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Author Topic: Bite Me! (Chapter 17) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, WMatsui] 6/28/16  (Read 51552 times)

Offline AKB48couples

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2015, 03:48:40 AM »
Chapter 8


I sat at my desk as a group of human girls talked to me about boys and stupid things that I don’t care for. I was really worried about Yui and Paru, I haven’t seen them at all. If I was approached my Tadashi’s workers there could be a great chance that they were as well.

I inhaled and exhaled slowly as I glanced over. Sayaka was on her phone, earbuds in as she was listening to her music.

Does she even know that she’s not human? I don’t really know when Yui and Paru became my responsibility, but I can’t help but to worry, I dunno, I might be overthinking this to much.

I quietly stood from my seat as I walked to the entrance of the classroom and slid open the door.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak~...”

I widened my eyes at who I saw standing in the doorway, my hands fell to my sides as I gripped my skirt.


That wicked grin I haven’t seen for a while, that smile that belonged to Mayu.

“What are you doing here?”

“You seem to be something important to a lot of people. Come with me.”

Mayu gripped onto my arm as she yanked me along through the halls of my school down to the main entrance.

“This is how you say hi to me? After all these years?”

Mayu stopped walking as I spoke my feelings out to her. She turned to look at my facial expression.

“Oh Watanabe Miyuki, I love you so much! ...Is that what you wanted to hear?”

I widened my eyes at her sarcasticness and furrowed my eyebrows.

“Yes...that’d be nice actually...I mean...I am your cousin after all.”

“Cousin or not, you still screwed my family over…”

“That was not me! I had nothing to do with it.”



“I chose not to care, let’s go, someone want’s to see you.”

She grabbed my arm again but I ripped my arm from her grasp as I grew more angered.

“Who is this someone?”


“If it’s anyone that is a vampire, then no, I have class to attend.”

I turned my back to Mayu as I rubbed my forehead with my right hand.


This voice belonged to a much different voice, a more...depressed voice. I turned my head out of curiosity to see who it was, as I thought, it was the owner of one of the vampire kingdoms, Black. I rolled my eyes, completely through with all of this. There has been a lot of things that happened in the past that I hate.


“Please be cooperative, we need to help Yui.”

Yui? They need to help Yui?

“What? Why?”

Black looked back at Mayu with a somewhat concerned look as she then glanced back at me.

“We lost all contact with Yui, no one knows where she is or what happened...Do you know where she might be?”

Black raised one of her eyebrows in a innocent way as stared at me for the answer to her question. I tilted my head in confusion as I tried to think back and analyze everything.

“Tadashi’s workers came and tried to arrest me for not capturing Yui and falling in love with a”

Black and Mayu slowly smirked at me almost simultaneously. What were they smiling about?

“Miyuki, you fell in love with a human too?” Black murmured as she crossed her arms.

“Do they love you back?” Mayu smirked even more.

I softly blushed as I rubbed my arm nervously. I slowly inched myself away from them as it grew silent.

“She...she doesn’t”

“Oh...its a she...I thought for sure it would be a guy with the power you have...I mean you could have someone as hot as Fukushi Sato!” Mayu shouted as Black hit her arm, I could sense that she was obviously jealous.

“Just continue on with Tadashi..” Black mumbled.

I nodded as I parted my glossed lips to continue.

“The thing with Tadashi, is that when he has multiple targets to take care of, he usually takes care of them at the same I fear that he has either enslaved Yui, or is going to let her stay in the dungeons until she dies...or-”

“That’s enough… Mayu, let’s go.” Black grabbed Mayu’s arm as she looked at Black and tried yanking her arm back.

“You can’t always boss me around like this Black, its unfair and stingy!”

Black snapped her head back around and gave Mayu an intense look. She immediately quietened down and they left.

I sighed, returning to the classroom, where I saw Sayaka still listening to her music. I approached her, tapping her shoulder. She took out one of her earbuds.

“Hey, what’s up, Miyuki?”

“Sayaka…I need to tell you something.”

Sayaka raised her right eyebrow as she put on a surprised facial expression. I took no time to waste as I grabbed her wrist and yanked her along. This time, I was going to be serious and forward with her, I don’t care what she says, I just wanna get it off my chest...

I dragged her out to the school yard and quickly let go while turning to face her. She looked so surprised and scared, I thought it was quite funny but I really didn’t care to laugh or smile.

“You know that time about vampires and everything?”


 “Well, it’s all true… and I know, because.. I’m a vampire.”


“Look, Sayaka...this world isn’t what you think it is. There’s so much more to it… You still have yet to realize.. all that’s going on.”

“Miyuki, what are you talking abo--” She suddenly winced in pain, pressing her temple.


“Ugh… it h-hurts…” She suddenly collapsed in front of me. “M-miyuki… the infirmary….”

I held her shoulders and helped her walk to the infirmary. After taking a few pills for her headache, she laid down on one of the beds and fell asleep. 

I caught myself staring at her, I could never bring myself to figure out what was so enticing about her… Ever since I first saw her, there’s been this strange feeling inside me I couldn’t erase. I’m still confused as to what it is, but…

Somehow, with Sayaka… I a way.

As I was thinking, I heard a slight groan and saw Sayaka sit up from the bed.

“Sayaka..?” I held her shoulder, supporting her up. Then, I saw her eyes…

They were different, they weren’t Sayaka’s eyes, at least, not the Sayaka I know. These eyes were...sinful.

“Sayaka…? Are you okay?”

She groaned again as she hung her head down, not supporting any of her body weight.

“Please answer!”

“You’re so annoying...”

I widened my eyes as I leaned away from her, removing my hands from her.


She immediately stood up from the bed without any struggle. Why was she suddenly just so angry? I don’t remember doing anything to make her angry…

“I was in the middle of a good nap. I don’t like being woken up, especially by you. Why are you always so clingy? Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Sayaka, please, just sit down.”

I stood up for my seat and furrowed my eyebrows while my jaw was dropped. I’ll admit, her words hurted me so much but I care about her health more than her words.

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

She shouted loudly at me with anger as she balled her fists up. She turned her head towards me and glared at me, this burnt a hole through my soul. It felt like I was dying. 

“Sayaka… come on, it’s me… Miyuki.”

Her eyes widened a bit.

“Wait...” Her fists unclenched. “You… you’re that girl who...”


She leaned forward and smacked her hand against the wall. I believe what she’s doing is a kabe-don. But… why is she..?

“Listen, is what you said true? Are you really a vampire?”

I nodded, still a bit shaken by her eyes.

“I see. Then, I want you to listen carefully. Whenever I come out, I need you to follow everything I say, and if you want to stay with her,” she pointed to herself. “Then, I suggest you not disobey.”

“Sayaka, what are you-?”

“Oh, and don’t call me by that name.”


“My name’s not Sayaka. It’s Antonio.”

Offline Centernezumi

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2015, 07:04:13 AM »
Antonio-nee san  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :thumbsup
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 07:12:13 AM by Centernezumi »

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2015, 06:11:08 PM »
Im hoping for an update.
Antonio neesan is in the house!
Milky being inlove with Sayanee.
What could possibly happen.
Mayuki were cute though.

eager to read the next chapter.
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline Haruko

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2015, 06:48:57 PM »
two personalities!! ANTONIOO SAMA!!

Offline Naoru_chan

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2015, 07:51:37 PM »
Long time no see author san  :::::   I can't wait .... Please update  soon.

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2015, 10:02:12 AM »
Author san ...ur update 'crying
Thanks for the update~ 'bow
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2015, 12:16:46 PM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2015, 02:29:44 AM »
Warning!: This chapter is rated PG-13. lol


Chapter 9



“That’s right,” Sayaka said. Why is she acting like that, like a different person, with a different name?

“What do you want?”

“Simple. I saw that girl you were talking to, the girl in the hood.”

She’s talking about Mayu…

“She could be a lead to finding your friends. I want you to contact her again, find out who she’s working for. Any information you can get, bring it to me.”

I gripped my fists.

“What are you so quiet for..?” she glared at me. “Do you know something?”

I gulped.

“Mayu… she’s part of a resistance… along with Yui, in order to...”

“In order to what?”

“To… protect Haruka. That way, she and Yui can be together. Tadashi wanted me to capture and kill them, because it was against our rules, and she had rebelled, but then...”

“That’s when you met Sayaka,” she finished my sentence.

I nodded.

“Are you going to join their resistance?”

“I… I don’t know. I betrayed Tadashi and… Haruka still has no idea who or what we really are… and now, Yui’s missing… Tadashi could’ve--”

I felt her hand on my head. I looked up at her eyes. They weren’t as cold anymore. They were more gentle, caring. Like Sayaka, but somehow different…

“Do you care for them?”


“Even though she’s a rebel… even though Haruka’s human… do you care for them?”


“Do you love Sayaka?”


“I…” I didn’t know what to say. My lips quivered as my breaths became shorter and unsteady. I felt like headed and began to sweat, it’s amazing how Sayaka can make me feel like this.


“I take that as a yes…”

“What?!” I widened my eyes as I looked up at Antonio with annoyance, as much as I’d hate to admit it, yes, its true, I do. Antonio removed her hand and slightly looked away in a serious tone.

“But, back to the main topic, that Mayu… No, that Nezumi, she’s not to be trusted. You can tell by the way she carries herself.”

I kept my mouth shut because I agree with her. She was family, and I still love her, but she is sneaky and wicked, no one can trust her. Antonio raised an eyebrow and placed her hand under her chin to think.

“What do you think? About her I mean.”

“I agree, but lets just see what happens, I mean it’s not for sure that she will do it.”

“You really don’t know how to use your brain.”

She rolled her eyes and exhaled with an attitude.

“I have to sleep now.”


“I get tired using this body during the day. Just call for me if you get anything,” she said before sitting down and closing her eyes.

“Wha..? Wait..!”

Her eyes opened again and she looked at me.

“Miyuki..? What happened..?” That’s Sayaka. I can tell.

“You… got a headache and collapsed,” I said quickly.

“Really? Ugh, I’ve been having those way too often...”

“Just rest for now. I’ll get you some water.”

“Thanks...” I got up and walked over to the sink and looked around for cups in the counters and shelves, I luckily found some and quickly did as I said. I walked back over to her and gave her the water to drink. “Thank you...”

She pulled out something from her pocket. She popped in a few pills and swallowed them with the water.

“What’s that?”


“For what?”

She looked away a bit before saying, “You don’t wanna know…”

I raised my eyebrows and thought about asking but what’s the point. I grew slightly worried and troubled, about what Antonio said...I feel like I should tell the group but I feel as if they would grow mad.

I inhaled and pouted as I tried solving everything.

“What’s wrong?”

I looked up at Sayaka as she pulled me out of my deep thought.

“Ah, nothing...just tired, that's all.” I smiled faintly as she looked at me suspiciously.


“Are you feeling better?”

“Yea, when this happens, it goes away quick, I went to doctors before, and they said that it’s not normal for me to regain myself that fast.”

“Ahaha...maybe you have another you who’s trying to get out.” I chuckled slightly.

“Yea right Miyuki! don’t play around haha.”

“Yep...ahaha….definitely playing around with you…” I said slyly as I rubbed my arm. I slouched as I fell back into thinking, I have to tell the group, I am willing to risk what could come of this.

“Sayaka, I’ll be right back, okay?”


She quickly grabbed my hand as I stood up. I raised my left eyebrow in confusion as I slowly sat back down.


She just sat there, staring at me with an unidentifiable emotion, her lips were quivering, as was her eyebrows. She let go of my hand as she started tear up, wait, why was she tearing up?!

“Ah! Sayaka, did I do something? Are you okay?”

“NO! I’m not! Every time this happens, I feel so heartbroken afterwards!”

“When I leave?”

“No! When I regain conscience, i’m always either mad or angry, and I never tell anybody about it!”

“Oh...look, it’ll be fine, don’t cry.”


she didn’t say anything and just let her head hang, I felt so bad for her, that I even started growing sad myself.

I hesitantly hugged her in a supporting way...but the strange thing was, it was like I was glued to her, I couldn't seem to remove myself, I don’t want to.

“Thank you, Miyuki.”

She hugged me back, I felt like crying, she finally hugged me back!

“Are you okay? Why are you shivering Miyuki?”

“I’m not!”

“Yea, and you’re really warm, are you sure?”

“Yes! I’m fine!”

I quickly stood up and removed myself from the moment, if I stayed in there any longer I would probably die. I ran out of the nurses office quickly as I bolted to the courtyard.

I need to find them, but I don’t know how to get to the hideout that they spoke of.

“What would Mayu be doing?” I murmured to myself as I tapped my foot. She was probably stealing money out of an ATM or something, or in the arcade. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on my face.

What about Black, what would she be doing? She would probably only be active in the night time, right? I’ll just hunt for her then, right now, I need to find Mayu, start with them.


I sat quietly as Mayu ran around my house like she had no limits, it was really scary sometimes, such a small thing could have such big energy. I slowly stood up as I rubbed my head.

Me and Mayu met back when she was 13, of course, I was the same age as I am now. She still acted the same as she does, except she was a little more closed off.

“Ah! Yuki, how long have we been dating?” Mayu suddenly stopped running around to ask such a odd question. Her eyes had a certain sparkle in them at that moment.

I looked up at the ceiling to do the math and so on.

“3 years...and 9 months.”

“You know, we haven’t really done much together, have we?”

“You’re right…”

“You’re the one who asked to date me…”

Oh...I see, she only asked me that so she could get her point across.

“What’s your point?”

“I wanna do something, you act like you don’t even love me that much anymore.”

She ran to my couch and threw herself on it as she intertwined her arms and pouted. I do show affection a lot...just not in public like she wants.

I slowly walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to quench my thirst, after I did that, I walked back to the living room and still saw a pouting Mayu on the couch. I rolled my eyes as I took a few drinks from my cup and walked over to the couch Mayu was sitting on and sat down.

“I’m sorry…”

“That won’t work, Yukirin.”

I looked back up at her with a unbelievable look. How does sorry not cut it!? I’m being serious! I grew slightly angry at her as I clenched my fists.

“Then what will-!?”

Mayu grew bold over the years since I met her. She was quite afraid of a lot when we first met. She grabbed my spring jacket that I was wearing and then placed another on my cheek. My heart pounded out of my chest, almost breaking my rib cage at that. I never felt like this with anybody else in all my existence.

“Do you love me...Yuki?”

I paused as my eyebrows quivered. She was staring into my eyes, Staring into the nothingness inside me. She was so innocent around me, that’s another reason why I don’t do much. A long time passed before I parted my lips to say anything. I was caught, and forced not to say anything because I was captivated by her beauty.

“...yes, a lot…”

Mayu softly smiled as she tucked a piece of my loose hair behind my ear. She slowly began leaning in towards me, taking her time as she slightly pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, it took me a second to figure out what she was trying to do.

“Eh! Wait! Wait!” I placed my hands on her lips as I looked down at the couch. My whole body was hot, and I can tell my face was red.

“...Can I do it?”

She grabbed my hands and took them off her mouth as she nodded softly without making an expression. I just awkward, she’s the human, vampires are always  stereotyped to be the dominant one, and she probably expected that herself.

I inhaled lightly and put my left hand on her cheek as I examined her. She seemed more nervous than she usually is, and her eyes were already closed, just simply waiting. Her skin was soft like porcelain.

...I’ve been such a bad girlfriend to her, she’s honestly so caring, and she takes care of me, she deserves more than me. She could have picked so many others but decided to pick me...I love her so much, more than I even know. She’s so perfect just by herself…

I lightly leaned in and closed my eyes. My heart beated quietly as I softly tilted my head and kissed her softly. I was always so locked up to people that they don’t even know my real name, only Mayu does. Mayu lightly kissed me back as she returned the favor with strong feelings. Things didn’t get heated, but just remained romantic and gentle like everything always was between us...well...not always but...yea.

“Please go further Yukirin…”

I widened my eyes as my body grew to a burning fire on the inside. She kissed me again but this time was more dominant and different. She pushed me down onto the couch and groped my chest. I moaned as she fondled with me and kissed my neck.

“Ah.. Mayu...”

“Yukirin...” she suddenly took my shoulders and made us switch positions. “Show me how much you love me.”

Her legs wrapped around my waist as she leaned forward and kissed my lips again. Our tongues intertwined, I could hear her small moans as I caressed her head.

I suddenly felt her lips quiver as mine were still pressed against hers, why was she so nervous? I quickly pulled away and saw tears running down her face.


I quickly rubbed her tears away with my white sleeves as I grew more worried than I ever have.

“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry Yukirin...I’m horrible. I don’t deserve you, I’m sorry…”

What? Wait, what did she do, she must’ve done something she's regretting now.

“Sorry for what? Don’t be sorry, don’t cry.”

I hurriedly hugged her tightly as I put my hand on the back of her head and the other firmly pressed on her back.

Even if I asked her what she did, she won’t tell me.

I’ll get my information some other way.


“Rena~ kiss me~”

Mou, why does Jurina have to be like this right now? We’re supposed to be watching Haruka until she wakes up, and all she wants to do is kiss me. I mean, seriously, is she in heat?

“C’mon, Rena, just one kiss~ Then I’ll be quiet for the rest of the day, okay~?”

“Jeez, why are you so persistent?” I said annoyed.

I’ve known Jurina for a long time. I first met her when she was 18, and even now, she’s still spoiled around me. But, she certainly has matured in many ways since that time. I guess being a kissing monster is NOT going to be one of those things she grows out of.

“Nee~ Rena~” she asked, hugging me from behind. “How long have we been together?”

She held up the chain, signifying what she meant.

“Almost 3 years...”

“And how long has it been since we officially became a couple?”

“1 year.”

“And what does our contract state?”

I sighed, knowing what she meant.

“In exchange for your protection and absolute obedience… I give my body, my blood...”

“And your love~” She nibbled my ear. “To me, and only me! That’s what it said.”

“The last part was your variation.”

“I know~ But that’s because I love you, Rena~ Now kiss me~”

I groaned silently. “Fine, if it’ll keep you quiet, then--” I couldn’t finish as she circled the chair I saw sitting in and face me. She sat on my lap and held both my wrists as she got closer.

“Just what I wanted to hear,” she said in a sensual voice before kissing me.

Her tongue invaded my mouth as we interlocked fingers and she dragged me into a deep, hot kiss. She bit my lip and caused me to cry out. Letting go of my wrists, I wrapped my arms around her neck and let her icy fingers roam across my skin.

“J-Jurina...” I moaned as she started massaging my chest and nibbled my ear again. My leg in between hers, and one of my hands grabbing her butt, I was starting to feel horny, too...

Through my blurry vision, I saw something move. Blinking a few times, I looked on the couch and saw the girl was waking up. She looked at us for a few seconds, her face turning red.

My eyes widened. “Uh, Jurina...”

“What? I’m busy...”

“No, look,” I pushed her away, making her look at the girl.


Haruka covered her mouth, turning away.

Oh my God, I can’t believe this. We probably just mortified this girl! This is because I let my guard down and let Jurina do what she want, now we have to deal with this girl who just woke up and saw us all hot and bothered! I smacked my forehead.

“Well, that was fun,” Jurina said while licking her lips. “We’ll have to continue later.”

I blushed as she winked at me.

“So~ Shimazaki Haruka-chan,” she walked over to the girl. “It’s nice to finally meet you~”


“Ah, yes, I need to introduce myself,” She grabbed her wrists, pinning her to the couch.

What is she doing?!

“My name’s Jurina. I must say, you’re very cute, Haruka-chan.” She purred before biting the girl’s ear. She let out a small cry from the pain; Jurina always had a strong bite.

“Jurina,” I spoke in a serious tone, meeting her gaze.

I sent her a telepathic message, “You can’t. If she doesn’t remain pure, we can’t perform the ritual.”

She smirked. “Alright, I hear ya.”

She got up from Haruka. “Really, Yui has some good taste.”

“Yui?” Haruka’s eyes widened. Looks like her interest gets peaked when we mention Yui. “You know Yui? Where is she? She disappeared and--”

“It’s okay, Haruka. We’ll find her,” I said. I raised my hand to her. “I’m Rena, by the way.”

“Rena-san… um, are you and Jurina-san..?”

I blushed again. “Oh… um, yes. And, I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“I-it’s okay… you two seem.. very close.”

Jurina hugged me from behind. “We are. We’ve been together for quite some time, ne, Rena-chan~”

Mou, this girl will never change…

“How did you two meet?” At that question, I blushed madly.

“Ooh~ you wanna tell her that story?”


That story… yes, that night I first met her… Like hell I’d forget that.

Flashback, 3 years ago…

“Men are sh*ts!” I yelled angrily, slamming my fist on the table.

“I drink to that,” my friend, Airin proclaimed. She, Churi, Akari, Yuka, and Mieko all invited me to a drinking party. They said I needed a drink to forget about my boyfriend dumping me.

“Mou~ don’t be so mad, Rena,” Akari said. “Not all men are that bad.”

“You should talk. You’ve had more boyfriends than any of us!” Mieko said.

“Shut up! Mieko-baa-san is older, so she should have more experience as well.”

“Who are you calling baa-san?!”

“Well, at least you guys can have boyfriends,” Yuka said sulkily. “No matter how hard I try, it’s impossible for me.”

“You’re just more popular with women cuz you’re so ikemen.”

“Yeah, you should just become a man!”


As they were talking, I walked over to the bar to have some time to myself. I told them just to give me something that was strong; I just want to forget everything that’s happened. I held my head and sighed, this day has given me a headache.

“This seat taken?” a voice said. I looked up and saw a beautiful young woman. She was wearing all black and I couldn’t help but notice her shirt was a bit… revealing.

“No.” I said, blushing as I looked away from her chest.

She seemed to notice and smirked. “What’s the matter? Have a rough night?”

“A little...”

She rested her hand on her cheek. “Tell me.”


“I’m right here and I’m all ears. I’ll listen to you.”

So, that night, we just sat there together, I was talking about my problems and drinking, and she would just sit and listen. She reassured me, she was such a kind person.

About an hour into our conversation, I was really drunk. I was so out of it, but it still felt amazing, like I was floating.

“Men… are sh*ts,” I said again in between giggles. I get really giggly when I’m drunk.

“I hear you,” she said. “I never cared much for men.”

“What~? But, you’re so.. hehe, hot..!”

“Oh, you think I’m hot?”

“Duh! I’ve been staring at your f*cking boobs all night! Look at them, they’re bigger than mine!”

“No way, they’re still small,” she pouted.

“Still, they’re bigger compared to mine...”

She giggled. I liked her smile. She suddenly stood up, walking closer to me.

“Y’know, I like you, Rena-chan,” she said. “I was thinking I’d come here and it be a boring night, like usual, but you caught my interest.”

“Me too. I don’t even remember why I was so angry earlier.”

“Um, I believe it was because your boyfriend was a d*ck.”

I laughed. “Oh, right. Haha… seriously, though, if I could, I’d rather date a woman than ever date a man again.”

She raised her eyebrow. “Oh really?”

“Yea...” I looked up at her. She was stunningly beautiful.

I took a few seconds to stare at her before grabbing her and pulling her forward. I kissed her lips with passion and she responded back. I felt hot and her soft lips were taking me over the moon.

“Fuu~” From a distance, I could hear my friends cheering. I knew they must’ve been watching for a while.

“Way to go, Rena!”

“Yea, that’s a nice catch ya got there!”

I separated from her and stared in her eyes again.

“Wow...” I said as I caught my breath. “You… are a good kisser.”

“Thank you.”

“No, really, how did you get so good?”

“I’m just like you; I had bad past experiences.”

“God, you’re so hot...” I simply giggled.

“Obviously, you’re too drunk...” I felt her pick me up and carry me in her arms. “I’ll just take you to my place.”

“Uh, yea, okay...” I was getting lost. My vision was blurry.

“Hey, I hope you were finally able to forget about that d*ck of a boyfriend of yours.”


I finally lost all my senses and fell asleep in her arms.

A few hours later, I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck. I groaned as my head pulsed and I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. I was in a hotel room, lying in a white bed, and instead of my pale pink dress, I was in a white, long T-shirt that covered my bum, and nothing underneath but my panties.

I turned and saw the woman I saw last night, sleeping beside me in her same all-black attire. I blushed, thinking about last night when I was drunk. The thought of her undressing me and putting me in these clothes caused my blood to creep up my face.

I slowly got up, walking over to the bathroom, when suddenly I felt a pain at my neck. I touched it slightly and saw a drop of red on my finger.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw two small puncture wounds as if she… bit me?

Did she bite me?! Or is this some weird hickey? Again, the thought of what we could’ve done last night made me blush mad and I covered my face. The moment I uncovered it, I felt the girl’s arms wrap around me and I saw her embracing me.

“Ohayo, Rena-chan,” she cooed softly in my ear. “My, you sure look good in that T-shirt. You can have it if you want, it’s gotten too big for me.”

Still blushing, I gulped as she pulled away my hair and exposed my wound.

“You saw this, right?”


She purred softly and kissed the wound. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I just couldn’t resist,” she said before licking the blood.

“Last night… what happened?”

“Oh yeah, you were drunk, so you don’t remember.” She turned me around to make me face her eyes again. “You gave yourself to me~”

“Haa?!” I felt my cheeks get hotter at her statement.

“The Blood Pact,” she raised her wrist and revealed a scar that looked similar to her bite mark.

Immediately, a memory flashed in my head. The girl in front of me bit her wrist and let her bright red blood drop into my mouth. She kissed me deeply before going to my neck. Her icy fingers caressed my arm as she bit into my skin with her small fangs.

That moment, I knew…

“Are you a… vampire?”

She gave me a cat-like smirk. “Correct~”

I back away a bit, holding myself up against the sink.


“Honto,” she stepped closer, leaning forward to me. “This contract says that I’m your guardian now.”


“Right. I’ll protect you from anyone who tries to hurt you or kill you, even if it’s my own kind. In exchange for that...” she leaned to my ear, “you let me drink your blood whenever I need to.”

My body froze up at that. In exchange for my blood, this girl is my protector..? The thought of it seemed strange, but… something inside me felt like this girl was sincere with her word.

She looked at me and smiled again, that reassuring smile.

“Is that a deal?” she asked.

I could feel my lips shake a bit at how close she was to me. So close, we were almost kissing.

“I… I guess I have no choice.”

End of Flashback

Luckily, I spared the details of all the steamy moments when I was drunk and I didn’t reveal Jurina was a vampire. She still hasn’t regained her memories from what I can tell, so she’s not ready for that yet.

Me and Jurina both left the room so she could rest.

“We should tell Mayu and Yuki she’s up,” I said, but then gasped when I felt her hug my waist.

“But, before that~” she said before nibbling my ear a bit. “Wanna continue where we left off?”

“Mou, you’re so stubborn...” I said before kissing her and she dragged me into the other room.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 02:56:40 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline qweakb

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 8) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2015, 02:00:57 AM »
Thanks for the update XD

I am surprised that mayu and rena are human not vampire.

What make mayu say that she don't deserve yukirin? And why yukirin ask rena instead of jurina who is also vampire?

Please update soon XD
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] NEW
« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2015, 02:40:17 AM »
Chapter 10


I can’t stop thinking about’s all like a replay of when we first met. She clouded my mind and took me by storm without caution, but instead of feeling good, I felt so nervous to the point of thinking my stomach couldn’t handle anything I would put down.

“Yukirin…” I whispered softly as my breath slowly leaked from my mouth and turned into an icy smoke. My body was shivering with a cold that wrapped around me and pierced me like a steel chain, no matter how many levels of jackets I packed onto my body.

I wish she was here, I wish she was here to hold me and tell me it was okay...but she wasn’t, she wasn’t here to save me, and she wasn’t here to love me. What I did to her...the group, to everybody wasn’t right, it was unfair, and it wasn’t forgivable.

I inhaled the frostbite air as it nipped at the inside of my lungs and pulled me to the brink of coughing.

I was outside of a small convenience store. I was only there to think about what I did, get a breather.

(Flash back)

Yuki hugged me as we sat on the couch, all I could feel was emptiness, I felt like a hollow shell that wasn’t ever gonna be filled by another matter. My tears stained my cheeks as Yuki tried her best to wipe all of them away but it was just too overwhelming for her. I didn’t deserve her for what I did. 

“I love you Mayuyu, so much, I want to be with you for as long as my existence...Watanabe Mayu, I devote myself to you.” Yuki said we a confident smile.

What she said made more salty tears drip onto Yuki’s shirt.

“Don’t say that, don’t say that. You don’t want me, I don’t deserve you, you're too good of a person!” I shouted.

“...But I’m don’t understand half the stuff I did…” Yuki solemnly looked down towards me and stroked my hair.


“I’ve done worse than you’ll ever know, Mayuyu.”

This caused me to look up at her and stop crying for a couple minutes. This made me feel better but only by a little.

“It’ll be okay, just tell me what happened…” She said comfortingly as her voice soothed my ears, slowly pushing me to relax.

I stopped and looked at the ground as I tried to think of what to say, but i honestly couldn’t bring myself to say such things to her. I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows as my look of sadness came back. I stood up and removed myself from her tight grasp as she stood up behind me and followed me to the exit of her house.

“Why can’t you tell me?”

“Things are better left unsaid, Yukirin.” I didn’t bother to look back at her or else I knew my tears would breach through my eyes.

I could feel her dark brown eyes pierce my back like a knife, I knew she was pissed and I knew she felt unwanted, she was an emotional person and always took my emotions wrong.

She suddenly spun me around and pinned me against the closed doorway. Her grip on my wrists only grew tighter and slowly began to hurt. Her lips were glued to mine.

I grunted as I attempted to push her away but it was no use. I’d die for attention like this from her that I never usually get, but not like this, not when I don’t deserve it.

“Yuk-” I tried saying her name between every breath she took but she was too dominant and quick.

She didn’t bother letting me even have a gasp for air, she was being too selfish. I could tell that the way she was acting wasn’t because she was turned on, it’s because she thinks I don’t love her...I could read her like a open book. I was growing impatient and angry, but more saddened than angered.

She slowly began pressing my back into the door more as I unconsciously lifted my eyebrows. She pulled away and opened her eyes and all I could see were red glowing eyes that stared into my soul without hesitation, she’s angry, at me. I gasped for air as she took her time to stare at me. She still had a tight grasp on my wrists and didn’t dare let go.

“Please don’t act like this with me Mayu.” She said in an angered tone, but also pleasant. I liked it when she was mad, I found it sexy, but I was too overwhelmed with my own feelings.

I looked away and yanked myself away from her as I turned my back to her.

“Goodbye, Yuki.” I said as my eyes teared up. I covered my mouth with my hand and opened the door then ran out.

(Flashback ends)

I breathed slowly as I looked at the full moon that glittered in the night sky.

“Why did I do that..?” I said, rethinking about that moment.

I bought a few snacks and left the convenience store. As I walked down the street, I got a chill up my back as I felt someone was watching me.

I turned around and saw a figure not too far from me. I started shaking when I saw of faint glow of red in his eyes. I turned my head back and started walking faster. I could still hear his footsteps behind me, catching up to my speed. I picked up the pace more, and started running. I looked and saw two bright red orbs staring at me, along with a grin with sharp fangs.

“NO!!!” I dropped my bag of snacks and started bolting.

No, not him! Please don’t let it be him!


A dark voice lingered through the darkness and reached me, causing me to shiver.

“Yukirin! Yuki! Please!” I screamed for Yuki to come but I know she wouldn’t be here, it was no use.

“Yukirin…” I whimpered softly as I tried running faster but it wasn’t progressing.

The person that was chasing after me grappled onto my arm and grinned wildly as it’s eyes were like red glowing lasers, I’m so screwed now. I was shaking so much that I couldn’t tell what was happening. My bones ached but my mind kept away from that.

“You're such a slippery little mouse, ya know that?” The dark voice sounded mischievous and somewhat devilish.

“T-tada...shi?” I said through shivers as I was being hypnotized by his red eyes.

“Right...Nezumi, your time is running out, give us more information about Paru and Miyuki, or you know what will happen…” His long nails slowly pierced my skin as he furrowed his eyebrows in anger. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t find any words to say to him so I softly whimpered to myself.

“Please stop…” I mumbled softly as I tried pulling myself from his grasp, but it couldn’t be helped.

“Now now, just relax.”

“No..! I’m not Nezumi. I’m Mayu. I..!”

He chuckled, holding my face with his cold hands and making me stare into his eyes.

“Mirror, oh mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful in this world?”

I shook my head, trying to look away.

“That is, the most stupid people in this world.”

“Stop! Stop!!!”

“Then, who is the most ugly in this world?” I felt him come closer, I could feel his breathing. “Tell me. Who is the ugliest?”

No… stop this..!

“You’re a waste of a daughter. I’ve got all the money in the world; I don’t need you.”

“Papa, how can you say that?!”

“Go away! Find some use for yourself if you can!”

Papa… Mama… where are you..?

“You’re so ugly! How can you even go out with that face?!”

“Look in the mirror once in a while, will you? Hahaha!”

“No one needs you. No one loves you.”

No, that’s not true..! Yuki… I have Yukirin…

“Would she love you if she knew?”


“What if her feelings changed for you? Everyone changes. If she knew that you betrayed her, she’ll surely come to hate you.”

No…! She wouldn’t..!

“I think she would.”

Liar! Stop!!! STOP IT!!!!



“I’m sorry. I’m leaving you.”

“No. Please, don’t leave me!”

“Stay away from me, you traitor! I hate you!”



“Now… tell me, who is the ugliest in this world?”



“Yes…. because I am the smartest.”

He grinned. “Who are you?”

I felt my mouth curve in a grin.

“I am Nezumi.”



I don’t know what to think anymore...maybe it’s something I did...maybe she doesn’t love me, how could you love something so hollow and blank.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I played with my thumbs and sat blankly on the couch replaying everything that happened. Maybe I went about the situation wrong. I need to say sorry to her, I shouldn’t have been so selfish. My heart ached and it felt like she was leaving me, I know she wasn’t but I was very emotional...actually, maybe she was leaving me, who knows.

I threw my head back onto the couch rest and closed my eyes. I felt so shallow and empty, I can’t let go of it.

“I have to go find her...or else she’ll never come back...she always does that, I’m always the one who has to fix things...this is stupid.” I mumbled under my breath as I grunted in anger. I stood up from the couch and slowly walked over to the kitchen while feeling my lips softly.

Her kisses did feel soothing and did feel like she wanted to do it...but it also felt like a pity kiss.

“Mayuyu…” I murmured as I covered my face and then looked up at the ceiling, forcing my self not to cry. I have to go find her. 

I charged for the door and quickly slammed it behind me, starting my search for Mayu.


Mayu sat beside me as she fixed her bangs to the side of her forehead.

“Yuki...what did you think of me when we first met?”

I sat there and thought for a little second and then parted my lips.

“I thought you were a little brat, you wouldn’t let me help you.”

“Thanks…” She mumbled sarcastically to herself as she looked up at the blue sky and admired it as she continued to mess with her hair and fix it...but why?



“Do you know what the most abused word in the whole world is?”

“I’m not sure…”

She paused for a minute and suddenly looked at me with a grin.

“I love you.”

My heart hit a brick wall and immediately stopped beating, I didn’t even say anything back to her, I didn’t bother, I was too nervous. My eyes widened as I covered my face in embarrassment, I didn’t know what to think at all.


She raised her eyebrows as she looked back at me, ignoring how nervous I was.

“Do you know the second most abused word there is…?”


I held my breath and exhaled before I said what it was.

“I love you too.”

I looked up to glance at Mayu’s face and all I could see was stone frozen, maybe she thought I was going to turn her down. She looked away as we sat silently on the hill, no words, no sounds, just silence.

I was so embarrassed, maybe she only said it as a joke, I’m so stupid! I hugged myself as my eyebrows twitched. Everything was so awkward.

Mayu slowly leaned towards me and pecked me on my cheek first. I uncovered my face to look at Mayu as she suddenly smiled like a perfect celebrity would. It was so weird, I watched her grow up and now she just seems so old, a teenager.

“W-why d-did you-”

“Cause I can, and I will do it for as long as I live.” She teasingly smiled again, I know she was only doing these things to make me embarrassed.

She paused again and softly placed her head on my shoulder as she grabbed my hand and began playing with my fingers. This was all going so fast, I don’t understand anything anymore.

“Yuki...can I kiss you?”

I clenched my eyes shut and froze up as I glued my mouth shut. I didn’t want to say yes because I would be too nervous, and I’m most likely bad at kissing, but I want to say yes because I wanted to do that with her ever since she turned 14.

“Yuki?” She asked again as she turned her head and looked up at me.

“Just do it before I change my mind.”

“Are you sur-?”

“I said do it!”

She looked away and then glanced back up at me as she softly leaned towards my face. I couldn’t see how she looked because I kept my eyes closed the whole time, honestly, out of all the years I lived, I haven’t actually kissed anybody I really, truly loved.

Mayu gently pressed her lips against mine and treated me as if I was glass. She softly put her hand on my cheek as I flinched. My body slowly shivered as she pressed her lips harder onto to mine, maybe she was the dominant type?

I slowly began to become hypnotized by her gentleness, she was so caring, I definitely couldn’t keep up with her. I softly began leaning as well and then unconsciously moving my hand to grab onto hers.

She lowered her hand that was on my cheek and placed it on my shoulder, then softly pushing me away. She opened her eyes and lightly smiled up at me as looked away.

“Was that bad?”

“More…” I murmured as I interlocked my fingers with hers. I was still nervous, but since we already did it, what is there to be worried about?


“You talk too much..” I pouted then quickly kissed her again but it was more wanting than the last one. Even though I never really kissed a lot of people, I felt so experienced right now.

I slowly pushed Mayu to the ground without removing my lips from hers. I could feel how surprised she was but when I took a second to stop and think, I noticed that her lips were quivering under mine.

I slowly began moving my lips as she did the same. I was becoming too selfish at the moment but I didn’t care, I just wanted her, all of her.

I licked the bottom of her lip as she softly flinched and wrapped her arms around my neck. She opened her mouth and allowed my tongue to enter it. I have never kissed like this with anyone, but I’m glad she was the first person I could do it with.

She flinched again as our tongues glided against each others. Her soft hands moved down to the middle of my back and clenched onto my shirt while softly tugging on it every time I would move my tongue across the middle section of her tongue. I was becoming too selfish with all of this, I don’t even know how she feels about it.

I furrowed my eyebrows in a worried fashion as Mayu opened her eyes and suddenly used all of her body strength to push me onto my back while removing her lips from mine. She sat on my stomach and placed one of her hand onto my shoulder and the other one slowly slithering its way up my shirt. I stared blankly as she looked down at me with lust. Her face was red, it looked like she was embarrassed herself.

She quickly leaned down and pressed her lips against mine again but then quickly moved them to my neck.

“Have you done this before, Mayu?” I managed to say between stifled moans as she kissed my neck harder and then started nibbling on my ear.

“Yes…” She softly whispered as she went back down to my neck and started nibbling on it. My body grew hot and I couldn’t stand it anymore, my mind was somewhere else and I couldn’t even think correctly.

I paused as I widened my eyes and slowly felt my back sliding downwards. It took a second for me to realize that we were sliding down the hill, but it was only the beginning so it was slow.

“Mayu! We’re slipping.” I alerted Mayu as she just softly shrugged.

“I’m being serious!” We began going faster and I could feel gravity starting to force us to roll.

I didn’t care what Mayu was going to say, I quickly wrapped my arms around her and placed on hand on the back of her head and the other on her back as I held her as tightly as I could.

We rolled violently down the hill as grass and small twigs flew around us lightly. As smashed to the bottom Mayu began laughing loudly as she ripped herself from my grasp and laid still.

“That wasn’t funny.”

She didn’t bother to reply but only laugh. Her laugh suddenly made me smirk and chuckle to myself as I stared at her while giggling.

I will always love her…

(Flashback ends)

I ran through town as I glanced through store windows, I already checked everywhere she would be but I couldn’t find her, she was gone. I began growing massively worried and troubled, I had no idea where she was and it scared me to be honest.

“Black!” A familiar voice shouted from on top of a building. I examined around to look from which building the voice was emitted from, but it didn’t really matter since the person who said my name jumped down from it and ran over to me.

“Do you know where Mayu is at?!” I softly said in a worried tone as I glanced around from where I was at.

“No, but look, you shouldn’t trust Mayu, she’s backstabbing us, she’s not to be trusted.”

I grew angry at her words and immediately halted to stare at her.

“And how do you know this?”

“Because she’s Mayu! Black think about it, how the hell would Tadashi know where Yui was!?”

I paused and stared her as I tried thinking about the situation, Mayu used to be like that, but she’s not anymore.

“Maybe Jurina and Rena told him, Mayu wouldn’t do that, she’s trustworthy!” I shouted at her as I stomped my foot and grew tense.

“You're not thinking about this all the way Yuki! You don’t understand! You can’t change who you are Black!” She shouted loudly at me as she stood at a ready to fight. Mayu wouldn’t do that, I know her!

“Whatever, I have something more important to deal with!” I shook my head in discuss and began running to the other side of town.

“Don’t run from who she is just because you love her, Kashiwagi Yuki!” Miyuki yelled out loudly as I tried my best to ignore it...but in the back of my head, I knew it was true, and there’s no way I could fix it.


I was wrapped up in too much things at once. I used to have such a normal life before Yui came into my school. I didn’t understand anything that was going on. And now, there are more people who seem to be associated with her, and I’ve been caught up in some weird mess. 

I’m so confused…frustrated...angry.

Ever since Yui came along, I have been having these strange dreams of a girl that sort of looks like her, but I can’t really say she did exactly look like Yui cause her face is some what of a blur whenever I wake up.

This girl that I dream about...has a feeling of love towards me, and I somewhat feel the same about her, but when I wake up I go back to my original feelings. Whenever Yui’s with me, I become full of love, and I feel like only caring for Yui, I forget about all my other problems and only pay attention to her.

I don’t know about my feelings anymore, I don’t know anything anymore…

I was sitting in Rena’s, or Jurina’s house, alone. They had gone off somewhere, but I sadly didn’t know where. It was midnight and my eyes were beginning to grow tired. I inhaled then slowly exhaled as it then turned into a sad sigh.

I spent so much time with Yui, and then all of a sudden she just leaves without saying goodbye, it’s uncalled for, not to mention rude.

I miss her…

The front door suddenly opened and in appeared a hyper Jurina, followed by a tired Rena, these two are really a perfect match for each other.

“Haruka, come with us, we need to show you something!”

“What?” I replied with a tilt of my head to Jurina as she smiled like a devious cat. Rena quickly walked over to me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me up off from my seat and looked back at Jurina as she nodded. Honestly, what were they planning to do?

All of a sudden things became a blur and I couldn’t see anything, my stomach began to feel sick, I don’t understand what happened just now.

We arrived in a small room that was only lit with a few lit candles. It was cold, but they seemed fine. There was also a window letting in the light of the moon, and a strange altar-looking table sitting under a mural.

“What is this place?”

They didn’t bother to answer, they only looked over at a girl that was turned around and resting her head on her hand, from the back it sort of looked like Miyuki, the girl turned around and sure enough, it was Miyuki.

“What’s going on?”

“Here, sit.” Rena grabbed an old wooden chair. I did as commanded and looked up at them, begging for an explanation. Miyuki walked closer to me as she sat down onto her knees and began talking to me like I was a kid, I mean, I know as much as a kid does about the world so I guess it was okay.

“You don’t understand what lives in your world Haruka. We are vampires, well some of us. Yui is also one, me and Yui belonged to the same vampire tribe and Yui fell in love with your past self, since she broke one of the rules, I was sent after her to kill her, then I fell in love with a human and they are after me for the same reason. They got a hold of Yui and she is stuck in the dungeon of our leaders home...we need to go save her.”

I sat there a moment, silently taking it all in. “....Eh?”

Rena stepped forward. “I know this is all confusing for you, but you have to believe us. Jurina is also a vampire and she and I are bound together by a blood pact.”

I don’t know what to think about this, I’m even more confused and I still feel sick from what had just happened.

“Is this a joke?”

“No!” They all said in a serious tone.

I stared at the ground, wide eyed. So those dreams that I had, were they true? Was it Yui? I sat there in silence as I tried to process everything, taking it in one by one, word by word. That explains why Yui always seemed so nervous around me. I was baffled by the things I was forced into.

“So they are after me too?”

Jurina nodded as she frowned.

“Then… what’s going to happen?”

“We devise a plan and strike at the first, but in order to win officially, we need Yui, she’s one of the most powerful vampires out there.”

“So how are we gonna do that?” I stood up from my seat so I could face them on an eye level.

“We haven’t quite figured that out, that’s why we brought you here.”

Miyuki piped up and looked at the whole group.

“There’s always guards who stand at the portal entrance, there is no way we could sneak into there without getting caught, and not every vampire knows each other, so why don’t we bring Haruka and say that she’s a special treat for Tadashi?”

Everyone then looked at me for acceptance as I suddenly raised my eyebrows in surprise.

“What if we get caught and then I die! I don’t want that.”

“It’s okay, you wouldn’t be the only one dying Haruka!” Jurina smiled as she patted my head in a reassuring way.

“How are we going to get in the castle though? They always have that treat escorted by a top guard.” Rena looked at Miyuki and intertwined her arms.

“You’re right…”

“Why don’t you guys just take a couple vampires, knock them out, and steal their suits…” I said softly as I stood there motionless.

“That could work, in order to do that we need guy vampires. Miyuki, you could be able to hypnotize them right?”

“I think, it only works on some vampires, the only way you can tell that it will work is by the formation of their pupil. Some are shaped like a cats, and some are shaped like ours.”

“What about getting to the dungeon?”

“Someone keep Tadashi busy while we sneak to the dungeon.”

“How about Miyuki goes to Tadashi and brings Haruka to him so he thinks she’s loyal, once we get Yui we take a bolt for it back to the portal, but before we go to the portal, some has to knock out the guards or at least keep them distracted.”


“Just, Haruka, you have to act like you're getting ready to be killed and you don’t know what's going on.”

“I don’t know what’s going on 90% of the time, so it won’t be hard.”

“Awesome, Miyuki, what time does Tadashi take breaks again?”

“At 9am, he takes his time torturing people, so we should go at that time.”

“ ready.”

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/25/15
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2015, 01:02:48 PM »
yey an update....😍😍😍
and their going to save yui..👍👍

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
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> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/25/15
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2015, 01:59:28 PM »

Chapter 11


“Okay...are you guys ready yet?” Miyuki shouted to us as we started getting ready.

“Yea, where’s Yuki at?” I mumbled as I tried jamming on some ripped up jeans.

Miyuki stopped and shut her mouth as she looked at the ground, then awkwardly smiled.

“She and Mayu are a bit busy.”

“Mou, what are those two doing?”

“Jurina, nevermind that. Let’s get ready to go.”

Rena came through the house as she was already done with everything but she seemed quite worried about something.

“Jurina, come here.” She murmured as she gripped onto my wrist and pulled me into her bedroom that was down the hall.

Rena slammed the door shut and then harshly wrapped her arms around my neck, embracing me like this was my last day of living.

“Please, be safe, and pay attention to what you're doing, don’t act so carefree, please, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

It’s the first time she ever expressed her feelings like that, it made my heart skip a beat to hear that. I didn’t know she cared for me that much at all, it made me glad.

“I’ll be okay, stop worrying so much!” I smiled as softly pushed her away to give her a soft peck on her lips. Tears were flooding her eyes but not quite leaving them.

“Really! Don’t cry! We’ll be safe! Besides I should be worrying about you, not the other way around.” I puffed out my cheeks a little as I stroked her hair gently, her hair was soft and silky, it felt good on my fingers.

“You’re right…” She sighed and nodded as she opened the door so we could go.

“WE DON’T HAVE TIME!!!” Miyuki screamed through the house as loud as she could, you could tell she was angry.

“Right!” I grabbed onto Rena’s hand and ran to Miyuki.

“I need a drop of your blood, Haruka.”


“Blood, ya know, the thing that runs in your body and makes you live?” I said to her sarcastically as she smirked at me unpleasantly.

“Why mine though?”

“Vampires like Tadashi can use portals without hesitation because he’s one of the rulers, vampires like us need human blood in order to run certain powers like that…”

“Right.” Haruka extended her wrist and pulled up her sleeve as I pulled out a knife from my back pocket and handed it to Miyuki. She sliced Haruka’s wrist open without question and immediately began saying a bunch of long rituals and suddenly a portal grew from the inside of Rena’s house.

“Here.” Rena went into a near by door and gave Haruka a cloth so she could cover up her wound.

“Ready?” Miyuki looked back at us and smiled.

“Ready.” Me and Rena quickly wrapped our arms around Haruka’s and acted as if we were about to imprison her.

“Make sure to act like you're struggling.” I whispered to Haruka as Miyuki walked through the portal and disappeared in seconds. I quickly followed behind her.

We appeared in front of Tadashi’s palace, and like Miyuki said guards were standing at the sides of us, staring us down.

“State your business.” They frowned and crossed their arms almost simultaneously.

“We are here to return Shimazaki Haruka.”

They glanced down at her as she appeared sweating and nervous like we had ordered. One of the guards looked at Rena and pointed towards her.


“Relax...she’s with me.” I said with a cool smile as slowly put down the guards hand.

“Okay, you’re free to go…”

Miyuki nodded as she waved her hand telling us to follow her. I wasn’t very nervous about the situation, rather cool, Rena on the other hand, you can tell she wasn’t very comfortable. The only vampire she’s ever been around other than Yuki, Yui and Miyuki is me.

I glanced around looking for special outfits that would address that some vampires were upperclass guards but the only ones we found were by the castle doors.

“Miyuki, go check and see what the eyes are like.”


Miyuki quickly trudged over to the gate and started pointing at us with her thumb as we stayed behind. She ran back and shook her head, great, now we have to find other ones.

“Another place is on the sides of the castle. You guys wait here.”

She quickly jogged to the side of the castle dodging through crowds of working vampires and guards. She quickly came back with outfits from the guards and pulled us off to a hidden place by a rather large bolder so we could put on our suits. We did successfully and made our way to the door. The guards looks at each other and examined us, then nodded at each other and opened the large opening to the courtroom where Tadashi’s throne was placed. This was going smoother than I planned, no faults or anything.

Miyuki pulled us aside so we could hand off Haruka to her and we could sneak our way to the dungeons. I looked at Rena as she stood beside me. We tried our best to casually walk to the door that goes to the dungeons.

“Yui’s down here..?” Rena asked nervously.

“Afraid so.”

“Who knows what Tadashi could’ve done to her when she was in here.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a reason why Tadashi is our ruler; he’s the strongest among us because of his power to warp people’s minds. He can make them do whatever he wants and alter any thought in their head.”

“That’s awful...”

“Don’t worry. Yui is strong, she wouldn’t submit to Tadashi so easily.”

“I hope not.”

We walked down a long flight of stairs and at the bottom, arrived at the dungeons. There were so many prisoners here.

“We need to find Yui.”

We started searching all of the cages, looking for Yui’s cell. All the cells reeked of bad blood, some of these guys must’ve been here for years. One cell even had a corpse, which made Rena almost barf.

Then, we finally found the cell Yui was kept in. She looked almost dead, and there were also dark bags under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept in a few days. Even vampires can grow tired, but we’re more tolerable to that than humans.

“Yui!” We ran up to her cell and looked at her. “Good, we found you. Let’s get you out.”

She looked at us with hazy eyes.


“But, Yui-”

“Leave… hurry.. before he finds out...”


“Yui, we have Haruka. You can be with her now.”

Her eyes suddenly widened and she held her head, screaming.




“Yui, you love her, don’t you? This is what you’ve wanted since forever.”

“No! Haruka’s dead! She’s DEAD!!!”

“Eh?!” Oh no…

“She’s gone. She’s dead to me…. I-I can’t….”

“Yui, it’s not true. Haruka’s here, and we need to go, now!”

Just then, I felt someone grab my shoulder. Me and Rena both looked and saw a hooded figure, along with some guards.

I saw a smirk on the figure’s face. “I knew it.”

Huh? That voice sounds familiar…

“Intruders,” one of the guards said. “Looks like you were right.”

“What should we do with them?”

“Kill them…” the girl muttered sharply as she grinned


I stared for a second as I tried to make out what the face looked because it was so dark it the dungeons. I squinted my eyes and examined her face more, but there was something we needed to do first.

“Rena…” I muttered Rena’s name and as I did, she knew what I meant.

I quickly jumped up from the ground and kicked one of the guards as hard as I could with both feet. Rena quickly whipped out a metal bar, it was the size of a pen, but them she clicked a silver button on it and it extended into a long batten. She quickly wacked him in the middle of his head then hit him using her feet and batten and he was out.

The girl that was standing between the two guards froze and then broke for a run, but I quickly grabbed onto her wrist. She turned her face and all I could see was her eyes down to the bottom of her nose do to the small light that leaked through the window, that’s all I needed to realize who it was.

“Mayu…” I stood frozen in my place as she tried pulling her wrist away from my grasp but my grip grew tighter.

“Mayu...why?” I managed to say as I stood in awe.

“My name isn’t Mayu!” She shouted as she extended her arm, a line of silver blades shot out towards me, I had to let go of her, there was no way to escape the blades without doing that. She began running again but Rena quickly guarded the only exit in the room.

“Don’t do this Mayu, you can change, this isn’t you.”

“Shut up, you don’t know who I truly am, you never cared for me before.” Mayu punched Rena in the stomach as hard as she then slipped through an opening when Rena crouched over to grab her stomach.

“Shit…” I quickly grabbed the keys from my guard suit and grabbed onto Yui and pulled her along. She was struggling a bit and tried to make me let go.

“Sorry bout this...”

I chop the back of her neck and knocked her out. I carried her over my shoulder and went back to Rena.

“Rena, we don’t have time, get up.” I alerted her as she nodded and stood up, regaining her posture.


I sat there and waited for Tadashi’s break to be over with Haruka as multiple guards stared at us with devilish eyes, waiting for us to slip on something.

I glanced over and saw Mayu dashing to one of the guards. I knew she was a traitor, stupid rat. I wasn’t dumb, she found out about Rena and Jurina.

“Miyuki, time to go, come on!” Jurina yelled as they bolted for the door as fast as they could. I looked over at Haruka and grabbed her wrist as I bolted for the exit. Guards began charging after me and Haruka, there was no way to get out, it was like a circle of guards. I cursed under my breath as Haruka suddenly grew nervous and worried, she was shivering profusely.

“You can’t escape, you're going to die.”

“You were good while you lasted.”

“We’ll have fun with this human.”

Haruka couldn’t stand it, she suddenly collapsed onto the floor and fainted.

Great, just when I need her the most.

I quickly picked her up and jumped out of the circle of guards and headed for the door. As all of us exited the castle, I cursed at Jurina loud enough to where she would be able to hear. We reached the portal to the outside and quickly jumped out back into Rena’s house.

I quickly reversed my ritual and the portal disappeared in an instant, but in the process a vampire was trying to get through, his hand got cut off as it was closing.

“I told you to be careful!” I turned around and shouted at Jurina in frustration.

“Uh, no you didn’t, and besides it was all Mayu’s fault, she’s the one who went snooping around the castle for us with her super animal nose.” she responded as she rubbed the back of my neck.

“Guys, be quiet...Yui needs to rest.” Rena demanded as she tried laying Yui down the sofa. That reminded me…

“What about Haruka?”

“What happened to her?” Rena asked.

“Nerves, she got all worked up and fainted.” I replied to Rena as she began walking to a spare bedroom, as I followed.

“Ah, I see...You can set her on this futon.” She pointed to the white futon that was on the ground. I nodded and did as she said. Rena paused, and then turned to me as she had a hint of sadness.

“I should tell Yuki about Mayu…she probably won’t listen to anyone else, I just wish it wasn’t like this.” Rena mumbled.

I looked at the ground and softly stroked my arm.

“I know...I already tried telling her, but she refused to listen.”

Rena nodded as she took her leave from the room. I stood motionless and sat there to think...maybe I should go visit an old friend, keep my mind off of things.


I sat in the living room and waited for Yuki to return. I don’t know how I was going to tell her about Mayu. I thought back to that moment, feeling my stomach. That punch definitely left a bruise, but I never thought Mayu was that strong.

Another thing was…

“My name isn’t Mayu!”

What was that about? Why was Mayu rejecting her own name? I’ll have to think further into it later.

The door opened and Yuki walked in. She looked incredibly tired, she must’ve been searching all night. I also noticed she was soaking wet due to the rain, it must’ve been pouring while we were gone, because it’s calmed down now.

“Yuki...” I helped her sit down on the couch and covered her in a blanket because she was shivering. “Why were you out for so long? You’ll get sick...”

“I-I was.. l-looking for M-Mayu...” she said in between her shivers.

I bit my lip. “Yuki...”


“There’s something I need to tell you, and you won’t be happy...” I said nervously. I took in a deep breath before speaking again. “Me and the others went to Tadashi’s castle and saved Yui.”

“Really? That’s good...”

“But… we saw Mayu there,” her eyes suddenly grew dark as she looked at me. “She attacked us, and tried to get us jailed in. We were able to stop her, but--”

“Did Miyuki make you say this?” she said in an angered tone.


“I can’t believe you’d actually side with her and tell me this awful lie!” She got up, her hands balled into fists.

“Yuki, I--”

“But...” Her eyes suddenly widened. “You wouldn’t lie, especially to me, and especially if it was something about Mayu… which means….”

She sat down again, holding her head.

“It’s true…?”

“I’m so sorry.”

She became very angered and stomped the ground. She punched the wall near us and created a hole.


Then, she looked at me and started crying. Yuki never cried in front of me, or anyone for that matter. She wasn’t a crier. But this broke her heart, I could tell. She ran over and hugged me, crying into my shoulder.

“I’m sorry...”

“I don’t understand… how could she do this to us..? I thought she changed….”

“Yuki...” I feel bad for her.

What do we do now?

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Kairi65

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/25/15
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2015, 02:36:52 PM »
Double update~---- :cathappy: :deco:

Best thing of the day~!!!! :inlove:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/25/15
« Reply #53 on: May 26, 2015, 03:34:10 PM »
Omg I'm going to killed myself not to find this awsome fanfic!!!

Omg Tadashi what did u do to Mayu?!?

Black help Mayu!! Mayuki and Wmatsui kyaaaaa~~

everyone going to save Yui, can't wait tonsee how the pan work

Update soon

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 10) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/25/15
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2015, 05:10:40 PM »


:ding: :kneelbow: :on drink:
Thanks for the update~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline AKB48couples

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 11) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/26/15
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2015, 10:15:32 PM »
Chapter 12


“Nezumi, you’ll always stay faithful to us, right?”

“Yes...of course.”

“Do you love me?”

“Yes…” I spat out my words immediately as I smiled kindly at him, I do love him and he makes me nervous. I do love him, I do, I’m sure of it, there’s no way I can’t live without him, he’s my one and only.

“Even more than Yuki?” He mischievously smiled over at me as his eye color changed to a icy blue that was almost as cold as ice itself.

I paused for a moment as I tilted my head to the side and smiled cheerfully.

“Of course, you beat over everything, Tadashi.”

“Would you kill Yuki even if I ordered you too…?”

I sat uneasy as I continued to smile thinking about what to say, I had no problem saying I would do it but something held me back and it was hard to escape from it.

“...Y-yes.” I forced myself to say it. Tadashi waved his hand for me to come closer, and I did as he ordered.

“Nezumi, will you kiss me?”

“...of course.”

I slowly closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows awkwardly as they began twitching, this is all so weird for me, I don’t understand all the uncertain feelings, I know I love him, for sure. I inched myself closer and closer and by time there was only a small gap between us, I paused…

I… I don’t know if I can do it. My lips quivered, so I softly placed my hands on his knee so I would be able to support myself from bending over to kiss him, since he was sitting down on his throne.

“Nezumi…” He whispered softly as he suddenly grabbed my cheeks with both hands and forcefully kissed me without any hesitation. My legs felt like they were gonna give in and my heart raced. I could only think about him. He moved his lips along with mine and then quickly pulled away with a wicked grin on his face.

“Good…” He murmured and stood up from his throne, suddenly leaving the room with me still left in awe.


I carried Haruka into the room and laid her down on the altar. She was still unconscious from what happened in Tadashi’s castle, but in her sleep, she was most likely reliving her memories with Yui.

“Are we ready to begin?” I asked Jurina.

“Hold on, Rena and Yuki aren’t here. What’s taking them so long?”

“I think I know...”

A few seconds shortly after, the both of them came in. Yuki looks like she had been crying earlier. She walked over to me, I was afraid of what she might do to me. I closed my eyes as she suddenly got closer. Then, I felt her arms wrap around me and she pulled me in for a hug. I blushed slightly.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you...” she whispered in my ear.

I nodded. “It’s okay… I’m sorry, too.”

“For what? You tried to tell me, and I wouldn’t believe you.”

“I never wanted to. I know how much Mayu meant to you, I expected that reaction. I deserved it.”

She broke the hug and shook her head, slowly patting my head.

“You really are a good girl.”

I blushed again, looking down.

“Alright, let’s begin.”

We gathered at the altar and blew out a few of the candles until one was left.

“Did you get some of Yui’s blood?”

“Yes, here.” Jurina handed Yuki a towel which had some of Yui’s blood on it. She took the blood and placed a drop on Haruka’s forehead.

She then opened her bible and started whispering under her breath. I saw Haruka starting to struggle, the memories were starting to come back. It must be painful for her.

Eventually things were getting more intense. The light of the candle fluttered and Haruka’s thrashing became more intense.

“Hold her down!” Rena said as we grabbed her arms and tried to keep her still. Tears were flowing from Haruka’s eyes and she kept screaming, her loud cries filling the empty room.

Haruka, I know it hurts, but stay strong, for Yui...


“Paru… Paru.”

I opened my eyes and found myself in a field. I felt so relaxed and everything seemed peaceful. I looked up and saw a familiar smile.

“Good morning, hime.” She kissed my forehead.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yui...”

I slowly sat up, facing her.

“Were you having a good dream?”

“Of course. It was a dream about you and me.”

She giggled. “You’re so sweet,” she said as she held my cheek. It felt so warm, I held her hand.

“I love your hands.”

She smiled and pulled me closer, letting me rest my head on her shoulder.

“I love your warmth.”


“Hm?” I raised my head up and kissed her lips.

“I love you.”

She smiled and kissed me again.

“I love you, too.”

We kissed again, this one deeper than those short kisses. They were warm and full of love. I felt so happy.


“Haruka!” Yui yelled as I suddenly got pulled into a unknown persons arms, they held me tightly and almost choked me to death.

"Let her go!" Yui demanded, but as soon as she stood up a knife was pulled to my throat, the blade was stained with previous blood, but didnt fail to shine. I started to flail and try to get away from the man but it wasn't possible. All I could feel was the cold steel against my throat...then...

I couldn't feel anything any longer.


I felt something pulse inside me. I opened my eyes again and found myself on the altar in the hideout. I looked and saw everyone gathered around me.


I sat up, feeling my head. I was able to see them, those moments I spent with Yui, long ago.

“I remember.”

I looked around and tried to find Yui, but she wasn’t here.

“Where’s Yui?”

“In the other room.”

“Tadashi did something to her, messed with her head.”

I stood up. “Let me see her.”

They exchanged looks before they escorted me out and showed me the room she was kept in. She was changed to the wall, acting like a wild animal. There were scars and wounds all over her body.


“Tadashi tortured her. Her mind couldn’t take it anymore and she became like this.”

“Are you sure you want to go in?”

I nodded. “I have to...”

Jurina bit her lip and opened the door. I stepped in, looking at Yui. I slowly walked over to her, kneeling down and raising my arms to hold her shoulders.

“Yui, look at me.”

She looked at me with glowing red eyes filled with anger.

“Yui, it’s me. It’s your Paru.”

She shook her head. “No, she’s dead! Haruka’s dead!”

“No, I’m right here!” I held her cheeks. “I’m here...”

I saw tears in her eyes. She screamed and tried to break free, flashing her fangs. I hugged her and held her head gently.

“Come on, Yui. I need you.”

I kissed her lips and held her head in place as I felt her struggle. I kept her still and eventually she started to calm down. She began responding to my kisses and her hands reached up and clung to my back. When I parted from her, I saw her fangs were gone and her eyes were back to normal.

“Haruka…?” she spoke in a frail voice. “Is that you..?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 11:29:46 PM by AKB48couples »

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 12) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/27/15
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2015, 11:06:28 PM »
a quick update~!!! :cow: who's mayu(or nezumi) to tadashi..? :?

i just hope mayuki be back together quick...but i'll doubt, at least not without some drama :drool:

can't wait to see sayamilky too..

and glad Yui is back to normal...i hope ;)

but a lot of update...hope it doesn't mean need to wait a looong time for the next.. :cry:

but still willing to wait!! :cathappy:

Offline qweakb

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 12) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/27/15
« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2015, 02:42:10 PM »
Mayu seem to have other dark story before she meet Tadashi shi. And she like Tadashi!!!!  Why?

Rena bond with jurina so that mean she is kind of immortal? I mean is she still human but able to live with long life.

Thanks for the fast update XD
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline AKB48couples

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Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 12) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 5/27/15
« Reply #58 on: June 10, 2015, 02:53:58 AM »
Chapter 13


“Sssh…” Haruka hissed as she tried stitching up a few open wounds I still had from Tadashi’s torturing sessions. I had cuts all over my body, but some of them were pretty gruesome and i’m quite surprised Haruka didn’t faint at the sight of it. We were sitting on the bed in the spare room.

“It hurts…” I whispered to myself as I clenched onto my loose white shirt that they put on me. I was one of those button up shirts, a few of the top buttons were unraveled so I had to wear it like I was in a magazine or something.

“I’m almost done, don’t worry.” She started stitching up more of the wound as I flinched and grabbed my shirt tighter than before, expressing my pain. I groaned softly the more and more she’d poke the needle through my skin. I couldn’t help but to make sounds of pain, it hurt, badly.

Haruka suddenly stopped when she was almost done with the cut. She stared at the cut with mid-wide eyes, her face was somewhat of a pink hue.

“Would you stop making those noises?” she muttered in a blank tone as she then proceeded onto the cut again.

“It’s kinda hard n-not to- ow!”

“I’m done…” She softly smiled and avoided my gaze as she stared at the floor solemnly. Her face stayed red and her eyes stayed glued to the floor.

“Haruka?” I was utterly confused by her odd actions.

Haruka pressed her right hand on my bruised cheek and quickly pressed her lips against mine without any question. My once dark eyes changed into a greyish haze as I widened them from surprise. What was this about? All I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears and my mouth quivered against her soft porcelain like lips.

Without parting our lips she slowly and cautiously pushed me back towards the bed, watching my cut up back. My body grew heated, my mind was filled with only her, I couldn’t think.

She softly parted our lips and looked down at me with sad eyes, then smiled gently.

“I’m sorry...I didn’t remember...I feel so mean, you must have went through so much pain just for me…”

I kept my mouth shut do to my surprise.

“Do you still love me, Yokoyama Yui?’

I looked to the side as I covered my mouth with my sleeve. I couldn’t help but to blush, she was only staring at me with loving eyes, and I didn’t know what to do.

“...I do..” I groaned under my sleeve so it was slightly muffled. Haruka slightly paused as she looked down at me with nervousness in her eyes.


Everytime she said my name it hurt, but it also made me nervous and shiver. I slowly looked back up at her as I then cautiously wrapped my arms around her neck while gazing into her eyes. It felt as if everything was going so slow, it felt like I was being pulled from the time i’m in now back into the passed, she’s exactly the same, personality, eyes, and her beauty.

“Kiss me…” I demanded slightly as I yanked down on her neck ever so slightly. She nodded and followed through with my demand as she leaned down, closing her eyes and softly pressing her lips onto mine, she had no nervousness whatsoever, and she seemed as if she was already used to it.

She pulled away away whilst opening her eyes as she then went back to her past position.

“More…” I murmured as I began to be feeling love drunk. She slowly leaned down again and repeated but the only thing that was different was that her lips stayed stuck to mine, she began moving them as I followed her kissing pattern. She was a great kisser, because this actually made me feel like going crazy. Paru immediately increased her dominance as she bit my ear as hard as she could, at least so I thought.

I let out a loud squeak as she pulled away I grabbed my ear and stared up at her, all I could see was a devilish smile, she was so cute, but I was too traumatized by the pain.

“Why?” I grumbled as I tried rubbing off the pain.

“I wanted to hear you…” She said with a clueless look.

I covered my face again and tried not to squeal with happiness.

“What was I like, my past self?” she murmured to me as she gently laid next to me, waiting for an answer. I laid there silent as I looked up at the ceiling.

“You were you, you weren’t any different…maybe a little more salty but-” She lightly punched me in the arm playfully as she laughed, as did I and faced me while laying on her side.

“But… when you were with me, you weren’t like you would be with anyone else. You were always the kindest towards me, more than anyone.”

She smiled again.

“...I love you, Yui…” She grabbed my hand with hers and suddenly interlocked our fingers together, it’s like she didn’t even forget, and it made me happy. I stayed laying on my back since I had cuts and bruises all over the place.

“I love you too…” I smiled at her as she leaned towards me to give me a peck.


“He’s not gonna stop threatening us until he gets Yui and Haruka…” I said confidently as we all sat in Rena’s house, discussing about plans and such, the hideout was used for that, but Yui wasn’t in the condition to travel, and we needed to protect them both.

“We have to go back there...we have to put an end to all of this, once Tadashi wants what he wants, he’s gonna get it one way or the other. By us escaping with Yui and Haruka, it embarrassed him, so he will get his revenge…” Miyuki sat firmly a chair.

“But he’s expecting us…” Rena murmured. I raised my eyebrow at her as she continued to speak.

“He has Mayu right? Well he’s only using her for us to come so he could kill us off one by one, he knows we will come to get her.”

I didn’t feel comfortable about this topic, I just wanted to get off the topic of Mayu, try to forget about her for now.

“Why don’t we assassinate him?” Jurina asked

“He’s too smart for that…” I mentioned.

“Let’s hit him with force, show him what were made of!” Jurina stood up from her seat and had a determined smile on her face but I quickly shut her idea down with a shake of my head.

“Violence is not the answer, lets look at everything before we go to the most idiotic…”

Jurina sat back down and slumped over.

“Poison him…” Rena looked over at me as I analyzed every pro and con about her idea.

“Someone will catch us, since Mayu did, she could catch us again.” Miyuki grumbled as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Then send someone in that she doesn’t know!” Jurina looked over at Miyuki as she somewhat had a look on her face.

“...Ya know that actually might work, but just in case the plan fails we should have your army at guard, Black.”

I looked over at Miyuki as she finished her sentence, I didn’t feel right with her calling me black, it made me feel unknown to her.

“You can just call me Yuki, you don’t have to call me Black just because i’m a ruler of one of the 5 kingdoms, you know that right?” I said softly with a kind smile. Miyuki smiled back as she nodded, saying thank you with a half bow.

“I have someone that might do it…” Miyuki uttered softly as she stood up from her seat.

“I have to go and consult with her about it though…”

I nodded as she took her leave from the group and left the house. I looked back at Rena and Jurina as they kept their eyes on me waiting for orders.

“You guys will have to be fighting with me if anything goes wrong, but in order to do all of this we have to wait until Yui heals, since Yui has somewhat of the same power as Tadashi’s. Yui will be kind of like a walky talky for us, she can read anybody’s mind like Tadashi and control their thoughts exactly like him, the only difference is, is that she uses her powers for good.”

“How are we gonna take care of Mayu...?” Rena knew it was a touchy subject for me, I could see it on her face. I grunted as I stared at the floor again sitting in silence.

“I’ll deal with her…”

“Yuki, think about this, I have no problem doing it though…” Jurina softly said as she started to look sincere.

“It’s fine, I can do it.”

“She’s on the same level as vampires, but only in her head, she could get out of anything without question.” Rena murmured as she sat back in her seat and intertwined her arms together.

“I’ll be fine!” I grew a little irritated with Rena.

“I dealt with her for I don’t know how many years.” I mumbled under my breath, I didn't think Rena and Jurina could hear me.

“When do we head out?” Jurina asked cluelessly.

“Until Yui heals, we need her for this.”

“Right, right.”

I softly scowled at the ground, thinking about Mayu. I couldn’t forgive her for betraying us, but there’s still a part of her inside me that worries.

Mayu… why did you do this..?


That weekend, I was out with Sayaka again. I was waiting for her at the intersection; she said she had something to do today and invited me to come along. I wonder what it is she has to do…

“Miyuki,” I heard her call my name. She came wearing a rocker outfit similar to when I saw her at the school concert, and carried a bag where her guitar was held in.

“You ready?”

“Un. Let’s go.”

We took a while walking around town. I felt as though we were going around in circles, like we were just wasting time. I didn’t want to ask where we were going, because I would feel rude, so I just stuck to myself and kept quiet while I followed Sayaka from behind.

I stared at her back and smiled to myself softly, I felt happy, like I could forget all of this mess i’m involved in and just pay attention to her...for once I wasn’t stressing over something. I loved Sayaka, and I will win her heart, it couldn’t be that hard, could it?



Sayaka looked at me through the corner of her eye and smiled at me while she parted her pink lips to speak.

“Thank you...for everything I mean, for being there for me when needed.”

I felt my heart thump inside of my chest as I raised my eyebrows. I widened my eyes more than normal as the sudden moment reached to my heart and squeezed it dry. The way she said thank you made my heart stop in motion, and my bones paralyzed. It’s as if I lost all feeling in my body, and my mind was blank.

“I want to show you something…”

She took my hand and we went to an abandoned park that looked like children would play at. I’m surprised that almost no one was here, but Sayaka explained that since a new playground opened, everyone eventually forgot about it.

She then took out her guitar and started singing a song.

When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you
But with the beast inside
There’s nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When the curtains call
Is the last of all
When the lights fade out
All the sinners crawl

So they dug your grave
And the masquerade
Will come calling out
At the mess you made

Dont want to let you down
But I am hell bound
Though this is all for you
Dont want to hide the truth

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide

Dont get too close
Its dark inside
Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide

They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright
I want to save their light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how

I stood there, touched by the song. I found myself crying. My salted tears stained my cheeks as the orange setting sun gleamed at us as she smiled at me with kindness that overwhelmed me.

“Sayaka...” I murmured under my breath as I covered my mouth and nose with my hands.

That song explained a lot, a lot that was true. Does she know about Antonio, does she know her so called “demon” is real? Does she like me?  So many questions, like a car wreck that involves more and more cars at the second.

“Miyuki...” she came up and hugged me. “You’re my friend, right?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

“Would you stay my friend… even if you learned something.. awful about me?”

“Yes.” I said without hesitation as I softly wrapped my arms around her waist as she hugged me tightly. Was she going to tell me something I don’t know? My heart skipped a beat again as I stood still and motionless.

“I… The truth is, I’m scared… there’s a monster in me, a beast I can’t control...”

Her grasp on my neck grew tighter as I softly hugged her more comfortingly.

“I know…”

“What?” She pulled away and looked at me with nervousness as I quickly widened my eyes and grew nervous myself. That’s right, she doesn’t know that I talked to Antonio.

“I meant you’re a beast at the guitar…” I stuttered on a few words and softly chuckled at the situation.

“No, I’m being serious, there is a actual demon inside me, I meant what I said in that song.” She mumbled and then looked at the ground at the end of her sentence.

“It’s nothing I’m afraid of, I’m a vampire, not a human.”

“I know, but I don’t want it around anymore...I’m tired of it, I’m tired of collapsing almost two times a weeks, I tired of being angry for no reason, having emotions that aren’t even what I’m supposed to be feeling at that moment.”

“Sayaka...” I took her hands. “I know some people who can help.”


“They need me for something very important… but, I think they can help you.”

“Really? These people… they can get rid of this.. demon inside me?”

“Yeah… I’m sure they can...but before we get a rid of it, I ask a favor.”

She perked up her ears and looked up at me as she furrowed her eyebrows.

“We help from it...long story short, two vampire kingdoms are going to clash and we need all the help we can get…”

She paused took her hands away from my grasp.


“Please Sayaka!” I pouted as I looked at her in plead.


“Because we all could die if you aren’t there to help!”

She paused again and drew a blank as I waited for a reply.

“I.. I’ll think about it…” She grumbled under her breath as I threw myself at her and hugged her neck tightly.

“Thank you, thank you! I love you Sayaka!”


“Um...I meant as a friend!” I tried playing it off as I removed myself from the hugged and punched Sayaka on the arm playfully, she just nodded awkwardly at me along with a nervous smile.

“Thank you, Miyuki. l love you too...”

“Eh..?” I blushed slightly as I heard her whisper the last part.

“I love you… as a friend,” she said with an awkward giggle.

She loves me… just not the way I do.


I sat comfortably on Rena’s couch as I watched TV idols intently. I wonder what it’s like being an idol, it must be fun...although a lot of hard work.

“Rena~!” I murmured softly as she stood in the kitchen doing something I was unaware of.

“What…” She said in a slightly low and annoyed tone as she continued what she was doing, did I do something to make her mad? Maybe I should ask her...but usually when I do she gets even more mad...I’ll just keep to myself.

“Are you cooking dinner?”

“...” She didn’t bother to reply to me as I stared at the TV.

“Rena, come on, I’m hungry. If you don’t hurry, I’ll eat you instead~” I said jokingly. Her back was towards me, so I decided to get up from the couch, surprise her, and snaked my arms around her neck.

“Rena~” I spoke in a seductive voice, trying to tease with her. “I’m serious, I’ll have you for dinner if you don’t make me food,” I whispered before nibbling her ear.


“Mou, you’re being mean today, Rena~” I furrowed my eyebrows and grew a little frustrated.

“Stop talking…” She mumbled with annoyance as she removed herself from my grasp and walked over to the dishes to begin cleaning them. Out of all of the years I’ve know her, I've never seen her like this. her face was sour and she was tense, this made me somewhat afraid.

“Are you oka-?” I know I shouldn’t have asked her, but I couldn’t help it, the curiousness was killing me. Rena immediately turned around before I could complete my sentence. She stomped her foot and glared at me.

“I thought I told you to shut up? Can you do that?” She shouted as her voice punctured my ears without hesitation, it was devastating. I slowly backed away and looked at her with a cautious look, like a wolf bowing down to its alpha.

“R-Rena, I...”

“You can be so annoying! I always hated that about you, don’t you get it? I said I don’t want you to talk and yet you still continue, you’re so stubborn and i hate you for that. Leave me alone and go find another victim you suck the life out of!”


Those words hurt me deeply… It made a rush of anger enter my body. I took a minute to process things a little.

“...You’re not my owner, and I’m not your slave, just because you say something doesn’t mean I have to do it Rena!”

“Who do you think got us into this mess?! If I had never met you, you’d be with some other girl having to deal with this!”

“Oh yeah?! Does this mean it’s my fault?!”

“Maybe it is!”

“Well, if that’s true, you should be thanking me, because if you had never met me, you’d be ALL ALONE! You’d be alone and probably dead because of that bastard boyfriend! I’ve met that man and I knew what he was thinking, so you should thank me for saving your life!”

I saw her eyes widen. Her eyes were dark and empty, like everything in her world shattered. She looked broken, like she had nothing else to lose. Something in her snapped, I don’t know what it was, but hopefully it’s not something that’ll leave a scar.

I had calmed down and looked at her as she gave me a strange look.

“Rena… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean--”


I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at her.

“Why would you laugh at a moment l-”

“Are you angry?” She murmured and smiled wickedly as she stared at me with dark eyes, they were cloudy, almost exactly like a demon’s eyes...but worse.

It didn’t feel like Rena anymore.


“Hehehehe… hahaha.. hahahaha..!” she kept giggling creepily as she raised her hand and started biting her nails.

“Rena… Rena, stop… Y-you’re scaring me.”

“Oh really? What a shame…” Her voice was haunting.

She started walking towards me, tilting her head a bit as she giggled more. She took her hand over her neck and rolled her head a few times, I heard a crack. Then, the click, click, click of her biting her nails once again, followed by that insane laughter.

I don’t really feel safe where i’m at, i’ll admit, i’m more than scared.

I’m terrified.

“Hahahaha! Gekikara’s come out to play~”


Offline yuuri14

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  • WMitsui, YuiParu, Paruru
Re: Bite Me! (Chapter 13) [YuiParu, SayaMilky, Mayuki, Wmatsui] 6/9/15
« Reply #59 on: June 10, 2015, 05:54:14 AM »
omg Gekikara O_o" Jurina gambatte 😰
sayaka i hope you would help them =)
YuiParu scene 😍😘
Yuki and Mayu what will happen to the both of you??

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

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