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Author Topic: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - COMPLETED  (Read 29728 times)

Offline Keiyuu

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Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - COMPLETED
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:29:48 AM »
Hey~ Back with another multi-chapter fic (tho it's really more of a super drawn out OS XD)
And the main pairing is SakuRuppi this time! I just had to write it after that MV came out, just had to  :yep: (Brownies points if you can guess/know what song it is  :roll:)

So ya it took a while cuz if you know me, I write every chapter before I start posting :P
And now there's another SakuRuppi/HKT fic to add to the collection! Hopefully more people will come to like them and produce more stories haha
Chapters are kind of short (sorry :nervous) but I'll try to update regularly (at the very least once a week or sooner)

Anyways, enjoy, leave a comment, anything I love to hear feedback  XD

Forgotten Memories

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Stranger

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Sakura reassured her best friend, Murashige Anna. Even though she wasn’t even sure herself if she’d be okay, she didn’t want Anna to worry about her.

The two girls stood in the doorway of Anna’s house, a suitcase in Sakura’s grip as Anna sent her off to who knows where.

Sakura had been staying at her friend’s house for the past two weeks, Anna consoling her as much as possible as she grieved over the fire that took her family and home away from her. For once, Anna actually took things seriously and tried to help Sakura get over the incident, holding her when she woke up in the middle of the night sobbing over the recurring nightmares, helping keep her mind off it with movies and constant jokes (that weren’t really funny but Sakura appreciated it nonetheless). And now Sakura had to go, she couldn’t move in with Anna no matter how much Anna insisted. Sakura didn’t want to burden her friend anymore, besides, it had already been decided that she would move in with a distant relative.

No one really asked Sakura what she wanted, but apparently custody over her had been given to a relative that she had never seen, never met, never even heard of before. But at least it was better than nothing.

A cab pulled up in front of the house, and Sakura knew that it was for her, so she bid Anna a final goodbye, hugging her tightly for a few moments and promising to keep in touch before she set off. Glancing out of the back of the taxi, she could see Anna waving vigorously at her and it made Sakura feel a little better, even if it was only slightly.

She watched the scenery pass by absentmindedly, barely noting the drab, dull gray sky outside. The forecast had called for sunny weather, but apparently the clouds had a mind of their own as they blocked the sun, the sky overcast yet somehow still shining blindingly bright.

Tall buildings of concrete turned into forests and countryside and Sakura wasn’t sure how long it had been by the time they pulled into a long curving driveway, she had been too caught up in her own thoughts but not really thinking of anything at the same time.

“We are here, Miss.” The driver’s voice snapped Sakura out of her trance.

“Oh okay, thank you.”

He held open the door for her as she stepped out, her suitcase already on the ground waiting. She tried to thank him again for the ride but he had already gotten back inside the car and promptly drove away, all in such a speed that Sakura still had her mouth open as the dust kicked up by the tires choked her a little.

Sakura coughed and her eyes watered from the dust, a little unhappy that he left so quickly. Then she realized that she never saw what he looked like, it was always hidden. The only sight of his face she caught was a glimpse of an amused grin peeking out from under the shadow of his hat. But his voice was slightly...feminine? And it sounded familiar...Sakura was a little confused, but this all left her mind as she turned and faced the house, no, it wasn’t really a house - it was a mansion.

A large dark brick building with enormous glass windows stared back at her in all its glory, designed in a classic Victorian style, it felt as if this house had been standing here for centuries. But although it was so grand, the estate seemed kind of...lonely, and the gray clouds in the sky didn’t really help in adding to the mood.

Peeking around the corner, Sakura could just barely see the edges of a few more structures, probably servant’s quarters or something, and Sakura wouldn’t put it past them seeing the rest of the rich estate with its neatly trimmed lawn and pristine hedges that lined the long u-shaped driveway.

After a bit of well deserved gaping, Sakura lugged her suitcase onto the porch, ringing the doorbell to get whoever was inside’s attention. The heavy oak door swung open few moments later, but oddly enough no one was behind it to greet her. Nevertheless, Sakura wasn’t fazed and stepped inside. Maybe it was automatic, she thought as she took in her surroundings once again.

It was a spacious room, the foyer she guessed, and the floor was so polished she could see her own reflection. Several doors both on the left and right led into separate wings of the place, and two sets of stairs curved around the sides of the room, meeting at the top where there was a balcony-type entrance to the second floor.

It was when her eyes drifted up to the banister where the stairs led that she noticed someone standing there – someone who was obviously staring right at her.

“Miyawaki Sakura.” It was a statement, not inquisitive in the slightest.

“Yes?” Sakura answered, not sure how she was supposed to respond to that. She only stood there awkwardly as the figure came down the stairs to the left, taking slow deliberate steps as if she had all the time in the world. But this gave Sakura time to observe the girl.

Sakura was pretty sure she was just a girl, around her own age Sakura presumed, and she didn’t really appear old enough to be a woman or lady in Sakura’s mind. Short, black hair came down to the girl’s neck and was tucked behind her left ear. She had a pretty face, mysterious as well, and was dressed in a sleeveless black one piece that layered out past the waist. Sakura found the girl positively...intriguing.

Is she the owner’s daughter? She can’t be old enough to be the relative they told me about...right?

Sakura wasn’t told much though, only that someone had volunteered to take custody of her, providing the proper paperwork and documents to prove that she was a relative, also that she was capable of taking care of the nineteen year old girl. But Sakura didn’t even know her name. The whole thing was very strange.

Finally, the girl stopped a few feet in front of Sakura, but didn’t offer a greeting or anything, just kept staring at her and Sakura couldn’t help but automatically stare back.

“...Follow me.” The girl spoke after a few moments silence.

“E-Eh?” Sakura watched helplessly as the girl turned and swiftly walked away, disappearing into another part of the house. She scrambled to follow her, the suitcase trailing behind as she hurriedly tried to catch up before she lost her.

Luckily she found the girl heading up another smaller flight of stairs that weren’t quite as grand as the ones from earlier, and Sakura headed up as well, trying to keep an adequate distance between them without losing sight of her again. For some reason, she felt that the girl wouldn’t like to be approached so easily.

A few twists and turns and long, thick-carpeted hallways later, Sakura found herself in quaint room. It wasn’t too big or too small, which Sakura liked, and it was simple. A queen-sized bed in the corner by the window, which was donned in stylish red lace curtains, and a wooden dresser and study desk on the opposite side, next to a door that led to what Sakura assumed would be a bathroom. It was surprisingly plain for a house like the one she was currently in, but she guessed that it was just a guest room so it didn’t need to be overwhelmingly fancy.

“I tried to keep it simple for you.”

“Eh?” Sakura almost forgot about the girl that was still standing behind her in the open doorway. “You mean that this was designed for me?”

“It’ll take a while for you to get used to living here. If you need anything, just call.” She didn’t really answer the question but started walking away again anyways, having said what she wanted.


The girl stopped at the call, but not turning around.

“...What’s your name?” Sakura asked cautiously.

There was a pause before the girl answered, glancing over her shoulder and meeting Sakura’s gaze steadily.


Then she left, the door swinging shut seemingly all on its own and leaving Sakura alone again with only her thoughts, but they were full of questions all about the mysterious girl this time.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 02:37:05 PM by sophcaro »

Offline kuro808

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Very interesting somber start although I ponder how this story will pan out in general :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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I love HaruSaku! X3

Already, a mysterious encounter~ o.o

Looks good~ Update soon! >w<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline junchan48

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Finally! Someone willing to write HaruSaku fic>,<
For the first HaruSaku fic I've ever read, this fic is cool!

Gonna wait the next chapter, author-san!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 2: Exploring the House
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 12:45:52 AM »
I forgot to mention that there's 10 chapters total, plus an epilogue (cuz I just like epilogues I guess :P)

@kuro_808: Hi~ I remember you! I'm glad you found this story then, fellow HKT fan :lol: I don't know what to tell you but to wait and see how it pans out haha
@Ruka Kikuchi: Hey there Ruka! Recently met you on FB though I don't know if you'll recognize me haha :P And I love them too! That's why I wrote this lol But thanks and I hope this update's soon enough for ya~
@junchan48: Hi bud~ You never fail to comment on my stories huh? Haha I'm happy XD Although I'm happy to be one of the few people that write SakuRuppi/HaruSaku I can't claim to be the first. There's a few on here (that I haven't gotten around to reading them all) so you can check those out too!  :lol: Thanks for reading though!

Chapter 2: Exploring the House

With nothing else to do, Sakura decided to just take a shower. Well, she could’ve unpacked her stuff and put it away but it had been a long day already and she figured she’d have plenty of time to do that tomorrow (plus that meant she’d have to accept that her family was gone and that this was her new permanent home, and she wasn’t ready for that just yet).

The feeling of hot water running down her back felt nice and refreshing, like washing away all her problems and anxiety. Also, it gave her time to think and reflect about what had happened. First she moved to this completely new, foreign place (that was a lot more expensive than anything she had ever encountered before). Then she met Haruka - this girl that Sakura couldn’t help but wonder about no matter how much she tried to get her out of her head.

As she stepped out of the shower, rubbing her hair with a towel, Sakura noticed something on her bed. There was a simple floral design dress laid out for her (the design similar to the patterns on a kimono but Sakura was glad it wasn’t because she could never put one on without help), and she figured that it was meant for her to wear. Putting it on, she was pleasantly surprised to find it very comfortable and exactly her size. But how did Haruka know her size? At least, Sakura assumed it was Haruka as she never saw anyone else in the house. But she didn’t think too much of it, she’d have plenty of time to ask the girl all her questions later.

Remembering Anna, Sakura decided she should mail her to let her know that she had arrived and was alright. But when she checked her phone, the words ‘no service’ glared at her from the top of her screen.

No service? Why? This is the twenty-first century right? How far are we out of town that my phone can’t pick up any signal?

Sakura just sighed and threw the phone back on the bed, she’d have to ask Haruka about that too. Anna could wait for now. Sakura decided to go exploring next since there was still time left in the day. She hoped she wouldn’t get into trouble for poking around, but if she was going to stay here then she had to get to know the place right?

Wandering through the various hallways, there were so many rooms that Sakura almost got lost (actually she did for a while until she somehow, quite luckily, stumbled back to where she started). Rooms led to other rooms that led to other hallways that Sakura got dizzy just trying to navigate it all. Most of them were bedrooms (that were a lot fancier than her own but Haruka did say that hers was simple and designed for her - which Sakura was grateful for) and then there were quite a few strange things that she found as well.

For instance, there was one room with large windows on one wall, a wooden horse, and some out of place red with white polka dot balls placed around the room.

Then one that had black and white checkered floor with a wooden cage, a dead tree with winding branches, and a broken clock hanging in the middle of the place.

Another was a ballet studio that was dusty from lack of use, lit by candles hanging from the ceiling in glass balls and tiny little white feathers covered the floor, piled up around the sides.

And strangest of all, Sakura felt drawn to these rooms. A weird sense of nostalgia washed over her and before she knew it she was already inside each of them, touching the objects and feeling like she knew them from somewhere, some time.

The last room she checked she found something that made her feel uncomfortable. It was another bedroom, exactly like hers in fact, except the curtains were a pretty blue green and there was a small ancient Spinet piano as well. But that’s not what made her feel weird inside, it was the painting on the wall above the bed.

A portrait of two girls, one in a red top with a blue-green flowing skirt and matching gloves, and one in a blue-green top with a long blue skirt and red gloves. Sakura stood there staring at it for a long time, trying to figure out if those two girls were who she thought they were because the one on her knees bore an uncanny resemblance to Haruka, then the one holding her hand was almost undoubtedly Sakura herself.

She couldn’t explain the feeling she was having at the moment, but Sakura knew she had to get out of that room. That’s when she decided that she wasn’t ever going to go back to that part of the house again. No matter what, she just couldn’t.

Going downstairs to fetch a glass of water or something to calm herself down, Sakura ended up in the dining room where she found Haruka sitting at the long oak table, waiting. She thought that maybe she wouldn’t want to see Haruka again after that weird encounter with the portrait, but strangely enough she found herself relax in the other girl’s presence.

Their eyes met and Haruka spoke, never breaking eye contact even as Sakura sat down across from her. “Dinner is at six every day.”

Sakura was surprised to hear that so much time had gone by already but then she realized how hungry she was when she saw the food on the table. She figured that Haruka was being nice and trying to help her get used to her new life here, because it was a traditional Japanese meal for dinner – rice with all kinds of side dishes for Sakura to chose from were laid out, and she could barely help herself from digging in. Luckily though, Haruka started eating right away so Sakura took that as her cue to dig in as well.

It was so good that Sakura basically devoured everything in front of her, then she almost felt embarrassed until she saw that Haruka ate a ton too. That was the first and basically the only thing she learned about Haruka – she ate a lot.

Then Sakura remembered that back at home they always had a late dinner because her dad wouldn’t get home from work until then, but Sakura always got hungry early and had to have a snack beforehand. A lot of times she would’ve preferred to have dinner earlier but she never complained because she understood why. And now she didn’t have worry about that anymore...

Tears welled up in her eyes and she put her chopsticks down, overwhelmed with a feeling of loneliness all of a sudden. Sakura thought she had gotten over it already, or that she was at least mature enough to push it aside, but apparently not.

“My little sister used to like having dinner early, so that’s why I got into the same habit.”

Sakura looked up and blinked a few times, wondering why Haruka suddenly spoke up like that.

“So if it bothers you, we can eat later if you like.” Haruka glanced at her expectantly.

“Oh! No this is fine, I like early dinners too.”

“That’s good.”

Sakura could have sworn she saw a ghost of a smile on Haruka’s face, but then she went back to eating so Sakura couldn’t tell. Then she realized that she had completely forgotten about her sadness for a moment, and also that that’s why Haruka had spoken up in the first place. Then Sakura smiled too.


“Would you like a tour of the house? Though I suppose you’ve already done your fair share of exploring already.”

The tone was slightly teasing as far as Sakura could tell, and she blushed a little while nodding to let Haruka know that she would indeed like a tour.

They had finished dinner and Sakura was entirely stuffed, especially since Haruka had prepared some squid as a dish as well, which was Sakura’s favorite food and she really couldn’t stop herself from eating basically all of it. But Sakura wasn’t the only one who stuffed her face with food, Haruka had this cool and mysterious appearance, but she sure ate a lot for someone who seemed like the dark beauty type.

Then after relaxing (and some much needed digestion) Haruka led her around the house again, explaining where each of the rooms were and what they were for. Sakura didn’t have time to explore the first floor yet (yes all those rooms from earlier were all on the second floor, the place was just that big) so now she knew where the kitchen was, the three living rooms, and the library (which was huge enough all on its own as it took up one whole corner of the house, second floor and all), but Sakura doubted her ability to keep them all straight and not get lost again.

As they made their way up the stairs, Sakura wondered how Haruka would explain those weird rooms but it seems she wasn’t going to as Haruka passed by the doors without sparing a second glance. Then as they reached the end of that particular hallway, Sakura knew that they were about to reach the room with the portrait and she didn’t know how to tell Haruka she didn’t want to go in there again, but Haruka just stopped, as if reading her mind, saying that her bedroom was at the end, then she abruptly turned around and promptly headed back down the stairs.

So that’s her room??

“That’s the whole house for you. Anything else I can help you with?” Haruka questioned. She seemed almost...upset, but Sakura couldn’t exactly tell, let alone know why.

“Um I think that’s all... Thank you though.” Sakura bowed politely.

Haruka waved her off. “You don’t have to be so polite. We’re pretty much stuck here together from now on anyways.”

“Um okay...” Then Sakura frowned, “Wait you mean there’s only the two of us?”


She did a double take and her mouth dropped open. “You mean there’s literally no one else around here?”

“Yes.” Haruka confirmed.

“But what about all that food we just had? And the building out back?”

“I made it all, and set the table. The building out back is the old main building until this one was built, but now it’s for storage or if we ever get guests.”

Sakura’s mouth dropped even more. “You’re kidding me...”

How did she do all that by herself?

“Ah I’m sorry! I’m asking too much aren’t’ I...” She suddenly realized, immediately feeling embarrassed for letting that last bit slip out.

Haruka was completely unfazed by Sakura’s reaction though, rather she was quite calm as always. And even though Sakura had only met the girl in the morning, she had already figured out that Haruka never showed much emotion, making the girl even more mysterious than Sakura had initially thought.

Haruka let Sakura squirm and sulk a bit before speaking up. “Hey...would you like to see something?”

“Eh?...Sure?” The question caught her off guard.

Haruka immediately walked away again without waiting for Sakura, who scrambled to catch up again for the second time that day. Going back through the kitchen and dining room, Haruka went out the back and followed the stone path towards the old building while Sakura pondered how Haruka could move so fast when she was even shorter than Sakura was.

Fast walking never took so much out of her as Sakura was nearly panting by the time she stopped right behind Haruka (but then again she was never really athletic in the first place).

But then as she looked up (because she was bent over out of breath), Sakura didn’t regret a thing.

A beautiful garden was laid out, half in the shade of the building and the sunset cast orange light over the whole scene. A large fountain stood proud right in the center as it sprayed water up in alternating jets. Several different species of flowers were planted in rows and all of them were in full blossom. Roses, lilies, tulips, carnations, petunias, hibiscuses, sunflowers, daisies, you name it, they were all planted in this garden. The stone path winded throughout the bushes, a bird bath here and there and it led all the way to the back of the building where a small pond was resting calmly.

Haruka motioned for Sakura to come up beside her, then bent down to pick a daisy, reaching and tucking it neatly behind Sakura’s ear. Sakura was a little surprised by the sudden gesture, blushing a bit and heart racing. But then Haruka started up again, and Sakura didn’t want to be left behind, so this time they walked side by side down to the pond. The path kept running along the edge of the entire oval lake, some lily pads decorating the tranquil waters near the side, but Haruka led her over to the shade of a large tree (which seemed to be some kind of fruit tree but Sakura didn’t know what kind) where a cute little bench was waiting for them.

They both sat at the same time, not too close or too far, watching the ducks wade through the waters and Sakura just let the sense of calm wash over her, it was quite a peaceful feeling that she hadn’t felt in a long time, though it was strangely familiar as well.

“ you like it?”

Sakura smiled, “Of course I do! It’s beautiful here!”

Then for once (and Sakura was sure it was there this time) Haruka actually smiled, “I’m glad.”

And along with her smile, a gentle breeze wafted past, but strong enough to sweep past Sakura’s hair and carry the daisy along with it. Sakura tried to catch it at first, but it slipped through her fingers and landed lightly on the calm waters of the pond, swirling in place.

She noticed then that it wasn’t white in color, but a strawberry pink. If Sakura remembered correctly, then daisies symbolized purity and innocence, especially white ones. But this one wasn’t so pure, it had been...tainted by a different color – the color of another. And Sakura couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the flower swirling alone on the water. Around and around it went.

As if it’d never stop.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 12:43:28 AM by Keiyuu »

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 2: Exploring the House
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2016, 12:54:14 AM »
I'm loving this. Haruppi's character is so mysterious. I don't know why, maybe because I can't help but think about the SakuRuppi MV when I read this, but your story definitely gives me the creeps. :)

Offline junchan48

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 2: Exploring the House
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2016, 08:21:42 AM »
Well~ I love this fic that's why I have to give my comment.
And this chapter is... Wow! Lol
I can imagine Haruppi's huge mansion.
Can't stop my 'wooaaah', 'wow', 'great', 'cool' when I tried to imagining Haruppi's mansion XD

Gonna wait the next chapter, Kei-san!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 2: Exploring the House
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2016, 08:58:36 PM »
Somehow I missed the first chapter (damn internet trouble!) so here is my first comment in the thread!

I like the melancholic nuance that you put into this fic. You must have been inspired by Taboo no Iro, which was a great MV imo, and I love how the pacing is flowing so well. I can't wait for an update!
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Offline Keiyuu

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2016, 08:19:46 PM »
@gekikarabuACE: Ya I tried to make her as mysterious as possible :P Haha I'm glad you're creeped out? :lol: I will take that as a compliment *-*)/
@junchan48: Lol in my mind it was huge and luxurious so that's how I tried to describe it :P Happy you like it tho and I love comments!
@Yuki88: Hello! Thanks for commenting XD and yes Taboo no Iro gave me that feel so this story came out of it haha. I'm glad the pace is okay cuz I wrote this noncontinously (is that a word?) so the middle (short) chapters might get kind of slow and make you wanna skip to the end. Just saying~

Chapter 3: Angel and Demon

The second day, Sakura unpacked all her stuff like she said she would and ultimately settled in, ready to accept living at her home (she had her worries at first but found it wasn’t so bad now after she actually moved in – which may or may not be due to Haruka’s presence here).

Then the next days passed by in a blur and her schedule developed into an easy routine. In the morning she’d get up around the same time each day (Haruka never really set any rules for that kind of stuff) and breakfast would be waiting for her downstairs, then if she was early enough she could catch Haruka and talk with her a little before the older girl disappeared until lunch time.

Sakura found out that Haruka was a year or two older than her, but when she asked Haruka refused (or just ignored the question) to answer when exactly her birthday actually was. And once Sakura remembered, she had also asked about who the owner and relative was that had taken Sakura in. Contrary to her beliefs, it really was Haruka that had ‘adopted’ her even though she was so young herself. So that’s when Sakura figured that Haruka had to be at least twenty one years old while she herself was only nineteen.

And being nineteen years old, Sakura had already graduated high school and that was lucky because then she didn't have to worry about switching schools due to moving and all that. But at the same time it also meant that she really didn't have anything to take up her time during the day. So before and after lunch, Sakura always did whatever she just felt like doing, Haruka never said what she wasn’t allowed to do (not that she was ever around anyways). And for a while, Sakura just wandered around, first becoming familiar with the house before she ventured outside into the nearby woods and grass fields that seemed to stretch forever.

The estate really was huge, even bigger than she thought because not all of it was visible from the house. When she asked, Haruka also confirmed that she did indeed own all of that land and Sakura couldn't believe it. But then again, there were a lot of things that she couldn't believe about Haruka. One of them being how Haruka managed to convince those officials to let her adopt Sakura, or how she owned all this land when she was so young, and why Sakura had never heard of her before. Also where exactly did Haruka disappear to during the day because no matter where she looked, Sakura could not find the other girl. The questions were endless.

There were so many confusing things that in the end Sakura just gave up trying to make sense of it all.

But even though she barely knew anything about her guardian, Sakura was grateful to Haruka for taking her in when she had nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to, which kind of made up for all the mystery.

After the accident, Sakura had never felt more alone in her life. Sure she still had Anna, but it wasn't the same after she lost her entire family - her mom, dad, little brother - they were all gone, forever. And Sakura didn't know of any of her parents’ relatives that lived nearby, most of them living far away and overseas.

Fortunately though, she still had Haruka, and that somehow filled the void. After she moved in, Sakura felt a sense of peace living here, even if Haruka was the only other person around. This was another thing she couldn’t explain, but it just felt...natural. And Sakura let it slide as well.

Now a month had passed and Sakura was running out of things to keep her occupied, she thought about finding a job, or maybe going to college or something, but she didn't think that it would be a good idea to get back into studying so soon. Sakura wasn't ready to throw herself back into the constant stress again - she still had yet to adjust to her new life completely and get over her old one.

But one thing she always looked forward to, was talking to Haruka during their meals. Sakura also found out early that Haruka wasn't too much of an open person, but she allowed for one question to be asked per meal (or really she’d only answer one of the many that were asked), so that meant Sakura had three chances to ask the girl whatever she wanted each day.

It was like a puzzle in a way, everyday Sakura would pick and choose what she really wanted to ask (because she really just wanted to know everything about the mysterious girl) but Haruka wouldn't give up the answers so easily. Which meant Sakura had to rack her brain about the important stuff, but it had to be worded right because Haruka also wouldn't answer questions about herself - at least, not in a straightforward manner. Just like with Haruka’s age, Sakura would be given hints and had to figure it out herself, though whether she was right or not she would never know, she could only assume.

Now it was almost dinnertime again and around this hour, Sakura usually took a shower to freshen up (hiking through the woods really took a lot out of her). Then always, she’d come into her room to find a dress or some sort of attire waiting for her on her bed. It was always something somewhat casual but pretty at the same time, something she would never usually get to wear, and Sakura was happy to get these little presents every day.

Today, she was donned in a double-layer one piece (most of the time she received a one piece dress, maybe Haruka liked dresses), it was white and the outer layer was made with intricate lace, extending over her shoulders as short sleeves. Sakura found that it kind of resembled a wedding dress – a really simple but beautiful one.

Giving a twirl in front of the mirror, she deemed herself presentable and headed downstairs, the familiar excitement and nervousness battling in her chest.

So Sakura may have been impressed by the clothes picked out for her, but not as amazed as when she saw Haruka and how well the clothes fit her.

And it didn’t matter what she wore, Haruka would always be stunning, making Sakura stop and stare for a few moments before joining her at the dining table. The same went for today. Sakura could only gape at how pretty Haruka was in her navy blue dress that ran down to her ankles, which were barely visible from beneath the table. One shoulder was bare as it was a single strap dress and Sakura glanced at the exposed skin, wondering how it was so white and flawless. And as usual, she had to snap herself out of it, a blush lighting up her cheeks as she sat awkwardly across from the girl.

She must’ve been more nervous than usual though, because she made the mistake of letting the wooden chair scrape horribly against the hard floor, producing a loud screeching sound that made Sakura wince.

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scrape up your floor!”

She immediately apologized while fighting the embarrassment of having done such a thing. Her mother always used to scold her when she scratched the floor with the chair.

But Haruka only gave a hint of a smile, not perturbed in the slightest bit. “It’s okay.”


“And it’s not ‘my floor’. This is your house too now, so don’t worry about it.”

“H-Hai...” Whenever Haruka looked at her like that, Sakura couldn’t think straight. It was like falling into a trance when she looked into her eyes, which she just noticed were quite a light color – a pretty light hazel that Sakura had never seen before...

A face flashed before her vision, someone with short black hair and the same colored eyes as she was staring at right now. The person was really close, so Sakura couldn’t get a good look at their features, but a familiar scent enveloped her and it was absolutely calming, like a veil that kept all the bad things away. Sakura could drown in that scent it made her feel so safe...

The face moved closer and closer, as if about to kiss her.

Sakura watched those soft lips, slightly parted, as they neared and suddenly she had a sudden urge to kiss that person as well...

“Sakura? Are you alright?”

She snapped awake and blinked rapidly, the remnants of that scene fading away from her mind. “Huh? Did you say something Haruka-san?”

“I asked if you were okay.” Haruka looked at her worriedly, it was the first time that Sakura saw that kind of expression on her face, but she didn’t like it. She didn’t like it when Haruka worried about her.

“I’m fine...I think I’m just a little tired.” Sakura smiled weakly, still shaken from that weird dream. Was it a dream? Sakura wasn’t sure. But it felt kind of like something that had happened an old memory... But there was no way that was possible. Sakura had never kissed anyone before (well she did kiss her little brother but he’s like four so that doesn’t count), and heck she’d never even been in a relationship, so that couldn’t be true.

“Maybe you should turn in early then,” Haruka suggested, “You do look a little pale.”

“Yeah...maybe you’re right.” Sakura frowned, but she didn’t have much of an appetite anymore anyways, so she just got up and went back up the stairs, dragging her feet as she went. That vision or whatever it was, really took a lot out of her and suddenly Sakura felt fatigued.

“Oh but, Sakura?”

“Yes?” She turned halfway up the steps.

Haruka’s gaze wandered over her unashamedly and Sakura nearly shivered from the cold breeze that seemed to blow past.

“You look beautiful by the way...” Haruka whispered softly, pushing her seat back as she gracefully made her way around the table, never breaking eye contact. “ an angel.”

Sakura chuckled a little, finding it a bit amusing as she hardly thought of herself as even remotely resembling an angel. Haruka-san is more of an angel than I am. “But if I’m an angel, then what are you?”

All of a sudden, Haruka appeared in front of her. Sakura didn’t know how she covered that distance so quickly but it was forgotten as she noticed how close they were. Haruka was mere inches away, but Sakura didn’t really feel like backing up even though her personal space was being invaded. It was weird, like she actually...welcomed it.

Her eyelids drooped and she felt like falling asleep right there. It’d be okay though, she thought. Sakura trusted Haruka. Haruka would catch her, Haruka wouldn’t let her fall, she was sure of that. Because she would never Haruka fall either, especially because of her.

Fingertips trailed lightly over Sakura’s cheek and the tickling sensation made her eyes flutter as she tried her hardest to keep them open. Haruka leaned in and once again Sakura was mesmerized by those soft, ridiculously kissable lips. But Haruka didn’t kiss her, instead turning her head to breathe in Sakura’s ear.

“If you’re an angel...then I must be a demon.”

Then Sakura blacked out.

Offline abcari

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2016, 12:17:45 AM »
It's getting more interesting! I'll be waiting for the next one!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2016, 03:30:54 AM »
Is Haruppi not human? o_o

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Offline junchan48

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2016, 05:08:52 AM »
Finally~ An update~
And it getting more interesting~
Haruka's personality just make me love her sooooooo much>o<
And she whispering in Sakura's ear, said she's a demon, that was cool!

Gonna wait for more, Kei-san>o<
Thanks for the update^o^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2016, 08:48:21 AM »
Yes, it is! Lol! As I am a big fan of the suspense/horror genre in books and movies, I tend to be a bit more particular with it. But your story definitely had me intrigued... and a bit spooked, which is quite rare. :nervous
Anyway, I'm starting to think that Haruppi may not be of this world. No one can be that magnetizing, can they?

Can't wait for your next update. I'm really curious to see where this story goes.  :twothumbs

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 3: Angel and Demon
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2016, 05:43:36 PM »
The analogy of angel and demon, huh? And then the very fair complexion of Haruka (which is the opposite of rl cuz Haruppi is actually rather tanned lol), perhaps she's a vampire? My theory is Sakura's reincarnating and somehow obtained her memories from previous life slowly, while Haruka, since she's a vampire, waits until Sakura is of age to take her back into her life...... But well, that's just me.

Can't wait for the next update.
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 4: Real
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2016, 08:32:05 PM »
Hey this is a really short one :nervous so I'll see if I can update again sooner :P

@abcari: Great! Glad you think so! XD
@Ruka Kikuchi: I don't know you'll just have to see~ :roll:
@junchan48: Lol you sound way too eager for this haha :lol: I don't deserve such enthusiasm :nervous And I'm happy you like Haruka now (and hopefully later too) XD
@gekikararabuACE: Wow I must be doing a good job then huh? JK I wasn actually worried that this isn't any good XD And who knows, maybe she isn't~
@Yuki88: Lol you're right she's pretty tan, but for the sake of the story she isn't here :P Hmmmm......I really want to answer your theory but I can't XD It's a good theory, I see you picked up my heavy handed hints :lol: and actually there's a lot of hints that you probs won't catch/make sense unless you re-read it after it's over

Chapter 4: Real

Sakura can’t feel anything. There’s nothing. No, there is darkness. Darkness everywhere. Inescapable. Surrounding her. No way out.

Until she sees a light up ahead, it’s kind of above her, then Sakura feels like she’s floating upward with the current. At least it feels like she’s in some kind of body of water, and then she surfaces, but she isn’t wet.

She just lies on her back, floating in the calm waters and staring up at the sky, which is stormy with rolling clouds and flashes of lighting.

God must be mad. Sakura thinks, and then she frowns because she doesn’t know where that thought came from. She’s not the religious type, following set rules, let alone does she believe in some almighty being from above. Sakura would much rather take matters into her own hands, disobeying, even against fate if she had to.

Now she thinks about where she is. Maybe this is a dream? It seems to be one, but Sakura can’t remember ever having so vivid dream such as this.

She doesn’t even usually get dreams, or she can’t remember them when she wakes up. Sakura can recall weird little images of her dreams as a kid, but they’re all hazy and make no sense. And recently the only dreams she’s had were nightmares of her family’s death.

But after moving into this mansion with Haruka, the nightmares have stopped. She hadn’t noticed it at first (not that she’s not grateful), but now that she thinks about it, Sakura has been oddly relaxed ever since then. Maybe it’s because of Haruka, who always has this cool, calming aura that makes Sakura, secure, at home.


Her face suddenly pops into Sakura’s mind.

Haruka laughing, Haruka crying, Haruka hugging her, Haruka planting flowers, Haruka holding her hand, Haruka tripping over herself, Haruka kissing her.

But none of that actually happened. Sakura doesn’t remember doing those things or seeing Haruka do them. And yet she does.

What does this mean?

None of this makes any sense to her.

Just who is Haruka?

How come she has those memories?

Have I met her before? Haruka...Haruka...Haru—Haruppi. That’s her name – Haruppi.

The name comes out of left field and Sakura doesn’t know how she knows it. But she knows it.

And before she has time to consider anything else, the water rises and swallows her up again, except this time, she can’t breathe. Sakura struggles for air, struggles to come back to the surface where the image of Haruka is waiting for her, but she’s running out of energy...

Sakura awakens with a gasp, having startled herself awake as she sits in her bed. Her hands grip the sheets tightly and she’s covered in cold sweat. Taking deep breaths to calm her rapidly beating heart, Sakura puts a hand to her cheek and pinches it.

“Ow! I’m definitely awake now...”

Breathing in one more time, she throws off the covers and swings her legs over the side of the bed, thinking that she’s in well need of a shower after all that sweating.

Something out of the corner of her eye catches her attention. There is a fancy tray placed on her nightstand, covered with a silver lid. Sometimes Sakura forgets how rich Haruka is, sometimes she seems like just another girl Sakura’s age, but then sometimes she’s this rich, beautiful (okay so maybe she’s always pretty), mysterious being that Sakura knows little to nothing about.

But Sakura knows that Haruka is nice, and caring, and thoughtful, or else she wouldn’t have left food for Sakura because she missed dinner.

Lifting the lid, she’s met with a decent amount of food and just the smell of it is already making her hungry. There’s even squid! Haruka must’ve realized she likes the dish a lot and left some for her to make her feel better. The thought makes her smile and Sakura is about to dig in when she notices a little note stuck on the side of the squid dish.

In fancy handwriting, it says ‘Enjoy’ and she figures that Haruka wrote it and is about to set it aside when her eyes catch something else - the little signature at the bottom.

From Haruppi~

Sakura drops the note, her hand falling limp to her side as the realization hits her.

That means those things really did happen. Those memories are hers. She knows Haruka.

But why? Where? How? When?


Offline Yuki88

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 4: Real
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2016, 08:42:29 PM »
I have no comment until the next update cuz this one is too short for justice XD

But, well, Sakura's memories returning in the form of dream. People said dream is your subconscious thought, and everything that happens in it represents something that actually happens. SO I wonder what does it mean of Sakura floating in darkness with an unattainable light of Haruka.

The floating imagery reminds me of Mizu no Naka no Dendouritsu MV for some reason though lol forgive me *sweats*
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 4: Real
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2016, 09:02:02 PM »
Uwaa~ they really did meet before! I wonder what secrets lie in their past! I can't wait! >w<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 4: Real
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2016, 06:22:51 AM »
I'll wait to the next chapter to write something that can actually have some sense lol, at the moment I only have more questions, so let's find out first a little more before say something lol

Offline junchan48

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 4: Real
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2016, 07:28:11 AM »
So Sakura definitely have her past with Haruka, I mean Haruppi~
And Haruppi, being a gentle'woman' for Sakura>///<
Haruppi's romantic side with her own way just make me loves her more>o<

Well. I'm a very enthuastic reader, just sometimes too shy to give some comment. Lol
And this chapter is toooooooooo short for me-,-

Gonna wait the next chapter anyway~
Thanks for the update^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Forgotten Memories [SakuRuppi] - Chapter 5: Answers
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2016, 10:16:45 PM »
And now we're halfway through the story! Huzzah! Lol :P Just five more chapters and an epilogue to go~

@Yuki88: Lol you're right XD Ooh :lol: your theories are really helpful to me. I've never seen that MV before so thanks for introducing that too haha XD
@Ruka Kikuchi: Well, I guess that's not really much of a surprise anymore considering :lol:
@abcari: Haha sorry that one's short but it needed to be :P Thanks for commenting anyways tho! Even if you're just saying you'll comment next time, I love any kind of response XD
@junchan48: Haruppi's got her own way of going about things haha XD Oh same! I don't comment half as much as I read but I'm glad you chose to reply on my stuff XD

Chapter 5: No Answers

“Haruka-san? What is your last name?” It suddenly occurred to Sakura that Haruppi may not have the same last name as her.

Haruppi wiped her mouth with the serviette and set the fork down neatly before responding.


A straight answer for once.

“Your name isn’t Miyawaki?”

“No, no it isn’t.”

“Then how are we related?” Sakura probed, after the dream she had the other day, she really couldn’t contain her curiosity much longer. She wanted to know, she wanted answers, and it seemed Haruppi was the only one that had them. Not that Sakura had anyone else she could ask anyways.

“We aren’t.”

“What?—Wait what?! We’re not related? Then how come you became my guardian??”

Sakura was utterly confused. How could Haruppi adopt her if they weren’t even related? Didn’t she have to provide some sort of proof first? Why did she do it in the first place? It wasn’t like she owed Sakura anything and how did she even know about Sakura anyways? Too many questions but not enough answers.

“Are you sure I haven’t met you before?” She insistently asked.

Sakura’s confusion must’ve amused Haruppi because the hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips, “I believe you’ve just about reached your question limit for the day. Better save the last one for dinner or they’ll all be used up~”
In frank disbelief, Sakura froze for a few seconds, then reluctantly picked up her own utensil and began eating. Although unhappy with the outcome, at least it was a step in the right direction towards getting the answers she wanted. Sakura could wait for now.


Dinner couldn’t come fast enough in Sakura’s opinion, and luckily (she had never been happier about it) they had dinner early in this particular household.

She was so anxious about it that she had taken a shower already and lounged around her room for several hours in her dress, just waiting for six o’clock to come around. The minute the clock stroke six, Sakura leaped from her bed and sprinted down the stairs (but carefully, because we all know that Sakura would trip and fall if she wasn’t).

The table was always set by the time Sakura arrived. One time, she checked at 5:55 then went into another room, but by the time she came back in, everything was already placed and ready. That was another one of the things that Sakura never really bothered to ask about, but now she wanted answers to her questions, all of them. No more letting things slide, no more wondering without asking, she was going to make Haruppi tell her one way or another.

She sat in her usual spot, Haruppi there already and the meal proceeded quietly, demurely, Sakura too scared to speak up for some reason. All that curiosity and desire to learn the truth built up inside her but she couldn’t say anything, her courage suddenly all vanishing into thin air.

Part of the reason was probably because she knew that Haruppi was expecting something from her. Sakura couldn’t pinpoint what exactly, but ever since lunch there had been a certain tension between them and now the pressure was almost too much to bear.

What’s wrong with me?

Sakura’s hands were clammy and her heart beat quickly in her chest, her breathing irregular and raspy. She was getting all worked up for no reason but she couldn’t calm herself down and it got worse until the brink of hyperventilation. Black spots appeared in the edges of her vision as her lungs burned for oxygen.


Immediately, the black spots disappeared and Sakura’s breathing evened out. Haruka’s face came back into focus and it was almost like a spell had been cast over her.

“That’s better,” Haruppi remarked, “I don’t want you passing out on me again.”

The words were cold but Sakura could feel the warmth behind them and smiled, “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Still, thank you anyways.” Sakura was sure that Haruppi had helped her somehow even if she denied it. Haruppi always helped her, even if it was just being there.

Haruppi merely shrugged in reply.

However, there might have been a faint tint to her cheeks, faint but still there and Sakura found it adorable, giggling lightly.

“Is something funny?” Haruppi had a perplexed look on her face that Sakura had to try very hard not to laugh at.

“No, no it’s nothing~”

“Hmm...” Haruppi didn’t look convinced but she didn’t ask anymore either, instead clearing her throat. “Ahem, I believe you have something to ask me?”

The mood suddenly turned serious and Sakura stiffened even though she knew it was coming. Haruppi’s gaze boring holes through her head as she racked her brain for something she should ask. There were so many things she pondered about but due to all that anxiety she had completely forgotten to choose a specific one.

Oh my gosh I can’t believe I forgot! Ugh and I’ve been waiting all day for this...

Haruppi only waited patiently as Sakura went through this internal struggle. She wasn’t the one that was worried about this stuff, and Sakura wanted to hate her for being so nonchalant, so calm, so careless, but she couldn’t because Haruppi was so caring.

What should I ask? What do I want to know? What do I want to know most?

“...Why don’t we go to the garden? A little fresh air might help.” Haruppi suggested considerately, taking into account Sakura’s turmoil.

Sakura nodded in agreement and Haruppi rose first, extending a hand for Sakura to take like a gentleman would (meanwhile making Sakura blush like mad). And they walked towards the garden, hands swinging lightly between them, dim lights lining the path and the sounds of crickets and moving water in the darkness.

The night air helped cool her head and Sakura’s thought process became calmer and less hectic.

I have so many things to ask her though... It was impossible to choose just one.

They strolled slowly, taking their time as Haruppi didn’t seem to be in any kind of hurry anymore. The first time, she practically sprinted outside to show Sakura the garden, as if she had to prove something or impress her, but Haruppi seemed more relaxed now, more sure, at least that’s how Sakura felt about it. Something about the way Haruppi acted just seemed familiar, like when you’ve known someone all your life and you can’t help but learn their habits and behaviors. Sakura just understood Haruppi like that, but she couldn’t really say why, and Haruppi always seemed to know what Sakura felt as well. But maybe she should find out why, it seemed like an appropriate thing to question.

And then one subject popped into her head, something that she’d been wondering all along but never really put into definite words before.

Should I ask?

Haruppi always gave vague, clear as mud answers, so why couldn’t Sakura ask a vague question?

“Haruka-san...” She began.




Looking up, their eyes locked and Sakura, the nervousness in her heart fading as she was utterly focused on Haruppi, finally asked, “...Who are you?”

Then Haruppi smiled sadly. It was the kind of smile that looked so painful it made Sakura’s heart hurt and she regretted ever asking in the first place.

“I think that’s something you should ask yourself.”

Haruppi let go of her hand and walked away, the sound of her clicking heels and the silhouette of her back fading into the shadows. Alone, Sakura pondered the real meaning behind that statement as well as felt horribly guilty for inducing such a sad expression and making Haruppi leave like that.

I don’t want her to be hurt...

All of a sudden it didn’t matter who Haruppi was, or what the answer was.

I want to trust her.

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