Prologue Around 2013 and 2014, there was a huge blizzard that covered most of Asia, Korea, and Japan in snow. The sun was hidden in the clouds, the sea closest to the shore froze, and the power plants failed, sending dangerous, and deadly toxins into the air. Everyone had to stay in safe houses, never stepping outside into the ice-covered wasteland the city had become. This time in the Eastern Hemisphere was called the “Cold Age.” With little food, no money, and the population decreasing due to mass pneumonia, it was a greater economic crash than the Great Depression, and more catastrophic than the 2011 Touhoku earthquake and tsunami.
But then, just at the start of the 22nd century, a miracle happened.
A scientist, whose name I can’t remember right now, had been studying the toxins in the air since the blizzard began, and was able to create a substance similar to blood that could penetrate the harmful chemicals. One fateful day, he shot the substance into the sky, and it instantly cleared the toxic air and clouds, bringing warmth and life back to Japan. He shared his creation with everyone in Eastern Asia, and people were able to use the extract of the “blue blood” to create medicine that could heal the sick, dying people and let them live much longer than normal. This blue blood was also said to give humans enhanced physical and mental strength, and even special powers, but many were skeptical. So then, he decided to take his project one step further.
He created androids, the blue blood being their life essence, and allowed them to harness the chemical’s true powers and use them. They were smart, strong, and had the incredible ability to save someone from death and bind their souls together. They lived and grew, like humans, but also protected them. The rumors of their powers were proven to be true, and they started a revolution for the next generation of “New Tokyo.” This miraculous time in the 22nd century of Japan became known as Japan’s “rebirth.” The androids were saviors at this time, and were named “ANGELs.”
And now, in the 24th century, year 2313… Well, it’s how we live now.
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