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Author Topic: Untitled fanfic - chapter 7 (WMatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena) 7/08/2015  (Read 12632 times)

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 3
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2015, 08:42:34 PM »
OMG three chapter already, I was sleeping without knowing that three chapters had been upload, I'm so happy arigatuo miyumi-sama,

Ahhhh yukirena moment I cant write in words my feeling hehehe Rena is private xd. I like it whenever yuki mad move and let Rena go Doki,Doki, I think Rena is half angel and half devil she really seem powerful,  I'm confused how did devil and angle can't find their target because they are more powerful than human  also isn't jurina is devil so how come she can't see who save the child or angle was more powerful than devil,  thanks for update

Offline miyumi

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2015, 02:57:53 AM »
@The Ray: No problem look forward to more updates!

@Raizel: The backstory for two will be shown later in the story but for now it's a bit too early. Knowing me though, I'll happily leave hints~

@vinvinardisa: Update has arrived finally!!

@Rena-chan Daisuki: Well I'm glad I got a silent reader to comment ^^ Hope you like the rest of  the story!

@wmatsui fanfic: Jurina and Mayu can't find their target because when they became human they lost a lot of their powers so they can't use them as freely as before making it harder for them to find their target.

Well here's the next update!! Sorry it took me so long so I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 4

It was raining over the skies of Tokyo and Rena was nervous about leaving her house to go to school. She was still scared to leave her home and even thought about calling in sick again and not going but then she saw Yuki walking up to her doorway. She had an umbrella in her hand and she asked her,

“You ready to go Rena?”

“I-I uh.. I’m not feeling very well..” Rena said shyly.

“Now Rena I know you’re fine. Come on it’s ok to come out so don’t worry I’ll protect you Rena.”

“Well ok..”

“Do you have an umbrella?”

Rena shook her head no and Yuki simply giggled and told her,

“You can share with me.”

Rena and Yuki walked down the stairs and into the rain where Rena moved under the umbrella with Yuki trying not to get too close. Rena was getting wet on her right shoulder so Yuki pulled her closer in the umbrella. She took Rena’s hand and placed it on hers so they could hold the umbrella together. Rena’s face started to blush but managed to keep her heart calm. The two continued to walk until they finally made it to school and parted ways there. Rena thanked Yuki for her kindness and after she left Yuko came out of nowhere and teased her about their little moment. Rena ignored Yuko and simply focused on the lesson but could still feel traces of Yuki’s warmth in her body. For some reason she felt that being around Yuki made all her fears and troubles go away. Everything that was hurting Rena would instantly vanish when she was with Yuki which made the feelings for Yuki grow stronger. Rena was worried that she wasn’t going to be able to hold it in any longer but she was still somehow keeping her feelings held in. Rena wanted to wait for the right moment to tell Yuki how she felt so when she told her Yuki would completely understand and hopefully accept them.

“Rena-chan come eat lunch with me!”

“Ok Yuko just give me a minute.”

Rena grabbed her lunch and the two sat down in the back of the classroom to eat. They were eating and chatting when Rena saw something strange outside. The rain made it hard to see but she saw something there standing at the gate in the rain. It wasn’t a person but it was something that looked like trouble so Rena stood up and rushed outside into the rain towards the gate. She got closer and closer to the dark enigma standing at the gate but then when she got up to the gate, it was gone. She looked around but couldn’t see anything but she could feel everything around her get colder. Rena thought it was the rain at first but this sensation felt similar to the cold you feel in the snow. Chills were running throughout her body so ran back inside the school but she was now soaking wet. When she got inside she slipped and knocked into someone who caught her.

“Rena? Why are you all wet?”

“I saw something weird outside so I ran after it and got caught up in the rain.”

“You’re going to get a cold so let’s get you out of those clothes.”

“I don’t think you need to-“

“Let’s go~”

Yuki grabbed Rena’s arms and dragged her into the girl’s bathroom so she could change. Rena was extremely embarrassed but she didn’t say anything. Rena went into the stall and took off her blazer and shirt. Yuki tossed over some clothes that Rena could change into so she put it on not realizing what exactly she was putting on until she finished changing.

“Yuki-san what am I wearing?!”

“Relax Rena it’s just my gym uniform. I washed it so don’t worry it’s clean so you can come out now.”

Rena shyly opened the door and came out wearing nothing but a white T-shirt and red bloomers. Across her chest had “Kashiwagi” written on it and the shirt was baggy and loose on her. Seeing how big it was on Rena made her more self-aware of the fact that her chest wasn’t the biggest. Rena looked at Yuki and bowed thanking her for letting her wear her clothes and Yuki said to her,

“It’s no big deal and besides, you look really cute.”

Rena couldn’t help but blush and Yuki started to tease her for her pink cheeks. The two had to get back to class even though Rena knew it was going to be hard to explain to her teacher why she was in a gym uniform. It didn’t matter at the moment because the nice thing about wearing Yuki’s uniform is that her scent was all over it and Rena was taking in every breath of the sweet flowery scent. Rena continued the rest of her school day inside while Jurina was outside in the rain enjoying herself at maximum levels.


The happy devil splashed and jumped around in the big rain puddles having fun outside for the first time since she had first stepped on earth. Jurina was playing in the rain just like she did back when she was alive the first time running around and playing. The rush in her body felt exhilarating to her and she loved the feeling of the blood pumping through her veins. She had forgotten what it was like to have a beating heart with flowing blood and never thought it would feel this great again. Jurina was laughing and giggling having a great time when something stopped her. She had this feeling that someone was watching her so she turned around and made sure there was no one there. Jurina couldn’t sense anyone but she still felt like she was being watched so she walked towards the direction where she thought the person had been watching her. The playful devil found herself in front of a gate at a school that she wasn’t aware of. She was here just a moment and didn’t feel anything as she skipped right by it but now she was sensing the presence of someone with spiritual powers. Jurina touched the bars of the gate and tried to get a sense of who was there before.

“Damn.. Can’t see!!”

Too many people had come through this gate so she couldn’t get a clear reading of who was the one that was watching her. Jurina backed away from the gate and thought maybe she was just imagining things so she let it go and went back to playing in the rain. She couldn’t stay away from the cool feeling of the rain hitting her face or the smell of the rain as it fell from the sky. Jurina loved the rain more than anything and wanted to play in it forever. Sadly her fun had to come to an end when she felt the rain starting to stop. She felt something warm behind her so she turned around and saw the sun peeking through the clouds. Rays of sun were breaking through the clouds and Jurina could see a small rainbow starting to form. The rain had come to a close and Jurina was now in a sour mood because of it. She didn’t want to get caught up in the sunlight so Jurina decided to go somewhere else and try to find fun there. The only other thing that brought Jurina joy was causing pain to others and that was exactly what she was going to do. Jurina went to a store and walked inside looking like another regular customer despite the fact that she was soaking wet. She ran up to the store clerk and put on fake tears saying,

“I’m not from here and I got separated from my sister… Is there a telephone I could use??”

The store clerk went to the back to talk to their manager about letting her use the phone and that’s when Jurina made her move. She transformed into the clerk who had just left and opened the cash register and then proceeded to take all of the money out of the register. Once it was cleaned out she shut the drawer and quickly left with the money in her pocket. She then transformed into an old lady and watched the calamity unfold. The store clerk came back and thought it was weird that Jurina was gone but then went back to business as usual. Minutes later the manager came in and said they wanted to check their register so when they opened, the two were both shocked to see all the money was gone. After that there was nothing but shouting and screaming as the two fought over who had taken the money and that was Jurina’s cue to leave. She giggled as she felt the money in her pocket and walked away from the knowing that the clerk was bound to get fired.

“Humans are so fragile~”

Jurina was having so much fun that she had forgotten to eat for a while and now her stomach was telling her it was time. The grumpy devil was not happy with the fact that she had to eat but she had no choice so she searched for a place to eat. Since she had a lot of money, she decided to find a fancy place to eat and treat herself. She found a place to eat and so she changed out of her damp clothes and then walked into the restaurant looking like a 5 star actress wearing a black dress with a red stripe running down the middle. With matching heels and earrings, Jurina was ready for a feast but she was also going to make sure that with her dinner came a fully entertaining show. As Jurina was having a dinner and show, little Mayu was out now that the rain had settled. It was around five now and the sun had been out for a while so Mayu had set off for the arcade. She had a large amount of money in hand and she was prepared for the one game she was going to spend it all on.

“There it is!!”

The game she was talking about was the UFO catcher and she had her heart set on a large Rilakkuma plush pillow that she wasn’t leaving until she won.

“Today you are mine!”

Mayu rushed over to the game and inserted the money to play. She carefully moved the hook over to just the right spot where it was right above the pillow. Mayu pressed the button to lower the claw and when it did it was right on top of it. The claw closed and had the pillow in its grasp but the pillow didn’t even lift because the claw’s grip was weak. The serious angel knew that trying to grab it normally wasn’t going to work so she decided to try another strategy that she had learned from the internet. The goal was to push your target all the way to the drop off area until you pushed it over making it fall. The only problem with that plan was that it spent more money and Mayu was worried that she would run out of money. Despite her doubts however, the determined angel was not going to let that bear go without a fight. For a good hour Mayu spent her money slowly pushing the pillow towards the drop box getting closer and closer until finally she had reached her goal. The pillow was right there at the edge and all it needed was one last push and she would have had it. Mayu reached into her pocket to grab some more money but she didn’t feel any money. To her disbelief, Mayu had spent all her money and she had none left to make that final push.


Mayu slammed her head into the glass frustrated with the fact that she had managed to spend all her money and still wasn’t able to get the prize she wanted. She thought she was going to cry but then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a girl taller than her with black hair and porcelain skin. Her eyes were almost a dark chocolate brown and her lips with a red-pinkish. Mayu couldn’t believe a human could possess such exquisite beauty let alone someone like her was talking to her. Mayu was so mesmerized by the human that she didn’t hear what she had said before so the girl said,

“Let me help you there.”

The girl moved Mayu aside and then inserted the money into the machine. She moved the claw over and then pressed the button releasing it right next to the pillow. That one push was enough to move the pillow over the edge and into the drop box. The machine flashed and made bright sounds saying winner and telling them to collect their prize. The girl pulled out the pillow and handed it to Mayu telling her to take it. At first Mayu refused but the girl insisted so Mayu thanked and asked for the girl’s name.

“Kashiwagi Yuki.” she said with a gentle smile.

“I’m Mayu.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Mayu-chan~ I hope to see you again sometime~”

The girl left and Mayu watched her every step of the way until she was gone from her sights. Mayu looked at the pillow and then looked back at the direction the girl went. As she hugged it she couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter a little thinking about her. The little angel’s heart had been captured by the mysterious arcade girl and she cursed herself for being so distracted. At the same time however she was also glad to be able to have one.

While Mayu was feeling cupid’s powers to the max, Jurina was feeling the exact opposite. Even though Jurina was in a human form, some of her devilish traits showed and it was hitting her hard. At first she didn’t mind it and thought it wasn’t a big deal but as the day progressed she realized how awful it felt to be hated. She was simply walking along the path when she saw a dog sitting on the side minding its own business. Jurina thought the dog was alone like her so she reached her hand out and tried to pet it but the dog growled and bit her. She backed away and watched moments later as it let two strangers pet it and this caused Jurina to get angry and kill the dog. After the dog there was a little boy who started crying when he saw her saying she was devil sent to take him with her. Jurina didn’t feel like killing him so instead she laid a curse on him that let him see nothing but the devil in his dreams. For all her life Jurina had felt nothing but hate and she was sick of it. She wanted to cause chaos and destruction to get rid of all the people that hated her so she could be with the only people who liked her. Sadly the devil knew that wasn’t possible and so she continued to life her second life just like her first. Jurina was so deep into thought that she didn’t feel the person who she bumped into causing her to fall down.

“Watch where you’re going punk!!”

The man kicked Jurina and left her there on the ground in the middle of a busy walkway in the rain. Jurina felt her anger starting to get better of her and she could feel the hatred seething from her skin. She was about to get up and kill the man who kicked her but then she heard a soft voice from behind her.

“Are you ok?”

Jurina turned around to see a girl who was older than her holding an umbrella over her. Her hair was in a short ponytail and her eyes will almost almond shaped. Her skin was pale but there was a lot of color in her cheeks which Jurina found oddly cute. She felt something different about this girl but she thought she wasn’t like the other people she ran into. The girl held out her hand telling Jurina to take it. She was shy at first but then she took the hand and watched as the girl helped her up.

“Let’s get you out of the rain.”

The two went to a park and went under a covered area where the two sat on a bench. The girl pulled out a handkerchief and wiped Jurina’s face so at least her face wasn’t wet. She then pulled out a juice bottle and asked,

“Want some?”


Together the two sat on the bench and drank juice as they watched the rain and the clouds pass by. Then the girl asked Jurina,

“Are you cold?”


“Well here.”

The girl took off her blazer and put it over Jurina and then pulled her in for a hug.

“My mother told me you feel warmer when you’re close to someone.” the girl said as she held Jurina tightly.

Jurina didn’t say anything but just felt the warmth of the girl who was holding her. She hadn’t been held like this ever in her life and the sensation of being close to someone was making her heart race. It wasn’t the bad kind of racing though it was the good kind that she felt once. Their bodies were close and Jurina was enjoying the closeness of another human being. Jurina felt safer in the arms of the stranger than her own mother and she wanted to stay with the girl forever. She was so comfy that she started to doze off and almost completely passed out if the girl hadn’t moved to wake her up. The girl told her she had to go so she stood up and grabbed her things. She said goodbye to the girl and then pulled out her umbrella and left. By the time she was gone Jurina had lost the chance to ask for the girl’s name. She was sad that she didn’t ask because then she wouldn’t be able to return her blazer. Jurina took off the blazer and saw a name on the back tag that was a little hard to read because the rain smudged the ink but she was able to make out most of it. Jurina read the name on it feeling something odd about that name but she didn’t care because her mind was too busy trying to relive the feelings she had felt before. For once Jurina smiled genuinely saying the name of her senpai,

“Matsui Rena.”   

Look forward to the next udpate! Here's a hint, the chase comes to an end and the hunt finally begins~~

Offline kimseoyeonc

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2015, 03:53:39 AM »
Ahhh!!! mayuki!!!!

Offline Raizel

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2015, 03:59:26 AM »
Wah..An update.. Yeah.. :cow:
Yuki really kind to Rena, I wonder is she have a same feeling toward Rena? :?
And there Mayuki moment and WMatsui moment.. :inlove: :inlove:
Finally Jurina found Rena but she didn't know that she is the girl that she has been looking for.. :banghead:
The next chapter will start the hunt, I think Mayu will found Rena too then.. :w00t:
Can't wait.. :panic:
Thanks for update Miyumi-san.. :bow:

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2015, 04:33:03 AM »
The angel Mayu met very angelic girl Yuki...

The devil Jurina met the girl with strange powers Rena...

Yup, there's gonna be one heck of a love diamond. XD

And is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling Yuki's not just an ordinary girl? :roll:

We'll just have to see. lol

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2015, 09:13:50 AM »
I just came back from my school and saw the update~,WMATSUI AND MAYUKI.... KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII
thanks for the update miyumi-san X3

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 4
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2015, 10:38:48 AM »
Jurina has found the girl she'she's looking for but she didnt know is her. So great. I really really enjoy this fic :love:
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 5
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2015, 06:48:51 AM »
Sorry it took me a while. Here's the new update though so enjoy!

Chapter 5

It was the middle of the night when all was quiet and there wasn’t a sound in Rena’s place except the sound of the clock ticking. Rena didn’t know what time it was and didn’t care for some reason because she was so distracted. Her mind was wandering everywhere but to the place she wanted to go to desperately which was sleep. Rena wasn’t sleepy even tough moments ago she was dead tired and wanted to sleep the moment she laid down. She thought it was strange to be feeling this way but she didn’t have school in the morning so it wasn’t like she had to go anywhere. Rena was happy to know that she didn’t have anywhere to go so even if she didn’t get much sleep she could at least sleep the whole day. Rolling over in the bed, Rena felt her phone vibrate so she opened it and saw there was a message from Yuki. Rena had forgotten she had managed to get Yuki’s number after the whole gym uniform thing and now Yuki messages her from time to time. Rena checked the message and read that Yuki wanted to hang out with her tomorrow. She responded within seconds telling her she was up for it and wanted to know what time. They had agreed on the afternoon and then Yuki told her she had to go to bed so they stopped talking. Now Rena had something to do so she put away her phone and then tried to sleep.

“Come on mind go to bed..”

Rena tried her best try to fall asleep but she still wasn’t able to and so she thought maybe a glass of milk would help her. She got up and walked into the kitchen where she poured herself a glass and sat at the table where she sipped it quietly. Rena looked out the window and saw it was full moon out and thought the moonlight was beautiful. Looking at the moonlight always seemed to put Rena in a weird trance where she would lose touch with the world and just relax being herself. All the troubles in the world were gone and she wouldn’t have to worry about all the things that bother her. At moments like these, Rena was truly at peace and nothing could disturb her. Rena closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them only to be horrified at the things she saw. The moon was no longer white but instead a blood-stained red. The color of the moon scared Rena and thought maybe there was something wrong with her eye so she ran into the bathroom and turned on the light.

“What is this?!”

In the mirror Rena could see her right eye had turned completely black and it started to bleed. She grabbed some tissue and tried to cover it and stop the bleeding but once she closed that eye her left eye started to act up. Her iris and pupil disappeared and it was just white with nothing else. She didn’t know how she was seeing but her eye started to bleed as well. Rena opened both eyes and wasn’t sure what to do because her eyes weren’t normal but she couldn’t just go to a doctor. Panicked, Rena ran out of the bathroom and started to head to the phone to call someone but then something struck her in the back of her head causing her to fall down and fall unconscious. When she woke up, it was the next morning and Rena was confused because she was back in her bed as if nothing had happened and she had fallen asleep. She ran to the bathroom and didn’t see any marks or cuts and her eyes were the right color. In the kitchen, there wasn’t a glass from her milk so she started to think that maybe it was just a dream.

“Oh shoot!!”

Rena had realized what time it was and knew that Yuki would be coming over for them to go out so she quickly got into the shower and prepared for her “date” with Yuki. She got out and dried and dressed and just as she was getting dressed, there was a knock on the door. Rena had just barely made it but she looked good and was ready to go out with Yuki. The two decided to go out to eat so they decided to go to a café and eat something. The two were seated and they started to chat about things like school and family. Then when they’re food arrived the two shared their food starting with Yuki.

“Stay ah Rena~”


Rena ate a piece of Yuki’s steak and then Rena shared some of her chicken with Yuki. Yuki took the bite and a couple seconds later, her face turned red like a tomato. She grabbed her water and chugged it down along with Rena’s fanning herself.

“Mou Rena what did you order?!”

“The usual devil spice chicken special.” Rena said innocently.

“How can you handle that?!”

“I don’t know I just do.”

Yuki was still burning hot so she decided to unbutton some of her top to try to cool herself down. Rena did her best not to look at Yuki’s busty chest and tried to stay focused on helping Yuki. She asked for some ice cream and the staff quickly brought it out. Yuki gulped down half of it before suffering from a brain freeze and letting out a cry of agony. Rena couldn’t help but laugh at Yuki who was clearly in pain so she calmed down and handed Yuki a napkin. Rena hugged Yuki and started stoking her hair telling she was sorry for laughing. Yuki smiled and hugged Rena back telling her it was ok and then the two finished up everything. They wondered what they could do next and then Yuki came up with the idea of going to the pet shop to play with some of the animals. The two headed out right when someone very familiar just stepped in right as the girls left. The excited angel ran up to the front of the store and pointed to the sign that was posted outside.


“U-Uh yes ma’am. Would you like one?”


The thing that Mayu was talking about was the special strawberry parfait that was usually very expensive but today the café was having a special that was charging them for half the price. Mayu couldn’t believe how cheap it was for a parfait that was once 4000 yen was now 2000 yen and Mayu wasn’t going to let this pass. She was dead serious when she said she wanted ten of the parfaits and so the staff had no choice but to comply to her demands. About 10 minutes later a waitress came out with a huge tray with ten large parfaits with a mountain of toppings on each. Mayu’s eyes grew to the size of ramen bowls as her mouth watered. She picked up the spoon and started feasting on the ice cream enjoying every bite of the delicious treat. The people in the café watched in amazement as the little girl shoveled the ice cream into her mouth eating it. She didn’t even notice the other girl walk in who walked over to the front desk to order food. The cashier didn’t notice her at first because she was busy watching the glutton fill herself with ice cream.

“I’d like the devil spice chicken special.”

“C-coming right up!”

The girl sat in the table behind the girl eating tons of ice cream who she didn’t really care about and waited for her food. Jurina had never really tried spicy food before but the name of the dish she saw on the poster outside caught her curiosity. Anything that had the term “devil” in it must mean it’s something bad which she liked. She waited for her food to come and because it was taking a while she had no choice but to listen to the disgusting sound of the person behind her. The ice cream girl sounded like she was stuffing herself but was close to exploding. Jurina imagined that and couldn’t help but giggle however she was started to get irritated from the annoying sounds of the girl. She was going to get up and say something but then her food came so she forgot about it. Staring at the plate, Jurina could see the danger in the dish itself. The chicken was bright red like lava and still sizzling on the plate showing how hot it was. There was a little hesitation in Jurina but she remembered she was a devil and she could handle hot things just fine. She only cut off a small piece of the meat and took a bite and chewing it to find that it wasn’t that spicy at all. Jurina swallowed it and seconds later her mouth felt like someone made her eat lava. She didn’t even take a huge bite but she felt like she was going to melt so she downed her drink instantly and asked for more. The waitress was slow and Jurina was in distress realizing her human body couldn’t take heat like her devil body could. Having no choice, Jurina turned around and grabbed one of the parfaits the girl behind her was eating. She started to gulp it down taking in the coldness even though the ice cream was way too sweet.

“Hey what do you think you’re doing?!”

The girl was angry at Jurina and was demanding payback and so Jurina cleaned herself up and said,

“Sorry I needed something cold.”

“Well you owe me 2000 yen.”

“Alright give me a minute.”

Jurina reached into her pocket and pulled out some money and then handed it to the girl before her. At that moment when they touched each other, both girls cried out in pain. They backed away and held their hands which were now showing signs of damage. On Jurina’s hand, there was cracks of white moving down her arm but then stopped when they reached the middle of her forearm. Mayu’s hand had a blot of pure black spreading throughout her hand but she was able to suppress it. The two looked at each other and realized what exactly they were. Not wanting to make a huge scene, the two left the café and went somewhere private where they could talk. Once they made sure they were alone Jurina was the first to speak,

“So the big guy decides to send you as his fetcher. Out of all the powerful angels in his army he chooses you? Either he’s running out of stronger warriors or he’s really dumb.”

“Don’t you dare speak about my lord in that way! What about you? I’m surprised the demon decided to send his weakest devil here. Honestly I’ve seen a pug do worse damage than you could.” Mayu scoffed.

“At least I didn’t shoot the wrong person in the Great War!”

“Well I wasn’t the one who fled the battle when things turned bad!”

“The only reason you got into Heaven was because he pitied you. Your sorry ass was so bad that he just couldn’t turn you away.” Jurina barked.

“You didn’t even get a chance to go to the sacred land because your sins were so grave that not even he could look at you.” Mayu retorted.



“Liar!! You knew exactly what I was doing and you did NOTHING!”

“The lord comes first Jurina. You knew what you were doing was against his will and I couldn’t intervene.”

“Cut the crap Mayu if I hadn’t done those things you wouldn’t have lived that day!”

“Well clearly I didn’t live long after you died because I’m standing RIGHT HERE!”

“I’m gonna cut off your wings and feed them to Cerberus.”

“Not before I use your horns to make my lord a new dagger!”

Jurina pulled out a long whip that was as long as a giraffe with thorns similar to rose the ones on roses and at the end there was a skull with horns on it. The whip wrapped around Jurina and rested on her as if it was a pet snake staring right at Mayu waiting to attack. Mayu pulled out two fans with several blades at the end of each. One fan was white with the sun on the fan and the other fan was black with the moon on it. She moved herself into battle position and then the two were off engaging in a battle. At the same time, something was going on with Rena causing her to feel very strange. She was having a great time with Yuki when suddenly her body started to feel weird. Her right arm felt cold as ice and her left was as hot as fire. Her body was going through odd temperature changes and she was worried Yuki would notice so she tried to avoid touching Yuki.

“Are you ok Rena?”

“Y-Yeah I’m fine..”

“Are you sure?”

Yuki reached out and tried to grab Rena’s hand but she pulled back and walked a little faster. Yuki thought there was something wrong with Rena but she didn’t want to scare her so she let it go. Rena’s condition was getting worse and so she decided it was time to go home. It was getting late and the two had school tomorrow so it was best they get home to rest. Rena asked if Yuki was ready to go home and she said she was getting tired so the two decided to call it a night. They walked together to the stoplight where they would separate and go their own ways. Before leaving, Yuki said,

“I had a lot of fun today Rena. Let’s go out again sometime!”

“I would like that a lot Yuki.” Rena said smiling.

“I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“See ya!”

Rena continued to walk down the path and Yuki was still waiting for the stoplight. Rena had made it about half way down the path when up ahead she heard the sound of tires screeching. She could see a truck driving at a reckless speed honking constantly telling people to get out of the way. The truck nearly ran over two people and scraped along another car. Rena heard the truck driver calling out saying that his breaks weren’t working and telling people to get out of the way. The truck rushed past Rena and was heading straight for the area Yuki was. Rena instantly started to run as fast as she could but the truck was running faster since it was moving downhill. Rena could see the light that Yuki was at and saw that it was just turning green. Rena ran faster but it looked like she wasn’t going to make it in time. Yuki moved out into the crosswalk and the truck was only a couple of seconds away from hitting her. Rena’s legs moved faster than she wanted and with all her might she called out to Yuki screaming to her.


The next couple of moments Rena didn’t see quite clearly but the next thing she knew, she was in front of Yuki who was standing right there in front of the truck. Rena covered Yuki and then held out her right hand to protect each other as best as she could. She thought she was going to die right here and then but then something happened causing the truck to stop right there in front of Rena. Glass and metal shattered and scattered everywhere but in the end, Rena was there alive. Yuki was holding onto Rena tightly shaking in fear with tears in her eyes. Rena told her everything was ok and it was alright but right as she moved, Yuki collapsed. Rena was glad she wasn’t hurt but she was more shocked to see the large dent in the front of the steel truck. She was going to get up but then she felt a sharp pain causing her to cry out. Rena looked down and saw that her side a piece of metal lodged in. Grabbing it, Rena pulled it out slowly until it was completely gone and put pressure on the wound. Rena felt the same warm sensation she had felt before on her left hand and then moments later she didn’t feel any pain. She looked down and saw that the wound was no longer there and everything was healed. There was still blood on her clothes but everything else was ok.

“What’s happening..”

Rena was scared and didn’t want to be seen by other people so she quickly picked up Yuki and ran away from the scene. She took Yuki to her apartment and set her on the bed covering her. Rena was worried that Yuki was hurt but when she checked everything all her vitals seemed fine. Knowing Yuki was ok, Rena went into the bathroom and changed out of her bloody clothes throwing them into the trash. She looked at herself in the mirror and asked herself,

“What’s happening to me?”

(Moments before the crash)

Jurina and Mayu were still battling trying to kill each other when they suddenly heard the loud cry of someone. The two stopped battling and ran out to the street where they saw the truck and the girl who was about to get hit. Mayu was about to do something but then the two both something incredible that shocked them both. They saw a girl who was half way up the road disappear and reappear in front of the girl in the street. The girl held out her hand and that’s when Jurina saw the dark energy spike from it and hit the truck causing it to stop completely. The two girls were alive but the one girl was hurt with a very serious injury. Mayu watched the girl heal herself with her hand and the blood had stopped flowing. The girl picked up the other and ran off right as police were arriving. Jurina and Mayu knew they had found their target and now the real hunt was just about to begin. Jurina smiled knowing who the girl was and she now had an advantage over the angel because of the school uniform she had from the target. Mayu also had an advantage because she knew the girl who had passed out and knew exactly what school they went to. The next day after everything was over, the teacher announced to the class that there were two new transfer students joining the school.

“Everyone please meet Matsui Jurina and Watanabe Mayu, they will be your new classmates starting today.”

Look forward to the next update!!

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 5
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2015, 07:20:53 AM »
Wow... woho.. :twothumbs
That was awesome.. Finally they go to Rena's school... :w00t:
Can't wait their first contact.. And The Hunt Begin.. :inlove:

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 5
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2015, 12:33:48 PM »
The YukiRena moment!!! :inlove: :inlove: :wub: :wub:
I love this story!!!
Update soon!!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 5
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2015, 06:17:58 PM »
Shiz is about to get real...... :shocked

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 6
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2015, 08:14:48 PM »
Hello everyone! Things are starting to heat up so I hope you're ready for it!

Chapter 6

(The night before)

Yuki woke up in the middle of the night and found herself in a place she was unfamiliar to. She looked around and found herself in a small room with a simple floral wallpaper and a single closet in the corner of the room. There was a desk full of books and manga along with a picture of a young girl with her family. She also saw some medals hung on the wall and ribbons all for melon pan eating contests which made Yuki giggle. Yuki got up and then walked out to the room into a hallway where she followed a light source coming at the end. She walked in and saw the TV was on and across the TV there was Rena sleeping on the couch. Rena was curled up on the couch hugging a pillow sleeping soundly snoring a little. Yuki walked over to Rena and sat down on the couch getting closer to her. She noticed there was a hole in the side of her shirt that was quite large but she didn’t see any sort of wound. Yuki remembered the accident she had gotten in and remembered Rena getting in front of her to protect her. After that though everything was a blank and she couldn’t bring back any memories. Examining her body closer, Yuki could see smaller wounds on Rena’s body that were probably from the accident and she felt terrible for what had happened. After snooping around, Yuki found some bandages and antibacterial solution so she carefully tended to Rena’s wounds. Once she was wrapped up, Yuki tucked her in and then went back to bed.

(Present Day)

Rena didn’t know what had happened after she had fallen asleep but when she woke up the next morning she had bandages on her and she had been tucked in. Yuki had left but she left a note telling her thanks for taking care of her. Rena was in school now and Yuki hadn’t come in so she guessed she was at home resting. She hadn’t been paying attention for a while until she heard the teacher call her name.

“Watanabe you can sit next to Matsui.”


Rena watched the girl with the pigtails walk over to the seat next to hers and sat down. Rena didn’t hear what the girl’s name was but she decided to ignore her and focus on her class. Ten minutes hadn’t passed and Rena had already started to get weird feelings from the girl next to her. It felt like she was staring at her in a creepy way but Rena didn’t want to look at her. She tried to ignore the feeling but somehow she knew that the new girl was staring at her. Rena pulled out a hand mirror and pretended to be fixing her hair but in reality she was looking through the mirror to see. In the mirror she saw the girl was staring directly at her which was creeping her out so she put away the mirror and tried to focus on class. Once the bell rang, Rena quickly left the classroom and went to the roof making sure no one followed her. She sat down on an edge and sighed as she pulled out a juice pouch and started to drink it quietly. Rena was relaxing and enjoying her break when she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Hey there.”


It was a girl with short hair who reminded her of someone she had seen before and she was also one of the new girls. She didn’t know her name though so she kind of sat there awkwardly trying not to say much. The girl reached into her bag and pulled out something wrapped in a plastic bag and handed it to her.

“I wanted to return this to you.”

“My blazer! Then you’re..”

“I’m Matui Jurina. It’s nice to meet you Matsui-san.”

“Call me Rena. Wow thank you I was looking for that and if I couldn’t find it I would have had to replace it.”

Rena took back her blazer and then Jurina sat down next to Rena.

“So where did you come from?” Rena asked.

“I came here on my own from Nagoya. I wanted to be independent from my parents so I left home and came here.”

“Wow you’re so young. So do you have job?”

“No I get money from my grandmother who lives in the city.”

“It must be nice to have a family that supports you.”

The two continued to chat for a while until it was time to go back inside. Rena said goodbye to Jurina and left her to be on her own. Jurina got up and was getting ready to leave as well but then she felt the presence of a certain foe. She turned around and saw the angel standing there with an angry look on her face.

“I’m not going to let you take her.” she said while glaring at her.

“We’ll see about that. You can’t really do much since you’ve lost most of your powers.”

“Same to you filthy mutt.”

The two looked like they were going to get into another battle but then a teacher caught them and told them to get back inside. The two called it off and went to their own classes setting the battle aside for later. Mayu was in a different class from Rena but Jurina however had the same class with her. Jurina actually had all the classes that Rena had thanks to a special visit with the school secretary convincing her to set the correct classes. This gave Jurina the upper advantage against the angel who only had two classes with Rena. In all her classes, Jurina personally removed the person sitting next to Rena and had them reassigned to a different seat so she could get nice and close to Rena. In the middle of the class period the teacher told the students that they could work with partners for the current assignment so Jurina instantly paired with Rena. The two worked together getting along well and even sharing a couple laughs. The cold hearted devil actually felt something warm building inside her which was a feeling she hadn’t felt before. It reminded her of a friendship she had with someone long ago but had lost because of tragic events. Jurina was sad that she was going to have to give this girl up to her lord in the end but she had to do it.

“Nee Rena I don’t get this.” Jurina pouted.

“Here let me show you.”

Together the two worked on the assignment they were given until the bell had rung showing it was time to go home. Jurina stood up and followed Rena out of the building and most of the way home until they were close to Rena’s home. Jurina now had some idea where Rena lived and was happy with the success she had. She wanted to follow Rena all the way home but she remembered she had something to take care of and was going to have to call it a day. Jurina turned around and left the area leaving a little angel to pick up where she left off. Once Jurina was gone, Mayu followed Rena to her apartment and found out exactly where she lived. She was getting ready to move in for a quick seek and capture but when she tried to step forward close to the area, she was blasted back and shot with a bolt of electricity. The attack hurt and she looked up seeing that there was a barrier that had been placed around the area where Rena’s apartment was. She didn’t know where it had come from but it was there and by the looks of it, the barrier appeared to be a spiritual one. This was a strong barrier that prevented any kind of spirit from entering and it was big meaning there was no way the devil was the one who created it. No this was created by someone who knew of the spirit world and fought against them. The seal on the barrier was an eight circle seal which was one of the most powerful ones in the spirit world meaning this person knew their stuff. Mayu knew there was no point in trying to fight the barrier so she decided to go home.

“This is going to be a problem..”

Mayu needed to find a way to break the barrier if she was going to get anywhere near Rena or she was going to have to find a way to snatch her midday without anyone noticing her. Her biggest concern though was the devil who was probably coming up with the same plans as her and so she knew she had to work fast. Mayu went home to think about things leaving Rena to rest alone in her home. Rena sat down on the bed throwing her shoes and laying down and staring at the ceiling. Rena pulled out her phone and sent a message to Yuki asking if she was ok. Minutes later she got a reply from Yuki,

“Ah yes I’m a lot better. I needed to rest for a while after all the crazy stuff that happened yesterday.” the message said.

“Well get better soon. I’ll fill you in on what you miss tomorrow.” Rena replied.

“Thanks a lot!!”

Rena put down her phone and then went into the main room to get something to eat and watch some TV. She grabbed a melonpan and then sat down on the couch where she turned on the TV. On the TV was the news that was talking about the accident that happened yesterday. They said the truck driver was the only person injured and there were no deaths but there were witness testimonies. Many of the witnesses were talking about Yuki who was nearly hit by the truck but Rena remembered what had happened after that. She still couldn’t believe she was able to move that fast without even feeling it but she was glad she was able to save Yuki. Rena changed the channel to some anime and then she began to relax enjoying herself. For once she was able relax without anything distracting her but then she heard a knock at the door. She got up and answered the door only to find Yuko standing there.

“Hey Rena-chan~”

“Yuko? What are you doing here?” Rena asked.

“I came to visit you! You’ve been acting weird lately and I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”

“I’m fine Yuko. Shouldn’t you be at home catching up on your studies?”

“Well that’s another thing I came for. I’m falling behind because of my job and I could really use some help.”

“Why don’t you quit your job?”

“Oi someone’s gotta pay the bills at my house and clearly it’s not my parents.”

“Alright come on in.”

“Yay party with Rena!”

“I thought you said we were studying!!”

(The next Day)

Rena was extremely tired because she wasn’t able to get much sleep yesterday. Yuko had kept her up late and because of that she wasn’t able to sleep well. Rena was ready to fall asleep and call it a day before the day even began but sadly she had to stay awake and focus. On the brighter side of things, Yuki was back and she was happy about it. Yuki was the only bright piece of sunshine throughout her entire day and she was glad to have her back. The class began when the bell rang and so the teacher came in and started the lesson. Rena did her absolute best to keep herself awake but nothing was working. She even tried pinching herself under her desk and that still wasn’t working. Not even pain was able to keep the poor girl awake so she finally gave in and laid her head down. She thought to herself that she would just rest her hand for a couple minutes. Those couple of minutes ended up being the entire class period and when Rena had woken up the class was over.

“Shoot! I can’t believe I slept thorough everything!”


Rena looked over and saw Jurina who was holding out a notebook handing it to Rena.

“I saw you had fallen asleep earlier so I made you a copy of the lesson.”

“Thank you Jurina. I really appreciate this.”

“It’s not problem. I’ll see you in class.”

Jurina left and Yuki leaned in next to Rena asking her,

“You got a new friend Rena?”

“Um yeah she has the same name as me so it’s kinda fun.”

“Well that’s great! Now you can finally stop hanging around that weird Yuko girl.”


Rena and Yuki looked out the window and saw Yuko below them waving at them. The two left and then went to their own classes where they were separated. Rena went to her class leaving Yuki on her own where she found there was someone new sitting next to her. She was the girl she had seen at the arcade fighting for a stuffed animal with the UFO catcher. Yuki introduced herself to the girl who was thrilled to see her again introduced herself.

“I’m Watanabe Mayu!”

“Well it’s nice to finally meet you Mayu. I’m surprised you decided to go to this school.”

“Well it was close to my house and it just seemed like the right place for me.”

“Well if you ever need anything don’t be afraid to ask me ok?”


The little angel was delighted to be with Yuki and was happy that she could be with her more. She didn’t know how much time she was going to have on the earth so she wanted to enjoy it with the friends she has. Mayu remembered her lord told her not to get too close to the humans but she couldn’t help herself and her heart was officially attached to Yuki. She knew this would cause problems in the future but for now she was going to enjoy herself. The two went throughout the class day chatting with each other about small things and then in the end Yuki gave Mayu her number for her to call sometime. The day had ended and the little angel was overjoyed with the amount of success she had. It was time to go home though however for Mayu it was time to go capture Rena. Mayu found Rena and started to follow her on the path home. She couldn’t let her get into the barrier so she had to hurry if she was going to grab Rena before the devil does. Mayu followed Rena and waited until she was in an area where she was alone and then she could make a move. She watched Mayu turn off into an alley way which was the perfect place so she quickly moved in to attack.


Mayu turned around and saw Jurina standing there with a grin on her face. It was a trap and she had fallen right into it. Jurina pulled a string and down came a shower of sharp objects piercing the angel’s back.


Mayu fell to the ground and tried to get to get up but she was in too much pain. Jurina knelt down and laughed at Mayu for seeing her in such a pathetic site. Mayu wasn’t going to let the devil win so easily so she reached into her pocket and stabbed Jurina in the shoulder with a solid gold dagger.

“What the hell?!”

Jurina fell back and cried in pain as she tried to remove the dagger but when she grabbed it, the dagger burned her.

“One hundred percent pure blessed gold you little heathen. Good luck trying to pull that out.”

“Damn you!!”

Jurina was able to stand up and pulled out a machete aiming it right at Mayu’s head. She was planning on finishing her right there but then someone shouted at them causing Jurina to flee. This gave Mayu a chance to escape as well so she used her blood to draw a small wing with a circle around it. She pressed down on it and then the circle glowed followed by a bright flash. Mayu had been transported to another area where she was alone. Mayu limped over to the wall and grabbed onto a nearby shelf where she then proceeded to pull out each individual bar that was embedded into her body. Mayu screamed in pain as her blood fell onto the floor. Each bar fell with a clang one by one until finally she had them all out of her body. Mayu needed to get to the sunlight quickly if she was going to heal her wounds so she made her way over to the window where the light of the setting sun was slowly disappearing. She turned her back and moments later she felt the burning sensation of being healed. The wounds in her back were closing and had completely healed just as the sun had vanished. Mayu had barely escaped death but luckily she made it out ok. She was certain though however that the devil would not make it for only pure beings can pull out that dagger. Mayu thought for sure she had won and all she had left to do was go get Rena.

“Damnit damnit damnit!!!”

Jurina screamed as she tried to pull out the dagger but it was a waste for she was not able to. She knew this was the end for her because all anti-demon weapons were laced in a poison that killed demons. If she didn’t find someone to pull it out she was going to die. Then she saw something that could possibly save her. There was a hook on a wall that’s used to hand signs but was empty at the moment that was just the right size to slide the hilt of the dagger through. Jurina lined her body up so that the dagger was hooked on and then she started to lean forward. Slowly the blade started coming out until finally the blade was out. Jurina leaned onto the wall and let the moonlight heal her wound so she wasn’t in pain anymore. Jurina was lucky that it was a full moon or otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to heal. Once the wound was healed, Jurina cleaned herself up and headed home knowing that things were just going to get harder from here on out.   

Look forward to the next update!!!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 6
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2015, 10:16:28 PM »
Why do I have this feeling the one who put the seal on Rena's apartment was Yuki...? :O

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 6
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2015, 01:52:02 AM »
.... or yuko
i think?

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 6
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2015, 02:10:44 AM »
Why do I have this feeling the one who put the seal on Rena's apartment was Yuki...? :O

.... or yuko
i think?

I agree with both of these comments. Only someone who is close enough to Rena is able to put up a seal in her house.

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 6
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2015, 08:28:02 PM »
Sorry for not commenting it was amazing story I love it but somehow I'm afraid of ending I want yukirena  :sweatdrop: well I think it's yuki or yuko if its yuki then it would be intersting anyway this is your fic so you can do as you like hehe waiting for update

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 7
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2015, 05:52:19 AM »
Hello~ Everyone's guesses are pretty good but I shall not reveal who is the maker of the barrier until the time comes!! For now though, enjoy~

Chapter 7

It was a hot day out in Tokyo and that meant only one thing for Rena’s gym class and that was swimming. Rena was a decent swimmer where she could float and do the basic front stroke but not a super expert. She liked swimming and didn’t mind it on a day today so she was looking forward to gym class today. Rena went into the locker rooms to change and she accidently ran into Mayu right in the middle of changing. She quickly turned around and went to another area where she could change alone. Rena began to change and when she finished she walked outside to the area where the pool was. There was Jurina and Mayu both there with Yuki already in the pool. Another good reason why Rena liked swim class was she got to see Yuki in a swimsuit. She could see all of Yuki’s wonderful features and admire them quietly. The teachers told her to wear a shirt over her swimsuit because people get distracted by them. Yuki wears a white T-shirt which doesn’t really help but the teachers accepted it since the chlorine would ruin other shirts. Rena hung her towel on the fence and then jumped right into the pool. The water was cold causing her to cry out but she eventually she got used to it. Rena swam over to Yuki who was treading water keeping herself afloat. She didn’t really need to do that though since she had natural floats.

“You ready for the race?” Yuki asked.

“Not really. I doubt I’ll win.” Rena said.

“You don’t’ have to be good like Miyazawa.”

“Well at least I’m better than Kojima.”

“Matsui! Kashiwagi!”

The two girls looked over where there gym teacher was standing there with Jurina and Mayu.

“These two don’t know how to swim so I need you two to teach them how.” the teacher said.


Rena took Mayu and Yuki took Jurina and the four of them went to a separate section of the pool for them to practice. Rena was surprised that at her age Rena didn’t know how to swim but she thought maybe she never had the chance to learn. While Rena was helping Mayu with her kicking, Jurina and Yuki were on the other side of the pool. Jurina was so busy staring at Rena she didn’t even hear what Yuki was saying to her until she called her out.

“Oi you listening?”

“Yes I am.”

“Ok then swim.”

Jurina knew she had been caught but she thought maybe she could get by without having to do anything so Yuki let go of her hands. Not even seconds had passed before Jurina sank down like a rock and she started to panic. She thought she was going to drown but then Yuki pulled her up and smacked her on the back. That hard smack forced all the water out of her lungs allowing her to breathe. Jurina had no idea how to use her body in the water let alone stay afloat so she knew she was going to have to listen to Yuki if she was going to get through the day. Yuki held onto her arms and told her to start kicking. Jurina did what she said and then Yuki instructed her to put her face in the water. The sheer thought of the water getting in her face freaked her out. Jurina resisted but Yuki wasn’t going to let her go so easily so she pushed her head down into the water and held her there for five seconds. Jurina came back up coughing and gagging for air but she was alive. Yuki gave her about two seconds of air and then back underwater Jurina went. It took Jurina five times before she finally got used to holding her breath underwater. Once again the two tried the same thing before and this time Jurina was able to put her head in the water. She held her breath for ten seconds before coming back up only to go back down.

“You’re doing good Jurina keep it up.” Yuki said smiling.

Jurina was going well keeping up a good pace and that was when Yuki decided to try moving to give Jurina a feeling of actually swimming. Yuki started to step backwards and slowly pull Jurina along the way moving her forward. They started to go in circles so Jurina could get a feeling before finally she was able to let go of Yuki. Yuki released Jurina and from there out she was on her own but she was doing well. She was amazed at how quickly Jurina had learned how to swim but she was glad she was able to help. Yuki watched as Jurina swam around in circles getting used to the feeling and then Yuki noticed Jurina had derailed from her circular path. Jurina was heading right for Rena and Mayu who were practicing on their own and didn’t notice Jurina coming towards them.

“Jurina stop!!” Yuki shouted.

Jurina couldn’t hear Yuki and just kept on going until she suddenly ran into something. At first she thought it was the wall but it was too soft so she then thought she ran into a floatie. Jurina reached out grab the floaty and grabbed something small and circular. She thought it was a ball so she squeezed it a little and that’s when she was pulled up. Jurina opened her eyes and saw Rena staring at her with anger and embarrassment on her face. She wondered what was making Rena look that way and then Mayu pointed downwards. Looking down, Jurina realized that “ball” she had grabbed was actually Rena’s chest. Now Jurina was blushing and she immediately pulled back apologizing for her actions.

“It’s ok Jurina just next time look up once in a while.” Rena said sighing.

“Sorry about that. I forgot Jurina couldn’t see underwater yet.” Yuki said.

“Well how about next time you keep a better eye on your student!”

“Hai hai hey it could have been worse.”

The teacher blew the whistle telling everyone it was time to come in and get changed. Everyone got out of the pool and went into the locker room to change and get dressed. Mayu and Jurina happened to be next to each other changing so Mayu thought it would be funny to tease Jurina about what had happened.

“Nee tell me was that really accidental or did you do that on purpose just to cop a feel~?”

“You shut up! It was an ACCIDENT you hear me? An ACCIDENT.”

“Sure, sure you perverted heathen.”

“Shut up you pretentious prick!”

While those two were bickering at each other like an old couple, Rena and Yuki were getting dressed together. Rena was about down putting her skirt on and getting ready to grab her shirt when Yuki asked her to help her out. She looked over and saw Yuki in nothing but her skirt and a bra that she was having a hard time putting on. She was trying to put it on but she was having a hard time bringing the two ends close enough to hook on. Rena walked over to Yuki and carefully took the ends of Yuki’s bra and started to tug on them. The little tug wasn’t enough though so she pulled hard and Yuki let out almost a moan like sound. Rena was blushing a little but she focused on the task at hand and pulled Yuki’s bra far enough to the point where it hooked.

“Thanks Rena. I gotta get bigger bras.” she said as she put her shirt on.

“You’re telling me.”

Rena walked away from Yuki to go dry her hair when she saw Mayu walking towards her. She didn’t realize how wet the floor was until it was too late and Rena slipped causing her to fall onto Mayu. She was in an awkward position when she realized where she was and then she quickly got up.

“Sorry Mayu.. Are you ok?”

“Y-Yeah I’m fine.”

Rena helped Mayu up and then quickly walked away to get to her next class leaving Mayu with Jurina. Now it was Jurina’s turn to make fun of Mayu saying,

“Was it me or did I see you take a step closer to Rena?”

“Shut up you heathen!”

At the end of the school day, everyone went home their own separate ways including Rena who was walking home on her own. Jurina had her own things to attend to and Mayu had to get home to help her family out with things. It was just Rena and she was planning on going home and enjoying herself with some fresh melonpan and some juice. She realized she was out of juice so she headed to the convenience store to get some juice and a couple other treats. Rena was waiting in line when she heard the TV starting to talk about some sort of event happening down by the train station.

“BREAKING NEWS. A group of armed gunman have robbed a bank and have escaped into the train station. If all trains are being told to stop where they are. Avoid using the trains until further notice.”

Rena was worried about Yuki since she took the trains sometimes but since it was a nice night out maybe she didn’t. Once it was her turn in line, Rena checked out and then walked the rest of the way home eager to get into her new snacks. Meanwhile, Mayu had just walked onto the train and was waiting for the train to start. The door closed and Mayu could no relax and wait for the train to take her home. She was looking out the window and watching the lights pass by when she felt a nudge on her arm. Looking over, Mayu saw Yuki sitting right next to her holding her bag on her lap.

“Hey there~” she said as she giggled.

“Hello Yuki. Riding the train tonight?”

“Yeah I didn’t feel like walking today so I decided to take a train.”

“I don’t blame you. I like being lazy too~” Mayu said laughing.

“Well if you don’t mind, I kinda wanna lay down for a while. Is it ok if I lean on you?”

“That’s fine with me.”

With Mayu’s permission, Yuki leaned down and rested her head on Mayu’s shoulder. Mayu picked up Yuki’s strong scent which smelled like lavender mixed with lilies. It was almost intoxicating to Mayu and she could barely control herself but luckily she had her skirt to hold onto. Mayu sat there awkwardly for minutes trying not to move but then she heard something weird in the train car next to them. It sounded like something heavy had dropped but she wasn’t sure so she carefully leaned forward a little and looked through the window. Through it she saw four men wearing all black with guns aimed at the people. People were frozen with fear not moving and then one of the men grabbed a young girl who was sitting by them. They held a gun to her head and were threatening to shoot her if anyone moved. Mayu knew she had to get off the train before it was too late so she quickly grabbed Yuki and ran to the next car over.

“Mayu what’s going on?”

“Just keep quiet and follow me.”

The two ran all the way to the last car until there was nowhere else to run. They were far enough though to the point where they had some time to stall. Yuki was confused as to what was going on and Mayu didn’t want to explain fearing she would get involved. Therefore, Mayu had no choice but to knock Yuki out along with the rest of the passengers in the car. Mayu quickly covered Yuki’s eyes and whispered a spell putting the girl to sleep where Mayu then pushed her behind a metal part of the train railing and hid her. She then placed all the other passengers under a sleeping spell and made sure they were safe. Once she knew everyone was asleep, she put a protective shield around everyone to make sure no one was harmed. Right after she had created the shield an armed man came in shouting,


To his surprise everyone was asleep except Mayu who was standing right in the middle staring at him. He aimed his gun at her telling her to get down and hand over her valuables and Mayu just smiled. The man was aiming to shoot but then right in an instant Mayu was gone. The man was confused and started to get frightened by the fact that the girl he was trying to kill had disappeared. Then suddenly he felt someone tap his head from above. He looked up and saw Mayu standing there upside down with a smug grin on her face. The man shot his gun upwards but Mayu was now below him and before he could do anything she kicked him right through the roof of the train.

“Rest in peace oh fallen soul..” 

Once the car was clear, Mayu moved onto the next one where luckily there wasn’t a guy there. She sealed the car and then moved forward where she saw a man standing over a woman with the gun pointed at her head. He was ready to shoot but Mayu quickly sprang into action calling upon one of her heavenly powers.

“Hermes’ dash!”

Mayu became incredibly fast moving almost at the speed of light moving straight for the gunman and knocking him down into the ground. His head had broken through the bottom of the train and was now under the train. He screamed trying to pull himself out but he was lodged in there unable to move. Mayu pulled out one of her fans without opening it and quickly sliced the back of the man’s neck deep enough to stop all moments. She said a silent prayer and then moved onto the next car which was the front car. There were two of them and one of them was holding a child hostage while the other was collecting valuables from the passengers. Mayu quickly disarmed them and took out one of the gunman but the other was able to escape. He was running back to the other cars so Mayu chased after him. They were back at the very last car and the man was trapped. He panicked and grabbed the nearest person he saw which to Mayu’s disappointment was Yuki. He aimed the gun at her chest and prepared to fire at any second so Mayu had to unleash one of her most powerful attacks.

“Wings of Mercy.”

Mayu’s body started to glow moments before a bright flash to the point no one could see what was happening. At that moments, Yuki had woken up and saw the blinding light but she managed to see a little bit when she covered her arm. She saw the gun pressed against her chest but then she also saw what looked like wings. They were glowing bright like the sun and someone was standing there with the wings coming from their back. Yuki couldn’t see who it was but it made her believe it was her guardian angel who had come down to protect her. Seconds later Yuki was away from the gun and was being held by someone warm. The warmth was so comforting and soothing that Yuki had fallen back asleep unaware who was her magical savior. The gunman on the other hand was on the ground staring at the ceiling in a state of shock. No one knew what he saw but because of the things he saw, he was no longer able to speak or move. Mayu cast a memory spell over the train so no one would remember her actions and mention her to the authorities. When the train finally stopped, the police were already there taking in the gunmen. There were only two survivors while the other two were dead and so the police took in the survivors for questioning. Mayu woke Yuki up who had been sleeping soundly for a while to tell her they had arrived.

“Ah are we here?” the sleeping beauty asked.

“Yeah let’s go or else we’ll be ending up somewhere else!”

Mayu took Yuki home avoiding the police for questioning and walked her up to the front door. The two said goodbye and then Mayu started to walk home. She was about halfway home when there was suddenly a bright flash and Mayu was no longer in the area she was. She turned around and saw someone very familiar standing in front of her.

“Watanabe Mayu!! According to our data, you have violated Article 2 Section 12 of the Heaven’s Laws: Do not use any powers above A Rank. This is a warning from our Lord not to use those powers unless you wish to be punished.”

“Yes. My apologies.”

“Be careful Mayu. Remember you’re here on a mission and shouldn’t be playing around.”

“I got that Miichan. You don’t need to tell me twice.”

“I’m just looking after you like I do with all of the angels.”


After the conversation the angel left leaving Mayu back where she was before. She sighed and leaned against the wall relieved that she wasn’t in huge trouble. She forgot that there were certain rules she had to follow so she had to be careful how much power she could use. This was one of the things that Mayu hated about being an angel was that even when she’s dead she had to follow rules. Either way, she had her orders so Mayu simply shook off the warning and went back to her walk home.

“Stupid rules.”

Offline vickystar

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 7
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2015, 03:31:57 PM »
Mayu is the best angel :") she saved yuki :") haha i like this chapter its make me laugh
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline ttwm123

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Re: (Undecided Title) Wmatsui, MayuRena, YukiRena: Chapter 7
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2015, 12:08:39 PM »
update please, i want to know who the one that protect rena

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