Sorry it took me a while. Here's the new update though so enjoy!
Chapter 5
It was the middle of the night when all was quiet and there wasn’t a sound in Rena’s place except the sound of the clock ticking. Rena didn’t know what time it was and didn’t care for some reason because she was so distracted. Her mind was wandering everywhere but to the place she wanted to go to desperately which was sleep. Rena wasn’t sleepy even tough moments ago she was dead tired and wanted to sleep the moment she laid down. She thought it was strange to be feeling this way but she didn’t have school in the morning so it wasn’t like she had to go anywhere. Rena was happy to know that she didn’t have anywhere to go so even if she didn’t get much sleep she could at least sleep the whole day. Rolling over in the bed, Rena felt her phone vibrate so she opened it and saw there was a message from Yuki. Rena had forgotten she had managed to get Yuki’s number after the whole gym uniform thing and now Yuki messages her from time to time. Rena checked the message and read that Yuki wanted to hang out with her tomorrow. She responded within seconds telling her she was up for it and wanted to know what time. They had agreed on the afternoon and then Yuki told her she had to go to bed so they stopped talking. Now Rena had something to do so she put away her phone and then tried to sleep.
“Come on mind go to bed..”
Rena tried her best try to fall asleep but she still wasn’t able to and so she thought maybe a glass of milk would help her. She got up and walked into the kitchen where she poured herself a glass and sat at the table where she sipped it quietly. Rena looked out the window and saw it was full moon out and thought the moonlight was beautiful. Looking at the moonlight always seemed to put Rena in a weird trance where she would lose touch with the world and just relax being herself. All the troubles in the world were gone and she wouldn’t have to worry about all the things that bother her. At moments like these, Rena was truly at peace and nothing could disturb her. Rena closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them only to be horrified at the things she saw. The moon was no longer white but instead a blood-stained red. The color of the moon scared Rena and thought maybe there was something wrong with her eye so she ran into the bathroom and turned on the light.
“What is this?!”
In the mirror Rena could see her right eye had turned completely black and it started to bleed. She grabbed some tissue and tried to cover it and stop the bleeding but once she closed that eye her left eye started to act up. Her iris and pupil disappeared and it was just white with nothing else. She didn’t know how she was seeing but her eye started to bleed as well. Rena opened both eyes and wasn’t sure what to do because her eyes weren’t normal but she couldn’t just go to a doctor. Panicked, Rena ran out of the bathroom and started to head to the phone to call someone but then something struck her in the back of her head causing her to fall down and fall unconscious. When she woke up, it was the next morning and Rena was confused because she was back in her bed as if nothing had happened and she had fallen asleep. She ran to the bathroom and didn’t see any marks or cuts and her eyes were the right color. In the kitchen, there wasn’t a glass from her milk so she started to think that maybe it was just a dream.
“Oh shoot!!”
Rena had realized what time it was and knew that Yuki would be coming over for them to go out so she quickly got into the shower and prepared for her “date” with Yuki. She got out and dried and dressed and just as she was getting dressed, there was a knock on the door. Rena had just barely made it but she looked good and was ready to go out with Yuki. The two decided to go out to eat so they decided to go to a café and eat something. The two were seated and they started to chat about things like school and family. Then when they’re food arrived the two shared their food starting with Yuki.
“Stay ah Rena~”
Rena ate a piece of Yuki’s steak and then Rena shared some of her chicken with Yuki. Yuki took the bite and a couple seconds later, her face turned red like a tomato. She grabbed her water and chugged it down along with Rena’s fanning herself.
“Mou Rena what did you order?!”
“The usual devil spice chicken special.” Rena said innocently.
“How can you handle that?!”
“I don’t know I just do.”
Yuki was still burning hot so she decided to unbutton some of her top to try to cool herself down. Rena did her best not to look at Yuki’s busty chest and tried to stay focused on helping Yuki. She asked for some ice cream and the staff quickly brought it out. Yuki gulped down half of it before suffering from a brain freeze and letting out a cry of agony. Rena couldn’t help but laugh at Yuki who was clearly in pain so she calmed down and handed Yuki a napkin. Rena hugged Yuki and started stoking her hair telling she was sorry for laughing. Yuki smiled and hugged Rena back telling her it was ok and then the two finished up everything. They wondered what they could do next and then Yuki came up with the idea of going to the pet shop to play with some of the animals. The two headed out right when someone very familiar just stepped in right as the girls left. The excited angel ran up to the front of the store and pointed to the sign that was posted outside.
“U-Uh yes ma’am. Would you like one?”
The thing that Mayu was talking about was the special strawberry parfait that was usually very expensive but today the café was having a special that was charging them for half the price. Mayu couldn’t believe how cheap it was for a parfait that was once 4000 yen was now 2000 yen and Mayu wasn’t going to let this pass. She was dead serious when she said she wanted ten of the parfaits and so the staff had no choice but to comply to her demands. About 10 minutes later a waitress came out with a huge tray with ten large parfaits with a mountain of toppings on each. Mayu’s eyes grew to the size of ramen bowls as her mouth watered. She picked up the spoon and started feasting on the ice cream enjoying every bite of the delicious treat. The people in the café watched in amazement as the little girl shoveled the ice cream into her mouth eating it. She didn’t even notice the other girl walk in who walked over to the front desk to order food. The cashier didn’t notice her at first because she was busy watching the glutton fill herself with ice cream.
“I’d like the devil spice chicken special.”
“C-coming right up!”
The girl sat in the table behind the girl eating tons of ice cream who she didn’t really care about and waited for her food. Jurina had never really tried spicy food before but the name of the dish she saw on the poster outside caught her curiosity. Anything that had the term “devil” in it must mean it’s something bad which she liked. She waited for her food to come and because it was taking a while she had no choice but to listen to the disgusting sound of the person behind her. The ice cream girl sounded like she was stuffing herself but was close to exploding. Jurina imagined that and couldn’t help but giggle however she was started to get irritated from the annoying sounds of the girl. She was going to get up and say something but then her food came so she forgot about it. Staring at the plate, Jurina could see the danger in the dish itself. The chicken was bright red like lava and still sizzling on the plate showing how hot it was. There was a little hesitation in Jurina but she remembered she was a devil and she could handle hot things just fine. She only cut off a small piece of the meat and took a bite and chewing it to find that it wasn’t that spicy at all. Jurina swallowed it and seconds later her mouth felt like someone made her eat lava. She didn’t even take a huge bite but she felt like she was going to melt so she downed her drink instantly and asked for more. The waitress was slow and Jurina was in distress realizing her human body couldn’t take heat like her devil body could. Having no choice, Jurina turned around and grabbed one of the parfaits the girl behind her was eating. She started to gulp it down taking in the coldness even though the ice cream was way too sweet.
“Hey what do you think you’re doing?!”
The girl was angry at Jurina and was demanding payback and so Jurina cleaned herself up and said,
“Sorry I needed something cold.”
“Well you owe me 2000 yen.”
“Alright give me a minute.”
Jurina reached into her pocket and pulled out some money and then handed it to the girl before her. At that moment when they touched each other, both girls cried out in pain. They backed away and held their hands which were now showing signs of damage. On Jurina’s hand, there was cracks of white moving down her arm but then stopped when they reached the middle of her forearm. Mayu’s hand had a blot of pure black spreading throughout her hand but she was able to suppress it. The two looked at each other and realized what exactly they were. Not wanting to make a huge scene, the two left the café and went somewhere private where they could talk. Once they made sure they were alone Jurina was the first to speak,
“So the big guy decides to send you as his fetcher. Out of all the powerful angels in his army he chooses you? Either he’s running out of stronger warriors or he’s really dumb.”
“Don’t you dare speak about my lord in that way! What about you? I’m surprised the demon decided to send his weakest devil here. Honestly I’ve seen a pug do worse damage than you could.” Mayu scoffed.
“At least I didn’t shoot the wrong person in the Great War!”
“Well I wasn’t the one who fled the battle when things turned bad!”
“The only reason you got into Heaven was because he pitied you. Your sorry ass was so bad that he just couldn’t turn you away.” Jurina barked.
“You didn’t even get a chance to go to the sacred land because your sins were so grave that not even he could look at you.” Mayu retorted.
“Liar!! You knew exactly what I was doing and you did NOTHING!”
“The lord comes first Jurina. You knew what you were doing was against his will and I couldn’t intervene.”
“Cut the crap Mayu if I hadn’t done those things you wouldn’t have lived that day!”
“Well clearly I didn’t live long after you died because I’m standing RIGHT HERE!”
“I’m gonna cut off your wings and feed them to Cerberus.”
“Not before I use your horns to make my lord a new dagger!”
Jurina pulled out a long whip that was as long as a giraffe with thorns similar to rose the ones on roses and at the end there was a skull with horns on it. The whip wrapped around Jurina and rested on her as if it was a pet snake staring right at Mayu waiting to attack. Mayu pulled out two fans with several blades at the end of each. One fan was white with the sun on the fan and the other fan was black with the moon on it. She moved herself into battle position and then the two were off engaging in a battle. At the same time, something was going on with Rena causing her to feel very strange. She was having a great time with Yuki when suddenly her body started to feel weird. Her right arm felt cold as ice and her left was as hot as fire. Her body was going through odd temperature changes and she was worried Yuki would notice so she tried to avoid touching Yuki.
“Are you ok Rena?”
“Y-Yeah I’m fine..”
“Are you sure?”
Yuki reached out and tried to grab Rena’s hand but she pulled back and walked a little faster. Yuki thought there was something wrong with Rena but she didn’t want to scare her so she let it go. Rena’s condition was getting worse and so she decided it was time to go home. It was getting late and the two had school tomorrow so it was best they get home to rest. Rena asked if Yuki was ready to go home and she said she was getting tired so the two decided to call it a night. They walked together to the stoplight where they would separate and go their own ways. Before leaving, Yuki said,
“I had a lot of fun today Rena. Let’s go out again sometime!”
“I would like that a lot Yuki.” Rena said smiling.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“See ya!”
Rena continued to walk down the path and Yuki was still waiting for the stoplight. Rena had made it about half way down the path when up ahead she heard the sound of tires screeching. She could see a truck driving at a reckless speed honking constantly telling people to get out of the way. The truck nearly ran over two people and scraped along another car. Rena heard the truck driver calling out saying that his breaks weren’t working and telling people to get out of the way. The truck rushed past Rena and was heading straight for the area Yuki was. Rena instantly started to run as fast as she could but the truck was running faster since it was moving downhill. Rena could see the light that Yuki was at and saw that it was just turning green. Rena ran faster but it looked like she wasn’t going to make it in time. Yuki moved out into the crosswalk and the truck was only a couple of seconds away from hitting her. Rena’s legs moved faster than she wanted and with all her might she called out to Yuki screaming to her.
The next couple of moments Rena didn’t see quite clearly but the next thing she knew, she was in front of Yuki who was standing right there in front of the truck. Rena covered Yuki and then held out her right hand to protect each other as best as she could. She thought she was going to die right here and then but then something happened causing the truck to stop right there in front of Rena. Glass and metal shattered and scattered everywhere but in the end, Rena was there alive. Yuki was holding onto Rena tightly shaking in fear with tears in her eyes. Rena told her everything was ok and it was alright but right as she moved, Yuki collapsed. Rena was glad she wasn’t hurt but she was more shocked to see the large dent in the front of the steel truck. She was going to get up but then she felt a sharp pain causing her to cry out. Rena looked down and saw that her side a piece of metal lodged in. Grabbing it, Rena pulled it out slowly until it was completely gone and put pressure on the wound. Rena felt the same warm sensation she had felt before on her left hand and then moments later she didn’t feel any pain. She looked down and saw that the wound was no longer there and everything was healed. There was still blood on her clothes but everything else was ok.
“What’s happening..”
Rena was scared and didn’t want to be seen by other people so she quickly picked up Yuki and ran away from the scene. She took Yuki to her apartment and set her on the bed covering her. Rena was worried that Yuki was hurt but when she checked everything all her vitals seemed fine. Knowing Yuki was ok, Rena went into the bathroom and changed out of her bloody clothes throwing them into the trash. She looked at herself in the mirror and asked herself,
“What’s happening to me?”
(Moments before the crash)
Jurina and Mayu were still battling trying to kill each other when they suddenly heard the loud cry of someone. The two stopped battling and ran out to the street where they saw the truck and the girl who was about to get hit. Mayu was about to do something but then the two both something incredible that shocked them both. They saw a girl who was half way up the road disappear and reappear in front of the girl in the street. The girl held out her hand and that’s when Jurina saw the dark energy spike from it and hit the truck causing it to stop completely. The two girls were alive but the one girl was hurt with a very serious injury. Mayu watched the girl heal herself with her hand and the blood had stopped flowing. The girl picked up the other and ran off right as police were arriving. Jurina and Mayu knew they had found their target and now the real hunt was just about to begin. Jurina smiled knowing who the girl was and she now had an advantage over the angel because of the school uniform she had from the target. Mayu also had an advantage because she knew the girl who had passed out and knew exactly what school they went to. The next day after everything was over, the teacher announced to the class that there were two new transfer students joining the school.
“Everyone please meet Matsui Jurina and Watanabe Mayu, they will be your new classmates starting today.”
Look forward to the next update!!