicken. But apparently, Mariko heard her right, making the taller girl to face palm herself as Hinata answered.

"Well, yeah. Why else would we be following him?" Hinata tilted her head slightly as she stares confusedly at her companion who is in the middle of a face palm moment. It took a few seconds until Mariko removed her hand that's covering her face as she looked at Hinata. Mariko looked like she lost all of her energy, like she was sucked dry. Hinata almost jumped with surprise when the taller girl placed both of her hands heavily on her shoulders.

"W-why...?" Mariko asked softly, stammering. She's still having a hard time believing that they were following the unknown man because of the...

"Mariko, we have to save the chicken. She clearly needs our help." Hinata said. Mariko stares at Hinata, slack jawed, unable to comprehend what the hell was happening.

Surely Hinata isn't serious right?

"Well c'mon now." Hinata turned towards the alley, eyes locked on the door wherein the man walked in. She was about to take one step towards it when she felt Mariko grab her wrist, turned her, then gave her an incredulous look.

"Why the hell are we going to save that damn chicken?!" Mariko asked, her voice a bit louder than usual.

"Well duh because she needs our help." Hinata answered which made Mariko's eyebrow twitch. The taller girl removed her hold on Hinata as she crossed her arms to her chest. She let out a sigh trying to calm herself then looked at the birthday girl with her eyebrow raised.

"I'm still going to ask 'why' until you give me a good enough answer. Until then, no, I'm not going to save that damn chicken even if you beg me to."

Hinata narrowed her eyes at the taller girl.

"Language Mariko. Language. You're an idol for God's sake." Hinata reminded but the taller girl kept her expression at her, waiting for her to explain why they need to save the chicken. Hinata sighed at that, then shook her head, giving in to what Mariko wants. She did need her help in this if she wants to save the chicken.

"When I was 5, my mom took me to a countryside." Hinata's eyes slowly made its way to the ground, a small smile across her lips as she recalled the certain event.

"While we were driving there, a truck full of cages with chickens inside passed us by."

"Mommy, mommy! Look! Chickens!" Little Hinata pointed at the truck in front of them, beaming at her mom who was behind the wheel. Glancing at her child, Hinata's mom, smiled at her.

"That's a lot of chicken huh Hina-chan?"

"Uh-huh." Was little Hinata's cute reply. She stares at the truck for awhile, noticing how cramped the chicken looked inside the cages. As the truck speeds up, the image of it became smaller and smaller to little Hinata. Pointing at it again, Hinata turned to her mother, wondering.

"Where are they going mommy?"

"The chickens? Well they're going to the slaughtering house to die." Her mother answered, keeping her eyes on the road smiling slightly. Little Hinata's eyes widen at that as she kept hearing that dreaded one word from her mother's lips.


"T-they're...going to die...?" Little Hinata asked shakily, eyes glistening as tears began to form in her eyes. Her mother glanced at her, giving her a sad smile as she nodded her head.

"That's right. They're going far away to die." Her mother reached out to her, wiping the tear that fell down on her cute chubby cheeks.

"I'm sorry Hina-chan's inevitable. I'm sorry."

"NOOOOooooo!" Little Hinata cried, shaking her head, tears brimming down her face.

"I asked my mom over and over again to follow the truck, so we can save them but...she kept saying that we can't do anything about it. That that is the sole purpose of being a chicken. To die and get eaten." Hinata explained, sadness etched in every word she said. It was just so...painful for to relieve such memory.

Mariko just stared at her, eyes narrowed as she looked at Hinata whose eyes were downcast. She had a couple of problems regarding that little tale of hers.

"How straight forward of your mom is to tell your 5 years old self about a slaughtering house and about death. It's a bit shocking that you know about death at the age of 5 as well. Plus hearing the word 'inevitable' at such a young age and you immediately knew what it meant? Yeah I'm having trouble believing that story of yours." Mariko sighed, shaking her head. Her eyebrow arched up when the birthday girl placed her free hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly.

"But it's true! I was traumatized by it!" Hinata stares at her, eyes begging for her to believe her. Mariko didn't give in though as she reminded her.

"If you were traumatized by it, then you shouldn't have eaten chicken earlier for lunch or ever for that matter."

Hinata was momentarily taken aback but recovered quickly and began shaking the taller girl again saying, "I'm talking about live chickens! Not dead ones!"

"I see no difference."

"The difference is blatantly obvious Mariko. Dead yummy chicken versus live cutie chicken." Hinata rolled her eyes at Mariko. The taller girl sighed, massaging her temples. The situation was getting ridiculously ridiculous by the minute. She really need to make Hinata see that this was...well...ridiculous.

"Look, let's not do something hasty or stupid like save a damn chicken."

"Why not?" Hinata frowned.

"I think I said the word 'stupid' earlier." Mariko pointed out, her eyes narrowed at the frowning birthday girl.

"How is saving a life stupid?" Hinata retorted, glaring at the taller girl. Mariko stared at her blankly for awhile.

"It's a damn chicken. Millions of chickens die everyday." Mariko pointed out. But Hinata's glare didn't falter. To Mariko, it looked like Hinata was...

"You're serious about this aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" Hinata answered immediately. She was dead serious about saving the caged chicken from death.

"How are you even going to save that? Knock on the door and ask him to give it to you?" Mariko asked mockingly which angered the birthday girl.

"If it were to work, yeah, I will. If not, I'll just take it from him."

Mariko continues to stare at her, anger slowly building inside. She took a step forward, glaring at the girl, determined to make Hinata change her mind and let her see how idiotic it is for an idol to save a damn chicken.

If not...then screw Hinata for being an idiot.

End of Flashback

Mariko gritted her teeth, angry eyes downcast as she stood at the middle of the sidewalk recalling the events that happened earlier.

How can Hinata be so careless as to save a damn chicken when there are risks involved. She's a damn idol for God's sake. If she opted for the 'taking' of the chicken route, she might get caught. The man might get the police involved if she were to get caught. And don't forget the press, no, they won't sit idly for this kind of story. Mariko can see it now, how the headlines would be about an AKB48 member stealing a chicken for the sake of saving it from being a chicken soup.

Though, that really isn't a bad thing when Mariko thinks about it, but was just...too much for Mariko. She didn't want Hinata to experience that kind of embarrassment. And somehow, Hinata can't see it can she? 

But...that's how she is. Hinata's always been like that. Dense. Plus, there's this side of her wherein she wouldn't hesitate on doing what she believes in, regardless of the danger it might inflict on herself. She would put others first then her second. If she thinks about it, Nami and Asahi were the same as Hinata. Everyone was, given the not so idiotic situation. Even Ray.

So...why wasn't she...?
But she was back wasn't she now?
Why is she more scared of loosing her career than supporting her friends in their time of stupidity?
Is the fame...the spotlight...getting into her...?

Thoughts of such suddenly vanished as she felt her phone vibrate. Frowning slightly, she fished for her phone inside her bag with her free hand. She opened her phone and saw a message from Nami. Despite her slowly regenerating pride telling her not to open it, she still did hesitantly, once again sending her pride to its death.

Just for today, she'll pretend that she has no pride since Hinata already crushed her pride earlier.

Opening it, she read Nami's message.

"Mariko-sama, we're almost ready. Sorry about the delay. Ray tried to help us with the cake and well...we had to do it all over again because of her. Hope everything is well there on your side."

No. Everything is not okay on Mariko's side.

"I'm with Hinata for God's sake. Of course nothing would be okay." Looking ahead, she gripped her phone tight, glaring as she grits her teeth. Rage and uneasiness waging a war inside her. Who won, you ask?


"The birthday girl isn't even here with me!! Damn it!" She yelled out her frustration, making some of the bystanders jump with surprise. Ignoring the stares, she quickly ran back, hoping, praying that Hinata's isn't in trouble yet.

...Hinata of course.


Hinata mustered all her skills as she slowly and quietly opened the door slightly. She peeked through the small gap, looking around the small kitchen restaurant. She frowned slightly, finding it odd that there's no other person inside the kitchen besides the man that entered. Hinata was a bit thankful for that but still, it was odd. But then again, maybe the restaurant opens at night?

'That could be the case.' Hinata thought. She instantly froze, her eyes widen when the man took a step, the back of his foot in line with her vision. Thankfully he didn't turn her way. She looked up, observing the man whose back is towards her.

Maybe she could ask the man nicely if she could have the chicken.

She was again in alert mode as the man moved to his right as if looking for something. With the man slightly out of her vision, something terrifying has caught her attention. Her eyes widen, mouth opened slightly as she saw a bunch of dead, roasted, headless chicken hanged on the side. The idea of asking the man nicely quickly went down the drain as she saw the delicious...uh...disgusting, sickening dead chickens hanged.

The man moved again, making Hinata to close the door slightly in caution. With her vision of the inside narrowed, the only thing she could see is the man's back towards her. She watched him as he pulled out his ringing phone from his pocket and held it against his ear.

"Yeah?" The man answered, his accent sounded foreign in Hinata's ears. A Chinese perhaps?

"I just picked it up. Shall I take care of it now?"

Hinata's eyes widen at that. Yup, definitely no to the whole asking the guy nicely now.

"The party starts at 8pm, so I have plenty of time to do that." The man grumbled then started walking towards a swinging door that probably leads to the dinning area of the restaurant. A party huh. Seems that that's the answer to Hinata's question about the whole lack of staff inside the kitchen. The restaurant is probably closed because of the party. It seems that luck is in Hinata's side as the man pushed it open, heading out, leaving the kitchen empty.

"Mission rescue, commencing." She softly said to herself, grinning. Carefully, she closed the door then began removing her shoes, thinking that it would be more stealthier without them. She placed it near the door then turned to look at the end of the empty alley where she and Mariko stood earlier, arguing. Mariko should've been here, helping her. Instead she...

Hinata shook her head. No use thinking about it now. She really need to focus on the task at hand rather than think about Mariko's disappointing decision.

As quietly as she could, she opened the door then closed it again once she was inside. She looked around, crouching, looking for the caged chicken. It wasn't there. She then noticed a small hallway to the left near the oven and the sliding door wherein the man taking to his phone could be heard. Carefully, she made her way towards the hallway. She beamed when she saw what she was looking for at the end of the hallway on the ground.

"There you are." She mumbled. Still crouching, she heads towards the caged chicken, chuckling, unknowing of the dangers that might befall on her. Hinata slowly lifted the cage, staring at the chicken who to her looked a bit different from other chicken she saw. It was colored in brown, white and with a bit of black at its neck and at the end of its tail. There were also a bit of feathers on its feet which Hinata hadn't seen before in a normal chicken.

Hinata narrowed her eyes at the chicken.

"Why does it feel like you're not the eating type of chicken." Hinata sighed. The chicken could only chuckle, staring at Hinata with its round emotionless eyes. Oh well, she might as well save the chicken since she's here and all.

Thinking that she must escape now, her phone inside her bag started vibrating. She thought it was just a message but the vibrating didn't stop. Someone must be calling her.

'Probably another member greeting me or something.' Hinata thought. Ignoring it, she made her way quietly towards the end of the hallway. She was only halfway to the end when the sliding door suddenly opened making her to quickly seek refuge beside the oven. She cursed silently as the man walked inside the kitchen once again.

Great. Now what? How can she escape now?

She peeked at the edge of the oven, observing the man as he puts on an apron and a chef hat. Hinata's in big trouble now if the man decided to get something in the hallway. Where she is isn't really a good hiding spot. If the man just turned her way, she'd be sure to get caught.

'Damn it.' Hinata thought, panicking, leaning at the wall. It was in that moment that she realized that she phone was still vibrating, non stop. That's...odd. If someone was calling her, then surely they'd stop if she doesn't answer right? Frowning slightly, she carefully placed the chicken to the ground then fished her phone out of her bag. She opened it and saw that she had 20 messages and still counting all from Mariko. Gulping down her nervousness, she opened one.

"You have five minutes to get out of there. Make it count. That five minutes will start when you hear a knock on the door."

She stared at the message for awhile then opened another one and another one. The same message as the first one she opened. Mariko is...Mariko is...

Hinata gripped her vibrating phone tight, smiling softly as she looked at the message.

Mariko is here...saving her.

"Hell yeah 'HiMari.'" Hinata whispered, keeping the soft smile on her face. She closed her eyes for a moment, releasing a sigh, trying to relax her pounding heart.

'Everything will be alright now.' Said a voice inside her.

The voice of her coupling partner.

Nodding her head, she opened her eyes, placed her phone back, grabbed the cage again then waited for Mariko's signal. Soon enough the knocking came, followed by the opening of the door. Hinata's eyes widen when Mariko stepped inside the kitchen wearing a gauze mask.

What is she...?

"Wh-who-" The man was cut off as Mariko grabbed his arm and began shaking him.

"Oh my God! Mister! A kid is just stole your bike!" Mariko said, hysterically.


"Hurry! We can still catch him! Hurry!" Was Mariko's response as she began dragging the man out of the kitchen. The two ran towards the end of the alley, Mariko still dragging the enraged and confused man. The taller girl can't believe that the man was actually letting her drag him without any questions asked.

'Oh well, at least it'll give Hinata plenty of time to escape.' Mariko thought as she turned towards the street.

"She owe me big time for this." Mariko growled softly.


Mariko closed her eyes, head leaned back at the bench that she's sitting, trying to relax. This day is probably the most tiring day ever for her despite the packed schedules she has as an idol. All that walking, all that running, all that arguing, all that emotions that swirls around her, just thinking about it all makes Mariko feel weary, drained. Nothing seems to beat this day as the most strenuous day ever.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called out. Slowly, Mariko opens her eyes and turned towards the voice, her face indifferent as she found Hinata beaming.

"Head's up!" Hinata said holding out a bottle of drink. She tossed it towards the other girl and narrowed her eyes as Mariko did nothing but stare at her, leaving the bottled drink to drop on the floor.

So much for thinking that Mariko would catch it.

Sighing, Hinata picked up the bottle, which was thankfully plastic, then made her way towards the lazy girl, sitting beside her.

"Here." Hinata sighed again, holding out the bottle for Mariko to take. Mariko turned her head lazily towards her, head still leaned back at the bench. She stared at her for awhile, making Hinata feel a bit nervous, blushing slightly under that indifferent gaze of her friend. It feels like she has to say something to the taller girl. apology maybe...?

Yeah, she'll go with that.

"L-look. I know you're a bit mad at me..."

Mariko narrowed her eyes at that which the birthday girl took notice.

"'re mad at me...a lot..." Hinata glanced at the girl who just stared at her, blankly, narrowed eyes gone. She continues what she wanted to say despite the awkwardness between them.

"And well, I'm sorry...for what I said earlier...about you being a coward and selfish."

Still nothing.

"And thanks for...saving me back there. I couldn't have gotten out without you."


"So yeah...I'm sorry and thank you." Hinata pouted slightly, feeling embarrassed at the lack of response from the other girl. Plus that apathetic gaze of hers was really making her feel uncomfortable. She really didn't know if the other girl was angry at her or whatever. Mariko's poker face was definitely hard to read even to the likes of Hinata.

The two were consumed by silence for awhile, the taller one just staring blankly at the embarrassed one. Only the cars passing by and the chuckling of the chicken could be heard around them. Hinata could only pray silently that Mariko would speak. Be it to yell at her, growl at her, curse her or anything. Just so the awkward silence would disappear. Her prayers were slightly answered though as Mariko sat up, let out a sigh then took the offered bottle from her hand. She watched the taller girl open the bottle and taking a drink. Once the bottle was half empty, Mariko placed it down on her lap saying,

"You owe me one."

Hinata let out a sigh, relieved that Mariko finally said something. She turned to her, smiling slightly.

"I know. I owe you a big one."

Mariko nodded her head at that. She then glanced at the Hinata's feet, smirking when she saw that she wasn't wearing shoes.

"Yeah, apparently someone took my shoes. I'm guessing the one who took them is also the one who took that man's bike and sent me batch messages on my celphone." Hinata narrowed her eyes at the now laughing girl. The corner's of her lips began to tug upwards as she looks at the other girl, laughing at her expense. Well at least Mariko isn't mad at her.

Smiling, Mariko took Hinata's shoes out of her bag and tossed it at her.


"Gee, thanks." Was Hinata's monotonous reply. As the other girl puts her shoes on, Mariko glanced at the caged chicken beside Hinata.

"I've never seen a chicken like that before." She pointed out, staring at the chicken in awe. The chicken looked cute too for Mariko. A chubby chicken.

"Yeah, me too. I was thinking of going at a pet shop to ask about it."

"I think I saw one over there. Wanna check it out?" Mariko said, pointing towards the said direction. Hinata, to say the least, was surprised at the offer. Mariko noticed the look and shrugged, nonchalantly.

"I've got no more pride inside me today. Might as well go with it."

Hinata couldn't help but chuckle at that.


"I can't believe I helped you steal something." Mariko groaned as they walk the sidewalk.

"Just because the vet said about how Henry is in top condition and looked like she was just groomed doesn't mean that the man wasn't trying to kill her." Hinata pointed out as she walked side by side with Mariko. Though honestly, there's a part of her that doesn't believe what she just said. This chicken reeks of the word 'domesticated' the first time she stared at it eye to eye. But...Mariko doesn't need to know that really.

"That's proof enough, believe me. And what's with the Henry name? It's a girl for God's sake."

"Henry could be a girl's name too you know."

"I've never heard of any girl named Henry before so can't be a girl's name."

"Well it's a good name for her. Here, I'll prove it to you." With that, Hinata walked ahead of the taller girl, stopping in front of her as she held out the caged chicken.

"What do you see Mariko?" Hinata asked. Mariko narrowed her eyes as she looked at the other girl.

"A cage."

Hinata's eyebrow twitched knowing that the girl is trying to play hard to get. It doesn't matter to Hinata as she will still make Mariko point it out.

"What's inside the cage?"

"A chicken." Mariko answered, flatly.

Hinata grinned at that.

"What kind of chicken?"

"A buff brahma chicken."

Hinata seemed taken aback by her answer. Was she correct? How did Mariko even remember what the vet said about that? Hinata seemed to forget what the vet said about its kind really. But...she shouldn't be thinking about that now should she.

Hinata took a step forward, eyes challenging Mariko's.

"What's the gender of the chicken?" Hinata grinned when she saw Mariko's eyebrow twitch. Yup, looks like Mariko is now aware of what Hinata is pointing out.

Hesitantly, Mariko answers.



"And what do they call a female chicken, Mariko?"

Mariko glares at the smug faced Hinata. She looked away, glaring at the wall as she answers softly.


"Thus the name Henry." Hinata beamed, nodding her head. Sighing, Mariko shook her head as she passed by Hinata.

"God you're insane." Mariko mumbled. Hinata picked up the pace to walk beside her again, smiling. The two continue to walk in silence for awhile. It was only then did Mariko noticed that it was starting to get dark as the sun was slowly setting. The day was about to end soon and Mariko can't believe that she actually survived this day.

She smiled slightly at that.

"So where to now? Are they ready for the surprise party or what cause I'm pretty sure I'm ready to go home now what with the day I've had." Hinata moaned as she stretched ignoring how the other girl suddenly froze, letting her walk a couple of steps ahead of her. Hinata turned to her, letting out a chuckle at the surprised look Mariko is giving her.

"Oh c'mon Mariko. I'm not dumb. I know the guys are planning a surprise party. It's so obvious." Hinata shook her head, smiling. Mariko had to admit though, the whole best friends being busy on their best friend's birthday excuse is a bit overused now. So maybe Hinata saw right through it.

"Plus I saw a receipt of balloons being delivered today under the name of Asahi while I was cleaning the living room, so..." The birthday girl shrugged while Mariko narrows her eyes. Or it could be that. Definitely that then.

"Somehow I feel cheated and at the same time I'm glad you know what's going on." Mariko sighed. Hinata tilted her head slightly.

"You're glad that I know? Doesn't that beat the whole idea of me being surprised?"

"Not really." Mariko said as she pulled out a scarf out of her bag, holding it out to show it to Hinata as she smiled slightly. Hinata instantly knew what it was for.

"Nice. Kinky." She grinned while Mariko narrowed her eyes at her.

"Shut up." Mariko grumbled as she walked towards Hinata. She placed the cake down on the ground, stood tall in front of Hinata and was about to blind fold the girl when Hinata stopped her, taking her hand, giving her a soft smile.

"I just want to say...thank you for today. I really enjoyed this day with you." Hinata said softly, squeezing her hand gently.

"You've made my birthday memorable...even if you were forced to accompany me."

Mariko narrowed her eyes and was about to say something when Hinata pulled her towards her, leaned forward and surprised the hell out of Mariko when she felt that soft, moist pressure of Hinata's lips on her cheek, kissing her softly. Mariko's eyes were wide, lips slightly open as Hinata kissed her. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but to the taller girl it felt like it was longer than that. Slowly, with her eyes closed, Hinata pulled away, still wearing that soft smile on her face then began to blind fold herself with Mariko's scarf which she took from the stunned taller girl.

This way...she won't see...she won't expect.

With the blindfold on, she gave a beaming smile, acting like nothing happened, ignoring her pounding heart as she brightly says,

"Ready when you are!"

She kept her smile, despite the nervousness that she feels. A part of her was glad to do that and another part of her was terrified of the other girl's reaction. She suppressed herself from letting out a sigh of relief when she heard movements from the girl in front of her. She kept her eyes closed, ears open, smile bright as she heard Mariko say,

"...You can pick us up now Gori."

Then silence followed until the other girl once again says,

"Prepare to be surprised."

Hinata grinned at that, turning her head to where she thinks Mariko is, she replied,

"Ooooh. Are we going to a strip club?"

Right there and then, even with her eyes closed, she knew the other girl is rolling her eyes at what she said.

And with that, she wasn't terrified anymore.


"Can I remove the blind fold now?" Hinata whined for the nth time as she let Mariko guide her to wherever. The taller girl has her hands on Hinata's back, pushing her. She was going with holding Hinata's arm to guide her but Hinata is hugging Henry's cage to her chest right now which was a bit gross to Mariko.

"No! Just shut up and wait until we get there." Mariko growled, irritated at the other girl for her constant questioning. Even while riding at the car she couldn't keep her mouth shut about where they were going which annoyed the taller girl a lot. She even told Mariko countless of times that Henry might be getting scared now that her 'mom' is blind fold which really doesn't make sense. She just keeps on yapping and yapping and yapping.

"Should've gagged you as well." Mariko grumbled.

"Hey! If you were the one with the blind fold I'm sure you would be the same as well, you know." Hinata pointed out. Mariko just rolled her eyes at that and continue to push the other girl. She placed her hand on Hinata's shoulder, stopping her when they reached their destination.

"Well, we're here." She said, sighing. She nodded her head, smiling to the others who smiled and waved their hand at her. She turned her attention back to Hinata who was frowning slightly.

"Can I remove the blind fold now?"

"Go ahead."

Hinata did just that, pulling the blindfold down it earned her a loud "SURPRISE!" from the others. Her eyes went wide, mouth agape as she looked at the bright faces of her closest friends. But that really wasn't the thing that surprised her the most. It was where they are that surprised the hell out of Hinata.

The amusement park, in front of her favorite ride. The roller coaster.

She was flabbergasted, unable to say something at her friends who were smiling at her, wearing party hats and holding balloons. Even Ray, Shachou and Marilyn were there, smiling at her as well. Well Ray wasn't really smiling as it looked forced which is also the same with Shachou but that's really not the point right now.

Asahi, who was the one carrying the lit cake, stepped forward.

"Happy Birthday Hinata!" She said, holding out the cake she's carrying. The other followed suit, walking closer to the birthday girl.

"H-how...?" Hinata finally asked, stammering as she looked around the empty amusement park. Did they rent the whole amusement park just for...?

"Thank Ray. She's the one who made it possible for us to rent this whole place for the whole evening." Nami explained, glancing at Ray who frowned and looked away, blushing. Hinata looked at her for awhile which made the diva feel uneasy.

"I did it for Nami-chan. So don't go on thinking I did it for you." She grumbled, keeping her gaze away from the birthday girl and to her girlfriend who let out a chuckle. Nami is so not helping her embarrassment right now.

Hinata surprised the diva when she glomped on her, hugging her with one hand while holding Henry's cage in the other.

"Hana-chan! Thank you! You're the best sister-in-law ever!" Hinata gushed, burying her face to Ray's chest.

"Stop calling me Hana-chan and let go of me!" She growled as she began pushing the girl away but the other girl held on tight. Yuko stepped forward, pouting, feeling a bit jealous about what Hinata said about Ray being the best sister-in-law for her.

"Hey! I was the one who came up with the idea!"

Hinata turned to her, grinning, still keeping her hold on Ray despite the diva hitting her head, trying to make her let go.

"You're the best too Yuko! I actually bought a boobies cake for you."


"Yup. Mariko's holding it right now."

Yuko turned to Mariko who held up the said cake, sighing. Yuko's eyes light up with that and ran towards Hinata, hugging her together with Ray. The others could only watch as Ray struggles to remove the pervy sisters who are currently having a wonderful time hugging the diva.

Looking at the three, the others feel like this scene would be a normal occurrence within the group.

"Hmmm? Hinata? What's that you're holding?" Marilyn suddenly asked, pointing at the caged chicken who looked like it was struggling from the constant movements of Hinata. Yuko, curiously stepped away from the enraged diva looking at what Marilyn is pointing at.


Mariko narrowed her eyes at Yuko who to her sounded like a hungry caveman that can only see living animals as food. Did she think that they bought that live chicken to eat it? Seriously, why does it seem like she's the only normal person here in this whacked up group she's in?

Hinata stepped away from Ray as well. She gave everyone a beaming smile as she held up Henry.

"This is Henry, HiMari's love child." She introduced. Everyone looked at it then at Mariko who just let out a sigh, massaging her temple with her free hand. No use getting angry right now really.

"Love child eh?" Ray grinned, eyebrow raised at Mariko who gave her a look. Seeing that just made Ray chuckle.

"Long story. Just scratch out that 'love child thing' she's just being her delusional self." Mariko brushed off, ignoring the pouting look Hinata aimed at her. She then pointed at the cake Asahi is carrying.

"Hurry up and blow your candles already so that you can go for a ride."

"W-we can go for a ride?!" Hinata asked, eyes lightening up with happiness. She turned towards Nami and Asahi who were smiling awkwardly at her, not really liking the idea of them riding. But it is their bestfriend's birthday so... escape.

Yuko grinned at Hinata and pulled out what appears to be a barf bag.

"Of course we'll go on a ride! Any speed you want and how many times you want! For the whole night!"

Nami and Asahi winced at that. The two looked at each other, worried of what might happen to them. They then turned to Mariko for help but the girl just gave them an evil smile saying,

"Don't look at me. I did my thing so I'm pretty much exempted from death today."

The two gulped at that.

Oh boy.

A few hours later

"Damn it. I hope I didn't miss the party." Yukarin huffed as she ran the empty amusement park. She had prior commitments earlier so she couldn't join the group in helping with Hinata's surprise party. Once she was in the meeting place, her shoulder slumped as she saw the scene in front of her.

Nami, Asahi, Yuko were laid down on the ground, unconscious. Ray was shaking Nami, frantically, calling out her name. Shachou and Marilyn were on Asahi and Yuko's side fanning the girls, trying to wake them up. Hinata was running, carrying bottles of water, heading towards her unconscious friends.

And Mariko?

She was just standing there, watching them with narrowed eyes, arms crossed to her chest. Yukarin made her way towards Mariko and stood beside her. The taller girl glanced at her.

"You're late." Was Mariko's greeting. Yukarin let out a sigh of disappointment as she looked at her friends.

"Looks like I missed the fun."

"If your definition of fun is to drag unconscious bodies out of the roller coaster, then yes. Yes you did miss the fun. Lucky you."


"You know, if you were that worried about Nami, you should've just stayed with her." Mariko said as she glanced at her bestfriend who let out a sigh for the nth time as she holds her phone. The two were inside Ray's car with Gori driving them, heading towards Mariko's apartment.

"She said she's okay and...well...I'm trying not to be the clingy type." Ray reasoned with a sigh, pouting slightly as she looks at her phone. It's so hard for Ray since she is the clingy type but...she doesn't want Nami to feel suffocated like she's losing her personal space or something. So Ray is trying to be a good girlfriend here despite the urge to cling at the girl 24/7.

Yes, she's that whipped.

Mariko let out a chuckle as she stares at the window, ignoring the heated glare she was receiving from Ray for laughing at her. Memories of the tiring day she soon enters Mariko's mind. Especially when Hinata...

"Did you two kissed?" Ray suddenly asked making the other girl to jump slightly in her seat, surprised. Mariko kept her face hidden to the other girl as she began to blush. But nothing escapes Ray as she pointed out.

"I can see your reddish ear you know."

Mariko quickly hid her ear with her hair but it was too late. Here it comes.

"God Mariko, HER?! I disapprove!"

Mariko turned to her, glaring as she blushed slightly.

"She was the one who kissed me on the cheek. Not me!"

"Then why are you blushing?" Ray asked, eye narrowed at her best friend who seemed taken aback by the question she threw. Mariko let out a snort as she turned towards the window once again.

"Am I not allowed to be embarrassed now?! She kissed me and it's embarrassing for me." Mariko reasoned. Ray rolled her eyes and turned towards the window beside her. Shaking her head, she let out a, "I still disapprove."

Mariko just shook her head.

The two were silence for awhile, consumed by different thoughts. Ray was still thinking of Nami while Mariko is thinking about...

"She asked about you, you know. Hinata I mean." Mariko said, eyes still on the window, watching the places they pass by.

"Oh? About what?"

"About how we first met."

Somehow hearing that, Ray wasn't surprised. She had actually anticipated Hinata questioning Mariko about her, knowing that the other girl had her doubts about her.  It was probably for Nami's sake so she really can't blame the girl for having questions.

Ray glanced at Mariko as the latter let out a sigh.

"Why did you approach me when I lost my first match?" Mariko suddenly asked. Ray turned to her eyebrow raised.

"This again? Didn't I tell you back then that I was--" Ray suddenly cut herself, eyes widen in realization.

"...bored?" Mariko finishes for her, unaware of the sudden memories that plagues the diva.

“You could say I was bored, that’s why I did all that. Well that and I wanted to see the real you.” Okuma turned to the diva, grinning slightly.

Ray's hand that were resting on her lap turned into fists.

"Yeah...I was bored at that time." Ray admitted softly, eyes downcast.

"Hinata is suspecting you. Thinking that you must've done something to Okuma." Mariko says as she observed Ray through the window.

"Hinata's a lot like you, you know. She too is quite perceptive of situations around her including people."

"What are you trying to say?" Ray turned to her, frowning slightly. It felt like Mariko was threatening her or something. But it seemed like she was wrong when the other girl turned to her and gave her a smile.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm your bestfriend Hanako. And I know you're keeping something from me."

Ray's frown slowly disappears as she stares at Mariko for awhile until it became unbearable to her, turning to look at her hands once again. Despite that, Mariko still kept her smile towards the diva. She reached out and placed her hand over hers, squeezing it gently.

"But I also know that you're going to tell me whatever it is that's bothering you someday."

Ray smiled, eyes still at Mariko's hand that's covering hers.

"Yeah. I will...someday."

"Good. Because if you don't I'll beat the crap out of you." Mariko threatened as she removed her hand on Ray, leaning back on her seat, smiling. Ray could only shake her head and sigh. So much for the lovey dovey bestfriend atmosphere. Only Mariko can turn sweet and then scary in an instant. Well she really shouldn't be complaining since she too was sometimes like that.

"One more thing."

Ray turned to her, noticing the serious tone the other girl has as she stares out the window.

"You're important to me Hanako, but Nami is important to me as well." Mariko turned to her, eyes asking Ray for assurance as she says, "Promise me you won't hurt her."

Ray stared at her for awhile then gave her a nod.

"I love her...more than anything yeah...I promise not to hurt her." Ray gave her a soft smile, hand placed on her chest, feeling the steady beating of her heart.

"You have my word."



Author's Rant: So that's it folks. The crappy end to the Hinata chapters. God, its been so long since I've written something that long for such a short time. Yes to me, that's long.  :lol: It really drained me to the point that I want to bang my head right now. But it'll hurt so I'll just let smiley do it for me.  :banghead:  :lol: :lol:
As for the you guys still want a sequel to POF?  :?
Honestly if you've noticed, the Hinata chaps are kinda like the prologue of the sequel as I've put a few problems at Nami's gang. A bit dark themed problems really. Like Mariko being the doubtful soldier and Ray's problem with Okuma. I just pointed out the easy ones.  :lol: So the sequel would be a bit dark...and difficult for me to write.  :nervous
My point in mentioning all these? I'm thinking this would be my last fic to finish. I think I'd like to join the retired authors lounge.  :lol:
So sequel or not? Let me know.  :)
If a lot of you would like the sequel. Then it's okay. I'll write one.  :)
But for now, I'll be focusing on finishing BC.  :lol: That fic is kinda easy to write because it's so predictable.  :lol:
Oh yeah, I just noticed that I reached 30k which is a wow for me.  :shocked
So I sketched a Hinata kiriban as thanks.  :)

At least I think she'll be back.  :nervous I sketched the whole gang in their mission disguises but I'll just go with the general.  :lol:
Sorry didn't color it. Too lazy.  :lol:
THANKS SO MUCH!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 06:14:11 AM by FoF »

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #252 on: August 02, 2012, 06:13:35 PM »
Too bad for the HiMari couple
Hinata is so funny ^^
And yes for the sequel
But it's too bad that you're going to retire

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #253 on: August 03, 2012, 01:31:33 AM »
It's finally done! Great work!
Ah~ah! Why do you want retire? -pouting-  :( :(  I really love your stories.
Well I can't wait for the futur chapters of BC and well I'm also waiting the sequel of POF.  XD XD

Hope you'll do it.

Once again awesome job on this story, was a huge success in my opinion and it never failed to make me laugh. Hehehe!
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Offline CrimsonGrxy

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #254 on: August 03, 2012, 03:35:24 AM »
another great chapter from an awesome author  :thumbsup

As for the you guys still want a sequel to POF?  :?

Please do! dark themes for POF sound legit HEHEHE  :grin:

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #255 on: August 03, 2012, 11:04:20 PM »
I want more from FoF san another story or not but still!

 :thumbsup Thank you for a wonderful fic!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #256 on: August 04, 2012, 03:38:32 PM »
Awww, Tsuntsun Mariko, so cute. And I really lol’ed hard when Hinata wanted to save that chicken and named it Hen-ry.  I really love this fic of yours FoF-san!!! Too bad you’re planning to retire from writing  :cry: I really missed the old writers here. AND DEFINITELY A SEQUELLLLLLLLLL FOR POF. Please please please please..even that small nami x ray moments in that last hinata chapter still made my kokoro doki doki and shit. So pleaseee if you could.. a sequel please.  :bow:

Really Thankyou for this wonderful fanfic. One of the best fics in here imo.  :D for the NTH TIME I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU  :heart: :heart:

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #257 on: August 06, 2012, 09:39:10 AM »
FOF-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :panic: :on gay:

OHMIGAWSH!!!  :mon scare: :mon ref: :mon zoom: I really missed commenting on your fic....  :fainted:  :OMG:
(I guess you dont remember who I am cause I was dead..... O___O ehehehe  :mon sweat:)

Anyway, Im feeling a bit nostalgic when I read this fic of yours FoF-sama... v__v
I remembered the time that this thread had few authors back then and when I go crazy when I see your updates..
I really idolize you...  :shy2:
*ohh Im blushing...   :shy1: and before, yes, before :fainted: (life's killing me right now..  :on blackhole:) I never failed to comment whenever you update...
(Im like a crazy, stalking fan girl back then...  :mon sweat: back then  :yep: ahaha  :lol:)
time flies so fast...  :gmon tears:

Im being emotional again...  :on speedy:
*Im not gonna cry...  :gyaaah:
buhuhu... ;^;

And well, I'll always be one of your fans FoF-sama (even though Im busy with life..  :dizzy:) :kneelbow:
Since the beginning, I really am an avid reader of this fic (oh.. Im blushing again :mon ignore:)
And really, thanks for creating this awesome fic of yours...  :farofflook:

And if you could... Please do create your sequel of POF (Im really curious to know how "dark themed" it would be :hee: )
(Im still praying that Okuma Yuu's not yet... ya know.. used as a fertilizer.. ehehe  :mon sweat: cause well, I dont want Hanako's hands stained...  :frustrated: )

Anyway, I hope you'll not retire (unlike those two Ugly Authors I know...)

*cough The Ebil General  :scolding: :mon fierce: *cough The Most Perverted Perv aka PERVJA!!! :on voodoo: :mon mad:

GRRRR!!!!!!!! :mon headbang:  those two ebil witch started that "retirement" thingy :mon uggh:
AHHHHH!!!  :mon fire: THEY ARE SO DEAD!!!  :mon evil:

*calms myself  :mon exhaust: ehehe :3

I hope you wouldn't follow those two annoying creatures FoF-sama  :kneelbow: Please I beg of you...  :gyaaah: :mon pray2:

NO RETIREMENT FOR FoF-SAMA!!!!!!!!!  :mon fyeah:

Anyway, Im really, really really happy that you've create this wonderful fic and of course for the update!  :mon angel:

Can I make a request?  :mon hanky:
Can you make more bed scenes  :mon bleed2: errr.. I mean more TakaHanako Make outs?  :mon mischief: :mon lovelaff: Pretty pwease with cherries on top?  :mon hanky:

I really missed reading your stories FoF-sama  :mon ignore:
(I also missed commenting  :mon roll:) ehehe  :nya:

Hoping for quick updates! :mon inluv:

And Congratulations for the 30,000+ READS :mon roll:  :mon nyah:

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #258 on: August 28, 2012, 04:52:32 AM »
What a wonderful fic *.* I really loved it *.* just couldn't stop reading >< LOVED ALL THE LOVEY DOVEY MOMENTS OF EVERY ONE*.*
Wish I had accompanied this fic from the very beginning ><
I totally go for a sequel o/ I loved the (not so now) imaginary coupleling HiMari *.* its so funny their interaction, how they go from a crazy moment to a fluffy one Heheu
About retiring: dont do it, PLZ! I konw write its a bit tiring thing, but as soon as you stop, you're going to miss it and feel the urge necessity of writing down your ideas ;p PLUS I loved your writing o/
Again, thanks for the great experience of reading your fanfic o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (COMPLETED: Added Hinata Chapter FINAL)
« Reply #259 on: February 05, 2013, 04:56:57 AM »
I really love your fic!  :yossi: I hope you'll write a sequel for this fic and make it atsumina..hahaha!!

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