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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203211 times)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #560 on: January 20, 2011, 05:44:20 PM »
^Sukoshi you just made my day. :D

Dunno if anyone else realized, but this entire one shot was basically based on Ai's performance of Suppin to Namida. Go read the lyrics translation. Then come back to the story. You'll get a lot more out of the whole thing. Hehe.

And Sushi? The part about Suzuki was hilarious. Poor dude. XD He only ever gets leftovers from all the fun... :lol:


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Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #561 on: January 23, 2011, 05:32:30 PM »
The Plot

"I understand if you have no reason to trust me. We barely know each other at this point."

Slender eyebrows arched upwards on an otherwise expressionless face. The girl's fingers tapped impatiently on the armrest of the plush sofa she was currently lounged in, taking in the person addressing her.

"I saw your notes for later. That's pretty ambitious of you." The first speaker said with a small smile.

"Hardly any way to build trust by letting me know that you peeked without permission." Again, that unemotional face and voice. The girl sits up straight in her chair, leaning forward to rest her chin on one palm.

"Then again, yours is no less ambitious."

The two girls exchanged a look, then chuckled. The atmosphere relaxes a little as both girls lean back into their seats.

"I'll say we're even then." The first speaker is still smiling. The other girl gives her a quizzical look.

"So what brings you here? Our goals are somewhat different, so you can't be here to issue any ultimatums. I don't see any reason for conflict."

"Precisely!" Seeing the incomprehension grow, the first girl reaches out and takes the hand of her soon-to-be-fellow-conspirator.

"Since there is no conflict in our goals, we should work together! We can make sure to eliminate any competition, and smooth the way forward..."

"Thanks, but no thanks." The second girl pulls her hand away, shaking it as if to rid it of cooties. "I know exactly what I want and how to get to it. I've already gotten this far by my own strength, and I don't need your help for what's to come."

The smile on the first girl's face wavers a little, her hand shrinking back into her own lap. She considers the quandary, but already has a contingency in place for the stubborn one in front of her. She already knew that the hardest nut to crack would be her after all.

"That's true for sure, and I know you're far more talented than I am, than most of the others are. You will probably get what you want...but for one thing." A pause, if somewhat dramatically.

"Oh? Do share."

"We lag behind in terms of seniority." The best way to deal with this girl, she decides, is to be blunt. "It might not affect my goal too badly, but it will definitely affect yours."

The frown that greeted her words was entirely expected, but it was a considering frown. She knew her words had struck home, considering how true they were.

"We should stick together. I'll even share center with you...not that you'll need much help getting there, probably." That last bit came out as somewhat of a grouse. The biggest threat to her own ambition was basically the girl before her. The entire purpose of this meeting was to neutralise the threat, or at least, to mitigate it to some degree. Working together instead of against each other would yield a more substantial benefit in the long run.

"What's your plan?" There was no definite yes or no quite yet, but she could definitely feel her target leaning towards agreement with her, and she had to dampen her own excitement before she ruined her own plans.

"I was thinking of judicious bribery and networking within our target circle, to begin with. The other two can be conned into leading the charm offensive, to take the heat off us." Not to mention, your aloof demeanour will deflect any suspicion off me. "I already have a good hold on that wannabe yankii, and Moe-chan just needs a little...persuading."

Her target was eyeing her speculatively, with just a hint of wariness. For her part, she just leaned back and waited. Her cards were on the table, now it was just up to the other party to accept or reject the terms.

"What stops you from reneging on the deal later on? If you plan to screw me over..."

"Rest assured, I have no wish to lead." I just like pulling the strings. "Being the face of the group is good enough for me."

"...I'll consider it."

A wide smile.

"I await your favorable reply."


This is because 9th gen needs fic. It's kinda obvious who is who. :lol:

I call Riho x Kanon in the future. Something about them...hmm...XD


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Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [24/1 - The Plot]
« Reply #562 on: January 23, 2011, 06:05:04 PM »
All that's missing is a smoke-filled room, dim light through the shutters and a white cat.

"I saw your notes for later. That's pretty ambitious of you." The first speaker said with a small smile.
Somehow, i imagine these plans and notes to be written in colorful markers (possibly pink)- more diagrams than words, with hearts and flowers encircling the most devious plots.

"That's true for sure, and I know you're far more talented than I am, than most of the others are. You will probably get what you want...but for one thing." A pause, if somewhat dramatically.
The bait and hook.

"What's your plan?" There was no definite yes or no quite yet, but she could definitely feel her target leaning towards agreement with her, and she had to dampen her own excitement before she ruined her own plans.
Reel it in slowly.

I felt the first stirrings of interest over 9-gen just a little after the graduation announcement, but this really has me impatiently waiting to see more and more of their characters. Look at you, all propagating excitement for the fandom.  XD

This was a really enjoyable read- I can really imagine this happening, then the both of them dispersing from the meeting to the outside world with their cute (contrived) smiles and deferential attitudes, biding their time.

Congratulations on first dibs for the first 9-gen fic (that I've ever read).

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [24/1 - The Plot]
« Reply #563 on: January 24, 2011, 04:27:30 AM »
At first I was like, "What? Is this an AU?"

Then, I was like, "Riho?! Who is she talking to?"

Then, I thought it was Fuku-chan, but immediately dismissed that and Zucchini was my next guess.  :lol:

Hmm, I can already kind of see a Zucchinix(Eri)Pyon pairing in the making. RihoKanon? Mmm, maybe it'll be all love triangle like the 6kies. XD

Offline aussie

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [24/1 - The Plot]
« Reply #564 on: January 24, 2011, 09:46:30 AM »
I dunno, I'm not quite feeling the kyukkies yet. Too absorbed in my GoRokki fandom XD I enjoyed it just because you wrote it though, Estrea-sama :D
Liked the noir-ish feel to it. Yeah, we just needed the smoke-filled room XD

(I miss your RenAi though :( There were some RenAi episodes that came to light these past few days that made me crave for RenAi fics :lol:
Like the one about Reina putting Aichan on the spot when she told them about her grad, or Reina tying Aichan's shoelaces popping out of nowhere when it had come undone during rehearsals....)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [24/1 - The Plot]
« Reply #565 on: February 07, 2011, 02:03:46 PM »
@aussie: I DEMAND to know where your info came from (the ReinAi, obviously :P).

Anyway, some crazy stuff ahead. I took a long walk and jotted out ideas on the fly. Wrote this when I came back. Not particularly long, but somewhat...

Well, you'll see, won't you?



For a time, I wanted to walk on forever.

Head held high, shoulders squared, walking like a warrior with a thousand yard stare. Face warped between scowling and crying, finally settling for somewhere in between. Music pumps in my ears, loud music, your music, until I'm just stamping along to your beat, as I always have.

My heart is in my chest, my throat, my ears...jerking around like a broken toy soldier, just out of sync with all the other bloody windups on display, and mostly definitely out of step with your tune in my ears.

The language of passion...something I am unfamiliar with. Was unfamiliar with, strange tongues that were not my heritage. Then you came along, and showed me that passion is universal. You were passion, my native tongue all but tripping over itself in eagerness to follow you, worship you.

With you, I could be vocal. You made me sexy, you gave me an edge. You came into my life and just took charge, wrested control, just taking and taking, only ever feeding mere scraps to my starving self, knowing I wanted this, needed this, wanted you...

And hated you. Oh how I hated you.The way my eyes darkened, impulses quickening in your mere presence. I felt, I wanted, I craved. It became all about me; and there you were, not quite smiling, not quite laughing, just knowing, always goddamn knowing...

I know that you know I know. That we belong. That I can't escape from you, can't get away, because, god help me, I made you that way. You are what you are because you are what I want. I would let the world burn for you, tear it down and then remake it in your image. I would see you and only you, and never look away all my days. Because you are mine, and I am yours.

Then just why can't I stand having you? I want you, I hate you, I need you, I love you and I want to destroy all you are and will ever be.

It shouldn't have been like this. Not like this, not like me, not what I want, what I need...

And there you are, always there, always haunting me softly.

"What are you afraid of?"

You. Me. Us. This whole thing. I can't just let you take over, can't just stand by and let you consume all that I am, that I ever was, and...and...

"You can't accept that you need this, need me. Even though you always wanted, and now that you do have it right for the taking, you won't take it, won't let it in..."

Stop! Just...stop. I can't take this. I really can't. I can't just sit back and let something else take control. I cannot...

"Then you choose to deny yourself? To deny what is yours, to refuse empowerment..."

And drive myself crazy? To become someone I don't know, someone I don't even recognize, all because of you?

"To finally change, like you've always wanted."


Part one. Non cultists should not read part two for own sanity. XD But I know you will read this Kuji. Eventually.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 02:16:33 PM by Estrea »


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Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull]
« Reply #566 on: February 07, 2011, 03:07:10 PM »
I like the emotions, the conflict portrayed here- wanting something, having it and hating the fact that you are possessed by the very thing you want, instead of having some kind of control over it. All this can be summed up into one word- over-thinking. We're all guilty of it at one point or another, but I always believe it's an affliction of the early to mid-twenties.  :P Nowadays, I just say 'fuck it' and live a happier life.

Dear Lord, there's a part two?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull]
« Reply #567 on: February 07, 2011, 03:45:46 PM »
Cult..ists? :?

This is short, but intense and obviously influenced by a long walk. XD I think grac pretty much sums up my thoughts on the fic, so to keep from repeating, I'll just finish with:

PART TWO WANT!! :panic:

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push]
« Reply #568 on: February 07, 2011, 03:54:53 PM »
@drac: I'm guilty of that overthinking. :lol: And yes, I'm good at part twos! (just not with the whole, you know, ending thing)
@rndy: Inside joke. Kuji is convinced I'm a cultist out to sacrifice beloved OTPs to the altar of ReinAi. and other unorthodoxies XD

And paaaaaaaaaart two. :D



Enough. The book snaps shut, locks clicking in place. My fingers were shaking. I was shaking. Trembling with outrage, shame, fear...

And want.

My eyes went dark again, the world throbbing around my already limited vision. I wanted to rage, cry, scream, to just do something...

"Come back to bed..." A plaintive voice murred, hazed by sleep. My racing heart relaxes, but my vision spins in contrast, constricting to narrow black orbs that I know had to be there. Even if I couldn't see myself. Even if she couldn't see me.

She shifts, stretching and curling in that familiar way I know, even if I couldn't see her, touch her. Her hands groped for me on my side of the bed, where I wasn't. A problem I would have to rectify. I could almost feel her pout, sleepily, certain unaware of the absolutely adorable sounds she was making while squirming around.

She settles down as I find my way back to her side, almost purring as I slide in beside her, her very own personal body pillow. Blood rushes to my ears, drowning out everything as my whole world literally shuts down; all as I take in her scent, our scents, intermingled on the sheets.

I almost forget myself then, almost give in...only to find my own mocking voice laughing away, just laughing at me, in my head. To take what I want, become who I am.

I screwed my eyes tight and held her closer. My salvation, my temptation. My lips are dry, but I do not lick them. Instead, I bite them until they almost bleed, inhaling, exhaling.

Control. Not over the innocent in my arms, oh no no no.

Myself. I am the monster. I am my worst enemy, and that damn voice just keeps trailing me. I can't tear away, won't do it. I refuse to lose to myself, of all things.

She sighs into my arms, innocent, trusting, untainted. She holds me, unaware of how I cling to her, needy, desperate. She can never know.

I want to cry.


If anyone can guess the pairing, I might actually continue with this. XD The odds are low though. XD


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Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push]
« Reply #569 on: February 07, 2011, 04:01:16 PM »

Come on!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push]
« Reply #570 on: February 07, 2011, 04:09:12 PM »

It could happen....

Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push]
« Reply #571 on: February 07, 2011, 04:18:48 PM »
^Rndy, unless the POV is a world-weary Aika, I somehow do not see Mittsi making the cute sounds- not like she isn't capable of it, but I like to think she sounds like an ossan in her more vulnerable moments. I cherish that image of her, I dunno why.

Plus, there's that native tongue thing going on in part one.

Captain/JunJun- come on!!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push]
« Reply #572 on: February 07, 2011, 06:13:52 PM »
Well, rndy got it in one shot. Congratulations! You win virtual cookies and a new chapter! XD

I surprised myself writing this. No planning, no forethought. Just jumped in and the story just came. I didn't plan beyond the first two parts. :D It was surprisingly natural to write this pairing. Hmm, maybe I should explore this further...



I know she wants me.

I shift to wakefulness not long after she slips from bed, though I betrayed no sign of it. I might not be quite the light sleeper, but I don't sleep well in cold beds. I could very well have pulled another blanket over myself, but that's no substitute to having a human version of a hot water bottle.

The desk light switches on in a corner. I catch the illumination at the corner of my vision, but I remain still. She is quiet, obviously trying not to wake me, but I can almost smell the tension she left in her wake. Smell her, really...

She actually doesn't hide it very well, if you know what you're looking for. And I definitely know what I'm looking for, considering the people who pretty much mentored me. I might be young, but I'm not stupid.

I know why she wants me. Well, I can guess. There are still rumors floating around, even after all this time, and I do happen to be close to one of the other principals. Some people might find it insulting to be taken as a replacement for another person, but I don't think I mind in this case.

She is really very beautiful, after all. And that's with her still so...innocent. Yes, innocent. She might think herself dirty, but really...her conscience gets in the way all the time. She's not inexperienced, but she's almost virginal in the purity of her mind. Figuratively, of course.

I can sense her agitation now, her mental struggle almost open to all. Normally she is so reserved, you can hardly tell what she's thinking. Now, in the privacy of her own room, she had lowered one part of her usual defenses, and the sheer intensity is striking.

I'm not even looking at her, and I know she's absolutely stunning right now. We rarely ever see her angry, irritated yes, angry no. Even then she is stunning, and utterly desirable. Also apparently very scary, but since I'm not the target, I can usually sit back and enjoy the view.

She's always so...restrained. Controlled. Sure she can get really emotional at the drop of a hat, but I always get the feeling that she holds herself back, so very much. I remember what Jun said about her, about how she always kept everything to herself, shouldered all the burden without a word and just took care of things without complaint.

I want to see her let go. I want her to lose control. I want to see her rage. I want to see her darkest moments, drink them in. Drink her in. I want her, as fierce as she can truly be.

I want to see all of her, broken as she is, and put her back together. I want to be there for her, take care of her, be her everything. I want her to want me for me, not someone else.

So I might be a little obsessed myself, but so what? I know what I want. Now it's just a matter of working towards it. I'm nothing if not patient. Michishige-san taught me that.

The snap of paper on wood brings me out of my own musings, and I tune back into the atmosphere. The air is so thick, it was almost suffocating. And she is so angry...

Come now, is it so bad to want something? Oh, I forget, ethics. She's such a good girl, it hurts. She's hurting herself, and even I'm starting to feel anger by osmosis. I don't want her to be in so much pain, torturing herself over inconsequential things.

I need to do something.

I pretend to 'wake', shifting in my pseudo-sleep as I murmur for her to come back. Innocently, of course. She still thinks me a child that needs protection from big, bad her. The idea makes me want to laugh, but I play along with her assumptions. Can't move too fast with her. I don't want to hurt her. The very idea of hurting her is abhorrent to me.

It makes me feel a tiny bit guilty to manipulate her at all, but I learned from the best. And I was not toying with her, unlike a certain someone I knew who had. I just wanted her to open up to me...and more. Definitely more. I want her to let go of her inhibitions and just do something.

And I won't run from her, unlike a certain someone. Hmph.

I purr when she slides in next to me. Innocently, yet oh so very suggestively. I hear her breath hitch a little as I make little animal noises and shuffle around. Honestly, we could have slept apart, but I had used the excuse of it being cold to cling to her childishly. She hadn't suspected a thing, and I enjoyed being close to her anyway.

It had taken a great deal of time and patience to even get her to thinking of me in that way, but I think all that time was worth it. Her body is warm, too warm, as she leans into me. I can feel her fingers trembling as she subconsciously ran them down my arm.

Just as I thought she might actually try something for once, she freezes, and her arms around me tighten almost imperceptibly as she chokes back a quiet sob. So fragile, so in pain. So beautiful. I want to kiss her tears away, make everything all right again, and I hate that I can't, not right now, not as I am.

I sigh instead, holding her close. I won't run from her. No matter what.

I will wait until she is ready, whenever that will be.


It turned out oddly sweet. XD This is fun!


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Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push, Restrain]
« Reply #573 on: February 07, 2011, 06:52:39 PM »
beautiful as always essy X3 and its kinda ironic to me in a way cus i  watched the newest bijou gaku yesterday and saw aika and ai all chatty and such and then next thing i know the 2 of them are talking to riho...about their chins XD or something like that xD either way back on topic....

pull made me feel like everything ai felt all of those emotions all over the place and reminds me of me when i overthink things^^;
push even more reason for me to shake ai and slap her silly and to stop over thinking
restrain made me really see that aika's like effin mature to the max! girl knows what cards to play!

in short, great as usuall essy and all of this just from a walk! nice~ :thumbsup X3 cant wait for what you write next!
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push, Restrain]
« Reply #574 on: February 07, 2011, 07:51:58 PM »
yes- new chapter! everybody wins. but... my mittsi? no threadbare jersey? no grunting? no hands in pants, scratching? Nooo!! *retreats to grackverse where these things happen*

And I definitely know what I'm looking for, considering the people who pretty much mentored me. I might be young, but I'm not stupid.

I like the thought of her mentors taking pains to prepare an attentive Aika for things they were never told by their own mentors, inundating her with random information and little life lessons that the Hachikie adapted to suit her own purposes.

Or people Aika would meet and interface with, whom she would secretly think of as mentors, absorbing whatever she can from whatever they tell her. So she can do things like these:-

It makes me feel a tiny bit guilty to manipulate her at all, but I learned from the best.
Honestly, we could have slept apart, but I had used the excuse of it being cold to cling to her childishly. She hadn't suspected a thing, and I enjoyed being close to her anyway.
While Ai is killing herself trying to deal with the conflict.  :thumbsup GJ, Manipulative!Mittsi. This is my second-favorite Mittsi after all. Ranks up there with Ossan!Aika, Shotgun-toting Mittsi and Yankii!Mittsi.

Just as I thought she might actually try something for once, she freezes, and her arms around me tighten almost imperceptibly as she chokes back a quiet sob. So fragile, so in pain. So beautiful. I want to kiss her tears away, make everything all right again, and I hate that I can't, not right now, not as I am.

I suppose this is Essy-level sweet.  :lol:

Chapter 4?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push, Restrain]
« Reply #575 on: February 08, 2011, 01:07:48 AM »
nice!!! you made my day hahahaha   :twothumbs  good job!

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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push, Restrain]
« Reply #576 on: February 08, 2011, 05:04:08 AM »
How did I guess? XD Maybe because I, too, have been thinking of this pairing of late.

I love how Ai thinks she's the one in control(well, not in control. In a more dominant position?) when it's really Aika who's pulling her strings, however subtly. I guess, that makes the other a certain kitty, then?

EDIT: BTW, I apologize for my bad grammar of late, what with my random and then missed capitalizations. Geez, I haven't been typing enough.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 06:06:26 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [7/2 - Pull, Push, Restrain]
« Reply #577 on: February 10, 2011, 06:30:06 PM »

There is desire, and there is madness.

Red pushes at the edges of my vision. Kiss her. I fling my limbs in wild abandon, losing myself to the dance. Touch her. Every move is crisp, edged with passion and flair. Take her. The music ends, and I hold my position, chest heaving with more than simple exertion.

"Well done, Takahashi. That's the kind of expression you need."

Lust? Frustrated desire? Unfulfilled passion? Such a cruel expression, but apparently so very right for stage. The irony is striking, and I let out a helpless chuckle, flushing at the praise -- not at the reflection of a familiar form in the mirror before us.

Gaki's watching me with a hint of concern. She knows something is up; she always can tell when something is up. No doubt she will attempt to meddle again. Maybe I'll tell her. Or maybe I'll just brush it off, and then we can end up arguing again. A good argument might take my mind off things. Operative word being 'maybe'.

Sayu is also watching. That's nothing new. She's always paying attention to everything, behind that self-centered facade. Telling her might be less stressful. She would be less likely to judge. More likely to try and 'help' me, but I'm not sure if I'll survive her help. I think I rather do without this time.

Then the...other two. As usual, they are just hanging out casually, talking about god-knows-what. I wish I could make conversation as easily, but I'm not very good at starting conversations. I can follow one well enough, but starting one always feels a little awkward. I never know how to begin.

As if sensing my gaze, they look up. Well, Reina looks up, and gives me that look again. Cocky, knowing, challenging...a surge of the old anger rises within me, bringing a familiar haze over my eyes, and I can sense dimly the instant wariness that crept into those yankii orbs. She averts her eyes, not daring to meet my stare. Of course she wouldn't dare. Reina, no matter how tough she pretends to be, is easily frightened. If she meets something she can't handle, she backs off and bolts like a bat out of hell. And then continues strutting around like she owns the place.

I'm not like her. I'm frightened of lots of things, and it shows. I cry too much, rely on others too much, and obsess over things too easily. But deep down I know, no matter what happens, there's a part of me that is untouched, a part of me that stays calm, stays certain, stays locked up and inert no matter what comes my way. Even when I'm screaming or crying on the outside, there's a part of me that is unaffected, watching, always watching.

I wish that part had always stayed as it was. I might not like being a weak crybaby, but it's still better than dealing with...this. I can deal with being frightened of things outside. I rather not have to deal with being afraid of myself.

Perhaps the anger has always been with me. It shows in the littlest things; the way my temper flares when provoked just a little too far -- like the way I kicked down the door to my own room when it got jammed, for instance --, the cold rage when people annoy me. Little things.

I don't deal very well with anger. So I react by not getting angry whenever possible. I accept whatever I can, becoming placid and forming a protective shell around my temper. Sure, I get into explosive arguments with Gaki-san pretty often, but I find that those are great ways to destress before I actually hit boiling point. I think she understands too, because she doesn't hold a grudge (much) after those are over. In a way, that's how we communicate. I can't tell her things, but at least I can vent on her. Not completely, mind, but it definitely helps.

I must be spacing out again, because there is a gentle tap on my arm, and I snap back to reality to find the youngest of our much-reduced lineup right next to me. When did she get this close?! My inner voice panicked, though outwardly I maintain calm. Control, I need control.

"Ai-chan? Are we still up for lunch after this?"

We are? I search my recent memory. Oh, we are...the vague memory of the invitation floats into my recollection, tinged with a plethora of emotions, colored predominantly in warm hues.

It helps that we are right out here with others in the room. I am able to suppress the crazy voice not and speak normally. Just push her against the wall, it urges. No. I'm not an animal, I can do better than this. Take her to lunch, then pin her against the table!

Not helping! I wanted to smack my forehead, but settled for rubbing my flushed face with the towel around my neck instead. I made a non-committal sound and idly made plans with her about our impending lunch outing with a straight face. The minor details helped to push back the incessant urging for inappropriate action, giving me something else to focus on.

I'm not sure how this happened. Well, it's not the first time, but I had thought that...well, I had thought that it was over. After the first time it reared its head...I knew it was too hard to control. But control it I must, because letting it out is worse. I might actually hurt someone. I actually had hurt someone. The wary look in Reina's eyes is a constant rebuke to me. It's also why we don't usually get anywhere near each other anymore, unless we absolutely have to. She doesn't trust me. I don't trust myself either, although it hasn't come back in a while,  even when Reina's close. I had taken that as a good sign.

Unfortunately, it seems to have chosen a new target.

I'm still not sure how it had happened. It had been just another day. Aika was just sitting next to me, talking. I was watching her, listening and paying attention, and then I looked. Really looked at her, and realized something.

She's grown up.

The thought had filled me with a sisterly kind of pride, even if it had made me feel old at the same time -- a lot of things do now, actually. I hadn't given it much thought at that point, but something must have struck me, because that damnable red haze started invading my vision not long after.  Clouded my better judgement, it did. The voices didn't start immediately, but they did eventually, making a triumphantly (evil) gleeful return to my psyche.

I had known for a while that I find girls attractive. Attractive, but I never felt compelled to do anything about it. I am quite content to just appreciate beauty from afar. Besides, the contract that came with the job was pretty specific about things like this. Well, they didn't exactly have a clause that said "Do not date/screw your fellow members, especially if they're younger than you", but still.

I would know. I checked. More than once.

They did, however, imply that whatever we did, we had better not get caught. Especially not by the media. It's one thing to get caught by the company; they'd just issue warnings, talk your ear off, and then stick you in the nearest fridge for a while (as for how long, that depends on how much you're worth to them). If the media got hold of it -- and if the company didn't get there in time to do something about it -- well, there'd be hell to pay.

I was pretty lucky the last time shit hit the fan for my case. Well, it helps that the higher ups really really liked me (and I didn't even have to sleep with them!), so everything blew over without a fuss. And no, the media didn't even get a whiff of it. Yes, we are that good at hiding things. It also helps that I was also pretty discreet for a crazy bitch at the time.

I don't deny it, I went pretty much off my rocker for a short while back then. It didn't look like much if you were watching me on shows and the like, because I kept it pretty well hidden, but the people who really knew me knew that I wasn't...all there. Withdrawal symptoms, I'd call it. I got better though, after it all got sorted out. Sort of. It generally involved a lot of avoiding the person in question, and never ever talking about it.

Some people say that avoidance doesn't solve anything. I beg to differ. Personal experience shows that it does help...somewhat.

It's back though, but I wouldn't say it's back full blast. I'm not quite obsessed yet, thank heavens, but the old dread was painful to bear. Knowing what could happen was almost as bad as having it happen all over again. There are lines to be crossed, and I'm working on making sure they aren't. We can't quite have a repeat of what happened back then. I do have responsibilities as leader.

That's probably why I finally pushed myself to make the decision to graduate. Of course, Tsunku had suggested it to me, but he had graciously left it up to me to decide when it would happen. I might have stalled for longer if only to make sure the 9th gen are all settled in, but with the possible relapse occurring, I couldn't afford to wait longer than a year. I was already pushing it by setting it so many months from now, but I figured that the company would keep me busy during those months, trying to milk as much profit they could out of me before the inevitable. And that kind of activity would distance me from the rest, which would save my sanity more than anything else could.

Yeah, I think too much sometimes, but I like to imagine all that overthinking is helpful in this case. Distracting myself with pointless details prevents me from going mad otherwise. I sometimes think my mind is way too well-compartmentalized though.

Case in point: Somewhere along my ruminations, I somehow managed to make it through the rest of rehearsal with half my brain turned off, get changed, and headed off to lunch with the little devil that has been tormenting me for the last few weeks. Or more. I think I lost track.

Note to self: avoid one-on-one interactions with the person you're on the verge of becoming obsessed with. Of course, it's a little late to be making a note at this point, but for future reference...

...why am I even hoping that there will be a future reference at all?

Bad brain. Bad, bad brain. It doesn't help that she's looking so adorable today. Agh. Normal! Have to pretend to be normal! Right, let's take photos so I can blog about this, yes...who the hell am I kidding with this anyway? And the girl has got to stop leaning into me. Too much body contact! I sometimes wish girls aren't so touchy with each other. I'm about to jump out of my skin here. Maybe the real solution here is to stop bringing her out with me so much, but I can't help it. She's the only one who really understands the stuff I like. And good grief, not the puppy eyes!

Just kill me now. I'll even pay you to do it. This has got to stop.


I love how whacked out Ai is here. Of course, I was pretty warped at the time, so the stuff that came out was pretty...hmm. XD

Less morbid, more crazy. All's good! :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/2 - Gag]
« Reply #578 on: February 10, 2011, 07:03:44 PM »
It's not TakaGaki and the traces of ReinAi gives be the heebiejeebies (I might be allergic? :nervous ) BUT somehow, Estrea, Queen of Ai-fic makes it work.
This pairing is just because you thought Aika looked hot in that photoshoot with the 9kkies, ISN'T IT? :O2 Now the question is, will this pairing catch on and what will it be called? I'm partial to AIKA, which showcases the very important and surprising component to this pairing. There is of course, AiAi which the very romantic corny of us will undoubtedly favour.

I liked how this part touched a little upon everyone else from Ai's perspective. Actually, I liked the Reina part best. :O
Also I love the word "plethora".

AMG, Ai feeling old! That makes me feel old. u_u Though I guess since she's been doing what she has for as long as she has and the average age of the people in that industry... she's got good reason.

The line about being on the verge of obsession still makes me feel weird though. This is probably because I read the last three together without enough time to really ruminate on the relationship so it still feels sudden TO ME. I like how Ai being with Aika shows us an Ai that's different to how she is when she's with anyone else. Feels like that should be a given but really, not everyone pulls that off in my opinion. :thumbup

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/2 - Gag]
« Reply #579 on: February 10, 2011, 07:08:36 PM »
Obssessive compulsive Ai!!

It's not warped or crazy at all. Well, in Ai's case, since she's so fixated, maybe a little crazy.

Everyone has/had moments like these, I'm sure. And it usually is perfectly random, too. I dunno if it's just you and me, but there has definitely been the urge to grab and something someone- most of the time I don't even know what the something is. The imagination runs wild, your brain overloads, but you're still able to function normally and behave appropriately. I enjoy those moments for the sheer feeling of having both control and the loss of simultaneously. It's a rare sort of freedom, I think.

I was pretty lucky the last time shit hit the fan for my case. Well, it helps that the higher ups really really liked me (and I didn't even have to sleep with them!), so everything blew over without a fuss. And no, the media didn't even get a whiff of it. Yes, we are that good at hiding things. It also helps that I was also pretty discreet for a crazy bitch at the time.

Any chance we'd get to see this?  :P

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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