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Author Topic: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 184361 times)

Offline TakahashiJ

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #180 on: April 28, 2011, 05:45:05 PM »
I was thinking of dropping this fanfic when you said it wasn't Takaacchan but since it was NamixRay i tot it will be interesting.
I spent about 1-2 days reading everythinggggggggggggg. It's so long!
Now i feel sad cos Nami + Hanako didnt get together :( !
Nevertheless thank you very much for this fanfic! It amazeddddd me :)
Look forward to more fanfic from you hehe!

Offline riama

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #181 on: April 29, 2011, 08:15:43 AM »

Nice ended. :bow:

I'm still hoping for some  AsahixYuko flashback. :grin:

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Offline Japanime1

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #182 on: May 15, 2011, 11:08:14 AM »
I finally found time to read some things and catch the end. (TT_________________________TT)

You are amazing, you know that? This fic was amazing, you know that?


Offline blughise

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #183 on: June 17, 2011, 05:39:32 PM »
This is actually my first post  :)
First, Thank you so very very much for you hard work. :on GJ: I love the story so much :luvluv1:. Every chapter slowly and surely killing me in every way.
Then comes the ending, I must honestly tell you, I feel like the story itself isn't finish but Nami and Ray's story is indeed finish. But Nami
and Acchan's story isn't finish right? So I was hoping maybe if you have time :wriggly:, write the sequel and this time the more focus on Nami and Acchan's story  :kneelbow:

Offline immo

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #184 on: June 17, 2011, 06:34:37 PM »
Not waiting very patiently over here, man. I wanna know how it goes for them seriously. It can't be the end!

Offline immo

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #185 on: June 21, 2011, 07:37:58 AM »
don't thank me! lol. writeeeeeee. FINISH ITTTTTTT. hahaha. Hope real life hasn't got you down, buddy.

Offline freyatn

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #186 on: September 18, 2011, 10:18:15 AM »
best fanfic i've ever read.
so that was really the end? ;___;
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 11:59:31 AM by freyatn »

Offline Arakawa

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #187 on: September 18, 2011, 11:04:19 AM »
^ omg I hate you!!

Misleading bump :b

Offline RJay

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #188 on: September 18, 2011, 11:02:09 PM »
i rlly enjoy readin ur stories its just awesome!!!! XD XD
i want u 2 finish da story please and maybe make a sequel w/ NamiXAcchan :( :( :(  :bow: :bow:
please... please... please... thank you
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

Offline FoF

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (FINAL UP)
« Reply #189 on: October 08, 2011, 08:16:50 AM »
I miss writing and I feel bad for not updating so...yeah. Sorry about the hiatus. This sucks...but I really tried to write how I used to write before. I think I forgot how to write POF. Ugh. Need to write more.   :nervous Anyway, here's part 1 of epilogue. Had to divide it since it feels appropriate. Well that and I'm struggling a bit. Hehe.

Thanks a lot guys!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

PS: Where the hell are all my favorite authors?! Guys! I miss your fanfics!!  :cry:


Epilogue part 1

"Sorry to keep you waiting." A girl smiled apologetically at her boyfriend as she took a sit across him at a restaurant. She was supposed to meet him 30 minutes ago, but the traffic caused her to be late. She felt a bit guilty but seeing her boyfriend not bothered by her lateness made her sigh in relief. The boy in front of him barely acknowledged her though, giving her a grunt as he kept on looking at his phone.

"Were you waiting long?" She asked but the only response she got is a shrug, her companion's eyes still glued at his phone.

"So, what are we going to do today?" She asked again, frowning slightly, trying to get a proper response out of the boy who once again replied by just shrugging. This somehow angers the girl a bit as she was being ignored. Her boyfriend should be giving her the attention she needs right now, not his phone! It feels like her boyfriend is having a date with his phone right now.

With that thought, the girl leaned forward and took her boyfriends' phone from his grasp. Doing that somehow brought her the attention that she clearly doesn't want now.

"Hey!" The boy growled as he tries to get back his phone from the girl who quickly moved away. She groaned when she looked at what her boyfriend was looking at.

"Akb48 again?"

"They're going to release another single two months from now! Isn't it great?" The boy grinned at his girlfriend ignoring the incredulous look his girlfriend is giving him now.

"And you know their first concert I told you about that's going to be held in Budokan two weeks from now?" He asked excitedly to his girl who just raised her eyebrow in response.

"Guess who got tickets for that?" The girl's jaw dropped slightly as she looked at her boyfriend's smug smile.

"Man, not only will I get to see Akb48's first ever concert but I also got a handshake ticket when I bought No3b's first single yesterday! Talk about lucky! I'd get to shake hands with Asahi-chan!" The boy gushed dreamily unaware of the heated look his girlfriend is giving him.

"When exactly is this…handshake event going to be?" The girl asked harshly feeling jealous of how happy her boyfriend looked as he thinks about his Akb48 crush, Asahi. Her boyfriend would always look like a lovesick puppy whenever he mentions Asahi. She can't help but wonder if he liked Asahi more than her.

Which unfortunately, could be the case.

"Two days from now." He replied, smiling happily at her. His girlfriend stared at him for awhile, looking a bit shocked. Did he just say…?

"The 28th?"

The boy nodded.

"This…month?" The girl asked trying to see if she heard him correctly. Surely her boyfriend isn't…serious right?

Again he nodded in reply. Apparently, he is.

His girlfriend suddenly stood up, giving him a murderous glare. She threw the boy's phone at him, hitting him in his chest painfully.

"That hurt!" The boy groaned as he took hold of his phone.

"You deserve it…JERK!" The girl screeched making her boyfriend flinch. He stood up as his girl stormed out of the restaurant, fuming. He frowned wondering why she was mad at him. Did he say something to anger her like that?

He thought back on their conversation ignoring the looks that was being thrown at him for the scene his girlfriend caused. His eyes went wide and he immediately facepalmed himself when he finally realized the cause of his girlfriends' outburst.

The 28th was their first anniversary as a couple!

"Oh shit." Groaning, the boy quickly took his things and ran out of the restaurant determined to apologize to his girl.

A young woman, who heard the whole thing as she was seated near their table, looked at the boy's retreating form as he walked out of the restaurant.

'Akb48, ruining young relationship since 2008?' She thought as she shook her head, smiling slightly as she thought back on the young couple's lovers spat. It seems that Akb48 are getting popular and popular each passing day. It wasn't surprising to her as she was expecting it since to her…

…Akb48 is really something.

Fixing her sunglasses and hoodie, she looked back at the newspaper placed on the table. Her eyes were once again glued at the article about Akb48's first upcoming concert. She can't help but stare at the picture of Akb48, missing the smiles and craziness of the people in the picture.

Especially missing HER smile.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a figure stood in front of her. With eyebrow raised, her eyes which were covered by her signature sunglasses slowly made its way to her unwanted visitor's face. Her eyes widen a bit as she stares at a familiar face smiling down at her.

A familiar…annoying face which she never ever wanted to see up close.


"Alright! Break time!" Nami yelled making every AKB member cry out in joy. Nami couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing it.

"Nami-chan! Ffffffeeeeedddd mmmmeeeee~" Hinata whined as she wraps her arms around the little girls neck, leaning at her heavily. Nami just sighed, feeling too drained to fight the girl off. Even Asahi seemed dead tired as she walks closer to them completely ignoring how her squirrel girlfriend glomped her behind, happily saying her pet name for Asahi. She just gave out a sigh as she stood close to her best friends.

"You okay?" Mariko asked the little captain as she walks closer to the four with Yukarin behind her. Hinata immediately leaned away from Nami to look at her remembering a certain incident not long ago. Asahi and Yuko followed suit.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Nami growled glaring at the five pair of eyes who were looking at her worriedly.

"You're looking a bit flushed you know." Yukarin pointed out frowning slightly. Hearing that, Hinata, Asahi and Yuko quickly moved towards the captain and placed their hands on her forehead. Asahi and Yuko's hand were placed over Hinata's who was the only one feeling Nami's forehead. The latter growled and shrugged their hands off of her.

"I'm fine! Really!"

"That's what you said last time when you—"

"That won't happen again!" Nami said as she cuts off Mariko who rolled her eyes.

"It better or else I swear I'll lock you up inside the hospital for the rest of your life." Mariko threatened as she stepped into Nami's personal space, looming down at her. Nami couldn't help but swallow out of fear for the great Mariko-sama.

"H-Hai." She squeaked as Mariko looks at her dangerously.

"Good." Mariko leaned away giving Nami a scary look that would make anyone cower in fear. Nami couldn't help but sigh in relief as Mariko finally stopped looking at her to walk away from the group. Five pair of eyes stared at her retreating form.

"I can feel how Mariko loves you so much Nami-chan. You sure are lucky." Hinata beamed while the little girl gave her a defeated sigh.

"You can have her dangerous love if you want." Nami mumbled.

"No need. I already have it." Hinata responded as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Hey, let's not pry on my relationship with my coupling partner eh? I might say something you shouldn't know. Don't want to spill our private escapades you know." More wiggling from Hinata making the four narrow their eyes at her.

What ridiculous private escapades is Hinata talking about? Good thing Mariko didn't hear her or else she'd be the one spending time in the hospital.

"Anyway, let's just eat eh? I'm starving!" Hinata said as she stretches her arms upward.

"Sounds good to me." Yukarin nodded.

"Yeah! C'mon Nyan-Nyan! Let's hurry!" Yuko beamed as she grabbed Asahi's hand and dragged her towards the exit.

"Why?" Asahi trailed as she let Yuko drag her even though she's confused as to why they have to hurry.

"So that we have enough time to make-out after eating later on!" Yuko answered making Asahi sigh defeatedly. That is so Yuko-like.

'We so don't need to hear that.' Nami and Yukarin narrow their eyes as they looked at the two.

"Hey wait for me! I wanna join too!" Hinata said as she started running after them. What Hinata wants to join was unclear to the two as they stared at the three.

It is Hinata after all.

"Shall we?" Nami sighed as she looked at Yukarin.

"We shall." Yukarin nodded making Nami chuckle. The two walked towards the exit. Yukarin kept glancing at the little captain noticing how her breathing still seemed a bit faster than normal. Somehow that worries the taller girl a bit.

It seems that Nami's stamina hasn't returned fully yet since the incident.

Yukarin kept watching the unaware girl who fished out her phone from her pocket.

"I wonder why Acchan isn't replying to my message."

"Acchan? Now that I think about it, where is Acchan anyway?" Yukarin frowned remembering that Maeda didn't show up for their Budokan practice earlier. Though it's not surprising at all what with her busy schedule, Maeda's manager would always tell the AKB staff if ever she will not join their practice. But today, her manager didn't inform anyone that she wasn't going to attend the practice. Today…it just seemed like she's just absent which somehow worries the little captain.

"I asked her earlier and she said that she's on a mission."

"Mission? Like Hinata's mission?" Yukarin asked tilting her head slightly. Well Hinata IS the only one who uses the term mission so you really can't blame Yukarin if she asked that.

"God, I hope not. I hope Acchan is just resting or something." Nami said feeling a bit dreadful for Acchan. But when she thinks about it, there is no way Maeda would do something so crazy and reckless much like Hinata's missions are…



"Is this seat taken?" Maeda smiled as she motioned at the seat in front of her. The woman whom she is asking somehow recovered from her shock as she raised her eyebrow at Maeda. The woman sitting stared at Maeda who was wearing sunglasses and a hat. Probably trying to cover herself as well as to not be seen by anyone who might recognize her. It's somehow same with the other woman sitting as she too is trying to cover herself but…

…for her what she's wearing is more stylish than the unwanted girl in front of her.

Not the point though.

"It's not taken but it makes me wonder why you'd want to sit there when there are other vacant seats around."

"I guess I just want to sit with someone I'm familiar with rather than sit by myself." Maeda said as she took a seat, ignoring the heated stare aimed at her.

"Familiar? You…know me?"

"Of course I do. There's no way I won't recognize you, Ray-san." Maeda kept her smile at Ray who kept her stare at the younger girl seemingly unfazed by Maeda recognizing her.

"Or are you Reiko right now?" Maeda added surprising Ray. The diva didn't show it though as she continues to stare at the girl. She still kept her stare at the girl even when a waiter came to interrupt them to ask Maeda's order. Somehow she's feeling a bit cautious right now. Though when she thinks about it, this is normal for her since this IS Maeda. She's been feeling cautious about the girl since the day Maeda said that she likes Kai.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Ray asked as soon as the waiter walked away from them. Maeda turned back to her giving her her usual smile.

That smile that Ray loathes to see.

"The pleasure should be mine since I'm sitting with the top selling diva."

"I'm not the top selling diva anymore." Ray responded as she looked away. It is true. After the whole crazy conference, Ray suddenly disappeared from the entertainment industry. For 6 months, she stopped being the top selling diva and just disappeared without saying anything. Her fans were definitely sad about her disappearance. Some were angry at Okuma, blaming him for the disappearance of the diva. But like Ray, Okuma mysteriously disappeared as well without a trace. No one speculates on them being together what with what happened at the conference. It was so obvious to everyone that the diva still prefers the little blonde Persona member. So the reporters decided to go with the story of Ray and Kai being together spending some lovey-dovey time together. Sarukawa even backed it up even if he was totally against Ray having some vacation time. But…he really can't protest on what the diva wants especially when she gave one hell of a bitch fit on him.

So much for being a manager huh.

"You'll forever be the top selling diva, Ray-san. No one can take that away from you."

"Does that also apply with you what with you being the face of AKB48?" Ray challenged the girl as she raised her eyebrow.

"No it doesn't." Maeda replied without hesitating.

"Are you saying that you're not the face of AKB48…even if everyone dubbed you as such?"

"Every member of Akb48 IS the face of Akb48. That's what I believe in."

"What you believe and what the reporters or writers believe in aren't the same. Everyone believes differently, you know."

"I know, but that doesn't matter as long as I believe in what I believe in." Maeda smiled, her eyes not backing down Ray's. Somehow seeing the girl not backing down impresses the diva. She honestly didn't know that Maeda had this side of her.

A fighter.

"Maybe we should just cut the useless discussion. I'm sure you're not here to lecture me on what you believe in and such."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Yes. So what do you want?" Ray sighed feeling her patience running thin. She was supposed to be enjoying her day brooding on Nami. But instead she's sitting in front of Maeda, talking with her. Her luck is probably not that good today what with her talking to Maeda of all people.

Well, scratch that. When she thinks about it, she's still a bit lucky what with her talking with Maeda instead of Mariko. If Mariko is the one over here, she'd be dead by now.

'How true.' Ray thought as she remembers the tall girl.

"I want you to get back with Nami-chan." Maeda quickly said interrupting Ray's thoughts.

Did Maeda just say…?

"YOU…want ME…to get back with Nami-chan?" Ray asked, her voice higher than usual as she feels her anger rising for the girl. Was Maeda ordering the diva? And more importantly…

…how much does Maeda know about the two?

"Well, that's what I said. But maybe I should rephrase that…" Maeda leaned forward a little bit, her eyes looked threatening to Ray as she added,

"…I'm giving you a chance to get back with Nami…or else…I'll take her."


"I'm sure she's just resting. That girl really needs the break anyway." Yukarin assured the little captain as she saw the worried look across her face. Nami turned to her and nodded as if understanding what she meant.

'I could say the same to you though.' Yukarin thought as she glanced at Nami who was now looking ahead as they walk. Though their little captain says that she's alright, they still can't help but worry, especially if the incident is still fresh from their minds.


"She's extremely exhausted." The doctor said as he looked at the papers on his clipboard. The woman in front of him glanced at the young girl sleeping on the hospital bed. She frowned slightly as a nurse prepares the IV drip for the young girl.

"Is the IV drip necessary?"

"Well, yes. She needs to replenish the fluids she lost." The doctor turned to look at the nurse as she injects the needle on the young girls' hand. It's a good thing that the girl was given something to make her sleep or else she'd definitely protest on having an IV drip or even being in a hospital.

"I'm going to let her stay in the hospital for a day since she clearly needs the rest." The doctor jots down something in the clipboard while the woman sighs defeatedly.

"If it's for the best."

"It is. We can't let an idol die on us because of exhaustion now, can we?" The doctor joked making the woman smile slightly.

"I'd like my record to be spotless from idol killings."

"You and me both." The doctor chuckled as he pats the woman's shoulder, walking towards the door to leave together with the nurse. The woman slowly walked closer to the sleeping girl, staring at her for awhile.

This…is this…her fault…?

Sighing, she turned to walk out the room. She stopped when she opened the door, glancing at her lifeless talent sleeping. Her eyes lingered for awhile as she says words of apology inside her mind.

She really didn't mean for this to happen.

With a last look, she finally stepped out of the room and closed it. With a heavy heart, she leaned at the door and sighed again.


Saeko turned towards the voice and found Marilyn, Asahi, Hinata, Yukarin and Mariko running towards her. She growled displeased that Marilyn took the 4 Team A members along with her.

She'll have to whip Marilyn later for that.

And no…not in the usual naughty way she usually does.

As if reading Saeko's mind, Marilyn shrugged and looked at her apologetically as they stopped near her. Saeko really shouldn't blame Marilyn for taking the four with her if she'd known how scary the four were when they adamantly told her to take them with her even if Saeko specifically ordered her not to.

Clearly Saeko doesn't know how intimidating the four could be when it comes to emergencies like this.

"How's Nami? Is she alright?" Asahi asked, looking dreadful and a bit out of breath. The other four were panting as well as they looked at Saeko, waiting for her response. Saeko raised her eyebrow at the four who were still dressed in the stage costumes.

'The moment the high five finished, they quickly rushed here without bothering to change their clothes. Idiots.' Saeko sighed.

She can't blame them though since their friend collapsed right in front of them at the dressing room. Saeko can't help but shake her head as she remembers the frantic cries coming out of every member as they fuss at the lifeless Nami. She remembers how she and a few staff had fight their way towards the girl just to reach her and carry her out of the room. Thankfully Akimoto-san was there and calmed the distraught girls making them look like everything is fine in the high five regardless of the worry and fear in their hearts.

"She's fine, just exhausted. She's sleeping right now so don't bother going in and just go home." She said harshly, completely covering up the guilt she feels as she blames herself for the incident.

Plus the girls really should rest what with their busy schedule tomorrow and all. They can't have another incident such as this to happen again you know.

"Fine? She's fine? Did you see how pale she looked when she passed out?" Hinata angrily stated, surprising the rest as she stepped towards Saeko, glaring at her. Asahi kept her back as she placed her hand on the girl.


"She's not fine! And it's your fault!" Hinata yelled.

"Hinata!" Marilyn said frowning at the fuming girl. Sure she understands the anger of the girl, but putting a blame on someone seemed…pointless. Asahi and Mariko tries to hold back the girl who was shrugging both of them as she rants at Saeko who was just staring at her looking unaffected.

"It's your fault! If you hadn't pushed us so much…Nami-chan wouldn't be here!" Hinata rants. Somehow that angers Mariko as she grips the girls arm.

"Stop it!" Mariko growled and pulled Hinata away who was trying to shrug her off telling Mariko to let go of her, growling at the taller girl. It was quite rare for them to see Hinata like this. But then again…they can't blame her since she was the one who was the one who caught Nami the moment she fainted. She was the one frantically calling out the smaller girls' name.

To hold your bestfriends' lifeless body…for Hinata…it's scary experience.

Asahi gave Saeko an apologetic look before turning to walk towards the two who were heading towards the exit.

"Nami-chan really is fine…right Saeko-san?" Yukarin asked obviously worried for her friend.

"Yeah. She's fine." Saeko said softly trying to assure the girl. Yukarin seems to believe her as she nodded and gave Saeko a small smile.

"Don't take what Hinata said seriously Saeko-san. It's just…stress you know. It's just been so stressful for all of us…especially Nami."

"I know. Thanks." Saeko said smiling slightly at Yukarin who nodded her head. Somehow the worry Yukarin feels lightened as she turned and walked away towards the exit as well leaving the two adults to stare at her retreating form.

'It can't be helped…since it is my fault.' Saeko thought feeling heavier than usual as she looked at the exit. She glanced at Marilyn as the latter placed a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"It's not your fault." Marilyn said as if reading her thoughts.

"Her anger towards me is justified." Saeko said as she smiled slightly at Marilyn. Hinata voiced out everything that was plaguing in her mind. She was right. It was her fault that Nami is at the state she's in. It was her fault for not noticing how tired the little captain is nowadays. It was her job to take care of her talent…but she failed in that didn't she? She just kept pushing the girls to train hard completely forgetting the girls health.

"Plus…" Saeko added as she reached for Marilyn's hand on her shoulder, squeezing it for awhile then removing it from her shoulder.

"…everyone needs someone to blame. I'm sure even if Asahi and the others didn't voice it out like Hinata did, I know they too were blaming me inside. I'd blame myself too you know." Saeko smiled sadly as she walked away leaving Marilyn to stare at her for awhile feeling a bit worried for her lover.

She then turned to look at the closed door of Nami's hospital room. A sigh escapes from her lips.

End of Flashback

That happened only a week ago. Nami spent a night at the hospital, much to her dismay, and was quickly released the next day. Thanks to her adamant pleading and threats that is.

Yes, clearly Nami detests hospitals that much.

Asahi and Hinata pleaded her to rest for at least a week but Nami, being her stubborn and hard working self, decided to work again as Team A's captain after resting for only two days. Since then, the group would always look out to the little girl, watching her every move from the corner of their eyes. It annoyed the hell out of the little captain, being pampered and all especially by her two best friends who even opted to feed her sometimes. Oddly enough, Yuko followed suit and started pampering Nami as well which weirded the little girl out. Hell even Mariko, Yukarin and Asahi felt weirded out by Yuko's sudden attention to the little girl. Obviously Yuko was just trying to please her girlfriend who was worried about her best friend.

She had to help out since to Yuko, Nami is her sister-in-law.

Thankfully the feeding and pampering eased up when she pleaded to the group to let her be. Well that and Mariko felt a bit sorry for Nami for the unwanted attention everybody is giving her. Obviously the attention was also giving the little girl stress so Mariko decided to back her up with her pleading.

That doesn't mean that the group isn't allowed to pamper her secretly though.

"Over here guys!" Yuko waved as Nami and Yukarin walked inside a restaurant finding the four already seated with food in front of them. The two walked towards the group and found that food were ready in their seats as well.

"Wow! Curry! Thanks! I've been craving some!" Yukarin beamed as she took a seat next to Mariko.

"Yeah well, you can pay me back later." Mariko grinned slightly as she heard Yukarin mumble out her disappointment. And here she thought Mariko would treat her food.

"I wanted curry rice as well..." Nami mumbled out as she pouted at the food in front of her. She glanced at everyone's meal which was all curry rice then looked at hers which was composed of a complete and healthy meal…again.

"Oh I'm sorry Nami-chan. They are all out of other foods other than what you have." Hinata explained nudging Mariko and winking at her in a not so discreet manner. The taller girl just narrowed her eyes while Nami raised her eyebrow. She then hears someone from behind Hinata ordering curry rice. Nami narrowed her eyes as she saw the waiter nod his head to the person who ordered curry rice.

Like what was stated earlier; that doesn't mean that the group isn't allowed to pamper her 'secretly'.

Nami sighed defeatedly, mumbling out 'Itadakimasu' while the others exclaimed it cheerfully. She slowly picked up her chopsticks ignoring the bickering happening beside her as Hinata tries to feed a growling Mariko.

"C'mon! Just one bite! You'll love it!" Hinata grinned as she held up a spoon to Mariko who was sitting across from her.

"We ordered the same thing. So if you don't want your shirt to be filled with curry, I suggest you move that away from me." Mariko threatened making Hinata back up slightly.

"And why are you holding your phone anyway?" Mariko added as she raised her eyebrow at Hinata who smiled sheepishly at her. Yuko seemed to follow suit as she held up a spoon filled with curry to her girlfriend who smiled awkwardly at her, seemingly embarassed.

Ah, it's a typical lunch time for the group.

"So Nami-chan, any clue as to who your secret flower girl admirer is?" Yukarin asked as she too ignored the two couples. Somehow that brought Hinata's attention as she turned to the two.

"It's Kuramochi I tell you. Kuramochi!" Hinata pointed her fork at Nami who leaned slightly away. She sighed in relief as Mariko pulled Hinata's dangerous hand away from her.

"Well it does look like Kuramochi has a crush on Nami. But I don't think she's the type to give flowers to someone she likes." Asahi pointed out.

"I think it's more like Mochi has a crush on Nami's earlobe." Yukarin smirked while Mariko nodded her head as she eats her favorite curry rice. The two, along with every member seem to witness how Kuramochi often attacks the little captain just to nibble her earlobe much to Nami's dismay.

Clearly the girl has a fetish for Nami's earlobe.

"I told you you should just cut your ear off and give it to Kuramochi to nibble." Hinata suggested as she shrugged earning three girls to look at her weirdly. The squirrel obviously wasn't listening as she scooped her curry rice and offered it again to her girlfriend.

"I don't think Kuramochi would nibble at Nami's bloody earlobe if ever Nami would take up your advice." Mariko shook her head.

"Then Kuramochi wouldn't attack her anymore. No more Kuramochi problems for Nami-chan!"

"If that's the case then we should go for Hinata's brilliant idea, Nami." Mariko turned to look at Nami, her voice a bit cheerful.

"Just cut off your ears and give it to Kuramochi so that she'll be happy and you'll be deaf for the rest of your life." She added sarcastically as she placed her hand on Nami's shoulder who just sighed. Asahi and Yukarin giggled as Hinata narrowed her eyes dangerously at the tall girl finally realizing the flaw to her suggestion.

Yes, this is the same Hinata who is the commander of the black ops. Obviously her genius side is in sleep mode.

"Okay let's just put Kuramochi on our suspicion list just in case. Any more suspects we can add?" Yukarin asked as she looked at her companions. Everyone seemed to be thinking of someone to add except for Nami who just shook her head defeatedly.

"Well, what about Acchan?" Yuko mumbled as a spoon is inside her mouth. Five pair of eyes turned to look at her.


Ray's eyes widen underneath her sunglasses for a second at Maeda's threat, wondering why the hell is Maeda saying such bold things to her. The moment she recovered from her shock, she stared impassively at Maeda who was looking at her challengingly. They stared at each other for awhile as if they were trying to read each others minds. The heated stare intensifies when Ray said in a dangerous manner…

"I think you've forgotten who you're talking to."

"I'm fully aware who I'm talking to." Maeda responded.

"If you are aware…as you say you are…then I don't think you would be threatening me like that." Though Ray is looking at her impassively, Maeda could hear the danger and warning coming from Ray's voice. That didn't seem to faze the girl though as she still kept her gaze at the diva.

"Maybe I'm threatening you because I know what kind of person you are." Maeda said confidently as she leaned back to her chair, keeping her eyes locked at the diva.

Ray was trying to read Maeda once again. She was trying to figure out who ordered Maeda to find her and threaten her. Ray could only think of two people who can think of something like this. One was a woman who is obviously out of this world, holding her signature whip and the other is an ex-lolita girl…who is also obviously out of this world. Both are crazy…but have an exceptional mind when it comes to playing 'games.'

Much like she is.

Those two are the only ones in the diva's mind who can order or suggest to Maeda to seek her out and bring her back using the typical reverse psychology. But when Ray thinks about it, this is a bit simple compared to the things those two would do.

'Well it's either that or…this is purely Maeda's doing.' Ray thought. It could be the latter since Ray has no idea what kind of person Maeda is. And like what was stated earlier, she had been cautious about the girl since the day she met her. There's something about Maeda that makes Ray…wary.

So maybe…this is all Maeda.

But then again, another question would arise if this is all Maeda's work.

Who informed her of her relationship with Nami?

"You don't want to mess with me. You have no idea what I'm capable of…especially when it comes to Nami." Ray growled, her voice still carries that dangerous tone of hers.

"Then why not just take her?" Maeda sighed slightly, her eyes downcast. Hearing the sad tone in Maeda's voice, confuses Ray as she frowned at the girl.

"If you are what you imply to be…taking her wouldn't be much of a problem." Maeda added.

"It's not that easy." Ray sighed as she looked at the side.

"Nothing is. But that doesn't mean you have to give up." Maeda whispered, her eyes slowly rose up to meet Ray's. The challengingly eyes she wore earlier is now replaced with a sad one. It confuses the diva as to why Maeda is suddenly acting this way. First she was friendly, then she was threatening her and now…it's like she's compassionate towards her.

Towards her situation with Nami.

"I'm serious though…about taking her if you wouldn't." Maeda said as she smiled slightly at Ray who just raised her eyebrow. Her eyes followed the girl as Maeda slowly stood up.

"I'm only going to give you until the Budokan concert to take her. After that…she's mine." Maeda's eyes were once again threatening as she looked down at Ray.

"I'm sure the Atsunami fans would like that a lot." Ray's eyes widen at that as she stares at Maeda who was now wearing her usual smile.


"Well Acchan seemed to be a bit clingy towards Nami these days so…" Yuko explained to the five as she pulled out the spoon inside her mouth.

"Good point." Hinata nodded as she rubs her invisible beard.

"Plus they formed the all so famous AtsuNami pairing."

"Another good point." Hinata again nodded.

"Guess we have our main suspect then." Yukarin concluded as she shrugged.

"Acchan is not the one who's giving me flowers." Nami sighed.

"You sound like you're sure that Acchan isn't your secret admirer." Yukarin raised her eyebrow at Nami. Mariko eyed the little captain, curiously watching her as she waits for Nami's explanation.

"Well…yeah. She's not because she knows I don't like flowers that much."

"AHA!" Hinata suddenly exclaimed making everyone on their table jump slightly in surprise. Even the other people eating turned to look at the crazed girl wondering what was up with her.

"What's your problem?" Mariko asked as she frowned at Hinata. Ignoring the looks given to her and her coupling partner, Hinata leaned towards Nami.

"So SHE ASKED if you like flowers!" Hinata pointed out as she beamed at Nami who looked taken aback by her question.

Or maybe she's just taken aback by Hinata's loud voice. Yup, it's probably the latter.

"W-well y-yeah…but—"

"Case closed. She's your secret admirer." Hinata shrugged cutting off Nami's protest as she sat back down on her chair. Yukarin and Yuko nodded in agreement while Asahi gave Nami a sympathetic smile.

"If Acchan knows that Nami doesn't like flowers…why would she still send Nami flowers?" Mariko suddenly said making her five companions turn to look at her.

"Don't you think that's a bit…weird?" The taller girl shrugged. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrow at Hinata when she found her grinning at her.

"What?" Mariko asked but Hinata just shook her head, still keeping the grin on her face. Mariko frowned at the younger girl as she dismissed her question leaving Mariko to wonder what the grin meant.

"Mariko has a point." Asahi said as she nodded.

"So I guess that leaves Kuramochi to be your secret admirer then." Yukarin shrugged while Yuko nods her head.

"Well it's either her or some die hard fan of yours." Yukarin grinned as she placed a hand on the little captain's shoulder. Nami shook her head and sighed as she looked at her food ignoring the usual bantering of the group.

'A fan of mine huh...' Nami thought, remembering a certain fan of hers. That fan of hers that she often longs to see.

A special fan...that still holds her heart.

Nami sighs, feeling her heart heavy as usual unaware of the taller girls' gaze at her. Both were occupied in their own thoughts. With different feelings inside...they thought of a certain someone.


"You're familiar with that coupling...aren't you?"

Ray glared at Maeda who continues to smile at her. Ray was pretty familiar with that coupling alright. That's actually what she searches about in the internet almost everyday. Just looking at pictures of the two being close together often made her scream in anger, cursing Maeda for clinging or flirting with her Nami-chan. Sometimes she'd even use Gori-san as a punching bag for her frustrations. She even plotted on sending a grenade to Maeda when she saw a picture of Maeda attempting to kiss her Nami-chan. It was a good thing Gori-san persuaded her not to do such a thing and just offered himself as a punching bag for Maeda's sake.

Yes, Ray was THAT serious about the grenade thing.

"From the glare that you're giving me, it seems that you ARE aware of the Atsunami pairing." Maeda chuckled, obviously amused at the jealous looking diva. It clearly shows how deep the diva's feelings are for the little captain.

Although, Maeda really doesn't need to see it now not when she saw it first hand how much they care for each other.

'The word 'care' seemed to be the wrong term to use for them though.' Maeda thought with a smile.

"I hope you'd think about what we discussed today, Ray-san. It was nice talking to you." Maeda bowed and turned to walk away but stopped the moment she took a step forward as she heard Ray's voice…

"Why are you doing this?" Ray asked, her voice a bit softer than usual.

Maeda glanced behind her, looking Ray straight in the eye.

"Why do you think?" Maeda answered back, her voice a bit softer as well as she smiled sadly at Ray. They held each others eyes for awhile until Maeda gave her a slight grin then turned away walking towards the exit, leaving the diva to stare at her back, a frown across her face.

Ray didn't like Maeda's answer…

…but that didn't stop the diva from smiling slightly as she stared out the window.

Once Maeda stepped out of the restaurant, she let out a sigh of relief, surprising herself as she didn't know she was holding a breath.

'Why huh...' She thought, smiling slightly as she thought of the little captain. She gazed up at the bright sky, feeling its warmth.



Extra Notes: Oh yeah, I added a poll thingy. As I've said earlier, I miss writing and I've got a lot of stories on mind and well...I can't decide on which one to write. I'm going to let you guys decide. Hehe I'm kinda stealing Keichan's idea here.  :nervous

Price of Fame Sequel?
Yup, although I haven't posted or finished the epilogue (and I haven't finished AxY Project and Hinata's chapter....which I will still post) I have been thinking of writing a sequel for it. Can you imagine the craziness if ever the black ops were to do another mission wherein Hinata, Saeko and even Ray are in command?! That'll be head bleed for me! lol.

New story with new Pairings?
I said I have a few stories in mind right? And well...I'm thinking of writing it with a different storyline and a pairing of your choice. Choose on what you think should be the main pairing of the new story. AtsuMina, MariHaru, KojiYuu, TakaHaru and oddly enough I think Sayaka and Haruna pairing in mind. Hehe. I so like experimenting. :twisted:  If you have other pairings in mind...let me know. ;)

Just continue one of my one-shots?
Self explanatory I guess. I've done a few and if you guys want, I'd go with it.

Don't care enough to vote?
That's fine too. I'll just figure out what I'll write. This poll thingy is just another way to thank you guys for supporting POF and well...for me to write again. Really, thanks so much!

Well that's that. Goodluck to me then! I hope I won't regret this even if I'm a bit busy.  :nervous

« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 06:47:42 AM by FoF »


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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #190 on: October 08, 2011, 08:35:39 AM »
Yeay!!! An Epilogue!!!!  :on lol:   I really LOVE this story... Please continue...  :bow: :bow:

Offline CrimsonGrxy

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #191 on: October 08, 2011, 08:54:26 AM »
YES A SEQUEL FOR PoF PLS PLS!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

your stories are awesome and it hurts when u end it there(C.21) :cry:
do continue pls, i want a happy ending between Ray/Nami :pleeease:

Offline takasica

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #192 on: October 08, 2011, 10:39:59 AM »
Omg an epilouge. I've always wanted more to this story haha. I'm rooting for Ray and Nami, I ship those two so hard c: About what to write next, I really enjoyed this story so I think a sequel would be dope. But if you want to expand and try different things then I think a new story with new pairings would still be cool too.

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #193 on: October 08, 2011, 10:51:36 AM »
OMG THE EPILOUGE!!!!!! *cries* been waiting for so long!!!... but that also means its the ending nooooooooo! *dramatical call to the sky with hands in the air*

Please write a sequel! If not write something, anything  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Hmmm Nami and Ray didn't end up together, and with a hint of a deadline before Atsuko will fall into action, hmmm sounds like a possible preparation for sequel!
hooRAY! Since there are so many AtsuMina (Nami) pairing stories out there, this time I root for RAY as well!!! GO RAY!

Please continue to write, I will forever wait for your updates be it a sequel to this story or another because I love your story and your writing and everything!  :twothumbs

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #194 on: October 08, 2011, 11:18:21 AM »
 :otomerika:--dancing the happy dance-- :otomerika:

When i saw the update, my reaction was like this ---> :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
And I'm ecstatic that you updated XD (or else imma send u another message at FB to annoy u :twisted:)
Anyway, Maeda's knowledge about the RayxNami thing didn't surprised me nyahahah (I had suspicions esp. when Kai dropped her hanky :yep:)
I like how Maeda pretends that she didn't know a thing :twothumbs and how she threatens the mightly Diva :lol:

Ray's rampage about AtsuMina pair was kinda cute XD and poor Gori-san  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Imma wait for the RayxNami happy ending, though i dont want you to end it yet :( (here i go again :nervous)
Thanks, Fof-san :bow: :bow: rock! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

PS: Voting for the Sequel of course! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
I want to see another outing of Persona together with their respective 'Girlfriends' XD
Imagine how would the other AKB48 members would react :lol: :lol: :lol:
And i want to see the collaboration of the evil geniuses (Ray, Saeko and Hinata) :twisted:
How epic could that be... XD
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 12:31:50 PM by dark-atrox »

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #195 on: October 08, 2011, 01:33:20 PM »
Yay!!!!! You updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the Acchan/Ray meeting!!!!
Sequel please!!!!!

Offline blughise

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #196 on: October 08, 2011, 01:53:02 PM »
OMG OMG OMG :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I MISSED IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

this is just the first chapter and I'm already on the edge of my seat!!! :P
I'm REALLY EXCITED FOR MORE!!!! :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

Acchan can be really quite intimidating if she wanted to be!!!  :D
So Ray, you really need to be cautious with Acchan cuz I sure, she can do alot more than you could do, especially if Nami's involve

and it really sees like she has plans for her and Nami!!!  :grin:
and for sure I'm definitely one of those Atsumina fans who will die happily if they end up together!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

THANK YOU for this epic update Fof-san
please write more!!!

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #197 on: October 08, 2011, 05:29:29 PM »
OMG I THOUGHT I WAS DREAMING WHEN I READ "epi 1 UP"!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Just because it's you, I will totally stop working now and read  :thumbsup
THANK  :inlove:
*Huge smile in my face and my mom probably wondering if I'm crazy*

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #198 on: October 09, 2011, 01:41:24 AM »

THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!  :bow: :bow:
A sequel Please!!!! you can make it a Nami/Ray (still) or Acchan/Nami. LOL or whatever just make a sequel. aghasdfghjk  XD XD

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Epi 1 UP)
« Reply #199 on: October 09, 2011, 02:33:22 AM »
 :shock: OMG!!! its the epilogue
i've been waiting for it
thanks for the update

for the next part please update soon :pleeease:
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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