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Author Topic: THE ONE IN MY HEART Chapter 21(Multipairing) 7/7/2018  (Read 22924 times)

Offline JurinaN

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THE ONE IN MY HEART Chapter 21(Multipairing) 7/7/2018
« on: December 23, 2017, 06:07:41 PM »
Hello everyone..It has been awhile.It has been a long time since I posted anything in here. There are so many fanfic that I had neglected.I hope this new fanfic I write I can finish it. By the way, Mayu's graduation hit me pretty hard and since then I have been doing Mayu's marathon.1 or is it 2? days left for her theater graduation. I hope I can be strong to handle it....


At park, there was two young girls sat on a swings without exchanged any word or looking at each other. No single soul around them that moment. The long haired girl was looking down the whole time.Her bangs covered her face but it was clearly she gonna cry anytime soon.Meanwhile the other girl who has a short hair had a guilty expression on her face. A rings of cellphone disturbed the silent.

After hang up the call, the short one started talking. "My mother called me,told me to go home now and help them with the packing".

"...When will you move away?" asked the other girl without looking at her friend.

"Tomorrow.My father have to report to his new work place sooner than expected".

Scoffed. "We don't even have a day".She said sadly.

Her friend hop down from her swing and kneeled before her. She cupped the sad girl chin and raised it to looked at her in the eyes. "Yukirin, it's not like I'll go away forever and disappear in your life. I will come here visit you during holiday and write a letter or an email to you. I also will call you if my parents allow it. Well not like they can success in stopping me from calling you,so please don't cry. When you cry, I also want to cry. Don't torture me Yukirin" .

The girl called Yukirin wiped her almost falling tears. "Fine but promise me, all the things you had just said, you will gonna do all of it. I don't want our friendship to end just like this".

Her friend smiled. "Of course. I promise you".They made a pinky swear to seal the promise. Before the short haired girl went home, Yukirin gave her a a snow shaped necklace.

"This is?! "

"I want you to keep it. You know I really treasure this necklace a lot,the same like I treasure you as my best friend. This way you can't broke our promise because you have something which is mine. So please wear it the next time we meet. "

"...Thank you, Yuki".


"Yukiii!!! If you don't get down now you will be late for school! ". Mrs. Kashiwagi shouted from downstairs.The 16 years old Yuki checked her appearance for last time before ran downstairs.

"How many times I must told you to stop running running when you walk downstairs. I swear one these days, you will hurt yourself."Her mother scolded her only daughter behavior. Yuki ignored her mother's scolding and went to peck her father cheek and took her bento that her mother prepared for her. "And where do you think you're going young lady,  without eating your breakfast ".

"I am not hungry mom. Bye mom, bye dad".She kissed he mother's cheek before ran out from the house.

"That girl. Already 16 but still don't act like it. Where did I go wrong in raising her?". Looked at her husband. "Wait, you are! ".

"Me? "


Yuki walked down the street while humming some song. In her head, she imagined how her new school will be like. Will she got new friend or not? Can she blend in well with the others or will she be back to her past self,a lone wolf.Her father got a new job in Tokyo and because of that, her family had to move away from Kagoshima and this forced Yuki to left her friends and place that holds many memories from her childhood. Even so, she still look forward in making new friends and memories here.

A pink movement caught her attention. She smiled when she identify it was a cheery blossom petals. Both sides of the road she walking down to has Sakura trees lining up. She enjoying the scenery and around her she can saw many walking students whose wearing a same uniform as her. By that, she knew she headed in the right direction.




All the screaming and ruckus from behind her catched all the student's attentions including Yuki that slowly turned to look behind her only to saw a bicycle with three figures on it speeding toward her direction. Just in time,someone pulled Yuki strongly and saved her from becoming a victim to that bicycle. That bicycle uncontrollably ran passed them before went to the side of the road and kissed the pole making quite a commotion.Students gathered around to helped them got up from the ground. After made sure they were okay and nothing serious,their continue their walk again.

"Are you alright? ". The saviour  asked the-still-shocked Yuki in her arms. Yuki looked up to her saviour only to found it was a girl with a short boyish hair-cut staring at her.They got locked in each other's eyes.  For a moment Yuki felt a weird sensation in her heart but quickly it vanished after she realized the position they were in. Yuki pulled herself away from her saviour's hug and nodded. Her face became red from the embarrassment. The other girl chuckled, found Yuki's reaction quite cute. "Thank you for sa-saving me, but....",she pointed to the three figures whose in the mid of cleaning themselves with a painful groans escaping their lips.

Yuki's saviour only remembered about them after Yuki told her and quickly went to checked up on them. "Yuko, Takamina, Mayu, are the three of you alright? ".She asked worriedly.

"Did we look fine to you, Sae?".Takamina, the girl with a ribbon on her head gave a respond using a harsh tone.

"Woah,woah ...Relax girl. It's not my fault you are in pain now. Besides, I was not the one who rides a bicycle with three people on it. That's crazy, I tell ya".

"It was not like I wanted to in the first place. This all is this squirrel 's  fault".Pointing beside her.

Yuko who getting her bicycle up from the ground startled. "Me? "

"Yes, you are! This all not gonna happen if you didn't set your alarm wrong and dragged me and Mayu to rides a bicycle with you after convinced us we are gonna be late for school. Not just me, you also got Mayu hurts!"

Sae laughed while Yuko only grinning like an idiot without showing a single guilt.Takamina ready to continue her scolding but stopped when someone called Sae's name from afar.

"Oi Sae! What are you doing? We got a meeting this morning. Hurry up! "

"Ah.Almost forgot about that.  Well see you at school Takamina, Yuko, Mayu. And for you princess, it was nice meeting you and I hope there will be the next meeting between us. Be careful on the way .Bye~".Sae ran toward her waiting friend.

Yuki blushed by what Sae just called her. "Princess? Did she just called me princess? ".She watched Sae retreating figure with a strange feeling inside her chest. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her oshiri from behind. She let out a shrieked and slapped the hands away.

"Wow, yours are big but still can't compare to my Nyan Nyan but your slap... (whistle) just like her".Who again?

Yuko made her second move to harassed Yuki's chest next but Takamina quickly grabbed her and dragged her away from Yuki. Yuki sighed relieved.

"Yuko! How many times did I already told you to stop touching others girl assets without their permission. Do you want me to report to Nyan Nyan about this sexual harassment of yours?! "

"Not fair. You using Nyan Nyan against me!This called cheating midget! "

"Look in the mirror before you said that, you in the same position as me. Midget! "

"I am still taller than you"

"It doesn't change anything that you also a midget"

"Yes it does! "


Yuko, Yuki and Takamina looked to the source of the voice and saw a panting police man there, gasping for an air.

"Who's that? For some reason, I got a feeling I have seen him before"

"Owh  Takamina you forgetful girl. That was the same police who shouted at us to stop and chased after us earlier. "

Takamina and Yuko went silent. Both of them looking at each other 's eyes, exchanged a signal without a single voice and for next second, both of them flew away  from the scene. Startled with the girls's actions, the police man started chasing and yelling after them again. The remaining students in that area looked at the scene with a weird face. Yuki confused but regained her composure back.

"They already gone",Yuki said.

"Huu~Thanks".A hoodie girl got out from behind Yuki. She already noticed the police sooner than her friends, she quickly hide behind Yuki after that. Thanks to her small body and Yuki's height, the police didn't noticed her presence at all.

Yuki analyzing the girl in front of her. That small girl wearing a hoodie that did a good job in covering the head and a tiny bit of Mayu's face.Even so Yuki still can saw this girl before her is a cute girl with a cute voice. Yuki hope she can saw the girl named Mayu entire face but she knew it was useless thanks to the hoodie.

Mayu noticed Yuki 's gaze toward her.It made her uncomfortable and bothered by it."What? " she asked slightly embarrassed but in the other hand Yuki found it adorable. Yuki got a soft spot for cute things after all.

Giggling."Nothing."When Mayu walks, Yuki noticed something wrong. "Ano.. Are you sure your legs alright? Your walks are kinda funny"

Mayu looked down at her knees and quickly covered her knee with her left hand.She also turned her back toward Yuki "Un.I should probably go now, I still need to drop this thing at it's place."Referring to Yuko's bicycle.

"Oh, okay. Bye~".Yuki  bid Mayu farewell. Mayu rode the bicycle away but not before bid her farewell to Yuki too.

Yuki looked at Mayu worriedly. Mayu looked like she had a hard time pedalling the bicycle. Shrugged it off, Yuki also made her way back to school because she still needed to attend to the principal's office.

2-B Classroom

The classroom was hectic and noisy as ever when there was no teacher around with a girls's voice. Takamina, Yuko, Sayaka and Sae was talking about Sae and Sayaka  upcoming basketball competition after summer holiday. Acchan and Mariko was talking about new clothes with the other girls while Haruna busy playing her game with Miichan beside her watching her playing. At the back near a window, a long black haired girl secluded herself from the chaotic her classmates made.A watch of hers became her attention,when her counting reached 0, Umeda Ayaka that on watchout today came running inside the classroom alarmed everyone inside about the sensei was coming closer.

All of them hurriedly back to their respective seat and sat like a proper lady should.Teacher Kimura came inside and following him was a new girl student. All of them was in awe of how beauty the student is. Long straight black hair, white fair skin and dark brown orbs,how they cannot but describe how perfect she looked. Yuki smiling when she heard the whispers of compliments her new classmates gave her. She already used to this kind of compliments back at her old school. Her eyes wandering around and halted when eyes meeting Sae's and immediately blushed by Sae sudden wink. Sae satisfied with the reaction Yuki gave her.

"Okay okay quiet please.I understand your excitement but please spare the poor girl so she can do her introduction".With that, all noises died down.Looking of how calmer it has became, the teacher signaling Yuki to start introducing herself.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Kashiwagi Yuki. All of you are freely to call me Yuki. I was from Kagoshima but because of my father's job, we need to transferred here,Tokyo.Nice to meet you and please take care of me".She bowed. And welcoming applause came after that.

"Quiet down please. Okay Kashiwagi-san, you may sit beside Matsui-san. Matsui-san please raise your hand so Kashiwagi-san here can know you" ordered the teacher. Matsui?.A hope showed up inside Yuki's heart.

The long haired girl at the back beside a window that gave a same princess aura as Yuki raised stand up from her seat and raised her right hand. A smirk plastered on her lips seeing Yuki's funny reaction after saw her. When Yuki saw the familiar face, she without further notice ran toward the person she has been missing so much and crushed the pale girl with a bear hug.

"Woah Yuki be careful. You're not light as a feather".Rena scolded her friend but at the same time replied the hug.

"You're Rena right? Matsui Rena right? "

"The one and only"

"I miss you so much"

"Me too.I-I also miss you Yuki. But can you please let go now, you're choking m.. me".

"Don't wanna. I hadn't seen you for a long time and the first thing you want is for me to let go of you?.. No way, since when you became this selfish? ".Still ignoring her friend request.

"And since when you became this childish?".

Yuki didn't made any attempt to move from her spot but later pulled away."Wait a second, I thought you will be attending high school at Nagoya to live with your parents,.. so why and how you're here at Tokyo? "

"I cancel my plan to attend school there last minute and came to conclusion that I am old enough to live on my own and be independent. My parents was a bit strict about is at first but later realized they can't hold onto me forever".

"And tell me about this never came into your mind? I already texted you a month ago about my transferred here, but you just keep silent about this? How cruel you can be Rena".Yuki pouted, slightly irritated of how Rena didn't told her anything.

"Sorry sorry. Forgive me please".Rena begging cutely. Yuki only whispered 'Baka'.

"Ehem Ehem.Kashiwagi-san ,Matsui-san, you two know each other? "

Yuki and Rena only realized that they had became a center of attentions of their classmates. All of them was staring at her. Sae in her seat looking at them suspiciously.The sight of that two princesses bothered her a bit. Meanwhile the others was in disbelief to saw how their ice princess(Rena) can talked friendly with other girl.

Because of how embarrassed Yuki was ,Rena decided to answered the question. "Un, we are friends. We studied in the same school before".

"Is that so. So I hope you don't mind I put Kashiwagi-san under your care because from how it looked, you two sure are close. But please, we still in the middle of class so I need you to keep your chit-chat for later ".

"Yes sensei".Both Yuki and Rena got to their seats. When their eyes locked to each other, they let out a silent giggles.


The bell rings.All lesson came to stop and the students freely to went out enjoying their rest time. After the teacher got out, half the students surrounding Yuki inviting her for lunch.

"I am so sorry. I will follow Rena wherever she go to have lunch".All the inviter's eyes turned to Rena.

"Sorry but I already promised Acchan to have lunch with them today. So excuse us".She took Yuki's hand and dragged her away from the crowd to Acchan's group that already connected their tables together. Yuki sighed relieved,grateful Rena was there to save her.

"Hi Rena-chan. Here sit beside me".Acchan offered the empty seat beside her to Rena. Yuki took a sit beside Rena.

"You brought the new girl with you."Miichan said. Yuki politely bowed.

"Don't be too formal Yuki-chan. We already met this morning. So relax. We all are friends here Yuki-chan. Oh hope you don't mind me calling you that,or perhaps.. you like the to be called princess instead ".Sae smiling flirtery.
For the third times today, Yuki blushed again.

Hearing Sae words alarmed Rena and this made her grabbing Yuki's hand under the table. Yuki startled a bit with the touch.

"Rena? "

"Sorry. Just don't want you to fall into a wolf's trap".Rena said glaring at the genking girl.

"Wolf's...trap? "

"Ahahaha... Nice joke there Rena.We don't have a wolf here, our school don't allowed to bring pet to this school after all.".Miichan interrupted, put a stop to Rena from making things awkward. "By the way, I am Minegishi Minami but please called me Miichan because I share a same name with Takamina. Member of Newspaper Club so if you got some interesting news, please inform me about it "

"Okay Gachapin,me next. "Interrupted a girl with a short brown hair. "I am Shinoda Mariko, a member of this school drama club. If you didn't know, one of our school protocols is all of students need to participated in club activities unless if you have a job outside like Acchan here.That's why if you are interested in acting, you can come to me so I can register you".

"Is that true? "Yuki turned to Rena. Rena replied 'hun', too engrossed in her melonpan. "I didn't know"

"Now you know.Akimoto Sayaka. Nice meeting you " said a serious looking girl.

"NyanNyan, stop playing with your game and introduced yourself".Miichan pulled the game device away from Haruna. Haruna tried to retrieved it back but to no avail. "Fine. Kojima Haruna. Now give it back".Haruna confistcated her game back.
"Sorry, she's a good girl, but when it comes to her game she become like this".

Next is a short black haired girl. The girl gives such a familiar vibe to Yuki. Ever I seen her before?
"Maeda Atsuko or better you can called me Acchan".

TING! "Maeda Atsuko as in Maeda Atsuko?! The actress?! Sugoiii. Never I ever imagined I'll befriend with that Maeda Atsuko".

"Just calls me Acchan like everyone did. I am just a normal girl when I am at school ". Yuki nodded to Acchan's requests. Still can't got over her amazement.

Slide~Their class door opened revealing two girls. One with a hoodie and the other with a camera hanging around her neck. Mayu and Paruru entered the class and heading toward Yuki's group. Sae was the first one to noticed them.

"Mayu and Paruru. Hello! Want to join us? "Sae invited the two kouhai energetically.

Mayu gave her a cold shoulder and went to her subject. "Miichan-senpai, Sashi-senpai request your attend inside the classroom now. "

"What?!! But I still didn't finish eating yet"

"Don't care. Just shove it all in your mouth. You are Gachapin after all ".

"Meanie".Miichan pouted. Mariko snickered.

Yuki remembered Mayu as the one she saw this morning.Something white around Mayu's left knee caught her attention. Her body moving on its own to kneel before Mayu. Mayu took a step back but got prevented by Yuki's hand that holding her leg.

"Yuki, what are you doing? ".Rena tried to stop her friend from making fun upon herself. Miichan, Mariko, Acchan,Sae,Sayaka,Paruru and Haruna also surprised. Haruna even stopped playing her game.

"That incident from this morning, you're injured".Yuki said looking up to Mayu's face. In that position,Yuki can saw Mayu entire face and didn't knew why but she became more worried for that younger girl well being.

"I already treated it. "respond Mayu. She didn't want to made a fuss about this little thing.

"This not called a treatment. You doing it in a wrong way. Also you're hurts so you need to rest not became someone researcher. You're coming with me to the infirmary, NOW and I DON'T take no as an answer. "Yuki's statement made Mayu shut up even if she want to fought back.Yuki dragged Mayu out. with her.

"Did Mayu-chan just.... "

" dragged out without making a protest? Yes Acchan, she did".Miichan finished Acchan's sentences and answered her.

"I didn't know Yuki could be like that"commented Sae. Seeing this new side of Yuki,there spark of curiousity and excitement inside her.

"Trust me. There's more of her you didn't see yet" Rena pointed it out.

To be Countinued

Sorry if this is too long. I will try to shorten it next time.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 09:09:46 AM by JurinaN »

Offline four4four

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART ( Chapter 1)
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2017, 04:03:41 AM »
That scene between Yuki and Rena during the self-introduction is hilarious.  :lol:

Looks like this is going to be a MaYuki pairing. Please tell me I'm right.  :drool:

Looking forward to see the updates.

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART ( Chapter 1)
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2017, 11:58:43 PM »
Good introduction
With desire to read the next chapter.

Offline JurinaN

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THE ONE IN MY HEART ( Chapter 2)
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2017, 03:50:06 PM »
I just finish watching Mayu's last stage. Even though I said I will send her off with a smile, I still cried in the end. My eyes also still red from all the crying.Hope no one noticed it... Enough with that,here the next chapter...


After Yuki succeed in dragging Mayu to the infirmary. They got inside only to found it was empty. There was no sign of that school nurse inside the room.

"Looks like the nurse isn't here today. I guess I get back to my class".Mayu sneakily tried got away but Yuki fast enough to catched her.

"No can do. If the nurse aren't here. I be the one to treat you. Now get inside".Pushed Mayu inside and lead her to sat on one of the infirmary 's beds.

"What?!".Mayu looked at Yuki in horror.

"Don't give me that look. I was a health committee back then in my old school".

"That's different.You don't have medical license. What if you kill me in the process? "

"And people keeps calling me overreaction Queen. It just a knee. It can't kill you. Now stop being a baby and sit here like a good girl".Yuki left Mayu a bit to gather all things that she needs to took care of Mayu. After got what she wants, she kneeled before Mayu and opened Mayu old bandage around Mayu's knee, she saw that place still covered in blood and she figured Mayu must treated this in hurry in order for anyone to not found out about this. The treatment finished along with a lot of hissed sound coming from Mayu.

"And done.. This is what you called a treatment. "Yuki felt proud looking at her handy work. Mayu couldn't respond because she holding the pain of her throbbing knee. "Next time, I beg you to not follow Yuko-san idea anymore. The idea for three people riding on the same bike is the stupidest thing I had ever heard. That Yuko girl are crazy and for you and Takamina-san got along with it was the stupid thing to do. "Scolded Yuki.

Mayu looking at her strangely before whispered, "Black Marimokkori".

"Huh? "

"I said Black Marimokkori. You only know us today but already brave enough to called us crazy and stupid. I presume you're not pure as white as you looks. Furthermore, when you surprised, your eyes went wide like Marimokkori. Don't blame me if I start calling you that in the near future. "

"CHOTTO MATTE KUDASAI.. I am not black, I am not Marimokkori neither. I don't have that kind of erection".Refused Yuki. Her face already went red from embarrassment been called that.

"The bell will ring soon. Better go back to class".Mayu got up with Yuki supporting beside her and both of them went out from the infirmary.

"So you're sneaky in changing topic. Oh.,,because we already in the name topic, we still didn't introduce ourselves properly right? I already know your name from this morning is Mayu and name tag said Watanabe. It's not fair if I am just the only one know your name, so let me properly introduce myself. The name is Kashiwagi Yuki, call me Yuki and from the color of the ribbon you're wearing, it's Yuki-senpai for you".

"Kashiwagi..... Yuki".

"Yah,that's right. Something wrong with my name? "

"I think Black Marimokkori more suited. Kashiwagi Yuki, your real name are far different from your true personality. How would you like it if I recommend you to change your name? ".Teased Mayu.

"Seriously we still in this topic? Can't you just give up and forget about it? ".

"I don't know what 'give up' means.Its not written in my dictionary ".


After Class

"You're amazing Yuki. You succeed in earning my respect! ".Rena excitedly said to Yuki who walking beside her. School was over and by coincidence, Rena and Yuki's house is in a same direction.

"What for? ".

"You succeed in making Mayu-san did what you told her to do. No one can order her around just like you did. Even Yuko-san who are close with her had a hard time in doing so.Not only that, dragging her to the infirmary is a big achievement because she hate hospital or a place that looked like it".

Yuki nodded. Didn't gave a thought about it.

"Haaa~.Well enough with that, any news about 'her'? ".Asked Rena.Yuki's smiled dropped immediately after hearing Rena's question. Without mentioning the name,she already knew who is it. Judging from Yuki's face, Rena already knew the answer to her question."So what are you gonna do about it? Are you still gonna wait for her, or you know, forget about her? ".

Yuki silent for a moment before finally gave her answer that she already thought months ago about this unrequited friendship of her. "I guess it's finally time for me to move on. I guess a long distance friendship is not gonna work out in the end. After she left, she didn't keep her promise at all. No call, no letter and the visit during holiday she talked about, only a dream. I am tired of waiting,Rena".Yuki looked up to the blue sky. Mesmerizing all the memories of her and her childhood friend together that she still remember. Rena looking at her friend sadly. She knew how precious that childhood friend to Yuki, and knew how Yuki will forced herself to forgot about her childhood... only saddened her more. "If you ask me if I angry Rena, no I am not... Just dissapointed ".

"If that is your real choice, just follow it. As your bestfriend, I am here to support you".She glancing behind a bit and looked forward again. She patted Yuki's back. "I'll support you".


Yuki reached her home. Without greeting her mother inside the kitchen, she flew upstairs to her room and threw herself on the bed after shut her door tightly. She closed her eyes and Rena and her conversation earlier came to her mind. She clenched her heart, a sound of her heart broken to pieces,she can felt and heard it clearly. It was hard for her to said those words, she also struggle months ago making that decision of her. She herself knew, deep down inside her, there still a bit of special place for her. First love, it is not an easy thing to forget about. It need time. I wonder how long the time I need for me to get over her?

Knock knock

"Can I come in? " heard her mother from outside.

"Yes.I didn't lock the door ".

Her mother got inside but surprised seeing her daughter. "Yuki, what happened? You're crying. Did someone bully you at school? ".Yuki confused a seconds, wondering what her mother was talking about when she realized she had been crying without her noticed it herself. She hurriedly wiped it off.

"I am tired and sleepy that's all".

"Okay".Mrs. Kashiwagi didn't buy the lame excuse but she didn't want to push her daughter over. If her daughter didn't want to talk about it, she also didn't want to hear it. She sat on the bed beside her already sitting daughter. "How was school today? "

"School are nice. I think I can blend in without problem. I also making new friends. Oh also, guess what? Rena also there and study in the same class as me! ".Yuki excitedly told her mother.

"Really?! I miss her so much. Next time invite her here. There so many things I want to talk to her".

"Alright, alright. Next time I will ask her".

"Good. Okay now I have some work that still not finish yet. Make sure you change your uniform first before it got all wrinkled".Later Mrs. Kashiwagi went out to continue doing her housework.Yuki smiled, thanking her mother silently. Talking to her mother made her cheer up a bit.

To Be Countinued

Sorry for the short fic, but I didn't feel well this moment. I will continue this later when I have a free time.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 08:45:16 AM by JurinaN »

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2017, 11:29:04 PM »
You're right.
Mayuyu's graduation today has been very hard. I do not know how AKB48 will be able to move forward, now that all its original Kami7 is gone.

Thank you very much for the new episode.

Offline JurinaN

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2018, 05:23:39 PM »
Hello everyone!! ~.It has been a long time. With the school start and all, I have been getting busier. I also need to prepare for a camping next week and competition next month so I can't update often. I also in my senior year, so I need to do extra duper best if I want to go to a good university. Okay enough with the babbling, let's start the story....


It has been 2 weeks since Yuki transferred to Akiba All Girl Gakuen.Because of her good looks and her relationship with some of the popular students like Acchan, Haruna, Mariko and Rena, she quickly gained her popularity and now has her own fan club. She admired by students in that school. Yuki also suprised with her own popularity in girl school. She always can be found with her bestfriend Rena but today Rena can't accompany her in finding a perfect club for her because she had club activity to attend to so right now, she wandering alone aimlessly inside the school.

Yuki POV

So far,I didn't have any interested in a clubs that I already visited. I am not very good in sport and I am not that smart neither so I seriously confused now. Haaa~Why the school need to have such a rule 'every student need to participated in club activity'. So troublesome, if I knew this sooner I already search for a part time job so this school can complain about this matter.

I passed by the courtyard,I can see basketball club are practicing. I watched them and immediately recognized Sayaka and Sae are there in many. Both of them looks cool especially Sae-chan. She looked more handsome and charming when she play basketball. I doesn't realized I stared her too long until a voice beside me interrupted my staring.

   "Miyazawa Sae from class 2-B.An ace of basketball team,a genking person and totally popular with girls. Are you perhaps interest in her,Kashiwagi-san?". I look at her confused of who she is and how did she know my name. I think she know what in my mind because she start to introduce herself.

   "I am Sashihara Rino from class 2-A. I also a vice-president of this school newspaper club. That was how I knew about you. You're quite popular for a new student and standing here in front of you right now, I can see why is that. Not bad, maybe I'll send one of my kids after you next time. I hope a lot of juicy news from you".She said and winked sending a shiver down my body.

   "H-huh? What did you meant?".

   "Don't mind me. So back to my question, are you interested in Miyazawa Sae? ".Sashi lift her eyebrow and grinned.

   "W-w-what make you say that? There's no way".I quickly denied it. I can felt my face and ears getting hotter and hotter.

   "Really? You're blushing though. I don't mind if you like her but just to remind you,Sae is really popular in this school. She has her own fan club that ready to kill you in any moment if you make your move on her". Sashi pointed toward a group of girls that yelling 'Sae-sama' or 'Sae-chan' nonstop. And what the heck, they also made a banner of their love waving it around enthusiastically. I gulped. Okay, I agree with this weird girl beside me.

   "Sashi-senpai, here the picture you requested yesterday. "

   "Ohoh, thanks Mayu-chan".When I heard the familiar name I turned to take a look at the new arriving girl.Mayu let her hoodie down and I so damn right when I said how cute Mayu is. With the twintails, her cute level increased more.

   "Hmm.. Good good. I didn't made a mistake when I recruited you this year. As expected from my best kid".Sashi said after checked all the pictures.

   "Can I go home now? My job for today already finished.I have something important to do ".

   "Meet your beloved anime?Sure you can. See you tomorrow Mayu-chan".

Mayu walked past me and leave the scene. I wonder if she didn't noticed me. But glad to see she walked just fine, that's meant her injury already recover. I also didn't saw any bandage around her knee earlier. Sashi excuses herself because she has something to do and when I thought I will continue my journey alone again,somebody stopped me.

'Such a cute girl' was what I had in my mind after I saw her. She shorter than me,has a long brown wavy hair and a milky white skin. She smile and took my hand inside hers.

   "Found you".

   'Huh? '

   "Miyuki! ".

That yells totally attracted ours attentions. I saw a short black haired girl marching toward us from behind me.If I didn't saw her wearing a skirt, I totally will mistaken her for a guy because of her boyish looks. "How many times I must tell you to stop grabbing peoples!You didn't want to cause any weird perspective toward you right. ".That boyish girl said after she reached us.

   "Look Sayaka! I found her. She perfect right? ".The girl named Miyuki let go of my hand and went to hugged the girl named Sayaka arm. Sayaka sigh.

   "Did you already ask if she already join a club yet?".

   "Nope. But she a new student,there's no way she can be in any club.Right?".She asked me with a pleading eyes. Ugh..Too cute, she hit my weakness. I nodded to her happiness.

   "See, I told you she perfect. This is our chance. "

   "You totally used you ability to seduce her. Totally no!If she wants to join, she must join with her will and not forced".Sayaka turned toward me and bowed. "I am sorry Senpai, this girl here lost her screw,that was why she acting like this.Don't mind her".

   "I am not a cyborg. Mayu-chan is the cyborg one".

   "At least Mayu-san still clever than you".

Milly pouted. "I am also clever,you know".

   "Ano excuse me".That attracts the girls attentions. "Both of you know Mayu-chan? ".

   "Of course we do. I am her cousin, Watanabe Miyuki. Feel free to call me Miyuki or Milky. This chin girl beside me is Yamamoto Sayaka. Be careful with her,or you will get stab by her chin".

   "Want me tell your grave number for your preference to make it easy for you".

   "So you already know Mayu-chan. This make thing easier ".Milky ignored Sayaka death statement and hold my hand. Before I knew it, I already got taken away to run to where I didn't know wheareabout. Sayaka yelling at us but the girl in front of me totally ignored her and continue took me running.

After all the running, we finally stopped in front of the door that written student council on the sign. I gasped for an air. Like I said, I am not really athletic person. Even though her body smaller than mine, the girl before me sure is strong.

Milky opened the door."Tadaima!! ~Oh. ".My jawdropped,my breaking hitched from seeing the scene unfold inside the room. Before me,Yuko and Haruna are making out with Haruna laying on top of the president's table while Yuko on top of her hovering the girl below. They looks like want to eat each other face.

Milky closed the door. My heart beating faster and did someone raised the temperature? Sure hot in here. Milky opened it again and this time the scene already change to... a normal one. Yuko and Haruna already sat on their own desk and acting like nothing happened few seconds ago. I can see Haruna's shirt was buttoned wrong and the messy clothes sure gave it away.

   "Good evening Milky,Yuki-chan." Yuko greeted us with a smile but we know behind those smile, she cursing us for interrupting her smexy time with her dear Nyan Nyan.

   "I brought a new member with me!!! ".Milky announced it cheerfully without an glint of guiltiness. 'Wait..what did she meant by new member? '

   "Eh Yuki-chan?You interested in student council. You should have told me inside the class".Haruna said while looking at me.


   "Ohoh. This is interesting. I can't disagree with the reputation you got".Yuko also shared her thought.

Milky send a smile toward me. No don't smile. Since when I agree to this. I must make things clear sooner. Become one of members of student council never in my mind before,I need to refuse.Before I did have any chance to say anything, Yuko slammed her desk.

   "I have already decided. As a student council president, you Kashiwagi Yuki, officially become a new member starting today!".Haruna and Milky clapped.'No,don't clap'."Ah now I need your sign here".Yuko handed me the application paper.

Looking at the paper inside my hand. 'You got to be kidding me'.

   "Wait let me think,.... You now is a student council member, officially? ".Rena asked still in disbelief. "I know you forced to be in club because of our school rule, but student council?You never failed to surprised me Yuki".

   "I never intended to. That kouhai named Milky really got me. I can't believe she easily tricked me to became a member. I didn't got a chance to refuse after I saw how happy Yuko-san and Haruna looked."

   "No surprise there. After all she Watanabe Mayu-san 's cousin.She got some sort of magnet that pulled people into agreeing with her demand".

   "I don't understand. What's her relation with her being Mayu-chan 's cousin? "

   "Ah I forgot you're new here. You still didn't know Mayu-san well to know she is more tricky, sneaky and dangerous to deal with than Miyuki-san. She always got something up her sleeve. That's why she got called Nezumi".

   "But Mayu-chan looks cute and innocent. How can that angel become more terrifying than her cousin? "

Rena scratched at the back of her neck. "What came into your mind when you saw Miyuki-san for the first time?".

   "Cute".Answered me shortly. But later realized the meaning behind Rena's question. Rena gave me a smile. "I really need to stop judging the book by its cover".Said me to myself.

   "Why is that? ".Someone whispered to my ear. I retreated myself back almost fall but a pair of arms quickly catch me prevent me from falling. "You really need me to save you everytime, don't you? ".Sae who caught me throw a genking smile. I pulled myself back with a redden face. My face must looked ridiculous just now. Sae only grinned while Sayaka smile at us. Rena suddenly got a hold of my hand. I didn't mind it though.

   "Did your practice already over? ".I asked them.

   "Yup. We're on our way to get some ice cream now. How about you two join us? " .Sae said.

   "That's great! ".I immediately accepted the invitation. Since I came her, I never had a chance to go out anywhere with a friend because Rena busy with her club and I didn't had a courage to invite someone else. So why not take this chance?

   "Yuki gomen. But I need to hurry home. I got something to do".Rena said to me before hurriedly took her leave before I got a chance to say anything.

   "Ah. I also remember that my relatives come by today so I need to run an errand for my mother.Next time okay".Sayaka also took her leave.

   "Eh, Sayaka?! This is weird. She never refuse free food before. This relatives of her must be important if decided to pass this chance. Looks like it'll be just two of us, Yuki -chan? ".Sae said looking at me. The gazes of her eyes makes me looked away. This is bad for my heart.

We went to a truck ice cream near the park and lined up waiting our turn to order. To not make thing awkward, we shared our today story.

   "Eehhhh..So in the end, you still didn't refused and become member?".

   "Un. I didn't have a choice. Furthermore, it make things easier because I also didn't have any club that I interested in first place. So I just went along with it".

   "You can join our club if you want".

   "Trust me. Me and sport didn't got along well".

   "I can teach you if you want. It's not that hard if you keep practicing and know how it works".

   "Easy said than done".

   "So is this rejection? ".

   "So what are you order, miss? ".The ice cream vendor asked us. We too engrossed in our conversation that we didn't know that we already up next.

   "Vanilla please".I ordered.

   "Give me chocolate and vanilla. But the chocolate must be at the bottom while the vanilla at the top. "

   Miss listen carefully. I want chocolate at the bottom while vanilla at the top. Got it? ".A little girl ordered with a bossy attitude.

   "Fine fine I heard you,little kid. So bossy",complained the ice cream vendor but still did what the little girl wanted.

   "That's not nice speaking with adult like that. You will make him angry".Little me said to my friend.

   "But if I didn't said like that in that tone, they will not care about it Yukirin. "My friend  pouted. "I like my ice cream that way".

   The sweet yet painful memory of my childhood friend came back.The way Sae ordered her ice cream trigger back the deep memory inside me.

After received our cream and pay it, of course Sae-chan the one who paying, we find a bench to sat at the park. Kids running around the park,playing with their friends of family. The scenery brought a smile to my lips.

   I turned to Sae and giggled. "Sae-chan, you got a cream near your lips".I told her.

   "Is that so. How careless. Nee , how about if you wipe it for me? ".Sae brought her lips near my face. My eyes seemed can't look away from her lips. It looks inviting. I gulped almost fall for the temptation but a familiar feeling came again.

   "Slow down when you're eating.The ice cream won't run away. Look, there an ice cream near your lips".

   "Wipe it for me Yukirin~".Said my friend cutely.

   "You have a hands,don't you? Wipe it yourself. "

   "Yukirin meanie. I want Yukirin to do it".

   "You're being childish ".I blurted it out accidentally. When I realized what I had just said, I cover my mouth.

   "I may be mature outside but doesn't mean I am mature inside. Here I already wiped it off myself".Sae pouted.

I laughed but I think Sae noticed that I am faking it.

   "You okay?You seemed off".Her concern gazes piercing inside me makes me guilty. It supposed to be happy outing between friend but I ruined it.

   "It just... You kinda resemble my childhood friend. "

   "Does that mean this childhood friend of yours can play basketball? ".

   "Un. Very good".

   "Where is she now? ".Sae question caught me off guard. A painful feelings raising inside me. I quickly regained my composure because I knew I will cry any moment if I didn't hold it.

   "Gone".I answered. "Never seen her again after she and her family moved away.We kind of lost in contact since then".

   "That childhood friend of yours, is she really important? ".Sae asked again. This time I feel there something weird in her tone.

   "Very. You know Sae-chan, she is my first friend. When I was a kid, I am not a friendly person or pretty neither. I wore a big glasses made me looks like a nerd. So no one want to befriend me. The boys also always bullied me. I thought I'll be alone forever until she came. One day when I sat alone looking at the kids around me playing with each other with a longing eyes, she came up to me and gave me a book later sat beside me. I was totally confused that moment,I didn't know what to do. She noticed I am not reading it and said 'you don't like book. I didn't bring anything else with me today. If you like game, I can bring it tomorrow' .When I heard what she said, I feel so happy,..finally I have a friend that I always wanted. Since then, we always together.She also protect me against bullying. I think this the reason of why I can't forget her easily. "A tears fell from my eyes. Sae saw it and immediately brushed it off with her thumb.

   "Don't worry Yuki-chan. From now, let me replace her. Let me be the one to protect you and take care after you. So don't be sad anymore. The Yuki-chan who is sad, it's not the one that I like. "



   "Otsukaresama. I'll be going first, see you all tomorrow".Takamina bid her coworkers farewell and exited the family food restaurant she had been working her part time job. But then a figure appeared before her making her shocked and let out a long scream.

   "Takamina!! You okay out there?! ".came a worried shout from her coworker behind the door.

   "Ye-yeah. Fine, just fine. A cat came out".she shouted back to the worried coworker.The coworker gave a sigh before return back to whatever activity she did before.

   "So now I am a cat? ".The figure had one hand on her hips.

   "What are you doing here Acchan?.It's almost dark. It's dangerous to be here in the alley at this hour ".

   "I know I know. My work finished early, I want to have dinner together with you.It has been a long time since we spend some time together.You still not had dinner yet right? "

   "I'll eat when I get home".Takamina started walked away.

   "But I am hungry. Can you accompany me, Minami? ".Acchan said with an usual tone when she wanted something. That tone was one of Takamina's weakness so how can she refused this girl.

   "Haaa~I'm full".

   "Sure you are. I wonder why people called Miichan is the glutton one while there is someone who more glutton than her standing beside me".

   "Mou~I heard that Minami. It's not my fault if I was hungry. But I can say the same for you, you refused my invitation earlier but who was the one who finished 3 bowls of Katsudon".

   "That's.... ".Takamina can't said anything because it was the truth. She refused Acchan's offer but she the one who ate more than her.

   "Ne, Minami. "Acchan's face turned serious. "Why are you avoiding me? ".

Takamina already knew this question will come sooner, she already prepared of it. "I am not. I have been busy with part-time making me have no time to enjoy myself. And even I already quit student council last year, Yuko still pestering me to help her out with student council's tasks.It doesn't help neither when I became our class president. So it was not like I am avoiding you ".Takamina explained without stuttering but Acchan knew Takamina better, she knew Takamina was lying.

   "Can I believe you? "

   Takamina flinched hearing Acchan's words. She didn't want to answer it, she don't wanna lie anymore to Acchan, but her mouth betrayed her because she spoke another lie. "Yes you can. Believe in me, your best friend. "

Acchan didn't said another word,only looked at Takamina's face, analyzing her.

   "It's already late. My house near here. You can call your driver right? I'll take my leave now. See you tomorrow at school. Dah!".

Takamina left. Acchan standing at the same place without moving an inch from her place. She clenched her fists and teeth. Inside her was burning with anger. "Liar".She whispered to no one.


   "Ah Miichan, I told you not there".

   "Shut up and let me do it"

   "B-But.. ".

   "Shuush. Relax babe".


   Miichan groaned. "Who's the hell coming in this middle of night? "

   "Don't ask me. I didn't pushed the doorbell. Miichan, go see who at the door".

   "Why me? "

   "It's your house. It's weird if I am the one who open the door".

Sigh. "Fine. I am coming! ".Miichan shouted to the visitor behind the door.She put her console game down to took a look who visited her this late of night,dared to interrupted her game night.

Miichan opened it only to found Acchan there standing alone.

   "Acchan? What are you doing here?  Come inside. "Miichan hold Acchan and took her inside to the living room where Sashi still with her game.

   "Hi Acchan. Whoa! What happened? You look like a crap. This is not how an actress supposed to look".Sashi paused her game when saw how horrible Acchan state was in. Her hair was a mess and there also a black circle under her eyes from all the crying. The ruined make up didn't helped neither, it made Acchan looked like a ghost."Did Takamina finally reject you? ".Sashi assumed joking.

   "Sashi. This is Takamina we're talking about. There's no way she can reject my waifu. Don't be stupid".Miichan waited Acchan to made her next comment but Acchan only stayed silent and hung her head down. She looked like she gonna cry again. "No...way".

   "I was right?!!!! Takamina really rejected you. You, Maeda Atsuko?!!!".

   "Acchan,you must be joking. That Takamina?. Oh My Gosh, did the world finally came to an end?.Is this the sign?!!".

   "No, calm down. I didn't confess... yet".Hearing that, the situation calmed down a bit.

   "So what exactly made you cried and showed up in front of my door? ".Miichan sat on the coach while Acchan sat beside her. Sashi also paid attention to Acchan, already forgetting the game that still not finished yet.

   "Takamina have been ignoring me and gave me a cold shoulder ".

   ".......Just that? ".

   "Took you long enough to realized it. "Acchan and Miichan stared at her."What? I said the truth. It's pretty obvious to me. Last year, you and Takamina stuck like a glue to each other making you inseparable but now, the glue already gone and both of you start playing chase cat and mouse ".Sashi made her point. Miichan nodded.

   "I don't get it. Why so sudden, she act the same towards everyone except me. She lied to me. Just because of how busy she is, she can't makes that as an excuse to avoid me. I am also busy with my job but I still make a time for her".Acchan huffed,crossed her arms on her chest.

   "I seriously don't have an idea what she have in her mind. But a conversation may will make you feel better. Sashi,make a room for another futon and screw the game.We got a long night and long of girl's talks. "


Sky almost dark. Milky and Sayanee was on their way home from school after finished the duty of student council. Milky was busy with her cellphone giggling now and then. Sayanee who walked beside her getting irked everytime Milky let out a giggles. She tried to took a peek but Milky's did her job quite well in covering the screen from her view. Another giggles and it was enough to made Sayanee snatched the cellphone away.

   "Heiii! I am reading that".Milky protested and tried to win her cellphone back but to no avail because Sayanee 's was more faster than her. "What do you want? "

   "Why you did that? "

   "Did what? "

   "Because of you, Kashiwagi-senpai got forced in joining student council. ".

   "Is this why you took my phone away? Seriously Sayaka".Milky gave her friend a questioning looks.

   "Ju-just answer the question! ".Thanks god the place they was standing now a little dark, or else Milky can saw how red Sayanee's cheeks was. 'What a stupid topic to brought up Sayaka. Stupid jealousy, making me do stupid things'

   "Fine. I don't think Yuki-senpai cared that much because she didn't made any attempt to protest earlier. Also, she was the one who said she didn't have any club she interested in. So why not take this chance? And it's alright, she know Mayu-chan, that means she's Mayu's friend. Mayu can handle it if Yuki-senpai ever complain to her which I think never will come".

   "Poor Mayu-san to have such a stupid troublesome cousin. Oh another question, why Mayu-san is the smart one among you two and you is the stupid one? "

   "Knock it off Sayaka. Can I have my phone back? ".

   "That depends on.... "

Bzzz, Bzzz

   "Oh a message. Give it back"Milky took her phone back and checked the new arrived message. "Looks like we need to exchange our goodbye here. My boyfriend asked to meet him right now. "

   "At this hour! It's getting late and dark now. It's dangerous for you to be with a man alone".

   "Don't be a kid.He won't do anything harmful to me. I trust him. If you still worry about my safety, I'll text you my address later. So if anything happen, you can run to rescue me. Okay?Now I gotta go. Tell  Mayu I'll be home late tonight. Ja nee!  "Milky then ran off to met her boyfriend.

   "Miyuki, MIYUKI....and there she goes. Well... I am just her nobody. I don't have any right on her".

Her phone suddenly ringing. Sayanee took it and answered the call. "Yes, Yui?..... I am on my way home now..... My voice isn't weird. Maybe I caught a flu or something..... You're outside now?Wanna go grab a bite..... Yeah.. Yeah... Mm-hmm".


Mayu reading the paper inside her hand carefully to not missed any word that might be important. The sky getting darker outside but it didn't bother her because there no one who will be angry at her if she got home late. Well except for her annoying cousin that will be asking nonstop of her whereabout until she finally got her answer. But she can handle that. Her reading got interrupted when someone kicked her leg lightly under the table. She looked way from the paper and gave a questioning look toward her companion.

   "Mayu-san,did the newspaper club didn't have any interesting things going on now? ".Paruru asked while playing with her camera.

   "Nope. With the Atsumina topic got hold on for now, there's nothing interesting to write about. Sashi really go wild waiting for Takamina-san and Acchan got together. And now with Takamina-san avoiding Acchan ,our club worried and currently discussing if we want to call therapist for Sashi because I think she will lose it soon. Thanks gosh for now, Miichan is the one who take care of her.But why so sudden Paruru, I thought you like it because you didn't have to running and chasing student with me again ".

   "I am just bored. Much better chasing people than doing nothing."Paruru took a sip of her drink before countinuing, "But I don't understand. It's clear for people around them that they care for each other deeply, it's none other than a mutual why they don't be honest about it and put a stop to bother other people with their romance problem?".

   "It isn't easy as you said. You don't understand the feeling of loving someone, the feelings of being afraid to lose them, because you have never fallen in love before".

   "So,have you? "

   Mayu smile with a hidden meaning that Paruru can't understand. "Who knows".

   "What kind of answer is that? ",not satisfied with Mayu's answer.

   Mayu didn't replied, she simply looked out the window where the sky already turned dark, a street lights already on and many passing car by. No knew what she had inside her mind, no one, not even Paruru.


Finally finish~too long.Took me hours to finish typing this all.


« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 09:00:44 AM by JurinaN »

Offline four4four

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2018, 05:29:21 AM »
Chapter 2
Of course only Yuki can control Mayu. XD
So it's not going to be a MaYuki pairing? :(
Who is this friend though? :?

Chapter 3
Yuko and Haruna in the student council room. 8)
Is Sae Yuki's childhood friend? :?
Takamina, what are you doing??? :banghead:
Poor Sayanee, Milky doesn't have eyes for you. :(
What is Nezumi thinking? :lol:

Looking forward to your next update.

Offline keijuna

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2018, 08:04:31 AM »
Just some random thoughts:
  -I wonder what’s on Mayu’s mind?
  -I feel like something must have happened in the past which caused Yuki’s childhood friend to just disappear like that.
  -Poor Sayanee :( Milky open your eyes already haha
  -Yuki don’t fall for Sae’s tricks hahaha
  -I need to know more about Mayu hmmmm

Thanks for writing!

Offline Rhythm

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2018, 11:20:57 AM »
Nice story!  :D
I wonder when jurina came out hehe  :lol:
Waiting for next updates!   :cow:

Offline JurinaN

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2018, 01:01:03 PM »
The student council campaign coming up, being one of the candidates I need to pull myself together.the upcoming competitions didn't help neither.But oh well...

For the readers whose has been following this story,I thanks you all, I can't update often so please bear with me. You must be wondering who is the main pairing of this story right?  :bow: Sorry can't tell you this moment. My thoughts change over the time so I still not fixated yet, but please continue to support me..


Yuki POV

'The Yuki-chan who is sad, it's not the one that I like'

Ugh, what she meant by that? It won't stop bothering me since then. Is she... No Yuki snap out of it. She maybe didn't meant anything by that. Yes, she said it only to cheer me up. So why did I feel a little sad thinking about it.

My steps stopped when I reached my destination. 'Student council' was what written on the door. Today is Monday, the day when I will officially meeting all members and introducing myself. My hand halted when I was about to turned the knob, the image of the previous scene of intimate KojiYuu flashed through my mind. Debating to open or not the door.

   "Ano.. What are you doing Yuki-chan? Standing in the doorway? "asked tickled of whispers near few inches near my ear. Being a reaction queen I was, I jumped and covered my left ear turned to the source of the whispered. Yuko-san was standing innocently near me with Haruna behind her giving her a curious looks.

   "I thought you two already inside".

   "Hello to Earth Yuki-chan. We in the same class. We got out together. You're the one who bolted out from the classroom before we had a chance to asked you to walk together.So can you explain how Haruna and I can be at inside? You think I got some kind of teleportion power or something? If that's true, I want to teleport to Paris with Nyan Nyan so we can have our honeymoon there or maybe Hawaii so I can see Nyan Nyan in biki-Ack! Owwieee... "

   "Stop with your dirty mind Yuuchan  Let's go inside shall we? ".Haruna opened the door wand walked inside. Thanks god Haruna is here, I so do not need hear Yuko-san rambling about her pervy stuffs.

End Of Yuki POV

   "So Yuki, you already met Sayanee and Milky last Friday ".Sayanee raised her hand greeted her while Milky waving hello to Yuki. "....but you probably haven't meet Yuihan. Let's introduce ourselves properly this time. Start with the president, I am Oshima Yuko your classmate, NyanNyan is mine so back off!! ".Yuki shocked with that introduction but petrified when a loud smack sound came after that.

   "Thank you Kojiharu-senpai. For the last time,stop using that introduction when you want to introduce yourself, Yuko-Senpai. Oh my god, I think my respect level toward you decrease everytime I see you".the girl with a black neck-length hair said. Yuko looked terrified and went to hugged the girl's leg saying 'don't don't don't ' later got pushed by that girl herself. "My name is Yokoyama Yui. I am Ist year student and student council vice-president. It's nice to meet you Yuki-senpai ".

   "Hi Yuki-chan. Kojima Haruna~desu."The introduction so simple, so like Haruna.

   "Student Council's treasure,  Yamamoto Sayaka from class I-B and this girl beside me who Senpai already knew is Watanabe Miyuki, same class as me and a hentai-troublesome-annoying girl unlike me".

   "I am not a hentai-troublesome-annoying girl".Milky stated facing Sayanee. Sayanee also facing her.

   "And there they are. Before a war erupt, can someone kindly please stop these two over here".Yui massaged her temple.

   "I can do that! ".Sashi bursted inside.

   "Oh, it's just you Sashi ".

   "What kind of respond is that, Yuko-san?. I just stopped this two childhood friend here from fighting".

   "Correction:was.We went to a different middle school and lost contact since then".Milky said earning a huffed from Sayanee.

   "And why you show your face in front of me again? "

   "And why you suddenly become grumpy like an old man? "

   "Okay both of you stop it. We got a new member here, please be nice to each other".Taking a role of vice-president,Yui stopped the two from further argument. "Sorry about this two. It's a familiar sight everyday. They got lot of things in the past. "

   "Oh we meet again transfer student. What are you doing here? ".

   "She our secretary from now on".Yuko explained.

Yuki's ears perked up hearing the word secretary.

   "Wow, a secretary. You really make you way to the top huh, transfer student. You have a lots of guts inside you, like it. I really need to send my kid after you".

   "Chotto Matte, secretary? Since when? ".

   "That's the funny story Yuki-chan. You see, our secretary graduated last year. So yeah, the position is empty. But Milky said you agreed to it".

   "I never–.."stopped seeing Milky gave her an awkward smile and a peace sign.

   "Told ya, she bothersome and annoying.You didn't see her pervert side yet ".

   Milky gave a sharp glare to Sayanee.

Rena cleaned up her things and changed her hakama to a school uniform inside the changing room. Done with it, she closed her locker only to found her clubmate staring at her.

   "What are you staring at? ".

   "Nothing. Just want to say good work today",answered Airin. Airin opened her locker started to change while Rena gave her a questioning look and crossed her arms against her chest waiting for the real answer. "Fine. I just wanna ask what has been bothering you, you kinda lost yourself in there and almost hurted our kouhai with your wooden sword. "

   "Nothing. Just tired".Lied Rena.

   "Owh Rena. You really misunderstand me right? Don't give me nothing because I know it was not nothing. That lame excuse you used everytime you tried to hide something from me won't work this time. As far as you know me Rena, that was how much I know about you ".

   "You got me. But can we don't talk about it. I am not in the mood ".

   "Fine if you don't want to tell me. I respect your request. Sooner or later, I will figure it out myself. In the mean time, stay out of trouble, shall we? I don't want to hear you got dragged to the principal office because you injured another student. Again".

Rena chuckled. "I try".Took her bag, she left the changing room.

   "I already warn you Rena!".Airin shouted not sure if Rena heard her or not. She shook her head. "I am seriously worried for her".

Rena on her way to student council room to invited Yuki to went home together but halted when she saw the familiar figure with the one she despite the most was laughing and giggling on the corridor. Her legs dashing toward them but luckily for the two, someone collide with Rena stopping her rage.

   "Woah Rena,hang on. What's with the rush and what's with your face? Wipe that expression right now, you looked like a killer".Before Rena could answered back, Takamina darting her view to SaeYuki and understand immediately. "Mm-hmm, still stuck on the past I see".

   "What about you Takamina-san".Takamina's eyes moved to Rena's again. "Still being a coward? ".It came harsh, but Rena really not in the mood right now.

Takamina let out a fake laugh. Later, grinning unfriendly "I see.We all have our own problem to deal with. "

   "How about we keep our nose far from each other business, shall we? ".

   "I like that better".


Sky already turned orange outside. Almost everyone in the school already left except the guards, still on duty teacher and still unfinished business students. And one of them happened to be our school vice-president, Yokoyama Yui who took her senpai duty today to check all the classrooms.Already finished her duty, Yui bid farewell to the teacher and excused herself to went home after a tiring day. The lights already on and Yui was sure only she the remaining student still wandering inside the school. Making her way to to the stairs, a sound of piano suddenly broke the quietness on the Ist floor where the music room located.

   "Are you kidding me? It's this late already. Who else is here around this time? Can't they make my job easier with following those rules? ".Yui marched toward that room but nearer she got, the more chill she felt.Her body got a goosebumps and her surrounding suddenly felt too cold. Her heart racing rapidly. All the story about a hunted music room playing inside her head making the situation became even worse.

A trail of cold sweat running down from her forehead to her chin later fell to the floor.The piano sound already stopped but as a vice-president, it was her responsibility to checked it and made sure nobody still lingering around that time. Her hand already on the door, after gather enough courage, she slides it open only to found......... no one.The piano left opened but was no sign of anyone there. Yui didn't knew if she should felt happy or not. Slowing down her breathing, she closed the piano and closed down the curtain of that music room. Didn't had enough time to calm down, a hand touched her shoulder from behind.

   "Hey there".A gust of whispers said.


   "Hahahahahaha.... ".A familiar laugh came after that. Yui who already on the floor with her shaking knees, send a glare toward her still laughing friend.

   "I didn't know Yui is a scaredy-cat. Uhuhuhuhu~ghost..hihihihihi".Mimicking a ghost voice.

   "Not funny Sayaka".Yui got up angrily and sended a flying kick to Sayanee's bum.

   "Ouch.It was a joke. It's rare to see you scared. You should have seen your own face. Damn it, I should record it earlier".

   "I really want to punch you right now, Sayaka but let's go out from here first. This room give me a creeps".Yui walked outside first followed by still grinning Sayaka.

Walking to the exit of the building, Yui felt something missing. She looked for it but still didn't saw it. "Sayaka, where is Milky?Didnt you two always went home together ?".

   "Ugh, you said her name".Sayanee's joy mood dropped instantly. Yui had 'what did I do?' face on her right now. "Her boyfriend. Picked. Her. Up. For. A. Date".answering gritting her teeth.

   "Date? At this hour".

   "That's what I said!But she ignored me saying it was fine and she will be okay. Not only that, she also told me to tell Mayu-san she will be home late,again.You know how fearful Mayu-san can be. The last time I did as what Milky's requested, she really mad when she heard it. Even though it was not directed to me, I can feel her daggers stabbed me. It was like Milky send me into a hell that she supposed to be in".Sayanee ran her fingers through her hair with frustration. ""Sometimes I wonder what am I to her.Friend?Classmate,or someone who become a bother to her daily life. She treats me like I am nobody".

Yui hated seeing that sad expression on Sayanee's face. She knew how much Sayanee loved and treasured Milky. She understood. It made her felt useless because she can't did anything to helped her friend. She stopped,grabbed Sayanee's shoulders and turned her to face her in the eyes.

   "You have me. I'll always be here when you need me,Sayaka".


Yui released her holds, feeling awkward. Turning her gazes somewhere. "That's what bestfriend are for,right".

Sayanee's lips curled into a smile. She pulled Yui into a hug. "Thank you",she thanking in a small voice. Yui felt her face redden but still replied the hug. Enjoying the warmth of her bestfriend. "Because you're my bestfriend, will you accompany me in telling Mayu-san about Miyuki? ".

Yui broke the hug. "Absolutely I don't want another nightmare ".

Sayanee pushed Yui away."Some friend you are".She walked away leaving Yui alone.

   "Heiii, wait for me ".Yui catched up with her friend. "But damn Sayaka, I never knew you could play a piano. You should teach it to me sometime. I am envious of you".

   "Piano? "

   "Yeah, the piano that you played inside the music room to scare me. The rumor about the ghost of music room, you almost made me fall for it".

   "Yui, I never played the piano".

   "Ha?! ".Yui looked at Sayanee. Standing with disbelief.

   "It's true that my intention was to scare you but I was not hiding in the music room, I hide downstairs waiting for you to walked down the stairs so I can surprise but you suddenly turned around and made your way inside the music room. I never enter the room before you did, and I swear I never touched the piano. Just like you said, I only know how to play a guitar,a piano? Never tried it before. Whatever you heard before you saw me, that wasn't me, Yui".

   "Is this some kind of your prank again?I will not fall for it this time".Sayanee shook her head. "So who–Oh my god! ".A chill running down both of their spine. Their faces turned pale.

   Both Yui and Sayanee exchanged a look before turned to look at the school building behind them. There standing by the opened curtain of music clubroom was a black shadow of a woman looking at them with a blank eyes, a creepy smile waving at them. Yui and Sayanee awkwardly waved back with a forced smile. A gust of strong wind gutted their body and Sayanee felt a presence getting near them.


   "Shush. Don't say anything. Ready..... Run!!!!!! ".

At that shout, both Yui and Sayanee sprinting running for their dear lives while shouting and yelling. The figure on the window stopped waving and slowly disappear into a thin air. Without a force, the curtain closed itself.

The next day

Yuko stared at the two empty desk in front of her with a furrowed eyebrows.

   "Weird. Where's Yuihan and Sayanee? They never absent before. "

   "Sayaka called me said she having a cold".stated Milky. "and I heard from my homeroom teacher that Yuihan also caught a cold".

   "Both of them? At the same time? Is it already it's time of that season? ".Yuki spoke out her curiousity.

   "Something fishy is going on here.What did they do last night for them to caught a cold? ".A pervert smile creeping into Yuko's face but vanished after Haruna smacked her head. "Stop thinking pervert Yuuchan",scolded Haruna to her squirrel. "But NyanNyan, it is suspicious... ".Yuko pouted. Yuki smiled seeing the lovers's antics. She already kinda became used to them. While the other person inside that room found some unpleasant feelings raised inside her after heard Yuko's remarks.

   "There's no way, right? ",Milky asked to no one.

To be Countinued


« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 01:55:04 PM by JurinaN »

Offline Rhythm

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2018, 03:59:08 PM »
I'll wait for you as long you intended to finish this fanfic, cuz i rather waiting than see a good fanfic didn't get finished

That ghost in the music room who is she!?  :shocked and I can see milky is jealous fufufu :on drink:

Offline four4four

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2018, 12:54:04 PM »
Rena, you don't have to be jealous of SaeYuki. You just have to sail RenaYuki before anything happens. :lol:
Poor Yuihan, thinking it was only Sayanee until she realized that Sayanee doesn't play piano. XD
Milky are you being jealous? You should just claim Sayanee for yourself. :P

Offline JurinaN

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2018, 05:53:00 PM »

Ding Dong Ding Dong

   "*cough *cough*.Coming~".Heard a sound of running footsteps from inside before the door opened.Sayanee looked at her guest slightly surprised and confused at the same time. "Milky?"

   "Konbawaa. I come to visit~So,let's see... ".Milky invited herself in."Areee? No one here? ".Titled her her head when she found no one inside the house except Sayanee.

   "Okaasan still at work,Sayu at her friend's house doing some project. "(Sayu is her little sister).

   "Eeehhh~Ah,Sayaka.What are you doing here? You're sick, you supposed to stay in bed".

   "And who was the one made me get out from my bed again? ".

   "Hai hai~You become grumpier when you are sick, did you know that? ".Milky pushed Sayanee inside Sayanee's bedroom and pushed her to lay down on the bed. Too weak to respond, Sayanee only obeys Milky and made herself comfortable but still her eyes on wandering Milky. Milky was looking through Sayanee's things on top of the desk until her eyes fall to a frame of Sayanee and her younger self. The photo was taken when they were still in elementary school. Her fingers tracing the frame with a soft smile plastered on her lips. "It has been ages since I came here. Maybe around 2 or 3 years ago? Our friendship did waver when we attend different middle school.This room didn't change at all. So do you".

   "And who's fault is that? But you sure are right. Unlike me, you change a lot, well mostly from your appearance ".Sayanee remembering their childhood memories with Milky.

   "I become cuter, aren't I? ".


   Milky chuckled. Typical respond from Sayanee. "Nee Sayaka... ".Her eyes still on the photo. "Yesterday, you're all healthy and fine. So what did you do last night making you sick today? Yuihan also called in sick today.You're with her, right. What did both of you do? ".Milky asked with curiousity in her voice.

   "We got home pretty late last night,from school. Well, blame the cold. I guess this is what you get if you wears a thin clothes".Explained Sayanee. She had to lie. She was not sure if Milky believe her if she told the truth and even if she did, she doesn't want her to freaked out hearing the story. She knew well Milky can't stand a horror thing.

   "Only that? Nothing else? ".

   "Un. "

   "Yokatta~."Milky didn't knew why but she thought it was the best thing to said. Hearing Sayanee's answer made her relieved for some reason she didn't knew about.

   "Did you say something? ".Sayanee who picked up of Milky's mumbling asked back. Milky shook her head later showing her innocence smile again.


Mayu who currently watching her favourite anime in the living room heard the front door been opened and closed. The humming sound and smiling Milky caught her off guard and makes her staring at her cousin weirdly. Milky greeted her before made her way upstairs to got inside her bedroom. Mayu glanced at the clock on the wall. '8.15 p.m?That's rare. After she got herself a boyfriend she always came home late until 11 p.m.So what's change her today? '.Decided to shrug it off, her attention was back to television again.

Milky unbuttoned her uniform with a smiling face. Spending her time talking and joking with Sayanee really freshen up her mind and made her bubbling with happiness inside.Before, whenever both of them met at school, what they did only quarrel but today, chatting without any argument erupted between them  made Milky realized along the way she really did miss Sayanee. But later her face changed to frown, this afternoon memory came back. It was true she visited Sayanee because of worried and wanted to knew her condition, but what pushed her to did so in the first place was the awful feelings inside her. Yuko's bluntly remarks made something inside her flipped. The words turned on something inside her. And whatever it was, Milky didn't like it one bit.

2 days later

Yui was looking through the files when she felt her chair got kicked lightly. Yui throw a questioning look toward the culprit beside her. Saw that she got Yui's attention, Sayanee signaling Yui to leaned toward her a bit. Clueless with her friend's actions, she only did so.

   "Don't you think Milky has been acting weird lately?".Sayanee began whispering.

Yui glanced to the said girl. Milky was chatting with Yuki. She doesn't found any change to that cheerful girl. Milky only being herself. "Like what? ".

   "...I don't know. "

   Sighing, she patted her friend's shoulder. "Maybe you're just overreacting with this".

   "I..I...guess so".Her eyes wanders to Milky.

BAMMM!!! The door bursted opened revealing a smiling squirrel girl. "Enough with the chit-chat. Time to get serious everyone! ".Yuko said pumped her hand to the air.

   Yui glared to that squirrel president. "Where in the world you have been, Yuko-Senpai? We have so much works to do and our president vanish to played around harassing the girls".

   "Woah Woah woah,Yuihan. Don't create a lie. I have Nyan Nyan and she's the only one I need. The others can go wherever they wants. I don't need them.......Maybe".The last part she said it in a small volume. "Like I said, it's time to get serious. I brought our helpers to help us surviving this papers hell ".

The members looked at each other before simultaneously their attentions changed to Yuko, giving 'who? ' looks. Before Yuko continued any further, an arm throw her aside.

   "What she meant by that is us".Said the small girl with a ribbon. Beside her, there a hoodie girl standing while chewing a gum.

   "Takamina-san,Mayu-san ".Yui voiced surprised seeing her respected Senpai and a girl from neighboring class that she trusted as much she trusts Takamina.

Sayanee also stood up following her friend. Believe or not, she also admired Takamina and until now still amazed with Mayu capacity of brain. "Both of you will help us? What about your work? And your club? ".

   "The exam are near so my boss gave a days off so I can focus on my study. About club, Mayu got permission from Sashi to rest for a while until the exam over".

Haruna stretching her arms. Her arms felt like want to torn off from her body from writing too much. Being a student council isn't easy as it looked. With Mayu and Takamina, their job getting easier.

Takamina walked toward Yuki. She reached out her right hand. "I never properly introduce myself before even though it has been almost a month since you came here. I am Takahashi Minami. You can call me Takamina like everyone else did".

Yuki happily accepted the handshake. "Kashiwagi Yuki. Just Yuki is fine".Yuki and Takamina pulled their hand back. Yuki's eyes changed to Mayu who stayed silent this whole time and greeted the younger girl only to got a cold nod as respond before Mayu took her seat beside Yuko's desk,immediately did what Yuko had assigned her to do earlier.

Yuki stayed frozen at her place.In disbelieve.The Mayu that she had greeted earlier was not the one who she had talked to at infirmary. After that day, she never talked to that younger girl again because she didn't had a chance too. She only saw her from a far when that younger girl had PE class at yard or when she ran around doing her daily routine as Newspaper Club member. But there was no reason for Mayu to treated her in such a cold way.

   "Mayu,respect your senpai".Mayu got a scolding from Takamina.

   "Shiriri-chan, look what you have done to Yuki-chan. You left our Kashiwagi-san here in a shock state. Bad Mayu-chan ".

   "Thank you Yuko-san, Takamina-san. Really, I am fine".

After Takamina and Mayu came helped, the works finished one by one faster than they expected. With this, maybe they can do this.

As a new member  of that club, Yuki struggling to did all the works with all the countinuing mistakes. Became a secretary was a bad idea after all. But thanks to Mayu,half of her works got taken care by her. Speaking about Mayu, Mayu's cold behavior still bothered our Yuki after all. Milky who is Mayu's cousin only sat beside her. To not catch any unwanted attentions, she pulled Milky sleeve lightly to got her attention. It worked.

   "Sorry for the bother. I only want to ask, what happen with Mayu? It was the first for me to saw her like that? ".

Milky sighed. ""Honestly, I am the one who should ask that. Did you somehow made her mad with you?".Milky asked whispering.

   "No, what did you take me for? I never and will ever made her angry. The only day where we had been talking was the day when I transferred here. Since then, no more talking",whispers Yuki back.

   "What? So you two are not close in the first place?... I meant, Miichan said you drag her to infirmary without receiving any protest  from her,that was why I presume you two are close. Mayu hates infirmary".

Yuki remembered Rena also said a same thing last time. "Why Mayu-chan hates hospital and infirmary so much? "

Milky bites her lower lips. She looks nervous and unsure. "I can't tell you the whole reason,it's not my place to tell and Mayu hates talking about it. But you can say she has a bad memory of hospital.And that was when, we lose the real Mayu.She much worse than this but thanks to a certain girl, Mayu began to opened up a bit and changed for a better. But it still not enough to get her back to being her old self".

   Yuki speechless. She wanna ask more but seeing how depress Milky became, she knew it was her time to back off. Mayu just sitting in front her, to engrossed in her works to noticed anything else. 'I want to see the real you, Mayuyu. Is she still there,or is she not? '.

Yuko looked at her watch.There still not much works left but the skies getting darker, it was better to put a stop here and continue tomorrow.

   "Okay everyone, enough for today, it's time to go home. I don't want you get home by a night time and get an earful from your fuming mother. ",announced Yuko getting a relieved sighs from the already tired members.

   "But it's Yuihan's duty today to lock up all the rooms before go home",reminded Haruna.

   "Ah! You're right NyanNyan. Good luck with that Yuihan".She pats her kouhai's back. Yui face already pale. She asked a help from Sayanee but Sayanee ignored her and pretend she never saw the looks. Her face also pale. Yui gulped.

Takamina noticed it. She knew how there many horror rumors regarding this school. Yui scared expression must related with her absence days ago. She must had countered with one of the ghosts from the rumors. Pitying her kouhai, she decided to step forward. "Yui, leave the job to me and Yuko. You are free to go home".

Yui face found her light back while the person beside her looked at Takamina with horror. "You can't be serious. You wanna help, you do it alone. Don't count me in".

   "I don't ask for your agreement".

   "Boohoo. You're no fun Takamina".

   " 'Kay then. We go home first. Bye".Yuki, Milky,Sayanee,Mayu,Yui walked out from that room, ready to went home. Haruna also picked up her bag and this went noticed by Yuko who saw it and stopped her girlfriend.

   "Where are you going, NyanNyan? Didn't we promise to go home together".

   "I take it you're going to be late. I am afraid of ghost. Mariko's practice will over soon, I'll walk home with her today. Goodbye ".Haruna said with 'my pace' and followed others.

Yuko's jaws dropped. Takamina that watched the whole scene snickered, then patted her friend's back.


The members just got out from student council room countered Rena and Sae in the hallway with Sae tried to made conversation while Rena giving her a cold shoulder.Mayu was the first one to noticed them. She made an annoyed face and rolled her eyes. 'More people more merrier? Well,...not for me. Yuki greeted her friend and invited them to walked home together.

Near the gate, Yui bid them farewell because she need to stopped somewhere else before going home.Milky's phone buzzed in her pocket blazer forced her to took a look at it. Her fingers faster typed the keyboard before closed it and put it back.

   "Who is it? ".Sayanee who walking beside asked. She already knew the answer but she still wanna asked.

   "My boyfriend.He want to meet".

   "Well, you're not going? Mayu-san is here, you can ask permission from her".

   "I am a bit lazy today".She throw a playful smile before skipped forward. Sayanee left dumbstruck. But she can't denied she felt happy about it.

Milky tackled her cousin,hugging Mayu's neck from behind. Mayu knew it was pointless to fough back so she let it be. "So where to? We got many people today. It's unusual, we gotta use this chance to go out doing something ".

   "Milky's right. How about we go to this sweet cafe. There this cafe that opened  recently and there lots of my fans were talking about how delicious the sweet there. We gotta try it",suggests Sae pumping up with the idea going out with everyone. It means more time with Yuki.

Mayu's ears perked up hearing the word 'sweet'. Yuki noticed it because she kept watching the younger girl all this time. Rena ready opened her mouth to refused but Yuki kept a tight grip of her right arm making her unable to move from the spot. Rena knew if she forced more, the black side of Yuki will came out so she shut her mouth.

   "Pass. You and everyone else can go".Mayu said flatly to Milky,escaping herself from more trouble.

   "Aw c'mon Mayu. Your cousin want,everybody else join, and your friend's eyes also sparkling since she heard the word 'sweet' ".Sae tried to convince Mayu to joined them.

Mayu blinked. 'My friend? '.She yelped, there was Paruru  beside her. "Paruru, what are you doing here? No,.since when you are here? At least say something to let me know you are here. Don't suddenly made your entrance like a ghost. I hate creepy things".

Ignored Mayu's rambling, she took out an envelope from her bag. "Sashi-senpai wants me to give this to you".She handed it over. "She really mad when you didn't showed up in meeting today".

   "Wait a minute, I thought Sashi-senpai  give you a break? Are you lying to us? ".Milky raised her eyebrow waiting for some sort of explanation.

   "None of your concern",said coldy. "Thanks Paruru". Thinking for a while ".Nee Paruru,.... Up for some sweet?  ".

Yuki's group entered the cafe with Sae leading them. Except for couple seats, all the other tables has four seats so Yuki's group divided by two and sat on separated table.Lucky for them.,there two empty tables beside each other. They sat with Yuki, Sae and Mayu in one table while Sayanee, Milky, Rena and Paruru on the other. Paruru and Rena clicked so well together because they share the same thing in common, melonpan. Milky and Sayanee also chatting in their own world. Meanwhile, on other side Mayu felt like a third wheel between Yuki and Sae. She also regretting agreeing into sitting one table with these two. Obviously to others, these two here is flirting with each other. Mayu had a feeling Yuki didn't knew what she was doing but Sae, oh she sure knew very well and maybe this was all her plan from the very beginning. 'I wish I can sit in one table with Rena. Atleast, we can talk about anime'.A waitress came took their orders and left after that. Paruru gave an odd looks.

   "Since when you like sour thing? "

   "Depends on my mood, I guess".Mayu answered Paruru.

While waiting,the tortured on Mayu continues again and this time she stopped the boredom from growing with playing with her phone. She look annoyed and happy at the same time when she got replied from the other person. But someone decided to stopped her little fun.

   "Right Mayu? "

   "Huh what? "

   "You didn't heard what we're saying just now? "

   "Not at all".She turned off her phone and put it back inside her pocket.

   "We're talking about how genius you are. From the story I heard from Yuko, thanks to you Takamina made it through to this school entrance exam. I tell you, Yuki-chan... This kid a real genius! ".Sae patted Mayu's head roughly.Mayu slapped it away, annoyed. Lucky for Sae, Mayu covered her head with a hoodie or else, she will face her wrath for ruining her bangs.

The waitress came later bringing their orders. They all ate and enjoying it. Mayu surprised with the ice-crean she ordered, it tastes so good and this ice-cream now officially entered her favourite foods list. Later, Sae excused herself for a toilet. Unlike Yuki, Mayu didn't mind it and continued enjoying her sweet. Yuki payed full attention to the younger girl in front of her. With her arm supporting her chin, she continued watching the cute girl without taking her eyes off from her.

   "Mayu-san,you got some ice-cream near your lips".Paruru pointed it out.

Mayu made an attempt to wiped it off but a hand already beat her into it. Yuki herself does not realized herself since when she lunged forward and used her finger to wiped it off before asking permission first. Mayu sat frozen,gazing into Yuki's eyes.So did Yuki, she stayed in the same position while staring inside Mayu's captivating eyes. There some kind of electricity flowing through their bodies with the simple touch and Yuki can felt her chest getting warmer and the sound of her heartbeat beating rapidly. Her face flushed red so did the cyborg girl. No words can describe what they felt and the world seemed stopped for them. On the other side, Milky was staring at her cousin and and her senpai with her mouth continues enjoying her sweet nonstop. Treating this as some kind of romance drama. Sayanee's mouth hanging open viewing the rare scene. Rena and Paruru watched it with amusement and interest. Sae came back in the wrong time only to saw the scene unfold in front her.

Yuki became the one to broke the eyes contact."G-gomen. It's a habit of mine. I always do it for someone".

   "It''s okay. No worry".Mayu grasped her bag."Milky, time to go home".

   "Ehhh... But my sweet".

   "Just shove it all inside your mouth".

   "Hell ,I am not a Gachapin for you to ask me do that".

   "Come on, I buy you some snack on the way home".

   "Really? Demands accepted. Come Sayaka". Pulling Sayanee's sleeve.

Three of them walked out from the cafe.More than snack, the other Watanabe more interested in knowing the meaning of the moment earlier.

   "Mayu, what just happened? Never say it was nothing because it was far than nothing.I don't know about you but me,Sayaka,Rena-senpai and Shimazaki-san sure feels something going on there.The pink aura that surrounded you two that moment... Kyaaa! Where's the pink petals when you need them?! ".Looking around.

   "It's not a romance! ".Mayu raised her voice."There's no way, after all.... ".

Milky and Sayanee sharing a look then looking to the other Watanabe who was looking up to the sky with a blank face.

Student Council

   "Yuko, where's the key? ".Takamina asked.

   Yuko that was sitting on top of her desk pointed at Yui's desk. Takamina turned to that desk and searching among the scattering mountain paper.

   "Acchan".Takamina's hands abruptly stopped working.She faced Yuko with a stern glare.

   "If this about her, I demand you to stop".

   "And I wouldn't. No matter how many times you ask me to. I'll not stop.Ever".Yuko hop down from the desk.She stood near Takamina. Replying the glare. No more playfulness, only seriousness in the air inside the room. "You're not the only one who tired of this. Everyone did. Me too. You never imagined how many times Miichan called me saying Acchan in her house, she had been crying again. She hurting inside. Stop toying with her feelings, she's a human just like you. You know how she feel about you and I sure you feel the same, so please I beg you...Let's put a stop to this pointless drama. Time for credit".

A silence came haunting the room. Yuko afraid what Takamina going to say next but later shocked hearing Takamina broke to a fit laughter. Minute later, the laughter died down. Takamina took a step forward. "Let me ask you something, Yuko. Who was the one that started all this drama? Who was the one that decided to became an antagonist in this story, Yuko?!! Not me! Not Atsuko! You are!! These all wouldn't happened if you didn't brought Kojiharu inside in the first place... This all wouldn't have happen if you didn't... —"

   "If I didn't avoided Acchan's confession! I know Takamina, I know! I am the one at fault here and I apologized for that".Tears started welling up."But I did to save our friendship. Back then, your position much harder than me. You need to support your family and at the same time the position of a president really burden you out. You said it was okay, but you can't fool me. In order for you to not broke down, you need Acchan more than I need her. You need her to support you. That was why I chose to broke Acchan's heart because I figured you will be there for her. But.. But now it's different, if she really turned to hate you, I am afraid I can't stop her from hating you".

   Takamina quite again. Yuko tried hard from preventing her tears from spilling out. Her shoulders shaking uncontrollably. A keys sound came. Takamina already found it. "I never ask for your sacrificed...Yui's duty, I'll do it. Alone",then she headed out.

Yuko slumped down to the floor.Later,a sound of sobs echoing  inside the room.

Kashiwagi Resident

The television switched on but that person didn't even watch it.Instead becoming an audience, the television was the one who became the audience to her puzzled face. An image of Mayu re-appeared again. 'First Sae-chan, and now Mayuyu... Because of this two, I... '.

   "Yuki.. Yuki.. Yuki.!".Her mother's voice brought her back."What you're thinking until you can't hear me calling for you".

   "It's complicated, kaasan".

   "It's normal for teenager to gone through this phase. This is the only way for you to become an adult. Mostly when it comes to love".Kashiwagi-san took her only daughter's hands. "Figure out your feelings first, before you makes your choice. Because sometimes, the feeling you accept is the true, probably not the truth one. "

   "What are you saying? "

   "Just an advice from your kind hearted mother ".

To be countinued

Sorry I am still new to a writing. I really need to improve my writing and knowledge in English.


« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 02:39:47 PM by JurinaN »

Offline Rhythm

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2018, 10:32:42 PM »
Milky ended up asking sayanee fufufu.
Mayu and takamina helping student council!
hee~ mayuki has a moment again!  :shy2:

I'm waiting for your next update jurinaN San  :deco:

Offline four4four

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2018, 04:39:25 AM »
Oh wow a lot of drama is going on.

Sayanee and Milky's weird relationship.
Mayu having changed after some sort of event involving the hospital.
Mayu, Yuki, Sae, and Rena(?) love square.
Conflict between Yuko and Takamina.
Takamina avoiding Acchan.

I wonder how this will all get resolved. :?

Offline JurinaN

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2018, 03:56:40 PM »

Midterm already over. Just like any other exams, no.1 spot got taken by Oshima Yuko again while Takamina,Miichan,Haruna and Yuki barely passed it. To celebrated this, Yuko like always came up with an idea. So,that was why everybody in student council room right now. Fortunately for them, the room has enough space to fits them all.

   Yuko climb the president desk ,staring at everyone inside the room. "Okay everyone. You all must have been wondering why you are here today. The answer is simple. To celebrate our success ,we're going toooo.. SUMMER TRIP!".She announced loudly while clapping her hand. Everyone went quite for a bit before erupt with cheering. Only some people though.

   "We're going? Don't tell me its a sea? ".Exclaimed Miichan excitedly.

   "PIN PON. 10 points for the Gachapin".

   A hand raised to the air. "But where are we going to stay? We don't have enough money to make a reservation at the hotel".Sayaka said,worried about the expenses for the trip.

   "Do not worry.I already asked someone to lend us her villa. And she said Okay. Furthermore,we got to stay and eat for free ".

   "Oohhhhhhhhhh".The room hyped up with Yuko's announcement. Only few people whose troubled by it.

   "Minna, gomen! ".Takamina suddenly apologized and bowed to everyone surprised. "My boss asked if I can fill someone shifts during this holiday and I said yes. Hontou ni gomennosai".She apologized again.

   "Booo Takamina. You destroying our fun. Look the mood changes now caused by you. -10 for you, Bakamina! Acchan gonna pissed off when she hear this ".Yuko pouted but later her expression soften. "Well we can't do anything about. After all work is work. "

   "If so, count me out too from this plan of yours. I need somewhere to go this holiday".

   "Shiriri-chan.. ".The teared Yuko looks at her Oshiri sister in disbelieve.

   "Sorry Yuko-san. Me too".The taller pale girl dared raised her hand after saw Takamina and Mayu.

   "Rena-chan. I trust you".Looking at the three, she pointed at them. "How dare you all betrayed me after all we had gone through together! ".Yuko stomped beneath her.

   "Yuko-san! Stop, you're gonna destroyed the desk if you continue any further ",begging Yui. "And make that four. My family will go visiting our hometown. So yeah,count me out".

   "Actually... Me too. All my vacation days already been planned. I can't disappoint my sister.She looked really happy when she plans it for me".Sayanee also refused the invitation.

Yuko's mouth open wide. Can't believe there many people whose back out from her perfect plan. After all she went through to convinced Tomochin to let them use her villa. It almost became pointless.

   "Ah by the way,drama club have practice during this whole vacation".

   "Mariko-sama, not you too!!! ".

At the same time,

   "Aaannnnddd..... Cut. Nice wrap guys. Acchan you did well today like always",said the director.

Acchan smiled politely.Three staffs running toward her while bringing her chair and water. Acchan sat down gulping some water down to her thirsty throat. The fan did its job in cooling down Acchan sweaty body. A make up artist clean her sweaty face but she dismissed them. Her hand reached out her phone and her fingers quickly slide the unread message opened.After read the content, a sad smile plastered on her beautiful face. Engrossed in her delusion, a screeching noises beside her woke her up.

   "Who's that from? Your boyfriend? ".

Acchan shook her head. "No it wasn't. I don't have a boyfriend, Matsuya-san".

   "Hnnnn... It such a waste for pretty girl like you to not have someone to spend this entire holiday with".The co-actor said to her.

   "How about Matsuya-san,for a man like you, you must already taken".Acchan was too tired to respond exactly to the man beside her, but she didn't want disrespectful towards her Senpai.

   "Sorry to disappoint you. But I still single. But not ready too mingle".Matsuya throw a flirty smile."How about this Maeda-san, I am free tonight. How about some dinner? It's on me".

Acchan didn't knew what was going on inside her head to said 'yes' to the invitation instead saying 'no' like she always do to other men.

———————2 weeks passed by~~

Reached their destination, wasting no time all of them already in their swimsuit and jumped to the sea. While Miichan, Sae and Sayaka were playing inside the water, Acchan and Tomochin resting themselves under umbrella while sipping juice.

Later, a raven haired girl walking towards them shyly. "Ano,....".

Tomochin and Acchan turned to took a look at the girl and immediately praising the said girl. Yuki put on a white milky colored bikini and it was a first time she wears such revealing outfit. Sae who saw from a far gawking at the raven girl. Her eyes can't took off from that majestic seducing alluring body. A dirty images entering her mind.Sae gulped. Later her delusion destroyed when a ball flying hit her face. A laughter erupt and Miichan and Sayaka high-five each other.

Seeing how red Yuki had became, Acchan decided to stopped her teasing. "Sorry, sorry. So what did you wanna ask about,Yuki-chan? ".

   "Ettooo, I didn't see Yuko-san anywhere. Aren't she the one who came up with this vacation".

   "Speak about that,.... "

Screeechhh~An unfamiliar car suddenly parked catching everyone attention away. Sae,Miichan and Sayaka stopped playing and went near to see what was going on. Later, from the driver door, a squirrel came out grinning at them."Eeeehhhhhhhh!!!!! Yuko???!!!! ".

   "Hihihihi... You can't start the party without Oshima Yuko.By the way sorry for the wait, got some business to taken care off".

The passenger seat opened,revealing Watanabe inside.

   "Eh Milky-san, you came? ".Yuki tried to find the other Watanabe but seeing nothing.

   "Of course. There's no way I'll miss this fun like my cyborg cousin. Speaking about her, we tried to kidnapped her too but when I enter her room this morning, she already gone. She must have learn from the past where I put a sleeping pill inside her drink so I can brought her to the trip. No doubt she read our plan. So impressive. We try to bring Rena-senpai, but she already in Hakama and holding her wooden sword. It's terrifying, so we back out last minute for safety purposes".

   "Too dangerous.Gekikara's wrath is not a play thing".Yuko gazes at the girls infront her with approving look. "Nice. The bikini suited you all, especially Yuki-chan. I know about your nice oshiri, but never thought you has a nice body as well".Yuko smile turned to pervert grin. Yuki quickly covered her front and backing away from that pervert squirrel before she did something to her.

Bang bang bang.A banging sound sounding. It came from the bonet. The others except Yuko and Milky stared a the car weirdly. "Why can't that girl be patience for awhile. Should give her a sleeping pill instead".Yuko excused herself and doing something at the back. A muffling sound can be heard and the next thing was Yuko thrown to the ground with a rope in her hand. Milky quickly hide herself behind Yuki. From the bonet, came out a fuming Takamina tried to strangel Yuko.

   "Takamina? Didn't you supposed to be at work right now? ".Sae said surprised with Takamina present.Not only her though, everyone also the same.

   "I was on the way there until these TWO OVER HERE abducted me on the road, tied me up and throw me inside the bonet! ".Takamina head lock Yuko. "What do you have to say in this hah? My boss gonna fired me if I don't show up".Her tone more calmer than before. She let Yuko go who desperately catching an air before kneeled down depressed.

Yuko patted Takamina's back. "I am not that evil. I already appointed someone to fill your position during this whole trip".

Takamina grabs Yuko's collar. "Who? ".


Someone POV
   "Thank you for coming. Please come again, dear customer".Bidding the customer farewell, I let out a sighs. Lucky them, unlike me who trapped in here inside this costume. That Yuko, better she bring back what she promised me.

   "Takamina's replacement, we need your help here".

   "How many times I must told you guys, it's Sashi. Sashihara Rino".

End Sashi POV

Yuko blinked. If it was Sashi, she did not need to worried at all. After all, it's Sashi. "Someone trustworthy. Just forget your work for awhile and enjoy this holiday,Bakamina".She stepped further from Takamina went to search for a particular cat girl. "Where's Nyan Nyan? ".

   "She didn't told you?She can't come, said something about wanting to watch Mariko-sama practice",answered Miichan.

Yuko blinked. A moment later, she dashed toward the car but the Twins Tower fast enough to caught her and dragged her away. Driving without a license, it's a crime after all.


Haruna POV

I watched the practice with admiration toward the actress on stage. It was so astonishing and pulling myself in. I dried my tears using handkerchief and put it back on inside my pocket. The performance over and Mariko, the lead actress walked down the stage and took a sit beside me. The water inside her hand almost finished by her and I can clearly saw a sweat running down her pretty face. I took out my handkerchief and hold it out.She gave me a [/i]'really'[/i] face because she already knew I used it earlier but because didn't had a choice and I knew she hated it when her body sticky with a sweat, she took it and used it.

   "It's fascinating. Your performance. When the drama play include you Mari-chan, it never bored me".I praised her. I look at the outfit she wearing and the title on the script book. "Romeo and Juliet. This is the play you will represent later at school festival? ".

Mari-chan drank a gulp of water again before answering ,"That's what they want. I am just a member, not a club president or advisor of this club. But honestly, I want something more challenging, something that I never experience before. To try new things, always makes my body tingling with excitement. But the problem is, even I don't know what I want".Confessed her to me. I kinda understand her. Everyone must desired something in their life, just like me."so Kojipa, What about you? I got a feeling you have been running away from that squirrel ".

Mari-chan really knew me well. "You're not wrong. I kind of... Avoiding her this moment".

   "The question is, why Kojipa? "
   "I seriously didn't know myself. I just feel that I need to".

   "You didn't know but still did it. Wow! You're really an airhead".She tease me. Usually I will pouted but now, I only laughed, agreeing with her.

End Of Haruna POV


   "Come on Yuko, cheer up".Miichan comforting her friend by side-hugging her.

   "What's the point of me being here. That Stick Godzilla took her away from me! Huaahhh NyanNyan! ".

   "Lovey-dovey. They must being doing that right now. Or worse–....".

   "Knock it off Takamina,stop making things worse than it already is. Yuko this is NyanNyan we're talking about.She's an airhead,she may didn't knew what cheating means".

   "Ano, actually an airhead is the most who got high percentage cheating with her partner because she clueless and didn't got an idea what she have been doing".Yuki said. Yuko wailing got more stronger. Takamina high-five the cluessless Yuki who didn't realized what she just did.

   "Thank you very much Yuki. You're not helping. Don't listen to her, she don't get any idea what she saying".Miichan sighed. "I am suppose to have fun playing in the sea right now, so why did I need to take care of this squirrel ".

Takamina POV

After had my revenge, I leave the squirrel and Gachapin behind and strolling the beach. I let the water touched my bare foots and enjoying the sound of sea. A voice of nature, like it was speaking to me in a small voice. It has been a long time since I feel relax without any stress like this, maybe I should thanks Yuko later. Tired from the walking, I sat down on the sand didn't mind if my pants got dirty with sand on it. I closed my eyes savouring the moment of peacefulness. Not a moment later, I sense a presence near me. The calming aura that person brought, my heart knew it was her.

   "Acchan",I whispered her name.

Acchan sat beside me, looking to the sea. I gazed at her, she really pretty. So irresistible. Her red bikini enough to make me blush and have dirty imagination but I quickly dismissed it. Don't want to do anything weird. If only, I am not a coward, if only, I deserve you. We must together by now. But it's impossible. After all, I am not like you, Atsuko.

   "This is nice".She said suddenly.

I replied with 'hun'. She turned her head toward me. Looking into my eyes. When the last time I saw her eyes like this, as expected, her eyes like a drug to me. It keeps pulling me over and over again. Maybe it's time for me to stop hurting her. I know with this decision of mine, I will end up hurting her later but it's better than see her hurting because my act toward. Until the time she said the three words to me, let me be selfish and treasure this moment.

   "Atsuko",she flinched. "I am sorry for acting like a bastard since the beginning of this year. I want to make up for it. Let's start.. from the beginning ".I smiled. Her eyes became teary and with a nod, she accept my hand and shook it. Maybe, this is for the better.

End of Takamina POV

It was midnight, all the girls was sleeping like a log,too tired from the playing and too full from the dinner. It was quite and peaceful until someone sat up, gasping for an air. Sweat running down her face. The image of her nightmare haunting her, she carefully walked out from the room,not wanting to disturb Milky's sleep.

She splashed the water onto her face tried to made the image disappeared. After cooling down a bit, Yuki went to a kitchen and drank a glass of water.A footsteps sound perked her ears up and she spun around to find Sae standing near the kitchen doorway.

   "Nightmare? ",Sae guessed from how pale and miserable Yuki face was.

Yuki put the glass down. She nodded. "I dream about my childhood friend".

   "Wanna share? Maybe it could help you relax ".

A flashback of her dream flashing through her mind. Where her childhood friend sat on the swings hours from morning till night, under the bright sun and under the cold of the night. Alone without no one by her side. No one came, not even Yuki because she already moved away. A sobs of that small girl haunting her mind.'Yukirin, why won't you come? I wait here for you. Did you forget about our promise? Yukirin, why, why, whyyyy you didn't come?! '.Yuki snapped awake. Sae still there, waiting for the answer. "No. I am better now".

   "Oh".A disappointment clearly can heard from her voice. Yuki felt guilty, when she knew she the reason for that expression. But Sae recovers quickly and tempted Yuki to follow her. Yuki hated to made Sae dissapointed again so she go with Sae's demand.

They walked far away from the villa, Yuki shivering from the cold but it was worth it when she saw how beautiful the place. Sae had brought her to a cliff. The scenery of late night ocean from there took Yuki's breath away. Yuki looked up to night sky only to find a starts welcoming her there. She felt like she could reach it, sparkling and shining before her head. A happy giggles escaped her lips. All her worries and nightmare vanished when the night wind brushing through her skin.

Sae beside her was smiling looking at the beauty she had crush on looking peaceful and calm all because she brought the girl here. She felt proud and happy. Yuki's trembling shoulder noticed by Sae. Sae face-palmed,how can she be stupid dragging Yuki outside when Yuki only wears a single layer on. Sae took off her jacket put it around Yuki.

   "Ho-how about you? "

   "I am okay. I already used to this ". Sae said with her usual genking smile. The same smile that has captured Yuki's heart for first time.

She admitted she has a little crush on Sae since the first time since that girl saved her from becoming a victim Takamina, Yuko and Mayu. She met many people already but only Sae success in attracting her attention. Maybe because she has some kind of familiar aura around her.   

   "Yuki-chan, can I ask something? ".

   "What is it? "

   "Do you like someone right now? As in crush,or love? ".

   "N-No. I don't ". She lied.

   "So there a chance for me".

   "Huh? Did you say something? "

   "N-No. Nothing ".

Deep silent fall between them but even with that silent, they enjoyed it because of each other company.

To be Continued


At two different place but  same time

Mayu just got on a train when her phone beeping signaling a new email arrived.
Rena just wanted to close her locker when her phone beeping signaling a new email.

Mayu opened it only to blushing brightly after saw the content of that email.  Someone standing beside her yelped panicked when she saw blood running down from Mayu's nose. Mayu hurried said she was okay and wiped the blood off. 

Rena yelped suprised after saw the content. Her face flashing red. Her sound earlier earning a weird look from other club members in the dressing room.  Her friend Airin asked what happened and tried to see the content but Rena quickly closed it off brushing saying it was nothing. 

"Oshiriko-chan /Yuko-san, you're dead meat when I see you".

« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 03:21:29 PM by JurinaN »

Offline Rhythm

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2018, 11:20:58 PM »
Uh the answer is Yuki's bikini?  :dunno:
So.. there's a chance haruna cheating? Or it's just some simple couple problems? :mon huh2:
Its seem yuko is dead in the next chapter, gekikara wrath is terrifying after all  :kekeke:

Offline Puririnpha

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2018, 05:42:56 AM »
Hahaha its so funny...
Hope mayu and rena will come join a vacation
Hint: white? maybe yukirin's panties
Who is yuki's childhood? She had little crush on sae or mayu  :dunno:

Offline four4four

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2018, 12:46:25 AM »
Summer trip!

Acchan, why'd you say 'yes'?
Poor Sashi, having to take over for Takamina.
Haruna, why are you trying to avoid Yuko? :?
What does Takamina mean when she says 'start from the beginning'?
Yuki you need to make up your mind. :(

Yuko is gonna feel the wrath of Nezumi and Gekikara. :lol:

Offline JurinaN

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Re: THE ONE IN MY HEART (Multipairing)
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2018, 09:56:57 PM »
I am so sorry! :bow: I suppose to update this story every end of weeks but I need to focus on my exam. Next week there will be two subjects left so I don't know if I can update.But I try my best to..


Since the night of the summer trip, Yuki and Sae relationship became even more closer than before. They always hang out during summer together,sometimes with the others too if they were not busy.

Today only both of them walking around the mall. Yuki gazing the dress infront of her with a sparkling eyes. Sae as her companion only stood watching her with amusement seeing this side of excited Yuki.

Yuki reached out to took a white dress but at the same time, someone also did the same thing as her. Their fingers touched and quickly Yuki retreated hers back. That person beside her was a woman wearing a cap, mask and black glasses. Seeing it from up close, Yuki recognized the familiar face.


That woman silenced Yuki using both her hands. She made a 'shuush' gestures and Yuki nodded understanding. Sae who saw it from afar decided to interrupted thinking someone was bothering Yuki but halted when she recognized Acchan.

   "Acchan?What are you doing in those?",Sae questioned feeling weird.

   "Oh hi Sae-chan, fancy meeting both of you here. I must keep a low profile. It was hard walking around without wearing a disguise ".Acchan said after removing her hand from Yuki's. Yuki sighed relief. She almost lose her breath there.

   "Talk about being an actress".

Suddenly someone entered the scene wrapping his arm around Acchan's waist. "Your friends,Atsuko?".The new intruder asked.

Sae and Yuki gawking when the saw the man face. One Matsuya,the raising and popular actor. 'Atsuko? ' Sae squinting her eyes toward the couple.

   "Yes. They are my classmates. This is Sae".Pointed to still suspicious Sae"..and this is Yuki".Pointed to still speechless Yuki.

   "Nice meeting you both.Onoe Matsuya",the actor stuck out his hand for a handshake. Yuki and Sae gladly replied it. Well, only Yuki. Sae forced to do it. She don't want to made Acchan looks bad. "Atsuko, are you done here? We still got a place to visit ".

Acchan nodded. The couple excused themselves and went out from the store still in their disguises.

   "Wow".The only word left Yuki's mouth.

   "I get what you feels".Now, how I tell Takamina about this? .Still standing watching the store entrance.

Unbeknownst to them, Mariko, Miichan and Tomochin snuck out from the the same store chasing the celebrity couple. But Miichan halted a moment to captured Sae and Yuki pics before followed the two Hehehehehe, hot news. My lucky day, kill two birds in one stone.

That evening,

Yuki on her way back alone after her outing with Sae.She humming a song while doing so. She felt so happy.

Not too far, a small figure leaning on the wall, panting hard. That person face was red. Her vision was blurry,can't see anything infront. That figure succeed in getting Yuki's attention. The next thing Yuki knew she dropped all her shopping bags when the figure collapsed on the side of that road. Yuki kneeled down to helped the girl. Yuki can seen the girl face better now and she became even more panicked when she realized it was Mayu. Mayu unconscious. There were no sign she will woken up soon.

Forgetting her dropped belonging and tired body, she lift Mayu up using a bridal style.To her suprised,Mayu body was light as a feather. She made her way to her home in hurry.


Mayu slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling that not belong to hers. A vanilla scent capturing her nose. Sitting up on the bed, she scanned the room with her eyes and assumed whoever that helped her was a girl, judging from the things and decoration of that bedroom.

   "Ah, you awake".Yuki said after saw Mayu already conscious. "Glad you are okay. You suddenly collapse and made me worried sick of you. You should take care of yourself better, you got a heatstroke from summer. Here a medicine, it'll helps you to lessen your headaches ".Yuki gave pills and water to Mayu.

Mayu still shocked to seen Yuki but she took it and ate it. But not before mumbled a thanks to the older girl. Soft smile plastered on Yuki's face seeing the younger girl. She noticed Mayu's skin a little darker than she remembered, no wonder she can got a heatstroke.

   "Why are you so kind to me? ".Yuki didn't expected that question from Mayu.

   "Is there a reason I shouldn't? ".

   "....I treated you cold before".

 A chuckle. That was what Mayu got in replied. "I don't mind it. It's your personality, it's not easy to get rid of it. Cause I know, in your heart you are good girl".

   "You barely know me. Many people suffered because of me in the past".Mayu said still in her cyborg expression.

   Yuki pulled Mayu into a hug, surprising the cyborg. Surprisingly, Mayu didn't refused. She stayed silent and enjoying the warmth Yuki gave. Yuki on the other hand, felt it was the wise thing to do. She hated seeing the expressionless. She wanna made that younger girl smile.

   "But it's all in the past. What matter the most is a present... And, you're right. I only know you existence when I transferred here,we also rarely speak. But for some unknown reason, I got a feeling I already know you since long time ago. I wonder why".

Their moment interrupted when Mrs, Kashiwagi called them downstairs for dinner. Mayu quickly broke the hug, reached for her phone on the desk beside Yuki's bed. 7.30 p.m.She groaned.

Yuki chuckled. "You heard my mother. Let's go before she decide to fetch us up".Yuki helped Mayu got up and lead her downstairs by holding her waist, afraid Mayu fall while walking.

Mayu saw an older woman wearing an apron who looked like an older version of Yuki were setting up the table. The older woman gave a warm smile to her. "Mayu-chan, right? You are so cuteee".While pinching Mayu's cheeks.

   "Okaasan stop it! You're hurting her. Can't you act normal infront of my friend".Yuki dragged Mayu from her mother torturing. Yuki's mother pouting earning a rolled eyes from her daughter.

   "Well take a sit".Three of them took a sit and started eating their meal. During the dinner, Mrs.Kashiwagi asking Mayu questions nonstop. She also telling Yuki's childhood story only got a protests from Yuki in return. The dining table filled with laughter. Mayu also laughed seeing the mom-daughter 's antics. Yuki who payed attention to her, secretly smile seeing Mayu's happy face. What is this fuzzy feeling inside her?

Because it was almost late at night, Mayu forced to sleepover there by Mrs, Kashiwagi even though many times she already refused to.

Back from shower and after put on a pajama of Yuki's who was a little bigger for her, Mayu entered Yuki's bedroom only to found the older girl laying on the futon on the floor.

   "Yuki-senpai, what are you doing? "

   "Drop the Senpai. We're not school right now. By the way, I am getting ready to sleep".

   "Okay. So why on the floor. It should be me there".

   "No way! I can't let a guest sleeping on the floor. Furthermore, you're still sick. You should take the bed".

   "I am already fine. You take the bed, and I take this".Mayu snatched the futon from Yuki making Yuki rolled on the floor.

   "Ouch. Heiii! ".Yuki pouted, glaring at Mayu. In return, Mayu did the same not giving up. Yuki sighed. "We're weird. Most people fighting for a bed, not for some futon".Yuki stood up. Mayu smiling because she knew she already won. "But you know, why we didn't sleep together on my bed? ".Suggested Yuki.

Mayu jaw-dropped. "Huhhh?! ".Didn't expected the bold proposal from Yuki.

   "Well,my bed can fit two person in it. I don't have a bad sleeping manners. So,.. don't worry, I won't kick you out from the bed".

   "No".Mayu refused. She tried to lay her futon back but a force suddenly pushed her laying on the bed. She can't got up because Yuki was on top of her pushing her down with a grins.

   "Ara, is Mayuyu blushing? So cute. Oh, I hope you don't mind me calling you Mayuyu".

   "C-can y-you g-get off from me? ".Mayu tried to maintain her cool but it was hard to did so with the still grinning Yuki on top of her. Oh my god, I can see her cleavage!!

   "Nope, I won't ".A groan from Mayu. "Unless you agreed to sleep together with me".

   "F-fine! Now, get off".Mayu practically pushed Yuki away. Yuki only laughed knowing she won. She lay herself beside Mayu.

Mayu rolled her eyes. Never knew the older woman had a stubborn side as well. Buzz.. Buzz.. An email came. Mayu reached out for her phone and opened it. It was Sashi. The content made her eyebrows furrowed. She typed a few words before closed it back.

   "Ne Yuki......Yuki? "Seeing no answer, Mayu took a peek at the older girl only to found her already sleeping. Mayu smiled. The woman looked so peaceful in her sleeps.She can't remembered what time she fell asleep, the only thing she remembered were she fell asleep while admiring Yuki's beautiful face.

A rays of sunlight slipping through the space of the bedroom 's curtain. Illuminating the room with a light. Too bright for her eyes, Yuki woke up from her slumber only to frown at the empty space beside her. Mayuyu?

She gone downstairs and headed to kitchen only found her mother busy doing dishes
"Okaasan, where's Mayuyu? ".

Without turning her back, she answered ,"Ah, Mayu-chan? She already went home. Seriously Yuki, you need to learn wake up earlier even though it's holiday. Be a good daughter and help your mother".Yuki turned,to ran away from her mother's rambling.

She got back inside her bedroom and noticed an unfamiliar paper on her desk. She took it and read the content.

'Sorry for not waking you up and left without saying goodbye. You looks peaceful when you're sleeping making me not dare to awaken you. Thank you for the hospitality and saving me. I am grateful for it.

It was just a simple note,but enough to send a big smile to Yuki's face. Yuki folded the note carefully before placed it inside her drawer. "Well, better hit the shower".

Mayu eyeing the girl beside her. Her favourite show totally can't distracted her mind right now from focusing on Milky who put her knees up and rested her face into them on the sofa.

Her cousin has been acting weird since she came home from Yuki's. When she entered the house this morning, she expected herself to got bombarded with questions of why she didn't came home last night, but all she got was nothing and silent Milky. It worried her.


   "Nee Mayu-chan"

   "Hai? "

   "I think.... "


   Milky POV

   "Ne, Akira-kun. Let's go there".I pointed at one clothes store that captivated my eyes.But the boyfriend of mine only complaining he don't want to carry my bags later and said that I already had many clothes to begin with. I pouted. If the one who with me was Sayaka, she never denied my request. She also gladly became my carrier without me asked her to. Saying she don't trust me that I will slip and dirtying all my new clothes later, but I knew she only worried if I get tired and fall from carrying many things. Such a tsundere.I giggled.

   "What are you giggling about? "

   "I just remember my friend Sayaka".

   "That girl again ".

From his tone, I knew she dislike the idea of me thinking about Sayaka. I wonder why?

   "Can't you stop seeing that girl".Morethan a request, it sounded more like an order.

   "Why? "

   "Just do it. I don't like it when she near you. She took you away from me"

   "Aren't you overreacting about this? Me and Sayaka just friends. What's wrong with it?!".I demands an answer but nothing. He only gave me a cold shoulder. Okay, I had enough. "Listen, whatever you wants,I always tried my best to fulfil it. You prevents me from talking to other boys, I follow it. You always got mad when I came a bit late for few minutes on our meeting place, you accused me cheating on you meanwhile YOU! You never said sorry when you made me waited for an hours for you. I just be patient with your possessive behavior. But this time, you crossed the line. You don't have a RIGHT to tell me, who I shouldn't hang out with, especially when it comes to Sayaka! ..From now on, our relationship is over. Goodbye".I turned my heels wanting to leave far away from that crazy now ex of mine.

But he caught my wrist and pulled me hard onto him. He roughly kissed me on public while saying a possessive word that I am his possession and I can't run away from him. I try to fought back but to no avail. Everyone around me just standing watching, too afraid to interrupt.I don't know when I started crying. I feel so disgust with this.


That ex of mine slammed the hard ground. A protective embrace wrapping my body. I did not need to see who is it because from the scent, I already knew who is it. I cried hard on her chest.

She tried calming me down and brought me to another place where there no people. "It's okay Miyuki. I am here. If that jerk attempt something toward you, I'll protect you from him. I promise".Sayaka kissed my forehead hoping it'll calm me down.

Amazingly, it worked. I starts to feel calm. But that weird feeling came again. The tingling sensation inside my stomach, the fasten beating of my heart and also the warmth spreading through my chest. I am afraid it it, but why, why I didn't dislike it?

End Milky POV .

End of Flashback

   ".....I am in love with Sayaka.What I should do Mayu, I am afraid".


So what do you guys think?


« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 10:02:29 PM by JurinaN »

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