@Ruka Kikuchi:
@ChibiRine: i don't know why. the plot just popped out of my mind.
@BbSis: yes they will...

well... minna-sama. here's part two of

(Part 2)
Matsui Rena & Matsui Jurina
She was all alone, locked up in a white-walled and windowless room. Her senses were heightened.
Rena has been here for almost a month. Inside her room, she felt that time passed slowly. She was more than bored. But her loneliness beats her boredom.
“I wonder… what she’s doing now…” She murmured. The thought of Jurina makes her feel sadder.
Then, she heard the door click open. A nurse entered the room and put the medicine tray on the table.
“Matsui-san, it’s time to drink your medicine.”
She drank the pills and gulped plenty of water.
“By the way, you have a visitor, Matsui-san.”
Her eyes widened. Visitor? But who could that be? She doesn’t have a sibling and her parents were already dead.
She stood up and followed the nurse to the visiting area.
The nurse opened the door and she saw her visitor. Her eyes widened in disbelief, she was the last person she would think of as a visitor.
Rena slowly walked towards her and sat at the seat in front of her. She can’t look at her.
They were both speechless.
“Why are you here?” Rena asked.
Jurina didn’t answer.
“Haven’t you read the letter?” Rena kept on asking but Jurina’s not answering. She was forced to look at Jurina. Her jaw slightly dropped.
Jurina was crying, but she was more beautiful than ever. Tears started to build up on Rena’s eyes.
“Rena… I miss you.”
She was holding her tears back but when she heard Jurina’s voice, she started crying.
“Jurina… Why? You’re just making things hard for you—“
“YADA! You’re so stupid, Rena!”
Rena stopped talking. She was shocked because of Jurina’s words.
“I’m sorry… But… I think that if we continue seeing each other… things will be more difficult… I—I don’t want to hurt you… Jurina…” – Rena
“It’s no good, Rena.” – Jurina
“Bu—but why? I don’t want you to suffer because of me.”
“I didn’t know that you’re so stupid.” Jurina sighed.
“I’m so sorry… but may I ask something? How did you know that I’m here?” Rena asked Jurina.
FLASHBACK.After Jurina read the letter, she was awfully depressed for a month. Then, Churi visited her.
“Stop this nonsense, Jurina!” – Churi
“I hate Rena!”
“Rena… won’t do this without a reason…”
“She told me her reason… but she didn’t realize one thing…”
“You know… You’re quite a moron Jurina. If you hate her because she left you… Then… why don’t you just look for her then?”
“You know Churi… You’ve got a point there!” Jurina regained her normal composure and prepared herself in searching for Rena.
“But… I don’t even know where she lives!” Jurina looked at Churi.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find out soon. I have an idea.”
Churi discussed her plan with Jurina.
“Maybe we should look into her school profile… I’ll ask Airi to help us in this matter.”
They did what they have planned and they succeeded in obtaining Rena’s home address.
After that, they went to Rena’s residence. It was an apartment unit. They found nobody there.
“But… where could she be?”
An old woman approached them.
“You’re looking for an apartment unit? That one’s available…”
“Can we enter? We want to see the inside.” – Churi
“Sure!” The woman rummaged her pocket in search of the key of the room. “The former tenant there was a really nice lady. She’s a little bit weird sometimes because she doesn’t lock her door.”
“Do you know where she is?” Jurina asked the woman.
“I don’t have an idea. She just paid her rent and told me she’ll be leaving.” At last, the woman found the key.
She inserted it and the door was soon opened.
“Ah, yes! I heard her talking to someone on the phone. I think was about… uhm… what was that… Ah! It was about an institution… Well, I’ve heard something of that kind.”
The room was empty, except for a few pieces of trash on the floor.
“I’ll be back girls, I’ll just check on something.” The old woman excused herself.
They went round the room.
“Nee…” Jurina was standing near the table. She found a flyer on the table.
Takarano Mental Institution
Sakae, NagoyaIt was what’s written on it plus their contact number.
“Found you.”
“Well… I didn’t know you’d put yourself in that much inconvenience… just to find me.” Rena said coldly.
“I’m disappointed of you, Rena.”
Rena didn’t speak.
“I—I don’t love you anymore…” Rena looked away as she says this.
Jurina stood up and walked towards Rena…
“You’re really not a good liar, Rena…” Rena was shocked because Jurina embraced her. “If your other self’s a sadist… Then, I’ll create my other self, too… and be a masochist for you…”
Rena’s heart raced. Jurina’s was the sweetest voice she’d ever heard.
“Besides… You didn’t realize one important thing!”
“That… When you left me… you gave me the deepest pain ever… I’ll choose to be an object for your sadistic mania… rather than not seeing you anymore… Because the moment you left me, you gave me a thing that is way beyond pain… and that is EMPTINESS.”
Rena returned Jurina’s embrace.
“You owe me a thing, my lady… So, I want you to promise that you will never ever leave me again! Understood?” Jurina said with a tone of superiority.
Rena nodded. She was too happy that words can’t express her feelings.
Rena cupped Jurina’s cheeks.
“I love you so much, Jurina… I promise that when I’m out of here… I’ll be the best girlfriend ever!”
“Do you really need to stay here?”
“Yes… but for the mean time only. You can always visit me here. In that way, I think I’ll be cured easily.”
“Really? Yay! Then, I’ll visit you every day! I love you, my Rena!”
“I love you, too, my Jurina!”
Rena kissed Jurina’s forehead… and the two looked at each other for what seemed like forever.
thanks for reading!