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Author Topic: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 31]  (Read 33625 times)

Offline HPriest

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Fragmented Unity [Chapter 31]
« on: June 26, 2007, 09:41:47 PM »
The little pictures are my own creations and will be a part of each chapter.

Fragmented Unity

Chapter 1 - The Player

~GO GO GO! Pass me the ball!!!~
~DAMN IT! Why did you loose the ball??~

**GOAL! 6:1 for Spain, Japan is 5 goals behind already!**

~I can't play with those amateurs.~
~TRAINER!! I want to get replaced!~

"No way, you will play for your money!"

~Screw this shit!~

She walks from the field and the trainer follows her. They end up in a loud argument and a referee even has to calm them down. There is no way she is going back to the field. In the end the trainer gave in and sent in another girl. She was already on her way to the showers, when she noticed a very old perimeter advertisng lying in the grass.

~Hey, you!~

"Me?", some boy who stands there asks.

~Yes, you!~

"What do you want?"

~This sign there, what is this?~

"Sign? What sign?"

~There! Idiot..~

"Well, it's an old perimeter advertising. Why do you ask?"

~It's more than old. Remove this, I don't want to see this here anymore!~

"Huh? Okay...."

- Is there a problem? -, another man asks.

"Uhm no, the girl....oh she left already."

- What did she want? -

"She complained about this old board here."

- I see. It's still lying around here... -
- ...'Morning Musume'... -
- Was a great group. -

"I don't get her."

- You don't recognize her? -


- I guess you are too young. -
- Help me carrying it away. -

The girl already left inside a few seconds ago. She still shouts out random insults from time to time. You can tell that she is really pissed. No wonder, the team didn't win for a long time now. They are actually the worst national futsal team worldwide, but it hasn't been like this forever. Anyway, the great days have been gone and now they move from a defeat to a defeat. She entered their dressing room and threw her jersey in a corner. The shoes have been taken off during the walk already. She decides to take a shower and leave. There is no way she could endure another of those 'Next time we will win!' speeches of the coach. She was already with one foot under the shower, when the door opened and some woman walked in.


~What is it?~

"Ah, there you are."

~Oh, it's you...~

"You are going to leave early today?"


"Want me to drive you?"

~No thanks, I will walk home. I need some fresh air.~

"Alright then, see you tomorrow."


"You are in a mood again..."

~Can I take a shower now?~

"Alright alright...I am leaving..Bye!"

The woman left and Yossie was finally able to take off the towel to take a refreshing shower. She left the field early and so she still had the whole room for herself after she finished the shower. Quickly she jumped into her clothes and rushed out of the arena. Before going home she decided to make a short stop at a bar. During her way to the bar, she bumps into a woman.

~Damn it! Can't you use your eyes?~, Yossie says and walks away without even looking at the other woman.

"I am sorry.", the other woman says and picks up the things that fell down out of her bag. She looks up, but Yossie was already a few meters away. The woman makes an angry face, but decides to ignore this unfriendliness. She stands up and continues her way to the opposite direction of Yossie's.

Yossie enters the bar and takes a few drinks. Later that night, it was actually already morning, she decides to finally go home. She falls onto her bed and not even 10 seconds later she falls asleep.


Chapter 2 - The Idol


The public event in the mall is over and Sayu literally escapes to the backstage areay. Her manager walks up to her.

"What the fuck was that?"

~Was what?~

"Was what?"
"Was what?"
"Are you serious?"
"You didn't give the audience at least one proper smile!"


"What's up with you?"

~Exhausted, probably..~

"It has been like this for weeks now!"
"When do you think you not going to be exhausted anymore?"


"You can't even speak!"
"Maybe I should just fire you!"

~NO! ....please...~

"Oh really?"
"Then do something for your money!"
"Damn stupid dumb ass little idol girls..."

He said and left. Sayumi indeed wasn't really a sunshine on the stage lately. Maybe she is right about being exhausted, but it's not normal for her to. Usually she still is able to bring up a smile for the masses. Something else is probably the problem, but only Sayumi knows it...or not. Some woman from the stuff sits down next to her.

"Ignore him..he talks much when he is angry."

~I know, but he is right.~

"Mmh..what is it then?"
"Really exhausted?"

~I don't know.~
~Maybe I just don't love being an idol anymore..~

"Now what are you saying?"
"You have been born to be one."

~Maybe, maybe not...~

"I guess you just need some sleep."
"Go home!"

Sayumi agrees and prepares herself to walk home. Preparing means to change clothes and to put on a cap. People can be crazy when they notice any kind of celebrity on the street. The preparations are quickly done and Sayumi leaves the mall without being spotted by the crowd.

She has a hotel nearby and so the walk usually shouldn't be too long. Sayumi looks up to the stars, when suddenly another woman bumps into her.

"Damn it! Can't you use your eyes?"

Sayumi is scared of being spotted and quickly looks down. Her bag slipped from her shoulder and a few things fell out from it. She gets down to pick up the items.

~I am sorry.~

Sayu looks up to see the woman, but she already walked away. She becomes angry, but decides to not do anything about it. One after another she picks up the items, when she suddenly notices the picture that has also fallen out of her bag. It's a group of girls in it and the caption says 'Morning Musume'. She looks a few seconds at it and then gets up to walk away. The situation was too dangerous of being spotted. Sayumi decids to walk into a small alley to look at the picture again. One tear starts to roll down her cheeks while she looks at it. She turns the photo around. 'Call me, <3 Eri', is written on the back of the picture.

"Hey you!"

~W...what?~, Sayumi asks confused.

"This is my alley, you have to pay if you want to use it."

~Pay? ...I just..~

"You just what? You used my alley and now you pay for it."

- Hey! -, another girl, who came to the alley, said.

"What? Another girl?"

- Stop messing around you dumb ass! -
- This isn't YOUR alley! -

~Please don't scream so loud..~, Sayumi says and covers her face with the cap.

"Who are you to tell me that this isn't my alley?"

- I am someone who could call for help and watch you getting arrested. -

"Arrested huh?"

- Yea, I can call for police right now! -

"You won't..."

- Do you really want to find out? -
- Hey you, let's go. -

~Thank you.~, Sayu replies and runs away.~

"Hey, she didn't pay!"

- Crawl back into the hole where you came from! -

"Stupid girls!"

Sayu runs all the way back to the hotel. She already had too much excitement for today. If anyone would have recognized her..., but she was lucky.  In the hotel she throws the bag on the bad and sits down at her desk. She looks the image again, she still had in her hand.

~What am I doing here?~
~I am in my early 20s and cry about the past already~
~I am an ordinary idol now, nothing else!~
~I have to accept this!~

She places the image in the drawer and changes to her sleeping clothes. There still were some thoughts about the past floating in her head, but she quickly fell asleep anyway.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 05:28:59 PM by HPriest »

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 1+2]
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2007, 10:06:33 PM »
uhhhh!!!! This seems really interesting..

Yossie was really pissed off  :temper: and Sayu...poor her... :mon hanky:

What happen? Morning Musume doesn't exist anymore?  :mon cry:

I really really want keep reading this...

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 1+2]
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 01:58:32 AM »
wow, both of these chapters were really good, I'm anxious to see the next.
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

Offline Yukari

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 1+2]
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 02:12:38 AM »
no MM? :cry:
yossie pissed off?? :O

ooh i'm waiting the next chapter :w00t:

Offline JFC

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 1+2]
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2007, 05:46:59 AM »
Okay, MM (possibly even H!P itself) has broken up/disbanded for some reason.

Yossi is playing futsal on the national/a professional team, but her teammates suck majorly, which causes her frustration because the team can't get a win. Yossi also seems to react badly when she's reminded of MM for some reason.  She seems to have difficulty dealing with this frustration/anger. She even snaps at a complete stranger (who in fact, turns out to not be a stranger at all, but neither Yossi nor the other woman realize it at the time).

Sayu is still an idol, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it anymore. She seems to have lost contact with Eri, who was one of her best friends in MM. If Sayu's not in contact with Eri, then she's probably not in contact with anyone else from MM/H!P.  This must mean that it could have been some big, internal conflict/argument that caused the breakup of the group, and lead members to go their separate ways (which, at least for some, appears to have been done unwillingly/reluctantly).

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 1+2]
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2007, 05:53:51 AM »
No more Momosu :cry: This can't be happening *wails*
But hey, this is a really good plot for a fic. I can't wait to see what the other girls have become.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 05:54:33 AM by lil_hamz »

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2007, 12:24:51 AM »
Chapter 3 - The Skin

*Yes, stay like this.*
*Now give me more skin.*
*Yes, that's what I am talking about.*
*A bit more.*
*Spread the legs a bit more.*
*Yes, nice!*
*Play with the camera!"
*Good! Stay like this!*

The photo shooting is over and she goes into her dressing room. She opens the door and is surprised to see her manager in there.

~What do you want?~

"Nothing really, just checking by."
"Sit down."
"You know, you are really beautiful."

~You know that I don't...~

"Give me a kiss, will you?" ... He gently turns her head towards him and kisses her.
"It's a waste that you don't use your petite body.", he says and touches her body with his hands.

~Don't!~, she grabs his hands.

"Come on....", he continues.

~Leave!~ ... She jumps up.

"Damn it, Reina!"

~I said leave!~ ... She pushes him towards the door.

"Do you think you will be able to sell with only teasing?"
"..with only touching yourself?"
"You finally have to take a step to the next level."

~Go!~ She closes the door behind him.


Reina leans against the door and folds the arms above her head. She tries to understand why she joined this business and went so far. Anyway, she can't help it. She signed the contract and as long she doesn't let anybody win over herself, it will all be good. At least, she hopes so. She changes her clothes and walks home. The streets are still full at night. Tokyo is a big city after all. She isn't in a hurry and walks towards the train station, when she suddenly hears something in a side alley.

"Hey you!"

~Huh? Who is he talking to?~ ... Reina stops.

- W...what? -, A woman standing in the alley asks.

~Oh, none of my business.~, Reina thinks.

"This is my alley, you have to pay if you want to use it."

~Wait, does she cry?~
~Yea, she cries.~
~Damn it...why am I doing this.~

- Pay? ...I just.. -, the woman answers the man.

~Hey!~, Reina interrupts.

"What? Another girl?"

~Stop messing around you dumb ass!~
~This isn't YOUR alley!~

- Please don't scream so loud..~, the woman said.

"Who are you to tell me that this isn't my alley?"

~I am someone who could call for help and watch you getting arrested.~

"Arrested huh?"

~Yea, I can call for police right now!~

"You won't..."

~Do you really want to find out?~
~Hey you, let's go.~ ... Reina turns towards the woman.

- Thank you. -, the woman replied and ran away.

"Hey, she didn't pay!"

~Crawl back into the hole where you came from!~

"Stupid girls!"

~Mmh..why did she run away?~
~Somehow she reminds me of...~
~Oh, I have to hurry now.~ ... Reina looks at her watch.

The train station isn't far away and Reina starts to walk faster. The traffic light is red, but Reina decides to quickly cross the street. Apparently it is already green for the cars. There isn't any car directly at the pedestrian crossing, but one car is approaching it. The driver sees Reina early enough and hits the brakes. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? IT IS RED!', the woman driver shouted. Reina only raised her arm to wave an apology and continues to run inside the train station. She quickly puts in the ticket and crosses walks towards her platform. The train arrives at the same time with her. The doors open and Reina sees an ordinary scene. A woman inside the train captured a groper. This time there were multiple men and this woman dragged them all to the local station police.

~Every day the same.~ ... Reina sighs, enters the train and drives back home.


Note: I know that Reina's turn in life might have been a bit too extreme, but it's a 'drama' after all. You can complain, but I won't change it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 02:45:25 AM by HPriest »

Offline Amarghetta

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2007, 12:46:14 AM »
The train station isn't far away and Reina starts to walk faster. The traffic light is red, but Reina decides to quickly cross the street. Apparently it is already green for the cars. There isn't any car directly at the pedestrian crossing, but one car is approaching it. The driver sees Reina early enough and hits the brakes. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? IT IS RED!', the woman driver shouted. Reina only raised her arm to wave an apology and continues to run inside the train station.
Can we expect this driver to be (yet) another H!P former member?  :glasses:

Offline HPriest

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2007, 01:30:03 AM »
The train station isn't far away and Reina starts to walk faster. The traffic light is red, but Reina decides to quickly cross the street. Apparently it is already green for the cars. There isn't any car directly at the pedestrian crossing, but one car is approaching it. The driver sees Reina early enough and hits the brakes. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? IT IS RED!', the woman driver shouted. Reina only raised her arm to wave an apology and continues to run inside the train station.
Can we expect this driver to be (yet) another H!P former member?  :glasses:

 :lol: Was it so obvious?  :P

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2007, 02:14:29 AM »
The train station isn't far away and Reina starts to walk faster. The traffic light is red, but Reina decides to quickly cross the street. Apparently it is already green for the cars. There isn't any car directly at the pedestrian crossing, but one car is approaching it. The driver sees Reina early enough and hits the brakes. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? IT IS RED!', the woman driver shouted. Reina only raised her arm to wave an apology and continues to run inside the train station.
Can we expect this driver to be (yet) another H!P former member?  :glasses:

 :lol: Was it so obvious?  :P

Maybe could be a very angry Miki!!!! :scolding: :scolding:

Wow This is sooo good!!!

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2007, 03:25:59 AM »
Well I'm interested. But what happened? Why's there no more MM? And the blurred out pictures are really nice btw. Can't wait for the next chapter.

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2007, 04:38:37 AM »
So Reina's a reluctant member of the soft-core industry eh? Things must've really gone bad and she must have been really lost to to this. least she sticks up for herself when her "manager" (damn lecher) tries to put the moves on her. It's nice to know that she's still got the "yankii" attitude; it came in handy when she helped out Sayu (even though neither of them realized who the other was).

The angry driver could be Miki, but then who's the woman who caught the train molesters? After all, who better to catch a groper than another groper? ;D

If the angry driver is Miki, then the train woman could be Yuko. Or Yuko could be the driver and Miki the train woman. :w00t:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 09:07:32 AM »
I had that same thought, the driver being another member. Kinda funny though that she stuck her head out (I assumed) and didn't recognize Reina. The girls must have all changed quite a bit.

PS: Love the pics you have at the start of each chapter.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 09:10:46 AM by lil_hamz »

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 3]
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2007, 01:23:11 PM »
I thought it is a fic of Yossie, but it's not...
I thought it will be another Momusu fic which I'll loose interest after a few chapter but it's not...

you makes me wanna read more.... love the plot, love how you arrange it.... keep it up

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2007, 11:56:05 PM »
Chapter 4 - The Pair

~I am leaving now.~

"Leaving? Where are you going?"


"You going to her again?"
"Don't lie to me!"

~We discussed this already, Ayaya.~


~Don't call me like this!~

"You are not going to her!"

~Try to stop me..~, Miki slams the door.

"MIKI!!!!!", Aya opens the door again.
"Don't even dare to come back here!"


"I am going to cancel the tour!!"


"I WILL!!!!"

Miki already went downstairs. She uses the remote to unlock the doors of her car and jumps in. The relationship between them isn't really harmonic. They both still making successful music together and a tour is coming soon. Their problem is that Miki actually meets with other girls recently. No, Miki didn't tell it Aya, but Aya is smart enough to see the signs. The very close relationship between the two girls started to break. Miki is the girl in the relationship who doesn't care about the arguments. She doesn't think that there are problems between them and simply ignores the truth. In the end she would be the partner in the relationship, who is totally surprised about the break up.

Anyway, now she has other things on her mind. There is a national game in the local arena. It is the second game of the futsal team here for the last 3 weeks. Miki started to meet with an old friend again. Probably she is the reason why Aya is so worried. However, Miki buys a ticket and enters the arena. She has a nice seat and watches the whole game, almost. They play as horrible as ever and her old friend leaves the field early. Miki decides to go after her. In the last game she drove her home. After practice they usually also hang out. They really had much fun over the last weeks. The way down to the dressing rooms takes a while. She opens the door.


"What is it?"

~Ah, there you are.~

"Oh, it's you..."

~You are going to leave early today?~


~Want me to drive you?~

"No thanks, I will walk home. I need some fresh air."

~Alright then, see you tomorrow.~


~You are in a mood again...~

"Can I take a shower now?"

~Alright alright...I am leaving..Bye!~

A bit disappointed with the outcome, Miki walks towards her car. Inside the car she looses her wallet and picks it up again. The wallet opened itself a bit and she sees the picture of Aya and her together. She sighs and drives away from the stadium. There is a nice little bar a few blocks away. Miki decides to make a short stop there.

She enters the bar, sits down and orders a drink. When the drink was ready, another woman sat down on the bar stool next to her. Miki looks at the TV on the left while the woman starts to talk to her.

"Drinking already?"

~You are doing the same.~ ...Miki still looks at the TV and tries to ignore her.

"Bad day?"

~None of your business.~

"You are right."

~...~ Miki turns towards the woman, but she turns right to call the barkeeper.
~Bad day, huh?", Mikit looks straight forward.

"What?", picks up the glass.

~What do you do, when you can't choose between two things you love?~

"Love is overrated.", drinks.
"Just listen to your stomach."

~You are probably right.~

Miki finished the drink, paid and left the bar. It seems odd, but the two never looked at each other. Well, this isn't a surprise in a bar. Miki also doesn't care about it, although she resembled someone. Anyway, she isn't in a very good mood. She decides to drive to the graveyard to pay a precious person a visit. The visit was short. It seemed like there was a girl there right before she came. Miki saw a shadow of a leaving person and the flowers were fresh, too. However, Miki is on her way back to the car already.

~So she was here today....~ ...Miki smiles, but turns into a sad face soon again.
~I should make a decision now.~

She still has alcohol in her blood, but has no problems to drive. The roads are empty compared to the sidewalks. She can rush through the city, when suddenly a woman appears on street. Miki has to brake. She checks the traffic light. It was green for her. She gets angry and yells at the woman.


The woman waves at her to apology. Although being angry, Miki continues to drive and also made a decision between the two girls. She arrives at a house and walks upstairs. She knocks at the door.

The woman who opens it is......Aya.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 02:45:37 AM by HPriest »

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2007, 12:54:51 AM »
So Miki WAS the angry driver, but who cares? ONOES! THERE'S TROUBLE IN GAMLAND! :o

Miki and Yossi still keep in touch and hang out once in a while.  Someone that Miki was close to died, and on her way to visit the grave she spots someone, who Miki might be seeing behind Aya's back? Or it might be that the dead person is/was the "other" person. :dunno:

There's also the random woman at the bar that Miki sort of talks to after leaving the stadium where Yossi was playing.  By the sounds of it, if this other woman is not also a former H!P member (I'm thinking Yuko or Kei), Miki at least knows her from the bar.

And at the end, she makes her decision, and goes to Aya's place. she there because she's choosing Aya or because she's breaking it off with Aya? :cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2007, 01:12:14 AM »
Mh..I would like to reply and I always start to make a reply already, but then I delete it again cause it might take away the tension.   :banghead:

but one thing I can say is that you (JFC) sometimes think too complicated.  :lol:
Not every action and encounter is a part of a huge plot!  :P
..or maybe I am too unclear with certain things in the story  :?

Anyway, I still love what you do.  :)

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2007, 02:23:57 AM »
 :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG:
Someone die?  "That" could be the reason why hello project doesn't exist anymore?

 :mon hanky: :mon hanky:
Poor Miki...she's having troubles with Ayaya, but I love the fact shes's still in contact with yossie...

 :pig huh: :pig huh: :pig huh:
The girl in the bar...could be Maki? I don't know, I just think in her when I read that part...maybe for the indifference, the melancholy and because:
"Just listen to your stomach."
Maki loves the food....

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2007, 02:49:07 AM »
but one thing I can say is that you (JFC) sometimes think too complicated.  :lol:
Not every action and encounter is a part of a huge plot!  :P
..or maybe I am too unclear with certain things in the story  :?

Anyway, I still love what you do.  :)
Ask OTN1. My ass just likes working overtime. ;D  :shakeit:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Fragmented Unity [Chapter 4]
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2007, 05:10:47 AM »
Maybe the person in the bar is Yuko? She likes the food too XD There are probably gonna be more than just the current MM or GAM in this right?

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