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Author Topic: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another (SaeYuki) vampire story [CHP 9 - 15/11/13]  (Read 29003 times)

Offline kahem

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Great little fight scene ^^
Maria and Ruka? And Yuko was the vampires' ally? Can't wait for the explanation

Offline ratata

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ruka and maria are saeyuki's role in infinite kagekidan no? or am i mistaken?
so this story took place a few decades after kagekidan then,
lol at sleno's comment,,and it ruined everything for i keep thinking on how the shapeshifters and the werewolves are buck nude after the battle

i am ruined

Offline ScarletWings

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ScarletWings reporting in.. :bleed eyes:
my God, how long was it? 3 weeks? i'm terribly sorry for the long delay :bow: :bow: :bow:
i have no more reason other than being so damn busy these days and so uninspired
i'm sorry again.. :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

@kahem: explanation coming on the next chapter, stay tuned! if i didn't take too long as i usually did.. :D

@ratata: yup, Ruka and Maria are SaeYuki's role on Kagekidan :D and now that you mentioned it, i can't not imagining what sleno said :bleed eyes:

thank you for the comments  :deco:


Chapter 6

            Takamina still didn’t know where Atsuko dragged her to, and later realized that Atsuko actually walked her to the kitchen, Atsuko then peeked from behind the door and Takamina can’t help but followed suit.

            The two girls are still standing in front of each other, eyes still gazing into each other as if engaging in staring contest and no one make any kind of movement until Yuki’s hand suddenly raised and touched Sae’s face.


            And as if stunned with an electric shock, Sae flinched slightly, eyes widened. It feels weird, like some ancient memories suddenly flooded her brain and it is currently trying to make things clearer for her. And the only things she could register are herself, and the girl in front of her in different time and place.

            It’s Ruka, and Maria.

            250 years of waiting in loneliness.

            A stake that ends everything.

            A blue rose.

            Sae suddenly flinched and grabbed her head, groaning in pain. Streams of memories flooded her brain.


            “Maria… Maria…” She called her long-lost-lover’s name as she wrapped the girl in her embrace.


            “Maria… You are my everything… Without you, I can’t say that I truly live… Even when I can’t give you an eternal life, we will still be forever—”

            “Forever together…” Maria cut her words as she’s already struggling with her teary eyes, they stayed like that looking into each others’ eyes and Ruka reached to Maria again, gave her a loving embrace and savoring the moment while it lasts.

            Just for a short sweet moment, until Ruka felt the sharp pain from the stake that penetrated her back, she gasped in pain and immediately knocked the hunters down with all her might before they fully eliminated her in front of Maria.

            As for Maria, as soon as she heard a gasp coming from Ruka, Ruka just disappeared from her eyes. Only to reappear, already sprawled on the floor half-dying.

            “Ruka!” Maria lifted Ruka’s limp body and held her close.

            “…You don’t need to worry…”

            “Ruka… What can I do now?” Maria pleaded in tears, seeing Ruka like this slowly kills her from the inside. She can’t lose her true love. Not now.
Not when her lover already wait for a painful 250 years just for her.

            “Just… Just stay by my side is enough…” Ruka cupped Maria’s face and forced a smile.

            “… I will… I will always be by your side…” Maria is now crying, her tears are overflowing she can’t even control them anymore.

            “… Thank you…” Ruka smiled as she collapsed again, Maria cried out in panic as she could see Ruka’s figure slowly fades.

            “Ruka?! Ruka!! I don’t want you to die!”

            Ruka coughed and wheezed, shaking on the floor as she feel the energy slowly leaving her body and with all her might, tried to keep her eyes opened.

            “… I am… Immortal…”

            Maria saw the blood patch on Ruka’s chest and shook her head then hugged Ruka tightly.

            “… No… No way…” Maria sobbed as she remembered what Ruka once told her, “… Once a vampire is stabbed by silver stake… They will be born again as a human…”

            Squirming in Maria’s embrace, Ruka held her Maria’s hand and smiled as tears already flowing freely from her eyes.

            “Finally… I can finally become a human… Just like you…”

            Hearing this, Maria’s heart broken and shattered into thousand pieces.

            “Ruka, bite me! Bite me one more time… This time is my turn, I will be searching for you! Searching for our love…”

            The vampire in her arms didn’t respond, Maria’s shaking lips called her name again and again but the vampire stays still, eyes closed.

            Maria wailed in misery, calling Ruka’s name for countless time.

            But Ruka has gone. She vanished, turned into dust.

            Leaving a blue rose in Maria’s hands.

            And as if her mind and soul has been sucked into a black hole, Maria’s shaking hand blindly reached for the silver stake.

            And she stabbed herself, right on the heart.

            End of Flasback

            “W-what was that?” Sae panted as she sat down on the chair, Yuki grabbed her hand.

            “Ruka… Do you remember me?” Yuki cupped Sae’s face in her hands, her eyes are pitch black and smile plastered on her already wet in tears face.

            “Maria…” Sae whispered back, she cupped Yuki’s hands and closed her eyes, savoring the long-lost warmth.

            And behind the door, Atsuko smirked. Takamina didn’t miss the view and a huge question mark popped out from her head, Atsuko turned her head to the petite girl beside her and smiled.

            “We should go and throw a welcome party for the comeback of the strongest vampire pairing.”


            “Let’s go.” Atsuko tugged on Takamina’s hand and walked to the hugging pair, who sensed the intruders and turned their attention toward the other couple.
            “Welcome back… Ruka, Maria…”

            Sae turned her head and smiled.

            “It’s now SaeYuki for you.”


            Takahashi Mansion
            Dining Room

            It’s dinner time. Or it’s supposed to be one, despite the fact there are only glasses filled with thick red liquid - and maybe a set of bento for her and the inugami - then some bowls of fruits, which Yuki think might be a fake one made from styrofoam.

            The dining room filled with few more faces Yuki has never seen before. Well, except for Sayaka and Asuka, Tomomi and the inugami, Takamina and Atsuko, and of course Sae herself. Soon, Takamina stood up from her seat in the middle of the dining table gaining everyone’s attention.

            “Everyone, I would like to introduce a new family member.”

            Takamina then nodded toward Sae, who smiled and turned her head to Yuki, holding her hand which Yuki took within seconds. Sae realized Yuki’s eyes turned back into the usual brown orbs, means the Maria inside her already goes back into her deep sleep.

            “Everyone, please welcome my mate, Kashiwagi Yuki.”

            She turned to her right to see Sae’s calm expression, unconsciously tightened her grip on Sae’s hand, the latter just simply smiled at her, mouthing “introduce yourself.” And Yuki had to muster her guts to finally open her mouth despite of being in the middle of intimidating stares.

            “Ka-Kashiwagi Yuki… desu…”

            Yuki’s voice turned out even more timid than she think it might be, the huge room turned into a complete silence until a chortle broke the tense atmosphere.

            “Hahahaha, why are you so tense, Yuki-chan?” The culprit beamed with a grin, she stands up “I am Masuda Yuka, you can call me Yuka.” She said as she beamed Yuki with a pretty smile.

            “Stop that, Takoyaki-kun,” Another girl with curly hair laughed and slapped Yuka’s arm. “Hi, I’m Umeda Ayaka, but you can call me Ume-chan.” She grinned.

            “Kasai Tomomi, but just call me chiyuu~” the girl sat across Yuka said in a cute manner, the other Tomomi that seated beside her rolled her eyes in annoyance.

            “Okay, I think that’s everyone..?” Sayaka said as she looked at the people to double-check. “Oh, some of them went hunting a few moments ago.” Asuka interrupted.

            “They could be introduced later then. So… Welcome to the family, Kashiwagi-san.” Takamina smiled and as in cue, the family showered Yuki with warm smiles and grins.

            “Th-thank you…” Yuki stuttered as she averted her gaze to meet Sae’s smiling face and felt Sae squeezes her hand softly, she felt like something tugged on her heartstring and for a reason and another, she likes it.

            And with a confident smile, she looked at everyone in the big room and lastly at Sae.

            “Thank you very much… From now on, please take care of me.”


            Rose Garden
            Takahashi Mansion

            Sae and Yuki decided to walk around the garden after the small welcoming party. Or more like Sae decided to escape the unstoppable rain of teasings from Sayaka, Ayaka and Yuka.

            After a few minutes of random walking with both of them looking toward different directions, now Sae and Yuki realized they’re sharing an awkward silence and a very tense atmosphere as Sae could see how Yuki keeps on fidgeting on the hem of her shirt and Yuki caught Sae’s uneasy expression from time to time.

            “Um…” Decided to break the sudden huge iceberg between them, Sae hummed out her frustration a little too loudly making Yuki jumped out in surprise as a result.


            “Why don’t you talk to me..? Did I do something wrong?”


            “So… Do you like the mansion?”


            “It’s too gloomy for your liking, isn’t it?”


            “… And uh—so you already know Tomochin?”


            “So you also know Buraun and Whaitto are inugami?”


            “… Can you say something other than ‘yes’ and ‘no’..?”

            “uh… Yes..?”

            And now Sae is so close to facepalm herself in front of her suddenly awkward mate. Taking a deep breath and exhaled, or rather huffed as Yuki might want to describe it, Sae decided to sit down on the sturdy wooden bench in front of the Blue Rose field and motioned the awkward girl to followed suit, which she complied.

            Another silence, but this time it’s gives them two tranquility instead of awkwardness. And Sae thought it must be cause of the Blue Roses.

            “The Blue Roses are so beautiful…”

            “Yep, of course.”

            “Who planted them?”

            “I did.”

            “Wow, really?”

            “Wow, that’s harsh.”

            “S-sorry… I don’t mean to—”

            “Ahaha~ it’s okay, I’m just kidding.” Sae laughed as she held on Yuki’s hand, they feel so soft and warm under her touch. And Sae likes the way it is.

            “… Actually I’m so confused, if I may speak honestly…” Yuki timidly speak up the piece of her mind.

            “I’m surprised you didn't bring out this topic until now though.” Sae said giving Yuki’s hand a light squeeze. Yuki raised her face to meet Sae’s smile, she could see a glint of guilty flashed from her blue eyes. Seeing this, Yuki's face frowned almost immediately. “I mean, you just know me like… two days ago? And now you’re here in the middle of nowhere, inside a vampire mansion.”

            “Well, exactly. feels like…”

            “A dream?”

            “No, not really…”

            “Then what is it?”

            “I don’t really know how to explain it, but after the vision I saw when we’re with Maeda-san, everything feels surreal…”


            “… It feels like my life is supposed to be like this instead…” Yuki said looking at Sae, the blue-eyed vampire stares deep into Yuki’s brown orb looking for any clue, but found none.

            But she could see Yuki’s eyes almost sparked in excitement though.

            And Sae thinks that’s enough.

            “Come, let me escort you back to your apartment.” Smiling, Sae stands up holding her hand in front of Yuki.

            “You’re taking me home..? Why?” Yuki thanked God she didn't let herself blurted the last word out, that'll make her sound so annoyingly clingy. Or so she thought.
            “Hmm? Do you want to live here?” Sae said with a mischievous grin, Yuki blushed.

            “U-uhh… I didn't mean it like that though…”

            “I'm totally fine if you want to move in and stay together with me here, heck I can't wait for that day to come. But you still have classes tomorrow right? This place is way too far from your school, I don’t want you to run late everyday.” Sae reasoned and Yuki just nodded. She couldn't just blurt out how she doesn't want to go home and how she wants to spend the whole day being with Sae hearing how the vampire responded to the idea of her moving in to the mansion. Heck, now she don’t even want to argue about how she suddenly become so emotionally attached to the blue-eyed vampire.

            “… I guess so…” Yuki replied with a small smile.


            Hunters’ Residence

            “Yuko-san?” Kumi called out in curiosity as their leader suddenly ordered everyone to pack their own belongings and go to sleep as soon as possible. Her slow brain refuses to think.


            “Why we’re packing now?”

            “I think I’ve made myself clear enough that we’re going to move out as soon as possible..?”

            “That I know, but why?”

            “Because Yuu-chan thinks that vampires are roaming around the city again.” Haruna replied as she tapped on Kumi’s shoulder, the werewolf girl just hummed her agreement and walked to her room she shared with Yuria to start packing. After she left, Haruna walked toward the sitting Yuko and patted her head.

            “Don’t rush, it’s a bad habit”

            “I know…”

            “I understand you’re worried about Kashiwagi-chan, but remember, if Kashiwagi-chan is really Miyazawa’s mate, we can’t do anything about that.”

            “It’s not about that I worried about…” Yuko sighed as she let her body leans closer to Haruna’s warmth.

            “Then what is it?”

            “It’s what Sayaka said to me earlier…”

            “Sayaka? What did she say?”

“And to think we used to be allies until that incident occurred and destroyed everything…”

            Yuko sighed and shook her head. Haruna frowned as she could feel the frustration pent up inside the usually loud and active girl.

            “Hey, you know I’m always ready to listen, right?”

            “I know, it’s not that I don’t trust—”

            “It’s not about trust. I trust you, you trust me, everything’s good. It’s about you. I don’t like stressed Yuu-chan…” Haruna raised hand pinching Yuko’s cheek. The latter just giggled.

            “Nyan-nyan, Itai…”

            “Come to think of it, I never really heard about why the cold shoulders between us and those vampires existed in the first place…” Haruna tapped her chin and wonders.

            “It’s a long story…” Yuko sighed again as her mind drifts into the vivid memory of the time when everything started.

            The time when Oshima Yuko experience nightmare.


And that's all for Chapter 6, more explanations coming on the next chapter!
Until next update, guys! :cow:

ScarletWings runs away reporting out~  :cathappy:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 07:59:18 AM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline CheesyBits

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 :shocked: Maria and Ruka met in their prevoius lives?!   
Stupid stabber killed Ruka which made Maria commit suicide  :angry:
Glad that they met afterlife again~  :wub:

Im curious about what happened that broke the alliance of the vampires and werewolves..  :?
Please continue the story ScarletWings-san~!  :bow:

P.S thx for following me in tumblr~

Offline fuu_kun

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uwoow~~ sae words is soooo romantic <3 love it so much!
i think it would be great if you add more funny act ^^ just like when ruka teasing maria, hehehe..
please continue~~ *need more dozen of saeyuki* thankyou

Offline saeyu

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I'm excited to know what went foul between Sayaka and Yuko. Totally digging more fighting scenes and history!

I wonder if Yuki will quit school soon or if the troubles in super natural world will find their way to normal highschool life!

And also, can Saeyuki's love sail so smoothly? Don't think

Look forward to your update! THANKS!

Offline ScarletWings

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ScarletWings (finally?) reporting in!
terribly sorry for the long wait as always :bow:
and i'm pretty sure i'm going to say this again on the next update...
i got too caught up in my own misery i can't find a good timing to write :bleed eyes:
and once again before you guys decided to throw me bricks, i'm so sorry it's so short :nervous
but i think this chapter will add some more pieces to the complete puzzle :D

and thanks for them gorgeous comments as always :deco: :wub:


Chapter 7.1


            Oshima Yuko, Shinoda Mariko and Noro Kayo run across the dark alley, they moved their feet as fast as they could with one similar objective in head.

            Defeats the ghouls while keep yourself alive.

            Yuko’s adrenaline pumped inside her small body, behind her, Mariko and Nonti are not too far away. Three of them ran out bullets and Yuko ran of energy to use her shape-shifting ability. And still being a young and green shape-shifter, Yuko couldn’t even blow an attack that powerful enough to knock down a ghoul by herself. And it’s not too long until she heard a knocking sound followed by curses.


            “Nonti! Are you okay?” Mariko stopped running and about to go back to her companion when the latter shouted

            “No, Mariko! Don’t come back!”

            “Shit! Ghouls!” Mariko cursed as she runs back toward Nonti taking her combat-knife out. “Yuko! Go to the headquarters and find help!”

            Yuko froze, the ghouls are getting closer and she knows that even if she go back to the headquarters, she would find no help there. Her hands begin to shake at the thought of losing her friends.

            “YUKO!” Mariko shouted seeing her friend petrified on her spot, but gasped later as she saw Yuko suddenly ran toward her. “Wait, what you are doing?!”

            “There’s no help on headquarters!”


            Both of them startled by the sudden yelp that coming from their friend. When they turned their heads they saw a woman assisting Nonti with one hand and terminating the ghouls with another, both of them gawked.

            “Me-Meetan..” Nonti blurted out, the woman her head and looked at Mariko and Yuko, who stunned after her eyes met the pair of blue orbs.

            “W-who’s that?” Mariko stuttered, she had never seen such strong human existed, while Yuko only gawk in her position.

            “Ohori Megumi, the vampire queen.” Nonti replied with a grin.

            “Vampire?” Mariko choked.

            “Yep, don’t worry, they’re our allies.”

            “Just be careful, Nonti. Those ghouls won’t let you off that easily in that kind of situation.” Meetan scolded Nonti who just smile sheepishly.

            “Okay girls, seems like we got to return to headquarters and stock up some bullets… Damn those ghouls’ endurance are pretty nasty.”

            “No need for that, your base camp got raided.” Meetan stated nonchalantly, everyone turned their head shooting Meetan with surprised expressions.

            “Jesus— MAJI?!” Nonti screamed, Meetan nodded with a solemn expression.

            “The moment me and my minions arrived, almost the entire place got raided. Including the police office, hospital, malls, pet-shop, barbers and salons… And of course your headquarters.”

            “Fuck, they ruined the whole city!” Nonti pulled her own hair, Mariko and Yuko just stand there dumbfounded.

            “Not only ruined it, the ghouls killed everyone… So there’s no point to go back to your headquarters now.” Meetan added. And as soon as Meetan finished her little speech, another two figures suddenly appeared, smashing ghouls with their punches and kicks.

            Mariko’s eyes widened.

            “MINAMI!” She called, but it seems that the small figure didn’t hear her and instead, the slightly taller one stares at her. The girl Mariko referred as Minami

            “Minami! What are you doing?!” Mariko shouted again and this time the girl standing near Minami leapt toward Mariko, blowing a punch which Mariko failed to dodge sending her flying a few feet away from her position and slammed against the trash bins.

            “WHAT THE HELL?!” Yuko let out a startled yelp and she instinctively took out her combat knife, already in her fighting stance. The girl is about to blow an attack to Yuko too before Meetan suddenly appeared between them, her face stern.

            “Atsuko!” Meetan called and her hands are both gripping tight on Atsuko’s fists. Atsuko let out an annoyed growl and huffed her way back to Minami, while Yuko hurriedly went to Mariko to assist her.

            “Damn… You! What was that for?!” Mariko yelled, Atsuko turned her head and narrowed her eyes hostilely toward Mariko.

            “No one allowed calling Minami with Minami, except me.”

            “w-what the… Wait! Minami! What are you doing with them?! Where’s Sae-chan?!” Mariko yelled again and finally Minami turned her head to face everyone, but the moment Mariko saw Minami’s electric blue eyes, she froze on the spot.

            “Mi-Minami… Your eyes…” Mariko whispered but loud enough for Minami to hear it, the petite girl turned her gaze away escaping Mariko’s gaze. Yuko then helped the tall girl standing up and she walked toward Minami, eyes never leaving the small figure. Atsuko, though alarmed, stayed silent.

            “Minami…” Mariko grabbed Minami’s shoulders trying to make the small girl to look at her, Minami bit her lip and trying to resist but Mariko’s persistent grip beat her resistance into pulps. Minami turned her face to Mariko, and the moment their eyes met, Mariko could feel her heart missed a beat or two as her brain processing the whole information.

            Minami’s eyes turned into blue.

            The same color as those vampires.

            Minami is now a vampire.

            “No, Minami, tell me this is a joke…” Mariko whispered with a shaky voice, Minami just lowered her head avoiding Mariko’s gaze and that enraged Mariko even more.

            “MINAMI!!” Mariko’s hands on Minami’s shoulder tightening and Minami winced, Atsuko is about to jump on Mariko and beat her senselessly before Meetan stepped in front of her.

            “Don’t.” Meetan said sternly, Atsuko just huffed and took a step back. Meetan then walked toward Mariko and the moment Mariko sensed Meetan’s presence, she turned her head and looked at Meetan in anger.

            “You better give me a very good explanation about this…”

            “I’m sorry, but I just had to—” before Meetan could finish her words, Mariko’s hand flew across Meetan’s cheek slapped the skin hard.

            “You have to? WHY IN THE WORLD YOU HAVE TO TURN HER INTO A FUCKING VAMPIRE?!” Mariko snapped, her hands gripped tight on Meetan's collar. Can’t bear to stay quiet any longer, Atsuko lunged forward and again, blow a punch toward Mariko’s face, successfully sending her flying a few feet away before slammed down for the second time that day into the bags of trash.

            “Mariko!” Yuuko ran to aid her fallen friend, her gaze shot toward the vampire who’s growling in annoyance.

            “Atsuko, stay back!” Meetan scolded Atsuko, who responded with a ‘tch’ then walked toward Minami.

            “Mariko, right? Please listen to my explanation first! I have to turn Minami into a vampire because she’s... she's dying that time!”

            Spitting blood, Mariko barked “And why would she dying?!”


            “TELL ME!”

            “I sucked on her blood. Too much, until she is in the verge of death.” Atsuko replied with a blank expression, Mariko’s eye twitched at the tone Atsuko’s using, it’s way too casual for her as if she didn’t even feel sorry for what she did.

            “You—you MONSTER!” Mariko screamed in frustration and lunged forward to attack, Yuuko failed to stop her as Mariko’s sudden movement caught her off guard knocking her to the ground, Nonti can’t even process the whole scene fast enough as she just stood there like a statue with mouth agape.

            “SHE’S ALL I HAVE! I LOVE HER LIKE MY OWN SISTER, HOW COULD YOU!” Mariko yelled as she jumped toward Atsuko, who dodged just in time before Mariko’s fist greeted her face, Atsuko pulled Minami’s arm and yanked her away from her “battlefield” to Meetan who caught her before she kissed the ground. Mariko took the chance to charge toward Atsuko again, not ready for the assault Atsuko is, got her face kissed by Mariko’s fist.

            Blinded by the sudden hatred, Mariko took out her stake from the inside of her robe, the shiny silver stake she uses to hunt down the ghouls. And the vampire in front of her didn’t have much difference with those ghouls she meets every passing day, she hates them very much.

            All of them asked for a killing.

            And so this vampire girl, who almost killed Minami and make her turned into one of a vampire now.

            It happened so fast, too fast for normal eyes like Yuuko’s, or Nonti’s, or even Mariko’s to see. All Mariko could comprehend well enough is the fact that the stake she’s holding right now is stabbing toward a figure’s chest.


            And with a grunt, Meetan collapsed to the ground taking Mariko with her. Nonti snapped back into her senses and ran toward the fallen queen. Yuuko and Minami just stand there, frozen and unsure about the whole scene played in front of their eyes, Atsuko being fully alarmed about the whole situation quickly shoved Mariko away and hold Meetan in her arms.


            “… Acchan…” Meetan let out a weak laugh despite the tears that rolls down from her slowly unfocused blue eyes, her hand shakily reached out to cup on Atsuko’s face.

            “No… Meetan, no!” Atsuko wailed, Mariko just sit there with the stake in her hand, frozen and unable to let out any sound. Meetan turned her pale face to Mariko and let out a weak whisper, but loud enough for Mariko’s ears to hear it.

            “I’m very sorry… For everything…”

            And Meetan’s body turned rigid and then slowly dissolved into dust, the wind swirled around taking her entire existence away from Atsuko’s hands. Atsuko stared at the floating dusts and Minami took the cue to calm the vampire before she goes on rampage, Minami hugged Atsuko expecting the latter to push her away, but instead, Atsuko’s body start to tremble.

            “MEETAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!” Atsuko screamed her lungs out and cried loudly as her hands clawing wildly at the dusts trying to gather them back, Minami tightens the hug trying to provide the broken girl as much support as she could.

            The loud scream and cries echoed in the silent city, into the ears of a few vampires that still scattered around the town hunting ghouls. In instant, they followed their instinct and rushed into the source of wails.

            Sayaka was the first to walked into the scene, followed by Tomo and a few more of their companies. As soon as she arrived, her vision greeted with Atsuko who let out a heart-crushing wails while clawing desperately on the ground as wind swirled the dust away. The vampires’ brains immediately made a conclusion that someone killed their queen and their eyes angrily search around for any clue. Then Sayaka’s eyes spotted the silver stake on Mariko’s hand and her eyes twitched, jaw clenched.

            “… You… Why you did this?!” She roared, finger pointing. Her fellow vampire companions immediately directed their gaze toward Mariko.

            “W-wait! It’s an accident! I can explain—AAAAARGH!!!” Nonti couldn’t finish her sentence as Tomo suddenly appeared in front of her and sent her a painful punch on her stomach. Nonti flew away and slammed against the pile of trashes behind them, Mariko and Yuuko, as shocked as they were, frozen on their spot.

            “Tomo!” Sayaka bellowed, Tomo just huffed and flashed back into her spot behind Sayaka.

            Atsuko then stood up. Minami, sensing the sudden darkening atmosphere, immediately held onto Atsuko, pleading for the vampire’s attention.

            “Please, it’s an accident! We shouldn’t let this turned into a full-scale war!”

            Ignoring the petite newborn’s plea, Atsuko flashed in a godly speed and punched Mariko for the third time that day right on her face, sending her flying toward Yuuko, who shape-shifted into a huge bear and caught her just in time. Seeing Yuko's shape-shifting ability, Sayaka immediately took her as a threat and instinctively lunged for Yuuko. And Yuuko, seeing her friends got hit for something she don’t understand plus the dangerous situation they found themselves into confuses her to the limit of her tolerance, her unfocused eyes caught Sayaka's closing figure and adrenaline start pumping inside her veins.

            And before she know it, she already shape-shifted into a huge dragon and start spitting fire everywhere, burning everything around them then took Nonti and Mariko to escape. The shocked vampires quickly scattered around to dodge the deadly fire, includes Atsuko who pulled Minami just in time before the flame engulfed everything around them. Finally calmed down, the vampires gathered near Atsuko and Minami.

            “Minna, we’re heading back for now… And starting from this moment, they are our enemies.” Atsuko said with finality, the vampires’ gazes followed her finger that pointing toward the fleeing dragon.


There! the starting point of Vampire vs. Hunter history
i hope it clears up some fogs that covering the story, lol *runs*

until next update, guys :deco:

ScarletWings reporting out! :cathappy:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 08:25:16 PM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline vPANDAv

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yay an update!!

noo meetan died  :cry:

omg yuko's a dragon?! super awesome  :cathappy:

can't wait for more!!

Offline ratata

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yuko is a dragon? A DRAGON? she can shifts into two creatures?
bloody hell!

Offline fuu_kun

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  • kyun~kyun~~
iwaw xd keep going this! soo interesting XDb more saeyuki pwease :grin:

Offline qweakb

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this is interesting story!!  :fap  :thumbsup
 please update soon  :bow:
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline cisda83

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Wah... full scale war is coming along....

I don't think I can blame Mariko for being angry as she said she loves Minami lots as her sister.... her only one...

Also Atsuko doesn't seem to be remorse over what she did to Minami... Leading Minami to be turned into a vampire.

Well there is even a dragon shifter... Cool

The story is getting more and more interesting. Thank you

Can't wait to see the next

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Offline ScarletWings

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ScarletWings reporting in! :cathappy:
finally another chapter done~ though it took more than a month, i'm sorry
i'm on a short break after exam and although my thesis proposal is done, it still waiting to get revised  :bleed eyes:
and since i'm in the mood for typing, i ended up finishing the whole chapter :cow:
this one shall let you readers explores deeper about the my two OCs "Buraun" and "Whaitto"
yes, Tomochin's "pets" :D
everything shall become the dots that connects to each other in the future!
.... so i do hope you guys still read it although there's no SaeYuki here... :sweatdrop:

and without further ado, i present you chapter 7.2! :deco:


Chapter 7.2


            Sayaka called as she sat down beside the quiet girl, a lot happened in these days. it’s been a week since they went hunting with Takamina, and encountered Miyazawa Sae, Takamina's friend, who happened to be Ruka's successor. And they ended up came back bringing another person to be added to the family list much to Meetan's delight; A few days since their encounter with ghouls and the Hunters that got Meetan killed, and Atsuko has been sitting still on her spot refusing to move or do anything ever since. Well, she still exchanges a few words with Takamina and few family members while sitting there. And after that, Atsuko just stayed on her spot like that.

            Atsuko only turned her gaze for a while to Sayaka and sighed, a rare occasion, Sayaka thought. So she just sit there with Atsuko.

            “… I miss Meetan…” Atsuko mumbled, Sayaka although startled, smiled bitterly and replied.

            “Me too…”

            “I hate those hunters.”

            “… Acchan—”

            “I’m going somewhere. Don’t tell anything to Takamina.”

            “Wait, where are you going?” Alarmed, Sayaka stood up and walked closer to Atsuko.

            “Giving someone a good payback.” Atsuko said, and Sayaka felt her heart missed a beat.

            “W-what are you going to—” before Sayaka could ask what the girl’s going to do, she already jumped down the mansion and gone in a flash.

            “Damn it!—Tomochin! Tomochin!!” Sayaka called in panic, Tomo appeared not too long after Sayaka’s desperate calls reached her ears.

            “What is it?”

            “Tell everyone but Takamina to spread around the city and find Acchan!”

            “Acchan? What’s wrong with her?”

            “She told me something about a payback, I’m afraid she’s going rampage somewhere—”

            “Crap… Acchan must be pursuing on those humans…”


            “That woman killed Meetan, Sayaka. And I don’t think it’s fair for us, I’m going with Acchan.”

            “What?! Wait—Tomochin!” Sayaka’s words failed her again as Tomochin also left her in such speed. “… Damn… I need to stop them!” Sayaka gritted her teeth as she run with all her might to chase the two young and hot-headed vampires.


            Tomo arrived at the city. Her fur boots were making crunching sounds whenever her feet stepping along the snow-covered street as she walks alone, the dead city were… well, dead. It’s awfully quiet after the ghouls raided the city last week. No sign of life inside the city after the massive ambush since the rest of the so-called ghoul hunters whom still alive, managed to kill Meetan and escaped. The thought of Meetan's death irked Tomo so much she kicked a random stone with all her might sending it flying so far away.

            The road still as dead as ever, no sign of anything. But she’s pretty sure Acchan went here, or so her instinct told her.

            “Things are getting worse, eh…” Tomo said to no one as she puffed her breath into the cold air, her feet still walks aimlessly as the inside of her head stirred a whole lot of mixed emotions.

            Tomo is still mourning over Meetan’s unpredictable death.

            Turning to the right on a crossroad, her ears caught a whining voice of an animal, turning her head to the source of noise, she found a cardboard then she opened the lid to take a look inside. Only to find two shiba puppies crying for help, their small bodies shaking from the cold air.

            “Oh my, you poor things… How in the world those ghouls still haven’t found out about you guys yet?” Tomo chuckled by herself, suddenly finding her own thought amusing. The brown puppy let out a bark, its legs reached up trying to jump out over the cardboard but only managed to rests its paws on the corner of the cardboard, while the white puppy tries to follow but since its size’s way smaller than the brown one, it ended up sliding all the way to the bottom.

            “Hehe~ kawaii…” Tomo squatted down and reached for the two puppies then swiped them off their feet, carrying them out the cardboard then put them down to the snowy road. The brown puppy barked happily and started running around with the white puppy chasing its tail behind, then the brown puppy suddenly turns around accidentally collided their bodies together knocking the smaller puppy down and stomped on the white puppy’s body made it let out a squeak then left it behind rushing back to Tomo. Tomo laughed at the sight and soon the stomped and left out white puppy runs back and sit down near Tomo’s boots and starts poking it with its paw.

            “Hello, kid…” Tomo squatted down again and her hand cupped the puppy’s head, then stroking down to its body patting the white fur. Feeling the small fur-ball snuggled back against her palm, Tomo raised her eyebrows in amusement.

            “Don’t you feel cold from my touch?”

            The white puppy only wags its tail and starts licking Tomo’s fingers.

            “Ah, that tickles…” Tomo giggled.

            The peaceful atmosphere, however, stays only for a few moments before the resonating sounds of the crying ghouls start to come out of nowhere startling Tomo and the puppies, which immediately runs behind Tomo’s feet. Some ghouls then appeared beside Tomo from inside of a house by breaking the window to come out, Tomo instinctively scooped the puppies then jumped high to the rooftop, only to find groups of ghouls already there awaiting her presence.

            “Damn…” Tomo hissed as she jumps from rooftop to rooftop, escaping the increasing numbers of ghouls. Didn't expect herself to gain popularity so suddenly and got chased over almost a hundred of ghouls behind her, Tomo decided to enter the forest and climbed to a tall and sturdy tree to hide, slowly catching her breath and observing the situation. She put the puppies on the branch near her feet and the white puppy almost immediately poking at her foot again.

            “What is it kid?” Tomo asked between panting, she saw the puppy stretched its neck showing its collar with a small shiny ring attached to it. Tomo squatted down and picked up the puppy, observing the ring.

            “What is this…?” Tomo wondered as her eyes keeps on observing the shiny, well-polished, and high-quality looking ring. Tomo turned her head and watched the puppy stares intently at her with such a gaze as if telling her something.

            “You want Tomo to wear this?” Tomo asked to the puppy on her hands, the brown one that sitting on the branch starts barking excitedly and chasing its own tail. Tomo furrowed her eyebrows and touched the ring.

            “How am I supposed to wear it when I can’t take it off of—” Tomo’s words failed her as the ring immediately separates from the collar the moment she tugged at it with less than half of a little effort, leaving her speechless.

            “… Wha—how in the—ehh??” Tomo put down the white puppy and raised her eyebrows in amusement, the puppies sits down neatly all of a sudden and stares at her.

            “So… Tomo has to wear this? Now?” She asked the puppies and finds it funny why she’s now chatting with puppies instead of escaping the ghouls. The brown puppy barked again and sticks out its tongue wagging its tail happily while the white puppy just sit there and keeps on staring at her.

            “Okay, wearing a pretty ring won’t hurt, right?” Tomo said nonchalantly as she slipped the ring into her ring-finger and all of a sudden, the puppies shape-shifted into humans. Tomo let out a surprised “kyaa!” and almost fell down before she felt arms encircled around her, blocking her fall.

            “Wh—what the… Who are you guys?!” Tomo shrieked in panic and pushed the one hugging her waist away. Her eyes scanned the two new figures in front of her, one in white-dominated outfit and another one in brown-dominated outfit, a set of colors that pretty much an opposite against each other, although their hairstyle are both boyish short.

            “Hi, thanks for unlocking one of our seals~” the taller one in brown chirped, in a tone too high for a guy, so Tomo immediately registered the voice as a girl.

            “The ring on your finger, it’s a key to unlock one of our curse, the shape-shifting seal. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to allow us to be turned back into this form once again.” The white one also talked, and it hits Tomo that both of them are girls.

            “What are you two talking about? The hell do you want?”

            “Just want to show you our gratitude by fighting alongside you. No more, no less. By the way, the name is Buraun” the brown haired girl grinned, fixing her glasses.

            “And I am Whaitto. Since you now wear the ring that was connected with my collar, you’ve made a contract with me, therefore, I would like to call you ‘Master Tomo’.”

            “… You’ve got to be kidding me… Contract? What the hell?” Tomo blurted out with shock painted all over her face, about to explain the whole thing, Buraun suddenly squatted down instead and looked all focused.

            “They are coming~” she said with a grin. And just a few seconds after the announcement has been made, the ghouls starting to appear, surrounding the tree where they are standing.

            “Crap, I totally forgot about those gho—”

            “Okay, how about this…” Whaitto cut Tomo’s words and stares deep into her eyes, “Let us handle those ghouls for you, Master. And after that, I hope you could trust us?” Tomo stares back into Whaitto’s unblinking eyes, there’s not even a slight dot of uncertainty on her eyes, and Tomo smiled.

            “… Fine, do as you wish… But if you two got killed or something, I won’t buy this ‘contract’ bullshit and I’m going home.” Tomo said flicking her hair as she settled down sitting on a comfortable branch not too far from the two.

            “Deal.” Whaitto replied with a charming smile and Buraun chuckled with an amused expression, she then hopped down the branches and Whaitto was about to follow her partner before turning her head back toward Tomo’s direction to say

            “Just sit down and watch, Master. We’ll take care of the rest for you.”


            “Well, well~ what do we have here, brother?  Bunches of ghoul scums…” Buraun said cracking her knuckles and start doing some stretching, Whaitto who just landed from the tree start to observe the situation. They’ve been surrounded by almost a hundred of ghouls from every direction, standing with her back facing Buraun, the latter understand the code and immediately settled herself back-to-back against Whaitto.

            “So… You got a plan?”

            “… Of course I don’t…”



            Tomo has been observing the battle from the tall branch with her legs and arms crossed, chin resting on her palm, lips shaped into a content smile. It has been fifteen minutes and her new “pets” already slaughtered almost half of the crowd, showing her a very good display of hand-combat skills. Buraun with her brute strength and accurate attacks paired with Whaitto’s sharp and fast movement, with each other’s contrasting abilities, Tomo noted that these two are a pretty good combination despite of fighting without any strategy. But hell, who needs strategy to defeat stupid ghouls?
Returning into their position, the two inugami shot glares to the remaining ghouls. Some already escaped leaving a few still growling with fright and anger.

            Satisfied, Tomo clapped her hands and start giggling from the tree branch she’s sitting at, capturing the rest of the frightened ghouls’ attention.

            “Not bad, you guys are pretty strong. That’s a fascinating fighting skill you’ve presented me with.” Tomo said between giggles, Whaitto’s head immediately lifted and her face beamed a happy smile like a puppy that just got praises from its master. However, the happy smile turned into sour face as one of the ghoul starts howling loudly.

            “Oh, calling for help now, huh?” Buraun huffed in annoyance, Whaitto was about to attack the ghoul before a shadow and gust of wind beat her on it. Apparently, Tomo had jumped down the tree and with her inhuman speed, already dashed in front of the howling ghoul and punched its face brutally until its skull cracked and in a poof, it turned into ugly grey shade of dust.

            “You’re making such ugly sounds. Uruseeyo.” Tomo spat out her annoyance as she flicked her hair. Both of Buraun and Whaitto just stand there with a dumb face topped with ‘o’ shaped mouth.

            The shocked ghouls, however, starts lunging toward Tomo and as if on cue, both of Tomo’s new “pets” immediately sprinted toward them. Whaitto sent punches to the ghoul’s stomach then squeezed its head with her leg trapping it behind her knee and did a somersault while twisting it, breaking its skull and neck. Buraun kicked another ghoul’s leg earning a painful crack then stomped on its calf breaking the bones while gripping tight on the ghoul’s head tearing its head apart from the body with a strong pull. About ten ghouls left and both Buraun and Whaitto suddenly shape-shifted into huge dogs and tear the rest of the ghouls into pieces with their sharp claws and fangs. Amused, Tomo lifted an eyebrow as the huge dogs returned into human form.

            Two remained ghouls tried to reach Tomo from both sides but before they could even touch her hair, Tomo already elbowed one ghoul’s chin on her right, and karate-chopped another one’s neck on the left sending heads flying into random directions and they turned into dust.

            “And that makes the last ghouls for today.” Tomo pats her dusty hands and walked away.

            “She’s strong!” Buraun laughed, Whaitto just smiled to Tomo who turns around from the pile of dusts and walked toward their direction.

            “And stunningly beautiful…” Whaitto muttered dreamily.

            Tomo stopped a few steps in front of Whaitto, turned her head toward her new “pets” and take a good look of them for a moment before grinning widely, her cute fang peeked out from her lips. Whaitto feel her heart beating a little too fast than usual.

            “Nice battle, kids. I’m not going to doubt your skills now… Anyway, as you might have known, my name is Tomomi, Itano Tomomi. Feel free to call me… With anything stylish.”

            “Yes, Master.” Whaitto grinned and Buraun just laughed.

            “Good to see you got a master!”

            Tomo was about to ask what Buraun means, but then she saw another shiny ring attached on her collar and she immediately got it, so she decided to ask another question.

            “Anyway, why is that both of you got unlocked together although I only wear Whaitto’s ring?” Tomo asked while eyeing Buraun with a raised eyebrow.

            “Well, to make long story short, we’re actually inugami. The sealed ones to be specific…” Buraun started and looked at Whaitto.

            “… Because we made a lot of troubles to our kind, our inugami master decided to lock us into puppy form and used these two rings attached on our collar to seal our abilities.”

            “One of them is the shape-shifting ability which could turn us into the human form like right now, and the inugami form, the huge dog you saw earlier.” Buraun added with a smile.

            “And the other one, is elements manipulation ability.” Whaitto finished and Tomo looked at her incredulously.

            “We’re sent here and were gave objectives to find new masters in order to behave ourselves and learn how to serve. Hence the rings attached on our collars are the proof of the ‘contract’…” Buraun added again.

            “So, you’re telling me that you’re going to ‘follow-and-serve’ whoever wearing these rings? Even bad guys?” Tomo lifted an eyebrow.

            “Yes, Master.”

            “You guys are nuts…”

            “Well…” Buraun scratched her neck awkwardly.

            “So, what’ll happen when someone made contract with Buraun’s ring?” Tomo asked again, her curiosity is getting bigger.

            “Just like how Tomo-san made contract with Whaitto, that person will become my master, and in addition she or he will let us unleash our other ability, the element manipulation. One person, one ring, one ability.” Buraun grinned and Tomo just hummed her response while Whaitto just nodded, her eyes gleaming with adoration and she unconsciously ogles over her new master.
            Tomo crossed her arms and glanced over the two inugami in front of her, and then she smiled.

            ‘Didn’t sound like a bad idea though, I just have to make sure Buraun’s master isn’t one of those hunters and everything’s good…’ Tomo thought to herself and then she turned her head to Whaitto.

            “Not a problem, you guys are strong, and I like strong companions. I’ll accept this ‘contract’ as your master then.” Tomo’s eyes staring straight on Whaitto, then Tomo gave her genuine smile to the inugami whose heart feels like it skipped a beat or two.

            “Yoroshiku ne…”

            “A-at your service, Master.” Whaitto bowed awkwardly, Tomo laughed and patted her head as she covered her mouth preventing louder chuckles to escape her lips.

            “No need for that bullshit, let’s go home. I can’t wait to tell everyone about this.” Tomo said in a cheery tone as she turned her heels and walked away humming a random song as the two inugami stares at each other.

            “Time to ‘go home’, I guess? Heh~ not bad, at least we don’t need to stay inside a cardboard again.” Buraun chirped and shape-shifted into a brown puppy, Whaitto nodded with excitement and followed suit, turning into white puppy and runs toward her newly-found master with Buraun following her from behind.

            ‘This find-a-new-master quest is really not bad at all’ Whaitto thought.


and that's how Tomochin meet the inugami brosis  :deco:
more puzzle pieces to come! stay tuned guys  :cow:

and for now, ScarletWings reporting out~  :cathappy:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 08:45:39 PM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline qweakb

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finally, you had update :)

thanks for the updating :)
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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You're awesome!
Can't wait for the rest. :otomerika:

I wanna see how the rest of Sae and Yuki's relationship unfolds. :wub:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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saeyuki always adorable looking for the next update soon!

Offline ratata

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it's been a while since i came to jphip and when i did you update lol :cow:

there's nothing much happened in this chap so i can't comment on anything
though i really felt your love towards tomomi here~

good job ~

Offline ScarletWings

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Long time no updates see, minna! finally ScarletWings reporting in! :cathappy:
I'm glad if you're reading this, at least you're still interested in my story, lol
okay, first i would like to apologize for suddenly disappearing and such..
i was dead busy with my last year thesis and work... therefore, i has no time to even take a peek on what's going on here :nervous
but it's all done and i got a few days free so i decided to update, at least a little bit progressing from the last chapter  :cow:

so~ without further ado, i present you chapter 8! :D


Chapter 8

            Oshima (new) Residence

            Yuuko slumped on the sofa, heaved a sigh as she let her body relaxes on the soft cushion. Haruna plopped down beside her, hand brushed Yuuko’s messy bangs.
            “Otsukare~” she chirped, Yuuko just smiled. Taking a good look around her surroundings, the scent of fresh paint mixed with forest’s natural air made an awful combination, Yuuko coughed and frowned.
            “Why the long face? Look at the bright side, the scenery’s beautiful and the house is big enough for everyone.” Haruna smiled and ruffled Yuuko’s hair, messing it again.

            “I just hate the scent of freshly-painted house…”

            “Well, you’ll get used to it sooner or la—”


            The sudden noise made the two jumped from the sofa, Yuuko immediately ran toward the front door where the noise came from to find a girl sprawled on the ground with blood and bruises all over her body.


            Yuuko immediately dashed toward the broken wooden fences where Kumi crashed down to, she carefully lifted the unconscious wounded girl and ran toward the front door, but another loud crash noise caught Yuuko’s attention.

            “JURINA!” Haruna gasped in horror as another figure following Kumi crashing down to the already broken wooden fences.

            “Well, well… Look at what I found here, a nest of hunters-chiyu!” A girl in long, wavy hair chirped. Her partner only grin, her face filled with amusement.

            “And to think it’s weird already to have werewolves inside our hunting territory, we found their home!”

            “Should we head back and report this to Takamina-chiyu?”

            “No.” The other girl immediately responded, turning her head toward Yuuko then grinning widely showing her sharp fangs. “Let’s see what those hunters are up to…”

            “But, Miichan I thought we were told to immediately report to Takamina if we find something-chiyu…”

            “Don’t be such a party-pooper, Chiyu…” The girl called Miichan pouted then ditched her partner, dashing toward the house of Hunters.

            “Miichan! Wait for Chiyuu!”


            “Shit, unwelcomed guests are coming!” Yuuko immediately handed Kumi to Haruna and whispered “Nyannyan! Tell the kids to stay inside okay? Don’t let them out or these people will figured out about our identity!” and then ran toward another unconscious werewolf girl, but her journey has been cut halfway through when a sudden figure flashed in front of her, completely blocking her view.

            “Who are you? what do you want?” surprised, Yuuko blurted out her questions then frowned as she caught a glimpse of scarlet-red from the girl’s eyes.

            ‘A vampire… and she’s half-blood…’ She mentally slapped her imaginary forehead as she realized that she just managed to move her family to a new house in the middle of vampires’ territory.

            “I want you to…” the vampire whispered and suddenly Yuuko’s instinct feel something’s coming fast on her right side, immediately blocking it with her hand, she realized it’s a fist. The vampire’s fist.

            “Wow, nice reflex” the vampire giggled, Yuuko pushed the offending fist away and the vampire stepped back.

            “Go away, we don’t need to start a commotion here and now because you’re going to regret it, you hear me?”

            “Pfft… What a joke, you and your hunter gang are the one crossed the line here…” The vampire spat, Yuuko glared at the annoying vampire.

            “Miichan, what should we do with this knocked-out wolf-girl, chiyuu?” Another voice joined the conversation

            “Jurina!” realizing her teammate is in danger, Yuuko lunged forward, but the vampire quickly interfered.

            “Not that fast, missy!” The vampire grabbed Yuuko’s shirt collar and threw her back sending her flying back toward the house crashed against the window, then flashed toward her friend who was staring at Jurina.

            “Seems like this kid’s someone or something important, let’s bring her back to the mansion and let Takamina handle her.”


            “No! Jurina!!” Yuuko shouted as she runs out the house toward the messed front yard.

            Miichan smirked at Yuuko, then the vampires lifted Jurina’s limp body and flashed away before Yuuko could reach them.



            Oshima Residence - Haruna’s Lab

            The lab filled with uncomfortable silence, although everyone looked busy with their own task, each and everyone of the girls seem to have something burdening their minds. Haruna, Rena and Churi are working with Mayuyu’s arms while Airi and Yuria seemed to be busy with some chemicals liquids and ammunition shells on their desks.

            “… ano, Haruna-san?”

            “… Yes, Rena-chan?”

            “It has been three days since Jurina got kidnapped by those vampires…” Rena hesitated for a while before continuing “Is there… Is there nothing we could do…?”

            “…………” Haruna sighed and resumed her task on Mayuyu’s right arm until Churi suddenly stands up, palms clutching tight on her lab coat.

            “We—we’ve been searching and found those vampires’ not-so-hidden hideout, Haruna-san! All we have to do is a plan to take Jurina back, God knows what they’ve been doing to Jurina in these three days!” Churi cried out and Rena had to stop her task to help her friend calm down before she went hysteric.

            “… But Yuu-chan said—”

            “Haruna-san, I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but I don’t think Yuuko-san got any plan to save Juri—”

            “Yuu-chan said we’re going tonight.”

            “… Pardon me?” Rena widened her eyes as the announcement is too surprising for her.

            “That’s why we’re here, girls… working on Mayuyu, we’re doing this for Jurina.” Haruna said as her eyes still fixated on Mayuyu, who just stares back at her creator.


            “So… Let’s just calm down and do more work with less stress-talking, okay? We got to get Mayuyu ready for tonight.” Haruna patted Churi’s shoulder and forced a smile, but the latter is still frowning.

            “Churi-chan, I know you are worried, we are all worried too, okay? So let’s focus and work harder so we won’t ruin tonight’s plan.”

            “I-I got it… Haruna-san…” Churi lowered her head and weak sobs could be heard inside the quiet room.

            “She-she is like my little sis-sister… We are always together! I can’t even imagine losing her to anything!” Churi’s sobs get louder and her legs wobbled, slowly losing its strength and she slid down the floor crying.

            “Churi-chan…” Haruna reached for Churi and hugged the crying girl. Rena could only look at her friend helplessly while patting Churi’s back hoping it would ease her pain.


            Takahashi Mansion

            “… So, you’re refusing to eat… again?” Buraun mumbled putting down the food tray on the table and fixed her glasses as she walks toward Jurina who is sitting on the bed, crossing her arms and shooting glares toward the brown haired inugami.

            “…………” Sensing the intense foul mood from the werewolf, Buraun sighed and opened the small rack under the lamppost, took a small can of gums and put it into her pocket, Jurina eyeing her every movement and mumbled weakly but loud enough to catch Buraun’s attention.

            “What is this place?”

            Buraun lifted a glass filled with water and emptied the content in huge gulps. Putting the glass back, Buraun only give Jurina a smirk and walked toward the door.

            “Hey! You’re not answering me—”

            “I’ve told you before, this is MY room. And which part of it that you do not understand, werewolf-san?”

            “That’s not what I wanted to know!”

            “Well, and I thought werewolves are smart.” Buraun snorted and opened the door, Jurina growled and as soon as she tried to stand up and tackle the annoying inugami then give her a good punching or two, she flinched and falls down the bed, squeezing her eyelids close while clutching her right torso where the bandage with patches of her blood could be seen, Buraun sighed again.

            “Jurina-chan… please stop hurting yourself…” A gentle voice rang on Jurina’s ears. She fluttered her eyes open to see a familiar figure peeked from behind Buraun’s outstretched arm.

            “Buraun, please move away… I’m going to change her bandage now since it’s soaked with her blood, again…” Yuki said with worries painted all over her face, Buraun lifted an eyebrow and looked at the werewolf whom now curling on bed in pain.

            “Well well, aren’t you just the kindest-est, Kashiwagi-sama.” Buraun smiled and let go of the door she’s been holding for a while and let Yuki walks into the room and toward Jurina.

            “Jurina-chan… I’m here to change your—”

            “Diaper.” Buraun suddenly cuts Yuki’s words then snorted in amusement, Jurina glared and Yuki shot her a frown. Buraun immediately stopped laughing and muttered a ‘sorry’ before closing the door and plopped down the nearest chair making herself comfortable.

            “You should stop moving around so much, Jurina-chan… Your wound is opening again.”

            “Kashiwagi-san, I’m grateful for your kindness, I do. But why am I being kept here? Hell, I don’t even—itai!

            “Language. And stop that! You’re just pressuring yourself too much again!” Yuki scolded and Jurina sulked with a whimper, Buraun swear she could see the puppy ears on Jurina’s head curled down, she rolled her eyes and decided to read a neglected manga on the table to entertain herself.

            “Buraun, please give me a hand to lift Jurina-chan so I can change her bandage…”

            “Hm~” Buraun responded lazily and walked toward Jurina and flung her left arm on her shoulder then suddenly lifted her up.

            “Ita-itai!!” Jurina yelped and Yuki instinctively smacked Buraun’s forehead.

            “Gently! Lift her gently! Mou…

            “Whoops~ Gomen ne~” Buraun said with a sing-song tone and gently lifted Jurina again to sit down. It took a while for Yuki to be able to completely change Jurina’s bandage since she was flinching every time she feels Yuki touching her wound earning complaints from Buraun since Jurina’s left hand is gripping and pulling a little too tight on Buraun’s leash.

            “Okay, we’re done!” Yuki beamed and Jurina finally let out the air she’s been holding for a while with a loud sigh, Buraun let out a giggle as she put Jurina back on the bed gently.

            “Now rest well, Jurina-chan…”

            “… Thank you, Kashiwagi-san…”

            “Don’t mention it.” Yuki smiled and walked out the room with Buraun tailing behind her, closing the door and locking it after giving Jurina a look. Jurina sighed again.

            “How I could escape from this place… Churi, Yuuko-san and everyone must be worried…”


            Dining Room

            “Oh, it’s Yuki-chan” Takamina announced, the whole eyes immediately directed toward the figure walking on the grand-stairs. Not used being center of attention, Yuki hesitated a bit before continues walking down the stairs.

            “Yuki…” Sae called as she stood up from her chair, she took Yuki’s hand and helped her sit down.

            “Thank you, Sae-chan.”

            “Wow, did you hear that?” Yuka immediately cracked up in amusement, Ayaka also trying to stifle their laughter and Yuki just blinking at them innocently. She turned her head toward Sae’s direction and saw Sae’s uneasy expression. Then it struck her that she just carelessly blurted out her nickname for Sae in front of the vampires.

            “A-ah, I mean—”

            “It’s okay, Yukirin.” Sae immediately blurted out and smiled sweetly at Yuki, who’s blushing beet red and looks like she wants to dig a hole to hide forever. Everyone’s still laughing at how cheesy the nicknames sounds, until Takamina faked a cough.

            “Okay… That’s sweet, but Yuki-chan, I would like to know how the werewolf is doing.”

            “Um… She’s still resting, I just changed her bandage and her wounds are still raw…” Yuki explained and Takamina looked at Buraun.

            “I must say it didn’t look like she’s going to heal anytime soon, Takamina-san. She can’t even sit up by herself.”

            “I see…” Takamina tapped chin and looked at Atsuko who just sit there silently.

            “Nothing could be done, so I think I’ll go patrol or hunt something. Let’s go, Whaitto, Buraun.” Tomo stands up and walked out the dining room with Whaitto and Buraun following her, Sayaka and Asuka left as well as Ayaka and Yuka to return to their respective rooms, leaving only Sae, Yuki, Takamina and Atsuko sitting on the dining room.

            “Takamina, what about Chiyuu and Miichan?”

            “That… What they’re doing is something serious… To be honest, I am glad they found out Yuuko is currently staying around here. But I don’t know what to do to both of them for using violence on the werewolf, so I just lock them in their room to do self-introspection and Acchan has casted a spell on the mansion so they’re unable to go outside…”

            “… That’s strict…”

            “We can’t let any similar ruckus to slip out of our control, can we? We can’t let people think we’re bad guys, that is why we are staying here. And besides, it’s the hunters we’re picking a fight with… It’s Yuuko… But I can’t tell why she is moving here… Out of all place, why here?” Takamina’s train of sentences turned into incoherent mumbles as she start to get stressed. Feeling the tense aura from her partner, Atsuko just pat Takamina’s head to calm the tiny vampire.

            “We’re heading back to our room. See you guys later, Ruka, Maria.” Atsuko tugged Takamina’s sleeve and they walked away leaving Sae and Yuki alone, realizing no one else around, they look at each other awkwardly.

            “Oh, look at the time… it’s about time I bring you back to your house, Yukirin.”

            “Yes I think so…” Yuki beamed a sweet smile leaving Sae speechless and dumbly standing there staring at her for a few seconds.

            “… L-let’s go then.” Sae turned her face away trying to hide her embarrassing expression and held Yuki’s hand as they walked out the dining room.


            “Sae-chan, look… it’s full moon tonight!” Yuki chirped as they walked down the dark alley nearing Yuki’s apartment, turning her head to the sky, Sae gazed at the beautiful moon and smiled.

            “Yes, it’s very beautiful…”

            They walked in a comfortable silence, hand in hand, until they reached Yuki’s apartement front door.



            “Thanks for walking me home.” Yuki smiled squeezing Sae’s hand gently.

            “… D-don’t mention it… Yukirin…” Sae blushed, she unconsciously tightens her grip on Yuki’s hands as well.



            “My hands…”

            “Oh! I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

            “No, of course not.” Yuki giggled, she finds Sae’s sudden panic amusing.

            “Well… I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?”

            “Yes, I can’t wait.”

            “Me too.”

            The two of them giggled and stands like that for a few minutes, losing themselves again into each others’ eyes.

            “Uh… Yukirin, it’s getting late, you should go inside…”

            “Ah—oh, right…” Yuki stammered and turned away to unlock the door until suddenly she could feel Sae’s arms encircled on her waist and her warm body snuggled against her.

            “Good night, Yukirin.”


            “…Yukirin?” afraid that she has startled Yuki and made her uncomfortable, Sae loosened her embrace and took a step back. But suddenly, Yuki turned her body to face her and placed her hands on the sides of her head, Yuki’s face getting closer and before she realize it, Yuki gave her a kiss on the lips. Pulling away, Yuki smiled shyly with her face flushed red.

            “Good night, Sae-chan…”

            Sae grinned with a satisfied expression and waited until Yuki get inside her apartment. Yuki tried to unlock the door only to find the door is not locked.

            “Weird, I remember already locked it when I went to Yuu-chan’s sleepover…” Yuki muttered. Sae realized something is off and decided to accompany Yuki get inside. After they got in, they found the room is eerily dark and empty.

            “Yukirin, we’re heading back to the mansion.” Sae said all of a sudden and before Yuki could ask why, she was stunned to see Sae’s charming electric blue eyes are now glowing.


            “Whatever happens, don’t ever let go of my hand. Got it?”


            “Don’t ask why, trust me.”

            “… Okay…” starting to feel scared, Yuki tightened her grip on Sae’s hand. Then a low growl could be heard, Sae could feel Yuki’s hand start to shiver in fear.

            “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

            “… But, why I hear a growl…”

            “That’s because… Something is here.”


            “Full moon…” Tomo mumbled nonchalantly, her fingers are busy fidgeting on Whaitto’s white coat sleeve.

            “Yes it is.” The inugami didn’t protest and just continue walking beside her master.

            “I wonder where did Buraun go…”

            “Don’t worry about her.”

            Tomo shrugged and tugged at the white coat and sit down on the empty wooden chair. Whaitto just stand there in front of Tomo, looking at her looking at the moon.

            “Beautiful…” Whaitto blurted, Tomo looked at her with a blank expression.

            “… What?”

            “… Nothing.”

            “Why your face is so red? Is it hot?”

            “It’s… The moon… Yeah, the moon…”

            “Hee~” amused, Tomo let out a teasing tone. Whaitto turned her face away trying to hide her boiling-red face and was about to walk away, but Tomo tugged her sleeves returning her back on spot. They stayed like that for a few minutes in silence, simply enjoying each others’ presence in the night breeze.

            “Do you ever think about what will happen in ten years from now?”

            “No. Why, master?”

            “… I’ve seen human changes, they grow from kids to adults, adults have children then they grew up too… then adults became old, then sick, and they died…”


            “Do you ever think I could have children too?” Tomo asked with a small smile on her lips, Whaitto choked on the air she’s inhaling and coughed.

            “Hahahahaha! What the hell… I’m just kidding, dummy…”

            “I-I know…”

            “No you don’t. If you do, why you choked on air… Hahahaha!”


            “Are you thinking of inappropriate things?” Tomo smirked and Whaitto swear she feels like she just got slapped with a huge frying pan.

            “N-no… Why do you think I would do so?”

            “Because I do.”

            “WHAT?!” Whaitto blurted loudly and Tomo just stare at her.

            “Ahahahahaha!! You should see your face!” Tomo cackled and Whaitto just stand there, too shocked to move. She was going to protest, but a hint of unpleasant odor suddenly invaded her nose.

            “Master, I smells something bad.”

            “What? Someone farted?” still laughing, Tomo plays with her long hair and checks her nails.

            “… Not that.”

            “Well, this town is too damn quiet don’t you think?”

            “That’s one point, and I smell—” before Whaitto could finish her sentence, a loud and familiar howl could be heard. Tomo’s smiling face immediately fades as she stood up.


            “Yes, master.”


            The town was in chaos, ghouls are appearing and start going rampage, eating people they encountered like it is festive time. People are trying to escape but sadly not much who stayed outside the house could survive. Takamina has sensed the uproar and sent some of her vampires to exterminate the ghouls in the town, while she and Atsuko, as well as a few senior vampires stays in the mansion.

            “Takamina!” Sayaka’s loud roar could be heard from across the hall as she run to find Takamina, with Asuka scurried far behind her calling her name to slow down and wait a bit for her.

            “Sayaka! Wait for me!”

            “Mocchi, just stay on the bed!”

            “What?! No! You, come back here! NOW!” Asuka roared.

            “…………” Sayaka stopped running and dashed back toward Asuka. In a swift motion, she carried Asuka on her arms and continues running to Takamina’s chamber. Not even bother about knocking the door, Sayaka barges inside with Asuka still on her arms, only to find Takamina is sitting behind the huge desk facing the tall window made of glasses that shows the dark forest. Beside her, Atsuko could be seen standing with her arms crossed, staring into the deep forest as well.

            “Takamina! The town is—”

            “Yes, I know.”

            “Then what the hell are we doing here?! Why we’re not going there and exterminate them?”

            “I’ve assigned some of half-bloods to hunt them down.”

            “But it’s full moon, don’t you aware of their unusual strength at this moment?”

            “I do.”

            Sayaka sighed. She could never tell what’s inside Takamina’s brain so she gives up trying to argue with her. Sayaka put Asuka down and plopped herself on the chair in front of Takamina’s desk, Asuka strokes her back as she inhales the air deeply and then exhaled her breath slowly trying to calm down.

            “Now, leader… Tell me what’s in your mind.”

            “… We got to stay… Because Yuuko is coming for us.”


And that's all for you guys now, don't worry! i promise there's more slow updates to come after this  :D

Therefore, for now, ScarletWings reporting out!  :cathappy:

shower me with your comments, people Do tell me what do you think on the comment box okay? :twothumbs
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 10:00:52 PM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline immortal_K

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Hey bro! I see you are still alive too keke, yea same for me been busy so have been updating stuff every 2 months if lucky bwahahahha
Just decided to drop by and somehow saw your update keke, will read later on the bus when I head home from work.

Alright me disappearing gotta go work.  :panic:

Offline fuu_kun

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Yeay! An update! Thanks..
I will re read from 1st chap becoz i almos forgot the story.. Gomene :bow:
Im glad you are back!! Thanks'

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