Thanks for the kind comments about the story and about my health.

I'm 90% better now.

Reading all your comments made me laugh. Seriously. I didn't know you guys really hated Yuu that much.

I'll reply to your long comments since you guys are so nice.
plus i'm not doing anything right yeah.
@Ra-nyan: I knew you're going to like the future Hinata chap. Like you, I'm liking Hinata more and more. Though I think I exaggerated on her free spirit and all. Hey, the chainsaw bit made me laugh.
@Dee1711: I'll see what I can do about that happy ending. About Ray mentioning her career to Nami, well, I think that's sort of a wake-up call for both of them. People seem to love blaming that bastard too.
@RenaChii: You know, your excitement for Asahi and Yuko is making me excited as well.
@Riama: You cried? Really? That's flattering on my part. Not that I want you to cry or just made me feel that I did something right in the previous chapter. So thanks for crying.

That sounded so wrong.

Again, no evilness intended.
@Shahi: Well I did write a Nami and Acchan interaction in this hope you like it.
@Dark-atrox: Gori-sans mission is like...meh. It's really not that great, but it is helpful. Yeah, I'm actually excited for the side story too.

I actually did your advice on spending a break from the computer. But I did spend my spare time in front of the TV.
@Bou-j525: Damn, math. Sorry about the whole bad luck. Hope your ipod is okay. So, I'm post-poning 'The End Forever' for awhile. I'm actually tempted that time because of my head ache.
@Alexiel17: Sorry I couldn't update early. Bad luck x 1000?

No clues to whoever that woman is.

I'm actually not busy for a couple of days, so I could probably devote my time to finishing this fic.
@Aoi_sora: 3 days? Wow. Thanks for sticking to it for 3 days. I actually thought about Hinata and Acchan thing and you mentioning it made me think about it again. Hmm. I'll think about that if it's possible. Don't worry, I can't kill you online. You're safe.

@Sici: Yeah, Nami is kinda hard headed so bitchy Ray wouldn't make her go away. A slap of reality probably would. I can't wait to resolve this too!

With that done, here's next chapter! Thanks again guys!
*******************Chapter 18Nami’s POVEver heard the saying; ‘The burned hand teaches the best?’
That was from a book made into a movie right? Somehow remembering that line made me remember my mom telling me what I was like when I was little.
A little child I mean.
Apparently, I was a curious child, like I’d touch things that were new to me or even…eat things. I’m not going to elaborate on what those things are since some of them are just…gross.
Anyway, I remember her telling me about my first birthday.
My parents and relatives were surrounding me as I wait for my birthday cake to come. She told me how I would stare at everyone one of them, with my mouth slightly open, like I was trying to wonder who they are and why are they looking at me with those scary happy faces. I looked scared at that time but then my attention turned to my cake as my dad slowly placed it on a table in front of me. A lonely candle stood and my eyes grew wider when it was lit.
I stared at the lit candle in awe, ignoring everyone as they sing happy birthday or even my dad who was calling me as he aimed his camera at me. My eyes were locked in the candle, especially the flame as it dances slightly. Looking at the flame probably enticed me as I reached for it, burning my finger. I let out a piercing cry and my mom quickly made her way towards me to look at my burned finger. She carried me and comforted me as I cry my eyes out. She told me how I would whimper and look terrified whenever she moved me towards the cake where the candle still stood, unlit. She says that since then, I’d never gone close to a lit candle until I was like 6 years old.
It took me six years to get over that burn I felt. Six years to avoid the burning candle. I was a child, I know. Now, I’m old enough to know the things that would burn me…or even hurt me. Like a child, I’d avoid it at all cost just so I could forget the burn or the pain.
It took years, not days.
Stepping into Tohto TV after two days of getting the burn of my life is too soon to make me forget, but…
…It can’t be helped right?
“Aaaaannnnnnddddddddd cccccuuuuuttttt!!!!”
I sighed in relief and leaned back at the couch.
“You okay?” Acchan asked as she looked at me worriedly. We were once again paired up for a TV recording at Tohto TV.
“I’m fine.” I assured her as I gave her a slight smile. Well, I didn’t tell her that I have a slight headache since I know I’ll worry her more. Lately, she’s been worried about me, more than usual. It makes me wonder why. I mean, can she see that I’m hurting since two days ago? Can she tell that my heart is bleeding right now?
I hope not. Like Asahi and the others, I don’t want them to worry about me. But with the look she’s giving me, I don’t think she believes my answer.
“I’m fine, really.” I said as I stood up giving her a smile now since well, a slight smile didn’t work. I suddenly have this urge to massage my temples but decided against it as she stared at me with a slight frown.
She sighed and was about to say something, probably to mother me, when our manager called her. She frowned and turned towards the man who was ushering her to come to him as he was speaking to someone.
Saved by the manager.
“I’ll be right back.” She sighed as she patted my shoulder.
“Sure, I’ll just go over there and get some water.” I pointed and she nodded her head. I stood there for awhile as she made her way towards the two. I watch her as she bowed and smiled politely while our manager introduced her to his companion. Looking at her like this, it makes me wonder…as a face of Akb48, would she too choose her career over…love? Just like…
What am I thinking? Why am I comparing Acchan to…
I sighed and shook my head as I head towards the water dispenser. I took a cup and filled it with cold water. I gulped it down easily noticing that I’m feeling slightly dizzy as well. Having a slight headache and feeling slightly dizzy is really not good.
Ugh. Maybe I should sit down or something.
With another filled cup, I walked towards a couch to sit and wait for Acchan. I stopped walking as my eye sight suddenly blurred.
Wh-what was that…?
I shook my head and tried to focus while I massaged my temple with my free hand. Maybe skipping dinner and breakfast wasn’t such a good idea.
“Hey, isn’t that Nami?” I stood stiff as I heard that voice, a voice that I loathed to hear. His voice…
…Okuma Yuu’s.
I slowly turned to look at him and froze again when Ray was standing a few feet away from him as he walks towards me. We stared at each other, frozen in spot. I felt my heart beat fast at the sight of her. I immediately felt that familiar warmth that I feel whenever I look at her.
This is what I dreaded would happen if I stepped inside Tohto TV again. Why didn’t I just…accept Asahi’s offer to take my place earlier? Why didn’t I just make up some excuse to not go here? Why didn’t I listen to my brain? And where the hell is inner Mariko-sama?!
I suddenly felt that familiar pain that I’ve been feeling since our last encounter. The warmth I felt when I saw her…was easily replaced by pain.
“Well hello there Nami-chan. Long time no see.” Yuu grinned as he blocked my view. Just seeing his cocky jerk face makes my headache worse. My head seems to be throbbing with pain but I still gave him my fake smile as I bow slightly at him.
“Okuma-san. It’s nice to see you again.” Ugh. It sucks to be polite to him. How I wish I could kick his…
“Another TV recording I see. You girls are getting popular eh? Short skirts really are dangerous creations eh?” He smirked and my fake smile slowly disappeared as I look at him. Is he implying…what I think he’s implying…?
“Aww, don’t look at me like that. It’s just a joke.” He grinned as he pats my head. God, can I just kick his…
“Oh yeah. Aren’t you going to say hi to your friend Ray-san over there?” He asked as he moved slightly away and motioned towards Ray who stood afar talking with Sarukawa-sachou. I stared back at her and found her glancing at me every now and then.
I glanced at Yuu, frowning as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him as he looked at Ray.
“I guess you really don’t own her huh?” He whispered as he grinned, his eyes still at Ray. I frowned not understanding him. What the hell is he saying now?
“Heard she has a new boyfriend and that she broke up with you…again.”
Eh? Again? What is he…?
My eyes slowly went wide with realization. I gripped the cup on my hand slightly, my hand trembling a bit. My other hand turned into a fist.
Does…he know…that I’m…?
“Too bad. And here I thought she belongs to you, that she’s yours. I guess that wig of yours just…got into you huh?” He shook his head and let out a tsk-tsk sound as I glared at the floor with my jaw clenched tightly. I can feel my heart and head, pounding hard.
“That’s okay though, you still have your skirt, right?” He smirked and pats my shoulder. I just stood there unmoving. My eye sight once again blurred and I suddenly felt nauseous. I was breathing rapidly feeling a cold sweat forming in my forehead. Oh God, this…really isn’t happening…right? This is just a nightmare…right?
With a last pat, he then walked away from me, heading towards Ray. He stopped then and turned to me. I stared at him, waiting for another blow as he grinned at me.
“Oh, about that new boyfriend of hers, I believe she’s going to reveal him in a couple of days through a press conference. I’ll save you a seat in the front row okay?” He winked at me then turned to walk away. I stared at his back noticing that everything was getting blurry. I felt the cold sweat on my forehead trickle down.
I…I think I’m going to…faint.
“Nami-chan, are you okay?”
I slowly turned towards the voice to find Acchan walking towards me. She stopped when she was near and frowned, looking at me worriedly again.
No…everything is not okay. I’m not okay.
I didn’t get to say anything though as everything went black.
*******************“N-Nami-chan!” Maeda yelled as she quickly took hold of the girl who fainted, her arms wet from Nami’s cup water. Everyone turned to her as she kept on calling the girl in her arms. Ray and Yuu turned and saw Maeda cradling a lifeless Nami in her arms.
Ray stood shocked to see Nami…her Nami…
“Nami-chan!” Ray quickly ran towards the lifeless girl surprising Sarukawa who was standing beside her. She didn’t get to reach Nami as Okuma Yuu prevented her from going further. He took hold of her shoulder, keeping her away from the fainted girl. Ray struggled for a bit wanting to get near the girl but Okuma Yuu kept a tight hold on her.
“You’re the diva right? Act like it.” He snarled softly. She stopped struggling as some of the staff and their manager quickly went to Maeda’s side to take a look at Nami. It was heart breaking for Ray to just stand there and do nothing. She could watch as their manager carried a pale and lifeless girl, passing her like she is nothing to Nami. Which is true…
…she is nothing to Nami. She’s been nothing since two days ago and that’s all she will ever be because…
…this is what she wanted.
She clenched her fist as she turned to look at Maeda, their manager and some staff carrying Nami, moving further and further away from her. Her heart is bleeding but all she could do is watch.
*******************“Ugh…” Nami groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She squints her eyes trying to adjust them to her surroundings. She could still feel the slight painful throb of her head. She was right though, she did faint.
“Nami-chan.” Maeda quickly stood up from the chair she’s sitting on to look at her friend.
“Where…where am I?” Nami asked as she looked around, hoping that she’s not in a hospital. If she is then she’s in big trouble.
“Infirmary of Tohto TV.” Maeda answered making Nami sigh in relief as she sat up. Sure she feels relieved that she wasn’t taken to the hospital, but then again, looking at Maeda’s stern face, probably doesn’t get her out of the trouble just yet.
She gulped.
“You didn’t eat breakfast, did you?” Maeda’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she looked at the nervous looking Nami.
“M-maybe…” Nami stammered as she looked at the side, avoiding Maeda’s eyes. Maeda was about to say something when the door suddenly opened and in walked their manager.
Saved by the manager yet again.
“Ah, Kawachi-san. Good to see you awake now.” He smiled slightly as he stood beside Maeda holding a bowl of Katsudon. Nami eyed it and raised her eyebrow.
“The doctor said that you collapsed due to stress and perhaps the lack of eating breakfast.” Plus she didn’t eat dinner last night and the lack of sleep for two days straight, but Nami really shouldn’t say that since Maeda still looked at her with such dangerous eyes. Their manager handed Nami the bowl of Katsudon but Maeda quickly grabbed it, frowning slightly.
“I’ll feed it to her. Just so she eats it…ALL.” Nami gulped as Maeda growled the ‘all’ part. This side of Maeda is giving her the creeps. Their manager seems to be weirded out too as he raised his eyebrow at Maeda-san.
“Ookkaayy. Anyway, I just talked to Akimoto-san and told him what happened.”
Nami groaned. She is so dead. Not only will Maeda chew her out later on for not eating breakfast, but also Akimoto-sensei for not taking care of her body. Also, if the news that she fainted traveled to Asahi and the others, they’d probably scold her as well.
What a fine day for Nami don’t you think?
“He proposed for you to be taken to the hospital.”
“NO!” Nami protested surprising their manager. Maeda just raised her eyebrow at the girl.
“No hospitals…please. I’m fine. I just…skipped breakfast…that’s all.” Nami mumbled as she looked away. It’s not her fault she didn’t have any appetite lately!
“You do know that you will be reprimanded for this negligence right?” Their manager said as he frowned at the still pale girl.
“Hai.” Nami sighed. She’s already anticipating all the scolding she’s going to receive today. She could already feel the scolding eyes of Maeda right now.
“Alright. Then I guess I should call Akimoto-san and tell him you don’t want to go to the hospital.” Hearing that from their manager somehow gave Nami hope that he’s not going to mention about her little negligence.
“And that you confessed to skipping your breakfast.” Their manager added as he made his way out of the room, smashing Nami’s hope to pieces. Guess there’s no escaping the impending scolding that’s going to happen in the immediate future.
Let the scolding begin.
She sighed noticing that she was now left alone with Maeda whom she was sure is going to scold her too. But surprisingly, the scolding didn’t come. Maeda just sighed, scooped some of the food with a spoon and then held it up for Nami to eat.
“Uh…I can feed myself you know.” Nami said looking uncomfortable. She flinched when Maeda glared at her.
“Or not.” Nami mumbled and hesitantly ate the offered food. She looked away feeling uncomfortable as Maeda continue to feed her in silence. For Nami, this is far worse than being scolded. She really hates it when someone is doing the silent treatment on her. Well except for Hinata since she wouldn’t mind if the girl gives her the silent treatment once in awhile, but that’s not the point is it?
“Are you…mad at me?” Nami asked timidly as she glanced at Maeda who was looking at the bowl of Katsudon trying to scoop some more food for Nami.
“What do you think?” Maeda grumbled not looking at Nami.
“Uh…no?” Nami guessed sounding hopeful that Maeda wasn’t mad. But from the glare she’s giving Nami, it looks like she is.
“Try again.”
“I’m sorry okay? I just…I wasn’t hungry and decided to just…skip it.” Nami sighed, defeatedly. Truthfully, this is the first time she skipped a meal. She woke up extra early just to get out of the apartment while Asahi and Hinata were still sleeping. She just didn’t want them to pamper her which the two have been doing since the whole incident with Ray happened. She’s thankful and all but…it was…suffocating for Nami, when all she wanted was to just be…left alone.
“Somehow I get the feeling that there’s a reason why you suddenly lost appetite. There is a reason…right?” Maeda asked as she looked at Nami, frowning slightly. The day after the Persona party that Maeda and the others had, it seemed that Nami just suddenly felt…off. It’s like…Nami isn’t Nami lately. It worries Maeda and judging by how the others were looking at Nami earlier, they were worried for the little captain too.
Nami looked away, unable to look Maeda in the eyes knowing that the pain is once again visible in her eyes. She really didn’t want to talk about it. Somehow it hurt Maeda a little bit that Nami wouldn’t talk about her problems to her, but a part of her understood the little girl’s hesitation.
“I’m not going to ask what that reason is. Just please, promise me you won’t be so hard on yourself anymore.” Maeda sighed as she placed her hand on top of Nami’s. If Nami can’t tell her what’s wrong, then she’ll wait for the girl to tell her. This is all she could do for Nami right now.
Nami looked at their hands and smiled slightly.
“Okay, I promise. No more skipping breakfast.” And dinner.
“Good. Because you scared me to death when you fainted you know!” Maeda removed her hand on Nami and punched the girl in her shoulder, pouting. It hurt Nami a little but she just chuckled.
“I was so scared that I even sent Asahi an SOS message about you fainting.” Maeda looked at the side smiling slightly.
“YOU WHAT?!” Nami exclaimed. Maeda…sent Asahi an SOS message?! Now she’s really dead!
“Well I promised her earlier to take care of you. And when you fainted, I can’t help it.” Maeda shrugged still keeping that small smile on her face. Seeing her like this, Nami can’t help but feel that there’s an evil side in her.
“You did that on purpose huh.” Nami narrowed her eyes at Maeda who just gave her her usual smile, her eyelids fluttering slightly.
“What do you think?” Nami stared at Maeda for awhile as the girl smiled at her sweetly. There is definitely an evil side in Maeda. Nami sighed and grabbed the bowl from Maeda’s hand.
“That’s evil. But I probably deserve that.” Nami grumbled as Maeda just smiled watching Nami devour her Katsudon. It looks like Nami is slowly returning to normal as she finished her meal and asked for more, holding out the empty bowl to Maeda, pouting slightly. Maeda chuckled at the cuteness and took the bowl from her.
She stepped out of the room noticing that the door was slightly open. Their manager probably didn’t fully close it. She slowly closed the door and frowned when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Looking at her right, she saw Ray’s retreating form.
Maeda stared at the diva’s back as she walks further and further away down the empty hallway.
*******************Nami’s POVThank God I persuaded Acchan and our manager to let me go home alone. It took me half an hour to convince them that I was fine to walk and that I don’t need a ride home. Well…Acchan took half an hour to convince, but our manager just took 5 minutes. Honestly, that guy doesn’t care much does he?
But…that’s the least of my problems now, isn’t it?
I sighed as I walked towards the park remembering a certain jerk face that I’ve encountered earlier. If that cocky-jerk-face-bastard knows that I’m Kai, then this is going to be a big problem. Not only is it a big problem for me, but it might also be a problem for Asahi and Hinata since they’ll probably get dragged into this if ever that Yuu let out my secret identity. Ray might get dragged into this too.
I suddenly stopped walking as a realization hit me. Could it be that Ray…?
My phone suddenly started ringing interrupting my train of thoughts. Frowning, I pulled it out from my bag and sighed when I saw who was calling me.
Great. Maybe I should just ignore it. I don’t need the scolding right now.
‘Don’t be stupid Nami. If you don’t answer your phone, Asahi is going to call Maeda and she will once again worry about you. Both of them will chew your ass off if you don’t answer the phone.’ Inner Mariko-sama answered shocking me.
Inner Mariko-sama is alive?! Where the hell have you been?!
‘I only appear when you’re being stupid.’
So skipping dinner and breakfast wasn’t stupid for you?
‘Oh that’s just dumb. I just wanted you to experience how dumb that move is first hand.’ She shrugged.
Okay so I missed Inner Mariko-sama for just about a second until she called me stupid.
‘And dumb.’ She added making me sigh. Maybe answering the phone would be better than this inner insult I’m receiving.
Shaking my head, I answered my phone.
“You skipped dinner AND BREAKFAST?! Are you insane?!” She yelled. I even had to pull my phone away from her loud voice.
‘So you’re stupid, dumb and insane. Anymore synonyms you want to add?’ Inner Mariko-sama smirked and I just rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry okay? I just…I wasn’t thinking.” Lame excuse, I know. But since Inner Mariko-sama called me stupid and dumb, I think that excuse is appropriate enough. Hell, if Hinata was an adjective I’d be telling her ‘I’m a Hinata.’
“That’s her excuse?! Give me the phone!” Is that…Mariko-sama?
“She fainted because she didn’t eat my cooking last night!” Hinata?
“Where is she?! I’m going to run her over!” And Yukarin? What the? Where are they?
“Nami! Where are you right now?” Mariko-sama asked.
“Uh…at the park.” I hesitantly answered.
“Okay, stay at Asahi and Yuko’s private meeting place and we’ll meet you there! Understand?!” I could hear Asahi protesting about her and Yuko’s private meeting place. Yes, they have a secret meeting place, according to us that is since that’s where we saw them together one time acting all coupley. I’ll let her tell you guys the story to that.
“Ookkaayy.” I drawled as I frowned slightly.
“If you’re not there, you’re so dead!” With that Mariko-sama ended our phone conversation. I’m really not THAT stupid and dumb since even before our conversation started, I already know that I’ll be dead.
*******************Okay, so I’m waiting for death to arrive as I’m sitting at a bench. I can’t help but think back on jerk face and Ray. If Ray knows that Yuu found out about me being Kai, then it might be the reason why she suddenly broke up with me.
Wow. It’s the first time I’ve acknowledge that Ray broke up with me. I mean, we haven’t really established what we are. We only dated once.
‘But she did call you her girlfriend when you guys dated.’ Inner Mariko-sama said.
I flipped my phone open and scrolled down to look at her number. In my phonebook, she’s ‘The Diva.’ Reading that somehow brought a sad smile on my face. I opened my inbox and scrolled down to that one message that I kept on reading since two days ago. Her last message for me.
“I wish our date last night didn’t end. I miss you.”I wish that too and I do miss her.
“We have to be real here, Nami. If someone found out that we’re in a relationship, both our careers would be over. Would you risk your career just to be with me?!”I sighed feeling the hurt once again as I remember her words. I kept remembering those words of hers making me unable to sleep at night. It was slap in a face. A real hard slap, telling me to wake up…
…and to stop dreaming.
I frowned when I suddenly heard a car honking making me look ahead. My eyes went wide as Yukarin’s car…I mean her parents’ car…is heading right towards me, fast. I quickly stood up and stood behind the bench afraid that she really is going to run me over. Is she serious about running me over?! Is she crazy?!
Thankfully she stopped in a safe distance from where I am. I sighed, relieved to be alive as I heard the door of the car open and heard someone walking towards me. When I turned to look, Mariko-sama immediately slapped me across the face, hard. It stunned me as I felt my left cheek stinging from her slap. I could hear Asahi calling out to Mariko-sama as they walked towards us. I turned to look at Mariko-sama and was once again surprised when she took hold of my shirt by the collar and pulled me up to her. She was fuming mad.
“So what? You’re so depressed that you’re not eating anymore? Is that it?!” Mariko-sama roared shaking me slightly. The other’s footsteps died down as they stood to watch.
“Don’t act like you’re the only one she left! She left us too!!” Her voice cracked and her grip on my shirt tightened. I looked at her hurt, angry filled eyes noticing the tears forming in them. I can feel the unspoken words of how Ray left her too.
“You know how she feels about you right?! You know that she’s head over heels for you! That she’ll do anything for you! You feel the same for her right?!” I didn’t say anything and just let her continue her tirade.
“So why the hell aren’t you trying to bring her back?! Why the hell are you wallowing yourself in self-pity when you should be going there and telling her how you feel?! Is that skull of yours too thick?!” She gritted her teeth pulling me a bit closer to her. I think that’s another synonym for stupid.
“If it is thick, then just follow your GOD DAMN HEART IDIOT!!” She yelled. Great. Another one. How many is that already? Five?
We stared at each other for awhile, unmoving. She kept her glare at me as she gritted her teeth. I noticed that the tears that formed in her eyes earlier was now gone. Good, that way it won’t make me feel bad to finally let out the chuckle that I’ve been holding. I heard Hinata say, ‘she’s dead’ probably face palming herself as my chuckles turned into a full laugh.
“What the hell are you laughing at?!” Mariko-sama asked looking at me incredulously. I stopped laughing and grinned at her.
“I’m just glad that you didn’t advice me on shopping for a dress again and went with the sappy, ‘follow your heart’ advice this time.” She narrowed her eyes probably remembering that time we had on the roof a couple of months ago. Hey, don’t blame me if I’m glad that Mariko-sama gave me a sappy advice. It’s actually fitting don’t you think?
“That’s it. You’re dead.” Mariko-sama said impassively as she pulled her right arm to send a punch, probably to my face while her other hand kept its hold on my shirt. It was then the three started pulling her away from me and I struggled to break free from her hold, smiling nervously as I wheedle myself out of this mess.
Maybe I am stupid, dumb, insane, thick-skulled and an idiot for reminding her of that.
*******************“So this, Okuma Yuu…the guy to be said as the boy wonder of music because his first debut single reached number 9 in music 10…is harassing Ray?” Mariko-sama asked as she looked down at me as I sat down the bench with Asahi next to me. After the whole struggling bit as Mariko-sama attempted to murder me, and her mumbling an apology for slapping my face which is now a bit red, I told them all that I know about what is happening. Right to where I first met Okuma Yuu to what happened earlier.
“Yeah, and it may be possible that he’s blackmailing her too because he knows I’m Kai.” I added looking at my hands on my lap.
“That’s highly plausible since we’ve already established that Ray WOULD do anything for you.” Mariko-sama sighed.
“Then if that is true, the reason she broke up with you is because she wanted to protect you.” Asahi said, smiling.
“I think she’s trying to protect all of us.” I smiled sadly. It is true. She wanted to protect not only me but also Hinata and Asahi…even Mariko-sama. She didn’t tell Mariko-sama about Yuu’s harassment to protect her. She knew that Mariko-sama isn’t just going to sit knowing that her best friend is being harassed. Mariko-sama would do something about it and Yuu would probably do something about her too. That’s why she was so mad at me when I faced Yuu as Kai because she knew what kind of person Okuma Yuu is. She was trying to protect us.
“Even the world?” Hinata asked tilting her head slightly. We turned to her with our eyes narrowed.
“What? Can’t we have a superhero moment just once?” Still silence as we continue to stare at her. Unfazed, she continued her fantasy.
“Since Ray is protecting us and all, we’ll call her ‘The Shining Diva’ rescuing us from the clutches of the evil scheming adversary, ‘Dr.Yuu.’” Hinata gave an evil laugh at the end. We decided, even without communicating to just ignoring her and her out of this world fantasy.
“You might be right about her protecting all of us Nami.” Asahi nodded. Mariko-sama seems to agree too as she nodded her head. Hinata just grumbled about her being ignored.
“Even me?” Yukarin asked pointing at herself as she smiled at us with hope in her eyes. We now turned to Yukarin and stared at her as silence once again surrounds us. Was Ray trying to protect her too?
“Uh…s-sure. Of c-course she’s protecting you too.” I offered smiling at her nervously. Though I’m not sure how Ray is protecting Yukarin, but what the hell. Ray is protecting all of us. She might as well protect Yukarin too.
“Okay, since we’ve cleared that Ray is protecting all of us…” Mariko-sama sighed.
“And the world.” Hinata added as she raised her hand. She glared at Hinata.
“Fine! And the world…” She grumbled making me and Asahi chuckle. Hinata smiled widely as she nodded.
“Can we now focus on what we should do to that Okuma Yuu to help Ray out?”
“I say we cut his head off.” Hinata suggested as she raised her hand. As much as I think Hinata’s way is…brutal, I think that should solve all our problems making the world peaceful again.
“Good suggestion, but I don’t think murder is going to cut it since we are idols and all.” Mariko-sama sighed massaging her temples. That is our main problem huh? But…
“Then how about we just not be idols for one day.” I shrugged.
“Okay, so we won’t be idols for one day. Don’t tell me you’re seriously thinking about killing the guy?!” Mariko-sama looked at me incredulously.
“Don’t blame me if I’m tempted to kill him.” The thought did cross my mind and all.
“Tch. I’ve got nothing against gay guys but after hearing what he did to Ray and Nami, I’m all on killing the guy.” Hinata shrugged. Ugh. Is she still on with Okuma Yuu being gay? Ugh.
“He is not gay.” I reminded her as I remember the heated conversation we had when Hinata met Okuma Yuu. She just kept on assuming that the guy is gay just because Yuu had a guy friend with him that day and they ordered take-outs. Honestly, how can she assume someone’s orientation just by that?
“Says the girl who said; ‘I’m not an L’ for a year and turned out to be one.” Hinata answered back making Asahi and Yukarin smirk.
“Maybe we should just cut your head off instead!” I growled standing up and taking a step towards Hinata who immediately hid behind Yukarin sticking out her tongue. Doesn’t she know that doing that would just make me want to kill her more? She whimpered behind Yukarin as I took another step towards her. I was actually formulating a plan to get to her but then we heard a familiar squirrel coming towards us…or rather…towards Asahi.
“Nyan-Nyan!” Yuko glomped on Asahi as she stood up, surprised to see her squirrel there.
“Yuko? Wh-what are you doing here?” Asahi asked as she tries to pull Yuko away from her but Yuko kept a tight hold on her waist.
“I was heading home and wanted to see if you were in our secret meeting place.” Yuko answered smiling happily at Asahi who sighed.
“I can’t believe we have a secret meeting place.”
“Of course we have. It’s our secret place only for us.” Yuko grinned. Uh…no it’s not. We’re here too you know. The four of us started waving at Yuko hoping that she’ll notice us standing there…in their not-so-secret meeting place.
“Oh, hey you guys. What are you doing here?” She asked as she let go of Asahi. She obviously didn’t see us earlier. Why didn’t she see us? That we don’t know. I guess there are times when she only sees Asahi.
“YOU!” Yuko growled as she pointed at Mariko-sama, her smile instantly disappeared to be replaced by a glare. She moved in front of Asahi as if she was protecting the girl.
“What? I’m not the only one who knows your secret meeting place.” Mariko-sama defended as she raised her eyebrow at Yuko. That’s weird, why is Yuko suddenly angry at Mariko-sama?
“You kissed my Nyan-Nyan!”
Oh, so that’s why. But wait…Asahi told Yuko about…?
“You told her?!” Mariko-sama exclaimed at Asahi who was smiling nervously.
“Y-yeah. I told her…everything. Hope you guys don’t mind.” Asahi looked at us gauging our reaction. Mariko-sama seems to be the only one who cares that Yuko knows. But it’s more on because of the alcohol incident. The ‘AsaMari’ kiss.
And I can’t believe I’m making up coupling names in my head too.
“Next time, brief me first before you say something that involves me.” Mariko-sama sighed.
“Stay away from my Nyan-Nyan!” Yuko growled still keeping her glare at Mariko-sama.
“I am away. Notice the distance?” Mariko-sama motioned at the space between her and Asahi. That didn’t stop Yuko from glaring at Mariko-sama though. Yukarin, Hinata and I watch the scene, intrigued. It kinda felt like the three of us were watching a dorama with Mariko-sama being the third wheel.
“So who do you think Asahi is going to pick?” Hinata whispered making Yukarin and I to raise our eyebrow at her. Clearly everything is getting crazier and crazier by the minute.
“Okay, enough with this…tension you three have.”
“We do not have a tension!” Mariko-sama glared at me. I shrugged.
“That’s right! Mariko has a tension with me, her coupling partner! Not just any tension too. Sexu—“ Hinata didn’t get to finish whatever tension she’s going to say as Mariko-sama cut her off
“Finish that and I’M going to cut your head off.” She snarled making Hinata gulp nervously. Hinata leaned to Yukarin and whispered the tension she’s talking about.
“Oh…that tension.” Yukarin looked surprised darting her eyes to Hinata and Mariko-sama who was growling heading towards Hinata. Good thing me and Yukarin immediately held her and pushed her away as Hinata hid behind Asahi.
Like I said…getting crazier and crazier.
“Let’s just once again focus on the matter of hand on what we should do with Okuma Yuu.” I suggested. We’re supposed to planning on how to murder the guy if it hadn’t for…our insanity taking over, we would’ve picked out the weapons already.
‘How true.’ Inner Mariko-sama sighed.
“Why would we do something about Okuma Yuu?” Yuko asked as she looked at Asahi.
“Ray broke up with Nami because Okuma Yuu is blackmailing Ray with him knowing that Nami is Kai. So we need to do something about him so Nami and Ray could have their happy ending.” Asahi answered as she smiled at Yuko. Why didn’t I just explain it like that earlier rather than giving them the more detailed one?
“Oh. Then can I suggest you blackmail the guy too?” Yuko smiled as she raised her hand. We stared at her for awhile, wondering how simple yet good her suggestion is. How come we didn’t think about that?!
“Besides murdering the guy, I think that’s a great idea.” Mariko-sama nodded looking impressed at Yuko. Sure it’s a great idea…but…
“How can we be so sure that Yuu isn’t going to reveal it after we blackmail him?”
“We can’t be sure. That’s a chance we have to take. Unless…you guys have other ideas?” Mariko-sama asked as she crossed her arm and looked at us.
“Whack him in the head until he has amnesia?” Yukarin suggested as she raised her hand.
“No. Any other ideas?” Mariko-sama narrowed her eyes. When you think about it, that’s actually a good idea. Somewhat impossible though, but still a good idea.
“Ask him nicely…” Hinata said sweetly as she smiled. Somehow hearing her and seeing her smile like that makes me remember the old loli Hinata. That doesn’t change the fact that what she said was crazy though.
We all turned to her and raised our eyebrow.
“First you suggested that we cut his head off, now you want to ask him nicely?!” I questioned. She looked at me making her eye flutter slightly.
“But I’m not done yet.” Hinata said with her sweet voice.
“Do tell.” I ushered her.
“Ask him nicely…then whack him in the head until his head opens making all those blood pour out with his brains gushing out, then cut his freaking head off, throw his body in the sea and keep his head in Nami’s room as a prize.” Her voice was sweet in the beginning but then it turned scary while she’s doing hand motions on murdering Yuu. Somehow hearing her like this…kinda scares me. Hinata would be the perfect killer if ever she decides to change her profession.
“Uh…no. Let’s just go with Yuko’s idea…please.” Mariko-sama sighed massaging her temples again.
“I say we vote!” Hinata just wouldn’t give up huh? She really wants to kill Okuma Yuu doesn’t she?
…I love Hinata.
“Fine. We vote just for the fun of it. Everyone who wants to cut Yuu’s head off, please raise your hand.” Mariko-sama said dryly. Hinata immediately raised her hand up high. I actually want to raise my hand too…but Mariko-sama is right. Blackmail seemed to be the only way we could put an end to Yuu without us going to prison.
“Okay. Everyone who wants to whack Yuu in the head until he has amnesia, raise your hand.” Yukarin raised her hand and frowned slightly when she saw that she was the only one with her hand raised.
“Okay. Everyone who wants to ask Yuu nicely and…uh…do those gross things that Hinata said that I’m sure is impossible to do, please raise your hand.” Hinata once again raised her hand.
“You can only vote once you know.”
“It’s a free country.” She shrugged as I shook my head.
“In favor of blackmailing Yuu, raise your hand.” Everyone except Yukarin raised their hand. Mariko-sama glared at Hinata.
“What? I believe in democracy.” Hinata shrugged.
“In favor of me killing Hinata, raise your damn hand.” Mariko-sama growled. Everyone besides Hinata raised her hand. She pouted seeing the raised hand.
“That’s not nice!”
“I’ll show you nice!” Mariko-sama once again attempted to kill Hinata, but Yukarin and I held her.
“Okay, so we’ll blackmail the guy. Do you guys have any idea how we blackmail him?” Asahi asked trying to somehow change the ‘kill Hinata’ atmosphere to ‘let’s get back to business.’ How can we blackmail the guy we barely knew?
“We need to pin him on something that’ll ruin his career forever.” I said as I looked at everyone’s serious face.
“Then I suggest we have a general in this black operation that we’re going to have.” Yukarin suggested as she tap her chin as if thinking.
“Yes. We must choose a general that is evil minded.” I nodded.
“She must be dark, sinister, despicable, fiendish, corruptive, devious…need I say more?” Mariko-sama shrugged.
“The ultimate villain.” Yukarin grinned. Everyone turned to Hinata who tilted her head, confused. I grinned, walked towards her and pat her shoulder.
“Congratulations. You’re the general of the black ops.” If anyone should be general, it should be Hinata. Her ideas are crazy enough to work anyway. Plus the girl really has a creative mind…in an evil sort of way.
“M-me?” She asked as she looked at everyone.
“Yup. You’re the ultimate villain of our team.” Yukarin nodded.
“Make us proud.” Mariko-sama sighed.
“Hell yeah!” Hinata yelled pumping her fist up. That’s probably her battle cry or something. Somehow hearing her like that makes me think that we have a chance on blackmailing Yuu.
“We’re going to fight fire with water!” Hinata grinned still with her fist up.
“You mean fight fire with fire.” Mariko-sama corrected.
“Why would you fight fire with fire? It’ll just make the flame worse.”
“It’s an idiom.”
“I’m not an idiot! Stop calling me an idiot!” Hinata growled at Mariko-sama.
The earth is doomed. The black ops is going to fail and Dr. Yuu will have his sinister laugh at the end.
TBC*******************Extra Notes: I think I exaggerated a little bit on the gang's part.