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Author Topic: A Bit Blind To Love - chap18 (AtsuMina) - 26/12/2011 [DROPPED]  (Read 94826 times)


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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #140 on: November 10, 2011, 01:42:01 AM »
What the freaking %^$&^&!!!!  :scolding:  You get me worked up for nothing!!!!!  :mon headbang:

You even got my wife to be on your side!!!  :grr:

Argh!!!!  :mon mad:  You better update soon!!!  :mon uggh:

Offline CrimsonGrxy

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #141 on: November 10, 2011, 02:41:58 AM »
trolling....n i tot u really "END" ur fic there :tama-mad:
will be waiting for the next update then~  :smhid

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #142 on: November 10, 2011, 04:44:08 AM »
 :? :? :?
got fooled.  :nervous

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #143 on: November 10, 2011, 06:00:21 AM »
aww miheart was broken.. a little T_T... you MUST update a good and large chapet next time.. for broke my heart,, ¬¬

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #144 on: November 10, 2011, 06:51:12 AM »
When I saw the 'Fin' I was like: NO WAY! She wouldn't!  :shocked
I read it, scrolled down and're EBIL.  :lol:
I read it again and LOLed at the abrupt ending.  :rofl:

Offline kahem

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #145 on: November 10, 2011, 08:32:54 AM »
Ehhhhhh!!! You scared me!!! I was like 'What?!!!!!'

Offline bou-j525

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #146 on: November 10, 2011, 02:43:15 PM »
LOL.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I hate you.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 03:01:47 PM by bou-j525 »

Offline haruhi16

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #147 on: November 11, 2011, 03:42:58 PM »
I just got trolled.................waaaahhhh! keichan update soon!! you troll! xD

Offline chykla

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #148 on: November 12, 2011, 10:04:32 AM »
When I read the 'end' chapter, I was so enraged that I read a very amazing and horrible 'ending' of a fanfic until 3 AM that I wanted to keel you with my robot 8l.
But then I scrolled down
And it said

And now, I need to keel you .__.;

Offline Megumi

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 Updated Chapter 18... 10/11/11
« Reply #149 on: November 15, 2011, 12:08:15 AM »
You sneaky! I was like what? Nooooo!  LoL that was a good prank  :shocked:

Waiting for your next update!  :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #150 on: December 26, 2011, 01:08:15 AM »
 :mon santa4: MERRY BOXING DAY! (Because it's still a cool day)

Few quick replies to the people who were trolled.
@Flean: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I finally get to see your angry side!
@CrimsonGrxy: Hahaha I was considering ending it there since I was like "It's a great way to end a fic."
@moekare: Hehehehehe yes you did!
@Haruko: I can update. But it's not long as I had no time xD
@FoFchan: You know a am incredibly EBIL!!! Can't shock you that much!
@kahem: Haha sorry... I will scare you more next time!
@Bouchan: I love you too!
@haruhi16: ahahahahahahaha i love the power of trolling! sorry i didn't update soon!
@chykla: Even if i never ever updated again you guys can't hurt me!!!
@Megumi: Lol you agree it was a good prank ahahahaha yes~

Anyway, I had an hour to type a quick chapter before I start work later so here it is!

Chapter Eighteen

Things can change in mere seconds. A life can be changed. A heart can be broken. A bond could be torn apart. For love is the most fragile thing in the world. And all it took was one mistake, one wrong turn, one decision that would hurt them for what feels like eternity. Everyone thought it would last forever. It was innocent. A naïve love. But what one could accept, another couldn’t. And in this case… her family could not accept it.

All she could remember was the sound of a door opening, light creeping into a pitch black room, the sound of a loud gasp and then movement next to her. Then a realisation. Her father’s piercing eyes. Filled with fury. Filled with pain. In one swift movement, only seconds did it take. He swarmed in like a restless army and took her lover from her side. Dragging her away from her grasp. Forcing her to get dressed. Her mother blocked her from passing through. Her fingers gently grazing the one’s which usually intertwine with her own. Her heart sank as she heard the deafening screams from the latter.  The sudden slamming of the front door. She felt fatigue before the cold slap across her face. Tears streaming down her swollen cheeks as she hears the banging on her front door. That saying “So close, yet so far.” She finally understood it. She was being warned. Never to see the latter again. The last thing she remembers is hyperventilating. Then she was out cold. It was too much to bear.

She woke up the next morning. She was locked in her own room. A dungeon. A lonely dungeon. One in which she could not escape. She cried, for that was all she could do.

She felt as her body trembled furiously. Until a soft arm wrapped around her freezing body. Gently opening her eyes she looks up at the worried face before her.

“Astuko are you okay?”

“Minami!” The younger girl held onto her lover tightly. “It was a horrible nightmare” She sobbed into the crook of the shorter girl’s neck who had commenced brushing the back of the taller girl’s hair.

“It’s okay babe it’s not going to come true”

“D-d-dad d-doesn’t want m-me t-to be w-with you a-and t-took y-you away f-from me”.

Holding the younger girl tightly the latter gently kissed the girl’s forehead.

“No one can ever break us apart”

Looking up through her tear drenched eyes the younger girl starred into the determined girls eyes.


“I promise you Acchan. For as long as I live I will protect our love with my all as each second passes.”

The younger girl grasped tightly onto the latter. She never wanted to let go of the embrace for she did not know what would happen once her family walks through the front doors of the house in the next hour.


“I love you Nyan-Nyan~” Yuko purred as she nuzzled her nose into the taller girl’s neck.

“I love you too Squirrel” The latter replied watching as the small squirrel in her arms looked up with a toothy grin.

“We should make love~” The shorter girl cheerfully said. “Even Takacchan have done it!” She continued only to receive a shocked face by the dumbfounded girl who instantly smacked the squirrel painfully across the head.


“ITAI!!!!” The short girl screamed and instantly rubbed her throbbing head before pouting towards the latter giving her instant puppy eyes.

“Get off me!!!” The tall girl wailed as her arms began pushing the squirrel’s face away from her chest.

“Nyan-Nyan I love you~ I just want to show you how much!!!”

“We just got together I’m not ready for this!”

“But Takamina and Acchan just got together and they do it like crazily horny rabbits! We should be like that as well! It’s not like either of us will ever get pregnant!”



“No!” The squirrel sat down in defeat before her eye began to twitch.

“It’s that stupid Kawano guy isn’t it! He’s seducing you at work!!”


“I’m going to get him!!” The squirrel got off the couch and instantly grabbed her jacket. “I’ll show that bastard never to go near you again!” However, before the later even reached the door she was pulled back by her lover.

“Stop it Yuko! It’s no Kawano-kun!”

“Now he’s a kun?!?!?! Imma kick his ass!!!” Yuko said as she rolled up her sleeves and trudged towards the door.

“YUKO!” Haruna screamed, instantly making the other girl shrivel in fear and cease her movement towards the door.

“Y-y-y-yes Nyan-Nyan” The latter said with her head cowered to the ground.

“Get back over here and sit down NOW!”

Upon hearing the words the squirrel instantly stripped off her jacket and sprinted towards the couch. Sitting down instantly she sat up straight like an eager pre-schooler. The taller girl slowly approached the latter. Gently moving on top of the shorter girl’s lap. She bent forward slowly and kissed the girl’s lips before moving away and resting her forehead against the shorter girl’s.

“Never. And I mean NEVER! Accuse me of being unfaithful or a player or I swear for the love of Nintendo DS-kun that I will NEVER EVER speak to you again.”

She said in a seriously menacing tone which made the shorter girl tremble in fear.


“And NEVER EVER ask me to make love with you.” The taller girl said in the same tone. However, this didn’t elicit the same response. Instead it suddenly evoked the arrival of King of Yuko. The squirrel immediately looked up at the latter with determination. She instantly flipped their positions and pinned the taller girl down.

“NEVER~!!!!!” The shorter girl screamed before attacking her dearest Nyan-Nyan with endless kisses. Amazingly enough the taller girl accepted the constant flow of affection with giggles and hugs. However as the shorter girl attempted to rip off the girl’s shirt she was severely punished. One would say she was attacked in such a way that if she was not already brain damaged that it would ensure she would become in such a way. In addition, the taller girl slept soundly for the rest of the night as the young squirrel remained comatosed on the couch until sunrise.


The Atsuko family had finally arrived home. The two girl’s had showered and dressed before the arrival of the grand family members. They had sat on the living room lounge where they shared their first kiss. Holding each other’s hand tightly until sweat had seeped through the crevices. The sound of the key in the keyhole was excruciating. Their heartbeats were erratic, their faces pale, their minds continuously imploding within their skulls. They were scared, extremely scared. If one were to jump out in front of them without notice it could be said that they would’ve instantly died of a heart attack.

The door finally opened revealing two tired worn out faces. They were bickering over something and this seemed to increase the anxiety of the two young girls. Finally the two worn figures noticed them.

“ATSUKO!!! MINAMI!!!” They happily yelled in unity.

“M-mum D-dad welcome back.” The young girl said as she approached her parents and gave them a huge hug. Embracing them as though she knew that it would be the last time her parents would hug her in a non-judgemental way. Following close behind the shorter girl bowed politely at the two elders.

“Welcome back Uncle Maeda and Auntie Maeda.” This polite gesture immediately elicited the jolly Aunt Maeda to side step her daughter and embrace the short girl.

“Oh Minami you are always going to be the most polite and respectable person I know. I wish you would just marry my daughter and teach her how to be like you.”

This immediately brought smiles to the two girl’s faces. Oh how they wish it were a reality as well. However, this happiness was short lived as Atsuko’s father finally spoke.

“Oh dear don’t be ridiculous! Two girl’s cannot get married it is against society’s norms.”

This for some reason had finally pushed Atsuko’s buttons as a wave of unknown emotions, mainly that of anger. She immediately broke her hug with her father and clenched her fists as tears began to build up in her eyes.

“Atsuko?” Her father softly spoke. “Is something wrong?”

Yes. There was something wrong. And she was going to let them know immediately. She looked up glaring into her father’s soft eyes.


“A-a-atsuko…” Her mother stuttered in sheer shock with her hand over her mouth. Her father on the other hand was dumbfounded. Staring into the deadly yet sad glare his daughter was giving him.


“ATSUKO STOP IT! THEY ARE YOUR PARENTS!” Minami immediately pulled the taller girl into a comforting embrace as she immediately broke down in the latter’s arms. Trembling, trembling painfully in her lover’s arms. Her father was still staring at them. Staring at the two girl’s as they held each other in a tight embrace. It was painful for the two parents to watch their cheerful daughter shrivelled up in shame, crying mercilessly into her lovers arms. How could they not have noticed how much pain and pressure their daughter had gone through? How had they not noticed that their daughter had loved her captain in such a way? Had they denied it all along?

“H-h-how long have you been together?” Her father asked. However she was crying too much to even answer. Leaving her lover to respond accordingly.

“Not long. Only for around a week. We only realised how we both felt recently. Please understand we had no idea it would turn out like this but we do love each other. She’s my everything Mr Maeda. I love her as much as you love your wife. I need her as much as I need oxygen. And I will protect her, and our love like you have protected her throughout her life. Please give us your blessing. I promise I will never hurt her.”

This left the room with an awkward silence. The short girl stared seriously into the man’s eyes. The man was left gobsmacked. The mother stared down at the two lovers embracing with tear stained eyes. The daughter held her lover tightly as she turned and looked at her parents with pleading eyes.

Finally a loud sigh was released. Breaking the tension in the room. Acchan’s father looked up at the white ceiling. A smile finally broke out across his face as he looked back down at the determined captain.

“I always wanted to have a son-in-law. Someone who would promise to look after my dear Atsuko with their life. I guess I have found someone better than my expectations.” He said as he chuckled gently. This instantly produced the biggest sighs of relief. Acchan immediately jumped up and hugged her parents as her mother cried and hugged Minami tightly. Suddenly Acchan’s father approached Minami. “Minami!”

“Y-y-yes sir.” She stammered. She suddenly watched as he jumped closer and began poking her arm in a comedic stance.

“Argh totally opposite of my expectations in terms of physicality.” He began moving around her whilst pointing out the flaws she bore in comparison to his physical expectations of his son-in-law. “You’re short as a primary schooler, you have small arms, and you’re a girl!” This immediately left Takamina with her fail-at-life expression. Her lover immediately hit her father and hugged the shorter girl in consolation. “BUT! You have a flat chest like a man, look like a man, walk like a man and hold manly gestures… So I guess you can be considered a man more than a girl.” The man said as he scratched the back of his head.

Although it was a happy ending in some way. It was better known to Takamina as a time in which her confidence was battered and bruised by a man near his mid-life crisis.


The next day was a start of something new. A relationship which had been approved by one’s parents, and another relationship between a perverted squirrel and emotionless Nyan-Nyan. However, relationships that have just begun always had cracks. Despite the strength of such a blinding love there was always one thing that could glow through the cracks. That is none other than that of pure jealously. And with it, trust begins to die and lust begins to conquer love, and slowly hearts begin to hurt rather than flutter, tears of pain begin to drench the happiest of memories and what was once true love becomes nothing than that of unkempt feelings…


I looooooooooooove drama. I don't when I will have time to write the next chapter but when I do I promise you all that you will feel the need to hunt me down and skin me alive! However, please remember most of you voted for this!!! Until I love you all and wish you all an exciting New Years!

Keichan ^_^ <333


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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #151 on: December 26, 2011, 02:32:15 AM »
I didn't vote for any drama!!!!  :mon headbang:

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #152 on: December 26, 2011, 04:03:17 AM »
Hilarious when Uncle Maeda said Minami : you have flat chest like a man, walk like a man, etc... Again minami fail expression..
Thanks for updating

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #153 on: December 26, 2011, 06:47:49 AM »
jajajaj acchan`s fathe, Now I know who  teach to atsuko be a teaser... jjaja

you know takamina.. you are a man :d everybody tell that... :D

awww kojiyuu..... yuuchan you are a jelousy person you know that?

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #154 on: December 26, 2011, 08:03:22 AM »
LOL Haruna should agree to Yuko's resquest~ Make love now!! hehehehehhe ~ Tsundere NyanNyan will always be Tsundere~

Awww i'm glad Acchan's parents approved to their relationship even if it's against the society's norms.

I hope next time Haruna would let her lover to make love with her~ kekeke Thank you for the update Keichan!! Update soon!

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #155 on: December 26, 2011, 08:26:37 AM »
Yea!! :w00t: Thanks for the Update :D

I'm so happy that Acchan and Takamina's relationship has got approve by Mr. and Mrs. Maeda XD
LOL Kojiyuu was funny :lol:

Drama... is coming and I better prepare enough tissue and punching bags for it :grin:
Can't wait to read what happen next :twothumbs Thanks again for the update :)

Please Update Soon :mon cute:

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #156 on: December 27, 2011, 07:23:04 PM »

I tough you were like forever gone...
Thank you for your update!

“BUT! You have a flat chest like a man, look like a man, walk like a man and hold manly gestures… So I guess you can be considered a man more than a girl.” The man said as he scratched the back of his head.

Although it was a happy ending in some way. It was better known to Takamina as a time in which her confidence was battered and bruised by a man near his mid-life crisis.

Hahaah poor Takaboy trolled by her wifus father....

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #157 on: December 28, 2011, 07:37:47 PM »
Good for them that Acchan's parents accept them. But poor Takamina lol
Hum drama? I'm sure I'll hunt you but I like drama ^^

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! (The real one) x]
« Reply #158 on: January 05, 2012, 08:04:28 AM »
I just marathoned through all of the chapters late night yesterday and today morning..

 XD  :w00t: XD XD :w00t: XD XD :w00t:

and and and

Drama! I love drama. There can never be enough drama, yeahhhhhhh

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Re: A Bit Blind To Love <3 CHAPTER 18! Updated 26th Dec 2011.
« Reply #159 on: February 14, 2012, 01:37:50 AM »

Message from Keichan who hates being a thread bumper: this fic is over. She will stop writing after one last OS.

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