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Author Topic: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Trapped [Mayuki] (08/08/21)  (Read 128525 times)

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Manmade Killer [Mayuki] (08/21/17)
« Reply #160 on: August 25, 2017, 04:33:07 AM »

@sakura_drop: Please don't apologize for not replying to the previous OS! You know very well that I don't require my readers to make a comment on my work. So long as you've enjoyed it, I'm grateful that it's out. Who knows if the leader is faceless or not! I think you'll find the answer to be intriguing. (Thus why I need to break it up into three parts... or perhaps even more than three parts...)

@kuro_black29: Feel free to comment in the next post if you want! (Unless you want to edit, of course.) Thanks for stopping by and checking out the story!

@mayuki_daisuki: I honestly didn't think it was THAT angsty, lol! I'm glad you like it either way! Hope you enjoy this next update.

@MaYukiIsLife: Whew... You're onto me there, lol! It's partially finished, but with the complex idea of reality vs. illusion to both the readers and to the characters, it's eating up a good chunk of time. (And I'm excluding the fact that I slightly procrastinate by playing Fire Emblem: Echoes and Tumblr away with UmiMaki, oops) Hopefully, it should be up before I die from my last year as an undergrad. And thank you for the compliment! I did my best to sketch out the first part, so I pray it's somewhat readable and flows decently for the audience. As for the gang that's alive (or in a questionable status), I think you'll like where it's going. mwahaha

I guess this needs to be broken up into more than two parts... Expect to see the third part sometime next week... or heck, even this week again. I'm hoping to wrap this up as soon as possible before school starts for me. I realized that if I left the origin of Adrestia alone, it would've left a gaping plot hole. If this becomes a series itself... I apologize it's uploaded on here as a multi-shot. My ideas run a little too wild at times.

My activity as a writer might actually increase once school starts. (I begin to split my time accordingly with my studies, taking a break through creative writing, and RPing on weekends-only.) I'm praying hard that Physics (Calculus), Botany, and Social Justice doesn't obliterate me while I begin the process to apply for my Master degree. :sweatdrop:

Hope you all enjoy it! (Or not. I'm not your father.)

Madmade Killer [Minor SayaYui, Mayuki, & wMatsui] - Part II

December 26th. The day after a holiday many would celebrate with cheers and glee. Maybe a good number of individuals receiving the lash back of a hangover the night before Christmas. Regardless, it was a carefree day.

Kind of. Now that the snowy day of joy is swept to the side, paranoia is beginning to kick in at Shinjuku. Almost everyone had forgotten about the terrorist organization that loomed over their city. Perhaps it was the intoxication of bliss that drove many to push the threat in the back burner. Besides, no one knew for sure if the Cleansing Day would actually happen. The murders brought many to paranoia... but it also gave the unaffected a sense that they were looking up to God. A God that delivered judgments by the name of justice. They shouldn't be concerned about the upcoming event. If they did not commit a sin that would harm others, then they would receive no punishment. It is as simple as that.

But is their justice truly righteous? What gave them the right to play God to the citizens of Shinjuku?

Those questions bugged the ex-detective and SP Officer. The duo was pulled back to the cruel reality once another cryptic e-mail from Adrestia is sent to Yuko's inbox. Without their hacker, both Yui and Yuko were unable to crack the complicated codes that could determine the hideouts of the terrorists. It wasn't needed though. The content was enough to make them feel slightly bilious.

"Let's play the video," Yui crossed her arms, head tilted slightly forward to urge Yuko. She complied and did what was said.

The organization's insignia. It popped up with a white background. Simple and clean, yet possesses a malicious vibe from the symbol. Revenge. Retribution. Retaliation. Rebellion. Heroic? Hard to say considering their background. A shaky, cracked male voice wavered from the laptop's speakers once the video began.

Plagued by losses beyond incomprehensible level, we are surprised you have yet to make any major move, Oshima Yuko and Yokoyama Yui.

You might wish to take revenge on us, but you have yet to understand our true purpose.

We do not cause pain to those that are innocent.

Both of you uphold the justice that we seek.

We strongly encourage at least one of you to join our cause to deliver retribution.

We are Adrestia and we strive to take revenge on the evils that outlived their days compared to their victims.

The Cleansing Day will come when New Year Eve arrives. On December 30th, you will tell us your answer. We will contact you again in a location you're most familiar with.

Recruitment. Yui scoffed. That sickened the Kyoto female. The terrorist organization does not cause pain to those that are innocent? Yui knew she was far from innocent as she has committed many sins to uphold her responsibilities, but Sayaka? Atsuko? Those two haven't done anything wrong, especially Sayaka! The SP Officer's fingernails dug into her clothed arms. It goes without saying that Adrestia is contradicting themselves. This further proves how flawed their idealisms are.

Yuko, on the other hand, slumped her upper body on the desk, both hands gripping hold of her head. This was so much to soak in. They have roughly four days to contemplate on a decision. To say that it's plenty of time is far from the truth. Do they wish to join their cause? Is it to save their own skin? Is there a possibility to catching them before time runs out? Could it be possible that Mayu, Yuki, and Rena would be found if they were to dive into Adrestia's organization? Should they call for backup from the Metropolitan Police Department? So many possibilities, so many questions to answer... Wonderment on which would lead to the best outcome.

A groan came from the squirrel's mouth. "They're not even giving us a chance to properly think this through. This is too much."

"It seems they would want us to rely on our instincts and emotional answer."

Yui bounced her back off from the window. Turning around to face the scenery of the sun rising, the warrior clicked open the glass barrier. A push... and the cold wind blew into the warm room. (Thankfully, it wasn't snowing for today.) If their other teammates were alive and witness this, they would've beckoned the woman to shut it. Maybe even call her insane too! But those days would never come back. No matter how many times she closes her eyes, the pair would only reopen to the harsh reality. How cruel. A faint growl from Oshima hinted to the bodyguard that she should hurry. Yui lifted her foot, rested the thick boot on the edges. Then, a hand grasped hold of the borders.

"I'm going to be out on the rooftop."

Yuko motioned a hand in the air. Yui didn't have to check if the inspector made any notion though. She sensed it from her instincts and immediately threw her figure out of the window. The barrier slammed shut once her entire being slipped out of the square hole. Three stories high. Right below the officer was the empty pavement. If she hadn't caught hold of the skinny, but sturdy water pipe nearby, Yokoyama would've slammed face-first on the ground. There would be nothing comedic about that little accident. Nonetheless, Yuko didn't need to fret over her friend. A Special Police Officer are always trained to be the top of their physical form and abilities. They are acting as human shields, after all.

A few grunts came from the Japanese's mouth as she swung to the nearest borders. Once a hand firmly held onto the bricked design, the woman allowed her other to join the fun. She reeled herself downward. Then, Yui pounced upward as if she were a black cat. Her physical strength became notable at the amount of distance she covered from a single launch. Both hands instantly snagged the metal fences on the rooftop. Thanks to its pattern, she climbed up and over the protective wall with ease.

'If Sayanee were here, she would've been at the rooftop at this time... and I would've scared the Hell out of her.'

That's right... Yamamoto tends to go up here for a breather. The ex-Field Ops Officer specializing in the concept of assault would always take a drag up on the roof. Yuki would always nag the older woman in her late 20s to quit, so she always hid up here every day. Too bad her girlfriend would catch her in the act. Yui isn't pleased that she's damaging her health either. They would occasionally bicker, but it would lead to the guard being too sweet to escalate the heated argument. The expression that Sayaka wore on her face as they spoke... The smoky taste on the girl's lips when they kissed... The giggles shared between the tough woman and the officer... The warmth felt with each and every touch...

Another scoff. She reached her fingers into the shirt's front pocket and pulled out a box. A flick of her wrist immediately slid a cigarette out of the carton. Yui stuck it in her mouth and deposited the container back in its original place. Lighter in another hand, the raven-haired female swiftly lit the stick.

'How ironic... I told her to quit, but here I am, smoking just like her...'

Yui inhaled deeply and exhaled just as deep. A stream of smoke puffed out from the forceful action, another source lazily wafting in the air from the cigarette. Her eyelids lowered.

'Sayanee, I should've protected you from Mayu.'

Yamamoto Sayaka was ecstatic to see the return of Mayu. Yui was present as well when the two met. It was honestly a coincidence at first glance. The two were out in Shinjuku, holding hands and taking a trip down the busy premise. Many pedestrians went about on their own businesses during the winter season. They were out on an early shopping spree for the upcoming holiday. Despite the news that Mayu, Yuki, and Rena had disappeared without a trace, both didn't want to be bogged down by the negative vibes. Time is tough, but together, they were unstoppable.

The reunion was short-lived. Watanabe lifted her firearm up. A single pull of the trigger was all it took to make their world come crashing down. Yui shouldn't have lowered her guard when they spotted the ponytailed woman. She should've pushed Sayaka out of the way. Anything to keep her safe from harm. Ironically, the Special Police Officer and the ex-Field Ops Officer had their roles reversed. The Japanese female tumbled to the side as her girlfriend's body jerked. Sayaka had shoved Yui away from the bullet's direction. Originally it was aimed at the Kyoto official. A fatal blow narrowly avoided. However, it was in exchange for something just as precious and important as her own life.

Yui took another deep breath from the cigarette.

'I promise you, Sayanee... I promise I will arrest Mayu. I'll kill her if I have to.'

Death won't bring any peace, but will it bring peace to the deceased woman? She doesn't know. Hand raised to keep the lit object stable, the protruding cigar between her index and middle finger continued to leave a smoky trail.

'Adrestia...' Another drag. Puffing the smoke out, the SP Officer narrowed her eyes. Her other hand reached out towards the fence, knuckles becoming white the tighter she clings to the steel. Deep inside her chest, she wanted to scream. Kick something... flip anything in her path. Anger is an understatement. However, Yui was trained to keep her emotions in check. A mistake she had done when Mayu approached Sayaka... "I'll make them pay for this."

December 30th will arrive soon. Yuko and she will scrutinize and ponder on a decision before the time arrives. For today, Yui simply wants to kick back, smoke, and keep an eye on the ex-detective. If they're able to get a clue on who their leader is or the location, they'll be able to further crack down on their plan. It doesn't seem like it'll happen today though. Perhaps tomorrow if they're lucky.

'Looks like it's going to get extremely busy tomorrow. I'll have to start searching through some old records back at the Metropolitan Police Department if Commissioner Takahashi allows it.'


In an underground hideout, Watanabe Mayu clipped on the ammunitions. Her fingers moved fast as Yuki's arms remain wrapped around the tainted figure. Another kiss on the cheek, lips brushing on the crimson surface. How long have they been in this confinement without so much as moving? Members of Adrestia hasn't taken a step inside since Mayu returned. Yuki tightened her hold around the woman.

'Mayuyu... Please don't ever leave...'

Watanabe is no mind-reader. She cannot sit down and understand the turmoil that ran through her girlfriend's skull. What she could understand is her role as the Executioner. Just murder them. Assassinate them. Destroy their lives. All for the sake of avoiding pain. Mayu didn't forget who she was... her original role as a SRCPO member or what her life was like. She was simply broken. A trained pet taught to be terrified of the collar around her neck. Every single time the leader would raise the device, Mayu would tremble and cower. The sight of the console means she was too late to prevent what would happen. It didn't help that any attempt to remove her collar would immediately result in an excruciating death.

In the end, Watanabe is stuck in a rut. At least Yuki is there to comfort her. Oh... there were times they made love to fill the empty void that threatened to extinguish whatever sanity they had left. Voiceless screams from the hacker as Mayu thrust her body as if she were a machine. Kisses showered, bitings and claw mark prominent on Yuki's skin... The normal officer wouldn't be so rough and violent with her lover. What could she do though? The ponytailed female is constantly reminded that she too couldn't protect her girlfriend.

The abuse Yuki underwent while she was away... The taunts Yuki heard while she was away... Yuki is no plaything to the members of Adrestia. For an organization singing high praises about delivering retribution and revenge to those that deserve it, Kashiwagi deserves none of this treatment. Still... the collar. The days where Mayu screamed and wailed out, tears flowing nonstop as her fingers desperately tugged against the metallic device. Mayu didn't want to relive that. Anything but that, even if it meant watching her girlfriend get demolished by the terrorists.

"It's okay... You listen to me, Yukirin..." she muttered to the hugger.

Monotone. Mayu wouldn't know she's speaking without any articulations. Straightforward and blunt. Yet what she said is meant to be filled with emotion if she had any left in her shattered heart. If it weren't for Yuki here, the woman might actually commit suicide. Far away from the sight of the terrorist organization, she would've pulled the trigger. Then again, knowing how intelligent the leader is, Watanabe might not be able to pull it off. This collar wasn't done by any normal engineer to this extent.

Eyelids lowered, the Executioner fiddled with the revolver. Her index finger spun the cylinder for a bit till her ears perked up. The horrific creaking of metal sliding against metal emitted in this area. Ordinary individuals would cringe at the sound production. Mayu raised her head up.

Zero. That was the leader's name. This person always dressed to conceal, leaving only the lower half of their face exposed. Whether the individual was male or female is up for debate. Any clues about their genders are twisted thanks to the manipulative voice control. Each and every word spat out of their mouth distorted to a genderless mechanical being. A faint smirk ran across the leader's face as they allowed two other Adrestia's members to file in.

One is an idol by the name of Itano Tomomi.

One is a high school teacher by the name of Shinoda Mariko.

There were more than that for sure. A total of twelve. Six members that did the dirty work as disposable pawns. Six other members as a part of the organization's purpose to cleansing Shinjuku and eventually Japan.

The Special Regions Crime Prevention Officer proceeded to get up on her two feet. However, her lover prevented the pawn from fully straightening her back. She glanced over her shoulder. Their eyes met... Nothing but the voidness, yet another round of tears began to trickle from the corner of Yuki's eyes.

'It's as if she's crying for me...'

Mayu's lacrimal glands were dried up. Crying is an impossible feat for the trained pet. Meanwhile, one of the two members walked up towards the duo. A bitter expression scrawled all over the teacher's face as the short-haired female snapped.

"Get off of her, freak." Mariko shoved her winter boot out, the heel slammed into Kashiwagi's shoulder. Whatever grip she had on the other slid off so easily like her arms were slime. A voiceless yelp is expressed as she shielded her head. The officer knew what would happen to this victim. She didn't want to watch. Normally Mayu would object to the abuse. She would've shrieked and done everything in her power to prevent harm coming to the hacker. The cold metallic band firmly planted on her neck constantly reminded the woman of her position. Last time she rose her voice about it... No, Mayu didn't want to recall those nightmares. A shudder ran down her spine as the stain-uniformed official approached Zero.

The door squealed as it slowly closed. Whatever the two Adrestia's members did to Yuki, Mayu wouldn't know nor does she want to know. Now it's just the hooded figure and the SRCPO member.

"The Cleansing Day will soon arrive, Executioner." The hooded figure reminded. "I need you to secure the Shinjuku Church on December 30th. Kill anyone and destroy anything that would get in the way of that day."


When there wasn't any answer coming from the officer, the leader motioned a hand in the air.

"Oshima Yuko and Yokoyama Yui will give us their answers in person. You must be ready to kill them if they don't meet our requirements."

Mayu blinked. Then, she mumbled an "okay" under her breath before walking past the individual. As the officer brushed past the leader by the name of "Zero", the terrorist widen their smile. Everything was going according to plan. Watanabe Mayu is a crucial person in comparison to the other members. Considering her past and how easy it was to discipline the woman into an obedient dog, Zero returned back to her private quarters.

They waltzed through the barely lit setting with hands in their black jacket's pockets. In this underground layout, traps and security cameras were installed everywhere. Hidden under an abandoned factory and stretching out all the way to the nearby Shinjuku Church, it was an easy accessway to anyone's destination in this cult group. No ordinary civilians would want to seek this premise thanks to a false horror story floating around the factory and holy ground. The police and government are unlikely to do anything either since people constantly cross through the area on a daily basis. Any kind of abnormality would've been reported instantly. Of course, this leader isn't foolish to stumble on the obvious mistakes. For every situation, there's a loophole to bypass.

Zero arrived at their door. The individual pushed into the small room almost the size of a narrow closet. A bright light keeping the small area lit thanks to a light bulb provided a compact sight. There's a desktop with three screens on a desk sitting right by the door. A bed is shoved to the back. Finally, there's a small suitcase with feminine clothes sticking out of it. Ironically, a police badge from the Special Regions Crime Prevention Office is seen peeking out from one of the many attires.

The notable figure took off their hood now that they were back in their safety net. Seven more days... Seven more days and they will rise from the ashes. Long black hair was released from the cover in a sickeningly elegant manner. The woman balled her hands into fists as she closed her eyes. Chin lifted and eventually, those fists uncurled their fingers. She stood as if the holy light descended upon the leader.

"For you, Jurina... I'll make sure no one will ever have to feel the same pain as us."

Matsui Rena knew that the time has come for retribution. A cleansing is needed to make Shinjuku free from the tainted sinners. Seven more days... Seven more days till the day of the cleansing. Hopefully, Oshima Yuko and Yokoyama Yui will be a part of the plan to shake Japan to its core. Their stories, their history marked by their own hands are that befitting the purpose of Adrestia. The Greek Goddess would be pleased that her name is reused in this fashion.

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Manmade Killer Part II (08/21/17)
« Reply #161 on: August 25, 2017, 09:43:19 AM »

WUHUUUUUU "blowingtrumpet

Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Manmade Killer Part II (08/21/17)
« Reply #162 on: August 25, 2017, 09:55:08 AM »


Oh my dear lord, I did not expect this at all, like...WOW, so Jurina is also dead? mhm, what happened to her so that Rena-sama has to go to these lengths?

Yui, stahp smoking! >.>

Shachou, please update soon!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Manmade Killer Part II (08/21/17)
« Reply #163 on: August 25, 2017, 11:35:06 AM »

Please update as I has nothing else to say

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Manmade Killer Part II (08/21/17)
« Reply #164 on: December 14, 2017, 05:18:37 AM »

Please do excuse my abnormally long absence. is this a calling sign that I should retire from being a writer? Just needed to stretch a bit of my rusty writing and see how it goes. Enjoy it! (or not, I'm not your father.)

Aftermath [One-sided Mayuki]

It's always been a certain individual's nightmare. How could you face the uncanny fact that your crush might not return? It wasn't a metaphorical statement. Their relationship bound close to each other tighter than that of a knot. Best friends are almost an understatement. Lovers are almost an overstatement. Yet has it always been unavoidable when falling head over heels for a detective, right? Someone as simple as a doctor should've known this sort of incident would occur. Worse comes to worse. Watanabe Mayu should've understood this from the getgo.

Mayu felt her lower lip tremble. She had taken a step out of the operating room. Though how long has she been standing there after the emergency surgery? Mere seconds? Minutes? Could it even be an hour since the session? She didn't know as her brown hues remain fixated on the tiled floor. No one had passed by the doctor. If they did, none bothered to shake her out of her trance-like state. Eventually, the ponytailed female let out a shaky exhale through her rosy tiers. Latex gloves, tainted and should've been tossed from within the ER prep premise, finally slipped off and soon exposed her smooth, soft skin to the chilly atmosphere. As she deposited the soiled item into the appropriate trash bin nearby, Nurse Matsui approached the doctor from behind. Jurina-- That flirty, optimistic, and talkative woman could hardly muster the courage to initiate a conversation with her long-time friend. The younger female gulped. She raised a hand up to adjust her own white hat as she murmured,

"Mayu, the operation was a success. Yuki's stabilized now."


The specialist grit her teeth. Without meaning to, she turned around and snarled.

"In what way was that operation a success? Nothing about it is successful!"

Once those words flew past her opened mouth, Mayu instantly regrets having them thrown at the unfortunate woman. Jurina merely widens her eyes. Those pair of brown eyes just staring at her superior. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was feeling at this moment. In a desperate attempt to alleviate the infliction, Doctor Watanabe took a step backward.

"I... I'm sorry, Jurina... I-I didn't mean it..."

Without waiting for a response from her friend, she ran out of the hospital. Each and every single rapid step was taken and it hardly registered to her brain. Almost as if Mayu is watching someone move her body on its own. There wasn't anything she could do to command it. Not like that was much of an issue the doctor would actually digest. Blankness. Nothingness. Not a single thought ran through her skull. If it weren't for the existence of her brain, Watanabe might've been thought of as a hollow-minded individual. She simply couldn't bear to face reality. It was too harsh to her, blinding her like that of the ultraviolet rays from the sun. (Ironic as it is now nightfall.) Running away was all she could do. Her crush is still alive, but...

Why would she want to see Kashiwagi Yuki limbless on the bed? After all, this surgeon was the one who chopped off all four limbs in an attempt to save the detective from death's grip.

White coat fluttered from behind as her speed increased. Lacrimal glands began to work up its chemical reactions as tears sprouted from the corner of her eyes. She raised an arm up to vigorously wipe away the liquid. A single brush seeped the natural salty substance into her coat's sleeve. A temporary solution to dry as more was produced. As if she were a stubborn child, the doctor continuously wiped her wet cheeks till a trip from lack of attentiveness became a reality. She was able to break her fall thanks to her arms.

However, once Mayu got on all fours, she clenched her jaw till its outline became visible to the naked eye. Her sight aimed at the sidewalk. There wasn't anything in particular that she needed to examine. Well... If it were Yukirin, yeah, that silly detective would've found something to remark on. Those sharp wits of hers... It doesn't appear like she would be able to put it to its appropriate use now that she's hopeless by herself.

Mayu slammed her fist into the pavement. A tinge of pain rippled through her nerves upon contact with the rough surface. It didn't stop there though. She raised the same hand up. All five digits curled inward, another smack on the sidewalk. Again... and again... and AGAIN. Droplets slid down mid-way to her cheeks. Eventually, the brakes were pressed as discoloration on the skin were apparent, if it wasn't already torn from the multiple harsh impact and friction. Light smears of the crimson liquid evident on the grayish ground. Her blood crawling downward from her hand and plopping droplets onto the cleansed premise. Mayu's entire hand throbbed from self-harm. Not that it made her aware of the destructive tendency as she lowered her head. Both hands clasped ahold of her skull as she let a sob crack from her usually-stoic shell.

"Yukirin... God, I'm so sorry... I didn't want you to die!"

How could she forgive Mayu?

Mayu's eyelids squeezed as more tears fell out. Another outcry came as if she were a wild beast mourning for a deceased kin. It really hurts... IT HURTS! God, how could she live with herself after this as a doctor?! Her chest is in so much agony as emotions twisted and wrestled within her body. The uncertainty of her mental and physical being. Regret? No, regret is too underwhelming. SIN. Yes... That's the terminology. Sin. She had committed a grave sin to her crush and robbed her of the ability to live a normal life. Now Yuki can't perform her responsibility as a detective. Now Yuki can't read her favorite books in a cafe. Now Yuki can't stroll in the park with Mayu during break time. Now Yuki can't clean herself. Now Yuki can't feed herself. Now Yuki can't function as a human being.

She finally ushered herself to get back up on her two feet. Mayu stumbled upward as if she were a drunkard. A few seconds used up to stabilize her connection with gravity, the surgeon dragged her gaze back to the hospital's building. Ah-- Its white lights in the busy heart of Tokyo acted as a beacon of hope and a safe haven for the afflicted. Yet it carried a darkness of death and despair to the much more unfortunate victims. Mayu trembled and hugged her own figure. The strongest organ in her body slammed itself against her chest plate. Each beat may pump more blood in and out of her body, yet it tortured the female by wracking wave after wave of dull aches.

The tears came to an eventually cease. Production of it would be impossible as the doctor cried it all out. Any more and Mayu would just be beating herself up for no apparent reason. She blinked once. Then, speaking her under breath,

"...I need to save her..."

Save Yuki? From what though? No one would know as she decided to walk the opposite direction of the hospital.

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Aftermath [one-sided Mayuki] (12/14/17)
« Reply #165 on: December 14, 2017, 05:48:38 AM »
Noooooooo Yuki!!!  :cry:

What did Mayu do to cause this?  :huhuh
And where is she going?  :?

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Aftermath [one-sided Mayuki] (12/14/17)
« Reply #166 on: November 04, 2018, 08:21:59 PM »

It's been a while since I've last properly written something. Every single time I write, either my graduate school work is destroying my spare time or I cannot place my ideas into words. Either way, I wanted to explore a potential idea of maybe expanding. I am unsure if it will happen due to my life schedule, but it is something that I can dream about.

Please enjoy! There is no pairing with this, but thought it would be cool to write some action scenes with Watanabe Mayu, Kashiwagi Yuki, Oshima Yuko, and Matsui Jurina.

Idol Royale

She knew she was not supposed to be here. The dirt that surrounds her exhausted figure kicked up as she tried to get up. Both of her gauzed hands pressed its palm against the rough surface, her hooded head rose from the ground. Battle cries echoed in the plain field. Tall grasses that should have obscured the fallen idol’s vision were cleared away. The sound of air being sliced brought forth shredded yellow bits of grass onto the fatigued female.

Watanabe Mayu saw Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Jurina, and Oshima Yuko clash with four other idols. Two male, two females. A mixed group that proved to be a formidable team. A katana parrying a broadsword. Thunder and fire spell deflecting off from one another. Arrows from a crossbow piercing into one’s shoulder as a dagger landed into the other’s leg. Finally, a lone healer in the background, providing back up to the two males and one female. A violent encounter that proves to be inevitable mere minutes ago.

The raven-haired on the ground curled her fingers inward, the tips scratching some dirt underneath her nails. She gritted her teeth and tore her gaze away from the confrontations. Her spear had struck next to her struggling body. Loose gauze gently flowed in the wind, slowly ceasing further movement as Mayu crawled towards the protruding weapon.

Mayu's dominate hand rested on the exposed wooden parts of the spear's body. Her grip tightened until she could barely feel any sensation on her fingers. With a grunt, the woman got back to her two feet, the spear acting as support. Heavily breathing, Mayu eyed the premise once again.

Yuki flicked her wrist upward in an attempt to slice the man’s arms. He was too fast for her, despite wielding a broadsword. The male elegantly side-stepped and viciously threw all of his weight into this one swing. His aim: the female’s wrist. After all, a samurai would be handicapped if one hand goes missing. For the oriental attired woman, she was not fully trained in the art of mastering with a single hand, especially if it is non-dominated.

The idol barely got away thanks to her quick reflex. A nick was made on the targeted wrist as she forcefully threw herself backward. However, she lost her balance and smacked the back of her head on the ground. The impact dazed the female for a moment. At that moment, the male idol narrowed his eyes and readied his sword once more. Both hands on the handle, he began to run after the newly-fallen idol.

To Yuki’s luck, a string of thunder crackled and ran towards the charging idol. An impact was made and stunned him. The samurai propped her elbows up. One hand holding onto the back of her head, a groan left Yuki’s mouth as she tried to register the situation. The male that would have ended her life in a matter of seconds was disabled by Jurina. However, that is simply a temporary solution. It was not enough to kill him. He shook his head once, cracked his neck, and readjusted his grip on the blade. By the time he was prepped, Yuki had enough time to get back on her two feet.

“Thanks, Jurina,” she mumbled. Whether it was audible or not for the spellcaster’s eardrums, it did not matter. Yuki immediately bounced back into action and sparks flew upon the blades’ collision.

Jurina briefly smirked before returning her attention towards the female. Another spellcaster recreated a fireball and instantly shot it at the white-robed woman. The idol barely had time to recollect herself from saving her comrade, nearly exhausting her use in Thunder magic. She needs another spell in order to block the incoming flames.


A glass shield just enough for one person to get behind stood before Jurina. The fireball came into contact. However, the impact did not reject the trajectory. Instead, it remained at the glass’s surface, drilling its way towards the spellcaster. The young woman widened her eyes. Cracks began to form, the sound of its fractured state getting louder as if someone placed a megaphone on the effects. A bead of sweat ran down the young girl’s face as she chanted a strengthening spell, her brown book rapidly flipping to the appropriate text.

It was too late. She could not strengthen the shield in time as it shattered. Pieces of the shield flew everywhere as the small, but potent fireball launched at the idol. A sharp pain ripped through Jurina as she was blasted backward from the impact, her scream apparent in the vast field. Accompanied by the harsh sun’s rays, the effects intensified, creating a burn ailment in the process.

“Jurina!” Yuko’s scream came from the background. She turned her back towards her current opponent and ran towards the burnt girl. However, she did not make it far. A couple of steps were all it took for the idol to drop to one knee. “Nngh—This stupid wound hurts like Hell!”

A black dagger dug itself deep into the female’s thigh, profusely bleeding despite acting as a plug. One eye shut, Yuko growled as she shot a glance through her red sunglasses over her shoulder. The other male idol proceeded to pull out one of the many daggers he has in-stock from his leather coat. He taunted Yuko. It was not through verbal means, but the act of showing off his terrifying skills. The blades fluidly swung in his hands while in control. She could not tell his expression as a black mask concealed his lower face, but the crossbow woman felt he was smirking underneath the cloth.

She grimaced and eventually focused on his wounded shoulder. Well—It used to be wounded. The arrow that he had ripped off left a gaping hole, small bits of flesh had clung to the weapon’s tip. Yet there was that healer in the background. After she had knocked Mayu back with a surprise deflection spell, the other three members proceeded to hone towards their victims. The healing idol provided spells that made it near impossible for Yuki, Jurina, and Yuko to whittle their health down. It may have been mere minutes, but all had used as much strength and energy as possible in order to end the battle as quickly as possible.

They were not dumb. They were intelligent. These idols are no joke. They were out to kill, and they were out there to rise to the top. Yuko loudly winced once she decided to tear off the dagger embedded into her lightly armored attire. Had it not been for the chain mail underneath, it was likely the dagger would’ve run through much more than skin and muscle. Then, standing back up, she brought up her dominant left hand and pointed it towards the man.

Crossbow resting on her arm, all it took was to pull the trigger from her thumb and operate each arrow with her other fingers. So far, she had lost two arrows from her index and middle finger. Two more until she had to load it again. The time period between reloading and getting shot at is extremely thin. Yuko bit the bottom of her lip and glanced over at Jurina again.

She almost breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the spellcaster manage to get back up on her feet. Jurina was not the kind of person to be taken down so fast. Being ignited was not what Jurina would like to experience, but it was not the worst that had happened to her. Yuko refocused her gaze on the male idol. She inhaled. Held it. Then curled her ring finger inward. An arrow flew out at a fast pace, its speed cutting through the wind. However, a dagger was also thrown at the same time. The two, once again, crossed through opposite directions in hopes of landing on their opponent’s vital organs.

Jurina, on the other hand, did not want to be burnt to crisp any more than once. (Ideally, she would like none!) A stinging sensation lingered on her exposed skin, the magic-induced robe protecting her major body parts from being severely damaged by other forms of magic. Dark red blotches appeared on Jurina’s cheeks as she brought up her book. Damaged from the flames, this would limit the number of spells she could cast. A heavy exhale followed by a faint whine from agony, the young Matsui began to prep herself for another cast as her opponent readied another fireball.

There was a scream in the area. A feminine scream that ripped through the field and nearly stopped everyone in their track. Yuki, Jurina, and Yuko, along with their foes, froze in their spot as they whipped their attention towards the source.

A spear’s head had exited out of the healer’s back, blood spurting from the drastic hole and crimson red liquid seeping out of her lips. Instantaneous death. The healer’s heart was torn apart by a single stab from the dirtied spearwoman. Mayu gave a grunt and retracted her weapon from the bloodied body. As the other idol collapsed, Mayu did not hesitate to wait for their enemies’ response.

She immediately dashed to her left and, reeling back her spear, aimed straight at the spellcaster. She attempted to throw a fireball at Mayu’s direction instead of Jurina’s, but was unable to. The disheveled white-robed female placed a curse, Silence, on their enemy. Robbed of her voice, she could only helplessly scream in silence as the worn-out blade penetrating through her stomach.

Yuki and Yuko would not allow Mayu to take all of the credit. They have their own battles to tackle.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Yuki followed a similar attack style of Mayu and pierced the man’s chest. She was forced to place as much brute strength as possible as the metallic plate was not easily penetrable. Nonetheless, he was unable to parry the assault and was nearly split in half once Yuki twisted the blade and brought it upward. Through skin, muscles, organs, nerves, and bones, the sharp blade went through it all. The amount of blood pouring out of his figure confirmed how the human body consisted mostly of water and blood.

As for Yuko, she side-stepped and rushed forward at incredible speed, ignoring the devilish burns that tortured her thigh. In one second, she was up at the assassin’s face. The very dagger that had stabbed her was in her right hand. She planted it into his abdomen without a second of hesitation. A single puncture would not be enough to disable him from a counterattack, so Yuko brutally twisted the dagger as she slammed the entire blade till the hilt rested on his thin clothes. A gurgled scream bubbled from within his throat as he hunched over, both hands barely able to function and pull the dreadful weapon out of his body. Finally, he pathetically whimpered and fell forward.

“It’s finally over, isn’t it?” Jurina asked.

Mayu ripped the spear out of its newest victim. Then, without saying anything, dug into her pouch hanging on her waist and pulled out a vial. Bronze color swished in the glass container as she chucked it towards Jurina. The spellcaster barely caught it, the fragile content bouncing around on her right hand before becoming secure in her grasp.

“It’ll numb your pain and cure your burn.” 

Yuki and Yuko eventually pulled out their own vials, both colored light green, and downed the content without thinking twice. One might call it a potion. However, it did not pose extraordinary abilities to aggressively cure wounds and injuries. It serves as a numbing formula in order to continue moving forward. Wounds and injuries would be properly cured by healers, but their group does not have any as of right now. For now, they allow nature to determine their health. As for Jurina’s, it not only possesses the potion’s numbing formula, but it also contains an antidote to most common ailments such as burns and poisons. There could only be so much that they can carry, though.

Mayu decided to take a couple steps to the right. When she did, she saw that the field had a lower level to it. Another large field. The beating sun was not patient to hide the cruelty that this field holds. Various weapons and bodies laid about in the area. Vultures and ravens squawk on rocks, their eyes and beaks feasting on the deceased.

In a world of idols, there can only be so much that could make it to the top. Those that fail end in death. Those that succeed are famed. Those that retire are scarred. Do you work together to climb the mountain? Or do you choose to use everyone else as stepping stones and boost yourself to immense height?

Mayu swung her soaked, worn spear downward, its loose gauze around the handle briefly fluttered from the wind and blood trickling to the ground. Her eyes narrowed as her comrades slowly approached the idol. She adjusted her torn, tan scarf and breathed.

“There are no heroes and villains here.”
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 10:06:46 PM by LoyalFlutist »

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

Twitter: | AO3: | Discord Server:

Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Idol Royale [Mayu, Yuki, Jurina, Yuko] (11/04/18)
« Reply #167 on: November 05, 2018, 07:31:48 PM »
I have come from the world of the Undead just to read your amazing creation, shachou!!!

I do not understand how so little people are interested in your amazing works when you are so talented and skilled in writing. You are one of the best here!

Seriously, as always, this piece of art once again stunned me and left me in awe.

I love how we can see each of the idol's strengths, weaknesses, struggles, skills, and perseverance. The fact they had no healer left them at disadvantage, you would think, but their teamwork and strong will worked out in their favor.

I don't know why but for some reason I imagined this battle they had was between them and K.A.R.D. Is it weird? I think Jiwoo would have been perfect as a healer here, imho  :roll:

As always, every character you write, retain their personalities we know but also have those qualities that are required in the setting and it works out perfectly.

Thank you for this wonderful masterpiece, shachou  :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Idol Royale [Mayu, Yuki, Jurina, Yuko] (11/04/18)
« Reply #168 on: November 05, 2018, 09:39:28 PM »
I have come from the world of the Undead just to read your amazing creation, shachou!!!

I do not understand how so little people are interested in your amazing works when you are so talented and skilled in writing. You are one of the best here!

Seriously, as always, this piece of art once again stunned me and left me in awe.

I love how we can see each of the idol's strengths, weaknesses, struggles, skills, and perseverance. The fact they had no healer left them at disadvantage, you would think, but their teamwork and strong will worked out in their favor.

I don't know why but for some reason I imagined this battle they had was between them and K.A.R.D. Is it weird? I think Jiwoo would have been perfect as a healer here, imho  :roll:

As always, every character you write, retain their personalities we know but also have those qualities that are required in the setting and it works out perfectly.

Thank you for this wonderful masterpiece, shachou  :bow:

I have t agree so much.

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Idol Royale [Mayu, Yuki, Jurina, Yuko] (11/04/18)
« Reply #169 on: November 05, 2018, 10:27:42 PM »
*Edited fiction to fix that strange missing chunk when Mayu got up on her feet with the spear as support. I apologize if it ruined any reading experiences!

I have come from the world of the Undead just to read your amazing creation, shachou!!!

I do not understand how so little people are interested in your amazing works when you are so talented and skilled in writing. You are one of the best here!

Seriously, as always, this piece of art once again stunned me and left me in awe.

I love how we can see each of the idol's strengths, weaknesses, struggles, skills, and perseverance. The fact they had no healer left them at disadvantage, you would think, but their teamwork and strong will worked out in their favor.

I don't know why but for some reason I imagined this battle they had was between them and K.A.R.D. Is it weird? I think Jiwoo would have been perfect as a healer here, imho  :roll:

As always, every character you write, retain their personalities we know but also have those qualities that are required in the setting and it works out perfectly.

Thank you for this wonderful masterpiece, shachou  :bow:


It flatters me that you would rise up from the dead to read this! However, as much as I would like to disagree with you on that statement, it would be fairly rude for me to outright put down your compliment. So I will take it. I believe my work has gotten more direct and less passive... and imagery than I would like thanks to writing scientific papers.

I am not surprised since I do not expect to garner much attention to these sort of work. The type of work I currently do barely have anything romantic incorporated in it, which is a huge factor and number one reason as to why someone to read any fiction. Not to mention my works try to incorporate confusing elements that, personally, require a trip to either philosophy/theology-ville or thinking outside of the box.

As a writer, I cannot understand what my readers undergo from my work. I know what comes out of it, and I certainly know why I write it. However, I will admit, as a reader, if I am stressed, I would prefer reading something that involves... more fulfilling events that will put a smile on my face. I would rather stay far away from something that gives me another episode of an existential crisis in that state of mentality. More prominent examples are my Valentine's Day OS that, I personally think are complete trash on my end,  but others enjoy it. Nevertheless, I keep extremely low expectation and simply write to have at least one person like you and MaYukiIsLife (I see you, buddy) read it. Whether you both truly like it or not, it doesn't matter. It is something that I give and expect almost nothing in return.

You are absolutely correct. For whatever reason, I envisioned the four enemy idols to be K.A.R.D., lmao. At first, I threw in the generic four female idols, but decided that, with the concept, why not actually include co-ed groups? If this idea ever sparks into something more than a single one-shot, perhaps I would include other idols.

I will be frank, I wished to include [highlight to see] Matsui Rena as a healer if I ever do make a continuation. Ironic considering her personality that I usually paint her as thanks to Majisuka Gakuen 1. (Let us ignore 2, ok. Barely any justice except landing herself in a hospital, boo.) Too bad Yuko is alone for the time being. Not sure what I have in store for her, but she might be the shining hero we all need during the darkest times. No, that does not include her comedic attitude. However, for this scene, I think it really lies upon luck. Had Mayu been disabled rather than knocked backward for a couple of minutes, the entire squad would have been dead... and possibly lead to a K.A.R.D. fanfiction instead. :sweatdrop:

Thank you for taking the time to read my work! I also want to thank you too, MaYukiIsLife! Looking forward to your response towards this message, Saku, via this forum or Messenger.



"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

Twitter: | AO3: | Discord Server:

Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Idol Royale [Mayu, Yuki, Jurina, Yuko] (11/04/18)
« Reply #170 on: December 15, 2018, 05:07:46 PM »
Rise from the dead...rofl...saku sama  :on GJ: naisuu

I do not understand how so little people are interested in your amazing works when you are so talented and skilled in writing. You are one of the best here!
  :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:
 :nya: :nya: :nya:
 :ding: :ding: :ding:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Almost three years later... and here I am. To warm myself up, I've slapped on a remake of [Truth Is...] as my first piece for this fandom in a very... very long time. Please be warned of graphical mentions about rape and bullying. The sort of thing that would earn this piece a big fat "Rated M for Mature" on AO3.

Thanks for the support! I'll be sure to steadily write some more works while I continue to work on my other projects and Zines. Be sure to follow me on Twitter for writing updates and for further contact outside of the forum!

Truth Is... (REMAKE) [Mayuki]

Two female students both stood alone inside of the gymnasium. The sun’s rays cracked through the nearby windows, shining upon their figures, their shadows standing far apart from each other. Faint chatters and whistles from a coach from outside the windows and doors signified the end of school and the start of after school clubs, respectively.

In half an hour or so, the Men Basketball Club would occupy this space.

That was more than enough time for them.

Kashiwagi Yuki’s palm became clammy on her chest, threatening to wet a part of her uniform while her other hand gripped hard on the ends of her skirt. Her heart was racing and aggravated the dull ache in her heart that bothered her since last night. Yuki shakingly breathed. The words that she desperately searched for are finally within reach.

And so…

“I love you,” she confessed. “I love you, Mayu.”

“…I’m sorry, but I… don’t feel the same way.”


Yuki’s heart nearly stopped. The hand that clutched her chest tightened, crinkling her uniform.

This was not the answer she expected. There was not even a moment of hesitation from the other girl. It… It cannot be…! After all this time they spent together… the feelings that Yuki had for her… She strove to be courageous…

Yet that bravery was dashed. The worst-case scenario that she dreaded became a reality. The ache from within her chest imploded instead and struck her heart mightier than that of a hammer.

Yuki’s eyes became wet.

“Mayuyu…” her voice cracked. She took one step forward. Mayu took one step back. Yuki bit the bottom of her lip and stared at her junior, Watanabe Mayu, with blurred vision. “Please don’t do this,” she whispered and took another step forward.

“Don’t come any closer,” Mayu raised her hand. She frowned as her eyes never strayed from the high school senior. “You’ll only hurt yourself.”

“Oh…” And she listened to Mayu.

Yuki’s eyes were drawn to the ground as Mayu’s eyes darted left and right in the room. Then, Mayu said,

“Let’s… just stay as friends, okay?”

Yuki did not even have a chance to call out to her, her hand outreached to the empty space. Mayu’s bouncing ponytail was the last thing she saw before the girl disappeared through the one and only exit from the gymnasium.


Now, she is all alone.


Yuki’s tears rolled down her cheeks and she wiped them. However, even more tears fell until it became a steady stream as she sniffled. The senior rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Yet no matter how many times she rubbed her eyes, the tears will not stop. She gritted her teeth and cried.

All alone, just like how she was before she met Mayu.

Ever since the first day of school, Yuki never thought nor found herself to be the protagonist of any story. Always sitting in the back corner of the classroom in silence. Her eyes wandering out to the windows, constantly gazing and watching the occasional birds fly high in the sky or students from nearby classrooms jogging around the track field. Despite her good looks, no one dared approach her. She wasn’t even fit as a background character.

Was it because of a rumor that her single mom was a prostitute? A malicious rumor twisted from a single sighting of her mother working at the red light district. An innocent mother who merely worked as a chef in one of the restaurants. Nothing more, nothing less. There were also the men and women who tried to hit on her. That never worked in their favor, and her mother knew how to deal with them. After all, her mom’s priority was raising Yuki, and she was done being in a relationship after her husband walked out on her.

Or was it another rumor that sprung forth about how the raven-haired senior slept with her teachers for passing grades? Scores from her examinations always landed her in the Top 10 since the day she started in this school. Is it so difficult for them to acknowledge that she studied long and hard?

How about the rumors that she hadn’t slept with her teachers, but the idea that she was good in bed with men? Skills that were passed down from her “whore mother” and experience in the sex industry despite her young age. Yuki always felt a chill run down her spine with the snarky remarks and fantasies the boys would have with her. Did they have that much time to indulge in such pleasure at the expense of another person? Absolutely revolting.

Whatever it was, the result was the same: no one would approach her. In fact, no one cared for her presence in the room, save for the times her classmates' whispers and glares.

“Hey, did I ever tell you how pretty you look?”

It was the first compliment she heard from someone other than her mother. A compliment that had no hidden agenda.

Yuki recalled standing slack-jawed at the shorter female. The young girl, a couple of years younger than her, smiled as they stood in the hallway during lunch break. When Yuki said nothing, Mayu’s smile dropped, frowning.

“Um… you’re not deaf, are you?”

“No! No… no, I’m not.”

Mayu huffed. “Good. I almost thought I had to grab someone to teach me some quick sign language.” She motioned her hands in the air, her fingers curled in and out without any order. “Hm… then again,” the ponytailed student created a heart shape with her hands. Mayu winked at Yuki. “This might convey the message, don’t you think?”

“That’ll give off the wrong impression!” Yuki’s face turned bright red, her eyes looking elsewhere.

“What wrong impression?”

Yuki never knew if Mayu was playing dumb or not, but she blurted, “That’s like a proclamation of love!”

It did not take even a second for her to regret what she said. Mayu burst out laughing, approaching the taller girl and patting her on the head.

“Sure, you can think of it that way,” she still laughed. “You’re a real beauty, and I might just fall for you.”

“I don’t even know you—”

“Just kidding~” Mayu stuck her tongue out at her senior. “You’re right. We don’t even know each other, so how could we fall in love? Unless… you’re a fan of falling in love at first sight?” She wiggled her brows.

Yuki sighed and slapped the student’s hand away. Mayu was such a tease. A person who kept on cracking jokes and laughing as if the world was alright. A student, despite her eccentric personality, managed to fit in with the school. Having friends, a stable relationship with everyone around her, and possessing good looks to boot… She was someone that experienced the opposite of what Yuki experienced.

A surprise that she reached out to be with Yuki out of all people.

Yuki blinked. She sat in the living room of her house, staring up to the white ceiling. Changed to her pajamas, the young girl sighed.

She came home from school, took a bath, did her assignments, ate dinner by herself, and… fell back into her memories. The student grimaced.

No point in relishing in them after what happened today. Yuki covered her eyes, slowly exhaling out. This was pointless. Of course, she’s not going to see me as anything more than her good friend.

She did not think she would fall in love with her junior. Love was something so far-fetched for the senior, yet this student ended up having feelings. This foreign feeling that she eventually learned meant “love” by the one and only Watanabe Mayu.

Another sigh. Yuki grumbled, “I don’t think we could be friends anymore. It’s going to be so awkward being with her now.” She slouched into the couch, her eyes finally trailing away from the ceiling.

Other than the sound of the wall clock ticking away, there was no one inside of her house. Her mother kept herself busy by cooking up meals at the restaurant as usual. It would take another few hours until she arrives home, and that would be way past midnight.


A doorbell rang. She glanced at the time, narrowing her eyes.

That’s not mom for sure…

Yuki got up from her seat and looked out of the living room. Another ring came from the front. Since she was alone in the house, her mother had warned her not to open the doors for strangers. Yet that does not mean she cannot spare a peek through the peephole.

That single peek through the hole had Yuki throw open the door faster than she could have imagined.


The junior, who leaned against the door, slumped forward. Yuki quickly caught her into her arms. As she hastily closed the door, locking it, her eyes were drawn to her friend’s features.

“Are those… bruises on you?” she whispered, touching her cheek. “What happened to you?”

“Ow! Don’t touch me there,” Mayu slapped her hand away, glaring at the older girl. “That really hurts, you know.”

“Sorry, sorry… but I need to know… what happened.”

Mayu barely bit back a groan as she straightened her back, holding the side of her head— Ah, there was blood from the scabbing cut on her head dripping to her chin… Mayu roughly grabbed Yuki’s wrist as she harshly whispered, “Don’t you dare go. I don’t need any help.”

“But Mayu!”

“This is nothing.” Mayu forced a smile. “Did I mention that I’m really good at martial arts? Learned it from the best teacher.”

“…you better not mention a video game character.”

“Oi, Ryu is not a video game character, okay. He’s the real deal.”

“Right, right… I think you’re losing a lot of blood if you’re spouting nonsense…”

“You’re such an Ice Queen.”

Their banters almost made Yuki forget about the awkward situation that she brought upon the two. A failed confession that she wished it never happened in the first place. Yuki’s smile dropped as Mayu leaned into the older girl, her face resting against her chest.

“Anyway, I’ve earned my delinquency starting today,” she mumbled. “Had to beat up some boys that were in the locker room.” Mayu shakily breathed, her hands gripping ahold of Yuki’s arms. “I’ve heard of the rumors, but I didn’t think some of the boys would actually try to rape you.”


Yuki slowly embraced her friend, feeling Mayu tremble. “I’ve never felt so mad in my entire life. I’m angry at the way people treated you in this school, but this?” she snarled. “There will be Hell to pay.”

Compared to Mayu, Yuki… felt a sense of peace. If she was going to be honest, she had already accepted her fate as the bottom of this school. The students had already treated her poorly, so this was to be expected. However, for Mayu… her Mayuyu… she was always against the mistreatment everyone brought upon to Yuki.

The older student tightened her hold, saying nothing as Mayu continued, “I gave them a beating of their lifetime. I made sure that they wouldn’t touch you nor any other girl ever again.”

“You didn’t have to go that far. Why not tell the teachers?”

“And have them pounce on you on your way home? No way.”

“I… I see…” Yuki softly sighed. “Thank you… for helping me.”

But there was one question she wanted to ask.

“Mayu, is there… um… about my confession…”

“Oh, that?” Mayu parted from their hug, though still in Yuki’s embrace. She glanced up at the older girl, frowning. “Sorry, I actually wanted to tell you the truth of how I felt once I was done with the boys.”

“…why not there?”

“Yukirin, I didn’t want there to be another rumor that you’re a lesbian in this school, let alone with me.” Mayu thinly smiled. “Our school isn’t exactly comfortable with people entering into same-sex relationships, don’t you think?”

To dispel the heavy atmosphere, Mayu leaned up to gently kiss Yuki. Yuki’s eyes went wide as Mayu chuckled.

“But we can do this outside of school’s ground… away from everyone’s sight.”

“So, that means…”

“Do I have to spell it out for you?” Mayu stared at her with a deadpan expression. She held Yuki’s head, pulling her in for another kiss despite her injuries. Their cheeks flushed as Mayu replied, “I love you, Yuki. I love you so… so very much.” 

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

Offline Yuki88

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Truth Is... (REMAKE) [Mayuki] (05/11/21)
« Reply #172 on: May 12, 2021, 04:11:20 PM »
Can you believe that I made a comeback to this forum JUST SO THAT I CAN COMMENT ON YOUR FIC???? BRUUUUHHHH :panic:
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

My random OS Idea Center || Hakata Legend (HKT48 drabble fics) || Virgin Love (A TomoYuki Fluff) -hiatus?-

Tumblr version of my fics archive:

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Truth Is... (REMAKE) [Mayuki] (05/11/21)
« Reply #173 on: May 12, 2021, 04:35:12 PM »
Can you believe that I made a comeback to this forum JUST SO THAT I CAN COMMENT ON YOUR FIC???? BRUUUUHHHH :panic:


But I do feel flattered that you logged in just to comment! I really appreciate that. :bow: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also hope that my years in the mountain have developed some part of my fluffy skills.

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

Twitter: | AO3: | Discord Server:

Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

Offline anonymoussilentreader

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Truth Is... (REMAKE) [Mayuki] (05/11/21)
« Reply #174 on: May 13, 2021, 10:03:46 AM »
Oh GOD! This thread!!!!  :panic: I've come back here to read the new updates since the last time I read it (Probably a WMatsui one) THE FICS ARE EPIC AND I NEED MOREEEEE  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 03:10:01 PM by anonymoussilentreader »
Just leaving traces anytime I want. I guess i'm acting as a silent reader and informant.
I live under a rock but come out only for the girls.^^

I guess I have a lolicon side of mines;;;;;screw it. I am weak for lolis indeed

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Truth Is... (REMAKE) [Mayuki] (05/11/21)
« Reply #175 on: August 08, 2021, 07:01:02 AM »

@Yuki88: I know I replied to you before, but I'll say it again. I'm thankful that you stopped by to drop off a comment!

@anonymoussilentreader: Thank you for coming back to read my work! That wMatsui work... I can't recall when I wrote it on this thread from the top of my head as I type this response out, but I can only imagine it's been so long ago. I hope you look forward to more of my works on here, even if they are sporadic!


Please be warned that this Mayuki OS contains some mature themes! There are no explicit words, but there are subtle hints and context of what happened.


It always struck Watanabe Mayu strange that her girlfriend, whom she befriended and fell in love online, never let her leave virtual reality. As much as it was fun flying around on the backs of large beasts they've tamed mere days ago, feeling the wind blow against their face and letting their black hair flow, Mayu really missed the real world. They've been in virtual reality for more than a week, and it was rather worrisome.

After all, she has her body to take care of. The last time she put on the device over her head, thrusting herself into a fantastical MMORPG world where the impossible was possible, she laid on her bed in her studio-room apartment. One week in virtual reality was almost equivalent to that of an actual week. Everything in this video game moved in real-time. Not to mention one particular pesky part of the game that the developers forgot to patch: logging out.

In order to log out, one has to visit a huge, sky blue crystal in the main town hubs. It might've been easy if Mayu could teleport herself to it, but the game doesn't exactly let her do that... The developers were keen on maintaining a sense of realism in this world. What was first appreciated by fans quickly turned sour, especially for Mayu. Besides, Kashiwagi Yuki kept pulling her away from the crystal if they did manage to get to the main hub. It was almost terrifying how Yuki knew where Mayu was at all times. And if Yuki wasn't on? There was her annoying half of the "Oshiri Sisters," Oshima Yuko.

Then, if Yuko couldn't be on? Mayu groaned when she realized there was never an opening for her to sneak off and leave. It was either Yuki or Yuko. When Takahashi Minami and Yokoyama Yui raised concerns about this matter, Yuki and Yuko immediately shut them down. Whatever they argued about, it simmered down until they outright stopped talking about it. Almost as if it was a taboo topic.

Mayu groaned. This is getting ridiculous. Stuck in this virtual reality... This is not how she wanted to spend her weekend, let alone her week.

"Hey, Yukirin?"


"Can I ask you something?"

The two of them laid inside of their tent under the clear night sky. Mayu rested her head on Yuki's bare chest, their bodies stripped of clothing as they snuggled underneath the blanket. Their chests rose and fell quickly, their skin sticky with sweat from a session that took their breaths away seconds ago. Shadows danced on the tent's fabrics from a nearby lamp as Yuki ran her fingers through Mayu's hair. Her fingernails gently scratched at the younger girl's head, a sleeping spell cast on her dear girlfriend.

An amazing feat that virtual reality could transmit all five senses to their real body... It's no wonder why some people take advantage of the programs. Mayu's eyelids felt like lead. She nuzzled into Yuki's shoulder, whispering,

"One day... can you let me out of here?"

She was met with silence. Mayu lifted her eyelids open. From the palm of her hand, she felt Yuki's heart thumping hard. Just as hard as the time they were making love. But... this time, Mayu couldn't place her finger on why it still was acting like that. Mayu tried again.

"Please, I need to see my family. Besides, you know it's not good if I stay motionless in bed for a week straight. Might get some bedsores... and you know how painful they can be."

"...once you go, you'll never come back."


The drowsy spell wore off. Mayu propped herself up on her elbow, staring at her lover. She raised her brows. "I don't understand. I'm just logging off."

"You can't." Before Mayu could say anything, Yuki pulled her in, embracing her. She wrapped her arms around the youngster. Mayu glanced up as Yuki added, "I'm sure of it."

"Mind telling me... why?"

"It's..." Yuki's jawlines appeared. Because you died of a heart attack in your sleep... She exhaled, kissing the top of her head. "Because I don't want you anywhere but here with me. This is the only way we'll ever meet each other."

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

Twitter: | AO3: | Discord Server:

Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

Offline aneramyre

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Trapped [Mayuki] (08/08/21)
« Reply #176 on: August 09, 2021, 12:34:01 PM »
Hi! I've been reading your works since I've found them here (and on Tumblr) around 2018 or 2019. Didn't think I'd get to comment on a new work of yours!

That was an awesome read! Great setup on the mystery of Yuki and Yuko's behavior. It got me hooked from the start. The intimate vibe of Mayu and Yuki while talking was fitting regarding previous activity.

And the reveal at the end >_< Damn, Yuki's answer is scarier (in a yandere way) than it's supposed to be. I sympathize that she has to tell Mayu at some point. I can imagine Mayu's death, keeping it a secret, AND preventing her every attempt to log off must be keeping Yuki's hands full.

Also, this isn't part of the scope of the oneshot but I enjoyed imagining the implementation of the technology that can store a dead person's consciousness :P

Offline anonymoussilentreader

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Trapped [Mayuki] (08/08/21)
« Reply #177 on: August 09, 2021, 03:18:29 PM »
The vibe in the story makes us think what is going on and the end is just -> :panic:. I love how the story is quite "dark" and how the others try to refrain Mayu from logging off. Died of a heart attack in her sleep? Wow. :shocked It took me a couple times of reading to know what is going on since I wasn't that good of a "read and understand" person but, I love it :thumbsup. Hope you could keep on writing in the future :bow:
Just leaving traces anytime I want. I guess i'm acting as a silent reader and informant.
I live under a rock but come out only for the girls.^^

I guess I have a lolicon side of mines;;;;;screw it. I am weak for lolis indeed

Offline StrongStyle9Q

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Re: LoyalFlutist's OS Haven - Trapped [Mayuki] (08/08/21)
« Reply #178 on: August 10, 2021, 10:15:38 AM »
This might be a little dark...

but could there be a possibility of Yuki being responsible for Mayu's death by keeping her hostage in the game? Maybe I'm just thinking too loud...

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