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Author Topic: [Lost Heaven's FC] Black Snow (Black / Gekikara) [21.06.2013]  (Read 21937 times)

Offline kuro808

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Kilometres (Two Shot) Chap1 (WMatsui) [24.02.2013]
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2013, 08:38:09 AM »
Nice WMatsui story

Saddening but kinda understanding from Rena
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Kilometres (Two Shot) Chap1 (WMatsui) [24.02.2013]
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2013, 03:44:28 PM »
   I also love WMatsui  :heart:
   Maybe I'll write anything else about them.  XD XD XD
   Thanks  :) :) :)
   I hope that the characters leave in the reality. I leave, ne?  XD XD XD
    Thank you  :) :) :)

Thank you very much for your feedback!
Sorry for my poor English      :nervous :nervous :nervous
And now I present to you a new chapter of "Kilometres"

Chapter 2.
1751 kilometers

- Hey, Miyazawa, boarding a plane has already begun! - Loud voice of the manager cut through the noise, always prevails at the airport.

- Sae-chan, are you coming? - Mariyanna already is near to output stairs.

- Yes, of course, - I barely looked up from the transparent door of waiting room and, getting up from the seats and grabbing backpack, approached her.

- Sae-chan, you're kind of sad, - Suzuki's face expresses genuine concern. - What's wrong?

- No, it's okay, - I smile to her. - Just a thought.

- Here's how ... Do not worry, Sae-chan, we'll be back here in a year, and everything will be as before - she tries not to submit the form, but she is also sad.

- Suzuki, Miyazawa, why are you standing there? - manager, as always, at the wrong time. - Get in the plane! Not enough yet, so I forgot you here!


"Better to forget us ..."

Last time I look around at the available area in front ladder and not seeing anyone familiar, follow the manager of an aircraft.

In the soul of emptiness.

The one I was waiting, did not come to say goodbye.

The plane leaves the ground. Goodbye, Japan. Goodbye, Sayaka ...


- Miyazawa Sae - SNH48, Shanghai! - Togasaki's voice, amplified microphone, powerful beating on the ears.

I inkling that I will choosen.

For some reason, when one of the rehearsals entered the room Akimoto-sensei, all at once there was a bad feeling.

When we were talking about trips to foreign groups-sisters - JKT48 in Jakarta and SNH48 in Shanghai - the girls looked at each other anxiously. No one wanted to leave the band and friends. Even if only for a year.


On the same day of the Concert Dreams Sayaka deprived rank of captain Team K. I saw her tears, understand how her was bad. But I could not come up and say something.

Since that day, four months have passed. We both acted as if nothing had happened.


Last week before I left, I almost did not see Sayaka. Our communication was limited to occasional SMS.

I thought that, in the end, it is now, Sayaka along with the other girls will come to the airport to say goodbye.

But I was wrong.


Our entire team and a few girls from Team A and Team B were found at the entrance to the airport. They were waiting for me and Mariyanna to wish good luck and a speedy return.

Yuko solemnly handed me an album in which all the members left their wishes, Ume-chan and Yuttan did not want to let me go, even when the rest left to train.

But she did not come. Seemed she have forgotten about me ...

In the soul of emptiness ... In my soul knock 1751 kilometers ...


- Sae-chan, you have something fall - Mariyanna, who was sitting next to me on the plane, quickly picked up an object from the floor and handed it to me. - Here.

- Thank you, - a small card was in my hands. - Might have fallen out when I took out the player.

"I do not remember if it was at me ... Maybe fell from a Yuko's gift ..."

- Sae-chan, what is it? - Suzuki, you, as always, very curious ...

- Do not worry about it - for confidence I smile, though it is difficult for. My energy, where are you gone?

- Well, - Maria jokingly pouted and ostentatiously sat back in her chair.

I opened the card ...

Caught his breath and the tears were not given normal to see ...

HER handwriting ...


I know you're mad at me now. Because so little time spent with you for, a fact that did not come to say goodbye ...

All this week I have dreamed a first Stage of the our team. Again I saw a girl of fifteen years, before going on stage was at a loss all his energy. How do you then come to me, no less confused, for advice, thinking that you can somehow cope with excitement.

Remember how before filming the third single group, we had a fight because of a nonsense? Then all the participants and the staff tried to reassured us. The next day, we talked as if nothing had happened.

Remember when I was deprived rank of captain because of the scandal ? Only you came to me to help me survive.

Concert in Tokyo Dome- it's all about what we dreamed. He became our specific finish. But after the finale always in fact be a new beginning, right? The fact that the captain of Team K became Yuko, and you transferred to Shanghai, only confirms that.

SNH48 will be for you a new stage in life. Please try to reach the same heights there, as in AKB48.

I'll wait for you here in Tokyo. And all the time, even after a 1751 kilometers between us, I will support my partner.

A year later, you come back to Team K, and restless TwinTowers reunited.

Sae, remember, I love you.

Forever yours,

Akimoto Sayaka".


Even in Shanghai, coming out of the plane and wiped my tears, I realized something and vowed.

Even through these miles TwinTowers forever remain TwinTowers.

And Miyazawa Sae, the member of SNH48 group, will always love Akimoto Sayaka, her eternal partner ...

How do you?
Please comment!

Offline kuro808

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Kilometres (Two Shot) Chap2 (SaeYaka) [25.02.2013]
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2013, 05:20:16 PM »
Damn that's sad even though the distance won't help, they still connect somehow :(
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Kilometres (Two Shot) Chap2 (SaeYaka) [25.02.2013]
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2013, 09:33:10 PM »
Great sweet story there...

Yeah... it would be good if it is true...

That Sae would be back after a year in oversea

Thank you for this OS

Can't wait to see more fic from you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Kilometres (Two Shot) Chap2 (SaeYaka) [25.02.2013]
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2013, 10:23:13 PM »
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:



 :cathappy: :deco: :cathappy: :deco: :cathappy: :deco: :cathappy: :deco:

 :wub: *faints due to sweetness* :wub:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
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 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Lost Heaven

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This is my new OS. Request from Wmatsui22 - Black / Gekikara OS!  XD

Sou, dozo~~~

Black Snow

Last night, snow began to fall. At first, light as feathers snowflakes, he went to the rooftops, window sills, cars and asphalt, sparkling in the light of the full moon. From this magic heart was happy and sad. Puddles of rain recently spilled covered with thin ice. Already cold, and want to hide under a warm blanket, turn on the heater and sit quietly, looking like frost on a window pane draws intricate patterns.

- Nee, Black ... - apparently Gekikara started to come around a little bit. Or so admired the scenery, just forgot for a moment about her madness.

- Hmm? - second Queen lifted her head up, as if she wanted to see where falls fluffy misunderstanding - the first snow.

They were sitting on a bench in a park next to the school. In addition to them on the street was empty.

Today, the two Rappappa queens were in first task - to find a Yankee from a nearby school for boys and away what he has long had to give to Yuko-san.

On the job Black and Gekikara coped perfectly well - the right envelope is sourced and the guy is in one of the side streets, stained with the blood of the innocent and pure snow.


10 years ago.

- Nee, nee, Yuki, look! - a girl of eight years old with funny tails nervously jumping in place, waiting for her less emotional friend. Her jacket was opened, and now as a cloak. - Snooow!

Their class had just returned from trips out of town, but suddenly from the sky fell transparent crystals, covering the whole earth. Yuki, falling asleep on the way home, got out of the bus, still rubbing the sleepy eyes, when it suddenly someone threw a snowball. Snow with pieces on impact, hit her on the hair and jacket.

The girl immediately woke up and, evaluating the attacker, rushed after her:

- RENAAA ~! Come back here!

She began to run away, but slipped and fell, knocking her head.

- Itai ...

Yuki, who fled after her, did not have time to stop and fell right at her. Rena, who had not expected this, could not dodge.

- Get off me! - Rena is tired of lying on the cold, snow-covered, earth, but Yuki, it seemed, was not going to get up. - Hey! Yukirin! I'm cold!

In response Matsui heard leaping laughter of her friend, a bell sounded in the air.

- What are you laughing at? - she did not laugh - it's no joke when you can turn into a piece of ice!

- Your ... face ... - Kashiwagi covered with the new wave of laughter.

- Oh yeah! - Rena turned sharply, once lying on her friend. - Do you want to laugh - then obtain!

Matsui began to tickle Kashiwagi, and she laughed and tried to throw her off.

- I'm sorry, forgive me!

After a few minutes Rena got off her classmate and picking up her backpack and scarf, looked up at the sky. She felt that Yuki had calmed down and stood beside her.

It was dark, but the sky wasn't stars. At least Matsui did not see them.

- Stars do not there ...

Rena sadly lowered her head and was about to go home as casually looked at her friend.

- Snow ...

- Huh? - Yuki stared at her.

- He's black ...

- Huh? Where?! - Kashiwagi began looking around in search of the mysterious snow.

- On your hair ...

- Eeee?! - Yuki quickly took out a mirror and tried to look in her hair. A few seconds later she laughed again.

- What? What is wrong?

- Rena - baaaka ...

- You're like that! - Matsui was mad at her. As a joke.

- I'm now without a hat ... And the snow transparent. It's all a reflection. Therefore, it seems that snow is black ...

- Ahhh ... I see ... Well, it's late. Let's go home.


- Black ... Do you remember, ten years ago, I saw a black snow? - Gekikara continued to stare into the distance, trying to see something known only to her alone.

- This is when I came to school without a hat?

- Yep, - a third Queen nodded.

- I remember ...

There was silence, broken only by the howling wind. The snow is still falling and the sparkle in the moonlight.

- I see him again ...

- I told you, that ... - Black broke off, catching Gekikara's serious look so alien to her.

- Black Snow - it's you, - Geki took her partner hand in herself. - You - my invisible black snow.

Black got up from the bench and smiled slightly.

- Again you for yours ... - she took a deep breath. - Let's go home. Tomorrow it will be necessary to give it to Yuko-san ...

- Yeah, - Gekikara also rose. - Again, early to rise ...

- Do not start ...

The two girls went to the exit of the park in silence. They were holding hands.

From the sky was falling black snow ...

Sou, it was my new OS.
How do you? Tell me, what you think!  :bow:

Offline kuro808

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Black Snow (Black / Gekikara) [21.06.2013]
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2013, 06:22:04 PM »
Dark yet open to see what Geki was trying to get at
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Lost Heaven's FC] Black Snow (Black / Gekikara) [21.06.2013]
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2013, 11:59:07 AM »
Black Snow

very nice simple flashback OS... 

Ah... Rena and Yuki were so closed and fun to image how they were interacting when they were still young...

So good to see BlackGeki together...

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to find out more OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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