^ how'd you know what I'm about to do? 'Have their moment then break it' I always say.

Thanks so much for the usual guys!

I wanted to have some fun with these two so I wrote this chapter.
That and because I suddenly miss them.
WTH is mendol season 2?!!

I miss my kai and ray.
*************Chapter 15Asahi fixed her sunglasses as she stared at her target. Her target was sitting by the fountain looking at her phone. Asahi could tell she was a bit nervous with the way she would look at her phone every now and then. She really couldn’t blame her target since this is her first time. She smiled feeling giddy for her.
“Did it start already?” A voice suddenly asked startling Asahi. She turned and saw Hinata who was also wearing sunglasses looking at her target as well.
“What are you doing here? Don’t you have something to do later on?” She asked Hinata as she frowned slightly. Hinata looked at her and shook her head as if she’s disappointed at Asahi.
“My dear Asahi. You should know by now that when you send me a message saying that Nami-chan asked Ray out on a date, I would immediately cancel all my appointments just to spy on them.” Ain’t that the truth? When Hinata received Asahi’s message, she immediately walked towards their manager clutching her stomach, pretending to be in pain and said,
“I’ve got menstrual cramps. Can I…can I have the rest of the day off…?”Their manager looked at her doubtingly. She groaned noticing the look their manager is giving her. She decided to up her acting.
“You’re lucky you’re a man…you don’t know the pain that we girls are going through. Would you suffer from morning sickness when you get pregnant? Would scream in pain while you give birth? Would you suffer the pain of having menstrual cramps every month? Do you bleed every month?! No…because you’re a man. Women are always the one to suffer in pain!”She said dramatically, her eyes a bit teary and her voice cracking a little. Maybe her acting was a bit exaggerated since their manager stared at her for awhile with those doubtful eyes of his. She let a tear fall and finally their manager let out a sigh and told her to take the rest of the day off in a defeated manner.
Oh well, even if their manager doubt her excuse, the important thing is that she was able to get the rest of the day off to spy on Nami and Ray’s first date.
“What’s your excuse?” Asahi asked.
“Menstrual cramps and that women have a hard life than men.” Hinata shrugged.
Asahi raised her eyebrow at the girl but didn’t question Hinata’s excuse. Knowing Hinata, she’d probably pressured their manager into letting her have a day off. Thankfully Asahi didn’t need to find an excuse since she was free after the event she, Nami and the other akb48 members attended earlier. If ever she had to find an excuse to spy on Nami and Ray’s first date, then she’d probably use Hinata’s excuse as well.
Minus the ‘women having a hard life than men’ that is.
“Hey, isn’t that…Mariko…?” Hinata asked pointing at the person who was sitting in a café wearing a hat and sunglasses with a magazine covering her face. That said woman kept on looking at Nami. Finally, the two confirmed that it was indeed Mariko when they saw the birth mark on the woman’s arm and the stubby thumb she has.
Yup, that’s Mariko alright.
The two discreetly made their way to where Mariko is. They sat down on the empty seat in between Mariko. Mariko didn’t seem surprised when they appeared.
“Where were you guys?” She asked looking at the two still holding up the magazine to cover her face.
“You came here to spy on them too?” Hinata asked.
“Of course! Like I’m going to pass the opportunity to miss something this big. I even cancelled my TV recording just to see this.”
“What’s your excuse?”
“I’ve got my period.” Mariko shrugged. Asahi narrowed her eyes as Hinata grinned.
“Hey, that’s my excuse too!” With that, Hinata and Mariko shared a high five grinning at each other while Asahi shook her head.
“So Ray told you about the date?” Asahi asked tilting her head slightly. She didn’t send Mariko about the two having a date because she knew the girl had a TV recording. But now that she ‘got her period’ together with Hinata, Asahi couldn’t help but wonder how the tall girl knew.
“I was actually with her when Nami sent her a message.” Mariko replied.
FlashbackMariko and Ray were having their brunch at a certain restaurant. The two decided to meet since their mornings were free. Besides, Ray owes Mariko anyway when she suddenly disappeared without paying her meal that one time.
Ray sighed sadly as she rests her head on the table.
“What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?” Mariko asks frowning slightly.
“I won’t get to see Nami-chan today. I’ve got a busy schedule.” Ray pouted. She couldn’t believe that she could miss Nami this much even though she just saw the girl yesterday. Ah, yesterday…the day when Nami kissed her goodnight on the cheek. Thinking about it still makes her smile as she remembers the look Nami gave her. That look that made her knees weak. She wants to see that look again. But alas, God…or rather, Sarukawa is keeping her back from seeing Nami making her schedule tight that she can’t visit the other girl.
She sighed again.
“I just want to see her. I miss her eyes, her cute dimples, the way she blush cutely, the way she laughs, the way her she would frown and pout at the same time, her voice, the way she growls like a puppy, the way-“ And the list goes on as Ray babbles on what other things she miss about the girl. Mariko rubs her temples feeling her head slightly hurting from Ray’s babble mode about Nami. This was so like those times when the diva would babble about Kai or even her mysterious girl endlessly back then.
Ah, it brings back painful memories.
“-I miss her height, her posture-“
Who the hell misses someone’s height and posture??
“-her eyes-“
“You already said that.” Mariko groaned.
“That’s because I love her eyes. And her dimples and-”
“Shut up! I get it already! You miss Nami. The end!” Mariko irritably said. If she didn’t stop the girl, she would go to ‘I miss’ to ‘I love’ to probably something else that would prolong her babble. These are the times when she wanted to choke Nami to death for making Ray fall so hard on her. Hmm…or maybe she should choke Ray instead. Or both.
“You don’t have to be so rude. I remember you babbling as much back then about Riku you know.” Ray mumbled as she looks away.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” Mariko said as she narrows her eyes. The diva was clearly exaggerating. She does not babble that much about Riku back then.
‘I think.’ Mariko thought, not remembering if she did babble that much about Riku.
Ray just pouted still looking away. It was then she heard her phone’s ring tone indicating she received a message. Sighing, she pulled out her phone and looked at the message like she’s bored.
Mariko who was relieved to finally get some peace from Ray’s babble turned to her magazine. Ray’s mood had been shifting nowadays. A couple of days ago she was normal, then she got depressed, then sad, then yesterday she was deliriously happy like she’s floating in cloud nine and now she’s back to being sad again.
Really now, is her best friend suffering from mood disorders or what?
She was about to turn the page when Ray suddenly dropped her phone on the table looking like she just got the shock of her life.
“What now?” Mariko grumbles as she glared at the stunned girl. She rolled her eyes when Ray didn’t answer her and grabbed her phone to look what the fuss is about. She apparently received a message from Nami. Mariko read it.
“Hey, I’ve got some free time later on. If you’re not busy, maybe we could hang out together? That is if you’re not busy…if you are then, it’s okay.”Mariko stared at the message a bit shocked as well.
Did Nami…really send this?
If Nami did send this, then Ray deserves a pat in the back for whatever she did to Nami. This is like…huge! But there is still a possibility that Nami didn’t send this.
“Stop looking so stunned. It might not be Nami who sent this.” Mariko said feeling a bit bad when she saw Ray looking disappointed realizing that she might be right. Mariko sighed and pulled out her own phone. If Nami didn’t send this message to Ray, then it could only be one person.
She called that person and asked,
“Hinata, do you happen to be with Nami right now?” Yup, Hinata would be the only one who could have sent this besides Nami.
“Eh? No. Nami is attending an event at the mall with Asahi.”So…Hinata isn’t with Nami. Then Nami did send that message to Ray. Asahi wouldn’t dare to make a prank like this. Asahi was never a prankster like Mariko and Hinata is. So…could it be…?
“Oh I see. Asking about Nami is just a cover up. The real reason you called me is because you miss me soooo-“ Mariko quickly hanged up not letting Hinata finish her ridiculous sentence. She’d probably mention their imaginary ‘HiMari’ coupling if Mariko didn’t hang up. She really didn’t want to hear that again.
Mariko turned to Ray who was patiently waiting for her. Ray looked hopeful that it was really Nami who sent the message. Mariko couldn’t help but grin slightly.
“Looks like Nami really sent that message to you.” Mariko didn’t expect the squeals of delight that came from the diva once she finished her sentence. She immediately covered the diva’s mouth when everyone inside the restaurant started staring at them confused. Mariko smiled at them nervously.
“S-sorry. She’s just suffering from sugar high. Please, don’t mind her.” Mariko explained which somehow eased the stares that they’re getting. She turned to the diva who was smiling.
“Do you promise not to do that again?” She asked Ray who nodded. She removed her hand from the diva’s mouth and sat back down to her seat.
“Nami-chan is asking me out on a date right? Right?” Ray asked desperately hoping that she wasn’t the only one thinking about this as a date.
“Well, she did say together…which probably means just the two of you…so yeah. I guess she’s asking you out on a date.” Mariko couldn’t believe it herself. Although she did have a feeling the little captain is slowly developing certain feelings for the diva. It still didn’t enter her mind that Nami would ask the diva out on a date this…soon. She can’t help but wonder what happened between the two to make this ‘wooing’ develop so fast.
Ray opened her mouth to squeal again at Mariko’s answer but stopped herself when Mariko gave her a glare.
“Don’t even think about it.” Mariko growled. Ray just opted to give the tall girl a brilliant smile instead. Mariko rolled her eyes from seeing it. She was happy for her friend. Really. But there’s one little problem.
“Didn’t you say earlier that you were busy today?” Mariko reminded her. Ray’s smile suddenly disappeared being reminded of her tight schedule. It is a problem, but a really small one that isn’t fixable, especially for someone like Ray.
Mariko smiled and pushed Ray’s phone towards her.
“But I don’t think that’ll stop you from having a date with Nami since…you are THE DIVA and all.” Mariko winked at her friend. Ray looked at her phone then at Mariko’s devilish smile. As if reading Mariko’s thoughts, Ray smiled back, took her phone and decided to give the best bitch fit ever.
Poor Sarukawa.
End of Flashback“Somehow, I have a feeling you were the one who pushed Nami into sending that.” Mariko said as she smiled at Asahi. Sure Nami sent that message, but Mariko was sure that Nami couldn’t have done that if no one talked her into it. That’s when Mariko thought of Asahi.
Asahi smiled and shrugged.
“Guilty as charged.”
Another FlashbackThe event ended in success. The akb48 girls were heading towards their dressing room at the mall to change their clothes. Asahi and Nami were walking side by side behind the other girls who were chatting.
“So um…did you talk to Yuko?” Nami asked, hesitantly. She didn’t know if she should bring up the subject or not since it just happened yesterday. It’s still a fresh wound for the other girl…but she just wants the two to patch things up immediately, especially if they both feel the same way.
“No.” Was Asahi’s short and sad reply. She was actually glad that she didn’t see Yuko earlier. If she did…well…she just didn’t know what to say or how to act in front of the girl. How do you act to someone who rejected your feelings?
Nami glanced at the girl. She was a disappointed that Yuko didn’t immediately patch things up with Asahi last night. She was actually hoping that the girl would show up in their apartment to talk to Asahi, but she didn’t. Nami only hopes that Yuko would talk to Asahi soon. Or else…
…or else nothing since she promised Asahi not to beat up Yuko when Asahi found out that Nami seeked out Yuko yesterday. Nami didn’t tell Asahi what happened though. She just assured the girl that she just talked to Yuko.
“Don’t worry. Everything will work out fine.” Nami assured Asahi as she squeezed her arm. Asahi smiled at her but Nami could still see the sadness that lingers in her eyes. She could only hope that Yuko would talk to Asahi. If not now, then soon. Even though she’s disappointed with Yuko for not showing up last night, she still trusts the girl to do the right thing. She has a lot of faith in Yuko that she would make Asahi happy.
Especially after seeing those serious eyes of hers.
“Hey, wanna hang out later? We could go to that shop where they sell your favorite muffins and just pig out. C’mon. My treat.” Nami grinned hoping that it would somehow make Asahi forget her problem. Asahi noticed what Nami is doing and shook her head. An idea suddenly popped into her mind.
“I can’t. I actually have something to do.” She lied.
“Oh. Well, that’s okay. I guess I’ll just go home then.” Nami said still smiling. She somehow understood if Asahi wanted some alone time to maybe…clear her head or something. Nami could just go home and maybe sleep or watch some TV. Hmm…that’s not a bad idea.
“Rather than go home, why not spend your free time hanging out with someone.”
“Someone?” Nami asked, frowning.
“Yeah, someone who happens to be the top diva of Japan? That someone?” Asahi chuckled when she saw the blush creeping into Nami’s cheeks.
“Wh-what?” Nami stammered surprised at what Asahi is suggesting. Both stopped walking as they turned to each other. The other member’s voices were slowly fading.
“Ask Ray out on a date.” Nami blushed even more at what Asahi said. Asahi couldn’t help but giggle as she found Nami blushing cute. Nami seems to be considering her suggestion as she kept her gaze on the floor as if she’s thinking about it.
Asahi had a feeling that Nami is finally realizing her feelings for the diva. She saw it last night when the little girl can’t seem to wipe off the smile on her face. Nami’s eyes held a warm look last night. She’d never seen Nami look like that before. Well…not really. Thinking about it now, Asahi somehow remembers another moment when she saw that look Nami had last night. It was brief, but she saw that look when she witnessed the two making out on the roof that day when Kai appeared.
But no one knows that.
“She…she might be busy.” Nami said as she looked away still with a cute blush on her face. Asahi wanted to squeal and hug the little girl right there and then for being so cute. But she was afraid that if she tease the girl, she would wimp out on the idea of having a date with the diva. It was a silly thought, but it might happen so Asahi retrained herself.
“You won’t know that unless you ask her. C’mon. Ask her by sending her a message.”
“B-but w-what do I say?” Nami asked. She seriously doesn’t know what to say. She’d never asked someone out before. No one even asked her out before. Minus Ray that is. Back then in their Persona days, Ray would often ask Kai out. So when you’re tallying a score between Kai and Nami, it would be: Kai = 1, Nami = 0
Now that’s a sad thought for Nami.
Asahi noticing her dilemma decided to help the poor girl out. They both composed a simple message for Ray and sent it. She watched her friend nervously wait for the diva’s response as they head towards the dressing room to change. Nami was so nervous that she was a bit jumpy. Asahi giggled when a member approached Nami to ask her something and Nami squeaked in reply, jumping a little.
Half an hour later, Nami’s phone beeped. Nami nervously opened her phone and read the message from Ray. Asahi walked to her somewhat anxious to know the diva’s reply.
“What did she say?” Asahi asked. Nami showed Ray’s message to Asahi and read it.
“I’d love to. I’m actually free all afternoon. Where do you want to meet? What time?”Reading that, Asahi squealed and stopped restraining herself as she hugged the girl, happy that she will have a date with Ray. The other members stared at them confused.
End of another FlashbackNami was a nervous wreck but Asahi assured the girl that she can call her anytime and she’ll be sure to help the girl out in her dating problems. That goes the same with Ray and Mariko. Ray was a bit nervous asking Mariko for help as she didn’t want to somehow ruin their first date. It was a rare sight for Mariko seeing her best friend like that. But she assured the girl that she’ll be fine and that she’s just a phone call away. Both Nami and Ray were unaware that their two side kicks…plus Hinata…are just sitting in a café, spying on them.
The three frowned when Asahi and Mariko’s phone simultaneously started ringing. Nami was calling Asahi, while Ray was calling Mariko. The three turned to look at Nami who was still sitting at the fountain with her phone held to her ear. But…where was Ray?
“Well, you two know what to do.” Hinata said as she grinned at them. The two hesitantly answered both their phones.
“Asahi, I think I see her. What should I do?” Nami asked frantically. Asahi frowned and looked around not seeing Ray anywhere. Where is Ray?
“Where are you? What?! Stop hiding in the damn tree and approach her!” Mariko growled looking at the other side of the road. There was Ray, dressed up as Reiko, peeking at Nami around a tree. Asahi couldn’t help but chuckle. The two were clearly a nervous wreck.
“Wait for her to approach you.” Asahi replied to Nami. She saw Nami nod.
“Okay, then what?” Nami asked but Asahi didn’t answer her immediately telling her to hold for a minute. Asahi listened to what Mariko is saying to Ray. She wanted to advice Nami on what to do next that would also correspond to Mariko’s advice to Ray. Just so the two wouldn’t be a mess…like they are now.
“First, stop babbling about your failed future if you mess this date up. You are not going to end up fat and marry a fat man in a suit and have hideous children if you mess this up. You’re exaggerating! Geez!” Mariko said as she rolled her eyes. Asahi couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
“Okay, this is important so listen okay? Normally I would suggest that you should just be yourself, but this isn’t normal…you aren’t normal when it comes to Nami. So in this case, DON’T BE YOURSELF. Don’t cling on her or what you usually do to Nami. Let HER make the first move. This is important Ray, so please just act like a normal, shy girl for once instead of acting like…well, yourself.” Mariko suggested as she smiled slightly. She glanced at Asahi and nodded her head understanding that Asahi wanted to know her advice to Ray. Asahi smiled and went back to Nami.
“Nami, are you still there?”
“Uh, yeah. She hasn’t approached me yet. I think she’s talking to someone on the phone or something.” Nami replied. Somehow Asahi could tell that the girl calmed down a bit.
“Good. Now listen, Nami. I want you to take the initiative in this date.”
“What? Wh-what do you mean?” And nervous Nami is back.
“Have you imagined yourself in a date with a boy?” Asahi asked.
“Uh…yeah.” Nami admitted. She was a bit embarrassed about admitting it…but it is Asahi, so it’s okay. Unknown to her, Hinata and Mariko were listening to them, smirking. Mariko just said goodbye to Ray telling her to approach the girl once she calmed down a bit.
“Do all those things that the guy in your dream date would do. Be the guy in this date. Be Kai and Nami at the same time. Show her that Kai and Nami likes Ray. Do you understand?” Asahi asked, smiling. She knows that Nami isn’t that vocal when it comes to feelings…especially something as mushy as a confession, so maybe she could just show it through her action that she likes Ray.
Mariko quickly covered Hinata’s mouth as she knew that the impending fangirl squealing would occur any minute now, so she decided to prevent it from happening. Mariko couldn’t blame Hinata really, since Nami and Ray were both acting cute being nervous and all. She too was having the urge to squeal at their cuteness. But she wasn’t the squealing type, so she just smiled as she looked at Nami.
Guess Mariko is a bit of a fangirl herself.
“I…I think so. Uh, sh-she’s heading this way now. I’ll call you up later if any other problem arises?”“I’ll be waiting.” And spying at the same time.
“Thanks a lot! Talk to you later.” With that, Nami hanged up. The three looked at Ray who was walking towards Nami who stood up, smiling nervously. Hinata, who was watching everything in interest, removed Mariko’s hand on her mouth and pulled out a bag of popcorn from her bag.
“This is going to be SO fun to watch.” Hinata said grinning as she eats some popcorn looking like she’s watching a movie. Mariko and Asahi couldn’t agree more.
Though it would be nice if Hinata shared some of her popcorn to the two.
*************Nami’s messed up POVOkay…just breathe…
Is that all I’m supposed to do..?
‘Stand up and greet her stupid!’ Inner Mariko-sama said. Ah, Inner Mariko-sama, don’t fail me now.
I stood up smiling nervously as she approached me. She looks nervous as well.
“Hey, sorry for being late. I got stuck in…traffic and all.”
Ray said as she laughed nervously. Uh, no you didn’t. You were hiding behind the tree just moments ago.
I didn’t say that though and decided to just let her white lie slide.
“Oh, I see.”
“I…hope you didn’t wait long.”
Ray gave me a shy smile.
“Uh, no...no I didn’t.”
I looked away feeling myself blushing. Ugh, shy Nami is back. I so don’t need shy Nami.
Both of us were quiet as we both looked away from each other. I glanced at her and well…she looks uncomfortable. I’m feeling uncomfortable myself. Shouldn’t she…say something so that I could say something back…?
“…Be the guy in this date. Be Kai and Nami at the same time. Show her that Kai and Nami likes Ray…”That’s right. Asahi suggested that to me. I should act like the guy here. Why do I have to act like the guy?
‘Don’t ask something that’s so obvious and just get on with the date please.’ Inner Mariko-sama rolled her eyes. She’s right even though she insulted me again.
Taking a deep breath, I gathered up my courage.
Osu! I can do this!
I turned to her and smiled, feeling the nervousness inside me slowly fading.
“Shall we go then?”
Ray turned to me, blushing slightly. She gave me a shy smile as she nodded her head.
*************MeanwhileMariko was struggling to break free from Asahi and Hinata’s strong hold as she tries to get her phone that’s on the table. She wanted to call Nami and yell at the girl to do something as both her and Ray were just standing by the fountain looking all shy. Sure it looks cute, but it’s frustrating for Mariko. They should just get on with the date!
“L-let go of me! I’ll stop Nami from being so lame!” Mariko growled.
“We shouldn’t interfere. You should understand her since this is her first date.” Asahi said keeping her hold on Mariko.
“I don’t care! Let go of me!”
“Hey look!” Hinata said as she pointed towards the two. The three stopped their struggling as they watch Nami turning to Ray and saying something. Ray nodded and soon the two were walking away from the fountain.
Hinata and Asahi slowly let go of Mariko as the three finally sighed in relief. Finally! After what seemed like a decade, the two can finally get on with their date. Now, let the spying begins.
They shouldn’t waste what they learned from the diva since she taught them how to spy you know.
*************Nami’s still (a bit) messed up POVWe decided to walk towards the mall. Both of us were quiet again as we walked the sidewalk side by side. I’m getting nervous again as I don’t know what I should say to start a conversation.
‘Asahi told you to imagine your dream date with a boy and act out the things that you like the boy to do to you while in a date right? How about doing that now.’ Inner Mariko-sama reminded.
Hmm. What I want my dream boy to do or say to me huh? Well, first I want him to compliment what I’m wearing. Maybe I should…say that to her.
“Uh, y-you look nice.”
I said as I glanced at her. I smiled and noticed a blush creeping on her cheeks.
“T-thanks. You look nice as well.”
She smiled shyly. She’s acting like a shy girl today. Kinda cute. Although it’s making me all shy as well.
‘Don’t you go all shy with me again Nami. You need to be the man today. THE MAN! Be the man and hold her hand or something.’
Hold her hand? Now that Inner Mariko-sama mentions it, our hands were just dangling on our sides. Usually, she’d loop her arm on mine, but today…it’s like she’s making me do all those mushy stuff. She’s making me…take the initiative? Is that why she’s all shy today?
‘Then shouldn’t you do something about it since the poor girl is somewhat expecting it from you? C’mon. Take the initiative for once Nami.’
I didn’t dare to argue with Inner Mariko-sama.
Looking away, I hesitantly held her hand. Even if I’m not looking at her, I can tell she’s looking at me, surprised. I can feel my face burn as I intertwine my fingers to hers. I can feel those warm and fuzzy feeling again as I held her hand. I glanced at her and found her blushing furiously her eyes away from me, a small smile on her lips.
I couldn’t help but smile feeling the silence a bit comfortable now. No words were needed. Just feeling her squeeze my hand back is enough.
*************Mariko had to stop her two companions from fangirling too much, especially when the three saw how nicely Nami handled the whole hand holding thing. Watching that made Mariko grin impressed at the little girl, while it made the two hug each other from excitement, jumping slightly. It was embarrassing for Mariko since people kept on looking at them. So she decided to break their mini celebration and drag the two girls to where the couple went.
‘Couple huh. Now that’s a word that I never thought I’d use to describe Nami and Ray.’ Mariko thought as she smiled watching the two look around the mall.
It looked like the two are loosening up a bit as they look at some stores. Ray would drag Nami inside a store and Nami would either scowl or chuckle at whatever Ray is pointing at or saying. They do look normal to Mariko now, but there’s one thing that Mariko noticed differently.
Their hands would always seek out the other.
Mariko found it cute. They would look at different things inside the store, releasing each others hand. But when they walk out, you’d find them holding hands again, much like what a couple would do.
“I’m so…proud. Nami is growing up so fast. I…I think I’m going to cry.” Hinata says sniffling a little. Asahi chuckles as she pats Hinata on the back. Mariko rolled her eyes but still kept the smile on her face. She wouldn’t admit it, but she is a little bit proud of Nami.
…Just a little bit though.
The three followed the two and found them going towards the cinema. They watch the two as they seem to be arguing about something in front of the ticket booth section. Ray looked like she was pleading at Nami for something as Nami looked like she was against it. Finally, it looked like Nami decided to go with what Ray wants making the girl jump slightly in excitement. Nami bought their tickets, got some snacks and then the two walked inside the cinema.
Once Nami and Ray were inside, the three walked to where the two went and read the title of the movie they’re going to watch. It was a horror movie.
“I guess this concludes our spying.” Mariko said. Hinata nodded in agreement.
“How about we grab something to eat?” Hinata suggested.
“Great idea. C’mon.” The two were about to walk away when they felt Asahi wrapping her arms over both their shoulders.
“Oh. But we’re not done yet.” Asahi said as she grinned at the two wickedly. Both Hinata and Mariko gulped not liking the glint in Asahi’s eyes.
*************Nami’s POV (not anymore messed up)I don’t know why she kept on insisting we watch a horror movie when she’s this scared. I remember clearly what happened when we were in that haunted mansion back when we went to the amusement park. She was so scared at that time…so why did she kept on insisting that we watch this? Is she the kind of person who loves horror stuff, but is really a scaredy-cat? Is there a kind of person?
I heard a bunch of people screaming and someone asking for their mommy. Oddly enough, that sounded like Mariko-sama and Hinata who was asking for her mommy. Frowning, I was about to look back when I felt her grip my arm tight again, her face on my neck. I can feel her warm breath making me blush.
Thank God it’s dark here.
“Is…is it over…?”
She whispered making me shiver slightly. Her breath is tickling my neck.
“Well, if it’s the movie, then no. Scary scene isn’t over too. The girl is--“
“I don’t want to know!”
She said as she gripped my arm tighter. It hurts, but the pain is bearable. She’s really scared. I scowled at her.
“Why do you want to see this anyway if you’re that scared?”
I asked as I turned to her. She pulled back a little to look at me, her face a few centimeters away from mine. She smiled slightly and whispered,
“I just wanted an excuse to hold you.”
And she stunned me with her answer. I can feel those warm and fuzzy feeling tripled as I stare into her eyes. Should I…say something back…? Or should I just lean forward and…?
I didn’t get to do anything or say anything as she glanced at the screen again and went back into hiding. I sighed and smiled slightly.
“Tell me if it’s over.”
She whispered again and I nodded. I know its evil for me to think this but…
…somehow I didn’t want it to be over.
*************Asahi sighed as she looked at both her arms checking if she was bleeding from the constant gripping she experienced from her two companions. There were scratch marks, but it doesn’t seem that she’s bleeding. She didn’t even get to spy on Nami and Ray because the two kept on clinging to her, blocking her view. Maybe it was a bad idea to drag the two into watching a horror movie. But there’s no use thinking that since it’s over now.
“Look, I think they’re going to grab something to eat.” Hinata said as she pointed at the couple. They watch as Ray and Nami enter a restaurant to eat dinner together. Mariko and Hinata were about to enter the restaurant too but stopped when Asahi took hold of their collars.
“I think we should give them their alone time now.” Asahi suggested as she glanced at the two who were ordering. They had been spying on them for hours now, and well, giving them a bit of privacy to get to know each other seems to be the right thing to do. She wanted to see Nami being sweet to Ray and to somehow see if their date would work out fine, that’s why she wanted to spy on the two. Looking at the two, seeing them smile at each other comfortably seems to be an indication that things would work out fine now and that they didn’t need to spy on them any longer.
“You want to give them their alone time NOW when we could have given them their alone time earlier preventing us from watching that gruesome movie?!” Mariko looked at her like she’s insane. She really didn’t want to watch the movie but Asahi kept on saying things like ‘the two might kiss inside’ and such to make both her and Hinata concede. Plus she gave the two a murderous glare and dragged them. Now, after the whole horror movie is over…she wants to stop?! Is she insane?!
Asahi sighed and released her hold on the two.
“Personally, I think we’ve spied on them enough. They need their private time to get to know each other. If you’re on a date, would you like your friends to eavesdrop on you and your dates’ private conversation?”
“…No…” Mariko mumbled finding that Asahi does have a point. They had been spying on the two for awhile now. Maybe it’s time to stop?
“Depends on what the private conversation is. I mean, how PRIVATE could it be?” Hinata replied wiggling her eyebrow, doing that perverted look again. Mariko and Asahi narrowed their eyes at Hinata. The two took hold of Hinata’s arm and started dragging her away.
“You know I was questioning if we should stop spying or not, but hearing your answer made me want to stop now.” Mariko said as she and Asahi dragged a protesting Hinata away. Asahi just nodded her head in approval.
*************Nami’s POV“Okay, I’ll be right back with your orders.”
The waitress smiled at us, then left us alone. I looked around the restaurant and found a couple of people inside. I noticed a guy, sitting alone by the window, keeps on staring at us. I decided to ignore it and turned back to look at Ray giving her a slight smile. She smiled back.
And then…silence.
Uh, what do I say or do now…?
Before I could say anything, the guy who was staring at us suddenly walked towards our table. He approached Ray, introduced himself and asked for her number. She smiled uncomfortably at the guy as the guy charmingly smiled at her. It disturbed me for someone to approach her and just suddenly ask for her number, especially when I’m with her. It was the same feeling I had when I saw Okuma Yuu calling her.
I sighed and looked away giving them a little privacy, feeling…
…what am I feeling? Am I…jealous…?
“I’m sorry, but I’m currently having dinner with my girlfriend.”
I looked back at them and saw her smiling at me. She took my hand and looked back at the guy, who was shifting his eyes to both of us looking confused.
“It would be rude to ask someone’s number when they already have someone else you know.”
The guy then started bowing, apologizing to us for being rude. I smiled at him nervously feeling a bit uncomfortable as he kept on apologizing to me. I guess I couldn’t blame him. But…it was kinda rude.
But then again, if someone looked at us, we…don’t really look like a couple…do we…?
When he finally left us alone, I sighed.
“It must be common for you to be approached like that.”
“I guess. But, I don’t really care about them.”
She said smiling as she played with my hand. So she does get hit on by guys often. I can’t really blame them since…well…she is beautiful.
Somehow, I don’t know what I feel about the thought of guys hitting on her.
Sighing, I clasped my hand to hers, squeezing it lightly.
What I do know is…I really don’t like this feeling.
*************“We should have spied on them some more! They could have done something…epic right now.” Hinata said walking in between Asahi and Mariko. The three were heading towards Hinata, Asahi and Nami’s apartment.
“And what epic thing would that be?” Mariko asked raising her eyebrow at the girl.
“Well…they could be making out right this minute.” Asahi restrained herself from chuckling as she remembers that time on the roof.
“Yeah right. Like that’ll happen.” Mariko rolled her eyes.
‘It already did.’ Asahi thought.
“Anyway, I’m glad those two finally have their happy ending. Don’t you think?” Asahi said smiling at the two trying to change the subject.
“I guess. It’s kinda sappy if you ask me.” Mariko said, shrugging.
Hinata was about to say something back when Mariko’s phone started ringing. The three stopped walking. Hinata and Asahi turned to Mariko who sighed.
“God, I hope this isn’t Ray asking me to pick her up again because her legs wouldn’t move…” Mariko mumbled. Hinata and Asahi shared a look wondering what Mariko is mumbling about. The tall girl pulled out her phone and sighed in relief when she found that it wasn’t Ray calling her.
It was Yukarin.
“Hey! When are you coming back? Oh tonight? That’s great! Tomorrow? Yeah sure. Oh you saw that. Yeah I was there, too bad you weren’t. What? Well…I don’t know if they’re going to say yes to that.” Mariko trailed as she looked at the two who were watching her.
“Yeah I’ll ask them. I don’t think they’ll say no if you do that. Yeah. Okay. Get on your plane then. Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Have a safe trip. Yeah. Bye!” With that, Mariko closed her phone and turned at the two who was somewhat waiting for her.
“Yukarin is coming back. She’s boarding her plane right now.”
“Yeah…and…?” Asahi asked somewhat suspicious about the way Mariko looked at them earlier.
“She wants to hang out tomorrow since it’s our day off.” Mariko trailed and started walking again. The two followed her still not satisfied with Mariko’s answer. It looks suspicious to the two especially the way Mariko is smiling.
“And…?” Hinata drawled as she looked at Mariko with narrowed eyes.
“She saw the article about Kai and Ray and was pretty pissed off that she wasn’t there to witness it. And well…she kinda wants the three of you to dress up as Persona tomorrow…while we hang out.” Mariko grinned slightly.
“What?!” The two stopped walking as they looked at Mariko incredulously. Dress up as Persona?! Just to hang?!
“Not my idea. She said if you won’t dress up like that tomorrow, she’d be the one to dress you guys up herself. She seemed pretty pissed off you know.” Mariko smirked as she looks at the two. Asahi looks pretty surprised as Hinata was…well…it looks like she’s thinking about it.
“No way we’re going out tomorrow and dress up as Persona.” Asahi shook her head, frowning. They were over that cross dressing thing months ago. Plus, there’s a risk of getting caught by the press. And don’t forget the fact that they’re supposed to be dead…although those bad men were already caught. But thinking about it, that didn’t stop Kai, huh? Still! What would Sachou say when she sees them in a newspaper?! She’d probably fly back here in Japan and whip the hell out of them.
“I actually think it’s a fun idea.” Hinata mumbled looking away.
“What?” Asahi turned to Hinata. How could Hinata say that? But then again…it is Hinata.
“Well, the press already thinks that Persona is back here in Japan because of Kai’s run in with the press. So it should be okay to be Persona for a day.” Hinata shrugged and Mariko nodded. Hinata does have a point but still…Asahi have her doubts.
“I…don’t know…” Asahi said looking at the ground. Hinata wrapped her arm around the girl and grinned.
“C’mon. Live a little. It’s just for one day.”
“Exactly.” Mariko nodded. Hinata narrowed her eyes at her still grinning.
“Ehh? I think you like Yukarin’s idea because you’d get to see your precious Riku again.” Mariko rolled her eyes at that and turned to walk away, hiding the fact that she was slightly blushing. The two walked briskly to catch up with her.
“Admit it. You want to see Riku too!” Hinata teased the tall girl while walking. Asahi couldn’t help but giggle.
“No comment-o.” Mariko replied ignoring the teasing gaze from the two.
She stopped walking though when they were in front of their destination. She stared at the person in front of the building. The two turned to look at whatever it is Mariko is staring at. Their smiles slowly disappeared, especially Asahi who looked surprised.
There stood Yuko smiling sadly with a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
“Looks like you’ll get your happy ending as well.” Mariko said as she glanced at Asahi, grinning.
“About damn time.” Hinata said frowning slightly at Yuko as she removed her arm from Asahi.
Mariko and Hinata walked towards Yuko. Mariko pats her shoulder.
“Make it right.” She smiled slightly. Yuko looked at her still with that sad smile on her face and nodded slightly. With a last pat, Mariko walked away towards the apartment building to leave the two alone.
Hinata then stood in front of Yuko. She looked serious.
“They say there are people who can read someone’s emotions through their eyes. If you’re one of those people, then I think you should perfectly know what I’m saying through my eyes.” Yuko stared at Hinata. She nodded knowing perfectly what Hinata is trying to say.
‘Hurt her…and Nami will sic you.’
Hinata surprisingly chuckled and gave Yuko a pat on her shoulder. She then followed Mariko to leave the two soon to be couple alone.
*************Nami’s POV“My…family?”
She asked as she looked at me. We’re walking with our pinkies intertwined towards her house.
“Yeah. What’s your family like?”
I was curious since I never heard her mention her family before. Even when I was Kai she never told me anything about her family. So…I guess I was curious about it, but somehow, looking at her sad smile as her gaze turned to the ground made me regret asking that question.
“My…parents died when I was young…”
“I’m sorry, I…didn’t know. Y-you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
I offered feeling guilty. She moved her hand and clasped mine as she shook her head telling me that she’d like to tell it to me. I hesitantly nodded and she moved on with her story.
“I have a brother. He was a lot older than me. He didn’t get to finish high school when our parents suddenly died.”
I squeezed her hand silently telling her that it’s okay.
“I think I was seven at that time. My relatives didn't want to help us since they never liked my father. My grandfather even wanted to put me in an orphanage since I was still young and keep my older brother.”
Should I ask for her relatives address and kill them especially her grandfather?
“My brother didn’t want to put me in an orphanage and decided to just raise me himself. My grandfather didn’t care and decided to let us stay at our own house giving us some money. We can actually get by because my parents left us a couple of money too. But that didn’t stop my brother from having different jobs and at the same time taking care of me.”
She smiled slightly.
“He was such a hard worker, that I never did get to spend so much time with him. We never grew close. I sometimes think of him as a stranger whenever he comes home. It’s sad really…since I wanted him to somehow notice me. I guess, that’s part of why I became what I am now.”
What she is now? The top selling diva in Japan huh. I’m sure you’re brother notices you now. He’d be blind not to notice you since there are a bunch of billboards with your face in it. Is that also the reason why Ray has those game consoles in her home even though she’s not a gamer? I remember playing those as Kai and she asked me how to play. I thought at that time she was joking, but I was surprised that she wasn’t because of how she sucked at playing.
It probably is the reason. She really wants her brother to notice her huh.
“Where…is he now?”
I asked hesitantly.
“I told you he’s a hard worker right? Well, he was smart too. Some big shot guy from a big company saw his potential when my brother worked there and decided to take him under his wing. Now, my brother is the president of that company.”
She smiled proudly but I can still the sadness in her eyes.
“He’s out of the country now, doing business stuff. I’m not sure what country though since he’s been traveling quite a lot.”
“But he still talks to you or write to you…right?”
“Well, yeah. He checks on me sometimes to see how I’m doing and stuff. But…it’s rare…you know.”
She sighed and I decided not to ask anymore. Somehow, there’s a part of me that wants to meet this brother of hers.
Probably to smack him for ignoring his sister.
“What about you? What’s your family like?”
She asked as she looks at me, smiling. I shrugged.
“They’re nothing special. Just a typical average family I guess. I have a younger brother who is somewhat like me.”
She giggled probably imagining my little brother.
I squeezed her hand and she turned to me. I looked away from her as I nervously say,
“I…I can introduce them to you…if you want.”
I’m blushing slightly. I glanced at her and saw her smiling brilliantly, a slight blush on her face.
“I’d love to meet your family.”
I scoffed trying to lessen my face from turning red completely.
“You don’t have to be THAT happy. I told you they’re not that special.”
“But it’s still Nami-chan’s family! I’m going to meet Nami-chan’s family!”
She said excitedly as she started swaying our hands back and forth. She had that usual smile she always has and she was jumping slightly as we walked. Somehow, looking at her like this made me dread the day she will meet my family.
Maybe saying that to her is a bad idea.
We continued our small talk until we reached her house. She faced me still holding my hand, pouting.
“You didn’t have to walk me home you know.”
You know, she could’ve said that earlier when we’re not already in front of her house.
‘She’s just saying that to be nice. That’s how women are. They tell you something when the meaning is completely the opposite. Geez, don’t you know that? Oh right, that’s because you really are THE MAN Nami.’ Inner Mariko-sama rolled her eyes.
I wonder if there’s a doctor to help me with my Inner self returning back to normal.
“It’s okay. I kinda wanted to anyway.”
Well, part of me does. Plus Asahi told me to do what a boy would’ve done in my dream date. This is what they usually do after a date right?
“I had fun today.”
She smiled and I chuckled.
“Surprisingly, I had too.”
She poked my shoulder, pouting.
“You’re surprised? That’s mean!”
I laughed as she kept on pouting. Her lips were twitching and I could tell that she’s trying hard not to smile or laugh. I stopped laughing and it was then she stopped pouting and gave me that smile that she was trying so hard to hide.
“Well, I guess this is goodnight. I’ll talk to you later.”
With a last squeeze on her hand, I turned to walk away. I was about to take a step when I felt her hand on my arm. I turned confused and was surprised when she cupped my cheek, tilted my head up and kissed me, softly.
‘THIS is what usually happens after a date.’
That warm and fuzzy feeling is acting up again as I felt her soft lips on mine. It took me a few seconds to slowly close my eyes and enjoy my good night kiss.
*************MeanwhileOkuma Yuu finally got the pictures he wanted. Slowly, he opened the brown envelope containing the photos and sat down the couch. He pulled out the couple of pictures of Kai of Persona and stared at them. Yup, it was still there.
He took the other brown envelope that contains a bunch of pictures of Nami of Akb48. He opened it and pulled out the pictures. Flipping through the pictures, he found a perfect angle of the girl. He took a picture of Kai and compared the two.
He grinned.
“Well I’ll be. A perfect match eh?”
TBC*************Extra notes: God, that's such a long chapter. Hopefully the next one would be short. Have to end Nami's POV soon so I kinda have to speed up a bit. My butt is sore from sitting too much though.

So yeah, next chap, I think I'll have some fun with Persona next.