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Author Topic: jubethehare's drabble collection (NagiUha)  (Read 11256 times)

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jubethehare's drabble collection (NagiUha)
« on: April 13, 2016, 08:55:51 PM »
A super short drabble I just suddenly made in a short break between an all-nighter. Kinda remember on a certain Team 4 stage; Ryouha think Nagisa is such an adult for drinking coffee and that she'll try to drink one even though she hates them. That, and I need a coffee now. Real bad.

Oh well, screw my brain. Back to work. Deadline is just around the corner. :cry:

And for you guys, enjoy~~

~ Bittersweet Coffee ~

Shibuya Nagisa loves coffee. She had it black most of the time and she always ordered one whenever she dropped by the nearby cafe after school. On contrary, Kitagawa Ryouha never likes coffee. It’s dark and it’s bitter. She never understood why that bubbly friend of hers enjoyed it so much.
“Why, huh? I just like ‘em, I guess.”
Nagisa plainly answered as they entered the usual cafe and sat on their favorite seat by the corner.
“Maybe because it has an adult taste to it? Aha ha ha~”
And what would she mean by that? Ryouha puffed her cheek as she placed her order and gave the menu back to the waitress. She always hated it when Nagisa treated her like a child. The two girls get into some light talk as they waited for their order to arrive, and finally the previous waitress returned with two cups of drinks with her. Nagisa blinked as she saw the hot beverages.
“Excuse me.” She called the waitress. “I only ordered one Espresso—“
“That one is mine.”
Nagisa turned to Ryouha, giving her another blink.
“Eeh, don’t you hate coffee, Ryouha?”
“…no. Not anymore.”
“ ‘s that so?”
The girl didn’t answer and took her cup; Nagisa tilted her head, but she decided to shrug the matter off and start sipping on her own drink.



Ryouha squinted her eyes as the bitter treat entered her mouth, trying her best to swallow. It was worse than she thought and she still had a whole cup to go. Nagisa seemed to realize the strange expression she was wearing.
“You okay?” Ryouha silently nodded as she took another sip, cringing right after.
“Ya actually don’t like it, don’t cha?” The girl answered with a glare this time. Nagisa sighed.
“C’mon, don’t force yerself. I’ll get cha a juice or somethin’ in exchange.”
Ryouha shook her head wildly as a ‘no’. Nagisa gave up and rested her chin above her palm, eyeing the girl with worry. Ryouha gulped her coffee down, a little tear on the corner of her eye as she did. She looked down to the nearly empty cup. Only one shot left. She took a long breath and raised her cup to her lip, trying not to spit the bitter drink out. She closed her eyes tightly.
“Geez… Yer just so troublesome sometimes.”
Ryouha flinched as she felt something soft on her lips, feeling the bitterness in her mouth disappear. She opened her eyes, seeing Nagisa wiping her mouth as she leaned forward across the table. The kansai girl let out another sigh and fell back to her seat, a hint of blush on her cheek.
“Next time just order some tea like usual, ’kay?”
Ryouha touched her lips silently.

She gave the perplexed Nagisa a small smile.
“I guess I’ll have another coffee next time. A nice bittersweet one with you.”

Bittersweet Coffee // END
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 05:29:46 PM by jubethehare »

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Re: [Drabble] Bittersweet Coffee [NagiUha]
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 09:08:12 PM »
Uha trying to be an adult and faeling hard :lol:
Random Thought:


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Offline jubethehare

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Re: [Drabble] Bittersweet Coffee [NagiUha]
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2016, 08:03:51 AM »
Uha trying to be an adult and faeling hard :lol:

She's a real stubborn one indeed...  :lol:

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Re: [Drabble] Bittersweet Coffee [NagiUha]
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2016, 05:59:19 AM »
 :luvluv2: :luvluv2: THAT WAS SO CUTE! I really liked this! Eeeee!! Cute!

Offline jubethehare

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Re: [Drabble] Bittersweet Coffee [NagiUha] (bonus cutscene)
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2016, 05:29:27 PM »
Just something I want to add.
About that thing Ryouha said in Team 4 stage, here's the cutscene >>link

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[Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2016, 05:27:41 PM »
Need a break from work, so I start writing out of the blue.
And when I reminiscence about the things Ryouha and Nagisa did when they were younger, this kind of drabble popped out.
Please just read this with a feeling as light as how I intend to write it. <<What's that supposed to mean?


~ Of Jealousy and Drunkenness ~

“It's late...”

Kitagawa Ryouha sighed as she looked at her phone screen, watching the digital clock on it.

01:30 am

She let out another sigh and put away her phone, hugging her knees as she reached for the TV remote once again, surfing through the channels with no interest whatsoever. She's getting sleepy. The girl let out a small yawn before glancing at the empty bed beside her.

AKB was having a concert for the last three days, and since she's the only kennin member left from SKE she had to share a room with another member from different group. Ryouha was very anxious of this idea at first; she's not really that close with other AKB members and she wasn't sure she's able to share a room with someone she barely knew. What's worse, she also couldn't stand staying in a single room by herself as well. It's either walking out of her comfort zone or cowering alone in the corner. Both are the choices she didn't want to take. Thanks heaven though, whether it's a stroke of luck or management arrangement Ryouha wasn't sure, she ended up not taking any of that option.

The person she's sharing the room with turned out to be Shibuya Nagisa, her fellow Tentoumu-chu member from NMB and also one of her closest friend. In fact Ryouha couldn't ask for anything better. She didn't remember ever sharing a room with Nagisa before; well, actually they did three years ago when Tentoumu-chu was shooting a documentary but it doesn't count since there's five of them staying in the same room. In short, this would be the first time with only the two of them. And somehow the thought made her a bit giddy. 

It's been a while since she last met Nagisa and she had missed the older girl. The two of them had been very busy with their respective group that they didn't have time to talk like they used to; they did met in several joint events and handshakes, but it's mostly ended with a short greeting and quick smiles before they had to return to their own agenda. Really. She got so many things to tell her and in return she also wanted to know what Nagisa had been doing for the past few months. The concert had finished now, and finally they could get a good quality time to share with one another.

Or so, Ryouha thought.

“Where are you... idiot...”

The girl grumbled and turned off the TV, falling to her side as she sulked on the comfy bed. Of course. Ryouha knew. Being such a people-person Nagisa would definitely accept that invitation to an after party by other members. Especially with the girl turning 20 recently, the party would surely drag on even longer as they drunk the night out. She might as well forget all about me by now... Ryouha sighed, curling herself into a ball as she closed her eyes. She didn't like this. What's the different with her staying alone now? If she knew it'd be like this she's better off sharing with another person—


Ryouha blinked, sitting upright as she heard the loud sound from the corridor. W-who is it? This late at night... The girl thought to herself as she hesitantly walked toward the front door. Is it Nagisa? She quietly mulled as she peered through the small hole on the door, trying to identify the figure behind it.

A-ah, it is her. Ryouha let out her breath in relief as she saw the familiar figure, putting her hand on the doorknob. But still, something felt odd. She remembered Nagisa bringing her own key, so why would the girl knocked the door instead? And there's also the bell on top of it. Moreover, she didn't understand why but Nagisa was practically planting her head to the door. If her eyes wasn't mistaken that is. Could it be that the loud thud was also from that? Ryouha shook the matter off and pulled the knob, and as soon as she did that, her questions were quickly answered.


The girl's body fell as she pulled the door open, and Ryouha put her arm around her in reflexes, stopping her before she hit the ground.

“N-nagi? What happened to you?”

Ryouha could hear some inaudible mumble from the girl.

“...too much ...head hurts...”


“I can'r drink anymoooree~~”

Ryouha stared for a while, before she closed the door and dragged the girl inside, putting her down carefully on her bed. She sighed and took a seat on her own bed.

“Nagisa... are you drunk?”


Ryouha let out another sigh as she heard the slurred speech, shaking her head.

“Didn't you say that you'll stop before that?”

“It wasssn't my faaault~!”

Ryouha flinched as Nagisa suddenly pushed herself up, swaying left and right slightly; she almost afraid that the girl would lose her balance.

“The senpai told me to drink sum' moore... Can't back down on thaaat...”


“Hm, yeah, yeah. That's riiight... B'coz I will take the top!!”

I don't even understand what she's talking about anymore... Ryouha quietly thought as she saw Nagisa pumped her fist to the air and laughed, watching the girl falling back to the bed right after. She knew how much of a sore loser Nagisa was though, so the girl probably saw how the older members drank a lot and decided to follow through. Yeah. That's definitely what happened. She let out another sigh and stood.

“Okay, I get it... Just stay there, okay? I'll get you some water.”

“Hm, hmm...”

Ryouha couldn't help smiling as she heard the quiet hum, taking a glass with her to the sink. She handed the cold drink to Nagisa, which the girl gulped down quickly without a pause.

“Gaah, that was great~”

“...are you feeling better?” 

“Yeah. Thanks a lot, Ryouha.”

The girl's face still looked a bit flushed but she seemed to have sobered up a little; Ryouha thought as she muttered a quick 'okay' and took the glass, putting it away on the faraway table.

“Nee, Ryouha...”


She glanced at the source of the voice, seeing Nagisa waving her hand slightly, telling her to come closer.

“What is it—“


Ryouha gasped as the girl suddenly jumped and pulled her into a bear hug, making both of them fell to the bed.


“I caught Ryouha~ Aha ha ha~”


S-she's still drunk. Ryouha thought in panic as she tried to wrestle herself out of the older girl's grip, finding it harder than she thought.

“Heh. I'm stronger than you now, Ryou-chan. Ya can't call me a grandma anymore~”


Ryouha blinked, trying to figure out what the girl was talking about. ...ah, yes. She thought she remembered calling her that way back in a certain variety show. But it was nearly three years ago!

“I'm doing strength training everyday now. You won't beat me.”

“I thought you said you did it... to improve your dance..”

“That also. But mostly so I can do this.”

You sore loser... Ryouha put on a childish pout and Nagisa chuckled, snuggling her nose to the younger girl's cheek.

“And this is payback from three years ago.”

“...which one?”

“Remember Hawaii? Ya hugged me all night till my body felt all sore the next morning.”

...did she? Guess she did... Ryouha couldn't really remember. She did remember that she was so attached to Nagisa since the first time they met, but now that she finally grew older she found her own actions to be a bit... strange. She's not a friendly type of person, and especially not the type to start a conversation, but whenever she saw Nagisa she would always ran to her side and started talking as if it was natural. She always felt at ease around her. And likewise, when she saw Nagisa talking with other members she couldn't help feeling a bit jealous. ...why?

“Hm? Ryou-chan is troubled 'bout something~”

“N-no, I'm not...”

“Angry 'cuz I'm stronger now~?”


She trailed off, seemingly unsure of herself. Nagisa blinked as she heard that, studying the girl's face.

“Ooh, I get iiit~~”


“Ryou-chan's jealous 'coz I played with the others?”


Ryouha gave her a perplexed look as Nagisa poked her cheek, cooing at the younger girl.

“Don't worry~ Yer' always be my number one, Ryouha~”

“...that's what you said.”

Nagisa stopped poking her cheek and Ryouha looked away, suddenly embarrassed of her own words. Why would she even say that? She had no right to be angry like that. Nagisa is free to spend her time with whoever she want. Besides, what is it about saying she's the number one? The girl was still drunk. Definitely. Ryouha took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

“S-sorry, Nagi...”


“Just forget what I said—“


Ryouha flinched as she heard the girl changed her tone, feeling the mattress shifted a bit as the strong grip disappeared from around her neck. She shifted her gaze upward, seeing Nagisa towering above her on all four, her jet black eyes looked down on her blankly.


Ryouha stuttered, nervousness suddenly invaded her as she saw the smirk on the girl's face.

“Fine, I'll prove it to ya.”

“W-what... do you mean...?”

She shrunk under her gaze, feeling her heart beating against her ribcage as the girl grew closer. Her warm breath brushed her skin, giving off a faint smell of alcohol that almost felt intoxicating, making her own temperature rose. Ryouha yelped and closed her eyes.






Ryouha gasped and jolted her eyes open, feeling the sudden weight on her body. She glanced to her side, finding Nagisa had fallen on her with her head resting beside hers.


No response. Only the girl's slow and quiet snore. She's asleep... Ryouha let out the breath she was holding, feeling her nervousness slowly slipping away. She carefully moved the girl away, fixing her pillow and pulling her blanket up to her chin.

“...geez, you're such a handful.”

She stared at the sleeping face for a while, before she pouted and pinched her cheek, earning a small groan. Ryouha huffed. Her heartbeat had finally calmed, but the warm feelings in her heart stayed.

“Can't you even finish what you started...?”

She whispered under her breath, before planting a soft kiss on the girl's lips, a very soft chaste kiss.
And Ryouha smiled.

“That's my payback... for making me realize... that I have fallen for you, Nagisa...”


of Jealousy and Drunkenness // END

Offline kuro808

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2016, 02:23:07 AM »
Drunken Nagi :lol:

Should be a little further although I like this pairing too because of tsuntsun Uha :lol:

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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline jubethehare

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2016, 04:24:49 AM »
Thanks for reading~  :D

Drunken Nagi :lol:

Should be a little further although I like this pairing too because of tsuntsun Uha :lol:

These two are just too irresistible to write~~~
  :on gay:

But yeah, it is kinda short. Perhaps because I just wrote it without much thought in a little spare time I have, ha ha.
Plus... I was kinda afraid if I let Nagi continue any further... this fic will end up in a different thread instead...  :err:

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2016, 08:06:05 AM »
ahahaha drunken nagi and ryouha jealousy~ xD

i miss their story so much!! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ

it just.... please finish what you did to ryouha, nagi :3 hahaha (ryou-chan already 18~ soo... ehm..) ( ・ ิω ・ ิ)

i know what you mean in different thread~ (maybe you could make another~ HAHAHAHAHA XD)

thanks for the drabble... i think this is an one shot jubethehare-san xD i want tmore nagiuhaaa~
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2016, 08:37:34 AM »
ahahaha drunken nagi and ryouha jealousy~ xD

i miss their story so much!! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ

it just.... please finish what you did to ryouha, nagi :3 hahaha (ryou-chan already 18~ soo... ehm..) ( ・ ิω ・ ิ)

i know what you mean in different thread~ (maybe you could make another~ HAHAHAHAHA XD)

thanks for the drabble... i think this is an one shot jubethehare-san xD i want tmore nagiuhaaa~

Yeaaaa It's too long of a drabble but too short to be called a one-shot. Eh, well whatever...
The other thread... the other thread... maybe...   I... don't know... we'll see... :stunned:   *me fighting with my conscience*

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2016, 01:43:39 PM »
This is so cute! >w<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2016, 07:58:44 PM »
This is so cute! >w<

Ha ha, thanks~  :cathappy:
Gotta be cautious to not die from cuteness overload whenever I write these two....  :farofflook:

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2016, 08:02:35 PM »
This is so cute! >w<

Ha ha, thanks~  :cathappy:
Gotta be cautious to not die from cuteness overload whenever I write these two....  :farofflook:

Can I just say, I ALWAYS die when you write about UhaNagi. They're part of the reason why I started liking Tentoumu Chu in the first place.

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Re: [Drabble] Of Jealousy and Drunkenness [NagiUha]
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2016, 02:45:35 AM »
Can I just say, I ALWAYS die when you write about UhaNagi. They're part of the reason why I started liking Tentoumu Chu in the first place.

Err... sorry about that. And thanks?  :sweat:

Offline jubethehare

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[Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2016, 12:02:58 PM »
There's one thing I just realized lately. Well, actually I've realized it for long but suddenly remember about it. Whenever Ryouha and Nagisa together they're almost ALWAYS holding hands. All the time. And Nagisa mostly paid no attention about it until Ryouha start tugging and playing with her fingers.

So, that's it.

~ Little Touch ~

Ryouha loved playing with Nagisa's fingers.

She's shy and tend to stumble with words, so whenever she felt like calling the girl she would simply ran her own fingers through hers, nudging the soft skin and pulling on the dainty tips. She would hear her laughed softly by then, before nuzzling her cheek and leaving a quick peck there. And Ryouha would smile, resting her head on Nagisa's shoulder as they enjoyed the peaceful silence. Their fingers entwined for the whole evening to end...

Nagisa loved the feeling of Ryouha's hand in hers.

She's insensitive and tend to be clueless about other's feelings, so only when she felt her small fingers tracing over hers that she knew, that the girl was lonely and needed a little company. She would laugh and kiss her cheek softly, seeing the small blush on her pinkish skin as the girl rested her head on her shoulder. And Nagisa would smile, breathing in her scent as closed her eyes and rested her face on her long silky hair. Keeping the warmth of her hand in hers for the whole evening to end...


Little Touch // END
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 12:14:47 PM by jubethehare »

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Re: [Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2016, 05:15:51 PM »
I've been your biggest silent reader and fan and totally in love with NagiUha because of you. Even though I'm a silent reader but I would to say that I..... I WANT MORE NAGIUHA FLUFF. MOAR!!!!!!

Offline fath107

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Re: [Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2016, 07:04:36 AM »
hmmm that's right jubethehare-san!

even in mv seijun tired, they're holding hands!!! did you realize it? hahaha xD

they're so cute together... i don't know why but... ryouha always clinging to nagisa xD and i found it cute x3

i'm looking forward to your drabble or one shot or another update of your story! update soon!!

thanks! 😂😂😂
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: [Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2016, 11:41:44 AM »
Thanks for reading~

Even though I'm a silent reader but I would to say that I..... I WANT MORE NAGIUHA FLUFF. MOAR!!!!!!

Don't worry. There's still a lot of plot cooking in my head.
But first I have to recover from the aftereffect, which include fluff diabetes and cuteness overload... 
:on gay:

even in mv seijun tired, they're holding hands!!! did you realize it? hahaha xD

I did, I did. And the first time I spotted it on the MV I kept rewinding THIS one scene for god knows how many times... I still do it sometimes...

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Re: [Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2016, 02:47:48 PM »
even in mv seijun tired, they're holding hands!!! did you realize it? hahaha xD

I did, I did. And the first time I spotted it on the MV I kept rewinding THIS one scene for god knows how many times... I still do it sometimes...

OMG! That's so cute! >w<

I think my fav NagiUha moment has to be when they're on the bus trip, and Ryouha pretends to fall asleep on Nagi's shoulder. Have you seen that one?

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: [Drabble] Little Touch [NagiUha]
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2016, 03:43:20 PM »
I sure did~ The one from episode 10 of Tabi Shoujo, I believe. I even did a lil' sub of it, ha ha. Only the NagiUha part though...  Click the pic and watch if you're interested~

even in mv seijun tired, they're holding hands!!! did you realize it? hahaha xD

I did, I did. And the first time I spotted it on the MV I kept rewinding THIS one scene for god knows how many times... I still do it sometimes...

OMG! That's so cute! >w<

I think my fav NagiUha moment has to be when they're on the bus trip, and Ryouha pretends to fall asleep on Nagi's shoulder. Have you seen that one?

JPHiP Radio (14/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Shiina Ringo & Utada Hikaru - I Won`t Last A Day Without You