The student council campaign coming up, being one of the candidates I need to pull myself together.the upcoming competitions didn't help neither.But oh well...
For the readers whose has been following this story,I thanks you all, I can't update often so please bear with me. You must be wondering who is the main pairing of this story right?

Sorry can't tell you this moment. My thoughts change over the time so I still not fixated yet, but please continue to support me..
'The Yuki-chan who is sad, it's not the one that I like'Ugh, what she meant by that? It won't stop bothering me since then. Is she... No Yuki snap out of it. She maybe didn't meant anything by that. Yes, she said it only to cheer me up. So why did I feel a little sad thinking about it.
My steps stopped when I reached my destination. 'Student council' was what written on the door. Today is Monday, the day when I will officially meeting all members and introducing myself. My hand halted when I was about to turned the knob, the image of the previous scene of intimate KojiYuu flashed through my mind. Debating to open or not the door.
"Ano.. What are you doing Yuki-chan? Standing in the doorway? "asked tickled of whispers near few inches near my ear. Being a reaction queen I was, I jumped and covered my left ear turned to the source of the whispered. Yuko-san was standing innocently near me with Haruna behind her giving her a curious looks.
"I thought you two already inside".
"Hello to Earth Yuki-chan. We in the same class. We got out together. You're the one who bolted out from the classroom before we had a chance to asked you to walk together.So can you explain how Haruna and I can be at inside? You think I got some kind of teleportion power or something? If that's true, I want to teleport to Paris with Nyan Nyan so we can have our honeymoon there or maybe Hawaii so I can see Nyan Nyan in biki-Ack! Owwieee... "
"Stop with your dirty mind Yuuchan Let's go inside shall we? ".Haruna opened the door wand walked inside. Thanks god Haruna is here, I so do not need hear Yuko-san rambling about her pervy stuffs.
End Of Yuki POV
"So Yuki, you already met Sayanee and Milky last Friday ".Sayanee raised her hand greeted her while Milky waving hello to Yuki. "....but you probably haven't meet Yuihan. Let's introduce ourselves properly this time. Start with the president, I am Oshima Yuko your classmate, NyanNyan is mine so back off!! ".Yuki shocked with that introduction but petrified when a loud smack sound came after that.
"Thank you Kojiharu-senpai. For the last time,stop using that introduction when you want to introduce yourself, Yuko-Senpai. Oh my god, I think my respect level toward you decrease everytime I see you".the girl with a black neck-length hair said. Yuko looked terrified and went to hugged the girl's leg saying 'don't don't don't ' later got pushed by that girl herself. "My name is Yokoyama Yui. I am Ist year student and student council vice-president. It's nice to meet you Yuki-senpai ".
"Hi Yuki-chan. Kojima Haruna~desu."The introduction so simple, so like Haruna.
"Student Council's treasure, Yamamoto Sayaka from class I-B and this girl beside me who Senpai already knew is Watanabe Miyuki, same class as me and a hentai-troublesome-annoying girl unlike me".
"I am not a hentai-troublesome-annoying girl".Milky stated facing Sayanee. Sayanee also facing her.
"And there they are. Before a war erupt, can someone kindly please stop these two over here".Yui massaged her temple.
"I can do that! ".Sashi bursted inside.
"Oh, it's just you Sashi ".
"What kind of respond is that, Yuko-san?. I just stopped this two childhood friend here from fighting".
"Correction:was.We went to a different middle school and lost contact since then".Milky said earning a huffed from Sayanee.
"And why you show your face in front of me again? "
"And why you suddenly become grumpy like an old man? "
"Okay both of you stop it. We got a new member here, please be nice to each other".Taking a role of vice-president,Yui stopped the two from further argument. "Sorry about this two. It's a familiar sight everyday. They got lot of things in the past. "
"Oh we meet again transfer student. What are you doing here? ".
"She our secretary from now on".Yuko explained.
Yuki's ears perked up hearing the word secretary.
"Wow, a secretary. You really make you way to the top huh, transfer student. You have a lots of guts inside you, like it. I really need to send my kid after you".
"Chotto Matte, secretary? Since when? ".
"That's the funny story Yuki-chan. You see, our secretary graduated last year. So yeah, the position is empty. But Milky said you agreed to it".
"I never–.."stopped seeing Milky gave her an awkward smile and a peace sign.
"Told ya, she bothersome and annoying.You didn't see her pervert side yet ".
Milky gave a sharp glare to Sayanee.
Rena cleaned up her things and changed her hakama to a school uniform inside the changing room. Done with it, she closed her locker only to found her clubmate staring at her.
"What are you staring at? ".
"Nothing. Just want to say good work today",answered Airin. Airin opened her locker started to change while Rena gave her a questioning look and crossed her arms against her chest waiting for the real answer. "Fine. I just wanna ask what has been bothering you, you kinda lost yourself in there and almost hurted our kouhai with your wooden sword. "
"Nothing. Just tired".Lied Rena.
"Owh Rena. You really misunderstand me right? Don't give me nothing because I know it was not nothing. That lame excuse you used everytime you tried to hide something from me won't work this time. As far as you know me Rena, that was how much I know about you ".
"You got me. But can we don't talk about it. I am not in the mood ".
"Fine if you don't want to tell me. I respect your request. Sooner or later, I will figure it out myself. In the mean time, stay out of trouble, shall we? I don't want to hear you got dragged to the principal office because you injured another student. Again".
Rena chuckled. "I try".Took her bag, she left the changing room.
"I already warn you Rena!".Airin shouted not sure if Rena heard her or not. She shook her head. "I am seriously worried for her".
Rena on her way to student council room to invited Yuki to went home together but halted when she saw the familiar figure with the one she despite the most was laughing and giggling on the corridor. Her legs dashing toward them but luckily for the two, someone collide with Rena stopping her rage.
"Woah Rena,hang on. What's with the rush and what's with your face? Wipe that expression right now, you looked like a killer".Before Rena could answered back, Takamina darting her view to SaeYuki and understand immediately. "Mm-hmm, still stuck on the past I see".
"What about you Takamina-san".Takamina's eyes moved to Rena's again. "Still being a coward? ".It came harsh, but Rena really not in the mood right now.
Takamina let out a fake laugh. Later, grinning unfriendly "I see.We all have our own problem to deal with. "
"How about we keep our nose far from each other business, shall we? ".
"I like that better".
Sky already turned orange outside. Almost everyone in the school already left except the guards, still on duty teacher and still unfinished business students. And one of them happened to be our school vice-president, Yokoyama Yui who took her senpai duty today to check all the classrooms.Already finished her duty, Yui bid farewell to the teacher and excused herself to went home after a tiring day. The lights already on and Yui was sure only she the remaining student still wandering inside the school. Making her way to to the stairs, a sound of piano suddenly broke the quietness on the Ist floor where the music room located.
"Are you kidding me? It's this late already. Who else is here around this time? Can't they make my job easier with following those rules? ".Yui marched toward that room but nearer she got, the more chill she felt.Her body got a goosebumps and her surrounding suddenly felt too cold. Her heart racing rapidly. All the story about a hunted music room playing inside her head making the situation became even worse.
A trail of cold sweat running down from her forehead to her chin later fell to the floor.The piano sound already stopped but as a vice-president, it was her responsibility to checked it and made sure nobody still lingering around that time. Her hand already on the door, after gather enough courage, she slides it open only to found......... no one.The piano left opened but was no sign of anyone there. Yui didn't knew if she should felt happy or not. Slowing down her breathing, she closed the piano and closed down the curtain of that music room. Didn't had enough time to calm down, a hand touched her shoulder from behind.
"Hey there".A gust of whispers said.
"Hahahahahaha.... ".A familiar laugh came after that. Yui who already on the floor with her shaking knees, send a glare toward her still laughing friend.
"I didn't know Yui is a scaredy-cat. Uhuhuhuhu~ghost..hihihihihi".Mimicking a ghost voice.
"Not funny Sayaka".Yui got up angrily and sended a flying kick to Sayanee's bum.
"Ouch.It was a joke. It's rare to see you scared. You should have seen your own face. Damn it, I should record it earlier".
"I really want to punch you right now, Sayaka but let's go out from here first. This room give me a creeps".Yui walked outside first followed by still grinning Sayaka.
Walking to the exit of the building, Yui felt something missing. She looked for it but still didn't saw it. "Sayaka, where is Milky?Didnt you two always went home together ?".
"Ugh, you said her name".Sayanee's joy mood dropped instantly. Yui had 'what did I do?' face on her right now. "Her boyfriend. Picked. Her. Up. For. A. Date".answering gritting her teeth.
"Date? At this hour".
"That's what I said!But she ignored me saying it was fine and she will be okay. Not only that, she also told me to tell Mayu-san she will be home late,again.You know how fearful Mayu-san can be. The last time I did as what Milky's requested, she really mad when she heard it. Even though it was not directed to me, I can feel her daggers stabbed me. It was like Milky send me into a hell that she supposed to be in".Sayanee ran her fingers through her hair with frustration. ""Sometimes I wonder what am I to her.Friend?Classmate,or someone who become a bother to her daily life. She treats me like I am nobody".
Yui hated seeing that sad expression on Sayanee's face. She knew how much Sayanee loved and treasured Milky. She understood. It made her felt useless because she can't did anything to helped her friend. She stopped,grabbed Sayanee's shoulders and turned her to face her in the eyes.
"You have me. I'll always be here when you need me,Sayaka".
Yui released her holds, feeling awkward. Turning her gazes somewhere. "That's what bestfriend are for,right".
Sayanee's lips curled into a smile. She pulled Yui into a hug. "Thank you",she thanking in a small voice. Yui felt her face redden but still replied the hug. Enjoying the warmth of her bestfriend. "Because you're my bestfriend, will you accompany me in telling Mayu-san about Miyuki? ".
Yui broke the hug. "Absolutely I don't want another nightmare ".
Sayanee pushed Yui away."Some friend you are".She walked away leaving Yui alone.
"Heiii, wait for me ".Yui catched up with her friend. "But damn Sayaka, I never knew you could play a piano. You should teach it to me sometime. I am envious of you".
"Piano? "
"Yeah, the piano that you played inside the music room to scare me. The rumor about the ghost of music room, you almost made me fall for it".
"Yui, I never played the piano".
"Ha?! ".Yui looked at Sayanee. Standing with disbelief.
"It's true that my intention was to scare you but I was not hiding in the music room, I hide downstairs waiting for you to walked down the stairs so I can surprise but you suddenly turned around and made your way inside the music room. I never enter the room before you did, and I swear I never touched the piano. Just like you said, I only know how to play a guitar,a piano? Never tried it before. Whatever you heard before you saw me, that wasn't me, Yui".
"Is this some kind of your prank again?I will not fall for it this time".Sayanee shook her head. "So who–Oh my god! ".A chill running down both of their spine. Their faces turned pale.
Both Yui and Sayanee exchanged a look before turned to look at the school building behind them. There standing by the opened curtain of music clubroom was a black shadow of a woman looking at them with a blank eyes, a creepy smile waving at them. Yui and Sayanee awkwardly waved back with a forced smile. A gust of strong wind gutted their body and Sayanee felt a presence getting near them.
"Shush. Don't say anything. Ready..... Run!!!!!! ".
At that shout, both Yui and Sayanee sprinting running for their dear lives while shouting and yelling. The figure on the window stopped waving and slowly disappear into a thin air. Without a force, the curtain closed itself.
The next dayYuko stared at the two empty desk in front of her with a furrowed eyebrows.
"Weird. Where's Yuihan and Sayanee? They never absent before. "
"Sayaka called me said she having a cold".stated Milky. "and I heard from my homeroom teacher that Yuihan also caught a cold".
"Both of them? At the same time? Is it already it's time of that season? ".Yuki spoke out her curiousity.
"Something fishy is going on here.What did they do last night for them to caught a cold? ".A pervert smile creeping into Yuko's face but vanished after Haruna smacked her head. "Stop thinking pervert Yuuchan",scolded Haruna to her squirrel. "But NyanNyan, it is suspicious... ".Yuko pouted. Yuki smiled seeing the lovers's antics. She already kinda became used to them. While the other person inside that room found some unpleasant feelings raised inside her after heard Yuko's remarks.
"There's no way, right? ",Milky asked to no one.
To be Countinued