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Author Topic: Be Like Jabronisaur Day VII (July 16, 2016)  (Read 9851 times)

Offline daigong

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Be Like Jabronisaur Day VII (July 16, 2016)
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:08:53 PM »
Be Like Jabronisaur Day VII (July 16, 2016)
~Good Deeds, Spreading Love, Be Positive~

I'm running outta pictures homie, but I love how he loved to pose and be silly for the camera XD

My friend Tim "Jabronisaur" Marks aka Jabby has left this planet seven years ago. Let us reflect upon this day and do that good deed. Whether it is taking the time to volunteer in the community, being NICE to a stranger, or showing a new member at JPHiP the way. Jab lives on forever in our hearts. This what we call Be Like Jabronisaur Day spreading love and POSITIVITY~ the JPHiP Way - the way Jab showed us in real life and online at

See 2010 thread.
See 2011 thread.
See 2012 thread.
See 2013 thread.
See 2014 thread.
See 2015 thread.

For those new to the community, check out his vast history:

Man. Just has it been this long? We tore up Anime Expo and Morning Musume were blown away by how we fandommed hard. Jab made his own shirts and got to meet Jun Jun and spoke to them at the breakfast meet and greet. Dream come true! Then like the instant we met him the instant he left us. This is a harsh reminder that always keep those dear to your hearts close and have no regrets of not being in touch or shoulda spent more time. I was really blessed to have spent the extra amount of time with Jab and learned to be a real man, to care for others moreso and shed any negative or mean spirited thoughts. Jab was a #REALFRIEND

His memory lives on through all of us. In his posts. In us talking about how he affected our lives. And through tributes such as:

We lost Jabronisaur on July 16, 2009 - right after our successful meet up at Anime Expo, where JPHiP pimped like no other, gathering 30+ in a room at a time, meeting dozens more along the way. At the forefront, was Jabronisaur whom as a member of the Crack Staff, broke down barriers and mingled with fans from all over the world and net - making them feel like family. He exemplified what it was to be a HiPster, and made us so proud he was just one of our homies.

WHAT IT IS Start July 16, 2016, throughout the YEAR let us look back at THE MAN! THE LIFE! What memories we have from Anime Expo 2009 and throughout the forum and radio.

Post in this thread on how you BE LIKE JAB, share your personal memories about Jab, if you just want to know who he is and what he meant to JPH!P. How we can all be better HiPstaz LiKE JAB!

on our facebook: on twitter @JPHiP and all over social media #Jabronisaur #BeLikeJab

We at :hipheart: are truly honoured to be in contact with his family and friends and hear their stories to further prove we are truly blessed to have known such an awesome guy.

Our goal is to have the spirit of Jabronisaur live on forever with every good deed we do, to carry on what Jab built here at JPHiP, a community that is positive and caring every single day. Sometimes the smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference.

To me, the hear his voice tickle the airwaves is a testament to him being the creative comic genius personality that he is, kind and endearing.

At 1:30 PM EST JPHiP RADIO the next 10 hours PLUS will be dedicated to Jabronisaur's radio show Beware the JabberJocky! filled with Video Game and Anime OSTs and his brand of humour and softspoken DJing.

check out the thread:


One Love.


Offline daigong

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day VII (July 16, 2016)
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2016, 11:53:09 PM »
Man. This is exciting. Reminder of WHY Jab made a deviantart thread because he had his own page:

"All the encounters in the world are a kind of reunion."

If you read the journal, you can see the processes and things he wanted to get done like an RPG online game using RPG Maker, eating cheap pizza and pepsi and tea :lol: Please read his journal, please continue ranting and raving about deivantart in the THREAD:


JPHiP Radio (17/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Neon Bunny - First Love