First things first...
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!! (ノ ̄▽ ̄)ノ ゜゚・*☆I seriously didn't plan on putting that greeting here.

But I guess it's a good start for opening this thread after 3 years?

Posting here actually makes me nervous, but I'm planning on opening this again after I finish BC anyway so what the heck. Still nervous though.

Anyway, Thank you to the readers who supported this fic. Much much
MUCH thanks.

Know that, even though I have no idea if people will still read this, I will go on with the sequel and finish it.

Hopefully, it won't be as long as the previous story because

<-- that emoticon can explain it better really.

Planning is still underway so I won't be updating this for months.

Plus I really have to finish the others before moving to this.
I just did a silly drabble about POF and I'm just posting it here. I seriously don't know if I got the characterization right since it has been so long so forgive the bland characters.
For BC readers: Will update soon!

And do check on BC's poll since I made a new one. A slightly meaner one, really. At least to me.

I'll explain on that once I update but do vote on it.

Thanks and try to enjoy this drabble!

Drabble: Reason Number 1“You okay?” Nami asked as she turned her gaze at the person beside her who was apparently sulking in her seat, giving her own orange juice a glare. Ray had been awfully quiet the moment they arrived at the restaurant. It was odd for the smaller girl since while they were walking a little while ago, she seemed okay. Happy even. Nami could see it in the way she walks and even in the way she talks. She could feel it in her eyes, her smile and in her touch as they walk side by side holding hands, talking just about anything that comes into their mind. She could see and feel it in…everything. Now though, with the other girl slouched in her seat, seemingly giving an inanimate object a death glare?
No, she can’t see nor feel it anymore and that worries Nami a lot.
A sigh escaped from Ray’s lips as she glanced at her girlfriend. Noticing the frown and the worry on her face, Ray tries to appease the smaller girl by giving her a small smile—
“No, I’m not.”
--that really didn’t go well with her answer. So much for comforting Nami then.
Nami blinked a couple of times, feeling a bit confused. Her frown deepened as she placed a hand on Ray’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“I want to get out of here.” Ray simply answers. She then took hold of Nami’s hand that was on her shoulder, placed it on her lap and squeezed it softly. “Can we please get out of here?”
“But we just got here.” Nami reasoned still confused and oblivious as to why Ray suddenly wanted to leave. Ray seeing this couldn’t help but sigh. As much Nami’s ignorant look makes Ray smile as she finds it cute, she also wanted to grab the smaller girl roughly by her collar and make her see why she wanted to get out of there. But she can’t since—
“Yeah, Hana-chan. You just got here. Stay awhile and talk to us.” Hinata said while she’s leaning on the table with a straw on her mouth. She continues to look at Ray, giving her a knowing look whilst she sip her shake.
--yes, that. Reason number 2 as to why Ray wants to get out of there was sitting across them, smirking. Ray gave the grinning genius a glare.
“It has been awhile since we’re all together like this.” Asahi—aka reason number 3 to Ray—says with a smile after placing her phone on the table. She was just frowning and mumbling out incoherent things at her phone while she presses it like crazy as if constructing a hate mail to someone a little while ago. Ray assumed that it must be Yuko that she’s sending a mail as Asahi looked to be somewhat embarrassed as well. Given how Yuko can be a pervert at times, she probably sent something perverted for Asahi to react like that.
“What are you saying?” Yukarin—aka reason number 4—says to Asahi as she looks at her incredulously. She points her chopstick at Asahi who was across from her while she’s seated next to Nami. “We’re always together, remember? During practice, during an event, during our day offs, during daylight, during night time, during bath times—“
Ray tightened her hold on Nami’s hand who instantly flinched from the pain. She was about to pry her hands out of the diva when the latter’s hold suddenly eased up upon hearing the rest of Yukarin’s point.
“—except for Nami since she apparently has her own bath time for I don’t know why maybe she’s shaving her beard or something like Mariko says she is.” Yukarin grinned at Nami who narrowed her eyes as her bestfriends and roommates, Asahi and Hinata, began to laugh at her expense.
Not liking how the three were making fun of her girlfriend, Ray slammed her free hand on the table, glaring one by one at the trio. “Nami does not have a beard! Stop saying that she has one! She’s all woman!”
Nami, seemingly embarrassed and a bit touched at how Ray was defending her, couldn’t help but face palm herself. The embarrassment seems to outweigh the other so she decided for the face palm. Still feeling a bit touched though, but still majorly embarrassed.
“You should know, huh. About her being all woman.” The last person—or rather reason number 5 why Ray wanted to leave—finally said as she lowered her magazine to look at her from across the table. Ray turned her glare towards her bestfriend who had an overconfident grin across her lips. “But then, are you REALLY sure about that? I mean, have you checked her thoroughly and completely?” The taller girl asked as she quirked her eyebrow, giving the diva an all knowing look since well...she knows.
She knows that they hadn’t reached that certain point yet.
Her grin widened as Ray visibly recoiled at her question and a blush suddenly spreads across her face. Mariko glanced at Nami and could tell she was blushing as well despite her hand still covering her face. Mariko could tell since the smaller girl’s ears seems to have reddened. This was too easy for her, but then turning to look at her bestfriend who seems to be gritting her teeth in anger and giving her a murderous glare, maybe it could be hurtful to her as well.
A thud and suddenly a groan of pain coming out of the now hissing Hinata suddenly cuts off the laughter from Asahi and Yukarin. They all turned towards the girl who was seemingly rubbing her knee below the table while she glares at the diva.
“Really Hana-chan? Mariko’s sitting just across from you and you kick me? I know how you’re an L now and all but, is your legs not straight as well?”
A roar of laughter resonated around where the girls were seated as the two resumed their laughter along with Mariko’s while the diva flushed in embarrassment and in anger. In her mind, she’s cursing whoever is laughing at her. Nami’s friends be damned. So is her bestfriend Mariko. Nobody laughs at the diva! Nobody!
But then should she bend that thinking of hers since her girlfriend seems to be joining in on the laughter as well?
“Sorry.” Nami says sheepishly as she noticed the pointed and pouting look Ray is giving her. A warm smile made its way to Nami’s lips as she began trying to calm her girlfriend by squeezing her hand gently and rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand. Somehow that seems to work for Ray as she looked to be mesmerized at Nami’s gentle, loving smile.
“Do you still want to go?”
A series of groans of disapproval from her friends could now be heard, but Nami ignored it as she kept her eyes on her girlfriend. If Ray wants to go, then they’ll go. Sure, she’ll be a little disappointed as she wants to spend time with her friends together with her girlfriend—much like what Asahi was implying earlier—but if Ray is adamant in leaving, looking as if her reason for leaving is that important, then they’ll leave. She and Ray can spend time with their friends some other time.
The diva stares at Nami for a while, trying to somehow read the other girl, but much like whenever Nami is giving her that look, that look that says so much, she couldn’t read anything else. Her uncanny perceptive skills seems to waver on Nami’s loving smile. It worries her a bit, but at the same time it warms her entirely so she couldn’t care less about that skill of hers. She would trade everything just so Nami continues to give her that look. Everything…
…even her soul.
A slight frown made its way across Nami’s face as Ray’s eyes shifted away from her. A familiar look of emptiness once again masks Ray’s face for a fleeting second before she shook her head and looked back at Nami, smiling.
“We can stay, but only if you go to the bathroom with me.” Ray says with a nod, her sudden eagerness apparent in her eyes and smile. Somehow seeing that caused Nami to forget that empty look Ray showed her earlier. She tilted her head slightly, giving the diva a confused look and was about to ask her why she needs to go with her to the bathroom when Yukarin beat her through it.
“Why does Nami have to go with you to the bathroom?”
“Probably to check if Nami has tonsillitis with her tongue.” Mariko mumbled mindlessly as she held up her magazine once again. Only when she flipped the page of her magazine did she notice the silence surrounding them and by that silence it means that…no way.
Mortified at the realization that she may be right, Mariko slowly lowers her magazine revealing her bestfriend’s seething look towards her. She glanced at Nami and found her once again hiding her blushing face with her hand. Yukarin and Asahi were weirdly enough doing the same but it seems that they were doing it just so they could contain their laughter since their shoulders were shaking a bit. And Hinata…
“OWWWW! AGAIN?!” Hinata groaned out in pain once again as Ray’s foot collided painfully on her leg. With gritting teeth and with tears forming in her eyes because of the pain, she rests her chin on the surface of the table as she says, “Mariko’s the one who said it, not me!”
“You were laughing ridiculously without any sound!” Ray retorted, her face flushed as she stood up without releasing her hold on Nami’s hand.
“Oh god, I’m right.” Mariko groaned out in disgust as she looked at her still seething yet embarrassed looking bestfriend.
“Yes, that’s right! I want to make out with my girlfriend, what’s wrong with that?! At least I have one!” Ray snapped embarrassing Nami further as she looked up at her girlfriend, mortified.
“Oh! Burn!” Hinata grinned, keeping her head rested on the table.
Mariko narrowed her eyes at her. “You’re the one to talk. Like you have one as well.” She pointed out and immediately regretted it as the other girl tilted her head lazily to look up at her.
“You know me. I’m just waiting for you so we could ship sail our HiMari vessel and go into the tunnel of lurve.” And cue wiggling of eyebrows with that old man perverted look that Hinata is so fond of. It was short lived though as the taller girl’s foot now collided in hers. And now cue groaning in pain for the third time for Hinata.
Ignoring the cries of pain coming from the girl beside her, Mariko turned to look at Ray and Nami. Seeing that the two were somewhat playing a tug of war as Ray tries to pull Nami up, persuading her that it will only take a few minutes and that she just really wants to kiss her with the Nami resisting as she tries to pry Ray’s hand’s loose while wearing a flushed face, Mariko couldn’t help but roll her eyes and let out a sigh.
“For the love of god Nami, just go.” She tells the smaller girl in irritation. “I know you want to.”
Nami turned to look at her incredulously as she strongly denied, “I do not!”
Thinking of another approach, Mariko rolled her eyes once again before telling her, “Okay so you don’t. I don’t care either way. Just go with her then to calm her horny bones down. Give her a kiss or something.”
Mariko didn’t fail to notice the pleasing smile that made its way to Ray’s face upon hearing that. Nami also took notice and gave a wary look her way. Ray tries to soften her smile, but still looked eager in Nami’s eyes.
“Just a…kiss? One kiss?” Nami hesitantly asked which her girlfriend replied back with an eager nod. She then turned towards Mariko and tilted her head slightly as she asked the taller girl, “Here…?”
Mariko recoiled and gave a face that resembles disgust. “No. Please keep it to yourselves because not everyone is into voyeurism.”
“Well I am.” Hinata’s hand instantly shot up. She began waving it, still keeping her lazy position as she says with a grin, “So please feel free to make out for as long as you want right in front of me.”
“You’re really asking for another kick huh.” Yukarin mumbled with a sigh as she shook her head.
Realizing that she is indeed in trouble again, Hinata’s eyes widened as she quickly moved her chair towards Asahi. She turned to her while seated, then lifted her legs and placed it on the other girl’s lap whilst crying out a horrified ‘no’ over and over again. Asahi couldn’t help but give Yukarin a glare the moment Hinata began clinging to her and crying out against her neck. The crying out seems to stop the moment they all heard the screeching sound of a chair being dragged against the floor. Turning to look at the source, they all see Nami standing, looking embarrassedly at the floor.
“Well…I guess it’s okay.” Nami softly said as her free hand made its way to the back of her neck. She began to scratch it as her embarrassment intensifies what with her friends eyes were locked on her. “I mean, it’s just one—kyaahhhh!” Squealed Nami as Ray just suddenly began dragging her towards the direction of the bathroom, not wanting to waste anymore time.
Before the two turn to a corner to where the bathroom is, Ray stopped for a second then turned to look back to where the others were seated. She gave one particular person a murderous glare. “Don’t you dare follow us or you’ll be sorry!” She threatened before she began dragging her baffled looking girlfriend once again.
“Who do you think was that threat for?” Hinata asked to no one in particular, tilting her head to the side as she curiously kept her gaze at where the two were standing.
Letting out a sigh, Mariko glanced at Hinata who was still leaning against Asahi. Her eyes slowly moved downwards to the other girl's hand and it was then she noticed something. “I’m guessing you since you’re holding that.” She pointed out with narrowed eyes.
Hinata turned to look at what Mariko was pointing at and looked surprised at what she was mindlessly holding.
Her video camera.
“Oh hey. How did that get there?”
Mariko rolled her eyes.