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Author Topic: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]  (Read 17802 times)

Offline Sayuki

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The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« on: December 17, 2013, 08:26:31 AM »
A/N: First of all, I know I have many things needed to be completed. This is a promise I made with LoyalFlutist so I have to finish this. It should have been her birthday present but well... It's an early Xmas present then xP

This story is dedicated to LoyalFlutist. Thanks for helping me with "that fic" xP


Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the presence of Lucify, the Devil King? Do you believe in heaven, or hell? If you don’t, it’s fine. If you do, it’s still fine. Well, no matter what you believe, I’ll still tell you a story. A real story. I don’t need you to believe in this story. I just want to tell you an interesting one. So if you are still interested in what I am going to tell you, keep reading then.

We are all living in 21st century now but many people still believe in the places called heaven and hell. They believe that God is watching over us and Lucify is seeking for our death, our souls. Science has not yet proved these myths and religions are real or not. However, I’m not here to discuss religions. I’m here to tell you that God and Lucify had made a deal, a game to be exact. Just recently, they got bored from competing each other over human souls. Therefore, they decided to make a game, a game using their own lives and some unlucky humans they chose to join. A death game to be exact.

I think I have been explaining a lot and it’s getting boring. But just wait for a moment; I just explained the basic things of the game of God. There are more. More things that you can never believe it were real. If you want to find out more, allow me to tell you. If not, you may leave now because I have to warn you, it’s very brutal, violent and cruel.

Still here? Ok then let’s begin. The game of God.

A/N: If everything is following with my plan then I'll update this one chapter per 3 days xP Hopefully it will be finished on New year Eve. Thanks for reading.

Offline -gibson-mayulover

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2013, 08:30:30 AM »
ehhhhh!!! a new fic from Sayuki??  :dunno:

Offline Railgun96

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 12:16:41 PM »
Hope there will be mayuki!

Nice prologue! Can't wait for chapter 1!


Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

Offline AshuraX

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2013, 02:21:19 PM »
there will be MaYuki! :lol:

Offline imteedee

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2013, 03:29:48 PM »
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2013, 04:13:43 PM »
Wow another fanfic from Sayuki

God and devil game

Interesting theme

Offline Sayuki

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Re: The Game of God (Prologue 17/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 11:32:43 AM »
@gibson: Y-yes a new one. P-please don't kill me or anything  :bow:

@Railgun96: There will be Mayuki of course xD You can guess by looking at my previous fictions. Mayuki are always in my fics xD

@AshuraX: What made you think so?? >:3

@imteedee: TD~ nyah nyah~~~

@Kirozoro: I'm trying to write a theme that I have never written before so it may not be so good as you expected. My apology for future mistakes and thanks for liking my fic ^^

A/N: OK here is the first part of the first chapter. The explanation of the rules is long so I've decided to cut the chapter into two parts for easier reading and scanning. Another good news for my remaining readers is that I'll update PJ48 gakuen in 24 hours. xP So start your clock now if you're still waiting for it.

Once again, thank you all, who have been reading my fics and supporting me through years in here. Thank you.

Chapter 1-1

After the usual stage performance at night, members of team B gathered in their changing room. Chatting and laughing around, it would be just another normal day for AKB48 members. Well, at least for some of them.

“Tanjoubi ni kekkon shiyou
Chiisana kikkake yakusoku doori”

While changing back into her casual clothes, Kashiwagi Yuki’s cellphone played her latest song in her solo single, Birthday Wedding. She searched in her handbag and picked out her cellphone. Looking at the screen, it showed that her manager was calling her. Her eyebrow lifted up in surprise.

“Moshi Moshi. Akagawa-san?” She answered. “Yes, the stage performance had just finished… What?? Now?!? At 9 pm??” Yuki shouted unbelievably. Lucky for her, the room was very noisy at the moment so no one could hear her conversation or her reactions. “But I have a full schedule tomorrow… All are canceled? The whole week? Why… Yes, I understand… OK I’ll be there immediately… Yes I got it. Good bye, Akagawa-san.”

Then she hung up. She stared at the phone for a while before let out a heavy sigh and threw herself onto the chair behind her. Just a few moments later, someone patted her shoulder lightly. She slowly looked up and saw Kojima Haruna was standing next to her, wearing a worried face.

“What’s wrong Yukirin? You look tired?” The cat-ear girl asked in concern.

“Well, yeah I’m tired. I just got a call from my manager that I’ll have another appointment right now. So it’s important enough to cancel my whole schedule for this week just to complete it.”

“What? Now? What’s that appointment about?” Haruna gasped.

“Well, it’s a variety game show I think. Akagawa-san said that I’m chosen to join a game and get a free 5-day staying in Caribbean Island resort.”

“You’re going too?” This time, Haruna startled Yuki.

“Too? You mean, you’re also invited?”

“Yeah. My manager also called me to inform me about it. And like you, my whole schedule is also canceled.”

“Great. That means I won’t be alone then.” Yuki smiled.

“I’m glad that I won’t be alone. I heard from my manager that some other members will be joining too, not only us. I think they’re using AKB48 to promote their show.”

“Promoting or not, I hope it’s worth our sacrifice. I really need a break too. Caribbean resort doesn’t sound so bad.”

“So do I. Now let’s take a cab before we’re late.” Haruna gestured Yuki to get up.

“Do you know where we’re going?” Yuki suddenly remembered that she didn’t know where to go even though her manager had given her the address.

“Well no but the taxi driver may know. Just go now, quick. We’re late.” Haruna picked up her own bag and gave Yuki hers. Then after bidding their members goodbye, both Yuki and Haruna caught a taxi and went to their appointment place.

About 15 minutes later, they have arrived at their destination. It was a skyscraper, estimate to having about 100 floors and the whole building was shining in blue color because of the glass windows. Yuki and Haruna just got off their taxi and stared at the building in awe.

“Wow… Whoever it is, this company is sure very rich. Now I know why Akimoto-san exchanges our whole week schedules just for this show.” Yuki exclaimed.

At that time, another taxi arrived. Yuki and Haruna looked at it, waiting to see who was in that taxi. And to their surprise, it was another member in AKB48, Oshima Yuko. The short girl got off the taxi, stared at the building for a second before looking around and meeting their gaze.

“Yukirin? Nyan? You guys are also invited?” Yuko shouted surprisingly and walked to them.

“Yes we did. And from that I can guess you’re in this show too?” Yuki replied.

“Yes. And Takamina is in too. She called me to tell me this. I think two other members in team A are also invited and some members in SKE48. There are more but I don’t know who they are.”

“So two from team B, three from team A, but only one from team K?” Yuki scratched her chin.

“Well, I don’t mind when I get to join a show together with Nyan~” Yuko said happily and hugged Haruna, who was trying to break away.

“Oi stop that, Yuko. We’re outside. Someone could see us.”

“OK girls, let’s go inside. Maybe we’ll meet other participants there.”

The two other girls nodded. All of them adjusted their bags on their shoulders and walked into the building. The automatic glass doors opened right at the time their first steps were placed on the steel floor in front of the doors. The three entered the building in awe and looked at the surrounding. White shiny floor, black ceramic wall tires, cool modern air-conditioning system, the building was sure very modern and technological. Huge screens of computer and television could be seen every five meters. Even the receptionists were using the new technology of Japan, glass screen. Snapping out of amaze first, Yuko quickly walked to the reception table, which was placed in front of a big logo of the company, Tokyo Entertainment Corp., and politely asked.

“Excuse me, miss. I’m looking for Minamoto-san. We have an appointment with him right now.”

“Your name is Oshima Yuko, ma’am?” The receptionist asked.

“Yes. That’s me.”

“Minamoto-san is waiting for you and your friends on 48th floor, ma’am. You can take the elevator on your left side.” The receptionist pointed to Yuko’s left side. Yuko looked at the direction and she could see the elevator not so far from where she was standing.

“Thank you.” She nodded her head at the receptionists then waved Yuki and Haruna to come with her. “Let’s go, girls. We’re going to 48th floor.”

The three girls walked to the elevator. Lucky for them that they had to wait for a second before the elevator reached the ground floor. They all walked into it and Yuko pressed the button, which was labeled 48. As the door was closing, two figures were running to them and shouting.

“Wait for us. Don’t close the door yet!”

Quickly, Yuko pressed the open button. The door closed and immediately reopened. The two figures quickly got into the elevator as the door once again closed. Yuki, Yuko and Haruna all took a look that the panting people who just joined with them. They all gasped in surprise to see that they were their members in AKB48.

“Yuihan? Paruru? What are you doing here?” Yuko yelped.

“The same question I was about to ask you three, Yuko-san.” Yui replied calmly after catching her breath. “We’re invited to a game show of this company.”

“So are we. That means we’re all participants in here.” Yuki smiled while answering.

“Yes. And there are more; some former members also join in this show. That’s what I heard from Takamina-san.” Yui continued. “She has arrived here before us and she called us to inform us about that. She said Shinoda-san and Ogiso-san from SKE48 will join in as former members.”

“What? Mariko is back?” Haruna asked in surprise.

“Yes. She’s in the waiting room on 48th floor.”

“Hmm… Something wrong is here… I can feel it…” Yuko mumbled to herself. No one seemed to listen to her, except for the nearest person, Yuki. Yuki was confused by what Yuko said. She didn’t understand what the older girl meant about that. However, she really trusted Aki-P. Therefore, Yuki just shrugged her worry off and didn’t concern about the show anymore.

*Bing Bong*

The bell rang in the elevator, noticing that they have reached the 48th floor. The door opened, leaving a way for the girls to come out. As they walked out, a tall young man in gray suit approached them. He dressed so neatly and politely that the girls would have thought he was the boss if he hadn’t introduced himself.

“Good evening, ladies. My apologies for inviting you here after a long day of work. My name is Minamoto Yuiichi, the director of the show you’re about to participate in. I’m in charge of everything occurring in this show so if you have any requests or questions, please come to me.” The man bowed at them in a polite and welcoming manner. The girls also bowed in return. Yuko took the talking role since she was the oldest among the girls.

“Good evening, Minamoto-san. Please don’t worry about our condition. We’re all used to the busy schedule. To be honest, we’re looking forward to your show and feel honored to be the participants.”

“I’m glad to hear that. You must be tired now. Please come with me to the waiting room. There are few members from your group have already been waiting there. You can rest for a while until everyone has arrived. The show will begin after that.”

The man gestured them to follow him. The girls just nodded and followed him without any words. They all walked straight through a hall; a long hall with red carpet covered the floor. On the left side were glasses at providing a clear view of outside the building. On the right side was a long white wall with several doors that opened to office rooms. They passed few rooms until the man called Minamoto stopped in front of a brown wooden door.

“Here is the waiting room. Please take a good rest before the show. I’ll be back in the moment.” Minamoto pointed at the door, bowing at the girls and going back to the hall where they just came from.

Yuko bowed at the man as he was leaving. When the man passed her, she noticed a silver object shining in his vest pocket. She was curious about that thing but she soon forgot about it and turned to the other girls. “Well he’s nice, so far.”

“Yeah but he seems to be very busy.” Yuki replied.

“Being the director of a big show of a big company like this, I’m not surprised about that.” Yuko shrugged. “Come on. We needs to rest before the show. I sense this show is gonna be tough.”

While talking to the other girls, Yuko twisted the knob of the door and gave it a little push to open it. Visible in their sight was a white huge room at filled with couches and chairs. A big short wooden table was placed in the middle. Opposite to the door was a large LCD television. On the left side of the room was a makeup table with round mirror. The room was well furnished and filled with members from AKB48, SKE48, NMB48 and former ones. Sitting on the makeup table was Watanabe Miyuki, ace of NMB48, and standing next to her was the captain of team N, Yamamoto Sayaka, who was helping Miyuki fixing her hair. In the middle of the room were 4 lines of couches placing in a square shape that each couch faced the wooden table in the middle of the square. Sitting on the left couch, right behind Miyuki and Sayaka were Kizaki Yuria, member of team S in SKE48, and Ogiso Shiori, a former member of SKE48. The two girls were chatting happily with each other that they didn’t notice the newcomers. Sitting next to them were two other members of SKE48, Furukawa Airi and Takayanagi Akane. They were reading a manga that Airi brought along with her and talked about something that Airi ended up receiving a smack on her head from a blushing Akane. On the opposite couch was the Gachapin of AKB8, Minegishi Minami, who was having an argument with a former member who just graduated recently, Shinoda Mariko. Seeing a bar of Minami’s favorite chocolate in Mariko’s hand and Mariko’s chewing mouth, anyone could know why those two were fighting. Sitting between the SKE members and two fighting girls was the general manager, Takahashi Minami, who was the first one noticing the arrival of the girls and quickly ran to them.

“Hey girls. Good to see you here.”

Hearing the shout of Takamina, all of the people in the room turned their head to the door. The NMB and SKE members gave their senpai a bow before returning to their current tasks. Mariko waved at them while Minegishi took that opportunity to take her chocolate back from Mariko.

“Mari-chan!” Haruna said happily and quickly approached the older girl. Yuko and Yuki waved at Mariko while Yui and Paru walked to an empty couch to sit.

“So everyone in here is the participant?” Yuko asked the girl in front of her.

“Yeah. I asked the director few minutes ago and he told me there will be a total of twenty participants in this show.” Takamina replied.

“Twenty huh? How many left are we missing here?”

“Five. Four from SKE48 and another former member. I just know that Acchan is also in this show so I guess the other former member will be her.” Takamina shrugged.

“What? Acchan is joining too?” Yuko exclaimed in surprise.

“Yeah. It’s confirmed she’ll join too, as a former member of AKB48, not herself. That’s odd to me.”

“I feel strange about this too.” Yuko scratched her cheek.

At that time, Yuki was looking around the room, counting the number of present people. She noticed something wrong and turned to Takamina.

“Ne, Takamina. You said there are five more people coming right?”

“Yes, so?” Takamina raised her eyebrow.

“There are only 14 people in here. One is missing.”

“Did you count yourself yet?”


“In that case, I think you’ve missed Mayuyu.”

“Mayuyu is joining too?” Yuki’s eyes went wide.

“Yes. She’s lying on the couch in the corner.” Takamina turned around and pointed at the white couch placing in the corner of the room, near the makeup table. On top of the couch was a figure lying motionlessly with an arm covering the face of the girl. “Over there. Mayuyu just came back from an interview so she’s taking a short rest.”

Seeing the tired girl, Yuki thanked Takamina and quietly walked to the girl in the corner, ignoring the giggle of Takamina and Yuko.

“Mother instinct again, Yukirin.” Yuko teased.

Yuki heard that but she cared less. She went across the room and knelt down in front of the couch. Gently, Yuki removed the arm covering the girl’s face and placed it down beside her torso, revealing a sleeping face of an angel. Yuki smiled to herself then placed her hand gently onto the younger girl’s cheek, waking her up with the softest voice that she could ever speak.

“Wake up, Mayuyu. Wake up.”

It seemed that the ace of team A hadn’t slept so deeply yet when the girl groaned and slowly opened her eyes, responding to the soft call of Yuki.

“Mmm… Yukirin?” Mayu said in a tiring and low voice. “Why are you here?... And why did you wake me up?”

“I was invited to this show, just like you. And you can’t sleep, just yet. The director will be back in any moment. Just wait for him then I promise I’ll let you sleep until tomorrow.”

“Ok… Whatever you say, Mamarin.” Mayu face palmed and reluctantly sat up. Yuki just giggled as a respond then touched the girl’s forehead.

“You’re a little bit warm. How do you feel now?”

“Tired. And I’m having a headache too.” Mayu rubbed her temples slowly. Seeing that, Yuki dug her hand into her handbag and brought out a small bottle of water and some white medicine. She opened the bottle and placed the medicine onto Mayu’s hand.

“Here. Take these. You’ll feel better in any sec.”

Without hesitation, Mayu put the medicine into her mouth and took a full mouth of water. After swallowing, her eyebrow furrowed and she stuck out her tongue.

“Yikes. Too bitter.”

“Then it’s working.” Yuki giggled at Mayu’s cute reaction. After that, she sat down next to Mayu and let the girl lean on her shoulder. “It’s been a busy week for you, hasn’t it?”

“Not really.” Mayu replied in a small voice. “Just today. Your schedule is way busier than mine, Yukirin.”

“Since you know that, you should take care of yourself more.” Yuki patted the younger’s head.

“I don’t have your incredible strength, mama. That’s why.”

“You’re such a spoiled kid.”

“You spoiled me so no complaint.”

At that time, the door threw open again, startling Takamina and Yuko. A girl ran into the room and stood at the doorway, panting heavily. Behind her was another girl with pale skin, shaking her head side to side. Hiding behind the standing girl were two shorter girls, who were peeking from the girl’s back.

“Ha… Ha… Ha… We… made it….” The girl said between her breaths.

“Even so, you don’t have to run, Jurina. Look what you have done. Everyone is disturbed by you.” The girl who was standing turned out to be the new captain of team E and one of the centers of SKE48, Matsui Rena. The one who was panting was the younger Matsui, Matsui Jurina. Jurina scratched the back of her head awkwardly. At the same time, Rena put a hand onto Jurina’s head and pushed the girl down to make a bow while the younger one said out loud.


“Ma ma~ it’s fine. Don’t worry.” Takamina patted the younger Matsui on her shoulder. “Besides, you’re not late at all. We’re still waiting for the last participant.”

“Lucky for us then. Next time, don’t run like that, OK Jurina?” The older Matsui glared at the puppy, which caused the other to smile apologetically.

“Gomen, Rena-chan.”

As the Wmatsui having their private conversation, Takamina discerned two figures hiding behind Rena’s back. She had never met these two girls before but they weren’t strangers to her either.

“Hey, Rena. Would you mind introducing the two cute girls behind your back to me?”

Interrupting her conversation with Jurina, Rena turned around to see who Takamina was talking about. She met the shy eyes of her two members. Giggling, she smiled to them and then pushed gently to the front.

“This is our new promoted members. The girl nearest to me was Niidoi Sayaka, new member of team S. And the girl next to her is Miyamae Ami, new member of team E.”

As Rena was doing the introduction, the two mentioned girls quickly bowed at Takamina and greeted her politely.

“Yoroshiku onegashimasu, Takahashi-san.”

“There there. No need to be too formal. We’re family, the 48 family after all. So just relax and befriend with us.” The midget general manager patted both girls on her shoulders, making them to be confused and even shier and before. At that moment, when Rena and Jurina were giggling at the scene in front of them along with Yuko, the door was opened again, in a more gentle way, revealing a newcomer.

Suddenly, the room became oddly quiet. Every movement was stopped. No sound was made. Everyone became lifeless. Every gaze only concentrated on one person. And that person was the girl, wearing a white prom dress, who seemed to just go back from a party. The girl smiled mischievously as she got everyone attention, especially the little general manager. Takamina stared at her, without realizing that her jaw was dropping on the ground.

[To be continued]

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2013, 12:20:06 PM »

PARTY PEOPLE~!  :hip smile:

Thanks for your hardwork :kneelbow:

Update sooOooooOon~ :fap :fap :fap

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2013, 01:12:00 PM »
I love Mayuki's moment. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline hikari_043083

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2013, 02:33:43 PM »
A new story from you, YAY!!! And you will be updating the vampire story, another YAY!!!

Nice couples you got there. There's OgiYuri, though I am not used to them. I'm so much used to GommaYukko instead. Anyhoo, no KumiNon? TomoTomo? I was also kinda hoping for NaoNan when the 2 SKE members hiding behind Rena were mentioned. Is there any chance that they would appear?

I think I'll stalk everyday and wait for your updates. Bye for now!

Offline Railgun96

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 05:39:32 PM »
Aww.. sweet mayuki :wub:

I bet the last person who came in is acchan? :?

Anyways, can't wait for your update on PJ48 gakuen. Love that fic.

Thanks for the update!


Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2013, 08:43:46 PM »
yey!!!!!!!! a mayuki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daisuki desu!!!!!!!

and yuko is here too, i hope there will be a oshiri sisters again too xD

acchan  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

tjank you for this fanfic :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 02:25:05 AM »
I apologize for the late reply to this fiction. :sweatdrop: I can at least tell you for a fact that I did read both of these updates when it was posted up. :cathappy: I'm glad you decided to put it up and please take your time on it! No rush and no pressure (okay, maybe a little bit pressure wouldn't hurt, LOL) on this. I'm more than happy to know that you write this fiction for me, haha. Truly an early Christmas gift from one of my few favorite authors. :deco:

Okay, so 'The Game of God' title is rather intriguing. Dark more like it, haha. And considering that it's a death game involving the higher beings and some poor humans... I wonder how that's going to go? Knowing that this is going to be 48 Group members, I wonder what's going to happen to them? :panic:

Seeing the next chapter, I read it through and found it interesting that the members are being called out for this special 'variety game show'. Having some prior knowledge about what this fiction could possibly be revolving around from the prologue, I'm extremely nervous for the girls in here. Even Yuko expressed her concern about the entire 'show' planned by Aki-P:

“Hmm… Something wrong is here… I can feel it…” Yuko mumbled to herself. No one seemed to listen to her, except for the nearest person, Yuki. Yuki was confused by what Yuko said. She didn’t understand what the older girl meant about that. However, she really trusted Aki-P. Therefore, Yuki just shrugged her worry off and didn’t concern about the show anymore.

There's really this awkward vibe hanging in the air... I can sense it despite being the reader, LOL. Hell the director, Minamoto, is fishy!

As more and more girls are gathered in the waiting room, there are a few cute instances and moments between certain pairings. Mayuyu taking a nap as Yuki comes over to comfort and greet the younger girl, Matsui Jurina dashing into the room frantically and in a rush while Rena herself clearly isn't worn out at all... Cute. :cathappy: Though I can't believe certain members who even graduated are returning back to this game show like Maeda Atsuko for example. I wonder what the cause of this variety game show held at an island could mean? (I sense Lord of the Flies for a second there, LOL)

And that girl at the end of the chapter... Who is she? Is she possibly Maeda Atsuko due to the fact that Minami dropped her jaw and stared at the girl with pure shock? Or is it someone else? Ah, the questions that will be answered properly within the next updated chapter. :panic: Cliffhanger!

Thank you very much for writing this and posting them up on here! Despite having multiple on-going fictions aside from this, you still decided to put it up. And I'm glad that you did, but do take your time on writing it! Looking forward to more of your work and patiently awaiting for them! :deco:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
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Offline River1721

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2014, 08:09:16 PM »
Your fanfics are too amazing! I really like this:twothumbs

Can't wait for more!!  :nervous

Offline nickyololol

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2014, 09:12:33 PM »
WOW!!!! :O

this fanfic is so good and interesting please update!! XD

Offline Shinoki

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2014, 11:28:08 PM »
I love you as a reader of course!!!!
This is awesome,
did I not comment before?
Well, ya...whatev...
I'm waiting... huhuhu...
Niidoi-chaaaaan~~ After graduation, the girl starts to show up in fanfics.
Nod nod...
And Miyamae~~~~
:3 even some grads...
nod nod...
I probably would've walked away from the fic if it only had the members that everyone writes in this forum.. :p
And lol...Takamina. Prob Acchan at the end.
Even if something bad happens,
well, let's just seeeeee instead of making this comment long and complex

Offline AshuraX

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2014, 09:38:56 PM »
I'm gonna say that it's not Acchan.
That'd be way too obvious.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2014, 04:53:28 AM »
The girl who cabture everyone attention is only the former Ace..Acchan

Please update soon

Offline Furumizawa

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2014, 07:15:15 PM »
Sayuki-san! Please update  :cry:
The "Game" part really catches me.  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Really looking forward to the continuation.

Offline kamen_idol212

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Re: The Game of God (Chapter 1-1 19/12/13) [Multible Pairings]
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2014, 09:09:24 PM »
hm, ma~ ma~
the new one from shinoki-san...
well, carribean resort sounds interesting..
yeah i mean, you make me remember of voodoo..
and the concept, will it like survive game, or something thriller? and the one at the end, shinoki-san you really make me cliffhanged,
so i can't wait to your next update :twothumbs

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