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Author Topic: Hope - chapter 10 (WMatsui) 6/9/2015  (Read 19802 times)

Offline Raizel

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« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2015, 10:44:58 AM »
finally they kiss..... :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
I'm really happy now..  :w00t:
But when I see takuya I'm really pissed.. How dare he lovey dovey with rena in front of Jurina.. :angry:
Thanks for update Marco-san  :twothumbs and I'm from southeast asia.. :)

Offline Athena48

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« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2015, 02:00:50 PM »
Familiar. His face was very familiar. Had Jurina seen him somewhere?
idk but find this lines is quite suspicious... i want to know more about Jurina family background! what if the car accident that her parents occur its actually set up by someone? i mean what if that accident is actually not an accident ?? maybe someone want Jurina parents to die?
lol sorry my imagination just run wild! XD

But she did not know she was this bold, as she hastily closed the space between her lips and Jurina.
awwww!!! WMATSUI FIRST KISS!!!   :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
i'm so happy for them!! but what is their relationship actually?? they had mutual feelings but no string attached huh?? hahahaha..
Rena always jealous whenever Jurina with Annin! aww~ Jelly Rena is the cutest!!~  :lol:

thank you for updating author-san~

ah! btw i'm from Indonesia,hahaha

Offline key17

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« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2015, 07:04:13 AM »
finally!! wmatsui kiss!! :woohoo:
they're couple!! they're couple!!
that takuya!! :grr: i really want to tell him to stay away from rena
update soon!! i'm curious about jurina's past

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline menamarco96

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« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2015, 10:33:24 AM »

@key17 : Who does not love a kiss  :ptam-shy: Takuya is going to continue on becoming a jerk on this chapt

@Athena48 : I would slowly unravel Jurina's past one by one soon. Maybe you might already quite know if J & R is in a relationship or nah in this chapt  :hee:

@Raizel : Well Takuya really is a jerk of a character hahaha Southeast Asia (?) whereeee? -curious-

@Kairi65 & @Haruko : Maybe both of you will get a clue now on whether theyre together or not  :hehehe:

Thankyou again for reading and commenting ! Here's Chapter 10 !

Clothes, check. Undergarments, check. Toiletries, check. What else is she missing out, Rena stared at her baggage and she gazed upon the small black luggage beside her, already propped seemingly done. She, Rena, tends to be forgetful at times. Especially in time of needs and that memory will insert to her at the last minute, or maybe after she slaps herself in the face a couple of times. Painful yet helpful.

She thought upon the owner of the black luggage and quickly propped up to her feet and slide the sliding door open, meeting the veranda. Greeted with a scenery of her backyard, it took her just a few seconds to discover Jurina, laying on the grass, facing the sky with a cat on her stomach. It was rather chilly outside since it was still a couple of minutes after sunrise. Rena motioned her hand, waving, to catch Jurina’s attention, to no avail.

        “Jurina !” she called out and the black haired girl looked upon her with questioning look. “Have you done with your packing?”

        Jurina raise her thumbs up to signal she was done and held the cats in her arm before standing up and headed to the veranda, “Why? Aren’t you done yet? I thought you’ve finished earlier than me?”

        “I can’t recall, but I think I still forgot to bring something.,” Rena vent out her frustration.

        “Yourself, I suppose.” Jurina showed her rare smile, which resembles a cheshire cat to Rena, before releasing the cat and walk inside.

“…What time would you be back here in Nagoya? You should tell Mr Yoko the schedule so he can pick you right on time from the station…”

All three of them were in the car, putting aside Mr Yoko who is driving. Mr Matsui had his last minute plan and decided to send both of them off to the bullet train station, where all the other students were gathering there too. Yup, all the four classes in Jurina’s grade are going to their last field trip in Tokyo. Well not all, since it acquires paying, and some of them would rather stay at home, studying or some sort. Jurina was quite reluctant to go, but both Mr Matsui and Rena insisted and she felt in debt again towards Mr Matsui, for the utmost, since he voluntarily pays for Jurina’s fees too.

        “So, exactly how many students are going for this trip? And the teachers?” Mr Matsui asked, directing the question to the two of them, in which Rena replied with a shrug.

Rena still seems to be giving her dad the cold shoulder after what happened at the banquet party some nights ago. She still did not believe her dad would agree to such a thing without consulting her.

        “Umm….” Jurina was left to answer, “I think about 25 students, and 3 teachers if I’m not mistaken.”

        “I see….” Mr Matsui then looked outside the window once more, a small sigh escapes.

Jurina leaned against one of the walls, with her earphones plugged in, watching the lively conversations between Churi and Rena. Most of the students going for this trip are generally kids with money. In other words, sons and daughters of business affairs, doctors and some other namely things. The trip cost quite a lot, even by the price of the ticket for this bullet train could already feed the poor for 2 weeks.

As Jurina drone on her ears with some soothing music, she faintly heard someone calling her name from the distance and tried to search upon the crowd for the source of voice. She plug of her earphone and the caller call out her name again, and now she can vividly see the mysterious beauty, Annin. By her side, a familiar looking tall man whom she saw on the paper last week follow suit.

        “Takahiro….” Mr Iriyama’s deep voice, greeted them, calling out for Mr Matsui.

A slight surprised look from Mr Matsui could be seen as he turned to the direction of the person calling his first name, but he relaxed his composure as he greeted back, “Yuuya, it’s been a quite a time, I’m sure.”

        “It was. The last time we met was at my releasement party, if I’m not mistaken,” Mr Iriyama carved a smile, and he lay his eyes on Rena and hers. “Hello Rena, it’s been a long time you did not see me too I suppose, and you, my daughter here have told me a lot about you. Matsui Jurina, isn’t it?”

        “Yes sir,” Jurina answered as she shook hands with Mr Iriyama. His hands were firm and cold, probably due to the weather. But something about this man meditate upon her thoughts. Jurina noticed there was small scar on his left eyebrow, resulting to no small hair growing at it.

        “Have you been well?” Mr Iriyama asked her promptly, “You’ve been living with Takahiro for a quite a time if I’m not mistaken? Such a rare occasion of him, isn’t—“

        Jurina felt her shoulder being firmly gripped from behind. By the looks of it, it was by Mr Matsui. “Haven’t you heard the rumors of myself being a generous man, Yuuya?” Mr Matsui feigns a joking tone.

        “Very. Generous enough to live me behi—“

        “Students !! Gather around now ! Form in lines ! I’m about to hand out your tickets here.”

By the notice from the teacher, both the two adults got distracted and left their deep conversation to a halt as they pestered on their own child. Before leaving, Mr Iriyama came to her and said, “Take care” but the most puzzling thing is, when he wished her, “Good luck upon your decision to take Law. I suppose you will do great just like your parents.” And off he went away.

They sat at their reserved seats,which was in three, and Jurina took the seat next to the window. According to the statement in the tickets, it will take around 2hours and 40 minutes to reached Tokyo and a part of Jurina remains giddy as this would be the second time, according to her memory, that she will set foot in Tokyo. The last time she went there, her parents was still with her.

As the bullet train moves in great speed, she stared outside as rows of buildings quickly passes by.  Jurina’s mind went astray to what Mr Iriyama said to her earlier, “I suppose you will do great just like your parents” Does Mr Iriyama knew her parents? Were they some sort of an old acquaintances or something. Jurina had a huge feeling that she had met Mr Iriyama before but she does not know when, and the same goes to Mr Matsui. And speaking of Mr Matsui, he and Annin’s father seems to sort of have some tension between each other, not that Jurina really care, but the strain was quite transparent.

Jurina could not sleep throughout the journey and continue to stare outside with ears plugged in once more. She shuddered later as she felt a head bumped on her shoulder, and a book fell to the floor. Jurina quickly pick up the book and put it on her lap, and softly arrange Rena’s head position on her shoulder in a comfortable way.

The Little Prince. The book Rena was reading, if Jurina was not mistaken, she had saw Rena read this back then at the rooftop. Such a small book, not quite many of a page yet Rena seems to be fond of it. Jurina then made a mental note to ask what was so interesting about the contains later when Rena wakes up.
A group of boys could be heard from behind, shuffling their way to the front, probably heading to the washroom. Jurina increased the volume on her ipod, as the boys were being quite loud for her to even hear the music. But then Jurina felt a tap on her lap, Churi nod off to the boy facing them.

        “If I was Mr Matsui, I wouldn’t be so generous to make you hop in to this trip,” taunted Takuya with his smirk, “You really are considered as lucky.”

        “I guess I am. And I really am luckier than you in terms of this…” Jurina indicates to Rena who is still sleeping on her shoulder, while gripping Jurina’s arm.
An unpleasant look appeared on Takuya’s ever so proud face. He take one look at Jurina before threatening, “Do not mess with me, orphan.”

They went their way, walking at the streets of Shibuya with their backpacks on their back, and dragging their luggage, heading towards their hotel which was 7 minutes away from the station. As they arrived, the teachers checked-in and told them to grab one partner as their roommate as she was about to hand out the keys.

Rena was slightly worried if Jurina might have wanted to become roommates with Annin, not that she doesn’t trust Jurina, but she very well doesn’t trust Annin. But then Jurina came to her and spoke in a hush tone, “I don’t think you would like seeing me being in the same room with other people, especially you-know-who” Rena grins, agreeing on the fact.

They were told to meet back at the lobby an hour later, so at the moment, they settle down and unpack the load. Well, Rena was the only one diligently doing it. Jurina lay on her front, head buried in the pillow.

        “Why do you look so tired?” asked Rena, walking back and forth from the washroom, putting her toiletries.

        “Why? You’re asking me why?” muffled Jurina in her pillow, she then lay on her back and, “because I’ve been frozen on the same position for an hour on the train, that’s why.”

        Rena expression turns amuse, “Are you saying that it’s my fault?”

        “I’m not saying anything.”

        “Let me massage your shoulder as a payback on you for lending me your shoulder,”Rena walk and sat on the bed, forcefully trying to pull Jurina to sit straight, who decided to play log. After one final attempt to pull Jurina, it was Rena instead who fell face forward on Jurina, their forehead bumping each other.

Realizing their rather dangerous position, Rena tried to pull herself back up but slumped back when a pair of arms encircles her waist. Rena could clearly feel her heart thumping fast and so was the other girl. Their eyes reflecting one another, with unspeakable words, both of their lips make the first move at the same time, grazing one another in a soft kiss. Rena hoist both of her legs on the bed, positioning herself more comfortably above Jurina as their kiss escalates. But shortly to be interrupted, when someone knocked their door in a quite furious manner.

They quickly disentangle from their position, Jurina buried her head on the pillow once more, covering the steaming red of her face, whilst Rena went and see annoying disruptor. The door opened, revealing Takuya with a sweet smile that melt others, but not hers, “Hello my sweet.”

Offline Athena48

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« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2015, 11:23:36 AM »
urghhhhh!!! TA.KU.YA!! why you disturb wmatsui moment?? whyyyyyy?!! :mon mad:
omg!! i can sense something suspicious going on between Mr.Matsui and Mr.Iriyama!! maybe both of them know Jurina parents! well Annin father certainly know Jurina's parents since he just mentioned it to Jurina.. omg omg omg!! i'm so excited to know about the truth!! and Wmatsui really progressing so fast!! love their moment in this chap! and Takuya.. he's really nuisance  :knee: and where is my JuriAnnin moment?? i almost forgot about Annin! ahahaha XD

great chapter by the way! keep going on Author-san! :D

Offline Raizel

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« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2015, 12:01:06 PM »
Gahhh Takuya.... How dare you interupt their moments?  :angry:  :banghead:
Really someday I will rip your body apart.. :twisted: :angry:
I think I know their relationship now.. kekeke..  :roll:
And why Mr. Matsui and Mr. Iriyama seem to know Jurina parents? Its still a mystery.. :smhid

Marco-san you really curious about where I came from? But its a secret.. hehe.. :lol:
Sorry for trolling you.. And thanks for the update.. :twothumbs

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2015, 12:29:56 PM »
I really hate takuya

Offline key17

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« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2015, 04:01:00 PM »
i love a kiss when it's wmatsui  :nya:
yay!! wmatsui in the same room  :ding:
i wonder what will happen if that takuya not disturb them
argh!! i really hate takuya :temper:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Kairi65

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« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2015, 11:56:41 PM »
just when it was getting good! damn you, takuya!!! :angry:

Offline msst28

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« Reply #69 on: October 01, 2015, 06:56:32 PM »
hoping the author will update this

Offline gilangfajri

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« Reply #70 on: October 02, 2015, 02:22:39 PM »
And.. The plot is thickening..

About takuya..Can we just kill him? XD

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

Offline vickystar

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« Reply #71 on: October 22, 2015, 08:12:16 AM »
Yay~ i miss it :"( hope to see you back soon
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline key17

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« Reply #72 on: December 05, 2015, 04:14:46 PM »
when will you updating this fic?? :tantrum:
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 03:36:27 AM by key17 »

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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« Reply #73 on: December 05, 2015, 06:19:41 PM »
I miss you too
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline LuckyMatsui

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« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2016, 02:49:42 AM »
Waiting for an update Author-san :cow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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