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Author Topic: Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] (multipairing)  (Read 53414 times)

Offline Sayuki

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Kako no Cafe [Part7][2/24/14] (multipairing)
« on: February 24, 2013, 08:25:43 AM »
I found a long lost fic that I wrote long time ago but not actually completed or posted. I'm having a bad flu so I can't write anything. I feel quite bad that it's been awhile I haven't updated any of my fics and now I'm sick so I decided to post this story.

It's a (very long) one-shot so I'll split it into many parts. It's like a series so I hope you guys will enjoy it while waiting for me to recover. Thank you.

Kako no Cafe [Part 1]

In Tokyo, the most developed city of Japan, a crowd lined up before a store. You wouldn’t fine it strange to see that scene in the Akibahara, the most famous downtown of Tokyo. But what I want to show you here is the house next door. It was just a small coffee shop, painted in light red and pink which made it eye-catching. Located in one of the best area for business and cafe but the shop barely had any customers.

Going inside, at the bar, there was a short girl cleaning an empty glass with a white towel on her hand. She had high brown pony tail, dressing in a white shirt with a bow, black pants and a white apron wrap around her waist. While both of her handing were doing their task, cleaning the glass even though it wasn’t dirty at all, she looked at the empty chairs in front of her.

A heavy sigh escape from her pink lips.

Right at that time, a soft ring from the bell hanging on the entrance door broke the cold silence. The short girl, or as known as the owner of this lonely cafe, gazed at the door. At first, she was surprised to see someone would ever walk into her cafe. But then her gaze changed to relieved one when she noticed who was stepping in. A tall girl with long raven hair that lay neatly on both of her shoulders, setting off her milky white skin and her beautiful princess-like face. Her creamy white short dress made her perfect body shine in its beauty. Dragging a black luggage behind, the newcomer took off her shades then greeted the owner.

“Hello Takamina. Long time no see.”


Takahashi Minami, or Takamina for short, put down the glass and hastily ran to the tall girl, gave the girl a big hug.

“Yukirin! Finally you’ve come. I miss you!”

“Miss you too.” The tall girl hugged her back. “It’s been 3 years after I went back to my hometown, right?”

“Yeah it is. A long time indeed. How is your business in Kagoshima?”

“Very good. My cafe is getting its fame. I’ve started getting some profits last month.”

“Good to hear that.” Takamina smiled. But then she immediately lowered her head and twisted her fingers together. “I’m sorry for asking you to help me... Leaving your work behind and all...”

“Don’t worry about that.” The tall girl patted the shorter one softly. “I’m your friend and friends help each other, right? Besides, Sakura is taking care of the cafe for me so I have no worry about it.”

“Sakura? You mean your cousin, Miyawaki Sakura?” Takamina raised an eyebrow.

“Yes it’s her. Maybe she’s clumsy but I have trained her from the time i opened my cafe so now she can take my place very well.”

“Well... Good to hear that... And I thank you for coming a long way here to help me.”

“Again, Takamina. It’s really nothing. Besides...” The tall girl took a look around before continued. “It’s worse than my imagination...”

“I know...” Takamina sighed.

“OK then. Let’s get start to renew this cafe.” The tall girl placed her luggage behind the bar and stepped out with a ladder that stored in the closet. “First thing, we need to repaint your cafe and change the name of it.

“Ehh???” Takamina stared at the tall girl in shock. “Why do we have to change the name?”

“Oh please, Takamina. The name is too old-fashioned while your decoration is too modern and young. It’s a weird mixture you know. “Takamina’s cafe”? Really old style. Just use other name or at least replace your decoration.”

“... OK since you’re the pro then I’ll listen to you... I guess I’ll go with changing the name since I don’t have much money left to reconstruct the whole cafe.”

“Don’t need for that. We just need to change the color, the name, the arrangement and the menu. Not gonna worth a lot of money.”

The tall girl turned the “Open” sigh into “Close” then took out a notebook from her handbag along with a pen. She motioned Takamina to sit with her in one of the empty table.

“You’re the owner. Give me your idea and I’ll fix it if necessary. What’s your business target here?”

“Hmm... Anyone. But I guess I’ll focus on teenagers and young adults.”

“Nice one. And what is your theme for the cafe?”

“A relaxing place after school and work with nice cakes and coffee.”

“Get it.” The raven girl noted down the main ideas on her notebook. After that, she read the menu on the table and thought for awile. “Your ideas are good. I haven’t seen any problem with your menu yet. So i guess only your decoration is the problem in here.”

“... I should have taken a design class.” Takamina slammed her head onto the table.

“Well...” The raven girl smiled awkwardly. “OK. Let’s start bringing a new spirit to this cafe.”

Taking the shorter’s hand, the raven girl dragged her friend out of the cafe.

“Wait. Where are we going, Yukirin?”

“Buying some paints. Come on.”


A week later.

In the same Tokyo, at the same location of the most empty coffee shop in Akibahara, a brand new cafe was opened. With the main colors are white and brown of wood, no one could ever resist its simpleness but heart-warming. Several wooden chairs and tables were placed perfectly next to each other, not too far but not too close, giving the customers a comfortable area. The warm yellow round-shaped lights gave everyone the most relaxation they could find.

A new promising cafe was born in the name of Kako no Cafe.

Inside, standing behind the bar, two figures, one short and tall, dressing in white shirt, black pants and tie bow, and a white apron, cleaned the glasses to prepare for the opening. While the taller one was doing the cleaning task, the shorter one read over the menu and finally found something strange in her menu. She looked at her friend in surprise.

“Wait, Yukirin. Is this menu wrong? Why do I see your secret recipe in it?”

“Nope. It’s right. I added it into the menu yesterday.” The taller girl answered without looking at her friend.

“Ehh? Hontou ni? That’s your secret weapon! I can’t borrow that for my cafe. And besides, I can’t make it! I’m only good at baking cakes.”

“I don’t mind sharing it with my friend. And I’ll stay here to work for you as a barista for awhile. At least until you don’t need my help to run this cafe anymore. I’ll teach you how to make good coffee.”

“Yukirin... Arigatou”

Takamina’s eyes were watery. Tears were forming and ready to roll down. Seeing that, Yukirin smiled and patted the shorter’s head.

“Don’t mention it. You helped me a lot back then so this is something that I can repay you. Forever friends, right?”

“Um.” Takamina nodded then hugged the taller girl.

Takahashi Minami, 21 years old, owner and baker of Kako no Cafe.

Kashiwagi Yuki, 21 years old, barista of Kako no Cafe.

In a beautiful day of 2013, a new cafe had been opened. Many lonely souls had found a place to cure their pains.

Please read review what you think about this story.

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 08:53:11 AM »
I like this! No, I LOVE THIS!

The plot is very interesting. Please please please continue this!

Offline K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 09:07:37 AM »
This is sooo AWESOME!!!!
Update soon!

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 09:14:06 AM »
First chapter promise a wonderful fanfiction story.  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs  :w00t:
In anticipation of waiting for the next part!   :inlove: :inlove:

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 09:22:12 AM »
Ah.... Takamina as a baker of a coffee shop...

Takamina is very unsuccessful owner... old fashion and no taste...

Eh... Coffee shop... but Takamina unable to make coffee...

what was she supposed to serve the customers for coffee menu...? Instant?

Ah... Yukirin such a kind girl... leaving behind her business and helping a friend...even giving her secret weapon....

Well... nice intro of the Kako no Cafe....

Who are the customers?

Who are the pairings? I hope for Atsumina and Mayuki for now.

I can't wait to find out how the story going to develop into...

Anyhow, Thank you for the intro (part 1)

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2013, 10:00:28 AM »
I have a soft spot for stories with a cafe setting so this really perked my interest. Takamina and Yukirin's close friendship is a refreshing take on their relationship and their characters complement each other with Takamina being the conservative and discouraged soul burdened with lots of self-doubts while Yukirin is an up-and-coming business professional with a heart of gold. Although the real Takamina tends to channel a confident image as she is the General Manager of AKB48, she constantly questions herself and her actions in private; therefore, your portrayal of our tiny leader is believable. That's the amazing thing about fanfiction - it allows us to take liberties with the girls' personalities as long as we've captured the essence of their characters.

Anyway, Part 1 proves to be an interesting start and I can imagine all the possibilities this renewed cafe will bring about. Random customers who stumble upon this cozy haven - how will they affect the short and sincere owner and the beautiful barista? You tend to write MaYuki so I'm hoping for that but even if the pairing turns out otherwise, this story will still be on my to-read list. Thank you for this and I look forward to the next update :thumbsup However, please take care and regain your health first. Don't feel pressured to rush it (or updates for your other stories) out.

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2013, 10:08:54 AM »
I find it quite interesting reading through it

Thinking that Yukirin is an advisor for cafes hehe

Posted by the Hawaiian

Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2013, 03:26:26 PM »
Wow this is great :D Loved the first chapter :)
Interesting plot so far & I love the friendship b/w Yuki and Minami alraedy :)

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2013, 03:46:38 PM »
Nice setting! Hope to see the lonely souls having their hearts warmed with the delicious cakes and cuppa!  :)2
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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2013, 04:38:25 PM »
I'll look for it!! It seems really interesting! I wanted a fanfic like that (I wrote something like that..) and you do it yay!!

Thank you!
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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2013, 06:05:37 PM »
It´s new to see yukirin and takamina friendship  inte beginning but i like it, many things can happen in a coffe right?, about the pairs,, well you know i love atsumina and kojiyuu so.. mm.. could be.. :B

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2013, 06:14:52 PM »
Oh wow, I can actually picture your story as if it's a tv drama in my mind! This is really interesting 1st chapter and I expect some heart-warming stories in the future, hehe.

Keep up the good work! :D
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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2013, 06:42:23 PM »
A cafe with both Yuki and Takamina! This is going to get interesting~ :ding:

Oh Takamina. You and your bad taste in terms of decorating the place. Even Yuki knows how to!  :bigdeal:

I can't wait for further updates on this! Really love the idea and get well, Sayuki! *tissue boxes for... whatever reason if that even helps, LOL*  :byebye:

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2013, 03:58:29 AM »
Even though I don't drink coffee due to its bitterness, I love its smell and a cafe setting somehow always interests me. It actually reminds me of an Atsumina fic in a cafe setting. I like Takamina and Yuki's friendship already. So please continue

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2013, 11:03:10 AM »
Hey! Hey! Hey! A new fic from you! I'm totally and utterly excited for this. The first part is really nice. A very nice portrayal of Takamina and Yuki's friendship. I'm looking forward to all the people who will be visiting the cafe. Will there be AtsuMina and MaYuki?

Offline Sayuki

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Re: Kako no Cafe [2/24/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2013, 12:28:00 PM »
@bimbo: Thanks for your comment ^^ Glad you love it.

@K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS: Thank you <3

@Lost Heaven: Thanks for reading my story ^^

@cisda83: I bet you will have some ideas which OTPs are in this story if you read other ones of mine cuz i'm a loyal shipper ^^ Thanks for reading my fic.

@seigus: Yo seigus~ You gave me a very long comment xD It took me awhile to read all of it but i really like it <3 Thanks for your comment and for reading my story ^^

@kurosawa87: Thanks for reading ;3

@arrow27: Glad you love it ^^ Thanks for reading.

@DC2805: Hahaha hope so too ^^ Thanks for reading.

@Chanaline: LOl You wrote it? Why didn't you post it? xDDD Thanks for reading~

@Haruko: Don't worry ;3 Many OTPs will be in this story. Cuz cafe setting is a wise plot xD Thanks for reading <3

@Yuki88: TV drama? LOL xD never imagine that before. Thanks for reading <3

@LoyalFlutist: LOL Thanks for the tissue xD And also thanks for reading <3 I'm still waiting for your stories too :P Update soon~

@Tanchan: There is an Atsumina cafe setting before? I haven't read that o.O Oh well, hope you like it. Thanks for reading <3

@hikari_042083: You can guess the OTP via my other stories xD Hint is I'm a loyal shipper <3 Thanks for reading~

So here comes part 2. Each part is very short, even though the one-shot is very long (LOL!) xD I hope you guys find this story interesting enough to stay with me until the end. Thanks a lot <3

Kako no Cafe [Part 2]

Day 1, the first day after a whole week under mainternance, the wood wing-shaped sign of “Close” turned to the other side, eagerly welcoming its first customer. Yuki, the girl with a low pony tail, was cleaning a table next to a window with a soft white towel. Behind the bar, on the counter, Takamina, the short girl with a high pony tail, was kneading dough to bake some cakes.

After finish cleaning, Yuki carried a black board and placed it outside the entrance. “Free order for the first customer” was written in red chalk on it with many yellow sparkles decorated around. It was Takamina’s idea to attract some customers. She knew she couldn’t get any profit at the first month but at least she would get some acknowledgement for her cafe.

“The preparation are all done, Takamina. Ready to welcome the first customer?”

Yuki winked at the shorter girl.

“Yes, Yukirin. Thanks for the help.” Takamina replied with a smile.

“Just pay me one of your cake every weekend for my wage is fine.”

“You’re smart, Yukirin.”

“Hahaha whatever you say, Takamina.”

Yuki went behind the bar then cleaned one of the glass with her back facing the other girl.

“By the way, Takamina. Did you say before that you can’t make coffee?”

“Yes. I don’t know how to make coffee.”

“Seriously?” Yuki turned around and looked at Takamina with her eyes look like an owl. “This is a cafe. How can you serve coffee when you don’t know how to make it?”

“Ermm.... Instant coffee? It’s coffee right? And it’s easy to make too.”

“...” Yuki for the first time was left dumbfounded by her friend’s innocent reply. A poker face of an owl could be seen from the barista.

Yuki mentally facepalmed and let out a defeat sigh.

“Coming here is the best decision that I have ever made.”

She mumbled to herself then went back to clean the glasses, leaving a confused Takamina.


7pm, the cafe was still silent. Its usual emptiness still remained. The sun had gone but no one had any sign to visit the cafe. Takamina sat on a bar chair and stared at the entrance boringly while Yuki cleaned a glass on the shelf. Looking at the empty chairs, the short girl let out a sigh then lay on the bar dispiritedly. Her arms stretched out while her face kissed the wooden bar.

“Yukirin~ This is not working...”

“There there Takamina. Don’t give up yet.” Yukirin patted the girl’s head to soothe her.

“It’s already 7pm, Yukirin. A bad start for us.” Takamina sighed again.

“... Hmm... I wonder why the cafe next door is so successful...” Yukirin scartched her chin while thinking.

“Can’t be helped. I guess I’ll close the cafe now and think for a new plan. We’ll start again tomorrow.”

Takamina got off the bar then walked to the entrance to change the sign.

“That’s the spirit, Takamina...”

Yuki trailed down at the end of her sentence. Flicking her fingers, her eyes sparkled when she had found the problem.

“Takamina, come here”, called Yuki.

“Ehh? For what?” Finishing changing the sign, Takamina walked to the bar even though she had no idea what Yuki was planning to do.

“Sit down.”

Yuki motioned Takamina to sit on the bar chair then she went to the coffee machine to make a special cup for her friend. From the other side of the bar, Takamina couldn’t see what Yuki was doing so she just waited patiently. After five minutes, she placed a cup of cappucino with a red cheery in the middle on the bar. While Takamina was still staring at the cup inquisitively, Yuki smiled and start to explain.

“This is for you. I call it ‘Spirit cappucino’.”

“Ehh? Why do you make coffee for me?”

“Because you need it. It’s one of my five secret recipes for special occasions only. It will help you later.”

“Hmm...” Takamina looked at the cup then grabbed the cup. “Ok then... Thank you.”

“Oh wait a minute.” Yuki quickly stopped the girl. “Before you drink it, you have to follow some steps so it can work perfectly.”

“OK? What are the steps?”

“Use the cherry to stir the coffee.” Takamina did what she was told. She stirred her coffee gently and in a stable speed. “Keep doing until the milk is mixed into the coffee. Then eat the whole cherry while taking a gulp of the cappucino. You’ll find the difference there.”

Doing what Yuki said without doubt, Takamina put the whole cherry into her mouth and bit it slowly. Then, she took a mouthful of the coffee and waited for the taste. At first, she didn’t believe that something strange would ever happen. But after a few seconds, she started to taste the sweetness from the cherry on her tongue, followed by the bitter of coffee and greasiness of milk. Slowly closing her eyes, Takamina felt all the tastes mixed together, forming a  new aromatic flavour that she had never tasted before. She felt so refresh and suddenly energetic.

“So, Takamina. How do you feel now?”

The warm voice of Yuki woke her up from her daydream. She looked at Yuki in awe while kept chewing the cherry,

“I feel... So good! It’s like I can’t give up. Ideas keep coming out from my head like waterfall. This cafe will never go down again!” She exclaimed excitedly when Yuki just smiled at her.

“Good to hear that. Now I sense that tomorrow will be a good day.”

“Yukirin, your coffee is amazing! How did you do that?”

“It’s a secret.”

Yuki put her right point finger on her lips and winked at Takamina. She then suggested Takamina to drink the whole cup and made new plan for tomorrow.

Yuki’s first secret recipe was a success.

Please read and review~

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Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2013, 12:48:05 PM »
Wow! Yuki' coffee is really something  :lol:

Takamina do never EVER give up! Thank you for the update Sayuki-senpai  :mon ignore:

P.S I also want 1,48's cakes  XD

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Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2013, 12:54:52 PM »
Nice fanfic! Lol! Somehow i saw the conversation in fb that Rhin forced you to update lol...
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AKB oshi: Okada Nana, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nanami,
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Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2013, 01:05:51 PM »
Another amazing fic from you!  :thumbsup You are really something.  ;)

Now, where can I get that coffee?  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:

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Re: Kako no Cafe [Part2][2/25/13] - Multiple Couple
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2013, 01:31:18 PM »
ohmygod :on gay:
I LOVE ur fic...
Update more!!!XD

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