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Author Topic: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters  (Read 45380 times)

Offline rochilu

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2013, 10:55:48 PM »
Maybe Acchan really had her reasons D:
ill just wait and see what's really going on in the next chapter >n<

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2013, 12:47:10 AM »
*have a new bag of popcorns* yey! new chapter!!! :D *reads the chapter* MOTHER OF GOD!? WHAT THE... ACCHAN!? WHY!? poor! Yuko!!!! ;A; *throw down the  new bag of popcorn*

you want to kill me Ashurax!!!!! ;A; what say in the paper!? what!?...

OMG MY POPCORNS!!! ;A; *scream watching her bag of popcorns in the floor*

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2013, 04:06:15 AM »
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Oh man! Acchan just rejected Yuko! Oh my head! :banghead: Now i can't stop banging my head! :banghead:

Why Acchan made some decisions like that? What did Yuko just found on the apartment? Yuko you've got to be kidding me, giving up is the last thing you could do Yuko.. :oops:

The real ending will be the next up? Oh man! :banghead:

I can't wait.. :fap I'm so excited...

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup :twothumbs

Offline kazuski

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [ONGOING] Chapter 12
« Reply #63 on: June 29, 2013, 05:17:45 AM »
ahh~ first time comment here...hehe
i have to say this first, i love Acchan's personality in this fic, and the other fic of you too, you are genius XD
about this chap, instead of Acchan and Yuko thing, i more interested about the end, what in that paper? some thing bad?
i hope more drama  :twisted:

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [FINALE] Chapter 13
« Reply #64 on: June 29, 2013, 08:46:30 PM »
Elo, don't blame Acchan for being true to her feelings~

rochilu, maybe or maybe not. Don't forget. She's Ahocchan

abcari, I'm not trying to kill you... *hides knife* for now >w>

kenjoy, whoa don't bang your head too much man, you'll bleed O.O <you don't say XD

kazuski, thanks~ After I finish this, gonna focus on the other fic. Either that or when I have a new idea or something (for now, it's about pirates, spies, and the yakuza). Yup. It will have drama. 'Sides, all last chapters have drama LoL XD

   So many hate for Acchan... Don't hate Acchan~ Hate the author instead! OAO

   Anywho, last chap.

   Saa, let's see how Acchan finish things off with Yuko. Oh yeah, Acchan's POV and Yuko's POV are in different times at least until they're together. Takamina's POV is the same time with Acchan (duh) XD

[Chapter 13]

   "Takamina..." I looked at her, shocked. She fixated her eyes with mine.

   "Acchan, go..." I could see that she was trying to hold back her tears. She was shaking a lot. NyanNyan was beside her, holding her hand as if transmitting her energy to the small girl. With that...

   I smiled at her. I looked at Takamina's manager through the mirror. He met his eyes with mine and he nodded. The car stopped and I went out. Before I closed the door, I took a last look at Takamina. She didn't met my eyes and looked down instead. I smile escaped my lips.

   "You've grown a lot, Takamina." I said to her, who still didn't look at my direction. I knew she heard it though. I took one last look NyanNyan as well. "Take care of her, NyanNyan." I also smiled at her. She met my eyes and smiled as well. "You can count on me." I closed the door and saw the car heading towards the airport. There wasn't any time so I should run there but running's a pain...

   "Well, I've got to try this, even if it is." Luckily, I was wearing jeans so it's not impossible for me to run. Though people who notice will die from seeing 'sweet angel Acchan running around in jeans' so good thing it wasn't a skirt. Or I'd probably die of embarrassment before I lose my breath.

   "I hope I'll make it in time..." I dashed towards the apartment, knowing that she'd be there. "Wait for me, Yuko..."


   "It's okay, Takamina..." Harunyan hugged me, telling me that it will be okay... With the last ounce of strength I have left, I burst out crying. My manager knows everything so I didn't need to hide it anymore.

   "... Sorry, Harunyan..." I apologized to her about everything... She's a good girl. She only smiled at me and patted my head as she hugged me. I knew that she is my love. I know that she will be with me all the time. But I still can't forget about Acchan...

   "You and I are the same, Takamina." I looked up and see her crying as well.

   'Was she holding it in all this time...?' I felt guilty about relying on her a lot and always complaining to her about Acchan. I know that she's still in love with Yuko.

   "Ne, let's start anew, Harunyan!" I stood up and bumped by head, forgetting that I'm in a car. "And I was supposed to be the clumsy one." she rubbed my head, soothing the pain. "Even if we start anew, you're still going to travel overseas though." she added and gave a wry smile. "Eh? Who said I was going alone?" I blinked at her, acting surprised.

   "What do you mean?" she was confused as to what I had just asked. "I already told your manager that you're coming along with me~" I hugged her and cling to her. "EH?! I have to come along as well?!" she protested about it and all but, she's still blushing. No wonder Yuko found her cute. "So let's be together always, Harunyan~" I rubbed my face on her chest.

   "Now you're even acting like her." she pouted a bit. "But, I don't hate that part of you." and kissed me, not caring that my manager is seeing everything. But I didn't care as well. This is our first step forward.




   My eyes widen as I read the contents. I never knew that she was actually on it all along...

How to ensure eternal love

Step 1
Find your crush and if you did not befriend them yet, do not do it. Wait for them to befriend you. Get closer to them without them noticing and when they befriend you, be sure not to spend much time with them. In fact, only spend time with them when they're the ones who wants to. This is to make them closer to you and longing for you

Step 2
Start spending a lot of quality time together. If that person has a lover, then spend time with them lesser than what they did together. If it crosses the line, then the lover might get jealous and spend even more time with them.

Step 3
Leave them. This doesn't literally mean stop hanging out with them. Lessen the time you two have together. This is to make them want you more. This can be done by simply changing classes, start spending time with other people more than them or even graduation

Step 4
Spend more time with your best friend. Do things that you would never do with your crush, but don't do things that are too extraordinary. Making your crush jealous is one thing but making them a little too jealous might piss them off too much.

Step 5
Find a suitable time to make a move on your crush. Take a step further without knowing that you're taking it further. If they asked, make an excuse. This is to make them more curious about you and your actions. Be sure not to make them realize it.

Step 6
Work together with your crush. This can be done by either projects, work or even studies. This could extend the time you have together with them without going too extreme. The more time you have, the worse it will get at the moment so try to do it as less as possible

Step 7
Cause a misunderstanding crazy enough that would make your crush go angry. You can also use the best friend you have been with. Look at their reactions and what they will do. If they continue to be friendly with you, then there's no chance that they love you at all. If they cut all ties with you, then there's still a slight hope, but not too much. If they chose to ignore you, you're going at the right path.

Step 8
Make up with them. First you should make up with your best friend if they knew. Then also make up with your crush. Don't make too light of what you did. Even if you apologize, there's no telling what will happen. If they love you, then a smile would appear on their faces. Not of facade, but a genuine smile.

Step 9
Gather an ally. With the help of an ally or even allies, discuss what to do. It would be best not to tell them about your feelings. The opposite is good.

Step 10
Spend more time together. A lot more. At this stage, time is the most important thing for you. Make use of it. Even if you have a job, quit it. Or at least postpone it.

Step 11
Wait. Until they confess. Being the first one to confess might be okay as well but making them confess is better. If they confess, then it's better to reject them. This might make them hurt, but it's the only way to make them love you forever. They might break ties with you. Stay strong.

Step 12
Your best friend will speak their mind. If they are still clinging over the past, then they would be selfish. If they tell you to go to your crush, then congratulations. You have the approval of your bestest friend in the whole wide world.

Step 13
The crush would read this, realizing what is going on. Appear before them in an awesome manner.

   I looked at the door. There was Acchan, sweating and trying to catch her breath. "L- Long time no see, Yuko." She breathed in and out and grabbed a towel to wipe her face. "So much for appearing in an awesome manner." I glared at her. It wasn't me joking. I was serious. I was seriously angry...

   "Haha, sorry about that..." she laughed it off and looked at me, recovering already. I was still glaring needles at her."So how did you think?" she looked at the paper in my hand. I looked at it as well and finally snapped.

   "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?!" I shouted at her. I don't care about the neighbors. They can go to hell. I continued my bashing "YOU FRIGGIN PLAYED WITH MY FEELINGS! HOW COULD ANYONE BE OKAY WITH THAT?!" I grabbed and pinned her to the wall, still holding the paper. I could feel myself burning with anger by the minute. They say anger subdues when you let it out, but this is the opposite.

   "I know, Yuko..." she looks at me with her apologetic smile. I wasn't done yet, but my heart couldn't take bashing at my loved one and letting out my true thoughts. "YOU KNOW?! THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU USING YOUR BRAIN FOR?!" I continued "You knew I loved you as well but why..."

   She smiled at me with her usual adult-like smile. She pushed me away lightly. I could feel the tears are trying to escape my eyes but I held it in. I don't want to lose to her.

   "Yuko, turn the paper around." she says to me, looking at me calmly.

   I did as she said and

Step 14
Hope she still loves you back


   I took out the ring and showed it to her. It was actually the ring we made when we were in AKB. I wanted to buy her a real ring but time doesn't really wait for me. I made a proposing position and finally asked her.

   "Oshima Yuko, I love you... Please... Will you stay with me forever?"

   I could see her getting frustrated. "EVEN AFTER ALL THIS, YOU'RE STILL CONTINUING?!" she grabbed nearby cosmetics and threw them at me. That was nothing compared to the pain I've caused her. She then grabbed a vase and spilled the water that was in it at me. I only continue to smile and showed her the ring, hoping she would take it.

   "Why are you even..." she finally lets out her inner feelings. She looked at me with shock and tears in her eyes. "Why do you go so far..." she asked me.

   I know that this is stupid but that's the only thing I can do... "Yuko..." I spoke to her. "I've known many people, loving each other and then breaking up. They faced a lot of challenges in life and lose the love they've been holding for their partner..."

   "I'm scared, Yuko..." I was being true to my feelings, finally I spoke my mind. "I don't want us to be like that." Tears started to roll down my cheeks as well. I didn't bother to wipe it off. Whatever the outcome, tears will always start dropping.

   "The first time I fell in love with you, I didn't notice at all." I recalled when we were still new in the AKB world. "When I realized it, I didn't know what to do. You were really different from me. You're everyone's idol. I couldn't even be compared to you. When the Sousenkyo happened, I didn't deserve to be number 1. You were the one who I longed for. You were the one  who deserved it more than I do." I let out my thoughts. She listened to me in silence.

   "When I heard my name in second place during 2010, I knew that you'd have to be there in first place. Even if it's frustrating as an idol, as someone who is in love with you, I was really happy. That's when I start to become more and more scared. I wanted us to be together forever. Not like most of the couples these days. Plus, we're both girls. Most girl couples doesn't last long. I know because of the people I've met..."

   "Yuko... Even if it took me years to finally say it, I only want you... I don't want people to get closer to you than I did... That's why I hooked Takamina up with NyanNyan..." I recalled the time when I rejected Takamina and called NyanNyan thereafter. Yuko's face was shocked because she didn't know that I was the one who hooked them up together.

   "I want us to be together... Forever..." I let out my smile with tears still rolling down my cheeks, ending my confession. I looked straight into Yuko's eyes. Waiting for her answer.

   "Is that all you have to say...?" she was glaring at me. I know that she couldn't take it. She's probably going to kill me now... I planned everything for her to accept it but fear gets a hold of me. I'm still scared... There's no telling what her answer will be. I know I'm harsh but that's the only way. Rather than living fools out of our lives, I'd rather end it all here... I will regret it someday, but this is for the best.

   "Do you think I'm just going to accept it like some damned idiot after all you've done to me? To Takamina? And you even involved NyanNyan in it..." she looked at me like staring down at an enemy. I stood up, knowing that this is going to answer everything. I looked at her firmly in the eyes. This time, I put on a real smile. Not the ones I used as a facade, but a genuine one. I know that this won't cut it, but I can die trying

   "YOU DAMN IDIOT! Even after all this time, you're still..." she was crying because of regret. I didn't change my smile. "I know..." I replied to her.

"I... hate you."
"I know."
"I really... hate you."
"I know."
"You're the most... sick person... I've ever met..."
"I know."
"Then why?"
"Because I still love you, Yuko."

   "Forever and ever. Even if you kill me now, I would still love you. Until eternity." I didn't erase my smile. My muscles hurt from smiling too much but who cares about that.

   "You..." she lets out a yelp and tears started to fall down her cheeks again.

   "You know that I don't hate you!" she comes to me and buries her face in my chest. I could feel myself blushing a bit.

   "You know all this time... I would never hate you, you idiot!" she hits me lightly, still crying in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and she started crying more loudly.

   "So Yuko... Will you stay with me forever?" I asked her the question again, still smiling.

   "Yes!" finally I saw her smile with her cute dimples showing.

   Thus I broke into tears and we embraced each other for the whole night.




   "Ah, it's morning." I looked at the morning sky through the window as I woke up. I looked at my right side and see my best friend, who is now my lover, clinging to me, sleeping soundly. I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I opened my phone. There was a new message. It was Takamina who sent me a pic of her and NyanNyan with a statue that looks like the lion statue in Singapore. There's no way only the two gets to go to Singapore, right?

From :Bakamidget
Subject :We're in Singapore! (Duh)

Hey, how are you doing with Acchan? I told her to go to you yesterday so I hope you're not mad. Acchan's my bestest friend! So you better take good care of her! Oh yeah, and NyanNyan's breasts are big! OAO

   "Whoa, those two really are in Singapore? Hell, why are you all so proud of NyanNyan's breast?!" I grabbed Acchan's breast and groped her. "See?! Acchan's might not be as big as NyanNyan's but Acchan's Acchan!" I said proudly to particularly no one.

   "Why the hell are you grabbing my breast and comparing it with NyanNyan's first thing in the morning...!" I could see veins popping out of her head. I was amazed that my cartoon knowledge would come in handy in figuring out Acchan's reactions!

   "Err... I love Acchan~" I hugged the younger girl and clung to her in our bed. It was hers before. But now it's OURS!

   "Don't think I'm just going to let it go just like that." she glared at me and I gulped, knowing that something horrible is going to happen to me sooner or later. "But, for now, I'm going to enjoy the time with my girlfriend." she added and smiled at me. I smiled back.

   "Hehe~ Don't worry~ We have all the time in the world~" I assured her and put my face in between her breast. "We're gonna be together forever~" I added but she hits my head lightly. I could see her cheeks getting red. I made THE Acchan feel red because of embarrassment. I'm going to need a Nobel prize for this.

"Together forever, right?" she says, with her angelic smile. The smile that stole my heart.
"Yup, together forever!"

   Thus our friendship ends and our love life begins. Until Forever.


Yay~! I'm so proud of you, Acchan!  :farofflook:*hugs imaginary Acchan*

Thanks for reading this inexperienced writer's fic. I'm sorry for any hate or insults that is rude to you.  :kneelbow:
If you come to hate Acchan, as I said, please hate me instead!  :pleeease:
Anywho, that's all for this fic. See ya around for my next project~ Who knows. Maybe it's tomorrow? Saa~  :on drink:
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 12:41:16 PM by AshuraX »

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2013, 08:54:33 PM »
Kyaaaaa happy ending! LOVE IT SO MUCH~ :on gay: atsuyuuu :heart: <3 <3 <3 sankyuuu :bow: :cow:

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2013, 09:16:16 PM »
Ashura - Oh i'm banging my head on a pillow.. :nervous Oh another project from you.. Alright! :fap Imma going to jump from happiness! XD

Oh my gosh! When i just read Acchan's pov and Takamina just let Acchan go.. My mind was *Oh yeah :peace:*.. Then when Yuko's pov when she read the steps to ensure eternal love and i reached step 3 to read.. Again.. I was like *Wait.. You don't say.. :w00t:* Ahahaha :fap Yeah~! TakaHaru also got their happy ending! :)

Yuko shouting at Acchan  was really entertaining actually i find it very romantic of her (Acchan).. Hehehe :oops: I mean Acchan's looking for true love and she followed the steps though it will hurt Yuko and she took the risk.. XD Oh man! Yuko you did not just compared Acchan's breast to Haruna! :O Ahaha..Oh well that just so Yuko! Hehehe :oops:

Thank you so much.. Nicely done! :twothumbs Unwanted Feelings is a big SUCCESS~ :thumbsup

Looking forward for more stories coming from you.. :thumbsup :bow:

ALRIGHT~ YEAH~ \m/(^o^)\m/
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 09:23:02 PM by kenjoy12 »

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #67 on: June 30, 2013, 01:09:19 AM »
dont, im not happy with Acchan ¬¬ she deserve to suffer more than this, Yuko is so cute to forgive her so easy <3 you are love Yuko <3

well... good final here xD Still i cant forgive Acchan -_- so cruel with Yuko... but Yuko is happy now with her love, so thats make me happy... hmmm... xDDD so, Im happy but still im not too happy, its hard to explain LOL!

Offline rochilu

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #68 on: June 30, 2013, 04:17:26 AM »
aww that was a cute final :3
haha Acchan what the hell xDD she make all this mess because she was insecure D: i'm happy that they are togheter.
i hope you will write another story i really like this.
seeyou :3

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #69 on: June 30, 2013, 04:26:23 AM »
it's a waste of time and energy to hate someone as stupid as ahocchan :on lol: so I'll just laugh at her stupidity :hiakhiakhiak:

nice ending... :on GJ:

Offline warr

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #70 on: June 30, 2013, 07:08:02 AM »
That was soooo cuteeeee! love it! :luvluv1:
Thanks for a nice AtsuYuu fic :kneelbow:
I hope you'll make more great works :twothumbs

Offline unicorn48

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #71 on: June 30, 2013, 08:42:57 AM »
It's over ???  :cry: This fic amused me so much lol. I love youuuuu  :heart: Thanks for writing an Atsuyuu Fic and completing it  :cow: :cow: :cow: Hope you write again soon  :)

Shipping Unicorns Since 48 B.C | Forever Rowing the boats of TakaTomo and Atsuyuu
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It's not coincidence, It's Fate ! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Part 1 Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Part 1 Part 2
Do You Believe in Unicorns ?
Centimeter Too Late (AtsuMina/TakaTomo)
I Love You (KojiYuu)
Destroy The World and Build Love (TomoTomo)
Save Me From Falling Inlove (TakaTomo)
All I Want For Christmas (AtsuMina)
All I Want For Christmas (KojiYuu)

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2013, 09:40:21 AM »
Hey I'm newbie here, first comment gotta for your great Atsuyuu story, master AshuraX !!! m(_ _)m

Just made an account, actually I was a silent reader for a bit long time :3 tehee~

As my username, yes I'm a big fan of KojiYuu and AtsuYuu !!!! \(♥▿♥)/ how can I hate acchan ?? Never!

Rarely saw atsuyuu fic, so I'm glad to read this story :')
Need more lovey-dovey moments, can I req for another atsuyuu?? Hihihi
Just please~ Thankyou very much for your hardwork! m(_ _)m

Offline AshuraX

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Just replies
« Reply #73 on: June 30, 2013, 10:55:34 AM »
fuu, thanks, man~ I'm so happy to see many people accepting AtsuYuu~ Coz I've always lived in a world full of KojiYuu/AtsuMina *shivers*

kenjoy, shucks XD Thanks man. I'm probably going another fic this time in an alternate universe with powers or something (challenging myself with something I'm not good at)

abcari, there there. Acchan's just too much of an idiot, you see. O.O

rochilu, thanks~ Well, ya can't blame Acchan. My oshi is just a normal cute hella angel in love with a squirrel XD

bunny_rabbit, muahaha! Agreed!  :on GJ: NOBODY CAN HATE AHOCCHAN~

warr, thanks~ Did I manage to make you fall for AtsuYuu?! XD

unicorn48, whoa, to think the writer I respect the most is telling me I did a good job OAO I'm gonna FLY!!!!! Really love yar Secret Train of Love fic~ Seriously nice~!!! And sorry for making it so short...

atsukojiyuu_C, I feel honored for some reason XD but calling me master is kinda... ^^'' Yeah, nobody can ever hate Acchan~!!! As for the request, believe me. I would make an AtsuYuu fic even if the world hated me! :wahaha:

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #74 on: June 30, 2013, 11:07:48 AM »
Nice :fap

Challenge yourself on making of different genres of fanfic.. That's nice.. :thumbsup Making a room to improve yourself surely you will learn alot something out of it.. So wishing you goodluck on the nxt project of yours.. Hehehe :oops:

Gambatte~ Looking forward to it :fap :D

Fighto~ :peace: :twothumbs

Offline tfme3638

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #75 on: June 30, 2013, 03:59:14 PM »
Thank god (or maybe more specifically the writer XD) that yuko forgave acchan for her "stupid" actions!!! though, poor takamina? Or not! since she got nyan nyan! :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:

Thanks for the great atsuyuu fic! :shy2: :kneelbow:

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #76 on: June 30, 2013, 09:13:35 PM »
U deserved it, author-san (>̯͡⌣<̯͡)

Yeah I'm looking forward for it! FTW AtsuYuu! (≧▽≦)づ♥
Ah maybe u can help me with another atsuyuu fic ??
Maybe some link or anything else ?? All genre is fine xD lol
If not bothering :)

Offline abcari

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #77 on: July 01, 2013, 12:32:18 AM »
I cant forgive her ;A; its just... too stupid xDDDD

well... I love your fic <3 good job :'D

Offline irgheto

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Re: [AtsuYuu] Unwanted feelings [COMPLETE] 13 Chapters
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2013, 09:33:33 AM »
first, i want to say i'm sorry for being silent reader, not because i want to, but because i don't have time to write review until today, sorry  :kneelbow:

after i finish reading it, the first thing in my mind is, WHO THE HELL GAVE ACCHAN THOSE LIST!?  :scolding:
seriously, my emotion get on me at ch12. i was frowning and think, yes Yuko, you should leave Acchan and be with someone else..
but you surprise me in the last chapter, AshuraX-san.
this fic is great, any fic that could trigger people emotion like this is SUGOI!!  :k-great:

thank you for this wonderful Atsuyuu, and i think we need more Atsuyuu fic, don't cha think??  O0

Offline AshuraX

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Replies V2
« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2013, 04:12:56 PM »
kenjoy, I will! And I'm on the decline right now. What was it? Writer's block? Bah! Oh well, my mind's thinking bout mages and heroes. OS time~

tfme, Where there's TakaHaru, then there's probably AtsuYuu

atsukojiyuu, I don't remember much but here's some I remember~ = TakaAtsuYuu by unicorn48-san = AtsuYuu OS by sakura_drop_san = AtsuYuu by irgheto-san

abcari, Thanks, man~ Please support me on my next projects as well  :kneelbow:

irgheto, 'Who gave Acchan the list?' My mind's screaming 'TOMOCHIN!!!' but dat's impossible. Thanks for the positive feedback~ And AtsuYuu? Why don't we do a collab? XD

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